The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Swirling Starlings Generate 'Birdnado' in Apocalyptic Reddit Photo
Swirling Starlings Generate 'Birdnado' in Apocalyptic Reddit Photo
In the school scene in Alfred Hitchcock’s terrifying 1963 classic, The Birds, a flock of black birds rapidly multiplies, steadily filling a spooky, silent playground. Imagine that, but multiply it by thousands and whip it into a swirling funnel hundreds of feet high. That’s what an intrepid photographer captured in the stormy sky over a placid countryside in an otherworldly photo posted to Reddit’s r/WTF thread this week. The photo has been dubbed by at least one useras a “birdnado.”
Unlike the premise of Sharknado, however, this is not a flock of birds unwittingly swept up into an actual tornado. Rather, it’s far more likely to be a flock of thousands of starlings flying together in a formation known as a murmuration.
Starlings, birds common to North America and Europe, are famous for forming immense flocks, sometimes containing up to 4 million individuals. Despite their otherworldly appearance, murmurations form naturally through an oddly specific organizational mechanism that scientists laid out in a 2013 PLOS Biologypaper.
Murmurations, the scientists write, are made possible by an individual starling’s ability to track the movements of exactly seven of their neighbors at any one time while flying in a flock. In the past, scientists had already determined that flock formation is beneficial for birds for a number of reasons, like easing the amount of energy required to travel and offering protection from predators. But the nature of how a flock forms — and stays together — was not clear. The team, focusing on starlings, knew that the birds had to strike a “balance between group cohesiveness and individual effort.”
The starlings in this birdnado manage to stay together because focusing on only the six or seven individuals in their immediate vicinity allows them to optimally “manage uncertainty” in highly uncertain environments. In other words, if a random disturbance causes the flock to shift suddenly, the flock will be optimally cohesive if every member pays attention to only the movements of its six or seven closest neighbors.
The birdnado may not be an actual natural disaster, but it can certainly be considered a storm — especially to the people who have to clean up the copious amounts of shit they’re known to leave behind. As Inversereported previously in an article on murmuration, starling guano has proven to be especially hard to deal with in Rome, where they are known to pass through:
The biggest issue is that they poop everywhere, covering streets, buildings, Vespas, and trees with thick layers of foul guano. Since the starlings feast in the copious olive groves outside of Rome, their poop is also especially oily.
Fortunately, in this apocalyptic photo, the birdnado seems to be forming over some desolate-looking fields. It’s scary-looking stuff, but fortunately, it’s far less threatening than actual tornados — though the mess it leaves in its wake likely smells far worse.
Scientists have reported the discovery of a “Trans-Neptunian object” whose orbital movements are highly unusual. Researchers suggest this strangely behaving rock could be orbiting a larger planet in deep space, bringing astronomers one step closer to finding Planet Nine.
A team of astronomers representing 35 universities and institutions announced the detection of the mystery rock this week, dubbed 2015 BP519, and have observed its eccentric orbital stability with new insight. The researchers published their dynamical analysis this week and describe the mystery rock within the context of the Planet Nine Hypothesis. The published data suggests that 2015 BP519 “adds to the circumstantial evidence for the existence of this proposed new member of the Solar System.”
The team, led by Juliette Becker of the University of Michigan, discovered 2015 BP519 by using data from the Dark Energy Survey, an ongoing project that seeks to map parts of space beyond what is known. The team had not expected to find orbiting objects in the data, let alone an object that orbits at a different angle than the known eight planets in the Solar System.
Whereas the known planets move along the same orbital plane due to the sun’s gravitational pull, Becker’s team says 2015 BP519 is tilted 54 degrees from that plane. This could mean that the object is influenced by a separate gravitational pull, such as a giant “ghost planet” that 2015 BP519 orbits much like a planet’s moon.
Astronomers have been searching for Planet Nine since early 2016, when astronomers Konstantin Batygin and Michael Brown from the California Institute of Technology found a group of distant objects orbiting the sun at an axis different from the known planets. These Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs) created eccentric orbital patterns, leading Batygin and Brown to suggest they were being pulled by something much larger than Earth and lurking somewhere farther from the sun than Neptune.
Becker’s paper expounds on these concepts and presents new data to support the Planet Nine Hypothesis, but will still need to be peer-reviewed and formally published. While the strange orbital behavior of 2015 BP519 may not confirm the existence of Planet Nine just yet, it offers a glimpse of how little is known about deep space and will serve as an asset to the scientists actively looking for the contested ghost planet.
WETENSCHAP In sciencefictionfilms worden al tientallen jaren herinneringen getransplanteerd. Nu zijn wetenschappers er voor het eerst echt in geslaagd bij slakken.
Amerikaanse onderzoekers konden herinneringen van de ene slak transplanteren naar een andere door ribonucleïnezuur (RNA), een vorm van genetische informatie vergelijkbaar met DNA, uit het zenuwstelsel te halen en over te plaatsen.
Een eerste groep Californische zeehazen, een soort zeeslak, was getraind om een verdedigingsreactie te ontwikkelen. De wetenschappers gaven de diertjes lichte elektroshocks aan de staart, waarop de slakken in elkaar doken. Als de onderzoekers de slakken vervolgens een tikje gaven, deden ze hetzelfde en bleven ze gemiddeld zo’n 50 seconden ineengedoken liggen. Bij de slakken die niet getraind waren, duurde dat amper een seconde.
Na de ingreep waarbij het RNA uit het zenuwstelsel van de eerste groep slakken werd overgeplaatst naar de niet-getrainde slakken, gedroegen die laatsten zich echter alsof ze hetzelfde proces ondergaan hadden. Na een tikje van de onderzoekers doken ze in elkaar en bleven zo gemiddeld 40 seconden liggen.
Een gelijkaardig effect werd vastgesteld wanneer de onderzoekers hun studie herhaalden met sensorische zenuwcellen in een petrischaaltje.
Onderzoeker David Glanzman van de universiteit van Californië in Los Angeles (UCLA), die benadrukt dat de slakken tijdens het experiment geen pijn voelden, zegt dat het is “alsof we het geheugen van de slakken hebben getransplanteerd”. De studie, die gepubliceerd is in het vakblad eNeuro, kan nieuwe inzichten verschaffen over het geheugen. Meestal wordt aangenomen dat lange-termijnherinneringen opgeslagen worden in de synapsen in de hersenen, de verbindingspunten tussen zenuwcellen. “Maar dan zou ons experiment nooit hebben kunnen werken”, zegt Glanzman. De UCLA-professor heeft een eigen theorie, namelijk dat herinneringen worden opgeslagen in de kern van zenuwcellen en dat RNA een rol speelt bij geheugenvorming.
‘Het is alsof we het geheugen van de slakken hebben getransplanteerd’
David Glanzman, onderzoeker
Volgens de onderzoekers zijn de cellen en moleculaire processen bij zeeslakken vergelijkbaar met die van mensen, al heeft de slak ongeveer 20.000 zenuwcellen in zijn centraal zenuwstelsel en de mens zo’n 100 miljard. Dat het onderzoek daadwerkelijk zal leiden tot geheugentransplantaties bij mensen, is echter klein. De onderzoekers zien deze resultaten eerder als een belangrijke stap in het onderzoek naar ziektes als alzheimer en post-traumatisch stresssyndroom.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Al gehoord van ‘laze’? Lava bereikt kust van Hawaï en dat leidt tot nieuw gevaar -
Al gehoord van ‘laze’? Lava bereikt kust van Hawaï en dat leidt tot nieuw gevaar
Tessa Rens
Lava stroomt de oceaan in.
MILIEUDe autoriteiten van Hawaï maken zich grote zorgen over de hete lavastromen van de uitgebarsten vulkaan Kilauea. Die hebben intussen de Stille Oceaan bereikt en dat brengt een nieuw gevaar met zich mee. Wanneer de lava in contact komt met het koude water, ontstaat namelijk een schadelijk product.
De combinatie wordt in het Engels ‘Laze’ genoemd, een samentrekking tussen ‘lava’ en ‘haze’ (nevel). Het gaat om een bijtend product, waarbij zoutzuurgas en vulkanische gasdeeltjes in de lucht terechtkomen.
Het product kan irritatie veroorzaken aan de longen, de ogen en de huid. Bij een vorige uitbarsting in het jaar 2000 kwamen zelfs twee mensen om het leven door de lavanevel. De inwoners van het eiland krijgen daarom de raad om zo ver mogelijk weg te blijven van plaatsen waar lava de oceaan instroomt.
Lava op been
De vulkaan Kilauea, een van de meest actieve vulkanen ter wereld, liet al een spoor van vernieling achter. Tientallen huizen werden opgeslokt en nog tientallen andere worden bedreigd.
Intussen is ook sprake van één zwaargewonde. Een man kreeg een klonter lava op zijn been toen hij op zijn balkon zat. De lava kwam terecht op zijn scheenbeen, en verbrijzelde alles vanaf daar tot onderaan zijn been. De man werd naar het ziekenhuis gebracht.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Tot wel 8000 buitenaardse megastructuren in het heelal. Deze astronomen speuren naar raadselachtige Dysonbollen
Tot wel 8000 buitenaardse megastructuren in het heelal. Deze astronomen speuren naar raadselachtige Dysonbollen
Een team astronomen heeft aanwijzingen gevonden dat er in het heelal tot wel 8000 buitenaardse megastructuren rond verre sterren zijn gebouwd.
Ze analyseerden gegevens die zijn verzameld door ruimtesonde Gaia van de Europese ruimtevaartorganisatie ESA en vonden mogelijke tekenen van enorme structuren die Dysonbollen worden genoemd.
Deze Dysonbollen zouden worden gebouwd om energie aan sterren te onttrekken.
Meerdere zoektochten
Astronomen van de Universiteit van Uppsala in Zweden en de Universiteit van Heidelberg in Duitsland schreven: “De energie kan vervolgens worden gebruikt voor supercomputers, het aandrijven van vaartuigen of lange-afstandscommunicatie.
De onderzoekers merken op dat er al meerdere zoektochten zijn opgezet naar Dysonbollen, maar dat ze nog niet zijn gevonden.
Het zou veel tijd in beslag nemen om zo’n enorm object te bouwen.
De astronomen zochten niet naar één gigantisch object rond sterren, maar naar een zwerm satellieten, waarbij iedere satelliet een klein deel van de straling absorbeert.
Tijdens het analyseren van de gegevens stuitten ze op duizenden kandidaten, hoewel het onwaarschijnlijk is dat ze allemaal zijn gemaakt door een buitenaardse beschaving.
Volgens de wetenschappers voldoen 8000 van de onderzochte sterren aan de criteria om omringd te kunnen worden door een Dysonbol.
Meest interessante
Een ster genaamd TYC 6111-1162-1 bleek de meest interessante individuele kandidaat te zijn voor verder onderzoek, wat betekent dat de kans het grootst is dat daar een Dysonbol kan worden gevonden.
Eerder stelden astronomen dat het vreemde gedrag van de ster KIC 8462852 kon worden verklaard door een buitenaardse megastructuur.
In 2016, Google Maps – the gift that keeps on giving when it comes to images of things that look paranormal or jsut plain weird – gave the world a strange photograph of what appeared to be a round island in a slightly larger round body of water that appeared to circling around the edge in an unexplainable manner. That island in a remote Argentine forest was dubbed “The Eye” by Argentine producer and film director Sergio Neuspiller, who found it while looking for a location to shoot a horror movie about UFOs. Although locals were familiar with the site and reported seeing bright flashes of light emitting from it that they thought might be related to a nearby Indian burial ground, the film crew was unable to hack its way through the vegetation to view it firsthand. A Kickstarter program was set up to raise the money for an expedition. That was two years ago. This week, it was reported that “new studies” found that the circular island and pond could be an “extraterrestrial base.” Did Neuspiller make it through the jungle and meet some aliens?
“The phenomenon is real and would explain several of the supernatural stories connected with the presence of UFOs in the area and other paranormal aspects.”
UFO Spain seems to be the source of the story on what it claims are new studies and new talks of an extraterrestrial base. It includes a depiction of what the base might look like and the coordinates of The Eye (34 ° 15’07.8’S 58 ° 49’47.4 “W ) so anyone can see it on Goggle Maps for themselves. (To save you some time, here’s the link. You’re welcome.)
What’s a little jungle when you’re hunting for an ET base?
The Eye is clearly visible – as is the lack of any paths through the jungle leading up to it. No roads, no fallen trees, no machete-cut paths. It’s been two years since the discovery and the Kickstarter campaign. What happened?
$9,698 pledged of $50,000 goal 157 backers 0 seconds to go Funding Unsuccessful This project’s funding goal was not reached on October 10.
Cry for Argentina because it’s definitely not Hollywood, where $50,000 is not a movie budget, it’s a bar tab. Why were these filmmakers and their proposed team of scientists and ufologists unable to raise even 20% of the funding needed to make and film their expedition to The Eye? Is The Eye or whatever is behind it somehow preventing them from further investigation? And what were the “new studies”?
“The legends told by the residents of this area of Buenos Aires leave anyone who listens to them speechless. From stories of souls in pain that roam the surroundings, to lights of extraterrestrial ships that enter the island.”
Apparently, the “new study” consisted of talking to more people in the area to get their stories and opinions on The Eye. Really? Here’s a better idea. If you can raise $10,000, that sounds like enough to rent a helicopter and fly over The Eye. Maybe even dangle a camera directly over it or drop some instruments into it. If you’re that interested in The Eye, wouldn’t you try some other ways to poke a finger into it?
Unless you truly believe it’s an ET base based solely on native legends and fear that approach would be dangerous. Then again, is it any more dangerous than showing up on the ground armed with machetes?
This isn’t Antarctica … it’s Argentina. It’s time for a better examination of The Eye.
94-year-old mathematician and theoretical physicist Freeman Dyson is the mind behind many groundbreaking mathematical concepts and theoretical technologies related to harnessing the potential of outer space. Dyson proposed the Dyson tree, a genetically-engineered plant capable of growing inside a comet, producing a breathable atmosphere and allowing humanity to transform comets into natural space stations. Dyson is perhaps more famous for his Dyson sphere concept, a hypothetical megastructure which completely surrounds stars, harnessing 100% of its radiant energy. Such a structure was suspected in the strange saga of Tabby’s Star which played out throughout 2016 and 2017.
Still kickin’ out the jams at 94.
Dyson is back in the news this year with a new proposed technology the English-born visionary believes could seed life throughout the universe. Dyson calls his idea the “Noah’s Ark Egg” and describes it as a “way of making space colonies highly cost-effective.” In an interview with influential science fiction author Neal Stephenson and Robbert Dijkgraaf, Director of the theoretical research center Institute for Advanced Study, Dyson outlined his vision for sending the eggs out into the cosmos in order to spread the Earth’s biodiversity to distant exoplanets and speed up the colonization process:
The Noah’s Ark Egg is an object looking like an ostrich egg, a few kilograms in weight. But instead of having a single bird inside, it has embryos — a whole planet’s worth of species of microbes and animals and plants, each represented by one embryo. It’s programmed then to grow into a complete planet’s worth of life. So it will cost only a few million dollars for the egg and the launch, but you could have about 1,000 human beings and all the life support, and all the different kinds of plants and animals for surviving. The cost per person is only a few thousand dollars, and it could enlarge the role of life in the universe at an amazingly fast speed.
Dyson says the technology to design these “eggs” may only be a hundred years away or so, but that many advances in embryology and robotics are needed before the eggs could be developed.
As far-fetched as the idea might sound, more and more evidence points to the idea that life on Earth may have come from space. It’s no stretch, then, to assume that it }also work the other way. Could humans seed life throughout the universe using technologies similar to Dyson’s proposed Noah’s Ark Eggs? It makes me wonder: what if one of these eggs went through a wormhole in the future and is caught in a causal loop? Could we have seeded life on Earth ourselves from the future as our planet dies around us? Has this all happened before and will it all happen again?
Nah, probably not. We all know a wizard in the sky made us with his powerful magic. Now close your eyes and thank him for your Hamburger Helper before he sends down more cancer to punish us.
Fire in the sky: Multi-colored UFO cloud appears over São Paulo, Brazil
Fire in the sky: Multi-colored UFO cloud appears over São Paulo, Brazil
A rare sky phenomenon above the state of São Paulo, Brazil has delighted people.
The multi-colored glow appeared in the sky on May 19, 2018 and it was likely a fire rainbow, which occurs when sunlight refracts through ice-crystal clouds.
Others have said it could have been cloud iridescence, which happens when water droplets or crystals scatter light, or could it be an earthquake light? Anyway it remains a very strange phenomenon.
We are pleased to be able to respond to these questions, for we know they are important in giving you a greater understanding. You will need this understanding now, for the world is changing and your future and destiny is before you. It is our privilege to share this greater wisdom with you. We can only hope that it can be comprehended correctly and applied correctly, for such things can be misconstrued and grave error can arise from them. Let us begin now.
“How are you different from those forces who are intervening in the world today?”
We represent those free races in your region of space who still value individual freedom and who have stayed out of the larger networks of trade and commerce conducted by nations that, though powerful, do not honor individual freedom and do not recognize the power of Knowledge in the individual as a blessing and as a great resource.
We come here not to intervene but to share our wisdom and perspective that humanity will need now to proceed with greater certainty and greater strength and understanding in its engagement with life in the universe. You cannot give yourself this education. It cannot be taught in your universities or centers of learning. Therefore, it must be given to you by others who value your presence in the universe and do not want to see you fall under the persuasion and domination of foreign powers.
Therefore, our intent is entirely different from that of the Intervention. Our societies are entirely different. Our focus and our wisdom are entirely different. If you can understand that humanity must unite itself and gather its own strength and wisdom without foreign control, then you will understand why we are not intervening in the world, but instead only offering our wisdom, perspective and guidance for you to use or not to use, as you so choose.
“What does the Intervention want here on Earth?”
The Intervention seeks to control this world and the world’s peoples. It does this not only to meet its own goals of wealth and resource acquisition, but to serve larger powers who secretly will use the Intervention to gain control of the world. These larger powers would not dare to enter the world as the Intervention is doing now, but they will use these more unscrupulous forces to achieve their own goals of influence and acquisition.
The Intervention wants a compliant humanity. It does not want a rebellious humanity, for it could not manage that. The Intervention wants humanity to work agreeably—believing in its goals, principles and promises. These, of course, are false and deceiving, and it would be the gravest of errors if humanity were to follow these mandates.
Therefore, understand that you now have competition from the universe—competition for the value and the resources of this world, its strategic position and those things that are secretly hidden here beyond human awareness, which are of immense value to those races in the universe who are aware of them.
From this point forward, you will have to defend your world from intervention and from persuasion, which can be very powerful and very influential. These powers have been exerted in our worlds to the great detriment of our peoples, and we had to fight and struggle to regain our freedom and to ward off these influences and to keep them out of our districts. It is the price in the universe where freedom is rare.
Freedom requires vigilance. Freedom requires great care and great discernment. Humanity must develop these skills and these qualities if it is to survive in a diverse and influential universe, if it is to remain free and self-determined amidst the presence of other powerful forces.
“Are any of the visitors beneficial to humanity?”
No one who is visiting your world now or in recent times is beneficial to humanity. They all represent competing forces vying for power and influence here. They are all part of the Intervention, which is made up of more than one race. If you could understand your situation more thoroughly, then you would recognize that intervention in any form is detrimental to humanity and that such intervention is being carried out for self-interest to gain control and to gain domination.
No true ally of humanity would be in the world trying to manipulate human awareness, trying to control human behavior, trying to steer human destiny to its own ends.
Therefore, you are facing an unequivocal situation. You do not have the burden of trying to tell friend from foe amongst those who are intervening in the world. That would be very difficult for you to do, given the powers of persuasion that are being placed upon humanity at this time.
You have the benefit of facing a clear and unequivocal situation. Those who are visiting your world are here to manipulate and to deceive. They feel that their goals are correct and that they more than you could rule humanity beneficially. But that is according to their values, which does not esteem in any way individual freedom, nor does it value the greater qualities of the human nature and the achievements of humanity.
“Will anyone from space come to save humanity?”
No one will come to save humanity, and those who claim to be here for this purpose represent the Intervention itself. If humanity is ever to become strong and self-determined in the universe, it must save itself. What it needs from other races in the universe is the kind of wisdom and guidance we are providing through these sets of Briefings. This is what any other society in the universe who cares about humanity’s future and freedom could give in a world where a divided humanity is struggling with itself, despoiling its world and under-mining the three basic achievements that are necessary for freedom: unity, self-sufficiency and discretion.
Do not think that others will come here to save humanity, for they will come here to save the world for themselves, and humanity will be but a resource they will use to achieve their own goals. Do not be foolish and naïve. Do not think that other races would expend the energy and invest themselves to such a great degree just to assure your freedom, for such an investment must be for their own purposes. This requires careful thought and consideration on your part, a very sober approach and a greater objectivity.
“If conquest is not allowed in this region of space, how can an Intervention occur and be successful?”
Conquest is not allowed in this region of space, so other means are sought through inducements, through the offering of gifts of technology and through persuading a native race that it alone cannot govern itself or assure its own future. It is these same persuasions that humanity places upon itself through its commercial and political persuasions.
Humanity has a greater destiny and a greater potential. Humanity can establish a sustainable use of this world. It can establish this security and stability, but it will have to proceed very differently than it is proceeding now. Otherwise, it will think that others will come to give it gifts, to uplift its science and technology, to show it how to live in peace.
But this is where you are vulnerable and fall easily under foreign persuasion. For such a peace does not exist amongst those who are intervening in the world. And there is no free energy in the universe that is truly free.
They will come to exploit you and to take advantage of your expectations and your naiveté. Therefore, you must be very wary here and very cautious. It is these powers of persuasion and powers of influence in the mental environment that will have such a great impact upon human thinking, human expectations and human emotions.
Here you either make yourself available to such persuasion, or you recognize you must resist it. Here humanity’s approach will make all the difference, for truly a small non-military force could gain ascendancy in the world without the use of force. It could do this through the power of persuasion and by offering the native people things that they think they want. This is how native peoples have been seduced throughout human history by other intervening powers. Now you are facing intervening from the universe, whose persuasion is much more sophisticated and much more powerful. If you are in their proximity, they can control your thinking, your feelings and your perception. This is the power they have of influence in the mental environment.
You can withstand this power because of the presence of Knowledge within yourself, the Knowledge that the Creator of all life has placed within you. For it cannot be persuaded. It cannot be deceived. And it cannot be corrupted. You will need to gain access to this greater Knowledge if you are to remain free and to develop wisdom and maturity in the Greater Community.
“What role, if any, do our governments play in assisting the activities of the Intervention?”
Some governments have assisted the Intervention, only to find it is working against them, and that it is deceptive and untrustworthy. Major governments in the world today have had contact in the past and have made certain agreements to allow the Intervention to function here in exchange for certain kinds of technology. But this has given license to a very dangerous intrusion into the human world and into human societies. Its influence is considerable and is directed to those individuals who are deemed to be the most compliant and the most easily persuaded.
But in recent times, there has been a shift to influence those in positions of leadership in commerce, for they are not accountable to the public. They are unelected and go largely unrecognized by the human population. They garner tremendous wealth, and they do not claim to have great scruples, such as your elected officials might proclaim. They can operate in secrecy, with very little accountability to anyone.
There has been a change, therefore, in the Intervention’s emphasis to move towards individuals in positions of leadership in commerce, particularly regarding resource acquisition and distribution. For these individuals hold great power in these arenas and are far more easily persuaded. Your people know not of what is occurring in your midst.
“Are any of the world’s governments resisting the Intervention?”
Yes, the United States and Russia are resisting the Intervention. That is one of the reasons they have ceased their competition that was so destructive over many decades. They are more cooperative now, for they realize they need one another to be successful in offsetting the impacts and the persuasion that is being cast upon humanity.
There are smaller governments assisting now, but primarily it is these two greater powers that hold such great military strength and persuasion in the world. It is they who had fallen under alien deception, and it is they who have now turned against the Intervention. That is why our contact on Earth, Marshall Vian Summers, can receive this information and can receive our Briefings and counsel without fear of government suppression. He is being watched, we are sure, though we cannot tell to what extent.
He is providing a service not only to the peoples of the world, but also to those governments who are aware of the Intervention and who are now opposing its presence and its activities in the world.
“Human scientists say that no one can travel faster than the speed of light. Therefore, how is it possible that the Intervention can come here or even that you could come here?”
This premise is certainly one that limits human understanding. If you could not travel faster than these speeds, you could not travel in space at all, and that perhaps is the assumption of many who still think that this is a barrier that cannot be surpassed.
Even before there were any human civilizations in the world, space travel was underway to a very large and sophisticated extent. You can travel faster than the speed of light and counteract its effect on time and aging, and this has been practiced far longer than any human civilization.
But travel is not as fast as you might think or imagine. It still takes time to travel between solar systems—sometimes, in your estimation and time frame, days and weeks or even months, depending on the distance one has to traverse. This, of course, would be astoundingly fast according to your notion, but you are still crawling along at a slow pace while other nations have been engaged in commerce, trade and travel for hundreds of thousands of your years, even in your region of space.
You do not live in some newly developed part of the universe. There has been a long history in this region, longer even than we can account for—a history of early war, conquest and conflict. This has been surpassed by a greater unity, a great network of trade and a great network of control—which has suppressed war and conflict, but which has also suppressed freedom and self-determination amongst its participating nations.
Therefore, you must consider that this barrier, called the speed of light, is something that humanity, in some distant future, will be able to overcome. Even on its own it will find a way to do this. But surely it cannot hold to such a limit as being defining. For we have come to be near the Earth, and now we are far away from the Earth, and the Intervention has come to intervene in the world, which it is doing now ever so greatly with each passing year. Trade and commerce is going on in many regions inside the galaxy, and we may only assume in other galaxies as well. So never think that technology in the universe is limited by human understanding or accomplishment.
“When will humanity be able to travel outside this solar system?”
Your travel outside this solar system may be possible within the next two centuries, but we say “may be possible” because you will have to face the great environmental change that is occurring in your world, which has the power to undermine human civilization. And you also have to face the consequences of intervention in your world, which could usurp human authority here and place humanity under foreign control and domination. Either of these two events could alter the course of human destiny thoroughly, could stifle and control humanity’s accomplishments and its destiny as a free and self-determined peoples in the universe.
Therefore, there are great dangers facing you now, and that is why our Briefings are so important and why we have been called by greater Spiritual Powers to come to the Earth to deliver our messages to a worthy world and a worthy people.
“You speak of individual freedom being rare in the universe. Why is this so?”
Freedom is difficult to cultivate. It can be unruly and disorganized. It can lead to dangerous individual assertions. It can have disastrous consequences if it is not governed wisely and conscientiously. It is far easier for nations to exert control and to establish authority over their peoples and societies. That is why most nations choose this easier and more expedient path, even though it leads to a far less productive and creative outcome.
Freedom is difficult to cultivate even on an individual level. It requires responsibility. It requires awareness. It requires wise governance and counsel. It requires a wise leadership and a willing and educated population. These things are all very challenging to establish, and that is why many nations choose the alternative route to stability.
We believe, however, that the path of individual freedom leads to a stronger nation and to greater creativity and accomplishments amongst its citizens for the benefit of all. We believe that repressive societies, though they may be common in the universe, do not have this creativity and cannot benefit from the wisdom and the greater purpose that each person carries. Thus, their achievements are limited, and they tend to copy one another, for they are not creative. New technology, new wisdom and new ways of creative social governance are not established in these nations. They are conservative, and they resist progressive thinking and progressive accomplishments.
Here humanity must see that it has one of two pathways to follow in establishing greater security and stability in the world. It will either create a repressive regime that will enforce order and stifle the creativity and freedom of individuals. Or it will choose the more difficult path of establishing a freer, more creative and more productive society.
It is our hope and wish that humanity will choose the path of freedom and build the freedom that it has already established in many parts of the world. It has of course, a long way to go in doing this, and it is not an easy task. But now with the prospect of diminishing resources in the world and the presence of intervening, manipulative forces, humanity faces a great challenge in this regard.
You can never take your freedom for granted in the universe. Freedom is a privilege and not merely a right. It must be built with strength and wisdom, and it must be protected with vigilance, always.
“If you were caught by the Intervention, what would happen to you and would there be consequences for your own worlds?”
If we were to be caught by the intervening forces, we would be tortured and exposed to cruel punishment to extract from us any information that we might have. Our home worlds would be discerned, and great external pressure would be brought to bear upon the leaders of our nations regarding our presence and influence here in the world. For our worlds have established agreements of non-interference in regions outside of our own, and this is what gives us our autonomy, an autonomy that is always fragile and under scrutiny for the possibility of revision.
According to our agreements, we are not allowed to be in the vicinity of your world giving such counsel, even if we are not directly intervening. But we are nearby, and our purpose is noble and worthy and guided by a greater Source. So certainly we would be tortured and destroyed, those of us who are gathered for this purpose. And our worlds would come under greater scrutiny and tremendous pressure, and our contracts guaranteeing our autonomy would be threatened and challenged.
This would be grave for our leadership. Therefore, we act with the greatest secrecy. That is why we do not describe our appearance. That is why we do not give our names, describe our worlds or tell you where our worlds reside. It is of the utmost importance to us that these things remain secret. We have not even revealed them to our contact here on Earth. Nor would we do so. For any human mind can be interfered with, and its understanding can be extracted by those intervening forces in the world now.
Therefore, you must understand the importance of discretion. That is why it is one of the three requirements for establishing and maintaining freedom in the universe: unity, self-sufficiency and discretion. You are only at the beginning of learning about the power of the mental environment. You are only beginning to learn how other races can gain access to human wisdom and understanding. You are only beginning to realize how much your freedom will have to be guarded and protected if it is to be sustained in a universe where freedom is rare.
“The Briefings state that the Intervention is promoting human conflict. How does it do this? Can you give us an example of what you have seen so far?”
You have but to promote religious extremism and nationalism and to convince the leaders and persuasive individuals that other peoples represent their enemy and a threat. You have only to project the images of spiritual saints and emissaries proclaiming the need to overcome adversaries. This is how the Intervention can promote conflict in the world. The United States’ engagement and its war in the nation of Iraq is a very good example of leaders being persuaded to do something that is utterly foolish, to engage in an intractable conflict with no certain outcome, committing so much of its resources, even risking world opinion to engage in this manner. Other nations, particularly nations that are powerful and influential, will be engaged in this way through persuasion by the Intervention—to diminish their power, to diminish their influence, to diminish the morale of their own peoples and to diminish their economies. For the Intervention needs humanity to decline in order to present itself as truly beneficial to human destiny.
Therefore, the Intervention will seek to weaken the strongest powers to degrade their influence in the world and to create an overall situation where the Intervention will be deemed truly valuable, and its counsel and its guidance will be attended to and followed.
“You also indicate that the Intervention is pacifying people. How can it pacify people and yet promote human conflict?”
The Intervention is pacifying certain populations—the young people, the educated, those who are spiritually inclined, those who could not be encouraged to wage war or conflict against others. Those who could be the greatest emissaries for the Intervention will be pacified and directed. They will believe in the new leadership. They will believe that the Intervention is here to save a struggling and declining humanity.
Those who cannot be pacified can be encouraged to engage in their ancient animosities and their distrust of their neighbors, and to fortify their resistance and hostility towards their historic enemies. Lands can be contested. Resources will be contested increasingly. Even within nations, there will be groups who will arise, who will seek to destabilize and overtake those nations. Many groups will be governed by religious ideology, governed not only by the defaults of human nature, but also by the influence and guidance exerted by the Intervention itself.
“Is the Intervention manipulating food production or any other industries here on Earth?”
The Intervention does not need to manipulate food production, as it is declining as a result of humanity’s impact on your own environment. Other industries, such as the military industries—industries that supply and support military efforts and military adventures—these are certainly being encouraged. There are forces encouraging human conflict. This represents the impact of the Intervention. While there is an incentive for peace, there is also an incentive for conquest. That is why many nations are building their military capacity. At least they were when we were last in the vicinity of your world, and we must assume that this is continuing.
This is not only the result of human mistrust and human fear. It also represents the impact of the Intervention. The Intervention is not threatened by your weapons. Only nuclear power and nuclear weapons threaten its existence here. And these things cannot be used without great consequence to the welfare and to the future of humanity.
The Intervention is using power in the mental environment—the powers of persuasion, powers which humanity is only beginning to discern and to understand. Humanity still thinks that military power will determine its fate and its future, but in a universe of greater skill and greater influence, this will not prove to be effective. This represents a new threshold of learning and accomplishment for the human family.
“Can you reveal where the Intervention bases on Earth are so that we can shut them down?”
We do not have full knowledge of this. Certainly, the first bases were established in the oceans and shallow waters, away from the presence of human military forces—in the Arctic regions and in areas where there is no military establishment. Bases underground, which are far more difficult to establish, have been built in mountain regions. Transmitters have been established in mountain regions, which have cities at their base—transmitters to affect the mental environment and pacify the public. This represents one of the efforts of the Intervention.
We do not know where all of these transmitters have been placed, but we do know they are being used. We do not know where all the bases have been established, particularly on land. We were never near enough to the surface of the Earth to be able to witness these things ourselves and can only understand their existence by deciphering the transmissions of the Intervention. Yet it is enough for you to know that such bases exist here and that there is a significant alien presence in the world. It is not a military presence. It represents the skillful use of commercial forces by those who have gained power and influence in the mental environment.
You will have to change your understanding of the use of power to realize how strong an influence this is and how much more effective it is towards establishing your goals and priorities than the exertion of military power. The exertion of military power is restrained in your world, and it is greatly suppressed in this part of the galaxy.
“If the Intervention is overcome, what should humanity do with all the individuals who are a result of the hybridization program?”
If the Intervention can be overcome, you will face future interventions. But regarding the presence of such individuals, you will have to reincorporate them into the human society, and that will require a great investment of time and energy. These individuals will actually be able to be beneficial participants in society, but their understanding and the influences upon them will have to change remarkably.
Some could become wise seers. But it is their allegiance to humanity that will have to be fully established, and they will have to learn to shield themselves from the effects of the Intervention, which can influence them even if the Intervention is not present in the world. For in space, influence in the mental environment can accrue over vast distances. Once influence has been established, this can take place.
This will be a challenge. These individuals can become beneficial to humanity if their allegiance can be placed here and if persuasions upon them can be minimized or eliminated.
“Inter-dimensional travel seems to be the fastest way to get around in space. Why is it not being used?”
Inter-dimensional travel, though greatly promising, has proven to be disastrous, for you cannot control your reentry, and even if you could find one of the portals, which are constantly in motion, you would not be able to ascertain where you would emerge—into what kind of physical environment or physical condition you would find yourself. That is why so many craft that have attempted this transference have never returned.
The portals remain a mystery. Interdimensional travel remains a hypothesis. We know that certain races have been able to bridge the gulf between dimensions. They have been able to communicate from the other dimension, but they were not able to return, and contact with them was short lived, leading to an uncertain outcome.
Humanity hopes and believes that such things will be available to it so that it can travel anywhere it wants, to move across the galaxy in an instant, to emerge in any environment. But the reality of the Greater Community will change these notions, will temper your ambitions and will show you a very different reality than the one that you imagine for yourself.
Even if you could emerge through such travel, you would end up in the vicinity of foreign worlds with whom you do not have relations or in physical environments that are entirely hazardous. You would have no way of charting a corridor route there unless you had allies existing in that region. And such alliances would be very difficult to establish, for no race wants to be intruded upon by races from afar in this manner. This would be a challenge to their security and to their network of local trade. They would be greatly threatened by the appearance of a foreign race with whom they had no history or relations.
You have but to think of these things more carefully, more objectively, to see and to understand what we are conveying to you. This requires a serious consideration. Otherwise, you will continue to indulge in fantasies of high technology and instantaneous space travel. But you will have to face a very different reality as you emerge into a Greater Community of life.
“Many people here on Earth would love to travel to other worlds and meet other races there, yet you indicate that this would be very limited. Why is this the case?”
Most nations do not welcome visitation unless it is from those who are its longstanding trading partners, and even here visitation will be limited, for societies do not want to be influenced by other societies. Certainly any free nation would not be welcome to visit a nation that is not free.
Then there is the problem of biological contamination. We can think of no world where humanity would be welcome at all given the biological reality of your world and the tremendous threat it could impose upon a foreign world. They are not prepared to deal with the innumerable biological agents and influences that exist here, and to receive an emissary from Earth would be a very challenging prospect for them.
If they were not a free society, they would not be interested in your individual expressions. They would be threatened by your music and your art. They would not want these influences to be exerted upon their cultures. They would not want their own populations to witness you or to understand you, for in this, you would be a great threat to them and to all they have invested in establishing their highly controlled societies.
You would not be able to reach other nations because you would have to cross territories owned by others. You would have to use trade routes governed by trading authorities. You would have to make agreements and compromises. You would have to come to terms with many other powers just to travel freely in this region of space. If you traveled outside these established routes, you would always face the danger of piracy. You would also face the danger of becoming lost.
Even amongst our worlds, we would not welcome human visitation at this time, for you are not yet wise enough, united enough or discerning enough for us to establish active relations with you. That is why no one should be intervening in the world. No one should be attempting to establish relations with the human family, and those that do are here for their own purposes, to establish their own quest for power and domination.
You, who are naïve and do not understand the realities of life and travel in the universe, have yet to see these things clearly. But if you think carefully about this, you will understand. There are nations even within your own world that you could not visit freely at this moment because they are not free, because they would not welcome your influence and your presence in their midst. Though such nations are few, their examples serve to illustrate what we are saying.
The universe is far more diverse, and its societies are far more different from one another than anything you have established here on Earth. Races are far more different from each other. And trust in relations can take a very long time to establish and is always maintained with great scrutiny and care. This represents the reality that you will face as you emerge into this larger arena of life.
“It appears very likely that we will run out of at least some of our essential resources in the near future. How can human civilization continue if we do not receive technology and assistance from our neighbors in space?”
If you seek to gain technology and assistance, you will be drawn into the persuasions, requirements and the commercial trade networks of other nations. They will limit your freedom. They will limit what you can do here on Earth. They will influence the kind of societies you will create in the future and will greatly limit the freedom allowed your citizens. You would give up so much for this technology and assistance. You do not yet realize what a great loss this would be and how much humanity would lose in the exchange.
You have enough here on Earth if humanity will govern itself wisely and if nations will cooperate sufficiently to preserve the resources of the world and to use them in a sustainable manner. You will need to build new technology, but even more than technology, you will need the will and the cooperation to do this.
Over time, humanity will have to find beneficial and humane ways of limiting its population and limiting its consumption. It would be a very different world than the world you live in today, which is based upon the desire and the expectation of endless growth and expansion.
To be self-sufficient is one of the requirements for freedom. For humanity to be self-sufficient in this world would require a very different creation of society and a very different set of priorities for your leaders and your citizens.
What will bring about this great change but necessity itself? You are facing great change in the world—great environmental change, great change that all advancing technological societies have had to face or will have to face inevitably in their evolution. It is how you recognize and prepare for this, how you respond to this and what kind of society you build, whether it be free or repressive, that will determine the future of human existence in this world.
“Are there many worlds such as ours in space?”
There are many worlds that have been stripped of their natural resources and have become barren as a result. Certainly, terrestrial worlds such as yours are rare, maybe one out of five or six thousand planets contain the biological diversity that you enjoy and take for granted here in your world. That still accounts for many planets in the universe. But such planets are always occupied, are always valued and the native races always have to defend their rights, their privileges and their stewardship as they begin to emerge into the Greater Community.
Terrestrial planets create biological hazards for visitors. And that is why colonization is usually attempted once the native race has either established a usable network that the visitors can use, such as is the case here on Earth, or have destroyed themselves through conflict and war, leaving an open door for intervention to occur, even military intervention. Military intervention is allowed in this region of space under such conditions. This represents part of the ethics of contact that are assumed and are practiced by many nations in this part of the Greater Community.
“Many people conclude that the visitors are beneficial because they haven’t already attacked us and taken over. What would you say to this?”
The Intervention is not here to attack humanity but to persuade humanity. The Intervention needs a compliant humanity to work for it and to engage with it to become part of its Collective. This assumption that humanity would be attacked and overtaken is entirely wrong. It is how you view gaining access to new lands and new resources.
But even in your modern world, economic, more than military, forces are used to gain acquisition to resources, and this is what is happening to the world regarding its relations in space. You are encountering small, economic Collectives who are here to begin the process of acquisition that larger nations can assume later on, if the Intervention is successful in establishing its presence and its power in your world.
To think that you would be attacked is wrong, and to think that because you have not been attacked that the forces that are here are beneficial is wrong. Both are based upon false assumptions. Therefore, the conclusions are incorrect.
Humanity, living so long in isolation and being so warlike yourselves, is certainly likely to make such assumptions and to continue to believe in them and to uphold them. It is human ignorance that gives rise to such things, and human arrogance as well. For you may be preeminent in your own world, but you have no preeminence in the Greater Community, and you are not looked upon favorably by your nearest neighbors because of your warlike tendencies and destructive use of your environment.
Those neighbors who are not free will look upon the freedoms that you have cultivated thus far with great anxiety and with great concern, not wanting these influences to be exerted within their own worlds. You have no idea what your music and your dance could evoke in such worlds and why they are viewed as a threat to those controlling powers that dominate them.
“How do free races maintain their autonomy and keep races that are not free from interfering?”
Ah, this is the challenge! This is the challenge that awaits you if you are able to offset the Intervention that is occurring in the world today. The interest in your world will not cease, and attempts to influence you will continue. How would you keep such influences at bay? For free races living in larger neighborhoods of worlds that are not free, often this requires the signing of non-interference contracts, which stipulate generally that the free nations will not participate beyond their boundaries and areas or regions of influence. They will not try to exert or promote their freedom abroad. In exchange for this, other nations agree to stay out of their areas of influence and to not contact them directly.
So various kinds of contracts like this are often made in highly inhabited regions of space, but such contracts are subject to change and reevaluation, and that is why the free nations do not travel beyond their districts or seek to promote freedom abroad. For that would violate their own autonomy and their own insulation from the Greater Community itself.
In areas where there is not a large concentration of nations, free nations will have to maintain their security through military means, aggressively challenging anyone who would come into their vicinity.
This is less desirable, of course, but in sparsely populated regions in uncharted territories, this is definitely required. Everyone in the universe is looking for resources. Many in the universe want to have influence over other nations. Even in largely inhabited regions such as this, these desires and these needs continue.
Therefore, it is a tenuous balance that a free nation or a group of free nations must establish in order to keep the Greater Community out of their territories and to prevent the kind of intervention that is occurring in the world today.
Humanity still thinks the universe is a great empty place awaiting exploration, awaiting colonization, with infinite resources there for the taking, if only humanity can establish a sufficient technology to gain access to them. Yet these assumptions all stem from your isolation and your profound ignorance about the nature of life, commerce and interactions in the Greater Community.
We understand this, and we do not condemn you for it, for we too had many of the same assumptions before contact with the Greater Community began for us, before intervention was attempted in our worlds. Since then, we have established greater autonomy, but it must be guarded carefully, both in the physical environment and in the mental environment.
Other nations employ seers who try to see into our worlds, to see what kind of technology we are producing and to see where our power and our weakness reside. We must offset these intrusions in the mental environment with seers of our own, who are guided by Knowledge, who would obstruct this kind of intervention in the mental environment.
This is all a new frontier to you and to human science and to human religion. Power in the mental environment in many ways can be equivalent to power in the physical environment, and the dangers and defenses that must be established here are significant. This is the price of freedom in the universe—constant vigilance, constant care and great responsibility.
“You keep mentioning that Knowledge is the most powerful force in the universe. How can that be true when there are so many other powerful forces to deal with?”
Knowledge represents the power to see, to know and to act with certainty. It also represents the power to resist persuasion, deception and influence in the mental environment. The individual or the nation that has this strength has the power to resist intervention and to comprehend the intentions and the activities of other nations who might be threatening to its freedom or existence.
It is the ultimate form of intelligence, you see, and seers who are guided by Knowledge are more powerful than seers who are not. Here you are able to discern the future and future events before they happen, with varying degrees of accuracy. Here you are able to discern the intentions of others and the capabilities of others without the use of technology. Here you can pretend to be weak when in fact you are really strong. Here you can appear to be non-aggressive when in fact you can be incisive in your inquiries. Here you can be well protected and well defended without requiring a great military force or infrastructure. Here you can make wise decisions regarding your relations with other nations even if their intentions are questionable or uncertain. Here you can engage in diplomacy with other nations with far more certainty than you would have otherwise.
It is this power and this Knowledge that humanity will need if it is to gain the strength and commitment to establish greater unity amongst its nations and the wise and sustaining use of the world. This will overcome greed and avarice. This will overcome competition, conflict and war. This will overcome grievance and hatred and inequality.
That is why Knowledge is the greatest power in the universe. It is a power that the Intervention is not using, or it would not be here engaged in the activities it is undertaking. This is the power that will give humanity the power to offset intervention and to prevent future interventions. This is the power to give humanity the stability to establish a new world with far greater equanimity and equality, justice and freedom.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Over the last few months I have stumbled upon several articles relating to a possible Grand Canyon UFO crash site. We decided to gather what little we could find on the subject and cover the case in the article below.
See what you think…
The Vessel
Several months ago a specialized team of experts were apparently hired to examine debris found at the Grand Canyon. When they arrived at the scene they were said to have discovered the body of a UFO that had rested there for over 4,000 years.
The team of experts were thought to be the core of a secret joint military task force on UFOs.
The craft they located was constructed out of an unknown metallic substance and also showed signs of low levels of radiation. Once found it was quickly removed to a secure military location.
A California based astronomer named Dr. Henry Leaumont claims to have inside information on the Grand Canyon UFO crash site. He believes that the craft was of a decent size and able to carry about twenty individuals of a certain height.
He also believes that the carbon dating on the ship indicates that it crashed around the 2,000 B.C. period.
Inside The Vessel
When experts finally managed to get inside the craft they discovered that the cabin area was designed for humanoids of about 4-5 foot in height. There were machines that resembled oxygen tanks and there were signs of old supplies ( food and water ).
The vessel was atom powered and had a steering system that was based on magnetic steering.
Comanche Point
The UFO was apparently located in an area known as Comanche Point – it was lodged deep inside a limestone formation.
When the experts carried out a thorough search of the area they determined that the inhabitants of the vessel lived near it for years after the crash.
Nearby Indian caves show paintings of strange humanoid creatures with bulbous heads. These illustrations are thought to depict the creatures from inside the craft.
The experts believe that the all the alien life disappeared from the surrounding area about 50 years after the initial crash landing. They have no idea what might of happened to the beings that had lived around the fallen vessel.
The Grand Canyon UFO Crash Site
Dr. Henry Leaumont goes on to explain that the craft measured approximately 50 feet widewith a length of at least 100 feet.
He also claims that the American government are doing all they can to keep this amazing find from the public.
What are your thoughts on Dr. Henry Leaumont’s claims? Please leave your opinions in the comment section below.
Life On Mars? Scientists Say There May Be 12,000 Olympic-Sized Pools Of Organic Matter On Mars
Life On Mars? Scientists Say There May Be 12,000 Olympic-Sized Pools Of Organic Matter On Mars
A new study published by scientists from the Imperial College London suggests there could be as much as 12,000 Olympic sized pools of organic matter on the red planet.
After examining Dorset’s acidic stream, scientists believe there could be as much as 12,000 Olympic sized pools of organic matter on the red planet.
Based on analysis of acidic streams in St. Oswald’s Bay on the Jurassic Coast in Dorset, England, scientists believe up to 12,000 Olympic sized pools of organic matter may exist on the red planet. Experts say that modern-day streams found in Dorset are similar to Mars0 ancient waterways.
Scientists studied acidic streams in Dorset because they are ‘eerily similar’ to the environment on Mars, billions of years ago.
Image Credit: Shutterstock.
The study from Imperial College London has found traces of fatty acids—a key ingredient in the development of life, on the Jurassic Coast in Dorset’s acidic streams.
By applying their discovery from Dorset to Mars, experts say that there could be around 12,000 Olympic sized pools of organic matter on Mars, bearing traces of past life on the red planet.
Dorset’s acidic sulfur streams are home to bacteria capable of surviving extreme conditions. These precise conditions say scientists may have been present on the surface of Mars in the distant past.
Scientists from Imperial College London examined the organic matter preserved in rock deposits near Dorset.
Water existed on Mars billions of years ago.
It is believed that an iron-rich mineral called goethite—which transforms to hermatite—is the reason why Mars is gifted with its traditional red color.
Professor Mark Sephton Sephton from Imperial’s Department of Earth Science & Engineering said: “We thought that if these iron-rich minerals harbor traces of life on Earth, then they might hold clues to past microbial life on the Red Planet.”
Scientists believe if the iron-rich minerals harbored traces of life on Earth, these may also hold important clues of possible past microbial life on the surface of Mars.
Speaking about the new study and what it implies, co-author Jonathan Tan, from the Department of Earth Science & Engineering said:
“St Oswald’s Bay is a present-day microcosm of middle-aged Mars. As the acid streams dry up, like during Mars’ “drying period,” they leave goethite minerals behind which preserve fatty acids that act as biological signatures.”
Water On Mars
According to Professor Sephton, the red planet had water billions of years ago, and it is possible that life, as we know it, may have thrived on Earth’s neighboring planet.
“Mars harbored water billions of years ago, meaning some form of life might have thrived there. If life existed before the water dried up, it would probably have left remains that are preserved to this day in Martian rock. We have yet to find convincing traces of organic matter that would indicate previous life on the Red Planet – but now we know which rocks to focus on,” explained Professor Sephton.
To test out their theory, the researchers are looking to the next life-searching mission to Mars, Mars 2020, to look for these dried streams and examine the sediment for possible traces of fatty acids.
London has three times more UFO sightings than any other UK town or city — with 336 incidents since 2001
London has three times more UFO sightings than any other UK town or city — with 336 incidents since 2001
Celebrity UFO believers include Robbie Williams, Shaun Ryder and Kim Wilde - who had a close encounter in her back garden in 2009.
By Sarah Ridley
LONDON is the UFO capital of the UK with THREE times more sightings than any other town or city.
New statistics show that 336 UFO incidents have been officially reported there since 2001 - with a host of celebs including David Bowie, Robbie Williams and Prince Philip among the believers.
Manchester is the second with 110 close encounters while there were 79 in Birmingham and 56 in Liverpool.
North of the border Glasgow topped the list with 69 and Cardiff logged 35 reports.
Overall the UK is the third highest in the world for UFO sightings with 5,234 reports in the past 16 years.
The US has had the most sightings with 139,876 - the equivalent of one report every hour.
Canada is second with 5,780.
Mexico had 607 and India 574.
New York based journalist Cheryl Costa revealed the latest figures after reports flooded into the Mutual UFO Network - the world’s biggest civilian UFO group - and the National UFO Reporting Centre.
Many could be explained as aircraft misidentifications or natural phenomena but around five per cent remain unsolved and defy explanation.
She said: "Top investigators with MUFON tell me about 5 per cent of annual reported UFO sightings fall in this mysterious unknown category.
"Percentage wise that means nationally we have about 500 of these mysterious unknown events yearly, with an average of about 40 per month.
"That's a big deal.”
Top British UFO hunter Philip Mantle, former director of investigations for the British UFO Research Association, receives reports on a daily basis - some dating back decades.
Philip, 60, of Pontefract, West Yorks, said: “UFO reports in the UK have been coming in at a steady rate compared to other years.
“The peak in UFO sightings is usually at the end of autumn.
"Why this is no one knows.
“The witnesses to these events are usually encouraged to report an old UFO sighting when they see something else.
“I personally have received, this year, a mixture of old and new UFO reports.
“Most of the reports that have landed in my office have come from the north-east of England during February and March. Why these are, again, no one knows.
“The oldest report that I've personally received dates back to 1955 from Batley in West Yorkshire."
Cheryl reckons the best time to see a UFO is on a Saturday - by the seaside or a lake.
She added: “People ask me all the time how they can see UFOs, I tell them to turn off their phones and stop yakking.
“Five per cent of people filing a UFO report neglect to enter the city where it was seen.
Another thing we discovered is the vast amount of UFO sightings are around great lakes and sea coasts.
“Saturday is the top day of the week for sightings. And drugged and drunk people don’t fill out UFO reports."
Eastenders hardman Danny Dyer once made a documentary on BBC3 called 'Danny Dyer: I believe in UFOs' in which he referred to aliens as "that mob up there”.
Shaun Ryder, lead singer of the Happy Mondays, made his own documentary and wrote a book about UFOs called 'What Planet am I on?'.
He travelled around the UK, America and South America in his quest for the truth.
Paul O'Grady recently admitted he spotted several UFOs hovering over his house in Kent.
The Blind Date host told his Radio 2 listeners he was "terrified" of waking up to be greeted by alien beings.
And 80s singer Kim Wilde claims she saw a UFO in 2009 over her garden which inspired her pop comeback with her new album Here Comes the Aliens.
Railway workers left shaken by mysterious fleet of 10 UFOs above skies in Miami
Mankind Threatens To Destroy A Third Of Earth’s Protected Areas
Mankind Threatens To Destroy A Third Of Earth’s Protected Areas
And it’s some worrying sh*t.
Up to 32.8 percent of protected land on our planet is already highly degraded due to human activity and infrastructure.
“It is time for the global conservation community to stand up and hold governments to account so that they take the conservation of their protected areas seriously…”
Scientists have recently come to the conclusion that a third of the world’s protected areas are under intense human pressure. Our way of life is directly threatening a third of our planets protected areas that have been set aside for wildlife.
The latest study suggests the human race is in need of ‘a stunning reality check’ for causing a ‘biodiversity crisis’.
Cities, towns, and rural industries have made a nearly irreparable damage.
Published in Science, the new study draws much-needed attention to human impact in the world most vulnerable, protected areas.
Shocking Discoveries
The research, led by the University of Queensland, Australia, found that six million square kilometers of protected land–equivalent to two thirds the size of China, or an area twice as large as Alaska –are in a state in which they are unlikely to conserve the biodiversity at risk.
Scientists used the most comprehensive global map of human pressure on the environment, the so-called human footprint, in order to analyze the consequences of human activity across more than 50,000 areas worldwide.
Worrying stuff
Kendall Jones, a doctoral student who participated in the study, says that in some cases the damage scale was surprising, with the greatest impacts found in densely populated places, such as Asia, Europe, and Africa.
“A well-run protected area network is essential in saving species.”
“We found major road infrastructures such as highways, industrial agriculture, and even entire cities occurring inside the boundaries of places supposed to be set aside for nature conservation.”
“More than 90 percent of protected areas, such as national parks and nature reserves, showed some signs of damaging human activities.”
Furthermore, according to University of Queensland Professor James Watson, a Wildlife Conservation Society research director, the new study is evidence that countries around the globe are overestimating the space available for nature inside protected areas.
“Governments are claiming these places are protected for the sake of nature when in reality they aren’t,” Professor Watson said.
“It is a major reason why biodiversity is still in catastrophic decline, despite more and more land being protected over the past few decades.”
The numbers
The new study suggests that around 32.8 percent of protected land our planet is already highly degraded thanks to human activity and infrastructure.
42 percent of protected lands remain free of any human pressure. Scientists note that areas free of human pressure tend to be more remote and isolated regions such as places in Canada in Russia.
“There are also many protected areas that are still in good condition and protect the last strongholds of endangered species worldwide,” Professor Watson explained.
“The challenge is to ensure those protected areas that are most valuable for nature conservation get the most attention from governments and donors to ensure they safeguard it.”
Scientific Study Claims There Are Up To 8,000 Alien Megastructures In the Universe
Scientific Study Claims There Are Up To 8,000 Alien Megastructures In the Universe
By constructing a Dyson sphere (Dyson 1960) out of material from dismantled planets, extremely advanced civilizations could in principle tap into a significant fraction of the radiation power of their host star, thereby climbing the Kardashev scale towards type II status (Kardashev 1964).
A recently published scientific study written by researchers from Sweden’s Uppsala University and the University of Heidelberg, Germany has suggested that there could be more than 8,000 alien megastructures located in deep space.
The team of experts is said to have located ‘signs’ that would suggest these so-called megastructures have in fact been built around distant suns.
The study suggests experts found tell-tale signs of up to 8,000 alien megastructures.
“We find that a small fraction of stars indeed displays distance discrepancies of the type expected for nearly complete Dyson spheres,” wrote scientists in the study.
“We find that 8000 stars ([roughly] 4% of the object in common between both surveys) have sufficient data quality to allow potential Dyson-sphere candidates to be efficiently singled out.”
One of the prime candidates of the new study is a star dubbed TYC 6111-1162-1 which was the ‘most interesting individual candidate for further investigation,’ meaning that it is considered the most likely star to have a Dyson sphere around it.
Scientists came to this conclusion after analyzing data obtained by the European Space Agency’s Gaia spacecraft, which has recently completed a run, mapping more than ONE BILLION stars in three dimensions.
“The Gaia mission will in coming years allow for Dyson-sphere searches that are complementary to searches based on waste-heat signatures at infrared wavelengths. A limited search of this type is also possible at the current time, by combining Gaia parallax distances with spectrophotometric distances from ground-based surveys,” wrote experts in their study.
Experts claim that within this massive map gathered by GAIA, they’ve found evidence of possible signs of supermassive structures commonly referred to as Dyson Spheres, massive technological structures in space, constructed around distant alien Stars to harness their energy.
As noted in the study, a number of searches for potential Dyson spheres have been made in the distant past.
Sadly, all previous studies have failed to find traces of the so-called megastructures.
Scientists note that building a Dyson sphere in space isn’t an easy task. In addition to requiring enormous amounts of material, these structures would take an extremely long time to build.
Therefore, scientist devised a new way of hunting for Dyson spheres. They assume that instead of being a huge, solid structure, Dyson spheres could also be a series of smaller power plants, placed strategically around an alien star.
“The Dyson sphere is typically not envisioned as a solid shell, but rather as a dense, spherical swarm or shroud of absorbing satellites, with each satellite absorbing a small fraction of the stellar radiation.”
Luckily for us humans, we’ve already cooked up a plan that could see us place our first Dyson sphere around our sun in just five years.
By enveloping the sun with a massive array of solar panels, humanity would graduate to a Type 2 Kardashev civilization capable of utilizing nearly 100% of the sun’s energy output, writes George Dvorsky from
Researchers Find Evidence Of Oldest Human Occupation In South America
Researchers Find Evidence Of Oldest Human Occupation In South America
40,000 years ago, a mysterious people—possibly explorers—lived in Argentina.
Archaeologists have uncovered remarkably well-preserved human remains that date back around 40,000 years in Argentina. These skeletal remains are not only the oldest in Argentina, but could be the oldesthumanremains ever discovered in SouthAmerica.
Don’t you just love when archeology digs up something like this? It changes everything, yet it changes nothing,
The more we dig, the more we understand how little we know.
A team of archaeologists led by professor Carlos Aschero had discovered what is believed to be evidence of the oldest human occupation in Argentina, and possibly in South America.
The discovery was made in Antofagasta de la Sierra, a province of Catamarca, Argentina.
Ancient Explorers?
40,000 years ago a group of people—possibly explorers—lived between the northwest of Catamarca and part of Salta, in the area that integrates the salty Puna.
It is unknown how long the group remained in the Argentine Northwest, but their traces were very well preserved in the desert lands, at more than 3,500 meters above sea level.
Antofagasta de la Sierra is almost 600 kilometers north of the capital of Catamarca.
Its climate is rigorous, cold and dry, with minimum temperatures below 0 ºC.
It is precisely the above-mentioned conditions that most likely made it possible for the remains to remain as well preserved as frozen over time.
It was an extensive search.
In fact, researchers excavated 4 kilometers in the upper section of the Punilla River, in a small ravine known as Cacao.
More precisely in a cave which houses a huge variety of rock art and various stone structures.
There, archaeologists recovered two strands of human hair, which had been cut.
They also found stone tools used for cutting and scraping, copper earrings, as well as bone fragments (complete ribs and tooth remains).
Previous to this discovery, the scientific community maintained that the oldest human presence in the area could be traced back around 10,000 years.
However, the discovery offers new insight into the human population in the area, changing everything we thought we knew about South America and its early inhabitants.
The tests used to determine the age of the skeletal remains were carried out in two specialized laboratories in the USA. (Arizona and CAIS-UGA) using radiocarbon dating.
Jorge Martinez, an archaeologist at the National University of Tucumán and a researcher at the Higher Institute of Social Studies of CONICET, said that the oldest traces of human presence in Argentina prior to this, were located in the province of Buenos Aires (Pampean region), and can be traced back to around 14,000 years.
Meanwhile, in Latin America in general, the oldest alleged human remains are located in Piedra Furada (Brazil), these remains date back between 27,000 and 30,000 years.
However, Martínez believes that the skeletal remains discovered in Brazil are very controversial, among other things due to the method by which their age was determined.
According to reports, scientists used Radiometric dating to determine the age of the skeletal remains from Brazil. Radiometric dating is a technique used to date materials such as rocks or carbon, in which trace radioactive impurities were selectively incorporated when they were formed, reports El Litoral.
DNA tests will reveal more
Martinez looks forward to learning more about the skeletal remains discovered in Argentina after DNA tests result are done.
Experts will then know who these mysterious people were, and to what genetic lineage they belong to.
“The theory that prevails is that the inhabitants of America came from Asia through the Bering Strait and that they belong to four great lineages. We want to corroborate or refute that origin, perhaps we will find they belong to a different ancestry,” he ventured out saying.
These discoveries offer a wealth of previously unknown information to experts.
“It means that the settlement processes were pervasive and diverse. And those records correspond to the Puna, where there is a lot of height and a complicated climate. What can we imagine of the occupation that could have existed in much lower areas, where life is easier! “, Professor Aschero surmised.
In the 1840s the topic of germ theory in medicine was laughable and considered fringe thinking. Then in 1850, a prickly Hungarian obstetrician named Ignaz Semmelweis told his doctor colleagues in Vienna Medical Society’s lecture hall, “Wash your hands!”
Over the next few years, thanks to the pioneering work of Louis Pasteur and later Robert Koch in the 1880s, the science of germ theory finally established firm footing and became less laughable in the field of medicine.
Prior to 1900, the experts said the idea of a man flying in heavy aircraft was laughable. But on Dec. 17, 1903, Wilbur and Orville Wright proved them wrong.
In 1940, professors at major American technical colleges thought rocket science was the stuff of science fiction. When U.S. Army engineers visited Robert Goddard, an American rocket pioneer, they saw no practical application to his rocket research in warfare. Yet the German Nazi Reich demonstrated rocketry’s practical applications in warfare–in spades.
In the late 1940s, aviation engineers said that the sound barrier could not be broken. But on Oct. 14, 1947, Chuck Yeager flew the experimental Bell X-1 at Mach 1 and broke the sound barrier.
For the past 70 years, we’ve been conditioned to think that the topic of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) was an absurd notion. We were told that people who report UFOs are delusional. But for years trained observers have reported them. In recent months, we’ve seen declassified military video showing us aerial phenomena. Major news organizations are starting to take this topic much more seriously.
The problem is that within the Defense establishment and governmental circles like Congress, they still think that UFOs are a laughable subject. Being politically safe in their minds means they can stick their fingers in their ears and sing “La La La,” while unexplained science and advanced technology flies circles around our best aircraft.
Being safe in their minds means they should ignore the fact that this unexplained aviation technology is regularly loitering around our world’s most advanced defensive technologies, no matter whether it’s ours, the Russians or the Chinese.
You would think that after disasters like Pearl Harbor and the events of 9-11, our political and military leadership would have learned a lesson and say, “Hey maybe we better stop laughing at UFOs and look at their potential threat and try to understand what we are dealing with.”
Where are the forward-thinkers, the people who can imagine the unthinkable?
If you have a UFO sighting to report, use one of the two national database services: the National UFO Reporting Center or the Mutual UFO Network. Both services respect confidentiality.
Cheryl Costa is the 2018 recipient of the International UFO Congress, “Researcher of the Year” award.
How UFO sightings have captured human imagination for centuries
How UFO sightings have captured human imagination for centuries
For centuries, mankind has reported seeing UFOs in various parts of the world. The alleged sightings have captivated the public imagination and raised questions about life beyond our planet.
Early cave drawings, ancient texts and centuries-old paintings appear to depict or describe human contact with extraterrestrial beings and UFOS, or unidentified flying objects. For instance, the 1710 painting by Dutch artist Aert De Gelder appears to show a UFO illuminating the baptism of Jesus Christ.
In modern times, purported sightings of UFOs have captured headlines and newscasts worldwide. Most recently, media attention turned to an audio recording released by the Federal Aviation Administration in which two pilots flying on different aircraft above Arizona in late February report having close encounters with a mysterious object.
According to the FBI, a “rash of sightings” of UFOs swept the United States in 1947, after World War II amid a heightened interest in aerospace flight and technology. The FBI says it helped investigate the claims between 1947 and 1954.
“Although the newly formed U.S. Air Force was the primary investigator of these sightings, the FBI received many reports and worked for a time with the Air Force to investigate these matters,” the agency says on its website, where records of some of the reports are published.
Perhaps the most famous incident took place northwest of Roswell, New Mexico, in the summer of 1947, when a foreman of a ranch came across mysterious debris, including metal rods and paper-thin, metallic-looking scraps. The man, William Brazel, reported the strange wreckage to the local sheriff, who contacted the nearby Roswell Army Air Field.
Maj. Jesse Marcel and other intelligence officers were sent to recover the materials, according to the Roswell Daily Record.
A public information officer for the Roswell Army Air Field then released a statement saying officers had retrieved a “flying disc,” which had crashed on the ranch near Roswell.
Military officials later retracted the statement after investigating the debris, saying it was actually remnants of a downed weather balloon.
“I am sure what I found was not any weather observation balloon,” Brazel told the newspaper in an interview in July 1947.
Sixteen out of these 17 deep-sea octopuses are brooding young — but they’re all fated to die.
A geology voyage to study fluid discharge from a rocky outcrop deep below the ocean’s surface turned up something else: A population of brooding purple octopuses. The colony is probably doomed due to the warm, low-oxygen water coming out of the rock, but those ill-fated cephalopods may be an indicator that a healthy population is hiding out nearby, a new study contends.
The octopuses reside on Dorado Outcrop, some 250 kilometers off the coast of Costa Rica and 3,000 meters deep in the sea. The outcrop is essentially a buried 23-million-year-old mountain. “Fluid is discharging from this outcrop because at some other location there’s fluid flowing from the bottom of the ocean into the earth,” notes Anne Hartwell, a marine research scientist with the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Just where that fluid is entering isn’t known, nor is the path that the water takes through the earth.
But geoscientists were curious about the fluid discharge, so in 2013 they visited the site. Images captured by the remote-controlled research vehicle Jason II revealed a wealth of brooding octopuses clinging onto the side of the outcrop. “Everyone thought they were cool, but no one really did anything about it,” Hartwell says. “There were biologists on board, but they were microbiologists.”
Hartwell wasn’t on that trip, but she was on another one a year later and visited the site in the research submarine ALVIN. “When I got to the seafloor … there was so much life,” she recalls. The octopuses weren’t even the highlight for her. “I saw sea sponges and sea stars and crabs and shrimp. And they were colorful,” she adds. “I hadn’t expected that type of macrofauna, big organisms, that deep,” she says. “And then the octopuses were there, and it was just, ‘whoa, this place is cool!’”
Those octopuses intrigued Hartwell, so she teamed up with one of the geoscientists on that original cruise, Geoffrey Wheat of the University of Alaska Fairbanks, and cephalopod expert Janet Voight of the Field Museum in Chicago. They examined hours of video and still images and other data collected on the two deep-sea missions.
A voyage to explore a rocky outcrop deep beneath the ocean’s surface revealed an ecosystem full of colorful creatures, including a colony of purple octopuses brooding on a rocky outcrop — and probably fated to quickly die.
The research team determined that the octopuses are a species of Muusoctopus, a not-well-known genus of deep-sea octopods. Hundreds of these individuals were seen during the two expeditions, including many that had cemented themselves to the outcrop and some of which appeared to be brooding eggs.
Those octopuses had attached themselves in an area of occasional fluid discharge. That fluid is 10 degrees Celsius warmer than the surrounding waters (which are a constant, and chilly, 2° C), and it contains less oxygen.
“I had initially assumed that … they really wanted to be there,” says Hartwell. It wasn’t until she took a closer look at the evidence and consulted with Voight that it became clear that the octopuses are physiologically stressed when they’re in the fluid, she says. The moms may have settled there when no fluid was flowing and are stuck when conditions change. The species should be well adapted to the cold, higher-oxygen conditions found in the deep ocean. And when they find themselves out of their normal element, the octopuses, and their young, probably don’t survive, the team reports in the May issue of Deep Sea Research I.
But it’s not all bad news. Hartwell and her colleagues think that the doomed cephalopods are an indicator of a larger population nearby. In some cases, there were just arms or part of a mantle sticking out of the rock. “That was our evidence that there were octopuses that could fit inside spaces available on this outcrop, and these spaces are notably not associated with any fluid discharge,” Hartwell says.
She is reluctant, though, to say that such a population really exists. “Because we can’t see it, we have no way of knowing whether they’re there or not,” Hartwell cautions. She hopes that scientists might one day be able to revisit the outcrop and poke around for those hidden octopuses. In the meantime, she’s working to classify the rest of that colorful community that so dazzled her deep beneath the surface of the ocean.
In the middle of the 1970’s, Carl Sagan and his peer colleagues transmitted a broadcast known as the Arecibo message into outer space using radio waves. The 1974 landmark was a special ceremony to commemorate the remodeling of a radio telescope in Puerto Rico known as the Arecibo.
This transmission was the most powerful broadcast of energy ever beamed out into space.
The blast of energy was directed toward a star cluster that is located an estimated 25,000 light years away from our planet.
The data contained within the transmission was simple yet complicated, and made sense. It was a pictorial message that depicts our planet Earth’s location in our solar system.
The data contained as much as the basic core principles of our systems of mathematics and science, and of course the data was placed into the transmission with hopes that some extraterrestrial intelligence would interpret it.
As simple as it was, an intense amount of information was contained within this message, even info about the code of human DNA and information about our appearance.
So how did they manage to encode such a massive amount of data in a transmission blasted into outer space? Take a look at the code in this crop circle: that’s how.
In 2001, 27 years later the above pattern appeared right next to the Chilbolton, Britian’s largest telescope and astronomical observatory. The facility is home to the largest fully steerable meteorological radar in the world. It is reportedly identical to a visual representation of the data transmitted by Sagan and his team in 1974.
The message encoded into the crop circle is supposedly coded, and describes a different solar system, an alien image of the sender like the original message sent out by NASA, DNA that isn’t human, and a sort of microwave antenna as opposed to the depiction of the radio-wave antenna present in the 1974 message.
To ensure that this crop circle in fact was coded with all that information, someone might want to confirm this.
Crop circles seem to be a real rabbit hole: it’s quite unexplainable how so many of them formed. They say that this face was representative of a new technique in the creation of crop circles, a sort of “screen technique” similar to how a face can be printed onto an ordinary piece of paper.
Here, one can find a signal for a microwave antenna signal according to one interpretation, on a crop circle that happened to appear just a year prior in the exact same field in Britain.
What was the format of the code sent out into space in 1974? The Arecibo message was in binary. That is relevant to an odd, declassified NSA document bearing the title “Key to the Extraterrestrial Messages.”
The document lays it all down and reveals that the NSA allegedly received 29 messages from outer space that seem to be coded in some binary format. They say it is shocking that the NSA openly admitted this, but here’s another theory.
The NSA wouldn’t of their own volition release something they really didn’t want everyone to know. Many people suspect there is an agenda afoot to severely mislead the general public about the existence of extraterrestrials.
A fraudulent threat or alleged factor of extraterrestrial intelligent life just may be used as an excuse to do something to the citizen class one day. People would be wise to believe half of what they hear and none of what they see: no info is freely admitted by the government unless they want people to hear it.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
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