The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Vreemde objecten gespot op Mars. Hebben alien-jagers een piramide gevonden op de rode planeet?
Vreemde objecten gespot op Mars. Hebben alien-jagers een piramide gevonden op de rode planeet?
Op Mars zijn door alien-jagers mysterieuze ‘koepelvormige’ en ‘piramideachtige’ structuren gespot. Dat meldt Fox News.
De onregelmatigheden op het Marsoppervlak werden vertoond op het YouTube-kanaal ArtAlienTV, nadat een onderzoeker de rode planeet met Google Earth had afgespeurd.
“We hebben hier een 15 meter grote koepel of bol in een Marskrater waar grote pijpen uit komen,” legt ArtAlienTV uit.
De "koepel" en "pyramide" zichten op Mars
(GOOGLE EARTH/ESA/DLR/FR Berlin, G. Neukum )
“Op 150 meter afstand is een driehoekige, piramideachtige structuur te zien met een doorsnee van ruim 35 meter,” aldus het kanaal.
“Deze objecten lijken kunstmatig te zijn en zijn duidelijk zichtbaar op Google Mars,” klonk het verder.
Het gebied waar de ‘koepel’ en de ‘piramide’ zijn gevonden, bevindt zich tussen de Oyama-krater en Mawrth Vallis, een vallei op de planeet waar de ExoMars-rover mogelijk gaat landen in 2020.
ArtAlienTV merkt in de video op dat veel van de potentiële koepels die op Mars zijn gevonden, uiteindelijk zandduinen bleken te zijn.
Onlangs nog claimden alien-jagers een mysterieuze ‘steencirkel’ te hebben gevonden op het Marsoppervlak.
Eerder dit jaar werd daarnaast beweerd dat Marsrover Curiosity van de NASA een oude boomstronk had gefotografeerd op de rode planeet.
In 2015 zeiden UFO-jagers dat ze een mysterieuze vrouw met paraplu hadden ontdekt op een foto die door Curiosity was gemaakt.
Al jaren doen er de meest wilde verhalen de ronde over UFO waarnemingen op de voormalige vliegbasis Soesterberg.
In 1979 werden al de eerste observaties gedaan en nu anno 2017 lijkt het alsof ze zich nog steeds in die omgeving bevinden.
Op de website Weerplaza stond enkele dagen geleden een artikel over de zogenaamde lichtende nachtwolken.
Op zich een heel interessant artikel met daarin een kort 14 seconden durend filmpje met de volgende omschrijving.
Het is een zogenaamde timelapse opname, gemaakt op de voormalig vliegbasis Soesterberg, waarbij de camera met kleine tussenpozen opnames maakte tussen middernacht en 1 uur 's nachts.
Aangezien ze heel bang zijn dat iemand anders hun filmpjes bekijkt op andere plekken dan bij hen hebben ze de instellingen van dat filmpje zodanig gemaakt dat je het alleen daar kunt bekijken.
Wanneer je die 14 seconden bekijkt, zie je eigenlijk ook niet bijzonders. Echter, een lezer (dank!) ontdekte dat er wel degelijk dingen op staan die niemand anders had opgemerkt.
Want helemaal aan het einde zie je een aantal opnames van wat niet anders te omschrijven is dan als UFO’s.
Hierna volgen de drie screenshots zoals wij die ontvingen en omcirkeld zijn de plekken waar de UFO’s zichtbaar zijn.
Op de screenshots zelf zijn ze moeilijk te zien, daarom volgen daarna enkele vergrotingen, waar ze wel heel duidelijk zijn.
En dan hierna enkele uitvergrotingen van de vreemde objecten:
Dit is uiteraard niet de eerste keer dat Soesterberg in het nieuws komt vanwege een UFO waarneming.
De eersten, voor zover ons bekend, gaan terug naar 1979 en vonden plaats op de voormalige vliegbasis Soesterberg. Het relaas van die waarnemingen staat uitgebreid gedocumenteerd op de website Ufowijzer.
Vaak houden mensen die iets bijzonders hebben meegemaakt op het gebied van UFO’s en in militaire dienst waren hun kaken stijf op elkaar omdat ze te maken hebben met geheimhoudingsplicht.
Wanneer ze ouder worden en niet meer in actieve dienst zijn, willen ze toch vaak vertellen wat ze hebben meegemaakt. Zo te zien, valt het volgende verhaal in die categorie.
De waarneming speelde in 1991 en wanneer je het verhaal van de getuige leest, wordt duidelijk waarom dat nu pas naar buiten komt.
De getuige is anoniem en vertelt het volgende verhaal:
In de nacht van 17 februari 1991 liep ik de nachtdienstwacht op de militaire basis Soesterberg in Nederland.
Samen met een andere cadet kwam ik om 3.00 uur in de ochtend aan bij de centrale parkeerplaats en zie een grote cirkel in de lucht, recht boven ons. Het had geen bepaalde vorm, maar alleen felle lichten die langzaam tegen de wijzers van de klok indraaiden. De lichtpunten zelf roteerden niet, maar de kleuren (veranderden) op een soort vloeibare manier.
Ik schat dat het object ongeveer 30 tot 50 meter in doorsnee was. Het eerste dat wij beiden dachten, was dat het hier ging om een luchtschip, een Zeppelin, zo eentje als GoodYear heeft met lichtschermen aan de zijkanten.
Dat dit ding heel erg laag hing en heel stil, maakte dit alles echter vreemd, heel erg vreemd.
Na een paar minuten begonnen de lichten sneller rond te draaien en plotseling steeg het object op met een onvoorstelbare snelheid richting westen.
Een paar seconden later voelden we een harde wind die om ons hoofd blies, zoals dat gebeurt met bijvoorbeeld een helikopter.
Als er een manier zou zijn om de snelheid van dit ding te beschrijven dan zou ik dat doen, maar die is er niet. We hadden een onbelemmerd uitzicht van ongeveer 30 kilometer. Dit ding legde die afstand vanuit stilstand af in ongeveer een tiende van een seconde.
Ik ken de luchtvaart en ik heb zelf vliegervaring en daarnaast ben ik erg technisch. Door dit soort acceleraties zou een mens veranderen in een vloeibare stof.
Jarenlang is dit een onbesproken hoofdstuk geweest in mijn leven. Ik wilde niet over dit voorval spreken omdat direct na het incident de andere cadet en ik om onverklaarbare redenen heel erg ziek werden. Dagenlang hadden we hoge koorts en moesten we overgeven. De ziekte was zo erg dat het hele voorval mij getraumatiseerd heeft en ik er jarenlang niet over heb kunnen praten.
Tot zover het verhaal van de getuige.
Het verslag sluit natuurlijk naadloos aan op de eerdere UFO-waarnemingen boven de voormalige vliegbasis Soesterberg. Voor een uitgebreid artikel hierover verwijzen wij naar Ufo wijzer.
Sommigen kunnen zich misschien nog wel de reportage van RTV Utrecht herinneren over de waarnemingen uit 1979.
Een ding lijkt duidelijk en dat is dat er zich heel wat meer afspeelde rondom deze voormalige NAVO basis dan ons ooit verteld zal worden. En wie weet, misschien komen door bovenstaande wel meer getuigen naar voren.
En anno 2017 lijkt de omgeving van Soesterberg nog steeds in de belangstelling te staan van onbekende vliegende objecten in het luchtruim.
Dankzij een satelliet van de gigantische VLT-telescoop in Chili werd een unieke exoplaneet ontdekt. Dat deelt de Europese Zuidelijke Sterrenwacht ESO mee.
De SPHERE van de VLT stootte op een planeet die ongeveer 385 lichtjaar van ons is verwijderd. Ze heeft zes tot twaalf keer de massa van Jupiter. Met een temperatuur van 1.000 tot 1.400 graden Celsius is het hemellichaam behoorlijk warm.
De planeet lijkt te zijn gehuld in een zeer stoffige atmosfeer met dikke bewolking, en draait om een hete, jonge ster die verrassend snel om haar as wentelt. De ster lijkt niet omringd te zijn door een schijf van puin, wat volgens de ESO merkwaardig is voor haar leeftijd. Het ontbreken van deze schijf roept de vraag op hoe de planeet überhaupt is ontstaan.
Dubbelster Eén mogelijkheid is dat de planeet zich heeft gevormd in een schijf van gas en stof, waarna interacties met andere planeten ervoor hebben gezorgd dat ze in haar huidige wijde omloopbaan terechtkwam. Maar het is ook denkbaar dat de ster en de planeet samen zijn gevormd als een soort dubbelster, waarin de zwaarste van de twee zijn lichtere soortgenoot ervan heeft weerhouden om voldoende materie te verzamelen om een echte ster te worden.
De ontdekking van de planeet biedt astronomen de mogelijkheid om de samenstelling en verdeling van wolken in zijn atmosfeer te onderzoeken, en theorieën over het ontstaan, de evolutie en de fysica van exoplaneten te toetsen, zegt de ESO.
De bittere koude, de verschroeiende straling en de dunne atmosfeer maken van Mars een weinig benijdenswaardige plek om te leven. Toch zijn wetenschappers naarstig op zoek naar bewijs van leven op de rode planeet en worden er bemande missies naar Mars voorbereid. Maar de kans om er leven aan te treffen, is dankzij nieuw onderzoek echter een stuk kleiner geworden.
Ooit was Mars een planeet met oceanen, zeeën en rivieren. Het microbieel leven dat toen ontstond, zou volgens wetenschappers op verschillende plaatsen nog aanwezig kunnen zijn. Maar volgens een nieuwe studie zit de bodem van de planeet vol bacteriedodende stoffen. Alle micro-organismen die ooit bestaan zouden hebben, zouden daardoor verstikt zijn.
Perchloraten kunnen een voedingsbron vormen voor bacteriën, maar ze kunnen ook giftig zijn - afhankelijk van de aanwezigheid van UV-straling.
Reeds in 1976 troffen de ruimtetuigen Viking 1 en Viking 2 perchloraten aan in de bodem van Mars. Ook de Curiosity rover, die nog steeds aan het werk is op de rode planeet, bevestigde die ontdekking. Perchloraten kunnen een voedingsbron vormen voor bacteriën, maar ze kunnen ook giftig zijn - afhankelijk van de aanwezigheid van ultraviolette straling en daar baadt Mars helaas in overvloed in.
Om uit te kunnen maken of de perchloraten een goede of een slechte zaak zouden zijn, beslisten postgraduaatsstudent Jennifer Wadsworth en professor Charles Cockell van de Edinburgh School of Physics and Astronomy om een stukje Mars na te bouwen in een laboratorium.
Ze wilden onderzoeken of de 'bacillus subtilis' - een veelvoorkomende aardse bacterie - er zou kunnen overleven. Wadsworth en Cockell dompelden de bacterie onder in een waterachtige oplossing van magnesiumperchloraat, de soort die het meest voorkomt op Mars, aan een gelijkaardige concentratie. Vervolgens stelden ze de oplossing bloot aan ultraviolette straling op dezelfde golflengte als die Mars over zich heen krijgt.
De bestraalde cellen in de perchloraatoplossing waren binnen 30 seconden steriel. Cellen die aan het UV-licht werden blootgesteld zonder het perchloraat, deden het ietsje beter: die kolonie werd na 60 seconden van de kaart geveegd.
Uit volgende testen bleek dat de UV-stralen het perchloraat afbreken in andere chemicaliën, namelijk hypochloriet en chloriet, en het zijn deze stoffen die de bacteriën vernietigen.
Giftige cocktail
"Het oppervlak van Mars is dodelijk voor vegetatieve cellen en maakt een groot deel van het oppervlak en regio¿s dicht aan het oppervlak onbewoonbaar."
Jennifer Wadsworth & prof. Charles Cockell, Edinburgh School of Physics and Astronomy
De wetenschappers onderzochten ook de effecten van ijzeroxides en waterstofperoxide, eveneens terug te vinden in de bodem van Mars. Maar die experimenten brachten nog meer slecht nieuws: wanneer de bacteriën bestraald werden met UV-licht in de aanwezigheid van perchloraten, ijzeroxide en peroxide, stierven ze elf keer sneller dan met enkel perchloraat.
Volgens Wadsworth en Cockell worden de ongastvrije leefomstandigheden veroorzaakt door een "giftige cocktail van oxidanten, ijzeroxides, perchloraten en UV-straling". "Het oppervlak van Mars is dodelijk voor vegetatieve cellen en maakt een groot deel van het oppervlak en regio's dicht aan het oppervlak onbewoonbaar."
Sprankeltje hoop
"Het betekent waarschijnlijk wel dat we leven ondergronds moeten zoeken, waar het afgeschermd is van de harde stralingsomgeving aan het oppervlak."
Jennifer Wadsworth
Dat betekent echter nog niet dat alle hoop verloren is. Enkele zaken spelen immers wel in het voordeel van de bacteriën.
De onderzoekers voerden hun experiment uit aan een temperatuur van 25 graden Celsius, maar wanneer ze dat opnieuw deden aan 4 graden Celsius, stierven de bacteriën tien keer minder snel.
Mars is echter nog een stuk kouder: de gemiddelde temperatuur op de planeet is -55°C, met pieken tot 22°C. Ergens tussen de dodelijke koude en de té warme temperaturen, zou er een comfortzone moeten zijn waarin de bacteriën wel kunnen blijven bestaan. Bovendien zijn perchloraten niet overal in een even grote concentratie aanwezig en sommige bacteriën die zich onder het oppervlak bevinden, zouden ook afgeschermd kunnen zijn van UV-straling.
"Ik kan niet spreken voor het leven uit het verleden," aldus Wadsworth, "maar wat het huidige leven betreft: dit [onderzoek] sluit het niet uit, maar betekent waarschijnlijk wel dat we leven ondergronds moeten zoeken, waar het afgeschermd is van de harde stralingsomgeving aan het oppervlak."
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Cold War Spy Plane Encountered Mysterious Craft Covered In 20 Flashing Lights
Cold War Spy Plane Encountered Mysterious Craft Covered In 20 Flashing Lights
British Ministry of Defence released the once top secret file last week, together with several other formerly declassified documents.
The information includes the unexplained incident involving a USAF RC-135 plane and a big object. It took place on October 19, 1982, when the plane was snooping on Soviet military activity. The big object reportedly buzzed the aircraft over the Med.
The American crew called for help to the British troops stationed at RAF Troodos, a base on Cyprus, as a UFO reportedly cloaked in a multitude of flashing lights, 20 at a time, zoned in.
The incident reportedly lasted for around 90 minutes. The UFO was spotted on the south of the island and an RAF Phantom, and two US Navy F-14 fighters were scrambled to chase the so-called intruder.
As the three jets approached, the American crew saw the UFO turned away and headed toward the African coast, but the fighter pilots had seen nothing.
Documents show that an investigation was conducted and sent to the US defence bods. Intelligence officers analysed the transcripts of the distress call, tapes, and radar film, but all of these were removed from files.
A suggestion from an RAF worker says that they have a strong suspicion that the UFO was a mirage effect from lights on Israel or Lebanon coast.
However, the results of the joint UK and US investigation are missing in the file.
Dr David Clarke of Sheffield Hallam University was instrumental in the release of those files. He described the encounter as fascinating and puzzling as the US and UK military authorities took it very seriously.
Watch UFO Sighting Video – Plane Flight From New Mexico to California
Watch UFO Sighting Video – Plane Flight From New Mexico to California
UFOs were filmed from a plane over Unsure, New Mexico. Three bright orb-like objects apparently accompanied the Sunday morning flight from Albuquerque, New Mexico to Burbank, California. The three UFOs were videotaped over the very difficult to reach part of the desert, seemingly resting in the middle of nowhere.
The reporting witness recorded them on video. He also claimed that his partner observed the mysterious orbs as well.
It is not the first time UFOs are either filmed or snapped from inside of planes. Sceptics would often suggest that reflections from light sources inside the plane could actually look like UFOs hovering or flying outside.
However, this case involves two individuals that allegedly saw the strange objects.
Check the video out and see whether they are UFOs or not.
Government agencies are finally taking seriously the threat posed by potential asteroid impacts. Surprise near-miss asteroids, official asteroid preparedness plans, and predictions of future encounters have been in the news with regular occurrence lately, and for good reason. Space agencies track tens of thousands of space rocks hurtling through the solar system all around us, while most of us here on Earth are oblivious to the dangers looming above our heads. Aside from collaborating with other federal agencies on what to do in the event of a strike, NASA has finally decided to test an asteroid redirect technology straight from the pages of science fiction.
We’re pretty much surrounded.
The test is being called the Double Asteroid Redirection Test, or DART, and is slated to take place in 2024. The test gets its name from the fact that the particular asteroid to be redirected is part of a binary system of asteroids, a one-two punch of deadly space projectiles. The system is known as Didymos, composed of Didymos A and Didymos B. Didymos A, the larger of the two, measures in at around 2,560 feet (780 metres) in diameter, while the smaller Didymos B is only about 525 feet (160 meters) in diameter – still plenty to wipe out significant portions of the human population.
The spacecraft will be sent on a collision course with Didymos A.
During the DART test, NASA will fire a refrigerator-sized “kinetic impactor” projectile at Didymos A intended to knock it slightly off its trajectory. Since the asteroid has a ‘twin,’ NASA scientists will have a control against which they can measure the efficacy of the DART spacecraft.
Basically a man-made asteroid.
One of the DART team leaders, Andy Cheng, says the test will be the first experiment to determine how viable such a planet-saving maneuver might be in the event that we are faced with a do-or-die scenario:
Since we don’t know that much about their internal structure or composition, we need to perform this experiment on a real asteroid. With DART, we can show how to protect Earth from an asteroid strike with a kinetic impactor by knocking the hazardous object into a different flight path that would not threaten the planet.
Let’s just hope we don’t need to save the planet before 2024.
The image captured by the International Space Station is not crystal clear, but the again they never are, but it has enthusiasts arguing that it clearly shows the Black Knight Satellite shape. This is an alien vehicle that is enigmatic and one that has been creating a buzz throughout the last couple of years.
Earth The Black Knight Satellite is said to be the most famous of space objects that are orbiting planet Earth. The artificial satellite has been the cause of much interest in the media and it has been since the late 1950s. It has also become one of the space objects that have been the most talked about. It was first suggested that the Black Knight Satellite might have been a spy satellite from Russia and it has held the interest of millions of UFO seekers around the world.
The Black Knight first came to light in the media when the San Francisco Examiner and St. Louis Dispatch wrote about the Satellite on 14 May, while Time Magazine went with a story of 7 March 1960. Ufologists have said that the satellite is alien and it has been keeping watch over Earth for 13,000 years.
The Black Knight Satellite, along with many other objects that people have said are alien, has been seen by millions of people around the world since the ISS installed a live feed. In the new video, it has been argued that the enigmatic alien vehicles can be clearly seen and it is not a thermal blanket, which is what many skeptics have claimed it to be.
Looking at the photo, the object does look strange and does not seem to look like any object that is man-made, which has been orbiting the planet. One thing is the orbit of the object, which is odd, along with the shape and the design, which is exactly what people would expect an alien spacecraft to look like.
Hunters searching for UFOs have said that the object does not have any solar panels on its main body and this lead to many people suggesting that perhaps it is using and relying on a propulsion system that is unknown.
While NASA generally does not open up about any alleged sightings of UFOs, when they do, the American Space Agency does tend to say that the majority of suspected UFOs are shadows, space debris or lights that have come from the International Space Station. When Gordon Cooper was launched into space in 1963, which was his final orbit, he had reported a glowing green object directly in front of his capsule in the distance and it moved towards his spacecraft.
Cooper reported the object to the Muchea tracking station in Australia, and they picked up the UFO on their radar and reported it as traveling east to west. While this was picked up by NBC and they reported it, when he returned to Earth they were not allowed to ask Cooper any questions about the UFO. The official explanation that had been given about the sightings of Cooper was that he had been subjected to carbon dioxide at high levels and this had brought on hallucinations.
In 1957 an unknown object was said to have been seen shadowing the Sputnik 1 Spacecraft. Reports had said that the UFO had been in Polar orbit at the time. Neither the USA nor the Russians had the technology to maintain any spacecraft in Polar Orbit. The first satellite that was Polar-orbiting had been launched in 1960.
Polar orbits have been used for mapping the Earth along with observing the Earth and capturing it as time passes from one point, along with reconnaissance satellites. This means that the Black Knight is in the category of the observational satellite. However, one of the biggest questions has been who put the Black Knight Satellite into orbit and why did they put it there?
This means something. This is important. This video entitled “This Means Something” was uploaded to the Sony Pictures Entertainment YouTube page on Monday, which just so happened to be World UFO Day. The video features an air traffic control radar animation locating an unidentified flying object targeting one of its planes.
Japanese scientists make a breakthrough in the development of next generation space engines.
Plasma engines are considered to be something of a holy grail in the next stage of space exploration. Plasma thrusters are theoretically capable of producing a large enough thrust to propel rockets and satellites into outer space without the vast amount of fuel that current space engines require.
However, the process towards creating viable plasma engines has been beset with difficulties as the science is incredibly complex. As of yet, no designers have managed to produce a plasma engine which is capable of reaching outer space. However thanks to new research from Tohoku University, the world may have been brought one small step closer to this elusive goal.
Plasma is comprised of specially charged particles, which means that it can be directed and manipulated through the use of magnetic fields. Scientists and engineers working on the construction of plasma engines have experimented with magnetic nozzles to manipulate the plasma, but they have run into some problems when it comes to using this method.
The magnetic nozzle is designed to compress the plasma so that it will reach a higher state of energy and therefore a higher state of velocity when it is expelled from the engine. However, they have found that the magnetic field produced by the nozzle is formed in such a way that the plasma does not expel itself as required but instead curves back into the engine resulting in a net thrust of zero.
In a paper published in Physical Review Letters, two scientists named Kazunori Takahashi and Akira Ando have outlined how this problem may be fixable. The scientists suggested that it was possible to stretch the magnetic field lines to allow the plasma particles to escape into space in a very specific direction.
Instead of using the magnetic nozzle to achieve this, the scientists came up with the ingenious solution of allowing the plasma to direct itself. When charged particles are in motion, they will generate a magnetic field. This means that plasma itself can create the conditions to allow itself to escape and cause propulsion.
Despite the fact that their lab experiments were only slightly more successful than those carried out using a magnetic nozzle, their research has been hailed as highly significant as it has brought additional information into the pool of human knowledge about the nature of plasma itself. Scientists are aware that the vast majority of matter in space is comprised of plasma, but it is very rare on planet Earth. Therefore, any additional information about the nature of plasma is considered to be highly valuable when it comes to understanding the wider universe as well as bringing humans closer to developing viable plasma engines in the future.
And terrifyingly the 56,000 mph collision – captured by NASA scientists highlighting the catastrophic danger planet earth faces from similar meteors – was caused by a space rock weighing no more than 88 lbs (40 kilos).
Despite the meteor’s tiny proportions – about the size of a small boulder and the weight of an average 10-year-old boy – the impact damage was colossal and the explosion shone with the brightness of a magnitude 4 star.
A similar strike against a city on earth would create a crater 65feet (20m) deep and create a devastating kill zone equivalent to TEN Tomahawk cruise missile striking in exactly the same place.
Experts fear the death toll would run into thousands.
Fortunately, because of the speed and angle of entry the rock exploded while still in the air but 7,200 buildings were damaged and 1,500 people were injured seriously enough to seek medical treatment.
A spokesman for respected science website said: “For the past eight years NASA has been monitoring the Moon for signs of explosions caused by meteors.
“It exploded in a flash 10 times as bright as anything we’ve seen before. Anyone looking at the Moon at the moment of impact could have seen the explosion – no telescope required.”
The Chelyabinsk meteor is the largest known natural object to have entered Earth's atmosphere since the 1908 Tunguska meteor, which destroyed a wide, remote, forested, and very sparsely populated area of Siberia.
NASA is so concerned about the possibility of an asteroid strike ending all life on earth it has started the first design phase of a spacecraft known as the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) which will be used to redirect an asteroid’s path.
Lindley Johnson, planetary defence officer at Nasa Headquarters in Washington, said: “DART would be NASA’s first mission to demonstrate what’s known as the kinetic impactor technique – striking the asteroid to shift its orbit – to defend against a potential future asteroid impact.
Residents from villages in Murcia have been left perplexed and in fear as objects are mysteriously dropping from the skies onto their fields. It all started when one object fell from the sky, found by two shepherds in Calasparra.
A second object was then found in Villavieja. The third object was then found in Elda. This has left villages in southern Spain in fear for what more is to come.
It has been reported that objects are about one meter in diameter and weigh about 20 kilograms each. What instilled fear was because of how the first object was handled: The civil guard came in wearing hazmat suits and initiated a CBRN protocol(chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear). Once the objects have been examined, they were cleared of hazards. However, they were still taken away, and more research had to be carried out.
The people are wary. Calasparra mayor, Jose Velez, has released a statement to Olive Press, stating: “I think it is a more serious issue than it seems. Citizens have real concerns about what is happening and deserve an explanation."
In lieu of the space debris that has hit the Indian Ocean, many are theorizing that the cause of these flying space litter is due to space debris falling to Earth at a terminal velocity, as what science tells us. While the weight of these objects might not cause craters, they are sure large enough to cause fatal damage or even death to an innocent passerby walking just about anyway in Southern Spain.
Let's just hope the investigation comes to an end, and that the barrage of weird objects stops.
What is this mysterious array of light in front of an aircraft flying over Slovakia
What is this mysterious array of light in front of an aircraft flying over Slovakia
Something very strange is going on in the atmosphere of our planet. People all around the world witness and take images of strange sky phenomena.
What to think about the strange array of light in the sky filmed by Martin Mikuaš from Slovakia on June 12, 2017 whereby an aircraft clearly follows the trajectory of the beam.
Is this plane, whether it is a chemplane or not, involved in a technology of controlling the phase of light waves (PAO) transmitted or reflected from an unknown location?
Is this footage proof that they, besides already controlling the weather, now also can create, shape and manipulate visible light or this array of light is something what cannot be explained?
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Dr. Steven Greer reveals different types of Aliens known to the Government
Dr. Steven Greer reveals different types of Aliens known to the Government
Today, in modern society we will find that there is a worldwide debate going on about extraterrestrial life.To summarize it, there are people who believe that we have been visited in the past by extraterrestrial beings, and there are those who firmly disagree, suggesting that we are the only intelligent species in the universe.
Given the fact that the universe is SOO big, it’s hard to even imagine that life only came into existence –miraculously— on Earth.
To put the possibility of alien life existing elsewhere into perspective, there are approximately 10 billion galaxies in the observable universe. The number of stars in each galaxy may differ, but assuming there is an average of around 100 billion stars per galaxy, it would mean that there are around 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 – lots of zeroes yup, and that’s 1 billion trillion— stars in the observable universe.
This of course, isn’t the entire number but just one segment of the entire picture since we can only observe parts of the universe that are within 13.7 billion light-years of earth.
As noted on SCSB, this is due to the fact that the big bang occurred about 13.7 billion years ago. Thus, w make observations about distant stars by measuring the light that reaches earth and satellites that we have in space.
Light from stars farther than 13.7 billion light-years away has not had time to reach us yet. The universe must be much bigger than the universe that we can observe at this time, therefore there may be many more stars out there.
After realizing how big the universe really is, we turn to the Alien question.
In the past, numerous scientists, military officials, and whistleblowers have come forward speaking about UFOs and alien visitations to Earth.
The debate about Alien life isn’t something new to modern times, as a matter of a fact, since recorded history, people have asked what if somewhere out there is life similar to that on Earth. “To consider the Earth as the only populated world in infinite space is as absurd as to assert that in an entire field of millet, only one grain will grow.” – Metrodorus, Greek philosopher of the fourth century B.C.
One of the most interesting comments regarding extraterrestrial life comes from former Canadian defense minister, Paul Hellyer.
Mr. Hellyer has said that here are more than 82 known alien species who have visited Earth. It is claimed that a wealth of information about these extraterrestrial species is contained in highly-classified documents used as training manuals or guides for military and intelligence personnel. The documents reveal that many of the known species, such as the Alpha-Draconians or Reptilians, have been living on Earth long before the human race.
Comments made by Mr. Heller are backed up by many other scientists, military officials, and whistleblowers.
Franklin Story Musgrave, an American Physician, retired NASA astronaut who worked on the design and development of the Skylab Program and the only astronaut to have flown missions on all five Space Shuttles had very interesting things to say about life elsewhere in the cosmos:
“Statistically it’s a certainty there are hugely advanced civilizations, intelligences, life forms out there. I believe they’re so advanced that they’re even doing interstellar travel. I believe it’s possible that they even came here. It’s logical to presume the universe must have other life in it and by virtue of association that we could be visited at some point.”
One of our favorite quotes comes from Dr Brian O’Leary, a former NASA Astronaut and Princeton Physics Professor:
“There is abundant evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations have been monitoring us for a very long time. That their appearance is bizarre from any type of traditional materialistic western point of view. That these visitors use the technologies of consciousness, they use toroids, they use co-rotating magnetic disks for their propulsion systems, which seems to be a common denominator of the UFO phenomenon.”
In addition to the above, a very interesting video about alien life and alien visitations is the one posted below, where Steven Macon Greer –a retired medical doctor and ufologist, founder of the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI) and The Disclosure Project— speaks of the various types of aliens. The interview was made in 2010.
Once held to be the outermost planet of the Solar System, Pluto‘s designation was changed by the International Astronomical Union in 2006, owing to the discovery of many new Kuiper Belt Objects that were comparable in size. In spite of this, Pluto remains a source of fascination and a focal point of much scientific interest. And even after the historic flyby conducted by the New Horizons probe in July of 2015, many mysteries remain.
What’s more, ongoing analysis of the NH data has revealed new mysteries. For instance, a recent study by a team of astronomers indicated that a survey by the Chandra X-ray Observatory revealed the presence of some rather strong x-rays emissions coming from Pluto. This was unexpected, and is causing scientists to rethink what they thought they knew about Pluto’s atmosphere and its interaction with solar wind.
In the past, many Solar bodies have been observed emitting x-rays, which were the result of interaction between solar wind and neutral gases (like argon and nitrogen). Such emissions have been detected from planets like Venus and Mars (due to the presence of argon and/or nitrogen in their atmospheres), but also with smaller bodies like comets – which acquire halos due to outgassing.
Artist’s impression of New Horizons’ close encounter with the Pluto–Charon system.
Credit: NASA/JHU APL/SwRI/Steve Gribben
Ever since the NH probe conducted its flyby of Pluto in 2015, astronomers have been aware that Pluto has an atmosphere which changes size and density with the seasons. Basically, as the planet reaches perihelion during its 248 year orbital period – a distance of 4,436,820,000 km, 2,756,912,133 mi from the Sun – the atmosphere thickens due to the sublimation of frozen nitrogen and methane on the surface.
The last time Pluto was at perihelion was on September 5th, 1989, which means that it was still experiencing summer when NH made its flyby. While studying Pluto, the probe detected an atmosphere that was primarily composed of nitrogen gas (N²) along with methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO²). Astronomers therefore decided to look for signs of x-ray emissions coming from Pluto’s atmosphere using the Chandra X-ray Observatory.
Prior to the NH mission’s flyby, most models of Pluto’s atmosphere expected it to be quite extended. However, the probe found that the atmosphere was less extended and that its rate of loss was hundreds of times lower than what these models predicted. Therefore, as the team indicated in their study, they expected to find x-ray emissions that were consistent with what the NH flyby observed:
“Given that most pre-encounter models of Pluto’s atmosphere had predicted it to be much more extended, with an estimated loss rate to space of ~1027 to 1028 mol/sec of N² and CH4… we attempted to detect X-ray emission created by [solar wind] neutral gas charge exchange interactions in the low density neutral gas surrounding Pluto,” they wrote.
Images sent by NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft show possible clouds floating over the frozen landscape including the streaky patch at right.
However, after consulting data from the Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS) aboard Chandra, they found that x-ray emissions coming from Pluto were greater than what this would allow for. In some cases, strong x-ray emissions have been noted coming from other smaller objects in the Solar System, which is due to the scattering of solar x-rays by small dust grains composed of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen.
But the energy distribution they noted with Pluto’s x-rays were not consistent with this explanation. Another possibility that the team offered is that they could be due to some process (or processes) that focus the solar wind near Pluto, which would enhance the effect of its modest atmosphere.
“The observed emission from Pluto is not aurorally driven. If due to scattering, it would have to be sourced by a unique population of nanoscale haze grains composed of C, N, and O atoms in Pluto’s atmosphere resonantly fluorescing under the Sun’s insolation. If driven by charge exchange between [solar wind] minor ions and neutral gas species (mainly CH4) escaping from Pluto, then density enhancement and adjustment of the [solar wind] minor ion relative abundance in the interaction region near Pluto is required versus naïve models.”
For the time being, the true cause of these x-ray emissions is likely to remain a mystery. They also highlight the need for more research when it comes to this distant and most massive of Kuiper Belt Objects. Luckily, the data provided by the NH mission is likely to be poured over for decades, revealing new and interesting things about Pluto, the outer Solar System, and how the most distant worlds from our Sun behave.
Adorned with a thin band of icy ring particles, the small moon Pan inspires comparisons to alien spacecraft, walnuts, and even ravioli.
There’s a tiny “flying saucer” orbiting deep within Saturn’s rings, and a NASA probe has just gotten its most impressive look yet at the strange object.
The saucer is actually a little moon called Pan, and NASA’s Cassini spacecraft captured its distinctive shape on March 7 in a stunningly detailed series of images.
When she first saw the new pictures of Pan, Cassini scientist Carolyn Porco thought they might be an artist’s representation.
“They are real! Science is better than fiction,” she later commented.
Named for the flute-playing Greek god of wild places, 21-mile-wide Pan is what’s called a shepherd moon. It lives within a gap in Saturn’s A ring, which is the farthest loop of icy particles from the planet. As it zips around Saturn, Pan continually clears debris from the gap by vacuuming up some ring particles and punting others away, like a little Roomba with a force field.
Another raw image from Cassini showcases Pan’s equatorial band.
In fact, it’s this absence of ring junk that led scientists to predict Pan’s existence as early as the mid-1980s. But the small moon wasn’t officially discovered until 1990, when Mark Showalter and his colleagues took a good look at images returned by the Voyager 2 spacecraft and found the moon that is responsible for the gap’s existence.
These more recent images show in detail that the moon is swaddled in what’s called an equatorial accretion disk, or a smooth, thin layer of ring particles that have been glued on to Pan’s waistline by the moon’s meager gravity.
“This is such a far cry from the nondescript ‘dots’ that I was tracking way back in 1990 in the Voyager images! It’s very gratifying finally to see Pan’s closeup, “says Showalter, now at the SETI Institute in California.
In a 2007 study published in Science, Porco suggested the thin disk formed long ago, before the moon had completely vacuumed out material from the gap.
“The shape, as others have also pointed out, is probably because it is always sweeping up fine dust from the rings,” Showalter explains. “The rings are very thin compared to the size of Pan, so the dust accumulates around its equator.”
Pan isn’t alone in its bizarre appearance: Another small moon, Atlas, bears a similar shape for similar reasons.
Header Image: One of Cassini’s new views of Saturn’s moon Pan. PHOTOGRAPH BY NASA/JPL-CALTECH/SPACE SCIENCE INSTITUTE
NASA looks into sending astronauts on a trip beyond the moon as early as 2019
NASA looks into sending astronauts on a trip beyond the moon as early as 2019
NASA and its commercial partners say they’re studying the possibility of sending astronauts beyond the moon years earlier than planned, by putting a crew on the first flight of the space agency’s heavy-lift Space Launch System.
The NASA study, sparked in part by a desire for the Trump administration to do something dramatic in space during its first term, would consider whether such a flight could occur in 2019 or 2020.
The current plan calls for an uncrewed test flight of the SLS and NASA’s Orion capsule in late 2018, known as Exploration Mission-1 or EM-1. That mission would followed by a crewed test flight called EM-2 in the 2021-2023 time frame.
In a statement, NASA said acting administrator Robert Lightfoot asked Bill Gerstenmaier, the agency’s associate administrator for human exploration and operations, to assess whether the first crew could ride on EM-1 instead of EM-2.
“The study will examine the opportunities it could present to accelerate the effort of the first crewed flight and what it would take to accomplish that first step of pushing humans farther into space,” NASA said.
Gerstenmaier discussed the study with NASA’s commercial Orion/SLS partners at a conference today in Washington, D.C. NASA representatives declined to specify how long the study would take, but some of the reports that emerged after Gerstenmaier’s talk suggested a 30-day time frame.
Boeing, Lockheed Martin on board
EM-1’s current mission plan calls for sending the Orion capsule on a trajectory beyond the moon, most likely into lunar orbit, and then back to Earth. No lunar landing would be attempted. The trip would be similar to Apollo 8’s “Earthrise” mission in 1968. The current plan calls for EM-2 to go beyond the moon as well.
The revised plan would force NASA and its partners to ensure that EM-1 had all the safety and life support features required for human spaceflight. That’s why EM-1 would have to fly somewhat later that currently planned.
The crewed Orion/SLS flight would mark the first trip for humans beyond Earth orbit since NASA’s last Apollo moon mission in 1972. There’s another historical angle if the round-the-moon flight were to take place in 2019, in that it would come during the golden anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing.
Boeing and Lockheed Martin, NASA’s two main commercial partners in the multibillion-dollar Orion/SLS program, both said they’d look into accelerating their schedules. Boeing is the prime contractor for the SLS rocket, while Lockheed Martin is the prime contractor for the Orion crew capsule.
“The possibility of NASA accelerating the timeline to put humans into the vicinity of the moon and onto Mars is exciting,” Boeing spokeswoman Kelly Kaplan said in an email. “Safety of the crew is most important, so of course there will be many factors we will consider as we assess the feasibility of adding crew to EM-1. We applaud NASA’s bold path forward in this transition time, and we’re proud to be a part of the journey to Mars.”
Lockheed Martin is also on board with the study, said Allison Miller, a spokeswoman for the company’s Orion program. “We’ll look at accelerating remaining crew system designs, as well as potential technical and schedule challenges and how to mitigate them,” she said in an email.
Trump’s space strategy
Word of the potential schedule shift comes after weeks of speculation over how President Donald Trump and his advisers might change the focus of the nation’s space program.
Trump’s predecessor, President Barack Obama, had initially set NASA’s sights on sending astronauts to a near-Earth asteroid in the mid-2020s, followed by trips to Mars and its moons in the 2030s.
Those plans have morphed over the years, and at the same time, billionaire-backed commercial ventures such as Elon Musk’s SpaceX and Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin have upped the ante. Last fall, Musk unveiled plans to send settlers to Mars in the 2020s, and Blue Origin executives said their long-term vision for spaceflight included trips to the moon and Mars as well.
Some of Trump’s advisers reportedly pressed for an accelerated campaign to send astronauts on trips around the moon, and put commercial robotic landers on the moon’s surface, by 2020. One scenario even called for an “internal competition” between NASA’s traditional industrial partners and more recent market entrants such as SpaceX and Blue Origin.
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who advised Trump during the presidential campaign, told Politico last week that “a good part of the Trump administration would like a lot more aggressive, risk-taking, competitive entrepreneurial approach to space.”
NASA’s Lightfoot addressed the debate in a memo he sent to the space agency’s employees today.
“There has been a lot of speculation in the public discourse about NASA being pulled in two directions – what has come before and what we want to do now,” he said in the memo, as reported by NASA Watch. “At NASA, this is an ‘and’ proposition, not an ‘or.’ … We must work with everyone to secure our leadership in space – and we will.”
Trump hasn’t yet nominated an administrator for NASA. Lightfoot is serving in a caretaker role – but he is regarded as one of the prospects for the official appointment, along with U.S. Rep. Jim Bridenstine, R-Okla.
Speeding up the schedule for sending astronauts beyond Earth orbit carries significant risks. It would be highly unusual for humans to get on board for the first test launch of a new type of rocket. Contractors would have to shorten their time frame for testing the hardware needed for crewed flight, ranging from launch abort systems to life support systems.
Keith Cowing, a former NASA employee who now runs the independent NASA Watch website, said in a posting that the schedule speed-up looked like a “Hail Mary pass” for the expensive SLS program.
“To move this rather important milestone up now in the midst of dueling and ever-shifting policy directions – for no clearly articulated reason other than politics – starts to smell like launch fever to me,” he wrote.
SpaceX to send two people around the moon who paid for a 2018 private mission
SpaceX to send two people around the moon who paid for a 2018 private mission
Elon Musk, the CEO of SpaceX, revealed on Monday that two people have paid for a private mission around the moon, tentatively set for launch in 2018 with the private company’s yet untested Falcon Heavy rocket.
In a conference call with reporters, Musk declined to name the people or what they had paid, though he said the individuals know each other and are “very serious” about the flight. The “private citizens” approached the company late last year and will receive training and take health and fitness tests as early as this year.
Musk said the circumlunar journey would take about a week, nearing the moon’s surface without landing on it before its return to Earth. The total flight would go about 300,000 to 400,000 miles into space, he said,meaning the flight could take humans farther from Earth than ever before.
If SpaceX accomplishes the trip before Nasa or another space agency can send astronauts to the moon, it would be the first lunar mission with humans in 45 years, on a course that would extend past the record 249,000 miles traveled by the Apollo 13 astronauts in 1970.
SpaceX said in a statement that the would-be passengers “have already paid a significant deposit to do a moon mission”, and Musk called the cost “comparable” to that of sending astronauts to the International Space Station. Nasa currently pays Russia’s space agency, Roscosmos, about $70m a person to fly astronauts to the ISS.
“Other flight teams have also expressed strong interest and we expect more to follow,” the company statement read. “Additional information will be released about the flight teams, contingent upon their approval and confirmation of the health and fitness test results.”
The flight would rely on SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy rocket, the massive engine that the company hopes to test for the first time this summer, and a Dragon 2 capsule. Musk said that the capsule had a “quite high” success rate for missions so far.
The passengers were “nobody from Hollywood”, Musk said.
He acknowledged that the flight would be dangerous but said the customers have “their eyes open” about what could happen. “We’re doing everything we can to minimize that risk, but it’s not zero,” Musk said.
“We would expect to do more than one mission of this nature,” he added.
While Nasa has contracted SpaceX to launch crewed missions to the International Space Station, the company has not yet flown any missions with humans. Musk said the space agency would receive priority if it decided to do another lunar mission first, and that the private trip would need a license from the Federal Aviation Administration. Nasa’s acting administrator, Robert Lightfoot, has said that the agency is reviewing a possible return to the moon or a flight into deep space beyond it.
The company will test its Crew Dragon spacecraft without humans on board later this mission and is scheduled to fly a crewed mission to the space station in 2018.
In its 15-year history, SpaceX and its founder have accrued a steady record of ambitious goals and blown deadlines. In 2011, Musk said that SpaceX would “be ready to fly its first manned mission in 2014”. That same year, he told the Wall Street Journal that he hoped to take humans to Mars by 2021 in a “best case” scenario, an estimate that he pushed back to 2024 last year. And though SpaceX has launched and landed eight reusable rockets, it has also suffered setbacks of failed landings and last year’s launchpad explosion that destroyed the expensive rocket and its satellite payload.
Earlier this month, the Government Accountability Office warned of safety concerns in a review of SpaceX’s rockets and plans, suggesting that there are more delays ahead. The report noted that both SpaceX and another private contractor, United Launch Alliance, have consistently failed to meet deadlines.
Musk remained optimistic on the call, saying, “Next year is going to be the big year for carrying people.”
In a statement, Nasa said it “commends its industry partners for reaching higher”.
“We will work closely with SpaceX to ensure it safely meets the contractual obligations to return the launch of astronauts to US soil and continue to successfully deliver supplies to the International Space Station,” the agency said.
In its statement, SpaceX said that Nasa has encouraged privately crewed missions, saying that through them “long-term costs to the government decline and more flight reliability history is gained, benefiting both government and private missions”.
Only after crewed missions have begun for Nasa, SpaceX said, will the company launch its mission around the moon, from the Cape Canaveral launchpad used by the Apollo program. “This presents an opportunity for humans to return to deep space for the first time in 45 years and they will travel faster and further into the Solar System than any before them,” the company said.
Rival spaceflight company Blue Origins, headed by the Amazon CEO, Jeff Bezos, has also announced plans to eventually take people and cargo to low Earth orbit with its own reusable rockets. In 2001, billionaire Dennis Tito became the world’s first space tourist for an estimated $20m, booking a trip on a Russian Soyuz spacecraft to the International Space Station, and about half a dozen others followed him into orbit.
UFO shot down by Military before they were attacked and killed by the surviving aliens!!
UFO shot down by Military before they were attacked and killed by the surviving aliens!!
USAF shot down a UFO before they were attacked and killed by the surviving aliens, it is sensationally claimed in a declassified CIA report.The report suggested that a low flying flying saucer had appeared over a military unit in training in Siberia, before one of the soldiers fired a surface to air missile, bringing it down.
The shocking report, which includes claims that 23 soldiers were turned into stone by the aliens in the UFO after they transformed into a ball of light, was buried among thousands of declassified files published online by the US intelligence agency.
The report in question, created on March 27 1993, is a translation by the CIA of a report from the Ukrainian newspaper Ternopil vechirniy.
The newspaper report said that after Mikhail Gorbachev lost power in 1991, many KGB files made their way to the CIA, including an alleged 250-page dossier on the bizarre UFO attack, which included pictures and witness testimonies.
The report suggested that a low flying flying saucer had appeared over a military unit in training in Siberia, before one of the soldiers fired a surface to air missile, bringing it down.
It said: "Five short humanoids with large heads and large black eyes got out.”
Two soldiers are said to have survived, who described how, after emerging from the debris, the five beings merged into a brilliant white spherical ball of light that buzzed and hissed.
It then exploded, and as it did 23 soldiers who stood watching were turned into stone, the report claimed.
The two survivors had been in a shaded area, it said.
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Mars More Toxic to Life Than Previously Thought
Mars More Toxic to Life Than Previously Thought
Mount Sharp on Mars, as imaged by the Curiosity rover.
(Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS)
Life on Mars … does it exist? Depending on when you last checked in with news about the Red Planet, you could probably be convinced either way. As we discover more and more about the composition and planetary dynamics of Mars, there has been cause for both elation and disappointment regarding the likelihood that organic life could manage to eke out a living on the planet.
The pendulum swung back toward the “no” side today with the release of a study examining how a special kind of salt on Mars interacts with ultraviolet radiation there. Martian soil is laced with perchlorates, an ion composed of one chlorine and four oxygen atoms, and which binds to a number of different elements to form various compounds. It’s classified as a salt, and was initially cause for celebration among extraterrestrial hopefuls because it drastically lowers the freezing point of water, meaning that liquid H20 might conceivably exist on the surface. It can also be used to produce rocket fuel and oxygen, another plus for future settlers.
Salt of the Mars
It turns out that these perchlorates are actually highly toxic to life when bathed in UV radiation that pummels Mars. Researchers from the United Kingdom Centre for Astrobiology at the University of Edinburgh exposed a strain of bacteria commonly found on spacecraft to levels of perchlorates and UV light found on the Red Planet and found that nearly all of them were dead within a minute. They tried this with several different kinds of perchlorate, and found similar results every time. Adding in additional environmental factors found on Mars like low temperatures, additional minerals found on Mars and a lack of oxygen also failed to keep the bacteria alive.
This was a bit surprising for the researchers because the strain of bacteria used, Bacillus subtilis, belongs to a genus that actually does fine in the presence of perchlorates, as studies of the microbes in terrestrial environments have confirmed. These findings were initially good news for researchers looking for extraterrestrial life, as they suggested that some forms of life could survive in Martian analogue conditions.
It Takes More Than Salt
There’s more to Mars than just the soil though, and when the Edinburgh researchers added in a few more Mars-like factors — UV specifically — the bacteria died in short order. They think this happens because the UV light breaks apart the perchlorate molecules into more reactive ions that wreak havoc on living cells. This hypothesis was backed up by the observation that low temperatures, which slow down chemical reactions, extended the lifespan of the bacteria in the perchlorates but still resulted in them dying. If they can’t survive there, it significantly lowers our chances of finding life on Mars — life that looks similar to organisms on Earth at least. The researchers published their findings Thursday in Nature Scientific Reports.
While it’s a blow to the possibility of finding life on Mars, there is at least one upside to the news: NASA regularly worries about the possibility of contaminating other planets with Earthly bacteria, even going so far as to crash probes into Saturn so that they don’t hit the planet’s moons. If Mars is so hostile to bacteria that they can’t even make it a minute on the surface, our fears of contamination could be pretty much resolved.
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