The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
Egypt Will Open Giant Black Mystery Sarcophagus Despite Warnings
Egypt Will Open Giant Black Mystery Sarcophagus Despite Warnings
A giant black sarcophagus the likes of which have never been seen before has been found deep within the ground in Egypt, and a whole lot of scientists want to open it – despite having neither one earthly nor one unearthly idea what might lie waiting possibly maliciously inside. Say it with me now: “What! Could! Go! Wrong?” [cue applause and intro music]
Today’s episode of What The Hell Are They Thinking? comes to you straight from the ancient city of Alexandria in Egypt, one of the cradles of Western civilization as we know it. Earlier this month, construction crews there unearthed a true archaeological mystery the likes of which can only be found in Egypt. A massive alabaster head was found in the ground, the identity of which still remains a mystery. Even stranger (and scarier), a massive black sarcophagus was discovered nearby, measuring two meters by three meters, weighing over 30 metric tons, and carved entirely from black marble. Sounds like the perfect way to entomb an immortal evil wizard if you ask me.
How would you feel if some science nerds a few thousand years from now cracked open your coffin to look at your embarrassingly shriveled remains? How are they supposed to know you’re a grower and not a shower?
But they didn’t ask me. Instead, a team of archaeologists and scientists from Egypt’s money hungry Ministry of Antiquities will crack the menacing-looking thing open despite the entirety of the internet knowing that it’s a terrible idea. “We are hoping this tomb may belong to one of the high dignitaries of the period,” Ayman Ashmawy, the head of Egypt’s Ministry of Antiquities said in a statement, his pupils turning into dollar signs as he eyes the sarcophagus and licks his lips. “The alabaster head is likely that of a nobleman in Alexandria. When we open the sarcophagus, we hope to find objects inside that are intact, which will help us to identify this person and their position.”
Let’s take a step back for a second, though: why would you take the time and resources to bury something underneath a 15-ton slab of black marble unless you really, really want it to stay there? But no, fetch the crowbars and let’s get crackin’ boys! There’s museums to stock and tours to plan!
“Why did you release me!? I wasn’t finished with my cleanse yet!”
While in all likelihood the tomb contains nothing more than the stinking remains of some poor inbred aristocrat and all of his junk, there does in fact seem to be a precedent for a real-life pharaoh’s curse – although it seems the “curse” is more like a lifetime of disappointment and waning fame living in the shadow of your greatest discovery than a persistent haunting from a vengeful ancient ghost. But who knows? Maybe vengeful ancient ghosts work in mysterious ways. Maybe evil wizards don’t like being buried for 2,000 years in a musty black marble box. Maybe some things are better left in the ground where one of the most advanced civilizations in human history clearly wanted it to stay.
I’ll be in the bunker tonight, honey; no dinner for me. I’ve got talismans to enchant and salt circles to pour.
Diamonds are not rare at all on Earth- Representational imagePixabay
Diamonds are famously known to be both rare and "forever". Both of those supposedly well-known facts are, as it turns out, not true at all.
New research by a team from MIT, Harvard, and Berkeley has found that there is a lot more diamond in the planet than once believed. A quadrillion tonnes, or about a 1,000 trillion tonnes of diamond is buried below the Earth, but it is out of reach to humans. At about 120 to 150 km below the surface, it is out of reach of even the best drills available right now.
That means there are more diamonds than gold on the planet. According to a BBC report, there is only 2.5 million tonnes of the shiny metal in the world.
"This shows that diamond is not perhaps this exotic mineral, but on the [geological] scale of things, it's relatively common," said Ulrich Faul, of MIT's Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences.
"We can't get at them, but still, there is much more diamond there than we have ever thought before."
Astronomers Spot ‘Celestial Diamond Ring’ Nebula - Diamonds are surprisingly common in outer space
European Southern Observatory
This massive stash of diamonds are stored in rock formations called cratons. Cratons form as a result of tectonic plate movement. Similar to the way mountains happen as a result of tectonic movement and are pushed up, cratons are pushed down. They can be likened to inverted mountains and can go as deep as 200 miles, says MIT. At the very bottom of these cratons lie the diamond "roots". The study found that diamonds likely make up about 1 to 2 percent of croton roots.
As to how this find was made, the tech is similar to what is used to detect and measure seismic activity, or earthquakes. Seismic data can also be used to effectively see inside Earth, similar to an ultrasound scan.
Sound travels faster in more dense material than light materials, so its speeds vary according to the composition, temperature, and density of rocks below the surface. By comparing the way sound travels and bounces back, scientists can accurately find what rock lies beneath the surface and at what depth they lie.
The study was published by the American Geophysical Union.
Jupiter has been found to have a dozen more moons orbiting it and they have been idenrified for the first time. Of the 12, 11 moons are "normal" outer moons, and one "oddball" moon. That makes Jupiter the planet with the highest number of moons with a grand total of 79 natural satellites—the highest of any planet in the solar system.
The team of astronomers were led by Scott S. Sheppard, of Carnegie. The moons were first spotted in the spring of 2017, says a release put out by the researchers. This discovery was made while on the lookout for distant solar system objects far beyond Pluto. They were looking for the mysterious Planet 9, which is believed to be a massive object that is actually affecting Pluto's orbit and even possibly firing comets at Earth.
12 new moons have been seen and identified for the first time ever
Roberto Molar Candanosa via Carnegie Institution for Science
A few years back in 2014, this same team found an object with the most-distant orbit in the solar system. They were also the first to realise that there just might be a massive planet out there in the outer reaches of the solar system. This "Planet 9" is also sometimes called Planet X.
"Jupiter just happened to be in the sky near the search fields where we were looking for extremely distant solar system objects," said Sheppard.
So we were serendipitously able to look for new moons around Jupiter while at the same time looking for planets at the fringes of our solar system," he added.
Using the team's observations, Gareth Williams at the International Astronomical Union's Minor Planet Center was able to measure out the orbits for these newly found moons each about one to three kilometres in size.
The newly discovered Moons include one oddball moon that could collide with the outer Moons of Jupiter
Carnegie Institution for Science
As to why the announcement comes so long after it was first observed since the spring of 2017, Williams said that, "It takes several observations to confirm an object actually orbits around Jupiter."
"So, the whole process took a year."
Nine of the 12 newly discovered moons are reported to be a part of Jupiter's distant outer swarm of moons that orbit it in the retrograde—opposite direction of the planet's spin. These distant retrograde moons are now grouped into at least groups that are thought to be the remnants of three once-larger parent bodies that broke apart because of collisions with asteroids, comets, and other moons near Jupiter. The retrograde moons take nearly two years to completely orbit Jupiter.
Of the remaining 3, 2 moons are part of a close, inner group that orbit in Jupiter's prograde--same direction as planet rotation. They also have similar orbital distances from the gas giant and their angles of inclination around Jupiter point out them also once being part of a much larger boody that has since broken down. These two moons, being a lot closer to the planet take less than a year to travel around Jupiter, say the researchers.
"Our other discovery is a real oddball and has an orbit like no other known Jovian moon," Sheppard explained. "It's also likely Jupiter's smallest known moon, being less than one kilometer in diameter."
The one "oddball" moon lies between the two groups of moons and its orbit is more inclined than the prograde group. This one takes about one and a half years to orbit Jupiter, say the researchers. This moon also has a prograde orbit, but its path crosses the outer retrograde moons. Chances of the oddball moon crashing into the outer retrograde moons moving in the opposite direction are very real, say the astronomers, who have proposed the oddball be named "Valetudo" after the Roman god Jupiter's great-granddaughter, the goddess of health and hygiene.
Sheppard called this situation unstable and explained that, "Head-on collisions would quickly break apart and grind the objects down to dust."
Nick Pope, a British media commentator who worked with the British Government's Ministry of Defence (MoD) from 1985 to 2006 has claimed that unidentified flying objects (UFO) are real. In an exclusive story written for the Sun, Pope revealed that most of the UFO sightings could be explained, but around five percent remain mysterious.
UFOs are real
As per Nick Pope, the cases which perplexed his MoD team during the investigation were the near misses between UFOs and commercial aircraft. The former MoD insider argued that many pilots have reported mysterious UFO encounters which still remain unanswered.
"The bottom line was that we knew UFOs were real, but we didn't know what they were. What was much more fun was the other weird stuff that came our way simply because there was nowhere else in government to send it: crop circles, claims that people had been abducted by aliens, ghost sightings and people who claimed to be psychic and volunteered their services to British intelligence," wrote Nick Pope on the Sun.
Nick Pope also made it clear that Russians and Chinese had conducted tremendous probe to unravel the mystery behind UFO sightings. As per Pope, Russians had also researched and investigated about parapsychology, telekinesis, and various other psychic phenomena.
US government's clever move
The former Directorate of Defence Security also talked about Pentagon's secret UFO search program 'Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP)'. He wrote that the US government did a very clever move by not mentioning the word UFO in the name of the investigation program.
"We still don't know much about AATIP, and it may take Congressional hearings to resolve the issue. Either way, if anyone was laughing about UFOs before, they're not laughing now," added Pope.
He also revealed that the UFOs spotted in the gun camera footage of the Royal Air Force were very similar to that of the flying objects featured in the declassified videos released by Pentagon.
Unidentified flying objects (UFOs) are real, according to British media commentator Nick Pope. While conceding the fact that most of the UFO sightings could be explained, Pope stressed that five per cent remain mysterious. Pope, who worked with the Ministry of Defence (MoD) from 1985 to 2006, stated that near-misses between commercial aircraft and UFOs perplexed his MoD team during the investigation. He said that several pilots had reported unexplained UFO encounters, which remain mysterious.
Pope said that they knew UFOs were real, but no idea what they were. He revealed that other weird stuff also came their way because there was nowhere else in the government where people could send it. They also met people who claimed to be psychic and volunteered to be part of the British intelligence.
Nick Pope also disclosed that China and Russia had conducted serious investigations to shed light to reported UFO sightings. As per Pope, Russia had also researched about parapsychology, telekinesis and several other psychic phenomena.
Pope also made mentioned about the Pentagon’s secret UFO search program “Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program” (AATIP). He noted the smart move of the American government not to mention the word UFO in the name of the investigation program.
He said that they do not know much about the program and it might need Congressional hearings to resolve the issue.
He further revealed that the UFOs recorded in the gun camera of the Royal Air Force had similarity to the flying objects in the Pentagon’s declassified videos.
‘Alien arachnids’: Spider-like mounds captured by NASA on Martian surface (PHOTO)
‘Alien arachnids’: Spider-like mounds captured by NASA on Martian surface (PHOTO)
Incredible spider-like mounds have been captured ‘crawling’ across the surface of Mars as winter drew to a close on the Red Planet.
An image, taken by NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter in May as the South Pole of Mars edged towards spring, shows patterns etched across the surface, freakishly similar in appearance to Earth’s eight-legged creatures.
“But these aren't actual spiders,”NASA clarifies in a post explaining the scientific process behind the distinct features.
So where are the spiders? On Mars! Our Mars orbiter took this image of "araneiform terrain," spider-like radiating mounds that form when Martian carbon dioxide ice below the surface heats up and releases each spring in a process not seen on Earth:
The spider-like radiating mounds are known as “araneiform terrain,” and form when carbon dioxide ice below the surface heats up and releases. This is an active seasonal process not seen on Earth, according to the space agency.
The carbon dioxide ice on Mars changes from solid to gas as it warms, causing the gas to become trapped below the surface. Over time this trapped gas builds in pressure and breaks through the ice as a jet that emits dust.
The result is veiny spider-like ‘formations’ spread across the planet accompanied by dark spots formed by dust deposited around vents during the CO2 eruption.
How an alien seaweed invasion spawned an Antarctic mystery
Southern bull kelp can drift huge distances before washing ashore.
Ceridwen Fraser, Author provided
How an alien seaweed invasion spawned an Antarctic mystery
Two small pieces of seaweed found by a Chilean scientist on an Antarctic beach set in train research that may transform our understanding of ocean drift and reveal what the future holds for Antarctic ecosystems affected by climate change.
It all started in January 2017, when sharp-eyed marine biologist Erasmo Macaya spotted two clumps of southern bull kelp washed up on the tide line of an Antarctic beach.
Most of us would have walked right on by, but it stopped Macaya in his tracks. To him it was as if an alien had just landed – and in many ways that was exactly what had happened.
The kelp that washed up on Antarctica’s Prince George Island.Erasmo Macaya, Author provided
Every piece of science he knew said that this species of kelp should never have ended up in Antarctica. Its home was the regions around New Zealand, Chile and the sub-Antarctic islands. Indeed, a genetic test later confirmed that the pieces he found had travelled tens of thousands of kilometres from the Kerguelen and South Georgia islands.
So how did the kelp get to Antarctica?
The ocean barrier
Many scientists considered such a journey impossible, because of the fierce barrier of winds and currents that encircle Antarctica. These winds – known to sailors as the Roaring Forties – combine with the world’s strongest ocean current, the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, and the Coriolis force generated by Earth’s rotation.
Together, these forces push floating objects east and north, away from Antarctica. Before Macaya’s discovery, this barrier was thought to be impenetrable to floating debris.
Ocean currents in the Southern Ocean push floating objects east and north away from Antarctica.Author provided
But if kelp and other organisms could make it to Antarctica, this would have profound consequences for Antarctic ecosystems. So was there a way for the kelp to drift through that barrier?
We took up the challenge, using our ocean models. The mystery deepened when our first modelling attempts suggested that the Southern Ocean was indeed uncrossable by floating kelp. Even ocean eddies – the “weather” of the ocean – were not able to push floating objects southward away from the main ocean currents.
Yet the kelp had undeniably made the crossing. This led us to think about other influences on ocean drift that could play a role. We decided to add a very small effect known as Stokes drift to our models.
You can think of Stokes drift as deep ocean surfing. Waves can push floating objects in unusual directions. In the kelp’s case, each time a wave passes, the kelp will move a short distance with the wave. This drift is slow when waves are small, but in regions with large waves (such as the Southern Ocean) it can be much faster.
During storms around Antarctica, waves are typically 10-15m high. The largest wave ever recorded in the Southern Hemisphere, more than 23m, was in the Southern Ocean off New Zealand. Stokes drift must be large here.
When we added this factor to our ocean models, the change was instant. The massive waves generated by Antarctic storms pushed a small proportion of floating objects southwards. As we report in Nature Climate Change today, this conceivably explains the kelp’s voyage to Antarctica.
Modelling virtual kelp pathways with surface ocean currents and wave motion.
We calculated that the kelp specimens must have drifted at least 20,000km to reach Antarctica – the longest biological rafting events ever recorded.
Our results will also change the way that drift pathways for floating objects – such as plastics, aeroplane crash debris, pumice from volcanoes, driftwood, seaweeds, and messages in bottles – will be calculated, particularly in stormy oceans.
What this means for Antarctica
The implications don’t stop there. Until now, Antarctica was thought to be an isolated ecosystem, largely insulated from environmental change. This is not in fact true.
Southern bull kelp can carry many other species of plants and animals when it detaches and floats out to sea. The discovery that this kelp can raft to Antarctica means we could see major ecological changes in Antarctic marine ecosystems as the climate warms.
So far there is almost no evidence of natural colonisations of Antarctica from northern regions in the past few tens of thousands of years. Many Antarctic plants and animals are distinct from those found on other continents and sub-Antarctic islands.
In fact, the kelp strands Macaya found are the first recorded foreign organisms to have drifted across the Southern Ocean. But our models suggest these are unlikely to be the only ones to have made the trip.
This means that Antarctica’s ecological differences are not really due to physical isolation. It is more likely that the harsh Antarctic climate prevents new plants and animals from establishing themselves.
But Antarctica is changing. Parts of the frozen continent are among the fastest-warming regions on Earth. As Antarctica and the ocean around it warms, the kelp rafts – and other floating organisms, including invertebrates hanging onto the kelp, seeds, driftwood that could harbour insects, and larvae – may one day be able to colonise.
By the end of this century, when parts of Antarctica are expected to be similar to current sub-Antarctic environments, we might see many new species colonising Antarctica, bringing dramatic ecosystem change.
Other human-caused influences may also be felt. If kelp can break through the barrier, then floating plastic debris from the large garbage patches in the South Atlantic and South Pacific, just north of the Southern Ocean, could conceivably make a similar journey.
Plastic litter is still very rare in the waters around Antarctica. But with ever-growing amounts of plastic entering our oceans and the new drift pathways we have discovered, more plastic will likely find its way south to pollute one of our last near-pristine environments.
And all of this has been revealed through the discovery of two small pieces of kelp on a distant beach, and the application of a relatively insignificant piece of ocean physics. From these small beginnings we now know that one of the world’s last great wildernesses might not escape our influence.
SpaceX’s component-catching ship has got an upgrade. Mr Steven, the vessel designed to catch the fairing from the Falcon 9 as it returns to Earth after launch, has been demonstrating its larger net around the port of Los Angeles. New images on Tuesday and a video earlier this week show the ship conducting sea trials at speeds of up to 20 knots, or 20 mph.
Images captured by Teslarati and video captured by YouTuber “Drone Dronester” show the ship conducting tests between July 12 and 15, with the crew and recovery technicians sending the ship out after a multi-week installation of the new net. The ship is what’s known as a “fast supply vessel,” meaning it’s ranked to move 400 metric tons of cargo at regular speeds of 23 knots, or 27 mph. The ship itself weighs almost 200,000 pounds and is around 200 feet long. The crew focused on sharp corners at high speed less than half an hour after setting sail, testing the stability with a net that’s four times bigger than its predecessor with an area of 0.9 acres.
The upgrade was much needed, as its predecessor first deployed in February never caught a fairing. The component protects the satellite on its way to orbit, normally discarded at the end of the mission. SpaceX is aiming to reuse as much of its rockets as possible to reclaim some of the $62 million construction costs. CEO Elon Muskdescribed the fairing as “a pallet of cash worth $6 million dollars falling through the sky” at around eight times the speed of sound, so capturing the component is highly lucrative.
On the fairing side, SpaceX has made some key changes to make Mr Steven’s job a bit easier. Modifications like onboard thrusters and a guidance system are aimed at positioning the fairing for a landing before the parafoil deploys to assist with the final landing on the ship’s netting. Those weren’t enough to catch the component, so SpaceX changes the ship’s net. Musk joked on Twitter that the new netting “looked smaller on paper.”
Mr Steven is expected to make its debut at the Falcon 9 launch scheduled for July 25 at 7:39 a.m. Eastern time from the Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.
Another Volcano? Jupiter Probe Sees Hotspot on Roiling Moon Io (Photo)
Another Volcano? Jupiter Probe Sees Hotspot on Roiling Moon Io (Photo)
By Mike Wall, Senior Writer
This annotated image highlights the location of a new heat source close to the south pole of the Jupiter moon Io. The image was generated from data collected on Dec. 16, 2017, by the Jovian Infrared Auroral Mapper instrument aboard NASA's Juno probe when the spacecraft was about 290,000 miles (470,000 kilometers) from Io. Higher temperatures are characterized in brighter colors; lower temperatures in darker ones.
NASA's Jupiter-orbiting Juno spacecraft may have just boosted the already-impressive volcano tally on the gas giant's lava-spewing moon Io.
Juno's Jovian InfraRed Auroral Mapper instrument, or JIRAM, detected a sizable "hotspot" near Io's south pole on Dec. 16, 2017, during one of the probe's close Jupiter flybys. Juno was about 290,000 miles (470,000 kilometers) away from Io at the time, NASA officials said.
"The new Io hotspot JIRAM picked up is about 200 miles (300 kilometers) from the nearest previously mapped hotspot," Alessandro Mura, a Juno co-investigator from the National Institute for Astrophysics in Rome, said in a statement. [Amazing Photos: Jupiter's Volcanic Moon Io]
"We are not ruling out movement or modification of a previously discovered hotspot, but it is difficult to imagine one could travel such a distance and still be considered the same feature," Mura added.
Io is the most volcanically active body in the solar system, with its insides roiled and churned by Jupiter's powerful gravity and the tugs of its fellow Galilean satellites, Callisto, Ganymede and Europa. Thanks to the efforts of ground-based telescopes and NASA probes such as the Jupiter-orbiting Galileo and the Saturn-studying Cassini, astronomers have already mapped about 150 volcanoes on the moon, some of which blast lava 250 miles (400 km) out into space.
So, confirming a new Io volcano wouldn't come as much of a shock. Indeed, according to NASA officials, about 250 additional volcanoes likely await discovery on Io, which is the fourth-largest moon in the solar system. (With a diameter of about 2,260 miles, or 3,640 km, Io is slightly larger than Earth's moon.)
Space SCIENCE As the Juno spacecraft orbits Jupiter, new discoveries about the giant planet continue to be made.
The $1.1 billion Juno mission arrived in orbit around Jupiter on July 4, 2016. The spacecraft loops around the gas giant on a highly elliptical path, making close flybys like the Dec. 16 encounter every 53 days. During these passes, Juno studies Jupiter's composition, structure, and gravitational and magnetic fields, looking for clues about the huge planet's formation and evolution (and also collecting a wealth of other data, as the Io observations show).
Juno's next close science flyby of Jupiter occurs today (July 16).
The mission is scheduled to run through July 2021.
How Engineers Are Practicing for the BepiColombo Mission to Mercury (Video)
How Engineers Are Practicing for the BepiColombo Mission to Mercury (Video)
By Meghan Bartels, Senior Writer
Within just six months, the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency are planning to launch a new mission to Mercury called BepiColombo — but they're already acting like the mission has launched.
That's because the team is simulating a whole range of conditions to make sure that once the spacecraft leaves Earth, everything will go as smoothly as possible, no matter what happens, as they explain in a new video released by ESA.
It may seem odd to practice fora missionthat will become reality soon enough, particularly when the two space agencies have plenty of other projects in the works. But because so many things can go wrong during a space mission, preparation is crucial.
An artist's depiction of the BepiColombo spacecraft approaching Mercury. The mission is due to launch in 2018.
Credit: ESA/ATG medialab/NASA/JPL
"The failures can be anything," Elsa Montagnon, BepiColombo's operations manager, said in the video. "The failures can be a problem on the spacecraft, a problem on the ground, it can be a problem with computers, a problem with ground software, communication lines, ground stations, control rooms here, it can even be a problem with the operators themselves."
So, until August, ESA scientists and engineers are using a replica of the spacecraft and its computer to practice for perilous situations on the long flight, like instruments getting overheated as it flies closer to the sun.
Then, all the practice will become reality once BepiColombo launches between Oct. 5 and Nov. 29 of this year. The spacecraft will take seven years to reach its destination: orbit around Mercury. After the long journey, it will separate into two orbiters peeling off to study the tiny planet's geology, atmosphere and magnetosphere.
BEPICOLOMBO Face aux Mystères de Mercure – LDDE
Email Meghan Bartels at or follow her @meghanbartels.
Astronomers created this all-sky map of the cosmos using data collected by the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. The map shows gamma-rays detected by the telescope from 2008 to 2017.
Credit: NASA/DOE/Fermi LAT Collaboration
The Fermi Gamma-Ray Telescope is a space observatory designed to study the universe in highly energetic frequencies known as gamma-rays. It includes participation from NASA, the U.S. Department of Energy, and several partners both in the United States and internationally. The mission was launched in 2008 and remained operational as of mid-2018.
Development and timeline
In 2000, the National Academies of Sciences' Decadal Survey, which identifies the scientific community's top priorities for research in the coming years, a mission studying energetic gamma-rays was the top priority for a mid-sized project, according to NASA.
Scientists saw Fermi as a successor to NASA's Compton-Gamma-ray Observatory, which operated between 1991 and 1999. NASA said that Fermi's field of view and sky survey capabilities were twice as large as one of Compton's instruments, and 30 times as sensitive. Fermi was also designed as a complement to the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory; Swift is optimized to look at the locations of gamma-ray bursts, as well as their afterglows.
NASA described Fermi as "an astrophysics and particle physics partnership," which included development by NASA in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Energy. International partners from France, Germany, Italy, Japan and Sweden also contributed, as well as other institutions in the United States. The mission cost $690 million (with a U.S. contribution of $600 million and an international contribution of $90 million).
Fermi, which was called the Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST) until it reached its operational orbit, launched on June 11, 2008, from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station aboard a Delta II Heavy rocket. It was placed into a circular orbit around Earth with an altitude of about 350 miles (560 kilometers). It circles the planet every 90 minutes. "This orbit is chosen to minimize the effects of charged particles that surround Earth, and which would create additional unwanted background signals in the detectors, while still ensuring the full mission lifetime," NASA stated.
Fermi was designed to last five to 10 years. The mission passed its 10th anniversary in June 2018 and was still operational as of mid-2018, although it is expected to end operations in fall 2018.
Fermi is designed to examine gamma-ray radiation, the most energetic form of light that there is. Like the visible light that humans can see, gamma-rays are on the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation. Gamma-rays, however, have billions of times more energy than visible light.
In gamma-rays, several types of exotic objects shine brightly. Researchers have seen gamma-ray bursts, which are the most energetic types of explosions in the universe and may have caused a large extinction on Earth. Solar flares – eruptions from our sun – are bright both in visible light and in gamma-rays. Rapidly rotating and ultra-dense stars known as pulsars are also sources of gamma-rays.
Researchers also want to examine gamma-rays to better understand a substance known as dark matter. (Initially, scientists thought that "excess" gamma-rays might be a signal of dark matter, but later research put this hypothesis into doubt.) Dark matter probably makes up most of the known universe, but dark matter can't be "seen" by conventional telescopes. The only way it's visible to us right now is through its effect on other objects, such as gravitational influences. Better understanding dark matter will help researchers make better predictions about things such as star movements and the fate of the universe.
In NASA's words, these are the main mission objectives for Fermi:
Explore the most extreme environments in the universe, where nature harnesses energies far beyond anything possible on Earth.
Search for signs of new laws of physics and what composes the mysterious dark matter.
Explain how black holes accelerate immense jets of material to nearly light speed.
Help crack the mysteries of the stupendously powerful explosions known as gamma-ray bursts.
Answer long-standing questions across a broad range of topics, including solar flares, pulsars and the origin of cosmic rays.
To perform its investigations, Fermi carries two instruments: its primary instrument that is called the Large Area Telescope (LAT), and a complementary instrument known as the Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM), according to NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.
To best understand what energy frequencies they see, here's a quick explanation of an electronvolt (eV). An electronvolt is defined as how much energy a single electron gains when its electric potential increases by one volt, according to Encyclopedia Britannica. (Electric potential is the amount of work to move a unit charge from one spot to another against an electric field.)
Visible light has a photon energy of between 1.6 eV and 3.4 eV. The scale for electronvolts continues as follows: kilo-electron volt (keV, one thousand eV), mega-electron volt (MeV, one million eV), giga-electron volt (GeV, one thousand million eV), etc. For a quick idea of how much energy we're talking about, a single nuclear fission event is measured at about 200 MeV, according to the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Fermi can view objects at a wide range of scales – anywhere between 8 keV to 300 GeV.
The GBM can view the entire sky and is designed to spot about 200 gamma-ray bursts every year, as well as events such as solar flares. It detects X-rays and gamma-rays that have an energy range between 8 keV and 30 meV, Goddard says.
The LAT can view 20 percent of the sky at once, and if it is left in its default "sky-survey" mode, it will move around the entire sky once every three hours. Researchers can also choose to swing the LAT to view interesting objects. The telescope is also designed to move itself when either the LAT or the GRB sees a gamma-ray burst. LAT is supposed to see photons with energies of between 30 MeV to at least 300 GeV, Goddard says.
Fermi discovered two massive bubbles of material emanating from the Milky Way's center in 2010. Follow-up observations have been performed in X-rays and radio wavelengths, including a Hubble Space Telescope study released in 2015 that clocked these bubbles moving at 2 million mph (3.2 million km/h).
In April 2013, NASA said Fermi had "dodged a 1.5-ton bullet" just over a year before, in March 2012. An automatic report showed that Fermi was only a week away from a potentially devastating collision with Cosmos 1805, a dead Soviet-era spy satellite that used to be operational during the Cold War in the 1960s. The two satellites were forecast to pass each other by only a few hundred feet, which is a very small margin of error when calculating spacecraft trajectories. Engineers commanded Fermi to fire its thrusters for one second, avoiding the possibility of disaster.
That August, NASA announced it would extend the Fermi mission into 2018 to allow investigators more time to search for links between gamma-rays and dark matter.
A 2014 story on sister site LiveScience examined the phenomenon of terrestrial gamma-ray flashes, which are gamma-rays that originate from the Earth during intense storms. Fermi can view these Earthly sources of gamma-rays, as well as those originating further out in the universe. The same year, Fermi spotted a gamma-ray's light being focused by a gravitational lens, which occurs when the gravity of a massive object distorts the light of a more distant object.
In 2015, research from Fermi suggested that gamma-rays it found could indicate a magnetic field that originated only a few nanoseconds after the Big Bang that formed the universe. At the time, however, the researchers said the detected signal was weak and required more follow-up observations to be sure.
Solar energy is a contributor to gamma-rays as well, as a 2017 study showed. Hidden solar eruptions were linked to gamma-ray bursts observed by Fermi.
In March 2018, Fermi had an issue with one of its solar array drives, which put the telescope into an automatic "safe hold." With the solar array stuck, engineers moved Fermi into a fixed angle relative to its orbit. "This direction put the most sunlight on a solar panel that stopped moving," NASA stated. By May 2018, Fermi was back to science operations; NASA was still studying the cause of the failure.
TR-3B Black Triangle ∇ Code Name: ASTRA | Magnetic Field Disruptor Plane
TR-3B Black Triangle ∇ Code Name: ASTRA | Magnetic Field Disruptor Plane
TR-3B Black Triangle ∇ In recent years, countless people have reported seeing flying objects of strange shapes (including triangular) and spectacular trajectories. Without ever challenging the existence of UFOs of alien origin, we must make it clear that some of such aircraft are in fact owned and used in the greatest secrecy by the US government.
TR-3B Black Triangle | Code Name: ASTRA
Only with the tremendous courage of some people who worked in different military bases, the truth about these aircraft’s was able to come to light, which is likely to hurry their future use in civil society for the benefit of all mankind.
This is not just about the use of the aircraft itself but primarily about the technology behind its propulsion system – a technology that is also called “black technology” and which, as Steven Greer mentions in his Hidden Truth,
Prohibited information is about 10,000 years more advanced than space-based space technology currently used globally.
The TR-3B vehicle’s outer coating is reactive to electrical stimulation and can change color, reflectiveness, and radar absorptiveness.
In this regard, it is very interesting, the account of an American specialist who worked on a secret military base near Groom Lake City, about an unimaginable aviation technology for the general public, which the Americans already have.
Since this report, originally published online at, is no longer accessible at that address, we offer it below:
“A friend told me at some point he would never forget the image of the TR-3B aircraft in the Papoose Base, which looks exactly like an alien ship.
Black as triangular pitch, TR-3B was rarely mentioned (and only whispering) in Groom Lake, where he worked.
At one point, the aircraft flew over the Groom Lake track in complete silence, and as if by surprise, it suddenly stopped above the S-4. Floated silently in the same position for about 10 minutes, after which he left softly on the asphalt of the track.
Sometimes a bright blue-silver crown surrounds the massive circumference of the TR-3B.
The operational model is approximately 183 meters in diameter.
The TR-3B aircraft also has the ASTRA code name.
The first operational reconnaissance flight took place in the early 1990s.
The triangular nuclear platform of the aircraft was built in the highest secret of the AURORA Program, funded with money from the “black budget” (at least $ 3 billion invested in this project).
“Aurora” is now the most secretive US aerospace program and TR-3B is the most “exotic” vehicle that was created under the Aurora Program, funded and coordinated by the NSA (National Security Agency), the NRO National Recognition) and the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency).
The functionality of TR-3B is not a fiction, it was built with technology already available in the mid-1980s. So, not every UFO spotted is necessary of alien origin.
The material covered by the TR-3B aircraft is a radar-reactive polymer, which can change its reflectivity, radar absorption, and color.
This polymer, when used in conjunction with some internal TR-3B electronic systems, can give the vehicle such a look that it looks like a small ship or a flying cylinder on the radar screen.
TR3B Astra is at the same time a strategic vehicle of recognition and a combat vehicle.
A circular ring, filled with acceleration plasma, called the Magnetic Field Disruptor (MFD), surrounds the crew’s rotating compartment and outperforms any currently known technology.
The Sandia and Livermore laboratories have developed this secret technology, and the [American] government will do everything to protect it.
The plasma generated by bringing mercury to 250,000 atmospheres and at a temperature of -123 degrees Celsius, if accelerated to 50,000 rpm, becomes a superconducting plasma, the ultimate result of this process being the cancellation of gravity (levitation).
More specifically, by generating this rotating magnetic field, the effect of gravitational attraction on the ship is neutralized to 89%.
In other words, the weight of the circular accelerator, as well as all the weight of the accelerator – crew cap, avionics (navigation and operation devices and appliances), fuels, crew environment systems and a nuclear reactor, etc. – are reduced by 89%.
This makes the vehicle extremely easy and has the ability to far exceed the performance and manoeuvrability of an aircraft built so far (except, of course, UFOs).
The TR-3B aircraft evolve at high altitudes in an undetectable way (using STEALTHtechnology), thus providing an undetermined flight time recognition platform.
Once it reaches (at a high speed) at that altitude, it needs only very little propulsion to maintain its altitude.
In addition, I remember that at the Groom Lake secret base there were rumours about a new element that would act as a plasma catalyst.
Having the weight reduced by 89%, the vehicle can travel at a speed of 9 Mach [9 times the sound speed: approx. 10,000 km / h], both vertically and horizontally.
Sources say that performance is limited only by the biological limitations of pilots – which are many, given that the gravitational force is reduced by 89%.
The propulsion of the TR-3B is provided by three multimodal propellers mounted in each corner at the bottom of the triangular platform (see Fig. …). TR-3B moves at a speed of up to 9 Mach (Mach is a unit of measurement used in aerodynamics to express the speed of a body moving in a fluid: projectile, aeroplane, rocket, etc.
The Mach 1 speed is equal to the sound velocity in that fluid; Under standard conditions, Mach 1 is equal to 1224 km / h (or 340 m / s) until it rises to 120,000 meters (120 Km), then God knows how fast it can move.
The three multimode rocket engines that are mounted on each corner of the platform use hydrogen or methane and oxygen for propulsion.
In a rocket system that uses hydrogen and liquid oxygen, 85% of the propulsion provides oxygen.
The rocket nuclear engine uses a liquid hydrogen and oxygen boost for additional power.
The reactor heats liquid hydrogen and injects liquid oxygen through supersonic nozzles so that hydrogen combusts at the same time with liquid oxygen.
The multimodal propulsion system can operate in the atmosphere with the propulsion offered by the nuclear reactor in the upper atmosphere with hydrogen propulsion and in the combined orbit (hydrogen/oxygen) circumferential orbit.
What you need to keep in mind is that the three rocket engines actually propel only 11% of the mass of the Top Secret TR-3B aircraft. Engines are built by Rockwell.
Therefore, when triangular UFOs are recorded, it does not necessarily mean they are of extraterrestrial origin, and may also be ultra-sensitive flight apparatus, such as the TR-3B.
The TR-3B Craft
The National Security Agency (NSA), the National Recognition Office (NRO), the CIA and the United States Air Force (USAF) intentionally created a certain ambiguity about the names of these aircraft: they created the TR-3, which was modified in TR-3A, TR3-B, plus 2, 3, or 4 suffixes that actually mean completely different aircraft.
Thus, the TR3-B model is just as different from TR3-A as banana grapes. Some of these are designed to have a human crew, others are designed to operate unmanned. ”
Independent journalists who courageously reveal all this secret information hope that their emergence on more and more media channels will greatly help to “wake up” people in the face of these occult realities and thus lead them to their use for the good of the whole mankind.
On the other hand, disclosure in the press of this information will prevent and completely dismantle the various manipulations of an eventual alien invasion or other similar rumours that are being made to escape the “black operations” of the satanic “elite” of so-called “enlightened”.
Robot orbiters circling Mars have acquired images of ghost dunes. They’re pits where, scientists believe, tall crescent-shaped sand dunes once existed on this red desert world.
Ghost dunes in the Noctis Labyrinthus region on Mars, west of the more famous Valles Marineris. The crescent-shaped pits are the remains of active barchan-type dunes from billions of years ago.
Mars is a desert planet, a lot like some deserts on Earth, but much colder. Also just like Earth, the Martian deserts have vast dunes, ranging from small sand ripples (technically not dunes) to towering, cliff-like true dunes of fine sand. But – while various types of dunes have been seen from orbit and up close by Mars rovers, currently still active and gradually making their way across the landscape – now another kind of dune has been found on Mars as well. Scientists call these ghost dunes, and they are very ancient. They reported the finding in GeoSpace on July 10, 2018. The new research paper was just published in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets.
These ghost dunes are not active dunes today. Rather, they are the remains of previous ancient dunes that left pit-like depressions in the ground after they eroded away. Hundreds of these crescent-shaped pits have been discovered, each about the size of the U.S. Capitol building. As Mackenzie Day, a planetary geomorphologist at the University of Washington in Seattle and an author of the new study, explained:
Any one of these pits is not enough to tell you that it’s a dune, or from an ancient dune field, but when you put them all together, they have so many commonalities with dunes on Mars and on Earth that you have to employ some kind of fantastic explanation to explain them as anything other than dunes.
Current and active crescent-shaped sand dunes in the Hellespontus region on Mars, west of the Hellas basin.
How do ghost dunes form? On Earth, ghost dunes may have been partially buried by lava or water-borne sediments. For these Martian ghost dunes, when the lava or sediments hardened, they preserved the contours of the dunes. The remaining top portions of the dunes were then eroded away by winds, which scoured them out, leaving only the “mold” outlines of the former dunes. Now they look like pits with hardened edges.
These dunes’ existence on Mars provide more clues as to what conditions were like billions of years ago, in particular, winds. As Day noted:
One of the cool things about the ghost dunes is that they tell us, for sure, that the wind on Mars was different in the ancient past, when they formed. The fact that the wind was different [when the ghost dunes formed] tells us that the environmental conditions on Mars aren’t static over long time scales, they have changed over the past couple billion years, something we need to know to interpret the geology on Mars.
Crescent-shaped barchan dunes in Egypt’s Western Desert.
The Martian ghost dunes were found in orbital images of Hellas Planitia basin and Noctis Labyrinthus. They are similar to ones discovered in the Snake River Plain in eastern Idaho in 2016. More than 480 potential dune molds were discovered in orbital images of Noctis Labyrinthus alone, and more than 300 in Hellas Planitia, by Day and co-author David Catling. Noctis Labyrinthus is a region of jumbled plateaus just west of Valles Marineris, the largest-known canyon in the solar system. Hellas Planitia is a massive 4-billion-year-old impact crater over 1,678 miles (2,700 km) across in the southern hemisphere.
The shapes of the ghost dunes on Mars are crescents, just like barchan dunes on Earth, meaning that the original dunes would have been very similar to barchan dunes, the most common type on both Mars and Earth. The “horns” or tips of the crescents point in the direction of the prevailing wind. This type of dunes tends to form on flat terrain where there is little or no vegetation. The fact that there are so many of these pits in each location points to them being the remains of once-active dune fields. As Day noted:
They are all going the same way, which you would expect for dunes because they are all migrating and forming in the same wind regime. So just the shape and size tell us that these are features that are coming from an ancient dune system.
Ghost dunes on Idaho’s eastern Snake River plain. Image via Google Earth.
Analysis of the ghost dunes on Mars indicates that the original dunes were quite large – about 130 feet (40 meters) tall at Noctis Labyrinthus and 246 feet (75 meters) tall at Hellas basin. By comparison, the Curiosity rover has studied a series of dunes near the base of Mount Sharp in Gale Crater. The striking Namib Dune is about 16 feet (5 meters) tall.
As well as providing fascinating clues about ancient environmental conditions on Mars, these ghost dunes may also be a good place to search for evidence of past life. As mentioned in the summary in the new paper:
Ancient dunes in two places on Mars were partially buried and then eroded away, leaving behind dune-shaped pits that preserve information about the ancient environment. These pits may contain ancient dune sandstones around the edges of the pits and could be a good place to look for evidence of ancient life. The shapes of the pits also tell us how the winds behaved in the past.
Namib Dune in Gale Crater on Mars, as seen by the Curiosity rover. It is about 16 feet (5 meters) tall.
We know that dunes on Earth can support life, and dunes on Earth are very similar to dunes on Mars. One problem that Mars has that Earth doesn’t is the surface radiation. If you are inside a dune, or at the bottom of a dune, and you are microbial life, the dune is protecting you from a lot of that radiation. There is probably nothing living there now. But if there ever was anything on Mars, this is a better place than average to look.
Bottom line: As well as being common on Earth, dunes have also been found on Mars, Venus, Titan and even comet 67P. Now another type of dune has been discovered on Mars – “ghost dunes,” the pit-like remains of ancient, once-active dunes which have mostly eroded away. They bear a strong similarity to present-day dunes and may even hold clues to past life on the red planet.
This Is The Center Of The Milky Way In Its Clearest View Yet... Breathtaking
This Is The Center Of The Milky Way In Its Clearest View Yet... Breathtaking
A mega-telescope gives the clearest breath-taking view of the center of the milky way.
The MeerKAT radio mega-telescope has given us a glimpse of the center of the Milky Way that is stunning. The image reveals the red center in all its glory, showing in clear detail the region around the black hole, some 25,000 light years away.
Galactic Center of the Milky Way Galaxy in the Infrared
The MeerKAT Telescope with 64 Dishes is More Sensitive than Any Telescope Before
The telescope is a combination of 64 individual dishes with all of them being able to detect radio waves. The MeerKAT radio telescope is situated in South Africa in the Karoo region with it being more sensitive than any other telescope according to Sciencealert. com.
The starling red colors in the image reveal just how bright the radio waves are when the telescope picks them up. They range in color, with the faintest emissions being red, while the stronger of the emissions vary orange, yellow and white. The whole image looks like a photograph from hell with a fiery swirling mass. The telescope has managed to give us a never before seen glimpse of the features in the center of the Milky Way. It also gives a view that is clearer than those offered by other telescopes of the remnants of the supernova along with the star-forming regions.
The line at lower left is 240 light years
Long Narrow Filaments Have Been a Riddle For Three Decades
The filaments, which are narrow and long, were first seen during the 1980s, but scientists did not know the origin of them. They lie close to the middle of the black hole, however, they are not found in any other location in the Milky Way. Farhad Yusef-Zadeh from the Northwestern University in Evanston in Illinois said, "This image is remarkable", Farhad is an expert on filaments such as these. He went on to say, "It could provide the key to cracking the code and solve this three-decade riddle."
Because the Milky Way is 25,000 light years away, it has been very difficult to capture images of it in the past. Along with this, the Milky Way lies behind Sagittarius constellation, which means it is obscured by gas clouds along with dust. The telescopes used on Earth have not been able to pick it up before the MeerKAT telescope was used. The MeerKAT telescope makes use of x-ray, infrared and radio wavelengths, which penetrate the dust, giving a unique view of the region. It is also ideally located in South Africa as for 12 hours each day there is a visible view of the Milky Way.
The MeerKAT Telescope Shows Science Capabilities Never Before Seen
Fernando Camilo, the chief scientist of the South African Radio Astronomy Observatory who was responsible for the building along with the operation of the MeerKAT telescope, said:
"We wanted to show the science capabilities of this new instrument. The center of the galaxy was an obvious target: unique, visually striking and full of unexplained phenomena – but also notoriously hard to image using radio telescopes. Although it's early days with MeerKAT, there is a lot that remains to be optimized, we decided to go for it – and were stunned by the results."
Scientists are not the only ones who are stunned by the results of the telescope. People alike are amazed at the clarity of the image along with the breath-taking views of the center of the Milky Way.
Milky Way Galaxy Center in Infrared (2006.01.10) [720p]
Chinese Airports Shut Down After Mass UFO Sighting
Chinese Airports Shut Down After Mass UFO Sighting
The thing that struck me about that incident was that it was a mass sighting with photographs from independent people taken from different angles in different areas of the city. Each of the photos depicts the same elongated structure, none resembling a helicopter.
Sure, you could fake photos from the same angle taken from the same camera, but you'd have to enlist the help of many confederates from all over the city to photograph the object with long exposures, then also convince the myriad of eyewitnesses to change their stories from helicopter to UFO to perpetuate the deception.
I don't think it was ever adequately explained. It happened, then nobody really talked about it after.
UPS AND DOWNS This view shows Pluto’s highest mountains, which rise 3 to 6 kilometers above the smooth nitrogen-ice plains of Sputnik Planitia. New maps of Pluto’s topography show more details of familiar landscapes like this one.
The first global maps of Pluto and its moon Charon are now available, putting a bookend on NASA’s New Horizons mission.
“From a completionist’s point of view, they are all the good data we have, stitched together into a coherent, complete mosaic,” says planetary scientist Ross Beyer of NASA’s Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif.
The charts focus on the 42 percent of Pluto and 45 percent of Charon where New Horizons snapped images from at least two angles during its 2015 flyby, revealing the landscapes’ height and depth (SN: 6/27/15, p. 16).
These measurements add topographic detail to already familiar features. For instance, the smooth plains of Pluto’s distinctive, heart-shaped ice sheet, known as Sputnik Planitia, lie two to three kilometers below the region’s rim.
The biggest surprise on Pluto is a 3,200-kilometer-long system of ridges and troughs that traces a single, long line across the dwarf planet. That streak may stretch all the way around the globe, Beyer and colleagues report online June 11 in Icarus. This feature was only visible with all the data put together, Beyer says. The team doesn’t have a good explanation for its formation yet.
LONG AND LEAN This subset of the new Pluto map (bottom) shows part of a long series of ridges and troughs that extends over at least 3,200 kilometers. Astronomers aren’t sure how it formed. The digital elevation model (top) shows the same area. White arrows highlight the edge of Sputnik Planitia, the planet's heart-shaped plains of nitrogen ice.
Charon’s map confirmed that the moon is made up of two large zones: smooth plains in the southern hemisphere and fractured blocks and canyons in the north, Beyer and colleagues report online July 3 in another paper in Icarus (SN: 4/2/16, p. 20). Initially, scientists thought both terrains were at the same elevation, but the new map shows that the plains are situated a kilometer or two lower than the northern terrain.
“We don’t know quite why that is yet, but it sure is interesting,” Beyer says.
Other planetary scientists will use these charts to continue unearthing Pluto and Charon’s secrets. “These maps really form the basis, the cartographic foundation, for anything any other scientist will do,” Beyer says.
On Saturn’s small moon Enceladus, perpetual fountains of alien seawater launch all sorts of curious stuff into space: water, salt, silica, and even simple carbon-containing compounds fly into the void—many of which are ingredients for life as we know it.
Now, scientists working with data from a dead spacecraft have discovered something even more potentially intriguing: heavy organic compounds containing hundreds of atoms arranged in rings and chains. These are the most complex organic molecules uncovered so far at Enceladus, and—sorry, Europa—they may make the moon the most promising place in our solar system to search for life beyond Earth.
“What we know today is telling us that Enceladus is an outstanding target to go look for life, and there may be microbes living in that ocean today,” says Cornell University’s Jonathan Lunine.
How did the rings around Saturn form? How many moons does the planet have? See stunning NASA images of the gas giant studied by Christian Huygens and Giovanni Cassini.
Discovered by the Saturn-exploring Cassini spacecraft in late 2005, icy jets erupting from Enceladus were a surprise to most scientists. Blasting through fissures in the south polar region, the jets contain seawater from a global ocean locked beneath the moon’s icy shell. Over the years, scientists have been able to study those jets and calculate the salinity and acidity of the ocean, identify ejected organic compounds such as methane, and determine that hydrothermal vents in the seafloor are providing heat and energy.
But these newly detected complex molecules spin that story forward and raise questions about whether they’re the work of lifeless chemistry or a sign pointing toward alien life.
“We cannot decide this hundred-million-dollar question, but it certainly shows that something is going on there, that complex organic chemistry is happening and that we can probe it from space,” says Frank Postberg of the University of Heidelberg, lead author on the paper describing the results today in the journal Nature.
“The moon freely delivers its organic inventory at high concentrations to the Cassini spacecraft. That’s just an amazing finding.”
Saturn's icy moon Enceladus sinks behind the planet in a farewell portrait from NASA's Cassini spacecraft, which destroyed itself by diving into the ringed giant on September 15, 2017.
That includes information Cassini gathered while flying near the planet’s E ring. Thin and diaphanous, this ribbon is formed by dust and ice ejected by Enceladus. As Cassini skirted the E ring’s edge, some of its particles collided with an onboard instrument designed specifically to study cosmic dust and return information about its ingredients.
Postberg and his colleagues decided to look at data gathered during E ring flybys between 2004 and 2008, when the instrument was least contaminated by interplanetary dust from elsewhere in the solar system. Over 15 separate intervals, the spacecraft collected and studied about ten thousand dust particles. And in roughly one percent of those, Postberg and his colleagues identified the signatures of complex organic compounds.
“It was kind of a needle in a haystack problem,” he says.
Clinging to grains of water ice ejected by Enceladus, these heavy, carbon-containing molecules had been launched into space, just waiting for Cassini to come by and collect them upon impact. What’s more, the large compounds are likely fragments of even larger parent molecules that could weigh thousands of atomic mass units, Postberg says.
Floating Film
It’s the first time such heavy organics have been identified at Enceladus. Previously, Cassini detected lighter, gassy molecules such as methane and ethane, which contain one or two carbon atoms and a smattering of hydrogens; these molecules weigh in at around 15 atomic mass units.
But the newly detected molecules are as heavy as 200 atomic mass units and comprise anywhere between seven and 15 carbon atoms, handfuls of hydrogens, as well as nitrogen and oxygen.
“While we have found large molecules outside of Earth before, this is the first time they have been detected emerging from a liquid water ocean,” says Morgan Cable of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, who looks for life in improbable places on Earth. (Recently, scientists also found complex organics on cold, dry Mars.)
“Many large organic molecules are not stable in liquid water for extended periods of time, so one of the next questions to ask is, where are these organic molecules coming from?”
Postberg and his colleagues think it’s likely that newly formed heavy organics rise to the top of the moon’s buried ocean and end up floating in a layer near areas where water erupts from fissures at the south pole. There, they stick to ice grains that are carried into space by bubbles rising from the seafloor to the surface.
“Our oceans have a thin film of organic molecules floating on top—think 'oil slick' but made up of life and its byproducts—that covers the ocean to a significant extent,” Cable says. “Now it seems that Enceladus has this too. But is it also made by life?”
Lying in Wait
Though tantalizing, this soup of carbon-containing riches is not an indication of life yet. Many processes could have crafted such structures in the absence of extraterrestrial metabolisms.
“Are they being made by abiotic processing at the bottom of the ocean, where the rock and water meet, or are they the waste products of microbes? That’s the question, with a capital Q,” Lunine says.
Fundamentally, the molecular soup tells scientists that the environment beneath Enceladus’s icy shell is capable of extremely complex chemistries. Whether those reactions are completely independent of life and fueled simply by chemistry and geology, are part of a prebiotic mix from which life could one day emerge, are currently building alien microbes, or are perhaps the waste products of extraterrestrial lifeforms already living in the Enceladian sea is still unknown.
Fractures in the icy shell snake along the south polar region of Enceladus in this Cassini picture.
“We should try to go back to Enceladus as soon as we can,” Lunine says. “It’s waiting for us. It’s not going anywhere, and think of all that microbial poo that could be spewed out into space and analyzed today.”
The instruments needed to answer these questions already exist—all it takes is a return trip. One such mission, designed by Lunine and his colleagues and called the Enceladus Life Finder, could have flown in the near future. But NASA declined to fund the project.
Soon, though, a fleet of spacecraft will be sent to explore another icy ocean world: Europa, which orbits Jupiter. Scientists don’t yet know what kinds of chemistry take place in that alien sea, or if the ingredients needed for life as we know it are similarly abundant.
For now, Enceladus will have to wait. And so will scientists, who will continue hoping that maybe someday soon, they won’t need to mine archival data to answer one of humanity’s most pressing questions, and instead coax this promising astrobiological target into revealing its secrets in real time.
A three billion dollar spacecraft is hurtling towards destruction, and it's no accident.
Un OVNI a été aperçu dans le ciel australien le mois dernier et la scène a été immortalisée par un habitant de la région. Elle a beaucoup tourné sur YouTube et les réseaux sociaux depuis, alimentant d’innombrables théories complotistes sur fond de vaisseaux extraterrestres. La réalité est cependant beaucoup moins excitante.
L’affaire remonte donc au mois dernier. Junelyn Bitalac venait de dép.oser sa mère au travail et elle était en train de se promener à Hastings lorsqu’elle a aperçu une étrange forme ronde filer à travers le ciel
Intriguée, elle a immédiatement sorti son téléphone pour filmer la scène. La séquence a ensuite été partagée sur les réseaux sociaux.
Un OVNI a été aperçu dans le ciel australien en juin
Très vite, la vidéo a commencé à être massivement relayée par les internautes sur la toile. Le lendemain, elle a été reprise par plusieurs chaînes spécialisées dans le domaine de l’ufologie avant de se retrouver en une d’un certain nombre de médias anglo-saxons.
En tout, la vidéo a été vu plusieurs centaines de milliers de fois en moins d’une semaine.
Certains ufologues se sont alors lancés dans une véritable enquête en ligne et de nombreuses théories fantaisistes ont commencé à voir le jour.
Pour certains, la soucoupe volante immortalisée en vidéo était un vaisseau extraterrestre venant d’un monde lointain. Pour d’autres, il s’agissait d’un drone ou d’un appareil testé par l’armée australienne. Il faut dire aussi que la scène s’est produite à quelques kilomètres à peine de HMAS Cerberus, une base appartenant à la Royal Australian Navy à Victoria.
Une soucoupe volante… sans le moindre alien à son bord
Mais voilà, dans les faits, il ne s’agissait ni d’un vaisseau alien ni même d’un nouvel aéronef militaire… mais plutôt d’un avion construit par un amateur.
Si vous vous intéressez un peu à l’aéronautique, alors vous avez peut-être entendu parler de David Rowe. C’est tout à fait logique, car cet ingénieur travaille depuis plusieurs années sur un prototype de soucoupe volante.
En 2016, il a même été assez loin en faisant une démonstration de son quatrième prototype, un prototype parfaitement fonctionnel et capable de voler comme n’importe quel avion. La performance avait été assez relayée à l’époque avant de tomber dans l’oubli.
Toutefois, depuis, David Rowe a multiplié les essais et ce étrange OVNI aperçu dans le ciel australien n’était en réalité rien d’autre que l’un de ses derniers prototypes.
Disk-shaped UFO goes in and out the water of Lake Michigan
Disk-shaped UFO goes in and out the water of Lake Michigan
The witness has taken several photographs of a disk-shaped UFO with port holes that according to the photographer goes in and out the water of Lake Michigan known for its many mysterious UFO sightings.
Below the statement of the witness:
On the night of March 31st 2018, about 10:20pm, it was a very clear, calm night with a bright full moon. I was driving along the coastline from Kewaunee to Algoma when I noticed a very long, brightly lit ship.
I initially thought it was a cargo ship. But the more I watched it, the more erratic the movements and lights became.
I decided to park at a local wayside right before entering Algoma, that overlooks the water of Lake Michigan where this UFO is.
I can now see it flashes different patterns of lights all long it's structure. The shape seemed to shift between a long rectangular object to a disc shape object.
The colors would vary from bright white, red, green, white blue, lights. It made a couple sharp turns than would correct itself on what seemed to be a Northeastern path.
It would sporadically hover over the water than seem to land on the water all the while gradually going northeast.
Then, when it seemed to have been completely aligned with my vehicle (maintaining a good mile out or less distance in front of me), all the electronics, my vehicle radio, dashboard lights, headlights, cell phone turned on by themselves bright and loud. After about 3 seconds they all suddenly turned off at once.
I took that as my sign to take off. I sat there another few minutes, trying to calm myself and locked my vehicle doors (out of instinct). After I got my wits about me, I left with the UFO still just meandering on it's way over the water going northeasterly.
The witness has submitted the sighting including the images to Mufon , case 93368
UFO Over Mountains of Sierra Cabrera, Spain June 28, 2018, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Over Mountains of Sierra Cabrera, Spain June 28, 2018, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: June 28, 2018 Location of sighting: Mountains of Sierra Cabrera, Spain This UFO was recorded and sent into us at UFO Sightings Daily by Twitter user@RoyGibbo. This is a awesome sighting of a cigar UFO. Its very long and looks like a disk viewed from the side. He says it looks big and boy is he right. This is one big UFO! It looks like its rotating and almost has the appearance of a submarine from the side. A rare sighting indeed. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states:
I was taking my dogs for a walk in the evening before going to bed, I enjoy looking at the sky while walking but I hadn't looked up until I was at the end of my driveway on this occasion so when I did look up I was so shocked to see this craft. It was absolutely enormous! I could tell where it was in the distance as it was over some local mountains around Mojacar in southern Spain, I could tell that the size of the thing was like the Empire State building on its side and it wasn't moving at all, it stayed very very still. I ran back to my house in flip flops as fast as I could with my dogs behind thinking what's up.
Well I captured this video and I was still in shock at the size off the thing, it slowly faded out slowly in a seemingly controlled manner so it wasn't bright at all so my phone that I took the video on couldn't see it but I could still see it a very little bit for a few more seconds and then it was totally gone, it didn't fly off or move, it just disappeared. It was so strange!!
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.