The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Nibiru heeft ons wéér niet geraakt: “Logisch, Planeet X bestáát gewoon niet” -
Nibiru heeft ons wéér niet geraakt: “Logisch, Planeet X bestáát gewoon niet” -
WETENSCHAP & PLANEETNASA-wetenschapper David Morrison heeft zo stilaan zijn buik vol van de complottheorieën over Nibiru of Planeet X. Voor de derde keer in een paar weken tijd zou die het einde van de wereld inluiden, door een apocalyptische botsing met de Aarde. Maar: de bewuste planeet bestáát gewoon niet, herhaalt Morrison voor de zoveelste keer.
De vraag is ditmaal wél naar Morrison geluisterd zal worden, nu hij nog maar eens in een podcast heeft uitgeschreeuwd dat Planeet X een verzinsel is. “U vraagt mij een logische verklaring voor een compleet onlogisch idee”, zei Morrison als reactie op de derde aankondiging van het einde van de wereld in evenveel maanden. “Er is zo geen planeet, die is er ook nooit geweest, en waarschijnlijk zal die er ook nooit zijn, maar toch blijft die telkens opnieuw opduiken”, verklaarde hij stellig.
De frustratie bij Morrison is hoorbaar. Nibiru zou ons volgens de ‘believers’ al in 2003 moeten verwoest hebben. Daarna in 2012, en vervolgens op 23 september, dan op 15 oktober en... gisteren. Terwijl we dit schrijven, is de aarde er nog.
Al in 2008 schreef Morrison: “Ik ging ervan uit dat Nibiru het soort internetgerucht was dat snel zou passeren”. Mis dus. Ook toen kreeg Morrison dagelijks bezorgde vragen van mensen - vaak kinderen - die in paniek waren. Vandaag is dat nog altijd zo. “Ik kreeg onlangs nog een telefoontje”, zei Morrison in de podcast. “De wereld zou zaterdag vergaan. De man vroeg mij: ‘Zou ik gaan werken of beter bij mijn gezin blijven?’”
Nog één keertje dan. Mocht Planeet X wél bestaan, dan zouden astronomen ze al lang gespot hebben. Een planeet als Nibiru zou de positie van alle planeten verstoren en zelfs de “maan uit de baan van de aarde ejecteren”. Bovendien kwam er tot nu toe nooit iets in huis van de voorspellingen over de komst van Nibiru.
WETENSCHAPOns zonnestelsel heeft voor het eerst bezoek van buiten gekregen. Een asteroïde die afkomstig is uit de eindeloze ruimte tussen de sterren, is in de afgelopen weken opgedoken in onze omgeving.
Het rotsblok heeft de naam ‘Oumuamua’ gekregen. Dat is Hawaïaans voor ‘boodschapper van ver die als eerste aankomt’, omdat een telescoop op Hawaï hem als eerste zag.
De onderzoekers denken dat de asteroïde al honderden miljoenen jaren door de Melkweg zwerft, niet gebonden aan een ster. Waarschijnlijk heeft hij er 300.000 jaar over gedaan om de oversteek te maken van de ster Vega naar ons zonnestelsel. “Tientallen jaren hebben we gedacht dat zulke objecten er zijn en nu hebben we voor het eerst direct bewijs van hun bestaan”, aldus de Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie NASA.
Doordat de asteroïde in de buurt is, hebben Europese en Amerikaanse wetenschappers hem goed kunnen bestuderen. De uitkomsten daarvan staan maandag in het wetenschapsblad Nature. ‘Oumuamua’ is roodkleurig en heeft de vorm van een sigaar. Hij is ongeveer veertig meter breed en vierhonderd meter lang. Dat is opvallend, omdat de asteroïdes en kometen in ons zonnestelsel veel minder uitgerekt zijn.
Tientallen jaren hebben we gedacht dat zulke objecten er zijn en nu hebben we voor het eerst direct bewijs van hun bestaan
Het rotsblok draait in iets meer dan zeven uur om zijn as. Er hangt geen stofwolk omheen, wat betekent dat hij waarschijnlijk uit rotsen en metalen bestaat en geen water of ijs heeft.
Oumuamua bevindt zich nu op ongeveer 200 miljoen kilometer van de aarde, tussen de planeten Mars en Jupiter. Hij vliegt met een snelheid van 138.000 kilometer per uur van ons weg en dat maakt het steeds moeilijker om hem te bekijken. Rond de jaarwisseling wordt hij waarschijnlijk te vaag om nog te zien. In mei 2018 vliegt hij langs Jupiter, in januari 2019 passeert hij Saturnus. Daarna zal hij ons zonnestelsel langzaam achter zich laten, op weg naar het sterrenbeeld Pegasus.
Wetenschappers sluiten niet uit dat er meer asteroïdes van buiten ons zonnestelsel langsvliegen, maar tot nu toe waren ze te klein en te vaag om te zien.
Panspermia – the theory that life came to Earth on a comet or asteroid from another world – comes from the Greek words ‘pan’ (all) and ‘sperma’ (seed). That makes sense because the hypothesis suggests that the life form riding bareback on a space rock was microscopic, like the tardigrades which we already know can survive in space and that some panspermians propose may have indeed traveled here from abroad. Now a new theory proposes that not only were the microorganisms tiny, but so were their means of transit — space dust particles. Could it be true that all we are is space dust in the cosmic wind?
In a paper published in a recent edition of Astrobiology, Professor Arjun Berera of the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Edinburgh looks at “hypervelocity space dust” – the sneeze-worthy massive cloud of particles that are constantly blowing into our atmosphere and quite possibly blowing right back out again with some passengers from Earth. The escape velocity is achieved by a sort of billiard ball effect of incoming particles slamming around the atmospheric table and knocking others in all directions – down, up and corner pocket.
This effect is nothing like the cloud you kick up when blowing the dust off of your tables before your parents visit. Berera and his researchers determined that space dust travels at 70 km a second (156,585.5mph). Assuming that tardigrades or other microorganisms could be carried by conventional winds or the cosmic billiard ball effect to a height of 70 km (43 miles) and that they can hang on to dust particles with their tiny feet or whatever appendages they have, they could be knocked out of the Earth ballpark and catch a ride on a cosmic wind shuttle to another planet, solar system or even a galaxy … assuming they can survive the trip. Based on how well bacteria survives on the outside of the International Space Station, don’t put it past them.
If you buy Professor Berera’s idea of hypervelocity space dust bearing gifts of life to Earth billions of years ago, then it’s safe to assume that it’s also happening right now. That big inhalation before blowing out your birthday candles could have started a colony of aliens deep in your lungs. You may not feel older but you may soon feel something worse than any flu congestion you’ve ever coughed up.
“The proposition that space dust collisions could propel organisms over enormous distances between planets raises some exciting prospects of how life and the atmospheres of planets originated. The streaming of fast space dust is found throughout planetary systems and could be a common factor in proliferating life.”
While Professor Berera buys into this dustpan-spermia theory, there are both scientific and religious doubters. There’s only one way to find out. Get our your microscope, kick up some dust and eliminate everything that doesn’t look familiar.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Strange cigar-shaped ‘Asteroid’ is first interstellar visitor to our solar system!
Strange cigar-shaped ‘Asteroid’ is first interstellar visitor to our solar system!
Last month, the Pan-STARRS 1 telescope in Hawai'i picked up a very strange object moving across the sky. It was originally believed that the object was a comet but astronomers quickly realized it was something entirely different.
Above image shows an impression of cigar-shaped asteroid Oumuamua - European Southern Observatory / M. Kornmesser and a cigar-shaped UFO on the backside of the Moon.
Observations with ESO's Very Large Telescope and others have shown that the object is a rocky cigar-shaped asteroid and it has been confirmed as the first ever interstellar object to enter our solar system.
The object has been dubbed ‘Oumuamua’ by the International Astronomical Union. The name means “a messenger from a far arriving first” in the language of the Central Pacific Island.
According to a European Southern Observatory (ESO) Oumuamua is like nothing seen before. It is red, made of dense rock or metal, and is shaped roughly like a giant cigar measuring up to 400 meters long and around 40 meters wide.
Oumuamua varies dramatically in brightness by a factor of ten as it spins on its axis every 7.3 hours. This unusually large variation in brightness means that the object with its complex, convolute shape, is highly elongated and may well have been wandering through the Milky Way, unattached to any star system, for hundreds of millions of years before its chance encounter with the Solar System, reports RT.
It seems to come from the direction of the star Vega. However, Vega itself moves and was not in the area when Oumuamua was last there about 300,000 years ago.
As quickly confirmed by the astronomers the object is an asteroid which became the first ever interstellar object to enter our solar system; but given the very strange shape of the object it reminds me another huge cigar-shaped ‘UFO’ object on the backside of the Moon photographed by the crew of Apollo 15 which is very similar to the cigar-shaped ‘Messenger From A Far Arriving First’!
This animation (annotated) shows the path of the interstellar asteroid 1I/2017 (`Oumuamua) through the Solar System. Observations with ESO's Very Large Telescope and others have shown that this unique object is dark, reddish in color and highly elongated.
A strange flashing UFO appears in security cameras in Phoenix, Arizona, reigniting claims the city is a hotspot for visiting beings from another world.
Many people believe it could be an alien spacecraft as it also reportedly observed from New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, and California.
Experts said it was likely an object from outer space burnt up in the atmosphere or a meteor.
Phoenix is one of the most famous US cities when it comes to alien and UFO sighting after the notorious Phoenix Lights incident that became a phenomenon from March 13, 1997. The infamous incident involved massive sightings of huge triangular UFOs drifting above Arizona and the city of Phoenix.
Thousands of people saw five lights in a formation for over three hours from 7:30 pm to 10:30 pm.
The military blamed the infamous event to flares set off during an exercise at the time, but UFO enthusiasts were not convinced of the official explanation.
The new footage was recorded with a Nest security camera.
The object in question appears above the city as a small orb of light.
It then blooms into a large flash and lights up clouds in the dark sky.
One witness Debora Lee Soltez said on Twitter that they noticed the sky light up not far from Flagstaff. She added that they were driving north, so they did not see the meteor, just the sky lightens up then the flash bright enough to see the trees along the road.
Another Twitter user said that they first thought someone shot a firework, but it got very bright and never popped.
Unknown lights over Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 16-Nov-2017
Unknown lights over Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 16-Nov-2017
This footage was filmed over Rio de Janeiro in Brazil on 16th November 2017.
Witness report:
UFO fleet hovering at sky. A friend made two videos with a IPhone 7 showing an #UFO fleet hovering at Engenho Novo, Rio de Janeiro city, Brazil. He described as pulsating changing colors lights from blue, green to red yellow and in formation of three, mostly. They came from nothing and disappeared to nothing with five minutes approximate of duration.
Television Producer, Researcher and Experiencer Bob Schultz digs into his personal archives and presents a never before seen one-on-one interview with the legendary UFO Contact researcher Wendelle Stevens. Topics include Wendelle’s personal history with extensive commentary on maintaining and flying WWII military aircraft and a rare 1994 presentation by Wendelle detailing his investigation of the historic Billy Meier/Pleiadian Contactee case. Recorded at the Minnesota Chapter of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) Saturday, July 8, 2017.
New scientific theory about life on Earth involves alien bugs hitching a ride on space dust
New scientific theory about life on Earth involves alien bugs hitching a ride on space dust
Previously, scientists have considered the possibility of asteroids and comets bringing life to our planet.
Space dust may have transported alien bugs to Earth – or terrestrial microbes to other planets, research suggests.
The theory comes from British scientists who have studied powerful flows of interplanetary dust that can travel through space at up to 43.75 miles per second.
They calculated that small bio-particles floating high in the atmosphere at an altitude of 93 miles or more could be knocked free of the Earth’s gravity by incoming space dust.
Eventually the tiny organisms could reach other planets in the solar system.
Some bacteria, plants and even hardy micro-animals called tardigrades are known to be capable of surviving in space.
The same process could occur in reverse, bringing extraterrestrial bugs to Earth and possibly helping to seed life on the planet, the scientists believe.
Study leader Professor Arjun Berera, from the University of Edinburgh’s School of Physics and Astronomy, said: “The proposition that space dust collisions could propel organisms over enormous distances between planets raises some exciting prospects of how life and the atmospheres of planets originated.
“The streaming of fast space dust is found throughout planetary systems and could be a common factor in proliferating life.”
Previously scientists have considered the possibility of impacting asteroids and comets importing life, or the raw ingredients of life, to Earth.
The new research, published in the journal Astrobiology, was part-funded by the Science and Technology Facilities Council.
Life forms that evolved on Earth might already be living on alien planets, carried there by clouds of dust traveling through space.
The dust could act as transportation for the smallest organisms because it is moving quickly and “continuously bombarding the Earth,” a new paper in the journalAstrobiology claims. “Some of this fast space dust inevitably will interact with the atmospheric system, transferring energy and moving particles around.” Although that can include non-living atoms and molecules in the atmosphere, there are also microbes up there that could go along for the ride. When space dust particles collide with these elements in Earth’s atmosphere, the crashes could give them “the necessary escape velocity and upward trajectory to escape Earth’s gravity.”
Molecules that are necessary to sustain life and make planets habitable may be carried along as well.
According to the paper, space dust could have brought Earth life to other planets and life from other planets to Earth.
Space dust is constantly colliding with Earth's atmosphere at high speeds. That could throw molecules and microorganisms into space, which means there could be Earth life that has been carried through space to other planets — or life from other planets that was transported to Earth.
It’s not the only space mechanism that has been explored as having potential to transport life across the universe. Previous research looked into whether comets, asteroids and meteoroids crashing down to young Earth brought life, water, atmospheric gases and other crucial pieces with them in a sort of cosmic delivery service. Scientists have also asserted it would be possible for space rocks to collide with planets in such a way that sends material careening into outer space, carrying microorganisms along for the ride before possibly landing on another world.
“The proposition that space dust collisions could propel organisms over enormous distances between planets raises some exciting prospects of how life and the atmospheres of planets originated,” paper author Arjun Berera said in a statement from the University of Edinburgh. “The streaming of fast space dust is found throughout planetary systems and could be a common factor in proliferating life.”
Bacteria and other tiny organisms have shown resilience in the face of harsh conditions, such as frigid temperatures, the vacuum of space and radiation exposure.
“Should some microbial particles manage the perilous journey upward and out of the Earth’s gravity, the question remains how well they will survive in the harsh environment of space,” the paper says.
The life forms that are theoretically floating around out there and touching down on other worlds could hold clues about how life on our planet began: “If biological constituents have been escaping the Earth continuously, even in tiny amounts, over its lifespan, then it would suggest floating out in the solar system there is information about the evolutionary history of microbial life over the time of the Earth’s existence.”
The Milky Way is full of dust that collides with planets and their atmospheres. That might mean it could carry small life forms between worlds.
Life forms that evolved on Earth might already be living on alien planets, carried there by clouds of dust traveling through space.
The dust could act as transportation for the smallest organisms because it is moving quickly and “continuously bombarding the Earth,” a new paper in the journalAstrobiology claims. “Some of this fast space dust inevitably will interact with the atmospheric system, transferring energy and moving particles around.” Although that can include non-living atoms and molecules in the atmosphere, there are also microbes up there that could go along for the ride. When space dust particles collide with these elements in Earth’s atmosphere, the crashes could give them “the necessary escape velocity and upward trajectory to escape Earth’s gravity.”
Molecules that are necessary to sustain life and make planets habitable may be carried along as well.
According to the paper, space dust could have brought Earth life to other planets and life from other planets to Earth.
Space dust is constantly colliding with Earth's atmosphere at high speeds. That could throw molecules and microorganisms into space, which means there could be Earth life that has been carried through space to other planets — or life from other planets that was transported to Earth.
It’s not the only space mechanism that has been explored as having potential to transport life across the universe. Previous research looked into whether comets, asteroids and meteoroids crashing down to young Earth brought life, water, atmospheric gases and other crucial pieces with them in a sort of cosmic delivery service. Scientists have also asserted it would be possible for space rocks to collide with planets in such a way that sends material careening into outer space, carrying microorganisms along for the ride before possibly landing on another world.
“The proposition that space dust collisions could propel organisms over enormous distances between planets raises some exciting prospects of how life and the atmospheres of planets originated,” paper author Arjun Berera said in a statement from the University of Edinburgh. “The streaming of fast space dust is found throughout planetary systems and could be a common factor in proliferating life.”
Bacteria and other tiny organisms have shown resilience in the face of harsh conditions, such as frigid temperatures, the vacuum of space and radiation exposure.
“Should some microbial particles manage the perilous journey upward and out of the Earth’s gravity, the question remains how well they will survive in the harsh environment of space,” the paper says.
The life forms that are theoretically floating around out there and touching down on other worlds could hold clues about how life on our planet began: “If biological constituents have been escaping the Earth continuously, even in tiny amounts, over its lifespan, then it would suggest floating out in the solar system there is information about the evolutionary history of microbial life over the time of the Earth’s existence.”
The Milky Way is full of dust that collides with planets and their atmospheres. That might mean it could carry small life forms between worlds.
Mysterious ISS Footage: Are Space Agencies Hiding Proof of Alien Life? (VIDEO)
When one of the crew at the International Space Station (ISS) captured footage of a mysterious object entering the Earth’s atmosphere, conspiracy theorists quickly concluded that it was footage of a UFO, despite claims by the European Space Agency’s that the object is just a meteor.
Italian astronaut Paolo Nespoli captured the clip, which shows a ball of light approaching the Earth's atmosphere, November 5.
Tyler Glockner, who runs the alien hunting YouTube Channel SecureTeam10, is convinced that the strange sighting is further proof the government is covering up the existence of aliens.
In a video uploaded to the SecureTeam10 channel, Glockner says, "I don't think it's a meteorite at all."
"You're seeing the Earth spinning at a high rate of speed and we see this flash of light coming from space. It does look to be moving at 85,000 miles per hour. But when you account how fast the Earth would have actually been moving, had this not been sped up, it would have been moving much, much slower."
In a statement released by the European Space Agency on November 16, researchers at the agency describe the object as a fireball.
"A fireball is basically a very bright meteoroid — a small bit of natural ‘space rock' — entering Earth's atmosphere and burning brighter than the background stars. This particular meteoroid was moving much faster than typical, with an estimated speed of about 85,000 miles per hour," the statement states.
SecureTeam10 is also suspicious about how fast the European Space Agency released a statement regarding the sighting.
"They've never jumped on a story so fast," Glockner said.
"Why are they claiming it to be a meteor if they aren't sure? Why aren't they going to the suspected location where this is meant to be falling, and recover it? Why does it look nothing like a meteor? Why are they only giving us the sped-up time lapse version and pretending it's just normal speed?" Glockner asks.
In his video, the YouTuber also compares the photo to one of a meteor taken during the 2011 Perseid meteor shower.
"If you compare this to what they are calling a meteor in this new footage, at no time does this so-called meteor look like anything that was captured back in 2011 — it just doesn't," Glocker explained.
In December 1969, the United States government called for the end of Project Blue Book, its 22-year investigation into unidentified airborne phenomena. Overnight, the authorities’ official position changed from one of indulgent public curiosity to absolute public disinterest. “The Air Force was the head agency during Project Blue Book, where they went out into the field and talked to witnesses, essentially trying to figure out what was going on,” explains John Greenewald, founder of The Black Vault, an Internet-based resource that has compiled more than 1.4 million declassified government documents. “After 1969, it was the United States Air Force that said, ‘no government agency including our own has any interest in this phenomenon.’” But thanks to the dogged effort of Greenewald and other UFO researchers wielding Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, anyone with an Internet connection and an open mind can deduce the government isn’t quite as apathetic toward UFOs as it claims.
One curious item indicative of the cat-and-mouse game Greenewald feels the government plays with UFO researchers was an entry in an Air Force training manual discovered through a FOIA request. “I discovered, about eight to 10 years ago now, an Air Force regulation, Air Force Instruction 10-206,” Greenewald says. “It deals with what to do if pilots see something strange in the sky and how they have to report it. The rule was a short list of things to look for—for example if they saw a missile streak across the sky, that was outlined as something they would need to report. On this very short list was the entry, ‘Unidentified Flying Objects.’ Obviously we’re talking about 30 or more years after their investigation was stopped.”
Lonnie Zamora, an officer with the police department of Socorro, New Mexico, poses next to a depression in the soil he claimed was left by a UFO landing in 1964. The cause of the physical evidence was ruled as unknown by Project Blue Book.
The regulation seems odd enough on its own, but the rest of Greenewald’s story seems to give credence to his and other investigators’ sneaking suspicion that something is amiss with how the government reports its relationship to UFOs. “I’ve worked Air Force Instruction 10-206 into a couple of documentaries I did for History Channel and National Geographic Channel, but there wasn’t a lot of attention paid to it until a few years ago—the Huffington Post did an article about myself and The Black Vault,” he says. “I told the reporter the Air Force doesn’t have an interest in this topic anymore, and yet here’s a very recent manual that references UFOs.”
When the reporter followed up on the story and contacted the Pentagon for a response, officials reacted in a manner UFO researchers have grown accustomed to expect from the government—they stonewalled him. But the Pentagon’s silence didn’t necessarily indicate inaction. Greenewald later received a call from the reporter, who had shocking news. “He went online to download the instruction directly from the Air Force, and it didn’t have mention of UFOs anymore. Chapter Five, in which Instruction 10-206 could be found, had been revised. UFOs were completely omitted. Now the section had to do with hurricanes.”
Incredulous, Greenewald wanted to check for himself. “I thought when the reporter said all this via the telephone that maybe he was mistaken, that he clicked on the wrong instruction because these manuals can get very confusing. I thought, ‘Once I get home I’ll take a look and steer him in the right direction, never thinking that the United States Air Force would completely rewrite this instruction. I was very surprised to see that they changed it 48 to 72 hours after the Huffington Post called the Pentagon, which is all documented.”
In light of the fact that FOIA requests can turn up all kinds of buried treasure for our government’s assassination tactics, questionable wartime practices and everything in between, Greenewald’s original question is still a nuisance even to the skeptical. Why, if the government has no official interest in explaining unexplained phenomena, are they so adamantly hiding the last half-century of documentation to that effect? The answer may be an earth-shattering revelation that changes humanity’s understanding of its place in the universe. Or it may be as mundane as shedding some new light on the bureaucratic systems used to file reports. Either way, Greenewald and his cohorts will keep looking.
Some organisms from Earth, like tardigrades, are known to be able to survive in space
Aliens might have been carried to Earth on space dust, according to new research.
Bugs might have flown across the universe and onto our own planet, scientists have said. And bugs from our own planet might have made the same journey, flying off of Earth and onto other planets elsewhere in the galaxy.
The theory could even help explain how life began here, suggesting that it was carried from elsewhere in space then flourished in Earth.
That's according to British scientists who have studied powerful flows of interplanetary dust that can travel through space at up to 70 km (43.75 mph) per second.
They calculated that small bio-particles floating high in the atmosphere at an altitude of 93 miles (150 km) or more could be knocked free of the Earth's gravity by incoming space dust.
Eventually the tiny organisms could reach other planets in the solar system.
Some bacteria, plants and even hardy micro-animals called tardigrades are known to be capable of surviving in space.
The same process could occur in reverse, bringing extraterrestrial bugs to Earth and possibly helping to seed life on the planet, the scientists believe.
Study leader Professor Arjun Berera, from the University of Edinburgh's School of Physics and Astronomy, said: "The proposition that space dust collisions could propel organisms over enormous distances between planets raises some exciting prospects of how life and the atmospheres of planets originated.
"The streaming of fast space dust is found throughout planetary systems and could be a common factor in proliferating life."
Previously scientists have considered the possibility of impacting asteroids and comets importing life, or the raw ingredients of life, to Earth.
The new research, published in the journal Astrobiology, was part-funded by the Science and Technology Facilities Council.
Early Ideas About Extraterrestrial Life: What Might Inhabitants from Other Planets Look Like?
The Christian Church attempted to censor Galileo’s findings in the first decades of the 17th century, but it was a time of expanding knowledge, so it did not take very long for the information to get out. When Galileo’s observation became widely known, people started wondering if these other worlds were like our own. Did life exist on them? Did people live there? Even the Church finally decided that such speculation was not blasphemous. As the truth of the plurality of worlds became accepted, it was assumed that God would never knowingly create a world for no reason.
It was decided that if other worlds in space did exist, their only purpose could be to provide a home to humanlike creatures. As Thomas Burnet asked in his book The Sacred Theory of the Earth (1681):
God himself formed the Earth . . . he formed it to be inhabited. This is true, both of the Earth and of every habitable World whatsoever. For to what purpose is it made habitable, if not to be inhabited? We do not build houses that they should stand empty, but look out for Tenants as fast as we can.
It did not take long before several books were published speculating about what sort of life might exist on the planets. Some authors assumed that any sentient life existing on the other planets would necessarily have to be humanlike. Other authors took a looser definition of what constituted “human”, with the idea that what was most important was the quality and nature of the mind, not the form of the shell that bore it.
Early astronomers started to question whether other worlds would be like our own. Copernicus’ Conversation with God ( Public domain )
Journey into Speculation
The great German astronomer Johannes Kepler wrote what might be the first science fiction novel, Somnium, which was published in 1634 (a few years after his death). As a serious scientist, he described the Moon and the sort of creatures that might live on it as accurately as the knowledge of the time allowed. The Moon was an incredibly alien world, he told his readers. Nights were 15 Earth days long “and dreadful with uninterrupted shadow”. The cold at night was more intense than anything experienced on Earth, while the heat of day was terrific. Animals that lived on the Moon adapted to these harsh conditions. Some went into hibernation, while others evolved hard shells and other protection.
As the 17th century progressed, the concept that the planets were not only inhabitable but inhabited was taken for granted. In 1656 the Jesuit priest and writer Athanasius Kircher, sent the hero of The Ecstatic Journey touring the heavens with an angel as his guide. In the course of these journeys through the celestial world, the Moon was actually found to be quite habitable, with a varied terrain that included mountains, oceans, lakes, islands and rivers. In Paradise Lost (1667), John Milton has the angel Raphael and Adam discussing the possibility of life on other worlds, including the Moon. But the angel cautions Adam, saying that it is dangerous to think about such matters since God does not intend human beings to comprehend everything about his creation: “Dream not of other worlds, what creatures there live, in what state, condition or degree.”
A French mathematician named Bernard de Fontenelle was not afraid to dream about such things and wondered what sort of creatures might exist on the planets in his book Entretienssur la Pluralité des Mondes (Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds ; 1689). In fact, he not only asked the question, but he also attempted to answer it. And he did so in a way that was completely unique. De Fontenelle explained that although the planets were worlds very much like our own, conditions there would probably be vastly different. For example, Mercury would be incredibly hot because it is so close to the Sun. If life existed on the planets it would necessarily have to reflect an adaptation to these very specific conditions.
Conversations on the plurality of worlds, 1715 ( Public domain )
The problem de Fontenelle faced was the simple fact that scientists didn’t know enough. All he had to work with were the approximate sizes of the planets and their approximate distances from the Sun. Other than being able to make rough estimates of the planets’ surface temperatures based on their relative distances from the Sun, he knew nothing at all about the nature of the conditions on them. He had no way of knowing what a planet’s atmosphere might be like – or even for sure if it had one. Still, de Fontenelle didn’t let a little impediment like that inhibit his imagination and he proceeded to describe the creatures that lived on the other planets in great detail. The inhabitants of Mercury, he declared, were exuberant, excitable and quick-tempered. They “resemble the Moors of Granada, a small, black people, burned by the Sun, full of wit and fi re, always in love, writing verse, fond of music, arranging festivals, dances and tournaments every day.”
Early science fiction novels pondered the idea of what extraterrestrials might look like. ‘Saint Wolfgang and the devil’ ( Public domain )
The people of Venus, by contrast, were incorrigible flirts, those of Jupiter were great philosophers and the denizens of Saturn, because of the frigid climate of their planet, preferred to sit in one place for their entire lives. However, de Fontenelle decided the Moon was probably uninhabited due to its thin atmosphere.
In A Voyage to the World of Cartesius (1694), Gabriel Daniel describes the inhabitants of the Moon as being entirely spiritual, without physical bodies at all, who can travel from place to place by the force of their will alone.
Ralph Morris’ A Narrative of the Life and Astonishing Adventures of John Daniel (1751) tells of the invention of a machine that carries a shipwrecked sailor on a trip to the Moon. Once there he discovers copper-skinned humanoids who live in caves and worship the Sun. In Le Philosophie sans Prètention (The Unassuming Philosopher ; 1775) by Louis-Guillaume de la Folie we learn that the hero, Ormisais, has flown to Earth from the planet Mercury. He informs the Earthlings he meets that a Mercurian scientist named Scintilla has invented an electrical flying machine capable of travelling between worlds. The hero of A Voyage to the Moon (1793), Aratus, travels to the Moon by balloon (“facilitated by air currents”), where he finds a race of English-speaking snakes who walk upright on legs.
Books like these – both fanciful and realistic – helped convince their readers that other worlds did exist and that it was possible there might be life on them. People even began to wonder if the stars themselves might be other suns. After all, they asked, if the universe were infinite in size – as was supposed at the time – it should have an infinite number of stars. Wasn’t it reasonable to suppose that at least some of them might be suns like our own? And if they were suns like ours, might they not also have planets circling them?
Top image:The Annunciation, with Saint Emidius by Carlo Crivelli ( Public domain )
Lambton’s Phil Mahoney said his neighbour George Bunn saw the silver craft land in the park and leave behind a circular burn mark, 40 metres in diameter.
Geoff said the black triangle craft that he and his wife spotted was “no more than 700 metres high, but the area it covered was immense”.
“The base of the triangle was the leading edge, with about four or five white lights across it and one white light at the apex – which was the rear of the UFO.
“It was so slow that it took nearly 15 minutes to travel from our first view of it, until it got close to Munibung Hill and turned east and headed out towards the direction of the ocean.
“It made no sound at all and if you missed seeing the lights, there would be a big possibility you would not see it all.”
Geoff said the sighting was “very similar to the Phoenix Lights that were filmed in the USA”.
This case involved several UFOs, including black triangles, spotted by residents of Phoenix in Arizona.
So, was the craft that Geoff and Maree spotted aliens or a mysterious military plane, like the mythical Aurora – a black triangle-shaped aircraft that many believe was flown under a secret US government military program?
Maree reckons aliens.
“It wasn’t something from our world,” she said.
“It didn’t frighten me, but it makes you realise we’re not the only people in the universe.”
Geoff has seen several UFOs over the years.
“It’s a matter of luck and looking in the right direction at the right time,” he said.
Telemarketer Troubles
Picture this: You’ve had a long hard day at work. You sit down and crack a beer or a bottle of wine. You can smell dinner cooking in the oven.
Jazz is playing in the background at just the right volume and you’re starting to relax.
Then the phone rings. It’s a telemarketer from overseas.
You’ve registered your number with the federal government’s Do Not Call Register, but it doesn’t seem to be working.
How do you respond?
Reader Pat goes with this: “Hello, hello, hello, hello”, acting like she can’t hear the other person on the line.
We’ve also heard this one: “Hi, I’m having dinner right now, can you give me your home number and I’ll call you back during your dinnertime”.
How about this: When the caller asks how you are today, say: “I’m glad you asked. No one these days seems to care. I have all these problems and my arthritis is acting up ...”
Or this: “Okay, I’ll listen to you. But I should probably tell you, I’m not wearing any clothes”.
A telemarketer once wrote that the best way to stop the calls was to say: “Please put me on your do not call list”.
It’s worth a try, but we like the others.
Send your suggested responses to telemarketers to
MUFON does not release the names of witnesses on its database.
The report entitled "UFO fleet hovering at sky" said: "A friend made two videos with an IPhone 7 showing a UFO fleet hovering at Engenho Novo, in Rio de Janeiro city, Brazil.
"He described it as pulsating, changing coloured lights, from blue, green, to red and yellow, and in formation of mostly three.
"They came from nothing and disappeared to nothing with five minutes approximate of duration."
In the past some of these have later been found to be military flares being set of, or incoming standard aircraft waiting to land.
Rio de Janeiro is also no stranger to UFO sightings, with several reported, however, some of these were later exposed as CGI hoaxes.
UFO sceptic Scott Brando, who runs debunking website, was not convinced they were anything out of this world.
After seeing the footage, he told "I am not sure if those lights are planes queuing to land, but I don't see a particular landing airway.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
NASA has revealed 2,540 stunning photos of Mars. Mars is a place of quietness solitude and mysterious beauty with the nickname of the Red Planet.
While this might lead to people believing that it is just red, this is far from the truth and the HiRISE camera that is located onboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter of NASA.
The cameras have been able to transform many subtle differences of the soil found on Mars and turn it into all colors of the rainbow.
Now NASA has revealed 2,540 stunning never before seen photos.
The HiRISE camera has captured images of Mars that are very valuable scientifically, not to mention stunning to see. The photos captured by the camera are in fact so detailed that the scientists are able to examine the features of the planet at a scale of only a few feet. One of the features is the recent crash site when the Schiaparelli Mars lander of Europe crashed.
While we are not able to show all 2,054 photos here we are able to show you some of the most stunning photos out of the collection that were released during August through to October of this year.
Debris apron edges with cliff material er
Ridges that cross the region of Nepenthes Mensae, which is also known as the river delta, due to its striking pattern.
The Buzzel, the seasonal dunes of Mars
The two-tones of Mars in all its glory
Sand blowing and eating through older crater rims
A recent small crater left by an impact
Minerals shown bright speckles which stand out on the Galle Crater
Utopia Planitia, the large plain of Mars
Martian buttes in layers that is located in the West Arabia
Crater found on Arcadia Planitia, which is a flat region located on Mars
Certain minerals in false colors that give Syria Planum the inky blue coloring speckled with gold.
North Sinus Meridiani texturing
Ceraunious Foassae and the large cracks and volcanic flows
Martian equator terrain
Possible landing for the Mars 2020 mission
Fans created around the dunes help scientists to understand the seasonal changes
Dunes found within the Martian crater
Slope on the Eastern Noctis Labyrinthus
Iridescent glacial terrain
A Gully on Mars
Gully that NASA watches for small landlines resulting in water melting to form dark mud
Cerberus Palus with its sediments in layers
Eruptions of dust spiders
Mars impact crater
Carbon dioxide carving out strange shapes
North Pole dune called Kolhar after fictional world of Frank Herbet
The ELF telescope has been designed from the ground up, and it is going to be the only one that can capture images of continents, oceans and even aliens living on planets close-by. It is a brand new way of building large-scale telescopes that are affordable specifically designed for exoplanetary research.
The ELF would be capable of seeing exoplanets that are as far away as 120 trillion miles, which equates to 24 light years from Earth. It would be able to detect signatures of life of chemical fingerprints that are in the atmosphere from water, methane, oxygen, and ozone or which are found on the surface having come from photosynthetic bio-pigments.
The name ELF stands for ExoLife Finder, and at the moment the project for it has been put up on Kickstarter. Providing the telescope gets funding when it is constructed it would start to look over the cosmos, and it would have one single goal in mind, to find alien life, no matter how big or small it might be.
To do this, it would begin by exploring the Proxima Centauri system as its first target, which is also called Proxima B, an alien world that is thought to orbit the host star in its habitable zone. The huge alien hunting telescope is going to be made up of a total of 16 5-meter mirrors that is based around printing mirror technology said reports that have come from the Planets Foundation.
When the telescope is finished, it is thought that it will be a width of 25 meters and it will have a location in Chile in the Atacama Desert. Initial reports have suggested that the ELF telescope is going to be able to search for and find distant, possible alien worlds that are up to 25 light years away. Perhaps more exciting is the fact that it is going to be able to explore the Alpha Centauri System. This is a system that astronomers have found great interest in.
stronomers have also said that the telescope could find photosynthetic organisms along with thermal waste traces on the planet’s surface from advanced civilizations. Dr. Svetlana Berdyugina who is the director of the Kipenheuer Institute of Solar Physics and Planets Foundation, along with being the co-founder, said that they wanted to find alien life on planets that were close-by that were outside of the solar system, which is generally called exoplanets. He went on to say that they had designed a telescope that was revolutionary using metamaterials and this made the mirrors very light and brought down the cost of making telescopes by a factor of 10. He went on to say that the ELF, ExoLife Finder would be the first to image continents, oceans, and life on exoplanets.
So far the team has managed to raise $17,000 towards the ELF telescope, and they have an initial goal of $35,000. The total cost to build the telescope would be $130 million, and it would take around 60 months to build.
Biohackers attempt to modify his genes using cutting-edge medical treatment.
Pharmaceutical companies all over the world are currently locked in a race to be the first to perfect the process of gene editing to cure diseases. CRISPR is considered to be a cheap and easy technique which can make precise changes to a person’s DNA which could be potentially revolutionary in the field of medical science.
Already, scientists have created a leukemia treatment using this technology, and it is hoped that more therapies will come in the future. However, the use of CRISPR is not exclusively limited to pharmaceutical laboratories according to Josiah Zayner, a biochemist and former NASA scientist, who has begun treating himself to CRISPR and hoped that others will follow suit.
He caused quite a storm recently during a lecture on human genetic engineering and biohacking which Zayner streamed live on when he pulled out a syringe of edited DNA and injected himself on camera. He explained that the experiment was intended to increase his capacity for physical strength by removing the gene for myostatin which regulates muscle growth. This kind of gene editing has proven to work in dogs whose genomes were edited at the embryotic stage, but it is believed that Zayner was the first person to attempt it on an adult human.
“Will allowing broad access to CRISPR risk creating a group of ‘superhumans’ with enhanced abilities?”
The experiment has not been entirely successful. Indeed, Zayner claims that since he has begun injecting himself in this way he has not seen any considerable change in the bulk of his muscles. This is probably because myostatin levels are believed to manifest themselves and become static while an organism is developing.
However, the failure of the experiment is not of huge concern to Zayner who claims that he is simply trying to prove a point. He believes that biohacking technology such as CRISPR should be available to people outside of formal laboratories. If people are allowed to modify their body through methods such as plastic surgery, tattoos, and piercings, why should they not be allowed to edit their own DNA, he wonders. “I want to live in a world where people get drunk, and instead of giving themselves tattoos, they’re like, ‘I’m drunk, I’m going to CRISPR myself, ’” said Zayner, “It sounds crazy, but I think that would be a pretty interesting world to live in for sure.”
According to some experts, Zayner’s views are a little more than crazy. Robin Lovell-Badge, a leading CRISPR researcher, based at the Francis Crick Institute in London, Zayner’s experiments are ‘foolish’ and potentially dangerous. He said that they could lead to tissue damage, cell death or an exaggerated immune response which could cause devastating damage to the human body.
These fears are shared to some extent by another CRISPR researcher, Dana Carroll. While Carroll is not overly concerned that the genes will actually be edited by Zayner’s rudimentary technology, he does point out that routine injections in a non-sterile environment could lead to infection or a dangerous inflammatory response. “There are aspects of what he’s doing that people need to be really, really careful about, ” Carroll said.
While Zayner himself has not suffered any ill-effects because of his experiments, there are concerns that other people could fall ill if they following his lead. While it is likely that he would not face legal action if someone copied him and endured a negative bodily response, his example does raise serious ethical questions, “Even if you are not liable by legal terms, how responsible are you?” asks Eleonore Pauwels, a researcher in genomics and artificial intelligence at the Woodrow Wilson Center, think tank. “How do you define that in today’s bioengineering and democratized technology setting?”
For Zayner, these concerns are largely irrelevant. He asks whether CRISPR should really be considered more harmful than other socially acceptable things which can permanently damage genes such as smoking, sunbathing and even chemotherapy treatment. “We should be able to do whatever we want, ” he said. “There are a lot of things we do that occur during the normal day that does a lot more damage, probably, than things like CRISPR.”
“This is the first time in the history of the Earth that humans are no longer slaves to the genetics they are born with.”
With that bit of bravado, a biochemist recently became the first person known to have hacked their own DNA using CRISPR. He recently hacked his DNA a second time and has since been joined by others and is making the building blocks of CRISPR available to all by selling do-it-yourself kits. What could possibly go wrong?
According to Josiah Zayner, not much. The former NASA fellow cut his gene-editing teeth in the Synthetic Biology program where he engineered bacteria that could one day terraform Mars. and biochemist He is also the creator of the Chromochord — the world’s first musical instrument based on engineered protein nanotechnology.
However, he now puts that Ph.D. in Molecular Biophysics from the University of Chicago to work at The ODIN – the biohacking company he founded. To demonstrate the effectiveness and safety of the process, he injected himself with a CRISPR tool programmed to attack his myostatin gene which regulates muscle growth. Without it, muscles grow uncontrolled and become bodybuilder-worthy without exercise. This has already been done in animals and now, in a human arm.
“I’m hoping to see localized muscle growth in my forearm. That’s what I would hope because it was a localized injection to a specific area.”
Zayner describes the complete process in great but easy-to-understand detail on his blog. He bought the myostatin DNA online (ODIN now sells it) and grew and purified it himself before injecting it. He reported mild tenderness and proceeded to measure his forearm regularly, both relaxed and flexed. Does he now have what it takes to be the next Mr. Bicep?
“The way to test to see how many cells were modified would require some “deep sequencing” i.e. I would need to do a muscle tissue biopsy and would need to sequence the myostatin gene in thousands of my muscle cells. I have contacted some companies for quotes.”
Well, at least it didn’t kill him or turn him into a mutant. Just to be on the safe side, the DNA ODIN sells on the same sitewhere it offers a complete Genetic Engineering Home Lab Kit ($1,549.00 – a great Christmas gift for the guy who has everything but a massive forearm) is not injectable. However, Zayner gives instructions on how to obtain it online. He also gives some encouragement to fellow biohackers.
“And as far as I know, in animals or in non single celled organisms, spontaneous formation of tumours or cancers never happened using CRISPR.”
While it’s not known if an ODIN kit was used, Gizmodo reportsthat a man with HIV recently attempted to stop its progress by injecting himself with a gene biohacked by Ascendance Biomedical.
Will DIY biohacking using CRISPR one day replace doctors and hospitals? Or will it one day replace normal but slightly flawed humans with dangerous genetic mutants? Keep your eye on the arm of Josiah Zayner.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
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Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
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