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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
Are Shadow People beings from another dimension? Ghosts? Aliens? Demons? Astral Bodies? Take your pick and let us know what you think.
Have you ever heard about the so-called Shadow People?
These mysterious creatures have been referred to by those who claim to have seen them as either interdimensional beings, ghosts, time travelers and even possibly aliens.
People who claimed to have seen them aren’t sure what they had seen.
In fact, numerous descriptions of the shadow people suggest that they come out of nowhere.
While you are sitting there watching TV, you notice a strange movement across the room. It appeared dark and shadowy, but there was nothing there, you are alone. Is it your mind playing tricks on you? Or is it your imagination running wild? You doubt yourself until you it happens again.
It gives you goosebumps
You are unsure as to what you had witnessed, and you start to ask yourself, sh*t, are ghosts real?
The Shadow People, how do you describe what you cannot accurately see?
An artist’s impression of a shadow person as a paranormal entity. Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons.
The aspect of these beings is usually the body of a creature of great height, capable of scurrying at great speed through the rooms or even trespassing walls.
These sightings seem to occur randomly, as people read, watched television or did any other day-to-day activity in their homes.
The silhouettes passed quickly, barely in a split second to disappear without being fully seen.
On numerous occasions, people who claimed to have seen these mysterious shadows say had seen an arm, a leg or even a pair of eyes, especially at night.
While they slept, strange shadows burst into their rooms, causing intense terror. The sightings made people question their sanity.
People can’t agree unanimously as to what they look like, although they are generally described as lacking in mass.
However, their specific nature varies from two-dimensional (as a shadow) to vaporous or distorted.
Their movement is sometimes reported as very fast and without order, or “shaky,” in the sense that they first seem to move like a fluid (thick, similar to jelly instead of water), and quickly move elsewhere, almost as if they were reporting.
The only thing that people do agree on is that these mysterious shapes appear at the edge of the field of vision, and they disintegrate or move to the walls once they are seen, usually in a second.
Although, many reports that shadow people appear at the center of their vision, appearing very close to them or standing for several seconds before disappearing.
Those who thought that shadow people are the result of modern folklore are wrong. In fact, there are a number of religions and legends that describe these mysterious beings. In the past, they were described as shades of the underworld, lost souls, while in modern times people are usually more inclined to explain them as interdimensional beings that ripped through our reality.
Scientists have tried attributing the so-called shadow people apparitions to several physiological and psychological conditions which may result in people actually experiencing shadows come to life.
Sleep deprivation is also usually connected to sightings of shadow people.
However, not many people are convinced that science can explain these beings, arguing that it goes beyond our understanding of space and time.
An interesting theory suggests that the so-called shadow people are actually Astral bodies. The theory indicates that shadows or ‘essences’ are actually people who are having an out-of-body experience.
According to Jerry Gross, an author, lecturer, and teacher of astral travel, we all travel out of the body when we are asleep. Perhaps, this theory says, we are seeing the ephemeral astral bodies of these twilight travelers.
Others ay that shadow-people are in fact aliens. Curiously, those who have claimed to have been abducted by extraterrestrial beings often claim that their abductors—the aliens—had the ability to move through walls and closed doors, and they could appear on one place and disappear in a second. Those who have seen shadow people often make the same claims.
Some also say that shadow people are time travelers and what people are seeing are in fact glimpses of an alternate timeline.
Those who believe in ghost stories would say that shadow people are in act ghosts. However, those who have seen the shadow people claim that they are different than ghosts. While ghosts are misty white, with a cloud-like form and a human form, the shadow people are dark, shadowy creatures.
And while the exact nature of the shadow people remains a mystery, skeptics argue that they are the result of an overactive imagination.
Skeptics argue that our mind plays tricks on us. It makes our eyes see things that aren’t usually there. Our mind causes us to hallucinate, creating illusions next to us that seem very real.
Unfortunately, there is no way to prove–or disprove for that matter– theories about shadow people and their sightings, which occur quickly and without warning.
Furthermore, since science finds it practically impossible to study this type of supernatural phenomena, nor do scientists seem particularly inclined to do so, all we can do is document the countless personal experiences and try to understand, as much as possible, what people who have claimed to have seen these beings, actually witnessed.
Maybe the existence of shadow people is something that can easily be explained, although their existence may also prove that there are things in our world which we have yet to discover and understand.
Human-chicken hybrid: Scientists successfully planted artificial human cells onto a chicken embryo
The study recently published in the journal Nature—titled Hybrid human–chicken embryos illuminate key developmental milestone—describes the revolutionary breakthrough as “A new technique reveals the earliest stages of human development without the need for human embryos.”
A group of stem cell scientists has made an unprecedented accomplishment as they have successfully combined artificial human cells with the embryo of chickens, in a shocking scientific experiment that aims to understand better how life develops.
Scientists had never before been able to understand and answer how specific cells in a developing human embryo arrange themselves to become muscles or libs, while others become bones and nerves.
However, everything has changed with a new experiment performed by researchers from the Rockefeller University in New York.
A group of scientists led by Dr. Ali Brivanlou has achieved the unthinkable by grafting petri dish grown human cells onto a chicken embryo and observed how cells could organize themselves.
In the study published in Nature, researchers from Rockefeller university unveiled the inner machinations of so-called ‘organizer cells.’ These cells are believed to play a crucial role in the formational of a cells top, bottom, and back, and are thought to dictate how the human body takes shape.
Speaking about the discovery, Dr. Brivanlou said: “No one knew what happens after the ball of cells attaches itself to the uterus.”
Human embryonic stem cells were coaxed into embryo-like structures to study the earliest stages of development. Credit: Prof. Miodrag Stojkovic/SPL
Putting an end to the use of human embryos in laboratories
The new, revolutionary study aims to bypass ethical issues surrounding the use of human embryos in laboratory experiments. Countries like the United States, for example, have banned the use of human embryos which are more than 14 days old, which is precisely when organizer cells begin to form.
The new study saw experts bypass the rule by growing embryo-like structures derived from human embryonic cells in the lab.
The next phase saw scientists graft the cells onto 12-hour-old chicken embryos which are considered to be the equivalent of a 14-day human.
In the new study scientists said that the as the chicken embryos grew, organizer cells began the formation of a second chicken nervous system.
In other words, it is a revolutionary discovery in medicine, one that is welcomed by researchers around the globe.
Dr. Martin Blum, a biologist at the University of Hohenheim in Germany, said that the discovery could put an end to the use of actual human embryos in laboratories.
At the moment I could not think of a case where an early human embryo would be needed to answer fundamental questions.”
However, Dr. Brivanlou disagrees with Dr. Blum.
There is no substitute for studying the real embryo,” Dr. Brivanlou has said.
“Everything else we do when we try to model kind of oversimplifies it.”
Martin Pera, a stem-cell researcher at the Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor, Maine, is impressed with the study.
There’s quite a lot there that this system will lead to,” he says — including a better understanding of defects in the early development of human embryos that can lead to miscarriages, and the ability to compare the embryo-like structures with human stem-cell cultures to better define stem cells’ abilities, reports the study in Nature.
The next step, say, researchers, is to determine how exactly the human organizer cells influence their neighbors.
This breakthrough could help scientists understand how to manipulate human stem cells into specific tissues or structures, as part of therapies to regenerate organs and tissues.
“Human embryonic stem cells and eggs have all the information,” Brivanlou says. “Everything else is pushing the first domino.”
“Eerie!” thought Michael Scully in North Carolina on Monday morning, when he caught this image with his iPhone. Turns out it was a rocket launch from Wallops Island of an uncrewed Cygnus cargo ship, due to reach the International Space Station today.
Photo taken Monday, May 21 – 5:20 a.m. – by Michael Scully in North Carolina. Thanks, Michael!
Michael Scully in Hurdle Mills, North Carolina, wasn’t sure what he was seeing in the early morning twilight on May 21, 2018. He wrote:
This was eerie. The “cloud” pattern was the only thing lit up in that part of the sky. If you get a chance and could tell me what this is, I’d be thrilled.
Cool photo, Michael, especially to catch by chance!
It was exhaust from Monday morning’s launch of an Antares rocket, which was boosting an uncrewed Cygnus cargo ship to space. The cargo ship did reach orbit nine minutes after launch at 4:44 a.m. EDT (08:44 UTC) from Pad-0A of NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia. The Cygnus is carrying supplies to the International Space Station. It’s due to arrive at the space station today (Thursday, May 24, 2018).
Michael’s photo was not the only one we received of Monday’s launch from Wallops:
View larger. | Robert Williams on Wallops Island, Virginia, was prepared. He caught the rocket launch itself on May 21, 2018, at 4:45 a.m. He wrote: “This is comprised of 3 30-second images stacked together, with a little brightness adjustment in Adobe Lightroom. Each image was taken at f/20, ISO 200. Canon 6D, Rokinon 14mm lens.” Thanks, Robert!
Did you see it? Tell us in the comments below. Map of viewing area on the U.S. East Coast for the May 21, 2018, Antares rocket launch.
Image via Orbital ATK.
Bottom line: Images of Monday’s launch of an uncrewed Cygnus cargo ship, due to reach the International Space Station on Thursday, May 24.
Even though there is a preponderance of evidence to suggest that alien life exists (and may exist in myriad forms on myriad worlds), thus far, humanity has not been able to produce definitive proof of aliens in any form. Therefore, the Fermi Paradox, the glaring contradiction between the high probability of existing aliens and the lack of direct evidence of such, holds sway at present. But a trio of European scientists believes they have a solution to the famous paradox, and it involves advanced aliens, a state of dormancy, and a tremendous amount of restraint and patience.
Three Future of Humanity Institute (University of Oxford) researchers — Anders Sandberg, an neuroscientist; Stuart Armstrong, an Artificial Intelligence expert also associated with the DeepMind project; and Milan Cirkovic, an astrophysicist at the Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade, Serbia — have produced a paper that argues that aliens do exist, but their civilization(s) are at such an advanced state that they have explored the universe and reached an existential point where they have selected to go into hibernation and wait for a more optimal time to be alive. In fact, according to ScienceAlert, the simplistic gist of the scientists’ position is that the technologically and culturally advanced aliens are waiting for the universe to cool down.
“Right now, the cosmic background radiation makes nearly everything in the Universe hotter than 3 Kelvin, but as the Universe expands, this background temperature will decline exponentially,” write Sandberg and Cirkovic on their blog, Andart II. “So if you want to do as much information processing as possible with the energy you have, it makes sense to wait. It becomes exponentially better.”
“An advanced civilization may have explored a big chunk of the universe, done what is doable with existing nature, and now mostly have internal ‘cultural’ things to do,” Sandberg and Cirkovic further explain. “These things can be regarded as information processing. If they want to maximize processing they should not do it today but wait until the cold future when they will get tremendously more done. They should hence aestivate.”
Getting to this advanced state to where a civilization can aestivate — a zoological term describing a prolonged state of torpor or dormancy — through technology is already being explored by scientists in the form of dataism, or the digital transfer of the brain, memories, emotional, and psychological constructs onto some type of storage (or working) device to hold off the inevitability of biological breakdown and death.
The scientists suggest that there are ways to detect the advanced dormant alien civilizations. Those who search for extraterrestrial intelligence should be on the lookout for a “suspicious absence of processes that would waste resources useful for the aestivators,” Sandberg told George Dvorsky at Gizmodo. The “absence of processes” would include natural cosmic forces not interacting or suspended from regular activities.
The researchers admit that the two most popular reasons that there is yet no evidence of alien life are that there are no aliens to be found or that intelligent aliens are too distant and thus remain undetected. However, they argue that their position helps rule out multiple possibilities associated with the Fermi Paradox while offering insight into humanity’s potential future.
Besides, as Sandberg told Gizmodo, “If you don’t check your less favored hypotheses, you are not doing science.”
The latest possible solution to the Fermi Paradox is far more hopeful than that suggested by author and television personality Dr. Brian Cox in October. As reported by the Inquisitr, the noted physicist said that humanity was unlikely to have a first contact with aliens, even though he adamantly believes aliens exist (or have existed), because he thinks that civilizations tend to self-destruct. And humans, he said, were fast approaching or have already entered into that dangerous period where technological development and cultural instability will likely conspire to end human civilization as well.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
The Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences published a series of photographs, taken by the Venera probe which allegedly show evidence of living organisms on Venus, one of the most inhospitable places for humans in the solar system. Venus, the second planet from the sun is the most similar planet in our solar system in terms of size and structure to Earth. In terms of the surface, it is anything but Earth-like.
It is the hottest planet in the solar system, mainly due to its atmosphere which is 97 percent carbon dioxide, a heat-trapping greenhouse gas.
The constant temperature on Venus is 480 degrees Celsius, a temperature which is hot enough to melt lead and it even hotter than the nearest planet to the Sun, Mercury.
According to Russian scientist Leonid Ksanfomaliti, this image, taken from a Russian probe that landed on Venus in 1982, we can see a scorpion-shaped life form
According to an explanation by Leonid Ksanfomaliti, doctor of physical and mathematical science, at the Institute for Space Research, the images taken 30 years ago reveal the movement of extremely strange objects on the surface of Venus.
NASA quickly went on to debunk the discovery. As explained, the ‘disc’ that is seen moving on the surface is a lens cap, and the ‘scorpion-like-creature’ proposed by Ksanfomaliti is actually ‘noise’ in a second-hand picture which isn’t present in the original image.
Ksanfomaliti believes that in the images, a scorpion-shaped creature, a disk and a ‘black flap’ are visible moving in front of the onboard camera of the Venera 13.
According to reports from a Russian news agency, Ksanfomaliti explained in an article for the Russian journal Solar System Research magazine: ‘They all ’emerge, fluctuate and disappear.’
‘What if we forget about the current theories about the non-existence of life on Venus, let’s boldly suggest that the objects’ morphological features would allow us to say that they are living,’ he added.
But American counterparts seem to firmly disagree with Ksanfomaliti. Ted Stryk who is a photo analyst at NASA says it is more likely that the disc Ksanfomaliti is talking about could have come from the spacecraft.
‘Venera-13 had two cameras, one in front and one in back. The one image shows the front camera lens cap and the other shows the rear camera lens cap, not one lens cap that moved,’ he says, in comments on Life’s Little Mysteries.
NASA says there is no way that anything can survive on Venus today. However, scientists have not ruled out that once, in the distant past, Venus might have supported life, in a time when the planet might have had giant oceans and possibly life before the ‘greenhouse effect’ created the temperatures that rule over the planet today.
‘Current theories suggest that Venus and the Earth may have started out alike. There might have been a lot of water on Venus and there might have been a lot of carbon dioxide on Earth,’ Professor Andrew Ingersoll of Caltech said in a paper published in Astrobiology in 2004.
Images of the surface of Venus taken by the Soviet Venera-13 descent module in 1982.
The problem with science and scholars in search for extraterrestrial life is that mankind believes that for life to exist elsewhere in the solar system or universe, a planet should have a similar climate and conditions to those of Earth.
What if elsewhere, on Venus perhaps, there are living beings which need scorching temperatures in order to survive, beings that can breathe carbon dioxide and cannot survive with water or oxygen. In order to search more adequately for extraterrestrial life, we need to change the conditions and patterns of extraterrestrial life.
Pluto might not officially be a planet anymore, but that doesn’t make it’s any less interesting.
One of the most important objects of inquiry regarding the distant dwarf planet has to do with its formation. Now, thanks to unprecedented observations carried out by spacecraft like New Horizons and Rosetta, scientists are coming close to understanding how Pluto came to be. One of the craziest, but still plausible, Pluto formation theories was recently unveiled by researchers at the Southwest Research Institute (SwRI). They suggest that Pluto might have been formed by one billion comets that came together.
Just 15 minutes after its closest approach to Pluto on July 14, 2015, NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft looked back toward the sun and captured a near-sunset view of the rugged, icy mountains and flat ice plains extending to Pluto’s horizon. Credit: NASA.
The solar system‘s planets formed by accretion of material from enormous discs that surround the early Sun. The matter inside the rapidly spinning disk around the parent star simply gathers and forms clumps, steadily accumulating until these turn into asteroids, comets, planets, and moons.
This view of Pluto's Sputnik Planitia nitrogen-ice plain was captured by NASA's New Horizons spacecraft during its flyby of the dwarf planet in July 2015.
Pluto was always thought to have formed much in the same way. However, geochemist Christopher Glein and colleagues at SwRI’s Space Science and Engineering Division found it odd how the dwarf planet and the famous Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko — the one where ESA landed a probe in 2014 — share so much of their chemical makeup. For instance, Pluto’s nitrogen-rich Sputnik Planitia is unnaturally similar to Comet 67P.
Just as water is the main driving force that shapes Earth’s surface, so is nitrogen for Pluto. Due to its low viscosity, nitrogen flows like glaciers on Earth, eroding the bedrock and, in the process, altering the landscape. And there’s so much nitrogen on Pluto. Earth’s atmosphere is made up of 78% nitrogen, but Pluto’s, which is far colder, is 98% nitrogen. That’s an unusual proportion of nitrogen, both at the surface and in the atmosphere, which is not easily explained by the conventional planetary formation theory. Instead, what seems to connect the dots is a huge comet frenzy.
“We’ve developed what we call ‘the giant comet’ cosmochemical model of Pluto formation,” Glein said in a statement.
“We found an intriguing consistency between the estimated amount of nitrogen inside the glacier and the amount that would be expected if Pluto was formed by the agglomeration of roughly a billion comets or other Kuiper Belt objects similar in chemical composition to 67P, the comet explored by Rosetta.”
Real photo of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
The researchers got their data from the Rosetta probe that reached comet 67P and NASA’s New Horizons mission, which flew by Pluto in July 2015. In the new ‘giant comet’ cosmochemical model, Pluto’s initial chemical makeup is inherited from comet building blocks but was later changed by liquid water.
But this is far from being the last word on the matter. Another competing model suggests that Pluto coalesced from cold ices with a chemical composition closer to that of the sun
“This research builds upon the fantastic successes of the New Horizons and Rosetta missions to expand our understanding of the origin and evolution of Pluto,” said Glein.
“Using chemistry as a detective’s tool, we are able to trace certain features we see on Pluto today to formation processes from long ago. This leads to a new appreciation of the richness of Pluto’s ‘life story,’ which we are only starting to grasp.”
The new study is set to appear in the journal Icarus. It is already available online on the pre-print server arXiv.
A True Story About Planet Pluto: | Passport to Pluto and Beyond
'Impossible' EmDrive Space Thruster May Really Be Impossible
'Impossible' EmDrive Space Thruster May Really Be Impossible
By Mike Wall, Senior Writer
The "impossible" EmDrive engine, which purportedly generates thrust by bouncing microwaves around inside a cone-shaped chamber.
Credit: SPR Ltd./
The laws of physics have won again, it would appear.
For the past few years, researchers at NASA's Eagleworks advanced-propulsion lab have been putting a controversial and potentially revolutionary space engine called the EmDrive to the test.
The EmDrive, which was originally developed by British scientist Roger Shawyer in the early 2000s, purportedly generates thrust by bouncing microwaves around inside a conical chamber. Because the engine doesn't require any fuel, it could theoretically make spaceflight far cheaper and more efficient, opening the heavens to exploration. [Superfast Spacecraft Propulsion Concepts (Images)]
And the NASA team's work has given EmDrive enthusiasts some reason for optimism, detecting small amounts of thrust in lab tests of the device.
But now we get to the "controversial" part: The EmDrive really shouldn't work. The engine doesn't blast anything out a nozzle, so Newton's Third Law of Motion — for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction — doesn't come into play. Nobody really understands how the claimed thrust could actually be generated.
And now it seems that the previously detected thrust was illusory, at least according to a team of researchers in Germany. They built their own EmDrive and tested it in a vacuum chamber, as the NASA researchers did.
The German team picked something up as well. But follow-up analysis "clearly indicates that the 'thrust' is not coming from the EmDrive but from some electromagnetic interaction," the researchers wrote in their new study, which you can read here. That interaction is likely between EmDrive power cables and Earth's magnetic field, the team concluded.
The German team, which was led by Martin Tajmar of the Institute of Aerospace Engineering at Technische Universität Dresden, also presented its results last week at the Space Propulsion 2018 conference in Seville, Spain.
The new results probably won't be the last word on the EmDrive; other researchers may want to take a crack at it as well. But if you've been counting on this impossible engine to help humanity get out among the stars, you may want to recalibrate your expectations.
COLUMBUS (WCMH) - There is a long history of UFO sightings across the country. So if you wanted to meet someone not from Earth, where is your best chance?
Well don't go to Florida. Data from show people in the Sunshine State have the slimmest chance of spotting one. Florida is the state with the lowest odds of spotting a UFO at 3485-to-1.
You also won't spot many UFOs in Texas, New York, Illinois or Pennsylvania.
So where should you go? Wyoming has the best odds at 205-to-1 followed by Vermont at 250-1. Montana, North Dakota and Alaska round out the top five.
As far as Ohio goes, we're the 37th least likely state to see a UFO with 1374-to-1 odds. Your best bet is to travel either to West Virginia (708-to-1 odds) or Kentucky (890-to-1 odds) if you don't want to travel more than just a few hours to meet ET.
Despite the low odds, research shows plenty of Americans are concerned by possible alien activity. A whopping 40,000 Americans have taken out alien abduction insurance, according to the data.
That’s a question I’m often asked, mainly because of my interest in the Men in Black mystery. Although there is no doubt in my mind that the vast majority of all MIB encounters are of a paranormal nature, at least a small number are connected to government agencies. Indeed, there is hard evidence showing that UFO-themed researchers and groups have been watched – and at times watched closely. For example, the FBI has released its files on many of the Contactees of the 1950s, such as George Adamski, Truman Bethurum, George Van Tassel, and Frank Stranges. It’s important to note, though, that the UFO aspects of the investigations were secondary; sometimes, even further down the line than that. Issues relative to politics and communism were far more pressing, from the FBI’s perspective. In the U.K., in the late 1950s, the Aetherius Society was secretly watched by the British Police Force’s Special Branch. Not for their beliefs in aliens or UFOs, though, but because of their stance on atomic weapons.
With that all said, it’s time now to take a look at one of the earliest UFO research groups that was watched by the CIA: the Civilian Saucer Investigation (although in some of the CIA’s papers on the CSI, it’s incorrectly referred to as the California Committee for Saucer Investigation). A CIA document of February 9, 1953 begins as follows (you can find the document at this CIA link):
“1. Recently a member of the Los Angeles Office had occasion to hear Dr. Walter Riedel tell something of the activities of the California Committee for Saucer Investigations (CSI). His comments, as follows, may be of interest: 2. Dr. Riedel indicated he was formerly Chief Designer at the German Experimental Rocket Center at Peenemunde. He has been in the US as a ‘paperclip’ scientist for some years. He is now a Project engineer in the Aerophysics Department (Guided Missiles) of the North American Aviation Corp. He gave every impression of being a competent scientist, especially knowledgeable on rocket matters. He seemed a balanced person, not given to fixations.”
The CIA continued: “3. CSI has been in operation some years, composed of private individuals intrigued and scientifically interested in finding an explanation for ‘saucer’ phenomena. To date, they have received some 1570 letters relating to reported sightings. Of this number, they have been able to immediately or quickly eliminate 75% as not worth follow-up. The great proportion of this 25% have been discarded upon further investigation. What was somewhat surprising to the writer was the exhaustiveness with which these investigations are being made. Not only are very careful calculations made, if the data exists, to check the possibility of the report being physically possible (e.g., in terms of lines of sight), but the individual reporting the sighting is investigated privately at his place of residence to establish a general background of reliability and credibility. Of the 25% investigated, perhaps 25 or so sightings have been established as ‘reliable’ in the sense that no known existing explanation exists for them. Apparently, most of these have been forwarded to Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio, although there appears to be a time lag of some duration while CSI is making its own check and calculations. Dr. Riedel’s description of one reported sighting by a TWA pilot and crew, and the follow-up with respect to it, was impressive to the writer in the thought applied, the pains taken, and the very careful application of scientific method.”
The CIA took a particular interest in a plan the CSI had to create a hoaxed UFO event, for an interesting reason: “4. So serious is CSI with respect to its investigations that Dr. Riedel indicated that they are going to execute a planned ‘hoax’ over the Los Angeles area, in order to test the reaction and reliability of the public in general to unusual aerial phenomena. (The sightings reported over Malibu in its Los Angeles papers of 30 Jan 53 could possibly be this hoax.) From this experiment, they hope to ascertain how many people report an aerial visual phenomenon which had been conducted so as to be clearly visible to a large number of people in the area. They will also, of course, be able to test the variation of report details, etc. This experiment is designed to give a better background against which future sightings can be evaluated.”
And, finally, we have this from the CIA: “5. Apparently, an eye and interest are also directed toward the USSR for reactions to sightings as reported in the PRAVDA are observed. This interest is also evident in the paper entitled ‘Rockets Behind the Iron Curtain,’ presented before the annual convention of the American Rocket Society in New York City on 4 December 1952, by George P. Sutton, also of Aerophysics Department (North American Aviation, Inc.) and associated with CSI. 6. Of incidental interest may be the fact that NAA (National Aeronautical Association) suggested politely and perhaps indirectly to Dr. Riedel that he disassociate himself from official membership on CSI.”
As the above shows, the CSI became the subject of a fair amount of background checking on the part of the CIA. Perhaps, such checks still continue with modern day equivalents of the CSI.
It used to be if you wanted to spy on Area 51 you had to drive out to the desert in a 1986 Winnebago with over-sized, conspicuous binoculars and risk life and limb for the smallest breadcrumbs of information. Not any more. It’s the future now, and the wonders of the internet have allowed the common concerned citizen to hop on Google Earth and pore through high definition satellite images of the secretive military base, hoping for traces of extraterrestrial life and alien technology. Now that we have the truth of Area 51 at our fingertips, what do we get? Tentacles. Of course it’s tentacles. It was always going to be tentacles.
YouTube channel thirdphaseofmoon uploaded a video on May 20, 2018 showing Google Earth imagery of a location a couple of miles west of Groom Lake and Area 51, in an old bombing range used by Nellis Air Force Base. What it shows looks straight out of H.P. Lovecraft’s nightmares. There appears to be a small hole with long eldritch tendrils reaching out of it, like tree roots or black mycelium. It’s weird. It could be absolutely anything, but it’s weird.
One thing is missing from the video, however: coordinates. There are no coordinates given. That’s a huge red flag for spurious claims like these, so I did my sacred duty and went looking for myself. After longer than I care to admit, I found it. And they say journalism is dead.
It turns out there are a bunch of weird tentacle holes throughout the area. It is, as stated in the video, a couple of miles west of Area 51 proper, in a current or past bombing range used by Nellis Air Force Base. There are at least five other strange holes in the area, with the same sort of alien “tentacle” shapes coming out. They are surrounded by craters from bomb tests, and I’d be willing to bet that has a lot to do with it.
There’s a weird almost-symmetry to a lot of these “tentacles,” and it definitely has an organic sort of shape. I wonder if it’s slightly differently programmed ballistics tests leaving char marks on the ground, or perhaps captured mid-flight, but I’m completely unqualified to make any judgments on that so I’m sticking with what I know—Elder Gods and weird fiction.
That small squiggle at the bottom really bothers me for some reason.
Here’s a link to the coordinates on Google Earth if you want to check out the area for yourself.
The Daily Star reports that the initial video revealed the secret of Area 51. They clearly haven’t read their Lovecraft. If this is indeed the tendrils of the Elder Gods breaking forth from the meekly fragile egg we call Earth—which, at this very location, we’ve tried to crack with our own feeble attempt to harness the power of the stars—then the knowledge revealed is only our sheer incapacity for knowing and the futility of striving against the violent apathy of the universe.
That is, if you can suspend disbelief that a shadowy military agency—ostensibly entrenched for close to a century in the mass deception of the entire human species to the existence of alien life—would allow Google to show uncensored satellite images of America’s most notorious military base. For free. To me.
1987 saw the publication of Budd Hopkins’ Intruders: The Incredible Visitations at Copley Woods. The book investigated the claims of a number of alleged alien abductees, but was more specifically concerned with the case of Debbie Jordan-Kauble (known in the book as “Kathie Davis”). Jordan-Kauble described having been abducted from her parents’ home in June of 1983 and being taken aboard an egg-shaped craft which had landed outside. She claimed to have been impregnated by her alien captors, who later removed the fetus and eventually introduced her to her human-alien hybrid child. Jordan-Kauble was dissatisfied with the treatment of her case in Hopkins’ book and later went on to write her own, more detailed account, not only of her 1983 abduction, but of other related experiences throughout her life. As to the nature and origin of these experiences, Jordan-Kauble once mused:
“I have had so many different types of experience with so many different aspects of this field that I am somewhat mixed as to what I think they are and where they come from. I have seen the hard evidence that debunkers claim does not exist. I have also experienced the psychological and physical effects, as well as the spiritual awakening of a close encounter. I am also smart enough to realize how powerful the human mind can be when faced with something that it cannot comprehend. All I have ever been able to do was report what I saw and let everyone else sort it all out.”
Hopkins’ Intruders book would later be very loosely adapted for television by screenwriter Tracy Tormé—son of legendary jazz singer and musician Mel Tormé. The 1992 mini-series was concerned less with the Jordan-Kauble story and more with the broader abduction phenomenon as it was then understood by the leading researchers in the field, namely Hopkins and Harvard psychiatrist, John Mack.
Richard Crenna’s character in the miniseries was inspired by real-life abduction researchers Budd Hopkins and John Mack.
In the mini-series, a psychiatrist, Dr. Chase (Richard Crenna), investigates the abductions of two seemingly unconnected women from different American states and, in the process, immerses himself in broader research into the UFO phenomenon. Eventually, he and a local UFOlogist start a therapy group where abductees can collectively attempt to make sense of their traumatic experiences. Richard Crenner’s psychiatrist character was modelled on both Hopkins and Mack. Crenner wears an oversized woollen fisherman’s sweater throughout, clearly inspired by Hopkins’ trademark garment. The actor drew greater influence from Mack, spending time with the Harvard psychiatrist in order to study his mannerisms.
Budd Hopkins
I interviewed Tormé a few years back. He explained his writing process for Intruders and the cultural climate in which it was written. Tormé had been attempting to get an abduction movie off the ground long before Intruders. “I optioned Budd Hopkins’ first book, Missing Time, and spent three long years trying to get it launched in Hollywood,” the screenwriter told me of his initial effort. “At that time people didn’t take abductions very seriously and it seemed like a very odd subject to launch for a multi-million-dollar movie. This was in the early-to-mid 1980s.”
Tormé emphasized to me that abduction movies were a hard sell in the late-1980s-early-1990s:
“At that time there was not a lot of interest in this subject. People wonder why it was such a struggle to get these kinds of movies made. But the public really did not know about the abduction phenomenon. They weren’t following it, they weren’t reading about it. It had not broken through in a big way in the mass media.”
Tracy Tormé
Tormé had developed a close relationship with Budd Hopkins during his research for the Missing Time movie and was an admirer of his work. “I felt he was a very good person, a very good thinker,” said Tormé of Hopkins. “He’d invite me to witness regression hypnosis sessions that he was conducting with abductees. I was hearing these stories that sounded so much like science-fiction, so unbelievable, but what Hopkins was uncovering were these clear patterns in abductions… pattern, after pattern, after pattern.” Tormé was also struck by the artistic renderings of the abductors shown to him by Hopkins:
“He had a great collection of different drawings of the beings made by various abductees, and it was amazing how similar they were to each other. This was at a time when no one knew about so-called Grays. This is back in the early 1980s when if you asked a hundred people what an alien was, you get a hundred different answers.”
As time passed, the initially undecided screenwriter became a believer in the reality of the phenomenon:
“The more of Hopkins’ sessions I observed, and the more abductees I met, I became 98 percent convinced that this stuff was real. I couldn’t say 100 percent, because I hadn’t seen anything with my own eyes. But I’d just met too many people who were very sincere and who did not want their names in the newspaper, who did not want to be a part of UFO phenomena. They were victims in a lot of ways. They were damaged people; damaged by the experience. They expressed to me how they really didn’t like that they were never asked to go along with this [the abduction experience]; that this would happen to them if they liked it or not. They were very disturbed by that, and that made a big mark on me.”
A Missing Time movie had yet to come to fruition by the early 1990s, but by that point Hopkins’ 1987 book Intruders was already in the process of being adapted for the small screen as a CBS mini-series. Tormé, then a staff writer and creative consultant on Star Trek the Next Generation, was approached to pen the teleplay.
Tormé met with the producers and learned that both Hopkins and John Mack were to be consultants on the show. “That sat well with me,” he recalled, “so I wrote it very, very quickly. It was shot quickly, and soon after that it was on CBS.” Tormé added that, although he respected Mack, he did not share his perspective on the abduction phenomenon: “I did not agree with a lot of his theories,” Tormé stressed to me.
“He believed that this is all being done for the benefit of mankind, and they are our kind of our saviors and our brothers, and that if the experiencer can really think clearly and take some time he would come to realize that this was all good and that they’re here to help us and save us from destruction and all that. I just didn’t see it. I do not believe that they are intentionally hostile, but they seem to be lacking in emotions and they don’t treat human beings with the respect that they deserve.”
Intruders was broadcast by CBS through 17–19 May 1992 and was generally well received by TV critics. It remains significant for its thoughtful and sympathetic treatment of the abduction phenomenon, and for grounding itself convincingly in a normal world occasionally intruded upon by a profound and sometimes terrifying non-human intelligence. It explored many themes and motifs common to abduction accounts, including intrusive examinations, alien impregnation, hybrid children, screen memories, and hypnotic regression. Tormé is convinced that his show had considerable cultural impact, bringing a previously obscure UFOlogical facet to the masses. He told me of Intruders: “I really believe this project was part of the process of people becoming aware of how these things [abductions] allegedly work.”
A year later, in 1993, The X-Files arrived, and was soon followed by other TV products also featuring the now iconic image of the Gray alien, including Babylon 5, Dark Skies, and others. By the late-1990s the image of the Gray had supplanted almost all other pre-existing cultural imaginings of what an alien might look like. Tormé has marvelled at the speed of this process, telling me: “The way that the image of the Grays has since become known in society is incredible. They’ve seeped into television commercials and all aspects of society, and they’re now part of Americana. The image is now worldwide.”
Today, Intruders may look slightly dated, but, it remains a compelling and UFOlogically authentic piece of work. It’s a must-watch for sci-fi fans in general, and for UFO buffs in particular.
As someone who has written five books on the Men in Black issue (and on related topics, such as the Women in Black), I get a great deal of feedback. The most recent development surfaced on April 28 of this year, when a source using the alias of “Bee Intelligent” sent me a strange-but-intriguing story involving not just one MIB but three of them. And here’s how the story, in the source’s own words, reads:
“I’m 55 years old and have known about MIB since the 70s. Personally, the majority of the visits are, in my opinion, demonically orchestrated. I have learned, due to my belief system, not to make these events complicated. It is exactly what it portrays itself to be! Having the gift of discernment reveals what these hybrids are, that is evil! I call the feelings and smells are all ‘symptoms’ of a demonic encounter! If you agree with this, then the obvious next conclusion is that these so-called ‘aliens’ are also demonic and what does the demonic dwell in? They dwell in shadows! They do not want to found out!
“UFO encounters out them and their hybrids and satanic agendas. After all, it is about soul collecting, is it not? I reside on the West Coast of Lake Michigan. My front door faces directly 8 miles from an active nuclear power plant that is, within months, being decommissioned. This process can take up to 20 years. I live in the ‘hot zone’ range of this very old plant. For three years, due to living on a hill with a spectacular view of the open sky, I have witnessed UFO activity coming directly from the nuclear power plant and fly slowly right over my head. With incredible lighting and maneuvers like your Father mentioned to you. Including complete ‘stand still hovering.’ I have also felt that I have been discovered witnessing this and have had some type of acknowledgment from the crafts. It hard to explain. I just know they know that I see them! Usually I witness them around 11:00 p.m. and beyond.
“Anyhow, something different happened last August, 2017. As I stated, I live on a hill with a steep drop off approximately 30 feet from my door. This is a brand new apartment complex and a very short road runs in front of my back patio door. I should have originally said I’m witnessing these events from my back patio. The road runs to the right for about 100 feet and turns right to the front of the complex. Around 1:00 a.m. I felt compelled to go out unto my patio and look right. Now below the hill is nothing but woods. I saw 3 very tall, slender men come up the hill, unto the road, in perfect formation, walking extremely slow, dressed completely the same, all in black and suddenly stop!
“All 3 turned their heads directly towards me and just stood still! It seemed like minutes but I don’t think it was. I actually felt an electric charge go from my feet, straight up my back up to my head. Not only that, the fear I felt and also a sickness in my stomach was nothing I have felt EVER in my lifetime. I knew they were EVIL. They slowly moved their heads in complete synchronized fashion forward and slowly, and I mean slowly, continued to walk forward and disappeared from sight. I know exactly what i just witnessed! That was pure evil. Now, with that being said, I don’t know if it was a warning, a visit, or what. I have not spoken about this event until now! Summer is almost here again and I wonder what I will witness.”
Daryl Collins, like me, lives in the Lone Star State. He has had more than a few strange and bizarre experiences of the UFO-themed type, and which date back to the 1940s. I have interviewed Daryl a few times and I’m sharing with you some of the highlights of those experiences. There is a specific reason why. Namely, because Daryl’s encounters demonstrate the sheer level of weirdness that surrounds the UFO phenomenon. He told me:
“Approximately April or May 1945, an extremely bizarre encounter. I was playing in the backyard when I spotted a creature about my size, an elf perhaps, which communicated telepathically. It merged its body with mine, and controlled my movements. We went out the back gate and down several streets to an area that at that time was still wild country. We found a hole in the ground and jumped in, falling a fair distance, stopped, and entered a strange room and walked down a corridor. The corridor led to a door which swung open, and the elf separated from me. There followed some kind of physical examination, then I was back in my yard quickly forgetting the whole incident. Long ago I described the details to Budd Hopkins, and he said he had many similar cases.”
Daryl had much more to say: “In 1948 my parents and I were driving at night on a deserted rural highway. An object came over and lifted the car into a big round room. A door opened and three creatures, with clawed webbed toes and stubs for fingers, took each of us in different direction. I followed one down a long dark corridor to a brightly lit room with an examining table and a gray with long bony fingers. He stuck a sharp instrument into my stomach, then a different instrument far up my right nostril. When he pulled it out, my nose bled a little and was sore for hours. Then he took an instrument like a black cone and pressed the point to my forehead, producing a strange vibrating sensation. Apparently he was activating an implant that had just been put in place. He said, telepathically, ‘It will be all right from now on.’ Abruptly we were all back in the car and the whole episode was forgotten.”
That was not the end of the encounters, however, as Daryl made very clear: “I don’t remember the date, but once I was confronted with a large insectoid which said, ‘I want you to devote your whole life to me!’ I didn’t understand and asked what that meant. I don’t remember what the creature said, but I replied emphatically, ‘No, I won’t!’ This evidently didn’t go over very well.
“In January 1950, I was taken at night from my home by skeletal creatures who said they were going to kill me. I begged for my life, reminding them of the time they had said: ‘It will be all right from now on.’ So instead they put me on the table and performed extensive procedures. Finally they abandoned me, and all the memories were lost for very many years. As far as I can tell, I was never abducted again. When I first encountered ‘flying saucers’ in the newspapers that March, I immediately adopted the subject as the center of my life, but it never occurred to me to wonder why, nor to suspect it had anything to do with me.”
Things then went quiet, at least until 1986. That was the year in which Daryl had a very weird and creepy encounter with nothing less than a Woman in Black. Daryl related the strange facts: “In early June of 1986 (don’t recall the exact date), I was just coming from a discussion of my abduction memories and approaching the parking lot to drive home. A white-haired lady in dark or black clothes drove by in a dark or black car. As she approached me she slowed down, leaned out her window, and yelled at me, ‘You have nine years until what you were made for! You have nine more years!’ Then she sped up and drove away. I didn’t catch the license number, make of car, or any other details. But I distinctly remember what she yelled, since I spent the next nine years haunted by what might be awaiting me in early June of 1995. When the date finally arrived, there were smells suggesting the things might have been in the house, but otherwise nothing happened. The literature is full of cases where predictions failed to come true; maybe they just change their minds.”
As I read Daryl’s words, I couldn’t fail to remember how – at the height of the Men in Black encounters in the early 1950s – Albert Bender found his Bridgeport, Connecticut home filled with overpowering odors of brimstone and sulfur. What goes around clearly comes around, it seems. An elf-like thing controlling Daryl’s every movement, what appear to have been alien abduction-type incidents long before the Betty and Barney Hill incident of 1961, and a strange and sinister Woman in Black: add all of those issues together and we see just how bizarre the UFO phenomenon can really be.
Strangest UFO Case of All Time, This One is Stranger Than Fiction
Strangest UFO Case of All Time, This One is Stranger Than Fiction
It couldn’t happen here? Most people would say it couldn’t happen anywhere! But more than 100 witnesses to one of the world’s biggest UFO mysteries are adamant that it did, in broad daylight. And 50 years after the event, many are still fuming that the military they say were swarming around the scene for days have offically denied the incident and no record appears to exist. They say they spent their lives being doubted and want some official acknowledgment that something weird happened above and behind Westall high and primary schools that morning. London’s Telegraph newspaper rates it as the fifth-greatest UFO mystery of all time, but another mystery is how little-known the episode is here. A documentary – Westall ’66: A Suburban UFO Mystery. Producers hope it will flush out an official who can say what the military were doing and what they found.
Michigan: “Orbs of bright light in woods behind house. Observed them almost every night for last 2 months”
Michigan: “Orbs of bright light in woods behind house. Observed them almost every night for last 2 months”
Something strange is happening almost every night in the US state of Michigan.
Witness report:
Bright lights in woods behind house. Couple of nights later they were back and this time I had binoculars and wife who also witnessed them. I have included neighbors into my discovery and they are now believers. Also observed objects in sky unlike orbs with flashing green, red, white like a disco ball and other lights that follow us outside as if they are observing us.
Alien Abductee Discloses The Truth About What Happens after Being Taken
Alien Abductee Discloses The Truth About What Happens after Being Taken
You want to hope you are never taken by aliens after hearing this information. This is the latest disclosure on how agencies are reverse-engineering extraterrestrial abductees for information to be used in both extraterrestrial (ET) technology and personnel development programs.
She’ll explain how the “official management” of ET information includes the monitoring, re-abduction, interrogation, and recruitment of alien abductees into secret programs, equating it to just as the covert-ops military personnel gather and reverse-engineer ET craft, they also gather and reverse-engineer the abductees.
These experiences are abundant with evidence and also serve to demonstrate some of the implications and limitations for an official UFO Disclosure and the truth behind the Secret Space Program.
Melinda will cover detailed accounts of covert human agency abduction experiences and the attempt to learn the ET’s technology, motives, abductee genetics and psi abilities through these events.
She will also share startling new developments, hard evidence, and experiences never shared before.
24-05-2018 om 20:14
geschreven door peter
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Detailed Official Report On Harrowing Encounter Between F/A-18s and UFO Surfaces
Detailed Official Report On Harrowing Encounter Between F/A-18s and UFO Surfaces
The paper recounts a course of bizarre events that occurred near the USS Nimitz while it was sailing off the Baja Peninsula in November 2004.
Even though the 2004 encounter between an unidentified flying object nicknamed the 'Tic Tac' and U.S. Navy Hornets made headline news last Winter via its associated with a secretive Pentagon program to investigate UFO encounters, and possibly much more, the story had been talked about in detail among military aviation circles for years. But now we have an official report that came out of the aforementioned Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program (AATIP) that makes a number of conclusions based on its findings. Above all else, it offers far more granular detail about the now historic incident than what had previously been released.
The document comes to us via George Knapp's intrepid I-Team, which is part of Las Vegas CBS affiliate Channel 8's Newsroom. You can and should read it in its entirety by clicking here. Knapp's team explains how they obtained the document in their article, stating:
"Earlier this year, we made a whirlwind trip to Washington for a debriefing arranged by former Senator Harry Reid. While in D.C., the I-Team obtained copies of unclassified documents related to the UFO encounters, including the Tic Tac. The analysis was compiled in 2009 with input from multiple agencies. It confirms the Nimitz group had several interactions with AAV's, Anomalous Aerial Vehicles."
The 13-page report isn't dated and lacks a cover sheet, but it provides a rich recounting of the encounter, with a clear accounting of the assets and sensors involved, and how the Navy handled the incident administratively in its aftermath. The supercarrier USS Nimitz, the Ticonderoga class cruiser USS Princeton, E-2C Hawkeye airborne early warning and control aircraft, and F/A-18C Hornets and F/A-18F Super Hornets were all involved with the incident. Other ships that were also part of the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group were also likely involved but to a lesser degree.
But maybe what's most important is that it really wasn't just an incident, the report states that the objects were detected over six days, from November 10 to the November 16th, 2004. Intermittent radar detection of a number of objects near the strike group as it plowed the waters off of the Baja Peninsula showed fantastic agility. They dropped from 60,000 feet down to just above the water in a number of seconds and hovered there before zooming off "high velocities and turn rates."
USN USS Princeton as seen in 2003. The vessel packs the Aegis combat system and its SPY-1 radar, which combined represent the most capable maritime anti-air warfare system in the world.
Yet even with an arsenal of the most powerful air defense sensors and combat systems in the world, the objects were impossible to continuously track. The report does note that if the USS Princeton, which acts as the nerve center for the carrier strike group's air warfare mission, was in ballistic missile tracking mode it may have been able to better track the objects as the filters that throw out clutter not indicative of an air-breathing threat would not be active.
Visual Contact
Over nearly a week, three separate events related to the mystery targets occurred, but on November 14th the phenomenon went from electronic to highly tangible. It started out around 10:00AM local time with the Princeton, callsign POISON, asking an E-2C orbiting high overhead to use its powerful AN/APS-145 radar to look-down and attempt to paint a target in a particular piece of sky that the ship was tracking.
At first, it looked like just a wave on the E-2 crew's scopes, but it turned out to be a very faint target with no velocity indication. The Princeton asked to take control of a pair of F/A-18F Super Hornets belonging to VFA-41, callsign FASTEAGLE 01, the E-2 was directing as part of a training mission. Controllers on the ship wanted to vector them to the ghost-like target in an attempt to get a better handle on what these strange radar returns were. The jets were only armed with captive training missiles.
What the pilots saw as they came within about a mile of the target was a white, featureless object—no wings, engines, control surfaces, or surface features—that measured roughly 45 feet long and looked like a flying Tic Tac. Commander David "Sex" Fravor, the commanding officer of VFA-41 and the pilot in the lead Super Hornet that day, noted that the outer shell of the craft looked like a "whiteboard." The object was low over the water which was frothing underneath. According to Fravor, it looked almost like the water was "boiling" below the object, which was moving above the water "like a Harrier." It then started moving at about 500 knots at 500 to 1,000 feet over the ocean.
The Super Hornet's own AN/APG-73 radar couldn't detect the object even at close range. The pilots relied on a Link16 target track—presumably from the USS Princeton—to help them arrive at the target. They even tried making a 'helmet lock'—using their Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System (JHMCS) to slew the jet's sensors onto the target—but it didn't work. The aircraft did not have a targeting pod mounted on it at the time of the event.
Fravor's then tried to intercept the Tic Tac by diving down toward it but "it appeared to recognize" him and took evasive action. Eventually, it pulled into the vertical and shot away at supersonic speed. The pilots asked the Princeton if they had the object still on their radar, and they replied "picture clean" meaning no unknown radar contacts appearing on their scopes. Then moments later they chimed back in stating "you're not going to believe this, it's back at your CAP!" The object hadn't just shot away at blistering speed, it actually returned to where the Super Hornets were on station performing a practice combat air patrol before the incident began.
When the pilots returned to the ship they were questioned about their jets and their operability—they were brand new with less than 100 hours on them and worked perfectly according to the pilots. They were also asked if they had experienced any physiological issues during the flight, which they hadn't.
Word of the incident got around the carrier fast and personnel in CVIC (the aircraft carrier's intelligence center) donned tin-foil caps to greet the pilots as they showed up to debrief their UFO encounter and didn't take it seriously at first. The Super Hornet crews were not asked to sign any unique paperwork or non-disclosure agreements. The report also noted that the crews were constantly ridiculed over the weeks that followed.
Fravor has since gone on the record regarding the incident and describes his memory of it:
Another Hornet
During the same period of time, another jet, this time an F/A-18C from the VMFA-232, was on a check flight from the ship after undergoing maintenance when controllers asked the pilot if the unarmed fighter had any weapons onboard—not a normal question while doing training off the western seaboard—and vectored the aircraft to an unknown target.
The previously mentioned pair of VFA-41 Super Hornets that actually saw the object were also heading toward the target to investigate at this time. Upon arriving in the target area, the Marine Hornet pilot didn't see the white craft, but he did spot a big disturbance on the ocean's surface roughly 150 to 300 feet in diameter. The pilot noted that seas around this foaming area were calm.
As the pilot left the scene he could see that the disturbance was dissipating. Upon debriefing with intelligence personnel, he was asked if he ever saw the "supersonic Tik Tak." He reported that he didn't. But the strange water phenomenon happened near where the Super Hornets were chasing the object and had just witnessed the "boiling" sea underneath it before it darted off.
VFA-41 Super Hornets v. Tic Tac Round Two
Another Super Hornet flight from VFA-41 launched after FASTEAGLE01 landed. By then it was roughly 3 PM. The crews exchanged information in the paraloft where they suit-up and suit-down before and after missions with the hopes that the second flight would also spot the object on their training mission. Once airborne and setup on station, the tracks of identified craft began to appear via the Super Hornet's Link16 data-link terminal at roughly 30-40 miles south of their position. They could get only intermittent and faint radar returns while searching for the object with their own radar. The report describes the crew's attempts to track the target in technical detail:
Eventually, the crew was able to spot the target on with their ATFLIR targeting pod. After landing, the Super Hornet crew noted they could not confirm that this was the exact same thing the FASTEAGLE01 had seen as they never obtained a visual on it. The FLIR video captured that day has since become its own cultural phenomenon.
Overall, the report really paints a picture of how this was a larger event that impacted more people in some way than what most realize. It included three separate flights of aircraft, all of which observed the phenomenon in different ways.
What came after the aerial encounters is also of significant importance. When Commander Fravor, the lead Super Hornet pilot from the primary intercept, debriefed with the Carrier Air Wing's lead intelligence officer, they didn't know what to do with the information. If the pilot wasn't a Commander, squadron CO, and generally highly regarded it likely would have been given even less weight according to the report.
Related Video - Airliners And F-15s Involved In Bizarre Encounter With Mystery Aircraft Over Oregon:
Eventually, the account and the FLIR video were sent to the captain of 3rd Fleet Intelligence, where it supposedly met a dead-end. The Captain in charge there thought it needed no further investigation because happened during training at home and he thought it "was part of a counter-drug operation based on the area of operations." The reluctance to look deeper into the incident, at least officially, seemed to be true within the upper echelons of the Carrier Strike Group itself. But the report also makes an interesting note of just how incredible this encounter actually was, and how quickly any known investigation into it died:
Another interesting aspect of this paper is that it mentions the USS Louisville (SSN-724), a Los Angeles class nuclear fast attack submarine that was also operating alongside the Nimitz. It makes note that the submarine didn't detect any unusual acoustic information or other anomalies during this whole event, even considering the churning water the craft seemed to cause.
USS Louisville SSN-724
The report makes the conclusion that the objects likely never went below the water's surface due to the submarine's lack of awareness that the event was even occurring. If it did submerge, it meant this object represented a "highly advanced capability" that could evade the submarine's ultra-sensitive sonar and hydrophones.
And that's not the only conclusion the report comes to, there are six in all:
The 'Anomalous Aerial Vehicle' was of unknown origin and represented technology not currently in the possession of the U.S. or any other nation.
It featured broadband RF stealth making the use of radar against it largely ineffective.
The craft manifested extreme performance but did not have lifting structures or control surfaces required for traditional flight.
It showed that it has some kind of advanced propulsion capability making it able to go instantly from hovering to very high speed and to make very abrupt course changes.
It was able to 'cloak' itself, becoming invisible visually to the naked eye.
Possibly capable of operating undersea without being detected by the most advanced sub-surface sensors.
Luis Elizondo, a former military intelligence officer that ran the AATIP program in associationwith contractor Bigelow Aerospace, told the I-Team that this is one of many other documented encounters that are just as impressive, but because of their classification, he can't share details about those incidents.
It's also worth mentioning that a somewhat similar, albeit less compelling incident has been disclosed. It occurred in the Atlantic 11 years later, with Hornet pilots once again being the on-scene investigators. You can read about this incident here and see the video that was published along with it below:
What's more compelling is that this report is a far less in-depth and detailed white paper than its highly classified companion, which we aren't likely ever to be able to see.
Regardless if you think the AATIP program was totally legit or some type of elaborate misinformation mechanism dreamed up in the darkest corners of the defense-industrial complex, during that week in November of 2004, something totally strange did indeed occur. And it didn't just happen in a blink of an eye, it happened over days, with the object in question being examined by a multitude of the U.S. Navy's front-line sensors as well as by the human eye of one of the best-trained and reliable observers one can imagine.
Emery Smith, also known as the "Black Project whistleblower", alleges he worked in a deep underground biological facility located in the USA.
There, Smith claims work is taking place on extraterrestrial technology harvested from alien beings and their crashed or captured spaceships which would change the world as we know it.
In a YouTube video, he makes a number of incredible revelations including that ET flying saucers are mostly “organic and linked to the driver”, they can be “infused with life and intelligence” and “change shape”.
Smith claims he served in the US Air Force before becoming a scientist who worked for major corporations on US military projects.
UFOs: Self-proclaimed whistleblower alien scientist Emery Smith
“They have already mastered teleportation so the body can shrink within in its own living space. And that’s why they can go a million miles per hour and make a right hand turn, because they don’t feel it.”
Emery Smith
He alleges to have examined more than 3,000 body parts of alien beings.
It has been reported that Smith said he was based at a ultra-secret section of the huge Kirkland Air Force Base in New Mexico, USA.
In the YouTube video, posted by the 'Destroying the Illusion' channel, he makes some astonishing claims.
“I’ve witnessed many different craft in these projects, I was actually working with the craft and bodies because they’re connected,” Smith claims.
“A lot of the craft are organic material which means only the driver of that race can operate the vehicle due to their frequency of the genetic DNA and the frequency that they are emitting.
“It’s kind of like having a pet or a car that only responds to the owner.
“These types of vehicles are so amazing, they are usually made in space through harmonics and frequency.
“So they can actually give life to a craft and enthuse it with artificial intelligence or consciousness, or both.
“And match it to the driver or occupant, of this vehicle.”
He goes on to claim to having worked on number different types of downed flying saucers, which he claims are constantly “emitting an amazing energy from space” some 30 years after being captured.
“Of course there’s always the classic spheres, egg shapes and disc shapes,” he added.
“There’s also other craft that are inter-dimensional that can change shape.
“So they might come in the form of light and they can manifest and change their atomic structure to become a solid so these types of craft are a little bit more advanced than the craft than we hear about on pop culture and on tv.”
Some of his claims sound like they have been ripped from a science fiction movie.
But Smith claims that this technology which is “thousands of years ahead” is being “suppressed” from public knowledge.
And big companies are “fighting” to get their hands on the science.
He claimed: “These craft can actually go inter-dimensional, they can change shape with all of the occupants not knowing its happening and then reform again in different worlds and different dimensions, and different parts of the universe immediately.
“They have their own atmosphere, their own gravity, they have their own little space that they have projected from this craft which keeps them completely encapsulated in it.
“They have already mastered teleportation so the body can shrink within in its own living space.
“And that’s why they can go a million miles per hour and make a right hand turn, because they don’t feel it.
“Because they’re in their own dimensional holographic world, where they have to fall under those scientific algorithms.”
His reason for going public is that Smith claims the ET technology could completely change human life by offering free energy and groundbreaking medical cures.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Filer’s Files # 20 – 2018 1941 UFO crash in Cape Girardeau MO - PART I
Filer’s Files # 20 – 2018 1941 UFO crash in Cape Girardeau MO - PART I
Inspecial reports, this week’s files cover: 1941 UFO crash in Cape Girardeau MO, Clinton Lost Because the Deep State Wanted to Stop Her From Releasing Secret Alien Files, DeLonge’s Contact with Top Insiders, Successful Intercept of intercontinental Missile, God or Aliens Was Guiding Evolution.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Arizona, California, Colorado, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, North Carolina, Texas, Virginia, and Washington.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Antarctica, Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Greece, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Major George Filer Editor of The National UFO Center, would like to invite join him in Mt Shasta this summer July 27-29th 2018. He will present a wonderful program at the “From Venus with Love” conference.
There are a small number of witnesses to a UFO crash in Cape Girardeau, in South East Missouri in July 1941- Couple of mentions in documents about a UFO crash in 1941. A letter was sent to UFO investigator Raymond Fowler and reprinted in a UFO crash retrieval report by Leonard Stringfield in July 1991 regarding this incident. The letter was from a woman called Charlotte Mann about her grandfather Reverend William Huffman who was born in August 1881.
In the spring of 1941 at Cape Girardeau, he was asked by the Cape Girardeau police department to go to a plane crash outside of town. The letter said “Grandfather said it wasn’t an airplane or like any craft that he had ever seen. It was broken and scattered all around, but one large piece was still together and it appeared to have a rounded shape with no edges or seams. It has a very shiny metallic finish. You could see inside one section and see what looked like a metal chair with a panel with many dials and gauges, non familiar looking to him. He said that when he got there, men were already sifting through things. There were some police officers, plain clothed people and military men. There were three bodies not human, that had been taken from the wreckage and laid on the ground. Grandfather said prayers over them, so that he got a close look, but he did not touch them. He didn’t know what had killed them, because they did not appear to have had any injuries and they were not burned. It was hard for him to tell if they had suits, or if it was their skin. But they were covered head to foot in what looked like wrinkled aluminum foil. He could see no hair on the bodies and they had no ears. They were small framed like a child, about 4 feet tall, but had larger heads and longer arms than a human child. They had very large oval shaped eyes, no noses just holes, no lips with a small slit for a mouth.” Thanks to Linda Moulton Howe for this report. Interplanetary Phenomenon Unit Summary July 9th 1947 – Page 4
Clinton Lost Because the Deep State Wanted to Stop Her From Releasing Secret Alien Files?
Mikhail Graham writes, “No, you’re not in the Twilight Zone: That really was Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign chairman and former White House Chief of Staff John Podesta on Ancient AliensFriday night.”
The long-running History Channel series is a haven for believers in the government/UFO conspiracy, alien abductions, and “The Reptilians.” (Season 8, Episode 5: “Could ancient myths about reptilian creatures provide evidence that they are more than just a pop-culture creation?”). The show has even pondered whether the moon is hollow and houses a secret alien base (Season 11, Episode 11).
This weekend Ancient Aliens kicked off its 13th season with a review of efforts to get the federal government to release its treasure trove of documents and data on what really happened at Roswell, Area 51, etc. Hillary and Podesta
And there—in between artist renditions of flying saucers and interviews with UFO conspiracy theorists like Georgio Tsoukalos and Stephen Bassett—was well-known Democrat politico John Podesta. Among the conspiracies promoted in this new (ahem) “documentary” is the suggestion that the real reason Hillary lost an impossible-to-lose campaign in 2016 wasn’t the Russians or the FBI.
It was aliens.
As conspiracy-debunker Jason Colavito says in his review of the episode:
“The show speculates that Clinton would have led a UFO disclosure movement had she won the presidency in 2016, and there is a strange implication that ‘the CIA and the Pentagon were worried about Hillary Clinton’ and therefore arranged for her to lose the election.”
John Podesta’s obsession with alien encounters and government disclosure is no secret. The Washington Postand others have written about it in the past. And video of Podesta’s 2002 appearance in a press event urging the government to release all its UFO files has a staple of “The Truth Is Out There” documentary industry.
Podesta’s passion has even made an appearance in the #Russiagate story, as InsideSources has reported. Among the Podesta emails released by Wikileaks during the 2016 campaign were several from Blink-182 front man (and UFO activist) Tom DeLonge referencing “Classified Science,” “DOD topics” and Roswell.
What is unusual about the latest Ancient Aliens episode (“The UFO Conspiracy”) is Podesta’s decision to sit down for an on-camera interview, participating directly in the program.
“Right after I left law school, I started working on that at the Department of Justice then at the Senate Judiciary Committee, and then when I worked for President Clinton’s White House,” Podesta says to the camera. “I was one of the people spearheading an initiative to declassify what turned out to be over a billion pages of documents that were resident at the national archives in President Clinton’s case. I think he was interested in the phenomenon.”
Podesta also discusses supposedly alien materials found at alleged UFO crash sites, materials currently in the possession of budget-hotel-billionaire-turned-aerospace-exec Robert Bigelow. “There were also indications that there were certain polymers that were discovered at crash sites that were unexplained and reviewed,” Podesta claims.
Podesta’s expertise on polymers may be suspect, but he knows his politics. In fact, there are a surprising number of political names in the episode: The Clintons; former Senators Harry Reid, Daniel Inouye and Ted Stevens; George Stephanopoulos, even President Obama who, the History Channel reminds us, oversaw the CIA’s release of 13 million documents, many of which related to the UFO issue.
“Secretary Clinton was also interested in the topic” of releasing UFO documentation and was very open about that fact “if elected, she would have ordered a more thorough declassification review,” Podesta says.
After this statement from Hillary’s campaign manager, the show’s narrator intones: “Many believe that if Clinton had won, there would have been a seismic shift from the government’s long-held policy of secrecy concerning UFO investigations to a new policy of full disclosure.”
Is this the answer to Hillary’s question “What Happened?” That’s certainly the documentary makers’ implication:
“The CIA, the Pentagon, they were worried about Hillary Clinton…winning the presidency and going to the Pentagon and basically saying, ‘you’re going to get me the information I need to disclose the extraterrestrial presence, or I’m going to fire every single one of you,’” Bassett says.
He’s followed by Linda Moulton Howe, whose previous work includes “Neil Armstrong’s Secret: UFO’s on the Moon?”“As this year went forward. We all expected that this headline that we’ve been waiting for that is going to break,” she said. “John Podesta was trying to get ready to open up [the fact] that we’re not alone in the universe.”
“All of that crashed when a different person became president of the United States,” Howe said.
Thomas Matthew DeLonge Jr. born December 13, 1975) is an American musician, film and record producer, author, and entrepreneur. He is the lead vocalist and guitarist of the rock band Angels & Airwaves, which he formed in 2005, and is the former co-lead vocalist, guitarist, and co-founder of the rock band Blink-182 from its formation in 1992 until his departure in 2015.
DeLonge grew up in the suburbs of Poway, California, where he embraced skateboardingat an early age. DeLonge received his first guitar shortly thereafter[when?] and began writing original punk rock songs. He formed the Blink-182 band in his high school years. The band created a following in the mid-1990s through independent releases and relentless touring. Blink-182 scored a number one album with 2001’s Take Off Your Pants and Jacket. The band broke up in 2005 following internal tension, spearheaded by DeLonge.
In 2005, he formed Angels & Airwaves, which has released five studio albums and has evolved into an “art project”, encompassing various forms of media. DeLonge reunited with Blink-182 in 2009, releasing new music and touring frequently, before parting ways with the band again in 2015. In addition to his musical career, DeLonge also manages business ventures that he founded: Macbeth Footwear, and technology and design firm Modlife. He helped score and produce the 2011 science fiction film Love, and has multiple film projects in development. Chasing Shadows (Sekret Machines #1) was released in April 2016. The release was a collaboration between DeLonge and NY Times Best Selling Author A. J. Hartley. To The Stars
In 2015, Tom Delonge founded To the Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences, a breakthrough scientific research, aerospace and media company incorporating Angels & Airwaves and a number of his books, including the Sekret Machines franchise. Reported partners include Jim Semivan (Vice President Operations), Hal Puthoff (Vice President Science & Technology), Steve Justice (Aerospace Division Director) Luis Elizondo (Director of Global Security & Special Programs), Chris Mellon (National Security Affairs Advisor), Garry Nolan (Genetics Technologies Consultant), Paul Rapp (Brain Function & Consciousness Consultant), Norm Kahn (National Security & Program Management Consultant), Colm Kelleher (Biotech Consultant) and Adele Gilpin (Biomedical Research & Attorney). Delonge describes how he is being helped by a team of ten advisors with direct links to corporations and Department of Defense entities involved with the U.S. development of a secret space program, and knowledge of a similar program simultaneously developed in Russia and the former Soviet Union. The public should be aware that the Soviet Union and the United States are allies when confronting and chasing UFOs and certain enemy aliens. Even today Russian and US astronauts are working together on the International Space Station. Don’t believe all the hype against Russia on the news.
It turns out DeLonge was having conversations with insiders according Wikileaks email releases. DeLong had meetings with
Major General William N. McCasland, the Commander of the Wright-Patterson Research Laboratories. His bio states: “He is responsible for managing the Air Force’s $2.2 billion science and technology program as well as additional customer funded research and development of $2.2 billion. He is also responsible for a global workforce of approximately 10,800 people in the laboratory’s component technology directorates, and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research.”
William Neil McCasland (Credit: USAF) had the following assignments:
June 1995 – August 1997, Commander, Operations Squadron, Aerospace Data Facility, Buckley AFB, Colo. August 1997 – March 2000, Chief Engineer, Navstar GPS Joint Program Office, Los Angeles AFB, Calif. April 2000 – September 2001, System Program Director, Space Based Laser Project Office, Los Angeles AFB, Calif. October 2001- May 2004, Materiel Wing Director, Air Force Research Laboratory Space Vehicles Directorate, and Commander, Phillips Research Site, Kirtland AFB, N.M.
June 2004 – October 2005, Vice Commander, Ogden Air Logistics Center, Hill AFB, Utah. October 2005 – June 2007, Vice Commander, Space and Missile Systems Center, Los Angeles AFB, Calif. June 2007 – June 2009, Director, Space Acquisition, Office of the Under Secretary of the Air Force, Washington, D.C.
June 2009 – May 2011, Director, Special Programs, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, the Pentagon, Washington, D.C. May 2011 – present, Commander, Air Force Research Laboratory, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio These assignments imply the General knows the latest Air Force capabilities.
One could just shrug McCasland’s participation in the meeting aside, and speculate that he may have attended to humor DeLonge and Podesta. This point of view could be supported by a follow-up email from DeLonge to Podesta, in which DeLonge seemed disappointed by McCasland’s participation.
The meeting took place on January 25, 2016 at 10:30 am. In an email from DeLonge to Podesta sent that afternoon, DeLonge writes:
He mentioned he’s a “skeptic”, he’s not. I’ve been working with him for four months. I just got done giving him a four hour presentation on the entire project a few weeks ago.
Trust me, the advice is already been happening on how to do all this. He just has to say that out loud, but he is very, very aware- as he was in charge of all of the stuff. When Roswell crashed, they shipped it to the laboratory at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. General McCasland was in charge of that exact laboratory who up until 2013 was the Commander of a top Air Force Research Laboratory.
He not only knows what I’m trying to achieve, he helped assemble my advisory team. He’s a very important man.
While it seems McCasland was reticent to share what he had previously told Delonge, this email is not the extent of DeLonge’s shocking claims regarding a previously unidentified general who DeLonge claims helped him assemble his team of insiders.
I landed on the Tarmac, walked off the plane, and met a smart and fit man in his 60’s. Never seen a Multi-Star General before.. Let alone talked to one. He led me to a table in the back of a large room. He leaned across the table and said “It was the Cold War, and we lived under the very real threat of Nuclear War every day… And somewhere in those years…We found a life-form.” I said, “Sir, I need help telling young adults this story…” He said, “What do you need?”….”Advisors”, I responded. “I need high-ranking Advisors in the Military, Intelligence and DOD to help guide me.” So- I was given 10 Advisors, each with knowledge in different areas that pertain to UFOs and the very real National Security issues associated with them. I do wish the press would ask me about this, rather than write stupid headlines about Aliens… I have been given a gift, the ability to tell you all our biggest secret. It will come in books, feature films and documentaries. It’s called SEKRET MACHINES
DeLonge is suggesting McCasland was the guy who told him “We found a life-form.”
There is another email suggesting a general had given DeLonge and Podesta advice on what to add to a potential White House memo, presumably, on UFOs. This email was sent from DeLonge to Podesta in September, 2015.
Michael Carey (Credit: USAF)
There was another general in that Google Hangout meeting, who appears to have been working with DeLonge for awhile. That is retired USAF Major General Michael Carey. According to his USAF bio, Carey was the Special Assistant to the Commander, Air Force Space Command, Peterson Air Force Base, which is also the home of NORAD. Petersen is at the base of the famous Cheyenne Mountain. Carey wrote on the back of the Sekret Machines’ book, our adversaries are aware of our undertakings and our doing the same. Many of those spaceships frequently photographed may belong to the Russians and Chinese.
Michael J. Carey is an American entrepreneur and one of four founders of ATLAS Space Operations, Inc. Upon retiring after 32 years of military service, he became CEO and President of AAC Microtec North America, Inc., founded M. Carey Consultants, LLC, and CompressWave,
In this later email, DeLonge mentions he is going to meet with officials from Air Force Space Command. That makes it likely Carey was the one who sent the pointers regarding the memo. Carey also seems to have an interest in the topic, he even submitted a book review for that can be seen on the book’s webpage on
Other attendees at the Google Hangout meeting, were Executive Vice President & General Manager Advanced Development Programs (Skunk Works) at Lockheed and Martin Aeronautics Rob Weiss.
DeLonge has had high-level meetings. But can we believe that McCasland has told him the USAF recovered an alien body and is back engineering alien technology and is helping him assemble a team to reveal this information to the public?
When I visited Wright Patterson on several occasions, I was told that aliens were on the base as well as crashed UFOs. Numerous people had heard the stories and claimed to know where the were hidden underground at the base. Several people had been shown movies of the craft at Commander’s call.
There has been an ongoing project to slowly feed this information to the public and DeLonge must be a big part of a phase to this project that is coming to fruition.
The hacked email is addressed to John Podesta, chairman of the Hillary Clinton Presidential Campaign, and dated January 25th, 2016, with the subject header “General McCasland”:
Podesta had previously been named by DeLonge as an official working with him to reveal the truth about UFOs. Pedestal’s involvement in UFO disclosure initiatives is well documented, and involves his service in both the Clinton and Obama Presidential administrations.
Arguably, the most significant among Podesta’s many statements about UFOs and government secrecy was his tweet, on the final day of his appointment as a Senior Advisor to President Obama, where he revealed:
“Finally, my biggest failure of 2014. Once again not securing the disclosure of the UFO files.”
In early 2016, DeLonge co-authored the book, Sekret Machines: Chasing Shadows, which is the first in a planned multimedia series of books and documentaries promising to blow the lid off of a cover up of secret space programs and the UFO phenomenon.
DeLonge says I’ve had meetings in mysterious rooms far out in the desert. I’ve had meetings at the highest levels of NASA. I have had conversations at research centers, think tanks, and even on the phone connected to secret facilities. I’ve been introduced to a man whom I call “the Scientist,” and another whom I call “the General.” And there are many more of whom I cannot say much about, but some have become true friends, and all have become close counselors. Each of these men has all held, or currently holds, the highest offices of the military and scientific elite. The point is, I have done it. I have assembled a team of men and women “in the know.” And they all believe I am doing something of value, something worth their time and yours. [Sekret Machines –95-100]
Tom DeLonge and A.J. Hartley create a convincing narrative describing the “cat and mouse” game that is timeless between strategic adversaries. It has existed under the sea, on the surface of the earth and in its skies, why wouldn’t we believe it occurs in space. Our military leaders have been saying space is a contested environment for years now, perhaps we should believe them! -Maj. Gen. Michael J. Carey
Bob Gates and Henry Kissinger were behind the Reagan UFO Disclosure Program which failed in Rick Doty, Bill Moore, Robert Collins, and Jaime Shandera were key players plus many others.
Successful Intercept of intercontinental Missile
The U.S. Missile Defense Agency, in cooperation with the U.S. Air Force 30th Space Wing, the Joint Functional Component Command for Integrated Missile Defense and U.S. Northern Command, on May 10, 2018,
successfully intercepted an intercontinental ballistic missile target during a test of the Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) element of the nation’s ballistic missile defense system.
A ground-based interceptor was launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, and its exo-atmospheric kill vehicle intercepted and destroyed the target in a direct collision.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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