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The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
What is the bizarre UFO which is appearing above cities ALL ACROSS Europe?
What is the bizarre UFO which is appearing above cities ALL ACROSS Europe?
A SPATE of similar UFO sightings at different locations across the UK and Europe has convinced some that aliens really ARE visiting Earth.
But, UK UFO expert Nigel Watson, author of the UFO Investigations Manual, believes he knows what is causing the crop in sightings - and it is from outer space.
Venus has been visible in the night sky since the start of the new year and he believes it is the planet which is behind the huge rise in claims.
Mr Watson said: "The latest crop of UFO videos in the UK and Europe might well be due to the current brightness and visibility of Venus in our night skies.
"It not only looks strange to human observers but when videoed can appear even odder due to lens reflections, autofocusing and the motion of the camera that can give the illusion a stationary object is darting about."
The green UFO filmed in Salento, Italy, that may just be Venus.
He pointed to a video on YouTube entitled "A Real Huge, Silent, Triangular UFO Hovering Nr Bitterne, Southampton, Hants, UK" which was posted this month.
He said: "It looks impressive but could well be Venus and reflections on a window."
Mr Watson also looked at footage of a green UFO taken in Salento, Italy, at around 8pm on January 9 by Lucio Margiotta and posted on Facebook.
He said: "The light in the sky that turns into a ring of light looks impressive, but much of the mystery was probably caused by the smartphone used to video this event.
"It is noteworthy that the distant light only turns into a halo when Lucio Margiotta zooms in on it, which suggests that the autofocus system of the camera is distorting the light to produce this unusual effect.
"Other independent witnesses said they also saw this light, but without further details we can only assume at this stage that the video is just a product of the smartphone technology rather than the product of aliens intent on surveying our planet in preparation for the day they finally reveal themselves to us."
There have also been reports in local media of people believing there as a spaceship over Watford earlier this month, when Venus was visible near the moon.
Mr Watson's theory appears to be backed by an report from September 2015.
Then we reported how a man recorded a series of bizarre shapes when he zoomed in on what he knew to be Venus over New York.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:News from the FRIENDS of facebook ( ENG )
Two decades later, 'Phoenix Lights' remains a mystery
(FOX 10 Phoenix)
Two decades later, 'Phoenix Lights' remains a mystery
By FOX 10 Phoenix
It's a date many people will remember, as it is the night the so-called "Phoenix Lights" event took place. 20 years ago. In the two decades since that mysterious night, there have been lots of theories over the light's origins.
Some say it was military flares.
Some say it was hot air balloons.
Those who believe in the theory that extraterrestrial beings were behind the Phoenix Lights also endure ridicule from skeptics who say otherwise.
The sightings that night would become the subject of a book, as well as a documentary, by Phoenix physician Lynne Kitei. She was a witness to the Phoenix Lights. She saw the lights from her Paradise Valley home, and snapped some photographs.
"I have no idea what they were," said Kitei.
It took Kitei seven years to come forward. Those who first talked about the Phoenix Lights suffered because of it. Former Phoenix City Councilwoman Frances Barwood was the first public official to draw attention to the Phoenix Lights. Now living near Prescott, Barwood asked about the sights at a City Council meeting, weeks after the lights appeared.
"I asked if anybody knew what this object was and could we check into it," said Barwood. "I was met by a whole bunch of stares."
Aardappelen kweken om te overleven op Mars: Matt Damon deed het ons al voor in 'The Martian'. Maar mogelijk kan het ook in werkelijkheid, zo concludeert een onderzoek van het International Potato Center in Peru na een jaar experimenteren.
De wetenschappers in Lima zetten een reeks experimenten op touw waarbij ze de omstandigheden op de rode planeet zo goed mogelijk probeerden na te bootsen. Verschillende aardappelsoorten werden uitgezet. Bedoeling was niet enkel te onderzoeken of de mens in de - verre - toekomst de knollen zou kunnen kweken op Mars, maar ook welke soorten het best geschikt zijn om op aarde in barre klimatologische omstandigheden te kweken.
Het aardappelcentrum werkte samen met ruimtevaartorganisatie NASA en gebruikte grond uit de Pampas de La Joya, een woestijn in het zuiden van Peru. Die grond, droog en rijk aan zout, lijkt het felst op wat er zich in de bodem van Mars bevindt. Daarbovenop werd een hermetisch afgesloten ruimte gebouwd, de zogenaamde CubeSat. Die kan extra voeding aan de grond toevoegen en de temperatuur, luchtdruk, en het zuurstof- en koolstofdioxidegehalte regelen om de omgeving op Mars zo goed als mogelijk na te bootsen. Ook op Mars zouden de aardappelen enkel in een afgesloten serre gekweekt kunnen worden.
Niet alle aardappelvariëteiten bleken tijdens het experiment even succesvol. Maar de wetenschappers konden wel een soort die het goed doet in een zoute en harde omgeving ook in de CubeSat tot volwaardige aardappelen laten uitgroeien.
"Als de aardappelen de extreme condities waaraan wij ze onderwerpen, kunnen weerstaan, is er een goede kans dat ze ook op Mars kunnen groeien", zegt Julio Valdivia-Silva van het onderzoekscentrum.
Wie de aardappelen live wil zien groeien, kan trouwens terecht op de livestream van het Potato Center:
Een konijnenhol op het Engelse platteland heeft geleid naar een eeuwenoud gangenstelsel. De grot werd door fotograaf Michael Scott op camera vastgelegd.
Het ondergrondse stelsel werd ontdekt door een boer vlakbij het dorpje Shifnal, in de buurt van de stad Birmingham. Archeologen denken dat de grot werd gebruikt door late volgers van de Orde van de Tempeliers, een christelijke kruisridderorde die vocht ten tijde van de kruistochten in het Midden-Oosten in de 12de eeuw.
Het stelsel ligt amper één meter onder de grond en bestaat uit tientallen smalle gangetjes. Bogen die zijn uitgehouwen uit zandsteen houden de boel overeind. De enige manier om toegang te krijgen tot de grot is via het konijnenhol. Het gangenstelsel lijkt volledig intact.
Waarvoor de grot werd gebruikt en hoe oud het stelsel precies is, is nog onduidelijk. Archeologen van Historic England beschrijven de ondergrondse ruimte als een zogenoemde 'grotto': een natuurlijke of aangelegde grot die wordt of werd gebruikt door de mens. Ook denken ze dat de grot werd gebruikt voor het uitvoeren van rituelen van zwarte magie.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Deze mysterieuze moordzaak werd nooit opgelost: “Alien neergeschoten bij Amerikaanse vliegbasis”
Deze mysterieuze moordzaak werd nooit opgelost: “Alien neergeschoten bij Amerikaanse vliegbasis”
We schrijven 18 januari 1978. De politie van de Amerikaanse staat New Jersey wil toegang tot de McGuire Air Force Base.
Boven die basis en boven de nabijgelegen basis Fort Dix zijn eerder op de avond UFO’s waargenomen. Maar de politie was niet alleen op zoek naar vreemde lichten in de lucht.
De politieagenten lieten weten dat een militaire politieagent die op Fort Dix was gestationeerd een onbekend object over zijn auto had zien vliegen.
Hij trapte in paniek op de rem, waarna er voor zijn auto een klein wezen met een groot hoofd, zwarte ogen en een dun lichaam opdoemde.
De agent stapte uit en richtte zijn wapen op het wezen. Hij gaf het de opdracht op de grond te gaan liggen en toen het niet reageerde, begon hij te schieten.
Het gewonde wezen vluchtte en rende naar McGuire, waar het op een landingsbaan op de grond in elkaar zakte en stierf.
Blauwe baretten
De soldaat die op wacht stond, sergeant Jeff Morse (waarschijnlijk een pseudoniem), liet de politie toe op de basis om naar het wezen te zoeken.
Ze troffen al snel het levenloze lichaam van het wezen aan. Het gebied werd afgesloten, waarna plotseling een groep legerofficieren arriveerde.
Op een afstandje keek Morse toe hoe de groep blauwe baretten, die hij nog nooit eerder had gezien,de leiding nam.
Grijsbruine kleur
UFO-onderzoeker Leonard Springfield interviewde Morse, die niet dicht genoeg bij het wezen stond om gezichtskenmerken of handen en voeten te kunnen onderscheiden.
Hij herinnerde zich wel dat de huid van het wezen nat en glimmend was en een grijsbruine kleur had. Het deed hem denken aan de huid van een slang.
Morse keek toe hoe de blauwe baretten de alien besprenkelden met een vloeistof en afdekten met een wit laken. Het werd vervolgens in een grote metalen container met blauwe letters geplaatst.
Vervolgens werd het wezen in een C-141 vrachtvliegtuig geladen en naar Wright-Patterson Air Force Base overgebracht.
Morse en de politieagenten kregen te horen dat ze gelijk zouden worden ontslagen als ze ooit over het incident zouden spreken.
Twee dagen later werden Morse en enkele andere getuigen overgevlogen naar Wright Patterson waar ze werden verhoord.
“Ze zeiden dat ik mijn mond moest houden,” verklaarde Morse jaren later. “Ik ondertekende een formulier waarna ik de rest van mijn leven zwijgplicht had.”
Toen Morse toch met de andere getuigen begon te praten, werden ze overgeplaatst naar het buitenland. Zo kwam Morse terecht in Okinawa.
Tot op de dag van vandaag wordt hij naar eigen zeggen constant bedreigd. Het leger is heel ver gegaan om hem de mond te snoeren.
Morse kreeg bijval van majoor George Filer, die destijds als inlichtingenofficier was gestationeerd op McGuire.
Hoewel hij die bewuste avond niet getuige was van het incident, hoorde hij er de volgende ochtend over.
In een interview met Katelynn Raymer en David Ruppe van ABC News zei Filer: “Onze veiligheidspolitie trof de alien aan het einde van de landingsbaan dood aan. Ze vroegen mij om de generale staf in te lichten.”
Filer merkte op dat de twee bases er alles aan deden om iedereen stil te houden.
Hoewel hij niet kon bewijzen dat het ging om een alien, was iedereen ervan overtuigd dat er sprake was van een UFO-landing en dat één van de bemanningsleden was gestorven.
De doofpot rond dit en andere incidenten is zo diep dat de betrokkenen bang waren hun baan te verliezen of zelfs vreesden voor hun leven.
Schoot een militaire politieagent die avond een alien neer? Waarschijnlijk zullen we het antwoord op die vraag nooit te weten komen.
In 1960 verschenen er diverse nieuwsberichten in kranten en ook een artikel in Time waarin bekend werd gemaakt dat een mysterieuze “donkere” satelliet was ontdekt in een baan om de aarde.
De Amerikanen werden nerveus omdat ze dachten dat het een nieuwe Russische spionagesatelliet was en de bevolking kreeg de indruk dat de leiding geen idee had over wat er nu eigenlijk boven hun hoofden gebeurde.
Het wordt wel eens het best bewaarde geheim van onze tijd genoemd. Een mysterieuze 12.000 jaar oude satelliet die ergens in een baan om de aarde zweeft en zo af en toe weer eens ergens op duikt.
Voor mensen die niets weten over de achtergrond van de Black Knight Satelliet eerst en deel uit een eerder artikel:
In 1960 verschenen er diverse nieuwsberichten in kranten en ook een artikel in Time waarin bekend werd gemaakt dat een mysterieuze “donkere” satelliet was ontdekt in een baan om de aarde.
De Amerikanen werden nerveus omdat ze dachten dat het een nieuwe Russische spionagesatelliet was en de bevolking kreeg de indruk dat de leiding geen idee had over wat er nu eigenlijk boven hun hoofden gebeurde.
Deze verwarring duurde ongeveer drie weken, totdat het Ministerie van Defensie plotsklaps met een verklaring kwam: het waren de overblijfselen van een satelliet die ze al een tijdje kwijt waren.
In die tijd geloofde men nog wat overheden vertelden dus ging iedereen weer rustig slapen. Maar, verhalen over deze vreemde satelliet gaan al veel verder terug dan de jaren zestig. Er zijn berichten dat het in de jaren twintig en dertig van de vorige eeuw al ouderwetse radiogolven uitzond op de korte golf.
Deze berichten werden in die tijd opgevangen door een groep Noorse en Nederlandse onderzoekers die bezig waren met een onderzoek naar het effect van echo’s. Eén van de berichten waar zij niets mee gedaan hadden, werd later ontdekt door de Schotse auteur en astronoom Duncan Lunan. Hij wist dit bericht te ontcijferen en er kwam uit dat de satelliet toebehoorde aan buitenaardsen uit het sterrenstelsel Epsilon Boötes, dat ze op de zesde planeet in hun stelsel woonden en dat die één maan had. Er gaan ook verhalen dat dit weer ontkend zou zijn, maar het werd wel gepubliceerd in 1973 in het tijdschrift Spaceflight.
Volgens de auteur John Keel, die het boek Disneyland of the Gods heeft geschreven, was het object vele malen groter dan wat Amerika of Rusland in de ruimte zou kunnen brengen.
En toen op 3 september 1960, zeven maanden nadat de satelliet voor het eerst door de radar was ontdekt, werd het vastgelegd op de gevoelige plaat door een camera die stond opgesteld bij de Grunman Aircraft Corporation. Mensen op de grond hadden het af en aan gezien gedurende enkele weken. Ze beschreven het object als rood gloeiend en in een baan van oost naar west rond aarde. De weinige satellieten die toen in de ruimte waren, bewogen echter in een baan van west naar oost.
De snelheid van het apparaat was ook drie keer groter dan die van een normale satelliet. Er werd een comité opgericht om er onderzoek naar te doen, maar de resultaten daarvan zijn nooit bekend gemaakt.
Toen de satelliet werd ontdekt in 1960 vond men het belangrijk genoeg om de toenmalige president Eisenhower midden in de nacht wakker te maken. Een satelliet waarvan de leeftijd wordt geschat op minimaal 12.000 jaar, op een hoogte van bijna 40.000 kilometer, net onder de Van Allen Gordel.
De Black Knight satelliet is één van de best bewaarde geheimen van de tegenwoordige tijd.
Is deze Black Night Satelliet misschien iets meer dan alleen maar een satelliet. Is het een soort moederschip die in een baan om de aarde draait en af en toe verkenners op pad stuurt?
Enkele dagen geleden werd er door de bekende Youtube gebruiker Streetcap1 een bijzondere ontdekking gedaan bij het ISS, International Space Station.
Vlakbij het ISS werd door hem een onbekend donker object waargenomen:
Misschien is de Black Knight een soort ruimteschip van onze verre voorouders de Anunnaki die het destijds in een baan om de aarde hebben “geparkeerd”.
Hebben ze dit schip nu weer geactiveerd en fungeert het als een soort verkenningsobject om te zien wat ze straks bij hun terugkeer kunnen verwachten?
Er zijn zelfs de afgelopen jaren aanwijzingen dat het Vaticaan zich voorbereidt op de komst van een buitenaards ras, dus wie weet.
Los van wie of wat daar bij het ISS rondhangt, opmerkelijk is natuurlijk wel dat ook al die vreemde objecten die in de loop der tijd bij het ISS zijn gesignaleerd, volkomen worden genegeerd.
White UFO Over Istanbul, Turkey On March 5, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.
White UFO Over Istanbul, Turkey On March 5, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: March 5, 2017 Location of sighting: Istanbul, Turkey This UFO is a cloud orb, but it was caught at a rare time when it was a clear sky. When there are no clouds in the sky and the sky is blue, it makes the cloud orbs stand out. This is a great video from Turkey this week that demonstrates such an occurrence. Scott C. Waring
Close Up Of Croissant Shaped UFO Over Island Nation Of Malta, 5-10-2016, UFO Sighting News.
Close Up Of Croissant Shaped UFO Over Island Nation Of Malta, 5-10-2016, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: 5-10-2016 but reported today. Location of sighting: Marsaskala, Malta Source: MUFON #82593 This croissant-shaped UFO was spotted over the island of Malta last year, but reported today on MUFON. The area is very secluded since its surrounded by ocean on all sides and its clear skies make it perfect for spotting UFOs. Most of the alien bases are below the ocean. I assume this since the ocean covers 75% of the Earths surface, that means 75% of the earths surface is mostly unwatched because there are few humans out there except on a few ships and boats. Since aliens can build bases in space that are air tight, and below the surface of Venus (says Val Thor) its just logical that aliens would utilise the untaped resource of our oceans to build bases. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states:
It was a sunny day and I was taking photos of the view and in 3 photos the object appeared and started noticing it for 15 mins or so then disappeared over the sea.
5 Meter UFO Lands In Forest Field Of Grass Caught On Animal Cam, Feb 15, 2017, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
5 Meter UFO Lands In Forest Field Of Grass Caught On Animal Cam, Feb 15, 2017, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: February 15, 2017, 07:35AM Location of sighting: Smithfield, Virginia, USA Source: MUFON #82587 This animal cam caught a cylinder UFO hovering over the field for almost 30 minutes. The camera is a special infrared camera which is capable of seeing light that the human eye cannot. It will see any cloaked craft immediately. The UFO is not close, but on the other side of the field, making it about 4-5 meters high and 1 meter wide. Since the UFO does settle on the ground as you can see for yourself, its logical that someone probably exited and walked around to analyse the plant and animal life for a few moments. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states:
Since NASA first announced the discovery of seven Earth-like planets orbiting a dwarf star just 39 light-years away, imaginations have run wild as to what these mysterious worlds might look like.
Now, the space agency has revealed the much-awaited first glimpse at the Trappist-1 system – but, it might not be the alien landscape you’re hoping for.
Raw data from the Kepler space telescope released this week show a pixelated first look at our ‘ultra-cool neighbour,’ with tiny blips in brightness indicating the presence of transiting planets passing in front of the star.
Scroll down for video
The space agency has revealed the much-awaited first glimpse at the Trappist-1 system – but, it might not be the alien landscape you’re hoping for. Kepler has been observing Trappist-1 since December, and the newly released dataset accounts for 74 days of monitoring
Breathtaking illustrations from artists in recent weeks have painted a captivating picture of these mysterious planets.
While the new view might not satisfy our imaginations just yet, these observations are of great value to the scientific community.
Kepler has been observing Trappist-1 since December, and the newly released dataset accounts for 74 days of monitoring, from Dec 15 to March 4.
The system was first spotted by NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope in combination with ground-based telescopes.
Raw data from the Kepler space telescope released this week show a pixelated first look at our ‘ultra-cool neighbour,’ with tiny blips in brightness indicating the presence of transiting planets passing in front of the star
And, with these additional observations, scientists can refine their existing measurements of six of the planets in the system, and get a better understanding of the orbital period and mass of the seventh.
It could also reveal more information on the host star’s magnetic activity.
‘Scientists and enthusiasts around the world are invested in learning everything they can about these Earth-size worlds,’ said Geert Barentsen, K2 research scientist at NASA’s Ames Research Center.
‘Providing the K2 raw data as quickly as possible was a priority to give investigators an early look so they could best define their follow-up research plans.
Breathtaking illustrations from artists in recent weeks have painted a captivating picture of these mysterious planets. While the new view might not satisfy our imaginations just yet, these observations are of great value to the scientific community
Orbit (days)
Mass (where 1.0 = mass of Earth)
Distance to star (millions of miles)
Distance to star (millions of km)
Possibility of hosting alien life
Less likely - too hot
Less likely - too hot
Less likely - too hot
Most likely
Most likely
Most likely
Less likely - too cold
‘We’re thrilled that this will also allow the public to witness the process of discovery.’
The dataset represents the longest, nearly continuous study yet of this newly-discovered system, and will allow researchers to study the gravitational interactions of the planets within.
And, it will allow them to search for any planets that may have so far evaded discovery.
If Kepler had followed its initial coordinates set in October 2015, defined as Campaign 12, it would have missed the planets.
But, after the discovery of three of the planets in the system was announced in May, researchers reworked the calculations.
This chart shows, on the top row, artist impressions of the seven planets of Trappist-1 with their orbital periods, distances from their star, radii and masses as compared to those of Earth. The bottom row shows data about Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. The seven planets' orbits are closer to their star than Venus, Earth or Mars, and are therefore significantly shorter
Incredible facts about Earth sized planets that may harbor water
Not only will these observations be of use to scientists working to refine their measurements now, but NASA says the mission could help plan future studies with the upcoming James Webb Space Telescope.
‘We were lucky that the K2 mission was able to observe Trappist-1,’ said Michael Haas, science office director for the Kepler and K2 missions at Ames.
‘The observing field for Campaign 12 was set when the discovery of the first planets orbiting Trappist-1 was announced, and the science community has already submitted proposals for specific targets of interest in the field.
‘The unexpected opportunity to further study the Trappist-1 system was quickly recognized the agility of the K2 team and science community prevailed once again.’
The newly discovered star system is just 39 light years from Earth.
- Seven Earth-sized worlds are orbiting a dwarf star known as Trappist-1
- Six inner planets lie in a temperate zone where surface temperatures range from 0-100°C (32-212°F)
- Of these, at least three are thought to be capable of having oceans, increasing the likelihood of life
The Trappist-1 star, an ultra-cool dwarf, has seven Earth-size planets orbiting it. This graphic shows how the outer orbiting 1h is an icy planet, while inner orbiting 1b, 1c and 1d are likely to be hot and dry. An artist's concept is pictured
- Scientists say life may have already evolved on at least three of the planets
- No other star system known contains such a large number of Earth-sized and probably rocky planets
- They were found using the 'transit' method that looks for tiny amounts of dimming caused by a world blocking light from its star
A beginner’s guide to extraterrestrial post-detection etiquette.
Thanks to recent leaps forward in alien-hunting technology, the possibility of contact seems closer today than ever before. In fact, Seth Shostak, director of the SETI Institute, thinks that there's a good chance we'll be hearing from ET within two decades. This is an exciting prospect, especially since the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) has been scanning the cosmos without luck for over half a century now. But it also raises an intriguing, if not worrisome, question: what do we do after contact?
Fortunately, in 1989 a number of the world's leading SETI researchers in the International Academy of Astronautics got together to solve this very problem.
"The history of SETI really dates back to 1960 with the pioneering work of Frank Drake, but by the 1980s, it was being taken a bit more seriously," said Paul Davies, a theoretical physicist at Arizona State University and the Chair of the IAA SETI Post-detection Taskgroup. "So some people said, 'it's well and good that we're doing this, but what if we detect something, what happens next?'"
The answer to this question was the SETI post-detection protocol drafted up by IAA members. This protocol contained nine principles which placed special emphasis on rigorous confirmation of a potential ET signal, as well as the best ways to contain the potential fallout resulting from first contact. Unfortunately, the IAA is not a governmental organization so its protocols are not legally binding and no government has yet broached the topic of creating a national post-contact policy (although a few years ago a rumor spread that the UN had appointed an official extraterrestrial point of contact at the Office for Outer Space Affairs). So barring any ET liaison at the United Nations for now, the IAA's post-detection plan is the only one we've got.
In the immediate aftermath of first contact, the IAA's principles suggest that anyone who believes they have detected an extraterrestrial signal should try to do everything they can to verify that the signal is not a result of some natural or human cause. If the original discoverer decides that the signal they have found is extraterrestrial in origin, before alerting the public, the IAA advises that they should inform all relevant research institutions so that these organizations can attempt to independently verify the signal. If these other institutions confirm that it is in fact an alien signal, this news should be shared with the world via the International Astronomical Union and the Secretary General of the United Nations should be notified, but the discoverer of the signal should have the privilege of making the announcement.
The remaining principles go into the technical details of what to do after first contact, such as making sure the data derived from the signal is stored in such a way that it will never be lost, as well as reserving the radio band on which the signal was discovered for future SETI work, in case the aliens decide to call again.
Importantly, the post-detection principles state that no reply should be sent until "international consultations" have taken place. Whether or not it's a good idea to send a message to aliens is a fiercely debated subject in the world of SETI, and many researchers think it's a bad idea. But even if it was decided that a reply should be sent, there's still the glaring issue of who gets to speak for Earth and what they will say on our behalf.
But let's back up a bit. If we are contacted by aliens, SETI researchers think it will mostly likely be in the form of a radio signal, rather than a physical object or extraterrestrial being paying a visit to Earth. The question is what is the significance of this signal?
This depends on a number of factors, such as whether this radio signal contains a message, or is simply a meaningless signal to let us know that we're not alone. The consequences of these two different types of signals—the one containing a message and the other which does not—could very significantly in terms of their impact on the lives of Earthlings. What if the one containing the message had instructions for building some amazing ET technologies? Or on the flipside, what if it contained a declaration of war?
Moreover, where is this signal being broadcast from? Is it coming from an earthlike planet in orbit around Proxima Centauri, or from a galaxy far, far away? Both examples would still be pretty amazing, but in the former case, there'd be a possibility of a physical visit, or at least holding a conversation with the extraterrestrials. But if the signal emerged from a solar system hundreds of light years away, the time between the message and the response would span several generations on Earth.
To help quantify the significance of first contact, a group of SETI researchers created something called the Rio scale in 2000. The scale ranks different types of contact from the most significant (10) to the least significant (0). At the low end of the scale would be some sort of evidence of "astroengineering" or a beacon signal that is meant to draw attention, is discovered at some place that is outside of the Milky Way Galaxy, and only occurs once. At the high end of the scale would be a signal containing a message that is steadily broadcast toward Earth and is occurring within our galaxy—or even our own solar system.
So if a signal is discovered that ranks high on the Rio scale, what happens next? Well, hopefully, the discoverer follows the IAA-post detection protocols and keeps the discovery under wraps until it can be verified beyond a reasonable doubt. But even this has become a dubious proposition thanks to the rise of social media, something the original authors of the IAA protocols couldn't have foreseen in 1989. During a SETI panel at last year's International Astronautical Congress, a space lawyer named Les Tennen raised concerns that the IAA protocols need to be updated to take into account social media, which would make it far more difficult to contain the discovery until it is verified than it was a quarter of a century ago.
"In this day and age of social media, it's almost impossible to keep anything under wraps for more than a few hours," said Davies. "[The veracity of a signal] will take a long time to check, I don't think you're ever going to have an absolutely clear cut signal, but instead something that's just on the edge of detectability. It will be a long drawn out process, and possibly take decades to resolve."
But even if SETI scientists keep mum on the discovery until it has been verified–whether this process takes a few months or a few years–there's no guarantee about how people will react to the news. As pointed out in a report from a NASA workshop in 1993, "reactions to a detection can range from indifference…through millennial enthusiasm or catastrophist anxiety, to full scale paranoia…a few reactions would probably be irrationally extreme or even violent."
Unfortunately for the IAA, the post-detection protocols they've created are not backed by any government or legal entity (and as yet, no government has seriously tackled the question of post-contact protocols) so whether or not they will be able to temper the possible hysteria following the revelation of contact remains an open question. For now, though, it's the best we've got, so until we receive that first 'hello,' from the cosmos, it's probably best to take a page from the Brits and keep calm and carry on.
What if fast radio bursts were powering alien starships?
What if fast radio bursts were powering alien starships?
Strange signals from billions of light-years away may have a natural cause. If they're artificial, they'd require some awesome engineering, say scientists.
One of the weirdest phenomena astronomers have run across in the past decade is something called "fast radio bursts" -- millisecond-long flashes of radio signals that don't have an obvious source.
Possible causes include exploding black holes, magnetars and hypothetical blitzars. Harvard scientists have now run the numbers on the most intriguing potential explanation: ginormous transmitters powering alien starships.
"Fast radio bursts are exceedingly bright given their short duration and origin at great distances, and we haven't identified a possible natural source with any confidence," theorist Avi Loeb said in a press release Thursday. Loeb works at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. "An artificial origin is worth contemplating and checking."
Loeb and co-author Manasvi Lingam have written a paper that considers what it would take to build a transmitter powerful enough to send signals strong enough to be picked up billions of light-years away. The paper has been accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letters.
The year's wackiest 'evidence' aliens and UFOs are real (pictures)
The answer they come up with is pretty straightforward: It would take a lot of frickin' power. In fact, presuming such a system was relying on solar power from a nearby star, it would require covering a planet twice the size of Earth with energy collectors. They also considered if such a construction project was even viable or if it would just surely overheat. They concluded that a water-cooled energy generation or collection source twice the size of Earth was theoretically possible.
But this all leads to one obvious question: Why the heck would anyone build something so insane just to send signals into the great universal void?
The theorists considered that the purpose might not be to communicate, but to drive interstellar light sails. This is a concept that humans are working on now. Backed by Stephen Hawking and Mark Zuckerberg, Breakthrough Starshot would use the technology to send tiny nanoships on a journey to check out our nearest neighboring star system, Alpha Centauri, which could be home to an Earth-like planet called Proxima b.
Proxima b, the closest Earth-like exoplanet, is real (pictures)
Light sails work by constantly focusing an energetic beam on the sail of a ship to push it across the cosmos at high speed. If a super Earth-size transmitter were being used for this purpose, the researchers calculate it could power a starship almost like what we're used to seeing in science fiction, up to 20 times the size of the largest cruise ships on Earth.
Loeb and Lingam concede that their research is speculative and a bit far-out, but they say it's worth checking into all possibilities.
If the notion of a transmitter twice the size of our own planet isn't mind-blowing enough, consider one other fact that physics won't let us get around. If this does turn out to be the actual cause of FRBs, the civilization that built such a system would have been putting it to use billions of years ago.
We might just now be detecting evidence of a real-life "Star Trek" society. The reason they haven't hailed us directly is that they would've been lucky to even find bacteria on Earth at the time they were powering up the starships.
Space is not only really big, it's also really old.
Solving for XX: The industry seeks to overcome outdated ideas about "women in tech."
Crowd Control: A crowdsourced science fiction novel written by CNET readers.
So, does that technically mean our lovely lunar neighbor has its own moon? Does a piece of space junk even count? These pressing questions need answers, but here’s what we know for sure.
As Gizmodo reports, some majorly intense detective work led NASA to the Indian spacecraft Chandrayaan-1, which was used in India’s first lunar mission when it launched in 2008. The vehicle spent 10 months completing its missions and was never heard from again, until now.
“Finding LRO was relatively easy, as we were working with the mission’s navigators and had precise orbit data where it was located,” California’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory radar scientist Marina Brozovic said of the U.S.’s still-active Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, which launched in 2009. “Finding India’s Chandrayaan-1 required a bit more detective work because the last contact with the spacecraft was in August of 2009.”
Making the search even more challenging was the Chandrayaan-1’s small size. It measures about five feet on each side, or as the JPL describes it, “about half the size of a small car.” Then there was the matter of the 237,000 distance between Earth and the moon. Since scientists knew the spacecraft was in lunar orbit, so they utilized NASA’s 70-meter antenna at the Goldstone Deep Space Communications Complex in California to send microwave beams toward the moon in order to narrow down a specific location.
Using the echoes that bounced back from those beams, scientists were able to confirm Chandrayaan-1’s position after months of work. According to the JPL, this innovative use of interplanetary radar has not only proven useful for locating lost spacecraft, but may serve as a powerful tool for planning future moon missions
Mysterious flashes in distant galaxies proof we are not alone?
Mysterious flashes in distant galaxies proof we are not alone?
An artists impression of a light sail which uses pressure produced by light to produce acceleration.
Picture: PA
Mysterious flashes of energy detected in distant galaxies may be evidence of super-advanced aliens powering interstellar spacecraft, theorists claim.
Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) are intense radio pulses that last no more than a millisecond. Since their discovery in 2007, fewer than two dozen have been detected by the world’s largest radio telescopes – and their origin remains unknown.
Astronomers know almost nothing about them other than that they appear to occur in very remote galaxies billions of light years away. Now a team of highly respected US scientists from Harvard University has put forward the serious suggestion that FRBs could be evidence of aliens at work.
They believe the bursts may be leaked energy from unimaginably powerful transmitters capable of sending giant light sail ships on voyages between stars.
Professor Avi Loeb, from the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics said: “Fast radio bursts are exceedingly bright given their short duration and origin at great distances, and we haven’t identified a possible natural source with any confidence.
“An artificial origin is worth contemplating and checking.”
In a new study, Prof Loeb and Harvard colleague Dr Manasvi Lingham looked at the feasibility of building a radio transmitter powerful enough to be detectable across such immense distances.
They concluded that a solar-powered system would generate the required amount of energy if it used an area twice the size of Earth to capture the sun’s rays.
Water-cooling on a colossal scale would be needed to prevent the underlying structure melting.
But the question remains, why go to the trouble of constructing such an instrument in the first place? The most likely explanation is to drive interstellar light sails, the scientists argue.
A light sail uses the tiny amount of pressure exerted by light to produce a small but continuous acceleration that over time allows a space craft to attain great speeds.
The energy levels responsible for FRBs would be enough to push a payload weighing a million tons – about 20 times the mass of the largest cruise ships on Earth.
“That’s big enough to carry living passengers across interstellar or even intergalactic distances,” said Prof Lingam.
The transmitter would need to focus its beam on the light sail continuously. Prof
Loeb added: “It’s worth putting ideas out there and letting the data be the judge.”
We’ve found a new solar system, and it threatens to put our own to shame. The star Trappist-1, a mere 39 light years away, has been found to host seven Earth-sized, rocky planets.
The discovery has astronomers, alien-hunters, and space enthusiasts abuzz for a good few reasons. Among new solar systems discovered so far, none have had more than seven planets (our system has eight). And none have had all seven that were rocky and also Earth-sized.
What’s more, because the star type is among the most common in our galaxy, such solar systems are likely to be quite common. That makes the Trappist-1 system a prime target to accelerate the search for life beyond our own solar system.
Strange and familiar
Even though our sun is a much larger star than Trappist-1, our planets are so far apart that their conditions range from the scorching hot world of Mercury to the bitter icy gases of Uranus. Instead, planets Trappist-1b to Trappist-1h are nestled together cosily around an “ultracool” dwarf star, and that means each likely has temperate conditions and thus possibly liquid water in some regions.
Humans have been struggling to land on Mars. Instead, if intelligent aliens live on any one of Trappist-1 planets (and you bet scientists are already searching), flying from one to another would be a quick jaunt, relatively speaking. “It’s both easy and tempting to envision a multi-world empire arising in this star system, a small federation of planets in our cosmic backyard,” writes Seth Shostak, director of the SETI Institute.
Our planets have beautiful moons, including Jupiter’s gorgeous Europa and furious Io. We don’t know if any of Trappist-1’s planets have moons, but they likely don’t need them for the view. On the third rock from the dim star, the second rock would look twice the size our moon looks to Earthlings and the remaining planets could line up to create a view that even science-fiction authors haven’t imagined. “The spectacle would be beautiful,” says Amaury Triaud of the University of Cambridge, who is a part of the team that discovered the exoplanets.
To be sure, humans would need special goggles to see this spectacle. Most of the light coming from dwarf stars like the one in the newly discovered solar system is in the infrared spectrum. Our eyes can’t see infrared light, so the world would appear mostly dark to us, including black plant leaves if there are photosynthesizing organisms. Of course, one could imagine that alien life may have evolved to see in the infrared, like snakes have on Earth.
Dark and stormy
But Trappistian life won’t be smooth sailing. All of Trappist-1’s planets are likely tidally locked, which means, just as only one side of the moon faces the Earth, all seven Earth-sized planets have one face permanently facing its star and the other plunged in perpetual darkness. The planets are rotating, but in a co-ordinated manner so slow that one face of the planet remains locked toward the star. The implications of tidal locking for life on such planets are huge.
One side would easily heat up to the boiling point of water, and the other would likely be well below freezing. The atmosphere, which we assume is present because life would not exist otherwise, would enable some heat to move from one side to the other. But that would happen through planet-wide hurricanes that may be far worse than category-5 hurricanes that ravage the Earth.
There would be no day-night cycle on these planets. Complex life on Earth crucially depends on the circadian rhythm that’s controlled by the light-dark daily cycle. Trappistians likely won’t have seasons either. If any of these planets have tilted axes, living beings on them woud likely experience some variation in light but nothing like spring or autumn.
Somehow, however, if life finds a way of existing in the twilight zone—between the hot side and the cold side—it will have other problems. Ultra-cool dwarf stars are fickle. Some times Trappist-1 could dim by as much as 40% for months at a time. At other times, the star can frequently flare up causing devastating solar storms where the star throws out massive amounts of charged particles. All this could cause major problem for Trappistians, who will likely be forced to become underground and underwater dwellers.
And, yet, if we’ve understood one thing from all our study of biology on Earth, it is that life is hardy. So life could’ve evolved and remarkable Trappistians may be real. The only bad news then is that the conditions on their planets don’t seem very favorable to terrestrial life. Too bad for Earthlings who’ve been seeking an escape.
Scientists are some of the biggest fans of science fiction. But making claims of intelligent life in other parts of the universe? That’s a pretty big step to take for many researchers. So it’s somewhat surprising that two theorists, Avi Loeb and Manasvi Lingam from Harvard and the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, recently submitted a paper suggesting that one of the many possibilities behind the enigmatic fast radio bursts emanating from space could be gigantic alien spacecraft.
The suggestion is not just some academic daydream. Fast radio bursts were first discovered in 2007, when West Virginia University astrophysicist Duncan Lorimer analyzed data from Australia’s Parkes Observatory. He noticed a weird phenomenon—a high-energy burst lasting just a few milliseconds with no ready explanation. It was an unique anomaly until 2012, when Puerto Rico’s Arecibo radio telescope also recorded an FRB. Earlier this year, researchers revealed they recorded nine FRBs coming from a puny, faint galaxy 3 billion light years away in the Auriga constellation.
FRBs are strange. In total, researchers have only recorded 18 of the bursts. Few of them repeat, but not on a regular schedule. There’s no known astrophysical explanation for the bursts, and Cornell astronomer Shami Chatterjee, who pinpointed the FRBs in Auriga, joked with Dennis Overbye at The New York Times that there are more theories about what FRBs may be than actual recorded FRBs.
In other words, no one really knows what these things are. One reason Loeb and Lingam went out on a limb to suggest alien technology is that fact that bursts are so energetic. According to George Dvorsky at Gizmodo, the bursts have a brightness temperature, a measure of intensity of microwave radiation, of 1037 degrees. “This means that a hot surface would need to have that temperature in order to radiate at the observed level,” Loeb tells Dvorsky. “There is no known astronomical object that generates radio bursts at such a high brightness, which is tens of billions of times brighter than the known population of pulsars, for example.”
The researchers also argue in their paper, which is accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, that FRBs are suspect because they repeat, but not in any regular pattern, and because they cluster around a frequency that is not consistent with natural phenomena like pulsars. “These clues are consistent with an artificial origin,” Loeb tells Dvorsky. In other words, they might be produced by alien technology.
What would a technology that could produce that much energy look like? According to a press release, the researchers suggest that the technology could be a transmitter powering a light-sail-based spacecraft. That transmitter would need twice the surface area of Earth to receive enough solar power to operate. While that seems absurdly huge to us, they note that it is physically possible to build.
The transmitter would then focus a beam of radio waves on a light sail in space. In this scenario, FRBs detected on Earth are the beam of radio waves sweeping across the sky, passing over our telescopes for just a millisecond as it pushes the sail-powered craft through space.
A craft of that size, 20 times the largest current terrestrial cruise ship, could transport about a million tons of cargo, the researchers estimate. “That’s big enough to carry living passengers across interstellar or even intergalactic distances,” Lingam says in the press release.
Just because they thought it up, though, doesn't mean Loeb and Lingam necessarily believe that FRBs are the engines of intergalactic cruise ships. The researchers says the work is just speculative. “Science isn’t a matter of belief, it’s a matter of evidence,” Loeb says in the press release. “Deciding what’s likely ahead of time limits the possibilities. It’s worth putting ideas out there and letting the data be the judge.”
Berkeley SETI Research Director Andrew Siemion tells Dvorsky that FRBs are so unusual that it’s hard to rule anything out at the current moment. “We cannot...exclude the possibility that anomalous signals like fast radio bursts are produced by an advanced extraterrestrial technology, and even though it is undoubtedly an unlikely possibility, it must remain a possibility until we can rule it out,” he says.
Chatterjee told Overbye earlier this year that there are still many natural possibilities for FRBs, including strange interactions between a neutron star and debris swirling around it or some unknown aspect of a supermassive black holes.
Anders Sandberg of Oxford’s Future of Humanity Institute says the alien spacecraft explanation seems a bit far-fetched. "I like the out of the box thinking, but I would not bet any money on this explanation,” he tells Dvorsky. He points out that a spacecraft powered by radio waves is unnecessarily large and complicated, and any advanced civilization would likely use lasers or a more efficient technology. “By Occam’s razor, alien engineering needs to be a simpler explanation than a natural explanation before it starts to seem plausible.”
The source of ‘fast radio bursts’ remains a mystery but two Harvard academics believe they could emanate from ‘leakage’ from a planet-sized transmitter Christopher Furlong/Getty Images
Scientists might have found proof of alien life but misunderstood it, according to a professor at Harvard University.
Strange radio waves that have been reaching Earth might actually be leakage from a huge, light-powered ship deep in space.
Fast radio bursts (FRB), which have perplexed scientists since they were discovered in 2007, could be evidence of advanced alien technology, according to Avi Loeb of the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics. Researchers, however, remain far from establishing whether the source of these “messages” is what Loeb speculates it is – leakage from planet-sized transmitters that are powering interstellar probes in distant galaxies.
“Fast radio bursts are exceedingly bright given their short duration and origin at great distances, and we haven’t identified a possible natural source with any confidence,” Loeb has said. “An artificial origin is worth contemplating and checking.”
Fast radio bursts are flashes of radio emissions lasting milliseconds whose source is yet to be identified. They were first picked up in 2007 when scientists came across data that showed a burst had occurred in 2001. While few have happened since that time, scientists have discerned that FRB arrive in apparently organised patterns.
Loeb and fellow Harvard academic Manasvi Lingam have explored whether the messages could emanate from a radio transmitter, in a paper to be published by The Astrophysical Journal Letters. This would require a planet-sized solar-power generator to pelt messages across the galaxy.
Such technology is far beyond human capability now, the Harvard scientists note, but it is not beyond the laws of physics or out of the reach of a very developed alien civilisation.
Artist’s impression of a light-sail powered by a radio beam generated on the surface of a planet. Leakage from such beams could explain fast radio bursts
Loeb and Lingam found such a technology would require so much energy it would just end up melting itself – unless it were water-cooled and twice the size of the Earth.
What is less clear is why an alien civilisation would build such a thing in the first place. But the researchers speculate that the energy being sent out is driving interstellar light sails, where spacecraft ride along on light waves in the same way a boat moves through the ocean. Whatever is generating the FRBs is powerful enough to push around something weighing a million tons, or about 20 times the biggest cruise ships ever built.
“That’s big enough to carry living passengers across interstellar or even intergalactic distances,” said Lingam.
To power such a craft the transmitter would have to be constantly pointing its beam towards wherever the ship was in space. If that were happening we would only pick up brief flashes of energy because the ship itself, the planet powering it, and its own star and galaxy would all be constantly moving too.
Scientists find source of the most mysterious message in the universe
That would explain why the burst comes to Earth repeatedly but intermittently. (Scientists haven’t been able to explain FRB patterns with reference to the huge astrophysical events required to dispatch huge amounts of energy towards us.)
It would also explain the frequency that the radio waves are pitched at. The optimal frequency for powering such a light sail is similar to the FRBs that have been detected, according to the professors.
Loeb says that his work is speculative and that more work must be done to check whether such an idea would be possible. It doesn’t matter whether or not he believes that they are caused by aliens, he said.
“Science isn’t a matter of belief, it’s a matter of evidence. Deciding what’s likely ahead of time limits the possibilities. It’s worth putting ideas out there and letting the data be the judge.”
Fast radio bursts could be coming from 'extragalactic light sails' powering advanced alien spacecraft, scientists at the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics have said. While the notion seems far-fetched, the researchers say the possibility that these mystery signals from deep space are coming from aliens is "worth contemplating".
FRBs are radio signals that have been detected coming from unknown sources in space. They last just a few millisecond and, so far, only a few dozen have been detected. Furthermore, they are only found in telescope data after the burst has taken place. This means their origin cannot be traced back.
Only one repeating FRB has been discovered so far: FRB 121102. Because it repeated, scientists have been able to trace it to a galaxy three billion light years away. The source of the burst, however, remains a mystery. At present, scientists think it is coming from a massive, highly magnetised and rapidly rotating neutron stars called magnetas.
However, the CfA scientists have said the bursts could be of alien origin. "Fast radio bursts are exceedingly bright given their short duration and origin at great distances, and we haven't identified a possible natural source with any confidence," said theorist Avi Loeb, one of the authors of the study published in Astrophysical Journal Letters. "An artificial origin is worth contemplating and checking."
In the study, Loeb and co-author Manasvi Lingam, from Harvard University, looked at the possibility that FRBs are coming from a radio transmitter strong enough that it could be detected across huge distances. Their findings showed that if it was solar powered, then yes it could.
"We examine the possibility that Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) originate from the activity of extragalactic civilisations," they wrote. "Our analysis shows that beams used for powering large light sails could yield parameters that are consistent with FRBs."
The power needed would be equivalent to sunlight hitting an area of a planet twice the size of Earth. From an engineering perspective, they said that while it is outside our Earthly capabilities, it is not outside the realm of possibly. A water-cooled transmitter twice the size of our planet could withstand the heat, they said.
"The characteristic diameter of the beam emitter is estimated through a combination of energetic and engineering constraints, and both approaches intriguingly yield a similar result which is on the scale of a large rocky planet," they wrote. "Moreover, the optimal frequency for powering the light sail is shown to be similar to the detected FRB frequencies. These 'coincidences' lend some credence to the possibility that FRBs might be artificial in origin."
FRBs are mystery radio bursts from deep space that last for just a few millisecondsiStock
But why build it? The scientists said the most plausible explanation would be an alien probe. The power from such a device could push a payload of millions of tonnes. "That's big enough to carry living passengers across interstellar or even intergalactic distances," Lingam said.
Loeb added that while the study is very much speculative, it is an interesting point to consider. "Science isn't a matter of belief, it's a matter of evidence," he said. "Deciding what's likely ahead of time limits the possibilities. It's worth putting ideas out there and letting the data be the judge."
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