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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Blood Moon 2018: Longest Total Lunar Eclipse of Century Occurs July 27
Blood Moon 2018: Longest Total Lunar Eclipse of Century Occurs July 27
By Elizabeth Howell, Contributor
The longest total lunar eclipse of the 21st century is less than two weeks away.
The total phase of the "blood moon" eclipse of July 27 will last 1 hour and 43 minutes, during which Earth's natural satellite will turn a spectacular red or ruddy-brown color. From start to finish, the entire celestial event will last nearly 4 hours.
The eclipse won't be visible to viewers in North America, except via webcasts. But observers in much of Africa, the Middle East, southern Asia and the Indian Ocean region will get an eyeful, given cooperative weather, according to lunar scientist Noah Petro, of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. [In Photos: The Rare Super Blue Blood Moon Eclipse of 2018]
July's total lunar eclipse occurs on the same day the planet Mars reaches its opposition, when it will shine at its best in the night sky. This month, Mars will be at its closest to Earth since 2003. After opposition, when Mars will be brightest, it will reach that closest point on July 31. You can learn more about that event in our dedicated guide here: Mars at Opposition 2018: How to See It and What to Expect
Unlike with solar eclipses, you need no special equipment to observe lunar eclipses. These latter events, which occur when the moon passes into Earth's shadow, are safe to view directly with the naked eye, telescopes or binoculars.
The moon turns deep red or reddish brown during eclipses, instead of going completely dark. That's because some of the sunlight going through Earth's atmosphere is bent around the edge of our planet and falls onto the moon's surface. Earth's air also scatters more shorter-wavelength light (in colors such as green or blue); what's left is the longer-wavelength, redder end of the spectrum.
Where and when will it be visible?
The timing if this total lunar eclipse means it won't be visible from North America, though much of the Eastern Hemisphere of Earth will see part or all of the eclipse. The entire eclipse will be visible from Africa, the Middle East and countries in central Asia. The eclipse will be visible from eastern South America as it is ending, and from Australia as it is beginning.
The time of greatest eclipse will be 4:21 p.m. EDT (2021 GMT) on July 27, according to The total eclipse will last from 3:30 p.m. to 5:13 p.m. EDT (1930 to 2113 GMT). There will also be some time before and after when the moon is in the lighter part of Earth's shadow, which is called the penumbra. Including that penumbral time, the eclipse will last for 3 hours and 55 minutes.
Why is it the longest of the century?
"What controls the duration of the lunar eclipse is the position of the moon as it passes through the Earth's shadow," Petro told The darkest part of Earth's shadow is called the umbra. You can picture the umbra as a cone extending from Earth in the opposite direction to the sun, Petro explained.
"The moon can either graze through the cone, or go right through the middle. That [the middle] gets a longer-duration eclipse," he said. "This time, the moon is passing closer to the center of that cone, and it's therefore a little bit longer than the eclipse we had back in January."
Additionally, the moon will be at a farther point from Earth along its orbit, EarthSky pointed out. That means the moon will appear slightly smaller in the sky and will take a little bit longer to go through Earth's shadow.
Petro is also the project scientist for NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter(LRO), which has been orbiting the moon for nine years. It is best-known for obtaining detailed information on water ice and taking high-resolution pictures of spacecraft on the lunar surface. Because LRO is an older probe, most of its components (except for battery warmers and the like) will be turned off during the eclipse, to preserve the solar-powered spacecraft's battery and keep it safe during the greatest part of the eclipse, Petro said.
When is the next lunar eclipse?
The next total lunar eclipse visible from North America will occur on Jan. 21, 2019. Totality on that day will last 1 hour and 2 minutes, and the eclipse will especially favor viewers on the West Coast. That year will also see a partial eclipse, on July 16, 2019 — the 50th anniversary of the launch of the first moon landing mission, Apollo 11. LRO will likely still be operating then, having passed its 10th anniversary of arriving at the moon on June 23, 2019.
Editor's note: If you capture an amazing photo or video of the total lunar eclipse or any other night-sky sight and would like to share it with for a story or gallery, send images and comments to
Nog nooit waargenomen structuren ontdekt in de zonne-atmosfeer
Nog nooit waargenomen structuren ontdekt in de zonne-atmosfeer
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Opgepoetste beelden van de zogenoemde corona onthullen dat deze veel complexer en dynamischer is dan gedacht.
De atmosfeer van de zon kun je onderverdelen in verschillende lagen. En de buitenste laag wordt ook wel de corona genoemd. Hier ontspringt de zonnewind: een stroom van geladen deeltjes die zich in alle richtingen van de zon vandaan haast. Met behulp van NASA’s Solar Terrestraial Relations Observatory-A(STEREO-A) hebben onderzoekers de corona al goed in beeld weten te brengen. Maar wetenschappers hebben de kwaliteit van de beelden nu verder opgekrikt, waardoor er nog meer details zichtbaar worden. En dat heeft verstrekkende gevolgen voor ons begrip van de corona. “Elke structuur waarvan we dachten dat we deze begrepen, blijkt te bestaan uit kleinere structuren en veel dynamischer te zijn dan we dachten,” aldus onderzoeker Craig DeForest.
Lussen Een mooi voorbeeld daarvan zijn de magnetische lussen die op de zon ontstaan en coronale massa ejecties voort kunnen brengen (dit zijn gigantische plasmawolken die doorspekt zijn met magnetische veldlijnen). Aangenomen werd dat deze lussen vrij eenvoudig waren. Maar niets is minder waar. “Wat wij ontdekten, is dat het niet één lus is,” stelt DeForest. “De lussen zijn opgebouwd uit een groot aantal fijne strengen.”
Alfvén-oppervlak En de beelden halen ook het idee van een Alfvén-oppervlak onderuit. Een Alfvén-oppervlak is een soort grens in de zonne-atmosfeer en ter hoogte van die grens zou de versnellende zonnewind een “kritieke snelheid” bereiken. Maar de beelden onthullen dus dat het anders zit. “Wat wij ontdekten, was dat er geen duidelijk Alfvén-oppervlak is,” stelt DeForest. “Er is in plaats van één duidelijke grens een breed ‘niemandsland’ of ‘brede Alfvén-zone waar de zonnewind geleidelijk aan loskomt van de zon.”
Iets nieuws Daarnaast hebben de onderzoekers ook compleet nieuwe structuren ontdekt in de corona. Zo ontdekten ze dat het karakter van de zonnewind op een afstand van ongeveer 10 keer de straal van de zon – je bevindt je dan nog steeds in de corona – plotsklaps veranderd. “Hier vindt interessante natuurkunde plaats,” aldus DeForest. “We weten nog niet wat het is, maar we weten wel dat het interessant gaat zijn.”
Naar verwachting zullen we op vrij korte termijn een nog veel beter beeld krijgen van de corona; binnenkort wordt namelijk een ruimtesonde gelanceerd die – en dat is een primeur – metingen in de corona zelf moet gaan uitvoeren. De sonde heeft de naam Parker Solar Probe gekregen.
Deze stofstorm welde in april van dit jaar nabij de noordpool op.
De foto is gemaakt door ESA’s Mars Express en laat maar weer eens zien dat het nooit saai is op de rode planeet.
Opportunity Marsrover Opportunity kan daarover meepraten; de rover bevindt zich al weken in een winterslaap, omdat een stofstorm het de rover onmogelijk maakt om zonne-energie op te wekken en er dus zuinig met de acculadingen moet worden omgesprongen. Die gewraakte stofstorm – die inmiddels vrijwel het hele oppervlak van Mars beslaat – ontstond eind mei, iets ten zuidwesten van de stofstorm die je op de foto van ESA ziet.
Zomer Op de foto van ESA zien we een zogenoemde ‘lokale, kleinschalige stofstorm’. Dergelijke stofstormen ontstaan – met name tijdens de zomer op Mars – regelmatig. Gedurende de zomer is de afstand tussen Mars en de zon kleiner, waardoor deze meer zonlicht opvangt en er op het oppervlak grotere temperatuurverschillen ontstaan. Hierdoor kan ook de lucht op Mars in beweging komen en stofdeeltjes van het oppervlak tillen en meevoeren.
Afbeelding: ESA / DLR / FU Berlin.
Zwak De stofstormen die zo kunnen ontstaan, zijn vaak veel zwakker dan orkanen op aarde. Dat komt doordat Mars een veel dunnere atmosfeer heeft (waardoor de luchtdruk veel beperkter is) en de stormen veel minder snelheid hebben dan op aarde. Tegelijkertijd kunnen de stofstormen echter wel veel langer standhouden op Mars dan op aarde.
Onderzoek Wetenschappers zijn dol op stofstormen en zeker op de vrij zeldzame exemplaren die vrijwel het hele oppervlak bedekken. Onderzoek naar deze stofstormen kan onthullen hoe ze precies ontstaan. En onderzoekers uiteindelijk mogelijk zelfs in staat stellen om het ontstaan van zulke stormen te voorspellen. Dat is met name handig wanneer er in de nabije toekomst mensen naar Mars gaan.
Als het gaat om het onderzoek naar stofstormen kunnen onderzoekers nu dus hun hart ophalen. Het is een maand geleden dat de stofstorm die in mei op Mars ontstond tot een wereldwijde stofstorm werd uitgeroepen. En nog altijd onttrekt deze storm vrijwel het gehele Martiaanse oppervlak aan het zicht. Onderzoekers monitoren de storm met behulp van vijf orbiters en één rover: de niet van zonne-energie afhankelijke Marsrover Curiosity.
Mogelijk voor het eerst gespot: een jonge ster die 1 of zelfs 2 planeten 'opeet'
Mogelijk voor het eerst gespot: een jonge ster die 1 of zelfs 2 planeten 'opeet'
Caroline Kraaijvanger
De ster RW Aur A zou as we speak bezig zijn om de resten van enkele van zijn planeten te nuttigen.
Dat suggereren waarnemingen van röntgenobservatorium Chandra. “Computersimulaties hebben lang voorspeld dat planeten in een jonge ster kunnen vallen, maar we hebben dat nog niet eerder geobserveerd,” stelt onderzoeker Hans Moritz Guenther. “Als onze interpretatie van de data klopt, zou het de eerste keer zijn dat we direct waarnemen hoe een jonge ster een planeet of planeten verorbert.”
RW Aur A bevindt zich op 450 lichtjaar afstand van de aarde en is nog maar een paar miljoen jaar oud. De ster wordt nog steeds omringd door een gas- en stofschijf. RW Aur A maakt verder deel uit van een dubbelstersysteem: beide sterren hebben ongeveer dezelfde massa als onze zon.
Chandra De jonge ster RW Aur A houdt de gemoederen eigenlijk al sinds 1937 bezig en wel doordat de helderheid van de ster om de paar decennia kort afneemt, om vervolgens weer toe te nemen. En de laatste jaren zijn de onderzoekers er getuige van geweest dat de helderheid van de ster nog frequenter en gedurende langere perioden afneemt. En dat konden ze maar niet verklaren. Tot ze de ster met behulp van röntgenobservatorium Chandra bestudeerden.
IJzer Chandra bestudeerde de ster in 2013, toen deze heel helder was. Maar ook in 2015 en 2017, in perioden waarin de helderheid afnam. Chandra stelde vast dat niet alleen de optische helderheid van de ster afnam; ook de röntgenstraling afkomstig van de ster liep in deze perioden terug. Het suggereert dat iets het licht én de röntgenstraling van de ster tegenhoudt. Maar wat? Om daar achter te komen, bestudeerden de wetenschappers het röntgenspectrum: de intensiteit van de röntgenstraling gemeten op verschillende golflengtes. Op basis van die data – verzameld in perioden waarin de ster heel helder en juist minder helder was – konden de onderzoekers de dichtheid en de samenstelling van het licht en röntgenstraling absorberende materiaal rond de ster afleiden. Het onderzoek wijst uit dat de afnames in röntgenstraling en optisch licht veroorzaakt worden door de aanwezigheid van een dicht gas. Observaties uit 2017 laten bovendien zien dat de gasschijf rond de ster zeker 10 keer meer ijzer herbergde dan in 2013, toen de ster heel helder scheen.
Afbeelding: NASA / CXC / M. Weiss; X-ray spectrum: NASA / CXC / MIT / H. M.Günther.
Planetesimalen Langzaam begonnen de puzzelstukjes op hun plaats te vallen. Volgens de onderzoekers is het overvloedig aanwezige ijzer in de schijf afkomstig van twee planetesimalen – planeten in wording – die met elkaar in botsing zijn gekomen. Zeker één van deze planetesimalen zou reeds de omvang van een planeet hebben gehad. De botsing zou geresulteerd hebben in een enorme hoeveelheid ijzerrijk puin dat vervolgens in de ster is gevallen en een dikke sluier van gas en stof rond de ster heeft gevormd, waar het sterlicht tijdelijk deels door werd tegengehouden.
Een andere mogelijke – maar minder waarschijnlijke – verklaring voor de afnames in helderheid is dat deeltjes, zoals ijzer, in bepaalde delen van de schijf rond RW Aur A gevangen zitten. Wanneer de structuur van de schijf verstoord wordt – bijvoorbeeld doordat de andere ster in het dubbelstersysteem dichtbij komt – zouden die deeltjes vrijkomen, waardoor opeens een overvloed aan ijzer in de ster kan vallen.
Onderzoekers blijven de ster in de gaten houden om te kijken met welke snelheid de hoeveelheid ijzer in de gas- en stofschijf rond de jonge ster afneemt. Als die hoeveelheid ijzer over een paar jaar nog vrijwel even groot is, wijst dat erop dat het afkomstig is van een relatief grote bron. “Op dit moment wordt er veel onderzoek gedaan naar exoplaneten en hoe zij tot stand komen,” stelt Guenther. “Dus het is overduidelijk heel belangrijk om te zien hoe jonge planeten vernietigd kunnen worden door de interactie met hun moederster en andere jonge planeten en welke factoren bepalen of zij in leven blijven.”
Newly Discovered Crop Circle Has A Message For Humanity (July 2018)
Newly Discovered Crop Circle Has A Message For Humanity (July 2018)
(Alanna Ketler) A new crop circle was recently discovered on July 8th in Coneybury Hill, Nr Stonehenge, Wiltshire. This circle is the exact same as the chemical weapons warning symbol.
Interestingly this crop circle was found shortly after the death of Dawn Sturgess who had come into contact with a deadly nerve agent.
While we can’t know for sure, this crop circle certainly appears to be a message to humanity about the dangers of chemical weapons and the catastrophic damage they can cause, regardless of who you believe made it. Perhaps this circle symbolizes the fact that these weapons have no place in our world, and it’s time we got rid of them, for good.
Check out some amazing drone footage of this newly discovered crop circle below.
ET Intervention?
It is not all that surprising to see this message show up in a crop circle, as in the past we have seen deliberate ET intervention when nuclear weapons would have otherwise been used. We have covered this topic before, and the following is an excerpt from an older article,
One of many previously classified reports -out of the thousands in existence -that is now available in the public domain is the intrusion at Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota, on August 24, 1966. Air Force personnel were concerned about a light in the sky. A team went to check it out and confirmed the object, then saw a second white object while doing so. The object was tracked on radar and moved vertical several times; each time it descended, an air force officer in charge of a missile crew found his radio transmission interrupted by static. The object eventually descended to ground level, and the Air Force sent a team to check it out. They saw the object either on the ground or hovering very low. According to the official report:
“When the team was about ten miles from the landing site, static disrupted radio contact with them. Five to eight minutes later, the glow diminished, and the UFO took off. Another UFO was visually sighted and confirmed by radar. The one that was first sighted passed beneath the second. Radar also confirmed this. The first made for altitude toward the north, and the second seemed to disappear with the glow of red.”
It seems that these extraterrestrials know just how damaging nuclear weapons can be to our planet, and possibly to our entire solar system. There is information that says that UFO’s have been deactivating nuclear weapons since we created them and started to show up a lot more often when we were testing the atomic bomb. Thankfully, someone or something has our back and is helping to stop us, humanity from making a huge mistake.
MUFON Case 92671 Date of event: June 9, 2018 Location of sighting: Dublin, Ireland
Long description of sighting report:
''On Saturday 9th of June 2018 at 18:00 hours I was having a family barbecue. It was a crystal clear sky. This object caught my eye, it was stationery and very high in the sky, it was turning and pulsating, it seem to have three lights at the bottom of it. I observed this object carefully through my binoculars at this stage. My partner and my daughter also witnessed this and my daughter took a video of this. The family next door also came out to witness this as I was observing this object for 45 minutes when I witnessed a smaller orb come out from the side of it. It darted up and down a few times before disappearing again. I then lost sight of the object.
After a while when myself and my partner went to the front of the house the object reappeared in the sky. I showed my partner the object through the binoculars when my partner asked what where the objects beside it. When I looked through the binoculars myself I witnessed 9 orbs in formation of which two were moving. I watched this some time and then returned to the main object, I then saw a small orb around the main object again which appeared and disappeared again. I return outside after a short while and the object was no longer there.''
Milky Way Galaxy Is 'Disturbed' and More Revealed in ESA Gaia Mission Data (Video)
Milky Way Galaxy Is 'Disturbed' and More Revealed in ESA Gaia Mission Data (Video)
ByElizabeth Howell, Contributor
The European Gaia spacecraft recently released a catalog of the positions of 1.7 billion stars, mapping our stellar neighbors around the Milky Way with unprecedented precision. The star map not only looks stunning but also includes a wealth of information about the evolution of our galaxy, the European Space Agency (ESA) said in a recent video.
The video, posted to YouTube in May, took place at the Paris Observatory. There, in 1887, astronomers attempted to map hundreds of thousands of stars in an effort called the Carte du Ciel (the Map of the Sky). Gaia is therefore part of a long line of star mappers, both on the ground and in space. But for all of our efforts, astronomers said in the video, we still have much to learn about the Milky Way — such as why certain stars' motion is "disturbed," and how the arms were formed.
ESA Euronews: Gaia’s revolution in astronomy
Finnish astronomer Timo Prusti, Gaia project scientist, gestured toward Gaia's new map of the Milky Way and told video viewers what the spacecraft is revealing: "We see a flattened structure," he said. "That's the Milky Way; that's our Milky Way disk. We see some dark patches on top of it. What does it mean? It means that there, we see less stars. There are more stars [in that location], but there is dust in front of them, and that's why we don't see the stars." [Europe's Billion-Star Mapping Spacecraft Snaps 1st Photo (Image)]
But the spacecraft is also revealing some mysteries that will require further investigation. Previously, astronomers thought that the stars rotating around the Milky Way's center did so in an orderly fashion, no matter how far they were from our sun. Gaia, however, shows that some of these stars' motions are "disturbed," particularly for those that are far from the sun, Prusti said. Why that happens is a complete mystery.
Astronomers are also uncertain about how the arms of the Milky Way came to be, added François Mignard, one of the founders of Gaia and an emeritus director of research at French space agency CNRS.
"Were the arms born at the same time?" he asked in French, translated in voiceover to English. "Do the arms have a unique history? Are the arms a result of a merger with an external galaxy? It's these questions that people are going to try to answer, and the Gaia data is absolutely fundamental for this kind of study."
Gaia's April data release mapped 10,000 times more stars than its predecessor mission, Hipparcos. Frédéric Arenou, a senior research engineer at CNRS, said the new Gaia information includes the stars' luminosity, or how much light they produce. With that information in hand, astronomers will be able to learn more about the stars' physical properties, he added.
Gaia's position in space is a huge asset in allowing it to map the sky. It is located 1.5 million kilometers (0.93 million miles) from Earth in the opposite direction to the sun. The spacecraft rotates around itself every 6 hours, and over time it can generate a complete map of the sky. Its three major instruments include an astrometric instrument to measure star positions, a photometer to map star colors and a spectrometer that shows stars' radial velocity — or the speed at which the stars move toward or away from Earth.
Gaia continues to send down measurements 11 hours a day, ESA officials said in the video, and several more data releases are expected in the next decade to address some of these outstanding scientific questions.
Tiny Satellite Begins Hunt for Missing Milky-Way Matter
Tiny Satellite Begins Hunt for Missing Milky-Way Matter
By Meghan Bartels, Senior Writer
A tiny satellite has set out to investigate the halo of incredibly hot gas surrounding the Milky Way — and it could help scientists track down the huge amount of missing matter in the universe.
NASA deployed the 26-lb. (12 kilograms) satellite, called HaloSat, on July 13 from the International Space Station.
Scientists can't find a whopping one-third of all the matter that should exist in the universe. It's not dark matter; it's just … missing. They've calculated how much matter was in the universe 400,000 years after the Big Bang based on information encoded in the cosmic microwave background. And they've calculated how much mass they see now in galaxies, stars, planets, dust and gas. But the numbers do not add up. [Our Milky Way Galaxy Has Cosmic Halo 11.4 Billion Years Old]
Tiny Satellite Begins Hunt for Missing Milky Way Matter
"We should have all the matter today that we had back when the universe was 400,000 years old," said Philip Kaaret, HaloSat's principal investigator and an astronomer at the University of Iowa, said in a NASA statement. "Where did it go?"
Scientists have made some progress in tracking down chunks of the missing matter, and they've narrowed it down to two hiding places: within galaxies themselves, or spread out in the space between them. So scientists are starting close to home, by searching for the matter that's missing from the Milky Way.
HaloSat will try to find the missing matter by mapping the galaxy's halo of superhot gas, which can reach 3.6 million degrees Fahrenheit (2 million degrees Celsius), according to NASA. That's hot enough for oxygen gas to produce X-rays, which HaloSat will measure across the sky to figure out the shape of the halo and determine whether it's spread evenly around the Milky Way or in a flattened disk, like a fried egg.
"If you think of the galactic halo in the fried egg model, it will have a different distribution of brightness when you look straight up out of it from Earth than when you look at wider angles," Keith Jahoda, a HaloSat co-investigator and a NASA astrophysicist, said in the statement. "If it's in some quasi-spherical shape, compared to the dimensions of the galaxy, then you expect it to be more nearly the same brightness in all directions."
Once scientists know how the halo is arranged, they can estimate its mass and determine whether it's hiding all that missing matter.
But to make those measurements, HaloSat needs to be careful not to fall for an imposter signal. That signal is caused by the solar wind, the constant stream of highly charged particles produced by the sun, which produces X-ray signatures that mimic that of the galactic halo.
To avoid being tricked, HaloSat will switch tasks according to where it is in its orbit around Earth: When it's over the night side, it will gather data, and when it's over the daylight side, it will charge up and send that information home. That should make HaloSat's data much cleaner than other X-ray observations, the researchers think.
Dazzling Views Show Saturn Moon Titan's Surface Like Never Before
Dazzling Views Show Saturn Moon Titan's Surface Like Never Before
By Mike Wall, Senior Writer
The mysterious surface of Saturn's huge moon Titan comes into gloriously sharp focus in newly released photos captured by NASA's Cassini spacecraft.
Cassini team members created the six-image set using data collected over 13 years by the Saturn-orbiting probe's Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS). As its name suggests, VIMS deals in long-wavelength infrared light, allowing the instrument to see through the thick Titanic haze that obscures visible-light views of the moon's frigid surface.
Cassini scientists have created VIMS mosaics before, but those previous efforts generally had prominent seams, NASA officials said. Such seams naturally result from the stitching together of images snapped during different Titan encounters, which featured different lighting conditions and flyby angles. [Amazing Photos: Titan, Saturn's Largest Moon]
But the new mosaics are pretty much seamless — a breakthrough made possible by a reanalysis of the VIMS data and laborious hand processing of the resulting mosaics, mission team members said.
"With the seams now gone, this new collection of images is by far the best representation of how the globe of Titan might appear to the casual observer if it weren't for the moon's hazy atmosphere, and it likely will not be superseded for some time to come," NASA officials wrote in a statement Wednesday (July 18).
Indeed, the photos give viewers a new appreciation for Titan's complex and varied surface, which boasts dunes of carbon-containing organic compounds, icy deposits and vast seas of liquid hydrocarbons. (Titan is the only extraterrestrial object known to harbor stable bodies of liquid on its surface.)
In visible-light images captured from above Titan's thick, nitrogen-dominated atmosphere, none of this diversity comes through; the 3,200-mile-wide (5,150 kilometers) moon looks like a fuzzy, orange-brown ball.
Scientists might get some sharp, up-close looks at the Titan landscape in the not-too-distant future, however: A mission called Dragonfly would explore the huge moon's surface, and assess its potential to host life, using a robotic minihelicopter. Dragonfly is one of two finalists, along with a comet sample-return effort, for NASA's next New Frontiers mission slot. The agency aims to announce a winner in 2019 and launch the mission by 2025.
The $3.2 billion Cassini mission — a joint effort of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency — launched in 1997 and reached Saturn in the summer of 2004. Cassini zoomed through the gas-giant system for more than 13 years, gathering a wealth of data about the planet, its iconic rings and its many moons. The Cassini mother ship also carried a lander called Huygens, which touched down on Titan in January 2005.
The groundbreaking mission came to an end in September 2017 with an intentional death dive into Saturn — a move designed to ensure that Cassini would not contaminate Titan or the fellow potentially life-supporting satellite Enceladus with microbes from Earth.
The Parker Solar Probe is not only one of NASA’s most ambitious missions, but it seems to defy logic. The spacecraft slated to launch this summer will enter the sun’s corona and travel through material with temperatures greater than a million degrees Fahrenheit. So, why won’t it melt?
Parker Solar Probe will embark August 4 on what NASA calls “a mission 60 years in the making,” coming within four million miles of the surface to collect unprecedented data about the sun’s corona, or outer atmosphere. If successful, it will become the first spacecraft to enter the sun’s corona and enjoy a balmy inside temperature of just 85 degrees while its outer shell is surrounding in the sun’s blaze. The probe will essentially be the embodiment of “this is fine” dog.
NASA revealed the science behind why this space dog will not melt in such an extreme environment on Thursday. To understand why the Parker Solar Probe won’t melt, the space agency explained key concepts of heat versus temperature, its custom heat shield, and the spacecraft’s unique innovation.
Parker Solar Probe’s Temperature vs. Heat
The difference between heat and temperature will help in making the Parker Solar Probe’s mission seem a little more (but not much more) feasible. Temperature is a measurement of how fast particles are moving, while heat refers to how much of that energy is transferred. Thus, in a place that is mostly empty like space, high temperatures don’t always mean high heat. Particles could be moving fast and creating high temperature, but since there are so few of them, they won’t transfer that much heat towards the spacecraft.
While Parker Solar Probe will be traveling through a space with temperatures of several million degrees, it won’t feel most of that heat, and the surface of the heat shield will only reach 2,500 degrees Fahrenheit.
Parker Solar Probe’s Heat Shield
That’s still pretty hot, though. Experiencing 2,500 degrees Fahrenheit is nothing to scoff at, and ensuring an unmelted Parker Solar Probe may have caused some delays in scheduling the launch. To withstand the heat, NASA installed a shield known as the Thermal Protection System, or TPS.
Designed by the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, TPS is made of a lightweight carbon foam core that is flanked by two carbon-carbon composite panels. The sun-facing panel is sprayed with a white coating that will reflect as much of the sun’s energy away from the spacecraft as possible. It’s just 4.5 inches thick, and yet it’s expected to keep almost all instrumentation safe.
Parker Solar Probe’s Measuring Cup
Not every instrument will be protected by TPS, however. The Faraday cup is a sensor that will poke out over the heat shield to measure the solar wind, and in order to get an accurate read, it could not be sheltered by TPS.
So, why doesn’t Faraday melt?
“Due to the intensity of the solar atmosphere, unique technologies had to be engineered to make sure that not only can the instrument survive, but also the electronics aboard can send back accurate readings,” NASA’s Susannah Darling explained. The cup is made from sheets of Titanium-Zirconium-Molybdenum, an alloy of molybdenum, giving it a melting point of about 4,260 degrees Fahrenheit. The chips that produce an electric field for the Faraday cup are made from tungsten, the metal with the highest known melting point. With a threshold of 6,192 degrees Fahrenheit before melting, Faraday has the wiggle room to collect the solar wind data it needs.
After launching on August 4, Parker Solar Probe will use Venus’ gravitational pull to shrink its orbit around the sun. These flybys will take roughly seven years, eventually bringing the probe as close as 3.7 million miles from the center of the solar system. Its final loop within the sun’s corona is expected in late 2024. But thanks to this slew of innovative technologies, it should keep cool the whole time.
When the Apollo astronauts returned from the moon, the dust that clung to their spacesuits made their throats sore and their eyes water. Lunar dust is made of sharp, abrasive particles, but how toxic is it for humans?
When the Apollo astronauts returned from the moon, the dust that clung to their spacesuits made their throats sore and their eyes water. Lunar dust is made of sharp, abrasive and nasty particles, but how toxic is it for humans?
The “lunar hay fever,” as NASA astronaut Harrison Schmitt described it during 1972’s Apollo 17 mission, created symptoms in all 12 people who have stepped on the moon. From sneezing to nasal congestion, in some cases it took days for the reactions to fade. Inside the spacecraft, the dust smelled like burnt gunpowder.
The moon missions left an unanswered question of lunar exploration – one that could affect humanity’s next steps in the solar system: can lunar dust jeopardize human health?
An ambitious European Space Agency (ESA) research program with experts from around the planet is now addressing the issues related to lunar dust.
Kim Prisk, a pulmonary physiologist from the University of California with over 20 years of experience in human spaceflight, is one of the 12 scientists taking part in ESA’s research. Prisk said:
We don’t know how bad this dust is. It all comes down to an effort to estimate the degree of risk involved.
Nasty dust
Lunar dust has silicate in it, a material commonly found on planetary bodies with volcanic activity. Miners on Earth suffer from inflamed and scarred lungs from inhaling silicate. On the moon, the dust is so abrasive that it ate away layers of spacesuit boots and destroyed the vacuum seals of Apollo sample containers.
Fine like powder, but sharp like glass. The low gravity of the moon, one sixth of what we have on Earth, allows tiny particles to stay suspended for longer and penetrate more deeply into the lung. Prisk explained:
Particles 50 times smaller than a human hair can hang around for months inside your lungs. The longer the particle stays, the greater the chance for toxic effects.
The potential damage from inhaling this dust is unknown but research shows that lunar soil simulants can destroy lung and brain cells after long-term exposure.
Down to the particle
On Earth, fine particles tend to smoothen over years of erosion by wind and water; lunar dust, however, is not round, but sharp and spiky.
In addition, the moon has no atmosphere and is constantly bombarded by radiation from the sun that causes the soil to become electrostatically charged.
This charge can be so strong that the dust levitates above the lunar surface, making it even more likely to get inside equipment and people’s lungs.
Dusty workplace
To test equipment and the behavior of lunar dust, ESA will be working with simulated moon dust mined from a volcanic region in Germany.
Working with the simulant is no easy feat. Erin Tranfield, biologist and expert in dust toxicity, said:
The rarity of the lunar glass-like material makes it a special kind of dust. We need to grind the source material but that means removing the sharp edges.
The lunar soil does have a bright side, explained science advisor Aidan Cowley.
You can heat it to produce bricks that can offer shelter for astronauts. Oxygen can be extracted from the soil to sustain human missions on the moon.
Bottom line: Can lunar dust jeopardize human health?
Extraterrestres : 8 théories pour expliquer le silence
Extraterrestres : 8 théories pour expliquer le silence
Extraterrestres : 8 théories pour expliquer le silence - Aliens : 8 theories to explain silence
Pourquoi les extraterrestres ne se montrent-ils pas ? Plusieurs théories peuvent expliquer le silence des extraterrestres. Futura vous en présente ici 8. Rentrez dans le secret...
Si la vie est fréquente dans l'univers, alors de nombreuses planètes de notre galaxie, la Voie lactée, devraient porter ou avoir porté des civilisations extraterrestres. Or, mis à part de témoignages douteux et jamais vérifiés d'incursions très brèves (et aux objectifs mystérieux), force est de constater qu'aucune observation, sur Terre ou dans le ciel, ne vient prouver l'existence de grandes sociétés technologiquement avancées.
Pourquoi ? La question alimente facilement les discussions entre amis, préférentiellement le soir, idéalement sous un ciel étoilé. On l'appelle le « paradoxe de Fermi », du nom d'Enrico Fermi. Ce spécialiste de physique nucléaire aurait évoqué cette question dans les années 1930, lui aussi au cours d'un dîner. Elle a ensuite été popularisée par Carl Sagan, astronome éclectique, qui a lancé le programme Seti.
Les civilisations E. T. : un très bon sujet de discussion
De multiples réponses sont possibles devant le silence des autres intelligences. Les huit principales sont posées ici mais il en existe d'autres. Lors des discussions, l'impression vient vite que chacun arrive avec ses propres convictions et tente de les imposer aux autres. Cette étape passée, il devient bien plus intéressant de lister, objectivement, toutes les réponses auxquelles on peut penser. L'exercice devient alors un jeu.
Une bonne idée est d'explorer les nombreuses observations réalisées depuis quelques décennies dans le domaine que l'on peut appeler exobiologie ou astrobiologie. De la composition chimique des nébuleuses (où se formeront les étoiles et leurs planètes) jusqu'aux idées sur l'apparition de la vie sur Terre en passant par les océans cachés des satellites de Jupiter et de Saturne sans oublier les exoplanètes, la réalité, souvent, dépasse nos imaginations...
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Quel est cet ovni filmé depuis l'ISS ?
Quel est cet ovni filmé depuis l'ISS ?
Régulièrement, les caméras de la Station spatiale internationale (ISS) filment des objets volants non identifiés, alias ovnis. Satellites, débris ou étages de lanceurs, quand ce ne sont pas de simples reflets dans les vitres : ces images font le bonheur des ufologues. Ici, on voit un objet allant dans le même sens que l'ISS, un peu plus bas et (logiquement) un peu plus rapide. Rêvons un peu.
Non, l'espace n'est pas rigoureusement vide. Juste au-dessus de l'atmosphère, il est même assez fréquenté, surtout par des objets créés de main d'Homme. Ce peut être des satellites ou des débris spatiaux mais aussi des étages de lanceurs en train de retomber dans l'atmosphère. Ces apparitions plus ou moins fugaces sont aussi, parfois, des phénomènes lumineux dans la haute atmosphère et il est arrivé qu'il ne s'agisse que de reflets sur un hublot ou dans l'optique de la caméra.
Qu'importe. Chaque évènement de ce genre fait le bonheur des amateurs de l'étude des ovnis, qui y voient facilement la preuve de l'existence de vaisseaux extraterrestres patrouillant dans le secteur. Mieux, la molle réaction de la Nasa, qui est le plus souvent « bon eh bien c'est un débris, comme d'habitude ; on va tâcher de voir ce que c'est, comme d'habitude », conforte les convictions de ces passionnés, qui pensent fréquemment que l'agence spatiale dissimule des preuves de tourisme d'extraterrestres. La Nasa est même régulièrement accusée de couper le flux vidéo au moment crucial.
Débris, satellite, ombre ou Surfeur d'argent
L'exercice d'identification est tout de même amusant, voire intéressant. Ici, on voit un objet, de dimension inconnue, filant à peu près dans la même direction que l'ISS et un peu plus rapidement. Il ne peut donc s'agir d'un avion. Sa distance est impossible à déterminer mais l'objet évolue au-dessus de la couverture nuageuse. Celui-ci est clairement en orbite, sur une altitude plus faible que celle de l'ISS. Sa vitesse plus élevée est donc logique. En effet, plus l'orbite est éloignée de la Terreplus la vitesse de satellisation est faible : elle est d'environ 8 km/s au niveau de l'ISS et de 1 km/s à la distance de la Lune (laquelle, bonne connaisseuse des lois de Newton, a d'ailleurs adopté cette vitesse).
Il reste en lice trois hypothèses :
un satellite en orbite très basse ;
un débris ;
l'ombre d'un satellite (l'éclairage des nuages indique que la lumière solaire vient d'en haut à droite, ce qui exclut qu'il s'agisse de l'ombre de l'ISS elle-même).
Une quatrième hypothèse, bien sûr, est qu'un vaisseau spatial d'exploration venu d'une autre planète soit en train d'étudier la météorologie terrestre, qui serait encore mystérieuse pour les concepteurs de cet engin. Une cinquième est celle, tout simplement, du passage de Norrin Radd, le Surfeur d'argent, profitant des vagues atmosphériques au-dessus d'une formation cyclonique...
Legendary Ship With 5,500 Boxes Of Gold Worth $133 Billion Discovered
Legendary Ship With 5,500 Boxes Of Gold Worth $133 Billion Discovered
A legendary ship carrying cargo of $133 billion found off a South Korean island.
The Dmitrii Donskoi, a Russian ship that was scuttled in 1905 and is believed to be carrying more than 5,500 boxes of gold bullion and coins estimated to be worth $133 billion has been recovered by divers off the South Korean island of Ulleungdo.
The incredible discovery came off the back of many years of work by the maritime salvage company, the Shinil Group, who have long been after the prize. In order to uncover the ship a team of experts from South Korea, China, Britain, and Canada have worked tirelessly trawling the area. Now they have seen the fruits of their labors with the discovery of the legendary ship which they positively identified by the Cyrillic letters on its stern.
The Dmitrii Donskoi was never intended to be a battleship but was designed to be a commerce raider. It set sail for the first time in the late nineteenth century and would go on to spend most of its operational career on missions in the Mediterranean Sea and the Pacific theatre.
During the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905, the Russians suffered major losses at sea as the superior Japanese destroyed the vast majority of the Russian ships in the vicinity of the Asian country. To bulk up the depleted forces, the Dmitrii Donskoi was one of a number of ships deployed to fight on the frontlines of the short-lived but vicious war.
Built in St Petersburg and launched in August 1883
The Dmitrii Donskoi formed part of the ill-fated squadron that met the Japanese fleet at the Battle of Tsushima. The ship had been assigned to protect the transport ships sailing at the rear of the formation and managed to slip away and flee when it became clear that the Japanese were about to deal the Russian forces a crushing defeat. The captain, Ivan Levedev, evaded Japanese forces for some time but was discovered by the enemy steaming towards the Russian port town of Vladivostok.
The extensive damage the international team discovered on the wreckage of the ship tells the story of the violence of the Japanese onslaught. The ship endured major damage from shell fire and was eventually scuttled.
According to records from the time, sixty of the five hundred and a ninety-one strong crew were killed in the assault, and more than a hundred others suffered injuries. The rest were saved by the capable actions of Captain Lebedev who managed to get the men to shore. The crew would eventually be taken prisoner by the Japanese landing parties on the South Korean island of Ulleungdo. The brave captain died of the injuries he incurred in the course of the battle.
After the ship was lost and the crew was captured, rumors began circulating about the incident. It was strongly suggested that the Dmitrii Donskoi had been tasked with carrying a massive amount of money which was to be used to pay for fuel, port fees and the crews of the ships in the ill-starred squadron. This money amounted to the equivalent of more than a hundred billion US dollars. It is believed that the captain chose to scuttle the ship rather than let such an extraordinary amount of money fall into enemy hands.
More than a hundred years later, Russia and Japan are at peace, and the sunken war chest is destined to be spent on more peaceful projects. Half of the gold will be returned to the Russian government, approximately 10% of that which remains will be spent on tourism projects on the island of Ulleungdo which will include a museum dedicated to the legendary vessel. The rest of the money will be scattered among a number of joint projects promoting development in northeast Asian such as a railway link which will improve travel connections between Russia, South Korea, and North Korea.
Mysterious black granite sarcophagus is finally OPENED
Mysterious black granite sarcophagus is finally OPENED
A mysterious ten foot (three-metre) long black sarcophagus has been opened in Alexandria, found on the northern coast of Egypt and founded by the legendary leader of the same name.
The 6.5ft (two metre) high coffin was first discovered earlier this month and unearthed in recent days.
The 30-ton (27,000 kg) tomb was found buried 16ft (five metres) beneath the ground of the city.
Egyptologists pried open the black granite sarcophagus earlier today to reveal three decomposed bodies.
The stone coffin was also filled with sewage water, which is believed to have increased the rate of decomposition.
Giant Stone Spheres Discovered On Artic Island Baffle Scientists
Giant Stone Spheres Discovered On Artic Island Baffle Scientists
The appearance of perfectly spherical rocks baffles the scientific community.
Bizarre, perfectly rounded rocks described by some observers as the ‘footballs of God’ have been discovered on the uninhabited Champ island which lies above the polar circle in the Franz Josef archipelago.
At first glance, it would appear that these perfectly spherical objects had been scattered on the island quite deliberately. However, the small island is completely barren and there is no evidence to suggest that human beings have ever settled there meaning that scientists studying the area do not believe that it is feasible that they were artificially created by humans.
To compound the mystery, similar spherical balls have been found on Heiss Island in the same archipelago as well as in more distant locations such as Volgograd, New Zealand, China, Bosnia and South Africa. According to the Russian polar researcher, Viktor Boyarsky, the spheres are made from a soft sandstone.
The material that the spheres are comprised of is about the only thing that geologists can agree on when it comes to these mysterious stones. According to Konstantin Zaikov of the Arctic Federal University, these fascinating stones were formed thousands of years ago by processes of crystallization of the sandstone followed by the subsequent magnetization of the grains of sand on the created crystals. Over time, the sand grains hardened and created a dense spherical stone.
However, this conclusion is contradicted by the Austrian geologist Sepp Fridhubera who has put forward a rival theory. Fridhubera claims that the rounded shape of the stones suggests that it was formed under the water and it is likely that an organic core at the center of the stones has contributed to its spherical shape.
These theories are merely the most popular in geological circles. There are dozens of theories circulating about what processes might have caused this astonishing natural phenomenon and no sign that agreement will be reached at any point in the near future.
Interestingly, all of these scientists presume that the stones must have been made naturally. However, the bizarre shape of the stones does open up the possibility that they were created by intelligent hands. If this theory is thrown into the mix, then there could be hundreds of more questions to answer about the stunning footballs of God.
Giant Stone Spheres Discovered On Artic Island Baffle Scientists
Giant Stone Spheres Discovered On Artic Island Baffle Scientists
The appearance of perfectly spherical rocks baffles the scientific community.
Bizarre, perfectly rounded rocks described by some observers as the ‘footballs of God’ have been discovered on the uninhabited Champ island which lies above the polar circle in the Franz Josef archipelago.
At first glance, it would appear that these perfectly spherical objects had been scattered on the island quite deliberately. However, the small island is completely barren and there is no evidence to suggest that human beings have ever settled there meaning that scientists studying the area do not believe that it is feasible that they were artificially created by humans.
To compound the mystery, similar spherical balls have been found on Heiss Island in the same archipelago as well as in more distant locations such as Volgograd, New Zealand, China, Bosnia and South Africa. According to the Russian polar researcher, Viktor Boyarsky, the spheres are made from a soft sandstone.
The material that the spheres are comprised of is about the only thing that geologists can agree on when it comes to these mysterious stones. According to Konstantin Zaikov of the Arctic Federal University, these fascinating stones were formed thousands of years ago by processes of crystallization of the sandstone followed by the subsequent magnetization of the grains of sand on the created crystals. Over time, the sand grains hardened and created a dense spherical stone.
However, this conclusion is contradicted by the Austrian geologist Sepp Fridhubera who has put forward a rival theory. Fridhubera claims that the rounded shape of the stones suggests that it was formed under the water and it is likely that an organic core at the center of the stones has contributed to its spherical shape.
These theories are merely the most popular in geological circles. There are dozens of theories circulating about what processes might have caused this astonishing natural phenomenon and no sign that agreement will be reached at any point in the near future.
Interestingly, all of these scientists presume that the stones must have been made naturally. However, the bizarre shape of the stones does open up the possibility that they were created by intelligent hands. If this theory is thrown into the mix, then there could be hundreds of more questions to answer about the stunning footballs of God.
Giant Stone Spheres Discovered On Artic Island Baffle Scientists
Giant Stone Spheres Discovered On Artic Island Baffle Scientists
The appearance of perfectly spherical rocks baffles the scientific community.
Bizarre, perfectly rounded rocks described by some observers as the ‘footballs of God’ have been discovered on the uninhabited Champ island which lies above the polar circle in the Franz Josef archipelago.
At first glance, it would appear that these perfectly spherical objects had been scattered on the island quite deliberately. However, the small island is completely barren and there is no evidence to suggest that human beings have ever settled there meaning that scientists studying the area do not believe that it is feasible that they were artificially created by humans.
To compound the mystery, similar spherical balls have been found on Heiss Island in the same archipelago as well as in more distant locations such as Volgograd, New Zealand, China, Bosnia and South Africa. According to the Russian polar researcher, Viktor Boyarsky, the spheres are made from a soft sandstone.
The material that the spheres are comprised of is about the only thing that geologists can agree on when it comes to these mysterious stones. According to Konstantin Zaikov of the Arctic Federal University, these fascinating stones were formed thousands of years ago by processes of crystallization of the sandstone followed by the subsequent magnetization of the grains of sand on the created crystals. Over time, the sand grains hardened and created a dense spherical stone.
However, this conclusion is contradicted by the Austrian geologist Sepp Fridhubera who has put forward a rival theory. Fridhubera claims that the rounded shape of the stones suggests that it was formed under the water and it is likely that an organic core at the center of the stones has contributed to its spherical shape.
These theories are merely the most popular in geological circles. There are dozens of theories circulating about what processes might have caused this astonishing natural phenomenon and no sign that agreement will be reached at any point in the near future.
Interestingly, all of these scientists presume that the stones must have been made naturally. However, the bizarre shape of the stones does open up the possibility that they were created by intelligent hands. If this theory is thrown into the mix, then there could be hundreds of more questions to answer about the stunning footballs of God.
Look! Up in the sky! It isn't a bird or a plane. It's probably a UFO, at least if you're watching History's upcoming Project Blue Book drama series.
The series, which was inspired by real UFO studies conducted by the US Air Force starting in the early 1950s, debuts on the History channel this winter. But a first-look trailer shows off its cast, which includes Game of Thrones' Aidan Gillen as Dr. Allen Hynek and Neal McDonough, who plays Damien Darhk in Legends of Tomorrow, as Gen. James Harding. Hynek, a real historical figure, was a scientific adviser for the Air Force's UFO work.
The trailer doesn't leave much to the imagination. We see lights moving in the sky, mysterious crop circles and a bizarrely elongated skull. It seems like it will be stocked with plenty of action, alien intrigue and stylish camera work.
Don't mistake this for a documentary series. History says it will blend "UFO theories with authentic historical events from one of the most mysterious eras in United States history."
You can delve deeper into the real history behind the television show on your own. The Project Blue Book files are available for anyone to peruse through the online Project Blue Book Archive.
Voor wat betreft de maan lijkt de wereld verdeeld in twee kampen, de ene die gelooft dat de maanlandingen nep waren en de andere dat er wel degelijk mensen op de maan waren.
Uit een recente ontdekking van ufoloog Scott Waring en verborgen conversaties van astronauten komt er nu misschien toch iets meer duidelijkheid.
We kunnen natuurlijk beginnen met te stellen dat alles op onze wereld nep is en niets meer dan een illusie. Dat is de waarheid, alleen maakt dat het een beetje lastig om over dingen te praten.
Binnen die beperking hebben we nog andere illusies en dat zijn die dingen die bewust anders worden voorgespiegeld dan hoe ze in werkelijkheid zijn gebeurd. En dan hebben we het in dit geval over de maanlandingen.
Ook op deze website zijn artikelen te vinden die met overtuigend bewijs komen dat de maanlandingen nooit plaatsgevonden kunnen hebben, zoals dit artikel.
Anderzijds zijn er dan toch weer dingen die erop lijken te wijzen dat er wel degelijk mensen op de maan zijn geweest en daar willen we vandaag iets verder op in gaan.
Iemand die nog steeds iedere dag onvermoeibaar in de weer is met het bestuderen van allerlei foto’s is ufoloog Scott Waring. Nu ziet Scott heel vaak UFO’s vliegen die er soms helemaal niet zijn, maar vaak heeft hij ook wel bijzonder dingen, zoals het volgende.
Bij de bestudering van een foto van de maan die afkomstig is uit de verzameling van de Universiteit van Arizona, vond hij een aantal bijzondere koepels boven kraters. Het zijn behoorlijk grote glimmende objecten en Scott vraagt zich dan ook af hoe het mogelijk is dat astronomen dit soort dingen volkomen over het hoofd hebben gezien.
Ze zien er als volgt uit:
Tijdens de Apolloreizen naar de maan kon het publiek af en toe de gesprekken volgen tussen de astronauten en de verkeersleiding in Houston. Echter, dit was een zorgvuldig uitgewerkt script, want wat de astronauten echt hadden te melden werd ver van het publiek weggehouden.
Jaren later zijn er een aantal gesprekken vrijgegeven tussen de astronauten onderling, waar op zijn zachtst gezegd een aantal zeer merkwaardige dingen in voor komen.
Zoals de volgende, waarbij astronauten praten over een snelweg op de maan en dat “ze” waarschijnlijk geen geld meer hadden om die weg af te maken.
En dan de volgende die heel interessant is in het kader van de ontdekking van Scott Waring. Astronauten die praten over driehoekige wegen in de buurt van de Moltke krater waarbij ze het hebben over een tijd voordat de koepels werden gebouwd.
En als laatste, een gesprek dat een Amerikaanse professor had met Neil Armstrong. Waarin Armstrong duidelijk maakt dat de reden dat wij nooit meer op de maan zijn geweest is omdat we in feite door de buitenaardsen zijn weggejaagd met de mededeling daar niet meer terug te komen.
Dus, zijn we nu wel of niet op de maan geweest? Wie het weet mag het zeggen.
Beste bezoeker, Heb je zelf al ooit een vreemde waarneming gedaan, laat dit dan even weten via email aan Frederick Delaere Deze onderzoekers behandelen jouw melding in volledige anonimiteit en met alle respect voor jouw privacy. Ze zijn kritisch, objectief maar open minded aangelegd en zullen jou steeds een verklaring geven voor jouw waarneming! DUS AARZEL NIET, ALS JE EEN ANTWOORD OP JOUW VRAGEN WENST, CONTACTEER FREDERICK. BIJ VOORBAAT DANK...
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.