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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Did this plane hit an alien drone over Siberia, July 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Did this plane hit an alien drone over Siberia, July 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: July 2018 Location of sighting: Siberia Did this aircraft over Siberia hit an alien orb that shot past too close? It appears it did and if this can happen once, then it could happen more often that ever believed. This frightening occurrence shows how close UFOs come and how outdated radar systems are that cannot see and warn pilots about these high tech stealth craft. Scott C. Waring
International UFO Congress Researcher of the Year Cheryl Costa has found the average annual UFO sighting in the country are now 7,837 on average, a 41 percent drop from the three-year peak average years.
Costa explained that UFO sightings rise to a peak during the cycles, decline back toward the baseline, and rise again to initiate a new cycle.
Costa wrote that the US had a peak average of 13,500 yearly UFO sightings between 2012 and 2014, citing National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) and Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) data.
In 2015, however, the sightings fell 11 percent to 11,.975 and 21 percent to 10,602 in 2016.
Danish UFO
The significant drop in sightings have puzzled UFO researchers, including Costa but she speculated that it had to do with broadband Internet access.
Costa wrote that they see relatively flat sighting report numbers from 2001 to 2006. She explained that the flatness is an artefact of reporting as broadband Internet access was still growing in most places. Access to broadband is a primary reason people having routine use of NUFORC and MUFON as well as other web reporting services.
Costa noted that the state of New York rose to the fourth-most likely area to see an unidentified flying object during 2016 and 2017, but significantly decreased from its peak average at 325 sightings seen in 2017, down from 577 average sightings seen between 2012 and 2014.
She wrote that New York state and national charts show the classic rise and fall pattern from 2006 to 2010 and the rise starts again in 2011.
The spike in 2012 could be because of the Mayan calendar media ballyhoo. With that into consideration, the classic UFO cycle is seen clearly from 2011 to 2017.
The Galileo spacecraft surveyed the moon on Dec. 7, 1992, on its way to explore the Jupiter system in 1995-1997. Photo credit: NASA/JPL/USGS
By Will Ferguson, WSU News
While the moon is uninhabitable today, there could have been life on its surface in the distant past.
In fact, there may have been two early windows of habitability for Earth’s moon, according to a study online today in the journal Astrobiology by Dirk Schulze-Makuch, a Washington State University astrobiologist.
Schulze-Makuch and Ian Crawford, a professor of planetary science and astrobiology at the University of London, say conditions on the lunar surface were sufficient to support simple lifeforms shortly after the moon formed from a debris disk 4 billion years ago and again during a peak in lunar volcanic activity around 3.5 billion years ago.
During both periods, planetary scientists think the moon was spewing out large quantities of superheated volatile gases, including water vapor, from its interior.
Schulze-Makuch and Crawford write that this outgassing could have formed pools of liquid water on the lunar surface and an atmosphere dense enough to keep it there for millions of years.
“If liquid water and a significant atmosphere were present on the early moon for long periods of time, we think the lunar surface would have been at least transiently habitable,” Schulze-Makuch said.
Ingredients for life
Schulze-Makuch and Crawford’s work draws on results from recent space missions and sensitive analyses of lunar rock and soil samples that show the moon is not as dry as previously thought.
In 2009-2010, an international team of scientists discovered hundreds of millions of metric tons of water ice on the moon. Additionally, there is strong evidence of a large amount of water in the lunar mantle that is thought to have been deposited very early on in the moon’s formation.
The early moon is also likely to have been protected by a magnetic field that could have shielded lifeforms on the surface from deadly solar winds.
Space-travelling microbes
Life on the moon could have originated much as it did on Earth, but the more likely scenario is that it would have been brought in by a meteorite, Schulze-Makuch said.
The earliest evidence for life on Earth comes from fossilized cyanobacteria that are 3.5-3.8 billion years old. During this time, the solar system was dominated by frequent and giant meteorite impacts. It is possible that meteorites containing simple organisms like cyanobacteria could have been blasted off the surface of the Earth and landed on the moon.
“It looks very much like the moon was habitable at this time,” Schulze-Makuch said. “There could have actually been microbes thriving in water pools on the moon until the surface became dry and dead.”
Lunar simulations
Schulze-Makuch acknowledges that determining if life arose on the moon or was transported from elsewhere “can only be addressed by an aggressive future program of lunar exploration.”
One promising line of inquiry for any future space missions would be to obtain samples from deposits from the period of heightened volcanic activity to see if they contained water or other possible markers of life.
In addition, experiments could be conducted in simulated lunar environments on Earth and on the International Space Station to see if microorganisms can survive under the environmental conditions predicted to have existed on the early moon.
Aardbewoners koloniseerden de maan mogelijk 3,5 miljard jaar geleden al
Aardbewoners koloniseerden de maan mogelijk 3,5 miljard jaar geleden al
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Nieuw onderzoek onthult dat de maan mogelijk ooit leefbaar is geweest en weggeslingerde aardbewoners onderdak heeft geboden.
In de geschiedenis van de maan zijn maar liefst twee perioden aan te wijzen waarin deze wellicht leefbaar is geweest, zo schrijven onderzoekers in het blad Astrobiology. Kort nadat de maan tot stand kwam – oftewel zo’n vier miljard jaar geleden – zouden de omstandigheden op het oppervlak van onze natuurlijke satelliet gunstig zijn geweest voor het ontstaan van leven. En grofweg een half miljard jaar later zou er weer een periode zijn geweest waarin de maan leven kan hebben geherbergd. In die tijd was er op de maan sprake van verhoogde vulkanische activiteit.
Vloeibaar water en een atmosfeer Wat beide perioden gemeen hebben, is dat er vanuit het binnenste van de maan grote hoeveelheden superhete vluchtige gassen – waaronder waterstof – kwamen zetten. En zo kan de maan een dichte atmosfeer hebben verkregen die miljoenen jaren op rij standhield. Bovendien kunnen op het oppervlak van de maan poeltjes vloeibaar water zijn ontstaan. “Wij denken dat als vloeibaar water en een significante atmosfeer gedurende langere perioden aanwezig waren op de jonge maan, het oppervlak in ieder geval kortstondig leefbaar moet zijn geweest,” aldus onderzoeker Dirk Schulze-Makuch.
Water De onderzoekers baseren hun conclusies onder meer op recent onderzoek dat aantoont dat de maan niet zo droog is als lang werd gedacht. Zo weten we dat er grote hoeveelheden waterijs op de maan te vinden zijn. Ook zijn er sterke aanwijzingen dat de mantel van de maan waterrijk is. Bovendien is het niet onaannemelijk dat de jonge maan – en eventuele levensvormen op het oppervlak – onder meer tegen de zonnewind beschermd werden door een magnetisch veld.
Aardbewoners Er zijn dus verschillende aanwijzingen dat de maan ooit – in ieder geval kortstondig – leefbaar is geweest. In die ‘leefbare perioden’ kan het leven op de maan ontstaan zijn zoals het op aarde is ontstaan. Maar volgens de onderzoekers is het aannemelijker dat meteorieten levensvormen op de maan hebben afgezet. Die levensvormen zouden afkomstig kunnen zijn geweest van de aarde. Het oudste bewijs voor leven op aarde, wordt gevormd door gefossiliseerde cyanobacteriën en is tussen de 3,5 en 3,8 miljard jaar oud. In de periode waarin de cyanobacteriën op aarde gedijden, kreeg het zonnestelsel zeer frequent enorme meteorietinslagen te verduren. Het is goed mogelijk dat tijdens zo’n inslag op aarde allerlei puin met daarin simpele organismen de ruimte in werd geslingerd en op de maan is geland. “Het lijkt er sterk op dat de maan in deze periode leefbaar was,” aldus Schulze-Makuch. “Er kunnen microben zijn geweest die in waterpoeltjes op het oppervlak van de maan gedijden tot het oppervlak droog en doods werd.”
De grote uitdaging is nu om op het maanoppervlak op zoek te gaan naar sporen van eventueel leven. Zo zouden er maanlanders of -rovers naar gebieden kunnen worden gestuurd waarin miljarden jaren geleden sprake was van verhoogde vulkanische activiteit. Onderzoek zal dan uit moeten wijzen of op die plekken verzamelde monsters daadwerkelijk rijk zijn aan water of biomarkers. Daarnaast zouden er ook experimenten kunnen worden opgezet op aarde of in het internationale ruimtestation waarbij wordt gekeken of micro-organismen kunnen overleven onder de omstandigheden waar – voor zover we nu weten – op de jonge maan sprake van was.
UFO alert: Letter to President Jefferson may be earliest recorded visit of ALIENS (Image: GETTY)
A tavern keeper in Portsmouth, Virginia, and a friend visiting from Baltimore believe they saw a UFO in the sky.
The two men, barkeeper Edward Hansford and Baltimore’s John Clarke, describe in their letter to President Jefferson how they saw a meteor-like object in the sky.
However, this object in the sky began to change shape, first taking on the form of a turtle “which also appeared to be much agitated and as frequently obscured by a similar smoke.”
The UFO then apparently “assumed the shape of a human skeleton” which ascended and descended quickly, according to the mail which was reprinted in 2010 in The Papers of Thomas Jefferson: Retirement Series.
The letter reads: ““We the subscribers most earnestly solicit, that your honour will give us your opinion on the following extraordinary phenomenon.
“We saw in the South a Ball of fire full as large as the sun at Maridian which was frequently obscured within the space of ten minutes by a smoke emitted from its own body, but ultimately retained its brilliancy, and form during that period, but with apparent agitation.
“It then assumed the form of a Turtle which also appeared to be much agitated and as frequently obscured by a similar smoke.
It then assumed the shape of a human skeleton which was frequently obscured by a like smoke and as frequently descended and ascended—It then assumed the form of a Scotch Highlander arrayed for battle and extremely agitated, and ultimately passed to the West and disappeared in its own smoke.”
It is unclear whether President Jefferson ever responded, but according to the website Monticello, it “is perhaps the earliest recorded observation of a UFO.”
State Route 375 is a barren stretch of Nevada highway that runs near the top-secret U.S. Air Force installation commonly known as Area 51—a facility believed to be used for experimental aircraft testing, with a busy side hustle spawning theories about aliens, UFOs, and extraterrestrial technology. Rachel, a town on the highway with a population of just 54, manages to do brisk business, too. The Little A’Le’Inn there, according to one of its managers, feeds thousands of (human) visitors a year along what has become known as the Extraterrestrial Highway. The mythology surrounding secret government programs and alleged alien crash sites has created a landscape unlike any other, studded with landmarks and roadside attractions that have become part of the lore of the desert.
“[UFO sightings] have transformed cities and roads, turning the legend into part of everyday life,” says Javier Arcenillas, a Spanish photographer who documented UFO culture and sighting locations in the American West for his new photo book, UFO Presences.
Extraterrestrial Highway, Nevada.
Places such as the Extraterrestrial Highway and Roswell, New Mexico, about 1,000 miles to the east, have become beacons to an entire community. Roswell, according to a representative for the city, averages 226,000 visitors each year—and embraces its place in the mythos, despite the fact that it is easy to see the whole thing as a joke.
“Ridicule is pockmarked throughout the entire phenomenon,” says Greg Eghigian, a historian at Penn State University and author of multiple research papers on the history of UFO sightings and alien contact. But he sees a deeper meaning in the way people connect with these sites. “What I consistently see across the board generally are people who are trying to find meaning,” he adds. “I think human beings are essentially meaning-makers and one of the ways, in fact, maybe the key way we often do that, is through stories. Stories bring meaning to our lives.
UFO sighting location, Nevada.
“The desert is this place that, because it’s so empty, because there are so few people around … you can write something about your own life or about the meaning of bigger, more cosmic kinds of things,” he adds. Against that backdrop, he explains, people have created landmarks and elevated the locations of sightings to provide them with spaces to focus their energies. Ultimately, they’re grappling with some big existential questions in the otherwise stark desert landscape.
Scientists sure are good at making us constantly feel like we’re in the opening scenes of a horror movie. The latest case of science toeing the line between being really cool and going too far comes out of Siberia, because of course it does. According to the Siberian Times, Russian scientists have successfully resurrected two roundworms—nematodes— that were frozen in the Siberian permafrost since the Pleistocene era. For context, when these worms were frozen, woolly mammoths were stomping around Siberia. The two nematodes are 32,000 and 40,000 years old, approximately, and now that they’ve woken from their slumber are the two oldest living animals on earth.
Nematodes (Representational picture)YouTube grab/ The Soil Association VideosScientists say that this is a major breakthrough and could pave the way for human cryonics—the ability to freeze a person for long periods of time and bring them back, for applications like long term space travel or the arrogant quest for immortality. According to the scientists:
“Our data demonstrate the ability of multicellular organisms to survive long-term (tens of thousands of years) cryobiosis under the conditions of natural cryoconservation.
It is obvious that this ability suggests that the Pleistocene nematodes have some adaptive mechanisms that may be of scientific and practical importance for the related fields of science, such as cryomedicine, cryobiology, and astrobiology.”
This is a frozen nematode.
Russian scientists at the Institute of Physico-Chemical and Biological Problems of Soil Science, working in collaboration with scientists at Princeton University in the U.S., collected samples of frozen nematodes from the Yakutia region of Siberia, the coldest part of Russia. This is close to the proposed “Pleistocene Park” which would recreate the habitat of woolly mammoths. All in all 300 samples of frozen nematodes were taken. Only two were actually brought back to life, so don’t go taking a nap in the walk-in freezer just yet.
According to the research once the worms were defrosted in petri dishes, they began showing signs of life, moving and eating food, as if they hadn’t just slept for all of recorded history.
If you’ve spent at least a decade or two on this planet you’ve heard of cryonics or cryogenic freezing. The plot of the show Futurama is based on a 21st century man accidentally freezing himself and getting defrosted in the far future. Then there’s the persistent—and likely false—rumor of Walt Disney having his body frozen so he might get resurrected when they found a cure for cancer.
This is not Walt Disney.
Cryonics holds a lot of promise to a lot of people. Apart from the medical applications, the other use is in space travel. Assuming we don’t develop faster than light travel, the only way to get a space exploration team farther into deep space than the human lifespan will allow is to freeze them. The basic premise is this: it should be possible to lower a persons body temperature enough so that there is no deterioration, even after centuries (or millennia) spent frozen. The second part is harder: bringing them back. Thawing out two worms is definitely a far cry from freezing the crew of a space ship and bringing them back a century a century or more later in the middle of deep space, but at least it’s a start.
Unless these worms keep eating and growing until they’re the size of school buses and then we have that problem to deal with. Be careful when you jump into sci-fi territory, people, you never know which version of the future you’re going to get.
Virgin Galactic's newest space plane took to the skies again today (July 26) for its third rocket-powered test flight, reaching higher in the atmosphere than the company had previously.
The VSS Unity is a SpaceShipTwo vehicle designed to carry six commercial passengers and two pilots into space, where they will experience 5 minutes of weightlessness before gliding back down to Earth.
"It was a thrill from start to finish," the craft's chief pilot, Dave Mackay, said in a statement about today's flight. "Unity's rocket motor performed magnificently again, and Sooch [co-pilot Mike Masucci] pulled off a smooth landing. This was a new altitude record for both of us in the cockpit, not to mention our mannequin in the back, and the views of Earth from the black sky were magnificent." [Virgin Galactic's VSS Unity Spaceliner in Pictures]
Virgin Galactic's WhiteKnightTwo carrier aircraft (also known as VMS Eve) took off at approximately 11:45 a.m. EDT (1545 GMT), according to a tweet from the company, and raised the space plane to an altitude of 46,500 feet (14,000 meters) before releasing it to fly on its own.
Virgin Galactic's suborbital space plane, the VSS Unity, completed its 14th test flight on July 26, 2018.
"There she goes! #VMSEve & #VSSUnity have taken to the skies," Virgin Galactic tweeted. About an hour later, VSS Unity had separated from VMS Eve and was soaring toward space, the company tweeted. After separating, the VSS Unity fired its engines for 42 seconds, shifted to a nearly vertical angle and accelerated to 2.47 times the speed of sound.
After gliding back down to Earth, the space plane touched down safely at Mojave Air and Space Port in California shortly before 1 p.m. EDT (1700 GMT).
Virgin Galactic✔@virgingalactic
Touch down. Another successful test flight for VSS Unity. Congratulations to our pilots Dave Mackay and Mike 'Sooch' Masucci #SpaceshipTwo
This was the first time the space plane had reached a region of Earth's atmosphere called the mesosphere, Virgin Galactic representatives said.
"The planned 42-second rocket burn took pilots and [the] spaceship through the Stratosphere and, at an apogee of 170,800 ft [52,000 m], into the Mesosphere for the first time," Virgin Galactic representatives said in the statement. "This region, often referred to by scientists as the 'Ignorosphere,' is an under-studied atmospheric layer because it is above the range of balloon flight, and in the future is an area we can help the research community explore further."
Today's flight marked the third powered flight for VSS Unity in less than four months, and it was the 14th flight overall. Since its first test flight on Sept. 8, 2016, the VSS Unity has completed seven "captive-carry" flights — in which it remains attached to the VMS Eve — and seven unpowered glide test flights.
VSS Unity completed its first powered test flight on April 5 of this year, followed by a second powered flight on May 29. All three powered flights have been piloted, but without passengers on board.
As with previous flights, today's test flight was designed in part to gather additional data about conditions in the cabin during flight, according to the company's statement. Virgin Galactic founder Sir Richard Branson said the company could launch space tourists aboard the VSS Unity by the end of 2018, and tickets are already on sale for $250,000 apiece.
Email Hanneke Weitering at or followher @hannekescience.
Secret Documents On Pentagon UFO Project Released: Invisibility Cloaks And Wormholes
Secret Documents On Pentagon UFO Project Released: Invisibility Cloaks And Wormholes
Secret UFO Pentagon papers released.
Shockwaves went through the UFO research community last December when it was revealed that the Pentagon had been conducted research into UFOs under the auspices of the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program (AATIP). Now, two documents relating to the program had been released to the public shining some light on the elusive and mysterious project.
Documents Shine Light On Mysterious Object
The first document is a letter written back in 2009 by the now-retired Senator Harry Reid to the Secretary of Defence in which he outlines the aims of the program and encourages the Department of Defence to carry on funding the project. While Reid did not make any overt references to UFOs, he did write that the staffers working on the program had made significant progress "with the identification of several highly sensitive, unconventional aerospace-related findings."
Invisibility Cloaks, Wormholes, And Brain-Machine Interfaces
The second document is perhaps even more significant. It contains a list of scientific studies conducted within the AATIP and some of them have sparked extraordinary excitement online. According to the document, the AATIP was working on a number of fascinating projects including invisibility cloaks, wormholes, and brain-machine interfaces.
It also appears that the researchers were attempting to identify and track UFOs with a project aimed at detecting and following ‘hypersonic velocities’. There was also a reference to improving the statistical approach to the Drake Equation which quite certainly is a reference to communication with extra-terrestrial life.
Last Project On The List Redacted
As though this incredible list of projects hadn’t given UFO researchers enough to talk about, the last project on the list is tantalizingly redacted. Given the extraordinary nature of the projects that the AATIP have admitted to having conducted it is presumed that this particular set of experiments must have been something truly sensational.
UFO researchers have waited for years to discover what the United States government were investigating in the skies. Given that these extraordinary documents are now being released into the public domain and whistleblowers seem keen to offer up further information it is hoped that whatever has been kept under wraps will be public knowledge before long.
Another Amazing Yet Complex Crop Circle Emerges In Cley Hill, England
Another Amazing Yet Complex Crop Circle Emerges In Cley Hill, England
Less than a year ago, a fascinating crop circle has emerged in a barley area in Cley Hill measuring about over 300 feet in diameter.
The amazing formation depicts curled edges with two arcs containing bends at each side of the scalloped top. What makes it even more breathtaking is its inner cube with 12 radiating triangles.
But the real mystery that troubles everyone is how this crop circle appeared here?
Such stunning formations emerge all the time bringing mystery for everyone including the scientific community. All in all, crop circles are definitely something intriguing enough worth our attention.
“Some of these formations are so immense and complex as to defy reason. And after all these decades, none of the perpetrators have been caught in the act of making any of the truly extraordinary formations.” – Richard Dolan, historian, author and a UFO researcher. (source)
If you start digging up deeper into the reality of the crop circles, you will soon realize that they are more fascinating than you have imagined.
Even though the scientists believe these formations are artificial, many times, they are tongue-tied when it comes to their appearance.
Richard Taylor, a physicist at the University of Oregon, issued a paper in 2011 regarding this strange phenomenon.
“Crop circle arts are not going to give up their secrets easily. This summer, unknown artists will venture into the countryside close to your homes and carry out their craft, safe in the knowledge that they are continuing the legacy of the most science-oriented art movement in history,” he stated in his work.
Down below we present you some pictures from the amazing crop circle. (source)
However, as you may already guess, this is not the first crop circle that ever appeared on our planet.
Below we have a picture of yet another one that emerged in Wiltshire, England in 2001. Back then, its amazing but complex looks gave rise to a lot of confusion.
The structure contained 409 circles that form a Triskelion which is known as the ancient symbol of Sicily.
Richard Taylor, the previously mentioned scientist dedicated a lot of studies on these circles. According to his beliefs, this was one of the greatest art revolutions in history.
He studied the grass involved in the act in his lab and came to a conclusion that the ones who create a crop circle must be using GPS devices, lasers and microwaves in order to create such design.
Earth flew between the sun and Mars this week, so, during yesterday’s total lunar eclipse, the moon and Mars were close. Photos from the EarthSky community here.
Prabhakaran A wrote from Trichy, India: “The full moon on the night of July 27-28, 2018 presented the longest and darkest total lunar eclipse of the 21st century. Totality spanned 1 hour 42 minutes and 57 seconds. The most distant and smallest full moon of the year passed through the center of the Earth’s dark umbral shadow which reached its maximum length and width for the year. This beautiful eclipse happened on the same night of Mars opposition.”
Nurul Fathin wrote, “An optical effect called the ‘Japanese Lantern’. This image was taken during the eclipse of July 28, 2018 at about 3:24 a.m. at the Telok Kemang Observatory in Port Dickson, Malaysia.”
Lunar eclipse and Mars from Italy. Photo via Alessandra Cailotto.
Tracey Slaven captured the moon and Mars from Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Canon 600D 600 Tamron lens.
Lunar eclipse over Mitre Rock near Natimuk, Australia on July 28, 2018, by Lynton Brown.
Henrique Feliciano Silva in Lisbon, Portugal caught a commercial airplane crossing the moon during the July 27 eclipse. Note that Mars – below the eclipsed moon – is shining more brightly than the moon.
Full moon eclipse with Mars nearby, a view from the Rheinwiesen in Düsseldorf, Germany from Radhika Mohan.
Total lunar eclipse as seen from jaipur, India from Priyanka Chobey.
July 27, 2018 total eclipse of the moon over the Sacra di San Michele, Piemonte, Italy, from Gabriella Milani.
Total lunar eclipse and Mole antonelliana (Turin, Italy) from Stefano De Rosa.
Tom Thrasher wrote: “Shot from my level 4 floor balcony which is looking west out over the Indian Ocean ‘towards South Africa,’ as we say. Had to be very patient for clouds to pass over, but then sky opened up very clear. I cropped out Mars as it was so bright in photo and therefore appear blurred. Fantastic early morning experience. I read EarthSky every day and look up info using Star Walk 2 or Solar Walk 2.” That’s a great way to use EarthSky, Tom! We also hear good things about the online planetarium software Stellarium.
Stages of the lunar eclipse from Abhishek Bethanabotla in Hyderabad, India.
Stages of the lunar eclipse from Matthew Chin in Hong Kong. Looks like Matthew had some thin clouds …
Helio C. Vital in Saquarema, Brazil saw the eclipse at moonrise, when the moon was still low in the sky. Hewrote: “The moon was very low during totality (9 degrees above the horizon only at U3)! I first spotted the moon some 25 minutes after its rise as I had predicted. Such delay was due to the fact it was thousand of times dimmer than the usual full moon when it crossed the horizon. The moon was many times darker than Mars when I first glanced it, only 5 degrees above the horizon at 17:48 (UTC-3h). It was a therefore a dark eclipse not due to recent major volcanic eruptions, but due to the fact the moon crossed the center of Earth`s shadow where the shadow is very dark. What a nice show the totally eclipsed moon and Mars in opposition (only 7 degrees apart) put on over Saquarema! Nikon CoolPix P900 camera using its Moon Mode.”
Bottom line:Photos of the total lunar eclipse of July 27, 2018 – longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century – from the EarthSky community. During this eclipse, the planet Mars was near the moon and brighter than it had been since 2003.
The third season of the epic Cosmos series will present what is possible for the future of our planet and potentially habitable worlds elsewhere. According to producers of the show, science hinges on truth, and in a time in which the public struggles with both of these concepts, Cosmos is in a unique position to shed light on how important both are to our existence.
The new season is titled Cosmos: Possible Worlds. National Geographic promoted the show at this year’s Comic-Con, where Den of Geek was able to interview the show’s host, Neil deGrasse Tyson, as well as some of the producers.
“[Cosmos: Possible Worlds] is a voyage in space and time into the distant future to various exoplanets, the stars, other suns as well as a trip into the future of this planet that I think will captivate and inspire,” says producer Ann Druyan.
Druyan co-wrote the original Cosmos series in 1980 with show host Carl Sagan and Steven Soter. She went on to marry Sagan and remained married to him until his death in 1996. Druyan created the second Cosmosseries which aired in 2014 and is now an executive producer and writer for Cosmos: Possible Worlds set to air in early 2019.
Druyan said Cosmos is important because science is important. She also makes the point that the bedrock of science is truth.
“Science requires of us that we actually be truthful,” Druyan says. “Science says it matters what’s true, unlike so much of our existence. And so, if we are going to survive and if we are going to explore the universe, you cannot B.S. your way to Mars.”
“And so, I say,” Duyan continued, “We have to reintroduce into our public lives and our personal lives that belief at the core of science that makes science so much more effective than anything else we do. Which is that it matters what is true.”
Producer Jason Clark echoed the sentiment that the story of Cosmos is bound by truth.
“We have to be sure everything we do is accurate and truthful,” Clark says. ‘In today’s world where there are so many alternate facts, it’s great that we get to employ the scientific method to tell our story.”
Clark stresses that Cosmos: Possible Worlds is not a negative story about the possibility of a “dystopic kind of future.” Instead, it is a “positive vision of what is the future, how fast thing can change, and how much opportunity we have.”
Tyson is also excited to bring science to the public and says with Cosmosthey attempt to present science in a way that is more acceptable to general audiences. He says when we teach science, it is often, "here is this body of knowledge, learn it." High school and college students “slug through it” and then continue with their lives.
“You give your textbook back, and then you are done,” Tyson explains. “So, we are not trained to think of science as a fundamental aspect of what it is to be alive.”
“So what Cosmos has done in all three incarnations, what he have done is present science in all the ways that you see that it matters,” Tyson continues. “Not only to you, and understanding your place in the universe, but also to what role it can play in survival. What role it can play as informing us as shepherds of our own civilization as well as the ecosystem that sustains it.”
When it comes to science, “rather than beat people over the head, ‘you must listen,’ that’s not the right way to do it I don’t think, you offer it,” says Tyson. “[Cosmos] is an offering that will empower people to recognize and embrace what role science plays in their lives.“
It is a formula that seems to work. When Cosmos: A Spacetime Odysseywas released in 2014, Clark says over 135 million people watched it. According to National Geographic, it was their most watched series ever internationally.
The original, Cosmos: A Personal Voyage, also set records when it aired in 1980. At the time it set the record for the most watched program on public television in history. It held that record for a decade.
Tyson credits Sagan for paving the way to enable scientists to participate in educating the public on the fruits of their efforts on television.
“He pioneered this enterprise if you will,” Tyson says. “The idea that you would make a career, a big part of what your career would represent, is bringing hard-earned research to the public.”
Tyson says Sagan faced resistance from colleagues who were taken aback by Sagan leaving the laboratory to bring science to television. But now it is a function of what some scientist, like Tyson, strive to incorporate into their career.
“It is a privilege to do so,” says Tyson “It is an honor to do so, and Cosmosis probably the most expressive evidence of this activity that we have today, and most impactful I would say as well.”
Why so few arrests for Crop Circles makers? Is there microwave evidence?
Why so few arrests for Crop Circles makers? Is there microwave evidence?
There have been hundreds if not thousands of Crop Circles popping up mysteriously for decades and some historical records that indicate they might have been happening for centuries. When they first drew attention as possibly being related to UFOs they were still limited to simple circles. Then they started becoming more complex and there was no doubt that hey could be an unexplained natural phenomena.
This was first explained away years ago as hoaxer when Doug Bower and Dave Chorleyconfessed to doing it for years as a hoax. They claimed they were responsible for crop Circles dating back decades. The circles have been appearing all over the world and there is no way that just these two could have done it, but there have been more people saying they're creating the hoaxes. They were eventually paid £10,000 for their exclusive interview, which means that if they were telling the truth they were satisfied with their hoaxes for decades without any compensation or attention doing an enormous amount of work and never getting caught or telling anyone.
This is the accepted explanation for the skeptic community.
Police Make First Arrest Over Crop Circles, (By Cahal Milmo 11/04/2000) when they arrested Matthew Williams after photos were sent to them anonymously. According to an article The Anatomy of Deception another group of hoaxers trying to prove that it can be done without getting caught were paid to do at least one Crop Circle shaped like a van over the course of two days with police protection before trying to do one without getting caught at night, and they were caught almost immediately. Supposedly they were unable to reproduce any of the unusual biophysical and electromagnetic features including blown out nodes that are supposedly done as a result of microwaves according to some research.
A quick search of the internet turns up an article supporting Team Satan and one with additional criticism. The supporters "A Circular State of Mind" wrote Crop Circle Challenge 2013: Team Satan Respond, which seems to satirize it more than address any of the details.
The additional criticism was included in Nancy Talbott's Letter to National Geographic TV's Mr. Sydney Suissa about an offer to participate in another TV show, where she claims that Team Satan was involved in additional scams including taking credit for a circle that had already been created as part of their debunking efforts. This letter also includes criticism about bias on the part of National Geographic which seems to be a pattern with traditional media outlets covering Crop Circles, or many other subjects, for that matter. She also claims that they haven't been able to reproduce the blown out nodes which she believes may have been created as a result of microwaves.
Nancy Talbott and several other researchers have all claimed that these are common in Crop Circles and can't be replicated by using the simple planks and ropes that most hoaxers claim to use. From what I've seen the skeptics don't refute this; instead they ignore it when possible or try to distract people from it or use ridicule. On at least one show about Crop Circles someone speculated that may be the ones with the blown out nodes caused by microwaves are just the simple circles caused by an unusual phenomena that they haven't discovered yet and the designs that are clearly done with intent are the hoaxers. They did no obvious follow up on this speculation like checking to see if the facts confirm this; instead they threw it out there, perhaps expecting some to accept this as a possible explanation. However Nancy Talbott's website, BLT Research crop circles sites numerous examples that indicates it isn't the case. Most people that get their information from traditional media might not be aware of this or many of her other claims.
About thirteen years ago the Discovery Channel did a show that attempted to explain how these blown out nodes might have been created. After the show aired there were several articles on the internet claiming there were problems with it, however like most other people that watched it at the time I wasn't aware of this so I'll get back to it. Several MIT students had a microwave generator of some kind which was more difficult to carry in and out of fields than the simple planks of wood other alleged circle makers claim to use. They also had to wear protective clothing made out of lead or something similar since the microwaves could be harmful to people. Part of the show included some clowning around which might serve well for entertainment purposes. This isn't uncommon in UFO shows or many other shows but it distracts from the issue.
After some troubles they claimed that they were able to replicate the unexplained characteristics although there was some indication that they might not be fully convinced. There was no discussion about whether other circle makers might have known this decades earlier or why they would go to such extreme measures to create hoaxes. Nor was there any discussion about the possibility that if hoaxer had been using this for a large number of circles over decades that they almost certainly would have had some kind of accident with this kind of equipment and gotten caught or that the microwaves would inevitably cause health problems.
Even if this really was possible and they could work out the problems it seemed highly unlikely that this experiment could have explained all these crop circles and how the nodes were blown out. that was basically my impression even before I heard about concerns expressed by Nancy Talbott, who was cited in the show implying her approval. Searching the internet for this show no longer turns it up or anything from the Discovery Channel that I can find but there are plenty of articles exposing it as a fraud including one by Nancy Talbott, M.I.T. Kids' Crop Circle Attempt Yields an Interesting (And Totally Inadvertent) Result. She claims that even with all their work they still weren't able to replicate the blown out nodes among other things.
This means that even though they cheated they still weren't able to explain how the Crop Circles are made, which actually fits a pattern for several other unexplained phenomena including how ancient megaliths were moved and how ancient civilizations were able to do enormous volumes of carved sculptures that are difficult if not impossible to replicate by technology allegedly known to people in those times, and even now in some cases.
I went into this more on 107 Wonders of the Ancient World and an old string discussing Megalith moving experiments which failed to move many if any megaliths above ten tons without cheating. The biggest experiments they tried that I know of were 25 and 40 tons and as far as I can tell they cheated and still only had a very limited success. Further explanation is in the two sources cited. this isn't adequate to prove that the megaliths were moved with influence from an unknown intelligence that causes UFOs, assuming a natural explanation can't be found for the UFOs; however it is adequate to indicate that there are major unsolved mysteries and from a scientific point of view it isn't unreasonable to develop theories then try to either confirm or refute them.
I have found that most of the research presented by the media about UFOs is full of incompetent claims from both sides and an enormous amount of their claims are so easy to discredit that I can't help but wonder if they're trying to do an honest job at all. Many of thees mistakes are too easy to recognize so I strongly suspect that they're intentionally doing more to confuse the issue than educate the public. If that is their objective it is successful; however if people take enough time to look at it, with rational skepticism, not to be confused with pseudo-skepticism, then they can find plenty of legitimate unsolved mysteries, even if they can't provide conclusive evidence to fully explain one theory or another. And the one presented by the traditional media always seem to have a large number of flaws that can rule them out to rational skeptics. Which means that sincere rational skeptics might do better to come up with their own theories.
This is why I suspect the government just might have decided to "Recruit a group of crackpots" (further discussion in ATS string about MJ-12) as the semi-fictional Roswell movie speculated about. Whether this is true or not the vast majority of information from the traditional media about this subject, and most others, is very poorly done; and the most reliable information comes from sorting through alternative media outlets. However in this case even most alternative media outlets on the subject also have their problems, and most theories will almost certainly fall apart, although claims that there are no unsolved mysteries also fall apart.
This is why it might help to have hard facts to fall back on when bizarre theories fall apart and the megaliths and crop circles provide that. Megaliths provide rock solid evidence that activities that can't be replicated took place thousands of years ago and if Nancy Talbott is right then crop circles indicate that other unexplained phenomena still occur. It is hard to tell whatetails without additional back up information is speculative and rational skepticism should be mto conclude from this but the crop circles continue happening so if researchers are sincere they might be able to narrow things down. This could be potential evidence of an unknown advanced intelligence that has been on or near Earth for thousands of years; however filling in the daintained.
One claim that people should be especially skeptical of is the assumption that this unknown advanced intelligence might be benevolent, or the most extreme malicious claims. If they were inclined to invade like the war of the worlds, and they've been here for decades, if not thousands of years they would have already done so, and if they were benevolent there would be no need for secrecy. One example of that recently is ‘Aliens prevented nuclear war on Earth’: Edgar Mitchell Former NASA astronaut makes unexpected claim. (08/13/2015) If aliens were benevolent they almost certainly would have opened up a line of honest communication relatively shortly after they arrived, if it was possible.
Shortly after this story came out Edgar Mitchell claimed he was misquoted in another article, The UFOs Didn't Come In Peace! Astronaut Sets Record Straight On ET Nuclear War. 08/27/2015this is typical of the information available about UFOs which often turns into bickering but Edgar Mitchell has still been claiming for years that he believes that UFOs are real and that they may involve alien intelligence.
The appropriate way to earn trust requires an open line of honest communication. If these aliens really were benevolent and they arrived thousands of years ago they could have provided advise that could have dramatically reduced wars and other atrocities that have taken place since then.
Instead, if they influenced cult structures that may have been associated with the megaliths and religion they might have inspired the religions that helped prop up the authority of many tyrants and maintain a steady state of war, often based on religious beliefs.
Some of the theories about obtaining technology from aliens include assisting with moving the megaliths and more recently according to Philip Corso's book "The Day After Roswell" they reverse engineered alien technology to create some of the scientific advances over the past 6 decades. Bob Lazar also makes similar claims but both of them have credibility problems so their claims can't be entirely true. However if they're party true then this technology is being used primarily to benefit those that control it and a lot of it is being used to increase their control of the public and maintain a permanent state of war. Corso's claims also include sharing technology with companies like Monsanto, which implies the possibility that we're being used as research subjects as part of a genetically engineered development of crops which are fed to people. If this technology isn't from aliens the research is still going on for other reasons so there should still be demands for disclosure, at a minimum.
If people take this hypothesis seriously then the aliens wouldn't be benevolent since they're giving tacit approval, at best, by remaining silent and allowing their technology to be used in such a foolish and authoritarian manner.
This hypothesis may sound a lot like the Ancient Aliens series that has been on the History Channel for the past five or six years. This series has an enormous amount of blunders like in the introductory two hour show one of the leading theorists, Giorgio Tsoukalos, says that when he went into the tunnel of an ancient Egyptian tomb his lighter didn't work because there wasn't enough oxygen; however if this was the case then he shouldn't have been able to breath there clearly indicating his conclusion makes no sense at all. The series is full of one blunder after another. Many of them were addressed in Ancient Aliens Debunked; however even though these skeptics are far more rational than the high profile Ancient Aliens theorists they still don't explain how some of the giant megaliths were moved or some other ancient mysteries.
This would fit in with the "Recruit a group of crackpots" hypothesis; however consideration should be given to other explanations why there are so many blunders from both the theorists and the so-called skeptics, who are often as manipulative as the theorists.
Edgar Mitchell is just one many other astronauts or other government employees including military members that have come out with disclosures about UFOs. the strong implication is that either there is a conspiracy to cover up UFOs or there is a conspiracy to make it seem like UFOs exists and are controlled by aliens. Also It is hard to imagine hoe this could come about without a conspiracy one way or another but I'm sure some skeptics will come up with their ideas.
No doubt this all sounds absurd, and it is. However there are an enormous number of absurd things that actually are happening. It is hard to look at the political discussion that is now typical without thinking it is absurd; yet no one is claiming that their clownish behavior isn't happening.
The truth is as absurd as many bizarre conspiracy theories.
The following related articles include some crop circles that are relatively new; looking in Google news typically turns up more; and the first two sites include crop circles that have been compiled over several decades.
AFPDe bloedmaan gisteravond tussen standbeelden van de Griekse goden Hera en Apollo in het centrum van Athene.
Heeft u ook kunnen meegenieten van de totale maansverduistering? Het bijzonder uniek spektakel van vrijdagavond was meteen de langste van de eeuw. Tussen 22.22 uur en 23.15 uur stond de maan volledig in de schaduw van de aarde staan en kleurde ze bloedrood. Dat leverde prachtige beelden op.
De maansverduistering bereikte haar hoogtepunt om 22.22 uur. Ze was minstens gedeeltelijk te bewonderen in Europa, het Midden-Oosten, Afrika, Australië en het grootste deel van Azië en Zuid-Amerika. Van overal werd het spektakel met grote belangstelling gevolgd, met prachtige foto’s als resultaat.
Het was een uitzonderlijk lange maansverduistering: ze was slechts vier minuten korter dan wat astronomisch mogelijk is.
REUTERSCaïro, Egypte.
REUTERSDe tempel van Poseidon bij Athene (Griekenland).
Lang wachten
Op sommige plaatsen was het spijtig genoeg lang wachten tot de bloedmaan kwam piepen van achter het wolkendek. Bij de volkssterrenwacht Mira in Grimbergen bijvoorbeeld, waar verschillende honderden bezoekers waren opgedaagd om met behulp van telescopen de volledige maansverduistering van nabij te zien, moesten de aanwezigen tot 23.30 uur wachten om het fenomeen te aanschouwen.
Didier LebrunBij de sterrenwacht van Grimbergen maakten jong en oud zich op om de eclips te bewonderen.
Tussen 21.30 en 23.15 uur was er een totale maansverduistering, maar die is in Grimbergen niet te zien geweest. “Op het ogenblik dat de maan door de wolken brak was de verduistering al wat aan het afnemen en was deze nog enkel aan de linkerkant van het hemellichaam te zien”, aldus Mollet.
Maar vanwege de regen die rond 23 uur in Grimbergen neerviel, had de volksterrenwacht op dit ogenblik al haar telescopen weer moeten binnenhalen en bedekken.
NORTHERN VIRGINIA — If evidence proving that extraterrestrials visited Earth has been squirreled away behind locked doors in Nevada, a former Pentagon official is calling for a big reveal.
Retired Air Force colonel talks UFOs, government investigations
“Show it to the National Academy of Sciences. Don’t hide it. Show it! We’ve been waiting for it! We’ve been waiting for it forever,” retired Air Force Col. David Shea said, raising his voice. “But so far, that hasn’t happened, and I don’t know why.”
Shea, 80, was the Air Force’s press spokesman on UFOs at the Pentagon from 1967 to 1971. He considers himself an “agnostic” when it comes to whether some unidentified flying objects are ships piloted by intelligent beings from faraway worlds.
“I would believe if I saw some evidence that showed we were visited by alien spacecraft, but there hasn’t been evidence to my mind of such,” he said in an interview at his Northern Virginia home.
In 1969, Shea wrote the news release that announced the end of Project Blue Book, an Air Force investigation of more than 12,000 UFO reports.
It concluded that there was no threat to national security, no sign of advanced technology and no evidence that UFOs are extraterrestrial.
And with that, it appeared to the public that the government had washed its hands of UFOs.
But in December, almost 50 years after Project Blue Book ended, came explosive news.
The New York Times reported that Bigelow Aerospace had been storing material recovered from “unidentified aerial phenomena” in its buildings in Las Vegas as part of a secret Pentagon UFO investigation project called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP).
Shea was not surprised by news of the project’s existence, but he thinks if more people were aware of the government’s history with UFOs, they would better understand why, in his opinion, the government should not get involved again.
“The UFOs never seem to go away,” he said.
Government investigations and scientific studies
What is considered the modern UFO era began as Americans’ Cold War fears of the Soviet Union were heating up.
In 1947, a veteran pilot flying near Mt. Rainier in Washington reported seeing nine strange objects flying in formation at incredible speeds.
The sighting made national news, and the same year, the Air Force (still the Army Air Forces at the time) began investigating — with intelligence officers in charge — reports of UFOs.
“They really weren’t sure what was going on. But by the end of ’49 they quickly became convinced that there was no threat, and there was no visitation, there was no advanced technology, and that was a good time to get out of the business, but they didn’t,” Shea said.
The work went on under several code names including “Project Sign,” “Project Grudge” and “Project Blue Book.”
Retired Air Force Col. David Shea was the Air Force’s press spokesman on UFOs at the Pentagon from 1967 until 1971. (WTOP/Michelle Basch)
Shea holds a comical sign that used to hang in his office. It was given to him by journalist and UFO skeptic Phil Klass. (WTOP/Michelle Basch)
The inscriptions on the back of that sign show how it was initially given to Klass, and then passed along to Shea. (WTOP/Michelle Basch)
Shea wrote the news release in 1969 that announced the end of the Air Force’s Project Blue Book. It studied more than 12,000 UFO reports, and is now the basis of an upcoming History Channel drama series. (WTOP/Michelle Basch)
Shea holds a photo of himself from his time in the Air Force. (WTOP/Ginger Whitaker)
Scientists were asked to evaluate if the work should continue, first by the CIA in 1952 and then by the Air Force in 1966.
The latter study was led by physicist Edward Condon of the University of Colorado. “He concluded that the continuation of Project Blue Book is of dubious value,” said Shea.
In all, Project Blue Book examined 12,618 sightings reported between 1952 and 1969. Over 5 percent of those sightings — 701 — remain unidentified. “Does that mean they were spacecraft from another civilization? No, not necessarily. It just means there was not enough data to verify what they were. So that’s the problem,” Shea said.
“It would appear that it will be more fiction than fact,” Shea said after reviewing promotional materials.
The History Channel describes the series as “based on the true, top-secret investigations into Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) and related phenomena conducted by the United States Air Force.” It also says a central figure in the series, Dr. J. Allen Hynek, “is recruited by the U.S. Air Force to spearhead a clandestine operation called Project Blue Book.”
Shea said that Project Blue Book investigations were never top secret, and that in real life, Hynek was hired by the Air Force as a special consultant on UFOs, not to “spearhead” Project Blue Book.
Missteps and misunderstandings
Shea is a public relations pro who spent 29 years with the Air Force and another 20-plus years working for Hughes Aircraft and, later, Raytheon. To complete his master’s degree in mass communication from the University of Denver in 1972, he wrote his thesis about how, from a PR perspective, the Air Force handled reports of unidentified flying objects.
“The story of the Air Force and UFOs is essentially a tale of a credibility gap wider than the Grand Canyon,” Shea wrote. “During its more-than-20-year history of investigating flying saucers, the Air Force has been accused of almost every conceivable sin, and had been guilty of most.”
In the 1940s and ’50s, UFO sightings that got press attention would prompt a quick explanation from the Air Force. “In those early days, any explanation of a sensational case seemed preferable to the Air Force than simply saying, ‘We don’t know at this point, the case is still under investigation,'” wrote Shea.
And because Air Force intelligence was kept in charge of the investigations, Shea said, there was unnecessary secrecy. “You know the intelligence people won’t tell their mother anything. They keep things close to the vest,” he said.
Of course, the Air Force’s actions led to questions and skepticism.
“What was initially an intelligence matter quickly evolved into a PR problem of the greatest magnitude,” Shea wrote. “The Air Force, ignoring public opinion on the subject, failed to communicate its conviction that UFOs were no cause for alarm and consequently was unable to convince the American public that what it was saying about UFOs was true. As a result the Air Force’s integrity and credibility as a fighting force was seriously questioned.”
Asked if, to his knowledge, the government covered up evidence of alien visitation in the past, Shea answered: “Absolutely not. It would be impossible to do so in our environment of leakers and whistleblowers.”
In its defense, Shea points out that the Air Force was placed in the impossible position of trying to prove that aliens are not whizzing around above Earth. “You can’t prove that something doesn’t exist. Why doesn’t the other guy prove that it does exist?” he said.
He also thinks the Air Force has been misunderstood. “The Air Force has never said that UFOs aren’t spacecraft from another civilization. What the Air Force has said is that there’s no convincing evidence that they present a threat, or they advance scientific knowledge, or that they are alien spacecraft. Convincing evidence is the key, and that’s what we don’t have,” said Shea.
What evidence would convince him that extraterrestrials have visited this planet?
“It would be great if an alien were to knock on the door of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., but I don’t expect that to happen,” Shea said. “I would be convinced of extraterrestrial visitation should someone or some organization present to the National Academy of Sciences an ET piece of hardware that the NAS declares not of earthly origin.”
Should investigations continue?
Despite what he called “exhaustive” investigations and studies of UFOs, Shea said, the government has come up with nothing. “No eureka moment. No threat. No advanced technology. No alien spacecraft,” he said.
According to the Department of Defense, AATIP ended in 2012, but journalist Leslie Kean reports there’s evidence that the program is continuing without federal funding.
Shea doesn’t think that’s a good idea. “Why would the government want to do that again?” He asked. “We’ve been there, done that.”
Some argue that UFOs determined by Project Blue Book to be unexplained should be reinvestigated. “I submit it wouldn’t reveal anything new. There’s not enough data there to analyze and determine causes,” said Shea.
Regarding videos of UFOs apparently taken from military planes and reportedly studied as part of AATIP, Shea said: “What did they see? Who knows what they saw? Am I impugning their integrity? No. Not at all. They saw something, but we don’t know what it is, and we don’t have the evidence to suggest what it may be. So again, it comes back to the word ‘evidence.'”
Just because a military pilot spots or chases a UFO doesn’t mean the unidentified object should be considered a threat to national security, said Shea. “I would say we would be concerned if they were fired upon. We would be concerned if they started bombing our bases. None of that has happened, so whatever they’re seeing doesn’t seem to be hostile in nature. Not to worry, is what I would say.”
To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science — a public benefit corporation co-founded by musician Tom DeLonge and launched last year — is pursuing its own UFO research. It includes several former government higher-ups and is accepting money from investors.
“More power to them, I think they’re on a wild ghost chase. But I think we need to have some interest in that,” said Shea. “If they come up with something that the government hasn’t, great.”
Asked if he’s ever seen a UFO, Shea said no.
“You’d think with all my interest or experience in this, a friendly visitor would come visit me. Hasn’t happened,” Shea said, laughing.
Breng bewijs voor buitenaards bezoek nu naar buiten. Voormalig Pentagon-functionaris doet oproep aan overheid
Breng bewijs voor buitenaards bezoek nu naar buiten. Voormalig Pentagon-functionaris doet oproep aan overheid
Als de overheid bewijs heeft dat de aarde is bezocht door buitenaardsen, moet dat nu naar buiten worden gebracht. Dat heeft de voormalige woordvoerder van Project Blue Book gezegd.
“Laat het zien aan de nationale academie van wetenschappen. Verberg het niet langer. Laat het zien! We zitten erop wachten! We wachten al veel te lang!” zei de gepensioneerde kolonel David Shea tegen zender WTOP.
“Tot nu toe is het nog niet gebeurd en ik weet niet waarom,” vervolgde hij.
Klopt niet
In 1969 kondigde Shea aan dat Project Blue Book en daarmee het onderzoek van de Amerikaanse overheid naar UFO’s was beëindigd, maar afgelopen december onthulde de New York Times dat het onder een andere naam werd voortgezet en tot op zijn minst 2012 nog actief was.
Het hoofd van dit nieuwe project, Luis Elizondo, zei dat ook dit onderzoek nooit is beëindigd en dat hij nog tot oktober vorig jaar voor het Pentagon onderzoek deed naar UFO’s.
Wat de overheid zegt klopt niet en Shea wil antwoorden.
“Het Pentagon heeft met verschillende UFO-projecten door de jaren heen tienduizenden cases verzameld, en hoewel de meeste daarvan verklaarbaar zijn, blijft vijf procent onopgelost,” zei hij.
“Betekent dat dat het ruimteschepen van andere beschavingen zijn? Nee, niet noodzakelijkerwijs,” vervolgde hij.
Overtuigend bewijs
“Het betekent dat er niet genoeg gegevens waren om te kunnen bepalen wat het was,” aldus Shea. “Dus dat is het probleem.”
Elizondo zei in oktober vorig jaar tegen CNN dat er ‘zeer overtuigend bewijs is dat we niet alleen zijn’.
One eagle-eyed Google Earth user has spotted an ‘unidentified submerged object’ ( USO ) off the coast of Greece, and no-one can work out what it is.
The user, called Underbelly, posted a video about the object on .
He wrote: “This USO was spotted in The Aegean Sea off the coast of Greece and here are the Coordinates 40°27'4.62" 22°51'39.78" so you guys can check it out for yourself.
“I did also take some measurements using the ruler on google earth and this object is of 220 feet long.”
It's not far from the coast(Image: Google Earth)
The object was discovered just off the coast of Kalamaria(Image: Google Maps)
The object is circular, with a small inner circle, and almost looks like a nipple.
Many viewers were conflicted about what they thought the object could be.
Several suggested that it’s likely to be a volcanic cone - a triangle-shaped hill formed as material from volcanic eruptions piles up around the vent.
But others had slightly more bizarre theories.
One user commented: “I think it looks like an old light house - former foundations etc.. - on the coast as well sooooo.”
And rather hilariously, another suggested that it could be a ‘very large, freshly popped zit.’
Mysterieus cirkelvormig object gespot op Google Earth voor kust van Griekenland. Niemand weet wat dit is
Mysterieus cirkelvormig object gespot op Google Earth voor kust van Griekenland. Niemand weet wat dit is
Op Google Earth is voor de kust van Griekenland een ongeïdentificeerd object gespot. En niemand weet wat het is.
Een filmpje over het object werd enkele dagen geleden op YouTube geplaatst. De USO (unidentified submerged object) is ontdekt in de Egeïsche Zee.
Geschat wordt dat het object een lengte heeft van zo’n 67 meter. Het is cirkelvormig en bevat in het midden nog een kleine cirkel.
Sommigen suggereerden dat het waarschijnlijk een vulkanische kegel is, bestaande uit vulkanisch materiaal dat zich ophoopt rond een vulkaanopening.
Eén iemand dacht aan de fundering van een oude vuurtoren.
Schrijver Nigel Watson zei tegen Mirror Online: “Sommigen denken vanwege de vorm aan een vliegende schotel onder het wateroppervlak. Waarschijnlijk is het een natuurlijke formatie.”
Hij merkte op dat het moeilijk met zekerheid te zeggen is.
Baltische Zee
Het doet denken aan het ondefinieerbare object dat in 2011 op de bodem van de Baltische Zee werd ontdekt.
Tijdens de zoektocht naar een gezonken Duitse onderzeeboot uit de Eerste Wereldoorlog, werd daar een cirkelvormig object gevonden met een omtrek van 90 meter.
Het vreemde object op de bodem van de Oostzee verstoorde de elektronische apparatuur van de duikers die het wilden onderzoeken.
Bekijk het filmpje van het Griekse object hieronder:
There are some places in this world that are ancient, mysterious, and forbidden, closed off from the world for centuries or even millennia, and holding within them enigmas that we have yet to see. Many such locales come in the form of ancient tombs, sealed and buried since time unremembered, often with no intention of them ever being opened. There has been much news lately about the now famous black sarcophagus of Alexandria, but this is far from the only such place in the world, and there are numerous forgotten, unopened, unexplored tombs out there every bit as mysterious and much grander in scale. One of the largest tombs ever crafted by humankind lies in China, an ancient subterranean city possessing a vast unopened underground mausoleum which could hold enormous riches, incredible artifacts, deadly traps, and perhaps even a curse.
The story of one of the largest, most historically important, and indeed most mysterious tombs in Chinese history begins way back in 260 BC, when China was a place torn by civil war raged for centuries between no fewer than six different major feudal kingdoms, all of whom sought to be the one true ruler of the land. Rising up amongst these warring factions was the powerful state of Qin, which was briefly under control of a King Zhuangxiang, who died after 3 years on the throne to leave his kingdom to his first son, Ying Zheng, who ascended the throne in 246 BC at the tender age of 13.
Ying Zheng
Despite his young age, he proved to be a bold and fearless leader, fiercely fighting and winning campaign after campaign to dominate the region and defeat all other warring states, going on to manage something no one else had, the unification of China, so creating the first Empire of China in 221 BC and making Ying Zheng the first Chinese emperor. Under his rule his empire saw great strides in the sciences and in the development of roads, infrastructure, and notably the Great Wall of China, all while dodging numerous assassination attempts and grabs for power. It seems that this certainly went to the young ruler’s head, as he would go on to proclaim that he was fated to rule, renaming himself “Qin Shi Huang,” loosely “The Son of Heaven,” and declaring himself a veritable god, imbued with divine power and who would rule forever from the center of the universe.
This was a bold claim to make, and Qin Shi Huang became obsessed with the idea of immortality and making sure that he would live forever as he had said. To this effect, he issued an Imperial order for a search for an elixir of life, and forced scholars, alchemists, and magicians to work around the clock to somehow concoct a way to grant everlasting life. Various mysterious herbs and potions purportedly showed promise, but ultimately did little good, and Qin Shi Huang took to routinely drinking mercury, which he believed slowed the aging process. Realizing that his search for immortality was going nowhere, Qin Shi Huang also stepped up construction on a grand, opulent mausoleum that had been worked on since his first ascension to power, designed to resemble the capital of Qin, Xianyang, and to keep him comfortable and in power even in the afterlife.
He envisioned this sprawling tomb as a whole city unto itself, complete with its own army of warriors and everything he would ever need to rule forever, and it is said that he brought in 700,000 laborers and convicts to work on the vast structure. It indeed was an impressive and ambitious project, designed to be a full, working microcosm of the empire, and by the time it was finished, which would take 38 years and unfortunately not be completed until several years after his death, it was the most expansive tomb the world had ever seen.
According to records from Han dynasty historian, Sima Qian, included in the tomb were palaces and scenic towers, countless relics and priceless artifacts, streets and roads, and a vast ceiling painstakingly painted and inlaid with the stars and constellations of the heavens. Most bizarrely, there were also allegedly two rivers of mercury erected to flow through the mausoleum, meant to symbolize the great Yangtze and the Yellow Rivers and which were supposedly manipulated through wondrous mechanical devices to flow into the sea. Sima Qian would say of this place in his Records of the Grand Historian:
When the First Emperor first came to the throne, the digging and preparation work began at Mount Li. Later, when he had unified his empire, 700,000 men were sent there from all over his empire. They dug through three layers of groundwater, and poured in bronze for the outer coffin. Palaces and scenic towers for a hundred officials were constructed, and the tomb was filled with rare artifacts and wonderful treasure. Craftsmen were ordered to make crossbows and arrows primed to shoot at anyone who enters the tomb. Mercury was used to simulate the hundred rivers, the Yangtze and Yellow River, and the great sea, and set to flow mechanically. Above were representation of the heavenly constellations, below, the features of the land. Candles were made from fat of “man-fish”, which is calculated to burn and not extinguish for a long time.
There are also bronze cranes, swan and ducks with groups of musicians, bronze horses with full-sized chariots, numerous acrobats and other entertainers fashioned from terracotta, fully operational horse stables tended by terracotta caretakers, and even terracotta government officials. Most well-known and perhaps the most impressive of all was a full army of over 8000 life-sized terracotta warriors, with every single one painstakingly carved with incredibly intricate detail. Such is the detail that each warrior even has a different face, leading to speculation that each and every one of them may have been based on a real person. In addition to all of this, the entire complex consisted of an inner and outer city divided by walls, held at least 18 courtyard houses and a palace, and the whole thing in total measured a staggering 38 square miles (98 square kilometers) in area. All of this was reportedly loaded with treasure and set up with sophisticated traps designed to swiftly kill any trespassers, although what these entail remains a mystery.
The terracotta warriors
Ultimately, Qin Shi Huang could not cheat death, and he died in 210 BC at the age of 49, ironically from drinking the very mercury that he thought would keep him young, and an enormous funeral service was held. Upon the Emperor’s actual burial chamber, atop his thick bronze coffin, was supposedly built a hill which was planted with vegetation, and to keep the late Emperor company in the afterlife many of his concubines were killed and interred here as well. Many of the craftsmen were also callously locked away into the tomb complex when it was sealed, in order to make sure that none of the secrets of the complex or its inner workings would ever be revealed to the outside world. All of this was sealed shut, gated, and buried, and it would then disappear into the mists of time to lie forgotten for millennia.
It was not until March of 1974 that the first hints of this vast complex would be uncovered, when a local man named Yang Zhifa was out digging a well with his five brothers in Lintong county, at the village of Xiyang. As they were digging they came across terracotta fragments and bricks at a depth of around 6 feet, along with earthenware and bronze arrowheads. When archeologists arrived on the scene in May of that year they began excavations, which quickly started to uncover the mysterious terracotta army, and as the dig went on more and more of the complex was uncovered, with baffling new surprises popping up all of the time, and the excavation and nonstop discoveries have not stopped in the decades since, with the majority of this place still unexplored and unexcavated. Indeed, nothing like it has ever been seen before, and the necropolis of First Emperor Qin Shi Huang has gone on to become one of the most important archeological discoveries ever made.
As recently as 2012, one of the most striking and exciting discoveries was made when a massive Imperial Palace measuring 249 feet high (76-meters) and covering an area of 6,003,490 cubic feet (170,000 cubic meters) was discovered around 20-50 meters below the surface, holding an earthen pyramid at its center believed to be the tomb containing the actual bodies of the emperor and his concubines. This mega tomb has only been explored using 3-D imaging and ground penetrating radar, but as of yet it remains sealed down there in the bowels of the earth and unopened, inciting endless debate as to whether to open it and what treasures lie within it. As far as we know, no human eyes have seen this place in thousands of years, although it is unknown if has ever been looted in the past.
Location of the Qin Shi Huang mausoleum
There are many reasons that no one has tried to penetrate into this massive palace tomb. One is that we just don’t have the technology to conduct such a major archeological undertaking without irreparably damaging what lies within. Because it is so deep, to dig into there would be an invasive process, and there is simply no way to get into the chamber without seriously damaging the upper layer in order to get to the palace below it, as well as potentially causing landslides that could damage other areas of the tomb and the terracotta warriors.
There is also the fact that we lack the technology to preserve some of the irreplaceable cultural relics that might lie within the palace, and this has already been seen with damage to the terracotta figures caused by being exposed to the air and sunlight. Also, considering the vast size of the mausoleum it is all also an incredibly expensive proposition that could take several decades to carry out. In essence, to excavate such a vast tomb on such a sheer scale would be a prohibitively expensive, scarring and damaging procedure that could ultimately destroy this piece of history.
More mysterious is that we have no idea what sorts of dangers lie in wait down there in the dark. The written accounts speak of enormous rivers of mercury, and detection equipment has indeed picked up anomalously and dangerously high levels of mercury at the site, meaning that to open the complex could put many at risk of poisoning and also cause serious environmental pollution. There could also be potentially deadly bacteria living down there, and of course there are the traps. It is known that the burial palace was armed with intricate traps the nature of which we don’t have a clue. We also have no clue as to whether such traps would still be operational after millennia or not, so delving down into this subterranean realm could be a deadly proposition indeed. More paranormal-minded people have even suggested that the emperor had a curse placed over his burial chamber, although if it works as well as his immortality elixirs did then we’re probably safe on that front.
Statue of emperor Qin Shi Huang
The thing is, that tomb is seen as potentially holding incredible historical artifacts, vast treasures, and priceless cultural relics, to the point that many archeologists are fully prepared to risk the hurdles and potential dangers involved with getting to it. It could be the most important archeological find of the 20th century, or it may contain nothing but a looted chamber filled with skeletons and centuries of dust. There could be anything in there, we don’t know, and some think we need to find out. Others believe that it is best left alone, down there in that opulent city lair of the afterlife down in the depths of the earth just as the Emperor Qin Shi Huang originally intended, that we should not violate it and risk irrevocably damaging this ancient inner sanctum.
The debate rages, but for now that palace tomb remains quiet, free of the droves of tourists that flock through nearby to view the terracotta soldiers, and indeed free from human eyes altogether, perhaps to remain that way forever. That tomb lies there in the dark, still and silent as it has for millennia, perhaps with traps ready and poised to spring, flowing rivers of lethal mercury snaking around it and its many treasures. What lies there in the gloom of that massive ancient burial chamber? Does it hold cultural and literal riches beyond our wildest dreams? Does it carry within it the promise of learning more about that era and its people? Does it hold danger and death, traps, poison, and ancient curses? No one knows, and we won’t until it is finally opened.
The Mysterious Pyramids of the Amazon—Spotted by A NASA Satellite In 1976
The Mysterious Pyramids of the Amazon—Spotted by A NASA Satellite In 1976
In 1976, NASA’s Landsat Satellite was orbiting Earth when it photographed mysterious dots in southeast Peru, at 71 degrees, 30 minutes west longitude in the Madre de Dios region of the Amazon.
The satellite photograph, archived under number C-S11-32W071-03 showed a mysterious set of formations, in the middle of Peru’s southeastern jungle.
The satellite image revealed structures symmetrically spaced and uniform in shape, looking like a series of eight or more pyramids, in at least four rows of two.
The curious formation became known as the Pyramids of Paratoari, or as many authors would later call them, The Dots of Peru, or thePyramids of Pantiacolla.
The satellite image sent explorers, authors, and researchers into a frenzy as to what the curious structures are.
The ‘pyramids’ became quite popular, especially since it is believed that the lost city of Paititi was located somewhere in that area.
Image C-S11-32W071-03 photographed by NASA’s Landsat satellite. Image Credit: NASA
The president of the South American Explorers Club, Don Montague wrote about the enigmatic structures in an article published in the South American Explorer Journal, where he described them as nothing other than odd geological formations.
However, many people who saw the satellite image were not convinced by Montague’s writing.
Proponents of the theory that the structure are not geological formation but in fact, manmade structures argue that the Pyramids were most likely built by a long-lost ancient civilization that inhabited the Amazonian rainforest thousands of years ago. The alleged structure, many argue, have been devoured by the surrounding rainforest and are covered with thousands of years of vegetation.
Despite the fact that the alleged pyramids structures are located in a remote part of the Amazonian rainforest, a number of expeditions have been mounted to explore, not only the alleged pyramids but the region in search for the lost city of Paititi.
The Lost city of Paititi is a legendary ancient Incan metropolis, said to be located somewhere east of the Andes, within the dense and remote rainforests of southeast Peru, northern Bolivia or southwest Brazil.
Numerous expeditions to search for the lost city of Paititi were established, and some of them even searched for the alleged pyramids of Paratoari.
Between 1984-2011 various expeditions were led by Gregory Deyermenjian, member of the explorer’s club and a Peruvian explorer. These included the documentation of Incan remains in Mameria, the exploration and documentation of the petroglyphs at Pusharo, exploration, and documentation of Manu’s Pyramids of Paratoari, and others.
Pyramid pyramid complex ( Amazon Earth from Google Earth )
Deyermenjian had discovered plenty of evidence of ancient Inca inhabitance in the area, including petroglyphs, paved roads, platforms, and plazas, but he did not find conclusive evidence that the mysterious structures spotted by NASA’s Landsat satellite were man-made structures. Deyermenjian argued that the structures were natural sandstone formationsknown as truncated ridge spurs, which can take the form of natural pyramids. Deyermenjian has since, in 1999 and 2006, seen and photographed various very similar sites in the area of the Río Timpía, with intriguingly pyramidal-shaped huge natural formations.
“In 1996, still without helicopter, we again ensconced ourselves within the steamy lower jungles of Manu, in an area just to the south of Pusharo, to reach and make the first definitive examination of the “Pyramids of Paratoari,” eight apparently evenly spaced and unnaturally symmetrical hillocks which had caused a flurry of speculation as to their origin and relation to Paititi since having been spotted on a NASA satellite photograph twenty years before…” (Source)
You can read more about Deyermenjian expeditions, and the search for Paititi and the Lost Realm of the Inca’s, here and here.
But people were still amazed by the formations.
In 2001, French explorer Thierry Jamin investigated the site of Pantiacolla, and is said to have investigated the pyramids, concluding that they are in fact natural formations. However, Jamin discovered several Inca artifacts in the same area.
In 2011, a British expedition to investigate the Pyramids of Paratoari with Kenneth Gawne, Lewis Knight, Ken Halfpenny, I. Gardiner and Darwin Moscoso as part of the documentary “The Secret of the Incas” took place.
Pyramid- like structure in Visoko, Bisnia ( Photo Internet )
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