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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Grand Discovery In Mexico Shows Strong Link Between Mayans And Extraterrestrials
Grand Discovery In Mexico Shows Strong Link Between Mayans And Extraterrestrials
The Maya civilization was a peaceful society that lived in Mesoamerica, somewhere before the 16th century. Their legacy is huge so as their popularity of their aim to foretell the end of time. However, the newest discovery links the Mayans and extraterrestrials.
The calendar of the Mayans scared the large public because it allegedly predicted the world will end in 2012. Since nothing happened, people declared the whole ‘prophecy’ is a hoax.
However, according to Mayan scholars, there is no proof that the Mayans themselves foreseen catastrophic event to happen once the calendar has ended.
They are one of the most breathtaking civilizations. The newest evidence just supports that fact and builds another, wider perspective over this group.
In the historically rich country of Mexico, researchers found a rock that is believed to be a humanoid with a creature that has a large head. This thing allegedly represents a Mayan being, most likely companion to an extraterrestrial.
The connection between the Mayans and the extraterrestrial this evidence alleges stuck theories about the truthfulness of alien existence.
So many statues, carvings, and artifacts from the Mayans allegedly show what appear to be aliens. It’s hard to state truly if all of them have rational explanations or are really extraterrestrial based.
The new rock found in the Mexican cave was acknowledged as accurate an artifact, which means the Mayans might have had contact with aliens.
The Mayans mysteriously disappeared without leaving a trace but leaving all their legacy untouched.
This raises many questions, such as if extraterrestrials lent hand in creating their famous calendar? Or the aliens weren’t their benevolent friends, but enemies that extinguished them?
It is also possible that the Mayans were space travelers and that, when they disappeared, they simply went back to their home planet?
In 2012, the Mexican government uncovered some Mayan artifacts documents found in the inside space of a temple in Mexico.
They claimed that the Mayans had had contact with extraterrestrials.
‘We believe for certain that aliens worked with the Mayans,’ said Luis Augusto Garcia Rosado, the minister of tourism for the Mexican state of Campeche.
Whatever these artifacts represent, if proved right, they sure are able to rewrite the whole Mexican history.
WETENSCHAP & PLANEET Wie mee Europese ruimtegeschiedenis wil schrijven, heeft nu de kans. Ruimtevaartorganisatie ESA is op zoek naar een naam voor de marsrobot die in 2020 naar de rode planeet vertrekt, en roept de hulp van het grote publiek in.
De robot op zes wielen heet voorlopig nog ExoMars, maar ESA zoekt een meer aantrekkelijke en inspirerende naam voor wanneer de robot in 2021 op Mars landt. Alle ideeën kunnen ingediend worden via een speciale website.
Grapjassen die hopen de robot, in navolging van Boaty McBoatface en vele afgeleiden, op te zadelen met een creatieve naam als Spacey McSpaceface of Marsy McMarsface, kunnen dat idee alvast opbergen. Alle ideeën zullen immers voorgelegd worden aan een jury, die de uiteindelijke keuze maakt.
Het toestel wordt op dit moment gebouwd in een fabriek van Airbus in het Engelse Stevenage. Zijn taak op Mars zal bestaan uit het zoeken naar tekenen van leven – nu of in een ver verleden. De robot krijgt daarvoor een breed scala aan werktuigen mee, waaronder een boor om tot twee meter diep in de grond te gaan zoeken naar microben.
Net daarom heeft de robot een treffende naam nodig, vindt astronaut Tim Peake, die de namenzoektocht leidt. “De vraag of er leven is buiten de aarde, is een fundamentele vraag”, zegt hij aan de BBC. “En deze robot gaat die vraag proberen te beantwoorden.”
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Soms kom je in een live televisie uitzending hele leuke dingen tegen, zoals een UFO verborgen in een wolk tijdens het weerbericht.
Wanneer dit object even later met een onvoorstelbaar hoge snelheid weg vliegt weet de weervrouw even niet wat ze moet zeggen.
Het volgende gebeurde tijdens een live uitzending van het weerbericht in de Amerikaanse staat New York.
Het televisiestation WKBW TV uit de stad Buffalo zond eind juni een weerbericht uit, waar de vrouwelijke presentator iets vreemds opmerkte in een wolk.
Ze wees het dan ook prompt aan tijdens de uitzending terwijl ze zich afvroeg wat het nu eigenlijk kon zijn.
Het vreemde object dat tevoorschijn kwam afkomstig van of achter een wolk bleef daar niet gewoon hangen, maar maakte zich los en schiet met een grote snelheid op de camera af.
Nu kan de snelheid een behoorlijke vertekening zijn omdat WKBW de opname laat zien als een timelapse, maar los daarvan is het overduidelijk een UFO.
De weervrouw probeert ook wanhopig met een verklaring te komen en omdat ze waarschijnlijk het woord UFO niet mag gebruiken in de uitzending, bombardeert ze het object maar tot drone.
De reden dat wij denken dat wij hier absoluut met een UFO te maken hebben is omdat de stad Buffalo aan de rand van het Eriemeer ligt. En dat is niet zomaar een meer, maar één met geweldig UFO verleden.
Hierna een deel uit een eerder artikel over de bijzondere dingen die er gebeuren rondom het Eriemeer.
Je hebt van die plaatsen op deze wereld waar meer UFO’s worden waargenomen dan op andere.
Lake Erie op de grens van Amerika en Canada is absluut één van die “hotspots”.
Lake Erie is één van de Great Lakes of Grote Meren op de grens tussen Amerika en Canada. Door de jaren heen zijn daar vele UFO’s gesignaleerd.
Veelal betreft het hier de witte of rood/oranje bollen zoals wij die ook op andere plaatsen regelmatig waarnemen en vaak veranderen ze van kleur, pulseren, vliegen in formatie of er verschijnen kleinere UFO’s vanuit de grotere.
Het is niet door één iemand waargenomen, talloze getuigen zijn er in geslaagd om beeldopnames te maken. Ook hier verschijnt er niets op de radarschermen. Ondertussen is er al zoveel beeldmateriaal onderzocht dat zaken zoals vliegtuigen, Thaise ballonen en dergelijken uitgesloten kunnen worden.
Inmiddels is het fenomeen zo bekend dat er ook al een aantal televisieprogramma’s aan gewijd zijn.
Een andere reden dat vliegtuigen kunnen worden uitgesloten is omdat dit gebied sinds de gebeurtenissen op 9/11 een no fly zone is omdat er een kerncentrale op één van de oevers staat. Misschien dan ook geen toeval dat veel van die UFO’s worden waargenomen in de buurt van die kerncentrale.
De onderstaande video laat bijna een uur lang beeldmateriaal zien en een aantal fragmenten uit televisieprogramma’s. Opnamen gemaakt op verschillende dagen en een verscheidenheid aan mensen.
Dat daar vreemde objecten rondvliegen, zoveel is zeker. Maar ook hier blijft men het antwoord schuldig betreffende wie, wat en waarom. Voor diegenen die nog weinig ervaring hebben met UFO waarnemingen of die denken dat het Thaise ballonnen zijn, is de onderstaande video een aanrader. Het laat de UFO’s zien in verschillende vormen en kleuren. Er zijn zelfs UFO’s die in het meer schijnen te verdwijnen en vervolgens weer vanuit het water opstijgen.
Lake Erie is eigenlijk één van de eerste plekken waar dit soort UFO’s massaal zijn waargenomen. Vooral ook het laatste jaar zijn ze massaal opgedoken in andere delen van de wereld, waaronder ons land.
Voorlopig blijft het raadsel nog even voortduren, maar vroeg of laat zal er ongetwijfeld een antwoord komen op wie of wat als het gaat over deze vliegende nu nog ongeïdentificeerde objecten.
Decades ago, scavengers rummaging through an abandoned church in a long-forgotten derelict mining town in Chile’s Atacama desert came across a gruesome and bizarre find: a tiny, seemingly anomalous skeleton. The entire skeleton can fit in a human hand, and is topped by an oversized skull with conspicuously large eye sockets. Naturally, the skeleton was accused of belonging to an extraterrestrial or ET-human hybrid and has since been the subject of speculation, rumor, and mystery.
Earlier this year, however, geneticists and immunologists from Stanford University obtained permission to perform genetic testing on the anomalous skeleton to conclusively identify who or what it may have once belonged to. According to their analysis, the skeleton is merely an unfortunate example of how there are both winners and losers in the gene pool lottery. Their study concluded that the Atacama skeleton belongs to either a six-to-eight year-old child who suffered from a host of rare and deformative genetic disorders, or to an unborn fetus with an advanced aging disorder. It’s never aliens.
Now, a new paper is calling that study into question – but not because there is evidence to suggest the Atacama skeleton might be anything more than it has already been determined to be. Instead, both the Chilean government and an international group of scientists and medical researchers are slamming the study for two reasons: one, an improper use of genomic testing; and two, ethics violations. Nerd fight!
On one hand, this new paper accuses the genetic testing of the Atacama skeleton, or Ata, of being improperly carried out:
Unfortunately, there was no scientific rationale to undertake genomic analyses of Ata because the skeleton is normal, the identified genetic mutations are possibly coincidental, and none of them are known to be strongly associated with skeletal dysplasias that would affect the phenotype at this young age.
These scientists believe “it is most likely a coincidence that the authors found this individual [the Atacama skeleton] had some mutations in genes” because the type of mutations found typically don’t have an effect on physiological until much later in fetal development.
More worryingly, the authors of this new paper accuse the analysis of Ata to be unethical. Once it was deemed that the skeleton belonged to a human and that the relatives or parents of the individual were likely still living, the authors write, the skeleton should have been immediately returned to Chile:
We caution DNA researchers about getting involved in cases that lack clear context and legality, or where the remains have resided in private collections. […] Had these researchers involved, from the beginning, a biological anthropologist who specialises in human remains, we are certain that ethical concerns would have been raised regarding the potentially living relatives of Ata.
This case, even though it deals with a recent specimenindividual, highlights one of the gruesome and dehumanizing side of archaeology. Think about it: all of those mummies and skeletons we dig up were once people who were carefully interred with intention and the belief that they would remain undisturbed in the ground. Who are we to dig up the bones of those who came before us in the name of “progress” or advancing knowledge? Is nothing – or no one – sacred? While it’s important to know where we came from, it’s just as important to hold some degree of reverence for the dead. At what point in history do we draw the line?
A common theme in science fiction is that of the portal through space, time, alternate dimensions, or all three. These strange doorways open up into realms unknown, providing a passage to the outer fringes of our reality and our understanding. Yet, by some accounts these openings through space and time are not merely the domain of science fiction, but actually do exist. One place where such outlandish portals seem to materialize quite often is up in the sky above our heads, and here in the heavens above we can find all manner of reports and even photographic evidence of what appears to be something straight out of a science fiction story.
Among the types of portals said to have opened up in the sky are those that seem to be undeniably linked to the UFO phenomenon, with these mysterious craft apparently utilizing these doorways for their own inscrutable purposes. One very interesting report of what is claimed to some sort of alien portal in the sky occurred in May of 2015, when an amateur nature photographer snapped a pic of something very strange in the skies over the province of Groningen in the Netherlands during a storm. As he was taking pictures of the ominous dark clouds gathering above he claims that he saw a bright flash in the sky, which he managed to capture on film, yet when the photo was developed it was found to show what appeared to be some sort of doorway up in the sky emitting vapor or disgorging something else. Is this just a camera trick? What is it?
An image of the strange portal
The following year, on October 1, 2016, a very unusual aerial phenomenon was observed over Bridge City, Texas. According to UFO investigation investigators SecureTeam 10, on this evening at around 11PM a point of white light appeared in the sky, which then steadily formed a streak across the sky, growing larger and brighter, as well as taking on an orange hue. Witnesses reported that it eventually took the form of a bright orange slit in the sky, which seemed to pulse in cycles, and looked like “some sort of portal.” One witness was able to catch footage of the strange sight on a cell phone, which you can see here.
The weird brightening and dimming portal reportedly stayed stationary for around 10 minutes before fading away to leave witnesses baffled. According to the reports, during this time numerous cars at nearby Port Arthur purportedly inexplicably died on the road, their engines stalling for no apparent reason, and SecureTeam 10’s Tyler Glockner claims that hundreds of motorists were effected by this anomaly, their cars stopping dead in their tracks while still in motion and in some cases causing them to careen right off the road. Many of the witnesses also reported hearing a high-pitched whine spew forth from their radios before the cars and all electrical equipment ceased to function, and it has been speculated this was all caused by some sort of electromagnetic pulse connected to the strange object in the sky. Glockner would say of the odd incident:
Now that seems to me like an EMP (electromagnetic) wave, something like that. Something was knocking out power systems along this area very close to where the mysterious streak of light was sighted.
Was this caused by a UFO utilizing some sort of ultra-dimensional portal or is there some rational explanation? Also in 2016 was a video that heavily made the rounds that was originally posted on You Tube by a user called “Myserio Canal.” In the footage can be seen some odd clouds that begin to swirl about to form some kind of vortex in the sky, and just when it seems things can’t get any odder a bright streak of light flies straight at the portal and enters it, much to the shock of those observing it. Shortly after this UFO speeds into this mass of rotating clouds the whole thing vanishes as if it was never there at all. The video, entitled Dimensional portal in the sky absorbs a UFO, was heavily viewed and discussed and debated. While there are those who truly embrace it as genuine, it has been widely denounced by many as a hoax, and it does not help that there is no time or location for the footage given. Alien portal or hot air? You can see it here and decide for yourself.
Yet another YouTube video purportedly showing a UFO using a mysterious portal has proven to be just as controversial and was released in 2018 by channel “MRMB333.” The footage was apparently taken in the skies of Alabama during an eerie looking storm, by a witness known simply as “Nicholas.” The video shows what looks like some kind of anomalous glow flickering in the clouds as a UFO hovers nearby. The video quickly racked up over 100,000 views and stirred up plenty of debate as to what it could be, with many suggesting it was an inter-dimensional portal that may have even caused the storm, and with of course many also crying “Fake!” Real or not, it certainly is a spooky sight either way. You can see it here.
A still from the Alabama portal footage
In 2018 another video came forward, this time from the country of Scotland. In this case there can be seen a bright circular blue light hovering in the sky over Midlothian, located near Edinburgh, which looks very much like a portal of some type. An unidentified object can then be seen passing very close to this “portal” before it blinks out of existence. Again, this video became a viral sensation at the time, and has been speculated as being everything from an inter-dimensional portal, to just a spotlight or the moon behind the clouds. What do you think it is? There are countless other very similar videos out there, and it all makes one wonder just what is going on.
Besides inter-dimensional portals apparently created by extraterrestrial intelligences, there are also plenty of reports of such doorways conjured up by secret government projects right here on Earth. By far the most notorious of these come from that wellspring of conspiracy theories, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), operated by The European Organization for Nuclear Research, or CERN. The largest and most powerful particle accelerator in the world, the LHC is located 300 feet underground directly below the the CERN Control Centre in Geneva, Switzerland, and is comprised of a vast loop stretching 27 kilometers (about 17 miles).
This loop is more or less used to hurl subatomic particles at extreme speeds in order to smash them into each other to test what will happen for the purpose of unlocking some of the secrets of our universe, including recreating the conditions of the Big Bang, to find out how our universe was create, and find dark matter, among others. Perhaps one of the most famous discoveries linked to the various experiments at the LHC was the observation of Higgs Boson particles, which give matter mass and up until then had been purely theoretical. In addition to the official explanation of this facility, there are many, many conspiracy theories about what “really goes on down there.”
The Large Hadron Collider
Indeed, the very presence of such a large scientific facility located deep underground, its innately somewhat scary-sounding premise of smashing particles together at the speed of light, and its being manned by scientists working on strange experiments down in the subterranean darkness, have all perhaps not surprisingly at all given the location a somewhat ominous reputation, causing quite a bit of concern among the public and spawning all sorts of wild theories about what is really going on there. In additions to alarm and fears that the LHC will create miniature black holes or undo reality itself are various ideas and rumors that CERN is up to all kinds of top-secret experiments and no goodery down there in the bowels of the earth. One of the more popular conspiracy theories is that the facility is actively engaged in opening rifts between dimensions in order to enable teleportation, form doorways to alternate realities, and facilitate travel through time and space.
Evidence for this sort of inter-dimensional activity is often offered in the form of the various strange things that have allegedly been photographed or filmed in the skies over CERN over the years, including UFOS, strange vortices, and other unexplained aerial phenomena. For instance, in December of 2015 footage was taken by some tourists of what seems to be an orb of some sort entering what appears to be some kind of portal or vortex, which vanishes as soon as the unidentified object enters it. Another similar video from May of 2016 supposedly shows some sort of portal in the clouds that appeared right after the power went out at CERN, an incident they claimed was caused by a weasel getting into some of the sensitive machinery.
Strange vortex over CERN
It is interesting to note that a lot of the anomalous events that have purportedly occurred at CERN seem to coincide with blackouts, such as an alleged ripple that was sent out from the facility in 2009 that purportedly disrupted the Earth’s magnetic field and distorted space and time, also right at the time of a blackout at the facility. A report from Russia claimed that this very same “time wave” had instantaneously teleported an Airbus on its way to Bolivia thousands of miles away to the Canary Islands, along with its 170 passengers. This time the blackout was blamed on a piece of bread that had fallen into the device after being dropped by a bird. One would hope that such an advanced scientific facility deep underground would be able to keep out all of the weasels, birds and bread that’ve seemingly been jamming their equipment.
One of the more recent such series of photographic oddness came in the wake of another ambitious project undertaken in recent years by CERN, which itself has already drawn a fair amount of conspiracy theories. The project is what CERN calls the Advanced Proton Driven Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiment, or AWAKE, which has the aim of accelerating super-charged particles by way of “plasma wakefields driven by a proton beam.” It is not necessary to really understand what all of that means, only that it sounds rather ominous, scary even, and this may be why it has been singled out as one of the experiments focused on opening portals between worlds.
On June 24, 2016, photographs of alarming, portal-shaped cloud formations were taken in the skies above CERN not long after the AWAKE project was off the ground and on the same day that an experiment was scheduled. The story was big news at the time, and in a video on the phenomenon entitled What Portal did CERN open now?, the narrator says of the strange sight:
This insane ball of energy was directly over the LHC. Some people reported seeing faces in it. It is amazing they keep messing with nature and denying it. What is in the cloud – some say it is lightning or a massive ball of energy. The amount of energy pulling from nature into the collider itself, you can actually see it. What portals are doors being opened in this cloud? Is it a coincidence they had just started the Awake experiment?
Photograph from the June, 2016 event taken by witness Dean Gill
While photographs and videos such as these could have a rational explanation in known phenomena or even be cleverly crafted CGI hoaxes, there are a fairly large number of people who insist that these are the result of CERN experiments pursuing the opening of inter-dimensional doorways. It is unclear whether the LHC is being used to open these portals, intentionally or otherwise, or not, but it does seem certain that conspiracy theories and fears will continue to swirl around it as long as it is in operation.
Here we have looked at just a selection of weird portals that seem to have opened up in the heavens for reasons that remain unknown and perhaps always will be. Are these hoaxes, misidentifications, or little understood natural phenomena in action? Or could it be that rifts in space and time have actually been created. If so, then where they lead or what purpose they serve no one really knows, but whether real or not, accounts such as we will look at here truly stir up the imagination for some time to come.
Time is weird. It’s a concept notoriously impossible define without circular logic. The operating definition of time in physics is simply “what a clock reads.” That’s it. Yet, we have ideas about time that are held as fundamental truths. The arrow of time is one, that’s the idea that time only moves in one direction. Simple enough right? Here’s another one: cause and effect, thing’s cause things to happen. Also pretty simple and just kind of self evident. Causality is one of the first concepts that infants learn, and it’s baked into everything we do. But for how basic and integral to our whole reality time is, we don’t really understand it or have a better definition than “what a clock reads.” Sometimes, discoveries are made that seem to fly in the face of our supposed understanding of time. That’s what happened this week, when a paper titled Cause and Effect in a Quantum World was published in the journal Physical Review X. According to the paper, quantum computers can ignore cause and effect when modeling systems, a discovery which may fundamentally alter our understanding and relationship with time itself.
OK, so two things need to be addressed before this makes sense. Just kidding, we’re talking about time and quantum physics. It’s not going to make sense, but we’re going to try anyway.
The first is cause and effect. Due to our ability to understand cause and effect we can predict things and model possible futures. If you see a person walking around with their shoes untied, you might make a prediction that they’re going to fall on their face. You could very well be right. Untied shoelaces cause a person to trip which causes the person to fall on their face. Computers can make these predictions too. However, it doesn’t work the other way. It’s exponentially harder and requires a great deal more memory and processing power, for both humans and computers, to model systems based on information interpreted in the wrong order. If you’re given the statement: “a person has fallen on their face” it’s a lot harder to figure out why. Another way to say it is: it’s easier to understand a movie if you watch it from beginning to end than if you watch it in reverse. This is called causal asymmetry and it seems like a basic idea.
The second is that the physical laws of nature don’t actually require time to move in one direction. We just sort of assume the arrow of time moves in one direction does because of our experience and perception. Addressing the question of why it takes so much more processing power and memory to figure out a cause from an effect than it does the other way around, paper co-author Mile Gu asks:
“When the physics does not impose any direction on time, where does causal asymmetry — the memory overhead needed to reverse cause and effect — come from?”
This guy thinks he’s late, but time is an illusion so he should probably just go home and take a nap.
To try to answer that question, scientists decided to force quantum computers to model systems backwards, essentially making them watch a movie in reverse and figure out how it all fits together. What they found is pretty ridiculous: quantum computers entirely ignore causal asymmetry when reading data in reverse. Cause and effect has no bearing on their ability to figure out systems. In fact, quantum computers model systems in reverse-time more efficiently than classical computers model systems in forward-time. Jayne Thompson, one of the co-authors of the paper explains the “profound implications” of this discovery:
“The most exciting thing for us is the possible connection with the arrow of time. If causal asymmetry is only found in classical models, it suggests our perception of cause and effect, and thus time, can emerge from enforcing a classical explanation on events in a fundamentally quantum world.”
So basically, we keep getting stumped by our need to make the universe conform to our preconceived notions of how things work, and time is still weird.
Just a couple of nights ago – while I was promoting my latest book, The Black Diary – I was asked by a caller to the radio show why I “insist” on stating that the Men in Black are supernatural in nature, rather than “accepting” that they are the secret agents of a clandestine agency within government. The answer to that question is very simple: it’s the witness testimony which makes me come to the supernatural conclusion. I have always said that the most important people in the collective field of Forteana are not the writers, the researchers, the radio-hosts, or the TV producers. It’s the witnesses who are the most important. Time and time again I am approached by people who have been terrorized by the MIB. On only a small number of occasions do the witnesses describe the MIB as looking human. For the most part, they look anything but human.
I know all too well why so many people assume that the MIB are agents of governments, of military agencies, and / or of clandestine projects buried deep within the world of officialdom. It largely comes from the Men in Black movies, starring Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones. Yes, the trilogy makes for fun viewing. But, by presenting the MIB as the agents of a classified organization, the makers of the movies instilled in the minds of many the image of the Men in Black being “secret agents.” But, the Hollywood portrayal is actually very different to what the witnesses tell us – and that’s a very important issue to be aware of.
It’s worth noting that the man who largely began the whole MIB phenomenon in the early 1950s – Albert Bender, of Bridgeport, Connecticut – was confronted not by agents of the FBI, CIA, etc., but by grim-faced, shadow-like characters with shining eyes and who left behind them an odor of brimstone when they quite literally vanished. Bender’s strange story – which comes across like something akin to H.P. Lovecraft meets The X-Files– is told in Gray Barker’s 1956 book, They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers and in Bender’s own book, Flying Saucers and the Three Men.
When, from 1966 to 1967, John Keel immersed himself in the wave of sightings of what became known as “Mothman” in the town of Point Pleasant, West Virginia, he was flooded with accounts of local encounters with both MIB and Women in Black. They were often described as looking not quite human. Their skin resembled plastic. They wore wraparound sunglasses that often only partially masked their huge, oversized eyes. They were clearly unaware of our customs and manners. Some of them didn’t even know how to eat food or drink water – as bizarre as it certainly sounds.
Things get even more disturbing: people who have encountered the MIB have fallen sick – and quickly, too. A kind of paranormal infection, we might say. The MIB are able to place people under some form of mind-control, something which compels the targeted person to open the door and let them in, regardless of the time of day or night. Witnesses to UFO activity who have been visited by the MIB talk of poltergeist activity occurring in the home – and in the immediate aftermaths of the MIBs’ vanishing acts.
There are reports of people encountering the MIB while in altered states. In the late 1960s, voice-over actor Peter Beckman and a friend had a very sinister encounter with a pair of MIB while on mescaline – and while listening to the soundtrack to the movie, Rosemary’s Baby. Peter said of the MIB who quickly turned up and managed to get into the house: “They were dressed in square, Eisenhower-era cop-clothing, or FBI clothing – which in 1969, 1970 was not that unusual. They came in and sat on the couch. They were pale and sickly; their clothes hung real loose and they looked as though they might expire at any moment. They appeared to have either trouble breathing, or trouble even being. I don’t believe they said a thing. If they did, it has disappeared from memory. Very odd, indeed.”
Similarly, I have three cases where people encountered the MIB while on DMT. In one such case, the witness described how both MIB seemed “surprised” that the witness could see them. Not only that, the MIB seemingly have the ability to invade peoples’ dreams and turn them into definitive nightmares. The old black cars of the MIB vanish in the blink of an eye. There are even a few, very strange, stories of the MIB shapeshifting into the form of a large, black dog with glowing, red eyes.
So, that’s why I “insist” the Men in Black are not human: because the vast majority of all the witnesses to the MIB describe them as being non-human.
Fox News: UFOs frequently come close to hitting airliners on July 23, 2018
Fox News: UFOs frequently come close to hitting airliners
Britain's real-life 'Fox Mulder' says in recent years, governments have been taking UFOs more seriously and they need to become a national security issue.
Mulder interviews Nick Pope on this issue as well as they talk about that UFOs coming closer to hitting airliners.
The latest strange incident happened a few days ago when an Antonov aircraft flying over Siberia was hit by an unknown object with such a force that it caused a hole in the nose of the plane.
The plane flew through 'unfavorable weather conditions' en route from Olenyok to Yakutsk in the Sakha Republic - also known as Yakutia when something hit the An-24 twin turboprop. The pilot handed in regional capital Yakutsk without incident following the 1,070 km (665 mile) flight reports siberiantimes.
Polar Airlines has denied a lightning strike was responsible. Air safety watchdog Rosaviation has set up a commission to investigate the incident but it is far from clear what happened.
Rainbow UFO Recorded During Sunset In Dearborn Heights, MI Awesome Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Rainbow UFO Recorded During Sunset In Dearborn Heights, MI Awesome Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Jan 26, 2018
Location of sighting: Dearborn Heights, MI, USA
Source: MUFON #93560
What we see before us is an alien craft that is cloaked, however during sunset, the angle of the sun and the eyewitness were at a 90 degree angle from the UFO. When this happens, any UFO in the area will be visible from a few seconds to a few minutes. Yes a cloak is just technology...and tech always has its flaws. If you look at the photo above where I added contrast only, you will notice the front part of a disk is visible.
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
Photo taken in the sky, I did not encounter anything, beautiful rainbow looking thing.
Former NASA Scientist Says UFOs Are Real And Many Governments Cover Up Alien Life Existence
Former NASA Scientist Says UFOs Are Real And Many Governments Cover Up Alien Life Existence
There has been no concrete scientific evidence of aliens, but a physics professor and former NASA scientist believes the truth is out there and it should be studied scientifically.
A former NASA scientist published an article on June 28 calling for the scientific community to seriously look at evidence of the presence of UFOs on Earth. The article was posted a few days before World UFO Day on July 2.
A State University of New York physics professor Kevin Knuth describes two personal stories on the speculation of aliens. The first one came at NASA conference in 2002.
A participant said, “You have no idea what is out there!”
The second story took place in 1988 when Knuth was a graduate student. His physics professor back then said that UFOs were shooting down nuclear missiles from the Air Force. Knuth did not believe it, but he saw a recording of a press conference with officials from the Air Force describing events just like that years later.
Knuth believes there’s evidence to support the theory of the existence of aliens. He estimates that there could be tens of thousands of intelligent civilisations in the galaxy. He thinks many governments have been covering up the information and that there are pieces of evidence enough to open a scientific study.
Oumuamua arrived from out of our solar system, now there is a second object of this class
Oumuamua arrived from out of our solar system, now there is a second object of this class
The gas cloud around the comet's nucleus is about 4 arc minutes wide," says Jäger. That means the comet's atmosphere is 260,000 km in diameter, almost twice as wide as the planet Jupiter. Barely a week later, the comet fizzled, dimming almost as much as it had brightened. Then it exploded again, its green atmosphere ballooned in size, large enough to swallow Jupiter twice.
Brandweerman claimt engelen en aliens te hebben gezien. Dit maakte hij nog meer mee
Brandweerman claimt engelen en aliens te hebben gezien. Dit maakte hij nog meer mee
Een brandweerman van de FDNY, de New Yorkse brandweer, zegt dat hij geregeld contact heeft met buitenaardsen, UFO’s, overleden mensen en engelen, zelfs in de kazerne in Brooklyn.
“Ik heb engelen aan het werk gezien,” zei Andrew Radziewicz (38) in de radioshow Sacred Matrix. Hij zei ook vaak kleurrijke lichtbollen te zien.
Nadat hij in juni een ‘enorm’ schip had gezien, vroeg Radziewicz op Facebook om erkenning van onze sterrenfamilie.
De brandweerman begon zijn waarnemingen afgelopen zomer te documenteren. Hij deelde op Facebook allerlei foto’s en videobeelden, schrijft de New York Post.
De brandweerveteraan zegt ook beelden te hebben gemaakt van vier ‘lichtwezens’ die hem op 11 september vorig jaar wakker maakten.
Radziewicz claimt verder dat hij wordt gevolgd door een enorm ‘moederschip’ en dat de ziel van zijn overleden hond Odi hem vaak bezoekt aan boord van een ‘lichtschip’.
Hij heeft in interviews gezegd dat hij in 1999, toen hij als 19-jarige voor de Amerikaanse kustwacht werkte, voor het eerst een alien heeft gezien.
Hij zag naar eigen zeggen twee zilverkleurige objecten die dicht bij elkaar bleven. Zo’n 20 matrozen en anderen aan boord van het schip zagen de objecten, die niet op de radar verschenen.
“Toen ze elkaar aanraakten en versmolten, verdwenen ze,” zei hij. “Het is onmogelijk dat in zo’n soort vaartuig een mens zat.”
Hij zei dat mensen hem plagen en belachelijke maken vanwege zijn berichten op internet, maar dat hij daar maling aan heeft.
“Er zijn andere mensen die zo bang zijn om hierover te praten omdat ze niet belachelijk gemaakt willen worden,” zei hij.
“We hebben gecommuniceerd met wezens van Sirius tot Andromeda en allerlei andere sterrenstelsels,” besloot Radziewicz. “Het is vooral telepathisch.”
The Gault site, located just outside of Austin, Texas, has been known to archaeologists for the better part of the last century. Discovered by Henry Gault, a landowner who worked as an archaeological informant in the early 1900s, the site was officially excavated for a period beginning in 1929, under the supervision of J.E. Pearce with the University of Texas. It was reportedly looted a number of times over the ensuing years, prior to new ownership of the property that led official test excavations that began in 1991. By the end of the decade, formal excavations that would continue well into the new millennium were underway.
Over the course of several dig seasons in recent years, Gault has become recognized by archaeologists as a site of particular significance, due to the number of complete lithic assemblages recovered there.
However, the number of artifacts found at the site is just one of the reasons it has American archaeologists so excited. Among the most recent discoveries at the site, new evidence of early occupation is pushing back the timescale on human arrivals in North America, lending further evidence toward the idea of earlier migrations into the western hemisphere than once believed.
Specifically, the Gault site has yielded intricate projectile points from its deepest strata that are well in advance of the Clovis culture. These artifacts not only count among several existing pre-Clovis discoveries in the Americas, but are accompanied by dates obtained via optically stimulated luminescence that suggest an age of 20,000 years or more, effectively placing them among the oldest of their kind found in North America to date.
Excavations at Gault over the years turned up numerous unique discoveries even before the discovery of its pre-Clovis assemblages. The site’s Clovis horizon, for instance, produced a number of fluted projectile points similar to those seen in the image at the top of this page (note that the points featured in the top image are associated with the Rummells-Maske Site in Cedar County, Iowa, rather than Gault, and are used here only for illustrative purposes).
Alongside these points was a fragmentary basal portion of a Clovis-like projectile, similar to what are identified as “Redstone” points in the Southeast (these are similar enough to a preexisting type of projectile point, called Gainey, that many experts consider the two types one and the same). Prior to its discovery amidst the Clovis assemblage at Gault, little data had been obtained for in situ discoveries of Redstone points; additionally, few–if any–had ever been documented in association with a site as far west as Gault. In total, more than 600,000 artifacts identified with the Clovis culture were recovered from the site.
Area 15 at the Gault site, as it appeared between 2007–2014 excavations
(Credit: Jillabus, Wikimedia Commons).
Subsequent dig seasons at Gault continued to produce surprises, and the latest paper published in Science Advances gives full details of the pre-Clovis discoveries, in addition to the dating methods used to determine their provenance.
Luminescence dating, a technique which relies on stimulation of minerals in various ways in order to discern when they were last exposed to sunlight or significant amounts of heat, was among the methods employed to date the pre-Clovis strata at Gault. Among the earliest dates recorded in association with artifacts was 21,700 years, with a standard deviation of ± 1.4 ka. “Significantly, this assemblage exhibits a previously unknown, early projectile point technology unrelated to Clovis,” the study’s authors wrote. “Within a wider context, this evidence suggests that Clovis technology spread across an already regionalized, indigenous population.”
As I noted recently in an article about the Gault discoveries, this is by no means the first time that evidence of a pre-Clovis presence, possibly dating as far back as 20,000 years, has been found in the Americas:
The Topper site in Allendale County, South Carolina, produced similar lithic evidence which dates back at least 20,000 years, though some artifacts recovered from deeper stratigraphic layers there are estimated to be as much as 50,000 years old. Similarly, radiocarbon dates in association with human artifacts at Meadowcroft Rockshelter in Washington County, Pennsylvania, are reliably dated to earlier than 16,000 BC, with one instance of carbonized bark-like material (possible basketry) with evidence of cutting marks dating to 21,070 BP ± 2400. Charcoal recovered elsewhere from Meadowcroft shows 14C dates in excess of 30,000 years (similar to dates retrieved from Monte Verde, Chile, during excavations by Tom Dillehay). According to J.M. Adovasio, who led excavations at Meadowcroft for a number of decades, the earlier dates are intriguing, but he and others generally work with the more likely nearer dates of around 16,000 years, which are still well in advance of Clovis.
The Science Advances paper can be read online here, which features a wealth of technical data and illustrations depicting the earliest artifacts recovered at the site. For more on the technical significance of these Gault pre-Clovis discoveries, along with an analysis of its impact in the context of advances in American archaeology, see my article “Gault Site in Texas Offers New Evidence of Human Habitation 16 to 20 Thousand Years Ago.”
As an addendum, I’ll note that many these days, in light of ongoing archaeological discoveries like those discussed here, have commented on how “things keep getting older.” That is to say, of course, that archaeologists continue to find more and more evidence for earlier occupations in the New World, as well as advanced behaviors and engineering among early cultures, and refinement of processes that include such things as crafting pottery, agriculture, fermentation, and a wealth of other innovations.
In equal measure to the idea that we’re constantly finding broad evidence for things that, at one time, might have seemed historically out of place, it is also important to make the observation that part of what has led to these new discoveries in the first place has been a fundamental change in thinking.
On a number of occasions at American dig sites I’ve visited where pre-Clovis artifacts ended up being recovered, archaeologists have expressed to me that while such discoveries had been there all along, they were essentially kept hidden for as long as they were by one simple fact: that there had been an expectation nothing would be found below the Clovis horizon. Once archaeologists began pressing on and exploring deeper strata, many were shocked to find evidence of much earlier occupations than previously expected; and inevitably, many were also criticized for presenting these discoveries, even when reliable scientific evidence to account for their provenance was offered.
People are often slow to accept new ideas, although that’s certainly not always a bad thing. Science relies on having waterproof arguments, and skepticism is the best defense against unintended leaks. However, with evidence forthcoming that is strongly in support of an idea that might have once seemed impossible, the necessity for acceptance of new data becomes paramount. Rather than to say that things “keep getting older,” I think it is important to recognize that we are learning–through science–things like how much earlier humans were traversing areas of the globe, utilizing certain technological innovations, and accomplishing things we simply hadn’t conceived they were capable of as recently as a few years ago.
Science is the ultimate tool of discovery, and as it has continued to show us new things about the ancient past, it underscores the same timeless ingenuity of the human spirit at work, both then and now.
Humanity has long wondered if life exists elsewhere beyond Earth. With the universe being so mind-numbingly vast, the very idea that our tiny, waterlogged rock should alone harbor life seems so…wasteful.
To sate our curiosity, NASA catalogs exoplanets orbiting Milky Way stars to look for potential cradles of extraterrestrial life, such as Kepler-186f, the first validated Earth-size planet orbiting in its star’s habitable zone. And the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Institute searches space for clues of alien civilizations by, for example, scanning for the residuals of communication technology like narrow-band radio transmissions.
But is it possible we’ve set our gaze too far to the horizon? Perhaps the greatest chance we have of finding life beyond Earth isn’t orbiting some distant star but can be found in our own solar backyard.
Independence Day, 1996, 20th Century Fox.
What we look for
When looking for suitable habitats for life, astrobiologists search first and foremost for water. Water is the cornerstone of life on Earth. Life needs solvents to perform biochemical processes, and water’s title as the universal solvent means that even the simplest of organisms can use it for their molecular interactions.1
Astrobiologists also look for ways energy may enter a system for metabolic processes. On Earth, this form of energy is typically the Sun; however, recent discoveries have led astrobiologists to search for alternative forms, such as geothermal energy.
Finally, they look for other environmental conditions that make life more or less likely: climate, pressure, temperature, atmospheric makeup, and so on.
We should take this moment to make an important distinction. While our solar system may harbor several havens for life, this life will likely not be the intelligent life that SETI searches for. Any neighborly E.T.s we encounter won’t be little grey men or green-skinned vixens so much as a small, microscopic, organisms. Think strange, exotic tardigrades. Well, stranger tardigrades.
Mars Attacks!, 1998, Warner Bros.
Ever since Percival Lowel mapped the “canals” of Mars, our ruddy neighbor has been the go-to planet for science fiction writers imagining extraterrestrial life — from H.G. Wells’s colonizing Martians to Ray Bradbury’s mystical natives3. The canals proved a trick of the eye, and theMars Science Laboratory Mission’s Curiosity rover has yet to find signs of civilization, but that doesn’t mean Mars is out of the extraterrestrial running.
Scientists have discovered dark, narrow streaks on the landscape most likely caused by flowing water. These streaks showed traces of hydrated salt, like what occurs after salt contacts water before it evaporates.
Given Mars’ dry, barren landscape and lack of atmosphere, how water got there remains a mystery, but the phenomenon points to the possibility of liquid water not trapped in the planet’s polar ice caps, providing a potential habitat for microbial life. Should water flow under the planet’s surface, any life could even be shielded from the sun’s radiation.
Adding to the intrigue, scientists think that water once covered roughly 20 percent of the surface before Mars’s atmospheric gases were stripped away, and the water evaporated into space. Scientists have also discoveredmeteorites from Mars that contained the remnants of organic material — suggesting the rusted planet once contained the ingredients for life.
The surface of Venus, c/o NASA
Like Mars, Venus likely enjoyed Earth-like conditions back in the day. Computer simulations of its early environment suggest the possibility of primordial oceans, moderate temperatures, and a habitable climate.
As David Grinspoon, of the Planetary Science Institute, told New Scientist: “Both planets probably enjoyed warm liquid water oceans in contact with rock and with organic molecules undergoing chemical evolutions in those oceans. As far as we understand at present, those are the requirements for the origin of life.”
If early life did form on Venus, most of it probably vanished 715 million years ago, along with those oceans. Today’s Venus sports an infernal landscape of volcanic activity, surface temperatures approaching 750 Kelvin, and a thick, noxious atmosphere of carbon dioxide with clouds of sulfuric acid.4,5
But it is that very toxic atmosphere that may have saved Venusian life. According to a paper in the journal Astrobiology, the atmosphere could provide a safe haven for microbial life. Using spectroscopic observations, researchers found “dark patches” in the atmosphere composed of “concentrated sulfuric acid and other unknown light-absorbing particles.”
While it is unknown if these patches are organic or not, they do have the same dimension as some Earth bacteria, and researchers think they could be the Venusian equivalent of algae blooms (like those that appear in our lakes and oceans).
The jets of Enceladus, c/o NAS
Enceladus and Europa
Moving away from Earth’s rocky neighbors, astrobiologists are also considering the possibility that life may exist on the moons of Saturn and Jupiter.
When the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft flew past Saturn’s sixth moon, Enceladus, it discovered hydrogen gas in an erupting plume of water.6 The eruption suggested hydrothermal activity may be taking place beneath Enceladus’ icy surface. If so, the moon would offer two important ingredients for life — water and energy for metabolic processes.
Europa’s surface is similarly covered in ice, with long streaks of “brown gunk.” But beneath that surface, scientist estimate that there could be twice as much water as on Earth. If this Jovian moon also produced hydrothermal activity within that ocean, it too could be a harbor for life.8 A study using computer models has even suggested that Europa may have hydrogen and oxygen in amounts comparable to Earth, even if the moon is lacking in volcanic activity.
NASA is planning to launch a Europa flyby mission in the early 2020s, and the agency’s SUBSEA project will be studying hydrothermal environments in the Lō`ihi seamount, off the coast of Hawaii’s Big Island, to learn how life can thrive on Earth in conditions similar to those possible on Enceladus and Europa.
This false-color rendering highlights differences in surface materials at Ceres. c/o NASA
Our final candidate is Ceres, a dwarf planet and the largest object orbiting in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. A spherical clump of rock and ice, Ceres would be an unlikely contender for this list until last year, whenNASA’s Dawn mission detected organic material on its surface.
Originally, it was thought this organic material covered 6–10 percent of the spectral signature, but a recent analysis of the data suggests the amount of could be as high as 40–50 percent. Since carbon-based compounds are necessary for life, it makes for an exciting discovery that could change how we view objects in the asteroid belt.
With that said, this is a recent discovery and much remains unclear. It is possible the organics weren’t created on Ceres but planted there by comets, and even if they are native, organic compounds can come about from non-biological processes.
As Ralph Milliken, a professor at Brown University and one of the study’s co-authors said in a press release: “Ceres is clearly a fascinating object, and understanding the story and origin of organics in these spots and elsewhere on Ceres will likely require future missions that can analyze or return samples.”
The Fifth Wave, Columbia Pictures, 2016.
The end of life as we know it
So far, our solar search has focused on the conditions for life as we know it. But what about life as we don’t know it?
Bacteria recently discovered in Antarctica can survive off just the hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide they get from the air. These guys make breatharians look gluttonous by comparison and could lead the way to remove water as a prerequisite in our search for extraterrestrial life.
Additionally, Sara Seager, MIT physics professor, considered that alien life may evolve around different chemical combinations than life on Earth and used computer-generated models to devise a list of those possible combinations.
“The theory ended up being, we should maybe consider all potential molecules that would be in gas form,” Seager said. “Why not consider all of them? I just combined them in any way possible, like just taking letters in the alphabet and combining them in all ways.”
Could life possibly exist in Titan’s methane sea? Or could the seeds of life be floating on some yet undiscovered asteroid? The more we learn about life on Earth, the more we learn about the myriad of paths it has taken to thrive, opening avenues for us to find it in our solar system and beyond.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
They’re real and contain hidden messages, scientist says
They’re real and contain hidden messages, scientist says
IT all started with a UFO sighting.
Dr Horace Drew, 61, was just 10 years old when he allegedly saw an unidentified, silver, windowless craft hovering in the sky near his suburban home, in Jacksonville, Florida. The encounter lasted only moments but led to a lifelong fascination with the extraterrestrial.
“I saw a UFO, so I knew they were real from an early age,” Dr Drew told
The scientist, who holds a PhD in Chemistry from Caltech, the California Institute of Technology, and worked for CSIRO as a molecular biologist, has been researching crop circles and aliens for 20 years. Dr Drew relocated to Australia in the 1980s but most of his work has taken him overseas, predominantly to Europe.
“They’re quite rare in Australia,” he said.
He, along with many conspiracy theorists, believe crop circles are the work of aliens or human time travellers. Sceptics say most are probably man-made.
A crop circle is typically defined by standing wheat stems that have been flattened in the shape of a circle or more complex pattern. They tend to appear mainly in developed Western or secularised countries — including Japan.
The cause of many of the circles is unknown despite various natural and unorthodox explanations having been put forward. Some crop circles have been proven to be hoaxes.
But according to Dr Drew, a number are legitimate and contain puzzles that can be decoded and linked to time travel and alien life.
He told he had visited about “two dozen crop circles” around the globe in his career. Typically, they were between 50-500m in length, he said.
“This has led to at least one major breakthrough the discovery of a more advanced binary code than our computers currently use.”
Dr Drew claimed that aliens or human time travellers have been leaving the crop circles on Earth as messages to “us or themselves”.
Dr Drew said he was one of a handful of scientists around the world who had worked to successfully decode some of the messages in crop circles.
According to him, some crop circles provide general descriptions of the future.
“Other crop (circles) show schematic images of the future for astronomical or human events,” he said.
He said some of the decoded messages read: ‘Much pain but still time. Believe. There is good out there’; ‘Beware the bearers of false gifts and their broken promises’; ‘We oppose deception. Conduit closing’.
Dr Drew has developed at least two theories as to the purpose of the circles by reading their “advanced (version of) binary codes”.
“One theory is that they are trying to introduce themselves to us peacefully, like we do using bubbles with dolphins,” he said.
“When (humans) want to talk with dolphins we put little bubble circles under the ocean with a generator. We watch the dolphins come up and play and investigate, and we study them.
“This is called the ‘dolphin communication project’.”
He said the dynamic between the way humans interact with dolphins and whales was likely comparable to how extraterrestrials communicate with us.
“Barack or Trump have never said to a dolphin: ‘take me to your leader I want to sign a treaty with you’,” he said.
“And (the extraterrestrials are) not interested in making a treaty with us.
“They are ahead of us like we are ahead of the dolphins and the whales.”
His second theory was that the messages “are not even for us”.
Dr Drew said human time travellers from the distant future could be creating the circles as directional markers, to help them navigate “in their distant past, which is our present”.
“There are definitely humans living there in about 5000 years with time travel capability,” he said.
“They’re coming back and flying all over Earth.
“They seem to just say ‘this is a certain day’ and mark it.
“So the trouble is we don’t know space time physics enough to understand what’s happening. It’s beyond our knowledge.
Dr Drew said the circles appeared to be created by an “unknown energy that heats the crops up”.
“It’s like microwave energy but is something beyond earth’s science,” he said.
“It can pattern the wheat.
“No one sees or hears anything and that's why its so hard to prove. If there’s a craft, it’s silent, noiseless.”
But there’s nothing to fear, according to him.
“Don’t be afraid,” he said.
Telling the difference between a real crop circle and a hoax is like differentiating between an original painting and a fake, according to Dr Drew.
“There are some things to look for,” he said.
Crops that are bent “halfway up” their stems, rather than on the ground ,is one telltale sign “cereologists”, or someone that advocates paranormal explanations of crop circles, look for to determine that it’s not a hoax.
“You can’t absolutely prove a crop circle wasn’t a hoax but you can give a high probability and judgment,” he said.
“If there’s a hoax the word of it gets around very fast, people are aware, people are not that easily fooled.”
In 1991, English pranksters Doug Bower and Dave Chorley took credit for most of the crop circles across southern England made since 1978. They were inspired by the Tully “saucer nest” case in Australia, where a farmer found a flattened circle of swamp reeds after observing a UFO.
Using basic tools including a plank of wood, rope, and a baseball cap fitted with a loop of wire to help them walk in a straight line, they said they made complex crop circles in England — which others then copied all over the world into the 1980s.
They made a circle for journalists, which was later declared authentic by a cereologist. They then revealed their hoax to the world, spurring on even more copycats.
Dr Drew said there was a lot of scientific evidence to show that some crop circles were made by human time travellers or extraterrestrial beings. “Laboratory results on plant or soil samples taken from a crop circle in Brazil in October of 2016 show that it was formed by unknown sterilising images,” he said.
The earliest mention of a crop circle dates back to the 1500s. A woodcut from the time showed a “mowing devil” making the pattern.µ
Earlier this month, US TV host Jimmy Kimmel asked former US President George Bush if he went through “secret files, the UFO documents” when he was in office.
But instead of laughing off the question, the former commander in chief replied: “Maybe.”
Mr Kimmel then asked him if there were “any great secrets you know that you can’t share with people?”
“Yeah, there are,” Mr Bush said. “But I’m not telling you.”
Many conspiracy theorists and some scientists, including Dr Drew, argued that Mr Bush’s comments indicated the US government knows much more about extraterrestrial life than it has publicly revealed.
“The politicians are scared they'll lose votes if they talk about it,” Dr Drew said.
He said international media had also played a part in causing the public to doubt the legitimacy of crop circles and aliens.
But according to him, its important for humans to keep seeking answers.
“The ET visitors have technologies which would benefit us greatly, for example, how to make safe, clean energy without burning oil, coal or gas,” Dr Drew said.
“Ultra-fast propulsion systems, based on gravity and inertia, could carry us safely to distant planets or stars.
“We may also need to upgrade our planetary defences soon, to protect against ET’s who may not be friendly.”
There’s still a lot more to be understood but Dr Drew’s hope is that he one day gets a closer look at what was inside the UFO he believes he saw as a child.
“I’d like to meet (the extraterrestrials or human time travellers) in person,” he said.
“But I don’t think they're going to do that.
“Whichever scientific team is doing this I don’t think we’re supposed to have full knowledge of it because it will interrupt their program, whatever they're doing.”
Chandra May Have First Evidence of a Young Star Devouring a Planet
Chandra May Have First Evidence of a Young Star Devouring a Planet
Chandra data indicates that a young star has likely destroyed and consumed an infant planet.
If confirmed, this would be the first time that astronomers have witnessed such an event.
The star, known as RW Aur A, is a few million years old and is located about 450 light years from Earth.
Studying this may help astronomers gain insight into the processes affecting the early stages of planet development.
This artist's illustration depicts the destruction of a young planet or planets, which scientists may have witnessed for the first time using data from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, as described in our latest press release. If this discovery is confirmed, it would give insight into the processes affecting the survival of infant planets.
RW Aur A is a star about 450 light years from Earth, making it relatively nearby. Since the 1930s, astronomers have studied RW Aur A and been curious about why the optical light from this star changes over time. In recent years, scientists have observed that this variability has increased, with the star dimming even more and for longer periods of time.
To investigate this mystery, a team of astronomers used Chandra to get information in the X-ray band of the electromagnetic spectrum. X-rays are generally emitted by more energetic and hotter phenomena than their optical light counterparts and can reveal information about different elements, including iron.
The Chandra data suggest that the most recent dimming event from RW Aur A was caused by the collision of two "planetesimals" (that is, infant planetary bodies still in the process of formation), including at least one object large enough to be a planet.
Because the X-rays come from the hot outer atmosphere of the star, changes in the X-ray spectrum — the intensity of X-rays measured at different energies — over these three observations were used to probe the density and composition of the absorbing material around the star.
The team found that the dips in both optical and X-ray light are caused by dense gas obscuring the star's light. Also, a Chandra observation in 2017 showed strong emission from iron atoms, indicating that the disk contained at least 10 times more iron than in the 2013 observation during a bright period.
The Chandra spectra from the 2013 and 2017 observations are shown in an inset in the graphic. The sharp peak on the right side of the 2017 spectrum is a signature of a large amount of iron.
The researchers propose the excess iron was created when the two planetesimals collided. If one or both planetary bodies are made partly of iron, their smash-up could release a large amount of iron into the star's disk and temporarily obscure its light as the material falls into the star.
A paper describing these results led by Hans Moritz Guenther (MIT's Kavli Institute for Astrophysics) appears in the most recent issue of The Astrophysical Journal and is available online. The other authors on the paper are Til Birnstiel (Ludwig-Maximillians-University Munich), David Huenemoerder (MIT), David Principe (MIT), Christian Schneider (Hamburger Sternwarte), Scott Wolk (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), Franky Dubois (Astrolab IRIS), Ludwig Logiie (Astrolab IRIS), Steve Rau (Astrolab IRIS), and Siegfried Vanaverbeke (Astrolab IRIS). NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, manages the Chandra program for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington. The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory in Cambridge, Massachusetts, controls Chandra's science and flight operations.
Un militaire sur l'USS Carl Vinson communique avec l'USS Princeton, en octobre 2001 (image d'illustration)
Selon un rapport du Pentagone cité par la presse américaine, un ovni de la taille d'un avion de ligne mais de la forme d'un «œuf allongé», est apparu à proximité d'un porte-avion américain, plusieurs jours durant en 2004.
Un rapport du Pentagone révélé par la chaîne de télévision américaine KLAS fin mai et amplement cité par la presse anglo-saxonne, livre de nouveaux détails sur un objet volant non identifié (ovni) qu'ont observé, plusieurs jours durant en 2004, des militaires américains au large de la côte californienne. Le New York Times avait publié une vidéo de l'incident en question en décembre dernier, dans un article traitant du programme d'étude des ovnis financé aux Etats-Unis par le Pentagone.
Selon ce rapport, l'objet, de la taille d'un avion de ligne et de forme ovale, a été repéré une première fois par le radar de l'USS Princeton, un porte-avion américain, alors qu'il volait à 60 000 pieds (plus de 18 000 mètres). Il a alors subitement plongé vers la surface de l'océan, pour l'atteindre en quelques secondes seulement. Peu après, l'ovni s'est éloigné à une vitesse si impressionnante que les membres d'équipage ont pensé qu'ils s'agissait d'un missile balistique.
Deux jours plus tard, toujours selon le rapport du Pentagone, l'objet est à nouveau apparu près de l'USS Princeton et a cette fois été pris en chasse par deux F-18. Mais les pilotes ont expliqué qu'ils avaient été incapables de l'intercepter, l'ovni s'étant brusquement rendu invisible. Il pouvait cependant toujours être détecté, à cause de l'onde visible à la surface de l'eau créée sous lui, «d'environ 50 à 100 mètres de diamètre».
L'engin a été décrit par un des pilotes comme étant «blanc uni, lisse, sans bords, uniformément coloré, sans nacelles, pylônes ou ailes» et ressemblant à «un œuf allongé ou un Tic Tac». D'après le rapport du Pentagone, un avion de surveillance E-2C Hawkeye a réussi à détecter l'objet mais sans pouvoir le «verrouiller», ce qui laisse penser qu'il était capable d'esquiver le radar.
Le rapport se conclut en confirmant que l'engin ne correspondait à «aucun avion ou véhicule aérien actuellement connu dans l'inventaire des Etats-Unis ou de toute autre nation étrangère».
Photo Credit: Roberto Molar-Candanosa, courtesy of Carnegie Institution for Science
2. 79 moons … wow
12 new moons have been discovered around Jupiter, bringing the grand total of known moons around the planet to 79. Of these 12 newly found moons, 1 is an "oddball."
NASA deployed a tiny, 26-lb (12-kg) satellite called HaloSat from the International Space Station. It will explore the halo of hot gas around the Milky Way.
Photo Credit: Retro Space Images/NASA via
4. 49 years from moonshot
50 years ago Friday (July 20), the first moon landing with Apollo 11 was still four months from being announced. Look back at where things stood on July 20,1968, and how NASA got from there to the next year's moonshot.
Researchers think that two different types of stars, pulsars and magnetars, might actually be the same type of star, just at different points in its life.
Two newfound "twin" exoplanets, discovered by direct imaging, look and act very similarly. But researchers think that they were created in very different ways.
Raging, planet-wide dust storms – like the one going on now – happen only every 6 to 8 years on Mars. Here’s how NASA spacecraft are studying it, plus a cool before-and-after video!
Side-by-side movies shows how dust has enveloped the red planet, courtesy of the Mars Color Imager (MARCI) camera onboard NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO). The view from May shows Valles Marineris chasms (left), Meridiani center, an autumn dust storm in Acidalia (top) and the early spring south polar cap (bottom). The view from July shows the same regions, but most of the surface was obscured by the planet-encircling dust cloud and haze.
Over the past month, Mars has put on a spectacular show in our night sky. The show culminates on July 27, 2018, when Earth will pass between Mars and the sun, bringing Mars to opposition on the same night that Mars will be near a totally eclipsed moon! All of that is wonderful for skywatchers, but space scientists are having a field day with Mars now, too. The same event that’s making Mars extra bright for us – that is, Mars’ September 16, 2018, perihelion or closest point to the sun – has also created conditions for a planet-wide dust storm, which has been raging now for over a month.
For scientists watching the red planet from data gathered by NASA’s orbiters, the past month has been a windfall. Global dust storms, where a runaway series of storms creates a dust cloud so large it envelops the planet, only appear every six to eight years (that’s three to four Mars years). Scientists still don’t understand why or how exactly these storms form and evolve.
Side-by-side movies shows how dust has enveloped the red planet, courtesy of the Mars Color Imager (MARCI) wide-angle camera onboard NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO).
Image via NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS.
For NASA’s Opportunity rover, the dust storm has not been good news. NASA said it meant:
… a sudden drop in visibility from a clear, sunny day to that of an overcast one. Because Opportunity runs on solar energy, scientists had to suspend science activities to preserve the rover’s batteries. As of July 18, no response has been received from the rover.
But other NASA spacecraft – both on the ground and in orbit – are observing the dust storm. In fact, NASA said:
The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, Mars Odyssey, and Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN (MAVEN) orbiters are all tailoring their observations of the red planet to study this global storm and learn more about Mars’ weather patterns. Meanwhile, the Curiosity rover is studying the dust storm from the Martian surface.
The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has two instruments studying the dust storm. Each day, its Mars Color Imager maps the entire planet in mid-afternoon to track the evolution of the storm. Meanwhile, its Mars Climate Sounder instrument measures how the atmosphere’s temperature changes with altitude. Rich Zurek of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, is the project scientist for the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.
Zurak said:
The very fact that you can start with something that’s a local storm, no bigger than a small [U.S.] state, and then trigger something that raises more dust and produces a haze that covers almost the entire planet is remarkable,
The MAVEN orbiter has been circling Mars since 2014. Since it entered Mars’ orbit, said Bruce Jakosky, the orbiter’s principle investigator,
… one of the things we’ve been waiting for is a global dust storm.
NASA said MAVEN isn’t studying the dust storm itself. Instead:
… the MAVEN team wants to study how the dust storm affects Mars’ upper atmosphere, about 62 miles (more than 100 km) above the surface — where the dust doesn’t even reach. MAVEN’s mission is to figure out what happened to Mars’ early atmosphere. We know that at some point billions of years ago, liquid water pooled and ran along Mars’ surface, which means that its atmosphere must have been thicker and more insulating, similar to Earth’s.
Since MAVEN arrived at Mars in 2014, its investigations have found that this atmosphere may have been stripped away by a torrent of solar wind over several hundred million years, between 3.5 and 4.0 billion years ago.
But there are still nuances to figure out, such as how dust storms like the current one affect how atmospheric molecules escape into space … For instance, the dust storm acts as an atmospheric insulator, trapping heat from the sun. Does this heating change the way molecules escape the atmosphere?
Most of NASA’s spacecraft are studying the dust storm from above. And the Opportunity rover is currently inoperable. But the Curiosity rover – designed to explore Gale Crater on Mars – isn’t suffering the same fate as Opportunity. That’s because Curiosity doesn’t run on solar power. It is a nuclear-powered science machine – and therefore largely immune to Mars’ dust-darkened skies – still collecting science data as the dust flies all around it.
We’re working double-duty right now. Our newly recommissioned drill is acquiring a fresh rock sample. But we are also using instruments to study how the dust storm evolves.
NASA said:
Curiosity has a number of “eyes” that can determine the abundance and size of dust particles based on how they scatter and absorb light. That includes its Mastcam, ChemCam … its suite of weather instruments [called the Rover Environmental Monitoring Station, or REMS]. REMS can also help study atmospheric tides – shifts in pressure that move as waves across the entire planet’s thin air. These tides change drastically based on where the dust is globally, not just inside Gale crater.
The global storm may also reveal secrets about Martian dust devils and winds. Dust devils can occur when the planet’s surface is hotter than the air above it. Heating generates whirls of air, some of which pick up dust and become dust devils. During a dust storm, there’s less direct sunlight and lower daytime temperatures; this might mean fewer devils swirling across the surface.
Even new drilling can advance dust storm science: watching the small piles of loose material created by Curiosity’s drill is the best way of monitoring winds.
Scientists expect the Mars dust storm to last several more months. Expect some new science results from this grand opportunity to study nature on another world!
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
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Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
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