The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
UFO Over Dublin, Ireland On Feb 26, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Over Dublin, Ireland On Feb 26, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting:February 26, 2017 Location of sighting: Dublin, Ireland News Source: Glowing orbs have been seen all around the world this week. It may be orb shaped due to the focus of the camera causing a distortion. The camera is a lower quality and its focus is poor. Had the quality been better, its shape may have been more disk shaped. Scott C. Waring Dublin News states: This video shows eerie footage of what some people are claiming to be a UFO flying over Leopardstown in Dublin this evening. The video was recorded by a Dublin Live reader, who did not want to be named, but said he saw a green light flying over Leopardstown. He said: "I was driving home and at Leopardstown I saw this bright light flying over me. "I thought nothing of it but when I got home my Italian students who are staying with me told me they had seen a light flying beside Bray Head and they recorded it." Despite claims it's an alien spacecraft, our reader added: "It's probably just a drone, but it does look very strange." The Irish Aviation Authority were unavailable for a comment on Sunday.
Bizarre Video Seemingly Shows A Near Collision Between A UFO and Air Force Jet
Bizarre Video Seemingly Shows A Near Collision Between A UFO and Air Force Jet
A video that apparently shows a UFO nearly colliding with a jet created a buzz among UFO enthusiasts online. It was reportedly shot last Friday in Puerto Varas during a series of stunts by Chilean high aerobatics squad above a crowd.
Hundreds of people gathered on the ground to witness the Halcones Fach’s military planes aerial stunts. While one of the military aircraft zoomed upwards, a mysterious disc appeared out of nowhere.
Astonishingly, the video shows the UFO almost collide with the Air Force jet as it flashes across the sky.
After the bizarre event, some witnesses took to social media and online forums to share their UFO sightings near the plane during the military aerial demonstration.
The footage has been posted to YouTube and racked up thousands of views with many commenters speculating over the object’s identity.
While many believe it is a spaceship, others think it might have been a passing bird, a meteorite or another plane.
One person claims he saw the same UFO in the sky just recently.
Some commenters noticed that there were actually two UFOs appeared during the event.
Speculations on the existence of extraterrestrial life went high recently after NASA officially announced the discovery of a solar system with Earth-like planets. The TRAPPIST-1 is estimated to be 39 light years away, but finding aliens may not need going that far as they could be in our backyard.
UFO sighting reports are at an all-time high, according to Sam Monfort. The US Ph.D. student used the data from the National UFO Reporting Center to collate reported sightings of UFOs, which have sprung up significantly since the 1980s.
In his data visualization blog, he plotted yearly sightings from 1910 to 2010, where sightings top 45,000 around the world.
The details of UFO sighting reports have also changed over time.
One of the earliest accounts of UFO sightings took place in 1905 from Portland, where a sphere UFO descended from the clouds buzzing.
Claims from witnesses seeing other shapes started to pop up later, with saucers dominating in numbers until the 1990s as strange lights became the most famous.
The doctoral student of human factors and applied cognition in Virginia talks about a July 4th effect where sightings rise significantly after 2008 on the U.S. Independence Day, which could be attributed to fireworks lighting up the sky.
The George Mason University student also created a map of the globe with UFO sightings per ten million people. Areas in deep shade of red have over 25 sightings per 10 million people, and these include North America, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, and parts of Europe.
The vast majority of reported UFO sightings take place in the United States, which recorded around 2500 per 10 million people. The nation’s western states Washington and Montana, as well as northeastern states Maine and Vermont, are places in the country with most reported UFO sightings.
The launch took place at Launch Pad 39a - the same pad that men went to moon from and from which the last Shuttle was launched.
During the landing process, at 0.10 seconds in the video, an unknown round-shaped object appears and passes the Falcon 9 rocket.
We all remember when an explosion destroyed a rocket at a space base in Cape Canaveral, Florida, United States. The explosion occurred during routine tests of Falcon 9, the rocket of the SpaceX aerospace company owned by Elon Musk
We all remember when an explosion destroyed a rocket at a space base in Cape Canaveral, Florida, United States. The explosion occurred during routine tests of Falcon 9, the rocket of the SpaceX aerospace company owned by Elon Musk The space agency confirmed that there was an anomaly in the takeoff zone. Indirect statement of UFO presence?
Now during the descent of the spacex rocket an anomaly has been videotaped that you can see in the video below.
King of the “Contactees”: The bizarre UFO saga of George Adamski.
King of the “Contactees”: The bizarre UFO saga of George Adamski.
In November 1952, a man named George Adamski, a Polish-born, California-bred ranch owner and operator of a burger stand, claimed that he and several friends were walking in the desert near Desert Center, California when an alien spacecraft swooped down and landed near them.
Adamski claimed he went off alone and encountered a second ship, out of which clambered a golden-haired alien named Orthon. Supposedly from the planet Venus, Orthon came with a message of peace, warning Adamski of the dangers of nuclear war. After he got back in his ship and flew away Adamski and his friends said they took plaster casts of Orthon’s footprints–ostensibly to prove he was really there.
Adamski further claimed that he returned to the landing site a few weeks later, on December 13, 1952. As the Venusians’ ship descended to meet him, he took a photograph of it–the first clear picture ever of a flying saucer, which would eventually become easily the most famous photo of a UFO. The following year Adamski began publishing books about his experiences with the “space brothers.” In Flying Saucers Have Landed, published in 1953, and Inside the Space Ships, published in 1955, Adamski waxed eloquent about the fabulous civilization of the Venusians, who wanted to bring peace to Earth. Jesus Christ, according to Orthon, was one of these emissaries. When they wanted to, the Venusians could pass as humans, and Adamski said he met some of them in various Southern California bars.
As pop culture material, flying saucers were big in the early 1950s. Sightings of “unidentified flying objects” went viral in the years after World War II, and with grandiose claims being made by government and private industry about technological progress, they did not seem so far-fetched. There was also a great deal of anxiety about nuclear warfare and nuclear weapons. The bombing of Hiroshima in 1945, the badly-botched Bikini Atoll tests the next year, and the USSR’s acquisition of the bomb in 1949 deeply affected the psyche of Americans. The mix of these two elements–fascination and fear–made Adamski’s message of peace, demanded by extraterrestrial visitors, essentially go viral. Adamski’s books were best-sellers and suddenly people all over America, and some in Britain, were coming forward claiming that they too had been “contacted” by Venusians and other races of aliens.
There were a number of problems with Adamski’s claims. For one thing, Venus, where he said was the “space brothers’” home planet, in reality was totally inhospitable to any life, much less life that resembled Earthlings closely enough to go to bars in Southern California. The temperature on Venus is hot enough to melt lead and its carbon-dioxide atmosphere was full of sulfuric acid rain. This was not unknown to scientists in 1954 even though it would be several more years before space probes reached the planet. Furthermore, his “proof” was pretty shaky. A photographic expert examined the December 1952 photo and said it wasn’t a flying saucer at all. It was a streetlight. Its exposed “landing gear” was actually light bulbs. Even Adamski’s own witnesses–the people who had been with him for various sightings–told contradictory stories. In short, Adamski made up the whole thing.
That Adamski was a fraud was evident just by looking a bit into his background. A drifter who supported himself in the early years mostly by manual labor–though he was in the Army during World War I–Adamski got into the occult in California in the 1920s, forming something called the Royal Order of Tibet. Aside from whatever dubious spiritual benefits the Order conferred, it also afforded him an opportunity to make wine. This was during Prohibition, and one of the few exemptions was for religious orders that used wine for sacramental purposes. The Royal Order of Tibet was very small, but it wound up making a lot of wine–enough, conveniently, to provide Adamski a profitable business. This business ended when Prohibition was repealed in 1933. At that point, according to one witness, Adamski said that he had to get into “the flying saucer crap.” Also, it turned out his accounts of journeys through the solar system with the Venusians were eerily similar to a science fiction novel that was ghost-written for him in 1949, three years before he claimed he ever met Orthon.
The flying saucer crap, as it turned out, paid very well. In addition to selling hundreds of thousands of copies of his books, Adamski charged money to give lectures on his adventures with the Venusians and their philosophy, Eventually he had a paid staff and took vacations in Mexico. In 1959 Adamski was punk’d by two UFO skeptics who wrote a fake letter to him on FBI letterhead suggesting that the U.S. government knew all about the Venusians and supported his claims. It was a prank of course, but for the rest of his life Adamski claimed the letter “proved” the government was behind him. He also claimed he received a special medal from the Pope–which turned out to be a cheap souvenir available for sale in the Vatican–and at one point that he was dating an attractive female alien. He died in 1965.
Adamski was obviously a fake, but tell that to the legions of fans who did–and some who still do–support him and believe his claims are literally true. Adamski almost single-handedly began the “contactee” movement, people who claim personal involvement with aliens who have come to Earth in UFOs, usually communicating spiritual, personal-transformation or political messages. The eagerness to believe with which many people approach these claims is evident in the number of people who still believe the literal truth of oft-proven hoaxes like the Gulf Breeze sightings of the 1980s, or the “Voice of Vrillon” prank from 1977. Silly though his claims were, George Adamski remains a prophet of the bizarre UFO subculture, even now almost 50 years after his death.
The sighting took place in Longview, Texas on October 26, 2015, at approximately 20:50 P.M. When the witnesses saw the triangular craft quietly gliding “above Texas neighborhoods, unaware to the masses,” they immediately knew they had tofilm it.
One and a half minutes into the video, another triangular UFO made a silent entry into the picture and when they slowly distanced themselves, the guys filming the video jumped in the car and drove to a better vantage point.
Since the video is described as [Raw chase footage], the next three minutes are a mix of blurry, shaky footage and Guns N’ Roses. Whoever needs to complain about this must first understand that a certain amount of excitement accompanies UFO sightings and even professional hunters make mistakes. However, the video has two very good portions of footage at the beginning and near the end that make up for the shaky middle.
The UFO manages to cover a lot of ground (technically, sky) during the video. Coupled with its apparent size, the drone hypothesis seems to deteriorate. With what details can be gathered from the footage, the object fits the description of a classic triangle UFO. It is hard to discern whether this craft was built and operated by extraterrestrials or a military prototype such as the TR-3B.
As usual, the sighting sparked controversy on the internet, with users chipping in with their opinions on the matter.
“This is a few hours from where the Cash-Landrum incident happened,” one Reddit user commented. “I wonder if there is a military base in the area.”
The Cash-Landrum incident is one of the best documented UFO sightings to occur in the United States, one that left its witnesses in a state of shock and with palpable physical evidence.
Classified as a close encounter of the second kind, this incident involved Betty Cash, Vickie Landrum and her seven year-old grandson Colby. The three of them were traveling on an isolated road to their home in Dayton, Texas when they encountered a huge diamond-shaped object hovering above the treetops. The UFO spewed flames and emitted a large amount of heat; it was enough to make the metal parts of the car so hot they were painful to the touch.
Shortly after the object ascended, a number of 23 military helicopters zoomed over the witnesses’ heads in apparent pursuit of the UFO.
The aftermath of the incident saw Cash fall ill and her symptoms were consistent with radiation poisoning. Large, painful blisters appeared on her body and she bagan losing patches of skin and clumps of hair.
We have strong evidence that these patients have suffered secondary damage to ionizing radiation. It is also possible that there was an infrared component as well.” – MUFON radiologist who examined the patient.
Could this notorious incident have any connection to the recent Triangle UFO sighting?
It is possible. The fact that the diamond-shaped UFO was closely followed by a squadron of unmarked military helicopters could attest to the presence of a nearby secret base. The UFO itself could have been a prototype they were testing out and for whatever reason they decided to see the effects of an interaction with humans.
If this is the case, the area might be home to a number of other anomalies and we should be on the lookout for skywatchers’ videos and testimonies.
RUSSIAN military shot down a UFO before they were attacked and killed by the surviving aliens, it is sensationally claimed in a declassified CIA report.
Files describe several aspects previously classified about agency activities, including paranormal and UFO investigations The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has just made available on its website nearly 13 million pages of secret documents, making up about 930,000 previously classified files. The availability of this online material for quick reference by anyone is being salted as a very important step for researchers in recent human history. Much of this information has actually been available since the mid-1990s.
Rumors that lasted many years, where the Russians had the first contact with the gray aliens, and this fact supposedly occurred in 1942.
Now this document declassified by the cia reveals that an extraterrestrial ship was shot down by the Russians and that its extraterrestrial occupants killed some of the Russian soldiers
Since the dawn of ages, throughout cultures and civilizations, there have always been those who were considered enlightened. Prophets, Messiahs, and Sages throughout history have been able to tap into the eternal energy of the universe, bringing forth ancient wisdom of the cosmos and creation and bestowing upon all who would listen the understanding of our very existence. Some were ridiculed and others were murdered for what seemed to be, at the time, irrational views.
Take for example Jesus Christ. He was known to be one of the most radical of enlightened masters in history. To onlookers, a man walking around telling everyone that he was the son of God would have seemed so irrational and ‘blasphemous’ that just speaking the words “I and my father we are one” had already made him a prime subject for public scrutiny.
In the life and times of Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama), we understand that his teachings were very radical, in the sense that they did not fall into the mainstream of Buddhist regime. This lead to his closest disciples writing down accounts of his teachings and hiding away many of his direct works prior to Buddha being poisoned to death.
Thankfully, we are at the point in history where, through advancement of technology and scientific observation, we can finally bridge the gap between spiritual philosophy and scientific reality.
1. Galaxies Are Alike To A Human Brain
In a study released in 2012 in the journal Nature’s Scientific Reports, physicist Dmitri Krioukov of San Diego’s University in California found that, according to a computer simulation, the universe may grow like a brain. “Natural growth dynamics are the same for different real networks, like the Internet or the brain or social networks,” he explains. The study suggested that(1) fundamental laws may govern the growth of systems large and small, from the electrical firing between brain cells and growth of social networks to the expansion of galaxies.
2. Binary Codes
While working on the equations pertaining to the superstring theory – a scientific theory that aims to explain all the forces in nature through the vibration of theoretical strings — theoretical physicist James Gate Jr. at the University of Maryland discovered something very interesting: computer code. Yes, according to Gates there were patches of 0s (off) and 1s (on) embedded in the equations — a sort of pulsing binary code that runs our computers. What is interesting is that this leads us to understand that what we experience may just be the product of signals from a virtual reality generating computer network broadcasted by an entity from the edge of space.
Pao Chang, a spiritualist, thinks that our reality is, in fact, a mere illusion. In his book, entitled Staradigm, he presents an interesting take on how reality works:
The core structures of reality work similar to how a computer works. A computer communicates and operates through the use of binary codes, which are codes that consist of ones (on) and zeros (off). Binary codes are very simple but with the right combinations they can help computers create magnificent things.
3. Golden Ratio
The golden ratio has been found in pine cones, seashells, and even in Leonardo Davinci’s paintings, but in an exciting discovery by researchers at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, fractal patterns and golden ratio pulses were found to exist in stars. They made the discovery using the Kepler Space Telescope. The researchers were studying a specific kind of star known as RR Lyrae variables that are unlike normal stars in that they expand and contract. With each expansion and contraction the star’s brightness increases and decreases dramatically, a process known as pulsing.
What the researchers found next was the most astonishing. The stars in the study have been found to be pulsating in accordance with the golden mean. This finding is the first time the golden ratio has even been identified in space. Although the sample of stars in this study was quite small, the researchers noticed an intriguing pattern among the four stars with pulsation frequencies close to the golden ratio. Each of these stars exhibited fractal behaviour in a never-ending pattern that repeats on continuously smaller scales.
“That suggests there might be a pattern,” Linder says. “What we need is more data.” An example of a fractal is a jagged coastline, which reveals more and more wiggles in its outline as you zoom in from any vantage point. “It’s the same with the frequencies in these stars,” Linder says. “As we lower the threshold we see more and more frequencies.”
4. Time & Space Are An Illusion
5 Sweet and Simple Words: Albert Einstein’s Theory of Relativity.
Space and time are not independent variables in our universe but rather agglomerate into the space-time continuum. In essence, space is dependent upon time and time is dependent upon space, a concept which shatters our idea of a definite reality and the universality of time altogether. So, both space and time, in fact, turn out to be mere illusions dependent upon the spatial location and movement of nothing but the observer. Past, present, and future are not fixed but rather are just an accumulation of spatial variables.
5. Quantum Mechanics & The Double Slit Experiment
In the experiment, a beam of electrons fired through a slit and at a screen replicated a wave-like pattern instead of a material splatter.
However, more interestingly, when this same beam of electrons was observed, it behaved as something consisting of solids, meaning that the electron already had several probable quantum events before the observation took place. It could have bounced off the screen, passed from either slit, passed from both slits, or just went over the screen. These probabilities were represented by the wave. However, when an observation took place the wave collapsed into one material reality — meaning that any physical event is a product of nothing but observation!
According to Erwin Schrödinger, every possible outcome of an event exists as a combinative wave form before this wave collapses into a material manifestation upon observation. The type of manifestation depends upon its probability and the point in the space-time continuum at which the observation is made.
In conclusion, we need to change the paradigm, from saying, “God created the universe,” to “God is the universe.”
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Do pilots believe in UFOs? Many of them do and here is my close encounter story
Do pilots believe in UFOs? Many of them do and here is my close encounter story
Captain Andy talks with the Daily News about the widely scrutinized 1996 explosion of TWA Flight 800.
People love to ask pilots questions. But my favorite, and certainly the most interesting, is "Have you ever seen a UFO while flying?"
The answer is yes. And here's how it happened.
It was April 10, 1989 and early in my career. I was still a first officer at a regional airline. It was about 8 p.m. and we had just taken off from Kansas City International Airport bound for Waterloo, Iowa. It was a beautiful evening, with a full moon, clear skies and crisp early spring temperatures. The weather forecast for Waterloo was as nice, with clear skies and unlimited visibility.
After a short taxi and take-off, Air Traffic Control (ATC) cleared us to our cruise altitude of 15,000 feet. We established a Northeasterly heading, pointed strait at Waterloo, about 200 miles ahead. There were thin wispy clouds all around us, illuminated by the light of the full moon that shone through the captain's-side window at our left. Despite the presence of these clearly visible wispy clouds everywhere, we weren't flying through any of them. There was also a white disc dimly but clearly visible through those clouds just off to our right.
Andrew Danziger said he saw a UFO during a flight from Kansas City to Iowa in 1989.
We flew on and I commented to Bruce, the captain, about this dimly visible disc. He said that he'd been watching the same thing since we had leveled off. It looked similar to the moon faintly visible though thin fog, except the two were visible at the same time on opposite sides of our cockpit. We looked down below for search lights, you know, the kind that's sometimes used for aerial light displays or advertising at a car dealer, but there was no beam of light coming from the ground, no search light from an airport either. The captain and I had cumulatively spent many years flying and were accustomed to seeing — day and night — all manner of airplane, blimp, hot air balloon, satellite and bird. But neither of us had any idea what this disc could be.
We spent 20 to 30 minutes at our cruise altitude, all the while staring at this white disc dimly visible through some clouds that we somehow never seemed to fly through. Within about 40 miles of Waterloo, ATC confirmed the weather, still clear skies and unrestricted visibility at our destination as we began to descend. We got busy with our flying duties and for a short while, maybe for a minute, both of us had looked away from the disc, but when I looked up at it again I saw something that has been burned into my memory.
Pilots can call the "National UFO Reporting Center" to reporting sightings of extraterrestrials.
I yelled to Bruce, "Holy s--t." He immediately looked over from what he was doing. Above the clouds, where the white disc had been, was a now giant red ball. It was big and bright and just sat there above the clouds. It wasn't intense enough to illuminate us with a red glow but it was still plenty bright. We sat there in stunned silence. We obviously didn't want to hit it but quickly saw that it was flying parallel to our course. We weren't on a collision course and we also weren't gaining on it. Time became a blur as we continued our descent, this giant, red ball holding its course.
We slowly lost altitude and at around 13,000 feet, the brightly glowing ball began a gradual descent, too. As it did, it slowly started disappearing behind those wispy clouds. In about 30 seconds, like a setting sun but not nearly as bright, it vanished behind the clouds. The instant it fully disappeared, hundreds of lights began flashing from within the clouds.
As I looked on in disbelief, the flashing lights were brighter than ever and I could see that the section of the cloud that the glowing red ball had descended behind was starting to stretch apart like a piece of "Silly Putty," two halves being pulled slowly apart with the middle getting thinner and thinner. This continued until the halves grew so thin that it tore apart and, pop! Everything was gone. The dimly lit disc, the flashing lights, the thin wispy clouds that we had with us for the last 40 minutes; all of it, gone. There wasn't a cloud in the sky. Only the full moon remained off to our left.
Bruce and I just looked at each other. "Oh my God, what the f--k was that", was all I could muster. My colleague just stared out the windscreen, mesmerized. We discussed whether we should report what we had just witnessed. After a few minutes, I picked up the radio mic and asked the Kansas City Center controller if they had anything on radar. "Nope, nothing but you," came the response. "No, not right now but a couple minutes ago, at our one to two o'clock," I replied. "No," he repeated, "It's a slow night. I've got the entire sector between Kansas City and Waterloo and you're all that's been in it for the last hour." Bruce and I again just looked at each other, completely dumbfounded. "So for the last say 40 minutes or so you've had no traffic at all, not at our one or two o'clock?" I asked. "No sir, not at your one or two o'clock, not anywhere, you're all there is," he assured us.
Do pilots believe in UFOs? It's a question people often like to ask.
A minute or so later, from over the radio came, "Air Midwest , do you want to report a UFO?" We looked at each other for a couple seconds and Bruce nodded his head. "Yes sir, we do," I finally replied. "OK, take down this number and call when you get on the ground."
After deplaning we called the number. "National UFO Reporting Center" said the voice from the other end. At the time I didn't even know such a place existed, but they took collect calls from pilots and air traffic controllers. Bruce told the person on the other end of the line that we wanted to report a UFO. We were interviewed separately, first the captain and then me. When my interview was finished the man on the other end of the line said that we would never hear from him again and would never receive any additional information, this was going to be our first and only contact regarding the sighting. I asked, "Can I ask just one question, do you think we're crazy, has anyone else ever reported something like this?"
Many pilots believe in little green men, Captain Andy said.
"Oh no, you're not crazy at all," he replied. "This very same thing has been reported by pilots countless times." And while neither of us had any idea what we had saw one thing we were certain of, it wasn't from here.
Our airline had no official UFO policy (nor did any that I ever worked for), but at the time we were both young with long and promising careers in front of us. We knew through the grapevine that pilots weren't supposed to talk about UFOs so we swore the station agent on duty to secrecy and agreed not to talk about our incident to any of our co-workers.
That was more than 25 years ago. Today I'm older, wiser and at the end of my career. In my last few years of flying the subject of UFOs occasionally came up in the cockpit. If it was brought up at all, it was usually by a younger, newer first officer who'd say something with much trepidation. More than a few pilots have shared their UFO stories with me, too. I'm not going too far out on a ledge to say that virtually all pilots believe in UFOs. Little green men, "close encounters", alien kidnappings,... not so much, but with billions of stars and trillions of planets out there, "ya gotta believe", and almost all of us do.
Andrew Danziger is a 28-year airline veteran, with experience in turboprops and Boeing aircraft. He was an international 757/767 captain for the last 14 years. He has served as an airline ground school instructor and check pilot in both simulators and aircraft and was one of the pilots to fly Barack Obama during his 2008 presidential campaign.
Chuck Zukowski has spent the last 30-plus years investigating reported UFO sightings and unexplained animal mutilations at ranches across the Rocky Mountains and Southwest. His investigations have led “the Mulder of El Paso” to a shocking discovery: a “UFO highway” running across the United States.
To learn more about Chuck’s UFO quest, read The Post’s interview with him here.
38.845858° N, 104.092197° W
Even after twenty years, the feeling of excitement still took Chuck by surprise, the intense burst of adrenaline that seemed to hijack his entire system the moment before he arrived at an incident site, the sense of anticipation that built in his chest, shortening his breath.
Today, the long drive over from his home in Colorado Springs hadn’t helped. Two hours was a lot of time to be alone with one’s thoughts while going through nothing but high, barren desert, broken by sporadic areas of low brush, dried-up streambeds and the occasional barn.
When he finally reached the dirt turnoff to the fifty-acre cattle-and-horse ranch, whose owner, Glenda, had called him, he drove up and parked his pickup truck next to the house. He caught a glimpse of the rancher’s face as she crossed the short distance from the edge of the grazing area where she’d been waiting for him. From both personal experience and his years on the force, he knew what fear looked like.
“Morning,” Glenda managed to say as she reached Chuck’s truck. He had the door open, but was still sitting and gathering his equipment from the front passenger seat. Rubber gloves, plastic bags for samples, two cameras, his handheld electromagnetic field reader, and his gun. He was pretty certain the gun was unnecessary. If history was any predictor, whatever had hit this ranch several days earlier had come in fast and had finished just as suddenly.
“Made it as quickly as I could, ma’am,” Chuck said as he got out and strapped the equipment to the special vest he wore. He’d designed it over the years, after responding to so many of these calls and learning what he would need for most of them. He placed the plastic bags and gloves into Velcro pouches along his ribs and the EMF reader and gun into holsters on either side. “I only wish I could have gotten here closer to when it happened.”
Half a week since the incident — a truly frustrating lapse of time, but it couldn’t be helped.
“I’m just glad you’re here. The officers who came by the morning it went down were — well, less than useful.”
Chuck could hear the distaste in her voice, and he completely understood. He’d already read the police report made by the two investigating officers who had stopped by the ranch after Glenda had first called 911. It was obvious the two cops had been far out of their comfort zone — Chuck couldn’t really blame them for that. It was equally obvious that the officers hadn’t been able to give the woman any comfort. It took a lot to traumatize a third-generation rancher, but a pair of cops from the El Paso County Sheriff’s Department weren’t going to be able to make much sense out of something like this.
They started away from the truck and into the ranch proper. On the surface, Glenda’s compound wasn’t unusual. Eighty or so acres, twenty-five head of cattle, with a low house beyond the grazing area and a medium-sized barn attached to the horse corral directly ahead.
But the farther they got from the road, the harder Chuck’s heart started to beat. The low grass they were now moving through seemed untouched — ungrazed — and it was instantly obvious why that was. The handful of cows Chuck could see were clustered together in a small section of their feed area, as close to the barn as they could go.
Beyond them, within the horse corral, the horses were behaving similarly — crowded together near the back fence. In the distance, he could hear a dog making noise from somewhere inside the house — a high-pitched sound, more wail than bark.
“They’ve been like that since it happened,” Glenda said. “Huddled over there, by the barn.” And then, almost as an afterthought: “They won’t go near the bodies.”
“On the phone, you said that at least one of the horses was nearby when it happened?”
Glenda nodded. “A survivor. A witness. Whatever you want to call him.”
This was part of the reason for Chuck’s elevated adrenaline level, beyond being at the site of the incident itself. It was extremely unusual for there to be any “survivors.”
Usually, there were only bodies.
“Over here.”
Even from a distance, Chuck could tell that the two fully mature horses — Princess and Buck — lying prone in the grass had died unnaturally.
Glenda led him the last few yards to the edge of the corral, where she unlatched a wooden gate and headed for the horses grouped together by the back. It took almost ten minutes for her to coax the animal away from the group, another ten for Chuck to get the poor thing comfortable enough with him so that he could approach.
It was a young male, a little over two years old, and to describe the animal as agitated would be a laughable understatement. He pawed at the ground, eyes rapidly shifting, spittle pooling at the edges of his mouth. Moving closer, Chuck immediately saw a reddish mark on the horse’s upper nose — what looked to be some sort of cut, scrape or even burn — about the size of a quarter. Following Glenda’s lead, he bent low and saw similar marks on the inside of the animal’s legs.
“And his behavior — the way he’s acting — this is unusual for him?”
“Unusual? He’s one of my husband’s favorites. Like a pet. Him, Princess and Buck, the three of them were inseparable.”
Chuck nodded. Horses are different from other animals on a ranch — they’re high maintenance, but more than that, they are often part of the family. Glenda and her husband — who, over the past few months, had grown too ill to tend to the ranch, leaving it under her watch — had raised these animals from foals. Beyond the emotional value, horses were expensive. Ranchers like Glenda ran their businesses at very tight margins. The unexpected loss of even a single animal hurt — losing multiple animals could mean the difference between a good season and a bad one.
“I don’t know what I’m going to do with him. And the dog — she’s even worse. Same sort of marks on her. Shaking, drooling, whining. She won’t even come out of the house anymore.”
From the corral, Chuck could still hear the dog’s high-pitched wail. Nearly a week had gone by and the animal was still obviously traumatized. Chuck would want to take a closer look at the poor thing and run some tests on the agitated horse. But first, it was time to see the bodies.
Without another word, Glenda led him toward the pasture where the incident had taken place.
Even from a distance, Chuck could tell that the two fully mature horses — Princess and Buck — lying prone in the grass had died unnaturally. The carcasses were flat against the ground on their sides, splayed out in exactly the same position. As Chuck drew closer, he could see no signs of predators or of any sort of defensive resistance — no deep hoofprints or raised furrows. They had obviously died suddenly. According to Glenda, they had been young, healthy animals, worth around a thousand dollars each.
Both horses had been stripped to the bone in various places. Much of their hides was still present, but the wounds were prolific, from head to haunch.
“You seen this sort of thing before?” Glenda asked, her voice low as they both stopped a few paces from the bodies.
Chuck pulled his rubber gloves out from the pouch on his vest and moved the last few feet to the closer corpse. His heart was pounding so hard, it was difficult to keep his hands from shaking.
Yes,over the past decade, he’d seen this many times.
Even more terrifying, incidents like this had been going on for more than fifty years — this exact same scene had been witnessed and documented on ranches all over Colorado, as well as in New Mexico, Arizona, Utah and many other places — decade after decade.
What had occurred on Glenda’s ranch — as violent and horrifying as it was — was part of a phenomenon made up of more than ten thousand individual incidents, in a half-dozen states — all of them completely unexplained.
Ten thousand incidents.
For the past ten years, Chuck had been pursuing the truth behind these kills and what he believed to be a connected but also unexplained phenomenon. This was his hobby, his obsession, his addiction . . .
“The wounds,” Glenda whispered. “They look, well — surgical.”
Chuck didn’t respond. But as he peered closer, he could see that she was right. On both animals, the eyes had been carefully removed. Other wounds on what was left of the carcasses were precise, small, and yes, seemingly surgical — where internal organs had been excised. And the tongues had both been taken — cleanly, via perfectly straight incisions, far back in the throat.
And that wasn’t even the worst part.
“There isn’t any blood,” Glenda said, her voice trembling.
Chuck dropped to one knee by the closer, partially stripped corpse, the larger of the two dead horses — the male named Buck. His rubber gloves felt snug around his fingers as he sealed them tight at his wrists. She was correct — the animals had been drained of blood. No reddened stains anywhere on the revealed bones, the mostly intact rib cage, skull and stripped limbs. There did appear to be a darkened area of ground just in front of the dead horse, and below its hooves — and in the police report Chuck had read, the investigating officers had called it a pool of blood — but Glenda and Chuck were both experienced enough with dead animals to know the difference between decomposing fats and other bodily fluids and blood. A horse like this — a large male, maybe twelve hundred pounds before whatever happened to it — should have contained about four gallons of blood. For whatever reason, this horse had been exsanguinated — either before it was killed, or after.
“Not enough blood on the ground,” Chuck noted, “and none on the body.”
Why? How? This was a phenomenon so vast, there were cases being recorded in more than a half-dozen states, sometimes simultaneously, sometimes as many as ten in a week.
Now with both knees in the dirt in front of the animal, Chuck leaned forward, his gloved fingers gingerly reaching toward Buck’s partially skinned torso.
“Looks like a long, T-like incision going down what’s left of the abdominal area,” he said, talking mostly to himself, focusing on the areas of the carcass where he could still see flesh and memorizing what he would eventually put in his field notebook, which he’d then share with his expert veterinary contacts at the University of Colorado. “The back anal area was cut out in an unusual circular manner, void of the penis. The eyes, the tongue — and again, not the expected blood pooling, even with such a massive wound.”
Strange, perhaps impossibly so — even days later, there should have been blood around these wounds.
When Chuck had first talked to Glenda on the phone before he’d driven over to Rush, the woman had called the incisions on her horses “laserlike,” and had described a burn-type smell associated with them. And in the police report, the officers had related being led onto the scene by Glenda’s husband, who had been agitatedly suggesting that some sort of military agency must have been responsible for the butchery, using high-tech lasers. Chuck took a deep breath, then shook his head.
“I don’t see any burn markings,” he said, running his gloved fingers along each revealed rib. “No signs of cauterization at all.”
And there was no scent of burning flesh or bone; whatever smell had once been associated with the wounds had since cleared. However, as Chuck continued running his fingers along each of the animal’s ribs, he felt grooves. He peered closely and noticed unusual, etchlike markings, starting approximately three inches from the spine on each rib, originating up near the skull, and running consistently down all the ribs, a straight-line pattern leading all the way to the eleventh rib.
Curious. He kept the grooves to himself, as he rose from his knees and shifted to the second horse, splayed out in an identical position. He was pretty sure that when he eventually got out his measuring tape, he’d find the positioning so precise, the differences would be minuscule.
He didn’t even need to go to his knees to see that Princess’s wounds were also nearly identical to Buck’s: the same partially excavated hide, the same missing eyes, tongue and anal region, the same bizarre because of its location.
The very first well-publicized mutilation had occurred very close to Glenda’s ranch, more than fifty years earlier.
Back in 1967, a horse named Lady had been killed and similarly excised in nearby Alamosa, Colorado. Lady’s head and neck had been skinned, and her hide appeared to have been cauterized. As with Buck and Princess, the wounds had been bloodless.
That particular mutilation had also been accompanied by a handful of UFO sightings, within a twenty-four-hour period. One witness, a Superior Court judge named Charles Bennett, had claimed to have seen “three reddish-orange rings in the sky” that had maintained a triangular formation and had moved at incredible speeds. These reports had galvanized popular interest.
That 1967 incident, so close to where Glenda had found her prized horses, had caused the phenomenon of animal mutilations to enter the paranormal lexicon.
Standing next to the two dead horses — the terrified whine of the rancher’s dog still rising above the wind — Chuck did his best to reassure Glenda that he was going to do everything he could to try to help her understand what had happened on her ranch. He would run as many tests as he could on the two corpses, perhaps even cart the carcasses over to his veterinary sources at the university, and take readings on the “surviving” horse, as well as the traumatized dog. But even so, he was certain that nothing he could say or do would be enough. In fact, at the moment, nothing anyone could say or do would be enough.
In Chuck’s expert opinion — and over the past eight years, he had turned himself into one of the most knowledgeable investigators in the world — the scene in front of them wasn’t the result of a predator. No animal could have caused these bizarre wounds. Nor did Chuck see any evidence that pointed to human culpability. No footprints, tire tracks, or signs of violence one would expect with two horses taken down like this, in such close proximity, in such a macabre manner.
In their report, the two officers who had first investigated the scene agreed it wasn’t a predator, and despite any actual evidence, had assumed it was some sort of act of animal cruelty. Chuck believed their report only opened doors to more questions than it answered: In the history of animal mutilations — ten thousand, over the past fifty years — nobody had ever been caught or arrested.
Every one of them had eventually been deemed unexplained.
Modal TriggerChuck Zuklowski with his kids on a UFC hunting trip.Chuck Zuklowski
“But you’ve seen this before,” Glenda said. “How could this be happening, over and over again, and nobody knows why?”
Why? How? This was a phenomenon so vast, there were cases being recorded in more than a half-dozen states, sometimes simultaneously, sometimes as many as ten in a week.
“What about the authorities? Not the local cops, I mean, like maybe the sheriff, the mayor’s office?”
Chuck pulled off his rubber gloves and put his hand on Glenda’s trembling shoulder, leading her back to the house.
“Actually, it’s gone a lot higher than that.”
In fact, the phenomenon of animal mutilations, which had been simultaneously mocked as the product of some sort of Midwestern mass hysteria and shrouded in continually redacted secrecy, had once inspired a massive, multistate investigation. It had involved a Democratic senator from Colorado, the FBI, at least one satanic cult, and a near-decade-long open case file that had ended right back where it had started
Ten thousand animal mutilations — all of them unexplained.
NASA had some big news this past week. No, it wasn’t aliens. It was the next best thing: the discovery of seven new “Earth-sized exoplanets,” a few of which could be hospitable to life. Now, it turns out that Elite: Dangerous actually predicted the existence of the TRAPPIST-1 star system where they’re located.
Elite: Dangerous, the game you’re probably constantly hearing about but have perhaps been too intimidated to play, is a large-scale space trading simulator. Players explore and trade goods inside a 1:1 scale open world galaxy based on the real Milky Way, leading to any number of strange and uncanny experiences, like playing Grand Theft Auto in space.
But to generate its numerous star systems and other cosmic phenomena, the game’s Stellar Forge engine takes the total measured matter for our galaxy and allocates it between known objects and other, procedurally generated ones. Using some of the leftover “unaccounted mass,” the game, unprompted, created a star system very much like TRAPPIST-1.
Image: NASA/JPL-CaltechCEO of Frontier Developments and the director Elite: Dangerous, David Braben, explained the anomaly in the game’s forums,
“The way Stellar Forge works is to use ‘available mass’ from which to generate systems – and because of this unaccounted mass, Stellar Forge has created a system with a Brown Dwarf in very nearly the same place – 39 light years away – this is only a little smaller than an M8 – and it even has seven terrestrial worlds around it – Core Sys Sector XU-P A5-0.
Interestingly the system that came out of Stellar Forge has a couple of moons, and a couple of co-orbiting binary pairs – these things would not (yet) be detected in the occlusion technique, as this is simply detecting the darkening of the stellar disc, but who knows, this might be possible.”
As a result of this collision between reality and simulation, Braben said the game will be updated with the data from the recent discovery to make Elite: Dangerous’ version of the star system identical. It will even be officially named TRAPPIST-1 and added to the game in its 2.3 beta. “The great thing is it is only a small tweak!” wrote Braben.
NASA’s original reveal of TRAPPIST-1 and the planets orbiting it was big news in part because of its implications in the ongoing search for extraterrestrial life. “Finding several potential habitable planets per star is great news for our search for life,” the Director of the Carl Sagan Institute at Cornell University told Gizmodolast week.
But while the search for alien life in the cosmos continues, it’s already been discovered in Elite: Dangerous. An Xbox One player discovered a giant, magnolia-looking UFO in the game earlier this year. Despite already being out for a couple years, the first sighting didn’t occur until last month, a testament to the game’s methodical approximation of real-space and the slow-burn satisfaction of encountering its hidden wonders.
Only time will tell if Elite: Dangerous’ alien life is as predictive of its original approximation of the TRAPPIST-1 system.
As World War II ravaged on, the likelihood of life on other planets was also on Churchill’s mind, a newly released essay reveals.
Winston Churchill, seen in 1950 flashing the V-sign for victory -- or possibly pointing to overhead spaceships -- was always interested in science. (AFP/GETTY IMAGES)
LONDON—Even as he was preparing for the biggest struggle of his life, leading Britain in its fight against Nazi Germany, Winston Churchill had something else on his mind: extraterrestrials.
In a newly unearthed essay sent to his publisher on Oct. 16, 1939 — just weeks after Britain entered World War II and Churchill became part of the wartime Cabinet — and later revised, he was pondering the likelihood of life on other planets.
Churchill, who went on to become prime minister during much of World War II and again from 1951 to 1955, was so enthralled by the subject that he even ordered a suspected sighting of an unidentified flying object by the Royal Air Force to be kept a secret for 50 years to avoid “mass panic.”
In an 11-page essay titled “Are We Alone in the Universe?” the statesman showed powers of reason “like a scientist,” said Mario Livio, an astrophysicist who read the rarely seen draft and wrote about it in an article published recently in Nature magazine.
“The most amazing thing is that he started this essay when Europe was on the brink of war and there he is, musing about a question about a scientific topic that is really a question out of curiosity,” he said in an interview.
Churchill first defines what life is, then details the requirements for life to exist and progressively expands his reasoning to the existence of life in other solar systems, Livio said. “He’s really thinking about this,’’ Livio said, “and though he didn’t have all the knowledge at hand, he thinks about this with the logic of a scientist.”
Churchill’s interest in science stemmed from his early years as an army officer in British-ruled India, where he had crates of books, including Darwin’s “On the Origin of Species,” shipped to him by his mother.
He later became friends, at least for a time, with the writer H.G. Wells, whose hugely popular “The War of the Worlds,” about Martians invading Britain, was broadcast in 1938 — a year before Churchill wrote his article. (Churchill once said Wells’ “The Time Machine” was one of the books he would like to take with him to purgatory.)
Another take on life from another planet: A still from director Steven Spielberg's "E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial."(UNIVERSAL PICTURES)
Churchill argued that it was probable that extraterrestrial life existed somewhere in the universe. This was years before Frank Drake, the U.S. astronomer and astrophysicist, presented in 1961 his theory about the number of communicative civilizations in the cosmos. “It is astonishing that Churchill wasn’t a scientist and yet he showed such an interest in science,” Livio said.
The manuscript was passed on to the National Churchill Museum in Fulton, Missouri, the site of Churchill’s famed 1946 Iron Curtain speech, in the 1980s by Wendy Reves, the wife of Churchill’s publisher, Emery Reves. It had been overlooked for years until Timothy Riley, who became the museum’s director last year, stumbled upon it recently. Soon after news of the discovery, two other copies were found in a separate archive in Britain.
Although the article was sent to Reves in 1939, it was not published. Churchill had revised it a number of times in the 1950s.
Largely self-educated in the sciences, Churchill had boundless curiosity for practically anything, an attitude he once described as “picking up a few things as I went along.”
He wrote about 30 million words in his lifetime, including wartime speeches, an African travelogue, a book on oil painting, a lengthy memoir, and even an essay on an imagined invasion of Russia when he was just 15. For his body of work, he won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1953.
Welding an active imagination with scientific thought, Churchill produced a few madcap ideas — which he called “funnies” — that he actually championed while he was prime minister, as a means to defeat Nazi Germany.
There was Operation Habakkuk, an imagined fleet of aircraft carriers made from wood pulp and ice to fight German U-boats in the mid-Atlantic. Then there was the Great Panjandrum, an enormous, rocket-propelled wheel packed with explosives. Churchill even invented a green velvet “siren suit” to be put on in a hurry during air raids.
While none of these ideas came into being (the giant wheel having run amok in the testing stage), science was not just a hobby for Churchill.
He was the first prime minister to hire a science adviser. Frederick Lindemann, a physicist, became Churchill’s “on tap” expert and once described him as a “scientist who had missed his vocation,” said Andrew Nahum, who curated an exhibition on Churchill and science at the Science Museum in London.
Churchill also met regularly with scientists such as Bernard Lovell, the father of radio astronomy and the Lovell telescope.
“Churchill presided over a culture that encouraged technological development,” Nahum said. He had such a genuine interest in science, he added, that as chancellor of the Exchequer in prewar Britain, he complained to a friend of having to draft the budget instead of reading a book on quantum physics.
During World War I, when he was lord of the admiralty and later secretary of state for air and war, he encouraged military aviation, chemical warfare and tanks. During World War II, which he called in his memoirs “The Wizard War,” he supported the development of radar, rockets and Britain’s nuclear program.
Churchill founded in 1958 the British equivalent of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology at Cambridge — Churchill College — which has since produced 32 Nobel Prize winners.
In the interwar period, Churchill wrote numerous scientific articles, including one called “Death Rays” and another titled “Are there Men on the Moon?” In 1924, he published a text asking readers “Shall We All Commit Suicide?”, in which he speculated that technological advances could lead to the creation of a small bomb that was powerful enough to destroy an entire town.
Churchill had a “natural curiosity and general optimism about life,” Riley said. He had “a willingness to see technical and scientific advances improve not only his immediate world or his country, but the world.”
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Planets, planets everywhere
Planets, planets everywhere
One possibly habitable planet is already known to exist near Earth. Many more will soon be found
Tim Cross
Science-fiction writers have been dreaming up alien planets for decades. That other suns should have planets of their own was a reasonable enough speculation. But science had to wait until 1992 for proof that such planets did exist, when two were detected around a pulsar called PSR B1257+12. A steady trickle of discoveries followed. These days that trickle has become a flood. Thanks to a combination of ground-based telescopes and planet-hunting satellites, particularly one called Kepler which was launched in 2009, more than 3,500 such worlds are known.
Unlike their depiction in fiction, reasonably few are much like Earth. Many are gas giants, like Jupiter, whose gravitational pull on their host stars makes them easy to detect. Others orbit dim stars, or super-bright ones. Most are too hot or too cold for life. And almost all are far, far away. Kepler, which has discovered the lion’s share of these planets, is staring at a patch of space covering about 1/400th of the celestial sphere.
From 2017, though, that will change. In December a successor to Kepler, called TESS (for Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite), will be launched into orbit. It is designed to survey the entire sky, looking for the sorts of exoplanets that are of most interest to humans—ones that are small (like Earth), rocky (like Earth) and relatively close by.
Over its planned two-year life TESS will scan hundreds of thousands of nearby stars, looking for the telltale dips in their brightness as planets cross them (as seen from Earth). Indeed, Kepler has gathered enough statistical information about how common planets are in the galaxy for astronomers to make a reasonable guess of how many Earth-like planets TESS should find. Assuming Earth’s galactic neighbourhood is average, the new satellite should spot about 3,000 planets in total. About 500 of those should have radii up to twice that of Earth’s; of those, perhaps a few dozen will orbit in the “habitable zone”, where liquid water could exist on their surfaces.
Kepler’s planets are too far away for scientists to learn much about them beyond their rough size and the length of their orbits. Being much closer, the planets TESS turns up will be easier to scrutinise. A new generation of giant telescopes, including the European Extremely Large Telescope, currently being built in Chile, and the James Webb Space Telescope, a successor to the Hubble that is due to be launched in 2018, should have the power to provide intriguing details.
By zeroing in on starlight that has passed through the planets’ atmospheres, scientists hope to learn about the chemical composition of the alien air, including the presence of any chemicals (such as free oxygen or large amounts of methane) that could be telltales of life. If the planets are close enough astronomers may be able to take pictures of them directly. Via painstaking computer modelling, it could even be possible to infer basic geographical features, such as what proportion of a planet’s surface is liquid or solid. Early trials of the technique, using pictures of Earth taken by distant space probes, have been promising.
The ultimate question is whether humans might one day send probes to a nearby exoplanet. In August 2016 scientists announced the discovery of an Earth-like planet orbiting Proxima Centauri, which, at 4.25 light-years away, is the closest star to the Sun. Yuri Milner, a Russian billionaire and physicist (see next story), is already working with Stephen Hawking, a British theoretical physicist, on plans for a tiny, laser-propelled probe that could cover that distance in about 20 years. It is far from certain that they will succeed. But, in the meantime, TESSshould give them a comprehensive list of targets. Science fiction is about to get a tiny step closer.
He was found dead on a sofa while staying at Monika Duval’s home during a trip to Poland.
Now cops want to speak to the science fiction writer who was present at the time of his death and called the ambulance.
MYSTERY: Max Spiers died after vomiting two litres of black fluid
Warsaw prosecutor Lukasz Lapczynski said the nature of the relationship between Mr Spiers and Ms Duval remains unclear.
He told the BBC: “The nature of this relationship will be determined during the investigation.
"The doctor started resuscitation which was not successful. As a result of the doctor's decision, the police weren't involved in conducting additional procedures.”
The prosecutor said he plans to interview everyone who was present when Mr Spiers died.
UFOs: Max Spiers claimed to have information on government cover-ups
“The nature of this relationship will be determined during the investigation”
Lukasz Lapczynski
The dad-of-two, from Canterbury in Kent, had travelled to Poland to talk about conspiracy theories and UFOs.
But his mum Vanessa Bates, 63, believes there may have been people who wanted him dead.
Just before his death he texted her: “Your boy’s in trouble. If anything happens to me, investigate.”
His girlfriend Sarah Adams, 31, believed he was being held against his will and was bombarded with death threats days before he died.
Mr Lapczynski continued: "The information about Max Spiers' death reached the prosecution office on August 30 when the body had already been transported to the UK.
“We couldn't do a post-mortem which is essential in such cases.”
An inquest into Mr Spiers’ death was opened in Kent in December and is set to continue later this year.
Ghost rockets, rocket- or missile-shaped unidentified flying objects (UFOs), were first sighted on February 26, 1946, mostly in Sweden and nearby countries.
More than 2000 sightings were recorded between May and December of the same year, with an increased amount of sightings in mid-August 1946.
The origin of these ghost rockets was never fully revealed. Some investigations attributed the sightings to meteor showers, making special note that the August peak coincided with such events. But most ghost rocket sightings did not occur during meteor shower activity and, moreover, displayed characteristics inconsistent with meteors, such as reported maneuverability.
A 1946 Swedish newspaper photo of such sightings
Other theories attributed the origin of the ghost rockets to former German rocket facility at Peenemünde. Such theories claimed the rockets were long-range tests by the Russians of captured German V-1 or V-2 missiles, or perhaps early form cruise missiles because of the ways they were sometimes seen to maneuver.
These missile theories prompted the Swedish military to investigate. Some investigators for the Swedish military apparently believed the objects could not be conventionally explained, and instead hypothesized an extraterrestrial origin.
The missiles were often reported as having crashed into lakes, yet no missile fragments were found in lakes. For example, on July 19, 1946, a ghost rocket was reported as having crashed into Lake Kölmjärv in Sweden. Witnesses saw a gray, rocket-shaped object with wings crashing in the lake with a noise that suggested the object had exploded. However, a three-week military search conducted in intense secrecy, again turned up no evidence of a craft, only impact at the bottom of the lake.
The Swedish Air Force officer who led the search, Karl-Gösta Bartoll (see photo of him on the search), reported back to the military that the rockets were most likely made of material that would disintegrate quickly in water. A craft built of such material, which would also have to be capable of traveling at top speeds while carrying progressive equipment for maneuverability, would be considered extremely advanced and expensive in terms of 1946 technology.
In a 1984 interview, Bartoll reiterated his material belief and said "what people saw were real, physical objects” in opposition to ideas that such sightings were delusions or sci-fi fodder.
While largely in Sweden, Portugal, Greece, Belgium, and Italy, all reported similar ghost rocket sightings in 1946.
The United States military was also involved in investigations. A US document declassified in 1997 states, "we are inclined not to discredit entirely this somewhat spectacular theory [extraterrestrial origins], meantime keeping an open mind on the subject."
Max Spiers vomited two litres of black liquid before his death
The science fiction writer girlfriend of a British conspiracy theorist is to be quizzed about his death.
Max Spiers, 39, sought to expose government cover-ups and investigated UFO sightings — after, his mum says, he saw "the darker side" as a child.
The dad-of-two, from Canterbury, Kent, visited Poland to speak at a conference before he died at partner Monika Duval's home 24 hours later in July 2016.
He vomited two litres of a black fluid before he died, his inquest heard in December.
Involuntary manslaughter
Now prosecutors have opened an investigation into involuntary manslaughter and want to speak to his girlfriend, who was present at the time of Mr Spiers's death.
Lukasz Lapczynski, prosecutor in Warsaw, said: "At this stage we have determined that the ambulance arrived at the request of Mr Spiers's partner.
"Our initial investigation indicates that it was Mr Spiers's partner [who called the ambulance], but the nature of this relationship is unclear."
Speaking to the BBC, he added: "The nature of this relationship will be determined during the investigation.
"The doctor started resuscitation which was not successful. As a result of the doctor's decision, the police weren't involved in conducting additional procedures.
"The information about Max Spiers's death reached the prosecution office on August 30 when the body had already been transported to the UK. We couldn't do a post-mortem which is essential in such cases.
"The prosecutor told me he plans to interview everyone that was present when Max died. We know Monika was there, but it's unclear who else was around."
When the conspiracy theorist's body was transported to the UK, his laptop and phone weren't among his belongings.
His mum Vanessa Bates said science fiction writer Monika sent the valuables a few weeks later but there was no Sim card in the phone.
'Somebody had wiped everything'
She added: "There was nothing on the computer at all. Somebody had clearly, definitely wiped everything off it.
"It makes no sense to wipe somebody's computer, no sense to me."
Ms Bates, who had previously stated she believed her son was "murdered by enemies", added: "I spoke to Monika for probably a couple of weeks [since Mr Spiers's death]. She was kind, she lived in a lovely house.
"She said to Max 'Come stay here for a while, I've got a couple of good business things that we can get going'.
"I don't know what happened, but I know there's been a lot of people suggesting a lot of things and pointing a lot of fingers in her direction, and I'm sure that she wants to go very quiet."
Mr Spiers's inquest opened in December and continues later this year.
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Earth Size UFO Near Our Sun On Feb 25, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Earth Size UFO Near Our Sun On Feb 25, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: February 25, 2017 Location of sighting: Sun This UFO was found by UFOnearSun of Youtube and shows and Earth size craft near our sun. These photo are all taken by NASA and SOHO agencies, so they cannot be disputed. I will include a note in the comments below this post. Eyewitness states:
The size of the UFO - Sphere commensurate with the size of the planet Earth! Incredibly Huge UFO - Sphere and other UFO near the Sun - February 25, 2017
I watched a documentary a couple of years ago about what happens inside the belly of a mother the 9 months before the baby is born. However, the first 10 minutes of the documentary, that described the journey of the spermatozoid which will win “the race of its life” I was in awe. I got inspired, and exactly that inspiration led me to create this article.
Most of us live our lives unaware of all the incredible (almost impossible) things that happened so we can be born. Many of us even feel worthless. The majority cannot sleep at night stressing about some absolutely artificial problem that they may not even have. We live with so much unhappiness, worry, racing, fighting and killing each other for scoring on an artificial scoreboard. Some even try or commit suicide.
We forget that we already won the race. We won life. This is the price here and we spend it like we are still fighting for something. That’s why I decided to create an article with all (at least I’ll try to add all) the FREAKISHLY “random” events which took place so you can exist. To remind you how much you matter. THIS WILL BLOW YOUR MIND!
Long, long time ago (and I mean really long, this is not a fairy tale), long like 13,7 billion years ago, there was only darkness. Suddenly, a spark of light smaller than an atom entered this darkness and tada, The Universe was born.
This light and the darkness, entangled in an eternal dance, created the 4 fundamental forces of The Universe (Gravity, Electromagnetism, Weak and Strong). The Universe started expanding and very soon the first quarks were created. Then the first electrons, the first protons, and all of this happened in the first second, like literally.
After the first second, things didn’t change much for quite a while (380,000 years to be exact). The Universe just kept expanding and slowly cooling down. The Universe was TOO HOT in the beginning (no pun intended) for atoms to form.
After 380,000 years loose electrons cooled enough so they can combine with protons and form atoms. (“Produce An Atom” Achievement Unlocked). These were mainly Helium and Hydrogen, and a new era of “nothing really happening” began. This era lasted longer than the first one.
1.6 million years later, gravity began to form stars and galaxies from clouds of gas. Here things STARted to get a little more interesting.
As new stars formed and others were dying out The Universe looked like a Fireworks show (or a Michael Bay movie); with explosions and UNBELIEVABLE amounts of energy blowing up, and crumbling down, creating new sources of light and destroying anything in its way. Stars were blowing up in supernovas giving birth to new stars who lived, died and blew up and gave birth to other stars, and so on, and so on. This chaotic battleground lasted for almost 200 million years.
After 200 million years the first black holes were formed and because of Gravity the first galaxies were created.
It’s MINDBLOWINGLY amazing to think that even 1 single star forming too early or too soon could have prevented the existence of our entire Solar System. 1 single star from trillions and trillions that existed and still exist. Each one of them lived and gave their life in a way so our galaxy can exist. Like perfectly arranged dominos, or gears inside the most expensive clock.
This precise domino effect lasted “brief” 9 billion years resulting with a giant molecular cloud from which you, your parents, every plant, animal, and being that ever existed on this planet came to be. With a gravitational collapse of just a tiny part of this molecular cloud, the sun, the planets, moons, asteroids, and other small Solar System bodies formed , creating the system today famously known as Our Solar System (“The Birth Of The Solar System” Achievement Unlocked).
In order for life to exist and thrive inside our solar system a planet needs to orbit the sun at just the right distance. Scientists call this belt “The Goldilocks Zone” were the conditions for life are just perfect. Guess what! Our home planet Earth formed EXACTLY inside this zone.
Like that’s not miraculous enough, our moon formed to be exactly in the right place so it would not conflict the evolution of life but help it thrive. When I say exactly, I mean EXACTLY and in an absolutely perfect ratio; not just with its distance but with its size too;
(Really Interesting Fact: What makes a full solar eclipse possible is that the sun is 400 times the size of the moon, and the sun is also 400 times further from the moon than the moon is from earth. The distance between the moon and the earth is equivalent to 108 moons; the distance from the earth to the sun is equivalent to 108 suns; the radius of the sun is equivalent to 108 earths;
Everything until now fits perfectly to allow life on earth. The earth started cooling down and the oceans started forming. First life on earth was created 10 billion years after The Big Bang initially with single-celled prokaryotic cells, such as bacteria.
After a couple of million years, life evolved into the first multicelled organisms. Life inside the oceans thrived. Trilobites came into existence, Nautiloids and BOOM!
The planet experienced its first mass extinction event (it was formatted).
Many life forms were extinct. However, some life forms prevailed; the strongest and most adaptable ones.
13 billion years after the big bang the first fishes formed on planet earth. Soon after, the first insects, the first life that walked the earth. Things were going great for planet earth and its inhabitants, life just recovered from the disaster and started thriving again. BOOM!
The second mass extinction event wiped out most of the life on earth. This was the closest earth came to being wiped out of all its life. For a couple of million years, the earth could have been called a dead planet. However, few of the strongest species survived.
Things were tough, but what was left alive on this planet was tougher. In the midst of the disaster life decided to thrive, to explore new frontiers. Life crawled its way out of the oceans and into the beautiful lands. The frogs, snakes, first primitive dragonflies, all of them were the first courageous explorers of the lands. They made the ever moving continents their permanent home.
After 120 million years of peace, sunshine and rainbows, the planet was struck with its third mass extinction event. This mass extinction wiped out most of the species, however, it paved the way for the movie Jurassic Park to be created (and the first dinosaurs too).
And then BOOM! Like something was against life thriving, a fourth mass extinction event wiped most of the dinosaurs. However, life was more stubborn. This event started the Jurassic era. Life did not just thrive, but it surpassed its limits with the first birds conquering the skies.
The dinosaurs ruled the earth for a couple of million years. They were the big and scary predators that everybody feared. The world was theirs.
Far away, in the vastness of our galaxy, a star blew up in a supernova. This event started a chain of events that blasted meteors in a course collision with a giant asteroid. The meteors hit the asteroid steering it away from its course into a new one. A course that will change the history of the earth forever. A course that will pave the way for the first humans.
It was a normal day for the dinosaurs. They went on doing what they were always doing, hunting smaller animals and ruling the earth. However, they had no idea what’s shining brighter and brighter upon the sky. It was their demise. BOOM!
The earth was struck by its fifth mass extinction event, the giant asteroid. The blast itself wiped out most of the dinosaurs. The drought and the ice age finished them.
Smaller animals were smart enough to hide inside the earth. They survived the ice age. When they came out after a couple of million years, they saw that the mighty rulers, the big and scary dinosaurs were no longer there.
Now, I don’t know if you know, but ice ages come and go. This period we live in right now, since the last big ice age that wiped out the dinosaurs, is a time of intermission between ice ages. Scientists say it will last for about 50,000 years more (which is kind of good news).
It happened so, that the asteroid which hit the earth created a global shift in the climate and wiped out the scary “monsters” just so life can keep evolving (without being eaten every time it tried).
The first Homosapiens evolved from years and years of animals migrating, hunting, surviving and passing their DNA code unto the next generation. Each generation tweaked this code just a little bit with their choices. It was changed to better survive, adapt and thrive.
One tiny little choice made differently, like making a settlement on a top of a mountain instead of inside a cave, could have impacted the way humans evolved today (or whether we evolved at all).
Because we developed a perfect system of sweating (yes dear humans, that’s our special ability, to sweat) we were able to run for hours and not overheat our bodies. We ran for average of 50 miles per day. That’s more than even running a marathon.
This ability enabled us to out run even the fastest of the animals. We would wait for their body to overheat and catch them than (all cool and sweaty). Because we would run so far away from our home, we needed a new kind of ability, a better memory of landmarks (because I guess iStones back then didn’t had the Google maps app).
Exactly THIS over stimulation of our brain evolved our prefrontal cortex. We developed something no animal has, the ability to visualize things, our imagination. We upgraded our consciousness and expanded our Inner World, and all because we would not give up. Just because we were not the fastest, or the strongest, it doesn’t mean it was a game over for us. Oh, no.
The upgrade of imagination enabled us to create tools. “We are not the strongest, but let’s see what strength does when it meets the sharp end of a stone tied on a stick.” We invented, and created, and invented, and created, and pretty soon we climbed on the top of the food chain (started from the bottom now we here).
We established societies, cultures, cities and countries. We waged wars and we killed each other still driven by our animal instincts, by fear of survival and the fire to thrive, to be better, to excel and evolve. Every war fought, every hero choosing courage over fear, every act of love and kindness, every single decision of all our ancestors, brought us the world we live in today.
It was every man for himself. Then, it was every family for themselves. Every city, every country, every race for themselves. And today, we can see glimpses that we are still evolving and thriving, we can see people from different families, cities, countries and races coming together to unite; to stand for what we represent together, HUMANITY!
We have changed our ways with animals. We are not that scared to love anymore; we start to love and care for the same animals who would have prevented humanity from ever evolving. Instead of vengeance, we show love. And through this love, we show them a better way. We are not just thriving, we’ve become a force that helps other species to experience love.
And because your father loved dogs, he got one. One day he went to walk his dog in the park where he bumped into your mother (this probably never happened but you get what I am trying to say). Do you know what’s the chance of your father meeting your mother?
The population was smaller 30 years ago so your dad could have met almost 200 million of its women. But over 25 years, he probably met around 10,000 women (go dad)! The same is true for your mother. So, the odds that your mom was in this small group and met your dad is 1 in 20,000.
And this is just them meeting. We know how tricky love can be. Combining the chance of them starting to talk to each other, going on a second date, keep dating and having children in that precise moment when you were a ready spermatozoid results with 1 in 40 million.
Things get even more unbelievable when we take in consideration the odds that the 1 of 100,000 eggs met the 1 of 4 trillion spermatozoids, which together made you (and not your brother/sister). But wait, we are just getting started.
Because your existence here, now, and on planet earth presupposes undeniable chain of events (like every one of your ancestors living to reproductive age) going all the way back not just to the first Homosapiens, but all the way back to the first singlecelled organism, there are a lot more variables. You are a representative of an unbroken lineage of life going back 4 billion years.
Do you know what the chance is right now? It’s 1 in 10 with 2,685,000 zeroes after it.
(In comparison: The number of atoms in a human body is 10 with 27 zeroes after it; the number of atoms making up earth is 10 with 50 zeroes after it; the number of atoms in the known universe is estimated at 10 with 80 zeroes after it;)
Think of it like this: The odds of you existing is the same as 2 million people getting together to play a game of dice each rolling a trillion sided dice. They each roll the dice and they all come up with the exact same number (for example 550,343,279,002)!
So, the odds that YOU exist at all are basically 0! But you still does!
And in order to exist you won a race against 250 million contestants.
You were not just first to touch the egg, but you were one of the few to pass all the traps of the race. This video will show you the whole journey:
ALL that we mentioned above refers ONLY to planet earth. And that’s just a tiny, tiny, tiny piece of the puzzle.
To put things in perspective here is Our Planet inside our Solar System:
Here is our Solar System with its other “Solar friends” inside The Solar Interstellar Neighborhood:
Here is where The Interstellar Neighborhood flows inside our Milky Way Galaxy:
Here is The Milky Way Galaxy with its “Galactic friends” inside our Local Galactic Group of galaxies:
Here is The Local Galactic Group inside The Virgo Supercluster:
Here is The Virgo Supercluster with its “Supercluster friends” inside The Local Supercluster Group:
And, believe it or not, this is not all! Here is where The Local Supercluster Groupis positioned inside Our Observable Universe (which means there is possibly a lot more we cannot yet observe, and all of this might still be just a tiny piece of the puzzle):
But here you are, on this blue speck of dust orbiting a fireball in an ever expanding Universe where more than 99,99999999% is empty space. But not you! You are the 0.00000001% of The Universe that is made out of matter (you matter). For some reason, The Universe conspired to start a chain of events that will create YOU on THIS planet, in THIS time, with THOSE people around you.
And ALL OF THIS happened, all unbelievably precise, so you will be born. Every single choice you made in your life led you here, today, to read this article. And if you think that’s not a sign of destiny, think about this:
If one star blew up too late or too early; if our planet was just a tiny little bit outside of the goldilocks zone; if those meteors never changed the course of the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs; if your ancestors never ran for 50 miles per day, or did just a tiny little choice differently; if just 1 war your ancestors won was lost, or one of your ancestor warriors was killed; if your parents never met, or were not brave enough to talk to each other; if they postponed the night they conceived you just for 1 day; if just 1 of 250 million spermatozoids was faster than the one that made you; if any single one of these things happened (and many many more) YOU WOULD NOT READ THIS RIGHT NOW!
You are a 13,7 billion year old product in the making; forged in the hottest fires of giant stars and chaotic explosions that wiped out worlds; holding a 4 billion year old lineage of the toughest species on earth, surviving 5 mass extinctions and stubbornly crawling its way to land; outwitting larger and stronger than you, courageously choosing and never giving up; climbing on the top of the food chain and outshining fear itself to choose love; produced by a union of 2 opposites coming together, shaped out from love itself;
In This MIND BLOWINGLY BIG Universe you are really, really tiny. FREAKISHLY tiny. But you are not small! You are inside a rare group of beings (with free will) which makes the 0.00000001% of The Universe that’s not an empty space.
So no matter if you believe in destiny or not, you are a miracle!
You are The Universe becoming conscious of itself!
You have a purpose that’s inside your heart and everything conspired so you can be the one to realize it (and still, you are allowed to whine about your life).
Stop acting so small! Go forth and feel and act like the miracle that you are! THRIVE!
VIDEO: Onderzoek ingesteld naar mysterieuze dood van complottheoreticus Max Spiers
VIDEO: Onderzoek ingesteld naar mysterieuze dood van complottheoreticus Max Spiers
De vermoedelijke vriendin van een Britse complottheoreticus die twee liter zwarte vloeistof braakte voordat hij stierf is ondervraagd door de politie.
Max Spiers werd in juli 2016 dood gevonden in het huis van Monika Duval, enkele dagen voordat hij zou spreken op een conferentie over complottheorieën in Polen.
De 39-jarige Spiers, die overheidscomplotten blootlegde, gaf twee liter zwarte vloeistof over voordat hij overleed.
De politie heeft nu een onderzoek ingesteld naar zijn dood. Aanklager Lukasz Lapczynski vertelde aan de BBC: “We hebben vastgesteld dat de partner van Spiers een ambulance liet komen.”
Spiers werd tevergeefs gereanimeerd. De informatie over zijn dood bereikte het kantoor van Lapczynski pas op 30 augustus, toen zijn lichaam al was overgebracht naar Groot-Brittannië.
“We konden geen autopsie verrichten, iets wat bij dit soort zaken van essentieel belang is,” zei hij.
De aanklager is van plan iedereen te ondervragen die aanwezig was in de woning op het moment dat Spiers overleed.
“We weten dat Monika er was, maar het is onduidelijk wie er nog meer waren,” klonk het.
Max waarschuwde zijn moeder voordat hij naar Polen afreisde om zijn dood te laten onderzoeken als er iets met hem zou gebeuren.
Hij zou een natuurlijke dood zijn gestorven, hoewel er geen autopsie is verricht. In december werd het onderzoek geopend.
Door zijn onderzoek naar UFO’s en overheidscomplotten heeft hij mogelijk vijanden gemaakt die hem dood wilden hebben, zegt zijn moeder Vanessa Bates.
Enkele dagen voor zijn dood schreef Max aan zijn moeder: “Je jongen zit in de problemen. Als er iets met me gebeurt, ga dan op onderzoek uit.”
Geheime diensten
Vriend Miles Johnson vertelde aan Project Camelot: “Ik denk niet dat het normaal is dat iemand die gewone medicijnen slikt plotseling zwarte vloeistof begint te braken en kort daarna sterft.”
Vlak voor zijn dood dook Spiers in het leven van beroemdheden en politici. Veel van zijn aanhangers zijn ervan overtuigd dat hij is gedood door de overheid.
Complottheoretici stellen dat UFO-jagers die te dicht in de buurt van de waarheid komen worden uitgeschakeld door geheime diensten of mannen in het zwart.
Bekijk deel 1 van de BBC-reportage over de mysterieuze dood van Max Spiers hieronder terug:
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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