The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Eind vorig jaar hadden we een unieke situatie, waarbij een “komeet” uit een ander zonnestelsel bij ons op bezoek kwam.
De wetenschap zat met de handen in het haar, want hoe ze ook dachten en puzzelden, Oumuamua paste in geen enkel hokje.
Eerder dit jaar hadden we te maken met een vreemd ruimteobject, dat werd omschreven en geclassificeerd als een komeet en dat van buiten ons zonnestelsel scheen te komen.
Sinds ons artikel zijn er alleen nog maar meer vragen gerezen over dit object dat inmiddels de naam Oumuamua heeft gekregen. Het object dat van een ander zonnestelsel kwam, om de zon draaide en weer verdween in de ruimte. The Minor Planet Center heeft bijgedragen aan de naamgeving, wat zoveel betekent als eerste boodschapper van ver weg.:
Accordingly, the object A/2017 U1 receives the permanent designation 1I and the name ʻOumuamua. The name, which was chosen by the Pan-STARRS team, is of Hawaiian origin and reflects the way this object is like a scout or messenger sent from the distant past to reach out to us (ʻou means reach out for, and mua, with the second mua placing emphasis, means first, in advance of).
Volgens de European Southern Observatory (ESO) is Oumuamua een object dat we nog nooit eerder hebben gezien en bestaat het uit rots of metaal met een roodachtige kleur.
Het object moet er ongeveer als volgt uit zien. Een ander fenomeen is dat het om haar eigen as lijkt te draaien en dat de lichtintensiteit varieert.
Men probeert wanhopig om voor dit alles logische verklaringen te vinden, maar slaagt daar niet zo erg in.
Men vermoedt dat het uit de buurt komt van de ster Vega, maar ook dat schijnt niet te kunnen omdat in de tijd dat Oumuamua daar is vertrokken, die ster op een heel andere plek stond. Nu denken ze dat het object misschien wel helemaal nergens thuishoort en als een soort los projectiel door de ruimte zwerft.
De wetenschap zit (ook) wat dit object betreft met de handen in het haar, want niet één van de normale verklaringen past.
Waar we hier over praten, is een groot moederschip dat ons hier met een bezoek heeft vereerd. Dat is de enige logische verklaring en ook is er ook één die past in de omschrijving van het object en de gedragingen.
Nu komen er via NASA berichten dat een team van wetenschappers met behulp van gegevens van de Hubble ruimtetelescoop en andere bronnen heeft vastgesteld dat Oumuamua opeens accelereert en van koers is veranderd.
Marco Micheli van de Europese Ruimtevaartorganisatie heeft bevestigd dat de bewegingen van het object aantonen dat er onder invloed van iets anders dan de zwaartekracht van de zon en andere planeten in ons zonnestelsel iets met Oumuamua is gebeurd.
Dan Davide Farnocchia van het NASA Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) die volhoudt dat het object zich gedraagt als een normale komeet en dat de versnelling en koersverandering misschien wel te maken hebben met de uitstoot van gas vanaf het oppervlak van de komeet.
Echter, volgens Olivier Haunaut van het European Southern Observatory zijn er geen waarneembare tekenen van het uitstoten van gas.
Maar, omdat de wetenschappelijke gelederen gesloten dienen te blijven, komt er een soort gezamenlijke verklaring van wetenschappers waarbij ze dan concluderen dat Oumuamua een hele kleine hoeveelheid stofdeeltjes heeft uitgestoten die verantwoordelijk zouden zijn geweest voor de koersverandering. De uitstoot van die stofdeeltjes zou zo subtiel geweest zijn de wetenschappers niet in staat zijn geweest om dit op te pikken.
De verklaring: het hemellichaam bevat wél vluchtig materiaal, en via barsten en spleten in het oppervlak stromen gassen en dampen de ruimte in. Zo’n klein raket-effect beïnvloedt de beweging – denk maar aan een losgelaten feestballonnetje, dat ook alle kanten op kronkelt.
Het effect was heel klein, aldus een internationaal team van onderzoekers deze week in Nature, maar elke andere mogelijke verklaring wordt vakkundig naar de prullenbak verwezen. Conclusie: de kosmische binnendringer verloor een paar kilogram gas per seconde, vermoedelijk waterdamp en koolmonoxide. Dat is niet veel, maar volgens het astronomische hokjesdenken ben je dan toch een komeet.
Héhé, dat was even zweten, maar gelukkig is er nu een wetenschappelijke verklaring die de stofdeeltjes de schuld geeft, zodat we vooral niet hoeven zeggen dat het gewoon een groot buitenaards, intelligent bestuurd ruimteschip is.
Mysterious Sonar Anomaly investigated in ocean off North Carolina by NOAA
Mysterious Sonar Anomaly investigated in ocean off North Carolina by NOAA
A mysterious "sonar anomaly" had NOAA explorers diving off the coast of North Carolina on Wednesday, hoping for an explanation.
NOAA has not been afraid to notch up suspense about the area, noting it could be "an archaeology site, a geological formation or otherwise."
Image credit NOAA.
It's anybody's guess what "otherwise" means, but UFO enthusiasts might be tingling with ideas.
The site is being called the “Big Dipper Anomaly" by the crew aboard NOAA's Okeanos Explorer, which launched a remotely operated vehicle in the area at 8:30 a.m. Wednesday.
Experts believed the anomaly might be a shipwreck, but were leaning toward "a geological formation with biological communities and other debris" later in the day, according to TV station WTKR in Virginia.
Image credit NOAA.
But an official accounting of their findings has not been released yet and since the location of the anomaly is being kept confidential it becomes clear that NOAA has found something very strange and unusual off the coast of North Carolina. We will keep an eye on this strange event.
Watch three live stream cameras NOAA at the following link:
Three-Fingered Mummified Aliens Found In Peru, UFO Researcher Claims
Three-Fingered Mummified Aliens Found In Peru, UFO Researcher Claims
A UFO researcher has claimed he has unearthed alien remains in Nazca, Peru in 2015. Some UFO fans quickly labelled it as evidence of ancient aliens. They argued that the strange creatures may have inhabited the Earth long before the people.
According to UFO researcher Steve Mera, DNA tests show one body to be 98.5 per cent primate, related to humans, and 1.5 per cent unknown.
Steve said they have proof that the Maria body constitutes a fantastic find. He stressed that it may alter history books forever and would go down as the most significant find of the 21st Century.
However, the World Congress on Mummy Studies has described the discovery as a fraud and called it an irresponsible organized campaign of disinformation.
Hoax debunkers offered a detailed analysis, including the fact that, the one spreading the information about the mummy discovery, has been alleged of promoting the idea of ancient aliens of which no actual evidence was presented.
UFO author Nigel Watson said that mummy discoveries such as this one are very probably fakes. He explained that humanoid aliens with three long fingers could not survive as they would be clumsy and incapable of making a cup of tea let alone flying a spaceship.
Nigel also pointed out the fact that the news was fed to the people via a website that you need to subscribe. He said that it could be fake news designed to indulge the fascination of people with ancient aliens and UFOs.
Large organic molecules blasted into space from deep-sea vents on one of Saturn's moons, show that it contains "all of the basic requirements for life as we know it”.
NASA Finds Ocean & Possible Alien Life on Saturn's Moon
A study of this data by an international team of researchers has found evidence of carbon-rich substances formed in the heart of the moon.
The scientists said they were “blown away” by the discovery.
“Complex organic molecules do not necessarily provide a habitable environment, but on the other hand they are a necessary precursor for life,” Dr Frank Postberg from the University of Heidelberg, who led the research, told The Independent.
“Previously it was unknown whether complex organic chemistry happens on Enceladus – and now we know.”
Dr Christopher Glein, a space scientist specialising in extraterrestrial chemical oceanography, said the new findings mean the distant moon is the only body besides Earth known to “simultaneously satisfy all of the basic requirements for life as we know it”.
He added: “We are, yet again, blown away by Enceladus. Previously we’d only identified the simplest organic molecules containing a few carbon atoms, but even that was very intriguing.”
The new discovery is the culmination of years of data gleaned by Cassini as it flew close by Saturn’s moons, collecting information as it went.
Initial surveys found evidence of an enormous ocean of water residing underneath the moon’s icy crust.
Subsequent flybys yielded signs of smaller organic compounds like methane gas, as well as hydrogen that indicated deep-sea hydrothermal vents.
“Hydrogen provides a source of chemical energy supporting microbes that live in the Earth’s oceans near hydrothermal vents,” said Dr Hunter Waite, who co-authored the study at Southwest Research Institute.
“Once you have identified a potential food source for microbes, the next question to ask is ‘what is the nature of the complex organics in the ocean?’ This paper represents the first step in that understanding – complexity in the organic chemistry beyond our expectations.”
Data collected on the red planet was far more detailed than Cassini’s Enceladus findings, but the discoveries made in the past 12 to 15 months have singled out the distant moon as one of the most likely places to support life in our solar system.
Dr Postberg said the case for alien life on Enceladus is mounting, but as it stands there are no follow up Cassini missions planned.
However, the technology to test for such life exists, and he predicts a decision will be made in the next five years about future alien-hunting missions to this elusive “water world”.
“It is of course one of the biggest science questions there are – extraterrestrial life: yes or no – and here is a spot where we can check,” said Dr Postberg. “We have a habitable environment there and we have the means to probe it to find whether there is actual life or not.”
Has alien life been discovered on Enceladus? Scientists excited by new discovery HD
Beste bewijs van buitenaards leven tot nu toe gevonden op Saturnusmaan. Wetenschappers staan versteld
Beste bewijs van buitenaards leven tot nu toe gevonden op Saturnusmaan. Wetenschappers staan versteld
Saturnusmaan Enceladus blijkt grote organische moleculen uit te stoten. Die zijn ontstaan bij reacties tussen de rotsachtige kern van de maan en het warme water van de ondergrondse oceaan.
Wetenschappers spreken van het beste bewijs van buitenaards leven tot nu toe. Hun onderzoek is gepubliceerd in vakblad Nature.
Eerder waren in het materiaal dat Enceladus uitstoot enkel eenvoudige organische moleculen waargenomen, waaronder methaan.
Diep onder de indruk
De moleculen die nu zijn gevonden, zijn ruim 10 keer zo zwaar dan methaan. Barsten in het ijs op Enceladus bleken verrassend grote hoeveelheden koolstof te bevatten.
De onderzoekers zijn diep onder de indruk van de ontdekking.
In combinatie met de aanwezigheid van vloeibaar water is hiermee aan de basisbehoeften van organismen voldaan.
Enige bekende plek
Ruimtewetenschapper Christopher Glein zei dat Enceladus naast de aarde de enige bekende plek is waar alle basisbenodigdheden zijn voor leven zoals wij dat kennen.
“We staan opnieuw versteld van Enceladus,” zei hij tegen de Britse krant Independent.
Bewoonbaar gebied
Er is een bewoonbaar gebied op de Saturnusmaan en we kunnen gaan kijken of daar al dan niet leven aanwezig is, liet hoofdonderzoeker Frank Postberg van de Universiteit van Heidelberg weten.
De gegevens zijn tussen 2004 en 2017 verzameld door ruimtesonde Cassini. De sonde is in 1997 gelanceerd om Saturnus en alle manen van de planeet in kaart te brengen.
ROSWELL, N.M. (KRQE) - The Bureau of Land Management is taking an interest in a New Mexico geologist's discoveries that he claims are out of this world. He believes he has found parts of the alleged UFO crash near Roswell in 1947.
"Some of it could be trash, camper trash, but some of it could be interesting,” said Geologist Frank Kimbler.
Kimbler distinctly remembers the moment he discovered debris from the suspected 1947 UFO crash site.
"I started looking around all over the place, looking to see if the helicopters were going to fly over, because you get paranoid when you read the stories of about Roswell and what's happened to people when they've come forward with stuff,” he said.
Over the past eight years, Kimbler has dedicated himself to finding physical proof of the UFO, going out to the suspected site 75 miles northwest of Roswell about a dozen times.
Using a metal detector, he's collected about 20 metallic fragments the size of a fingernail.
"Some of the material that I found out there has been tested and it has anomalies that suggest that it might be of extraterrestrial origin,” said Kimbler.
Recently, Kimbler became afraid his research was in jeopardy when the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) contacted him, wanting to meet.
Kimbler said he was positive he was just a test away from discovering the truth.
When the BLM called, he became a little paranoid and even removed his findings from the International UFO Museum in Roswell.
"I said sure, about had a heart attack. I'm going, ‘Oh, they're going to arrest me, they're going to confiscate this material,’” said Kimbler. “I always thought that I was within my legal rights as a citizen of the U.S. to go out and metal detect."
Much to his relief, that wasn't the case.
"It had a happy ending. I got clarification on the rules and regulations from the BLM and there was no confiscation of materials,” Kimbler said.
He believes the recent commercial interest in the site played a role in how the BLM got alerted to his presence and findings there.
Kimbler, a researcher with the International UFO Museum who has been featured in several documentaries, says he will continue to try and find suspected debris but will work with the BLM to do it the right way.
Mysterious metals collected near sight of the alleged 1947 Roswell UFO crash - Spacing Out! Ep. 14
Frank Kimbler, a geology and earth science teacher at the New Mexico Military Institute, spends considerable time searching the area of the alleged UFO crash near Roswell, New Mexico. This professor and geologist has recovered mysterious metals from the area, and he recently appeared on the NatGeo show Chasing UFOs. We talk with Frank about his experience on the show, and about his mystery metals. We also talk about a UFO at the Olympics, William Shatner vs. Wil Wheaton, and other space and UFO news on this episode of Spacing Out!
Geoloog claimt delen van Roswell-UFO te hebben gevonden. Dit overheidsagentschap was er als de kippen bij
Geoloog claimt delen van Roswell-UFO te hebben gevonden. Dit overheidsagentschap was er als de kippen bij
Een geoloog claimt in New Mexico stukken van de UFO te hebben gevonden die in 1947 nabij Roswell zou zijn neergekomen. De vondst heeft nu de aandacht getrokken van het Bureau of Land Management, een agentschap van het Amerikaanse ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken.
“Er zit mogelijk afval tussen, maar een deel kan interessant zijn,” zei geoloog Frank Kimbler.
De afgelopen acht jaar was hij erop gebrand om fysiek bewijs van de UFO te vinden. Meer dan 10 keer reisde hij af naar het gebied waar het object zou zijn gecrasht.
Mogelijk buitenaards
Met behulp van een metaaldetector verzamelde hij zo’n 20 metalen fragmenten.
“Een deel van het materiaal dat ik gevonden heb is getest en vertoont eigenaardigheden die erop wijzen dat het mogelijk buitenaards is,” zei Kimbler.
Hij was bang dat zijn onderzoek gevaar zou lopen toen het Bureau of Land Management zich ermee ging bemoeien.
Kimber zei dat hij op het punt stond achter de waarheid te komen. Toen het bureau hem belde besloot hij de fragmenten te verstoppen.
“Ik dacht dat ze me zouden arresteren en dit materiaal in beslag zouden nemen,” zei hij. Maar dit bleek niet het geval en er werd niets in beslag genomen.
Kimbler, die in meerdere documentaires te zien is geweest, zegt in samenwerking met het bureau te blijven speuren naar wrakstukken.
De Europese ruimteorganisatie ESA heeft miljarden euro’s uitgegeven om een komeet te onderzoeken die radiosignalen uitzendt en waar meer vreemde dingen mee aan de hand lijken.
Nu is er iets vergelijkbaars bij de Japanners gaande die de komende dagen een sonde zullen laten landen op een vreemd uitziende asteroïde.
Het publiek wat met twee benen op aarde rond loopt, wordt aan alle kanten in de maling genomen voor wat betreft de werkelijke stand van zaken en activiteiten in de ruimte.
Het onbemande Japanse ruimtevaartuig Hayabusa2 is aangekomen bij een asteroïde en zal daar de komende dagen niet alleen een landing uitvoeren, maar nog veel meer activiteiten verrichten.
Zo zal er door middel van een explosie een gat worden geslagen in de asteroïde, waardoor de sonde de nodige monsters kan nemen die vervolgens teruggebracht zullen worden naar de aarde. De asteroïde bevindt zich op dit moment op zo’n 280 miljoen kilometer afstand van ons.
De sonde zal daar al met al ongeveer anderhalf jaar actief zijn en diverse korte landingen uitvoeren om monsters te verzamelen. En dit alles moet de mensheid dan een beter inzicht geven over de oorsprong van het zonnestelsel en het leven op aarde.
Maar, als je goed kijkt naar de beelden van deze asteroïde dan ziet het er merkwaardig gevormd uit. Als een ruit met bovenop iets dat lijkt op een constructie en links een merkwaardige krater.
Wanneer je het beeld van deze asteroïde vergelijkt met de eveneens geheimzinnige maan Phobos die bij de planeet Mars hoort, dan zie je de overeenkomsten. De bovenste twee zijn van de asteroïde waar de Japanners nu mee bezig zijn en de onderste is Phobos.
Wat dan natuurlijk de vraag oproept of we hier wel te maken hebben met een asteroïde, of dat ook dit weer één van de vele kunstmatige constructies is die er in de ruimte zweven. Objecten die er misschien uit zien als kometen, asteroïden of manen, maar die in feite niets anders zijn dan goed gecamoufleerde ruimteschepen.
In de volgende video gaat Tyler van Secureteam verder in op dit fenomeen en haalt nog een aantal leuke voorbeelden aan van objecten die waarschijnlijk helemaal geen asteroïde, komeet of maan zijn.
Over een aantal zijn ook op deze website al eerder artikelen verschenen zoals de maan Phobos en het vreemde object dat hier kwam van buiten ons zonnestelsel wat eruit zag als een groot sigaarvormig ruimteschip.
Iets, wat hier natuurlijk ook niet mag ontbreken is het verhaal van de vreemde komeet P67, waarover wij eerder uitgebreid hebben geschreven. Hierna daarom een deel uit zo'n eerder artikel: De meest vreemde komeet in ons zonnestelsel is ongetwijfeld komeet P67.
Hij zendt alleen radiosignalen, maar zo te zien hebben buitenaardsen het zich daar ook gemakkelijk gemaakt.
Eerder deze week schreven wij al over deze bijzondere komeet (zie onder) en hoe uit recente NASA foto’s bleek dat er een ruimteschip/UFO boven de komeet hing.
Het wordt nog vreemder, want nu is er op de komeet zelf een soort geparkeerd ruimteschip aangetroffen.
Het is een ontdekking die is gedaan door ufoloog Scott Waring op een EAS (European Space Administration) foto van juli dit jaar.
Duidelijk is dat het geen vlekje op de lens is, maar een klein soort ruimtevaartuig dat een beetje lijkt op een modern stealth gevechtsvliegtuig.
Een UFO in een dergelijke kleur steekt ook wel mooi af tegen het donkere oppervlakte van de komeet en kan dan ook op geen enkele wijze worden afgedaan als een “natuurlijk verschijnsel”.
Dat zal dan ook wel de achterliggende reden zijn dat alle communicatie met de Rosetta opeens is opgehouden omdat deze gecrasht zou zijn. Scott is er heilig van overtuigd dat dit een leugen is en dat de missie in het geheim gewoon doorgaat.
Wat die missie dan is, is niet duidelijk, maar wel dat er buitenaardsen bij betrokken zijn.
De foto waar Scott dit ruimtevaartuig op heeft gevonden, is hier te bekijken.
Een komeet die radiosignalen uitzendt en waar de Europese ruimtevaartorganisatie ESA miljarden euro’s aan uitgeeft om die te onderzoeken.
Ogenschijnlijk kwam er enkele weken geleden een einde aan de Europese ruimtemissie naar de komeet 67P
Op 30 september 2016, om 12.38 uur crashte Rosetta gecontroleerd op de komeet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Om 13.20 uur (Nederlandse tijd), kwam de bevestiging binnen dat Rosetta gecrasht is. Deze vertraging werd veroorzaakt doordat het 40 minuten duurde voordat de data de aarde bereikte. De sonde werd in overeenstemming met internationale afspraken automatisch uitgezet vlak voor de landing, dit om te voorkomen dat de zender als een stoorzender in het zonnestelsel zou gaan werken en andere observaties zou gaan storen. De crash betekent het einde van de succesvolle missie van Rosetta.
Echter, de dag voordat Rosetta crashte, zijn er toch nog wel een paar interessante opnames gemaakt waaruit blijkt dat die komeet toch wel even iets meer is dan men ons wil laten geloven.
Zoals op de volgende opname te zien, hangt er een grote UFO boven de rotsmassa van komeet 67P.
De bekende videomaker op Youtube BP Earthwatch ontving een e-mail met het volgende nogal schokkende bericht:
Het bericht is afkomstig van iemand die werkt binnen ESA (European Space Agency). Deze zegt dat de belangstelling voor deze komeet zo’n twintig jaar geleden werd gewekt doordat NASA radiosignalen ontving, afkomstig van deze komeet.
Dat niet alleen, maar ergens in de afgelopen twintig jaar schijnt 67P ook van koers te zijn veranderd.
Veel wetenschappers hebben ook al hun verbazing uitgesproken over het uiterlijk van deze komeet omdat men een soort sneeuw en ijsklomp had verwacht. Iets waarbij in het geval van 67P absoluut geen sprake is.
Besloten werd volgens de klokkenluider om deze “komeet” met een bezoek te vereren. Om de aandacht af te leiden en dit zo geruisloos mogelijk te doen, werd een samenwerking aangegaan tussen NASA en ESA, waarbij de laatste een missie zou organiseren onder de noemer van onderzoek naar een komeet.
De klokkenluider zegt verder: "Jullie zijn toch niet zo gek om te geloven dat ze deze Rosetta missie die al in 2004 werd gelanceerd en miljarden Dollars kost, zomaar gaan doen om een stukje rots in de ruimte te onderzoeken? Nee, ze doen dit omdat er iets aan de hand is met 67P en omdat ze vandaar radiosignalen hebben opgevangen".
Wat 67P ook moge zijn, volgens de klokkenluider is het zeker dat het geen komeet is.
Dan, net voordat de Rosetta voor ons gewone mensen volledig uit beeld verdwijnt, een ruimteschip wat daar hangt wat minstens 100 meter lang is.
Men in Black is the new book from Conrad Bauer. Its subtitle: Evidence and True Stories About Earth’s Most Mysterious Cover Agents. Certainly, it’s not the longest book ever written on the phenomenon (it’s pretty slim), and it’s not a deeply extensive study of the mystery. But, where the book really scores, is the way in which Bauer approaches his story. What Bauer has done is to write a book on the Men in Black for those who are, perhaps, largely new to the phenomenon – and who want a basic, quick rundown on the puzzle and without having to dig through the 10 or so MIB-themed books that are currently available. And, it helps that Bauer has a good, atmospheric style of writing, one which makes his book a cool page-turner.
Bauer begins with a summary of the extremely controversial saga of the Maury Island incident of the summer of 1947; an incident involving an exploded UFO. Or, which was nothing but a crazy hoax, one that tragically led to the deaths of two military personnel. True or not, the Maury Island affair became notable for its link to a sinister character in black who warned one of the key witnesses, Harold Dahl, to keep his mouth shut. Or else.
There is a great deal of information in Men in Blackon Albert Bender, the one guy who, in almost single-handed fashion, “created” the MIB mystery. Or, who at least brought it to the attention of the UFO research community and – eventually – to the military, the FBI and the public, in a roundabout way. So many researchers have claimed that the trio of MIB who visited Bender’s home in 1953 were from the government. They certainly were not.
Albert Bender
Bauer, in his section on Bender, skillfully demonstrates that Bender’s MIB were not agents from the U.S. Government. They were ghoulish, menacing things that didn’t even look completely human. On top of that, Bauer points out how the MIB that Bender crossed paths with had far more links to the occult and the supernatural than they did the likes of the CIA, the Air Force, etc. Bauer, in a persuasive fashion, make it clear that whoever – or whatever – that trio of terrors in black that plagued Bender really were, they were clearly something paranormal and dangerous.
As Bauer notes, Bender’s story was filled to the brim with paranormal activity, dangerous beings from other planes of existence, and things that sounded like they had just stepped out of the pages of a Victorian era Penny Dreadful. Shadowy figures in black follow him to his home late at night. Strange balls of light appear in his attic bedroom – which becomes overwhelmed by a powerful odor of sulfur, no less.
Bauer then moves onto the matter of Gray Barker’s 1956 book on the Bender affair. Its title: They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers. Barker’s book is a controversial one. It is filled with rumors fleshed out as facts, and Barker’s imagination going into overdrive. Add to that a few outright hoaxes undertaken by Barker, and what you get is hardy non-fiction: They Knew Too Much…
Strange characters impersonating employees of NORAD crop up, as do a couple of genuinely weird sagas of MIB from the U.K., in the early 1970s. I liked these sections particularly, as Bauer makes it clear just how inhuman these things really are. Of course, it wouldn’t be a book on the Men in Black without a good look back at the MIB presence in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, where the Mothman lurked from late 1966 to December 1967. The dark atmosphere that enveloped the area is well-handled, making it abundantly clear that they were truly strange times – and that Point Pleasant was even home to pale-faced Women in Black, as well as the equally creepy MIB. And with the specter of the Mothman hanging over the good people of Point Pleasant.
In the next couple of chapters, Bauer makes an even greater argument to the effect that the Men in Black are not human. Inhuman would be far better. Bauer ends his book with a look at the possible origins of the Men in Black – and their strange, and almost theatrical, activities, which are particularly in evidence when they are terrorizing witnesses to UFOs.
In conclusion, Conrad Bauer’s book, Men in Black, is the perfect one for people who don’t know too much about the MIB subject – but who would like to – and who don’t want to have to wade through 300 pages or more to get the answers and to learn about the classic cases. In a well-structured, and well-written, fashion Bauer gives the reader the key moments in MIB history, the theories for what they are, their possible motivations and much more. And it’s all presented in a very creepy, bizarre and surreal fashion – which is highly appropriate for a book on the Men in Black!
It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s an asteroid! It’s a weird spaceship from another galaxy! It’s a comet! It’s … Oumuamua! The interstellar visitor didn’t stay long but it has captivated the hearts and minds and computer models of astronomers and space scientists worldwide who want to know what it is. Researchers watching the trailing end of the cigar-shaped visitor as it left the solar system noticed that it was accelerating. While it could have just been trying to get away from the all of the chaos it saw on Earth, the real reason seemed to be that gas coming off of the back end was pushing it to a slightly higher speed … a trait that is commonly seen on … sorry, it’s too late to place your bets … comets!
Is ‘Oumuamua an Interstellar Asteroid or Comet?
“After ruling out solar-radiation pressure, drag- and friction-like forces, interaction with solar wind for a highly magnetized object, and geometric effects originating from ‘Oumuamua potentially being composed of several spatially separated bodies or having a pronounced offset between its photocentre and centre of mass, we find comet-like outgassing to be a physically viable explanation, provided that ‘Oumuamua has thermal properties similar to comets.”
A team led by Marco Micheli, a European Space Agency astronomer, released their study this week in the journal Nature. The acceleration of Oumuamua was actually expected since it would be affected by the gravitational pulls of the Moon and outer planets, but the speed at which it was moving could not be attributed to gravity alone.
“It’s an unusual comet, and that’s pretty exciting.”
Karen Meech, an astronomer at the University of Hawaii in Honolulu and a team member, explained to Hawaii’s KHON that the unusual lack of dust and ice on Oumuamua meant it didn’t have a tail and that initially led observers to think it was a rocky asteroid rather than an icy comet. In addition, Meech says astronomers were looking for evidence of cyanide, which gives comets a blue hue. They didn’t see it, which means that Oumuamua is still a comet but one with a different chemical composition that those passing thought the solar system before.
Halley’s comet
If you’re looking for a career exploring the stars and you’re too tall or too scared to be an astronaut, Meech recommends astronomy as the job of the future.
“This is the first time we’ve ever seen anything like this. Astronomers have been predicting this for decades, so it was very exciting to see the first one come through. I think the Pan-STARRS in particular is going to start to see a lot more of these with the second telescope now starting its survey, so it’s an exciting time to be an astronomer.”
Exciting, yes … unless you’re the astronomer who spots the deadly asteroid or comet heading straight for Earth.
Oumuamua - New Facts and Discoveries About First Interstellar Visitor
Nathan Myhrvold thinks NASA is up to something. The “modernist cookbook“ author, physics PhD, and former Microsoft executive has just published a peer-reviewed paperrefuting NASA’s data concerning NASA’s analysis of near Earth objects, the potentially deadly asteroids and meteoroids and other objects whizzing about in the area of space just outside of our orbit. According to Myrhvold’s calculations, NASA’s data “suffer from systematic errors and inconsistencies.” Does this mean we’re in a lot more danger than NASA is letting on?
The last thing most of us will ever see: our phones.
Let’s hope not, especially given how utterly unprepared we still are for the event of even a minor asteroid impact. In a blog post, Myhrvold doesn’t specifically state that NASA is intentionally under-reporting the amount of near Earth objects tracked by their NEOWISE project (short for Near Earth Object Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer), but does accuse NASA scientists of “scientific misconduct” and “further misconduct, apparently to cover up the issues” he previously pointed out in their data:
The issues I am calling misconduct in the NEOWISE papers were not inadvertent. They appear to have been deliberate choices made repeatedly by the NEOWISE team over a long period of time. These actions have caused the astronomical community to work under the false belief that the NEOWISE results are more accurate (have smaller errors) than the evidence warrants.
Myhrvold goes on to accuse scientists working on the NEOWISE project of reacting “extremely deceptively,” claiming that NEOWISE scientists ignored his attempts to point out the inaccuracies in private and that “the very NASA managers who should have been supervising the project were more interested in protecting it from scrutiny.”
NASA wouldn’t lie to us, would they?
The reason the NEOWISE data are so important is because hundreds of scientists and even space agencies around the world have used the data for their own separate studies and missions. With so much riding on our ability to understand the NEO activity above our heads, it’s imperative that scientists have the most accurate data available in order to someday be able to protect us from a potentially cataclysmic impact.
For their part, NEOWISE has yet to comment on Myhrvold’s critique of their data. “The NEOWISE team stands by its data and scientific findings that have been published in several peer-reviewed journal articles,” a NASA spokesperson said in a statement. “NASA is confident the processes and analyses performed by the NEOWISE team are valid, as verified by independent researchers.” Meanwhile, UCLA’s Edward L. Wright, head of the NEOWISE project, called Myhrvold’s publication “a waste of paper.”
Is this merely a case of scientists splitting methodological hairs, or might there be some sort of attempt to hide the truth about NEOs? Furthermore, do we really want to know the truth? Personally, I like sleeping at night. Some threats are better left in the dark.
UFO Metal Found At Roswell Draws Interest From Government Agency
UFO Metal Found At Roswell Draws Interest From Government Agency
Geologist Frank Kimbler has spent the last eight years making periodic trips out to the location armed with a metal detector in the hopes of picking up something left behind after the infamous 1947 event.
And, as a result of these excursions, he claims to have recovered nearly 20 small metal fragments.
Image credit Frank Kimbler.
"Some of the material that I found out there has been tested and it has anomalies that suggest that it might be of extraterrestrial origin,” said Kimbler.
Believing that his research is getting very close to a proverbial smoking gun, Kimbler became incredibly worried last week when the Bureau of Land Management called and asked to meet with him.
Kimbler thought that they were going to confiscate the pieces of UFO metal and his concern was so serious that he went so far as to pull all of his discoveries from Roswell's International UFO Museum where they had been on display.
Image credit Frank Kimbler.
Fortunately, it turned out that his fears were unfounded as the meeting largely consisted of Kimbrel being reminded of the BLM's rules regarding the collection of materials and his own discoveries remained safely in his possession.
I Contacted JAXA space Admin But Israeli Diplomat Responded, June 2018, UFO Sighting News.
I Contacted JAXA space Admin But Israeli Diplomat Responded, June 2018, UFO Sighting News.
Date of tweets: June 29, 2018 Hey everyone. The JAXA (Japan space agency) probe reached the asteroid Ryugu and has only released one close up photo of it, even though the spacecraft has been there for over 48 hours. I have reached out to five official JAXA accounts on Twitter as you see from the screenshots, but as of yet, I have received no replies from the Japanese. However I have received a reply from a Isrealie diplomate @ElanRatson who is stationed in the UK embassy. He said that onboard the probe is a smaller probe made by Isreal and its CPU brain made by Isreal which is responsible for taking and retrieving samples of the asteroid back to earth. Below you see proof that I attempted to contact JAXA in order to get more photos of the asteroid released to the public. I will continue my effort to contact them, and hopefully we will see some amazing photos that we can explore and search for alien structures and evidence in. Scott C. Waring
UFO Gets On TV News, Appears In Sky Over Brazil, June 21, 2018, Videos, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Gets On TV News, Appears In Sky Over Brazil, June 21, 2018, Videos, UFO Sighting News.
Above, I have added contrast and focus to see it better, below is the original, 100% untouched.
Above, I have added contrast and focus to see it better, below is the original, 100% untouched. The photo above has an opening at its bottom, to receive or release cargo.
Above, I have added contrast and focus to see it better, below is the original, 100% untouched.
Date of sighting: June 21, 2018 Location of sighting: Curitiba, Brazil A Brazilian news channel released this TV news video of a eyewitness who noticed an oval shape in the overcast sky and started filming it. As he recorded, the UFO can be seen fluxing like the colors of a squid and then the UFO vanishes on camera. At one point, the UFO opens at its bottom as if it were bringing something or someone in or out of the ship. The UFO disappeared because it was observing and reading peoples thoughts below on the ground. Most UFOs have a detection system that will automatically (AI controlled) make the UFO vanish when its been detected, but for some reason this one allowed it to be filmed for about 20 seconds before it vanished. It appears the UFO was as intrigued with the eyewitness as the eyewitness was with the alien ship. Scott C. Waring
One scientist thinks that future intelligent aliens might survive by collecting, storing and harnessing the power of stars.
Dan Hooper, a senior scientist at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Illinois, outlined this concept in a new paper. He suggested that, over the next 100 billion years or so, an intelligent extraterrestrial civilization will likely become isolated and in need of power as the universe continues to expand. In the paper, Hooper explained that these aliens might need to use stars as an alternative energy source.
Hooper suggested that such a civilization would capture stars and extract their power using Dyson spheres — theoretical structures, originally described by sci-fi writer Olaf Stapledon in his novel "Star Maker" and first officially proposed and popularized by physicist Freeman Dyson in his 1960 paper "Search for Artificial Stellar Sources of Infrared Radiation." Dyson spheres are engineered structures made up of satellites that are essentially solar panels. They would theoretically be built to surround a star, encompass it and capture its energy. [Dyson Spheres: How Advanced Alien Civilizations Would Conquer the Galaxy (Infographic)]
A diagram of a Dyson sphere as one might be constructed in our solar system.
Credit: Bibi Saint-Pol (Wikimedia)
In his paper, Hooper expanded on this idea, saying that an advanced civilization could "use the energy that is collected to propel those stars toward the center of the civilization, where they will become gravitationally bound and thus protected from the future expansion of space."
In a conversation with, Hooper revealed that he explored this wild, extraterrestrial possibility simply because he "thought it was cool and it would be fun."
Although he just thought the concept was interesting, papers like this could serve a secondary purpose, Hooper said: Because his paper covers such a wild concept, it could get more people "excited about science, especially young people," and "the more people in our society are increasingly literate in the areas of science, I think this does a lot of good," he added.
Still, people might dismiss the idea that an intelligent extraterrestrial civilization might "catch" stars to fulfill their energy needs. But according to Seth Shostak, a senior astronomer at the SETI Institute who was not involved with Hooper's paper, these people are "not thinking big enough."
Because of dark energy, the universe is expanding, and this process continues to speed up, the paper noted. And "there's no limit on how fast space can expand," Shostak told
At least with humans, "almost all the energy here on Earth is a result of the sun … with the exception of nuclear energy," Shostak added.
So, as space expands and stars grow farther away from civilizations, those communities would likely need to find a way to capture and store that stellar energy, whether such aliens are the squishy, gray variety we see in movies, or less-human-like machines, Shostak said.
If intelligent aliens are anything like us, "they're going to run out of energy," Shostak said, adding, "I don't think there's anything crazy about that."
Hooper noted in his paper that something like this would likely not happen for roughly 100 billion years. Within that time, because of dark energy, space would continue to expand enough to isolate a civilization, and such a civilization would also have to figure out how to build a Dyson sphere, Hooper said.
The new paper doesn't say with any certainty that theoretical aliens could or will capture stars and harness their power. However, the idea remains theoretically possible if you factor in two major assumptions (not including the existence of intelligent extraterrestrial life): "1) a highly advanced civilization will attempt to maximize its access to usable energy, and that 2) our current understanding of dark energy and its impact on the future expansion history of our universe is approximately correct," Hooper wrote in the paper.
On June 12, 2018, a mother took pictures of a black UFO flying over Ardvasar, a village near the southern end of the Sleat peninsula, on the Isle of Skye, in Scotland.
Witness statement:
Photo was sent to me by my parents. I got a text from my Dad telling me to check my email, saw the photo provided, and phoned them. My mother had been taking photos of her garden since the weather was nice (rare for the Isle of Skye). When she went indoors to check the pictures on her PC, only one photo had an object in the sky, at the top left of the picture. They saw nothing with their eyes at the time, heard nothing either, and the object is only in one photo.
I aksed about the possibilities of it being a fly/moth/bee in the foreground or a seagull/eagle/other big bird in the near distance. They said there were no insects buzzing about due to a bit of a gusty breeze blowing, and there wasn't any birds flying about. She mentioned she took 3 or 4 pictures in very quick succession (she's a keen photographer and has a fancy DSLR with rapidfire functions) so if it was a bird it would have been in another picture.
My Dad (massive UFO skeptic), who in the 80's was a member of the Royal Observer Corps (cold war spy basically) is highly trained in aircraft recognition, is a keen plane spotter/military fanboy and always has binoculars to hand was present, and he confirms there were no aircraft around, no helicopters, and he has no idea what is in the photo. In his words "It's a proper UFO, if I can't tell what it is then only God knows what it was".
In the photo, zoom in to the top left area of clear sky next to the tree. There is a classic saucer shaped object, appearing slightly copper/bronze coloured top & bottom, and dark in the middle.
Photo taken 12th June from the address provided (IV458RB) on the Sleat peninsula of the Isle of Skye facing south. The buildings visible on the hillside in the distance is the town called Mallaig on the mainland.”
Saturn Moon Enceladus Is First Alien 'Water World' with Complex Organics
Saturn Moon Enceladus Is First Alien 'Water World' with Complex Organics
ByCharles Q. Choi, Contributor
The Cassini spacecraft first flew through the plumes of Saturn's moon Enceladus in November 2009, capturing this image along the way. Now, new data suggests that those plumes might contain complex organic (carbon-based) molecules.
Credit: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute
Complex organic molecules have been discovered for the first time coming from the depths of Saturn's moon Enceladus, a new study reported.
Spacecraft scheduled to launch soon could explore what this new discovery says about the chances of life within icy moons like Enceladus, the study's researchers said.
Working with image data from NASA's Cassini mission, researchers have found evidence that Saturn's moon Enceladus may have tipped over, reorienting itself so that terrain closer to its original equator was relocated to the poles. This phenomenon is known as true polar wander.
The sixth largest of Saturn's moons, Enceladus is only about 314 miles (505 kilometers) in diameter. This makes the moon small enough to fit inside the borders of Arizona. [Photos of Saturn's Icy Moon Enceladus]
In 2005, NASA's Cassini spacecraft detected plumes of water vapor and icy particles erupting from Enceladus, revealing the existence of a giant ocean hidden under the moon's frozen shell. Because there is life virtually wherever there is water on Earth, these findings suggested that life might also exist on Enceladus.
Previously, scientists had detected only simple organic (carbon-based) compounds, each less than about five carbon atoms in size, in the plumes of Enceladus. Now, researchers have detected complex organic molecules from the moon, including some at least 15 carbon atoms in size.
"This is the first-ever detection of complex organics coming from an extraterrestrial water world," study lead author Frank Postberg, a planetary scientist at the University of Heidelberg in Germany, told
The scientists analyzed data that Cassini gathered when it flew within a plumefrom Enceladus, as well as from when the probe passed through Saturn's E ring, which is made up of ice grains spewed from Enceladus. The investigators detected ice grains loaded with complex organic material in both the plume and the E ring.
The researchers conjectured that these organic materials were cooked up inside the hot, rocky and fragmented core of Enceladus, which prior work suggested had water seeping through its pores.
Saturn's moon Enceladus (center right) blasts material into the planet's E ring.
Credit: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute
"The organics are then injected, together with the hot water, into the overlying cooler ocean by hydrothermal vents," Postberg said. "Then, they can be transported upwards to the ocean surface on the walls of rising bubbles of gas."
Postberg noted that most of the organic-loaded ice grains the researchers saw were in Saturn's E ring. This might suggest that these complex organic molecules were not produced within Enceladus, but instead resulted from sunlight-triggered chemical reactions in space.
"However, we observe the highest proportion of these complex organics in the young, inner E ring close to Enceladus, as compared to the old, outer E ring far away from Enceladus," Postberg said. "Furthermore, we also see the complex organics directly in the plume."
The researchers cautioned that these new findings are not solid evidence for life, as biological reactions are not the only potential sources of complex organic molecules. The next logical step is to go back to Enceladus soon "and see if there is extraterrestrial life," Postberg said. "Nowhere else can a potentially habitable extraterrestrial ocean habitat be so easily probed by a space mission as in the case of Enceladus."
Postberg added that NASA and the European Space Agency already have missions, Europa Clipper and JUICE, respectively, scheduled to launch in 2022 that will visit Europa and Ganymede, the icy moons of Jupiter that have subsurface oceans. These missions will check for habitability on those worlds.
Saturn's Icy Moon Enceladus Could Hold Alien Life
The scientists detailed their findings online June 27 in the journal Nature.
Editor's Note: This article was edited to clarify that Europa Clipper is a NASA project.
They are so high up and they don't follow any satellite times. At first, I thought space junk but then again you have the direction of Earth's rotation but these guys go every which way.
I've watched them 'almost hit other stars' and 'swerve' at these high speeds. Always happy to spot them, sky watching is so fun and informative, especially cool at night as well.
This Is The Most Important Image Hubble Ever Captured
This Is The Most Important Image Hubble Ever Captured
Deep Astronomy has released a video which is said to contain some of the most important images to have ever been captured by the Hubble Telescope.
The most important images ever captured by the Hubble Telescope
These extraordinary images of Deep Space were not achieved without a fair share of struggle. Back in 1996, the scientists working with the Hubble Telescope had to fight to point the powerful equipment into an inky field which was believed at the time to be lacking both stars and planets.
This was seen as high risk at the time as images from the Hubble Telescope are in constant demand and it was expected that the inky field that the scientists were so interested in would produce nothing of value to show for such hard work and expensive running time.
However, the risky decision by the astronomers paid off significantly. The photons eventually began to register and, all of a sudden, the scientists were in possession of images of light flooding from more than three thousand different galaxies lying in the deep space.
Some years later, the scientists working on the broad field project have discovered that this innocuous space of dark sky is a peephole to an extraordinary number of other galaxies. According to the experts, this solar system is only a tiny part of a vast network of planets and stars comprising around 100 billion different galaxies.
The discovery of these galaxies is extraordinarily significant when it comes to studying space. The images captured by the Hubble not only show galaxies very similar to our own, which may suggest that there could be life reasonably close to this planet, but also galaxies in various stages of their history. Some of the galaxies are very new which could give scientists some insight into the initial stages of the creation of new worlds. On the opposite ends of the spectrum, some of the galaxies are nearing the end of their lives, some of which have collapsed altogether and some which are currently in the process of doing so. Exploring these newly discovered galaxies could give scientists invaluable information into the dawning days of our galaxy and the future that lies ahead for it.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
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