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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Arecibo fotografeert asteroïde Phaethon
Arecibo fotografeert asteroïde Phaethon
Tim Kraaijvanger
Het Arecibo observatorium heeft nieuwe radarbeelden gemaakt van asteroïde 3200 Phaethon.
Phaethon is vooral bekend als de veroorzaker van de jaarlijkse meteorenzwerm de Geminiden. Begin december komt stof en puin van de planetoïde Phaethon in aanraking met de aardse atmosfeer, waardoor we vallende sterren zien.
De resolutie van de nieuwe beelden is 75 meter per pixel. “Deze nieuwe observaties laten zien dat Phaethon ongeveer dezelfde vorm heeft als de asteroïde Bennu,” zegt wetenschapper Patrick Taylor. “Bennu is het hoofddoel van NASA’s OSIRIS-REx-missie. Toch is er wel één groot verschil: er passen namelijk duizend Bennu’s in Phaethon.”
Op de beelden is een donkere vlek te zien. “Dit is wellicht een krater of een andere topografische depressie,” concludeert Taylor.
Tweede grootste aardscheerder De onderzoekers beweren dat Phaethon een diameter heeft van zes kilometer. Dat betekent dat de planetoïde ongeveer één kilometer groter is dan gedacht. Daarmee is Phaethon de tweede grootste ‘gevaarlijke’ aardscheerder. Een aardscheerder is een planetoïde die soms dicht bij de aarde in de buurt komt.
Tien miljoen kilometer Gelukkig hoeven we niet wakker te liggen van Phaethon. Op 16 december 2017 was de planetoïde 10,3 milen kilometer van onze planeet verwijderd. Dat is ongeveer 27 keer de afstand van de aarde naar de maan. Pas in 2093 komt Phaethon dichter in de buurt van de aarde.
Dit zijn de beste plaatsen om buitenaards leven te vinden (denken we)
Dit zijn de beste plaatsen om buitenaards leven te vinden (denken we)
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Dit zijn de zeven plaatsen waar wij als eerste zouden gaan kijken.
1. Europa
Terwijl astronomen buiten ons zonnestelsel jagen op potentieel leefbare planeten vinden we de eerste aliens misschien wel veel dichter bij huis: op Europa. Als je deze maan van Jupiter bekijkt, ziet deze er misschien niet zo gerieflijk uit, maar schijn bedriegt. Want onder de dikke ijskap van de maan zit waarschijnlijk een wereldwijde oceaan verstopt. Die oceaan zou uit vloeibaar, zout water bestaan en een aardse chemie bezitten. Bovendien mag de oceaan (en eventueel leven in dit zoute water – zich dankzij het dikke pak ijs erboven beschermd weten tegen gevaarlijke kosmische straling. Al met al zien veel astrobiologen Europa dan ook als de beste plek om op zoek te gaan naar buitenaards leven. Die zoektocht lijkt overigens zo langzamerhand vorm te krijgen: er liggen verschillende plannen klaar om Europa in de nabije toekomst eens van dichterbij te gaan bekijken.
Oké. Ook deze planeet oogt vandaag de dag niet direct heel gastvrij, met zijn koude, droge oppervlak en flinterdunne atmosfeer. Maar in het verleden is dat echt anders geweest. Miljarden jaren geleden was de atmosfeer van Mars dikker, waardoor het oppervlak minder te duchten had van kosmische straling en bovendien een stuk warmer was. In die tijd zou de temperatuur op Mars heel behaaglijk zijn geweest en waren op de rode planeet zelfs meren en rivieren te vinden. Kortom: een walhalla voor het leven zoals wij dat kennen. Velen achten het dan ook waarschijnlijk dat er op de rode planeet in ieder geval leven is geweest. Is Mars dan alleen interessant voor de zoektocht naar gefossiliseerde aliens? Niet zo snel! Het leven aan het oppervlak van Mars mag dan zwaar en misschien zelfs onmogelijk zijn: diep onder het oppervlak is dat wellicht heel anders. En dus sluiten onderzoekers niet uit dat er ondergronds nog wat stugge microben te vinden zijn. Dat we Mars met volle overtuiging in dit rijtje opnemen heeft echter met name te maken met het feit dat we hier al enig materieel hebben rondrijden en er nog genoeg plannen liggen om de rode planeet verder te verkennen. Als er leven is, lijkt het dan ook een kwestie van tijd voor we het vinden.
Marsrover Curiosity poseert op Mars.
Afbeelding: NASA / JPL-Caltech / MSSS.
Een leefbare zone is een denkbeeldige zone rond een ster. Planeten die zich in deze zone bevinden, ontvangen voldoende warmte van de ster om te voorkomen dat eventueel vloeibaar water op hun oppervlak bevriest. Tegelijkertijd ontvangen ze ook weer niet zoveel warmte dat datzelfde vloeibare water de kans krijgt om te verdampen. Kortom: een planeet die in de leefbare zone staat, kan in theorie vloeibaar water herbergen op het oppervlak. En dat maakt een planeet interessant, aangezien vloeibaar water een onmisbaar ingrediënt is voor het leven zoals wij dat kennen.
4. LHS 1140b
De superaarde is ietsje groter dan de aarde, bevindt zich in de leefbare zone en heeft waarschijnlijk een atmosfeer.
Tijd om eens buiten ons zonnestelsel te kijken. Want ook daar bevinden zich hemellichamen die er uitnodigend uitzien voor leven. LHS 1140b bijvoorbeeld. De planeet is ietsje groter dan de aarde, bevindt zich in de leefbare zone (zie kader) en lijkt bovendien te beschikken over een atmosfeer. Bovendien gedraagt de moederster zich ook nog eens voorbeeldig: de rode dwerg roteert langzaam en geeft minder hoogenergetische en potentieel schadelijke straling af dan vergelijkbare sterren met weinig massa. Een mooie extra is dat deze planeet – vanaf de aarde gezien – regelmatig voor zijn moederster langs beweegt, waardoor we regelmatig de kans krijgen om de atmosfeer van de planeet te bestuderen. Wellicht kunnen we in de toekomst met krachtige telescopen – zoals James Webb – gaan zoeken naar sporen van leven in de atmosfeer van LHS 1140b. “Een beter doelwit voor één van de belangrijkste zoektochten in de wetenschap – die naar tekenen van leven buiten de aarde – kunnen we ons nauwelijks wensen,” zo concludeerde astronoom Jason Dittmann eerder dit jaar.
5. Proxima b
Het is natuurlijk één van de wetenschappelijke hoogtepunten van 2016: de ontdekking van Proxima Centauri b. Deze exoplaneet cirkelt om de dichtstbijzijnde ster en is slechts 4 lichtjaar van ons verwijderd. De planeet is 1,3 keer zwaarder dan de aarde en bevindt zich in de leefbare zone, wat betekent dat er mogelijk vloeibaar water op het oppervlak te vinden is. Wel zijn er zorgen over de ster waar Proxima b omheen draait. Die zou nogal onstuimig zijn, waardoor er gevaarlijke straling richting de planeet stroomt. Grote vraag is of de planeet zichzelf – en eventueel leven op het oppervlak – middels een krachtig magnetisch veld tegen die straling kan beschermen. Dat zal vervolgonderzoek uit moeten wijzen. Voorlopig zijn astronomen optimistisch en zetten ze de planeet in de bovenste regionen van het lijstje der potentieel leefbare exoplaneten.
Een artistieke impressie van het planetenstelsel. Je ziet de ster TRAPPIST-1 op de achtergrond staan. Op de voorgrond de planeten. Uit het plaatje blijkt ook dat de binnenste drie waarschijnlijk te warm zijn om vloeibaar water te bezitten. De andere planeten – op de buitenste planeet na, want die is waarschijnlijk te koud – lijken de juiste temperatuur te hebben om vloeibaar water te bezitten.
Afbeelding: NASA / R. Hurt / T. Pyle.
7. Ross 128b
Een artistieke impressie van Ross 128b, met op de achtergrond de inactieve, kleine rode moederster. Dit is op dit moment officieel de meest nabije planeet die om een kalme ster cirkelt.
Afbeelding: ESO / M. Kornmesser.
Deze planeet is echt nog maar net ontdekt, maar nu al razend interessant. En wel omdat deze ongeveer net zo groot is als de aarde en de temperaturen op de planeet mogelijk vergelijkbaar zijn met die op de aarde. En het wordt nog mooier: de ster waar Ross 128b omheen cirkelt, is opvallend kalm. Het vergroot de kans dat hier leven stand kan houden. Is er dan niets op deze planeet aan te merken? Nou, één klein dingetje dan: het is nog onduidelijk of deze zich in, buiten of op het randje van de leefbare zone bevindt.
Het valt nog niet mee om planeten aan te wijzen waar leven zou kunnen zijn. Er zijn immers zoveel factoren die een rol spelen. En dan gaan we nog uit van leven zoals wij dat kennen (en dat bijvoorbeeld water vereist). Maar wie zegt dat buitenaards leven net zo in elkaar steekt als het leven op aarde? Misschien hebben aliens wel heel andere behoeften dan wij. Dan zou het bovenstaande lijstje er heel anders uit kunnen gaan te zien. En de zoektocht naar buitenaards leven ook!
Stel dat jij een ruimteschip cadeau krijgt. Waar zou jij dan als eerste gaan zoeken naar buitenaards leven? Laat het ons hieronder weten!
Afbeelding bovenaan dit artikel: NASA / ESA / K. Retherford / SWR
Onderzoekers zijn er nog niet uit: wat is die sliert toch in het midden van onze Melkweg?
Onderzoekers zijner nog niet uit: wat is die sliert toch in het midden van onze Melkweg?
Vivian Lammerse
“Het pad naar het antwoord toe is hoe dan ook fascinerend.”
Onze Melkweg bevat voor wetenschappers nog steeds verassingen. Op dit moment proberen astronomen te achterhalen wat die lange sliert toch is, die zich nabij het supermassieve zwarte gat in het centrum van onze Melkweg bevindt. In 2016 werd het ongewone filament ontdekt. Sindsdien zijn er veel astronomen die zich het hoofd breken over de sliert. Het filament is ongeveer 2,3 lichtjaren lang en buigt zich rondom de punt van Sagittarius A*, het supermassieve zwarte gat in het centrum van onze Melkweg.
Afbeelding Een team van astronomen heeft een poging gedaan om het antwoord dichterbij te brengen. Met gebruik van een baanbrekende techniek is het ze gelukt om de sliert op hoge kwaliteit op beeld vast te leggen. “Hierdoor kunnen we het filament nu veel dichter bij het centrale zwarte gat volgen,” zegt Mark Morris, hoofdauteur van het onderzoek. “We hebben echter nog steeds veel werk te verrichten om te achterhalen wat de ware aard van dit filament is.”
Op de afbeelding is het centrum van onze Melkweg te zien. De pijlen geven de mysterieuze sliert en het zwarte gat aan.
Afbeelding: NSF/VLA/UCLA/M. Morris et al.
Drie verklaringen
De onderzoekers hebben al wel drie verklaringen voor de sliert overwogen:
1) De sliert wordt veroorzaakt door deeltjes die met hoge snelheid uit het magnetisch veld van een zwart gat worden geschoten, ook wel jets genoemd.
2) De sliert is eigenlijk een kosmische snaar. Echter is het bestaan van kosmische snaren nog in nevelen gehuld.
3) De positie en de richting van de sliert is slechts een toevallige superpositie en er is geen enkele associatie tussen het filament en het zwarte gat. Toch is zulk toeval erg onwaarschijnlijk.
Scenario’s Welk van de onderzochte scenario’s het uiteindelijk ook zal zijn, elk van hen zou een intrigerend inzicht verschaffen. Stel dat optie 1 waar is, dan zou dit bijvoorbeeld belangrijke informatie over het magnetisch veld in deze speciale omgeving kunnen onthullen. Maar als optie 2 waar blijkt te zijn, dan zou dat het eerste bewijs leveren voor een tot nu toe zeer speculatief idee. Dit zal diepgaande gevolgen hebben voor het begrijpen van zwaartekracht, ruimte-tijd-verhoudingen en het universum zelf.
Dat de sliert bijzonder is, staat hoe dan ook vast. Want zelfs als het filament niet fysiek verbonden is met supermassieve zwarte gat, dan nog is de bocht in de sliert erg ongebruikelijk. “Hoewel we het antwoord nog niet hebben, is het pad naar het antwoord toe fascinerend,” zegt co-auteur Miller Goss. “We zullen blijven zoeken totdat we een verklaring hebben gevonden.”
Burgerwetenschappers Gerald Eichstädt en Seán Doran hebben gegevens van de Juno-ruimtesonde gebruikt om een prachtige foto van Jupiters atmosfeer te maken.
Eichstädt en Doran zijn geen onbekenden. Een foto van dit duo eindigde op de negende plek in de top 10 mooiste ruimtefoto’s van 2017. Eens in de paar maanden publiceren zij weer een nieuwe bewerkte foto van de grootste planeet van ons zonnestelsel.
De nieuwe foto is gemaakt op 16 december, toen Juno ruim 13.000 kilometer verwijderd was van het wolkendek van Jupiter. De resolutie bedraagt ruim negen kilometer per pixel. Aan de rechterkant van de foto zie je een glimp van de dag-nachtgrens.
Op jacht naar aliens: een bijna onmogelijke zoektocht
Op jacht naar aliens: een bijna onmogelijke zoektocht
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Zoeken naar aliens: we moeten het doen, maar we weten eigenlijk niet hoe. “De kans dat we buitenaards leven in onze directe omgeving gaan vinden, is héél klein.”
Het zit vol met ‘pareltjes’: artikelen waar we trots op zijn, die een interessante discussie hebben losgemaakt of waarin mensen aan het woord komen met een vernieuwende en verrassende kijk op wetenschappelijk gerelateerde kwesties. Het is eigenlijk zonde dat die artikelen naarmate de tijd vordert, wat stoffig worden. En dus stoffen we er zo af en toe eentje af en plaatsen ‘m opnieuw. Dit is zo’n ‘gouwe ouwe’. Het artikel verscheen in mei 2017 op de site, maar heeft aan actualiteitswaarde nog niets ingeboet. Enjoy!
Al decennia speuren we met behulp van radiotelescopen naar signalen van buitenaards leven. Zonder resultaat. Misschien zou je bijna gaan vermoeden dat het leven op aarde uniek is. De meeste wetenschappers willen daar echter nog niet aan. Zij kunnen zich onmogelijk voorstellen dat er in een universum gevuld met miljarden hemellichamen maar één planeet is waarop intelligent leven is ontstaan. Ook Heino Falcke, als radioastronoom en astrodeeltjesfysicus verbonden aan de Radboud Universiteit in Nijmegen, acht het bestaan van aliens “aannemelijk”. Maar op de vraag of hij denkt dat er buitenaards leven is, antwoordt hij wat terughoudender. “We moeten het eerst vinden, tot die tijd weten we het gewoon niet.”
Zeldzaam En het vinden van die aliens: dat blijkt nog niet zo eenvoudig. “Wat is een succesvolle methode om aliens op te sporen? Dat weten we eigenlijk pas als we ze vinden.” Maar dat de radiotelescopen van SETI ondanks dat ze al decennia op zoek zijn naar buitenaardse signalen nog geen succes hebben gehad, wil niet gelijk zeggen dat die methode niet deugt of dat er geen aliens bestaan. “Intelligent leven is zelfs in de geschiedenis van onze planeet een heel zeldzaam verschijnsel,” stelt Falcke. Het lijkt dan ook aannemelijk dat intelligent buitenaards leven ook niet zomaar overal ontspringt. En dus is het zoeken naar een speld in een hooiberg. Die spreekwoordelijk hooiberg is enorm. “Je moet de omvang van het heelal nooit onderschatten.” En op het moment kunnen we zelfs met de krachtigste radiotelescopen in een gegeven periode slechts in een klein hoekje van die hooiberg naar de spreekwoordelijke speld zoeken. “De kans dat we buitenaards leven in onze directe omgeving gaan vinden, is klein,” denkt Falcke. Maar hoe meer planeten en sterren we op steeds grotere afstand van de aarde bestuderen, hoe groter de kans wordt dat het een keer raak is.
METI Terwijl SETI in een fractie van dat enorme universum op zoek is naar buitenaardse signalen, gaan er ook stemmen op voor een actievere zoektocht naar leven: METI. METI staat voor Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence. Het is eigenlijk heel simpel: in plaats van te zoeken naar buitenaardse signalen gaan we zelf radiosignalen uitzenden in de hoop dat aliens die dan opvangen. Falcke is echter niet enthousiast. “Ten eerste denk ik niet dat het wat oplevert. De kans dat iemand dat oppikt, is klein. Ten tweede vind ik het geen goed idee om met heel veel energie echt in de Melkweg bekend te maken dat wij er zijn. Je weet tenslotte nooit wat je tegenkomt.” Want de kans dat aliens de signalen opvangen, is klein, maar weldegelijk aanwezig. En daar krijgt Falcke eerlijk gezegd de bibbers van. “We weten uit de geschiedenis dat een botsing tussen twee beschavingen altijd uitvalt in het voordeel van de beschaving met grotere resources en betere technologieën. In dit geval zou dat de beschaving zijn die de ander kan bezoeken.” En dus lijkt het erop dat we bij voorbaat al aan het kortste eind trekken. “Waarom zou je willen communiceren met iemand die ons wel kan bezoeken, maar waar wij niet naar toe kunnen?” Falcke lijkt er nu al van uit te gaan dat we van aliens geen amicale houding hoeven te verwachten. “Waarom zouden zij beter zijn dan wij? Mensen die dat denken, zijn naïef.”
Aan boord van de beide Voyager-ruimtesondes bevindt zich een boodschap voor aliens. Mocht buitenaards leven de sondes – waarvan er één vermoedelijk al in de interstellaire ruimte is beland – tegenkomen, kunnen ze dankzij de grammofoonplaat onder meer aardse geluiden (wind en vogelzang) horen.
Afbeelding: NASA / JPL.
LOFAR Maar als SETI – tot op heden – onsuccesvol is en METI ronduit gevaarlijk, hoe moeten we dan verder? Falcke is wel te spreken over Breakthrough Listen, een project waarbinnen met meerdere radiotelescopen naar buitenaardse radiosignalen en laserpulsen wordt gezocht. “Dat is een slimme aanpak.” Maar als Falcke het voor het zeggen had – en een ongelimiteerd budget toegewezen kreeg – zou hij de zoektocht naar aliens toch net wat anders aanpakken. “Ik zou zoiets als LOFAR (een radiotelescoop met duizenden radioantennes, red.) opnieuw gaan bouwen, maar dan groter. En dan de hele hemel doorzoeken.” Met een beetje geluk resulteert het in het oppikken van een buitenaards signaal. “En anders levert het sowieso fantastische wetenschap op.” Maar zo’n LOFAR 2.0 blijft – ondanks dat we in staat zijn om deze te bouwen – voorlopig een hersenspinsel, denkt Falcke. “Voor zoiets heb je miljarden nodig.”
Vragen Terwijl wetenschappers zich het hoofd breken over hóe we die aliens nu het beste kunnen vinden, rijst wellicht bij jou de vraag waarom we zo nodig op zoek moeten naar buitenaards leven. Falcke kan er kort over zijn: “Het is een bijzonder fundamenteel vraagstuk.” Hij wijst erop dat er wel miljoenen vragen te bedenken zijn die met de ontdekking van buitenaards leven wellicht beantwoord kunnen worden. “Hoe werkt het leven ergens anders? Welke kennis hebben de aliens? Hoe zit hun samenleving in elkaar? Hoe kijken zij naar het heelal of naar religie?” somt Falcke op. “En door naar anderen te kijken, ga je ook nadenken over jezelf.”
Communiceren Om die miljoenen prangende vragen te kunnen beantwoorden, moeten we echter niet alleen buitenaards leven ontdekken, maar ook een manier vinden om ermee te communiceren. En dat is waarschijnlijk een stuk lastiger dan veel mensen – afgaand op sciencefictionfilms – denken, vertelt Falcke. “Waarschijnlijk bevinden aliens zich op grote afstand. Als we een signaal van hen oppikken, is dat misschien al wel 1000 of 10.000 jaar onderweg.” En dus is niet bewezen dat de beschaving die dit signaal uitzond er nog steeds is. “Wie zegt dat wij er over 1000 jaar nog zijn?” En als je dan een signaal terugstuurt, is dat ook weer duizenden jaren onderweg. “Stel je stuurt: “Ik ben er, zullen we naar de kroeg gaan?”, dan ben je al dood voor je antwoord krijgt.”
Falcke was vorig jaar te zien in de documentaire ‘Searching for Aliens‘. De documentaire gaat over vijf mensen die op verschillende manieren zoeken naar buitenaards leven. Je kunt de documentaire online bekijken.
Religie Maar zelfs als communiceren lastig of onmogelijk is, zal de wetenschap dat aliens bestaan of bestaan hebben, toch verstrekkende gevolgen hebben op aarde? Falcke denkt van niet. “Misschien dat de kranten er de eerste dag vol van staan, maar de volgende dag gaat het leven weer verder. Dat gaat onze beschaving echt niet op zijn kop zetten.” Zelfs religies zouden het bestaan van de alien kunnen overleven, denkt Falcke, zelf christen. “Bijna 900 jaar geleden werd er binnen de kerk al gediscussieerd over het bestaan van andere planeten. En toen werd besloten dat het verboden was om uit te sluiten dat andere werelden bestaan. En een Parijse bisschop voegde er later aan toe dat je niet mocht zeggen dat buitenaards leven niet bestaat. Want zo beperk je de macht van God en je moet God niet voorschrijven wat hij wel en niet mag creëren.”
Aliens zetten de wereld dus niet op hun kop. Anders is dat voor de wetenschappelijke wereld. “Als we ze vinden, leren we ontzettend veel. Dan verdubbelt in één klap het aantal beschavingen in de Melkweg! En misschien vinden we wel leven op planeten waarop we het helemaal niet verwacht hadden.” Een andere optie is natuurlijk dat we geen intelligent, maar eenvoudig buitenaards leven vinden. “Plant- of dierachtigen of eenvoudige cellen,” somt Falcke op. Hij benadrukt dat het vinden van sporen van die levensvormen misschien nog wel lastiger is dan het vinden van intelligent leven. “Daarvoor moet je in de dampkring van planeten kijken en daar heb je heel krachtige telescopen voor nodig.” Met de nieuwe generatie telescopen – zoals de James Webb-telescoop – kunnen we die dampkringen onder de loep gaan nemen, maar grote doorbraken verwacht Falcke nog niet. “De komende decennia verwacht ik dat we zo af en toe horen dat er misschien een aanwijzing voor buitenaards leven is gevonden.” Maar zeker zullen we daar – zonder nog betere telescopen – dus niet van zijn. Dat het zo lastig wordt om aliens te vinden, kan eigenlijk geen verrassing zijn. Neem nou Mars, een planeet waarvan sterk vermoed wordt dat deze ooit leven herbergde. “Deze bevindt zich in de achtertuin en we kunnen de planeet bezoeken en nog weten we niet zeker of er leven is geweest.” Of buitenaards leven bestaat, kan dan ook nog eeuwen een raadsel zijn. “Maar dat raadsel kan ook morgen opgelost zijn.”
Interview met Heino Falcke De afbeelding bovenaan dit artikel is gemaakt door Pawel86/ Pixabay
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Project ISIS: The Extraterrestrial Mummy found by the KGB in Egypt (Video)
Project ISIS: The Extraterrestrial Mummy found by the KGB in Egypt (Video)
A documentary was broadcast exclusively in 1998 by the US television network Sci-Fi, called “The Secret KGB Adduction Files” based on a video showing an extraterrestrial mummy found in Egypt by the KGB.
Work of concealment of a real event or simply a false incident?
The only authorized opinion was provided by the same US television station at the time of the broadcast, according to which the team of experts that evaluated the film confirmed its authenticity.
The US network has broadcast the film only once, and there is no other copy available from the video, except those that are available thanks to those who took the time to record the broadcast.
The film would show a secret expedition from the KGB to Egypt as part of the “Isis Project”, in which Soviet intelligence discovered the existence of what appears to be an extraterrestrial mummy . Before the broadcast, the film was never shown outside the structures of the KGB.
Is it an elaborate and expensive deception, or could the “ancient astronaut of the grave” be the discovery that will revolutionize the understanding of the principles of human civilization?
It all started with the revelations of Viktor Ivanovich , a neurologist and a Russian astrophysicist hired by the Kremlin as a scientific advisor for the development of advanced propulsion systems. As Sci-Fi says, Ivanovich had access to some secret files of the KGB, which narrate an expedition in 1961 as part of the “Isis Project”, aimed at discovering remnants of knowledge and technology from Egypt that could be used for military applications.
Extraterrestrial mummy found by the KGB
The mission team consisted of Egyptologists from the Soviet Academy of Sciences, Alekseen Herman (supposed Egyptologist at the Hermitage Museum), military experts specializing in chemistry and radioactivity, some astronomers, including Vladimir Yuri and Sami Sharaf, Secretary of Gamel Abdel Nasser, second president of the Republic of Egypt.
The extraterrestrial mummy found by the KGB in Egypt
If we consider the historical period in which the expedition will take place, the political axis between Egypt and the Soviet Union is not surprising. Since the conflict in 1956, when Israel invaded Egyptian territory, as a result of the Canal crisis, the Soviet Union sided with Egypt. It is estimated that when the Isis Project was started, a Soviet military contingent of 20,000 units arrived in Egypt.
The expedition was organized after the accidental discovery of a mysterious tomb by two Bedouins Magbarat Alzoar in one of the pyramids of Giza. These were the first people who entered the tomb, and were the first victims, having to be hospitalized due to being very sick. When questioned by agents of the KGB and Egyptian intelligence, the Bedouins said they had found the “visiting God” .
Since then, the “Isis Project” became the highest priority and everything was organized to find and analyze the tomb discovered by the two Bedouins. The expedition was organized jointly by the two countries in secret, for fear that the CIA and the US intelligence services might have knowledge of the discovery.
According to the report held by Ivanovich, the Soviets found the tomb full of artifacts. This is read in a note addressed to a senior official of the KGB:
My agents have secured notes from scientists working at the Tomb of the discovered visitor “
Note addressed to a senior KGB officer about the discovery.
This is followed by the following list of information: Place of discovery: not revealed; 15 boxes of artifacts; 1 partially mummified body; A stone sarcophagus, 8 samples of hieroglyphs.
In the report prepared by one of the first scientists to enter the tomb, it reads: “During the inspection of the walls we have noticed a strange repulsive force that comes out of the walls. We could not find any scientific explanation. ” Finally, the report prepared by one of the cryptographers, who participated in the partial decoding of the engravings on the walls of the tomb message, reads a prophecy that implies the “return of the winged” . But the most surprising thing about the discovery is related to the mummy. The mummy seems to have a height of more than 2 meters high, much higher than the average height of the inhabitants of ancient Egypt.
Extraterrestrial mummy found by the KGB
Carbon 14 analysis conducted by molecular biologist Boris Timoyev revealed that the body dates back about 12,000 years ago, thousands of years before the Egyptian dynastic period.
Could the mummy found in the sarcophagus be of the god Osiris?
According to Egyptian mythology, a family of gods descended from the stars in Egypt. They taught them knowledge and wisdom. Later, when their work was over, they left Earth to return to heaven, with the exception of Osiris , who was left with the task of protecting and maintaining the ancestral knowledge given.
The god Osiris. According to Egyptian mythology, Osiris came down from heaven in a “flying ship”. Was it a UFO?
Osiris brought civilization to men, taught them to cultivate the land and the production of wine, and was loved by the people. After his death he was mummified and buried in a secret place.
On the basis of this ancient myth, shortly after the discovery of the visitor’s tomb, a group of scientists, computer programmers, doctors and other academics met to discuss the scope of the event. The group was convinced that the body in the coffin was the mummy of Osiris, the alien king!The group adopted the name of “followers”, a movement of almost religious borders, dedicated to the adoration of the “visitor of the stars”.
The Kremlin took the matter under a more pragmatic profile. Soviet scientists began to wonder what would have been the actual function of the pyramids and if they had been designed for a particular purpose. Some of them had the hypothesis that they are powerful machines capable of channeling part of the energy of the cosmos or some type of interstellar transmitter.
The KGB and the encounter with the Ancient Astronaut
What sparked the interest of science fiction in the subject was a film that seems to have obtained the American chain of the Russian mafia through an intermediary.
The film obtained from the archives of the KGB and the high security images show the discovery of the sarcophagus inside the tomb of the stellar visitor. The science fiction experts guarantee the authenticity of the film.
The black and white video shows a number of soldiers and officers entering what appears to be an Egyptian burial chamber without gas masks. In the opening of the sarcophagus, you can see a cloud of toxic gas that invades the environment and the reaction of the soldiers affected by the breath and fear, to see the mummy that was contained in the sarcophagus.
Later, the place seems to have been organized for further scientific analysis. Now the soldiers are wearing special protective suits
KGB personnel wearing protective masks enter the site to protect themselves from the gases issued in the first incursion.
On the walls of the compound the KGB agents find a series of hieroglyphics and engravings.
What value can this film be given?
Is it a joke made on the basis of Ivanovich’s revelations? There is no doubt that the video shows the concordance with the data contained in the Ivanovich documents. This, according to some, would be another test to support the authenticity of the film.
In addition, it seems that during the private screening organized by the Sci-Fi team, issued before the documentary was broadcast, a daughter of those who were part of the “followers” group, recognizing her father in the film’s images , begins to cry.
“There is no doubt that a small group of Russian scientists with military experts have discovered a tomb in Egypt in 1961,” says Ivanovich. “But in the documents has never been revealed exactly what was found inside the sarcophagus. Only through the sources of the highest ranks of the KGB do we know that we have found the remains of an alien creature that died in Egypt 10,000 years before Christ. ”
If the information released by Dr. Ivanocih is true, we have to reconsider the entire cultural evolution of human civilization. Constantly, there is news that reveals the past of the Earth much more sophisticated and enigmatic than previously thought.
“The fundamental question about ancient Egypt is to understand how such an advanced civilization, at the height of its development around 2500 BC, has lasted through time and has appeared on the world stage,” says McNaughton of the Roselyn Institute of Egyptology. “All other ancient civilizations have experienced a progressive historical development in the design of their technology in hundreds or even thousands of years. This has not happened in ancient Egypt. A completely formed society suddenly came out of the desert. ”
Blue Velvet: Jupiter's Cloud Tops Appear Azure in New Juno Image
Blue Velvet: Jupiter's Cloud Tops Appear Azure in New Juno Image
By Calla Cofield, Senior Writer
Citizen scientists processed this image of Jupiter's cloud tops using data from NASA's Juno probe.
Credit: Gerald Eichstädt and Seán Doran
Jupiter's twirling, swirling cloud tops look like a sheet of blue velvet in a new image from NASA's Juno probe.
The image was created by citizen scientists Gerald Eichstädt and Seán Doran using raw data from the JunoCam instrument on Juno. While Jupiter's cloud tops wouldn't actually look blue to an observer hovering above the planet, the image processing allows our eyes to see the contours of Jupiter's turbulent atmosphere — details that aren't always visible in other images.
Juno captured this snapshot on Dec. 16, 2017, when it was 8,292 miles (13,345 kilometers) — a little more than Earth's diameter — above the tops of Jupiter's clouds. The dark side of the planet just barely creeps into the image, in the upper-right corner.
The raw images are posted to the JunoCam website, and many citizen scientists post their processed images, which range from scientific to highly artistic. You can see a selection of featured Jupiter images from citizen scientists on the JunoCam website.
The $1.1 billion Juno spacecraft arrived at Jupiter in July 2016. The spacecraft's elongated orbit around Jupiter means it gets close to the planet only every 53 days. The spacecraft's instruments were designed primarily to study Jupiter's interior, which can help scientists learn about the planet's formation and the history of the solar system.
These noctilucent, or night-shining, clouds are seeded by debris from disintegrating meteors. They glow electric blue when they reflect sunlight.
Noctilucent (“night-shining”) cloud over Antarctica in early January, 2018, from NASA’s AIM satellite.
The sky over Antarctica is now glowing electric blue with noctilucent, or night-shining, clouds. That’s according to recent images from NASA’s AIM spacecraft (Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere), which monitors these clouds for the whole Earth. The season for night-shining clouds in the Southern Hemisphere is November to April, so they are right on schedule. These are ice clouds, and Earth’s highest clouds, located some 50 miles (80 km) above the ground in a layer of the atmosphere called the mesosphere. The clouds – made of ice crystals – are seeded by fine debris from disintegrating meteors.
The season for noctilucent clouds in the north is May to September. In both hemispheres, they happen when it’s summertime, when water vapor wafts up into the high atmosphere, providing the moisture needed to form these spectacular ice clouds at the edge of space.
As for the electric-blue glow, it comes from sunlight shining through the high clouds.
Cora Randall, a member of the AIM science team at the University of Colorado’s Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, said:
The current season began on November 19. Compared to previous years of AIM data, this season seems to be fairly average, but of course one never knows what surprises lie ahead, particularly since the southern hemisphere seasons are so variable.
If you were in Antarctica now, would you see these clouds shining overhead? Not likely, since there’s 24-hour daylight shining on that part of the globe now. But we’re past the December solstice, meaning that summer is waning in the Southern Hemisphere. People outside the Antarctic, at relatively high Southern Hemisphere latitudes, might be able to glimpse the clouds, especially as their sunsets come earlier and night lengthens on that part of the globe.
We frequently see images of noctilucent clouds, taken from the ground, during the northern summer. Our friends at high northern latitudes – typically from northern Europe and Scandinavia – capture them.
Examples below:
Here’s a shot of some very early-season noctilucent or night-shining clouds caught from Denmark (about 56 degrees N. latitude) on May 25, 2017 by Adrien Mauduit, at the beginning of the Northern Hemisphere’s season for these clouds. The clouds are seen at high latitudes during the summer months.
There was a dazzling display of noctilucent clouds over northern Europe on the morning of July 14, 2016. Photo via our friend Jüri Voit Photography in Estonia (58 degrees N. latitude).
View larger. | Here are clouds – the electric-looking clouds near the horizon in this photo – and a greenish aurora, higher in the sky, captured in June 2015 by Harlan Thomas in Alberta, Canada (about 53 degrees N. latitude).
Bottom line: NASA AIM image of notilucent clouds, shining in the high atmosphere, or mesosphere, over Antarctica in early January, 2018.
Artist's rendering of the interstellar object `Oumuamua, whose unusual shape had some wondering if it could be artificial. Credit: ESO/M. Kornmesser
As we discover numerous habitable planets around other stars in the Milky Way galaxy, including the nearest star, Proxima Centauri, one cannot help but wonder why we have not yet detected evidence for an alien civilization. As the physicist Enrico Fermi asked, “Where is everybody?” Even though the first interstellar object to be discovered in the solar system, 'Oumuamua, had an unusually elongated shape as might be expected from an alien probe, it does not appear to maneuver and is radio-quiet below the level of a single cell phone.
True, a signal from an alien civilization might be subtle or sophisticated, but the disappointing silence of the sky may also indicate that long-lasting extrastellar civilizations do not use technologies that would make them visible to our telescopes.
Based on our own experience, we expect that civilizations much older than ours will be scientifically savvy and hence technologically advanced. But it is also possible that a simpler lifestyle rather than scientific prosperity has dominated the political landscape on other planets, leading to old civilizations that are nevertheless technologically primitive.
Could exoplanet politics explain Fermi’s paradox?
Human history allows us to imagine the possibility that under a different political scenario, our planet could have remained dominated by the anti-scientific mindsets of the middle ages. Such a scenario is imaginable over the timescale of thousands of years, although the likelihood that it would prevail over millions or billions of years is unclear. Perhaps Earth was lucky to see technology arise (in the spirit of the novel Origin by Dan Brown). Environmental or political disasters could have easily reset the evolutionary clock.
Or perhaps the ultimate lifetime of civilization on Earth will turn out to be shorter than it would have been if humans remained technologically primitive. Technology poses long-term risks to our future in the form of climate change and nonconventional (nuclear, biological or chemical) wars. In this case, the surfaces of other planets will show either relics of technologically advanced civilizations that destroyed themselves in self-inflicted catastrophes or living civilizations that are technologically primitive.
We could search for the remnants of technological civilizations from afar. But if we detect nothing through our telescopes, the only way to find out whether long-lived civilizations are technologically primitive is to visit their planets. Astrosociology could become a particularly exciting frontier of exploration as we venture into space.
Traditional astronomers would argue that it is much less expensive to remotely observe distant planets than to launch a probe that will visit them. But remote observing can only detect civilizations that transmit electromagnetic signals, change the planet’s atmosphere through industrial pollution, or leave artifacts on the planet’s surface such as photovoltaic cells, industrial infrastructure, artificial heating or artificial illumination. If the aliens do not dramatically modify their natural habitat or transmit artificial signals, we will be forced to visit their home planets in order to uncover their existence.
Civilizations on other worlds might mesh seamlessly with their natural environment for a variety of reasons. At a minimum, camouflage is a natural survival tactic, so alien civilizations might prefer to appear indistinguishable from other forms of life, such as vegetation. One could also imagine a civilization so intelligent that it deliberately keeps a low-key technological profile to sustain its biosphere, maintaining a lifestyle reminiscent of Henry Thoreau on Walden Pond. The only way to find these extraterrestrials would be to send probes that visit their planets and report back.
The first significantly funded project to visit another planetary system, Breakthrough Starshot, was inaugurated in 2016. Starshot aims to reach the nearest stars within a couple of decades. Since even Proxima Centauri is 4.24 light years away, this necessitates a technology capable of accelerating a spacecraft to at least a fifth of the speed of light. The only suitable concept involves a lightweight sail (to which the payload is attached) pushed by a powerful beam of light. The downside of reaching such a high speed with this design is that braking near the target planet is not feasible without a similar light-beamer there.
Visiting the surface of another planet therefore requires slower speeds and longer travel times. For example, conventional rockets would bring us to the nearest stars within hundreds of thousands of years. This might still be appealing from a theoretical perspective, since this timescale is tens of thousands times shorter than the age of the Universe. Over the billions of years available to our technological civilization to explore the Milky Way, we could compile a sociological census of billions of exoplanets. And even if we find mostly faith-based alien cultures instead of advanced infrastructure that would accelerate our own technological development, it would be fascinating to explore the diversity of galactic interpretations of the concept of God.
WETENSCHAP & PLANEETNa herhaaldelijk uitstel heeft een Falcon-draagraket van de Amerikaanse raketbouwer SpaceX afgelopen nacht een ultrageheime satelliet van de Amerikaanse overheid gelanceerd. Er is enkel van geweten dat de codenaam ‘Zuma’ is.
Een zeventig meter hoge Falcon-9 van SpaceX vertrok vandaag om 02.00 uur Belgische tijd op Cape Canaveral met de ‘Zuma’. De Zuma had al twee maand eerder moeten vertrekken, maar er kwam om technische redenen herhaaldelijk uitstel. Noch de raketbouwer, noch het Pentagon wilden iets kwijt over de aard van de missie die de naam draagt van een album van de Canadese rockster Neil Young en van de Zuid-Afrikaanse president.
SpaceX had voorheen voor de Amerikaanse overheid twee keer een geheime lancering verricht. Bijna routinematig liet SpaceX de eerste rakettrap terugkeren. Die landde minder dan acht minuten na de start weer op Cape Canaveral. Daarmee is de raketbouwer aan een 21ste succes toe qua hergebruik van de eerste trap. Dit drukt de lanceerkost. SpaceX boekt ook zijn negentiende succes op rij. Het was de eerste lancering van SpaceX dit jaar, na vorig jaar aan een record van achttien stuks te zijn gekomen. Dit jaar rekent het bedrijf op 25 tot 30 missies.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Alle nieuws dat we via mainstream media tot ons nemen over UFO's en/of buitenaardsen is niet omdat kranten op dit gebied nu de waarheid zouden spreken zoals sommigen beweren.
Het heeft alles te maken met afleiding van wat er werkelijk gebeurt en tot welke dingen de geheime ruimtevloot op dit moment al in staat is.
John Lear is een bijzondere man die heel wat uren in de lucht heeft doorgebracht. Als piloot heeft hij in meer dan 150 verschillende vliegtuigen gevlogen in meer dan 50 verschillende landen.
Hij is de zoon van William P. Lear, de ontwerper van de Learjet, de 8 track stereo en oprichter van de Lear Siegler Corporation en heeft maar liefst 17 wereld snelheidsrecords op zijn naam met de Learjet.
John Lear is inmiddels is gepensioneerd en heeft tijdens zijn werkzame leven onder andere gewerkt als captain in de burgerluchtvaart, maar ook als piloot voor het uitvoeren van (geheime) missies voor de CIA en andere overheidsinstellingen.
Nu verschijnt er een opmerkelijk bericht waarin John Lear zegt dat er minimaal 250 miljoen mensen op de maan wonen en dat er zich daar enorme steden bevinden, zowel aan de voor- als aan de achterkant van de maan.
John Lear beschikt over de volgende foto die een enorme stad op de maan laat zien met de naam Damoiseau City.
Alles wat ons door NASA over de maan wordt verteld, is een leugen, aldus Lear. Volgens hem heeft ook de maan wel degelijk een atmosfeer, alhoewel veel kleiner dan die van de aarde. Ook zijn mensen niet volledig gewichtloos, maar bedraagt de zwaartekracht daar ongeveer twee derde van die op aarde. Dit betekent dat mensen die daar komen ongeveer een week nodig hebben om te acclimatiseren, maar verder kunnen ze daar gewoon rondlopen.
Het verhaal van Lear ligt wel aardig in lijn met wat wij altijd hebben geschreven over de geheime ruimtevloot, de ontbrekende biljoenen dollars en het feit dat wij als mensheid technologisch vele malen verder zijn dan officieel bekend wordt gemaakt.
John Lear is geen onbekende op deze website, want we hebben al eerder over hem geschreven, in verband met onthullingen door hem over dat wij al meer dan 40 jaar actief zijn op planeten zoals Mars, wat weer precies in lijn ligt met eerdere dingen die wij schreven zoals de ontdekkingen door de Engelse hacker Gary McKinnon en de geheime ruimtevloot van de Bilderbergers.
Zo was hij op 11 mei 2006 te gast bij het radioprogramma van George Noorey op Coast to Coast radio, waar hij vertelde dat wij als sinds het begin van de jaren zestig op Mars komen. Niet alleen komen we sinds die tijd op Mars, maar gaan we ook op reis door ons gehele zonnestelsel.
Een interessant gegeven is dat hij zegt dat het ISS ruimtestation hoort bij een afleidingsmanoeuvre om de waarheid voor de bevolking verborgen te houden.
Je kunt hem dat zelf horen vertellen in het volgende radiofragment:
Tijdens diezelfde radio-uitzending belt er een vrouw, Jackie genaamd. Zij woont iets ten noorden van Las Vegas en vraagt of John Lear haar kan helpen met de oplossing van een raadsel waar ze al 27 jaar mee rondloopt.
In die tijd werkte zij voor NASA en was verantwoordelijk voor de binnenkomende telemetrie gegevens. Zij vertelt dat terwijl ze op een nacht samen met haar collega’s naar de schermen kijkt waar de beelden van Mars binnenkomen, ze ineens twee mannen in een soort pak (niet echt een ruimtepak) ziet lopen op het Mars oppervlak.
De twee mannen verschenen aan de horizon en liepen naar de Viking. De beeldverbinding werd plotseling verbroken.
Het bovenstaande zou een verklaring kunnen zijn voor de vele UFO’s die we bij het ISS waarnemen.
Indien dit verhaal op ware feiten berust, dan rest de vraag natuurlijk hoelang NASA er nog in zal slagen om de waarheid voor de mensheid verborgen te houden.
Yesterday, a gentleman named Mauricio Morales posted some remarkable pictures on the internet that ended up going fairly viral across social media. They were snaps of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs, which does not mean they are extraterrestrial in origin).
That being said, don’t be fooled, there is a tremendous amount of evidence pointing toward the fact that some of these UFOs, whose presence were officially acknowledged within the mainstream using declassified documents and hundreds of high ranking military/political whistleblowers, are indeed extraterrestrial in origin.
There is ample evidence suggesting that many are ‘ours’ as well.
We’ve written about this quite extensively, and if you want to learn more about that and sift through all of the evidence we’ve accumulated over the past 8 years, please visit the exopolitics section of our website here. Another great place to start is with UFO researcher Richard Dolan.
Here’s Morales’ statement on what he experienced from his Facebook post:
“As I was driving back to Phoenix this evening, I was a few miles past Parker, AZ when I saw a shooting star with a green hue in the corner of my eye. I kept driving for a few miles and noticed a small orange light far in the distance to my right. At first I thought that maybe a meteor had hit nearby and set a fire in the desert or possibly a distant antenna light.
I didn’t quite think much of it and continued to drive for another three miles. I noticed that the light was gone. I drove another half of a mile and I saw the light appear again. This is when I realized that whatever this was, wasn’t normal.
I was about a quarter of a mile from the crossing between Highway 72 and Highway 95 between Parker and Quartzsite, Arizona.
I immediately pulled over and attached my camera to my tripod. To my SW direction, there were six orange-red lights floating around in the horizon. Some of them would dim out and then brighten back up, others just seemed to float and hover away slowly. They seemed to travel in a parallel pattern with a very bright fiery glisten. I took photos and videos and in less than 15 minutes, the mysterious objects vanished without a trace.
All of the photographs are timestamped and are not edited whatsoever. The video is slightly cropped for better viewing.
Whatever this was, I have never seen anything like this in my life before. Super cool experience.
*UPDATE* 4/11/17 11:22pm I have noticed that my cameras clock is set 8 minutes ahead. Which means that the time stamps are all 8 minutes ahead. I also saw a video of the same exact thing but from the opposite end in El Centro, CA. That means that whatever this was, it was visible for at least 100 miles.
ABC15 is reporting that the photos were part of the meteor. They were not. The meteor struck about 10 minutes before I pulled over on HWY 95 and got footage of these lights. The difference in lighting you see in the photos is because I was using different settings to get a more visible photo of what they were.”
Below are a few pictures, but you can view the video Timelapse on his Facebook page.
Some Recent Video Footage
Below is some footage from Dr. Steven Greer, founder of The Disclosure Project and the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI). Known to some as the “Father of the Disclosure Movement,” he was instrumental in bringing forth hundreds of military whistleblowers of all ranks, with verified backgrounds, to share their experiences and testify on the UFO/extraterrestrial phenomenon.
He has had high-level meetings within the Pentagon about this issue, and that was confirmed (in his documentary Sirius Disclosure) by Apollo 14 astronaut and the 6th man to walk on the Moon, Dr. Edgar Mitchell.
“Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered. . . . We are not alone in the universe, they have been coming here for a long time. . . . I happen to be privileged enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this planet, and the UFO phenomenon is real.”
– Doctor Edgar Mitchell, 6th man to walk on the moon (source)(source)(source)
“Intelligent beings from other star systems have been and are visiting our planet Earth. They are variously referred to as Visitors, Others, Star People, Et’s, etc…They are visiting Earth now; this is not a matter of conjecture or wishful thinking.
– Theodor C. Loder III, Phd, Professor Emeritus of Earth Sciences, University of New Hampshire (source)
Has NASA just found traces of alien fossils on Mars?
Has NASA just found traces of alien fossils on Mars?
After having landed on the Red Planet more than five years ago, the Curiosity Rover has explored the red planet unlike any other rover before it, making incredible discoveries that helped us understand just how similar Mars is to Earth.
Every new image snapped by the Curiosity Rover has helped scientists get to know Mars a bit better.
Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS
By analysing different images, scientists have managed to formulate an idea of how Mars looked like in the distant past.
Now, thanks to a fresh batch of images taken by the Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI), and beamed back from the surface of the red planet, researcher Barry DiGregorio, author of Mars: The Living Planet and The Microbes of Mars spotted something very unusual on the surface of the red planet.
Meanwhile, back on Mars... I’m checking out these stick-like figures. Each is about a quarter-inch long. Maybe they're crystals? Or they could be minerals that filled spaces where crystals dissolved away. Stay tuned! Science continues.
While speaking to Inside Outer Space, he said that this could be a groundbreaking discovery:
“They look exceptionally similar to Ordovician trace fossils I have studied and photographed on Earth,” he said. “If not trace fossils, what other geological explanations will NASA come up with?”
Despite the fact that the Curiosity Rover has offered us an unprecedented view of Mars with amazing images of the Martian landscape, the recently spotted tiny formations on Mars may be the biggest discovery to date.
Mysterious ‘stick-figures’ are clearly visible on the surface of Mars in what NASA says may be crystals or minerals left in the gaps where crystals dissolved.
However, some researchers like DiGregorio have a different theory: Trace Fossils which offer indirect evidence of life in the past, such as the footprints, tracks, burrows, borings, and feces left behind by animals, rather than the preserved remains of the body of the actual animal itself.
Now, the Curiosity Rover will head back to the area it first spotted the enigmatic features to take another look. “This site was so interesting that we backtracked to get to where the rover was parked for this plan,” wrote Curiosity team member Christopher Edwards in the January 3 Curiosity mission update.
Despite the fact that the most likely explanation for the mystery structures is a natural formation, Pascal Lee of the Mars Institute said: “The Curiosity images really pique our curiosity,” he said. “It’s difficult to tell what the mystery sticks are, and a strictly mineral origin is, of course, the most plausible.”
NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity captured this image on Jan. 2, 2018.
Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS
The enigmatic miniature tubes could be evidence of bioturbation, which is something that happens when organisms residing in sediments leave an imprint on their structure.
“A typical example of bioturbation is the creation of worm burrows,” Lee explained. “The burrows once refilled with sediments, fossilized, and then exposed by erosion, can end up looking like wiggly sticks.”
“To claim that we’re seeing bioturbation on Mars — which I did not say — would be an extraordinary claim,” he added.
The difficult part is to science the sh*t out of the discovery, and find out what they are. The structures are really small, around a millimeter wide and five millimeters long. Experts indicate that their angular nature indicates that they might have been formed by tiny crystals.
Crystal molds are often found on Earth and form when crystals in rock dissolve.
However, the difficult part is finding out what they are because, despite the fact that NASA’s Curiosity rover is a small mobile laboratory, it would be nearly impossible to find out whether the structures are organic in nature without taking them back to a lab on Earth.
“That’s pretty challenging on Earth to distinguish those two things without being able to put these things into a lab to look for the presence of organics,” said Ashwin Vasavada, project scientist for Curiosity.
“We have a very limited capability overall to understand whether something is biological or not.”
There is no shortage of conspiracy theory lore when it comes to the moon and contemplating what really happened on the moon. As we’ve witnessed within the past few years alone, not all that we are told is actually true. Whether it’s information that a select few deem too mind-altering for the human race to handle, or information that threatens big corporate and/or the financial interests of the powerful “1 percent”, it’s no secret that our world is currently drenched, and has been drenched in tremendous amounts of secrecy. This fact became even more known when NSA whistle-blower Edward Snowden released official documentation of clandestine black budget operations.
Black budget programs haven’t been investigated much, but those who have investigated it have uncovered some startling facts. Former Canadian defence minister, Paul Hellyer, said it best:
“It is ironic that the U.S. should be fighting monstrously expensive wars, allegedly to bring democracy to those countries, when it itself can no longer claim to be called a democracy when trillions, and I mean thousands of billions of dollars have been spent on projects with both congress and the commander in chief no nothing about.”
We really should have listened to president Eisenhower when he warned us about the military industrial complex, and the potential for a rise of “misplaced power” and how it exists and will persist. Right after him, President Kennedy warned humanity “that an announced need for an increase in security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of censorship and concealment.” Stating that this is something he does “not tend to permit, so long as it’s in my control.”
Who is in control of this shadowy world? Perhaps it’s, as president Rosevelt referred to, the “invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people.”
Senator Daniel K. Inouye once referred to it as the “shadowy government” that has “its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.”
Today, all of this secrecy is locked up in “Black Budget Special Access Programs” as well as “unacknowledged black budget special access programs.” We previously published an article going in depth into these programs. It’s a heavily sourced article that provides a good overview into our world of secrecy, linked below:
These programs, admittedly from a 1997 senate report linked below, have absolutely no oversight from congress.
The point is, not all that goes on behind the scenes is told to the public, and this is becoming way more evident, and will continue to do so as we move through 2018 and beyond. Secrecy is a problem, but truth always comes out. Paradigm shifts are big moments in human history, and we still have plenty of “the Earth is not flat” moments on the way.
“Ladies and gentlemen, my government, NASA, which many of us in the United States say stands for Never A Straight Answer, proceeded to erase 40 rolls of film of the Apollo Program — the flight to the Moon, the flight around the Moon, the landings on the Moon, the walking guys here and there. They erased, for Christ’s sake, 40 rolls of film of those events. Now we’re talking about several thousand individual frames that were taken that the so-called authorities determined that you did not have a right to see. Oh, they were ‘disruptive,’ ‘socially unacceptable,’ ‘politically unacceptable.’ I’ve become furious. I’m a retired Command Sergeant Major. I was never famous for having a lot of patience.”
A big part of government secrecy deals with space, and what’s happening in outer space. This became even more evident at the end of 2017, when the Pentagon, for the first time ever, released an official video of Navy pilots tracking a UFO (articles linked below). Keep in mind, military encounters with UFOs is nothing new, as over the past few years millions of pages of documents have been released by multiple governments and intelligence agencies detailing encounters with technologically advanced objects that can perform maneuvers no known air-craft can, as well as defy the laws of physics.
Whatever they are, it’s clearly something we shouldn’t be ignoring.
The UFO topic is actually filled with an overwhelming amount of evidence. We know something is going on, but nobody can really say for certain what exactly is going on. To read our archived articles about the topic of UFOs and extraterrestrials, you can refer to the exopolitics section of our website here, where we’ve documented some of that evidence.
When it comes to the moon, there is no shortage of interesting information available, just as there was for the topic of UFOs before their official disclosure.
What I mean by that is, before we had the documents and evidence of video footage as well as radar tracking, we had witness testimony. Not just any witness testimony, but testimony from some of the highest ranking military personnel in the world, of all ranks. This also included similar people within the realms of politics, aerospace, academia and more. From a scientific standpoint, this was not really considered credible, but that’s ridiculous given the fact that there are hundreds, furthermore, we’re talking about extremely credible people who have been in the position to “know,” from Generals, to defence ministers, to astronauts, to directors of corporations like Lockheed Martin and Bigelow Aerospace, and more.
In 2011, Dr. Jacques Valle, codeveloped the very first computerized mapping of Mars for NASA among others things, gave quite the speech at the Global Competitiveness Forum regarding the physical evidence that’s been made available to scientists. You can watch that here.
The point is, we have the same with regards to the Moon.
Dr. Steven Greer, founder of the The Disclosure Project, and the main brain behind the hit documentary, “Unacknowledged.”He is the man who created the platform for these whistleblowers, with verified credentials, to speak up. They came forward years ago, at the National Press Club.
It’s interesting how the US government recently gravitated towards Tom Delonge and To The Starsto let people know that UFOs are real, and some of them are probably extraterrestrial, instead of someone like Dr. Greer, who has been doing this type of work for a long time.
The main point of the recent US governments disclosure of UFOs seems to be emphasizing the “threat” that they propose. Perhaps this is why they didn’t want to go with Greer, because he’s been creating awareness about how the US government wants to use the UFO subject as they do with others, like terrorism, to create a “false flag” event.
He’s even had high level meetings within the Pentagon, which was confirmed by Apollo 14 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, in Greer’s documentary “Unacknowledged.”
We covered the topic of a false flag alien invasion in a previous article, for more details you can refer to it below:
“Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered. . . . We are not alone in the universe, they have been coming here for a long time. I happen to be privileged enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this planet, and the UFO phenomenon is real.”
Who are the people who have made some strange comments about what really happened up there? There are a few Apollo astronauts, and a number of Ex-NASA personnel, reputable scientists who’ve worked within the industry, and more.
We’ve covered the moon in detail, and instead of re-typing what we’ve already provided, you can refer to the below articles for more detail. One of the articles goes into specifically what Dr. Greer mentions below. All articles provide sources to let the reader make up their own mind.
With so much disclosure happening right now, it was only a matter of time before a university or college created a course to take the topic more seriously. It’s about time, and comes as no surprise given the fact that the topic is rapidly creeping its way into mainstream discussion.
Academia and extraterrestrial contact go hand in hand, and it started decades ago. For example, a declassified document from the CIA’s own electronic reading room shows that the agency actually tried to recruit renowned quantum physicist John Wheeler to look into their “flying saucer problem.” This was decades ago, and even further back, ever since President Truman went on live television and announced that the UFO problem is discussed at “every conference that they’ve had with the military,” many people have been paying attention.
Combined with all of these leaks over the years, there has no doubt been a campaign of official secrecy and ridicule,” where “many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.” This is according to the first Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, Roscoe H. Hillekoetter, speaking to the New York Times in 1960.
Today, we have physical evidence, papers published in peer-reviewed scientific journals, and statements from some of the highest ranking military, political, and government personnel, with the latest examples coming from Tom Delonge, a former rock star who just brought forth recently retired Steve Justice, a director of Lockheed Skunkworks, to let the world know that these things are real. For more information on that, you can check out To The Stars Media.
“Intelligent beings from other star systems have been and are visiting our planet Earth. They are variously referred to as Visitors, Others, Star People, ETs, etc. . . . They are visiting Earth NOW; this is not a matter of conjecture or wistful thinking.”
– Theodore C. Loder III, Phd, Professor Emeritus of Earth Sciences, University of New Hampshire
The course at the Turkish university will be called “Ufology & Exopolitics,” and the purpose of the class is to prepare students for the possibility of extraterrestrial contact.
A class tutor, Erhan Kolbasi, told the Dogan News Agency,
“We believe representatives from the world and extraterrestrial civilizations will soon be making official contact with each other. We thinking they will be in an open and mass contact. . . . It will be the biggest change seen in the history of the world.”
The course will concentrate on the history of the UFO/extraterrestrial contact, and well as the implications of extraterrestrial contact and more. According to the Dogan, Kolbasi expects open extraterrestrial contact to happen within 15 years, and claims that extraterrestrials have been and are visiting our planet.
Again, he’s part of a long and growing list of people who seem to think so, and with all of the evidence that’s emerged over the past few years, it’s not hard to see why he feels that way.
Where is the evidence you say? Well, that depends on your definition of evidence. Many people don’t believe witness testimony to be credible, but when you have military generals, NATO generals, high ranking politicians, academics, and people who have and do hold high positions for several military contractors, like Lockheed Martin, making these statements, it should clearly be taken into consideration.
“There are objects in our atmosphere which are technically miles in advance of anything we can deploy, that we have no means of stopping them coming here … [and] that there is a serious possibility that we are being visited and have been visited for many years by people from outer space, from other civilizations. That it behooves us, in case some of these people in the future or now should turn hostile, to find out who they are, where they come from, and what they want. This should be the subject of rigorous scientific investigation and not the subject of ‘rubishing’ by tabloid newspapers.”
–Lord Admiral Hill-Norton, former Chief of Defence Staff, 5 Star Admiral of the Royal Navy, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee (source)
There are also documents that detail objects travelling at tremendous speeds performing maneuvers that no known air craft can, and you can view some examples and links within this article to learn more:
“There are unidentified flying objects. That is, there are a hard core of cases —perhaps 20 to 30 percent in different studies — for which there is no explanation. We can only imagine what purpose lies behind the activities of these quiet, harmlessly cruising objects that time and again approach the Earth. The most likely explanation, it seems to me, is that they are simply watching what we are up to.”
– Margaret Mead, “UFOs – Visitors from Outer Space?,” Redbook, vol. 143, September 1974
Below is one of many recent tweets about the exciting news in Europe.
Kolbaşi is currently the deputy chair of the Sirius UFO Space Sciences Research Center in Istanbul. This is a big step for disclosure. The implications are tremendous, and will touch all aspects of human life as we know it, from history, science, and technology to our understanding about the nature of reality and more.
Of course, there is also the problem of beliefs, and our tendency to label things as “good” or “bad,” “angels” or demons.” ET disclosure has more implications than we can possibly imagine, and perhaps this was one out of several reasons for the cover-up.
There are a lot of questions to be answered, and still many who are in their infancy regarding knowledge of what’s really been happening .
Collective Evolution has covered this topic extensively with multiple heavily soured articles. Feel free to browse through them, as all of our articles are archived. You can do this by visiting the exopolitics section of our website.
Below is a great little speech by Richard Dolan, one of the world’s leading authorities on the topic. It provides a great introduction for those who are new to the topic. His work is a great place to start.
You can check out our exclusive interview in our Explorer Lounge where Richard discusses recent UFO related happenings – including Trump’s reformation of the Space Council.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
SpaceX Launches Secret Zuma Mission for US Government, Lands Rocket
SpaceX Launches Secret Zuma Mission for US Government, Lands Rocket
By Mike Wall, Senior Writer
SpaceX lofted the super-secret Zuma spacecraft for the U.S. government tonight (Jan. 8), successfully executing a mission that also featured yet another landing by the first stage of the company's Falcon 9 rocket.
The Falcon 9 lifted off at 8 p.m. EST (0100 GMT on Jan. 9) from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, on Florida's Space Coast
The booster's two stages separated 2 minutes and 19 seconds into flight. The second stage continued carrying the mysterious Zuma to its destination in low-Earth orbit (LEO), while the first stage began maneuvering its way back to terra firma for a touchdown at Landing Zone 1, a SpaceX facility at Cape Canaveral. [How SpaceX Lands Falcon 9 Rockets]
The first stage aced that landing, a little less than 8 minutes after taking off.
A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket carrying the secret Zuma spacecraft for the U.S. government launches Space Launch Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida on Jan. 7, 2018 in this still from a SpaceX video.
Credit: SpaceX
SpaceX now has 21 successful first-stage touchdowns under its belt, nine of them at Landing Zone 1 and the other 12 on "autonomous spaceport droneships" stationed in the ocean. (SpaceX has two of these uncrewed vessels, which are named "Just Read the Instructions" and "Of Course I Still Love You.")
These landings are part of SpaceX's effort to develop fully reusable rockets and spacecraft — technology that company founder and CEO Elon Musk has said will slash the cost of spaceflight. To date, SpaceX has re-flown five of these landed boosters, as well as two of its uncrewed Dragon cargo capsules, which make resupply runs to the International Space Station. (The Falcon 9 that lifted off tonight was brand-new.)
But the main goal of tonight's flight was getting Zuma aloft, so the spacecraft can start going about its business. Just what that business may be is unclear; little has been revealed about the payload.
We do know that aerospace and defense company Northrop Grumman procured Zuma's launch atop a Falcon 9 for the U.S. government — but we don't know which agency will operate the satellite, or if its mission is civilian or military.
Northrop Grumman did reveal that Zuma is going to LEO, but that information doesn't tell us much; this range of altitudes houses a variety of spacecraft, from reconnaissance, weather and communications satellites to the International Space Station. And we don't know what Zuma's exact orbit is (though it's a safe bet that amateur satellite trackers will be working hard over the coming days and weeks to figure that out).
If Zuma is a national-security mission, it wouldn't be the first one that SpaceX has launched. Falcon 9s also launched a satellite for the National Reconnaissance Office in May 2017 and the Air Force's robotic X-37B space plane this past September.
The Zuma mission was originally supposed to launch in mid-November, but SpaceX stood down for a while to study data from payload-fairing test performed for another customer. (The payload fairing is the protective nose cone that encases a spacecraft during launch.)
John Young, the ninth man to walk on the moon, flew on three NASA programs: Gemini, Apollo and the space shuttle.
Credit: NASA
John Young was NASA's longest-serving astronaut. He first became an astronaut when the agency was flying two-man space capsules. He left when the agency was flying the space shuttle. In between, he flew six space missions — the first person to do so.
In his decades with the agency, Young racked up several milestones. He made it to the moon's neighborhood twice, and walked on it once. He commanded the first space shuttle flight and then came back into space yet again to command another. His flight experience spanned three different programs: Gemini, Apollo and the space shuttle.
In 2004, with an impressive 15,000 hours of spaceflight training across four decades, Young retired from the agency. Young died on Jan. 5, 2018, following complications from pneumonia.. He was 87.
Early life
John Watts Young was born on Sept. 24, 1930, in San Francisco, Calif. When he was 18 months old, Young's parents moved, first to Georgia and then Orlando, Florida, where he attended elementary and high school.
Young earned his bachelor of science degree in aeronautical engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1952.
After graduation, he entered the U.S. Navy, serving on the destroyer USS Laws in the Korean War and then entering flight training before being assigned to a fighter squadron for four years.
Young graduated from the U.S. Navy Test Pilot School in 1959 and served at the Naval Air Test Center at Naval Air Station Patuxent River in Maryland, where he evaluated Crusader and Phantom fighter weapons systems. In 1962, he set world time-to-climb records to 3,000 and 25,000-meter (82,021 and 9,843-feet) altitudes in the F-4 Phantom.
'Snoopy and Charlie Brown are hugging each other'
NASA picked Young as an astronaut in September 1962, just as the one-man Mercury spacecraft program was winding down and the Gemini program was starting up. In fact, Young flew on the first manned Gemini flight — Gemini 3 — in 1965, transferring his test pilot skills to figuring out the new spacecraft.
Young then joined Michael Collins to do two rendezvous with two separate target Agena spacecraft in 1966, during Gemini 10. Working in close vicinity with other spacecraft was a requirement for moon missions, when two spacecraft would need to dock together to get to the moon and return home.
This experience came in handy for Apollo 10 in 1969, which featured the first moon-orbiting docking between two spacecraft. At the controls of the command module Charlie Brown, Young successfully joined with the lunar module, Snoopy, that had been doing a landing test a few miles above the surface.
"Snoopy and Charlie Brown are hugging each other!" said an exuberant Tom Stafford, who was commanding Apollo 10.
Driving on the moon
Young went back to the moon in 1972, during Apollo 16. He commanded a scientifically ambitious journey to the Descartes highlands, searching for volcanic rock and some possible clues to the moon's history. He and his crewmates, Charles Duke and Ken Mattingly, brought back 200 lbs. of rock during more than 20 hours on the surface.
Young and Duke only found sedimentary rocks along the way, which surprised scientists back home. Despite the challenges, however, the men kept their sense of humor. They did a controlled but wild-looking test with the lunar rover, for example, skidding it across the surface in front of a video camera.
"One-sixth gravity on the surface of the moon is just delightful," Young said in a 2006 interview with NASA. "It's not like being in zero gravity, you know. You can drop a pencil in zero gravity and look for it for three days. In one-sixth gravity, you just look down and there it is."
John Young, astronaut and Navy veteran, salutes the U.S. flag at the Descartes landing site during the first Apollo 16 extravehicular activity (EVA-1). Young, commander of the Apollo 16 lunar landing mission, jumps up from the lunar surface as astronaut and Air Force veteran, Charles M. Duke Jr., lunar module pilot, took this picture.
Credit: NASA, Charles M. Duke Jr.
After Apollo
In 1974, Young was named the fifth chief of the Astronaut Office, after serving for a year as the office's space shuttle branch chief. For 13 years, Young led NASA's astronaut corps, overseeing the crews assigned to the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project, the approach and landing tests with the prototype orbiter Enterprise, and the first 25 space shuttle missions.
In 1981, Young moved to a very different kind of vehicle: the space shuttle, which acted and performed more like a plane than a spacecraft. Development on the ambitious vehicle was not without its challenges, as Young and his crewmate Robert Crippen discovered.
"I remember [senior NASA official Bob] Gilruth telling me it's going to be as reliable as a DC-8 and right after he said that, Crip and I, every time we went out to Rocketdyne or somewhere to see what was happening, engines were blowing up. So I wasn't sure it was going to be as reliable as a DC-8. It was a lot of fun," Young quipped.
Young and Crippen lifted off in the space shuttle Columbia in April 1981, on a test flight of a vehicle that had never before been used in space. There were questions about how its systems would perform, and whether the new tile heat-shield system for re-entry would hold up. The flight was a success.
Still with a taste for spaceflight, Young returned to space once more at the helm of STS-9. This flight, like his last Apollo mission, was scientifically heavy. The crew flew the experimental Spacelab module for the first time, performing hours of experiments during 10 days. "The mission returned more scientific and technical data than all the previous Apollo and Skylab missions put together," NASA stated.
After the loss of space shuttle Challenger and its seven-person crew in January 1986, Young penned internal memos critical of NASA's attention to safety, a topic he had championed since his days flying Gemini. Young expressed concern over schedule pressure and wrote that other astronauts who had launched on missions preceding the ill-fated STS-51L mission were "very lucky" to be alive.
Young was subsequently reassigned to be special assistant to the director of the Johnson Space Center for engineering, operations and safety until 1996, when he was named the associate director for technical affairs, a position he held until his retirement from NASA on Dec. 31, 2004.
Young was the recipient of many honors for his contributions to space exploration, including the Congressional Space Medal of Honor, NASA Distinguished Service Medal, Rotary National Space Achievement Award, and six honorary doctorates. Young was inducted into the National Aviation Hall of Fame in 1988 and Astronaut Hall of Fame in 1993.
He was awarded the NASA Ambassador of Exploration in 2005, including a moon rock he assigned for display at the Houston Museum of Natural Science, and was bestowed the General James E. Hill Lifetime Space Achievement Award from the Space Foundation in 2010. A stretch of Florida State Road 423 that runs through Orlando is named John Young Parkway in his honor.
Reflecting on his time as a veteran of three programs, Young said the role of an astronaut has not changed, although the technology certainly did.
"I don't think it changed it any," he told the Houston Chronicle in 2004. "You just had to learn a lot of systems and learn how to operate them and be a systems person. That's what we were. We were systems operators."
Additional reporting by Robert Z. Pearlman, editor.
Live Stream Interview with ISS Astronauts gets a Remarkable End
Live Stream Interview with ISS Astronauts gets a Remarkable End
Aboard the International Space Station, Expedition 54 Flight Engineers Mark Vande Hei and Scott Tingle of NASA and Flight Engineer Norishige Kanai of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) discussed life and research on the complex during a pair of in-flight interviews Jan. 3 with KMSP-TV, Minneapolis and the Voice of America.
The interview which seems to be live gets a remarkable end, which starts at about 13.55 in the video what looks like a glitch in a Chroma Key Layer.
A chroma keying technique is commonly used in video production and post-production. So if it is really a glitch in a Chroma Key Layer, then it is not a live broadcast but a post-production, moreover if that should be the case then we may wonder whether the interview was recorded from an unknown location on Earth and edited by NASA?
If we look at a similar interview recorded in 2013 then it seems that certain “Live” interviews indeed happen from a location on earth instead directly “Live” from the ISS.
During that 2013 interview Chris Cassidy accidentally admits they are filming in the USA.
After an innocuous question from a student about his high school days Chris offers some unscripted information about where they are filming which makes the jovial space case seem pretty stressed out for a minute knowing he has said something truly stupid ( 0:56 ) "...Across the United States from where we are talking to you right…”
Chroma key compositing, or chroma keying, is a visual effects / post-production technique for compositing (layering) two images or video streams together based on color hues (chroma range).
The technique has been used heavily in many fields to remove a background from the subject of a photo or video – particularly the news casting, motion picture and videogame industries. A color range in the foreground footage is made transparent, allowing separately filmed background footage or a static image to be inserted into the scene.
Is the ISS live stream feed really "Live" or is it fake and it is all a matter of post production and editing?
Video 1:Fast forward the video to 13:55 and you see a glitch in the three astronauts’ layer. Video 2: Fast forward the video to 00:56 and you hear Chris Cassidy’s remarkable statement.
Humans have made a staggering amount of scientific and technological progress over the past century. We’ve created technology that has transformed our society; scientific advances have helped us answer fundamental questions about who we are and the world that we inhabit. And, yet, mysteries persist.
Why are we compelled to sleep every night? Why are we still not able to “see” dark matter? And where the heck are all the aliens?
People have debated questions like these for decades — sometimes centuries. Fortunately, our unfaltering will to uncover the world’s mysteries has brought us closer to some answers than ever before. Here are six mysteries that still keep scientists up at night, and how close they are to solving them.
1. Why Do We Need Sleep?
Why do we need sleep? This may seem like a straightforward question, but the answer is far more complex than you might think. There have been countless attempts to find a definitive reason as to why humans need to sleep every night, but scientists are still unable to offer a single, definitive answer.
Findings in sleep science have shed some light on the intricacies of sleep stages and brain activity, but ultimately, they have merely offered pieces to an ever-growing, incomplete puzzle. It doesn’t help that we don’t have much to compare ourselves to — as sleeping patterns and brain activity in other animals often deviate significantly from those of humans, further mystifying our understanding of sleep.
Jerry Siegel, a psychiatry professor at UCLA’s Semel Institute of Neuroscience and Human Behavior, has been studying the sleeping habits of animals to understand why humans need to enter a hibernation-like state every night.
“Our understanding and orientation [of sleep] is different than in any other animal because most of us would like to stay awake 24 hours a day. But in the natural world, animals that use a lot of energy are not going to survive,” Siegel tells Futurism. Nature values inactivity — for instance, winter hibernation allows certain animals to recover and store energy when it is not needed. “Across species, energy savings is the main evolutionary impulse for sleep,” Siegel explains. African elephants, for example, only sleep for two hours a day in the wild, likely because they need the rest of that time to feed in order to give their large bodies enough energy to function.
The energy saving theory is one of several that scientists use to explain why we sleep. As scientists have created tools that can track brain activity during the act of sleep, they have come closer to finishing the puzzle and uncovering all of sleep’s mysteries.
For example, the brain has mechanisms in place allowing it to purge itself of unnecessary information during sleep.“Sleep is the price we pay for learning,” Giulio Tononi, a psychiatry professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison tells New Scientist. Tononi and his team conducted experiments on sleeping mice and found that, after sleep, synapses were significantly smaller than those before sleep.
Tononi’s team concluded that the brain needs to allow this activity to diminish in order to solidify information it gathered while it was awake. The brain is bombarded with information during the day, and it reinforces it with strong neural connections. To mix the new information in with all of the existing information, those connections need to weaken to “absorb” it. In other words, sleep allows the brain to make new information pliable enough to fit in with all of the old.
While this theory elegantly describes the brain’s process of making new information stick during sleep, Tononi and other neuroscientists have yet to prove that sleep is actually required for this to happen.
To fully understand sleep, sleep scientists need a better sense of the neurobiological processes of the brain during both wake and sleep cycles. For instance, how come some of us are able to sleep through extremely noisy environments, and some of us can’t? Once we are able to measure exactly how awake or asleep the human brain is, it will bring us even further to knowing all there is to know about sleep.
But one thing has remained clear as ever: Without sleep, we are far worse off. “We know that, if you are sleep-deprived, you have lapses in attention that are actually correlated with intrusions in sleep,” Siegel says. Not getting enough sleep has a direct affect on how much attention you can pay to the world around you. “Certainly when you are driving, losing alertness just for two seconds can be lethal.”
2. What Is Dark Matter, And Why Can’t We See It?
We don’t know what it looks like. We can’t see it. But it makes up more than 26 percent of the matter in the known universe. Since Dutch astronomer Jacobus Kapteyn hypothesized its existence in 1922, we have come to know it exists because of how it interacts with the matter we can observe, but dark matter is still mysteriously invisible to us.
Most of the matter that’s visible to us is made of neutrons, protons, and electrons. But dark matter does not adhere to these classifications. It’s made up of different types of particles we haven’t yet been able to categorize and that interact with light and matter in a completely different way. Dark matter does not absorb, reflect, or emit light. But its gravitational influence does bend light as it passes nearby — that kind of observation is how scientists know that dark matter exists.
Researchers have been studying this phenomenon, trying to unravel its mysteries, almost since its inception. More recently, the Large Hadron Collider at the European Council for Nuclear Research (CERN) has brought us closer to actually doing so — researchers there are working to identify the invisible material by accelerating tiny particles and then studying the energy and momentum involved in their movements when they collide at high speeds.
Recent studies suggest that gravitational wave detectors could allow us to “see” dark matter for the first time. But the truth of the matter (so to speak) is that we are still very much in the dark about one of the most abundant entities in our universe.
Perhaps the best-known theory about the beginning of the universe is the Big Bang theory, in which the universe expanded from an extremely hot and dense singularity around 13.8 billion years ago. But people misunderstand if they think that matter simply exploded into being from nothing, Sutter says. “The Big Bang happened everywhere in the universe simultaneously; it’s not an explosion in space but an explosion of space.” Yet, the exact process of what caused this (and of course, what was there beforehand) remains unknown.
“The earlier we go in the history of the universe, the less we understand,” Sutter says. While we have caught brief glimpses of the universe when it was only 300,000 years old, scientists are still speculating about the extreme forces at play during the universe’s first moments.
Like all good mysteries, a question that seems simple yields more questions that must be solved before we can find the answer to the initial question. “We’re prevented from knowing the very earliest moments (like, less than 10^-40 seconds) because we don’t fully comprehend the quantum aspects of gravity,” Sutter says.
To this end, to fully understand the creation of our universe, we will need to have a comprehensive understanding of the laws of physics that govern matter and antimatter. This is a bit of a problem, as CERN recently confirmed that the Standard Model of particle physics may have to be turned on its head, as it doesn’t account for the majority of the matter the Big Bang produced.
Once we have fully understood the nature of antimatter and how it interacts with matter, we won’t have a final answer to the origin of the universe, but we will come much closer to understanding how it came to be.
4. Where is Planet Nine?
Beyond the Kuiper belt, a mysterious cluster of objects is orbiting the Sun. They orbit even more distant from the Sun than Neptune, but some of the objects’ trajectories don’t seem to fit the expected pattern. Most of them circle around Neptune, kept in the planet’s orbit by its powerful gravity. But a handful of these objects seem to be pulled out of place by something with much greater mass.
Konstantin Batygin, assistant professor of planetary science at the California Institute of Technology, believes that these peculiarities are at least partially caused by the existence of Planet Nine — a yet-to-be-discovered ninth planet in our solar system.
Think of the solar system as a giant disc. The orbits of these strangely behaving objects seem to bend the disc upwards at its edge. Planet Nine needs to be massive to have this kind of influence — a bigger mass than Earth, even. However, despite its apparent mass, we have not yet been able to prove its existence. In part, this is because we only just started looking for it; scientists first started theorizing about its existence in 2014.
However, that’s not the only reason that the planet remains undiscovered. “We haven’t found it yet because it is staggeringly dim,” Batygin says. “With the best telescopes around, we could just barely detect it, we think.” Infrared analysis is out of the question because the instruments are simply not sensitive enough. That forces astronomers to look for reflected light — an even more challenging task than infrared analysis. This is because any light that Planet Nine reflects has to travel from the Sun to the far reaches of the solar system, bounce off Planet Nine, and then arrive back to Earth. Reflected light diminishes exponentially as it crosses a distance; the properties of reflected light are stacked against us finding Planet Nine.
However, with advancements in technology, a more sensitive telescope may be able to register light reflected from it, once and for all confirming Planet Nine’s existence. Astronomers are also using computer simulations to estimate its orbit to get a better sense of where it will be and when. It’s possible that Planet Nine may be simply at a point in its orbit that makes it too distant to be observed.
5. Why Do These Sounds Make My Brain Tingle?
You might have encountered them on YouTube: thousands of videos narrated in hushed voices and accompanied by soft sounds, like massaging a textured piece of fabric or the faint hum of a hair clipper. A specialized microphone gives you the sensation that you are there. For some people, the sound creates the sensation of a scalp massage.
The result of this experience: a relaxing, tingling sensation in the brain in about 90 percent of the population. But why it happens, and why it doesn’t work for everyone, is still unknown.
Craig Richard, a professor of biopharmaceutical sciences at Shenandoah University and founder of ASMR University, has been studying this peculiar sensation since 2013. “We are at the very beginning of unraveling the science behind ASMR,” Richard tells Futurism. While past biological studies have shown that functional connectivity (regions of the brain that light up on a fMRI) is different in brains that experience ASMR than in those that don’t, ASMR remains a mystery. Why is it that only a certain percentage of humans experiences it? Why does it even exist? “I don’t think there will ever be one explanation that satisfies everyone,” he says.
6. Where Is Intelligent Alien Life?
The universe is billions of years old. Considering the age and sheer vastness of our cosmos, it’s hard to comprehend why we haven’t found other signs of intelligent life. Basic probability indicates that we should have found extraterrestrials by now, so where are they?
If extraterrestrial life does exist in our solar system, researchers suggest that it is likely microbial, as opposed to intelligent alien life. These alien organisms are thought to be on small, icy planets, such as the moons of Saturn or Jupiter. Scientists at NASA have conducted studies to investigate the composition and stateof the large oceans on these moons because, they predict, the presence of abundant water might allow alien life to thrive. But so far, these are only educated guesses based on findings of NASA’s Galileo satellite and extensive scanning and observation. NASA is planning to get a closer look by traveling to Jupiter’s icy moon Europa within the next decade.
But even if we did find alien life, would we be able to recognize it? Looking for familiar carbon-based lifeforms that use water as life support might limit us in our quest to find alien life. Scientists must be able to fully distinguish alien messages from all the other noise in space — and even that is far from simple. What if their message is indistinguishable from other frequencies? What if they don’t want to be found?
US has top secret airline that flies directly to mysterious military base Area 51
US has top secret airline that flies directly to mysterious military base Area 51
It turns out that flights that depart from Janet's hub at Las Vegas airport won't show up on departure boards.
Going by the name of Janet, it has a fleet of Boeing 737 airliners operating from McCarran Internatonal Airport in Las Vegas.
If theories are to be believed, there is a top secret airline that one is not meant to know exists. And this airline flies directly to UFO hot spot Area 51.
Going by the name of Janet, it has a fleet of Boeing 737 airliners operating from McCarran Internatonal Airport in Las Vegas and tourists on the Strip may have seen the distinctive red and white jets taking off and wondered where they go on their daily flights.
However, it is interesting to note that they won't show up on departure boards as only US military personnel are allowed to board from a separate hangar called the Gold Coast Terminal, which is guarded by armed men with walkie-talkies.
Apparently Janet, which stands for Just Another Non-Existent Terminal is run by the US Air Force to shuttle workers to secret test sites in the Nevada desert.
Flight tracking radar shows some of the flights - with call signs starting XXX - making the 45-minute journey to the nuclear facility at Tonopah, which has been the focus of many conspiracy theories.
The U.S. Air Force's SR-71 (double cockpit training version pictured)
Other brief flights go to an unspecified destination nearby - believed to be the Area 51 facility famous with alien hunters.
Furthermore, Groom Lake is believed to be used to test experimental aircraft and "black projects" weapons systems. Its existence was only acknowledged publicly for the first time in 2005.
Conspiracy theorists believe the top-secret military base contains the remains of an alien spaceship that crashed in the 1940s. Nobody who flies on the special Janet flights is allowed to reveal where they are going or what their job is.
Conspiracy theorist Nick Pope says, “Area 51 exists - it's part of a military testing range in Nevada - and because of the remote and sparsely-populated location, it's where various secret prototype aircraft and drones are developed and test flown. The UFO and conspiracy theory community think it's the place where crashed UFOs are kept and where the US military are trying to back-engineer this alien technology.”
Janet's six 737 jets and five executive turboprops mostly shuttle back and forth to the two sites in Nevada but also fly to US air bases in California, Utah and Ohio.
The planes can be seen waiting at the private terminal from some rooms at the Mandalay Hotel on the Las Vegas strip, which back on to the airport.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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