The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Wetenschappers sluiten niet uit dat octopussen eigenlijk aliens zijn -
Wetenschappers sluiten niet uit dat octopussen eigenlijk aliens zijn
DIERENEen groep internationale wetenschappers stelt dat het best kan dat inktvissen op een andere planeet dan de aarde zijn ontstaan. Ze sluiten niet uit dat de exemplaren die we vandaag kennen, afstammen van wezens die bevroren in een ijskomeet op de aarde terechtkwamen.
Inktvissen zijn een aparte soort op aarde. “Hun grote brein en gesofisticeerd zenuwstelsel, hun camera-achtige ogen, hun flexibele lichamen, hun instant camouflage doordat ze van kleur en vorm kunnen veranderen, het zijn maar een paar opvallende kenmerken die in het evolutiescenario heel plots verschijnen”, schrijven de onderzoekers in hun paper, gepubliceerd in Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology. Ze opperen de mogelijkheid dat deze “grote sprong voorwaarts” te danken is aan “cryopreservatie van inktvissen en/of octopuseieren” die miljoenen jaren geleden via kometen in de oceaan zijn neergestort.
“Het bewijs van de rol van buitenaardse virussen bij de beïnvloeding van de evolutie op aarde bleek recentelijk plausibel vervat in het gen en de transcriptome sequencing van inktvissen”, schrijven de onderzoekers. “Het genoom van de octopus vertoont een duizelingwekkende complexiteit met 33.000 eiwit-coderende genen. Dat is meer dan bij de homo sapiens.”
Evolutionair liggen octopussen gigantisch ver van ons af. Vooral het feit dat ze zichzelf kunnen ‘ombouwen’ is straf en ongezien in de rest van de dierenwereld. Normaal evolueert een soort door veranderingen in het DNA, die de soort ten goede komen. Maar de erg complexe en intelligente weekdieren kunnen hun RNA - waarvan de chemische structuur deels vergelijkbaar is met die van het DNA - zelf wijzigen, wat ze ook geregeld doen. Die unieke handigheid betekent wel dat inktvissen nog nauwelijks evolueren. En omdat het op aarde verder onbestaande is, ligt ook een buitenaardse verklaring op de loer.
Wetenschappers opperen al langer de mogelijkheid dat het leven op aarde beïnvloed is door buitenaards leven en zelfs dat alles wat we nu kennen niet op onze aarde is ontstaan, maar uit organismen uit de ruimte. Dat is de hypothese die panspermie genoemd wordt. Dat kan niet bewezen worden, omdat er nog nooit buitenlands leven is aangetroffen. Het kan ook niet wetenschappelijk tegengesproken worden.
DIERENZo’n 160 kilometer van de westkust van Costa Rica hebben wetenschappers een tot nu toe onbekende octopussoort ontdekt. De dieren leven op maar liefst 3.000 meter diepte in temperaturen waarvan werd gedacht dat ze er eigenlijk niet in konden overleven.
Diepzeebiologen zijn verbluft door de beelden van de paarse dieren, een nieuwe ondersoort van het genus Muuscoctopus. Ze werden in 2013 aangetroffen toen wetenschappers monsters van het water uit hydrothermische openingen wilden verzamelen in de Dorado-rotsformatie, een gebied dat gevormd werd door gestolde lava.
Ongeveer honderd van de octopussen zaten samen, terwijl ze normaal gezien eenzaten zijn. Het ging om moederdieren die hun eieren bewaakten, een tragische situatie omdat ze slechts een keer in hun leven eieren produceren. Ze maken die dan vast aan een rots of een andere vaste structuur, en sterven snel nadat hun nakomelingen wegzwemmen.
Normaal gezien zouden de octopussen niet kunnen overleven in de buurt van de vulkanische openingen, zegt Janet Voight, coauteur van het onderzoek Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers dat eind maart verscheen. Dankzij het warme water ontwikkelen de embryo’s zich wel sneller, maar daardoor hebben ze ook meer zuurstof nodig. En die is slechts in mondjesmaat beschikbaar in de buurt van de openingen, legt Voight uit. “Ik zie niet in hoe ze ooit kunnen overleven.” Na een onderzoek van 186 eitjes op de beelden, vond ze geen enkel met een embryo in ontwikkeling.
Holtes en spleten
En dat leidt tot de vraag: waarom kozen de octopussen zo’n rotslechte plaats om hun eitjes te plaatsen? Voight denkt dat een groot deel van de Dorado-rotsformatie mogelijk een geweldige plaats is om een octopusfamilie groot te brengen, met ideale locaties om eieren te leggen in scheuren en spleten in de verharde lava. De onderzoekers zagen inderdaad armen van octopussen uit scheuren komen, wat suggereert dat in holtes binnenin nog dieren zitten in koeler water met meer zuurstof. Dat melden Geoff Wheat, een geochemicus aan de universiteit van Alaska Fairbanks die twee expedities naar de rotsformatie leidde, en hoofdonderzoekster Anne Hartwell, een oceanografe verbonden aan de university van Akron in Ohio en de university van Alaska Fairbanks.
Mogelijk waren deze toplocaties dus volzet, en waren deze moederdieren genoodzaakt een veel slechtere kinderkamer te kiezen. Het is ook mogelijk dat de scheuren niet zo actief waren toen de octopussen hun eieren legden, en dat het warme water en het lagere zuurstofgehalte pas later zijn gekomen, meent Mindy Weisberger van LiveScience.
De ‘gedoemde’ kinderkamer van de octopussen blijft voorlopig dus een mysterie, maar biedt wetenschappers een opwindende blik op tot nog toe ongezien octopusgedrag. “Deze fascinerende ontdekking toont ook aan hoe weinig we weten over het oceaanleven weten”, aldus Voight.
Wheat besluit ook dat nog veel te leren valt over de dieptes van de oceanen. “Dit is pas het derde dergelijke hydrothermische systeem dat onderzocht werd, terwijl de diepzee nog miljoenen gelijkaardige omgevingen bevat. Welke andere opmerkelijke ontdekkingen staan ons nog te wachten?”
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Legendarische verloren stad per toeval ontdekt. Deze oude kleitabletten gaven de locatie prijs
Legendarische verloren stad per toeval ontdekt. Deze oude kleitabletten gaven de locatie prijs
Archeologen hebben de locatie van een verloren Mesopotamische stad ontdekt. Ze hebben kleitabletten gevonden die de naam van de oude stad prijsgaven.
Mardaman was een belangrijke stad in het oude Nabije Oosten, maar niemand wist waar de legendarische stad zich bevond. Daar is nu verandering in gekomen.
Kleitabletten (Peter Pfälzner)
Duitse archeologen voeren al enkele jaren opgravingen uit in het noorden van Iraaks Koerdistan.
Bewaren voor het nageslacht
Per toeval stuitten ze in de ruïnes van een paleis op 92 kleitabletten die verstopt waren in een kruik. De tabletten bleken de naam van een oude stad te bevatten: Mardaman.
De kruik waarin de tabletten zaten was ingepakt in een dikke laag klei, wat erop wijst dat de inwoners van de stad wilden dat de tabletten bewaard zouden blijven.
“Misschien was het de bedoeling de informatie op de tabletten te beschermen en te bewaren voor het nageslacht,” zei professor Peter Pfälzner van de Universiteit van Tübingen.
Invloedrijke stad
Mardaman was een invloedrijke stad en een regionaal koninkrijk tussen Mesopotamië, Anatolië en Syrië, aldus Pfälzner.
Het is voor het eerst dat er grootschalig wetenschappelijk onderzoek plaatsvindt in Mardaman.
Eerder werden al wel wat overblijfselen uit de stad gevonden, waaronder een koperen beeld van een naakte figuur dat na de Amerikaanse invasie van Irak in 2003 verdween tijdens de plunderingen, maar later weer werd teruggevonden.
Chalk it up to the conspiracy theorist in me, but sometimes I think NASA removed Pluto’s distinction as a planet so they wouldn’t have to say they’ve found proof of “Planet X.” It sounds less threatening to say “Planet Nine,” especially when there’s recent news of more evidence for a large, mysterious planet at the far edge of our solar system. Scientists are quick to say that this is not proof of Nibiru or any of the wild “Planet X” theories, but it is more strong evidence that a planet with 10 times the mass of Earth might hide just out of sight.
Astronomer David Gerdes of the University of Michigan is part of a team that published a journal article on May 14, 2018 which describes the strange orbit of a possible dwarf planet beyond Neptune. This mysterious extra-solar object seems to orbit the sun at a 54 degree angle away from the orbital plane of the other planets in our solar system. The object was found using data from the Dark Energy Survey, which seeks to measure the expansion of the universe via a probe high above (or below, it is space after all) the solar system. There shouldn’t be anything there, but although Gerdes’ team did not expect to find it, the strange deep-space object was precisely predicted by two astronomers at the California Institute of Technology, Konstantin Batygin and Michael Brown, who, in 2016, first argued for the existence of another giant planet in our solar system.
Batygin and Brown surveyed a group of objects in the Kupier Belt and found that their orbits all tended to converge on the same quadrant of space. They argued that since this is extremely unlikely to occur on it’s own, there must be a a gravitational force pulling on the orbits of the Kupier belt objects. Specifically, the mass of something 10 times the size of Earth.
Using computer simulations, and Brown were able to predict what other effects this mysterious “Planet Nine” would have. They predicted that the Kupier Belt objects would slowly be pulled into a perpendicular orbit with the rest of the solar system, an orbit the object found by Gerdes and his team seems to be moving towards. Michael Brown says:
“There’s no real way to put something on an orbit like that—except that it’s exactly what we predicted from Planet Nine.”
Our solar system orbits the sun on one plane. The new object has a perpendicular orbit to that plane.
How spot on were Batygin and Brown’s predictions? Konstantin Batygin says the object found by David Gerdes fits with their model so well it could pass as one of their simulation’s data points. Batygin says:
“A good theory reproduces data, but a great theory predicts new data.”
While this isn’t absolute proof of “Planet Nine,” the fact that this weird object’s orbit was so precisely predicted by Batygin and Brown’s model is pretty amazing. At the very least it suggests their argument might hold water and should be studied further.
Just remember, if Pluto was still a planet we wouldn’t be talking about “Planet Nine,” we’d be talking about “Planet X.” Checkmate, NASA.
Mystery Flash and Boom recorded on Ohio Security Cameras
Mystery Flash and Boom recorded on Ohio Security Cameras
For weeks concerned residents of Anderson Township have heard and seen explosions and flashes that are not from fireworks, sonic booms, or other sources.
On April 21 multiple callers reported a loud boom, according to communications center records and on may 12 it happened again. Steve Hart captured one such blast on his security cams.
The sounds are "true booms, they sound like a powerful explosion and it's unlike anything I've ever seen or felt before and I've been very up close with the WEBN Fireworks many times” Anderson Township resident Kimberly Kempke said to
It appears as though both times the loud booms were heard on a Saturday evening approximately one month apart, but the source of the flashes and booms remain a mystery.
Because it sucks in so much gas, this black hole appears ultra-luminous. If it sat at the center of our Milky Way, we’d see it shining 10 times more brightly than a full moon.
Astronomers announced on May 15, 2018, that they’ve identified the fastest-growing black hole yet known in the universe. They describe it as a monster that devours a mass equivalent to our sun every two days. They spied this black hole – which is also known as an ultra-luminous quasar – while looking back more than 12 billion years to what are called the cosmic dark ages of our universe.
At that time, this supermassive black hole was estimated to be the size of about 20 billion suns. It had a 1 percent growth rate every million years.
Christian Wolf of Australian National University (ANU) is lead author of the study of this object, which is labeled by the quasar name QSO SMSS~J215728.21-360215.1. Wolf said in a statement:
This black hole is growing so rapidly that it’s shining thousands of times more brightly than an entire galaxy, due to all of the gases it sucks in daily that cause lots of friction and heat.
If we had this monster sitting at the center of our Milky Way galaxy, it would appear 10 times brighter than a full moon. It would appear as an incredibly bright pin-point star that would almost wash out all of the stars in the sky.
The study is due to appear in the peer-reviewed journal Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia (PASA).
Artist’s rendering of the accretion disk of a supermassive black hole, located within a very distant quasar. Imagine this accretion disk much, much brighter, due to the great quantities of gas being sucked into the hole, and you’ll have the idea of the ultra-luminous system QSO SMSS~J215728.21-360215.1.
Wolf said the energy emitted from this newly-discovered supermassive black hole, also known as a quasar, was mostly ultraviolet light but also X-rays. He said:
Again, if this monster was at the center of the Milky Way it would likely make life on Earth impossible with the huge amounts of X-rays emanating from it.
These astronomers used the SkyMapper telescope at Siding Spring Observatory in Australia to detect the light of this object in the near-infrared. They needed to look in that realm of the electromagnetic spectrum because the light waves had red-shifted over the billions of light-years to Earth. Wolf said:
As the universe expands, space expands and that stretches the light waves and changes their color.
Wolf said that large and rapidly-growing black holes are exceedingly rare. He said he and his team have been searching for them with the SkyMapper telescope for several months now.
The European Space Agency’s Gaia satellite – an astrometry satellite, which measures tiny motions of celestial objects – also helped find this supermassive black hole. Wolf said the Gaia satellite confirmed the object that they had found was sitting still, meaning that it was far away. Thus it was a candidate to be a very large quasar.
The discovery of the new supermassive black hole was confirmed using the spectrograph on the ANU 2.3 meter telescope to split colors into spectral lines. Wolf said:
We don’t know how this one grew so large, so quickly in the early days of the universe. The hunt is on to find even faster-growing black holes.
Wolf also said that, as these kinds of black holes shine, they can be used as beacons to see and study the formation of elements in the early galaxies of the universe.
Scientists can see the shadows of objects in front of the supermassive black hole. Fast-growing supermassive black holes also help to clear the fog around them by ionizing gases, which makes the universe more transparent.
Astronomers used the SkyMapper telescope at Siding Spring Observatory in Australia in the search for large and rapidly-growing black holes. The Gaia satellite helped confirm its great distance from Earth.
Here’s A Detailed Look Into The Mysterious Osiris Shaft Beneath The Pyramids Of Giza
Here’s A Detailed Look Into The Mysterious Osiris Shaft Beneath The Pyramids Of Giza
f you travel to the Giza plateau, you should know that there are many incredible things to explore, in addition to the three main pyramids.
One such fantastic feature is the so-called Tomb of Osiris, or commonly referred to as the Osiris Shaft.
Located beneath the stone causeway of the Pyramid of Khafre, this enigmatic tomb is a mysterious structure composed of various intricately carved levels beneath the surface.
Despite the fact that its existence has been known for a few years, it wasn’t until recently that the structure was adequately excavated and documented.
In ancient times, the shaft was used by people as a swimming hole since it was filled with water.
Selim Hassan and his team were one of the first to explore the shaft in the 1930‘s, but it wasn’t until 1999 when the structure was fully excavated by Zahi Hawass. By 1999 the water levels at the Giza plateau had lowered to the point that a detailed excavation was possible.
Here is Selim Hassan’s description of the Osiris Shaft:
“Upon the surface of the causeway, they first built a platform in the shape of a mastaba, using stones taken from the ruins of the covered corridor of the causeway. In the centre of this superstructure, they sank a shaft, which passed through the roof and floor of the subway running under the causeway to a depth of about 9.00 m. At the bottom of this shaft is a rectangular chamber, in the floor of the eastern side of which is another shaft. This descends about 14.00 m. and terminates in a spacious hall surrounded by seven burial-chambers, in each of which is a sarcophagus. Two of these sarcophagi, which are of basalt and are monolithic, are so enormous that at first, we wondered if they contained the bodies of sacred bulls.”
It was revealed that the shaft is composed of three different levels.
The first level was found to be empty.
The second level is a tunnel that leads into a room with six other chambers carved out of the stone walls. Inside these chambers, researchers have recovered pottery sherds, ceramic beads, and ushabtis (small servant figurines).
Furthermore, basalt sarcophagi were found in Chambers C, D, and G; badly decomposed skeletal remains were found in the sarcophagi in Chambers C and G. Based on stylistic grounds the artifacts, sarcophagi included, date to Dynasty 26 (ibid: 386-87).
An overview of the Osiris Shaft.
In the lowest chamber of the Osiris shaft, some 30 meters below the surface lies a mystery described by Herodotus, which was written off as a myth by mainstream scholars.
However, it turned out that Herodotus was right all along, and mainstream scholars were wrong.
The lowest chamber of the shaft is a sort of subterraneanhall, and inside it lies a sarcophagus, perfectly preserved and empty. The third level of the Osiris Shaft is found to be more complex regarding design and architecture.
The most important discovery made in the third level of the Osiris Shaft was red-polished pottery, containing traces of white paint. Experts managed to date back the pottery remains to the 6thy dynasty, from the end of the Old Kingdom.
This means that the pottery recovered in the third level is, in fact, the oldest possible datable material in the entire complex.
Based on research and archeological evidence recovered throughout the years, the Osiris Shaft is believed to date originally from the Old Kingdom, more precisely to the Sixth Dynasty (2355-2195 BCE).
The Osiris shaft was opened to the public for the first time in 2017.
A magnificent insight into the mysterious shaft proving that despite the fact that we know a lot about ancient Egypt, there are many details we have still not uncovered.
Check out the video:
Brien Foerster and his team will return to the Giya plateau in April 2019. For more information check this out.
Astronomers observed an unknown object moving at four times the speed of light and emitting radio signals
Astronomers observed an unknown object moving at four times the speed of light and emitting radio signals
A neighboring galaxy, Messier 82, was found 8 years ago to be firing off radio waves at alarming speed.
Described as a starburst or cigar galaxy, M82 is about a dozen light years away. In 2010, the radio waves were observed at the Jodrell Bank Observatory in England. It is reportedly traveling at four times the speed of light. Unfortunately, it is yet to be identified.
It was considered that it could perhaps be a supernova, but this was deemed unlikely due to the fact that those emissions generally diminish after weeks while the unknown object has kept on strongly over time. Also, the UK telescope system MERLIN determined a change of direction which suggested it’s movement to be superluminal.
Scientists also determined it was in the wrong location for a black hole and therefore it was more likely to be a microquasar. Again, this idea was turned aside due to the fact that microquasar emit x-rays in massive numbers and the readings on x-rays did not support it.
"We don’t know what it is"
This leaves it as an unidentifiable object, although there is still the thought that it could be a black hole outside of the usual location for this phenomenon. One scientist, Dr. Paul LaViolette, determined that it may actually be a superwave, that is an emission of cosmic ray radiation that is moving quickly out of a nucleus. This superwave theory has been generally disregarded due to the notion that cosmic rays only follow a linear trajectory.
This particular scientist went on to determine that the origin of the radio waves is likely to be the core, and the emissions which are just reaching us visually now were likely from as much as 80 years ago. He speculates further on M82 itself, why it has such a high level of supernovae activity. He determines this may be due to a superwave or two traveling through the disc and setting off a chain reaction that causes these phenomena.
Dr. LaViolette is considered a “scientific rebel”. He has published many papers on Physics and Astronomy including his own Ph.D. dissertation that deals directly with superwaves. He addresses this subject again in other papers, specifically relating unusual supernova activity in the Milky Way with superwaves, and what is happening in M82, along with the effect on Earth and our solar system such waves can create.
His theory has not yet been accepted by the scientific community and therefore the unusual, speedy radio waves of the starburst galaxy remain classified as unknown.
Bright ball of light in extreme acceleration towards space, is seen in two UFO videos from 2010. The unknown object starts as a bright ball of light but ends up very dim on the top of the acceleration before it disappears.
The video above was uploaded by Youtube user ufowatcher5150 on May 14th 2010. See the video to end to see it accelerate.
Bright ball of light in extreme acceleration
This bright ball of light shows extreme acceleration that can not be done by our existing technology. Not as we know of. Some governments may have advanced technology in black projects that is not known to the public. Some of these could coincidentally end up on some of the many video camcorders out there.
The alternative explanation could be space aliens in their spaceship leaving earth. A more down to earth explanation would be some kind of meteorological phenomenon we don´t know about yet – just apart from what we can see in the video.
I have seen an object travel a lot faster than this refering to the UFO sighting, landing and first contact article. So I know by my own eyes, that there is a possibility for those who look up often, to see accelerations like these. The UFO in the video above accelerates to speeds way over what we are used to see in the skies.
Reaching speed of light towards space?
The UFO is seen reaching extreme speed supposedly towards space. Notice how the light from the object fades when it reaches a certain speed. Could this be because it reaches speed of light? No, this is not light speed.
Speed of light is much faster than this and the object would disappear immidiately. Speed of light is 299.792.458 meter per second, so it would just blink out and disappear. The distance to the Moon is for example 384.400.000 meters, so an object travelling with speed of light from Earth, would be at the Moon in 1,28 seconds. What we see here is not light speed.
Another UFO video from uploader
I found another UFO video from Youtube user ufowatcher5150 that also shows extreme acceleration. The footage is from the day after on May 15th 2010. It shows exactly the same, a big ball of light that accelerates to an extreme speed.
The second video above is also an acceleration. And it makes me a bit nervous, because isn´t it too good to be true to record this twice.!? The video has not been flipped horizontally and re-uploaded. It is indeed two different videos. Both videos with UFOs in extreme acceleration seems legit to me, but I cannot be 100% sure.
See other videos here, go to categories here or check the stream of articles here
Strange Extraterrestrial Laser Signal Detected at the Heart of the Spectacular Ant Nebula
Strange Extraterrestrial Laser Signal Detected at the Heart of the Spectacular Ant Nebula
New data shows that the Ant Nebula beams intense laser emission from its core. Lasers are well-known down on earth in everyday life, from special visual effects in music concerts to health care and communications. In space, laser emission is detected at very different wavelengths and only under certain conditions. Only a few of these infrared space lasers are known.
An international team of astronomers have discovered an unusual laser emission that suggests the presence of a double star system hidden at the heart of the spectacular nebula. The extremely rare phenomenon is connected to the death of a star and was discovered in observations made by European Space Agency's (ESA) Herschel space observatory.
When low- to middleweight stars like our Sun approach the end of their lives they eventually become dense, white dwarf stars. In the process, they cast off their outer layers of gas and dust into space, creating a kaleidoscope of intricate patterns known as a planetary nebula. Our Sun is expected to one day form such a planetary nebula.
The recent Herschel observations have shown that the dramatic demise of the central star in the core of the Ant Nebula is even more theatrical than implied by its colourful appearance in visible images - such as those taken by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope.
By coincidence, astronomer Donald Menzel who first observed and classified this particular planetary nebula in the 1920s (it is officially known as Menzel 3 after him) was also one of the first to suggest that in certain conditions natural 'light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation' - from which the acronym 'laser' derives - could occur in nebulae in space. This was well before the discovery of lasers in laboratories.
Dr Isabel Aleman, lead author of a paper describing the new results, said "We detected a very rare type of emission called hydrogen recombination laser emission, which is only produced in a narrow range of physical conditions.
"Such emission has only been identified in a handful of objects before and it is a happy coincidence that we detected the kind of emission that Menzel suggested, in one of the planetary nebulae that he discovered."
This kind of laser emission needs very dense gas close to the star. Comparison of the observations with models found that the density of the gas emitting the lasers is around ten thousand times denser than the gas seen in typical planetary nebulae and in the lobes of the Ant Nebula itself.
Normally, the region close to the dead star - close in this case being about the distance of Saturn from the Sun - is quite empty, because its material is ejected outwards. Any lingering gas would soon fall back onto it.
Co-author Prof Albert Zijlstra, from the Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics at University of Manchester, added: "The only way to keep such dense gas close to the star is if it is orbiting around it in a disc. In this nebula, we have actually observed a dense disc in the very centre that is seen approximately edge-on. This orientation helps to amplify the laser signal.
"The disc suggests there is a binary companion, because it is hard to get the ejected gas to go into orbit unless a companion star deflects it in the right direction. The laser gives us a unique way to probe the disc around the dying star, deep inside the planetary nebula."
Astronomers have not yet seen the expected second star, hidden in the heart of the Ant nebula.
Göran Pilbratt, ESA's Herschel project scientist, added: "It is a nice conclusion that it took the Herschel mission to connect together Menzel's two discoveries from almost a century ago."
The paper's publication coincides with the first UNESCO International Day of Light, and celebrates the anniversary of the first successful operation of the laser in 1960 by physicist and engineer, Theodore Maiman.
The Mystery Behind The ‘Best’ UFO Sighting In Space: The Gemini IV UFO
The Mystery Behind The ‘Best’ UFO Sighting In Space: The Gemini IV UFO
During the Gemini IV mission, astronauts James McDivitt and Ed White circled the Earth 66 times and leaving a mark in history as the first multi-day space flight by the United States. During the mission, the astronauts photographed a mysterious, cylindrical-shaped object which is hailed by many authors as one of the best UFO images ever taken.
In June of 1965, Brigadier General, James McDivitt, the commander on the Gemini IV mission and Ed White pilot of the Gemini IV took part in the first multi-day space flight by the United States, designed to show that it was possible for humans to remain in space for extended lengths of time.
The Gemini IV mission was the SECOND manned spaceflight in NASA’s Project Gemini and was the tenth manned American Spaceflight.
For a period of four days, Astronauts James McDivitt and Ed White circled the Earth 66 times. The mission marked the first spacewalk ever performed by an American astronaut. Ed White floated free outside the Gemini spacecraft—tethered to it—for around 20 minutes.
In addition to the above, the Gemini IV mission was also one of the very first space missions by NASA in which a number of scientific experiments were performed in space. Astronauts James McDivitt and Ed White used a sextant to investigate the use of celestial navigation for lunar flight in the Apollo program.
However, the mission would later also become famous because of a strange image snapped by astronaut James McDivitt, as the Gemini spacecraft was orbiting our planet.
The Gemini 4 UFO
Millions of people around the globe claim to have witnessed strange things in the sky.
Today, if we make a quick search on Youtube, we will find countless videos and images of alleged unidentified flying objects, that promise to offer the ultimate evidence of alien visitations on Earth.
But despite this ample material evidence, the truth remains a profound enigma.
If we are to look for UFO sightings, and potential evidence of an ‘alien presence’ on Earth, then the best and most reputable people we ought to ask these questions to are probably Astronauts.
There are dozens of reports associating Astronauts with UFO encounters. Whether we take a look at NASA’s Apollo missions, or those predating Apollo, it seems we always end up digging up something worthy of mention.
Many UFO experts claim how one of the best images of a UFO was taken precisely during the Gemini IV mission when astronaut James McDivitt, command pilot of the two-man Gemini IV spacecraft photographed something in low orbit around Earth.
This image, according to an article by UFO Evidence even baffled the super-skeptical Condon Committee in 1969; a photograph from his flight has been widely hailed as one of the “best UFO photos ever made.”
But despite the fact that many authors consider the image snapped by McDivitt as one of the best UFO images out there, the former NASA astronaut never made much of his sightings, suggesting that he saw some unidentified but still man-made piece of orbital debris.
NASA has always remained skeptical about the sighting of strange objects like the one snapped by McDivitt. In fact, NASA insisted that there was nothing at all mysterious about the object snapped by the former astronaut and that it was clearly terrestrial in origin, and most likely belonged to either the Americans or Soviets.
Some skeptics even suggested that it may have been McDivitt’s booster rocket.
Here’s McDivitt’s account of his UFO, as he summarized it on the Dick Cavett Show in November 1973 (as reported in FATE magazine, June 1974), “I was flying with Ed White. He was sleeping at the time, so I don’t have anybody to verify my story. We were drifting in space with the control engines shut down, and all the instrumentation off (when) suddenly (an object) appeared in the window. It had a very definite shape — a cylindrical object — it was white — it had a long arm that stuck out on the side. I don’t know whether it was a very small object up close or a very large object a long ways away.”
“There was nothing to judge by. I don’t know how big it was. We had two cameras that were just floating in the spacecraft at the time, so I grabbed one and took a picture of (the object) and grabbed the other and took a picture. Then I turned on the rocket control systems because I was afraid we might hit it. At the time we were drifting — without checking I have no idea which way we were going — but as we drifted up a little farther the sun shone on the window of the spacecraft.”
“The windshield was dirty — just like in an automobile, you can’t see through it. So I had the rocket control engines going again and moved the spacecraft so that the window was in darkness again — the object was gone.”
“I called down later and told them what had happened, and they went back and checked their records of other space debris that was flying around, but we were never able to identify what it could have been. The film was sent back to NASA and reviewed by some NASA film technicians. One of them selected what he thought was what we talked about, at least before I had a chance to review it. It was not the picture — it was a picture of a sun reflection on the window.”
The Gemini 4 UFO and images of the USS Trepang
Curiously, in 2015, a number of images appeared on the internet that were allegedly snapped by the USS Trepang.
The images allegedly show a mysterious, unidentified object which, according to a number of UFO researchers eerily resembles the alleged UFO photographed by James McDivitt, during the Gemini IV mission.
The images of the UFO snapped by the USS Trepang SSN 674 were taken in March 1971.
The images made available thanks to John Greenewald from “The Black Vault” and Alex Mistretta are full Page Scans from “Top Secret Magazine.”
You can find the original scans, thanks to Reddit user SquizCat.
Some authors argue how the object seen by the crew of the USS Trepang SSN 674 are similar to the object snapped in space by the Gemini IV crew, raising questions whether there is a possibility that astronauts James McDivitt and Ed White actually saw the same object in space.
While a long-term settlement on Mars could be an exciting endeavor, sustaining life there will be difficult — and that’s putting it lightly, a cognitive scientist tells Inverse.
A study published in the June edition of Futures reports that reproducing on the red planet could present numerous medical challenges. The team of researchers, based at the University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszów, Poland, says the only way to successfully create a Mars settlement would be to genetically alter our bodies.
Since Mars has an extremely thin atmosphere — about 100 times thinner than Earth’s — cosmic radiation is a much larger concern on the red planet than it is here. Earth’s magnetic field protects us from solar wind and high-energy space particles that could cause us harm. No such shield exists on Mars, which could cause issues in fetal development.
“The biggest challenges for human reproductive biology are caused by [a] specific space environment including microgravity during the long journey to Mars, cosmic rays (the biggest during the journey but also high exposure to cosmic radiation just on Mars) and extremely high bone loss (caused mostly by microgravity),” the study’s lead author Konrad Szocik, a cognitive scientist, tells Inverse. “Radiation will be a big challenge for human reproduction, beginning from effective fertilization.”
Radiation and decreased gravity on Mars could indeed make human reproduction much more dangerous. On Earth, radiation exposure can be seriously harmful to fetuses and can impact brain development, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). One could assume that the Martian environment could affect embryonic development and/or reproductive cells in a much more intense way.
“Radiation is known to be deleterious for adults and especially for reproductive cells, developing embryos and fetuses, and is already considered a major health hazard to astronauts,” the team writes.
Besides building an intricate, underground system of tunnels to protect us all from radiation, there doesn’t appear to be many options left for a long-term settlement on Mars. And while it might sound very sci-fi — as all of this does, really — the researchers suggest changing our bodies to be better suited for Mars.
“The method of CRISPR makes possible adaptive genetic engineering,” the team writes. “We should consider the idea of genetic human enhancement before and during that mission. Genetic engineering and deep-space isolation can result in speciation of Homo Sapiens. In such a scenario, new ethical challenges arise from the evolution of a new kind of human species who will possess a new nature and, consequently, possibly new moral duties and rights when compared with people living on Earth.”
That’s pretty heavy, especially considering we don’t (yet) have the technology to upgrade our bodies like iPhones. While this work isn’t a guide on how to build a Martian settlement, it does raise valid questions on how to keep one relatively healthy and sustainable.
UFO-fanaat legt mysterieus rood object vast in de ruimte. Is dit een buitenaardse satelliet?
UFO-fanaat legt mysterieus rood object vast in de ruimte. Is dit een buitenaardse satelliet?
Houdt een buitenaardse beschaving de aarde van een afstand in de gaten? Onderstaande beelden zijn begin deze maand gemaakt in Aztec in de Amerikaanse staat New Mexico, meldt het Duitse weekblad Sternvandaag.
Een man legde een mysterieus object vast terwijl hij foto’s van sterrenstelsels aan het maken was. Het lijkt te gaan om een soort rode UFO.
Hij maakte bij het MUFON melding van het object. “Ik bekeek die avond twee sterrenstelsels in mijn achtertuin,” zei hij. “Het object verscheen op één van mijn subframes.”
“In eerste instantie dacht ik dat het een satelliet of vliegtuig op grote hoogte was,” vervolgde hij.
“Eén van mijn foto’s laat zien hoe ver het object door het frame beweegt bij een sluitertijd van drie minuten,” klonk het.
Het object was in andere frames nergens meer te bekennen. De man zag het die avond niet meer terug.
Een YouTube-filmpje over de ‘buitenaardse satelliet’ is al bijna een half miljoen keer bekeken. “NASA moet de waarheid vertellen over aliens,” reageerde iemand.
“Als gewone mensen dit kunnen vinden, stel je dan eens voor wat NASA allemaal verbergt,” zei iemand anders.
Een derde persoon sprak van ‘het meest overtuigende bewijs van buitenaards leven tot nu toe’.
There has been a lot of talk in recent times of the possibility of other realities and dimensions existing beside out own, all around us, yet mostly unobserved and lying beyond our ability to perceive them. In these alternate realities there are theorized to be other versions of ourselves or the world we think know so well, and for the most part they seem to remain beyond ours, existing separately. However, what if the boundaries between us are more malleable than we know? What if we can not only shift between them, but have already done so in large numbers, at the whim of some tide between dimensional realms that we cannot possibly fathom? By some accounts, this could be happening now as we speak.
One of the more bizarre and controversial pieces of supposed evidence put forward for the existence of alternate realities and parallel universes is a phenomenon known as the Mandela Effect, which involves a mass misremembering of the same facts or details by a large number of people. The theory has its origins in 2010 with a paranormal researcher named Fiona Broome, when she found that a fact she clearly remembered seeing on the news, that Nelson Mandela had died in prison in the 1980s, was actually wrong and that he in fact was still alive at the time, indeed living until 2013, when he died from a respiratory illness at his home. This perplexed her, as she so vividly and clearly remembered his death in the 80s, and when she voiced this puzzlement online there was a deluge of others who seemed to share this memory of the same thing, claiming that they clearly recalled seeing it on the news, could envision the reports, and even that they had been taught about it at school.
Baffled, Broome went on to formulate the idea that this gap between reality and what was so strongly remembered by large groups of people who had these shared memories was perhaps caused by these people having somehow splintered off and shifted over between parallel dimensions brushing up against each other while keeping the memories of their old reality and timeline, which often did not completely line up with the way things are in the new one. Broome would go on to write numerous articles and books on the subject, until the Mandela Effect achieved its clout and place in the lexicon of the world of the weird, and it has frequently used as a possible hint at alternate realities.
As farfetched as this all may sound, it is at the least odd, and there are a formidable number of instances of the supposed Mandela Effect in action that has been amassed over the years. One of the most common examples of the Mandela Effect in action have to do with names or titles that many of us remember quite clearly, but which are not what we may recall. By far the most famous of these is the case of the beloved series of children’s books and subsequent TV shows called The Berenstain Bears. What? Do you think I misspelled that? That’s exactly the point. Millions of people distinctly remember this series being called “The Berenstein Bears,” with an “e.”
While this may seem a minor thing, the fact is that the majority of people adamantly insist on this spelling, when the series is really “The Berenstain Bears,” with an “a,” and it has always been spelled that way. Go back and check all of that memorabilia, that’s how it has always been spelled, but then why would so many people so clearly remember and insist upon the wrong spelling? That depends on who you ask. For some it is merely a false collective memory caused by various psychological factors. For others, it is evidence of memories of an alternate reality, one in which it is The Berenstein Bears. One blogger named simply “Reece” explained this fairly wild theory thus:
At some time in the last 10 years or so, reality has been tampered with and history has been retroactively changed. The bears really were called the “BerenstEin Bears” when we were growing up, but now reality has been altered such that the name of the bears has been changed post hoc. Somehow, we have all undergone a π/2 phase change in all 4 dimensions so that we moved to the stAin hexadectant, while our counterparts moved to our hexadectant (stEin). They are standing around expressing their confusion about the “Berenstein Bears” and how they all remember “Berenstain Bears” on the covers growing up. Those who remember the name as “Berenstain” are native to this “A” Universe, while those who are sure it’s “Berenstein” traveled over from the “E” Universe.
There is even purported evidence that something weird is going on with the “Berenstain Bears.” On one Reddit thread a commenter shared a photo of what was supposed to be incontrovertible proof that the name actually secretly shifted at some point. The photo shows an old and battered VHS tape that on its real label reads the maddening “Berenstain Bears,” yet a sticker placed on the side, likely by a distributing company, clearly reads “Berenstein Bears,” which is seen as evidence that the dimensional slip did not completely erase its history. There have been various other photos brought forward of old TV schedules or copies that say “Berenstein Bears,” which have been brought forward as evidence, but it all remains a mystery and plenty of people do not even recognize that spelling at all. Have we been shuffled between alternate realities at some point?
This very strange effect may be more prevalent than we know, as TV shows, movies, and books often have titles that are different than what a large portion of people distinctively remember. A very well-known and popular show was what you may know of as “Sex in the City,” only that is wrong, as it was actually called “Sex AND the City.” This mistake is so pervasive that many awards show hosts and sites have gotten it wrong, but according to the producers it has always been “Sex and the City.” The movie based on the series of vampire novels by author Anne Rice was also fondly remembered by many as “Interview With a Vampire,” but this is actually not correct, in that it is actually called “Interview with THE Vampire.” This mistake is so rampant that it has even wormed its way into Google, but the title many of you remember is wrong.
There are even titles of shows that seem to have changed, only to change back to the way they were, oddly enough. The famous Hanna-Barbera cartoon “The Flintstones” apparently inexplicably was written for some time a few years ago as “The Flinstones,” with no “T,” and many people remember being perplexed by that, but now it is back to having the “T.” What in the world is going on there? Did we all shift in and then back out of a dimension in which it is spelled “The Flinstones?”
The thing is, this is by far not even the only example of this sort of thing going on by a long shot, and cases of this in action are quite numerous. Another spelling anomaly is that the popular American cereal “Froot Loops” is widely and vividly remembered by many people as being spelled “Fruit Loops,” which is not correct, at least in this reality.There is also the eerie fact that a large number of people, me included, adamantly remember the beloved cartoon series starring Bugs Bunny and Daffy, The Looney Tunes, as being spelled “Looney Toons.”
The list goes on and on with all manner of products. Do you remember “Oscar Meyer Wieners?” If you are old enough then you probably even remember the jingle for the commercials, which even spelled out the name with the lyrics “My bologna has a first name. It’s O-S-C-A-R. My bologna has a second name it’s M-E-Y-E-R.” Many people can vividly remember exactly that. However, it was never “Oscar Meyer,” but rather “Oscar Mayer,” which sounds very weird to a large number of people.
Are you familiar with the air freshener “Febreeze?” It’s actually spelled “Febreze.” Huh? Do you know the shoe brand “Sketchers?” If you do, then you will be surprised to know that it doesn’t exist, except as “Skechers,” as it has always been known, without the “t” in the name. It goes on and on. The popular U.S. chicken fast food joint is not spelled “Chic-fil-A,” but rather “Chick-fil-A,” and always has been, which seems to really rub people the wrong way when pointed out, but it is true. Also frequently put forward is the logo for the car company Ford, which a vast number of people seem to remember differently than it actually looks, specifically they don’t recall it ever having that squiggly pig’s tail shape on the “F,” even though the logo has always looked like that. When faced with the actual logo it is often reported by these people that it looks somewhat jarringly off. There is also the fact that the poor university student’s standby was actually “Cup Noodles” and not “Cup of Noodles” as many of you may adamantly remember.
Doesn’t this look weird somehow?
Continuing with the names of things, the popular correcting fluid that many people remember without fail is actually spelled “Wite-Out,” not “White-Out,” which is very strange, jarring, and not really intuitive since it is white, but there it is. There is also the famous chocolate candy that everyone remembers as “Kit-Kat,” to the point that many articles and posts that mention it spell it that way, but look at the actual logo and there is no dash, and there never was. As minor as it may seem, it is a disturbing revelation for people who absolutely insist that it has a dash. There is also no “Jiffy” peanut butter, but rather just “Jif” peanut butter, no matter how much you remember otherwise. Then there is the fact that the beloved game toy “Rubix Cube” is actually “Rubik’s Cube,” named after the game’s designer Rubik. Even people’s names that all of us “know” are different than what you may think. For instance, the famous Indian civil rights leader is not “Mahatma Ghandi,” as a great many people are sure they know, but rather it is “Gandhi.” Go check these so far if you don’t believe me. I’ll wait.
Are you back? Good, although you will probably have to go check again, so keep an extra tab open on your screen. Next we move on to another popular and strange type of example of the Mandela Effect, and this is that many of the movie lines, characters, and even whole movies that we know and love simply don’t exist. A famous one is that Darth Vader never does say “Luke, I am your father,” in the Star Wars film Empire Strikes Back. Instead it is actually “No, I am your father.” In the movie Forrest Gump Tom Hanks’ character never says “Life is like a box of chocolates” as you have probably been quoting all of your life, but rather “Life WAS like a box of chocolates.” This seems wrong to a large number of people.
Oh, I’m not even done with you yet. In the movie The Silence of the Lambs many of you probably profoundly remember the line from Hannibal Lecter when he says “Hello, Clarice,” yet in reality he never says that at all at any point in the film. He actually merely says “Good Morning.” Doesn’t that seem odd for such an oft-quoted line? We’re just getting started here. Do you remember the iconic scene in Steven Spielberg’s movie ET the Extra-Terrestrial when ET says, “ET phone home?” How could you not? It’s an iconic scene and line that everyone of the era knows, only he never really said that at all, but rather “ET home phone.” It doesn’t even make any sense, but I am totally serious, open your tab.
E.T. the Extra Terrestrial
In the Disney animated movie Snow White there is no line that says “Mirror, mirror on the wall,” but it is instead “MAGIC mirror on the wall.” Yes, really. The remainder of that very famous and iconic, and very wrong, line isn’t even “Who is the fairest of them all,” as many remember, but rather “Who is the fairest one of all?” This one really drives people crazy, as there is such adamant opinion that this must be wrong, but it is indeed correct, at least in this universe. Is this getting weird yet? The very famous Kevin Costner baseball movie Field of Dreams”also has the highly quotable line “If you build it they will come,” but this was never said and it misquoted. It was actually “If you build it HE will come.” I know, right? Go check it.
There are even whole movies that people distinctly remember that don’t actually exist, such as a comedy movie about a genie called Shazaam!, starring the comedian Sinbad. There are a large number of people that remember this film and even whole scenes from it, it is burned in their mind, but the movie in fact does not exist. There are numerous other little details from pop culture that you might take for granted but remember wrong. Did you know that the famous monkey Curious George never had a tail, as you may remember? The Monopoly Man from the popular board game Monopoly also does not have a monocle, nor has he ever been depicted with one. The Pokemoncharacter Pikachu never had a black stripe on the tip of his tail, but has rather always been all yellow, and even the iconic character C3PO isn’t as you might remember, as he is not all gold, but has rather always had one leg that was silver. How could we miss that?
Even songs are not immune to this effect. Picture the famous Queen song We Are the Champions. How does the last part echo out in your mind? Is there a dramatic “We are the champions…… of the world!” playing out? It might annoy you to know that that this is not actually in the song. There is no “of the world” in there, no matter how distinctively you remember it that way, and many people do. Why is that? This example of the Mandela Effect drives people bonkers, because that “of the WORLD!” is such an iconic piece of the song, which many people sing, and yet it never existed. Again, at least not in this reality.
There are other assorted commonly cited examples of the Mandela Effect as well. A famous one concerns the “Tank Man,” a protester at the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989, who features in an memorable photo defiantly standing in front of an incoming tank to block its way. While this actually did happen, the problem is that many people insist that, from the news and history classes that they remember, this man was actually run over by the tank, something which in fact did not happen. Yet these people can quite vividly recall it being in the news with footage of the whole thing and written of in textbooks that the man was actually run over and killed. The man survived, he was not run over. Minds blown.
There are even people who remember whole countries being in different places. One famous example is the nation of New Zealand. It turns out that there is a large number of people who distinctly remember it and have always known it as lying at various locations around Australia, with a popular one being that it lies to the northwest rather than to the southeast. It is so jarring and so deeply disturbing to those who notice this glitch that they have near nervous breakdowns, as happened with one Reddit commenter who said of this realization:
I’m literally sitting here in tears feeling like I’m about to have a panic attack. My entire understanding of everything has been shaken to the core. When this all came to my attention a couple days ago I go over to my sister’s room and look for this globe we’ve had for years. First place I look is for New Zealand northeast area of Australia… lo and behold, New Zealand is now southeast of Australia in the middle of nowhere. At that point it felt like I had been kicked in the stomach. I won the geography award in grade school and have a plaque that my parents still have on display, and I’m willing to scan it to prove it. Geography is something I’ve always had a keen awareness of.
These are just a few examples, but they are probably enough to instill a sense of creeping unease in many readers at this point. If none of these seem particularly odd to you, then you are probably part of the original universe and have not shifted, but what about the rest of us? The people who experience these seemingly false memories are typically often very sure of what they remember, and insist that it is real, expressing bafflement that the reality does not match up with what they so unmistakably recall. It is a nagging, incessant feeling of something off that they can’t shake. What’s more, a very large number of people experience these same memories with the same wrong details, and this has led to the spreading idea that it is evidence of mass shifts through dimensions, with the ones experiencing these anomalous memories being the travelers and those who remember correctly being the ones remaining in their home reality.
Making things even weirder is the notion that while we have these collective false memories, in another reality there are those who have the opposite incorrect memories. So for instance while we may be wondering why it is not the Berenstein Bears with an “e” as we remember, the denizens of another alternate universe are stumped as to why it is not the Berenstain Bears with an “a” instead of Berenstein Bears. Even weirder still is the idea that that this could also be indicative of someone tampering with reality itself somehow, hopping around to retroactively change things ever so slightly with their activities ad hoc while we still somehow retain the memories of reality before it was changed, driving us nuts in the process.
Of course, with such a bizarre and out-there idea as whole realities changing and being mixed up there are most certainly skeptics who say that this is all merely the result of misinformation mixed with the faulty nature of human memory and the bugs of the human brain in the first place. In other words, these are just basically memory glitches, false memories that seem to catch on with certain sections of the populace and spread. It could also be a combination of this and the power of suggestion, which was perhaps most famously demonstrated in 1978 by the psychologist Elizabeth Loftus, who found that memories can be warped and twisted, often quite dramatically, by additional misleading information or suggestion, a phenomenon she called “The Misinformation Effect.” Essentially, it shows that if one is presented with false information on a detail that someone never really noticed before, then that person may be inclined to believe it and remember it that way if it sounds convincing enough, to the point that it can totally usurp the original memory altogether.
This can all be made even worse by the phenomenon of “cognitive dissonance,” in which an individual’s refusal to accept something contradictory to the way they’d like to remember a thing or a strong, deep-set belief. These can be very beloved memories that the person is hesitant to let go of, even though they may be faulty or wrong. So for instance if someone fondly remembers the “Loony Toons,” even though that spelling is wrong, they basically create the memory of it being so, hold onto it, and thus are unwilling to believe that it could have ever possibly been a different spelling. However, why would so many people do this in the exactly the same way? Is there really some subtle reality shift going on?
So what is going on with the Mandela Effect? Is this all tricks of the mind and mental glitches that can be rationally explained away with psychological phenomena, or is it indicative of something even stranger than the human mind? Could it be a hint of other alternate realities bumping up against and entangling our own or somehow enabling travels between them? Have we experienced these reality shifts in mass numbers, being shuttled around to parallel dimensions without even realizing it? Whatever the case may be, the many supposed instances of the Mandela Effect in action are entertaining and odd nevertheless.
Released in 1980, Hangar 18 was arguably Hollywood’s first UFO conspiracy movie. Its plot features many aspects of the real-life UFO enigma, including specific details from allegedly authentic top-secret UFO-related government documentation.
Hangar 18 continues to provoke discussion within the UFO community, in part for the fact that it was released in 1980. It was in this year that details of the Roswell incident began to filter into the popular consciousness with the publication of Charles Berlitz and William Moore’s The Roswell Incident—the first book on the Roswell subject. Equally significant in 1980, and undoubtedly connected to the Roswell developments, was the quiet insertion into the UFO community of the term “MJ-Twelve.” This term, along with its variant, “Majestic Twelve,” has now assumed permanent residency in popular culture, having featured in films, TV shows, comic books and video games.
Hangar contents
Hangar 18 begins in Earth orbit as NASA is preparing to launch a satellite under the watchful eye of the US military. Just as the satellite is launched from the space shuttle, however, it collides with a UFO, killing a NASA astronaut in the launch bay. This is witnessed by the other crew in the shuttle, our heroes Bancroft and Price, (played by Gary Collins and James Hampton). Upon their return to Earth the men seek answers but soon realize their government has instigated a cover-up, and that they too are being kept in the dark.
We learn that, following the collision in orbit, the UFO made a controlled landing in the Arizona desert, where it was captured by the US military. The craft is soon transported to the top secret Hangar 18, where it is studied by NASA scientists (lead by Darren McGavin). Onboard the craft, the scientists make a series of startling discoveries:
• The alien pilots, although dead, are physically undamaged and are almost exactly human in appearance. The scientists conclude that the aliens visited Earth in ancient times, that they were seen as gods, and that they interbred with Earth women and “jump-started” human life as we know it today. • A human woman is also onboard the craft in stasis. When removed by doctors, the woman awakens in a state of terror. We assume she is an abductee. • In the ship’s data files, the scientists find glyphs similar to those used by ancient Earth civilizations. The scientists also discover extensive aerial surveillance footage of Earth’s power plants, military bases and major cities. The aliens, it seems, have been taking an active interest in our technological capabilities.
Meanwhile, Bancroft and Price are dogged in their pursuit of the truth and are targeted by the government for assassination. Price is killed, but Bancroft survives and eventually finds his way to Hangar 18 and aboard the alien spacecraft. Around this point, the NASA scientists finally decipher the alien glyphs, which indicate that the beings were planning to return to Earth en masse in the near future.
Before any of this information has a chance to sink-in, government agents fly a remote-controlled jet filled with explosives into Hangar 18, the goal being to kill all involved in the cover-up, thereby permanently burying the secret. However, unbeknownst to the government hit squad, several of the NASA scientists, as well as Bancroft, are inside the alien craft when the hanger explodes. The craft, it turns out, is invincible, and the survivors inside decide to let the truth be known. The film ends with UFO Disclosure.
Ancient Astronauts and Christianity
Hangar 18’s depiction of human-looking extraterrestrials is particularly interesting, as is the idea that these beings jumpstarted the human race—these very same details were to appear three years later in a “secret” Air Force report shown to UFO writer and journalist Linda Moulton Howe as part of her preparation for a documentary on UFOs.
On 9 April 1983, during a meeting at Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico, Air Force Office of Special Investigations Officer Richard Doty presented Howe with a document, the front cover of which read:
Doty told Howe that she was to read the document at the request of his superiors, but stressed that she was forbidden from taking the document with her and from taking notes of any kind.
The weighty document detailed many aspects of the UFO phenomenon and included a list of UFO crash/retrievals. The list included two separate incidents near the Roswell region in 1947, and another in 1949, which resulted in the capture of a live extraterrestrial that was taken to Los Alamos National Laboratories. Apparently, the being was held captive before it died of unknown causes in 1952. Other crashes listed in the document included Aztec New Mexico, Kingman Arizona, and Loredo Texas.
Most shocking to Howe was a paragraph that said the extraterrestrials had manipulated DNA in an evolving primate species to create Homo sapiens. Elsewhere in the document it was noted that the ETs had created a being on Earth whose purpose was to teach humans about love and non-violence. Howe was astonished: “We are talking about Jesus Christ,” she said to Doty, who said nothing in response, but who, she asserts, looked deeply uncomfortable.
The author and researcher Mike Clelland has pointed out that the parallels between the content of Hangar 18 and the report shown to Linda Moulton Howe are so striking that “The document that Howe saw could very well have been written by Darren McGavin’s character from what he learned in the movie.” Clelland observes:
We have a reporter [LMH] being shown a secret document by the Air Force in 1983, the conclusion is that they [officialdom] wanted this information floated out to the public. Three years earlier we have the movie Hangar 18 “floating” out the same information in the guise of an action film.
Rising Sunn
In 1971, Sunn Classic Pictures started to produce and distribute feature films and documentaries about UFOs (with an emphasis on Ancient Astronauts) and other paranormal/psychic phenomena. Titles included the aforementioned Ancient Astronaut-themed The Outer Space Connection (1975), The Amazing World of Psychic Phenomena (1976), The Bermuda Triangle (1979), based on Charles Berlitz’s non-fiction book linking UFOs to the disappearance of ships and aircraft; Beyond Death’s Door (1979), about life after death; and, in 1980, Hangar 18. Sunn Classic Pictures also had a strong focus on religious documentaries, with titles including: In Search of Noah’s Ark (1976), In Search of Historic Jesus (1979), and a TV series that ran from 1978 to 1979 called Greatest Heroes of the Bible.
The Mormon connection
Sunn Classic Pictures was established in Utah as a Mormon-run company with Raylan Jensen as its first President. Many of the studio’s writers, producers, and directors also were Mormons, including Robert Starling (writer of In Search of Historic Jesus, and who in later life would make an educational documentary about the Mormon Church), and Charles E. Sellier Jr., one of Sunn’s most successful writer/producers and also a co-founder of the studio with Raylan Jensen. As a producer, Sellier would make only family-friendly G-rated films “out of Mormon conviction.” His credits for Sunn notably included The Bermuda Triangle and Hangar 18. In 1997, Sellier wrote UFO, a non-fiction book examining the UFO enigma in the context of a government cover-up.
It makes sense that a Mormon-run film studio should exhibit an interest in UFOs. Mormon cosmology holds that the Earth is not unique, but just one of many inhabited planets, each created by Jesus for the purpose of bringing about immortality and eternal life. Mormon leaders have taught that the inhabitants of these planets are almost identical in appearance to humans – just as the alien beings in Hangar 18 are extremely human-like (a point dwelt upon in the film’s plot).
Also worthy of mention in this discussion is “Kolob,” a heavenly body described in Mormon scripture as a star, but which is generally regarded by Mormons as a planet. It is said to be the closest place in the universe to the throne of God. In the context of science-fiction, the popular Ancient Astronaut-flavoured TV series Battlestar Galactica (1978–1979 and 2004–2009) incorporates many Mormon cosmological beliefs into its overarching narrative. This is because the creator of the show, Glen Larson, was himself a Mormon. In the TV series, the planet Kobol (as opposed to Kolob) is the birth place of the human race where the “Lords of Kobol” are held sacred.
Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, San Diego, California.
An LDS educational agenda?
In the Mormon text, Doctrines of Salvation (1:62), tenth President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), Joseph Fielding Smith, states:
“We are not the only people that the Lord has created. We have brothers and sisters on other earths. They look like us because they, too, are the children of God and were created in his image, for they are also his offspring.”
Smith began his LDS Presidency in 1970, the year prior to the establishment of Sunn Classic Pictures.
Also relevant is a quote by LDS Apostle Neal A. Maxwell. In his book, A Wonderful Flood of Light (p.25), Maxwell wrote: “We do not know how many inhabited worlds there are, or where they are. But certainly we are not alone.” Between 1970 and 1976, the formative years of Sunn Classic Pictures, Maxwell served as the LDS Commissioner of Church Education, which is responsible for providing religious and secular education for people of all ages, both LDS and non-LDS.
The question is…
The key question relating to Sunn Classic Pictures (and one that, for now, remains unanswered) is this: was the studio’s alien-themed output simply a reflection of Mormon ideals and beliefs held by the studio’s core writers/producers/directors (as well as an attempt on their part to cash in on the ever-popular subject of UFOs), or, was it a more lofty strategy on the part of Mormon Church itself to subtly educate the public about an aspect of the Mormon faith which, in the century of the UFO, was becoming both increasingly taboo and increasingly relevant (i.e. life on other planets and its possible links to humanity)?
Whatever the truth behind its production, Hangar 18 remains a fascinating and entertaining movie—a must-see for any self-respecting UFO conspiracy buff. Check it out.
Man records rare dark straight line blocking a rainbow
Man records rare dark straight line blocking a rainbow
So many strange things are happening in the sky; on May 17, 2018 a man sees a strange bank of clouds in the sky and begins recording while driving.
It looks like a dark straight line blocking a rainbow but could it be a cloud shadow or there is something between the cloud and the rainbow that blocks the rainbow.
UFO Search: US Congress Proposes Millions Of Funds To Find ETs with AI
UFO Search: US Congress Proposes Millions Of Funds To Find ETs with AI
The US House of Representatives has proposed to aid NASA’s search for signs of life in the cold depths of space, amounting around £7.3million ($10million).
The search of “technosignitures” from potentially developed and intelligent species will likely get two years of funding.
It would include the search for radio waves, which an intelligent alien civilisation could be intentionally blasting into space as what humans have been doing in modern times.
In 25 years of the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI), it is the first time the Congress is planning to give it proper funds.
However, the bill is far from a done deal, warned the renowned astronomer and former director of SETI Institute Dr Jill Tarter.
She said that it is not an appropriation bill but an authorisation bill. She explained that if ever it passes, it is up to the appropriators whether they provide any SETI funding in their bill or not. However, she added that if they do provide, that would be something big.
Detection of artificially created radio waves has generally been the focus of the search for advanced life outside our solar system.
However, a brand new approach in the search for extraterrestrials could be born with a revision of mission statement of SETI.
SETI could use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to scan the noise to avoid misleading and false positive signals.
Dr Tarter pointed out that UFO hunters usually look for signs of technology and intelligence in space that are the same with humanity.
But she argued the technosignatures search is a limited approach because ET language, technology and intelligence appear in all forms and shapes.
NASA started the SETI programme to build the instruments needed to scan the space for signs of ET life.
However, Nevada Senator Richard Bryan shut down the SETI initiative a year later.
Now, the Congress bill promises a new chapter for SETI, according to Dr Tarter.
She stated that the bill would be a sea-change in Congressional attitude it if passes since Senator Bryan terminated the SETI program of NASA in 1993, which was the High-Resolution Microwave Survey.
SETI would be able to build new instrumentation and collect data globally with the sizeable budget.
Dr Tarter added that proper funding would attract the best in the field from different parts of the world and commit to the long-term search that might be necessary for success.
The Longest Lunar Eclipse Of The Century Is About To Happen
The Longest Lunar Eclipse Of The Century Is About To Happen
Prepare yourselves sky gazers.
The longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century will take place on July 27, 2018, when the shadow of Earth will completely cover the moon for 1 hour and 43 minutes.
In addition to being eclipsed, the Moon will also turn red reflecting the sun’s rays, creating a truly spectacular view.
In the last century, only four total lunar eclipses had a period totality—the time where the moon is completely eclipsed—that rivaled this summer’s event.
This included a lunar eclipse on June 15, 2011, that lasted 100 minutes, one on July 16, 2000, which lasted 107 minutes, an eclipse in July 1982 that lasted 107 minutes and one in July 1935 that lasted 101 minutes, writes.
Because these events took place in the 20th century, the eclipse of July will be the longest lunar eclipse of the present century.
However, not everyone will be able to witness the phenomenon, and those who won’t be able to witness this magical phenomenon at its best are the residents of North and South America, IFLSciencereported.
The eclipse will be more visible to people living in Africa, the Middle East, India, Australia and some areas of Europe.
A total lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes through the shadow of the Earth, known as the umbra.
The Moon will go almost right through Earth’s umbra.
Wikimedia Commons
This happens when the Sun, the Earth and th Moon are aligned.
It is like a total solar eclipse, but this time it is our planet that eclipses the Sun, and since the Earth is much bigger than the Moon, it becomes completely engulfed in its shadow.
During the total lunar eclipse, the Moon not only darkens.
In July, we will witness it turning red because of the refracted sunlight on the surface of the Earth. It is similar to when red sunsets appear in our sky.
The lunar eclipse of July 27, 2018, will be particularly long because the Moon will pass through the center of the umbra, which means that it will remain in the shadow for a longer period of time.
When the Moon passes only on the side of the umbra, the eclipse lasts shorter.
However, there are a number of other factors that have to be taken into consideration.
For example, the position of the Earth in its orbit also plays an important role.
According to Earthsky, this July 27 the Earth will be at its furthest point from the Sun, known as the apogee, which means that it casts a larger shadow. And on the same date, the Moon will be at the most distant point in its monthly orbit around Earth, known as the lunar apogee.
The combination of these rare space events will allow us to observe this unusual phenomenon in a stunning way.
Astronaut Screams At The Sight Of A UFO When Approaching The ISS
Astronaut Screams At The Sight Of A UFO When Approaching The ISS
It is very intriguing to note the automatic, conditioned reaction of the fellow astronaut who immediately calmed her with an apparent sense of urgency before she could even fully let out a scream.
Italy's first female astronaut, Samantha Cristoforetti can be heard shouting over the comms from her Soyuz spacecraft during docking maneuvers with the International Space Station. What was the cause of her alarm?
Would or even could NASA tell us if they think E.T.'s may be monitoring our world? Wouldn't they have to withhold such information, if it were true as a matter of national and international security in fact?
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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