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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Europe’s CryoSat satellite was used – over 7 years – to track 10,000 miles (16,000 km) of Antarctic coastline. It can be seen warm ocean water is eating away at Antarctica’s floating margins.
View larger. | Illustration of the rates of grounding line migration around Antarctica between 2010 and 2016, via ESA.
The European Space Agency said on April 3, 2018, that its CryoSat satellite mission has revealed a shifting inward of the grounding lines of ice sheets in Antarctica. Over the last seven years, according to ESA, Antarctica has lost an area of underwater ice nearly the size of Greater London (about 90 miles, or 140 km across, according to ESA said the grounding lines – the place where the base of Antarctic ice sheets leave the seabed and begin to float – is shifting inward.
… warm ocean water beneath the continent’s floating margins is eating away at the ice attached to the seabed.
ESA said that between 2010 and 2017, the Southern Ocean melted about 565 square miles (1463 sq km) of underwater ice. A paper describing these results is published in the peer-reviewed journal Nature Geoscience. The paper describes how CryoSat was used to map grounding-line motion along nearly 10,000 miles (16,000 km) of Antarctic coastline, over seven years.
72 mysterieuze flitsen stellen astronomen voor een raadsel. Wat hebben ze ontdekt?
72 mysterieuze flitsen stellen astronomen voor een raadsel. Wat hebben ze ontdekt?
Met een telescoop in Chili zijn 72 mysterieuze flitsen waargenomen in verafgelegen sterrenstelsels. Astronomen staan voor een raadsel.
Wetenschappers die onderzoek doen naar supernova’s, de explosies die een einde maken aan het leven van reusachtige sterren, legden 72 krachtige lichtflitsen vast.
De raadselachtige flitsen waren net zo helder als supernova’s, maar piekten in een veel korter tijdsbestek en doofden vervolgens veel sneller uit.
Images of one of the transient events, from eight days before the maximum brightness to 18 days afterward: This outburst took place 4 billion light-years from Earth.
Credit: M. Pursiainen/University of Southampton
De 72 lichtbronnen zijn vastgelegd met behulp van een telescoop die moet helpen bij het onderzoek naar donkere energie, waarover nog maar weinig bekend is.
Hoofdonderzoeker Miika Pursiainen van de Universiteit van Southampton in Engeland zei dat hij nog geen verklaring heeft kunnen vinden voor dit ongewone fenomeen.
De flitsen waren slechts een week tot een maand aan de hemel te zien, terwijl supernova’s doorgaans maandenlang waarneembaar zijn.
Veel onbeantwoorde vragen
De objecten hebben temperaturen tussen de 10.000 en 30.000 graden en afmetingen van een paar honderd miljoen tot zo’n 15 miljard kilometer.
Mogelijk gaat het om sterren die materiaal uitstoten voordat ze exploderen. In de meest extreme gevallen kan zo’n wolk van gas en stof de ster helemaal omringen. Als een ster explodeert licht ook deze cocon op.
De ontdekkingen zijn door Pursiainen gepresenteerd op een conferentie in Liverpool. “Ons werk laat in ieder geval zien dat er nog steeds veel onbeantwoorde vragen zijn,” zei hij.
WETENSCHAP & PLANEETZo’n 65 miljoen jaar geleden stonden de dinosaurussen aan de top van de voedselketen, tot een meteorietinslag abrupt een einde maakte aan hun heerschappij op aarde. Dat is toch de gangbare theorie, maar evolutionair expert Gordon Gallup haalt die denkwijze nu onderuit. Volgens hem waren de dino’s al lang op weg naar de uitgang, en wel wegens een gebrek aan smaak.
Prof. Gallup en zijn voormalige student Michael Frederick menen dat de dinosauriërs al in de problemen zaten en aan het uitsterven waren voor een meteoriet ze helemaal van de kaart veegde. Ze leggen dat uit in een nieuwe studie, die gepubliceerd werd in het vakblad Ideas in Ecology and Evolution. Volgens hen lag een fysiologisch probleem aan de basis van de uitsterving: ze hadden een slecht ontwikkeld smaakvermogen.
Het gaat hier meer bepaald om ‘aangeleerde smaakafkeer’, een evolutionair verdedigingsmechanisme dat je vandaag de dag bij de meeste diersoorten ziet. Dat wil zeggen dat dieren kunnen leren welke voeding voor problemen zorgt, zoals buikpijn, en die in de toekomst gaan vermijden. “Dat is waarom we er nooit in geslaagd zijn om ratten volledig uit te roeien, omdat ze geleerd hebben om om te gaan met toxische voeding. Komen ze iets tegen dat ze nog nooit geproefd hebben, dan proberen ze slechts een klein stukje. Bevalt het hen niet, dan zullen ze het voortaan vermijden, omdat ze de geur en smaak linken aan de negatieve gevolgen.”
Giftige planten
Dino’s hebben dat mechanisme echter nooit ontwikkeld. Aan het einde van hun tijdperk - de overgang van het Krijt naar het Tertiair - ontstonden de eerste bloeiende planten. Die angiospermae waren vaak giftig, maar de dieren bleven ze toch eten, omdat ze de problemen die ze ondervonden niet konden linken aan de planten in kwestie. Heel wat dinosaurussen bezweken aan de gevolgen van de toxiciteit, en hun aantallen begonnen achteruit te gaan.
Gallup kwam tot die conclusie na onderzoek bij krokodillen, die rechtstreeks afstammen van de dino’s. Ook zij bleken geen onderscheid te kunnen maken tussen gezond en giftig voedsel. “Hoewel de meteoriet zeker zijn rol heeft gespeeld, stond de soort daarvoor al zwaar onder druk. Hun brein was niet genoeg ontwikkeld om te beseffen wat ze wel en niet mochten eten. De huidige theorie impliceert dat de dinosauriërs plotseling verdwenen zijn, maar de bewijzen zeggen iets anders: ze waren al lang voor de meteorietinslag aan het uitsterven.
If you had “God particle” in the “What will cause the end of the universe?” pool, you stand a good chance of winning … but a poor chance of collecting your winnings. According to new research, scientists believe the universe will end when a tiny bubble begins expanding at the speed of light and devours everything it meets. Even scarier, the bubble will form inside the Higgs field. If that name sounds familiar, it’s the field of energy that creates the Higgs boson particle – better known as the “God particle” – which was discovered at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider in 2012. If the mass of Higgs boson is altered, it could become the particle in the Higgs field that creates the bubble that eats the universe.
Have you guessed the bad news yet?
“At some point you will create one of these bubbles. It will be very unpleasant.”
Harvard physicist Anders Andreassen is the lead author of the study, published recently in the journal Physical Review D, who links the bubble to Higgs boson. The particle’s mass is currently 125 gigaelectronvolts, but it could change. When it does, the end result is that ever-expanding, universe-killing bubble-to-end-all-bubbles. It’s a good thing that hasn’t happened yet, right? Right?
“It’s possible that a bubble has already formed and is hurtling toward us at the speed of light right now.”
Live Science reports that Andreassen gave that depressing observation in an interview. Hopefully, we’ll at least be able to see it coming and make preparations for our demise, right? Right?
“It is sobering to envision this bubble, with its wall of negative energy, barreling towards us at the speed of light. We will never see it coming.”
Is there any good news or should we storm CERN and shut it down?
The Large Hadron Collider
Fortunately, Andreassen and company have been able to at least figure out approximately when the end of the universe will happen — between 10 quinquadragintillion years (one with 139 zeros after it) and 10 octodecillion years (one with 58 zeros after it).
“That is a very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very long time. Our sun will burn up and many things will happen in our solar system before this is very likely to happen.”
Well, that a little good news, right? Right?
Yes, unless you’re one of those physicists who believes the universe will end in a battle between matter and dark matter, which could happen at any time.
Every now and again, when I’m either lecturing on the Men in Black phenomenon, or being interviewed on radio on the subject, the matter of Jello surfaces. Yeah, really. It’s a fact that the MIB and Jello have a connection, as strange as it certainly sounds. Google “Men in Black + Jello” and you’ll see what I mean. You will find numerous references online to a certain case from the 1960s – involving a Man in Black and Jello. But, not everyone knows the full story. So, today, I thought I would rectify that.
John Keel, the author of the acclaimed 1975 book, The Mothman Prophecies, was someone who had a deep interest in the Men in Black enigma and who even found himself in their clutches from time to time. Of the many cases that Keel personally investigated, one of the strangest has persisted – probably because of its sheer weirdness. It’s a story which had its origins in late 1966. And, it’s a story which Keel shared in his 1970 book, UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse. Keel also made mention of the case on many occasions in his lectures, too. But, on with the story.
The location was a field in a rural part of the 19th century city of Owatonna, Minnesota. It was late one night in ’66 when a Mrs. Butler and a friend were staring at a patch of the night sky, watching a curious display of unidentified bright lights dance around. Without warning, one of the lights dropped from the heavens at high speed. Just before it hit the ground, the UFO came to a sudden halt, bobbing just a few feet above the field, not unlike a small boat on ocean waters. In disturbing fashion, Mrs. Butler fell to the ground and briefly appeared to be under some kind of supernatural possession. Suddenly, the light shot away, vanishing into the night sky, and Mrs. Butler recovered. Ominously, and for the next few days, whenever the two friends tried to share the details of their encounter they were hit by pummeling migraines and debilitating weakness. But, there was something else, too.
During the course of the interview between Mrs. Butler and John Keel, something very intriguing surfaced. Quite out of the blue, she asked Keel if he knew anything about mysterious men visiting UFO witnesses; men who looked like military personnel, but who may not have been. Keel, who was hardly a stranger to the MIB phenomenon, played matters down a bit and said that, yes, he had heard a few such stories. Actually, Keel had dozens of such cases on record, but he didn’t want to risk influencing Mrs. Butler. Instead, Keel sat back and listened as she told her story.
Mrs. Butler told Keel that some six months after the UFO sighting, a “Major Richard French” turned up on her doorstep, identifying himself as a representative of the military and asking questions about flying saucers. Just like all of the Men in Black, there was something just not right about Major French: his skin was an odd shade of olive. His face was extremely pointed, and particularly so his chin. He spoke English, but his accent was as blank as it could be. And he was dressed in a suit and a black tie, rather than in a military outfit.
Very oddly, Major French – quite out of the blue – said that his stomach was causing him some trouble. Mrs. Butler offered him some Jello, which he quickly declined. He soon left. The next day, though, the major was back. Yet again, he complained about his stomach. Mrs. Butler again offered him a bowl of Jello, hoping that it might help. Here is where surreal became beyond surreal. For a moment or two, Major French stared at the Jello, seemingly completely unaware of what it was. He then stared at the spoon Mrs. Butler had given him, as if he had no comprehension of what it was. He then awkwardly picked up the bowl and proceeded to try and drink the Jello. Mrs. Butler went silent and stared in disbelief. Major French did not hang around, realizing, it seems, that Mrs. Butler knew something was not quite normal – which is an understatement of absolutely epic proportions. He quickly left, never again bothering Mrs. Butler.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Large ROGUE object moving under the Sun
Large ROGUE object moving under the Sun
Over the years there is much written about a celestial body hidden out of sight that has not been discovered yet, although evidence is building, astronomers say as well as NASA has admitted that that there is a mysterious world called Planet Nine.
The theory is that a mysterious celestial body is lurking on the edge of our solar system with a huge orbit of the sun and although there are many videos showing an unknown huge celestial body often called as a second sun, Nibiru or PlanetX maybe the best example of a possible planetary body near the sun has been caught on the following video.
The video clearly shows an unknown massive object that orbits the sun. MrMB333 who has uploaded the video wonders whether the object is a planetary body, a binary star, or something else what can be explained.
Black UFO Comes Out Of Cloud Recorded By Passenger On Jet, March 2018, 2 videos, UFO Sighting News.
Black UFO Comes Out Of Cloud Recorded By Passenger On Jet, March 2018, 2 videos, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: March 22, 2018 Location of sighting: USA Here is a black mostly cloaked UFO following a passenger plane and was noticed by a person looking out his window. The UFO is seen rising up out of the lower clouds and then turns and begins to follow the direction of the plane, but keeping its distance. This is the same type of alien craft that I reported back in 2015, also seen by a passenger from a jet. I will place the video which is mine from the eyewitness at the bottom of this post to compare and contrast. Click here to see that old 2015 post. The dark UFO hides in the clouds and when a passing jet interests it, it comes out to take a closer look. The UFO is scanning the plane, gathering information and even recording the thoughts of the passengers. Yes, most aliens can hear your thoughts when close. Scott C. Waring-Taiwan Eyewitness states:
Something Strange or UFO Coming Out of The Clouds Next To Plane.
Below is my video on my Channel from an eyewitness back in July of 2015.
Now the USAF is reporting that an F-16 crashed while doing training at Nellis AFB, however I think its all a cover up. You see, Nellis AFB is famous for having an alien base of Tall Whites located behind the old firing range. I believe that a Tall White ship saw the moves of a F-16 as threatening and shot it down. For instance the F-16 could have locked its laser tracking missile system on the UFO...that could be seen as threatening. Tall Whites are said to be hyper aggressive. Tall Whites see themselves as superior to humans and have killed USAF soldiers before for such things as pushing a child Tall White away from your gun, touching a child Tall White at all, or defying any demand they make. Yeah, not the superior species many hoped for, but the US military seems to think there is a great benefit in having them there, probably for military trade. Do you want to learn more about the Tall Whites at Nellis? Then watch this interview of a man who was a non military go between for the Tall Whites and the USAF. Scott C. Waring
Science fiction has had a profound impact on our cultural consciousness when it comes to how we imagine what advanced alien races might be like. In some ways, sci-fi has shaped the contemporary imagination, leading to a great deal of misinterpretation of phenomena we observe in space. We just really want there to be massive motherships zooming through the universe, living out real-life space operas that would put Battlestar Galactica or the Bloodbath of B-R5RB to shame. At least, I really want that to be real. Whether it is or not, astronomers have recently observed what can only be described as a series of extremely bright explosions in space, and there is so far no good explanation. Have we witnessed an intergalactic battle in deep space?
It’d be a lot cooler if we did. Unfortunately, this was likely just another natural phenomenon. We’re utterly alone out here.
The events were detected by the Dark Energy Survey Supernova Programme (DES-SN), a collaborative program carried out at 25 different astronomical institutions which is aimed at tracking down and identifying supernovae and dark matter in the vast black reaches of space. According to their estimates, these explosions – or whatever they were – occurred in a corner of the universe around 4 billion light years away. These mysterious events were extremely hot, with temperatures ranging from 10,000 to 30,000 degrees Celsius (our Sun’s surface temperature, by comparison, is around 5,000 Celsius on average). These explosions were also enormous, ranging in size from several times the distance from Earth to Sun to up to a hundred. Whatever these events were, they were terrifying to behold.
Astronomers with The Royal Society still aren’t sure what exactly could have caused these bright explosions. Typically, supernovae last several months, but these events displayed maximum brightness for only a week or so. One theory posits that a powerful supernovae could have incinerated a cloud of material ejected from a dying star, although much more data is needed before any conclusions can be drawn. Although I have to wonder: would we be able to identify something truly anomalous or unique if we witnessed it? Or what scientists reach for the most likely explanation based on our current knowledge, publish the paper, and move on?
It’s hard to say. Miika Pursiainen of the University of Southampton has been analyzing the data but has so far been left with more questions than answers. “If nothing else,” she says, our work confirms that astrophysics and cosmology are still sciences with a lot of unanswered questions!” When it comes to the mysteries of space, aren’t those the best kind? With the Earth feeling much smaller than it ever did, we need something grand to explore.
The aptly named Shroud of Turin has been shrouded in mystery since its appearance in the mid-14th century. Stored in the royal chapel of the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist in Turin, Italy, it is considered by many to bear the image of Jesus of Nazareth, miraculously transferred to the cloth when it allegedly wrapped the body after burial. Others who believe the carbon dating which indicates the cloth was made in the mid-14th century refer to the mysterious image as the Man in the Shroud. Whoever it is, we now had a 3D sculpture of the image, courtesy of Giulio Fanti, a teacher of mechanical and thermal measurements at the University of Padua in Padua, Italy, and a student of the Shroud.
Full-length photo of the Shroud of Turin
“This statue is the three-dimensional representation in actual size of the Man of the Shroud, created following the precise measurements taken from the cloth in which the body of Christ was wrapped after the crucifixion. Therefore, we believe that we finally have the precise image of what Jesus looked like on this earth. From now on, He may no longer be depicted without taking this work into account.”
From that quote in the Italian weekly magazine Chi and reported by Turin’s La Stampa news source, there seems to be no doubt in Fanti’s mind whose image is on the shroud … and now on a three-dimensional statue (picture here). While is well-protected in Turin from both the curious and the elements (the last public viewing was arranged by Pope Francis in 2013), Giulio Fanti has had access to the Shroud and numerous photographs and tests of it in his quest to prove its validity and disprove the carbon-dating tests. He’s the head of the Shroud Science Group, about 140 scientists dedicated to study of it, and has authored 8 books and more than 50 scientific works on the Shroud.
As a professor of mechanical engineering, Fanti was an ideal candidate to look at the two-dimensional measurements of the Man in the Shroud as a blueprint and translate them into three-dimensional directions which were then given to plaster master Sergio Rodella, who made the actual statue. In that respect, it’s no surprise that the ‘man in the statue’, like the Man in the Shroud, measures 5 feet, 11 inches in height, has a beard, long hair and Caucasian features, and looks like a man who died traumatically.
“On the Shroud, I counted 370 wounds from the flagellation, without taking into account the wounds on his sides, which the Shroud doesn’t show because it only enveloped the back and front of the body. We can therefore hypothesize a total of at least 600 blows. In addition, the three-dimensional reconstruction has made it possible to discover that at the moment of his death, the man of the Shroud sagged down towards the right, because his right shoulder was dislocated so seriously as to injure the nerves.”
The wounds may match a crucifixion, but the size and features don’t match what other historians believe Jesus of Nazareth looked like. In her new book, “What Did Jesus Look Like?“, Joan Taylor, professor of Christian Origins and Second Temple Judaism at King’s College London, used archaeology, images on coins and in paintings, and texts from the time period to determine what Jews in Judea and Egypt at the time of Jesus looked like. From that, Taylor thinks Jesus was about 5 feet 5 inches (1.7 meters) tall with brown eyes, black hair and olive-brown skin … but no long hair, beard or European nose and features. (Depictions here)
Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist in Turin
Scientifically speaking, Fanti has created an accurate 3-D statue of the Man in the Shroud, and Taylor has depicted an accurate image of what a Jewish man living in Nazareth at the time of Jesus would look like. Do either conclusively prove or disprove the identity of the Man in the Shroud? No. Does the Catholic Church or any other religious body require belief that the Man in the Shroud is Jesus of Nazareth? No.
7 UFO’s waargenomen bij ruimtestation ISS. Worden we in de gaten gehouden?
7 UFO’s waargenomen bij ruimtestation ISS. Worden we in de gaten gehouden?
Geclaimd wordt dat op livebeelden van de NASA in totaal zeven UFO’s zijn gezien bij het internationale ruimtestation ISS. Dat schrijft de Daily Star.
Beelden van de onbekende objecten zijn op YouTube gezet door ene ‘Graham’. Hij denkt dat we binnen nu en 15 jaar oog in oog zullen komen te staan met aliens.
Hij merkte op dat wereldwijd steeds meer UFO-waarnemingen worden gedaan. “We worden in de gaten gehouden en geobserveerd als onderdeel van een soort enorm laboratoriumexperiment,” zei hij.
Niet vijandig
“Ik ben van mening dat de andere rassen die onze planeet bezoeken niet vijandig zijn,” voegde Graham toe.
“De technologie waar ze over beschikken stelt hen in staat om enorme afstanden te overbruggen,” klonk het. “Ze zouden ons in een oogwenk kunnen vernietigen.”
Het feit dat we er nog zijn betekent dat ze hier zijn om ons te helpen of te observeren, aldus Graham.
De objecten verschenen op 31 maart bij het ISS. De man heeft de beelden op zijn kanaal Conspiracy Depot gezet.
“Uiteindelijk zullen ze zichzelf bekend maken,” zei Graham nog. “Ik denk dat disclosure binnen nu en 15 jaar zal plaatsvinden.”
Critici zeiden dat de objecten mogelijk fragmenten waren van het op hol geslagen Chinese ruimtestation Tiangong-1, dat onlangs naar beneden kwam.
The Atacama Cover-up: How Global Disclosure is being hijacked by the Intelligence Community AND Close-Encounters of the 5th Kind: The Ultimate Civil Disobedience Action.
The first country to consider hosting an Embassy for Extraterrestrials
The first country to consider hosting an Embassy for Extraterrestrials
Raelians starting negotiations with first country to consider hosting an Embassy for Extraterrestrials
Thousands of Raelians worldwide will hold public events on March 31st – day that founder and spiritual leader of the Raelian Movement, Rael, declared “ET Embassy Day,” in order to raise awareness about their major project: the building of an Embassy to welcome an extraterrestrial civilization to earth.
“This year is very special,’’ said Raelian Guide Daniel Turcotte, Rael’s assistant for the ET Embassy Project. ‘’Up until now, several countries had shown a genuine interest for this very auspicious project, but this year, for the first time, a country has invited Raelian representatives to discuss this unique and enthusiastic project.’’
“This week, the host country candidate has been handed an optional protocol to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, provisionally titled the “Optional Protocol Concerning Embassies for Extraterrestrials,” explained Turcotte. “The meeting also addressed the possibility for this country to hold the first international conference to discuss this protocol.”
Turcotte explained that the country granting a land, the necessary extraterritoriality, and the authorization for the ET Embassy to be built within its territory will not only benefit financially, but will also become the spiritual and scientific center of the planet for millennia to come, and happiness will prevail within its borders.
‘’Welcoming an extraterrestrial civilization isn’t a mere fantasy the way it was viewed as in the 70s when Rael created the Raelian Movement with the mission of building an Embassy to welcome them,” added Turcotte. “Since then, thousands of planets have been discovered including some with an atmosphere and all the necessary elements to sustain life. Not to mention that scientists now agree that the probability of intelligent life outside our solar system is very high, and millions of people have seen UFOs and know that an extraterrestrial civilization is showing interest in us, thus confirming this probability.”
“The conditions for the general population to accept the idea of an official welcome are met, but violence on our planet is so high that we need the wisdom of those who created us and who want to meet us again more than ever,” concluded Turcotte.
Raelians believe that an extraterrestrial civilization created all life on Earth including human beings, and they believe it is a very peaceful and far more advanced civilization compared to ours, both scientifically and philosophically.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Aliens could soon make contact, claims conspiracy theorist
Aliens could soon make contact, claims conspiracy theorist
The evidence presented by Graham was obtained during a live feed from the ISS on March 31.
(Youtube Screengrab/ Conspiracy Depot)
In a bizarre revelation, a conspiracy theorist has claimed that the Nasa live stream from the International Space Station has produced evidence of seven UFOs lingering above Earth.
The theorist not only believes it to be proof of existence but is also sure that the aliens are probably friendly.
The unknown conspiracy theorist, who simply goes by the name ‘Graham’ claims that with so many ‘sightings’ from ISS, the aliens could come face-toface-with humans in as little time as 15 years.
Talking to the Daily Star, the UFO-tracking conspiracy theorist said aliens are here and making their way to us.
He added that with increased sighting all across the world, it is possible that humans are being watched and observed like a ‘large planet sized scale lab experiment.’
He went on to add, “I am of the opinion that the other races visiting our planet are not hostile.”
He backs his claim by saying that with all the technology they must employ to travel vast distances etc, they could wipe humans out in the blink of an eye and the fact that nothing has happened means “they are here to help or observe.'
The evidence presented by Graham was obtained during a live feed from the ISS on March 31.
He then uploaded the edited footage to his YouTube channel Conspiracy Depot.
It was revealed that the UFOs were observed between 11:20 pm BST and 11:50 pm BST.
However, not all are convinced, with many attempting to discredit the claims, saying that the anomalies could be fragments of the Tiangong-1 Chinese space station in one of its last orbits around Earth.
It’s pretty hard to have a level-headed conversation about aliens, except if you’re super skeptical, which you should probably be. But if you really want to understand astrobiology, or the science of life outside of earth, it’s crucial to understand how to talk about extraterrestrial life without sounding like the guyfrom Ancient Aliens. (Sorry, Giorgio Tsoukalos.)
On the series premiere of I Need My Space, Inverse’s first-ever podcast, SETI senior astronomer Seth Shostak tells hosts Rae Paoletta and Steve Ward that he and NASA are looking for different types of ET. For us Earthlings, it pays to know the difference.
“The [former] chief scientist for NASA [Ellen Stofan] said about two years ago … that within two decades we’d have god proof of ‘biology elsewhere,’ biology beyond Earth,” Shostak says. “Mind you, what NASA’s looking for is life that’s maybe not so clever. [Stofan] was likely talking about life on one of the moons of Jupiter or Saturn, maybe on Mars.”
Shostak’s driving at the difference between a hypothetical alien microbe and something more sophisticated. About a decade ago, Shostak bet a crowd of attendees at a talk in Germany we’d find a signal from intelligent life within two dozen years. If he was wrong, Shostak said he’d buy them all a cup of coffee.
Clearly, we haven’t found evidence of extraterrestrial life, intelligent or otherwise. But scientists have some ideas about where alien microbes could be hiding. Enceladus, one of the moons of Saturn, is a prime suspect since it appears to contain all the necessary ingredients for life. Europa, one of Jupiter’s moons, is similarly a favorite among astrobiologists, since it contains a large subterranean ocean like Enceladus’s. Where there’s (probably) water, there’s (maybe) life.
Finding intelligent life is clearly more complicated, and this is where SETI comes in: the institute listens for radio and/or light signals that could be sent from distant, civilized aliens. No luck so far, but Shostak says he stands by his bet and doesn’t plan on buying that coffee any time soon.
“It hasn’t been two dozen years, and I’m not willing to give them the coffee before that because I really can’t afford it,” he says. “But I am buying some Starbucks stock to hedge against it.”
Check out more from the conversation with Seth Shostak in the first episode of I Need My Space. It’d mean the world to us if you subscribed, rated, and reviewed INMS.
Hello! You've made it to the end of the article. Nice. Here's a related video you might like: "This "Atacama" Skeleton Belongs to a Mutant, Not an Alien"
HOLLY TOWNSHIP (WJRT) (04/03/18) - Strange lights filled the sky along I-75, capturing the attention of dozens of people Sunday night.
Several of them pulled over near the Grange Hall Road interchange around 9:30 p.m. to capture video of them.
The array of lights moving in waves through the evening sky were hard to explain. Some even wondered whether Mid-Michigan was being paid a visit from parts unknown.
"At first I started doing a video, then I thought, no way, I need to do a Facebook Live because nobody's going to believe me," said Kaylin Adams, who recorded the strange lights.
She couldn't quite believe what she was seeing herself.
"I saw at first they were blue lights and they were just kind of in line, because they were just kind of waving. That's what caught my eye first," Adams said.
Then the lights started moving in strange ways, like nothing they had ever seen before.
"It changed formations and started changing colors. At one point they all got in line and changed to red, white and blue and then got in a jumbled formation," Adams said.
She didn't know what to think of the sight unfolding in front of her eyes.
"Everyone was saying it was aliens and UFOs. I had no idea, at first. I was just so mind blown," Adams said.
For 24 hours she wondered. Her videos posted to Facebook got hundreds of thousands of views.
Monday evening, she and everyone else mesmerized by the lights got their answer. A local drone company was testing their show over a field on Grange Hall Road used by remote controlled aircraft.
Adams said the reaction to her short video is even more surprising than the light show itself.
"It's been crazy. The one video that I posted has 250,000 views on it," she said Tuesday afternoon. "I'm just so shocked to the reaction to it."
DONNA HUNT: Local UFO sightings date back 140 years
DONNA HUNT: Local UFO sightings date back 140 years
THIS sketch by Jim Shelton was given by him to Denison Herald in 1981 as his depiction of a UFO he saw in May of that year
( Courtesy Image )
By Donna Hunt, For the Herald Democrat
Back in 2005 when I told my husband I was going to write a column on unidentified flying objects, he told me not to do it because it would open a real can of worms. He was so smart. Today when I pulled my UFO file out of the cabinet, it is at least an inch thick.
But here goes again. This morning, I read an article by Dana Branham in The Dallas Morning News about a Dallas lawyer looking for a gravestone for a Martian named Ned that had been stolen from a cemetery in Aurora, Texas. It rang a bell.
Sure enough, about half the articles in my file contain information, not about a gravestone, but about a sighting in January 1878 in the Denison Daily News. That’s pretty close to the April 1897 date that Ned, the Martian is supposed to have crashed his spaceship in Aurora, northwest of Dallas.
An early day article in The Denison Herald questioned whether the 1878 sighting could have been the first printed report of a UFO sighting that took place, quoting John Martin, a farmer living some six miles north of Dallas, who said on a Tuesday morning, while he was out hunting, his attention was directed to a dark object high up in the northern sky.
He said the peculiar shape and the velocity with which the object seemed to approach riveted his attention and he trained his eyes to discover its character. He said it was about the size of an orange and continued to grow in size. After watching it for some time he said he became blind from long-looking and left off viewing it for a time to rest his eyes. When he resumed looking, the object was almost overhead, he said, and had increased considerably in size as it went through space at what he called “a wonderful speed.”
When it was directly over him, it was about the size of a large saucer or as he could judge at such a distance, a balloon that seemed to him to be the most reasonable solution of the strange phenomenon. It left as quickly as it had appeared and he soon lost sight in the southern sky Martin said.
This “saucer” hadn’t yet been associated with UFOs and wouldn’t become a part of the UFO craze for almost 75 years. But unexplained objects high up in the sky have been around a lot longer that that, at least in the North Texas sky.
Bonham in Fannin County had a sighting even before the 1878 one in Denison. According to an Internet timetable of the “unexplained.” In 1873, it is said that a huge cigar-shaped object swooped low over Bonham on two occasions in broad daylight then disappeared quickly to the east.
A Bonham farmer in June of that year said he looked up from his work and was astonished by what looked like an enormous flying snake, banded with brilliant yellow swipes, writhing and twisting in the sky above him.
Another Internet article titled “Serpents in the Sky,” went into greater detail about the “sighting.” It related that in broad daylight a fast moving object appeared in the sky southwest of Bonham. The people there first stared at it, not believing their eyes. It is believed that they may have seen drifting balloons before, but this was so large and traveling so fast that it was almost a blur, according to the article.
The story goes that farmers were so scared that they dived under their wagons and towns people ran inside. Only a few of the braver were said to have stood their ground and watched as the object circled Bonham twice then vanished. Some said the object was round and others said oval to cigar shaped. Twenty-four hours later, a device of the same description was sighted over Fort Scott, Kansas.
Another article from the internet headlined “The Aurora Crash” takes us back to the April 17, 1897, spaceship crash in Aurora that was seen approaching the city heading in a southwest direction. This was a long time before such a crash had taken place in Roswell, New Mexico.
In Aurora, the UFO was said to have crashed into a windmill early one morning and broke into many pieces, destroying the UFO and the only inhabitant that was inside. However, once an investigation was begun, it was said that the farm on which the craft crashed had no windmill.
When word got out of the crash and Aurora citizens went to see for themselves, they found what was described as a “small being not of this world” that was badly disfigured. They called the being a “Martian pilot” and buried the body in the local cemetery and even gave it a headstone. That is what Dallas attorney Stratton Horres wants to find and is offering a $1,000 reward for, according to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.
It’s a little ironic, but the missing grave marker that accompanied the Dallas News article and a sketch given to the Denison Herald by Jim Shelton in 1981 are almost the same. Shelton’s sketch depicts a UFO that he saw in May that year that he described as “cigar-like shaped” with fire streaming in sparks from the rear and green and yellow pulsating lights. Ned’s grave marker, according to the photo, was a large irregular shaped boulder with the cigar shaped craft carved into it. It appears to have three windows where Shelton’s drawing is the same shape with six window openings in it. Someone has written on the Aurora marker, “Rest in peace, my alien brother.”
A free tour of the UFO crash site and Ned’s grave are on tap in Aurora for April 28 this year to mark the 121st anniversary of the reported crash.
There have been lots of other so-called “sightings” in the North Texas area, one even sighted on long-range radar at Perrin Air Force Base in 1953. A radar technician at Perrin said he was performing routine maintenance on a Plan Position Indicator when he saw a huge blip in the New York area. At the time, Perrin was a long-range early warning base.
Radio contact told Denver and Salt Lake bases of the sighting and they confirmed it. F-86 fighters from Perrin and others from Denver and Salt Lake were ordered to intercept and destroy. They were staggered at altitudes of 500 feet to try to get the sighting.
The last report that I found was written in 2005 and said the formation seemed to be heading toward Dallas. The radar technician said they watched as the fighters headed toward the objects that had crossed the border of Oklahoma into Texas. The object stopped, made a right turn and took off toward the northwest at a terrific speed.
He said there were eight officer radar operators and three radar techs in the tech’s hut during the episode and within 10 minutes of the last sighting, a group of about eight men in civilian suits and 14 uniformed armed guards came into the hut, separated the group and took them at gunpoint to a hangar on the back side of the field where they were interrogated for about four hours. During that time they had to draw diagrams of what they saw and write a narrative of everything that took place. He said the “fear of God” was put into them to NEVER talk about it to anyone. In fact, he said they had to sign a document that threatened them with a $10,000 fine and 10 years in prison for violating the Official Secrets Act.
The radar operator, who would be in his 90s or older now, has spoken in defiance of the document that he signed. He continued to say that the objects violated the laws of physics and he doubted that they were from this earth. It’s not known whether he is still living.
After decades of looking to the outer solar system and beyond for signs of extraterrestrial life, an international team of scientists is suggesting that humanity take another look at a planet a little closer to home: Venus.
Although the surface of Venus is much too hot and inhospitable for life as we know it, scientists have long thought that microbes could be comfortably reproducing in the clouds of the Venusian atmosphere. Now, a new study in the journal Astrobiology suggests that dark patches in the atmosphere of Venus could, just possibly, be caused by light-absorbing bacteria. To find out, the study authors want to send a floating aircraft to comb the skies of Venus.
Earth's sister Venus, the second rock from the sun, is similar in size, mass, and composition to our home planet—but that is generally where the comparisons end. The planet's atmosphere is 96.5 percent carbon dioxide and almost 3.5 percent nitrogen. The runaway greenhouse climate keeps surface temperatures hovering around 864 degrees Fahrenheit (462 degrees Celsius), while atmospheric pressures on Venus can be as high as pressures a kilometer deep in the oceans of Earth.
But for all the planet's seemingly inhospitable traits, “Venus has had plenty of time to evolve life on its own,” said University of Wisconsin-Madison scientist Sanjay Limaye, who led the new study, in a press release. Limaye points to models that suggest Venus could have sustained a habitable climate with liquid water on its surface for as long as 2 billion years. “That’s much longer than is believed to have occurred on Mars,” says Limaye.
A composite image of the planet Venus as seen by the Japanese probe Akatsuki. The clouds of Venus could have environmental conditions conducive to microbial life.
American and Soviet probes studying Venus in the 1960s and 70s revealed that the temperature and pressure conditions in the lower and middle portions of the Venusian atmosphere—around 25–27 miles up from the surface—do not necessarily preclude life. In 1967, Carl Sagan co-authored a paper with noted biophysicist Harold Morowitz suggesting that life could exist in the clouds. "While the surface conditions of Venus make the hypothesis of life there implausible, the clouds of Venus are a different story altogether," Sagan and Morowitz wrote.
A chance encounter convinced Limaye to give the planet another look. Talking with co-author of the new paper Grzegorz Słowik of Poland’s University of Zielona Góra, Limaye learned about bacteria on Earth with light-absorbing properties. With a group of researchers, they noted similarities between the bacteria and a mystery within the atmosphere of Venus: dark spots in the atmosphere.
NASA has studied "an unknown UV absorber" embedded within the Venusian clouds. In presentation slides, the agency says that "the unknown UV absorber has been a subject of intense scrutiny since the dawn of the space age." At the moment, the only probes which have observed this phenomenon have lacked the technical capability to distinguish between materials of an organic or inorganic nature. This unknown absorber, Limaye's team suggests, could be alien bacteria in the clouds of Venus.
“On Earth, we know that life can thrive in very acidic conditions, can feed on carbon dioxide, and produce sulfuric acid,” says Rakesh Mogul, a professor of biological chemistry at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, and a co-author on the new paper. Similarly harsh conditions might be able to sustain life amongst the clouds of Venus, something the team suggests could be similar to algae in lakes on Earth—except floating in the clouds.
There are many unknowns surrounding the new hypothesis, including when exactly Venus's water supply evaporated. Limaye and his colleagues have an idea for how to get find the answers: the Venus Atmospheric Maneuverable Platform, better known as VAMP. A hypothetical aircraft proposed by Northrop Grumman, the VAMP would steer like a plane and float like a blimp through the skies of Venus, taking samples of the Venusian atmosphere. This craft would carry instruments capable of identifying living microorganisms.
“To really know, we need to go there and sample the clouds,” says Mogul. “Venus could be an exciting new chapter in astrobiology exploration.”
The Pyramids Of Giza As Seen From Space Photographed By the ESA
The Pyramids Of Giza As Seen From Space Photographed By the ESA
Who said you can’t see the Pyramids of Giza from space? A new image provided by ESA’s Proba-1 spacecraft has captured in stunning detail the Pyramids of the Giza plateau, proving that you can, in fact, see the magnificent structures from space.
The Great Pyramid of Giza and its accompanying structures located on the Giza plateau have remained an enigma for archaeologists and scholars for hundreds of years.
Shrouded in mystery, the Great Pyramid of Giza is without a doubt one of the most mind-boggling monuments ever erected on Earth, and its beauty is even visible from space.
The European Space Agency recently published a stunning image of the Giza plateau starring the Pyramids of Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure.
As the ESA’s Proba-1 Spacecraft passed over Egypt, its cameras caught a glimpse of the stunning ancient monuments. Proba-1 is a Belgian satellite that was outfitted with two cameras capable of capturing high-resolution images of the planet. The minisatellite, launched in 2001, is the ESA’s longest-serving Earth-observing mission, reports CNET.
A view looking north to south of Egypt’s famous Giza Pyramid Complex, as seen by ESA’s Proba-1 minisatellite.
The space agency decided to share the image of the bird’s-eye view of the Giza pyramid complex on Wednesday.
ESA’s photograph offers a perspective from north to south.
At the center of the image is we can see the smaller Pyramid of Menkaure, said to have been built to house the tomb of the fourth dynasty Egyptian pharaoh for which it is named.
If we take a look to the left of Menakure, we will spot the larger pyramid of Khafre standing tall at 488 feet.
Next to it, below and to the left of Khafre, we can spot the largest of the pyramids at the Giza plateau, the Great Pyramid of Giza, aka the Pyramid of Khufu.
It is believed that the Great Pyramid of Giza was built thousands of years ago by the ancient Egyptians which erected the stunning monument in around 20 years.
The structure is believed to have been completed in 2560 BC.
Thousands of years ago, the ancient builders of the Pyramid used more than 2,300,000 stone blocks that weigh from 2 to 50 tons each to build a structure that would stand the test of time.
The outer mantle of the Great Pyramid of Giza was composed of 144,000 casing stones, all of them highly polished and flat to an accuracy of 1/100th of an inch, about 100 inches thick and weighing approximately 15 tons each.
Astrophysicist: ETs May Have Already Lived And Died In Our Solar System
Astrophysicist: ETs May Have Already Lived And Died In Our Solar System
As science continues to search the cosmos for evidence of intelligent extraterrestrials and, at the very least, for habitable planets that might harbor even non-intelligent life, one scientist is raising another eye-opening question: Was there a time in the far distant past when an advanced civilization actually lived on one of the planets of our solar system, long before earthlings evolved?
Pennsylvania State University astrophysicist Jason T. Wright suggests that ancient aliens may have lived on nearby planets hundreds of millions of years ago, before vanishing without a trace.
In a new scientific paper, “Prior Indigenous Technological Species,” published in Cornell University’s research archive, ArXiv, on April 24, Wright speculates:
One of the primary open questions of astrobiology is whether there is extant or extinct life elsewhere in the solar system. Implicit in much of this work is that we are looking for microbial or, at best, unintelligent life, even though technological artifacts might be much easier to find.
But if a prior technological, perhaps spacefaring, species ever arose in the solar system, it might have produced artifacts or other technosignatures that have survived to present day.
Here, I discuss the origins and possible locations for technosignatures of such a prior indigenous technological species, which might have arisen on ancient Earth or another body, such as a pre-greenhouse Venus or a wet Mars.
HuffPost asked Wright how far back in time he thinks aliens might have lived in our solar system and if some of them may still be lingering out there.
“It seems pretty clear there aren’t any now. That’s become more clear as we’ve explored the solar system robotically. In terms of large, intelligent, technological civilizations, that seems pretty case closed,” he said in an interview Friday.
While Wright pays tribute to the imaginations that created tales of Martians and moon dwellers in his paper, he remained cautiously open-minded about what’s possible in time and space. “While the applications of this idea in science fiction are usually fanciful, it is unclear to what degree the existence of such species in reality is allowed or disallowed by evidence,” he wrote.
In the interview, he said he thinks it’s interesting to wonder if there could have been a previous species on Earth that used technology like we do and if there’s any room in the geological or fossil record for that, or have we completely foreclosed it?
“My guess is that we can rule out big swaths of the Earth’s history. The farther back you go, the harder it is to rule something like that out. If they’re very old, there may not be any traces. Things don’t last long. If you put something in orbit around the sun, it’ll be subject to collisions with asteroids and meteors.
“So, anything, including planetary surfaces in the solar system, just gets constantly hit with these things. When you’re on the surfaces of objects, like asteroids or moons or planets, those surfaces can also completely turn over, given enough time.”
NASA defines astrobiology as “the study of the origin, evolution, distribution and future of life in the universe. This multidisciplinary field encompasses the search for habitable environments in our solar system and habitable planets outside our solar system.”
Wright told HuffPost of two important ingredients in looking for signs of life somewhere in space.
“In the field of astrobiology, we talk about what are called biosignatures. If you look at a planet or a moon that has life on it, how would you know? What is the signature ― the signal ― that says this is life and not a completely sterile object? So, that’s a biosignature.
“A technosignature is the same idea but not for any life― it’s for the technology that’s been engineered and constructed and designed by life. For instance, a radio transmitter would be one of our most obvious technosignatures. And we build large structures. The Empire State Building is a technosignature.”
According to Wright, it’s important to keep searching.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
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