The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Voor het eerst helium in atmosfeer van exoplaneet gevonden -
Voor het eerst helium in atmosfeer van exoplaneet gevonden -
WETENSCHAP & PLANEET De Amerikaans-Europese Hubble ruimtetelescoop heeft voor het eerst helium in de atmosfeer van een exoplaneet (een planeet buiten ons zonnestelsel) gevonden. Dat heeft het Hubble Space Telescope Institute in Baltimore bekendgemaakt, en is beschreven in het wetenschappelijke vakblad Nature.
Een groep wetenschappers vond met de Hubble helium in de atmosfeer van exoplaneet WASP-107b. De ontdekking is meten een primeur in het onderzoek naar planeten buiten ons zonnestelsel.
Na waterstof is helium het meest voorkomend gewoon element in ons zonnestelsel, legt hoofdonderzoeker en studente Jessica Spake van de Universiteit van Exeter in Groot-Brittannië uit. Het is ook één van de belangrijkste bestanddelen van “onze” planeten Jupiter en Saturnus. Ondanks een zoektocht was helium nog niet bij een exoplaneet gevonden.
De ontdekking was mogelijk door het infrarode spectrum van de atmosfeer van WASP-107b te analyseren.
Het hemellichaam is één van de minst dichte die tot nu toe bekend zijn. De planeet heeft ongeveer dezelfde grootte als de reuzenplaneet Jupiter, maar slechts twaalf procent van diens massa.
WASP-107b bevindt zich op ongeveer 200 lichtjaar van ons en heeft minder dan zes dagen nodig voor een baan rondom de moederster.
De hoeveelheid helium is zodanig groot dat de bovenste laag van de atmosfeer zich duizenden kilometers ver in de ruimte moet uitstrekken, luidt het.
Hubble has been used to detect helium in the atmosphere for 1st time ever on a world outside of our solar system! Exoplanet WASP-107b is 1 of the lowest density planets known. While it is about the same size as Jupiter, it has only 12% of Jupiter’s mass:
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Ondanks alle nepnieuws over het klimaat en dat de aarde zou opwarmen door de mens, is er maar één factor die de temperatuur op aarde bepaalt en dat is de zon.
Wanneer er dan onverwachte dingen gebeuren, zoals momenteel, dan heeft dit wel degelijk effect op de temperatuur op onze aarde.
Wij schrijven al langere tijd dat gezien de ontwikkelingen op de zon, je kunt concluderen dat we regelrecht afstevenen op een veel kouder klimaat. Dat dit ook niet maar enkele jaren zal duren, maar misschien wel een periode van 50 jaar of langer, net zoals tijdens het zogenaamde Maunderminimum, ook wel de Kleine IJstijd genoemd.
Het Maunderminimum is de naam die aan een periode (1645 tot 1715) wordt gegeven, waarin buitengewoon weinig zonnevlekken te zien waren. De periode is vernoemd naar de astronoom Edward Maunder, die de ontdekking deed toen hij verslagen uit die tijd bestudeerde. In een periode van 30 jaar werden bijvoorbeeld maar 50 zonnevlekken waargenomen, terwijl dat normaal tussen de 40.000 en 50.000 zijn.
De activiteit op de zon heeft een cyclus van elf jaar, waarbij het (aantal zonnevlekken) langzaam opbouwt tot een maximum om vervolgens weer geleidelijk af te nemen tot aan een volgend dieptepunt, waarna het weer opnieuw begint.
Op het volgende kaartje zie je de zo goed als vlakke lijn gedurende het Maunderminimun, waarna rond 1715 de normale zonnecyclus weer begint en je ook ziet dat de pieken sinds het midden van de vorige eeuw steeds hoger worden.
Echter, na 1980 worden de pieken van de zonnecyclus steeds lager:
Wanneer deze trend verder doorzet, dan is de volgende cyclus nog lager en gaan we zo langzaam maar zeker richting een nieuwe mini ijstijd.
De huidige cyclus 24 eindigt begin 2019 en we hadden nu volgens de computermodellen nog zeker enige activiteit op de zon moeten waarnemen. Maar, volgens de laatste berichten op Space Weather, krabben wetenschappers zich nu achter de oren, want dit is de situatie op de zon nu:
Geen enkele zonnevlek te bekennen, terwijl er dat toch zeker ongeveer 15 hadden moeten zijn, gezien het punt in de cyclus waar we nu zijn.
Op het volgende kaartje is te zien waar wij ons precies bevinden in de cyclus en het rode lijntje geeft het niveau aan waar we nu hadden moeten zijn met het aantal zonnevlekken en de blauwe geeft de werkelijke situatie weer; niets nada.
Dr. Tony Phillips in zijn artikel op Spaceweather verbaast zich dan ook over het verdwijnen van de zonnevlekken. Niet over het verdwijnen op zich omdat we naar het einde van een 11-jarige zonnecyclus lopen, maar wel over de snelheid waarmee dit gebeurt.
Iemand die zich ook niet houdt aan de “verplichte klimaatopwarming” theorie is de astrofysicus Piers Corbyn, de grote man achter en de broer van de Engelse leider van de Labour partij, Jeremy Corbyn.
In onderstaande video legt hij uit dat de mini ijstijd in feite al is begonnen en dat we ons de komende decennia kunnen opmaken voor een late start van de zomer, koele zomers, een korte herfst en strenge winters met veel sneeuw.
Hij roept dan ook politici te stoppen met al die maatregelen die energie duurder maken en ervoor te zorgen dat de energieprijzen nu omlaag gaan omdat dit iets is dat iedereen de komende tijd hard nodig zal hebben.
What does the United States Government really know about UFOs, and are there secrets about advanced technologies that are being kept from the general public? If so, are these technologies of our own design, or has there been an unnamed source–possibly otherworldly–which can account for their presence on Earth?
As the old saying goes, “there’s nothing new under the sun.” In keeping with this, many in UFO circles–in particular advocates of greater transparency on such issues in government–argue that the United States could possess more knowledge pertaining to the UFO subject than it lets on. Further, it is argued that politicians who have attempted to get to the bottom of the mystery in the past have been met with resistance by those in upper echelons of the so-called “Deep State.”
However, is there any truth to such claims?
Putting ideological attitudes toward this subject aside, there is some legitimacy to the idea. However, to understand the dynamics of the issue, it helps to look at a few notable examples, one of which comes to us as recently as last Friday, when something novel aired on History Channel’s long-running and popular program, Ancient Aliens. In a departure from its usual running list of characters, former Hillary Clinton campaign manager John Podesta made an appearance on the show, discussing his candidate’s long-time advocacy of greater transparency toward the UFO issue.
While much of the content featured on Ancient Aliens takes healthy liberties with what it presents as facts, it is true that Hillary Clinton has a history with the politics (or maybe exopolitics, as it were) of the UFO issue. This goes all the way back to when her husband became President-Elect, and the Arkansas couple were invited by Laurance Rockefeller to his ranch to discuss his interest in the subject; ultimately, this led to the establishment of the UFO Disclosure Initiative to the Clinton White House in 1993.
Also during the recent airing of Ancient Aliens, it was further noted that with the election of Donald Trump, a broader effort toward UFO disclosure was stifled in American politics. This also may be true to some extent (as we’ll see in a moment), although the program’s narration, as provided by other commentators appearing on the show, appeared to insinuate that there could have been something tantamount to a “conspiracy” that orchestrated the entire affair; in other words, that Clinton simply wasn’t allowed to claim the presidency, since doing so might result in the release of UFO secrets to the American public.
In truth, all of this is a new iteration of a long-running narrative which holds that elected officials seeking the truth about UFOs have been repeatedly barred from obtaining such knowledge. The concept has threads that run all the way back to the end of the Second World War, and the supposed acquisition of alien technologies by the U.S. government. Many U.S. Presidents, including Eisenhower, Truman, and others of the postwar era, are implicated in such theories, although with the election of John F. Kennedy, they take on a more sinister tone.
One such narrative, based on a memorandum sent to then-director of NASA James Webb, holds that Kennedy possessed knowledge about UFOs, and wished to have clear communications with the Soviet Union pertaining to what he called “the knowns and unknowns.” This document, while legitimate, seemingly makes reference to unidentified flying objects and Kennedy’s apprehension that the Soviets might mistake such objects for being U.S. technologies. A similar memorandum, dated just days before Kennedy’s assassination, details his request to the CIA that he be briefed on these alleged “unknowns.” Thus, many JFK assassination conspiracy theorists lump the UFO issue in with possible reasons for Kennedy’s death, despite no clear connections that can be made between the two.
While the UFO subject can at least be tangentially linked to nearly every U.S. President, other notable examples include Jimmy Carter’s request to then CIA Director George Herbert Walker Bush about UFO information, to which he responded that Carter, “didn’t have a need to know for that information.” Carter had previously observed a light in the sky that he couldn’t identify while serving as Governor of Georgia; similarly, President Ronald Reagan once observed an object he couldn’t identify while serving as Governor of California.
Returning to Hillary Clinton’s interest in UFOs, prior to the 2016 election, her views on the issue were widely publicized following an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live! where she discussed the issue of UAP, as she termed it at the time, and that she and her prospective administration hoped to get to the bottom of it. Also during the 2016 election season, with the release of a number of John Podesta’s private emails by Wikileaks, we learned that the longtime UFO advocate was apparently making allowances (despite the contentious election season) for meetings with other notable UFO advocates like Tom Delonge, in the months leading up to the launch of the former Blink 182 rocker’s To The Stars Academy.
Much of the discussion in the recent episode of Ancient Aliens seemed to rely on the presumption that Clinton, if elected, would have been more successful at releasing UFO data than predecessors that included her husband, former President Bill Clinton. By itself, her election would have been no guarantee that such information–if it exists–would have been revealed. On the other hand, based on her past statements in relation to UFOs, we do know that she would likely have been more proactive in this regard than our current commander in chief, who appears to show no interest in the subject.
Understandably, some might dispute the “if it exists” caveat given earlier, and so to clarify on this point, it is meant to reference prior investigations by researchers like John B. Alexander, Ph.D., who found little evidence of government interest in the UFO subject (see Alexander’s book UFOs: Myths, Conspiracies, and Realities for more on this). Granted, in light of more recent happenings, even Alexander’s well-reasoned assessment of government UFO interest seems in contrast somewhat with news like last December’s New York Times bombshell, which divulged a Pentagon UFO program; and one which, as researcher Paul Dean points out, seems to have at least a couple of different names.
Altogether, while it is certainly novel and noteworthy that someone of John Podesta’s prominence in U.S. politics would appear on a program like Ancient Aliens, it’s not entirely surprising, given his long history of involvement with the subject. However, to further assert that Clinton’s chances of winning the U.S. Presidency were somehow prevented on the basis of her UFO advocacy is a baseless claim; one which builds onto an existing narrative that involves UFO secrecy in the United States, comprised of a few obvious truths… and a lotof rumor and hearsay.
Aside from catastrophic climate change, deadly supervolcano eruptions, cataclysmic earthquakes, or any of the other ways the Earth is trying to kill us, the Earth’s magnetic field may someday be a source of disaster. Many doomsday predictions revolve around the hypothetical havoc a magnetic pole reversal could wreak, despite NASA’s assurances that we’ll all be fine. Based on geological evidence, scientists believe the Earth’s magnetic poles reverse around every 200,000 to 300,000 years, although it’s been over twice that long since the last reversal.
Will Santa Claus have to pack up shop and move south? Er, to the new north?
Scientists using new European Space Agency satellite swarms have detected that the Earth’s magnetosphere is on a weakening trend and unexplained magnetic anomalies are popping up around the world. Now, new data has revealed further anomalous activity in our planet’s magnetic field, and geologists don’t know exactly what’s going on. Could those doomsday predictions be on to something?
Geomagnetic anomalies have even been proposed as possible causes for recent mass animal deaths.
Probably not. As it turns out, some scientists actually think the poles aren’t due to reverse any time soon despite their geological tardiness. and the strange weakening events detected. The University of Liverpool’s Richard Holme recently published a study which argues that despite these recent anomalies, a reversal event may be unlikely when current data is compared with historical reversal events:
By studying the two most recent excursion events, we show that neither bear resemblance to current changes in the geomagnetic field and therefore it is probably unlikely that such an event is about to happen. Our research suggests instead that the current weakened field will recover without such an extreme event, and therefore is unlikely to reverse.
Instead, this research argues, the Earth might be experiencing what’s known as a “geomagnetic excursion” in which the magnetic field weakens and comes close to reversing before returning to its original structure. Still, that doesn’t mean there will be no ill effects of all this geomagnetic weirdness. More and more airliners have been grounded by unexplained in-flight illnesses lately, possibly demonstrating the effects of increased cosmic radiation penetrating the Earth’s weakened magnetic field. Could even worse side-effects be on the way?
In my previous article – titled “A Strange Tale of a Black-Eyed Boy” – I told the story of a man I spoke with just a couple of weeks ago who suspected that aliens might be infiltrating our society by trying to make themselves appear far more human-like than they would look normally. It’s an undeniably outrageous and over the top theory, but (you knew the “B word” was coming…) there are more than just a few such reports on-file. In the previous article, the witness – “Mike” – described the Black-Eyed Child he encountered in Wimberley, Texas just a few years ago as wearing a black wig and painted-on eyebrows. Mike suggested to me that if the very pale-looking boy (or whatever it was) removed the wig and got rid of the faked eyebrows, then he/it might have appeared very alien-like. Yep, I said it was controversial! While this case is the first one I have come across where a BEC is seen wearing a wig and painted-on eyebrows, there are somewhat similar cases involving the Men in Black and the Women in Black. In fact, there are many of them. Is Mike correct? Are we being infiltrated by strange and unearthly things? Let’s see.
In the latter part of October 23, 1971, the U.S. press reported: “A part-time housekeeper at President Nixon’s Key Biscayne retreat has testified she was put in a hypnotic daze by a stranger who told her to shoplift four dresses. Shirley Cromartie, 32, and a mother of three, pleaded no contest Thursday and was given a suspended sentence after law enforcement officers and a psychiatrist testified they believed she was telling the truth. Mrs. Cromartie holds a security clearance to work in the Florida White House, according to testimony. She said a woman met her in a parking lot and asked the time, then ordered her to take the items and bring them to her.
“Mrs. Cromartie testified she fell into a daze when the young woman released a jasmine-like scent from her left hand. ‘I just sort of lost my will … it was a terrifying experience,’ she testified. Mrs. Cromartie joined the Key Biscayne White House housekeeping staff about a year ago, according to FBI Agent Leo Mc Clairen. He testified her background was impeccable. Dr. Albert Jaslow, a psychiatrist, said he examined her and found she could be hypnotized ‘quickly and easily’ and believed she was telling the truth. ‘But it wasn’t the same when he hypnotized me,’ Mrs. Cromartie said. ‘I couldn’t remember anything afterwards. Whatever that young woman did to me, it was like being in a sleepwalk, only awake.'”
It turns out that the mysterious woman was dressed in black, wore what was clearly a wig and seemed to take control of Mrs. Cromartie’s mind. John Keel – of The Mothman Propheciesfame – suggested that Mrs. Cromartie’s wig-wearing Woman in Black was linked to the bogus, and sometimes wig-wearing, “government census takers” who plagued certain witnesses to the Mothman of Point Pleasant, West Virginia in the 1960s. Keel even went so far as to suggest that the wig-wearing woman put on “…not some small demonstration for the benefit of President Nixon.”
Karen Totten is an artist and sculptor. Her experience with a similar woman is told in Mac Tonnies’ book, The Cryptoterrestrials. Karen said: “[W]hen I was 17 I was working in a small convenience store, when a ‘woman’ came in to buy cigarettes. At first I didn’t pay any attention to her until I saw her hand (when she handed me the money) – it was not like a normal human hand. This startled me so I looked up and saw a very pale entity, wearing a thin black coat (like a rain coat) with collar turned up to cover her neck, a heavy long haired wig, and very large black glasses. This did not entirely hide her strange face: a very pointed chin, scant lip and nose. She did not speak. Took her cigarettes and left! I was kinda stunned. Oddly I cannot remember the details of her hand (though it was the first thing I noticed). Nor do I think she left in a car which was odd since most patrons drove up the store (it was somewhat isolated).“
Karen added: “…whether this entity is a ‘gray’ or a ‘hybrid’, I can only guess. I have never seen what is described as a classic gray alien. Perhaps ‘hybrid’ is most fitting simply because there seems to be some variety of attributes associated with this general category; i.e. that do not fit perfectly with the classic gray alien type (size of head being foremost). Some details that I do recall with some clarity: First, her skin: it was very pale, white with an almost bluish-gray tint to it, and of an unusually smooth texture. I have never seen anything like it before or since. I had previously seen an albino person; it was nothing like that; i.e., her skin was not UN-pigmented though there was an almost translucent quality to it.”
“A Hesitant Believer” is someone who had just such an encounter, too, and only a handful of years ago. He told me: “The woman, who was about 5’6, emaciated, and looked about mid-20s, wore a black evening gown with elbow-length satin gloves and had a clashing bright green knit shawl around her shoulders. She had a short bob haircut with bangs, though it really looked like a poorly cared-for wig. She had the same high forehead, cheekbones, and blue eyes as her partner, although her eyes were more narrow and slightly slanted. Neither one had eyebrows. As I started cleaning up behind the bar, the woman began clearing her throat impatiently, so I walked over to see what they wanted (I wanted them to get the hell out of my bar). That’s when I noticed the stench emanating from this woman. Not only did she smell like she hadn’t bathed in a month, she also smelled like chemicals. I used to apprentice as an embalmer, and I swear that woman smelled just like formalin.”
It’s intriguing to note that the MIB and the WIB encountered by “AHB” lacked eyebrows – just like Mike’s Black-Eyed Child. And, just like the boy, the woman seen by “AHB” wore a wig. Moving on…
In November 2014, I spoke with an elderly woman – Gloria – from Decatur, Texas. In an in-person interview with Gloria, she told me that after seeing a UFO over her home in the summer of 2012, she was visited by a Woman in Black. The visitor was a pale-faced, thin woman of about thirty, wearing a long black wig and dressed in a black jacket, a white blouse, and a flowing, black skirt. And then there were the huge sunglasses. Gloria felt deeply uncomfortable as, upon opening the door, the Woman in Black proceeded to warn her not to talk about the UFO she had encountered the previous day, due to the claim that “the government is concerned.”
There are more of these wig-wearing, sunglasses-wearing figures – and sometimes without eyebrows – than you might think. The cases above are just the tip of the iceberg. Are supernatural/alien entities infiltrating us? Are they doing their best to appear just like us, but clearly failing in the process? Infiltration or not, the fact is that such absolutely bizarre cases abound.
Twinkling UFO Caught On Camera Hovering In English Sky
Twinkling UFO Caught On Camera Hovering In English Sky
A video shows a pair of flickering balls of light hovering over Landbeach, a tiny village in eastern England. A man in Cambridgeshire, England recorded on video an apparent UFO floating in the night sky.
According to the witness report, he saw the two lights while going out for a cigarette before sleep at around 11 o’clock at night.
The witness stated that he saw one of the UFOs approximately 300 feet in the sky in white colour and the other one was hovering just above the tree line and orange in colour. The orange one hovered for around five minutes before it disappeared and the one in the video, hovered for approximately 15 minutes, which reportedly stayed there after the witness went back inside.
The man first thought the light was a twinkling star but changed his mind when it started making erratic movements. He stated that the light darted out slightly, went behind a tree, and came out again. The witness felt like it was staring at him.
He explained that looking for UFOs is not his thing. He admitted that he was quite spooked as he could not think of anything that would explain the strange light. He ruled out an aeroplane or a helicopter as possible explanations because he heard no engine sound. He also said that it could not have been a drone because it wasn’t looked like it.
Cultures with a deep understanding of the metaphysical planes of existence still recall a remote period in time when humans freely interacted with “people from the stars,” and it all happened on this planet we call our home.
Prior to the merciless conquest of the Americas by the rapacious Europeans, there were various cultures in these areas not sharing the beliefs of the colonialists, but instead possessing unique belief systems, as well as precious ancient knowledge.
Much of this information had been eradicated by the colonialists of that era, but several ideologies were fortunate enough to surpass the test of time and are now offering bewildering insight, since these ancient concepts are contradictory to the established Western paradigm.
Surviving tribes speak of the “Star People,” a term referring to various beings of otherworldly origins who at some point in time descended from the sky in order to share some of their wisdom with the early inhabitants of the Earth worthy of their “gifts” of knowledge.
These timeworn peoples had established contact with diverse species of advanced extraterrestrials, proof of this standing the multitude of myths depicting such encounters.
Although disconnected by millenary periods of time, former cultures of the Americas speak of flying objects and technology so advanced that it could have been confused with magic. The narratives of the Native American tribes are particularly luxuriant in details.
“My people tell of Star People who came to us many generations ago,” writes Richard Wagamese of the Wabaseemoong First People.
“The Star people brought spiritual teachings and stories and maps of the cosmos and they offered these freely. They were kind, loving and set a great example. When they left us, my people say there was a loneliness like no other.”
And he goes on saying that:
“If Star people did come to the Ojibway, where did they go? Where did they come from? Who brought teachings to them? What scientific magic did they own that allowed them to make such an incredible journey – and is it possible for us?”
Hopi Indians know they owe much of their cultural heritage to their ancestors who came from the Pleidaes, and much of their lifestyle seems analog to the depicted attitude of those aliens.
Does this prove their origins myths hold more truth than fiction? It could very well be the case.
Petroglyph at Legend Rock close to the Thermopolis, Wyoming
The Dakota people allude to the same star cluster as the place from where their ancestors had arrived.
Not far from them are the Cree, who believe that at some point in remote history, their founding fathers descended from the stars, just that in spirit form, and have later materialized into human beings.
Lakota natives speak of mystical celestial entities which developed energy shields around them whenever transcending into the material world. They were often seen as luminous orbs of light and would sometimes adopt gifted children to journey with them across the cosmos.
This entire concept of alien visitors is not at all new or unknown to the Native Americans, but they perceive this topic from a more spiritual point of view than us Westerners.
Author of Plains Cree, Stephane Wuttunee explains this more thoroughly in a UFO digest article:
“[My people] give far greater attention to the seeking of the spiritual understanding of things rather than going after ‘the truth’ as people from dominant cultures do. This is part of the reason why we tend to stand back and view or listen at first, rather than bare in with questions or take the hard, direct approach.”
The tightness of Wuttunee’s community allowed him to lend an ear to the stories of his elders which comprised information that had been passed down one generation after another.
The stories often reminded of “distant relations and Star People living among the stars” that had established contact with his tribe.
“Far from being anything to be feared, Star People was just another term i grew up around,” acknowledged Wuttunee in his paper.
“I remember listening in awe and fascination at the thought of us having relations that lived off and outside our world, and sometimes spoke to them in my silent moments at night. I wanted to know who they were and what they looked like, if they had families like us and so on.”
“It wasn’t until my later teens that I discovered that people from the dominant culture were talking about the same ‘people’ as my elders did, though each sides’s sense of perception of these people seemed radically different from one another.”
So, could Wuttunee’s words be the product of our modern-day understanding of extraterrestrials combined with the imaginative nature of his elderly’s tales?
It could be, but the fact that Native Americans have been talking about “flying shields” since forever speaks in favor of another reality.
Hopi petroglyphs displaying Star People and their “flying shields” hovering above their heads
Before the UFO phenomenon became a widespread media phenomenon, an Oglala Sioux mystic known as Black Elk (1863/1950) who had cruised along Buffalo Bill during his Wild West Show, depicted one of his UFO encounters, proving that such meetings were not just some isolated event, but they were instead embedded into the lives and culture of Native Americans.
“So, when I went to vision quest, that disk came from above. The scientists call that an unidentified flying object, but that’s a joke, see? Because they are not trained, they lost contact with the wisdom, power and gift.”
“So that disk landed on top of me. It was concave, and there was another on top of that. It was silent, but it lit and luminesced like neon lights…Then these little people came, but each little group spoke a different language.
“They could read minds, and I could read their minds. I could read them. So there wa silent communication. You could read it, like when you read silent symbols in a book. So we were able to communicate…They are human, so I welcomed them. I said, ‘Welcome, Welcome…”
There’s no denial that all Native American tribes maintain a vigorous bound with Mother Earth. They refer to themselves as the “original caretakers” of the Earth and condemn the Western path towards inevitable destruction.
According to them, the bond between this planet and her children has been severely disrupted, and this uprooting phenomenon humans are experiencing right now is the exact reason why it has become so hard to maintain connection with the Star People.
At the same time they offer a key to unlock this ancient and sacred union between the ETs and ourselves.
It comes in the form of a global awakening, a shift in consciousness that would make us once again worthy of reaching out (or being reached) by these advanced beings.
This may sound appealing and somehow realistic in the future, but I’m afraid that all Earth’s creatures are in the same boat, and the powers that be have all the necessary means to blow an irreparable hole through the deck, serving us all a one-way-ticket to the blackness of space.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
“It is ironic that the U.S. would begin a devastating war, allegedly in search of weapons of mass destruction, when the most worrisome developments in this field are occurring in your own backyard. It is ironic that the U.S. should be fighting monstrously expensive wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, allegedly to bring democracy to those countries, when it itself can no longer claim to be called a democracy, when trillions, and I mean thousands of billions of dollars have been spent on projects about which both the Congress and the Commander in Chief have been kept deliberately in the dark.”
It was only three years ago (2013) that the Central Intelligence Agency finally admitted to the existence of Area 51. Although it didn’t ‘officially’ exist before the CIA made this admission, it was pretty clear that something secretive was going on in the Nevada desert. That secretive something would be the testing of secret aircraft and technology that the public has absolutely no idea about. Take for example the U.S. air strike against Libya in 1996. An f-111 jet was used, which had been operational since 1983, but its existence was still kept secret for a number of years after.
These programs are referred to as Special Access Programs (SAP), and they are funded from what’s known as the ‘Black Budget.‘ From these we have unacknowledged and waived SAPs. These programs do not exist publicly, but they do indeed exist. They are better known as ‘deep black programs.’ A 1997 US Senate report described them as “so sensitive that they are exempt from standard reporting requirements to the Congress.”
It’s also important to mention that the United States has a history of government agencies existing in secret. The National Security Agency (NSA) was founded in 1952 but its existence was hidden until the mid 1960’s. Even more secretive is the National Reconnaissance Office, which was founded in 1960 but remained completely concealed for 30 years.
Under-Ocean & In Bottom Military Bases
Research into and discussions of under-ocean and in-bottom military bases began decades ago. For example, in 1968 the Stanford Research Institute discussed the construction of dozens of undersea bases. The study was titled “Feasibility of Manned In-Botton Bases.” It’s important to show you the abstract here, because it clearly reveals what the military-industrial complex was considering, and what they could do within their technological reach at the time — more than four decades ago.
*I obtained this abstract from the source listed below, if you would like to see it yourself, you can find it HERE.
The construction of thirty manned in-bottom bases within the ocean floors is technically and economically feasible. However, it will be necessary to establish some successive types of experimental facilities before a full construction program can be started. This could take 15 years. The major technology for a land-linked station in-bottom is established now; only adaptations are needed. The remaining experimental phases will require further development of equipment and techniques applicable to remote sea access. There are useful assignments for a succession of three experimental stations other than advancing in-bottom construction techniques. Science and engineering concerned with the oceans and their resources will be furthered and military tests of undersea base functions complimenting deeper operations can be accomplished. The costs of the experimental phase, called here a demonstration program, can be surprisingly modest: approximately one half-billion dollars, spent over 15 years.
A distinction between in-bottom bases and on-bottom facilities is made in the numbers of men enclosed. and the depth of water, wherein areas of one-atmosphere space can be created in-bottom, and on-bottom facilities is made in the numbers of men enclosed and the depth of water, wherein areas of one atmosphere space can be created in-bottom at such low costs the ingress system can be amortized if the space required is reasonably large. Economics thus can dictate choice between the two types; even so, some on-bottom facilities will be needed to aid the construction of remote in-bottom facilities.
Presently, establishing an in-bottom facility and building upon this will present fewer technical difficulties that do the submersibles which would support it and use it. Subsequent to the completion of the third phase of a demonstration program, which would be a remote, deep water station, and the evaluation of it, a multiple base program, could be implemented. The cost of such a base program would be about $2.7 billion for construction of a number of bases (assumed at 30).
So, do these bases exist today without question? I think they do, just like Area 51 existed without question.
In 1987 Deputy Director of Engineering and Construction for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Lloyd A. Duscha, gave a speech at an engineering conference titled “Underground Facilities for Defense – Experience and Lessons.” In the first paragraph of his speech he states the following:
After World War II, political and economic factors changed the underground construction picture and caused a renewed interest to “think underground.” As a result of this interest, the Corps of Engineers became involved in the design and construction of some very complex and interesting military projects. Although the conference program indicates the topic to be “Underground Facilities for Defense – Experience and Lessons,” I must deviate a little because several of the most interesting facilities that have been designed and constructed by the Corps are classified. (Lloyd A. Duscha, “Underground Facilities for Defense – Experience and Lessons,” in Tunneling and Underground Transport: Future Developments in Technology. Economics and Policy, ed. F.P. Davidson (New York: Elsevier Science Publishing Company, Inc., 1987, pp. 109-113.)
He then went into a discussion of the Corps’ involvement in the 1960’s in the construction of the large and elaborate NORAD base buried deep beneath Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado. This is just a public statement, but you will not find a more significant public admission of secret, underground bases than this one. Such speeches are not the only evidence available, however. There also exist documents obtained by researchers through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) that shed more light on the subject, and clearly outline plans for the contraction of underground facilities.
Another great example of in-bottom bases deep underneath the ocean floor comes from William B. McLean, who was the inventor of the Sidewinder air-to-air missile and former Technical Director of the China Lake Naval Naval Ordnance Test Center (NOTS). He was also the Technical Director of the U.S. Naval Undersea Warfare Center in San Diego. McLean made some comments to John Newbauer, who at the time was the Editor-in-Chief of Astronautics and Aeronautics, stating that these plants and projects were already in development. (“A Bedrock View of Ocean Engineering,” Interview of William B. Mclean by A/A Editor-in-Chief John Newbauer, Astronautics and Aeronautics (April 1969): 30-36.)
This was in 1969, but keep in mind that the abstract above is from 1968, meaning that these constructions could have been under development before, or shortly after this publication.
What Do These Facilities Look Like?
Walter Koerschner, who was an illustrator for the United States Navy’s Rock-site team during the 1960’s, contacted Richard Sauder, Ph.D, who has researched this topic extensively. This was at the time when the Navy had plans for technically complex and very large buried manned bases beneath the ocean floor.
His background is verified, documents like this, or a simple google search of Waters name along side “US Navy” or “US Navy Illustrator” would suffice.
He contacted Dr. Sauder to provide him with some of the original illustrations he had done for this project, and they are very telling. Dr. Sauder, in his book Hidden In Plain Sight,provides these illustrations and goes into detailing regarding the science and engineering behind these projects. It is quite fascinating and I recommend you check him out if you are interested in learning more.
Here is an excerpt and picture from the book:
This ‘racetrack’ facility – also called the ‘Nautilus Concept’ – that can dock three submarines at a time, with an adjoining sister facility that also can handle multiple submarines. The picture is virtually self-explanatory. Large submarines are hundreds of feet long, so the dimensions of a facility such as shown here would have to be very large. The central docking area might be more than a thousand feet long and easily more than a hundred feet in diameter. The living quarters would obviously have to accommodate hundreds of crew members in some degree of creature comfort.
The book has many other illustrations from Koerschner, but unfortunately I cannot seem to find any more online.
It Doesn’t End With Area 51
There are also known underground facilities in existence. Take for example the Swedish underground military facility at Musko. It’s a large naval base built underneath a mountain. The hospital alone within this facility holds over 1,000 beds. Musko engineers blasted out 1,500,000 cubic meters of stone in order to build it
The world’s most prominent researcher on Underground Military Facilities (in my opinion), Richard Sauder, Ph.D, told of an interesting story in his book Hidden In Plain Sight that I’d like to share with you:
As it happens, after giving a public talk a couple of years ago, I was approached by a man who had been a uniformed member of the United States Navy. We chatted for a while and when he mentioned that he had spent some time at China Lake my ears perked up. I asked him if there was an underground facility at China Lake. He said that indeed there is, and that it is impressively large and deep. I asked him if he had ever been in it, and he said that he had, though not to the deepest levels. I asked him how deep the deepest part extended. He looked at me soberly and said very quietly, “It goes one mile deep.” I then asked him what the underground base contains. He replied, ‘Weapons.’ I responded, “What sort of weaponry?” And he answered without pausing, “Weapons more powerful than nuclear weapons.”
There are documents available which expose a deep underground command center that was to be built far below regions such as Washington, D.C. and China Lake, California during the Cold War. Documents show that in 1964 the military was considering building a huge underground cavity 4,000 feet deep beneath China Lake, and it’s well known that the United States and the Soviet Union created a vast infrastructure to support a complex of offensive and defensive weapons during the Cold War. This infrastructure included sites and facilities for developing, testing, storing, and manufacturing weapons. There was also a host of communication and command centres.
The very first TOP SECRET memo on the subject was issued by Robert McNamara on November 7th, 1963 from the office of the Secretary of Defense. A second memo was issued on the same day concerning a proposed Deep Underground National Command Center that would be approximately 3,500 feet beneath Washington. The memo also mentioned elevator shafts below the State Department and White House that would descend to 3,500 feet, with high speed, horizontal tunnel transport to the main facility. And this was way back in the 60’s. Imagine what technological feats we are capable of now.
A World Of Transparency is required if our race is to evolve out of our infancy. Maybe one day, everything will come to light.
An object falls straight to the ground over somerset during a heavy thunder storm April 24th just gone, this even happened only a few miles from where i live and i even experienced this heavy event with my own eyes, I've also added a clip at the end of this video which shows a bolt of lightning striking a house only 20 feet from where i was filming.
Check out more recent UFO sightings and bizarre videos @
It resembles a fingerprint, doesn’t it? But it’s really a galaxy, rotating. This image is from ESA’s Gaia space observatory. It shows the rotation of the Large Magellanic Cloud.
Last week, ESA’s Gaia mission released a much-awaited second batch of data, providing information on a phenomenal 1.7 billion stars in our Milky Way, which would make it the richest star catalog to date. The data also include information about stars beyond our own Milky Way galaxy. One example is illustrated in the image above, which focuses on one of the nearest galaxies to our Milky Way, the Large Magellanic Cloud, or LMC. This small galaxy, visible from Earth’s Southern Hemisphere, is considered a satellite galaxy to our Milky Way.
Gaia’s job is what’s called astrometry; that is, the space observatory scans the sky repeatedly, observing each of its targeted stars multiple times (ESA said an average of 70 times) over its five-year mission.
In this way, Gaia is gathering data about how stars move in our galaxy and nearby galaxies like the Large Magellanic Cloud. The image above combines the total density of stars detected by Gaia in the LMC. The information reveals the proper motion of stars – their velocities across our sky – which is represented as the texture of the image, and which gives it a fingerprint-like appearance. ESA said:
Measuring the proper motion of several million stars in the LMC, astronomers were able to see an imprint of the stars rotating clockwise around the center of the galaxy. The impression of motion is evoked by the swirling nature of the line texture.
Bottom line:Image from the ESA’s Gaia mission of the rotation of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) looks like a giant fingerprint in space.
“I have never been a fan of the multiverse. If the scale of different universes in the multiverse is large or infinite the theory can’t be tested.”
Stephen Hawking said of his study: “We are not down to a single, unique universe, but our findings imply a significant reduction of the multiverse, to a much smaller range of possible universes.”
Does Stephen Hawking’s last study – published May 2, 2018, in the peer-reviewedJournal of High Energy Physics – prove or disprove the existence of parallel worlds? No. It’s a theory, one of many ideas in modern cosmology, many of which lead to the multiverse concept, the idea that our universe of stars and galaxies is just one of many possible separate universes. Some physicists told media sources that Hawking’s final paper did:
… set out the groundbreaking mathematics needed for a spacecraft to find traces of multiple Big Bangs.
The paper makes no statements about observational tests. It’s … one of literally several thousand ideas for what might possibly have happened in the early universe.
In fact, the study has been commented on extensively, since it first appeared online in July 2017, in the preprint journal arXiv. Hawking and Thomas Hertog, a former student and frequent collaborator at Belgium’s Catholic University Leuven, posted an updated version of the study on arXiv on March 4, 2018, just 10 days before Hawking’s death on March 14 in Cambridge, England.
The study centers on the decades-long conflict between Albert Einstein’s general relativity theory (nature at very large scales, for example, how gravity works), and quantum mechanics (nature at very small scales; for example, the attempt to understand subatomic particles). The video below, posted to Vimeo just three days ago, features Thomas Hertog explaining more:
Hawking and Hertog’s latest study deals specifically with a subset of Big Bang theory, called eternal inflation. Most modern Big Bang theories incorporate the idea of an inflation, which calls for an exponential expansion of space in the universe’s first fraction of a second. Eternal inflation suggests that some pockets of space keep expanding exponentially forever, while some (like the one we inhabit) don’t.
If this theory is an accurate description of the cosmos, then we live in a multiverse consisting of many isolated bubble universes.
If it’s true, then our entire known cosmos of galaxies and stars exists inside a sort of bubble, but many other bubbles – forever unknowable – exist outside ours. Some might have laws of physics similar to (or even the same as) ours. Some would operate very differently. The University of Cambridge issued a statement about Hawking’s final study this week. It explained:
The observable part of our universe would then be just a hospitable pocket universe, a region in which inflation has ended and stars and galaxies formed.
Hawking said in one of his last interviews:
The usual theory of eternal inflation predicts that globally our universe is like an infinite fractal, with a mosaic of different pocket universes, separated by an inflating ocean. The local laws of physics and chemistry can differ from one pocket universe to another, which together would form a multiverse.
But I have never been a fan of the multiverse. If the scale of different universes in the multiverse is large or infinite the theory can’t be tested.
And indeed, in their new study, Hawking and Hertog say this account of eternal inflation as a theory of the Big Bang is wrong. Hertog said:
We predict that our universe, on the largest scales, is reasonably smooth and globally finite. So it is not a fractal structure.
Hawking in the 1960s with his first wife Jane. He said: “My goal is simple. It is a complete understanding of the universe, why it is as it is and why it exists at all.”
Cambridge’s statement explained more and showed how Hawking and Hertog’s study incorporated some of the most far-out physics of our time:
The theory of eternal inflation that Hawking and Hertog put forward is based on string theory: a branch of theoretical physics that attempts to reconcile gravity and general relativity with quantum physics, in part by describing the fundamental constituents of the universe as tiny vibrating strings. Their approach uses the string theory concept of holography, which postulates that the universe is a large and complex hologram: physical reality in certain 3D spaces can be mathematically reduced to 2D projections on a surface.
Hawking and Hertog developed a variation of this concept of holography to project out the time dimension in eternal inflation. This enabled them to describe eternal inflation without having to rely on Einstein’s theory.
Hertog said:
When we trace the evolution of our universe backwards in time, at some point we arrive at the threshold of eternal inflation, where our familiar notion of time ceases to have any meaning.
The new study harks back to Hawking’s earlier no boundary theory, which predicted that – if you go back in time to the beginning of the universe – the universe shrinks and closes off like a sphere. The new study is a step away from the earlier work, Hertog explained, and he said:
Now we’re saying that there is a boundary in our past.
In the film below, Stephen Hawking, James Hartle and Thomas Hertog explain their model of the early universe – The No Boundary Proposal – a model of the Big Bang that included quantum effects. These scientists say it explains some of the deepest mysteries of the cosmos such as, is there a multiverse? How is there an arrow of time? What really happened during the Big Bang?
Bottom line: Stephen Hawking’s last study was published May 2, 2018, in the peer-reviewedJournal of High Energy Physics.
An Astronomer Believes He Spotted Three UFO’s Flying Between Earth And The Moon
An Astronomer Believes He Spotted Three UFO’s Flying Between Earth And The Moon
An Astronomer Believes He Spotted Three UFO’s Flying Between Earth And The Moon
YouTube has become widely known for featuring countless UFO videos. There are so many videos on YouTube that it’s hard to keep track of them all.
Some of them are hoaxed content created by ‘Video Publishers’ just for revenue, while other videos (much fewer) actually approach the UFO phenomenon from a more scientific point of view.
Now, an amateur astronomer has turned towards YouTube’s online community to try and make sense of three mysterious objects he spotted while observing the Moon from Earth.
The person in charge of uploading the ‘controversial footage’ to YouTube was an amateur astronomer who has a channel called Don’t Stop Motion, who argue he is unsure whether the objects he spotted with his telescope were helium balloons or space junk that he managed to film just as he was exploring Earth’s natural satellite.
Unlike many other videos uploaded to the video-sharing network, the author of this video is just as confused as we are.
“So, I was filming the Half moon on Sunday and caught something weird passing in front of it. At 1:18 in, 3 objects cross the moon. I THINK it’s some helium balloons someone must’ve released, but can’t confirm. Anyways, enjoy. Let me know what you think.”
Although he considers that they could have been helium balloons, he has no evidence to support this information.
Obviously, after watching the video footage all sorts of theories have been proposed.
It could have been space junk.
He may have filmed helium balloons.
But also, as some commentators argue, the amateur astronomer may have filmed a crystal-clear video of three disc-shaped UFO’s flying between our planet and the moon.
“They move too fast to be balloons. They have the same speed and the same direction, “say some of the commentators who lay into the UFO explanation.
One of the best comments the video made fun of Musk’s Tesla Roadster traveling the solar system: “3 tires fell off Tesla’s roadster”
If you have not seen the footage yet, I invite you to see the clip we shared here below so that you can judge for yourself and tell us what you think the mysterious objects may have been.
Maybe after all, and as many people have claimed, there is without a doubt a great UFO presence on Earth.
NASA to Discuss Demonstration of New Space Exploration Power System
NASA to Discuss Demonstration of New Space Exploration PowerSystem
Marc Gibson, Kilopower lead engineer, and Jim Sanzi, Vantage Partners, install hardware on the Kilopower assembly at the Nevada National Security Site in March 2018
Credits: NNSS
Media are invited to attend a news conference at NASA’s Glenn Research Center in Cleveland at 9:15 a.m. EDT Wednesday, May 2, to discuss a recent experiment to demonstrate a new nuclear reactor power system designed for space.
News conference audio and presentation slides will stream live on NASA’s website.
Kilopower could provide safe, efficient and plentiful energy for future robotic and human space exploration missions to the Moon, Mars and destinations beyond. The experiment was conducted November 2017 through March 2018 at the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS).
News conference participants include:
James Reuter, acting associate administrator of NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate
Janet Kavandi, Glenn center director
Patrick Cahalane, principal deputy associate administrator for Safety, Infrastructure and Operations at the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA)
Marc Gibson, Kilopower lead engineer at Glenn
Dave Poston, chief reactor designer at NNSA’s Los Alamos National Laboratory
Following the news conference, media will have the opportunity to tour the following facilities at Glenn:
Stirling Research Lab, where early Kilopower-related tests were conducted
Electric Propulsion Lab, used to test high-power solar electric propulsion that will be used to develop the power and propulsion element of NASA’s lunar outpost
Simulated Lunar Operations Lab, where NASA develops planetary rover tires and tools for in-situ resource utilization, a process for generating water, oxygen, and other products using space-based resources
Media interested in participating in the event, in person or by phone, must send their name, media affiliation and phone number to Jan Wittry at no later than noon Tuesday, May 1.
Media and the public also can ask questions during the briefing on social media using #AskNASA.
Supporting images and video will be available online at:
The Kilopower project is part of NASA’s Game Changing Development program and is led by Glenn, in partnership with NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, Los Alamos National Laboratory, NNSS and Y-12 National Security Complex.
A sealed lake is an ideal place to look for clues about extraterrestrial life — and researchers have just identified a few more.
Small valley glacier exiting the Devon Island Ice Cap in Canada. The Devon Ice Cap appears to be the only holder of salty subglacial lakes (as far as we know).
Image credits: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
Life on other planets might not be located the most obvious of places. While researchers used to think that Earth-like planets such as Mars or Venus were capable of holding life, modern research has shown that places like Europa or Enceladus are much more likely to be hospitable (Europa and Enceladus are two frozen moons of Jupiter and Saturn respectively). However, astronomers have evidence that beneath the frozen surface lies a vast ocean of liquid where life may very well thrive. Researchers want to explore this avenue before actually landing a shuttle on the surface of these moons (which may take a very long time) and the best way to do that is by studying subglacial lakes.
Subglacial lakes are bodies of water perfectly sealed under a glacier — typically an ice cap or ice sheet. There are 400 known subglacial lakes in the world, most of which can be found in Antarctica, with Lake Vostok being probably the most well known. Since they’re sealed off from the rest of the world, life can develop and adapt independently — this essentially means that subglacial lakes are potentially unique microbial habitats which can provide information about how life might have developed on places like Europa. Now, lead author Anja Rutishauser, a Ph.D. student at the University of Alberta, has found the first subglacial lakes in the Canadian High Arctic.
“If there is microbial life in these lakes, it has likely been under the ice for at least 120,000 years, so it likely evolved in isolation,” Rutishauser said. “If we can collect a sample of the water, we may determine whether microbial life exists, how it evolved, and how it continues to live in this cold environment with no connection to the atmosphere.”
An artist’s cross-section of Lake Vostok, the largest known subglacial lake in Antarctica. Importantly, the lake is sealed by kilometers of ice.
Image credits: Nicolle Rager-Fuller / NSF.
What makes these newly discovered lakes extra special is that they seem to contain very salty water — all other subglacial lakes we know of are thought to contain freshwater, or only mildly saline water. All subglacial lakes are good analogs for life beyond Earth, but the hypersaline nature of these newly discovered lakes makes them particularly tantalizing analogs for ice-covered moons in our solar system, according to the researchers. There is strong evidence that Jupiter’s icy moon Europa contains hypersaline water.
The lake was discovered using remote sensing, which is promising, especially considering that NASA’s Europa Clipper mission, which is set to launch sometime in the 2020s and take samples from Europa, will use similar remote sensing techniques. An analysis of the radar data shows that the lakes are located 550 to 750 meters beneath the Devon Ice Cap, one of the largest ice caps in the Canadian Arctic. They’ve not had contact with the outside world for tens of thousands of years.
“If there is microbial life in these lakes, it has likely been under the ice for at least 120,000 years, so it likely evolved in isolation,” Rutishauser said. “If we can collect a sample of the water, we may determine whether microbial life exists, how it evolved, and how it continues to live in this cold environment with no connection to the atmosphere.”
Now, researchers would like to sample this environment, which is probably more complicated than you’d expect. It’s not just drilling through hundreds of meters (or perhaps even kilometers) of ice that’s problematic: there’s also the matter of contamination — if a unique microbial environment does exist, the last thing you’d want to do is contaminate it.
Journal Reference: Anja Rutishause et al. Discovery of a hypersaline subglacial lake complex beneath Devon Ice Cap, Canadian Arctic. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aar4353
Underwater robots have recently made a discomforting discovery: the Gulf of Oman harbors a “dead zone” nearly the size of Florida.
Dead zones are often caused by the decay of algae during algal blooms, like this one off the coast of La Jolla, San Diego, California.
Image and caption credits: Alejandro Díaz / Wikimedia.
Remote-controlled submarines — sent forth by researchers from the University of East Anglia — have identified the world’s largest dead zone. This mass of water, spanning a chilling 63,700-square-mile (roughly 165.000 km²) area in the Gulf of Oman, is nearly devoid of oxygen. That’s an area comparable to the surface of Florida (170,305 km²), and over two times larger than Scotland (80,077 km²).
Although the technical term for such a place is an “oxygen minimum area”, their colloquial name of “dead zones” is quite apt. Marine flora and fauna are completely dependent on oxygen dissolved in the water for their survival. The absence of this element also alters the local nitrogen cycle, causing nitrous oxide emissions — which is a greenhouse gas 300 times more powerful than carbon dioxide.
Dead zones are generally the product of climate change-induced ecological shifts and/or chemical run-off from land — for example, from sewage or chemical fertilizers. One particularly worrying prospect is that as climate change makes ocean water warmer, it will be less able to hold oxygen — meaning more frequent and more intense dead zones.
“Our research shows that the situation is actually worse than feared – and that the area of dead zone is vast and growing,” said Dr Bastien Queste, who led the research. “The ocean is suffocating.”
Dead zones are “a disaster waiting to happen,” he adds.
The Gulf of Oman.
Image via Google Earth.
The Gulf of Oman dead zone sits between a depth of 200 and 800 meters. The team report that it is made up of entirely anoxic or suboxic conditions — meaning there’s no oxygen or very low oxygen present, respectively.
Computer simulations, based on data the team recovered on site, revealed that the dead zone has increased both in size and severity since the 1990s and is still growing, the team reports. Unless addressed it could have drastic consequences for life both in and out of the sea.
“Another interesting question is now that the Gulf of Oman is clearly consuming oxygen faster than it is replenished, how much of that is exported to the Arabian Sea and making the wider Arabian Sea OMZ extend and grow even more?” Queste asks.
The next step for the team is to figure out whether this is due to the overall supply of oxygen decreasing, or an increased consumption of oxygen in the region.
The “Seaglider” robots that made the discovery possible are roughly the size of a person, but can spend several months at depths of 1,000 meters. In an article recently published in Geophysical Research Letters, the researchers note that access to these waters had previously been limited by “piracy and geopolitical tensions.”
The paper “Physical controls on oxygen distribution and denitrification potential in the north west Arabian Sea” has been published in the journal Geophysical Review Letters.
The ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter entered the Martian atmosphere in October 2016. Almost two years later, it’s finally maneuvered itself into a position to begin its two mission directives: Sniff out Mars’ atmosphere for some gnarly fart clouds and take some dope space pics.
The spacecraft achieved a nearly circular orbit, roughly 249 miles (400 kilometers) above the red planet’s surface, the perfect altitude to begin probing the planet’s atmosphere for signs of methane, the same gas humans release after one too many tacos. But before it starts probing for stinky gas, scientists at the European Space Agency and Roscosmos tested out the orbiter’s Color Stereo Surface Imaging System (CaSSIS). The result was an absolutely stunning panoramic shot of a 25 mile (40 kilometers) segment of the Korolev Crater located high in the planet’s icy northern hemisphere. The image was created by merging three images of different colors taken on April 15.
“We were really pleased to see how good this picture was given the lighting conditions,” Antoine Pommerol, a member of the CaSSIS science team working on the calibration of the data, says in a statement. “It shows that CaSSIS can make a major contribution to studies of the carbon dioxide and water cycles on Mars.”
Aside from this sweet space camera, ExoMars has a spectrometer onboard that it will use to scan the molecules in the Martian atmosphere. Distinct gases absorb sunlight differently, this provides the orbiter with a unique fingerprint for each of the chemicals in encounters. It’s going to be specifically looking for evidence of methane and carbon dioxide, which could be signs of active geological or biological activity taking place on Mars.
The orbiter will be able to quickly beam data from the images it takes and gases it detects back to scientists on Earth. From there they will try to characterize features on the surface that may be related to traces of certain chemicals in the atmosphere.
This ExoMars mission is expected to last roughly five more years. So get ready for some more eye-popping images of the red planet — this orbiter is just getting started.
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