The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
‘UFO’ lands at Murrow Primary School to help children with creative writing
‘UFO’ lands at Murrow Primary School to help children with creative writing
Wisbech PSCO Ruth Moulder attended Murrow Primary School where a UFO had appeared in the school grounds.
PHOTO: Facebook/Policing Wisbech.
Wisbech PSCO Ruth Moulder attended Murrow Primary School where a UFO had appeared in the school grounds on Monday.
After checking the craft to make sure there were no occupants, the school children were allowed to take a closer look at the unidentified craft.
“No, aliens haven’t landed and are starting their world domination from Murrow,” she said.
The craft was built by school caretaker Martin Bane, after headteacher Ruth Bailey came up with the idea to encourage the children at the school in terms of their creative writing.
“Intergalactic checks will be made to ensure the craft is taxed, insured and has a valid MOT,” added PCSO Moulder.
What It Will Take to Become an Interstellar Civilization
What It Will Take to Become an Interstellar Civilization
The new movie “Interstellar” is set in a not-so-distant future, but distant enough that they’ve managed to build something still elusive in 2014: a spaceship that can travel between solar systems. Such starships have been a technological mainstay in science fiction for decades, but they remain a crazily complicated proposition in everything from propulsion to human reproduction.
Still, that hasn’t stopped researchers from trying. Last month, a bunch of rocket scientists, microbiologists and entrepreneurs gathered in Houston’s George R. Brown Convention Center to discuss—in level and serious tones—how to become a spacefaring civilization. The meeting is called the 100-Year Starship symposium, and it’s brought brains together once a year since 2011 to figure out what we need to do now if we want to have an interstellar spacerocket a century from now.
The group has made progress defining the challenges and pointing their noses toward solutions, but much work remains (like, say, building a starship). To quote Contact, it “sounds less like science and more like science fiction.”
Nonetheless, the 100-Year Starship adherents—backed by NASA and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)—keep plugging away. At their most recent gathering, 7 major hurdles emerged from their three days of discussion.
1. Before we can make an Enterprise, we may have to make an enterprise.
With all the obvious tech challenges, this top hurdleis easy to overlook—but it’s a question of human motivation.What would motivate people to work on something that won’t be finished till they’re dead? Like Veruca Salt, when we want things, we want them now.
But even if we manage to motivate ourselves, what mechanism can provide continuity in funding and oversight across decades, let alone across generations? Government funding is fickle and depends on election cycles and budget reviews. Philanthropy rests on the whims of the wealthy. The long-term viability of crowdfunding is unproven.
If we could create an “econosphere” around long-term space travel—one that makes money and produces spinoff products, so people get salaries and gadgets—it could support itself. Space travel may have to become a business. And not just any business: a profitable one. Companies like Virgin Galactic, Deep Space Industries, and Planetary Resources are aiming to do just that.
2. We have to move fast.
It’s in the very definition of the project that we have to get to the stars. But it took poor Voyager 38 years just to get out of the solar system. Ain’t nobody got time for that. We have to figure out how to move fast through space, for a long-ass time. Engineers have a few ideas: Fusion rockets, ion drives, hydrogen-scooping ramjets, and antimatter annihilation systems, for instance.
3. Staying alive, staying alive.
A starship has to be both sustainable and life-sustaining. It will be a closed ecosystem that must either have or produce everything humans need to survive and make more humans.ment discovery would take a year to reach the crew.) Its residents would in turn need to train the next generation of caregivers.
Medical professionals draw par
Oxygen, food, and water are no-brainers. But we also need our microbiome, and we’re only now starting to investigate what happens to our symbiotic microbes off-Earth. The microbiomes of babies born en route remain a totally open question. And if they’re in microgravity, will those babies’ eye cells know where to migrate to become eye cells?
4. Take me to the space hospital.
Nobody likes going to the hospital, but it’s nice to know they’re there if you get MRSA or need an MRI. An interstellar starship will have limited machinery, limited medicine, a limited supply of doctors. Plus, access to new Earth-medicine techniques would be delayed or nonexistent. (If the ship travels, say, a light-year away, word of a cancer treatallels between this situation and that in developing nations with little health-care infrastructure. Studying either could benefit the other.
5. Crew-on-crew interaction.
After a certain amount of time locked in a room together, you and even the most unobtrusive person will get on each other’s nerves. You’ll be like, “Why do you always have to look at me like that?” and they’ll be like, “I’m not looking at you like anything.” Etc. Now imagine that drawn out over years or decades on an interstellar mission.
And beyond the everyday communication problems, disseminating information in a crisis—without causing panic or misinformation—could prove difficult. Imagine small-town social dynamics, in space. That’s why it’s important to choose a mix of crew members most likely to succeed.
But first we have to find out what that mix is. Agencies across the world are already investigating this psychological puzzler. The Mars HI-SEAS experiment began its third mission on October 15, and six (lucky?) people will spend eight months on a simulated martian colony in Hawaii. The European Space Agency teamed up from 2007-2011 with the Russian Institute for Biomedical Problems to do the Mars 500 mission, in which three different crews experienced isolation together aboard a pseudo-spaceship and then on a pseudo-Martian surface.
6. Oops-factor.
When you break your printer beyond repair, you go buy a new one. But when you break your 3-D space printer that makes all of the parts for your other space stuff? You’re in trouble. The 100-Year Starship team is endorsing what they term a “steampunk” approach: Teaching spacefarers how to make high-tech things work with low-tech, macgyvered solutions.
7.Stepping stones.
One does not simply walk into Mordor, and one does not simply build an interstellar starship. Giant leaps aren’t real: They’re just a bunch small steps added together. To become interstellar, we have to start with simply sending humans to space regularly, cheaply. We have to start manufacturing and mining off-planet. And we need to establish human colonies on the Moon, and probably on Mars, to make sure we have enough resources and practice before we set off toward Earth 2.0.
Currently, the best bet rests in the hands of private industry. NASA’s asteroid capture mission promises a step in that direction. But private companies like Planetary Resources and Deep Space Industries, which have both announced partnerships with NASA, may be able to make space their material domain faster and cheaper.
"Fast Radio Bursts Could Be Powering Alien Probes" --Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
"Fast Radio Bursts Could Be Powering Alien Probes" --Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
"Fast radio bursts are exceedingly bright given their short duration and origin at great distances, and we haven't identified a possible natural source with any confidence," said theorist Avi Loeb of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. "An artificial origin is worth contemplating and checking."
The search for extraterrestrial intelligence has looked for many different signs of alien life, from radio broadcasts to laser flashes, without success. However, newly published research suggests that mysterious phenomena called fast radio bursts could be evidence of advanced alien technology. Specifically, these bursts might be leakage from planet-sized transmitters powering interstellar probes in distant galaxies.
As the name implies, fast radio bursts are millisecond-long flashes of radio emission. First discovered in 2007, fewer than two dozen have been detected by gigantic radio telescopes like the Parkes Observatory in Australia or the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico. They are inferred to originate from distant galaxies, billions of light-years away.
Loeb and his co-author Manasvi Lingam (Harvard University) examined the feasibility of creating a radio transmitter strong enough for it to be detectable across such immense distances. They found that, if the transmitter were solar powered, the sunlight falling on an area of a planet twice the size of the Earth would be enough to generate the needed energy. Such a vast construction project is well beyond our technology, but within the realm of possibility according to the laws of physics.
Lingam and Loeb also considered whether such a transmitter would be viable from an engineering perspective, or whether the tremendous energies involved would melt any underlying structure. Again, they found that a water-cooled device twice the size of Earth could withstand the heat.
They then asked, why build such an instrument in the first place? They argue that the most plausible use of such power is driving interstellar light sails. The amount of power involved would be sufficient to push a payload of a million tons, or about 20 times the largest cruise ships on Earth.
"That's big enough to carry living passengers across interstellar or even intergalactic distances," added Lingam.
An artist's illustration of a light-sail powered by a radio beam (red) generated on the surface of a planet. The leakage from such beams as they sweep across the sky would appear as Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs), similar to the new population of sources that was discovered recently at cosmological distances.(M. Weiss/CfA)
To power a light sail, the transmitter would need to focus a beam on it continuously. Observers on Earth would see a brief flash because the sail and its host planet, star and galaxy are all moving relative to us. As a result, the beam sweeps across the sky and only points in our direction for a moment. Repeated appearances of the beam, which were observed but cannot be explained by cataclysmic astrophysical events, might provide important clues about its artificial origin.
Loeb admits that this work is speculative. When asked whether he really believes that any fast radio bursts are due to aliens, he replied, "Science isn't a matter of belief, it's a matter of evidence. Deciding what's likely ahead of time limits the possibilities. It's worth putting ideas out there and letting the data be the judge."
The paper reporting this work has been accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letters and is available online.
Ringmakers of Saturn: 2,000 Mile Long UFO Photographed by NASA?
Ringmakers of Saturn: 2,000 Mile Long UFO Photographed by NASA?
For more incredible information on the UFO/ET phenomenon please readThe Alien Enigma by JP Robinson.
Dr. Norman Bergrun, a former NASA research scientist published an astounding bookRingmakers of Saturn which revealed photos taken of Saturn’s rings from the Voyager I flight in 1980. Voyager I was sent to the rings of Saturn to investigate some strange anomalies that they had witnessed through their observations from Earth and NASA couldn’t believe what they found in the images that were sent back.
Bergrun who worked with NASA’s Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California, has won prestigious awards which include the California Society of Professional Enigineers Archimedes Engineering Achievement Award. Aside from his involvement with NASA Bergrun also worked on high-profile, top-secret aerospace projects for Lockheed Martin.
Being privy to top-secret documents during his time there came at a cost, as Bergrun himself explained in a Project Camelot interview, "I had to sign my life away for thirty years." He also intimated that there was a limit to what he can say even now, and revealed that his life would be in serious danger should he say too much.
With exclusive access to the raw NASA photographs been sent back from Voyager I in 1980, Bergrun saw firsthand what the general public was not allowed to see, making him the first legitimate, verified member of the scientific community to discover cylindrical vehicles. Bergrun’s book exposed for the first time exactly what Voyager I saw, but unable to get it published in America he travelled to Scotland and finally got it published in Aberdeen, Scotland
One of the photographs in his book is of an artificially constructed object in the A-ring of Saturn that he calls an ‘electromagnetic vehicle’. It was an astounding 2000 miles long and over 450 miles in diameter, that is over twice the length of Great Britain! What kind of high-technology must it take to build an object of that size, and who could be responsible for such an impossible feat of engineering?
Dr. Bergrun said, "I don't know who built it but what I found out is these things inhabit Saturn, that's where I first discovered them. And they're proliferating, they're now in Uranus and Jupiter...wherever you see some rings now. I call it the ringmaker."
Describing what he could see in the anomalous Voyager I images, he explained "I could be looking down on the rings, I could see parallel lines crossing all of the rings at once - that's about as long as you can go. I could tell that those lines demarked the outside of an object."
He explained why what he was seeing was an electromagnetic vehicle, "I say that it is an electromagnetic vehicle because I can identify streamline patterns with respect to it that I knew were what we called 'potential lines' and that says it was electrical".
Bergrun thought it could be possible that these craft were actually making the rings, hence the book’s title, but other scholars have raised the possibility that they could be mining the precious metals and nutrients that make up the rings. Either way, what an incredible discovery, another one that appears to have been left out of the public domain. A reviewer commenting on Bergrun’s book wrote, “Saturn's rings are ‘not’ natural, but are some type of effluent from massively huge, cylindrical objects, themselves measured in terms of earth diameters!”
In his 1986 book, Bergrun published images of these immense objects for the very first time, thus verifying his claims as legitimate. The pictures he presents show 'immensely large, enormously powerful space vehicles located in the vicinity of Saturn and its moons' as his introduction explains.
'These photographic revelations are reinforced by, and are consistent with, scientific data extending over centuries as far back as Galileo. The pictures have been obtained by the author using simple, repeatable enhancement techniques applied to publicly available NASA photographs from Voyager 1 and 2 flybys of Saturn. Having been obtained by pre-scheduled flight programming, Voyager photographs are scientifically unique in that they are strictly impersonal.'
Whoever is responsible for these vast machines clearly has access to unimaginable technology which raises yet more questions surrounding the extraterrestrial hypothesis. Questions which for now will remain unanswered.
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Ex-frontman Blink-182 doet binnen nu en 60 dagen ‘grootse aankondiging over UFO’s’
Ex-frontman Blink-182 doet binnen nu en 60 dagen ‘grootse aankondiging over UFO’s’
Oud-frontman van Blink-182 Tom DeLonge zegt binnen nu en 60 dagen een ‘grootse aankondiging’ over UFO’s te gaan doen.
Hij deed deze uitspraak nadat hij was uitgeroepen tot UFO-onderzoeker van het jaar, schrijft de Daily Express.
Hij is betrokken geweest bij een mysterieus project, waarvan enkele details naar buiten kwamen toen WikiLeaks e-mails publiceerde die hij naar Clintons campagnemanager John Podesta had gestuurd.
Uit de e-mails bleek dat hij contact onderhield met belangrijke militaire bronnen.
DeLonge claimde eerder dat hij werd achtervolgd door schimmige figuren en dat zijn telefoon werd afgeluisterd.
“Er is veel waar ik niets over kan zeggen, maar binnen nu en 60 dagen zal ik een aankondiging doen,” zei de ex-frontman van Blink-182.
DeLonge zei dat hij al 20 jaar onderzoek doet naar Roswell, Dulce, Serpo, Churchill, UFO-crashes, nazi’s die vaartuigen bouwden en Antarctica.
Hij zei dat hij zich ook heeft verdiept in vreemde structuren op Mars en de achterkant van de maan.
“Ik heb mijn bekendheid gebruikt om iets ambitieus te doen en dat is gelukt,” legde hij uit.
Hij zei dat zijn aankondiging mogelijk niet wordt opgemerkt door de mainstream media. “Maar de UFO-gemeenschap zal zien hoe belangrijk dit is,” voegde hij toe.
“Het is makkelijk om een onderwerp vanuit je luie stoel belachelijk te maken, maar als je wordt uitgenodigd voor de bijeenkomsten waar ik bij aanwezig ben geweest, zal het lachen je snel vergaan,” zei hij.
WikiLeaks onthulde dat DeLonge meerdere e-mails had verstuurd naar Podesta over het feit dat hij samenwerkte met klokkenluiders binnen het leger.
Waar op ieder journaal de hoofdpunten van het nieuws de huidige gigantische aardveranderingen zouden moeten zijn, wordt het publiek afgeleid met “lijsttrekkers”.
Vergeleken met dezelfde periode van de vorige eeuw is tussen 2000 en eind 2016 het aantal zware aardbevingen met 2.680 procent toegenomen.
Wat er in onze tegenwoordige tijd nogal eens ontbreekt, is wat men vroeger “gezond verstand” noemde. Het zelf nadenken over iets en niet zomaar iets aannemen omdat een ander dat zegt.
Tegenwoordig worden mensen gebombardeerd met informatie via de mainstream kanalen, wat niet alleen betekent dat ze dikwijls verkeerde informatie krijgen, maar ook dat ze zelf geen enkele moeite doen om over iets na te denken.
Niet alleen worden ze zo volgepompt met foutieve, misleidende informatie, vervolgens worden ze vakkundig afgeleid door niet aflatende sportevenementen, beroemdheden en stompzinnige amusementsprogramma’s.
Wanneer je die televisie eindelijk uitzet en zelf een stukje onderzoek gaat doen, dan schrik je. De bulk van de mensheid is in slaap gesukkeld met de mantra “klimaatopwarming” en denkt verder geen seconde na over de gigantische veranderingen die nu op onze aarde plaatsvinden.
Door deze klimaatopwarming hoax programmering vergeten de meesten dat verschijnselen zoals aardbevingen en vulkanen niet worden beïnvloed door mensen die teveel CO2 zouden uitstoten.
Hierna volgen twee afbeeldingen. De ene laat het aantal en locaties zien van zware aardbevingen (hoger dan 6 op de schaal van Richter) in de eerste 16 jaar van de vorige eeuw en het tweede plaatje die uit onze huidige eeuw.
Op het eerste plaatje zie je een totaal van 97 zware aardbevingen, op de tweede een totaal van 2.697 zware!
Deze toename is dermate groot, dat je je toch eens moet gaan afvragen waardoor dit nu eigenlijk komt. Het lijkt alsof er onzichtbare krachten inwerken op de aarde, waardoor alles letterlijk beeft en schudt.
Met vulkanen krijg je een vergelijkbaar beeld. Niemand vraagt zich af hoe het kan dat enkele van de meest gevaarlijke vulkanen ter wereld opeens weer tot leven komen. We zien dan wel eens beelden van de Etna vulkaan, maar er zijn er nog veel meer. Op dit moment zijn er 35 grote vulkanen die nu uitbarsten of op het punt staan om uit te barsten.
Hoe kan het dat al deze vulkanen nu opeens allemaal actief worden?
Volgens de USGS is magma ondergronds gesmolten rots en is lava gesmolten rots dat door het oppervlak van de aarde breekt. Iets zorgt er op dit moment voor dat het magma door de aardkorst naar buiten wordt geduwd.
Nog niet zo lang geleden spraken wetenschappers van “dode vulkanen”, maar zoals we nu beginnen te merken, zijn die helemaal niet dood. Er zijn zoveel van die “dode vulkanen” die opeens weer vol leven lijken te zitten.
Het is ook niet een plaatselijk fenomeen, het gebeurt wereldwijd, van IJsland tot Indonesië, waar de bekende Sinabung vulkaan onlangs zeven keer op één dag tot uitbarsting kwam. Ook geldt er opnieuw een waarschuwing voor IJsland waar klaarblijkelijk vier vulkanen op het punt staan uit te barsten.
Er is nog een heel actieve, maar relatief onbekende vulkaan en dat is de Erta Ale
Erta Ale is een actieve schildvulkaan gelegen in de Afar-driehoek, in het noordoosten van Ethiopië. Het is de meest actieve vulkaan van Ethiopië.
Erta Ale is 613 meter hoog, en is een van de enige vier vulkanen ter wereld met een lavameer op de top. Dit lavameer is het langst bestaande lavameer ter wereld.
Erta Ale’s laatste grote uitbarsting was in 2005, toen duizenden mensen die in de buurt van de vulkaan woonden moesten vluchten. In 2007 was er nog een kleinere uitbarsting
Schematisch ziet die vulkaan er als volgt uit:
Echter, ook deze vulkaan is de laatste tijd veel actiever geworden dan gebruikelijk.
Volgens onderzoekers die er kortgeleden zijn geweest, is het niveau in het lavameer de afgelopen weken aanzienlijk gestegen, waardoor het nu aan alle kanten overstroomt. Wetenschappers constateerden dat door tektonische bewegingen er ook nieuwe “scheuren” zijn ontdekt waardoor het lava naar buiten komt.
In de volgende video zijn recente beelden te zien van deze vulkaan en na het zien daarvan begrijp je de bijnaam: “Gateway to hell”.
De tektonische platen op aarde schuiven overal en dit is niet zomaar. De wereld staat er echter bij, kijkt ernaar en er is in het hele mainstream land niemand die in staat is om al deze vreemde zaken met elkaar in verband te brengen.
Niemand die hardop durft te vragen hoe het in hemelsnaam mogelijk is dat er plotseling zulke grote krachten werkzaam zijn op onze planeet.
Het hoofd in het zand steken heeft geen zin; het zelf nadenken en op onderzoek gaan wel.
De verhalen over Niburu of 'Planet X' zijn allemaal quatsch, dat is allang weerlegd en dus hoaxes. Dit soort beweringen komt doorgaans niet van wetenschappers die zich full-time hiermee bezig houden, maar van amateurs die 's avonds na hun werk blijkbaar niets beters te doen hebben dan sprookjes verzinnen.
De dame die dit antwoord kreeg, schreef ons verder nog (dank!):
Wat ik nog wel wil benadrukken is dat die astronoom van de Radboud Universiteit mijn opmerking volkomen negeerde, over dat aantoonbaar UV C, helium en lithium in groeiende hoeveelheden het aardoppervlak bereiken, zodat alles wat leeft dit constant inademt (vandaar ongetwijfeld die explosief toenemende luchtwegklachten, ook bij niet-rokers en plattelanders!). Met name dat UV C ons op ooghoogte bereikt, is ongehoord, omdat wetenschappers (zoals bijv. meteorologen) altijd hebben beweerd dat UV C door de dampkring rondom de aarde wordt tegengehouden. Maar omdat die dampkring zo dun geworden is, bereikt kosmische straling ons steeds meer rechtstreeks. Voor goed onderbouwde toelichting hierop: zie de site op YouTube van Higher Truth Channel en ook BP Earth Watch, die sinds een paar dagen ook werkt met een meter, die nucleaire straling meet.
Het maakt ons niet uit wat je wel of niet wilt geloven, we zouden het alleen erg prettig vinden wanneer bovenstaande je in ieder geval tot nadenken stemt.
Want, de heftige aardveranderingen zijn echt en er is “iets” dat dit veroorzaakt.
Het kan niet anders dan dat de buitenaardsen zich vol verbazing afvragen welk niet al te intelligent ras deze planeet aarde bevolkt.
Ze vliegen open en bloot voor iedereen zichtbaar af en aan bij hun basis onder een vulkaan en de wereldbevolking doet net alsof ze helemaal niets zien.
Wat is het toch met mensen dat ze willens en wetens hun ogen sluiten voor iets zo essentieels als volkeren van andere planeten die hier bases hebben, doen wat ze willen en wij aardbewoners die net doen alsof ze niet bestaan?
Natuurlijk hebben bepaalde overheden overeenkomsten met buitenaardsen en doen ze hun uiterste best om deze informatie bij het publiek vandaan te houden, maar kom, we leven in 2017 en informatie kan op heel veel verschillende manieren worden gedeeld en toch verandert er helemaal niets.
Deze week wordt er door een webcam bij de bekende Popocatépetl vulkaan in Mexico weer het zoveelste bijzondere tafereel vastgelegd.
Je ziet van links een UFO aankomen die zo te zien verdwijnt in de krater van de vulkaan.
Dan zie je een tijdje niets en even later verschijnt de UFO weer, zoals te zien op de volgende afbeelding.
Volgens ufologen is het een vaststaand feit dat er zich een buitenaardse basis bevindt op een diepte van enkele kilometers onder deze Popocatépetl.
Maar, zelfs als je niet zou geloven dat er zich daar een buitenaardse basis bevindt, dan nog zijn de beelden die in de loop der jaren zijn gemaakt dusdanig, dat er geen enkele twijfel meer over bestaat dat er onbekende vliegende objecten in de vulkaan verdwijnen en ook weer uit tevoorschijn komen.
De opname van enkele dagen geleden volgt hierna.
De meest beroemde opname van de Popocatépetl is wel die uit oktober 2012 waar een enorm sigaarvormige UFO met onvoorstelbaar grote snelheid de vulkaan binnenvliegt.
Omdat er een goede vergelijking gemaakt kan worden met de krater van de vulkaan heeft men berekend dat deze UFO’s ongeveer 500 meter lang zijn. De grootste van de twee heeft ook een soort metallic-achtige glinstering, wat normaal is, omdat deze opnames gemaakt zijn bij zonsopgang.
Deze vulkaan bevindt zich op ongeveer 500 kilometer afstand van de hoofdstad Mexico City.
De vulkaanuitbarstingen wereldwijd nemen toe en het was dan ook een kwestie van tijd totdat mensen verbanden gingen leggen tussen de toenemende UFO activiteit bij vulkanen en die van vulkanische uitbarstingen.
Tenslotte iets wat misschien niet veel mensen weten, is dat er diverse getuigenverklaringen zijn van reddingswerkers die vreemde wezens hebben waargenomen op de hellingen van de Popocatépetl vulkaan.
De professionele bergbeklimmers (Mountain Rescue) die zich bij en rond de vulkaan bezighouden met onder andere het in veiligheid brengen van verdwaalde toeristen en dergelijke, maken melding van vreemde wezens.
Ze zijn tussen de twee en twee en een halve meter groot en worden waargenomen op de helling van de vulkaan, dichtbij de krater.
Ze zijn lang en dun en beschikken niet over een uitrusting zoals een rugzak of iets dergelijks. Ze hebben niets om zich tegen de barre weerscondities op die hoogte te beschermen.
Deze wezens zijn niet een keer bij toeval waargenomen. Ze worden op regelmatige basis gezien door leden van Mountain Rescue en anderen.
Tot grote verbazing van de bergbeklimmers kunnen de wezens in een heel korte tijd een aanzienlijke afstand overbruggen op de steile gladde berghelling.
Een afstand op de berghelling waar de bergbeklimmers normaal gesproken drie uur over doen, wordt door deze wezens in tien minuten afgelegd.
Guillermo Vidalez is één van de bergbeklimmers die ze met eigen ogen heeft gezien. Hij zegt dat het eigenlijk onmogelijk is voor iets of iemand om een berghelling in zo'n korte tijd te beklimmen, gezien de condities van het terrein en het weer. De wezens zagen er uit als dunne, lange figuren en ze waren te ver van Vidalez verwijderd om contact te kunnen maken.
Grote vraag is natuurlijk: Wie zijn deze wezens en wat hebben ze daar op die helling van de vulkaan te zoeken.
Het enige dat wij kunnen doen is al dit soort vreemde voorvallen blijven rapporteren in de hoop dat er ooit eens ergens iets of iemand echt wakker wordt onder de grote massa en dat die zich gaan afvragen waarom ze hier nooit iets van in het journaal terug zien.
Ook voormalig minister van defensie van Canada doet niet aflatend zijn best de mensheid te laten doordringen van het feit dat buitenaardsen bestaan en ook hun voertuigen. Navolgend een interessant recent interview wat hij had met RT News.
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A Real Life “Hibernation Chamber” is Being Made For Deep Space Travel
A Real Life “Hibernation Chamber” is Being Made For Deep Space Travel
An artist’s rendering of what Spaceworks’ human stasis pods would look like.
Spaceworks, led by John A. Bradford, is proposing to use a new method to allow humans to 'hibernate' during extended space trips.
The process involves cooling the body a little below the normal body temperature (37 C), to slow down heart rate and blood pressure.
Manned, long-term, deep space missions are an exciting prospect, but one that remains in the realm of distant possibilities–particularly because we don’t have all the technological innovations needed to make it happen.
One major consideration is the time it takes to reach the destination. Mars, which is at the top of various space programs’ go-to destinations for manned missions, is about six months if travel time away from Earth. If we wanted to explore even further, keep in mind that New Horizons, the fastest spacecraft to leave Earth, took nine and a half years to reach Pluto.
Science fiction conveniently sidesteps this challenge by putting the space explorers into deep sleep–a state of suspended animation. But slowing the human metabolism down while ensuring that a person will stay alive for extended periods is a lot easier said than done.
Spaceworks human stasis system would use sleep cycles; some crewmembers would be asleep while others kept the ship running.(Spaceworks)
Spaceworks however, led by John A. Bradford, is proposing to use a method they refer to as “therapeutic hypothermia.” The process involves cooling the body a little below the normal body temperature (37 C), to slow down heart rate and blood pressure. This process is already being used in the medical world. By bringing the body temperature of patients undergoing treatment for cardiac arrest or traumatic brain injuries down to 32 and 34 degrees Celsius, doctors have more time to address the issues.
The method normally allows patients to stay in stasis for about 2-4 days, but has worked for as long as two weeks. Spaceworks not only believes they can extend this for months, but also that they can create the technology needed to automate the process and apply it for deep-space missions.
Unlike the cryo-chambers depicted in films however, where row upon row of space travelers are left in suspended animation in individual pods, Spaceworks is conceptualizing an open chamber that allows the crew to go into stasis in shifts.
“There would be some robotic arms and monitoring systems taking care of [the passengers]. They’d have small transnasal tubes for the cooling and some warming systems as well, to bring them back from stasis,” Bradford describes an interview with Quartz.
This not only addresses concerns of adding too much weight to a spacecraft, but also ensures that there will be people awake to manage possible emergencies and conduct standard monitoring.
As for the long-term health effects of space travel, Spaceworks is trying to find ways of incorporating exercise into stasis. The team is looking into using electrical stimulation, which is already used to aid physical therapy. Having this technology in place also solves a lot of logistical issues for manned space missions. With crew members awake, you have to factor in the volume of food, water, and air needed to keep them alive for months and years at a time. It could also help manage the psychological impact of long-term space travel and hopefully lower the risk of space crews succumbing to depression, claustrophobia, or anxiety.
According to Spaceworks, they are due to begin animal testing next year, with human testing set to follow after in space and on the International Space Station.
Conspiracy theorists have named a number of bizarre – and downright terrifying – incidents, sightings and unknowns that still have no scientific explanation.
NO EXPLANATION: There's still lots scientists don't know about aliens and space
Where ARE all the aliens?
According to the Fermi paradox – named after physicist Enrico Fermi – there are billions of stars in the galaxy that are similar to the Sun, many of which are billions of years older than Earth.
That mean there is a high probability some of these stars will have Earth-like planets – and will have developed intelligent life.
Which means there could be aliens out there – but they just haven’t visited Earth yet.
What science can’t explain is why – if aliens are out there – haven’t they visited Earth already?
Despite examining radio signals from other worlds for decades, scientists still haven’t detected any alien life.
NASA's Curiosity Rover captures DEVIL on Mars
Did we discover life on Mars already?
In 1976, the NASA Mars Viking lander was said to have “found life”.
The robot on Mars carried out three experiments to test for life. One came up positive but the other two experiments did not, so the positive result had to be dismissed.
But in 2012 a team of scientists re-examined the data using a new technique – and found evidence of biological life on the Red Planet.
Biologist Joseph Miller said: “The ultimate proof is to take a video of a Martian bacteria and watch the bacteria move.
“On the basis of what we've done so far, I'd say I'm 99 percent sure there's life there.”
What is the placebo effect and its crucial role in medical research?
How does the Placebo effect work?
The placebo effect is the unbelievable phenomenon of people overcoming illness by taking a “fake” sugar pill and believing it is really medicine.
Bizarrely, it appears to still work even when patients know they are taking a sugar pill – the simple act of taking one means they often “cure” themselves of their illness.
And it’s not just tablets, the placebo effect also works if you think you’ve had surgery – but actually haven’t had any at all.
Scientists still don’t have a solid answer for why believing you are taking medicine, when you aren’t actually, cures physical illness.
Here's 'what happens' if you fall into a black hole
What would happen if a person fell into a black hole?
Black hole formation begins when a massive star dies and its core ends up collapsing in on itself.
A black hole is genuinely "black" and so it can only be detected by the effects its gravitational force has on other nearby objects.
Scientists do not know what happens if something – or someone – is sucked into a black hole.
Some theorists have suggested that anything falling into a black hole will be thrown into another universe or dimension.
Physicists used to think you wouldn’t notice you were falling into a black hole – others suggested you’d hit a wall of fire and be burnt to a crisp.
It seems there is no concrete answer – so probably best to avoid going near any.
Expert can move objects thanks to telekinesis
Is telekinesis real?
Isn’t it just a trick that Uri Gellar fella used to do on TV?
Telekinesis – or mind over matter – is the ability to physically control objects without physically touching them.
70s TV magician Uri Gellar was a big name thanks to his trademark spoon bending tricks.
But others still practice the technique – and claim that they really can move objects just by using psychic abilities.
According to author and science expert Dr Claude Swanson, the odds that telekineses is real – and not due to chance – is now measured in billions to one.
“In other words, this phenomenon is real,” he said.
The footage, uploaded to YouTube by the channel Section 51 2, shows a crowd of tourists looking towards the wonder of the ancient world, while three bizarre triangular objects hover above.
The video is one of the clearest ever captures of alleged UFOs, as critics often claim films of supposed alien craft are blurred or too shaky to watch.
It even shows close ups of the upside down pyramids, looking up from the base of the pyramids, as they appear to hover and rotate above three of the relics.
Section 51 2 includes no real details about the alleged sighting, but says in subtitles on the video that it was filmed in April 2016, and the UFOs were present for four hours.
An article accompanying the video on the Section 51 2 website makes no further reference to the alleged sighting in the video.
It instead discusses the Tulli Papyrus, which is an alleged ancient document which suggests that flying saucers, described as "circles of fire", appeared over the pyramids in around 1500 BC.
It also points to an "ancient astronauts" conspiracy theory which claims that the pyramids were built by our ancestors with the help of an advanced race of aliens that visited Earth thousands of years ago.
However, it is likely the video is a clever hoax made using CGI technology.
Critics have pointed out if this actually happened it would likely have made world TV news and not been consigned to one website.
Earl Verity posted on YouTube: "I wish it were true but this is not. would have been the biggest news story of mankind!"
User Kalvash posted on YouTube: "So it was there for several hours and this is the only guy to record and upload it?"
Ancient aliens believers claim these Egyptian hieroglyphs could show space craft and helicopters.
I wish it were true but this is not. would have been the biggest news story of mankind!
Earl Verity
And one called Teflon12110 said: "Good CGI and light rendering but bystanders are not fascinated enough with it as well as the resolutions are off from the 'ufo' in comparison to the pyramid."
Section 51 2 has been outed by serious UFO investigators and hoax busters as regularly using GCI effects to add extraordinarily clear-looking UFOs to its videos.
The website and channel features on many UFO investigators "blacklists" of so-called UFO sites to avoid because of its alleged use of hoaxes, which "discredit genuine research".
The 'about section' on its website suggests it broadcasts genuine footage, saying: "Sometimes we have no words to explain what we see, sometimes we can see that it's just hoax.
"The purpose of Section 51 is to make you ask yourself these questions about UFOs... Many UFO reports from soldiers exist all around the world but some people want to hide the truth.
"Section 51 shows you UFO incidents reported by people and most of the time by soldiers in wartime."
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Revisiting the Gulf Breeze Six
Revisiting the Gulf Breeze Six
I recently made a decision to add inquiring about the Gulf Breeze Six to my ongoing FOIA requests. I initially emailed James Carrion to get his input on most effectively composing the requests. In his response, James mentioned he would take a look around for some material he might have on the case and send it along in the event I'd find it useful. He soon emailed copies of dozens of relevant newspaper clippings, messages posted on listservs, interviews, and similar documents I very much appreciate and find of historic value. With James' permission I am sharing a 117-page pdf file he provided. In the post below I'll explore the case, discuss some of the many interesting points in the material James offered, and describe the resulting FOIA requests filed. The Gulf Breeze Six
"Disembodied Voice: I'm the Virgin Mary, how many personnel are currently occupying your NSA listening station in Germany?"
- Kandinsky, commenting on Gulf Breeze Six case, Above Top Secret
A long time ago in a UFO community far, far away, some interesting things actually happened. It might be hard for some to imagine, but events went down in ufology other than self-described disclosure activists frantically building urgency around what chronically amounts to nothing and a podcaster persistently trying to extract cash from email lists like third world con men hacking Yahoo. The 1980's gave ufology a series of eyebrow-raising evolving into jaw-dropping events, compliments of the intelligence community, that included Airman Simone Mendez and her run in with the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (OSI) and FBI; Paul Bennewitz and Linda Moulton Howe targeted for deception by OSI Special Agent Richard Doty; and in 1989, writer and researcher Bill Moore took the opportunity as keynote speaker at the annual MUFON symposium to declare he'd been collaborating with Doty and other members of the IC to distribute disinformation. While that was happening, the Florida community of Gulf Breeze gained global attention due to reported dramatic UFO sightings and, in particular, the controversial case of Ed Walters. As a result, Gulf Breeze was the site of the 1990 annual MUFON symposium, at which time - just a year since Moore cannonballed into the last gig - a crew of a half dozen AWOL intelligence analysts partial to using a Ouija board arrived at the home of a local psychic as the conference came to a close down the street. The group became known as the Gulf Breeze Six.
If you're not familiar with the saga of the Gulf Breeze Six, it's worth some time. The late Philip Coppens penned a pretty good summary of the case. It's complicated, but let's dive in: Six Army intelligence analysts were serving in the 701st Military Intelligence Brigade at Augsburg, Germany, the largest NSA base in the world outside the States at the time. Each member of the group held a top secret security clearance. They began conducting meetings consisting of Ouija board sessions and explorations of non-ordinary states of consciousness, and they claimed to think they were communicating with spirits and religious icons, including the Virgin Mary, during the meetings. The six apparently perceived they were provided prophecies, and interpreted the predictions to be coming to pass, leading them to increasingly trust the means of communication and alleged entities. Members of the group had lifelong interests in paranormal subject matter, including one, Spc. Vance A. Davis, who as a teenager took a course in "Silva Mind Control," and another, Spc. Kenneth G. Beason, who dabbled in hypnosis and reportedly was interested in UFOs. The six also included Sgt. Annette Eccleston, Pfc. Michael J. Hueckstaedt, Pfc. Kris P. Perlock, and Pfc. William N. Setterberg. They reportedly went over the proverbial wall in early July, 1990, after giving away some belongings and ceremoniously burning their records and books. Another key figure was a Gulf Breeze self-described psychic, Anna Foster, who Perlock met while in cryptology training in Pensacola prior to shipping off to Europe. Foster apparently also befriended Beason when he was stationed in Pensacola. All but Eccleston, the lone female of the six soldiers, were reportedly staying at Foster's apartment while Absent Without Official Leave. Eccleston was apprehended at a campsite at nearby Fort Pickens, for whatever reasons.
Former home of the 701st Military Intelligence Brigade at the US Intelligence Field Station, Augsburg, Germany
The group's beliefs and motives for going AWOL were somewhat unclear, but were at least partially represented to include a desire to deliver information as provided by the mysterious entities to the U.S. president. I'm not sure if they expected Mr. President to be at Anna Foster's place, but anyway... They were also reportedly interested in speaking with an author of UFO books and related conspiracies, quite possibly Bill Cooper, and that would make a little more sense about going to Gulf Breeze before moving on to laying low in the western woods as they claimed was on the itinerary, or I guess it would make more sense. Sorta. Anyhow, it should not be completely surprising that some of the confusion was due to the content of statements originating from the Pentagon and spokespersons after the detention of the six, later retracted through official channels or denied altogether by the former soldiers.
Also adding to the confusion were statements by members of the Gulf Breeze Six, which at times seemed to be unclear if not lacking logic. What's more, some of their acquaintances were quoted in the media as saddling them with remarks and beliefs they later denied. Ideologies attributed to the group included a forthcoming Rapture, alien spaceships frequenting Gulf Breeze, a UFO cover-up conducted by the government, a plot to thwart the Antichrist, significant malevolent forces operating covertly within the U.S. government, and similar mindsets arguably being found with increasing frequency among members of the UFO community and related genres. Some of the beliefs were later defended by Vance Davis and his peers, while some were dismissed as rumors. Any way we look at it, the six were a pretty paranormal-friendly bunch, or at least claimed to be, and landed in Gulf Breeze about the same time a MUFON convention wrapped up on July 8. The six were apparently in Tennessee a few days earlier, where they bought a van and drove it to Florida, arriving July 9, according to Gulf Breeze police, but I strongly suspect that date was established from statements obtained. If not, it would be reasonable to question how police actually knew when the entourage hit town. At any rate, Hueckstaedt soon crossed paths with local law enforcement when he was pulled over in the van for driving with faulty taillights, and the entire group was eventually detained July 13-14. The six were transferred to the custody of intelligence agencies and taken to Fort Benning, GA, and Fort Knox, KY, for interrogation. They were soon issued general discharges and released with minimal consequences. Three of the six, Beason, Eccleston, and Hueckstaedt, returned to Gulf Breeze, remarkably arriving back in town within three weeks of first having been taken into custody. Beason said he returned to the area because of friendships he developed, according to an August 4, 1990, newspaper article titled, Three discharged soldiers return to Gulf Breeze, friends.
Article explaining Beason, Eccleston, and Hueckstaedt returned to Gulf Breeze following their discharges, found on page 67 of pdf file provided by James Carrion
Drilling Down
The above summary leaves many of us with more questions than answers. A sticking point, for instance, has long been understanding how the six navigated international airports without being detained. A partial explanation might include information contained in a July 19, 1990, New York Times article (see p 98 of thepdf file):
The Pentagon said that two of the soldiers went on authorized leave from their unit, the 701st Military Intelligence Brigade at Augsburg, West Germany, about two weeks ago, and never returned. At the same time, two other soldiers from the unit vanished, and officials suspected that two more who were on leave would not return.
Military authorities issued a worldwide alert for the six soldiers on July 9.
July, 1990
That might account for how they managed to get stateside, combined with circumstances reported in an article from the Northwest Florida Daily News (p 64 of the pdf), which suggested the group used forged leave papers. Before the worldwide alert was issued Monday the 9th, Beason and Hueckstaedt could feasibly have made it to Tennessee by Friday, July 6, as reported was the case by the Pensacola News Journal (p 91 of pdf). The two reportedly planned to soon meet the other four (p 69 of pdf,Marin Independent Journal, U.S. soldiers go AWOL to find 'Jesus in a spaceship'). Some, however, including Davis (as cited by Coppens), would later speculate intelligence officials knew of the group's plan all along and were monitoring the journey. A piece in the July 19, 1990, edition of the Pensacola News Journal (pp 90-91 of pdf,6 soldiers here to kill Antichrist) indicated Robert Hall, an Army spokesman, stated authorities didn't know how the six got to the United States. The author of the article also obtained comments from Stan Johnson, a contact of Beason's in Tennessee, who apparently picked up Beason and Hueckstaedt at the Knoxville airport on July 6 and helped them buy the van. "He did mention... about going to Pensacola for a UFO convention," Johnson was interestingly quoted as recalling about Beason. Oh, and the European Stars and Stripes was quoted in the same article (pp 90-91) as reporting the crew of six went to Gulf Breeze to kill the Antichrist, but we'll come back to that in a minute. First, the article indicated the MUFON conference was held in Pensacola July 6-8, and reported MUFON officials "could not say whether Beason or Hueckstaedt attended any of the symposium sessions," but get this: Anna Foster, the psychic who opened her home to the group, apparently did. In what appears to be the next day's edition of the same paper, the July 20, 1990,Pensacola News Journal, a story was published titled, Soldiers were to expose UFO scam, sister says (pp 92-93 of pdf). The article highlights Beason's sister and her husband, Carolyn and Charles Reed, explaining how Beason "said they were going to expose a government cover-up of reports that aliens have visited Earth," although the couple did not seem to take him particularly seriously. The article continued, "The Reeds said Beason also told them that Foster had introduced him to a UFO group that believed the government was covering up alien visits to Earth." "If anybody should be arrested, it should be that lady," Charles Reed told the News Journal about Anna Foster, for what it may or may not be worth. The article interestingly concluded:
The Mutual UFO Network held a symposium on UFOs two weeks ago July 6-8, but the group did not endorse any position on a government cover-up, said Don Ware, a Fort Walton Beach representative of the group.
Although Ware said Foster had attended the symposium, Foster refused comment again Tuesday night.
The Stand Among the more dramatic of the many dramatic story lines to emerge from the saga involved the Antichrist. The previously referenced July 19 article published in the News Journal (pp 90-91 of pdf) reported members of the six were being held at Fort Benning, and that Maj. Joe Padilla, a spokesman for the Pentagon, said he didn't know why they left Germany or anything about their religious beliefs. Gulf Breeze Police Chief Jerry Brown was similarly asked for comment. The article explained:
When he was told of the Stars and Stripes report Wednesday, Brown said, "I don't believe that. Who is the Antichrist?"
If the cult had talked about destroying the Antichrist, that person should have a name, he said.
According to a Georgia MUFON State Section Director, who described a Fort Benning doctor as his source, at least some of the Gulf Breeze Six claimed to believe the Antichrist indeed had a name, and it was Ed Walters. In an August 4, 1990, letter to MUFON International Director Walt Andrus, the Section Director wrote (p 77 of pdf):
In regards to your request that I try to meet with the soldiers here at Fort Benning, Georgia who were involved in the recent "End of the World" deal at Gulf Breeze, Florida, the following negative report is submitted.
I was unable to meet with the soldiers who were being held in the stockade and my fraternity brother, who is a doctor at the base hospital, couldn't get me in to see the two men who were on the psychiatric ward. All I could get from the doctor was relatively the same as that which was out on the media wires. The soldiers had originally met while stationed together in Germany and they believed that the UFOs are works of the 'devil.' They also supposedly claim that Ed Walters is the anti-Christ and that is why the UFO activity has been so heavy in the Florida panhandle. I'm sorry I wasn't able to get anything better on this but the people at the Provost Marshall's office weren't very receptive to the idea of a UFO investigator.
How Bizarre, How Bizarre Other points of interest include Vance Davis describing his mastery of "self-hypnosis through active imagination" as taught in "Silva Mind Control courses that were held in Alex Merklinger's school in New York." Davis purported to interact with entities through such techniques (p 5 of pdf).
Davis stated GB6 colleague Kenneth Beason was practicing hypnosis techniques in an interview published in the January/February, 1995, edition of a Northern California MUFON periodical titled, Case Briefs: Explorations and Review. The item was reprinted with the permission of The Phoenix Newsletter. A passage I find interesting is pictured right and described below. "Did you receive information from sources other than the Ouija Board?" the interviewer asked. Vance Davis replied, "The UFO documents came from a woman (with Ashtar Command) in Germany. (That was the Cooper Report, and other documents.) We didn't really get anything from work, (but) we started seeing things differently. The first thing that really got us moving, and they didn't put this in the statements, (was) the Iran earthquake that year (1990), because we were told about it thirty days before it occurred. We were also doing hypnosis." "Was Beason hypnotizing you?" "Yeah. It was a relaxed state; like Edgar Cayce used to do. We were doing a lot of parapsychology research. A whole lot of it. We did Tarot cards, and all that kind of stuff. We were trying to disprove all of this stuff, until the Ouija Board happened and some hypnosis stuff."
In his book, Unbroken Promises: A True Story of Courage and Belief, Davis further described the group's sessions, as well as the woman in Germany (p 29 of pdf):
This third session ended up giving us the name of a woman in Munich that would have some information for us on the alien and UFO situation. The woman's name was Gabriel. We did, indeed, find that woman in Munich and she gave us some information and documents that were interesting, to say the least. That paperwork was taken by the officer that arrested Mike [Hueckstaedt] in Pensacola. We never saw it again.
The sessions included perceived interactions with Biblical icons Mark and Mother Mary, the latter of which curiously seemed to have arrived via the Ouija board to answer questions for Annette Eccleston, who "grew up a Catholic, but was no longer a practicing Catholic." (p 30 of pdf) Much more can be learned about the sessions and how the group members were influenced in the pdf file. Oddly enough, such activity in the vicinity of the base and interest in the subject matter may very well not have been limited to the wayward six. There may have been others involved. Beason's sister and brother-in-law, the Reeds, told the Pensacola News Journal the man claimed to believe the Rapture was imminent and his group of twelve, not six, was prepping. The News Journal reported, "He also told the couple that before the second coming of Christ the group - which Beason said numbers 12 - would emerge and try to convert people to believe in Christ, the Reeds said." (p 92 of pdf) For what it's worth, the Northwest Florida Daily News piled on, citing Stars and Stripes as reporting there were indeed more interested parties (p 79 of pdf):
A member of their unit told the newspaper Stars and Stripes the six were out to find and destroy Antichrist, the figure the Bible says will challenge Christ. He spoke on the condition his name would not be disclosed.
Padilla, an Army spokesman at the Pentagon, Wednesday retracted an earlier statement that the six were members of a group known as "The End of the World."
But Stars and Stripes quoted the soldier from the Augsburg unit as saying the cult has additional members in the area.
"There are others who are upset they didn't get invited" to go along on the search for the Antichrist, the newspaper quoted the soldier as saying.
The cherry on top the bizarro milkshake may have been delivered in the form of "an unsigned typewritten note presumably sent to the US Army and all the major TV networks and wire services demanding the release of 'The Gulf Breeze Six,'" as reported August 16, 1990, in the Gulf Breeze Sentinel (read the transcript). The message in question was also reported by Jacques Vallee via Revelations, among other sources, and related discussion may be viewed on page one of the pdf fileprovided by James Carrion and referenced throughout this blog post. The Sentinel article stated, "Mark Curtis at WEAR Channel 3 first shared this intriguing note with The Sentinel two days before the announcement that the Gulf Breeze Six were discharged from the Army and released." The message contained in the note, which was reported to have been typed in all caps and accompanied by images, stated in full:
U.S. Army:
Free the Gulf Breeze Six.
We have the missing plans, the box of 500+ photos and the plans you want back.
Here is proof with close-ups cut out.
Next we send the closeups and then everything unless they are released.
Answer code AUGSBB3CM
Possibilities I suppose reasonable conclusions about the chain of events would have to include what many might argue is most obvious: The Gulf Breeze Six were young, impressionable, and open-minded to a fault. That might be an explanation, pending further information allowing more conspiratorial conclusions be drawn. Maybe the rest is just history, or at least what's known about it. Such happens. A lot, around ufology. Another perspective was offered by Coppens. Reasonable and interesting, I'd say:
"Logic" – which does not really come into this story, but somehow needs to be applied to keep a reasonable level of sanity, I would suggest – suggests that something else was going; that this group was singled out and became the victim of an experiment, which their pre-joining interests made them predisposed towards, and which "someone" carefully remoulded to see to test out a hypothesis. If this is true, then the scenario was successful, and when the test was concluded, they were rounded up, brought in… and allowed to tell their story, so that the public disclosure of their story would serve part of the exercise as well.
There are researchers, including George P. Hansen, who suspect individuals who become ensnared in the twilight where the IC meets ufology may land on the radar of intelligence agencies because of their interests in UFOs and paranormal subject matter, not in spite of it. From Hansen's The Trickster and the Paranormal, page 232:
[Richard] Doty was apparently involved with the dubious Ellsworth UFO case before he entered AFOSI. Why then was he made a Special Agent? Given the sensitive nature of that agency's work, an extensive background check must have been done, and his caper at Ellsworth must have come to light. It is plausible that Doty was recruited by AFOSI precisely because of that. His personal interest in UFOs may have been useful to AFOSI, and his unreliability could have been an asset because he could be easily discredited if he was caught in something that might embarrass the agency.
The plausibility of this scenario is strengthened by the case of Simone Mendez. Her story appeared in Just Cause in 1991, after documentation supporting her report became available via the FOIA. It leaves many questions unanswered, but it implicates the AFOSI.
Liner Notes Related matters of interest include: - Former MUFON Eastern Regional Director Donald Ware, who the Pensacola News Journal attributed with stating Anna Foster attended the MUFON 1990 International UFO Symposium, in 1992 guided Leah Haley on a now infamous hike across Eglin Air Force Base. They were in search of an alien spacecraft suspected to be downed by the U.S. military with Haley aboard. The unsubstantiated tale resulted from hypnosis sessions conducted on Haley by John Carpenter, another former MUFON director, who became entangled in the Carpenter Affair. In 1993 Ware was removed from the board in what then-International Director Walt Andrus called an unprecedented election in the July, 1993, MUFON UFO Journal. In his "Director's Message,"
Andrus explained to Journal readers:
This action stemmed from continued advisory statements by members of the Executive Committee to Don that he refrain from mailing books to Board members and Eastern Regional State Directors espousing "channeling" philosophies and techniques over a two year period.
As a result of Mr. Ware's fascination with channeling as a means of communicating with aliens or entities, he invited Dr. Norma Milanovich, a professed channeler, to attend the closed MUFON "Face-to-Face" meeting in Albuquerque, NM in July 1992 and allowed her to read her channeled answers to the questions posed for discussion by the participants. Much to the shock and dismay of MUFON officers attending, Dr. Milanovich read the answers from a computer print-out which she claims was obtained from "Master Kuthumi" during a 33-minute period the previous night.
Ware went on to direct the International UFO Congress from 1993-2010. - The former home of the Gulf Breeze Six and the 701st Military Intelligence Brigade, the US Intelligence Field Station of Augsburg, was the old stomping grounds of Maj. Gen. Bert Stubblebine and Sgt. Lyn Buchanan as portrayed in Jon Ronson's The Men Who Stare at Goats. A few years before the Gulf Breeze Six arrived, career intelligence officer Stubblebine was deeply involved in unconventional avenues of research. He was credited with creating Remote Viewing and went on to become what could reasonably be described as an irrational conspiracy theorist. Buchanan, who worked with Stubblebine and was involved in the Remote Viewing initiative, considers himself an alien abductee, as explored in an interview he generously provided me. - Rima Laibow, MD, was a speaker at the MUFON 1990 International UFO Symposium in Pensacola. Her pro-hypnosis platform and promotion of alleged alien abduction were viewed favorably by MUFON, as was the case with her fellow speaker, Budd Hopkins. Dr. Laibow went on to marry Maj. Gen. Stubblebine. - In 1991 the 701st MI Brigade was awarded the prestigious Director of the National Security Agency's Travis Trophy. The award was granted for having made the nation's most significant contribution in signals intelligence. - In 1989 Anna Foster published her book, Song of my soul. FOIA I recently submitted four FOIA requests on the Gulf Breeze Six. One was to the NSA, asking they conduct a Mandatory Declassification Review, or MDR, of the filereferenced by Coppens. He stated 1400 of its 1600 pages were withheld, so perhaps more of that will be released. I also requested NSA provide records pertaining to investigations of the individuals and their activities, as suggested in newspaper clippings. I similarly requested the Army conduct an MDR of the file referenced by Coppens, as well as related records on the group. Newspaper clippings, establishing the existence of such Army investigations of the six, were offered in support. The CIA and FBI were also queried, with files requested on interactions with and investigations of the Gulf Breeze Six. Offered in support was a July 19, 1990, article (p 81 of pdf) which stated, "Gulf Breeze Police Chief Jerry Brown said that no arrests were made, and [the six] were turned over to the CIA and FBI before going to Fort Benning." Also cited was a July 17, 1990, clipping (pp 86-87) which attributed Police Chief Brown with stating the FBI, CIA and NSA called the Gulf Breeze Police Department following the soldiers' detention.
09-03-2017 om 13:10
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Colombia: Three Alleged UFOs over Plata (Huila)
Colombia: Three Alleged UFOs over Plata (Huila)
SOURCE: GIFPU and Planeta UFO Date: 03.04.2017 A report by Joe Carpio, GIFPU
Colombia: Three Alleged UFOs Over Plata (Huila)
On March 3, 2017, starting at 3:00 p.m., a phenomenon was recorded over Plata (Huila) that left locals looking for answers. Three mysterious UFOs were sighted in the skies over the community. According to eyewitnesses, the objects remained static most of the time and as evening grew closer, they flew toward each other quickly until they vanished.
A witness to the event remarked: "Three unidentified flying vehicles remained static most of the afternoon until dusk, then flew quickly toward each other until they vanished," according to Lucas Martinez.
UFO sightings over Colombia are on the rise with many more cases reporting everything from small lights to possible structured craft flying over towns, municipalities and even some of the nation's cities.
Photos show white objects, clearly distant from the witnesses. A drawing depicts the manner in which the craft were described by witnesses.
The accompanying video is from Garzón (Huila) near Plata and shows the presence of UFOs in the afternoon of 20 February 2017:
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
OVNIS dans le ciel de Saint-Leu
OVNIS dans le ciel de Saint-Leu
Patrice Huet a réalisé ce montage photographique avec en haut à droite l'horizon et plusieurs grossissements du phénomène observé dans le ciel de Saint-Leu.
(Photos Patrice Huet)
INSOLITE.Directeur scientifique de la cité du volcan, féru d'astronomie, Patrice Huet a été le témoin involontaire mais privilégié d'un étrange ballet aérien dans le ciel de Saint-Leu dimanche dernier au crépuscule. Aucune explication n'a pour l'instant été apportée au phénomène que Patrice Huet a pu photographier.
Quels sont ces objets volants qui se sont inscrits dans le ciel de Saint-Leu en fin d'après-midi dimanche dernier ? Le ballet aérien n'a semble-t-il eu que peu de témoins mais le hasard qui a mis Patrice Huet aux premières loges pour assister brièvement au spectacle a bien fait les choses.
Directeur scientifique de la Cité du volcan, Patrice Huet est autant passionné de volcanologie que féru d'astronomie. Observer le ciel est pour lui une seconde nature. Que ce soit lui qui ait immortalisé cet étrange phénomène, donne un poids particulier à cette observation dans la mesure où l'on est en présence d'un témoin crédible qui ne laisse aucune place au sensationnalisme ou à la manipulation.
Peu avant 19 heures, dimanche dernier, Patrice Huet roule en voiture avec sa compagne. À hauteur de Saint-Leu, il jette machinalement un regard vers le ciel. Il fait un temps superbe. «Nous étions quelques minutes après le coucher du soleil, confie Patrice Huet. À force d'observer le ciel j'ai acquis une certaine facilité à identifier les phénomènes qui s'y passent. Soudain avec ma compagne notre regard a été attiré par un point lumineux sur la mer en direction de l'ouest - sud-ouest et à environ 10, 15° au-dessus de l'horizon».
trois points lumineux dans le ciel
Patrice Huet pense avoir identifié Mercure. « C'est alors que j'ai aperçu deux autres points lumineux plus ou moins alignés au dessous. » Surpris par l'apparition de ces trois points lumineux, Patrice Huet décide de s'arrêter. « Le temps de garer la voiture, il n'en restait plus qu'un ». Par chance il a avec lui son appareil photo. Il réalise quelques clichés mais le temps de retourner à la voiture pour prendre un objectif plus adapté, le rideau est retombé sur cette scène des plus insolites.
« Je n'ai pas pu voir la fin du phénomène. Il semblait se déplacer avec des composantes verticales et horizontale vers la droite. »
Patrice Huet a marqué d'une flèche les différents points observés. En dessous de la flèche centrale l'objet qu'il a agrandi.
Si à l'œil nu on ne voit qu'un point lumineux, le 250 mm de Patrice Huet a capté quelques détails étonnants. Il réalise le photo montage que nous publions. On y voit à gauche l'horizon au moment de l'observation. Le phénomène n'est pas dans le champ, il est légèrement sur la gauche. Cependant on distingue les trainées d'un avion avec un léger bougé sur la partie droite de la photo. Sur l'autre photo, Patrice Huet a signalé avec des flèches noires, quatre points noirs qu'il n'avait pas remarqué lors de la prise de vue.
Après la parution dimanche dernier de notre dossier sur les manifestations extraterrestres, certains auront vite fait de faire le rapprochement.
S'il a la tête dans les étoiles, Patrice Huet garde, lui, les pieds sur terre. Pas question pour cet esprit scientifique d'aller chercher des explications abracadabrantes. Il a envoyé ses clichés à Franck Marchis et à l'astronaute Jean-Jacques Favier.
L'un et l'autre sont venus animer à la Réunion des cycles de conférence. D'origine réunionnaise, Franck Marchis est astronome et planétologue. Il est actuellement chercheur à l'Institut SETI, un organisme sans but lucratif qui a pour mission d'"explorer, comprendre et expliquer l'origine, la nature et la prévalence de la vie dans l'univers". Il est surtout connu pour la découverte et la caractérisation de plusieurs astéroïdes, ses études sur le volcanisme de Io et sur l'imagerie des exoplanètes, les planètes qui gravitent autour d'autres étoiles que le Soleil. L'astéroïde (6639) Marchis a été nommé en son honneur le 4 avril 2007. Jean-Jacques Favier a été le premier scientifique français à passer seize jours à bord de la navette Columbia du 20 juin au 7 juillet 1998.
Patrice Huet compte sur l'éclairage de ces deux spécialistes pour percer l'énigme de son observation.
Ready to fly, drive and take the train to work? Airbus and Italdesign have taken the wraps off an incredible pod design that combines all three into the last vehicle you could ever need. The Pop.up system is a concept that combines artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and Hyperloop into a futuristic machine designed to traverse cities at speed.
“Adding the third dimension to seamless multi-modal transportation networks will without a doubt improve the way we live and how we get from A to B,” said Mathias Thomsen, general manager for urban air mobility at Airbus, at the vehicle’s world premiere during the 87th Geneva International Motor Show on Tuesday.
At its core, the vehicle consists of a monocoque carbon-fiber pod with two seats, measuring 8.5 feet by 4.9 feet, standing 4.6 feet tall. The pod couples on the base with a four-wheel ground module for driving, but in certain situations, an air module will connect to the roof. The module, measuring 16.4 feet by 14.4 feet, has eight counter-rotating rotors that can propel it through the air at around 60 miles per hour. It can also drive at 60 miles per hour. Both the air module and the ground module take about 15 minutes to charge — the ground module has an 80-mile range, and the air module can go 60, without a payload. Airbus doesn’t state how far the air module can travel with passengers on board.
Passengers will use an app to call a ride, the system will choose the best module for the occasion, and the whole pod will work out the best way to drive itself. Artificial intelligence is used to make the experience as seamless as possible, for example by choosing the air module to avoid traffic congestion in major cities. An augmented reality overlay provides details about sights throughout the city, allowing users to give their opinion on city proposals and accept event invites. At the end of the trip, the components all return themselves to a charging station for the next user.
The batteries located inside the modules link up to the pod and share charge.
The modular system allows for integration with other forms of publicly-available transit, with Airbus naming Hyperloop as one example. Elon Musk’s design for a 700 mile per hour vacuum-sealed train has captured the imaginations of city and vehicle designers, and Pop.Up’s creators are no exception.
“[The] passenger pod concept envisaged by Hyperloop could intuitively integrate well with Pop.Up,” an Airbus spokesperson tells Inverse. “For instance, the last mile to and from Hyperloop stations could be transported with the Pop.Up air module.”
It’s not the first company to explore this idea. Hyperloop One, a company aiming to bring the train system to reality, has also described a system where self-driving cars can link up with the network, drive into the nearest Hyperloop portal and cut transit times dramatically. An Airbus spokesperson tells Inverse that the company does not yet have any direct contact with Hyperloop firms, but that it is open to exploring opportunities.
As for when you’ll be able to try one of these, Airbus has no current plans to bring the vehicle to market, but believes a vehicle similar to the concept could debut somewhere in the 2024 to 2027 range.
In The Martian, astronaut Mark Watney starts growing a farm on Mars using the potatoes meant for Thanksgiving dinner. As it turns out, this might actually be possible in real life if humans ever do colonize Mars. Scientists from the International Potato Center (CIP) (yes, it’s an actual thing) successfully grew potatoes grown in a synthetic soil that mimics the Martian earth.
The CIP started the Potatoes on Mars project in February 2016 in Lima, Peru to see how potatoes would grow and survive in Martian conditions. Wednesday’s announcement of positive results could open up a world of extraterrestrial agriculture that makes it much easier for future generations living on another world to keep themselves full and fed.
“The question we want to know is, can you grow food on Mars,” Chris McKay of NASA’s Ames Research Center tells Inverse. “Potatoes are a good example of a good food. We eat a lot of them. There’s been a lot of research on potatoes as a life support crop. For this particular crop, we want to know how close to Mars-like conditions can potatoes grow.”
Scientists chose to experiment with potatoes because these crops have a high genetic capacity for adapting to extreme environments. Previously, the CIP has grown potatoes that can tolerate conditions caused by climate change, like soil salinity and drought. For this experiment, scientists grew potatoes in soil from the Pampas de La Joya desert in southern Peru, which is dry and similar to Mars’s soil.
These potatoes have been growing inside a CubeSat, which has a container with soil and the tubers and a suite of sensors and cameras to monitor the conditions. It delivers nutrient rich water and simulates Mars’s temperature, air pressure, and atmosphere.
The scientists will continue conducting experiments to find out what kind of potatoes grow best and what minimum conditions potatoes need to survive, including low pressures and low temperatures. This experiment also has practical uses for Earth, as scientists will test whether potatoes can grow in extreme conditions that might hit Earth because of climate change.
On Earth, farmers grow potatoes under warm conditions, but on Mars, the temperatures and pressure are much lower. However, if potatoes can stand Mars-like conditions, in the future, astronauts might not need to build a greenhouse that simulates Earth-like conditions.
“Maybe it could be a tenth of Earth-like conditions,” McKay says. “That makes the greenhouse a lot easier to build.”
Right now, astronauts in space currently eat freeze-dried space food. But for extended missions, like missions to Mars, this isn’t practical, as astronauts need more nutrients, and freezing takes up resources. Plus, if we move onto Mars, we need a sustainable way to grow food and produce oxygen — otherwise, we’ll run out.
NASA’s Advanced Food Technology Project is working on solutions to feed astronauts in space while minimizing waste and energy costs. If we were to send a crew to Mars now, we’d have to load their spacecraft with 7,000 pounds of food. But growing fruits and vegetables would lessen the amount of food astronauts would need to bring to Mars. Plus, astronauts will be healthier and happier from eating food that is not irradiated turkey or astronaut ice cream.
According to McKay, in the near future, NASA hopes to take this potato experiment to the red planet to actually grow them on Mars’s red soil. The payload would have to be as minimal as possible.
“We’d do that experiment way before people go to Mars,” McKay says. “The first time we grow potatoes on Mars isn’t going to be for someone’s dinner. It will be to make sure it works.”
Like Mark Watney, in the future, we may survive on Mars by getting our fill of potato carbs, without having to alter the soil much. But hopefully our crops don’t get destroyed by an airlock explosion.
“It looks like potatoes can do fine in the soil,” McKay says. “You don’t need to add human manure the way they did in that movie.”
New data from NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope and the Herschel Space Observatory is undoing a century of scientific evidence, boggling astronomer’s minds and proving that nothing in the universe is set in stone.
There are several star clusters sprinkled throughout the Large Magellanic Cloud, a galaxy neighboring the Milky Way. A star cluster is a group of stars, originally believed to all be created around the same time, and held together by gravity until galactic winds eventually sweep them apart. Clusters have acted as a kind of control group for scientists who are studying how new stars form. But, now, it appears they aren’t actually controlled environments at all.
In some of these star clusters, a research group from the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research in Perth observed the presence of newborn stars, which would indicate the cluster are not on a timestamped life but rather constantly evolving. To verify this, the group cross-matched the sites of the clusters with sites of newborn stars. In the resulting analysis, scientists concluded that there were at least 15 young stars residing in much older clusters. The results are published in the new issue of the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
“We believe the younger stars have actually been created out of the matter ejected from older stars as they die, which would mean we have discovered multiple generations of stars belonging to the same cluster,” Kenji Bekki an ICRAR astronomer and co-author of the new paper, said in a press release.
This throws all previous knowledge of clusters out the window, affecting models and data that have been collected over the past 100 years. To further understand this new discovery, scientists will be using the Hubble Space Telescope to probe the Large Magellanic Cloud with ultraviolet light to see beyond the stellar dust shrouding the young stars from scientists’ view.
“If we point Hubble at the clusters we’ve been studying, we should be able to see both young and old stars and confirm once and for all that star clusters can contain several generations of stars,” said Bekki.
Photos via NASA/JPL-Caltech/M. Meixner (STScI) & the SAGE Legacy Team.
The Gigantic Megaliths of Ural Mountains in Russia
The Gigantic Megaliths of Ural Mountains in Russia
Published on Mar 25, 2016
This is simply an audio improved version of the video called "Bigger than Baalbek...The amazing megaliths of the Ural Mountains". While the audio is much better, there will be no new information for those who have watched the original video. Actually the new information about these megaliths could be found in the video called "Cyclopean megaliths, main characteristics of the category, the forgotten type of megaliths" and there will be a bit more new in the next video about the pancake stone where I will publish the opinion of A.Koltypin about them.
If you want to participate in the research in your area please view a world wide list of sites of which field report is needed
If know of an interesting megalithic or mysterious historic site / artefact please submit it here
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Once used as a ceremonial spot for the followers of a secretive religious sect, these are the underground caves offering safe haven after leaders of the free world brutally dismantled the group's power base.
The caves in Shropshire were once a place of pilgrimage and worship for followers of the Knights Templar, a feared fighting force during the Crusades who built an international power base on their reputation and spoils.
The untouched caverns date back to a time when the Knights were prominent before King Philip IV of France, fearful of their power and deeply in their debt, attempted to dismantle the renowned group.
Many were tortured into confessions and burnt at the stake in order to publicly discredit them, but after they were literally forced underground, caves such as those in Shropshire offered haven to members and followers.
The Caynton Caves lay untouched for years and it is still not known exactly when they were carved. Some believe it was by their knights 700 years ago while some think it was by their followers in the 17th century.
In recent times they have been used by numerous groups including druids and pagans wishing to find a safe place to worship, as the Templar's followers had used it for centuries ago.
Although they were closed up five years ago after the landowners became sick of the constant requests and found the caves strewn with litter and new carvings, adding to the crosses etched in the walls from long ago.
Photographer Michael Scott, from Birmingham, 33, captured the eerie pictures of the inside for the first time since it was shut in 2012. He said: 'I traipsed over a field to find it, but if you didn't know it was there you would just walk right past it. It's probably less than a metre underground, so it's more into the field than under it.
'Considering how long it's been there it's in amazing condition, it's like an underground temple.'
Down the rabbit hole! Gorgeous caves hidden under farmer's field
Shadowy: Once used as a ceremonial spot for the followers of a secretive religious sect, these are the underground caves offering safe haven after leaders of the free world brutally dismantled the group's power base
Historic: The caves in Shropshire were once a place of pilgrimage and worship for followers of the Knights Templar, a feared fighting force during the Crusades who built an international power base on their reputation and spoils
Enlightened: Sunlight rushes in through the small openings in the caves, just metres under the surface of the ground in Shropshire, once used by followers of the Knights Templar (right, stock image) that made its name in the Crusades
Forced underground: The untouched caverns date back to a time when the Knights were prominent before King Philip IV of France, fearful of their power and deeply in their debt, attempted to dismantle the renowned group
Scratching the surface: The entrances to the caves look barely bigger than rabbit holes when seen from the ground above but below is an intricate underground cavern
Born again: In recent times they have been used by numerous groups including druids and pagans wishing to find a safe place to worship, as the Templar's followers had used it for centuries ago
Casting a shadow: The caves were closed up five years ago after the landowners became sick of the constant requests and found the caves strewn with litter and new carvings, adding to the crosses etched in the walls from years gone by
Light it up: Photographer Michael Scott, from Birmingham, set out in search of the historical wonder after seeing a video of it online and captured the eerie pictures of the inside for the first time since it was shut in 2012
Holy place: Inside the caves, as well as plenty of places to rest candles, there is what appears to be a basic stone altar on the wall on the right
Hole in the wall: The intricately carved caves feature cleverly engineered pillars to hold the weight and make them safe for the worshipers inside, as well as ornate archways and squares
Lost in time: The Caynton Caves lay untouched for years and it is still not known exactly when they were carved. Some believe it was by their knights 700 years ago while some think it was by their followers in the 17th century
Safe haven: In recent times they have been used by numerous groups including druids and pagans wishing to find a safe place to worship, as the Templar's followers had used it for centuries ago.
See the light: The caves add fuel to the widely held view that the Templar were not disbanded in the 14th century after being attacked by the French king, but instead went underground and still exert control within many powerful organisations
Konijnenhol leidt naar 700 jaar oud grottencomplex van de geheimzinnige Tempeliers
Konijnenhol leidt naar 700 jaar oud grottencomplex van de geheimzinnige Tempeliers
Een konijnenhol in Groot-Brittannië leidt naar de ingang van een indrukwekkend grottencomplex dat werd gebruikt door de Tempeliers.
De grotten zijn te vinden onder een weiland in Shropshire. Fotograaf Michael Scott besloot de plek te bezoeken nadat hij op internet een filmpje over de grotten had gezien.
Eenmaal onder de grond stuitte Scott op gangen, holle ruimtes en uitbouwen. “Ik moest kruipen om binnen te kunnen komen,” zei hij. “Toen ik binnen was hoorde ik helemaal niets. Er waren alleen een paar spinnen.”
De grotten, die 700 jaar oud zouden zijn, worden in verband gebracht met de Tempeliers, een kruisridderorde die een Heilige Oorlog voerde tegen de moslims in het Heilige Land.
Grottenstelsel (Caters News)
De orde, die vernoemd is naar de Tempelberg, werd in 1119 opgericht om pelgrims die het Heilige Land bezochten te beschermen.
De ridderorde had in middeleeuws Europa veel macht. De Tempeliers werden uiteindelijk zo machtig en rijk dat koning Filips IV van Frankrijk er alles aan deed om van ze af te komen.
Zwarte magie
Veel Tempeliers werden gearresteerd wegens ketterij en tientallen belandden op de brandstapel.
Paus Clemens V hief de orde in 1307 op.
Voordat Scott de grotten bezocht waren ze een aantal jaren gesloten. Door rituelen met zwarte magie moesten de eigenaars de ingang naar de grotten in 2012 afsluiten, meldt de Birmingham Mail.
In kringen van vrijmetselaars gaat het verhaal dat de orde nog eeuwenlang in het geheim is blijven bestaan.
In sommige boeken valt te lezen dat er nog tot in deze eeuw grootmeesters van de Tempeliers in functie zijn.
Two Foo Fighters Following Plane Over Sweden On Feb 25, 2017, Photos, UFO Sighting News
Two Foo Fighters Following Plane Over Sweden On Feb 25, 2017, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: February 25, 2017
Location of sighting: Gnesta, Sodermanland, Sweden
Source: MUFON #82564 Back in WWI and WWII this type of UFOs were called Foo Fighters. A large glowing orb that was as big as a car and often matched speed with the fighter planes, flying a log side them for hours at a time. Awesome to see they are still out there. Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
Me and my girlfriend where out on our lawn, I´ve had my camera with me as usually. My girlfriend noticed an airplane in the sky above with some strange gloving lights behind it. I managed to take one photo before it dissapered behind a cloud.
Beste bezoeker, Heb je zelf al ooit een vreemde waarneming gedaan, laat dit dan even weten via email aan Frederick Delaere Deze onderzoekers behandelen jouw melding in volledige anonimiteit en met alle respect voor jouw privacy. Ze zijn kritisch, objectief maar open minded aangelegd en zullen jou steeds een verklaring geven voor jouw waarneming! DUS AARZEL NIET, ALS JE EEN ANTWOORD OP JOUW VRAGEN WENST, CONTACTEER FREDERICK. BIJ VOORBAAT DANK...
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.