The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Ligt er een bevroren stad verborgen onder het ijs van Antarctica? Volgens deze theorie wel
Ligt er een bevroren stad verborgen onder het ijs van Antarctica? Volgens deze theorie wel
Al duizenden jaren wordt gespeculeerd over de verloren stad Atlantis. Onder meer Plato schreef over het eiland in zijn werken.
Dankzij nieuwe ontdekkingen op Antarctica komen we mogelijk meer te weten over dit soort utopische beschavingen.
Professor Charles A. Hapgood kwam in de jaren vijftig met een wetenschappelijke theorie die suggereerde dat duizenden jaren geleden een oude en mysterieuze beschaving op de Zuidpool leefde.
Nieuw ontdekte fossielen
Volgens de theorie waren grote delen van de Zuidpool 11.600 jaar geleden ijsvrij.
Het is inmiddels bekend dat Antarctica niet altijd het ijzige continent was dat het nu is. Miljoenen jaren geleden groeiden er bomen, zo blijkt uit nieuw ontdekte fossielen van 280 miljoen jaar oud.
De Amerikaanse historicus keek naar de Piri Reis-kaart, een kaart die in 1513 werd gemaakt door de Ottomaanse admiraal Piri Re’is.
Noordelijke kust
De kaart toont naar verluidt de westkust van Afrika, de oostkust van Zuid-Amerika en de noordelijke kust van Antarctica, die ijsvrij is.
De kaart komt opvallend genoeg overeen met resultaten van onderzoeken tijdens de Zweeds-Britse Antarctica-expeditie in 1949, zo schreef luitenant-kolonel Harold Z. Ohlmeyer van de Amerikaanse luchtmacht.
“Dit wijst erop dat de kustlijn in kaart is gebracht voordat hij bedekt was met ijs,” voegde hij toe. “Dit deel van Antarctica is ijsvrij. Nu bevindt zich daar een dikke ijskap.”
In 1995 publiceerde Graham Hancock een studie waarin hij claimde dat in 10.450 voor Christus een hoogontwikkelde beschaving was weggevaagd op Antarctica.
Hancock zei dat de nazaten van deze beschaving de piramides van de Azteken, Maya’s en Egyptenaren hebben gebouwd.
Volgens de mythologie stammen de inheemse volkeren van Zuid-Amerika af van een volk dat op het raadselachtige witte eiland Aztlán woonde, dat door een natuurramp werd vernietigd.
Sommigen denken dat de stad Atlantis onder Antarctica verborgen ligt.
We weten dat er wereldwijd een enorme beweging gaande is betreffende UFO-waarnemingen.
Dagelijks verschijnen er nieuwe berichten dat mensen UFO’s hebben gezien en we weten natuurlijk als geen ander dat niet al deze meldingen ook daadwerkelijk een UFO betreffen.
Als het koren echter van het kaf gescheiden is blijft er toch een aanzienlijk aantal waarnemingen over die we echt onder de noemer UFO mogen scharen. En dit aantal loopt wereldwijd in de vele duizenden.
Wat zijn UFO’s
En daarmee groeit natuurlijk ook de vraag: wat zijn UFO’s? Zijn het buitenaardse schepen die onze aarde bezoeken? En hoe zouden de buitenaardse wezens eruitzien? Wereldwijd zijn er tienduizenden mensen die graag meer zouden willen weten over het hele UFO-fenomeen en als de gelegenheid zich zou aandienen misschien zelfs mee zouden willen vliegen.
Velen fantaseren daarover, maar wat nu als dit werkelijk zou kunnen? Dan wordt het natuurlijk ineens heel erg spannend en zullen velen toch liever veilig op aarde blijven.
Het onderbewustzijn
Het ongekend krachtige onderbewustzijn is in staat ogenschijnlijke wonderen voor ons te verrichten, als we het maar op de juiste manier weten te gebruiken. Naast het strikt therapeutische gebruik van hypnose en meditatie, heeft Trancewerk de meditatiesessie ‘Vliegen in een UFO’ ontwikkeld.
Deze krachtige sessie zal ondanks de titel een grote impact hebben op diegenen die ernaar luisteren. Het onderbewustzijn, dat bijvoorbeeld ook verantwoordelijk is voor dromen en het zogenaamd lucide dromen – een levensechte droom die men naar eigen wens kan besturen, zodat de uitkomst wordt zoals men dat wil – zal zorgen voor een kleurrijke levendige belevenis die extreem echt kan lijken.
Onlangs werden op de vragen gesteld:
Is ons universum wel echt?
Wat is realiteit?
Is ons universum een holografische projectie?
In boeken als ‘The Holographic Universe’ wordt de theorie uitgelegd hoe ons universum feitelijk niet bestaat in de materiële vorm, zoals wij mensen die aanschouwen. Deze ‘Holografisch universum’-theorie wint in rap tempo steeds meer terrein bij de gevestigde wetenschap, omdat vanuit de kwantummechanica steeds meer bewijzen komen dat deze theorie daadwerkelijk klopt.
Dus is onze gedachtewereld de echte wereld en wat wij nu als fysiek en echt ervaren een illusie?
Je onderbewustzijn geeft antwoord
Wellicht dat deze vraag door het onderbewustzijn beantwoord wordt tijdens of na het luisteren naar ‘Vliegen in een UFO’. Deze sessie geeft je een bijzondere ervaring. Je vliegt levensecht door het universum, ziet planeten en verre sterrenstelsels en dat alles op een uiterst comfortabele en veilige manier. En als je bedenkt dat het onderbewustzijn geen onderscheid kan maken tussen fictie en ‘realiteit’…
Na het beluisteren treedt een sterk gevoel van voldoening op, waarbij het ook indirect een positief resultaat op je heeft. Je leert ontdekken welke enorme creatieve krachten er schuil gaan in je brein. En als je dat eenmaal ervaren hebt en weet, dan kan er een nieuwe wereld voor je opengaan.
Exclusief voor NineForNews-lezers biedt Trancewerk deze week deze bijzondere sessie aan voor slechts 10 euro (normale prijs € 49,99), waarmee je zo vaak je wilt een levensechte reis door het universum kunt meemaken in een UFO.
En wees eerlijk, voor dat geld heb je doorgaans nog geen treinkaartje naar Schiphol, laat staan naar Area 51 of Cape Canaveral!
Het lijkt alsof vreemde vliegende voorwerpen, graancirkels en ontmoetingen met buitenaardsen van onze aardbodem zijn verdwenen. Terwijl er decennia lang toch volop aandacht was voor deze vreemde fenomenen.
Misschien als de Telegraaf eens wat eigen onderzoek zou verrichten in plaats van persberichten van het ANP en Reuters doorplaatsen, ze ook een keer echt nieuws zouden kunnen brengen.
Natuurlijk zijn vliegende voorwerpen zoals zij ze noemen niet van de aardbodem verdwenen, maar wat wel verdwenen is, is dat mensen er een beetje moe van worden om berichten hierover altijd terug te vinden op de pagina "belachelijke onderwerpen".
Voor serieuze onderzoekers valt er nog genoeg in de lucht te zien, zoals enkele dagen geleden in Manitoba, Canada.
Er rijden enkele mensen in een auto, wanneer ze buiten een vreemde, grote lichtbol zien hangen. Dat niet alleen, op een gegeven moment verschijnt er een tweede, kleinere, die als het waar hoort bij de grote bol.
Op een zeker moment verdwijnt de kleinere om even later volkomen onverwacht weer op te duiken. Deze video heeft alle kenmerken een echte opname te zijn. Je kunt in de achtergrond de stemmen horen van de verbaasde mensen in de auto die zich hardop afvragen waar ze hier in 's hemelsnaam mee te maken hebben.
Degene die de video gemaakt heeft of in ieder gepubliceerd heeft , Dwayne Hegelheimer, heeft een piepklein Youtube kanaal waarop het afgelopen jaar slechts enkele video's zijn geplaatst, waarbij niet één UFO's als onderwerp had.
Op het moment dat wij dit schrijven is de video ongeveer 100 keer bekeken, dus is deze niet gemaakt om publiek te trekken of advertentie-inkomsten te scoren zoals bij alle nep UFO-video's wél het geval is.
Dat wil niet zeggen dat er misschien niet nog een andere verklaring dan UFO's voor deze video zou kunnen zijn, maar dat de opname echt is en dat je daar, tot op dit moment, enkele mysterieuze lichtbollen in de lucht ziet, is een feit.
Een andere opname die alle kenmerken vertoont van een echte is gemaakt door een Mavic Pro drone in Frankrijk.
De man vloog enkele dagen geleden met zijn drone in Anse de Morieux in het Franse Bretagne toen de camera op zijn drone niet alleen het grijze landschap vastlegde, maar ook nog iets anders.
Een sigaarvormig object dat met grote snelheid van links naar rechts door het beeld vliegt.
En dan niet te vergeten de UFO boven de vliegtuigen op de startbaan bij Schiphol. Hoeveel voorbeelden wil je hebben Telegraaf dat het in werkelijkheid krioelt van de onbekende objecten in ons luchtruim.
It is a dark night and the landscape leaps out of the pitch blackness into the beams of the car’s headlights, everything else just an indistinct blur of greys and half-glimpsed shapes, perhaps frosted by moonlight, perhaps not. The trees crowd around the road in the passing light as well, seeming to reach their flickering tendrils and fingers outwards overhead, and there is a sense that anything could be crouched or lurking out in the gloom out there beyond this illuminated patch. Then up ahead something lurches, scurries, or skitters out of the murk, something the likes of which you have never seen disgorged from the forest into your lights and possibly your nightmares. As your mind struggles to make sense of what you have just seen and comprehend it, the thing is gone just as suddenly as it appeared, swallowed back up by the night. What was it? Where did it go? You don’t know, and there was no way for you to have possibly taken a picture.
Such reports are commonplace in cryptozoology, sightings made by people driving along at night minding their own business are numerous to the point that it is almost cliché. There was a time when such chance encounters with strange mystery creatures along the remote roadways of our world would have been nothing more than a scary yarn, with nothing to show for it, and confined to our imaginations, yet in more modern times the increasing use of dashboard mounted cameras in vehicles of all kinds has brought some of these strange, passing sightings into the light and captured them on video for all to see. No longer are such reports the realm of mere pure speculation, doubt, and wonder.
Perhaps one of the more well-known such pieces of mysterious footage was captured in 2009 in Lumpkin County, Georgia, in the United States. In the footage a Lumpkin County Sheriff’s Office deputy is driving along a lonely road in the Frogtown area at night bantering back and forth with a local named Mary Scott, who was along for the ride as a part of a Citizens Law Enforcement Academy program. As the two make their way through a dark landscape illuminated only by the vehicle’s headlights something runs across the road in a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moment. It is hard to see in the unenhanced version of the footage, and can take several viewings to catch, but it is something large and dark in color, seemingly bipedal, and very fleet of foot, and it is odd enough to elicit a shout of surprise from the deputy and genuine amazement from Scott, who also saw it. The two then turn the car around to go back and look for whatever it was, and Scott would later say of the odd encounter:
We were going about 55 mph on a curvy road. It was really late-after midnight, I think. We hadn’t passed any other cars, and this thing came out of nowhere. The officer hit the brakes and we both jumped out. We looked on both sides of the road but didn’t see anything, and we looked at each other kind-of like, ‘You saw that, didn’t you? I saw that.’
The officer can be seen in the footage getting out of the car and shining his flashlight around into the wilderness, but they are unable to figure out where the thing went or just what exactly it is they had just seen. The two can be heard speculating that it might just be some teenagers messing around, but they don’t seem to really believe that, and they continue to express bewilderment. They would later take a look at the dash cam footage they had captured and that was when things got decidedly more mysterious. The bizarre figure indeed seems to run on two legs, is quite fast, and does not appear to be of human proportions, although it is only visible for a fraction of a second. Upon seeing the strange footage Scott became convinced that they had witnessed something truly out of the ordinary, saying of the review of the footage “We were both just shocked. It was really tall, and it really looked like the pictures you’ve seen of Bigfoot.” Bigfoot or not, the reactions of the two witnesses certainly seem genuine and they seem to be convinced that they saw something weird.
When the footage was uncovered and posted on the Internet it immediately went viral, and there was intense speculation on what it could be. Was it a misidentified known animal, Bigfoot, a hoax? Debate and discussion swarmed about the footage, and all manner of cryptozoologists, paranormal investigators, and curiosity seekers came pouring into the area, to the point that Sheriff Stacy Jarrard decided to launch his own investigation into the strange sighting. Jarrard claims that he went interviewing residents of the area looking for any helpful testimony and apparently found it in two students at North Georgia College & State University, who he claims acted very nervous in his presence and allegedly eventually admitted that one of them had dressed up in a gorilla suit and prowled about as a prank on the night in question. It seemed like case closed, or was it?
Skeptics of these claims say that no hoaxers have officially stepped forward to publically claim responsibility for such a prank, and the picture that Jarrard said he took of the boys with the actual gorilla suit has yet to materialize, with Jarrard supposedly refusing all requests to release the elusive photo. It has also been pointed out that the area was very remote and that no one lived in the immediate vicinity, making it odd that the boys would be out there trouncing about in their suit on the off chance that someone would actually happen by. It also seems rather ill-advised to do so in the first place, as in this day and age and with armed people running around and hunters about it seems like wandering around the forest in a gorilla suit is just asking for trouble. I can see using a suit to make one’s own fake video, but the deputy was seemingly not in on this, and walking around pranking unknown people with a gorilla suit in Bigfoot country being the death wish it is, it seems foolish at best. Does anyone really do this?
Adding to the whole odd affair, a 2011 Animal Planetdocumentary group also investigated and confirmed that no teenagers had lived anywhere near the area at the time, making it strange that they should be there, and interestingly when other sheriff’s department personnel were interviewed none of them had any knowledge of Jarrard’s supposed investigation. It seems the only source we have for any of Jarrard’s “investigation” is Jarrard himself, which is a bit suspicious and has led to the idea that he is the one pulling a fast one, possibly to keep people from coming in to snoop about. A BFRO (Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization) statement on the matter reads:
None of the other sheriffs had heard about this story that Jarrard told to a reporter. It seems he came up with the story to quell any fear that local people might have about a monster in the woods, and to prevent hunters from going to look for one.
As far as anyone knows, the two boys might not even exist, and if they do the only one they have admitted a hoax to is Jarrard himself. There has also been quite a bit of analysis done on the video clip by those who claim that the creature seen in the footage seems to be moving much faster and more fluidly than what would typically be expected of a teenager in a gorilla suit, with one estimate saying the thing appears to move at about 10 meters (40 feet) in 1.4 seconds. However, obviously this is hard to determine because whatever it is can only very briefly be seen, and even with enhancements made to the footage it is indistinct, blurry and undeniably hard to make out. It is certainly dark, probably bipedal, and man-sized or larger, but it is difficult to glean much else from the video, meaning that the footage will remain inconclusive, with those watching it divided as to what exactly it shows. You can see the dash cam footage here, with enhancements at the end.
A very similar piece of weird dashboard camera footage that has made the rounds emerged in 2016, and comes to us from Russia’s icy Kazhakstan border, in an area between the Volga River and the Ural Mountains called the Republic of Bashkortostan. The video features two men driving at night along a snowy road in what appears to be a rather isolated and remote area, and they are chatting away in Russian about, well I’m not exactly sure as I cannot speak Russian but it seems like just friendly banter. Around 45 seconds into the video they are noticeably shocked when a large figure lumbers across the road ahead right into the beams of the car’s headlights.
The two startled men chatter away in the universal language of befuddled shouts of amazement and fear, and frantically stop the car and reverse to see if they can figure out what the strange creature was, but whatever it is they saw is gone by then. The witnesses claim that the area they were in is very remote, the weather had been inhospitable and frigid at the time, and that it would be unlikely that someone would have been out there pulling pranks on such a night. They have also dismissed the idea that they may have seen a bear or some wild animal, with driver Vadim Gilmanov stating:
I mean it could have been someone’s cruel prank. But on the other hand, who else could dash out so quickly in the middle of the night? In the middle of nowhere.
As with the Lumpkin footage the creature, hoaxer, or whatever it is, is visible only very briefly, and is not clearly defined. It could be practically anything, but the clip is oddly intriguing nonetheless. You can see it here. Staying with the bizarre humanoid theme we come to what is perhaps one of the most talked about pieces of footage in recent days, this time not from a car’s dash cam but from a helmet cam worn by a biker in Indonesia in 2017.
The footage comes from the helmet camera of one of a group of off-road motocross bikers tearing along a dirt road surrounded thick jungle and high grass near Banda Aceh, north of Sumatra Island. At one point one of the riders loses control of his bike and falls, and it soon becomes obvious why, as it appears that a peculiar figure has scurried out of the wilderness onto the road to startle the rider into crashing his bike. The rest of the bikers slow down to see that the unidentified creature is short, no more than 4 or 5 feet tall, bald, and half naked, holding some sort of pole or spear, and looks to be a humanoid of some kind, but before anyone can get a good look it sprints off at a surprising speed.
A still from the strange footage showing the humanoid
The group immediately gives chase on their motorcycles but the humanoid runs along the road very quickly and then loses them by veering off into the high grassland, prompting the pursuers to stop their bikes and look for it on foot but all they can find is the strange pole it had been carrying discarded upon the ground. The creature itself is nowhere to be seen despite all frantic attempts to locate it by the puzzled witnesses. The strange footage set the Internet on fire when it was first released, baffling all those who saw it. What was this diminutive little humanoid and where did it come from? No one really knows, but there have been theories. One is that this could be actual footage of an Indonesian cryptid hairy hominid called the Orang Pendek, which is reported from Sumatra and is also claimed to be only around 3 to 5 feet tall, but the lack of any apparent body hair at all on the subject of the footage makes it look more like a human than a hairy ape man of any sort.
Considering its similarities to a human being and its small stature, there has also been the idea that this could be a member of a previously thought to be a lost tribe of mysterious pygmies called the Mante, who are only known through two that were supposedly captured in the 17th century to be presented to the Sultan. There are other tribes present in the region as well, although none that really resemble what was seen in the footage. Of course there has also been the idea that this was all a hoax, but in the end despite millions of views and constant discussion, debate, and analysis of the footage it remains a total mystery. You can see it here.
The Orang Pendek
Whatever it was or wherever it went, I’m sure it wanted its stick back. Speaking of that stick, one thing I wonder about with this case is what happened to it? It seems to me that this is a major piece of evidence that was actually retrieved and could hold profound clues as to what or who we see in the footage. If the design and any markings on the stick were consistent with other tribes of the area, then that would pretty much settle everything, and if it is a new kind of pygmy or hominid then this artifact could offer all sorts of interesting insights, yet I cannot find any information at all as to what has become of it or if it was ever seriously studied. So where did the stick go? Did the bikers keep it? Did they just throw it away? It seems to be just as big a mystery as the little humanoid itself.
Adding to all of the dash cam videos of purported hairy humanoids is one that is purported to show a mysterious canid creature of some sort roaming about in South Texas. In 2008, Texas Sheriff deputy Brandon Riedel was out in his patrol car training a new deputy in DeWitt County in a rural area near the city of Cuero when they came across a bizarre creature trotting along the side of the road near a fence line. The mysterious animal looks to be a canine of some sort, and has short front legs with longer back legs, a hairless body, a long, thin snout, and a skinny, rat-like tail. Reidel would say of the bizarre sighting:
I’ve been patrolling these back roads for a long time and I never run across anything like this. We were out checking fence lines and we came around the corner and we saw this running down the road. You need to record something like this because it’s not every day you find something that looks like this running around out in the middle of the county. It just doesn’t look like your average coyote or dog or anything.
A still from the Cuero Chupacabras dash cam video
The sighting and the footage generated a huge amount of interest at the time, particularly since the area where it was taken was going through a spate of sightings of strange, hairless dog-like creatures roaming the region that had gained the nickname “The Cuero Chupacabras,” which were said to sometimes kill pets or livestock and frighten people at night. There has been a lot of speculation as to what the creature in the dashcam footage and the Cureo Chupacabras could be, including that they are just coyotes or dogs with some skin condition such as mange, which can cause the hair to fall out to dramatically alter their appearance, or that they are hybrids of coyotes, wolves, and dogs or even aliens or really Chupacabras. Whatever the thing is in this footage, it is certainly creepy and a bit unsettling as well in a way. You can see it featured in a news report here.
It seems that as more and more people use cameras and the technology becomes more readily available we can expect more of such pieces of mysterious footage. After all there are fewer and fewer excuses for people to use the old excuse of “if only I’d had a camera.” Almost everything we witness today can now be captured in photos and on videos, and there are fewer ways for these mysteries to escape being seen and analyzed by the masses. There are few shadows to hide in anymore. Vehicles are not much different, as more and more utilize dash cams to catch everything that happens on the road. This might not be the best way to capture video evidence of strange creatures, since the very nature of these circumstances makes the sightings fleeting at best, and it is perhaps no surprise that by the time the vehicle turns around to get a better look the creature is long gone, yet it certainly does add a tool to the photographic chronicles of the world of the mysterious and will no doubt keep us wondering.
Mysterious UFO speeding across the Sky above Heathrow, London seconds ahead of a landing plane
Mysterious UFO speeding across the Sky above Heathrow, London seconds ahead of a landing plane
The live feed Sky Cam from Air Live captured the moment a mysterious unidentified flying object speeding across the sky above Heathrow Airport, London before it disappeared, on November 19, 2017.
The object in the sky was just seconds ahead of a landing plane though it is not clear how far away it was from the plane.
Some people suggest it was a shooting star, while others say it was a meteor, space debris or a UFO.
Speaking to MailOnline, Clemens Rumpf, from the University of Southampton specialized in studying space debris, said: 'My hunch is that this was a large meteor about one meter in diameter at an altitude of 30 to 70 km”, but some people disagree with the explanation give.
Whether the object was a UFO, shooting star, meteor or space debris it remains unclear what the object might have been.
While “What the heck is THAT?” might have been the first name considered for it, the first known interstellar object to be identified has now officially been named ‘Oumuamua, a Hawaiian word meaning “a messenger from afar arriving first.” While that seems to be more appropriate at first glance, at second glance “Mysterious spinning cigar from parts unknown” might be more appropriate.
New data released by the European Southern Observatory this week in the journal Nature sheds more light on the dark object discovered on October 19 by Rob Weryk, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy, using the Pan-STARRS1 telescope.
“I’d never expected to find something like this.”
On October 26th, Weryk and his fellow astronomers announced the discovery of A/2017 U1, along with the astonishing news that its behavior appeared to prove it was from outside of our solar system. While it was first believed to be a comet, subsequent analysis by the European Southern Observatory shows it’s behavior and composition to be more asteroidal.
Asteroidal, yes, but its shape says cigar-ish. (ESO photo here)
“Light-curve observations indicate that the object has an extreme oblong shape, with a 10:1 axis ratio and a mean radius of 102±4 m, assuming an albedo of 0.04. Very few objects in our Solar System have such an extreme light curve.”
For those unfamiliar with cigars
‘Oumuamua measures about 400 meters (1,300ft) long and 40 meters (130ft) wide, and spins rapidly like a spiraling football (American), making a complete rotation every seven hours. That shape and spin, along with its deep reddish color and carbon-based composition, make ‘Oumuamua one of the darkest space objects ever seen, absorbing 96% of the light that hits it.
That lack of reflective light may be the reason why it’s the first interstellar object to be discovered. However, it’s probably not the only one. Another study, led by David Jewitt at the University of California Los Angeles, estimated there may be up to 10,000 of them just between Neptune and the Sun, making their way through to … where?
Who knows? It might help if we knew where ‘Oumuamua came from, but all the announcement said was that it appeared to travel from the direction of the star Vega. The ESO shoots down that silly notion in a diplomatic and astronomical way:
“However, even travelling at a breakneck speed of about 95 000 kilometres/hour, it took so long for the interstellar object to make the journey to our Solar System that Vega was not near that position when the asteroid was there about 300 000 years ago. `Oumuamua may well have been wandering through the Milky Way, unattached to any star system, for hundreds of millions of years before its chance encounter with the Solar System.”
An unattached happy wanderer. Sounds like ‘Oumuamua is living the good life … spearing through space from star to star with no cares or responsibilities. Too bad we couldn’t have spent more time with it. In an interview in The Atlantic, Andy Rivkin, a planetary astronomer at Johns Hopkins University, puts it best:
“Don’t be sad that it’s over. Be happy that you saw it. Because it is really amazing that we saw it.”
Are aliens abducting people to implant them with foreign objects?
Jeremy Corbell is an investigative filmmaker who documents what he calls Extraordinary people with extraordinary beliefs. He's produced documentaries on everything from nanotechnology and aerospace exploration to the super-weird and unexplained, including deathbed confessions from former U.S. government officials claiming to know the truth about UFOs (and the worldwide coverup).
Stuff They Don't Want You To Know hosts Matt Frederick, Ben Bowlin and Noel Brown invited Corbell to sit in on an episode of the podcast to discuss — what else? — alien abductions. But more specifically, they wanted to talk to Corbell about whether he thinks aliens abduct people to implant them with foreign objects. And if so, are these objects extraterrestrial? If they're not, then where do they come from? Corbell and the STDWYTK team examine these questions — and more — in this fascinating episode.
Originally somewhat of a skeptic, Corbell was asked to document a surgical procedure by the now-late Dr. Roger Leir, a pediatric surgeon and "alien implant specialist." Leir was going to remove a mysterious object from a man's leg. Corbell was curious, so he agreed to film it and it's all documented in his new film "Patient 17." What he witnessed made him feel that, however outrageous they may sound, claims of off-world implants and alien abductions clearly necessitate serious investigation.
Why? The object removed from "Patient 17" was unusual in appearance, and Leir sent it to a New Hampshire lab for testing. The reports found that it allegedly contained iridium, an element found only on meteorites. Even more compellingly, it seemed to emit electromagnetic frequencies, indicating that the object could be some kind of communication or tracking device.
Corbell admits he felt some of the equipment was mishandled, which could have caused the blips lab detected from the object. So his skepticism was still holding firm until the lab tested the object using isotopic analysis.
Isotopes are variations in elements. The number of protons is the same, but the number of neutrons varies, creating stable and radioactive versions of elements. For example, the atomic bomb could only be created when scientists were able to isolate one uranium isotope from the rest.
The isotopic analysis Leir and the New Hampshire lab performed dropped a different kind of bomb: It appeared that the isotope zinc-64 — one of the most abundant elements on Earth — was not detected in the implant removed from Patient 17. Since zinc-64 is found on every terrestrial object, didn't that mean that the implant was not terrestrial? That it was, in fact, extraterrestrial?
Not necessarily. Corbell's mentor, investigative journalist George Knapp, urged Corbell to quantify the results and have the sample tested numerous times. A thorough scientific method would be the only way to get real proof that the implant was otherworldly. But Corbell claims that his and Patient 17's combined efforts to obtain a sample of the object have been in vain, so they can't substantiate the results. Nor have they ever had access to the other objects Leir has removed and claimed were extraterrestrial in nature.
But Corbell's thirst for the truth remains, and he continues to investigate the unexplained. To hear more of his story about Patient 17, and others like him (including "Nano Man" and the infamous Skinwalker Ranch) listen to the entire podcast and decide for yourself if there's more here than meets the eye.
Carl Sagan’s mixtape for aliens is finally available.
NASA’s Golden Voyager Record will receive its first proper release after being crowdfunded by a successful Kickstarter campaign last year.
Conceived with the help of Carl Sagan as a “bottle into the cosmic ocean”, the 1977 record contains songs and sounds documenting humanity should extra-terrestrials ever find it.
It features music ranging from Bach to Louis Armstrong, Chuck Berry’s ‘Johnny B. Goode’ to Stravinsky’s Rite Of Spring. It also includes a wide selection of world music, the word “Hello” in 55 languages and a suite of field recordings titled ‘The Sounds of Earth’ which you can stream below.
Copies of the record were placed in both Voyager spacecrafts, but never officially released to the public until now. Light In The Attic has detailed the 40th anniversary reissue which is available in a 2xCD or 3xLP boxset. The fully remastered set also includes a 96-page book with photographs and new liner notes from original producer Timothy Ferris.
The Golden Voyager Record is out December 1 on CD and next February on vinyl via Ozma Records. Order it and learn more via Light In The Attic and take a look at pictures from the set below.
The stunning footage films the sky above the London airport before the flash of light whizzes past.
It came just seconds before a large jet landing at the airport comes into view, and it has not yet been determined what the mystery sighting is.
But it is believed the object is either a meteor or another form of space debris.
UFO: A mysterious object was spotting hurtling above Heathrow Airport
Airlive, the aviation website that shared the footage, said: "Look at that amazing shooting star our cam just caught in the sky of Heathrow Airport."
Space debris expert Clemens Rumpf told Mail Online: "My hunch is that this was a large meteor about one metre in diameter.
"These events occur harmlessly multiple times a year but can be spectacular when caught on camera.
"There was probably no immediate danger for any passenger aircraft as these objects tend to burn up, as seen in the footage, at altitudes of 20 to 45 miles (30 to 70 km), well above the flight level of planes.
"Larger objects are a concern for public safety as they release enough energy to cause damage on the ground, as with the Chelyabinsk meteor in 2013."
Toyota just unveiled the T-HR3, a humanoid robot. The robot is designed to be controlled by a human operator with the help of a virtual reality headset.
On November 20, Toyota revealed its latest humanoid robot, the T-HR3, which the company says “represents an evolution from previous generation instrument-playing humanoid robots,” according to the company’s press release. The new robot was created to assist humans safely whether at home or work, particularly in dangerous or remote areas — even outer space. The T-HR3’s third-generation robotic hardware was developed and designed by Toyota’s Partner Robot Division, and is meant to facilitate “unique mobility needs.”
The T-HR3 makes use of Toyota’s “Master Maneuvering System,” which allows a human operator to control the robot remotely. Among the features of the robotic exoskeleton is an HTC Vive virtual reality (VR) headset which allows the human operator to see what the T-HR3 “sees” in full 3D. The robot’s exoskeleton includes motor gears and sensors that control a total of 29 individual robot parts, allowing the operator to have a “smooth and synchronized experience.”
With the T-HR3, Toyota is banking on the future of what’s been termed telepresence-controlled humanoid robots — though they aren’t the first company to incorporate VR into a device designed to assist with tasks both at home and in the workplace. VR devices seem to have long passed their gaming applications. Although there are still plenty of games developed for VR, the technology is being increasingly tapped for industrial uses.
Toyota is set to demo the T-HR3 at the upcoming International Robot Exhibition 2017 at the Tokyo Big Sight, which is taking place from November 29 to December 2.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:SF-snufjes }, Robotics and A.I. Artificiel Intelligence ( E, F en NL )
Filer’s Files #47 – 2017 Happy Thanksgiving - PART I
Hamilton Square, New Jersey Disc on November 12, 2017
Filer’s Files #47 – 2017 Happy Thanksgiving - PART I
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Lord Mountbatten a UFO Enthusiast, Pine Bush Boomerang Craft, President Washington Proclaims Happy Thanksgiving, Attack the Shooters, and Nearby Exoplanet Found Like Earth
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Michigan, Maryland, Missouri, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Vermont and Utah..
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Brazil, Canada, France, Georgia, Philippines, Sweden, and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers. I have over 5000 hours flying time and have flown to 62 countries all of whom have UFO reports. I’m not a scientist; I deal in analysis of the UFO situation and have a Masters Degree in Business Administration from Central Michigan University. There is something very strange in our skies with hundreds of reports each month. I personally feel they are here conducting various operations. You may not be a believer, but watch the new evidence collected for over twenty years and you may change your mind. Past reports UFO can be seen at:
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Special Projects
Lord Mountbatten a UFO Enthusiast
Prince Phillip and Lord Mountattaen
Lord Admiral Mountbatten even wrote an official report about an alien in a silver spaceship landing on his estate, historical documents show. Admiral of the FleetLouis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma, (born Prince Louis of Battenberg; 25 June 1900 – 27 August 1979) was a British naval officer and statesman, an uncle of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, and second cousin once removed of Elizabeth II. Lord Mountbatten, arranged the first meeting between Prince Philip and Elizabeth in 1939, who later became Queen..
From 1954 until 1959 he was First Sea Lord, a position that had been held by his father. Admiral Earl ‘Dickie” Mountbatten who was at sea as the Fourth Sea Lord, and was Commander of the Mediterranean Fleet in the 50s had personally seen UFOs along with most of the fleet.”
Thereafter he served as Chief of the Defence Staff until 1965, making him the longest serving professional head of the British Armed Forces. During this period Mountbatten also served as Chairman of the NATO Military Committee for a year. Mountbatten, was often referred to as Prince Philips “honorary godfather” and mentor because of his close relationship with the Duke of Edinburgh, made an official report about a strange encounter his bricklayer Fred Briggs had with a flying saucer and an alien creature.
The report, which was uncovered after Mountbatten’s 1979 death at the hands of the IRA, describes how a silver spaceship landed in the grounds of his Broadlands estate in Romsey, Hampshire.
The flying saucer hovered above the ground before a man dressed in overalls and a helmet descended from the bottom of the craft, according to the documents. Fred was then reportedly knocked off his bike and held on the ground by an “unseen force”. “The object was shaped like a child’s huge humming-top and half way between 20 feet or 30 feet in diameter,” the official report states. “Its color was like dull aluminum, rather like a kitchen saucepan. It was shaped like the sketch which I have endeavored to make, and had portholes all around the middle, rather like a steamer has.” It went on: “While I was watching, a column, about the thickness of a man, descended from the centre of the saucer and I suddenly noticed on it, what appeared to be a man, presumably standing on a small platform on the end. He seemed to be dressed in a dark suit of overalls and was wearing a close fitting hat or helmet.” By Emma Parry The Sun 9-28-17
Note: In childhood Mountbatten visited the Imperial Court of Russia at St Petersburg and became intimate with the doomed Russian Imperial Family, harboring romantic feelings towards his maternal first cousin Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna, The Russian Imperial Romanov family (Tsar Nicholas II, his wife Tsarina Alexandra and their five children Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia, and Alexei) and all those who chose to accompany them into imprisonment – notably Eugene Botkin, Anna Demidova, Alexei Trupp and Ivan Kharitonov were shot, bayoneted and clubbed in 1918 by the Soviet Bolsheveks on orders from Lenin.
Maria was the early love of Mountbatten’s life and he kept her photograph at his bedside for the rest of his life.
Pine Bush Boomerang Craft
On the 3rd of October 1997 a group of people from four states gathered at Newburgh, New York, for a three day field trip. This was no ordinary group of people. They were all MUFON, field investigators and came together to perform an experiment. They wanted to see if ten people could work together as one, and collect data at night using various types of instruments and cameras. They also wanted to try to duplicate some of the results of Bruce Cornet, who had been studying the Pine Bush phenomenon since June of 1992.
MUFON field crew, Field Investigators at Muddy Kill Lane, Montgomery, NY, 3 October 1997, 1. John Love, 2. Dennis Hawley, 3. Jim Durfee, 4. Jim Bouck, 5. Rick Atristain, 6. Bruce Tilden, 7. Bob Long, 8. George Filer, 9. Bruce Cornet, 10. Alexander Zikas, The team met and stayed at the Super 8 Motel in Newburgh, NY, and had an organizational meeting at a Holiday Inn nearby.
Frick Atristain organized the project, while Bruce Cornet provided the field locations for their nighttime experiment. The first location where the team set up their equipment was along Muddy Kill Lane, located on the eastern side of a low ridge along the western side of the Wallkill River Valley.
Two theodolites were used in order to track objects in the sky, determine their trajectories, triangulate their distances and altitudes, and record communications between pilots and the tower at Stewart International Airport. Rich Atristain gives members of the team a lesson in how to use the surveying equipment.
That location could not be maintained when local residents complained about our activities, and Montgomery police asked us to locate somewhere else. The police chief, Sergeant Edward Clancy, was kind enough to offer his property for us to conduct our experiment, but because it was not close to where Cornet had done his research, the Owen dairy farm was chosen instead.
The team examines the Indian mound located on the Owen dairy farm at the center of the UFO hotspot. he aerial shot below, taken on 10 May 1994, shows the raised mound with remnant hexagonal shape, and another permanent circular feature to the west. It is from the small field just west of the circular feature that an AOP/UAP rose up two years earlier (see time exposures below). Circular discolorations in the grasses can still be seen from the air, years after they were made by craft landing and taking off from there.
The field between the mound and circle was measured, the theodolites set up and the distance between them measured. Cameras on tripods positioned in order to record aerial objects from different angles.
The field between the mound and circle was measured, the theodolites set up and the distance between them measured, an cameras on tripods positioned in order to record aerial objects from different angles.
Jim Bouk points to a woodchuck hole on top of the Indian mound, while Alexander Zikas takes notes on the types of material brought to the surface by the woodchuck. That material consisted mostly of stream pebbles and orange-brown soil, implying that it was built up and not the product of natural erosion.
On 28 October 1995 another group of people witnessed an AOP (UAP of Dr. Richard F. Haines) turn on its plasma headlights, lift off from a small field to northwest of the Indian mound, and arc its way across the northern sky before descending to a field to the southeast of the mound. The craft took three minutes to reach its apogee before starting its descent.
The Anomaly
For most of the evening the team saw and recorded conventional aircraft either flying towards or from Stewart International Airport, or flying at high altitude over the valley. If it hadn’t been for the recording of a pilot asking the control tower to “Check those runway lights up nice and bright for us,” the sighting of an unusual aircraft might have peaked more curiosity.”
It wasn’t until Cornet had his film developed that he discovered the first two anomalies: Lights that appeared to strobe on the time exposures, but which did not strobe on the video, and glowing bars of light across the leading edges of both wings. In addition, the running lights on the video appear normal: White, green, and red. But all the lights on the time exposures are a golden color. None are white, green, or pure red. Seven still frames from the video are presented, showing the boomerang from directly below at 10:53:12 pm to showing it turning and moving away from the camera.
Eighteen seconds of video are presented, with the last image at 10:53:30 pm viewing the boomerang from behind. The time exposure on the right represents about 20 seconds of time, with the central strobe firing once every three seconds. See Image Analysis.
Whenever Cornet can get the help of commercial pilots and aircraft specialists in identifying aircraft, he presents them with his data. Bill Ristau analyzed the pictures above, and came back with the following comments.
William E Ristau writes, The pics of this wild looking “craft” appear to be what some observers call, the “Boomerang”. The thing that caught my attention immediately, was the wing dihedral. It appears to portend an angle of 15 to 20 degrees or more. I do not remember ever flying any aircraft with more than about 5 to 7 degrees of dihedral. Dihedral enhances stability during turns. I’m guessing that this craft also has low speed capabilities, looking at your time exposed pic. This is speculation on my part, but the extreme angle of descent, not ending in a crash, might well be proof of that. It’s another mystery ship, Bruce. I suppose it is one of ours
As you well know, all airports are locked down now (since 9/11). though I have credentials, they will not allow me to visit the ramp at Atlanta’s Hartsville International Airport. The best that I can do, at this time, is to send you a pic of a
DC-9. Am hoping that this pic and others might be helpful. I have been a flight instructor and airline pilot for 31 years. Take care, Bill Ristau.
Image Analysis
There is no reflection of light off of a forward-projecting fuselage, and no reflection of light off of a tail section. If this aircraft had a tail and nose section, its bright lights would reflect off of some part of those structures. Compare the two images below:
There is no reflection of light off of engine pods. There is no elongate dark silhouette where a fuselage would be on a conventional aircraft. Instead, the fuselage appears to be trapezoid in shape, with a square, box-like front.
The running lights and strobes are asymmetrically positioned, which is highly unusual – especially for so many of them being asymmetrical. This condition is not typical of conventional aircraft. The landing lights and strobes are also located too close to the center line of the aircraft, something rarely seen for conventional aircraft. The image below is looking at the boomerang from directly below.
The colors of the strobes and running lights are off. This could be due in part to the CCD chip, and its inability to capture the correct color hues, but some of the colors are distinctly off hue for conventional aircraft lights. The green wingtip light is blue-green in color, while the red strobes flash orange-red and purple-red. Very similar anomalies and blue-colored lights were noted for a manta ray-shaped craft that Cornet caught on video flying sideways over his neighbor’s property in Red Bank, NJ, on 24 April 1997.
The dihedral angle of the wings is incorrect for a conventional aircraft. As Bill Ristau pointed out above, the dihedral angle of this aircraft is 15-20 degrees or more. NO conventional or military aircraft has its wings forming a V-shape like this – not even the B-2 stealth bomber, which has hardly any dihedral angle at all. The image below is looking at the boomerang from behind, not from directly below it. If this were the B-2 bomber, the apparent dihedral angle of the wings would have decreased to near zero in this picture.
The B-2 stealth bomber has hardly any dihedral angle, eliminating it as a possibility.
The time exposure shows all the lights to be of a similar golden color. Only the central bright light, which occasionally flashes red on the video, has an aura of red around it in the time exposure. The bar-like slats along the leading edge of the wings glow and pulse in time with the wingtip lights, something that is not seen in the video shots. Forward slats on conventional aircraft do not reflect light from nearby strobes, even though they are extended during landing. Thus, the question must be asked: Why does the video not agree with the time exposure? Why are the colors so different between the two media? Why do the two bright round lights in the center of each wing not show up very well on the time exposure (is this just a problem of orientation?), along with the other colored lights? In The Experiment, Cornet presents evidence that these types of anomalous craft can project different images to cameras positioned next to one another.
Sound Analysis
The sound produced by the boomerang-shaped aircraft resembles that of a conventional jetliner to the unaided ear. However, frequency spectral analysis reveals the very same types of characteristics noted for other anomalous craft caught on video and/or audio over the Pine Bush hotspot by Cornet between 1992 and 1997. The sound spectra are quite different from that of conventional aircraft jet engines in that there is little or no white noise as in typical jet engines,
The Pine Bush Boomerang has been reported by various people living in Orange and Ulster counties over the years. Ellen Crystall was one of the first people to report this type of craft in her book, Silent Invasion. She notes that boomerangs come in small and large varieties (Crystall, 1991, p. 115). The small one is described as being about 25 feet from tip to tip, while the large one appears to be about 200 feet in perimeter. What we witnessed at the Owen dairy farm on 3 October 1997 matches her description of the larger craft.
The asymmetrical distribution of strobes and lights (for example, the large white central light is positioned slightly off to the starboard side of dead center, and the two red strobes are not in line with one another), as well as the blue-green color of the “green” starboard light, are characteristics of these anomalous craft. For example, on 10 July 1992 the Manta Ray flew over Cornet on South Searsville Road., Montgomery, NY. Cornet ran out of film. The Manta Ray stopped and hovered, waiting for Cornet to put in a new roll of film. The next pictures he got of the diamond-shaped craft flying overhead show multicolored asymmetrically-positioned lights. Either that or the craft was flying rotated at an angle.
The absence of white noise and the composite nature of the frequency spectrum for its engine sound indicate that the sound recorded is probably synthetic and not mechanical. Similar synthetic sounds have been recorded for other Pine Bush AOP/UAP.
The recording of a pilot asking the control tower to turn up the runway lights, and then thanking the tower for complying, strongly implicates a human pilot and a possible military aircraft landing at Stewart Air Force Base or a secret base nearby. It seems Stewart’s lights would be on early in the evening. It would not be out of consideration that this boomerang intentionally flew over us when another aircraft was on approach to Stewart. The broadcast of a request to the control tower could be a legitimate request for runway lights for the boomerang. Such timing has been a common ploy used in the past, but uncovered when the type of aircraft that landed did not match what was witnessed in the field.
Bruce Tilden was stationed at Stewart International Airport, photographing and recording all the aircraft that landed and took off during the time the other members of the team made observations at the Owen dairy farm. Unfortunately, he remained there only until about 8:30 pm, and did not see any aircraft landing at the time the boomerang would have landed.
If he had remained at Stewart, his data might show that the boomerang landed at Stewart airport, solving one mystery. I talked to C-5 pilots at Stewart who had never seen a Boomerang type craft at Stewart or anywhere.
It would not be out of consideration that this boomerang intentionally flew over us when an aircraft was on approach to Stewart. The broadcast of a request to the control tower would be coincidental, giving the boomerang a great cover. Such timing has been a common ploy used in the past, but uncovered when the type of aircraft that landed did not match what was witnessed in the field.
Note: Other airports such as Wallkill are also in the area with restricted entry to the public that may be used by the boomerang craft. There are no known experimental military craft with these shown attributes. Then it is possible these are alien craft using various techniques to disguise their operations. Two investigators spotting the boomerangs at night had red apparent burns on their faces. Sunburn is caused by UV radiation, either from the sun or from artificial sources. Thanks to Bruce Cornet
President Washington Proclaims Happy Thanksgiving
Many Americans are unaware that many people in the American Colonies were loyal to Britain’s King George III and General Washington’s Army was barely able to fight effectively during the Revolutionary War.
At the start of the War in 1775, General George Washington took command of the Continental Army to fight King George III of England, then the world’s most powerful nation. The first general order issued to his pitifully few troops who had little hope of winning the war was:
“The General most earnestly requires and expects a due observance of those articles of war established for the government of the army, which forbid profane cursing, and drunkenness. And in like manner, he requires and expects of all officers and soldiers not engaged in actual duty, a punctual attendance of Divine Services, to implore the blessing of Heaven upon the means used for our safety and defense.”
George Washington during his first year as President established by proclamation Thursday, November 26, 1789, as “A Day of Public Thanksgiving and Prayer.” Washington signed the decree on October 3, called “General Thanksgiving,” that appointed the day to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God. While there were Thanksgiving observances in America both before and after Washington’s proclamation, this represents the first to be so designated by the new national government. .
General John Burgoyne with some 8,000 British troops with 500 Indian allies was invading the American Colonies down the Champlain corridor from Quebec Canada in June 1777.
There were few of Washington’s troops to intercept the invading Army and the British captured a series of New York Forts and would likely defeat Washington’s Army. These Indian allies became impatient and began indiscriminate raids on frontier families and settlements, which had the effect of increasing rather than reducing local support to the American rebels.
In particular, the death and scalping at Indian hands of the attractive young Loyalist settler Jane McCrea was widely publicized and served as a catalyst for American rebel support. Burgoyne’s decision to not punish the Indian perpetrators was seen as unwillingness or inability to keep the Indians under control.
Her death rallied large numbers of militias such as the Green Mountain Boys who surrounded the British and caused the surrender of General Burgoyne at Saratoga the major turning point of the war.
Burgoyne’s surrender was instrumental in formally bringing France into the war as an American ally. This battle also resulted in Spain joining France in the war against Britain. France provided significant economic, military, and technical assistance at critical time in the war. At the Battle of the Chesapeake off Yorktown in 1781, the French ships outnumbered the British fleet that departed leaving the British Army no choice but to surrender and end the war. God works in wondrous ways. Jane McCrea’s death was the defining moment of the war and partly why we are able to celebrate Thanksgiving today. ..
Attack the Shooters
…I served in the military for twenty years and have seen the ability of weapons to kill. In the latest shootings at a church in Sutherland Springs, Texas 26 were killed in a small church where no one had weapons, but the atheist killer who had clear firing lanes. He came in the back of the church shooting and walking down the aisle killing children and babies. Where ever you maybe I encourage you to prepare for the worst. It could happen to you. I suggest you to talk to your group. If none of you are armed, agree to swarm and attack the shooter with anything handy such as shoes, phones, belts, chairs, etc. Attack from all directions, a few may be shot, but you’ll save most of the people there. I’LL BE WITH YOU.
Nearby Exoplanet Found Like Earth
Ross 128 b orbits the star Ross 128 just eleven light-years away and could be rocky and temperate like Earth, and just about the same size, too. Unlike other close rocky planets, such as those orbiting Trappist-1 and Proxima Centauri, Ross 128 b is set apart because its host star doesn’t regularly blast it with potentially sterilizing flares of radiation.
An international team of astronomers on Wednesday published a paper (PDF) detailing the planet’s discovery in the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics.
Like Proxima b and the Trappist-1 planets, Ross 128 b’s host star is an M dwarf. This common class of star is smaller and redder than our sun, and its relative dimness and size makes it a favored target of astronomers looking for exoplanets. That’s because orbiting worlds are generally easier to spot around smaller, dimmer stars.
ESOcast 137 Light: Temperate Planet Orbiting Quiet Red Dwarf (4K UHD) by European Southern Observatory (ESO) on YouTube. The problem with M dwarfs is that many, have a nasty habit of sending out big flares that could erode the atmospheres of orbiting planets. This bathes those surfaces in radiation that makes it difficult for life as we know it to emerge or survive. Ross 128, on the other hand, is what’s known as a “quiet” M dwarf, meaning it doesn’t seem to be shooting off the killer flares seen from other stars like it. Ross 128 b is the second closest known exo-Earth (after Proxima Centauri b, which is just over four light-years distant), and it’s the closest temperate planet known around a quiet star. Translation: the combination of its nearness and calm host star make Ross 128 b one of the best places for life like ours. Perhaps many of our visitors are from there?
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:FILER FILES - overzicht met foto's met dank aan Georges Filer en (ENG)
Filer’s Files #47 – 2017 Happy Thanksgiving - PART II
Filer’s Files #47 – 2017 Happy Thanksgiving - PART II
UFO Sightings in the United States
Arkansas Light
Shirley – I had this sighting again but this one was much closer and more over us!! I’m providing pics.
On November 11, 2017. I was lucky to catch two objects.
only cause one pulled away from the bigger one, then diapered!
Thanks to MUFON CMS
California Object
Santa Clarita – I was visiting Cal Arts on November 12, 2017, to use their high quality scanners. After I had finished, I exited the building, facing south, to see a dark abstract shape in the sky. At first, I thought it could have possibly been a very strange cluster of balloons, but upon witnessing it for 5 minutes, it was nearly hovering in the sky. It was rotating in various directions showing extremely complex forms and angles. It was lead-dark in color, and its shape is nearly inexplicable. It was a diagonal elongation, with several points that I could see straight through the object with extended “legs” of some sort.
I was standing at the top of a small hill, with the object a 1000 feet directly above me and see through areas that had no mass. It accelerated and moved to the north. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Connecticut Cylinder
Waterbury – On November 12, 2017, I saw an upside down formations with red and blue lights. The sky was clear and there was no cloud movement. The formation disappeared after a few minutes, then reappeared for a few more minutes. The formation did not move. It was a general V formation. So, all three objects formed a V, but individually they were upside down U shaped. They have been in the same spot for two hours and turned off like a light switch.
Note: The witness said that the objects returned & he snapped a cell phone photo. The object in the photo does not depict what was seen. The object appears to be cigar or cylinder shaped in the photo. Thanks to William Puckett, Director Http://
Florida Lights
Panama City Beach — On November 4, 2017, at 5:42 PM, I was having dinner and watching the sun set on the beach. I decided to take a picture and saw a bright light that wasn’t visible to the naked eye. I took two photos of this “light” before opening the Sky View App to see what star or planet this was. The app showed the light was not registering as a star or planet. I finally decided to stop wasting time and started taking pictures again the light had taken on a different shape and color. It looked like a dark rose colored saucer at the top, surrounded by a glowing lighter rose colored sphere that was flat at the bottom. It looked as though the saucer may have been solid and the sphere may have been light the saucer was emitting. I asked my friend to come look and she confirmed I wasn’t seeing things. I took several pictures of this object as it moved from one side of the sun to the other and then just faded away. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Georgia Triangle
Grovetown – The triangle object was photographed on November 12, 2017. It was the second sighting in two weeks.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Illinois Object
I was just outside on a clear night taking pictures of the sky on July 27, 2017. I live near an Air Force base and Monsanto so of course we deal with a lot of chemtrails.
I started to document the sky when I could or if I saw something interesting. These images I captured I didn’t even know I caught.
Not until months later when I went back to look through old images did I see the unexplained aircraft.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Maryland Lights
Bel air — Leaving work I always see a ufo so I’m constantly looking up at the sky. On November 13, 2017, one light flashes bright and the other faintly.
Then I notice it starts flashing more brightly and starts moving still in parallel. I feel like it is watching me.
The object fades into space.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Michigan Object
Blanchard — Going through footage from camera taken in field last year I spotted a disk..
Camera triggered by motion of something within 20 feet on December 22, 2016.. Burst of photos shows a disc, golden, more c-shaped, moving across field. I didn’t see any of it at the time, but was surprised what showed up, usually it’s just deer.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Missouri Orb
St. Louis — I was outside talking to my brother after hearing gunshots on November 11, 2017. then minutes after that a UFO appeared in the sky. It started coming towards us but at a distance it hovered a few feet above a treetop. Then it kind of wobbled side to side and headed left then right and descended behind the tree and flew out of sight. I was very excited because I watch allot of UFO videos and finally saw one in broad daylight. My video distorted the object because of the crappy camera on my phone but I zoomed in so you can see how it was changing direction. I took a picture of the same UFO off of another witness’s IPhone because you see the actual shape. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey Disc
Hamilton Square – On November 12, 2017, a UFO was photographed over Patty’s house.
Patty be the very last person I know to try to falsify such an event, an experience or a photo.
Her home has been a focal point for such discussion and the interaction of Star Visitor Contactees and researchers to interact and reflect upon for many, many years. This photo/event is a wonderful gift to Patty for all her selfless effort to bring together like minds in her home for contemplation and reflection on profound subject matter. Thanks to Frank Chille Thanks to
New Mexico Object
LORDSBURG— Benjie Medina writes, “We have a great deal of UFO activity going day and night I’m capturing on video. Benjie has been sending video since August of 2008 that shows a bright object hovering in the sky, and periodically changing shape and fling overhead. There seems to be some kind of a portal nearby.”Thanks to Benjie Medina
North Carolina Disc
Taylorsville — I was on my way home on November 13, 2017, and I look up and see what I thought at first was an airplane.
But then saw I something extremely strange of a craft with my. pictures attached. I can’t explain what I saw!! I have no words to describe it. ‘Thanks to MUFON CMS
Oregon Light
Salem— It seems like i can only get a good shot when the sun is bright. I thought about flaring because obviously the orb is a flare on August 28, 2017, but the triangles show up in all the shots. In person with the naked eye i was able to see these strange flashes in the sky. i just reached out and snapped shots and took some video Thanks to MUFON CMS
Mr. Shasta — George, I didn’t take the picture, a friend in Oregon took them this week I think. She use to live in Mt Shasta and saw them there all of the time.
Pennsylvania Light
Philadelphia— My mother, wife and daughter were coming home from a family party on November 11, 2017. When we got out of our car to enter our house I saw three very bright orangish lights glowing in the sky. I called for my family and they also say they saw the perfect triangle formation with a light trailing behind it. As the lights glided overhead without any sound they in quick succession just vanished in to the night sky.. There is an airport right around the corner from here and we have made a habit of watching the airplanes. But this was like nothing I’ve ever seen before. They could not have been helicopters. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Vermont Orb
Alburgh — My son and I were in the car listening to guitar tracks and we saw something next to the coon on July 9, 2017. My son told me he saw something really weird but he didn’t know what. I snapped a blurry photo and took a short video instead. The video had actually caught what we couldn’t remember seeing. After seeing the video I could barely settle down because I’ve no idea what it could be. I sent two reports into MUFON and am waiting to hear back. This event was creepy I can say that. I have showed my friends and clients who believe I made it up with photo shop but I did no. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Utah Light
Wendover — We were traveling west on I80 towards Wendover when we saw the objects. at first they were hovering on April 15, 2012, but then seemed to slowly move in a north easterly direction.
They looked like oblong cylinders. We were on the freeway with heavy traffic so we didn’t pull over. The pictures were taken out of the moving vehicle so they gradually disappeared as we drove west. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Australia Object
Belmont — My husband was in the bathroom when I walked in. I glanced up through the window and noticed a blurry star, then another and another on November 15, 2017. I noticed the lights were shaped in an arc. I said to my husband that it was odd. He too remarked it was odd so I got my phone and took a couple of pictures. The silent lights were stationary. We have seen the stadium lit up on hundreds of occasions and in many different weather conditions and it never had this effect on the clouds before. I checked local news online but nothing came up. I can only say how long we saw them for. We stood outside for 15 minutes when the lights suddenly went out. Lights are enhanced for better viewing. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Brazil Object
Agua Doce, SC — I was at a PCH, located photographing the night sky. In addition to stars, I observed commercial airplanes, satellites and meteors. At one point what i thought was a satellite, abruptly changed direction by 45 degrees, repeating this movement with a trajectory in Zig Zag. The speed was a little lower than the commercial planes, the movement was very peculiar, detachable from any other celestial body. I directed my camera to try to capture the movement, during the exposure time of the photograph (60s) the object increased the intensity of the brightness and accelerated very fast disappearing.
Canada Objects
Scarborough, Ontario — On November 7,2017, while on afternoon work break I was outside hoping to see another UFO. I see to the northwest about 6 miles away a very unusual spiral THICK vapour trail some thousands of feet high. Then I see a brilliant white aircraft that made the trail. I watched the trail stop and focused on something moving away from the trail. I could see a brilliant white object moving slowly towards the clouds. I took three 30 X full zoom shots at the object at 3:20 pm est.
Then lost the object as it went above the clouds. This was not an aircraft. Two pictures captured a portion of the wide vapour trail behind the brilliant white object Thanks once again for all you done in the field of UFOLOGY. I sent you my first report in February 2005 – 12 YEARS AGO. Thinks to Paul Shishis
France Objects
Cap d’ail — Our living room has a huge window that has an impressive view on the sea and the landscape. Around 9.30 PM on November 13, 2017, I see an unusual light in the sky. I knew there was the event of Jupiter passing on Venus, but the time didn’t correspond. So I decided to zoom in on the star and the image that changed shape moving closer and descending. In the first picture, there are two UFOs with a round boomerang shape with multicolor led lights around it. The second UFO has a very bright light and a green “wing”. It simply vanished by becoming smaller and smaller, My neighbor saw it too. I was feeling very dizzy and scared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Georgia Triangle
Batumi— I was at the beach and viewing the sea with my friend on November 13, 2017.
. Suddenly, he noticed a movement on the horizon. First we thought they were dolphins. Then we realized that the distance between us was more then 3-4 miles. If they were not the group of dolphins then nothing can move like this on the sea. After 20 minutes they slowly disappeared over the horizon.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Philippines Objects
Cebu— This event happened at a beach resort on Camotes island at around 4:46 PM on November 3, 2017. My family and I were at the beach, at sunset and I didn’t notice that there were presumably UFOs due to glare of the sun. I felt excited when I noticed the UFOs because I knew it happened in a very interesting place. First, Camotes island has quite a number of caves. Second, the area is a typhoon path, and UFOs usually appear near calamity areas. Also nearby is Biliran island and its mysterious Mount Panamao, famous for stories of disappearing galleons, a cocoa plantations, and even people. Yes, there have been stories of people being abducted by enchanted beings. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Sweden Lights
Jönköping— I was in front of my student accommodation smoking a cigarette when I noticed two circular big golf ball reddish- orange lights. There was flight but no moving and no flashing light in the crystal clear sky. I noticed stars in the beginning of the video, and witnessed two hovering orange lights.
I shot a video as it started moving slowly. Soon it propelled upwards with super quick speed and disappeared. I believe something going to happen in 4- 5 years :)…. but now every day I observe sky to see it one more time: Thanks to MUFON CMS
UK/England Object
Norton – Malton – I was taking pictures of a cat outside my bedroom when noticed this object zig zagging in the sky on March 22, 2011. So just shoot few pictures as it then disappeared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
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Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done. Bruce W. Freeman Attorney at Law
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I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
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ALIEN LIFE? Former NASA engineer's shock revelations on space UFO sightings
ALIEN LIFE? Former NASA engineer's shock revelations on space UFO sightings
A FORMER Nasa engineer spent years investigating alleged UFO sightings in space, and his verdict will send shockwaves through the alien believer community.
James Oberg, while working at Nasa mission control in the late Nineties, trawled through as many accounts and images of suspected sighting as possible to see if science could explain the seemingly inexplicable.
Analysing stories, video and photographic evidence of UFO sightings seen by astronauts, he came to his conclusion.
UFO fleet Rio de Janeiro Brazil MUFON
The outcome will disappoint the thousands of alien conspiracy theorists who are convinced NASA has evidence space is crawling with aliens and their craft, but covers it up from us because the agency does not think we could handle the truth.
The widely-believed conspiracy theory suggests the powers that be believe public knowledge of alien life would bring and end to religion, and possible the rule of law, leading to anarchy.
But, Mr Oberg says it is simply not true, and there really is no evidence of aliens anywhere near our planet.
There have been a string of claims of UFO sightings in NASA video and pictures of the Moon, Mars, other planets, and footage of space filmed by the International Space Station (ISS).
Most of these are just the result of cameras picking up ice crystal, lens flares, space dandruff, or our brains "misunderstanding of what space travel actually looks like", Mr Oberg said.
ALIENS LATEST: Former NASA engineer's shock revelations on space UFO sightings
After leaving Nasa, Mr Oberg became a space journalist and historian, before developing an interest in looking at UFO sightings.
His aim in debunking the images is not to pour water on the true believers, but to establish what is really going on and why people reacted so strongly to any sign of something unusual.
Mr Oberg said our sense are used to focussing on "relatively slow-moving objects" in "certain light and atmospherical conditions", so when these change, as they do in space, our brains find it difficult to compute what is happening and the assumptions get made.
He said: "Our sensory system is functioning absolutely perfectly for Earth conditions.
"But we're still a local civilisation. Moving beyond our neighbourhood has been visually confusing."
One key piece of evidence the conspiracy theorists put forward is that NASA astronauts, themselves, have seen UFOs in space, and been forced to keep quiet.
The likes of the late NASA astronauth Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man on the moon, who went onto become one of the most prominent alien conspiracy believers, appears to add weight to this theory.
However, without disputing Mr Mitchell's claims, Mr Oberg said these theories are the result of people "watching too much sci-fi", coupled with not really understanding what space looks like.
UFOS DEBUNKED? Former NASA engineer James Oberg claims space UFO sightings are false.
It's good to keep scanning space video for possible anomalies and reporting them quickly.
James Oberg
He said: "I've had enough experience with real spaceflight to realise that what's being seen in many videos is nothing beyond the 'norm' from fully mundane phenomena occurring in unearthly settings."
Mr Oberg said most videos filmed by the ISS showing anomalies, were really just examples of "space dandruff", objects which have come off space vehicles during flight, such as ice particles, paint chips, or fragments of insulation.
These are much smaller than larger items of discarded metal known as space junk, which can also lead to supposed UFO sightings, but poses a real threat to the ISS.
He says the space dandruff is common, but looks very strange on camera, as we are not used to the way it looks when falling while the space station is travelling through space.
It is a similar reason why so many "UFOs" were seen in older space shuttle footage.
He said: "In these videos, people usually freak out because the spots seem to dance in and out of view, or suddenly appear and disappear.
"Which is pretty creepy if you're sitting at your computer on Earth, but isn't that weird if you're on a space shuttle travelling 28,000 km/h (17,500 mph) - nothing's going to stay in your frame of vision very long."
If the shuttle is in a certain position in relation to the Sun, it would also cast a shadow onto the objects, making it look on video as if they disappear and reappear, an effect known as 'twilight shadowing', which has led to claims of UFO special technology such as invisibility or warp speed travel.
Despite the large-scale debunking, Mr Oberg does not say people should give up on UFO seaching.
He said: "It's good to keep scanning space video for possible anomalies and reporting them quickly.
"The reason is, there is always a real chance that it could be a genuine anomaly, either a spacecraft malfunction or other threat, expected or unexpected.
"In the past, missions have failed because a clue that should have been seen out the window was overlooked."
Hey guys, here is Ken's personal invitation to a skype session with Mr. James Oberg. It is definitely time to get this all out on the table and iron any differences they may have between them. This has been going on for quite some time with James doing everything he can do defame and discredit Mr. Ken Johnston. My apologies for myself. I was more hyped up than they were. The funny thing is, I told them to relax and just be candid. LOL. Oh well, that's what happens when you have a busy day ahead of you. .....Share this video and throw a comment down below and give me your thoughts. ~ Regards, Chris.
But former NASA engineer James Oberg has taken it upon himself to trawl through all the sightings and stories out there and politely debunk them, using science.
The conclusion? Most of your "insane UFO sightings" are little more than 'space dandruff', or your brain misunderstanding of what space travel actually looks like, says Oberg.
As Cara Giaimo from Atlas Obscura reports, after working at NASA mission control in the late '90s, Oberg went on to become a space journalist and historian. It wasn't until a few years ago that he started to take UFO sightings seriously.
His goal isn't to simply crap all over true believers - he calls that "stomping on dormice" - instead he's interested in teasing out exactly what's going on in these images and videos, and trying to figure out why people are reacting so strongly to them.
His hypothesis? Our human senses our so used to focussing on relatively slow-moving objects, as well as certain light and atmosphere conditions, that when things change, our brains get confused.
"Our sensory system is functioning absolutely perfectly for Earth conditions," Oberg told Giaimo. "But we're still a local civilisation. Moving beyond our neighbourhood has been visually confusing."
Some of the most common sighting he has to debunk are to do with NASA astronauts reportedly seeing UFOS and being forced to keep silent, which Oberg says is a result of us watching too much sci-fi and not really understanding what space really looks like.
"I've had enough experience with real spaceflight to realise that what's being seen in many videos is nothing beyond the 'norm' from fully mundane phenomena occurring in unearthly settings," Oberg writes over on his site.
Here are some of the more common reports you might have seen on the interwebs, and Oberg's explanation of what's really going on:
UFO sightings at the International Space Station
The real story? Space dandruff, which are things that have shed off space vehicles during flight, like ice flakes, paint chips, or fragments of insulation. They're different to space junk, because they don't pose a real threat to spacecraft, Oberg explains on his site.
These flecks of dandruff are pretty common, but the reason they look so weird to us is that we're not used to the way these objects look when they fall while the space station is travelling through space.
It's the same reason why people see so many UFOs in the footage filmed by the cameras attached to NASA's old space shuttle missions.
In these videos, people usually freak out because the spots seem to dance in and out of view, or suddenly appear and disappear. Which is pretty creepy if you're sitting at your computer on Earth, but isn't that weird if you're on a space shuttle travelling 28,000 km/h (17,500 mph) - nothing's going to stay in your frame of vision very long.
And if the spacecraft is in the right position in relation to the Sun, it can also cast its shadow onto these objects to make them disappear and reappear, which is known as 'twilight shadowing'.
That weird Californian flare across the night sky
At the end of 2015, people in southern California freaked out when they saw a bright white light shoot across the night sky.
But, as was cleared up pretty soon after the incident, it was actually the result of a planned, unarmed missile test by the US Navy. That strange looking trail of light was the plume of particles blasted out by the rocket thruster.
So why did it look so creepy to everyone else? Because here on Earth, we're used to seeing thin vapour trails left by planes, or billowing smoke plumes. But most of us have rarely (if ever) seen anything so big and sharp as this.
"There were thousands of people who were absolutely processing their visual stimuli correctly if [the plume] was a mile away or 10 miles away [16 km]," Oberg told Atlas Obscura. "But it was 300 miles [482 km] away, up in space and sunlit, which never occurred to them, because this is not something within the normal range of human experience."
All of this isn't to say we should give up on sharing our UFO sightings, or assuming that everything is 'normal'.
"It's good to keep scanning space video for possible anomalies and reporting them quickly," Oberg told The Huffington Post back in 2013.
"The reason is, there is always a real chance that it could be a genuine anomaly, either a spacecraft malfunction or other threat, expected or unexpected. In the past, missions have failed because a clue that should have been seen out the window was overlooked."
Two ancient sites in Saudi Arabia have revealed an unexpected surprise, a new paper reports — the oldest known recording of dogs put on a leash. The 8,000-year-old images are etched into rock and depict humans and dogs working together in hunts before the widespread emergence of agriculture.
The carvings were discovered by Maria Guagnin, an archaeologist at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, at two rock-art sites in northwestern Saudi Arabia, Shuwaymis and Jubbah. The images, estimated to be around 8,000 years old, depict humans and dogshunting side by side, and suggest that the two species were already ‘friends’ beforefarmingtook hold.
The locations of Shuwaymis (bottom left) and Jubbah (bottom right). Image credits Guagnin, M. et al., 2017, Journal of Anthropological Archaeology.
The two sites “contain the best and oldest examples of Neolithic rock art,” Saudi-Archaeology claims, adding that the region used to be rich “with people, flora, and wildlife” in the past. Those people left behind thousands of panels of rock-art showcasing their lives, society, and hunts, which Guagnin was documenting when she stumbled upon the unusual scenes.
Overall, she counted 156 depictions of dogs at Shuwaymis and 193 at Jubbah. The animals resemble today’s Canaan breed in appearance, Guagnin adds, with pricked ears, curled tails, and short snouts. They’re most often depicted helping bow-wielding human hunters take down prey including lions, ibexes, gazelles, or horses. The animals are clearly distinct from the hyenas and wolves depicted in other panels, Guagnin and her co-authors write.
Image credits Guagnin, M. et al., 2017, Journal of Anthropological Archaeology.
Comparison between the Canaan breed and the dogs on the rock art panels.
Image credits Guagnin, M. et al., 2017, Journal of Anthropological Archaeology.
From what we know so far, dogs were domesticated from an ancestor of today’s gray wolf between 40,000 and 15,000 years ago. There’s still a lot of unknowns (and thus, room for debate) about how and where this domestication process took place, and how early humans and dogs interacted and co-existed. The panels described by Guagnin’s team will help to guide these discussions in the future. The images haven’t been directly dated so far, but the team estimates they date back between 8,000 and 9,000 years ago, to the pre-Neolothic era, before farming took root in the region.
The most interesting find, however, was that some of the hunting dogs taking seem to be leashed. The art depicts these dogs as tethered to the waist of hunters, quite the smart hack when you need two free hands to shoot arrows. It hasn’t been established why these dogs were leashed, but the team speculates that they may have been young dogs still undergoing training, old ones that could be injured in the thick of the hunt, or scent dogs that were too valuable to risk.
Image credits Guagnin, M. et al., 2017, Journal of Anthropological Archaeology.
“This suggests not only are some human populations controlling their hunting dogs by the Pre-Neolithic, but that some dogs may perform different hunting tasks than others,” the paper explains.
“Some may be used only to track prey scents, while others are used to corral and attack prey, protect human hunters, or help haul meat back to camp.”
The hunting scenes represent the earliest known evidence of dog leashes in the archaeological record worldwide, the study claims. Furthermore, they push back the presence of domesticated dogs on the Arabian Peninsula to much earlier than we’d believed. Previously, the oldest dog remains found on the whole peninsula hailed from the 4th millennium B.C. in today’s Yemen, some 2-3 thousand years younger that the estimated age of the Shuwaymis and Jubbah panels.
The paper, “Pre-Neolithic evidence for dog-assisted hunting strategies in Arabia” has been published in the Journal of Anthropological Archaeology.
Ever since scientists cloned the first animal, a sheep named Dolly, one important question on everyone’s mind was whether or not a clone can expect a poorer health. This is still an open question, one that South Korean researchers hope to settle in time. They’ve essentially cloned a clone, using cells from the world’s first cloned dog, an Afghan hound named Snuppy.
The three surviving reclones of ‘Snuppy’ at 2 months of age.
Credit: Scientific Reports.
Theoretically, a clone is a carbon copy of the original organism, with the two sharing identical genes. The science of cloning, however, is still in its infancy and there are many loose ends that we might be missing. There is a possibility that the cloned individual might carry certain abnormalities, and may have a shorter life expectancy. Another concern is that cloned individuals might retain the age of the donor’s gene, seeing how genes change with age.
Clones of clones
Dolly the sheep died at age six, which raised concerns that cloned individuals might not be entirely healthy. The sheep appeared to age faster than normal and suffered from osteoarthritis in her knees and hips at an early age. But a follow-up study of 13 cloned sheep — including four derived from the same DNA strand as Dolly– concluded that there didn’t seem to be any evidence that indicates cloning has any long-term health effects. “They’re old ladies,” said Kevin Sinclair, a developmental biologist and lead author of the study of the 2016 study published in Nature Communications. “They’re very healthy for their age,” he added.
Scientists at the Seoul National University, South Korea, are now also investigating the health of ‘clones of clones’, this time in dogs. Snuppy, became the world’s first cloned dog in April 2005. He was cloned from the cells belonging to an Afghan hound called Tai who lived to be 12 years old and died of cancer. Snuppy lived 10 years and also died of cancer but a different kind. Afghan hounds live to be 11.9 years on average and dogs commonly die of cancer so there’s really nothing unusual about either dogs, donor or clone.
The team led by Min Jung Kim used stem cells collected from Snuppy when the dog was five years old. The scientists then employed somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) to insert Snuppy’s cells into eggs collected from female dogs whose nuclei were removed. A total of 94 embryos were created which were then implanted into surrogate mothers. The success rate was 4.3 percent leading to four live births of ‘reclones’. That might seem really low but take a minute to consider that during the time Snuppy was first born (let’s call him ‘Snuppy Mark 1’), the success rate was only 0.2%.
One of the four reclones died within a few days from birth due to diarrhea while the other three grew to be nine months old when the Kim and colleagues drafter their paper, now published in Scientific Reports. They’re still alive and well, seemingly healthy. The dogs will be closely monitored in the years to come.
“With the data from Tai and Snuppy in hand, we are excited to follow the long-term health and aging processes of these second generation of clones and work with them to contribute to a new era of studying longevity of cloned canines and given the history of both Tai and Snuppy they may also provide potential insights into the development of cancer,” the authors concluded.
Thousands of feet below the crashing surface of the North Pacific ocean, there’s a dark place where the water stands still. Scientists call it the Shadow Zone, and they’re not just being dramatic. In a recent Nature article, an Australian team of researchers point out that this lightless region of the abyssal ocean has trapped the same water for 2,000 years.
The reason, they report in their paper, can be found even deeper in the sea.
For a long time, scientists had been aware of the existence of the ancient water, but it was never clear why and how it managed to stay still for so long while the ocean above it rolls around so violently.
“Carbon-14 dating had already told us the most ancient water lies in the deep North Pacific,” said lead author and University of New South Wales oceanographer, Casimir de Lavergne, Ph.D., in a statement. “But until now we had struggled to understand why the very oldest waters huddle around the depth of 2 km.”
They realize now, after an analysis of the ocean topography in that area, that the Shadow Zone’s specific depth and location are determined by the slopes and crags of the sea floor below it. According to the scientists, the Shadow Zone is a roughly rectangular patch of especially deep ocean stretching 3,700 miles from east to west and 1,200 miles north to south — making its surface area slightly larger than Europe’s — and the floor beneath it is especially rough.
This uneven floor, coupled with the way that shallower wind-driven currents running above the Shadow Zone move, has sandwiched the ancient water in its stratified position for at least 1,500 years, the researchers write. The shape of the floor prevents water at the very bottom of the sea from rising any further than 1.5 miles below the surface, effectively creating another watery floor. All the water above that layer is largely undisturbed — it’s far enough from the geothermal heat vents that promote mixing — leading to the eerily still Shadow Zone.
It isn’t just water that’s in the Shadow Zone, the researchers point out, noting that the trapped molecules could have major effects on the ocean and even global climate when it eventually does escape.
“When this isolated shadow zone traps millennia old ocean water it also traps nutrients and carbon which have a direct impact on the capacity of the ocean to modify climate over centennial time scales,” read a statement from Stockholm University co-author Fabien Roquet, Ph.D.
If you liked this article, check out this video about underwater drones for exploring ocean life.
Waking up in the middle of the night to find your body frozen and pinned down by an invisible weight is the stuff that ghost stories are made of. Sure enough, a range of cultures have foldedsleepparalysis into their horror lore — Americans did so recently in the 2016 horror film Dead Awake — suggesting that this recurring nightmare isn’t specific to any one time or place. Scientists studying the terrifying phenomenon think that it’s actually a neurologically driven process — rather, one that goes awry, suggesting there’s no escaping it unless we intervene directly in our heads.
Until science illuminated the origin of this disturbing nightmare, humans assumed it had a supernatural source. In places as varied as Scandinavia, Newfoundland, Korea, the American South, and Turkey, folklore blames the experience on some kind of evil spirit, witch, or creature that sits on a person’s chest or holds them down while they sleep. Now we know that what people have blamed on the Night Hag for so many centuries is actually the result of the sleep cycle going wrong (sorry, Night Hag).
You probably don’t realize it, but you’re actually physically paralyzed while you sleep for a big chunk of the night, which scientists in the Journal of Neuroscienceblamed on the tandem work of the neurotransmitters GABA and glycine in 2011. This state is known as “muscle atonia,” and it only happens during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep — the deepest part of the sleep cycle that produces the most vivid dreams. It’s thought that we evolved this temporary paralysis because otherwise we might act out our dreams more than we already do, which could be very dangerous. During REM sleep, which happens in periods lasting 90 to 120 minutes, your breathing also becomes faster and highly irregular. It’s not a great part of the sleep cycle to interrupt.
Unfortunately, poor sleep habits, exhaustion, shift work, and jet lag can shake you awake during REM sleep, according to researchers at the Anomalistic PsychologyResearch Unit, Goldsmiths, at the University of London. When you’re in the groggy, half-awake state — quickly waking up from REM sleep is notoriously difficult — breathing feels laborious because it’s been happening at an irregular pace, and you’re keenly aware that you can’t move. As panic sets in, it only exacerbates the feeling that you can’t breathe.
To make matters worse, studies have shown that hallucinations often accompany the physical terror. In 2011 in the journal Sleep Medicine Reviews, researchers combed through 35 studies on sleep paralysis from the past 50 years and grouped the hallucinations into three horrific types: “The presence of an intruder, pressure on the chest sometimes accompanied by physical and/or sexual assault experiences and levitation or out-of-body experiences.” Researchers think these hallucinations are a remnant of the dream state, though it’s not clear why these three types are the most common.
Luckily, the sensation passes as you ease out of the dream state, and it’s not thought to cause any long-term harm, at least physically. Psychologically, though, sleep paralysis can mess with your head long after you get out of bed. In 2013, a study in Clinical Psychological Science looked at the types of distress people experienced after having an episode and found that that the effects include sensing unseen presences, feeling like death is imminent, having a heightened fear of threat or assault, and generally ruminating on the episode, though the type of distress that ensues depends on the details of the experience. People who had particularly sense-based experiences — like straight-up seeing and feeling a demon crouched on your chest — tended to have more physical distress later. The effects are bad enough that the researchers say sleep paralysis could “make a significant contribution to the billions of dollars, worldwide, in costs associated with accidents, illnesses, and lost productivity associated with sleep disturbances.
Even if you’re one of the 92 percent of the general population that doesn’t experience sleep paralysis, you’ll never fully escape their influence. The word “nightmare” was actually first coined to describe sleep paralysis, folding in the Old English word mare — which refers to the mythological incubi, demonic sleep-molesters that were more than willing to crush a dreamer’s lungs.
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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