The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
Are we entering a golden age of the conspiracy theory?
Are we entering a golden age of the conspiracy theory?
‘Post-truth’ society provides the perfect conditions for dubious theories to flourish. But are some people more susceptible to conspiracy theories?
Why, in the face of all available evidence and despite apparent public consensus to the contrary, would a person believe that the moon landings were faked? Photograph: Swann Galleries,/Swann Auction Galleries
“I want you all to know that we are fighting the fake news. It’s fake, phoney, fake. A few days ago, I called the fake news the enemy of the people. And they are. They are the enemy of the people …”
Donald Trump’s assault on “terrible, dishonest” journalists (“the lowest form of life”) has become one of the hallmarks of his fledgling administration. But as many have noted, this posturing echoes developments closer to home. It was Michael Gove, of course, who claimed during the Brexit campaign that “people in this country have had enough of experts”.
Scott Pruitt, the new chief of the US Environmental Protection Agency, certainly seems comfortable dismissing scientific consensus: “I believe that measuring, with precision, human activity on the climate is something very challenging to do, and there’s tremendous disagreement about the degree of impact. So, no, I would not agree that it’s a primary contributor to the global warming that we see.”
From a certain perspective, this is knockabout political theatre. And a little scepticism is prudent, for sure. Blithely accepting whatever we’re told is clearly unwise. Information can be unreliable; cover-ups do occur. But if we dismiss everything we hear in the media, if we assume that scientists and scholars are untrustworthy, we leave ourselves vulnerable to manipulation, misinformation, and rumour. This makes us wonder: are we entering a golden age of the conspiracy theory?
Not that this type of cognitive error is new, of course. The idea that individuals or groups have conspired to commit some crime and then cover it up reaches back centuries — witness, for example, the belief that Jews were poisoning wells and killing Christians or that Roman Catholics were secretly plotting to undermine the Protestant English state. However, if we’re now living in a “post-truth” society, with traditionally trusted sources of information routinely undermined and informal communication possible like never before via the Internet, one of the dubious fruits of this febrile climate may be a growth in the power and reach of conspiracy theories.
What makes such ideas so credible for some people? Why, in the face of all available evidence and despite apparent public consensus to the contrary, would a person believe that the moon landings were faked, that the Aids virus was created by the US government, or that the British security services murdered Princess Diana to prevent a marriage to the Muslim Dodi Al-Fayed? Are some groups more likely to endorse conspiracy theories than others? And, if so, what do we know about the characteristics of these people?
As we discovered when we went looking for answers to these questions, specific scientific studies of conspiracy beliefs are few and far between. And so we began by seeing what we could discover from general epidemiological surveys, mining their findings in search of associations between particular social and psychological factors and a belief in conspiracy theories. With Richard Bentall of the University of Liverpool we turned to the rich dataset of one of the largest surveys of psychological health ever carried out: the US National Comorbidity Survey-Replication. The NCS-R is a few years old now: it was carried out in 2001-03, predating the current skeptical turn. But it was large, nationally representative, and scientifically robust. The results of our research are published today.
The NCS-R covers a lot of ground, but one of the statements participants were asked to consider was this: “I’m convinced there’s a conspiracy behind many things in the world.” More than a quarter of those who responded to the item felt that it was true – a statistic that provides food for thought in itself. And that was fifteen years ago.
These people had several things in common. They were, for example, more likely to be male and unmarried. But what really struck us were the above-average levels of social disadvantage. Here was a group with lower levels of education and income. They were more likely to be from an ethnic minority. They were more likely to carry a weapon. Religious attendance may help mitigate some of the effects of disadvantage; this group was far less likely to go to services regularly.
It wasn’t just demographic characteristics that the conspiracy theorists shared. They tended to report lower levels of physical and psychological wellbeing; and to see themselves as socially inferior, both in comparison to their local community and to the nation as a whole. They were more likely to have seriously considered suicide. Their social networks were weaker (they often felt, for example, that they couldn’t rely on friends and family in times of trouble) and they found it harder to maintain secure relationships.
Childhood relationships with parents had frequently been challenging. Often these individuals hadn’t lived with both biological parents; they’d spent extended periods away from home; or had experienced violence at the hands of their parents.
What we see then is a clear association between a belief in conspiracy theories and a wide range of negative life circumstances and personal distress. So far an association is all it is. Do these types of problems make the people affected especially susceptible to conspiracy theories or is it the other way around? That research hasn’t been done. But our view is that the low self-esteem, smaller social networks, and marginalisation we see in so many of the US sample may play a key role at an early age, providing fertile ground for a distrust of authority: feeling that society has rejected them, they learn to reject the beliefs that society endorses.
Experiences like this in childhood may have a lasting effect on the way we make sense of the world. When an event occurs that doesn’t fit our expectations or that seems threatening, we feel anxious and disturbed. We want certainty and reassurance. Rather than thinking it through, we’re liable to jump to conclusions, to look for the answers that conform to our preconceptions rather than calmly weighing up the evidence.
The upshot of that process may be a conspiracy theory. In the short term, it’s a belief that brings benefits — in place of anxiety and uncertainty, we are soothed by what feels like knowledge. Our bruised self-esteem is boosted by the sense that we are one of the small minority who really know what’s going on. And thanks to the Internet we’re able to connect with these like-minded souls: suddenly we can feel part of a community.
Psychological models of conspiracy theories need testing, for sure. Indeed, we don’t know enough about conspiracy theories full stop. But given the current socio-political climate has this kind of research ever been more necessary?
Daniel and Jason can be found on Twitter as @ProfDFreeman and @JasonFreeman100.
One of most fascinating ancient civilizations can be found in the American continent and holds some of the most mysterious legends and myths.
The Mayan civilization had built vast cities and also erected monolithic structures during ancient times. They have left many artifacts, and relics behind that is desired among archaeologists and history enthusiasts.
But some of these treasures left behind by such a notorious civilization has a great deal of mystery behind them.
Recently an ancient statue with the appearance of an Alien humanoid holding a human head was discovered in Mexico by public workers in the Maxtaloyan community. There's a snake surrounding the figure with the top head looking like the face of a Grey alien or some reptilian entity.
Perhaps the statue represents a God figure that they worshiped at the time, probably of extraterrestrial origin, and the human head could be a symbol of them being above us as our creators.
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EXCLUSIVE: World is 'about to be told ALIENS EXIST and are HERE on EARTH'
EXCLUSIVE: World is 'about to be told ALIENS EXIST and are HERE on EARTH'
GLOBAL governments are preparing the world for an imminent announcement that intelligent aliens exist and are already here on Earth, it has astonishingly been alleged.
The claim is made by lobby group The Disclosure Activists, a new international consortium trying to force the alleged truth about aliens out into the open.
Conspiracy theorists have claimed for years aliens have been visiting Earth and world leaders are aware, but it has been kept from the public under an alleged "truth embargo" amid fears of the impact it would have on religion and the rule of law.
But now The Disclosure Activists claim and number of recent UFO file declassifications, means the lid is about to come off once and for all.
In a statement, the organisation said "the historical stance of widespread denial and misinformation has shifted".
Group, co-founder Russell Calka: "Recently there is a systematic effort from within the US and other world governments to release this information to the public."
Victor Viggiani, the senior strategic adviser to organisation, added: "All of the evidence that has been accumulated by researchers, military witness testimony, and acquired from declassified government documents over the last 70 years points to three very basic conclusions — the planet Earth has been and is being engaged by off-world civilisations.
The Disclosure Activists claim we are aboutto receive big news about aliens.
"Secondly — this information has been hidden from the public in a well orchestrated and systematic embargo on the truth.
"Thirdly, governments know these conclusions are true — researchers of this topic know these conclusions are true, and it is now time for humanity to learn these truths.”
The statement added: "The Disclosure Activists contend that Disclosure is already underway.
"Earlier this month, the Spanish Ministry of Defence released a cache of previously classified UFO documents, similar to documents released by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in January 2017, and similar to other document releases from governments in the UK, Chile, and Mexico.
"NASA reported the discovery of additional habitable exoplanets (bringing the total to well over 3000) and just this month, former President George W Bush alluded to his knowledge of the UFO phenomenon in an interview on late night television with Jimmy Kimmel.
Recently there is a systematic effort from within the US and other world governments to release this information to the public.
Russell Calka
"There have also been email leaks, via Wikileaks, that indicate this topic is of substantial interest to government and military, as they prepare citizens for disclosure of extraterrestrial visitation."
Group co-founder Dr Lisa Galarneau said: "Through these government disclosures, scientific discoveries of exoplanets, leaks, and hints from insiders, the public is being prepared for official announcements regarding extraterrestrial visitation.
"This awareness building campaign is deliberate in its attempt to prepare humanity for formal Disclosure.
"This is an important step towards open contact with extraterrestrial intelligences who have not shown hostile intentions and could help humanity with some of our most intractable problems, including energy, climate change, pollution, and resource scarcity."
The statement ended saying: "Disclosure is imminent.
"We are not alone in the cosmos and we never have been. Citizens have a need to know."
Sceptics claim there is no truth embargo, because no aliens have ever visited Earth.
They argue that if such a secret had been kept secret for so many years, particularly since the age of whistleblowing websites like Wikileaks began, that tangible evidence of aliens existing would have been leaked.
A new conspiracy theory says, before religious texts like the Bible were written, alien lifeforms visited Earth and were seen as "gods" by the more primitive humans.
In an article entitled "Aliens Are Coming Back To Retrieve 'Their' Religion," the website tried to explain the theory.
It claims either aliens created the religious texts for the benefit of mankind, or they were written by humans based on the "alien gods" who visited at that time.
It went onto say much more advanced extraterrestrial species were angry that humans had used religions as a reason for waging countless wars across the globe over hundreds of years.
The article said: "Religion was not designed for terrorism
"The aliens quite knew that man is so destructive in nature, that’s the more reason why Religion was bestowed to us, to serve with faith and fear of the unknown, but man has completely failed the experiment."
It went on to list a series of wars carried out in the name of religion, including the bitter conflicts in the Middle East against Islamic State.
The unnamed author of the piece said: "I have studied all religions for over 20 years, and it has led me to nothing more than one vast conclusion.
"Man was not smart enough to write any of the religions, and I mean the eastern spiritualism (the self), western religions (God – which I always have referred to as the extraterrestrial) or American Creationism (Nature itself, including man).
A new theory claims that aliens began religion on Earth.
"One of the oldest religious text 'The Egyptian Book of the Dead' dates back more than 3000 BC.
"When writing was invented and the scribes and artists first wrote down what the priests had used in their prayers and litanies, they were very perplexed and hardly understood the text.
"What I am getting at is that all religions were not composed by humans at the time they were created.
"These Aliens would truly be gods to us humans.
"Their civilisations could be millions of years old, they know exactly how this macrocosm works.
"They might have seen other worlds come and go, and destroy themselves.
"They know the evolutionary steps cognition has to go through, and that is the crucial point for the aliens, they want to protect our beautiful Universe from harm.
"After all, when you have become God, you don’t want to see your world being destroyed. And that brings us to the crux of religion."
It went on to say that aliens would want their religions returned, and will quarantine us here on Earth to prevent any cosmic disasters.
It added: "Now be ready to give it back, since humans have no respect for life, ideas, other races and cultures.
"That brings me to my final point - with us humans pointing a cannon at anything different from ourselves, the aliens will not allow us to transverse the Universe.
"We have an idea of how the atom works, and if we ever develop spaceships using antigravity, they do not want us to explore space pointing a cannon at everything alien to us, especially since we failed to master our emotions."
Alien conspiracy theorists have been saying for years that extraterrestrials have already visited Earth, and world leaders know this, but it is kept from us under an alleged "truth embargo" amid fears over the impact the truth would have on religion and the rule of law.
Several people are campaigning for the "embargo" to be lifted and the "disclosure" of all facts about aliens on Earth.
The article finished saying that the only thing that would stop wars on Earth was so-called disclosure.
It added: "Truly the only thing that can put a stop to the wars on earth both religious and others which have killed thousands of innocent people including children and animals, is only one thing – DISCLOSURE!"
Nigel Watson, author of The UFO Investigations Manual, told "These ideas are very much like those of the alleged alien contactees of the 1950s, who said they had meetings with space people and had rides in their flying saucers.
"Ironically, it is a bit like the view of some religious groups that say we should not venture into space because that is the domain of God.
"I don't think we will be producing spacecraft capable of visiting nearby alien civilisations for a very long time, and it is still a matter of debate whether they will
welcome us or attack us.
"Certainly, Professor Stephen Hawking says we should be wary of making any type of contact with aliens.
"As for disclosure as a means of uniting humanity, I don't think that will ever happen."
The mysterious Piri Reis Map: Is this evidence of a very advanced prehistoric civilization?
The mysterious Piri Reis Map: Is this evidence of a very advanced prehistoric civilization?
The Piri Reis map is a world map compiled in 1513 from military intelligence by the Ottoman admiral and cartographer Piri Reis.
Approximately one third of the map survives; it shows the western coasts of Europe and North Africa and the coast of Brazil with reasonable accuracy. Various Atlantic islands, including the Azores and Canary Islands, are depicted, as is the mythical island of Antillia and possibly Japan.
The historical importance of the map lies in its demonstration of the extent of exploration of the New World by approximately 1510, and in its claim to have used Columbus’s maps, otherwise lost, as a source.
It used ten Arab sources, four Indian maps sourced from the Portuguese, and one map of Columbus. More recently, it has been the focus of pseudo historic claims for the pre-modern exploration of the Antarctic coast.
Surviving fragment of the Piri Reis map showing Central and South America shores. Source
The map was discovered accidentally on 9 October 1929, through the philological work of the German theologian Gustav Adolf Deissmann (1866–1937). He had been commissioned by the Turkish Ministry of Education to catalog the Topkapi Palace library’s non-Islamic items.
At Deissmann’s request to search the palace for old maps and charts, the director Halil Edhem (1861–1938) managed to find some disregarded bundles of material, which he handed over to Deissmann. Realizing that the map might be a unique find, Deissmann showed it to the orientalist Paul Kahle, who identified it as a map drawn by Piri Reis.
The discovery caused an international sensation, as it represented the only then known copy of a world map of Christopher Columbus (1451–1506), and was the only 16th-century map that showed South America in its proper longitudinal position in relation to Africa. Geographers had spent several centuries unsuccessfully searching for a “lost map of Columbus” that was supposedly drawn while he was in the West Indies.
After reading about the map’s discovery in The Illustrated London News, United States Secretary of State Henry L. Stimson contacted the United States Ambassador to Turkey Charles H. Sherrill and requested that an investigation be launched to find the Columbus source map, which he believed may have been in Turkey.
In turn, the Turkish government complied with Stimson’s request, but they were unsuccessful in locating any of the source maps.
The Piri Reis map is currently located in the Library of the Topkapı Palace in Istanbul, Turkey, but is not usually on display to the public.
The map was depicted on the reverse of the Turkish 10 million lira banknote of 1999-2005 and of the new 10 lira banknote of 2005-2009.
The map is a portolan chart, as shown by the four compass roses (two large and two small) from which lines of bearing radiate. Some analyses assert that the map is an a zimuthal equidistant projection centered on Cairo, but a 1998 analysis by Steven Dutch of the University of Wisconsin Green Bay shows a better fit with a point near the intersection of the present-day prime meridian and the equator.
There are extensive notes in Turkish around the edges of the map, as well as some interior detail which is mostly inaccurate and fanciful.
The Iberian peninsula and the coast of Africa are rendered accurately; as for the Americas, the northern portion of the South American coast is also fairly accurate and positioned correctly with respect to Africa. Much of the Caribbean is also mapped fairly accurately and appears to reflect Columbus’s maps of the area.
The area representing North America bears almost no resemblance to its real coastline (which is unsurprising, since by this time, it was still almost totally unexplored) except for one projection which might be Newfoundland; an island labelled “Antilia” may actually be Nova Scotia, since it has a note attached which refers to the legendary voyages of Saint Brendan.
There is some suggestion that this area may represent the Asian coast. Island groups in the east Atlantic are accurately placed, but are depicted out of scale.
Although there are frequent claims for the extreme accuracy of this chart, McIntosh, in comparing the Piri Reis map to several other portolan-style maps of the era, found that
The Piri Reis map is not the most accurate map of the sixteenth century, as has been claimed, there being many, many world maps produced in the remaining eighty-seven years of that century that far surpass it in accuracy. The Ribeiro maps of the 1520s and 1530s, the Ortelius map of 1570, and the Wright-Molyneux map of 1599 (‘the best map of the sixteenth century’) are only a few better-known examples.
The likely explanation of the southern part Piri Reis Map. Source
There are two major discrepancies from known coastlines: the North American coast mentioned above, and the southern portion of the South American coast. On the Piri Reis map, the latter is shown bending off sharply to the east starting around present-day Rio de Janeiro.
A more popular interpretation of this territory has been to identify this section with the Queen Maud Land coast of Antarctica. This claim is generally traced to Arlington H. Mallery, a civil engineer and amateur archaeologist who was a supporter of pre-Columbian trans-oceanic contact hypotheses. Though his assertions were not well received by scholars, they were revived in Charles Hapgood’s 1966 book Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings.
This book proposed a theory of global exploration by a pre-classical undiscovered civilization based on his analysis of this and other ancient and late-medieval maps. More notoriously, these claims were repeated in Erich von Däniken’s Chariots of the Gods (which attributed the knowledge of the coast to extraterrestrials) and Gavin Menzies’s 1421: The Year China Discovered the World (which attributed it to supposed Chinese voyages), both of which were roundly denounced by both scholars and debunkers of fringe works, but which attracted huge popular followings.
A more sober analysis of these claims was published by Gregory McIntosh, a historian of cartography, who examined the map in depth in his book The Piri Reis Map of 1513 (Athens and London: University of Georgia Press, 2000). He was able to find sources for much of the map in Columbus’s writings.
Certain peculiarities (such as the appearance of the Virgin Islands in two locations) he attributed to the use of multiple maps as sources; others (such as the errors in North American geography) he traced to the continued confusion of the area with East Asia. As far as the accuracy of depiction of the supposed Antarctic coast is concerned, there are two conspicuous errors.
First, it is shown hundreds of miles north of its proper location; second, the Drake Passage is completely missing, with the Antarctic Peninsula presumably conflated with the Argentine coast. The identification of this area of the map with the frigid Antarctic coast is also difficult to reconcile with the notes on the map which describe the region as having a warm climate.
It should be kept in mind that maps of the period generally depicted a large continent named Terra Australis Incognita of highly variable shape and extent. This land was posited by Ptolemy as a counterbalance to the extensive continental areas in the northern hemisphere; due to a lack of exploration and various misunderstandings, its existence was not fully abandoned until circumnavigation of the area during the second voyage of James Cook in the 1770s showed that if it existed, it was much smaller than imagined previously.
The first confirmed landing on Antarctica was not until 1820, and the coastline of Queen Maud Land did not see significant exploration before Norwegian expeditions began in 1891. In 1513, Cape Horn had not yet been discovered, and indeed Ferdinand Magellan’s voyage of circumnavigation was not to set sail for another six years.
It is unclear whether the mapmaker saw South America itself as part of the unknown southern lands (as shown in the Atlas Miller), or whether (as Dutch thought) he drew what was then known of the coast with substantial distortion, but in any case, serious scholarship holds that there is no reason to believe that the map is the product of genuine knowledge of the Antarctic coast.
UFO Crash at Aztec – The Roswell Connection | 69th Anniversary
UFO Crash at Aztec – The Roswell Connection | 69th Anniversary
As a kid growing up in Aztec, NM in the late 1940’s to the late 1950’s, I had heard many rumors and talk about the UFO crash north of Aztec. The other kids at school would occasionally discuss the event and when and where it occurred. I also remember going outside at recess and looking at some of the mass UFO formations in the area about 1950.
For the old time Aztec folks, I attended Mrs. Martin’s 2nd grade class in the old 4 room, red brick, 2 story schoolhouse. There were big enclosed fire escape slides from the second floor. It was located on the site where the “new” high school was constructed in the mid-1950’s.
I had heard my Dad and other roughnecks in the oil “patch” discuss the crash and the “little guys inside!” I don’t think my dad seriously believed the event occurred, as he was not witness to the happenings. But the subject of the crash was the topic of many conversations at The Gas Cap Café, The Aztec Café; Bill’s Place Bar, and The Highway Lounge. I went to all of these places with my dad. While we were looked down upon as “oilfield trash,” the so-called “good” people of Aztec had no problem cashing my Dad’s oilfield paychecks.
I went into the US Air Force in March of 1960. Was stationed at Bolling AFB, Washington, D.C. and later at Kunsan AB, Korea. After the isolated tour of duty in Korea, I was allowed my choice of duty assignments. I opted for a consecutive overseas assignment, and I asked for Japan, England, France, or anyplace in Europe. In 1964, I was assigned to the U. S. munitions base at RAF Welford, Newbury, Berkshire, England.
Duty in England was good. I bought a little English car, a Morris Minor. My sister in Farmington, NM mailed me a NM State University window sticker, which I put in the window of the little car.
I was at work at the base motor pool one day when a fellow from the vehicle maintenance shop walked across the street and asked if I was from New Mexico, as he had seen the sticker on my car. We introduced ourselves. His family name was XXXX, with the nickname of “Sam.” We compared past duty stations, and realized that we had both been stationed in Korea about the same time! I was at Kunsan AB, and Sam had been at Osan, AB in 1963/1964, before we were both reassigned to RAF Welford in England.
I told Sam XXXX that I was from the 4-Corners area of New Mexico and he asked me if I ever lived in Aztec? I told Sam XXXX that I had indeed lived in Aztec and that I knew the area and town fairly well. Sam said that he had been in Aztec briefly in 1948. I assumed that he had been in the oilfield. Sam suggested that we meet at the Airman’s Club after dinner and talk. I agreed.
Our conversation was pretty much about Aztec. I asked Sam XXXX why he was so interested in Aztec, NM?
Sam asked me what all I knew about the UFO crash at Aztec in 1948? I told him that I had heard about it for most of my life, but that I had no direct knowledge about it. Sam XXXX then asked me if I thought we were alone in the universe? I replied that I thought there had to be intelligent life out there somewhere. Sam told me that he knew for a fact there was life from elsewhere, as he had seen some actual “little bodies” and that he had been involved with the UFO crash retrieval at Aztec, NM in March of 1948! He had been stationed at Roswell, NM and was flown with a group of USAF personnel to Durango, CO by C-47 (DC-3) aircraft, then driven on down to the crash site.
Sam told me that he had seen the bodies at the Aztec crash site, as they were loaded onto a truck. He did not tell me if the bodies were in body bags, caskets, or preserved in any way, but he thought they were placed in the cargo truck for protection from the elements and out of sight. He thought the bodies were eventually moved to Ohio by road transportation and that the craft was moved by road transportation to the new secure airport at Las Alamos, NM. Sam also related that a light, spring, snowstorm had occurred while the detachment was at the crash site before the craft was dismantled and removed. Sam was amazed that snow and ice accumulated on the military vehicles, but there was no accumulation on the craft’s surface.
I asked Sam XXXX about food and quarters for the troops while at Aztec. Sam said they were on the crash site 24/7 and never left. They were provided food rations and sleeping bags. Sleep in shifts was in, under, or in the cargo bed of some of the military vehicles. No tents or cots or hot chow was available. Latrine facilities were in the brush. Sam XXXX’ main duty was to provide perimeter security of the crash site, to keep unauthorized persons away. Sam XXXX was at the very bottom in the chain of command, and was a very young trooper at the time.
We carried on this conversation for the next three years in which Sam’s story was never changed, enhanced, or embellished. Sam XXXX warned me not to talk about the event at Aztec, as talking about the UFO crash had caused his US Air Force career to suffer badly. He was the only A/2C (E-3) with nearly 20 years of service that I had ever met. I was 22 years old, and Sam was in his late 30’s. Sam XXXX always looked over his shoulder, and always ended our conversations that perhaps “he had talked too much already.”
Sam XXXX and I both were advanced to A/1C (E-4) about the same time at RAF Welford. Sam and I both got married about the same time in 1965. We both moved into the married quarters on the base at RAF Welford, into trailer houses next to each other for nearly three years. Sam is a good friend, and I certainly hope that he can be located. I hope that he survived Vietnam!
I went back to the US for separation from the US Air Force and entry into the US Navy Seabees, in July of 1968. Repeated tours of Vietnam followed. Sam XXXX went directly to an air base in Vietnam, I think, about the same time. Have not seen or heard about Sam XXXX since. As I am now 63 years of age, Sam XXXX will be about 83 years of age or more.
I heard Stanton Friedman on a radio program one evening in 2003 talking about Scott Ramsey and his research into the 1948 UFO crash at Aztec, NM. Mr. Friedman asked for anyone with any knowledge of the event to e-mail him. I sent an e-mail and it was forwarded to Scott Ramsey.
U.S. astronaut Alan Bean kneels in front of a lunar module in the NASA training center.
Only 12 individuals from Earth have been fortunate enough to actually walk on the surface of another world ― specifically, our moon.
The historic manned lunar landing in July 1969 gave us Apollo 11’s first moonwalkers, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, followed four months later by Apollo 12’s Pete Conrad and Alan Bean leaving their footsteps on Earth’s natural satellite.
Lunar module pilot Bean, now 85, became the fourth man to set foot on the moon, and he continued with the space program as a spacecraft commander on the 59-day Skylab Mission II, in 1973. He was later named backup commander for the 1975 joint American-Russian Apollo-Soyuz test flight.
When Bean retired from NASA in 1981, he became an excellent artist who paints the experiences of fellow astronaut-moonwalkers.
Astronaut Alan Bean holds a container of lunar soil collected during Apollo 12 extravehicular activity.
Bean’s spacefaring experiences have given him plenty of time to think about the question of whether earthlings are alone in the universe, and specifically, whether aliens have discovered us.
“I do not believe that anyone from outer space has ever visited the Earth,” Bean told the Australian news site “One of the reasons I don’t believe they have been here is that civilizations that are more advanced are more altruistic and friendly ― like Earth, which is better than it used to be ― so they would have landed and said, ‘We come in peace and we know from our studies you have cancer that kills people, we solved that problem 50 years ago, here’s the gadget we put on a person’s chest that will cure it, we will show you how to make it.’
“Just like someday, say, 1,000 years from now, when we can go to another star and see a planet, that’s what we would do, because we will know how to cure cancer, cure birth defects, so we would teach them.”
Bean doesn’t think that we’re alone in the vast expanse of planets.
“There’s so many billions of stars, and these stars have planets around them, so there must be statistically many planets around many stars that have formed life,” he said.
But this raises the question of how Bean could assume that, if aliens have landed here, they would automatically offer to help with our problems. We can’t simply expect an extraterrestrial species to think the way we do, or to understand our thoughts and motivations. And why would he presume that when we are eventually able to travel to other planets, we would go out of our way to help aliens we may find with their problems?
Bean has obviously never heard of the United Federation of Planets prime directive, which forbids Starfleet explorers from interfering with any ET cultures.
Seriously, let’s be fair. Bean was a very accomplished astronaut and is certainly entitled to his opinion. And so is another, well-known astronaut.
In 2009, Apollo 14 moonwalker Edgar Mitchell spoke at a National Press Club news conference about UFOs and the possibility that Earth has been visited by extraterrestrials.
”I don’t have firsthand experience with the ET effort, except the fact that I know there is no doubt we are being visited and I’m suggesting it is now time to put away this embargo of truth about the alien presence, and I call upon our government to open up,” Mitchell told the media.
A year earlier, Mitchell, who died in 2016, appeared on a British radio show, where he proclaimed he was “privileged enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this planet and the UFO phenomenon is real, although it’s been covered up by our governments for the last 60 years or so. There’s more nonsense out there about this than there is real knowledge. I have been deeply involved in certain committees and research programs with very credible scientists and intelligence people that do know the real inside story, and I am not hesitant to talk about it.”
Mitchell was an Apollo astronaut whose opinion on whether aliens have been to Earth was the complete opposite of Bean’s. He showed the importance of keeping an open mind about what’s real and what isn’t.
Just because an accomplished astronaut makes a claim about a controversial issue like UFOs or aliens doesn’t make it the truth.
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UFO die bromtoon voortbrengt houdt gemoederen bezig in Groningen
UFO die bromtoon voortbrengt houdt gemoederen bezig in Groningen
In de afgelopen dagen is boven de provincie Groningen tot twee keer toe een UFO gesignaleerd die een brommend geluid voortbrengt.
Groningen komt de laatste tijd vaak in het nieuws vanwege de problemen door gaswinning, maar misschien gebeuren er ook wel wat vreemdere zaken.
Afgelopen zaterdag zagen inwoners uit het dorp Meedhuizen een vreemd object dat ze omschrijven als een bal met kleine vleugels:
We zaten in de tuin en onze hond keek ineens erg strak naar boven wat ze normaal bij vliegtuigen nooit doet. Dus wij keken ook naar boven en zagen daar een bol met 2 kleine vleugels erg langzaam voorbij vliegen. Het had geen motor of iets in die richting. Wel maakte het een zacht brommend geluid.
Op 14 maart zag een inwoner uit het dorp Winsum een UFO in de lucht die een lage bromtoon voortbracht:
Gisteravond toen ik wilde gaan slapen keek ik uit mijn raam zoals ik dat vaker ‘s avonds doe.
Hier viel mij gelijk iets geks op, namelijk een bijzonder helder licht en daarbij een bijzonder lage bromtoon. Het zag er apart uit, maar deed weinig met me en ik besloot te gaan slapen.
Rond 3 uur ‘s nachts schrok ik wakker, door mijn gordijnen zag ik een schim. Deze schim had menselijke trekken, maar wat langere armen. Ik ging dan ook direct uit van een inbreker of iets dergelijks.
Ik besloot op dat moment mijn gordijnen open te doen. Hierbij constateerde ik dat er niemand op het dak van de serre stond, een beetje gespannen ben ik verder gaan slapen.
Een klein uur later was ik weer wakker, nu in compleet andere omstandigheden. Ik had het gevoel dat ik vastgenageld aan mijn bed was. Over mij heen hingen drie gedaantes en het heldere licht en het lage geluid waren terug.
Tot hier gaat mijn herinnering en werd ik de volgende ochtend gewoon weer wakker. Direct ben ik op internet gaan zoeken wat het zou kunnen zijn; slaapverlamdheid, lucide dromen, enz.
Dit was helaas niet toepasbaar op mijn ervaringen.
Mijn vraag is: zijn er nog meer mensen met deze ervaring?
Staan deze ervaringen los van elkaar, of is er een verband?
Mysterious Shadows Seen From Space Station, Possible UFO Docking At ISS, March 2017, UFO Sighting News.
Mysterious Shadows Seen From Space Station, Possible UFO Docking At ISS, March 2017, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: March 2017 Location of sighting: International Space Station Now this shadow really looks like a very large craft is moving behind the space station, blocking out the sun. I have looked at the video over and over again and just can't find any explanation for it other than something large was on the other side of the ISS and casted its shadow onto Earths atmosphere upper layer. Very cool, and if its a UFO...very freaking big. Awesome catch by Streetcap1 of Youtube. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states:
This is the full real-time actual footage captured on the 19th March, 2017. I still do not have a clue as to what this is. No alterations to actual footage were made in this or the previous video. Streetcap1.
On behalf of Cinelou Films, we’re excited to share the official trailer for PHOENIX FORGOTTEN. Don’t miss this thriller based on shocking untold true events of mysterious lights appearing above Phoenix, Arizona on March 13th, 1997. From the producers of The Martian & 300 and the creative team behind The Maze Runner, this sci-fi adventure will be in Theaters April 21st!
In Theaters Friday, April 21st
Cast: Florence Hartigan, Chelsea Lopez, Justin Matthews, Luke Spencer Roberts Director: Justin Barber Writers: T.S. Nowlin and Justin Barber Producers: Wes Ball, T.S. Nowlin, Ridley Scott, Mark Canton, Courtney Solomon Genre: Thriller, Sci-Fi, Horror, Drama Studio: Cinelou Films
Based on the shocking, true events of March 13th, 1997, when several mysterious lights appeared over Phoenix, Arizona. This unprecedented and inexplicable phenomenon became known as “The Phoenix Lights”, and remains the most famous and widely viewed UFO sighting in history.
Phoenix Forgotten tells the story of three teens who went into the desert shortly after the incident, hoping to document the strange events occurring in their town. They disappeared that night, and were never seen again. Now, on the twentieth anniversary of their disappearance, unseen footage has finally been discovered, chronicling the final hours of their fateful expedition. For the first time ever, the truth will be revealed…
Agency in the Chilean Government Confirmed the Authenticity Of A Disturbing UFO Video
Agency in the Chilean Government Confirmed the Authenticity Of A Disturbing UFO Video
An agency in the Chilean government confirmed the video from a Chilean Navy helicopter showing a UFO releasing something into the atmosphere.
Jose Patricio Lay Lagos, CEFAA acting director, said that the incident has been open since they cannot be certain of its nature, unlike the other events where nature has been proved. CEFAA is an agency within Chile’s DGAC, can be compared to the FAA, but part of the Chilean Air Force.
According to the official report Airbus Cougar AS-532, a helicopter from the Chilean Navy mounted with an infrared FLIR HD camera was patrolling between the port of San Antonio and Quinteros at 4:48 pm UTC on November 11, 2014. The camera operator noticed a UFO moving forward at a constant speed, the same to that of the helicopter.
The pilot and the camera operator visually confirmed the sighting, which reportedly lasted more than ten minutes.
The two officers questioned the Air Traffic Control, but their radar failed to detect the mysterious flying object. They also tried interrogating it in the frequency designed for these cases, but they received no response from the unknown traffic.
The radar control system of DGAC also failed to capture the object.
The CEFAA acting director confirmed the video that made the rounds online in the first week of January to be the real version.
Lay explained that their scientific group, composed of people with doctorates in diverse disciplines, from Physics to Astronomy, are all skeptics and would not jump to wild conclusions.
Lay said that the two officers did not make any statements about the incident. They just instead handed over the video and described the content of it as rather unusual.
An Irish witness at Galway recalled a UFO incident from 1986 now referred to as the Salthill UFO Sighting, according to testimony in Case 82139 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
Witness illustration.
(Credit: MUFON)
The events occurred on March 1, 1986.
“One early spring day I walked up a hill on my way to Salthill beach,” the witness stated.“It looked liked it could rain, even though there were patches of blue in the sky. As I examined the clouds, to judge if it would rain soon, a cigar-shaped object appeared in the sky between the roofs of a row of houses. As I continued walking the object moved in the sky relative to the position of the houses on the ground, due to the perspective.”
Witness illustration.
(Credit: MUFON)
Witness illustration.
(Credit: MUFON)
The witness attempted to estimate the object’s distance.
“It hovered above the roof tops about one or two miles away, not moving. It’s appearance and color made me think of a Zeppelin. Then I continued walking and the object disappeared behind the roof of a house and some trees, because I moved and the perspective changed. I expected to see it again where it should have reappeared, but it remained disappeared.”
Witness illustration.
(Credit: MUFON)
The witness then walked back to where the object was last seen.
“A slow-moving blimp should still have been in about the same position in the sky. But the object was no longer there. All this happened within a few seconds. After I reached the top of the hill I walked down to the beach promenade, I could see that there was a lot of activity in Claude Toft Park, next to the beach. It looked like a festival was going on. At the seafront, I had a clear view of the whole sky, and I asked people about having seen a blimp or if balloons had been launched for the festivities, but no one had seen anything.”
Witness-submitted image.
(Credit: MUFON)
Galway is a city in the West of Ireland in the province of Connacht, population 79,504. Please remember that most UFO sightings can be explained as something natural or man-made. The above quotes were edited for clarity. Please report UFO activity to
Italian car companies have been renowned for decades for the beautiful sports cars they design. It looks like their designers have turned their eyes to the skies and are getting ready for the next generation in hot ways to travel … sports flying saucers. You’ve seen crafts that are called flying saucers before, but this one will truly make ETs jealous.
The “Identified Flying Object” (IFO) was recently presented to the public by inventor Pierpaolo Lazzarini, the CEO of Jet Capsule, a maker of futurist enclosed jet skis that Lazzarini proudly calls mini-yachts. They and the rest of his designs fully live up to his motto:
Think about the Future, never forget the past.
If his name sounds familiar, it’s because last year Lazzarini unveiled his “Unidentified Floating Object” – a flying-saucer-shaped floating party boat. While it’s cool, it’s not ready yet. On the other hand, the prototype for the Identified Flying Object has been made and the crowd-funding has begun.
The two-seat IFO has a spherical cockpit capsule measuring 2 meters (6.5 ft.) in diameter. The saucer shape surrounding it is a 4.7-meter-wide (15.4 ft.) carbon fiber disc (available in various colors) containing eight electric rotary engines to drive eight rotors. Power comes from eight rechargeable batteries, one for each engine, and a backup for emergencies. The IFO has a top speed of 190 kmph (120 mph) at a helicopter altitude and can stay aloft for up to 70 minutes depending on load, speed, weather, etc.
That takes care of the tech specs. Let’s move on to the beautiful design.
On land, the IFO stands 10 feet high on six fold-in extendable legs. The doors of the cockpit capsule swing upwards for easy access. The cool way to enter the cockpit is from underneath via an electric elevator.
Alternatively, each passenger can enter from their side of the IFO using a detachable stairway, giving it the classic look for the flying saucer in the original version of The Day Te Earth Stood Still.
Once inside the cockpit, the controls are as easy to use as the latest technology in quadcopters. While there are plenty of engines to keep the IFO airborne, in the event of a serious emergency the capsule can quickly separate from the disc and descend safely to the ground via parachute.
That’s all of the info Lazzarini released at the announcement. He did not reveal a suggested retail price but assured potential investors that all components are readily available in today’s market.
Will the Identified Flying Object become the Ferrari of the sky? It looks like we’ll soon find out. To paraphrase Pierpaolo Lazzarini, think about the IFO and forget about hoverboards, jetpacks and flying cars.
Aquariums displaying the colorful peacock mantis shrimp are warned to place it in a tank with reinforced glass because the little crustacean can pack a big punch using its fist-like front club….
The Hebrew Bible contains an interesting story in II Kings about a particular way of humiliating enemies in defeat. They brought out the sacred pillars of the house of Baal and burned…
Pain relievers and joint replacement surgery were not available 70-million years ago, especially for dinosaurs. Hadrosaur had to roam the earth in great pain and immobility from arthritis. For the first time,…
For a number of years, reports of unusual, silent moving, triangular-shaped aircraft have presented a recurring motif in UFO lore. Reports of such aircraft have helped foment a number of responses from the public, which range from notions of “alien visitation”, to the more down-to-Earth (and frankly, the more likely) idea that secret military aircraft operate in our skies, representative of “black projects” that fall well beyond public knowledge.
Perhaps, it could be argued, such technologies fall well beyond the knowledge of not just the public, but of a wide variety of military agencies beyond those specialized fields in which development of said craft may occur.
A recent report seems to detail this sort of “cloak and dagger” aviation, as released to John Greenwald of The Black Vault. The query was received from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) via Freedom of Information Act Request.
The (NRC) “was created as an independent agency by Congress in 1974 to ensure the safe use of radioactive materials for beneficial civilian purposes while protecting people and the environment.” The agency oversees and monitors commercial nuclear facilities, as well as the use of distributed materials which are nuclear in origin, which require inspection and regulation.
According to the documents obtained by Greenwald, between 1986 and 1989, a triangular unidentified flying object (UFO) reportedly violated a protected area on the property of Cooper Nuclear Station, near the Missouri River. The incident, according to the report, was not reported to the NRC as required.
The summary of the report makes for fascinating reading, as it describes multiple witnesses to a pair of sightings made over the course of two consecutive nights, and my multiple members of the security staff.
A portion of the summary reads as follows:
While posted at the intake structure one night, he observed an “unidentified flying object” fly down the Missouri River about 150 feet in the air and hover in front of the intake. He observed it for a few moments and then contacted a fellow security officer who also observed it (he could not recall the individual’s name exactly but his first name was [REDACTED] and his last name was either [REDACTED ]. After they together observed the UFO, it turned and went back up the river and did not come back that shift. He and the other officer shared their observation with their peers who did not believe them.
The next evening he again was posted at the intake and observed the UFO return again. This time he didn’t call anyone until the UFO had traversed into the protected area and hovered above the protected area just north of the Reactor Building. He said it was roughly triangular in shape with a circle of rotating lights on the bottom. He could not hear any propulsion noise from the UFO. He believes that it was roughly 1/3 the size of the Reactor Building. Once the UFO hovered in the protected area. He called the security break room and most of the officers on shift observed the UFO.
The report notes that the observers, whose names were redacted from the document, were all security officers at the facility, all of whom were still employed at the facility in June of 2010 when the report was filed.
“After hovering there for a few minutes,” the statement concludes, “the UFO exited the protected area and returned back up the river to the north as it had the previous night. The [observer] said that he never saw the UFO at the plant again after that evening.”
“The [observer] believes that this incident should have been reported as a violation of the protected area space but was not reported.” The entire report can be read online here.
The nature and origin of such unusual aircraft as these remain mysterious, though they have been consistently reported over the years. In February, KLAS Las Vegas reporter George Knapp, renowned for his interest in unidentified aerial phenomena, reported on massive, triangular-shaped aircraft which have repeatedly been seen over Nevada for a number of years, leading to some speculation about a “super-size stealth fighter” or other similar massive aircraft.
Prominent aviation writers say they’ve heard rumors about a so-called super size stealth fighter, but the program has not been confirmed. Such a plane would be valuable because it could carry more bombs than the stealth we know today. Clark figures the military wanted to show it off “by flying it across the Valley in broad daylight. They can’t have a press conference since they don’t exist”
In the early 1990s, the Federation of American Scientists conducted their own study into claims of unusual aircraft such as this, which had simply been titled “Mystery Aircraft.” According to the Federation’s Government Secrecy Project Director Steven Aftergood, “The study argues that secrecy in military aerospace has exceeded all reasonable justifications. Such secrecy cannot, in any case, be effectively maintained beyond the early research and development phase, and has little point in the absence of a high-tech adversary.”
“Secrecy in aerospace functions above all as a mechanism for enhancing the political fortunes of questionable programs,” Aftergood wrote. “In short, it appears that many black aircraft programs are designed only to penetrate Congressional airspace.”
This is an interesting note to end on, since the idea that a number of secret aviation technologies might operate with little purpose other than for surveillance and monitoring here at home, rather than for use in operations abroad. Naturally, it does seem to constitute a concern with relation to efforts against unnecessary government secrecy.
As for why they appear from time to time? Much like the observers in the Cooper Nuclear Station incident, their testimony was not believed at the time the observation occurred; hence, there is little need for hiding away something that is so seldom seen, and so strange in appearance that it is hardly to be believed anyway.
As the old saying goes, often the best place to hide something is in plain sight.
There are a variety of cultural beliefs that have been associated with impending disasters, ranging from the appearances of owls, howling wolves, and various other natural occurrences which may have ghostly overtones,…
Of all the best-known and often reviewed UFO cases of the last few decades, many would contend that one of the most puzzling had been the Cash-Landrum incident, which occurred near Dayton, Texas on 29…
The American public can access these documents from the comfort of their homes. Approximately 13 million pages of declassified documents from the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) were released online this week…
The crew of an offshore supply vessel reportedly witnessed a massive UFO rise from the Gulf of Mexico and speed away into the skies, according to testimony logged with MUFON and NUFORC, the National UFO Reporting Center. In the NUFORC report, the chief engineer aboard the unnamed craft claims that on March 21, 2017, he and four members of his crew witnessed a UFO rise silently from the ocean just before dusk.
Approximate location of the sighting.
According to the engineer’s testimony, the craft was completely silent and even appeared to repel water as it rose from the gulf:
The scene lasted about 40 seconds. The craft rose up out of the water (Gulf of Mexico) about 40 feet, no water was dripping from the craft. Within a split second the craft disappeared at a 30-degree angle into the sky. Speed appeared to be faster than the speed of a light turning on in a room. Within seconds it had disappeared completely. I can say for sure that the craft was dark colored, oval in shape and made no sound whatsoever.
NUFORC reportedly followed up with the witness by telephone and assures the chief engineer to be a “very capable, and very reliable, witness.” According to the reports, the craft appeared to be over five times the size of the supply ship.
The offshore supply vessel was in the area to provide material support for oil extraction operations.
While there is only one official testimony so far, the chief engineer claims that there are likely dozens of other witnesses aboard an oil rig located near the location of his vessel at the time of the sighting. This incident took place 80 miles southeast of New Orleans – suspiciously close to the location of the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Are these two events related? Could the oil spill have caused by alien visitors in an attempt to wean our fledgling civilization off of the perilously dirty fossil fuels on which our modern economy depends?
…but why would aliens be interested in fossil fuels to begin with?
Probably not, but conspiracy theories still surround the controversial spill including a slew of allegations of alien interference. More likely, though, was this reported sighting some kind of strange, misguided attempt to draw public attention back to the environmental damage caused by the oil spill? Who knows. Until more testimony is gathered, this one remains unverified.
In the 1980s, Medellin, Colombia, developed a reputation as the most violent city in the world due to the drug cartel run by Pablo Escobar. The violence and crime began to drop…
In the United Kingdom, UFO disclosure seems to be an ongoing hobby the Ministry of Defense has undertaken. Spanning regular periodic intervals, large quantities of formerly classified government data pertaining to UFOs…
Way back in 1970, one of the most important UFO-themed books ever published was unleashed upon the world. Its title: Operation Trojan Horse. Its author was John Keel, perhaps most noted for…
Dave Davies is a well-respected man. One of Rolling Stone Magazine’s 100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time, he was the founder, lead guitarist and occasional vocalist for The Kinks, one of the most influential bands of the 60’s British invasion and a member of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Dave Davies has earned his place in music history. Now, like other rock stars, he finally feels comfortable in opening up about his UFO experiences and alien encounters. Could it be that Lola walked like a woman but talked like a man because she was a shape-shifting alien?
Dave Davies today
In a recent interview with Vulture, Dave Davies talks about a screenplay he’s working on (who isn’t?) about a cop in “futuristic New York” and a “mystic-witch” woman who sings to him from another planet. While it wasn’t directly inspired by an alien experience, Davies admits that he’s seen UFOs.
It was really interesting. I saw them in north Devon in England — lights and zigzags in the skies.
That’s not surprising – Devon is a known hotspot for UFO sightings. But Davies believes that his encounters with UFOs were more than just the usual sightings.
Then when I started to dig deeper into my experience, I understood I was also getting communications — psychic impressions — from aliens.
Davies feels that people like himself who have kept their UFO experiences hidden internally for years get strange feelings from them penetrating their “subconscious and super-conscious.” Over time, he decided to get “really into ufology” and determined that his sightings were related to Sirius, the Dog Star, and that the communications he was receiving originated there.
The early Kinks
As with any rock star from the 60’s and 70’s, one wonders if these “communications” may have been the result of the ingestion of certain psychedelic substances. Davies understands, but thinks they’re real and, if they’re not from aliens, they’re from some other beings.
I’m part Irish, and in Irish folktales there are elementals called pookas that communicate with people. There are all sorts of phenomena about consciousness that we can’t quite explain but that give us wisdom and guidance.
Pookas or púcas are shape-shifting creatures from Celtic mythology (Lola?). Fans of the movie Harvey will remember that Jimmy Stewart’s character referred to his invisible rabbit friend as a pooka. Dave admits that he’s a spiritual person and this other-consciousness connection may run in the family – he says he and his brother Ray rarely need to communicate verbally. In fact, he relates a 1982 “out-of-body experience with myself and an inner-body-experience with other intelligences” where the “other intelligences” communicated with him through sense of smell.
While Dave Davies focuses on the spiritual aspects of his UFO and alien experiences, he acknowledges in the interview that he believes the government knows about aliens and covers it up, but he refuses to discuss this or politics any further.
Was Lola an alien? Davies didn’t say, but he hinted that he and Ray have been playing new songs and might possibly release an album … if he gets a sign to do it.
Scientists, in their never ending search for extremities that may find practical use in aiding humankind, have stumbled upon some fascinating discoveries in recent years. Just to illustrate the point,while conductivity is cool, superconductivity is really cool….
This week we are joined by ethologist and best selling author Jonathan Balcombe to discuss his new book ‘What a Fish Knows‘. Balcombe’s research reveals just how wrong our assumptions of fish…
Consciousness is something that is well worthy of our study. Of course, it is presently among those things deemed unexplained just as well, and hence, at times it becomes difficult to discern just…
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“Overheden bereiden burgers voor op onthullingen over buitenaards bezoek”
“Overheden bereiden burgers voor op onthullingen over buitenaards bezoek”
Volgens The Disclosure Activists, een internationale organisatie, wordt de aarde al minstens 70 jaar bezocht door buitenaardsen.
Hiervoor is veel fysiek en forensisch bewijs, aldus de groep. Mede-oprichter Russell Calka merkt op dat er sprake is van een kentering.
“De laatste tijd worden binnen de Amerikaanse overheid en andere overheden inspanningen gedaan om deze informatie vrij te geven,” zei hij.
Drie conclusies
“Op basis van het bewijs dat is verzameld door onderzoekers, getuigenissen van militairen en geopenbaarde overheidsstukken komen we tot drie conclusies,” zei Victor Viggiani, strategisch adviseur van de groep.
“Ten eerste werd en wordt de aarde bezocht door andere beschavingen,” vervolgde hij. “Ten tweede wordt deze informatie doelbewust achtergehouden.”
“Ten derde weten overheden en onderzoekers dat dit zo is en is het nu aan de mensheid om achter de waarheid te komen,” benadrukte Viggiani.
Naar buiten
Langzaam maar zeker komt informatie hierover naar buiten. Onlangs gaf het Spaanse ministerie van Defensie een aantal UFO-stukken vrij.
In januari 2017 maakte de CIA soortgelijke documenten openbaar. Eerder deden de Britse, Mexicaanse en Chileense overheid hetzelfde.
In een interview met tv-presentator Jimmy Kimmel zei oud-president George W. Bush dat hij niets mocht zeggen over eventuele UFO-documenten.
Uit gelekte e-mails die door WikiLeaks zijn gepubliceerd blijkt dat de overheid en het leger erg geïnteresseerd zijn in dit onderwerp.
“Zij bereiden burgers voor op onthullingen over buitenaards bezoek,” zeggen The Disclosure Activists.
“Via deze openbaringen, ontdekkingen, lekken en hints wordt het volk voorbereid op officiële aankondigingen over buitenaards bezoek,” zei mede-oprichter dr. Lisa Galarneau.
“Dit is een belangrijke stap in de richting van open contact met buitenaardse intelligenties die ons als ras kunnen helpen met onze problemen,” voegde ze toe.
Strange new images of Mars suggest that aliens could be building towers on the planet's surface, according to conspiracy theorists.
A Nasa satellite probe has spotted a large spherical object on the red planet.
The sphere was snapped perched on one of Mars's ancient dried up lakes by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO).
Scroll down for video
A Nasa satellite probe has spotted a huge spherical object on the red planet (circled). The sphere was snapped perched on one of Mars's ancient dried up lakes by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) and casts a long shadow across the planet's surface
Also known as blueberries because of a blue hue given to the objects in false-colour images, Martian spherules were discovered by the Mars rover Opportunity in 2004.
One theory is that the spheres may have formed when molten rock was sprayed into the air by a volcano or a meteor impact.
Another suggests they formed when groundwater flowed through porous rocks creating chemical reactions that cause iron minerals to precipitate into layered balls.
The satellite has been mapping Mars from the planet's orbit since 2005.
The bright sphere, which casts a long shadow across Mars's dusty surface in the picture, was spotted by Alien hunters MarsMoonSpaceTV.
In the video, the team zoom in on an image taken by Nasa's MRO of a Martian lake that dried up millions of years ago.
The sphere can be seen perched on the edge of what remains of the giant lake in an area that was once covered by water.
'The massive white spherical object is unmistakable,' UFO YouTube channel SecureTeam10 explains in a video about the sphere.
'As you look around the image you don't see anything else like this and that's why it stuck out like a sore thumb.
'From the shadow it's casting I would have to say that this thing is not only large but it may have some height to it, so we may have a tower structure here.'
The sphere was snapped perched on one of Mars's ancient dried up lakes by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO). The satellite has been mapping Mars from the planet's orbit since 2005
Nasa satellite picks up image of bizarre white sphere on Mars
Over the course of three online-based studies, researchers at the University of Kent showed strong links between the belief in conspiracy theories and these psychological traits.
The results showed that those people who rated highly on the narcissism scale and who had low self-esteem were more likely to be conspiracy believers.
However, while low self-esteem, narcissism and belief in conspiracies are strongly linked, it is not clear that one - or a combination - causes the other.
But it hints at an interesting new angle to the world of conspiracy and those who reinforce belief.
'Conspiracy theorists are fascinated by the idea that there are towers on Mars,' Nigel Watson, author of the UFO Investigations Manual, told MailOnline.
'This would be proof that in the past Mars hosted highly organised and advanced civilisations, unfortunately it seems to be a matter of wishful thinking.
'For me it is a large stretch of the imagination that this sphere provides evidence of a tower structure. Such things are more likely to be caused by natural formations, but until we get boots on the Martian surface we are all left to guess.'
The images most likely show an example of a Martian 'spherule'.
Also known as blueberries because of a blue hue given to the objects in false-colour images, Martian spherules were discovered by the Mars rover Opportunity in 2004.
One theory is the spheres may have formed when molten rock was sprayed into the air by a volcano or a meteor impact.
Another theory suggests they formed when groundwater flowed through porous rocks creating chemical reactions that cause iron minerals to precipitate into small, layered balls.
Captured by the Mars Rover Curiosity, an image taken on 1 January (pictured) shows a small dark sphere looking out of place lying among the familiar red dust and craggy rocks
The pictures most likely showed an example of a Martian spherule. One theory is that the spheres formed when molten rock was sprayed into the air by a volcano or a meteor impact
The strange sphere is not the first to be spotted on Mars's surface this year.
Captured by the Mars Rover Curiosity, an image taken on 1 January shows a small dark sphere looking out of place lying among the familiar red dust and craggy rocks.
Some suggested it was a marble, but experts claimed it was an example of a Martian spherule.
'A number of straightforward geological processes can yield round shapes,' said Dr Hap McSween, an Opportunity science team member from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
A black and white picture taken on 20 December 2016 shows the same ball in the same place, although Martian dust appears to have covered surrounding rocks since then.
The pictures were taken by Nasa's Curiosity rover - which has been examining the surface of Mars since it landed in 2011 - using its right mast camera.
The pictures were taken by Curiosity's rover (artist's impression pictured), which has been examining the surface of Mars since it landed in 2011
This mosaic image shows some Martian spherules partly embedded, spread over the (smaller) soil grains. Another theory suggests they formed when groundwater flowed through porous rocks creating chemical reactions that cause iron minerals to precipitate into layered balls
Latest alien scoop: Mars images show spoon shaped object
New book will detail how to hunt for micrometeorites
By William J. Broad • New York Times News Service
After decades of failures and misunderstandings, scientists have solved a cosmic riddle — what happens to the tons of dust particles that hit the Earth every day but seldom, if ever, get discovered in the places that humans know best, like buildings and parking lots, sidewalks and park benches.
The answer? Nothing. Look harder. The tiny flecks are everywhere.
An international team found that rooftops and other cityscapes readily collect the extraterrestrial dust in ways that can ease its identification, contrary to science authorities who long ago pooh-poohed the idea as little more than an urban myth kept alive by amateur astronomers.
Remarkably, the leader of the discovery team — and co-author of a recent paper in Geology, a monthly journal of the Geological Society of America — turns out to be a gifted amateur who devoted himself to disproving the skeptics.
A noted jazz musician in Norway, he rearranged his life to include eight long years of extraterrestrial sleuthing. His hunt has now produced a significant discovery, a colorful book for lay readers and what scientists call a portrait gallery of alien visitors.
“I hope and believe this will start something,” the musician, Jon Larsen, said in an interview. His goal? “Making it easy.”
His book, “In Search of Stardust: Amazing Micro-Meteorites and Their Terrestrial Imposters,” due out in August, details the secret of his extraordinarily successful hunts. Its 150 pages and 1,500 photomicrographs, or photos taken through a microscope, tell how Larsen taught himself to distinguish cosmic dust from the minuscule contaminants that arise from roads, shingles, factories, roof tiles, construction sites, home insulation and holiday fireworks.
As his book puts it, “To pick out one extraterrestrial particle among billions of others requires knowledge both about what to look for and what to disregard.”
The diminutive flecks to which Larsen, 58, has devoted himself represent the smallest parts of a cosmic downpour that has lashed the Earth for billions of years.
Careful observers of the night sky are familiar with shooting stars — speeding bits of extraterrestrial rock that plunge through the Earth’s atmosphere, often burning up completely.
The biggest can strike the ground, some forcefully enough to dig craters. In 2013, a relatively small rock exploded over the Russian city Chelyabinsk, releasing a shock wave that injured hundreds of people, mainly as windows shattered into flying glass.
But all that represents a tiny fraction of the downpour. Scientists say most of the cosmic material is remarkably small — barely the width of a human hair. Known as micrometeorites, they rain down on the planet more or less continuously but have proved remarkably hard to find. Some bits are so small and lightweight that they drift down to the Earth’s surface without melting.
The dust consists of tiny remnants from the solar system’s birth, including debris from the lumps of dirty ice known as comets and from ages of smashups among planets and the big rocks known as asteroids. While most of the particles are interplanetary in nature, some contain grains of matter from outside the solar system, or true stardust. Their diversity makes them excellent windows on the cosmos.
Scientists have found micrometeorites mainly in the Antarctic, remote deserts and other places far from civilization’s haze. Starting in the 1940s and 1950s, investigators tried to find them in urban areas but eventually gave up because of the riot of human contaminants.
Significantly, it turns out that specialists trying to establish the cosmic origins of the tiny specks have tended to examine their chemical signatures rather than their overall appearance. That left a large opening for Larsen.
Matthew J. Genge, one of the Geology paper’s four authors and a senior lecturer in earth and planetary science at Imperial College, London, used an electron microprobe at the Natural History Museum in London to determine the chemical makeup of Larsen’s finds and confirm their cosmic origin.
In an interview, he said that, overall, the grains that survive the atmospheric plunge and land on the Earth’s surface add up to more than 4,000 tons annually, or more than 10 tons a day. “He’s done a valuable thing in classifying the contaminants,” Genge said of Larsen’s work. “It has wide-reaching implications.”
Donald Brownlee, an astronomer at the University of Washington who helped establish the field, called Larsen a true citizen scientist whose work will aid the global hunt for the tiny specks.
“Your car is covered with cosmic dust,” Brownlee said. “We inhale this stuff. We eat it every time we eat lettuce. But normally, it’s incredibly difficult to find.”
Larsen came to what he calls Project Stardust as a jazz guitarist in Norway, perhaps known best as the founder of Hot Club de Norvège, a string quartet. His group helped spur the global revival of gypsy jazz.
As Larsen tells the story, he was an enthusiastic rock collector as a child but did so well as a musician that he set aside his early scientific ambitions. Then, in 2009, at a country house outside Oslo, he was cleaning an outdoor table when a bright speck caught his eye.
“It was blinking in the sunlight,” he recalled. He touched the fleck. “It was angular in some way, kind of metallic but so small — a tiny dot.”
Intrigued, Larsen suspected it was a cosmic visitor and began to look for more. He collected dust samples from Oslo and cities around the globe, moonlighting as a scientist while vacationing or touring with his jazz group. He took samples from roads, roofs, parking lots and industrial areas.
Put indelicately, he collected hundreds of pounds of dreck — sludge from drains, gutters and downspouts, the dregs of civilization that most people try to avoid.
“Still, I didn’t find a single micrometeorite,” he recalled. “It was very frustrating.”
Larsen then changed tactics. Rather than looking exclusively for cosmic dust, he taught himself how to classify the dozens of different kinds of earthly contaminants, starting a process of elimination that slowly narrowed the candidates and raised the chances that some tiny fraction of the urban debris might turn out to belong to the cosmos.
The breakthrough came two years ago. In London, Genge studied one of the gathered particles — from Norway, not Timbuktu — and confirmed that it was indeed a traveler from outer space. Larsen quickly identified hundreds more.
“Once I knew what to look for, I found them everywhere,” he said.
In the Geology paper, the scientific team reports the discovery of about 500 micrometeorites — collected mainly from roof gutters in Norway — and tells of the detailed analysis of 48 of the extraterrestrial specks. The team includes two of Genge’s students, Martin D. Suttle of Imperial College and Matthias Van Ginneken of the Université Libre in Brussels.
In an interview, Larsen described his method — sorting through the contaminants in a process of elimination — as “something that anybody can do. It could and should become part of teachings in schools, an aspect of citizen science.”
Brownlee of the University of Washington agreed. He said that, while many schools try to find cosmic dust particles in programs meant to make science classes more inviting and accessible, few if any succeed. “It could help a lot,” he said of Larsen’s method. “For education, it’s pretty cool.”
Genge of Imperial College said Larsen’s techniques, if adopted widely, might also open a new lens on the cosmos.
The gravitational pull of the planets, he noted, appear to tug on the dust clouds of the solar system and slowly change their orbits. He said a wave of new terrestrial finds could help scientists better map the clouds, raising more questions for science about the structure of the universe.
“I consider my microscope a telescope,” Genge said. “It can give you a pretty big picture.”
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