The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
WHAT IS OUT THERE? NASA probe to fly over Jupiter's mysterious 'red spot' for first time
WHAT IS OUT THERE? NASA probe to fly over Jupiter's mysterious 'red spot' for first time
NASA is to undertake the closest ever investigation of the mysterious "red spot" on Jupiter within days.
The JUno space probe (pictured) will fly over Jupiter's red spot.
The Juno space probe is set to orbit a 10,000 mile-wide storm on Jupiter on July 10, after a year of circling the gas planet.
A NASA spokesman said: "This will be humanity's first up-close and personal view of the gigantic feature - a storm monitored since 1830 and possibly existing for more than 350 years."
Scott Bolton, principal investigator of Juno from the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, said: "Jupiter's mysterious Great Red Spot is probably the best-known feature of Jupiter.
"This monumental storm has raged on the solar system's biggest planet for centuries.
"Now, Juno and her cloud-penetrating science instruments will dive in to see how deep the roots of this storm go, and help us understand how this giant storm works and what makes it so special."
The data collection of the Great Red Spot is part of Juno's sixth science flyby over Jupiter's mysterious cloud tops.
Perijove, the point at which an orbit comes closest to Jupiter's centre, will be on Monday, July 11, at 2:55am (BST).
At the time of perijove, Juno will be about 2,200 miles (3,500 kilometres) above the planet's cloud tops.
Eleven minutes and 33 seconds later, Juno will have covered another 24,713 miles (39,771 kilometres) and will be directly above the coiling crimson cloud tops of Jupiter's Great Red Spot.
The spacecraft will pass about 5,600 miles (9,000 kilometres) above the Giant Red Spot clouds. All eight of the spacecraft's instruments as well as its imager, JunoCam, will be on during the flyby.
Jupiter's mysterious Great Red Spot is probably the best-known feature of Jupiter. This monumental storm has raged on the solar system's biggest planet for centuries.
Scott Bolton
The spacecraft has chalked up about 71 million miles (114.5 million kilometres) in orbit around the giant planet in 12 months.
Rick Nybakken, project manager for Juno from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, said: "The success of science collection at Jupiter is a testament to the dedication, creativity and technical abilities of the NASA-Juno team.
"Each new orbit brings us closer to the heart of Jupiter's radiation belt, but so far the spacecraft has weathered the storm of electrons surrounding Jupiter better than we could have ever imagined."
Juno launched on August 5, 2011, from Cape Canaveral, Florida.
During its mission of exploration, Juno soars low over the planet's cloud tops - as close as about 2,100 miles (3,400 kilometres).
During these flybys, Juno is probing beneath the obscuring cloud cover of Jupiter and studying its auroras to learn more about the planet's origins, structure, atmosphere and magnetosphere.
Early science results from NASA's Juno mission portray the largest planet in our solar system as a turbulent world, with an intriguingly complex interior structure, energetic polar aurora, and huge polar cyclones.
European legislation has blocked the British public from knowing about the number of UFO sightings
The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) is said to have blocked public access to documents which reveal a number of strange sightings to impede their “curiosity”.
The CAA has been using European law from 2014 to block access to the public records of sightings or incidents between 2011 and 2017, the Sun reports.
The law reportedly states: “Occurrence information can only be used for the purpose of maintaining or improving aviation safety, and the release of occurrence information to the general public or the media, including in response to Freedom of Information Act (FOI) requests, is not permitted.
They seem surprised that curious individuals might want to see details of these incidents
Dr David Clarke of Sheffield Hallam University
“However, if you require occurrence information for the purpose of maintaining or improving aviation safety you are able to make an application to the CAA.”
Although the EU protests that the information is accessible via application, a university professor suggests otherwise.
Dr David Clarke of Sheffield Hallam University was previously granted access to the files.
But was shocked when his FOI requested was refused earlier this year.
He told the Sun Online: “These have been collected and logged by the CAA since at least 1976.
“For many years the CAA has released this information under FOI without any evidence that commercial secrets or safety have been harmed or compromised.
“Indeed in 2012 the chief executive of Britain's National Air Traffic Control Services, Richard Deakin, admitted in a BBC Radio 4 interview that his agency received reports of UFOs from civil aircrew somewhere in the world every month.
British public do not know how many UFO's spotted
The UK Public are completely unaware of how many UFO's are spotted
“But then they seem surprised that curious individuals might want to see details of these incidents using Open Government legislation.
"Now they are using a piece of European Regulation to block public access to these records.
"The only conceivable reason for this change of policy is embarrassment on the part of the aviation industry. It does not want to admit that its pilots do occasionally report things in the sky that are difficult to explain.
"To improve public confidence in air safety, the authorities should be proactively promoting open access to records of this type."
The authority reportedly claimed that public access had been blocked because the identity of pilots needed to be maintained.
A CAA spokesman said: "The Mandatory Occurrence Reporting (MOR) scheme requires individuals and organisations within the aviation industry to report safety occurrences to the CAA, with the intention that these reports are used to constantly improve safety levels.
“Information held by the CAA under the MOR system may be made available, for the purpose of improving aviation safety, subject to completing this application form."
Did you see a bright, fast-moving light over Adelaide last night?
Did you see a bright, fast-moving light over Adelaide last night?
UPDATED: SOUTH Australians have reported seeing a strange bright light across the sky in Friday night. But what was it? And did you see it?
Greg Barila
A BRIGHT “fast-moving” light with a green trail across the sky Friday night has captured the imaginations of at least a few locals who are this morning trying to get to the bottom of what it is they saw - or think they saw. has received and read a smattering of reports about the strange light, which one expert says could have been a meteor or space junk re-entering the earth’s atmosphere.
A Reddit user reported seeing “what I can only guess was a meteor” pass over Henley Beach.
“Saw it from the city, fast moving bright light, green trail, bright flash.”
Southern Lights Adorn Starlit Skies Over Tasmania
Another Reddit user responded that the same phenomenon was witnessed by “a lot of people” on the Eyre Peninsula.
Salisbury East man Bradley Cousins said he was driving home from work in Tanunda around midnight when he looked up at the moon because it “looked strange”.
“I was halfway along the road when all of a sudden, this orange/red light appears suddenly in the sky and it quickly got bigger,” Mr Cousins said.
“At first I thought it was a meteor or something because of how it was getting bigger and travelling so fast, as a reflex I put on my brakes.
A fireball captured over Mt Ives station south of Lake Gairdner by the Desert Fireball Network at 11.56pm on Friday night, which they say is possibly the brightest they've photographed.
“Then all of sudden it instantaneously goes bright green, gets smaller and completely disappears without evidence of it hitting the ground.
“I know this sounds crazy and I sound crazy but I can’t explain it.”
Paul Curnow, lecturer at the Adelaide Planetarium at the UniSA’s Mawson Lakes campus didn’t see the light for himself but says he woke to several reports confirming sightings on the Eyre Peninsula.
“People have seen a meteor or something over Port Lincoln and so it must be a fairly big and bright one that’s come across,” Mr Curnow said adding that they were “not unusual”.
“What I don’t know is whether it’s a piece of returning space junk.”
“It could be something like that but I mean there’s a lot of rock that comes in from space and we call those meteors and if they make their way to the surface of the earth we call them meteorites.”
Mr Curnow said it might be possible to work out exactly what occurred if people happened to record the light via a dashcam or security camera.
“That’s where we’re getting more and more footage of these things.
“That would give it some sort of direction.”
Did you see the mystery light? Comment below to tell us what you saw.
IF you’ve ever worried that an asteroid is going to hit the Earth and wipe out the world as you know it, your worries could soon be over.
It will be the first-ever mission to demonstrate an asteroid deflection technique for planetary defence.
IF YOU’RE the sort who lies awake at night in a cold sweat, holding your breath, worrying that an asteroid is going to hit the Earth and wipe out the world as you know it, your worries could soon be over.
If all goes according to plan, it will blast off from Earth in 2024.
Its mission: to redirect a nonthreatening asteroid.
Its goal: to prove it can be done when and if a large one actually threatens to hit us. Move aside, Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck. This could actually work.
If all goes according to plan, DART will crash into a small asteroid called Didymos B at the speed of 6 kilometres per second, about nine times faster than a bullet. Then scientists on Earth will monitor whether and how the collision alters Didymos B’s orbit around its larger twin, Didymos A.
Scientists chose Didymos B because, at roughly 152 metres in diameter, it is typical of an asteroid that could pose a common hazard to Earth.
Move it, and you don’t have to move the world.
“DART is a critical step in demonstrating we can protect our planet from a future asteroid impact,” said Andy Cheng, who is co-leading the DART investigation at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL), which will build the refrigerator-sized spacecraft.
“Since we don’t know that much about their internal structure or composition, we need to perform this experiment on a real asteroid. With DART, we can show how to protect Earth from an asteroid strike with a kinetic impactor by knocking the hazardous object into a different flight path that would not threaten the planet.”
Secret UFO sighting dossier hushed up using EU law so the public may never learn what’s inside
Secret UFO sighting dossier hushed up using EU law so the public may never learn what’s inside
A SECRET database filled with UFO incidents reported by airline crews has been kept away from prying eyes thanks to the government.
Margi Murphy
Ministry of Defence files show UFO reported sightings.
Picture: PA/National Archives
THE public may never learn of the recent UFO sightings made by pilots in our skies thanks to a piece of EU legislation, it has emerged.
Airline staff report a number of strange sightings to the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) every year, it is understood.
The Sun reports since the MoD closed its UFO desk in 2009, the CAA has become the last British government organisation to retain an interest in UFOs and keep files on incidents involving civilian aircrews.
But it has decided not to release a dossier detailing sightings or incidents between 2011 and 2017.
Government files of this kind are normally available under the Freedom of Information Act, which allows any member of the public to request files from the government.
But the CAA is now using a piece of European legislation from 2014 to block access to its record of “occurrences”.
It states: “Occurrence information can only be used for the purpose of maintaining or improving aviation safety, and the release of occurrence information to the general public or the media, including in response to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, is not permitted.
“However, if you require occurrence information for the purpose of maintaining or improving aviation safety you are able to make an application to the CAA.”
Ministry of Defence has decided not to release a dossier detailing sightings or incidents between 2011 and 2017.
Picture: PA/National ArchivesSource:Supplied
One of the purposes of the legislation is to protect the identity of pilots who come forward to share details of strange sightings in the sky.
However, information obtained using FOIA is typically “redacted” to remove any identifying features like names and addresses.
David Clarke of Sheffield Hallam University’s department of journalism has previously been granted access to the files, but was shocked when his FOI request was refused earlier this year.
He told The Sun Online: “These have been collected and logged by the CAA since at least 1976.
“For many years the CAA has released this information under Freedom of Information without any evidence that commercial secrets or safety have been harmed or compromised.
“Indeed in 2012 the chief executive of Britain’s National Air Traffic Control Services, Richard Deakin, admitted in a BBC Radio 4 interview that his agency received reports of UFOs from civil aircrew somewhere in the world every month.
The move to block the release of these records is certain to set conspiracy theorist’s tongues wagging
Picture: istockSource:istock
“But then they seem surprised that curious individuals might want to see details of these incidents using Open Government legislation.
“Now they are using a piece of European Regulation to block public access to these records.
“The only conceivable reason for this change of policy is embarrassment on the part of the aviation industry. It does not want to admit that its pilots do occasionally report things in the sky that are difficult to explain.
“To improve public confidence in air safety, the authorities should be proactively promoting open access to records of this type.”
The move to block the release of these records is certain to set conspiracy theorist’s tongues wagging.
But when quizzed, the Civil Aviation Authority told the Sun Online that the files were available — if you could prove you were going to use the information to further safety in the sky.
It is not available to journalists or the general public.
A spokesman said: “The Mandatory Occurrence Reporting (MOR) scheme requires individuals and organisations within the aviation industry to report safety occurrences to the CAA, with the intention that these reports are used to constantly improve safety levels.
“Information held by the CAA under the MOR system may be made available, for the purpose of improving aviation safety, subject to completing this application form.”
It’s unclear whether Brexit will open up the files to the public again — but there’s a two year wait until the divorce is settled.
When asked if Australia’s Civil Aviation Safety Authority collects similar information, was told there was no database of information.
However, CASA said its view of UFOs is that if they follow the aviation safety rules they are welcome to share the skies.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Filer’s Files #27 -2017 Wars in Heaven and Earth - PART I
Ken Rice shot this photo on June 17, 2017 in Oshawa, Canada
Filer’s Files #27 -2017 Wars in Heaven and Earth - PART I
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Wars in Heaven and Earth, Space-based Lasers, Space-based Lasers, John L.Walson Photos, Teller Claims Great Menace from Space Exists and Unified Film Theory.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Arizona, California, Louisiana, Michigan, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Pennsylvania, and Texas.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Bulgaria, Canada, Haiti, New Zealand, and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
George A. Filer III
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director Now receiving 3 million hits a month
Special Projects
Wars in Heaven and Earth
I have interviewed numerous abductees who claimed they were shown a war where UFOs intermingled with modern fighters and two sides fought in a tremendous war. This theme has been carried on for thousands of years. Numerous ancient scriptures also describe a war in Heaven a beautiful planet where some go at the time of our death. John Lear claims the aliens are here for the souls of the dead, and are souls continue to live in a different form.” The Book of Revelation describes a war in heaven between angels led by the Angel Michael against those led by “the dragon”—identified as “the devil and Satan”—who are defeated and thrown down to the earth. Revelation’s war in heaven is related to the idea of fallen angels, and possible parallels have been proposed in the Hebrew Bible and the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Satan Thrown Out of Heaven
And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer. So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. Revelation 12-7-13.
Angels are always depicted with wings because of their ability to fly.
In Islam, the devil is called Shayṭān, and refers to all evil forces under leadership of the arch devil known as Iblīs, who was cast out of heaven, after he refused to prostrate before Adam the first human created by God. The Quran mentions that Satan’s are the assistants of those who disbelieve in God:
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) Book of Mormon teaches that Revelation 12 concerns an actual event in the pre-mortal existence of man. The Book of Moses, included in the LDS “standard works” canon, references the War in Heaven and Satan’s origin as a fallen angel of light. This image of a war in heaven includes not only Satan but a third of all angels as well, referred to in the phrase “the dragon and his angels” Book of Moses God reveals Himself to Moses—Moses is transfigured—He is confronted by Satan—Moses sees many inhabited worlds—Worlds without number were created by the Son—God’s work and glory is to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.
Parallels are drawn to the passage in Isaiah 14:4-17 that mentions the “son of the morning” that had “fallen from heaven” and was “cast down to the earth”. In verse 12 of this passage, the Hebrew word that referred to the morning star was translated into Latin as Lucifer. “The name Lucifer, the Latin name (literally “Light-Bearer” for the morning star (the planet Venus in its morning appearances), is often given to the Devil in these stories.
In Ezekiel 1:4-6 on the Hebrew Torah in we read: ”
And I saw, and behold, a tempest was coming from the north, a huge cloud and a flaming fire with a brightness around it; and from its midst, it was like the color of the chashmal from the midst of the fire.
And from its midst was the likeness of four living beings, and this is their appearance; they had the likeness of a man. The opening chapters 1-3 of the Book of Ezekiel present a detailed picture of God coming in a chariot, surrounded by retinues of angels, etc. This picture, called “the arrangement of the chariot” (ma’aseh merkavah), became the starting point of special mystical studies. The flying chariots were what we call UFOs.
In the Book of Enoch 29:4, 31:4, where Satan is described as having been one of the archangels. Because he contrived “to make his throne higher than the clouds over the earth and resemble ‘My power’ on high”. Satan was hurled down, with his angels, and since then he has been flying in the air continually above.
Indra Hindu God of War in India
Indra was one of the most prominent deities within the Rigveda as the leader of the Gods and Lord of Heaven according to Hindu scripture. He was the God of war, storms, thunder, and the ultimate warrior carrying his famous lightning bolt, Indra was described as being very powerful with long arms wielding his bolt. It is even said he was born fully grown and fully armed from his mother’s side ready to defend the world.
His most notable achievement was fighting the asura Vrita who in form of a mighty dragon stole all the water from the earth. When Indra was born he heard of the offenses of Vrita and fought to reclaim the precious water he had stolen from the world. He rode forth to seek him out, smashed through all 99 of Vritra’s fortresses, and battled Vrita as dragon and destroyed him. Water began flowing from his fallen adversary after battle which restored the earth from its perpetual drought. Indra became a hero not only to the people, but to the Gods alike. In show of allegiance the gods elected him as their king. More recent accounts of his famous battle even include his rescuing by Vishnu and Shiva in order to defeat the dragon
If ancient aliens visited Earth, what was their legacy, and did they leave behind clues that exist in plain sight such as sophisticated aircraft, complex electrical grids, and intricate construction machinery? Indian Sanskrit texts, dating back to 6000 B.C., describe in vivid detail flying machines called Vimanas. Megalithic stone structures in Egypt reveal evidence of precision saw work. Are these examples of modern technology, or is there evidence that these incredible mechanisms existed on Earth thousands of years ago?
The Quimbaya were a pre-Colombian culture living in South America from 300 to 1550 CE, they were well known for their incredible skills in very precise gold and metalwork. Among the figurines discovered, some models actually resemble what some believe to be, “flying machines”. The figurines created 2,000 years ago might actually be capable of achieving flight, (with a couple of minor alterations).
Dead Sea Scrolls
Israel Dead Sea Scrolls Museum
Some scholars discern the concept of a war in heaven in certain Dead Sea Scrolls, namely, the War of the Sons of Light against the Sons of Darkness, also known as the War Scroll
In the War Scroll, the angels of light, who are identified with Michael, the prince of light, will fight in heaven against the angels of darkness, who are identified with Belial, while the Sons of Light fight the Sons of Darkness on earth, and during the last of the seven battles described in the scroll will come and help the Sons of Light win the final victory. War of the Sons of Light and Sons of Darkness
A couple of years ago, Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell who walked on the Moon introduced me on the BBC coverage of the Disclosure Project at the National Press Club and I had a brief conversation after the show we spoke to about fifty Congressional staff personnel in Washington DC. He indicated that we may be visited by some type of intelligence from space. I asked Edgar, what he thought was the real secret to all of this concerning UFOs?
The Israel Museum that houses the Dead Sea Scrolls is built in the shape of a UFO, suggesting the builders were aware of extraterrestrial visitations.
He said, “The answers are all in the Dead Sea Scrolls.” I said, “You mean like the Sons of Light and Darkness?” He said, yes but even now; not all of these scrolls have been revealed. I searched the scrolls myself later to find some meaning. The text of the “War of the Sons of Light and Sons of Darkness” describes an invisible war where two sides are in an apocalyptic battle for Earth. The angels and mankind are described as being part of the fight.
“Warrior angels are in our muster, and He that is mighty in War is in our throng. The army of His spirits marches beside us. Our horsemen come like clouds or like banks of dew, to cover the earth, or like torrential showers, to rain judgment on all that grows in it. Opposing the good forces are the forces of darkness. But for corruption thou hast made Belial, an angel of hostility. All his dominion is darkness and guilt. All the spirits that are associated with him are angels of destruction. They follow only the laws of darkness, and their craving is directed toward it.” Pages 414-416 The Dead Sea Scriptures.
The scriptures from various nations depict a war in space between good and evil. Tibetan and Indian scriptures tell us about extraterrestrials. God sent angels from Heaven to help humans. The visits to earth of ET are recorded in the religions, scriptures, and folklore of almost every nation on Earth. We are told our ancestors were cavemen of limited education just barely living of the land. Throughout the world are vestiges of sophisticated giant structures such as hundreds of pyramids, and archeological sites such as Babel, Where did people get the idea to build pyramids in China, Bolivia, Peru, Mexico and Egypt. The Book of Ezekiel describes a space ship as does the Indian Mahabharata. Many Kings, Pharaohs, and Chinese Emperors claimed they were actually descended from Extraterrestrials. Ancient Secrets of Mankind:
I had dinner with Zecharia Sitchin several years ago and asked him if he felt the Bible was true. He answered that most of Genesis and much of the Old Testament was based on much earlier writings from ancient Mesopotamia.
He spoke about the Anunnaki or ancient aliens who visited earth. 14 according to Sitchin the clay tablets describe an alien race known as the Anunnaki who came to Earth to mine gold and helped create modern humans. Anunnaki is a collective name for the gods of Heaven and Earth known as Anu, Enlil and Enki. The tablets are the account of Enki, an Annunaki, from a planet called Nibiru. Nibiru is supposed to circle the sun every 3,600 earth years. They needed mine workers so Enki created humans on Earth in their image.. Genesis 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea.
The point is that many ancient scriptures and tablets reveal a similar story of visitors from space. There is a rumor that the Pope was visited by an exterritorial and that more revelations will be forthcoming including ET has the same ‘God we do.
The Star Wars Anti-Ballistic Missile System
The Missile Defense Agency’s (MDA) mission is to develop, test, and field an integrated, layered, ballistic missile defense system (BMDS) to defend the United States, its deployed forces, allies, and friends against all ranges of enemy ballistic missiles in all phases of flight. The system, which was to combine ground-based units and orbital deployment platforms, was first publicly announced by President Ronald Reagan on March 23, 1983. The initial concept envisioned large sophisticated orbiting laser battle stations, space-based relay mirrors, and nuclear-pumped X-ray laser satellites. Later research indicated that some planned laser technologies were feasible with then-current technology. A large complex defense system called Star Wars by the press would require large space ships to handle the large power requirements to make the lasers effective. Although the government has never admitted these craft were built there is evidence they exist.
Space-based Lasers
I n 1979 Edward Teller contributed to a Hoover Institution publication where he claimed that the US would be facing an emboldened USSR due to their work on civil defense. Two years later at a conference in Italy, he made the same claims about their ambitions, but with a subtle change; now he claimed that the reason for their boldness was their development of new space-based weapons. What had really changed was that Teller was now selling his latest nuclear weapon, the X-ray laser. Finding limited success in his efforts to get funding for the project, his speech in Italy was a new attempt to create a missile gap.
There was good evidence that in the late 1960s the Soviets were devoting serious thought to both explosive and non-explosive nuclear power sources for lasers.[ Soviet space-based LASER systems began no later than 1976 as the Skif, a 1 MW Carbon dioxide laser along with the anti-satellite Kaskad, an in-orbit missile platform.
These lasers were designed to destroy any US satellites. More tentatively, it is also suggested that the Zarya module of the International Space Station, capable of station keeping and providing sizable battery power, was initially developed to power the Skif laser system.
Nuclear pumped X-ray laser
The US project was the result of a 1977 development by George Chapline, Jr. of Lawrence Livermore’s “O-Group”. Livermore had been working on X-ray lasers for some time, but Chapline found a new solution that used the massive release of X-rays from a thermonuclear weapon as the source of light for a small baseball-bat sized lasing crystal. A test in November 1980s “Dauphin” appeared to be a success, and plans were made for a major series of experiments in the early 1980s under “Excalibur”.
Since the lasing medium was fairly small, a single bomb could host a number of them and attack multiple ICBMs in a single burst. The Soviet ICBM fleet had tens of thousands of warheads, but only about 1,400 missiles. If each satellite had two dozen lasers, two dozen satellites on-station would significantly blunt any attack. In Molniya orbits, where the satellites would spend much of their time over the USSR, only a few dozen satellites would be needed, in total. An article in Aviation Week and Space Technology described how the devices “… are so small that a single payload bay on the space shuttle could carry to orbit a number sufficient to stop a Soviet nuclear weapons attack”. Some time later Teller used similar language in a letter to Paul Nitze, who was preparing a new round of strategic limitations talks, stating that “A single X-ray laser module the size of an executive desk… could potentially shoot down the entire Soviet land-based missile force.
Lasers originally developed for the SDI plan are in use for astronomical observations. Used to ionize gas in the upper atmosphere, they provide telescope operators with a target to calibrate their instruments.
Throughout the 2000s, the United States Air Force worked on the Boeing YAL-1, an airborne laser mounted in a Boeing 747. It was intended to be used to shoot down incoming ballistic missiles over enemy territory. In March 2009, Northrop Grumman claimed that its engineers had successfully built and tested an electrically powered solid state laser capable of producing a 100-kilowatt beam, powerful enough to destroy an airplane. According to Brian Strickland, manager for the United States Army’s Joint High Power Solid State Laser program, an electrically powered laser is capable of being mounted in an aircraft, ship, or other vehicle because it requires much less space for its supporting equipment than a chemical laser. However, the source of such a large electrical power in a mobile application remained unclear. Ultimately, the project was cancelled in December 2011 with the Boeing YAL-1 prototype being stored and eventually dismantled.
The Missile Defense Agency’s (MDA Space-Based Interceptor (SBI)
Missile Defense System Successfully Intercepts ICBM Target
May 30, 2017 – Ground-based Midcourse Defense
The U.S. Missile Defense Agency, in cooperation with the U.S. Air Force 30th Space Wing, the Joint Functional Component Command for Integrated Missile Defense and U.S. Northern Command, today successfully intercepted an intercontinental ballistic missile target during a test of the Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) element of the nation’s ballistic missile defense system.
Groups of interceptors were to be housed in orbital modules. Hover testing was completed in 1988 and demonstrated integration of the sensor and propulsion systems in the prototype SBI. It also demonstrated the ability of the seeker to shift its aiming point from a rocket’s hot plume to its cool body, a first for infrared ABM seekers. Final hover testing occurred in 1992 using miniaturized components similar to what would have actually been used in an operational interceptor. These prototypes eventually evolved into the Brilliant Pebbles program.
Brilliant Pebbles
Brilliant Pebbles concept artwork
Brilliant Pebbles was a non-nuclear system of satellite-based interceptors designed to use high-velocity, watermelon-sized, teardrop-shaped projectiles made of tungsten as kinetic warheads. It was designed to operate in conjunction with the Brilliant Eyes sensor system. The project was conceived in November 1986 by Lowell Wood at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Detailed studies were undertaken by several advisory boards, including the Defense Science Board and JASON, in 1989.
The Pebbles were designed in such a way that autonomous operation, without further external guidance from planned SDI sensor systems, was possible. This was attractive as a cost saving measure, as it would allow scaling back of those systems, and was estimated to save $7 to $13 billion versus the standard Phase I Architecture. Brilliant Pebbles later became the centerpiece of a revised architecture under the Bush Administration SDIO.
John H. Nuckolls, director of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory from 1988 to 1994, described the system as “The crowning achievement of the Strategic Defense Initiative”. Some of the technologies developed for SDI were used in numerous later projects. For example, the sensors and cameras that were developed and manufactured for Brilliant Pebbles systems became components of the Clementine mission and SDI technologies may also have a role in future missile defense efforts.
A particle-beam weapon uses a high-energy beam of atomic or subatomic particles to damage the target by disrupting its atomicand/or molecular structure. A particle-beam weapon is a type of directed-energy weapon, which directs energy in a particular and focused direction using particles with negligible mass. Some particle-beam weapons are real and have potential practical applications, e.g. as an antiballistic missile defense system for the United States. Thanks to wikipedia
Solar Warden Space Craft
The Missile Defense Agency’s (MDA)
This craft was commissioned in 1988, and was based on the similar construction of a nuclear submarine with the nuclear power engine replaced by an anti gravity engine. It is a classified Interplanetary Exploration Spacecraft. According to the British hacker, Gary Mckinnon these spacecraft are part of the Solar Warden program and the US currently operates eight of these ships that are the size of an aircraft carrier. They are said to be part of the secret military space program spearheaded by the US Navy Space Weapons Division (MILAB). McKinnon found several files listing “non terrestrial officers” as well as ship to ship transfers to ships that do not exist in Navy records such as the USSS Hillenkoetter and the USSS Curtis Lemay. One of the photos he was able to view was in his words above Earth’s atmosphere and looked like a cigar with geodesic domes.
Engineer William Tomkins on Jeff Rinse’s Radio show explained he helped design these ships that have the ability to travel throughout our Galaxy and are currently attempting to fight off alien Reptilians with the help of Nordic aliens. The domes at the ends of the craft house laser weapons
William Tompkins revealed US Navy has Battle Groups operating outside the Earth. He personally designed five space ships and thirty support ships. Using the latest technology, he designed different space ships for Northrop Aviation Company. Northrop started building the huge craft underground in Utah. These craft now cruise the solar system and fight against Reptilian craft. The battles with them are very short, but we need more battle groups as they are becoming stronger and outnumber both our craft and the Nordic craft. The US works closely with the Nordic aliens who have similar craft. They apparently came from the Orion Constellation and influenced the building of the pyramids and imply they are our ancestors. The Reptilians allegedly attack various planets, take them over, and put the residents into slavery. The popularity of the Star Wars movie may be because the public understands the story is close to the truth being withheld from the public.
Telecommunications in space
Recent technology has allowed prototypes for laser communications and visible light communication in outer space. The communication range of free-space optical communication is currently on the order of several thousand kilometers, but has the potential to bridge interplanetary distances of millions of kilometers, using optical telescopes as beam expanders.
John Lenard Walson Photos
For over ten years now John Lenard Walson has shared his uniquely close-up footage and images of our Moon and other celestial bodies in orbit around Earth: We speculate that the images John is taking are large space ships belonging to the United States, although they may belong to other countries or alien intruders. There is also indication that several countries are working together to down alien intruders. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology Subscription Coordinator sent congratulations to John on his superb astrophotography. You might also be interested in a journal produced by the MIT Lincoln Laboratory – which is the group which has built some of the things you are seeing. Much of what they do is what used to be the Star Wars project, which no doubt involves some of your objects. They don’t talk about the military satellites, of course, but there are many discussions of earth surveillance, and related issues. It is distributed only to academic organizations, so you may need to get your local library to borrow it, but you may be able to get this (for free) from Room L-054
Lincoln Laboratory MIT 244 Wood Street Lexington MA 0240-9185 USA Teller Claims Great Menace from Space Exists
Edward Teller, Ph.D., in memo to President Ronald Reagan “A menace greater than the nuclear arms race exists. It does not originate here on Earth, but comes from space itself. ”
-President Ronald Reagan awarded physicist Edward Teller, Ph.D., the National Medal of Science in 1983. Image courtesy Lawrence Livermore Laboratory.
Star Wars, Plowshares, and Three Mile Island. Teller was Director of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (1958-1960) and then an Associate Director. He also served concurrently as a Professor of Physics at the University of California, Berkeley. He was a tireless advocate of a strong nuclear program. In 1975, he retired and was named Director Emeritus of the Livermore Laboratory.
In the 1980s, Teller began a strong campaign for the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), also called “Star Wars”, the concept of using lasers or satellites to destroy incoming Russian ICBMs or possibly alien incursions. Teller lobbied with government agencies—and got the sanction of President Ronald Reagan—for his plan to develop a system using elaborate satellites which used atomic weapons to fire X-ray lasers at incoming missiles. However, scandal erupted when it later became apparent that the scheme was technically infeasible and that Teller (and his associate Lowell Wood) had deliberately oversold the program.
The project was eventually scaled back but now exists in altered form. Teller was later encouraged, however, by the Bush administration’s revitalization of the missile defense program in the early 21st century (known to its critics as “Son of Star Wars”) that is at least partially effective against some alien incursions. Fortunately, it has curbed North Korea and other nations from launching missile
Note: Over 31,000 scientists signed the OISM Petition Project stating “there is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere”. (OISM)
Vortex Image
Dr. Bruce Cornet I have image enhancing software. I became a webmaster back in the late 1990s, and published over 200 web pages by 2007. That Vortex image was the subject of a History Channel documentary shot in late 2007, which aired in March of 2008. It is called, UFO Vortexes, and a team of experts analyzed that photograph, which appeared on a time exposure on 28 April 1993. Ellen Crystall and I saw the image being made in a split second, but didn’t know what it was until the photograph was developed. Dr. Bruce Maccabee of the Naval Research Lab in WDC appeared on the show with me, and stated categorically that it was not made by any known human technology. He further stated, along with the UFO Hunters team, that it was the best evidence so far presented that we are not alone.
I disagree with them that it represents an interdimensional portal opening up, but for the purpose of advancing fringe ideas, I don’t mind Upon enlargement, it appears to be a holographic projection of a solar system with a binary blue star. Initially I thought it might be a representation of the Sirius star system. The solar system contains rings that may represent orbital paths, because each ring has a colored sphere (planet) in it. The blue star to the right may represent a Brown Dwarf or Neutron Star.
Then after Walter Cruttenden published a most interesting article (Precession Paradox) in Forbidden Science, 2008, about his theory that our solar system is binary, and we cannot see our Sun’s companion star because it is a “black” star, something that the Nazi Vril Society recognized. If that is true, that the hologram may be a gift from our visitors that the long term climatic cycles of 21,600 yrs., 108,000 yrs., and 432,000 yrs. may be caused by our two suns doing a figure eight dance in the heavens. We may also have another explanation for the gamma ray bursts that periodically hit Earth every 10-11,000 years, if that blue star is a pulsar that spins around and points its polar jets at Earth periodically.
I think mankind has much yet to learn about Earth, our Solar System, the Universe, and ET life. We need to keep an open mind. Thanks to Bruce Cornet
Unified Film Theory of Basic Forces and Elementary Particles
Yue-Liang Wu writes, “A unified field theory of all known basic forces and elementary particles is built based on a postulate of gauge invariance and coordinate independence along with conformal scaling gauge symmetry.” The hyper-spin charge of a unified hyper-spinor field is conjectured to correlate to the dimension of a hyper-spacetime with Dh=19 via a maximal symmetry. A unified fundamental interaction is postulated to be governed by a hyper-spin gauge symmetry SP(1,Dh-1). The gravitational origin of gauge symmetry characterized by a gauge-type hyper-gravifield enables us to study gauge gravity and gravity geometry correspondences and to reveal a gauge geometry duality.
“We Are Not Alone Radio
“We Are Not Alone” is a t”We Are Not Alonewo time award winning radio show on WHFR.FM and is a member of the MUFON Radio Network Paul Stonehill was born in Kiev, USSR and immigrated to the US in 1979. He graduated with a BA in political science from California State University. Paul is the author of “Soviet UFO Files” and “Russia’s USO Secrets”. Join us for the discussion on Tuesday, July 4 at 1PM. Go to and click on “Listen Now”. The show is archived at
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Filer’s Files #27 -2017 Wars in Heaven and Earth - PART II
Filer’s Files #27 -2017 Wars in Heaven and Earth - PART II
UFO Sightings in the United States
Arizona Light
Conway— I’ve been on my porch for most of my best sightings and on June 16, 2917, I noticed them moving. They usually “fly” slow, making minor trajectory changes here and there. Sometimes they blink to me when I “speak” to them or mentally acknowledge their presence. I’ve noticed lately that they will appear seconds after I think about them and react to my words and thoughts. I once saw one 6 or so feet away around lunch time. I almost wrecked my car, I was so in awe. A couple days ago, I requested a “demonstration” from them, and one appeared. I followed it with my new binoculars and it split up into multiple lights before blinking in a strange pattern in the sky.
California Object
North Hollywood — My friend and I were just parking on June 24, 2017, and we both got out of the car I happen to notice the lights first. Then I pointed it out. Others happen to be around and look up. At first I made sure to understand what I was looking at. I have to airports by my house. We also have a lot of sky activity with police or news helicopters. It wasn’t a light show when I noticed the six in formation I knew I was looking at something very unusual. They were amber color with an orange, red color. I was thrilled by what I was looking at. It’s not my first time seeing UFO’s. But I knew getting proof now and shot a snap chat fist followed by filming a live video with my iPhone. The sighting was about three minutes from the time we noticed them till they disappeared one by one. It looks like a teleport effect out of a sci-fi movie. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Louisiana Light
New Orleans — My husband and I were on our way from prayer night for one of the pictures on February 13, 2017.The other time we were standing out in the open.
After taking one of these pictures my phone crashed, but thank God I was finally able to retrieve them. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Michigan Orbs
Moscow– I can see two unknown objects in the image taken near Moscow on June 22, 2017.
Severe storms were in area east of my location at the time the image was taken. I did not see anything until I looked at the images later. Another image taken one minute later does not show anything unusual in same area. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey Triangle
Medford — Driving home from work after working an evening shift on June 14, 2017, there was a big red moon on the horizon. Turned into my street and could clearly see jet plane lights high above, not uncommon for the area. At 0016 (1216 AM), on my right side through a break in the foliage, I saw three yellowish-white lights in triangle pattern hovering about 400 feet above the houses on the street adjacent to where I was. I slowed to about 15 mph to get a look at the lights, when the three lights suddenly flew quickly NE from a standstill. There was no build-up of speed like with a drone or plane/jet. The lights flew off within 10 seconds of when I first pulled onto the street, and had disappeared over the tree line to the NE (heading toward Medford Lakes over Jackson road in less than 5 seconds. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Mexico Orbs
On June 25, 2017, morning flight from Albuquerque New Mexico to Burbank California, we passed by 3 glowing orb like objects that had seemed to be at rest in the middle of nowhere in a very tough to reach part of the desert. I videotaped it and my partner witnessed this as well. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New York Objects
I’ve been an avid photography for several years and am fond of shooting the Milky Way, Comets, and Meteor Showers. I’ve gotten great quality pictures of these in the past. It takes a lot of practice to get the proper exposure, aperture, and ISO settings correct to produce a clear and good quality image of the night sky. After several years of practice, I’m getting proficient.
What I saw two nights ago, on June 26, 2017, and what I inadvertently photographed was not normal. At around 2:15 AM, I was taking 20 second exposure pictures (using a tripod obviously). I scanned the sky and saw two lights that resembled brighter stars hovering a few degrees apart one above the other. I knew they didn’t belong there, as they weren’t there 30 seconds before. Suddenly both lights became the brightest objects in the night sky, then dimmed slowly and became invisible. My first thoughts were “Holy cow, I just saw my first true UFO. My camera caught them “arriving”. Thanks to Ralph D.
Pennsylvania Orbs
Easton — I was sitting on the porch with a friend and saw strange orb things in the sky on June 29, 2017, I told her to look; she said, “Maybe it’s the moon, and she told me to take a picture.” So I took a picture with flash and two more appeared, Then I took another picture and more appeared. Each time I took a picture with my flash, a star like light appeared so I tried taking pictures with flash to see if it did it again. It got brighter with each picture then eventually disappeared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Object
Weslaco — I was on my way to drop off my 7 year old son at summer school. As I turned north, I noticed an object in the sky and told my son as he loves to see airplanes in sky. As we traveled toward it, we both realized it did not appear to be a plane or a helicopter, but could not determine what it could be. What I found odd was it was not moving in any direction. As I approached the stop light, I decided to open car window and take picture with my cell phone. I zoomed as much as my phone would allow me. We continued traveling north about a mile and a half and then turned right toward his school. Once we arrived at his school, we got off car and looked back toward same direction and to see if object was still there and notice a jet had left a smoke trail. As we looked toward the end of the smoke trail we noticed the object once again. By this point the receptionist at my son’s school came outside and wondered what we were looking at and she also saw the object and all of sudden it disappeared. About 5 seconds later it reappeared. It was very strange how it disappeared and reappeared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Bulgaria Objects
These are collection of similar objects (61) observed via helioviewer near the Sun during five day period 19-24 June 2017. These are marked objects on moon photo taken by Apollo 11, I downloaded photo from here: [Link moved to FI Section/cms/tg] Thanks to MUFON CMS
Canada Sightings
Oshawa — Wildlife photographer Ken Rice was out shooting photos on June 17, 2017, when something unusual suddenly appeared in his camera lens. Ken Rice Photo
It came out of nowhere, this thing,” said the Oshawa resident, who was at the marsh area near the General Motors on Colonel Sam Drive at about 7:45 p.m. when he noticed the object off in the distance.
“I saw something pop out of nowhere, way up high, far away in the sky,” he said. “I thought it was a big turkey vulture so I just took a picture of it anyway and then it took off.” Later, Rice took a closer look at the image and said he has no idea what it could be.
Caribbean Sea — I was on a Royal Caribbean cruise in January of 2015. We were in the Caribbean, headed towards Haiti. I was watching the water off my balcony room and saw something really weird looking, that looked to be pretty far off in the distance. I took a picture of it, and watched it until it was out of site (from our boat sailing past). The object didn’t seem to be moving, from what I could see. I didn’t hear anything either (again, it was very far off in the distance. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Italy Light
Arona — I was doing a video because I like thunderstorms, and I saw something on May 25, 2017.
It was unbelievable when I saw the record of the video.
Thanks to MUFON
New Zealand Plane and UFO
Queenstown— We were spending the day boating in on Boxing Day on December 12, 2015. There were about ten of us there – family and friends. We had just dropped someone we knew at the airport so I took a succession of photos of their Qantas plane taking off to send to them to show them what a beautiful view it was from below. When I looked back over the photos a few seconds later one of them had the image of something in the photo. The photos on either side of the image had nothing in the shot. Whatever it was, it is moving faster than the plane as it was blurred. No-one had seen anything flying around the area – we had all been watching the plane take off and waving our friend off. We were all quite surprised, a bit skeptical but all very confused as to what else the image could be, other than of a UFO as there was nothing visible flying in the sky around the plane that had taken off. I’d love for someone to try and enhance the image to try and get a clearer picture of what we saw. Maybe it was an insect or a bird, but my feeling was that we saw was something moving so fast it wasn’t viewable with the naked eye. Thanks to MUFON CMS
UK/ England Sphere
London– I was laid in back garden looking up when I saw a sphere like object at first I thought it might be a drone but it traveled right past me at speed with no sound. It looked balloon like but was way too fast and was only 50 feet max above me. It was definitely not a bird or plane. It was on straight trajectory at high speed. I was shocked and never seen anything before. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Support Earth Changing Research
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Sending you these files and keeping up a website is expensive; we are just trying to break even. I have macular degeneration of my eyes so have trouble editing these files and need to hire more help.A donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
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After a 50-year break, NASA has returned to the idea of using nuclear fission to power space missions. However, providing energy for off-world colonists is just one of myriad questions we will have to answer before we could hope to become a multi-planetary species.
Being able to produce power on alien worlds will define our terraforming and interplanetary colonization experiences — how we generate atmospheres, produce life’s prerequisites, and power machines for exploration depend on it. NASA experts estimate that a Mars expedition would require roughly 40 kilowatts of power — around enough to power eight houses on Earth — and they think they may know the best way to generate that energy: nuclear fission.
For the past three years, NASA has been funding Kilopower, a project that aims to develop “a compact, low cost, scalable fission power system for science and exploration.”
The project’s budget is around $15 million, and in September, the agency will unveil the fruits of their labor — a 1.9 meters (6.5 feet) tall generator designed to produce up to 1 kilowatt of electric power — during testing at the Nevada National Security Site.
Although other alternatives for generating power have been put forward, none are as viable as fission. Solar energy, for instance, would require that astronauts stick to regions that receive an adequate amount of sunlight. “If you want to land anywhere, surface fission power is a key strategy for that,” Michelle Rucker, an engineer at NASA’s Johnson Space Center, told
Project Kilopower marks something of a fission resurgence for NASA after a hiatus of more than 50 years. The last time the agency operated a fission reactor was in 1965, when they launched the Systems for Nuclear Auxiliary Power (SNAP) project. That project resulted in radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTGs) that are still used to power spacecraft today, as well as the nuclear-powered spacecraft SNAP 10A, which stopped working 43 days after it was launched into space due to an electrical component failure.
Individuals such as Stephen Hawking have issued warnings that Earth can’t survive our habitation for much longer, so finding an alternative home for humanity is becoming critical. The question of how to provide power off-world is one of the biggest ones we face as we consider the Red Planet as our future home.
Other aspects of Mars colonization are already falling into place. Elon Musk’s SpaceX is driving the transportation element of the cosmic migration forward, developing detailed plans and working on ever-larger spaceships that we could use to get to our planetary neighbor.
If we ever successfully move to another planet, these questions and hundreds more, such as how diseases will respond to space and how reproduction will work, will have to be answered. Estimates concerning how long this will take vary, with some saying decades and others saying centuries. At any rate, let us hope it is sooner rather than later if Hawking’s prediction proves to be accurate.
Titan’s lakes are pretty calm, so a spacecraft might have an easy time landing on the Saturn moon as it searches for alien life.
Scientists analyzed radar data taken from the icy moon in the outer solar system to determine how choppy the seas are, finding that the biggest waves only get about 1 centimeter high and 20 centimeters long. From that information, scientists can better understand something they cannot directly study on that world: wind.
The data used for their study, published in the journal Earth and Planetary Science Letters, was taken during the early summer season at the three biggest lakes on Titan: Ligeia Mare, Kraken Mare and Punga Mare. Those three lakes are not made from water, but rather are composed of liquid hydrocarbon.
“There’s a lot of interest in one day sending probes to the lakes, and when that’s done, you want to have a safe landing, and you don’t want a lot of wind,” lead author Cyril Grima said in a statement from the University of Texas at Austin. “Our study shows that because the waves aren’t very high, the winds are likely low.”
Previous research has suggested that early summer is the start of the windy season on Titan, but these new findings could change that idea because high winds would probably translate to bigger waves than the ones observed.
And it’s not that there isn’t wind on the planet — experts have investigated how sand particles on Titan stick together and suggest that because of their light weight and low density, the way the wind makes them rub together creates so much static electricity that they clump firmly together, making it difficult for the wind to then blow them apart.
NASA’s Cassini space probe captures Titan’s three largest lakes — Ligeia Mare, Kraken Mare and Punga Mare.
Photo: Cyril Grima/The University of Texas at Austin
“From the results, it looks like we are right near the threshold for wave generation, where patches of the sea are smooth and patches are rough,” co-author and Cornell University astronomy professor Alex Hayes said in the UT statement.
To understand the sizes of these lakes on Titan, the methane lake Kraken Mare could be bigger than the Caspian Sea, an oblong body of water in western Asia that is bounded by Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Iran and Azerbaijan.
Information about the environment on Titan’s surface would be crucial for a future mission to the moon, manned or unmanned. It holds scientists’ interests because liquid is believed to flow on its surface in a similar way to how it does on Earth, with the hydrocarbons methane and ethane falling like rain and filling up its lakes.
However, recent analysis has questioned whether that flow is more like what you would have found on Mars before that planet transformed into the dry landscape we know today — as Earth has tectonic plate activity that puts things in flux whereas Mars and the Titan moon do not.
Regardless of the way the liquid flows, Titan has other conditions that make it a possible candidate for a world outside of our planet that harbors life.
“The atmosphere of Titan is very complex, and it does synthesize complex organic molecules — the bricks of life,” Grima said. “It may act as a laboratory of sorts, where you can see how basic molecules can be transformed into more complex molecules that could eventually lead to life.”
A spacecraft sent to Titan would likely be geared toward learning more about its surface and its atmosphere as well as investigating potential ice volcanoes and an underground water ocean.
NASA’s Cassini space probe views Saturn’s moon Titan and its biggest lake, Kraken Mare, which is near its north pole.Photo: NASA/JPL
Seeing the Vought V-173 flying in the skies above Stratford, one could be forgiven for thinking it was a spacecraft from another planet. If you described its appearance to others, detailing its wingless, round, saucer-like fuselage, its slow, almost hovering movements in the air, those you told could be forgiven for thinking you were crazy.
But this flying saucer-like plane was real and wasn’t the work of visitors from another planet; instead it was made in Stratford during World War II. It was called the V-173 and known as the “flying pancake” for its flattened, round appearance. The wingless, or “all wing” experimental fighter plane was the brainchild of aeronautical engineer Charles Zimmerman and was developed for the U.S. Navy by Vought-Sikorsky in Stratford as a prototype to test Zimmerman’s outside-the-box theories about plane design. The craft’s strange shape allowed for near-vertical takeoff and landings, useful for operating from Navy ships. Though never used in combat, the aircraft proved important theories about flight, and may have inadvertently helped cause the UFO hysteria that swept the nation in the aftermath of World War II. Cue Twilight Zone music.
Zimmerman conceived of the craft in the early 1930s and won a 1933 design contest put on by the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), the precursor to NASA. Impressed as NACA officials were with the design, the government organization felt it was too advanced to be developed. Zimmerman brought the design to Vought in 1937, and the Navy awarded a contract for a full-scale, proof-of-concept plane in 1940.
The aircraft earned Zimmerman some derision. In addition to the pancake nickname above, the plane was called the “Zimmer Skimmer,” and some doubted it would fly. The plane, like others in its day, had a wooden frame covered with a fabric skin. Two air-cooled continental engines provided a mere 80 horsepower.
Before flying it, Boone T. Guyton, Vought’s chief test pilot, took the plane on a variety of fast taxis and short hops on the runway at Igor I. Sikorsky Memorial Airport, then Bridgeport Municipal Airport (though owned by the city of Bridgeport, the airport is located in Stratford).
On Nov. 23, 1942, Guyton piloted the strange-looking craft into the sky, where it performed well, completing a short takeoff and reaching 100 mph in a 13-minute flight that concluded with a short landing.
Despite its oddness, the aircraft was popular with pilots because it was maneuverable at low, nearly hovering speeds and was nearly impossible to stall, particularly useful when attempting the tricky maneuvers of landing on a ship at sea. Among the plane’s supporters was legendary aviator Charles Lindbergh, who worked as a consultant for Vought at the time and flew the V-173 on several occasions.
According to one account, Lindbergh became a fan of the V-173 after witnessing Guyton’s close call in the aircraft. At the end of one test flight, Guyton attempted to land the plane on a nearby Stratford beach, but at the last second saw two sunbathers in his way. He made a sudden turn which flipped the plane onto the sand. The fact that Guyton survived the accident, and the plane and pilot were relatively unscathed, impressed Lindbergh.
With flight tests completed, more advanced prototypes of the V-173 were ordered. A newer version was designated the XF5U-1 and had a larger engine and greater capabilities. Armed with 1,600-horsepower Pratt & Whitney radial engines, it had a 425-mph top speed and 20-mph landing speed. Despite its capabilities, its development lagged as Vought focused on other planes, including the Corsair fighter plane, during World War II. When the war ended in 1945, the XF5U-1 was behind schedule and over budget. At the same time, the jet age began to dawn, shifting interest from propeller planes. The Navy canceled the XF5U-1 contract in March 1947.
During their brief use, the V-173 and the XF5U-1 proved Zimmerman’s theory of a plane capable of near-vertical takeoff and landing, a concept that became important for later aircraft. The crafts may also have helped generate decades’ worth of conspiracies.
After the V-173’s early flights in Connecticut and over Long Island Sound, there were reports of UFO sightings. In addition to talk of aliens, the craft fueled speculation that the U.S. government was developing its own flying saucer. A 1950 New York Times story on the spate of UFO sightings in post-war America included a picture of the V-173 with the words “COULD THIS BE ONE?” above it. The article cites the magazine U.S. News and World Report, claiming the saucers spotted across the country were “aircraft of a revolutionary design … accounts show these planes to be 105 feet in diameter and circular in shape. … Indications are, according to the magazine, that the ‘saucers’ are being developed by the Navy.”
The V-173 was restored by former Vought employees and is now on display at the Frontiers of Flight Museum in Dallas, Texas, where it is on loan from the Smithsonian Institution. Pictures of the V-173 at the museum show a bright yellow, almost-cartoonish aircraft that is a cross between Star Wars’ Millennium Falcon and something from The Jetsons. Imagining it in the air, moving slowly, appearing to hover, it’s easy to see why some people thought it was not of this world.
FLYING SORCERY - Secret UFO sighting dossier hushed up using EU law so the public may NEVER learn what’s inside
FLYING SORCERY - Secret UFO sighting dossier hushed up using EU law so the public may NEVER learn what’s inside
A secret database filled with UFO incidents reported by airline crews is being kept away from prying eyes
By Margi Murphy
THE public may never learn of the recent UFO sightings made by pilots in our skies thanks to a piece of EU legislation, it has emerged.
Airline staff report a number of strange sightings to the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) every year, it is understood.
It’s believed that hundreds of UFO reports are filed every year
Since the MoD closed its UFO desk in 2009, the CAA has become the last British government organisation to retain an interest in UFOs and keep files on incidents involving civilian aircrews.
But it has decided not to release a dossier detailing sightings or incidents between 2011 and 2017.
Government files of this kind are normally available under the Freedom of Information Act, which allows any member of the public to request files from the government.
But the CAA is now using a piece of European legislation from 2014 to block access to its record of “occurences”.
It states: “Occurrence information can only be used for the purpose of maintaining or improving aviation safety, and the release of occurrence information to the general public or the media, including in response to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, is not permitted.
“However, if you require occurrence information for the purpose of maintaining or improving aviation safety you are able to make an application to the CAA.”
Several of the Ministry of Defence files from the 70s through to 2009 has been released
One of the purposes of the legislation is to protect the identity of pilots who come forward to share details of strange sightings in the sky.
However, information obtained using FOIA is typically “redacted” to remove any identifying features like names and addresses.
Dr David Clarke of Sheffield Hallam University's department of journalism has previously been granted access to the files, but was shocked when his FOI request was refused earlier this year.
He told The Sun Online: "These have been collected and logged by the CAA since at least 1976.
A sketch of a UFO sighting from a flight from Heathrow which was released in 2013
"For many years the CAA has released this information under Freedom of Information without any evidence that commercial secrets or safety have been harmed or compromised.
"Indeed in 2012 the chief executive of Britain's National Air Traffic Control Services, Richard Deakin, admitted in a BBC Radio 4 interview that his agency received reports of UFOs from civil aircrew somewhere in the world every month.
"But then they seem surprised that curious individuals might want to see details of these incidents using Open Government legislation.
"Now they are using a piece of European Regulation to block public access to these records.
Previous sightings made between the 1970s-1990s before the MoD UFO desk shut in 2009 are publically available
"The only conceivable reason for this change of policy is embarrassment on the part of the aviation industry. It does not want to admit that its pilots do occasionally report things in the sky that are difficult to explain.
"To improve public confidence in air safety, the authorities should be proactively promoting open access to records of this type."
The move to block the release of these records is certain to set conspiracy theorist's tongues wagging.
But when quizzed, the Civil Aviation Authority told the Sun Online that the files WERE available - if you could prove you were going to use the information to further safety in the sky.
It is not available to journalists or the general public.
A spokesman said: "The Mandatory Occurrence Reporting (MOR) scheme requires individuals and organisations within the aviation industry to report safety occurrences to the CAA, with the intention that these reports are used to constantly improve safety levels.
“Information held by the CAA under the MOR system may be made available, for the purpose of improving aviation safety, subject to completing this application form."
It's unclear whether Brexit will open up the files to the public again - but there's a two year wait until the divorce is settled.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Graancirkels hebben buitenaardse oorsprong. Deze onderzoeker legt uit hoe ze ontstaan
Graancirkels hebben buitenaardse oorsprong. Deze onderzoeker legt uit hoe ze ontstaan
Graancirkelonderzoeker Janet Ossebaard zegt in gesprek met dagblad de Stentor dat ze niet twijfelt aan de buitenaardse oorsprong van graancirkels.
Ze heeft naar eigen zeggen formaties gevormd zien worden. “Ik heb het drie keer mogen meemaken. Je leven staat op z’n kop, want je hebt geen enkel antwoord op de vraag: what the f*ck gebeurde daar?”
Ossebaard zag tijdens het ontstaan van graancirkels lichtbollen, hoorde gras knetteren en ook gingen haar haren overeind staan. Bovendien vielen camera’s uit.
Sterkste energetische baan
“Het is een enorm sterk elektromagnetisch veld en daarna is de graancirkel een feit,” zegt ze.
In 1994 zag ze net buiten Assen haar eerste graancirkel. Ze werd helemaal stil van binnen.
In het zuiden van Engeland ontstaan de meest complexe graancirkels. Volgens Ossebaard komt dat waarschijnlijk doordat de sterkste energetische baan van de aarde door dat gebied loopt.
Hoewel er in Nederland wel interesse is in het graancirkelfenomeen, staan mensen in andere landen meer open voor deze cirkels.
Eén op de drie
“In Australië heeft één op de drie mensen UFO’s gezien,” zegt ze. “En in Mexico is niemand sceptisch. De westerse wereld staat er minder voor open.”
Ossebaard zette in Deventer het Graancirkelcentrum op, waar mensen informatie kunnen krijgen over het fenomeen.
“Mensen kunnen er praten over hun ervaringen zonder te worden uitgelachen,” licht ze toe.
We zijn gewend dat er eigenlijk permanent oorlogen woeden op aarde, maar dat dit ook in de ruimte gebeurt, is iets dat bijna niemand weet.
Nu is er bewijs boven water gekomen dat een satelliet in de ruimte door een aantal onbekende vliegende objecten is aangevallen en onklaar is gemaakt.
Het lijkt een beetje op een sciencefictionverhaal, maar dat is het absoluut niet.
Zoals bekend bij de meesten gaat veel van de tegenwoordige communicatie, inclusief televisiebeelden, via satellieten die zich hoog boven de aarde bevinden.
Nu bestaan er verschillende soorten. Je hebt satellieten die zich in een omloopbaan rondom de aarde bevinden en die die op een soort vaste positie blijven. Dit noemen ze een "geo-stationary" satelliet. Dit soort wordt meestal gebruikt voor dingen zoals televisie-uitzendingen omdat wanneer de satelliet zich in een baan om de aarde zou bevinden het signaal op een gegeven moment urenlang zou verdwijnen, wanneer het zich aan de achterkant van de aarde zou bevinden.
De AMC-9 is een dergelijke "geo-stationary" satelliet en verzorgt televisie-uitzendingen voor Noord- Midden- en Zuid Amerika.
Het is al een oud beestje en is eigendom van een bedrijf dat SES heet. Deze satelliet verblijft al sinds 2003 in de ruimteop een hoogte van 36.000 kilometer en sinds 17 juni is er een serieus probleem mee.
De satelliet leek in stukken op te breken en er vlogen naderhand ook enkele brokstukken door de ruimte.
De eigenaar van de satelliet, SES, heeft ondertussen een verklaring gegeven waar onder andere in staat dat de SES Satellite Control er op 1 juli in is geslaagd om weer contact te maken met de AMC-9 en dat men weer probeert deze onder controle te krijgen.
Op 20 juni maakte SES bekend dat er gedurende het weekend problemen waren geweest met AMC-9 vanwege een “behoorlijke onregelmatigheid” en dat activiteiten zouden worden overgeheveld naar andere satellieten.
Omdat de satelliet ook uit haar normale baan/positie was verschoven, kwam men met de suggestie dat dit alleen gekomen kon zijn door een “energetische” gebeurtenis.
We hebben dus een satelliet die uit koers is geraakt, waar in de buurt enkele brokstukken zweven en die niet meer goed functioneert.
Dan zijn er radarbeelden waarop iets heel bijzonders te zien is. Want op een gegeven moment is niet alleen de satelliet zichtbaar, maar ook dat deze als het ware wordt ingehaald door een drietal vreemde objecten, op enige afstand gevolgd door een vierde.
Op het moment dat deze objecten op ongeveer gelijke hoogte zijn met de AMC-9 begint deze te flitsen alsof er iets mee gebeurt.
Nadat de onbekende objecten zijn gepasseerd, zie je de brokstukken van de AMC-9 af komen en ook dat de satelliet uit koers raakt.
Met andere woorden, wie of wat die objecten ook zijn, het lijkt er sterk op dat ze deze de AMC-9 satelliet uitschakelen. Hebben we hier een voorbeeld van een ruimteoorlog die boven ons hoofden woedt?
Onbekend is wie of wat die objecten zijn en of ze van aardse makelij zijn of juist buitenaards. Ook is de reden onbekend waarom deze satelliet uitgeschakeld lijkt te worden.
Onze lezer Bert denkt er het volgende van:
Persoonlijk denk ik dat het een aardse vloot is, als het aliens zijn dan zie je ze volgens mij niet eens. Als wij al laserstraal technologie hebben dan kun je wel nagaan wat die aliens kunnen doen.WW3 is gewoon in de ruimte begonnen. Voordat het echt los gaat zullen we waarschijnlijk een totale black out mee maken. Zodra internet, radio en tv er uit gaat kun je dekking zoeken. Men schakelt gewoon eerst de cruciale satellieten uit.
Dat wij mensen in staat zijn om dit soort dingen te doen, hebben wij aangetoond in eerdere artikelen.
Zowel bij de begrafenis in Kabul, waar een UFO langsvliegt en vervolgens een enorme explosie veroorzaakt en ook bij 9/11 waar heel duidelijk net voor de explosie in de tweede toren van het WTC een UFO voorbij schiet. Daarnaast schrijven wij al jaren over het bestaan van een geheime ruimtevloot waarvan het grote publiek geen flauw benul heeft dat deze bestaat.
Als we er dan vanuit gaan dat we hier te maken hebben met een aardse aanval, dan is natuurlijk de volgende vraag: Wie zit hierachter en wie zou hier voordeel bij hebben?
De satelliet is eigendom van het in Luxemburg gevestigde bedrijf SES S.A, met ook branches in Den Haag.
SES S.A. is een beursgenoteerd bedrijf in Luxemburg en aan de Euronext in Parijs als SESG. SES staat voor Société Européenne des Satellites en werd opgericht in maart 1985. Op 9 november 2001 is SES Global S.A. ontstaan na de overname van GE Americom. Hierdoor is het nu wereldwijd de grootste commerciële satelliet exploitant. Het concern biedt diensten aan op het gebied van verspreiding van televisiezenders, radiostations, data-overdracht, telefonie en toegang tot internet via diverse satellieten. SES S.A. is de overkoepelende organisatie van SES Astra in Europa; SES Americom in de Verenigde Staten; en New Skies Satellites in Afrika, Zuid-Amerika, het Midden-Oosten en een deel van Azië. Ook bezit het concern aandelen in Ciel (70%) in Canada en Quetzsat (49%) in Mexico. SES S.A., eerder SES Global, beheert wereldwijd een park van 47 satellieten.
Wat in dit verhaal ook van belang kan zijn, in het licht van het "waarom", is de UFO aanval op de Space X raket van ondernemer Elon Musk. Deze is van plan om een kolonie op Mars te gaan beginnen en rijdt op deze manier duidelijk de elite in de weg die Mars waarschijnlijk hebben voorbestemd als een eigen ontsnappingsmogelijkheid voor wanneer hen hier op aarde de grond te heet onder de voeten wordt.
Een andere mogelijkheid zou kunnen zijn dat we hier te maken hebben met militaire oorlogsvoering en/of demonstratie/oefening. Dit is waar het het meeste op lijkt.
Eerder dit jaar verscheen er een bericht dat de Amerikanen nogal waren geschrokken van een nieuwe testvlucht van een nieuwe Russische anti satellietraket, de PL-19 Nudol. De Amerikaanse legerleiding liet toen doorschemeren dat hun eigen defensiemogelijkheden voor wat betreft satellieten niet vergelijkbaar waren met de Russische. Omdat de Amerikanen eigenlijk van oudsher domineerden in de ruimte hebben ze het up to date houden verwaarloosd en kampen ze nu met verouderde middelen terwijl andere inmiddels high tech (bewapende) apparatuur hebben rondcirkelen om de aarde. Het Pentagon en de Amerikaanse luchtmacht zijn dan ook in sneltreinvaart begonnen met het verbeteren van hun ruimtedefensie.
We weten dat satellieten uitgerust kunnen worden met kernwapens. Dit kwam vooral in beeld als een mogelijkheid voor Noord Korea om bijvoorbeeld Amerika te bereiken met haar kernwapens omdat zij ook een aantal satellieten in de ruimte hebben.
Toen de AMC-9 satelliet in 2003 werd gelanceerd, gebeurde dit met een Russische raket vanuit Kazachstan. Degene die vooral nadeel ondervinden van het neerschieten lijken televisiemaatschappijen in Amerika, maar waaronder ook NASA, die gebruikmaken van deze satelliet. Of deze informatie volledig is, is niet duidelijk. Er zijn ook indicaties dat AMC-9 bewapend was met nucleaire wapens.
Je zou dan ook kunnen voorstellen dat een Vladimir Poetin aan de vooravond van de G-20 in Duitsland waar hij voor het eerst Donald Trump zal ontmoeten, even zijn visitekaartje wil achterlaten door te laten zien waartoe de geheime Russische ruimtevloot toe in staat is.
Het lijkt qua timing echter op iets anders. Op 30 juni jl herinstalleerde Trump de National Space Council. Bovendien liep de satelliet AMC-9 tegen het einde van de geplande contracts/werkingsduur van 15 jaar en hebben de televisiestations al enige tijd geleden hun uitzendingen over andere satellieten verdeeld en leken ze dus op de hoogte van het naderende einde van deze satelliet. Ook is plekje in de ruimte voor satellieten schaars en duur. en aangezien deze tegen zijn einde liep, was het mogelijk een mooie oefening om hem neer te schieten en gelijk ook capaciteiten te showen. Er wordt openlijk gesproken over ruimteoorlogen en het bewapenen in de ruimte.
Bovendien heeft de de luchtmacht sinds enige tijd de verantwoordelijkheid over het budget voor ruimteverdediging/-wapens. Dat is niets anders dan het militair industrieel complex die achter veel narigheid op aarde zitten. De Amerikaanse president heeft heel weinig vat op deze ruimteactiviteiten.
The Air Force and Pentagon are pursuing a strategy aimed at countering the fast-emerging weaponization of space and preparing to defend against space-war anti-satellite attacks, service officials said.
“The last Defense Authorization Act gave authority back to the Air Force for buying space hardware and services. We need to fully implement those changes in order to get space capabilities we need on faster timelines,” Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson told the Senate Armed Services Committee Strategic Forces Subcommittee May 17.
Disaggregation and diversity are among the most heavily focused-upon techniques which seek to deploy multiple satellites carrying both conventional and nuclear systems; diversity tactics are aimed at using multiple satellites to achieve the same goal.
Commercie speelt in deze sector natuurlijk een zeer grote rol en gebeurtenissen rond het neerschieten van zo'n satelliet kunnen een aanwijzing zijn van de werkelijke achtergronden. Toevalligerwijze is Boeing in de run voor satellietbouwer voor de Amerikaanse overheid. Om daarmee Alcatel uit het veld te duwen. Er is nu behoefte aan een nieuwe satelliet doordat er AMC-9 vernietigd is. En het zou ons niets verbazen als Boeing die gaat bouwen.En er zijn meer partijen die graag meedoen en er wordt dus ook veel geruzied in de markt waardoor (gelukkig) regelmatig informatie naar buiten komt die een kijkje naar binnen verschaft.
Wat duidelijk is, is dat er in de buurt van de neergeschoten satelliet, die hier live te volgen is, intelligent bestuurde objecten aanwezig waren die in de mainstream berichtgeving volledig worden genegeerd. Dat de satelliet tegen alle (natuur)wetten in van koers verandert, wat inhoud dat deze uit zijn positie moet zijn geforceerd. De satelliet breekt in stukken nadat het felle lichtflitsen toonde op de radar precies ten tijde van de passage van deze eerst 3 en daarna 4 onbekende objecten. Dat in tegenstelling tot de officiële berichtgeving overduidelijk is dat er veel meer speelt, getuige alle contextuele activiteiten zoals hierboven uiteengezet. Het gezicht van voormalig astronaut Aldrin spreekt boekdelen over wat Trump allemaal zegt over hun ruimteactiviteiten. Recentelijk werd deze Aldrin met spoed van Antarctica weggehaald.
Wat ons betreft staat vast dat het ding is neergeschoten en waarschijnlijk door aardlingen met ruimtewapens.
Gedachten/aanvullende info van lezers hierover zijn welkom.
Ian Purcell who filmed the mind blowing object managed to capture very clear and very close up images of the UFO which you can see in the below 9.50 minutes video at around 33 and 55 seconds for a really clear still shot of the back and at 50 seconds for a clear shot of the front.
Editor’s note: At first glance I though it is a drone however after a quick search on the web I could not find similar objects.
So, any idea what this robotic-like object, what seems to be under intelligent control, could be?
The Ministry of Defence in Britain has released 15 files of out of the remaining UFO files that are held at the National Archives in the UK and in them are details about a UFO encounter that was witnessed by the whole crew in a spy-plane belonging to the US Air Force.
The secret RAF files have a detailed account of an incident that happened on October 19, 1982, and this was when a USAF RC-135 plane that had been watching the activity of the Soviet military was buzzed over the Eastern Mediterranean by what was described as a big object.
In the files, it was stated that British personnel who were stationed at the RAF Troodos, a remote base located on the island of Cyprus at Mt. Olympus, had listed to radio calls that had come from the crew from the USA while they encountered the UFO 35,000 feet above the level of the sea.
Radome at 280 Signals Unit base, RAF Troodos, Mt Olympus, Cyprus – one of the most important overseas British installations (credit: Wikipedia/Ed Weissman)
They had described the UFO as being covered with many flashing lights, with as many as 20 of them flashing at any one time and it had been picked up on the radar of the spy plane while it was approaching them from the south. It was then said to have gone in a circle around the plane with the call sign Beano 73 and then closed in on it while the navigator asked for help down on the ground.
Two F-14 US Navy fighter jets were scrambled from their aircraft carrier along with an RAF Phantom, which had to be diverted from a nighttime exercise, to go and intercept the UFO, which was to the south of Cyprus. While the three interceptors were approaching the crew on the spy plane saw the UFO departing and making its way to the coast of Africa, but the fighter pilots did not see it.
The hidden files that have just been revealed show that the RAF personnel at the radar station monitored the whole incident and it lasted around 90 minutes, with it starting at about 4 pm local time. However, the British air defense stations did not see the incident and nor was it picked up by seaborne or ground radar.
After the UFO encounter, an investigation was launched in secret by the authorities in Britain and the results of it were sent along to the Department of Defense in the US in November 1982. Neither the US or British government ever gave any information about the incident, until the secret files were opened.
An extract from the RAF file on the incident [David Clarke/The National Archives]
The Blue Book of the US Air Force UFO Project was officially closed in 1969, and in 2009 the British Ministry of Defence went on to close their own UFO desk. The secret space intelligence unit, DI55, then claimed that they were no longer interested in any unidentified aerial phenomena in 2000.
However, the RAF files that have been released now reveal that the officials did order a transcript to be made of the tape that recorded the capture of radio transmissions that had been made between the people on the ground in the control tower and the crew of the spy plane. Copies of the report were sent out to the Assistant Chief Scientist of the RAF, DD Ops, and GE of the RAF, DI55, and DSTI.
The RAF Troodos radar station had provided film, and this had been studied very carefully by photographic experts in the UK along with large prints that had been taken from the radar picture had been prepared for scrutiny by intelligence officers. The file did not say where this evidence had gone. Also, the results of the investigation by the UK and USA were not in the file.
A tentative explanation for that was given by a senior member of the RAF who said that they had a suspicion that the UFO had been a mirage effect that came from the lights which were on the coast of Lebanon or Israel. However, a signal that had reported the sighting that had been sent from RAF Troodos to the Ministry of Defence in the UK had described the UFO as being bigger than an RC-135.
The Boeing RC-135 is an aircraft that was used by the RAF and USAF in support intelligence gathering. The airplanes have been used in all armed conflicts, and this included the Cold War around borders of the former Soviet Union. This is an aircraft that has a length of 136 feet and a wingspan of about 130 feet.
The signal from the RAF that reported the encounter said that the UFO had first been seen around two miles from the RC-135 and then changed its position around the aircraft and closed. The object then tailed Beano 73 for around 90 minutes on the northeast/southwest race track. The signal went on to report that the UFO had been witnessed by the entire crew.
Three of the RC-135s had been bought in 2017 by the RAF, and they serve in the 51 Squadron which has a base at RAF Waddington in Lincolnshire. The crew of them includes a navigator, two pilots, and as many as 25 mission staff.
Also in the file, it was said that the RAF Group Captain had gathered together information about the UFO reports that had been received by his air defense staff over a period of 30 years and coming to an end in 1996. This was in response to a question in parliament from Martin Redmond, the Labour MP for Don Valley. He had asked radar stations, including the Ballistic Missile Early Warning Station, which is located on the North Yorkshire Moors at RAF Fylingdales to submit UFO data to the HQ No 11 Group. He said in his report that he could not find any reports or mentions of the UFOs that had been detected by the Air Defence Ground Environment units or the 11/18 Group aircraft using the radar equipment.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Roswell SOLVED? Ex-USAF Major claimed UFO crash was 'cover story for a nuclear incident'
Roswell SOLVED? Ex-USAF Major claimed UFO crash was 'cover story for a nuclear incident'
THE alleged Roswell UFO crash may have been a cover story from the United States Air Force (USAF) to take away the heat from a botched nuclear incident, it has been claimed.
A theory that the Roswell crash was a cover for a nuclear accident has been proposed.
Media producer and sceptical UFO blogger John Keeling revealed the theory this month, saying he stumbled upon it years ago while researching for a potential TV documentary in the 1990s.
Mr Keeling said the theory was proposed by former Major Robert Friend, who was lead investigator of UFOs for the USAF from 1958 to 1962.
Major Friend had been at the helm of the infamous Project Bluebook when the USAF actively investigated incidents such as Roswell and other UFO phenomena at the height of the Cold War.
Mr Keeling said he contacted Mr Friend to take part in the series and received the startling claim in a letter of response.
Roswell has been at the heart of the UFO scene since July 1947 when the military sensationally announced in a press release it had found the remains of a crashed flying saucer in the desert nearby.
But the following day it retracted the statement, saying it was in fact a damaged US Air Force air balloon.
Witnesses later came forward to say there had been alien bodies within the "crashed craft", which along with the wreckage were then taken to a top-secret military base.
It has remained the most infamous UFO conspiracy theory ever since.
According to Mr Keeling, Mr Friend replied: "I do have personal views of some of the cases that differ from the official explanations.
"Notably I believe that an unarmed nuclear device was inadvertently released at Roswell and that initially someone felt that a story regarding a UFO landing would cover the recovery operations.
"There is evidence that points in this direction.
"If you are interested I will provide you more detail regarding what leads me to this conclusion.”
Mr Keeling is not clear in his blog if he asked for further details and if they were provided.
He continued that there could be "a precedent" for this type of nuclear accident.
He wrote: "In 1945, while practising bombing runs from Utah for the atomic attack on Japan, a massive dummy warhead containing an explosive trigger was accidentally dropped from an aircraft, embedding itself several feet in the ground close to the Californian desert town of Caliapatra.
"A massive security operation hastily retrieved the device and bulldozed the crater in what must be the first ever ‘Broken Arrow’ incident – one that resonates as a precursor to the many ‘something strange crashed in the desert’ tales that would later form a colourful ‘crashed disc’ folklore."
In 1994, due to increased interest in the Roswell incident, the USAF reinvestigated the case.
It concluded that the balloon that had crashed was part of a top-secret spying project called Project Mogul.
The balloons in question were fitted with devices to spy on Soviet Union nuclear tests.
The USAF concluded there had been no real attempt at a cover up through.
Mr Keeling added: "Of course Friend may have evidence to refute the leading conventional hypothesis: that a Top Secret Project Mogul balloon train and acoustic package to detect evidence of Soviet atomic bomb testing from the atmosphere had come to ground.
"But there is certainly no evidence for an extraterrestrial origin."
However, the 1994 report did actually consider the possibility of a nuclear mishap, but ruled it out.
Notably I believe that an unarmed nuclear device was inadvertently released at Roswell and that initially someone felt that a story regarding a UFO landing would cover the recovery operations.
Major Robert Friend
It said: "One of the areas considered was that whatever happened near Roswell may have involved nuclear weapons.
"This was a logical area of concern since the 509th Bomb Group was the only military unit in the world at the time that had access to nuclear weapons.
"Again, reviews of available records gave no indication that this was the case.
"A number of records still classified TOP SECRET and SECRET-RESTRICTED DATA having to do with nuclear weapons were located in the Federal Records Center in St. Louis.
"These records, which pertained to the 509th, had nothing to do with any activities that could have been misinterpreted as the "Roswell Incident."
Nigel Watson, author of the UFO Investigations Manual, said: "The US Government's report concluded that there was no evidence to say an alien spacecraft or its occupants were recovered.
"It also dismisses the idea that this was a nuclear accident.
"This would at face value be a logical explanation as the only military unit that had access to nuclear weapons, the 509th Bomb Group, was based at the nearby Roswell Army Air Base.
"Instead the report suggests that the top secret Project Mogul was probably responsible. This involved launching high altitude balloons that could travel over the Soviet Union
to detect the testing of atomic weapons.
"The nuclear accident theory does not hold water even if it does seem more credible than the alien spaceship theory.
"Over the passage of time Roswell has reached mythological status, with the result that
even now 'new' theories and explanations are put forward, or new 'evidence' and witness testimony is uncovered.
"Roswell is now a circus geared to entertaining our beliefs and prejudices, and that just about sums up the state of UFO research today heldback by the dead weight of a metaphorical lead Zeppelin (or in this case lead balloon).
Sightings of UFOs are being hushed up by the government using EU laws, a leading expert has claimed.
The public has previously been granted access to records held by the state, detailing reports of strange sights seen in the sky by civilian aircrews.
They are now finding that this access has been revoked, with the agency responsible for maintaining the files citing European legislation to block requests.
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Sightings of UFOs are being hushed up by the government using EU laws, a leading expert has claimed. The Civil Aviation Authority reportedly receives numerous reports of unexplained sightings above Britain each year (stock image)
Sightings of UFOs are being hushed up by the government using EU laws, a leading expert has claimed.
As a government agency, files collected by the Civil Aviation Authority CAA should be subject to Freedom of Information requests.
These transparency laws can be used by any member of the public who wishes to view files held by public institutions.
But the CAA has reportedly refused to release any information about UFO sightings, citing European legislation from 2014.
The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) receives numerous reports of unexplained sightings above Britain each year, according to The Sun.
It was previously the responsibility of the MOD's UFO desk to collect this information, but since its closure in 2009 it has fallen to the CAA.
As a government agency, the files collected by the CAA should be subject to Freedom of Information requests.
These transparency laws can be used by any member of the public who wishes to view files held by public institutions.
But the CAA has reportedly refused to release any information about UFO sightings, known as 'occurrences' in bureaucratic language, citing European legislation from 2014.
Nigel Watson, author of the UFO Investigations Manual, told MailOnline: 'This move falls into the hands of those of think there is an ongoing Government cover-up of UFO sightings and related evidence.
'"Occurrences" in this instance could relate to anything from meteor sightings, drones, foreign aircraft infringing our airspace or anything unusual that might fall into the UFO category.
'There is also the embarrassment factor where pilots are reluctant to report anything unusual, because if it is made public they might seem like cranks or unreliable.
'This very thing is highlighted in the teaser trailer for the re-release of Steven Spielberg's classic Close Encounters of the Third Kind film, in which aircraft controllers and aircrew see a UFO but mutually agree not to report it.
Dr David Clarke, principle research fellow at Sheffield Hallam University's department of journalism, has previously accessed the CAA's files by using FOI requests.
He was refused permission to do so again earlier this year.
Speaking to The Sun, Dr Clarke said: 'The only conceivable reason for this change of policy is embarrassment on the part of the aviation industry.
As a government agency, the files collected by the CAA should be subject to Freedom of Information requests. But the CAA has reportedly refused to release any information about UFO sightings, citing European legislation from 2014 (stock image)
'It does not want to admit that its pilots do occasionally report things in the sky that are difficult to explain.
'To improve public confidence in air safety, the authorities should be proactively promoting open access to records of this type.'
The EU legislation is designed to protect pilots and other airline staff who report seeing unexplained aerial phenomena.
But identifying information about private individuals is already routinely redacted from data supplied in response to FOI requests.
The European law states: 'Occurrence information can only be used for the purpose of maintaining or improving aviation safety, and the release of occurrence information to the general public or the media, including in response to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, is not permitted.
'However, if you require occurrence information for the purpose of maintaining or improving aviation safety you are able to make an application to the CAA.'
A UFO was visible on military radar for seven hours above the Wash in Skegness in 1996 but officials were ordered to do nothing about it, according to a shocking document from 'Britain's X-Files'.
The RAF was 'overruled at the highest level' and told to ignore the strange bright lights - which flashed red, blue and white - despite the fact several witnesses also spotted it.
The Ministry of Defence was criticised for a shambolic reaction which some believed could have put the nation at serious risk in one of the country's most mysterious UFO sightings.
The UFO files have revealed that on the morning of 5 October 1996 bright lights were reported by several civilians but the Defence Secretary at the time, Michael Portillo, did nothing,
Conspiracy theorists are hoping the files may shed light on the notorious Rendlesham Forest incident in 1980, dubbed Britain's Roswell
The cache of 15 files, which have been published by the National Archives, contain details of sightings of UFOs over almost five decades.
They contain information about a number of high profile incidents that are believed to be related to extra-terrestrials, including in Rendlesham Forest in 1980, dubbed 'Britain's Roswell.'
The papers were originally meant to be released in 2013 alongside thousands of others which did see the light of day, but 18 specific documents were withheld. No one knows exactly why.
Fifteen have now been published with the remaining three still withheld.
The release marks the final stages of what's been a nine-year long project to declassify and release the MoD's entire archive of UFO files.
Mysteriously, the files have not yet been digitised so enthusiasts must go to the National Archives in Kew, West London if they want to have access to them.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
UFO Sightings In Wales and Manchester
UFO Sightings In Wales and Manchester
While the existence of alien UFOs still hotly contested, Wales and Manchester in the UK have recorded multiple videos of UFO sightings since the last year. Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), a UFO phenomenon investigative body, reported that Wales and Manchester have 25 and 23 UFO sightings respectively since January 2015.
According to people who have claimed to spot UFOs in Wales, the sighting range from a white dot moving three times faster than a jet, to craft as wide as a street.
UK MUFON recorded a total of 476 sightings between January 1, 2015, and in the middle of February in 2016.
Manchester also recorded several UFO sighting videos that show a range of objects, from five metallic flying objects travelling in a triangle formation to a red-green orb flying in diagonal formation at an incredible speed, and a large square object flying above the roof.
Are these numbers of UFO sightings mean that UFOs are hovering above the UK?
UFO sightings have not been only recorded in the UK, but also the other parts of the world, including the U.S.
ABC News previously revealed that the National UFO Reporting Center or NUFORC recorded a total of 1,177 UFO sightings from January to April 2015.
Edwin Fuhr Shares His UFO Sighting In 1974 During An Interview
Edwin Fuhr Shares His UFO Sighting In 1974 During An Interview
An eyewitness revealed in an interview that he saw many small silver disks landed in his farming field. Farmer Edwin Fuhr, 36, was at his grape crop at about 11:00 am to make a harvest. All of a sudden, he noticed a metallic dome object in a grassy area about 50 feet away. Trying to investigate the mysterious thing, he left his swather and walked around 15 feet of the object.
Seeing the object spinning and swirling the grass underneath made him afraid and backed away. He climbed back on the swather to look around and observed four more domes in a rough semi-circle, all looked the same, spinning and hovering approximately a foot over the ground.
Then one object took off, which was followed by the other four quickly, going up in a step formation. They stopped in approximately 200 feet with their exhaust-like extensions at the base emitting a puff of gray vapor. He saw the vapor extending about six feet. He then noticed a downward gust of the wind that flattened the rape in the immediate area.
The mysterious objects then formed a straight line, hovered for about two minutes, then suddenly went up into the low cloud cover and vanished.
Fuhr later learned that cattle in a field nearby had bellowed and broken through a fence during the time of the sighting. Eager to learn something more about what had taken place, he went into the landing area and saw five rings of depressed grass swirled in a clockwise pattern. He found no traces of heat or burning. Later that month, more circles were reported in the area.
Canadian Press quoted Ron Morier, a Royal Canadian Mounted Police Constable, saying there was something and he doubted it was a hoax. He said the witness appeared genuinely scared and no indication that it had been wheeled in or out.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
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