The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
Fireball caught on camera over Perth
Fireball caught on camera over Perth
A fireball – believed to be a meteor - has lit up the sky near Perth in Western Australia.
Footage of the spectacle was caught on camera by motorists and businesses.
In Perth, in het westen van Australië, is gisterenavond een vuurbal waargenomen in de lucht. Inwoners van de stad konden het natuurfenomeen vastleggen op video. De vuurbal was zichtbaar rond 19.40 uur ’s avonds. Een vuurbal ontstaat wanneer een brokstuk(je) uit de ruimte in de atmosfeer belandt en verbrandt.
Being called “The Bermuda Triangle of ____” is never a good thing … just ask the people who have disappeared the Bridgewater Triangle (Massachusetts), the Bennington Triangle Glastenbury), the Dragon’s Triangle (Japan), the Michigan Triangle (you can figure this one out yourself) and the Matlock Triangle (Derbyshire Dales). These other triangles are on land or in the ocean, but none are on ice. That unique distinction belongs to Piteraq Alley, the Bermuda Triangle of Greenland, and this mysterious area is in the news because researchers announced they have found a lost World War II P-38 from the infamous Lost Squadron under over 300 feet (91 meters) of ice in the Piteraq Alley.
Credit for the discovery goes to businessman Jim Salazar and Ken McBride from the non-profit Arctic Hotpoint Solutions and Fallen American MIA Repatriation Foundation (FAMIARF), who have spent a number of years searching for planes and crew remains lost in the area, especially the Lost Squadron – a group of two B-17 bombers and six P-38 fighters flying from the U.S. to Britain in July 1942 as part of Operation Bolero, delivering planes, pilots, equipment and supplies for the war. The path they followed was known at the time as the Snowball Route – a string of secret bases from Maine to Newfoundland to Greenland to Iceland to Scotland. Greenland was a crucial stop – it was the only reliable source of cryolite, a mineral used to produce aluminum for the planes.
“It’s Greenland’s ‘Bermuda Triangle’ … the weather there shifts in a matter of minutes. As a pilot, you can clearly understand why there were so many difficulties in that area.”
By “difficulties,” Salazar means that the Lost Squadron planes weren’t the only ones lost in Piteraq Alley. While the indigenous Intuits didn’t know about airplanes or Bermuda, they did know about the dangers of the Alley – Piteraq means “that which attacks you” and is their word for Greenland’s severe snowstorms that can appear in just minutes. Despite searches, a piteraq likely covered the downed planes quickly and nothing was found until 1992, when the first P-38 from the group was discovered, recovered and restored. Salazar himself has been leading searches since 2011, but it wasn’t until July 2018 that one of his drones using ground-penetrating radar found evidence of something unusual in the ice. They then used a thermal probe to melt through the ice to a depth of 300 feet, where they found red i5606 Hydraulic fluid from the P-38. As Live Science reports, further investigations identified it as P-38 “Echo,” piloted by Army Air Corps Lt. Col. Robert Wilson. (Pictures of the drone and the expedition can be seen here.)
That’s as much as Salazar’s team can do for now … it’s Greenland and winter is already blowing through. Next summer, he plans to dig and melt through the ice to recover the P-38 and any remains, then return it to the U.S. for possible restoration. He will also be looking for two other victims of the Greenland Triangle – a C-53 cargo plane (a converted DC-3 civilian aircraft) which crashed in late 1942 and a U.S. Coast Guard Duck aircraft which crashed in a futile attempt to rescue the survivors.
Are there any other victims of the Greenland Triangle? It appears planes have avoided the area due to the severity and unexpectedness of piteraqs. Also, piteraqs are a low-altitude weather phenomenon. These high-density katabatic winds start on Greenland’s icecaps and are pulled by gravity down the slopes like ground-hugging hurricanes. The Danish Meteorological Institute has measured speeds from 50 to 80 m/s (180-288 km/h; 111-178 mph). On February 6, 1970, the community of Tasiilaq was hit by the worst documented piteraq ever in Greenland, with winds estimated at 90 m/s or over 200 miles per hour. Since then, the Danish Meteorological Institute has been issuing piteraq warnings.
Piteraq Alley has definitely earned its title as Greenland’s Bermuda Triangle. While not as mysterious, it’s unquestionably as deadly and worth avoiding in the air or on the ground.
Russia’s undeniable and outrageous meddling in things that are none of their business has a significant bearing on the UFO issue of yesteryear. With that in mind, I thought it would be timely to bring to your attention a few intriguing and eye-opening issues. Firstly, the pro-Russia stance of a certain famous UFO Contactee. That man was George Adamski. He was arguably the most famous and controversial of all the Contactees: he claimed multiple encounters with human-like aliens from other worlds, including Venus, no less (yeah, right…). The facts concerning the Russian issue are contained in Adamski’s FBI file, which is in the public domain, thanks to the terms of the U.S. Freedom of Information Act. An FBI document of May 28, 1952 reveals that the FBI had a credible source who, back in 1950, had shared with them certain data on Adamski. The file states:
“On September 5, 1950, [source] advised the San Diego Office that he first met Adamski about three months ago at the café which is named the Palomar Gardens Café, owned and operated by Adamski, at the road junction, five miles East of Rincon, California, at a point where the highway branches off leading to Mount Palomar Observatory. [Source] advised that Adamski has four or five women working in the café and according to [source] business does not warrant the employment of four or five persons. [Source] stated that on August 20, 1950, the occasion of his last visit to Adamski’s café, he [source] and a [deleted] of San Diego, became involved in a lengthy conversation with Adamski during which Adamski told them at great length of his findings of flying saucers and so forth. He told them of a space ship which he said he saw between the earth and the moon, which he estimated to be approximately three miles in length, which was flying so fast that he had to take about eighty photographs before he could get three of them to turn out.”
The story continues: “At this time, Adamski showed [source] and [deleted] a number of photographs which he has taken of what he purports to be flying saucers. [Source] commented that one of these photographs was published in the ‘San Diego Union’ under the caption of ‘What is it?’ Adamski stated he had first submitted this particular photograph to the Navy but when it appeared they were not interested, he, Adamski, released it for publication in the ‘San Diego Union.’
“According to [source] Adamski stated that the Federal Communications Commission, under the direction of the ‘Military Government’ of the United States, has established communication with the people from other worlds, and has learned that they are so much more advanced than the inhabitants of this earth that they have deciphered the languages used here. Adamski stated that in this interplanetary communication, the Federal Communications Commission asked the inhabitants of the other planet concerning the type of government they had there and the reply indicated that it was very different from the democracy of the United States. Adamski stated that his answer was kept secret by the United States Government, but he added, ‘If you ask me they probably have a Communist form of government and our American government wouldn’t release that kind of thing, naturally. That is a thing of the future – more advanced.’”
This is, of course, all highly controversial. And, it’s very easy to understand why the FBI should have taken such a deep interest in Adamski’s opinions on extraterrestrials and communism. Let’s not forget that at the time – the very early 1950s – Joseph Stalin still ruled ruthlessly over the Soviet Union. I suspect that if Adamski had actually visited Russia in that period, he would have headed back to the United States in rapid-time. And without a look back. The FBI file continues: “Adamski, during this conversation, made the prediction that Russia will dominate the world and we will then have an era of peace for 1,000 years. He stated that Russia already has the atom bomb and the hydrogen bomb and that the great earthquake, which was reported behind the Iron Curtain recently, was actually a hydrogen bomb explosion being tried out by the Russians. Adamski states this ‘earthquake’ broke seismograph machines and he added that no normal earthquake can do that.”
There was even more, too: “Adamski stated that within the next twelve months, San Diego will be bombed. Adamski stated that it does not make any difference if the United States has more atom bombs than Russia inasmuch as Russia needs only ten atom bombs to cripple the United States by placing these simultaneously on such spots as Chicago and other vital centers of this country. Adamski further stated the United States today is in the same state of deterioration as was the Roman Empire prior to its collapse and it will fall just as the Roman Empire did. He stated the Government in this country is a corrupt form of government and capitalists are enslaving the labor.”
The FBI also recorded the following: “[Source] advised that when Adamski left the group for a brief period, one of the women working in the café came over and entered into the conversation. She stated that some of our servicemen who stopped there to have drinks during World War II and subsequent thereto, told ‘Professor’ Adamski of the atrocities which they were forced to commit, murdering women and children on orders of their superior officers. [Deleted] exhibited a great deal of animosity against the United States, stating the United States committed more atrocities during World War II than did the Japanese but since the Japanese were the ones who lost the war, they were the ones who were tried as war criminals.”
The source had more to say, as the FBI papers demonstrate: “This woman added that a friend of hers who recently returned from Russia stated he was very pleased with everything he found there. He stated to her that the people in Russia received seven tickets per month for the opera and cinema. These tickets are free, being issued by the government. The woman added ‘The people there (in Russia) don’t have to be worrying about where their next meal is coming from. Everything is fine in Russia and in the United States we have to fight for everything we get.'”
There was this, too, from the FBI: “[Source] advised that Adamski returned to continue his conversation stating that the United States will soon be in the same condition that Europe was in during the last war. He added that ‘It is a good idea to be quiet now. Right now if you talk in favor of Communism you will be spotted as a Communist and if you talk against Communism you will be spotted by the Communist, so it’s best to just shut up.’ Adamski stated to [source] that ‘The United States hasn’t a chance to win the war. Russia will take over the United States.'” This was all deeply inflammatory. It’s no surprise, at all, that the FBI made Adamski a person of interest.
Now, let’s focus on the matter of potential Russian meddling and the UFO Contactee movement – way back in the 1950s, no less. Truman Bethurum was someone who, in the early-to-mid 1950s, claimed flirty, close encounters with a beautiful alien space-babe named Aura Rhanes. Most people, very understandably, dismissed Bethurum’s tales as fantasies run wild. After all, at the time, his second marriage was on the rocks. It’s intriguing, however, to note the following words from Bethurum:
“Two or three fellows who had sons in Korea and who read a lot in the newspapers about the Communist underground in this country, were convinced in their own minds that I was, if making contact with anyone at all, making it with enemy agents[italics mine]. They even went so far as to tell me belligerently that they intended to get guns and follow me nights, and if they caught up me having intercourse with any people from planes, airships of any kind, they’d blast me and those people too.” Was Aura Rhanes a figment of Bethurum’s imagination? Could she have been an alien? Or, might she have been one of those “enemy agents” to which Bethurum referred? Just maybe, a Russian enemy agent seeking to manipulate the UFO scene?
Now, let’s take a look at the words of the late Jim Moseley, who, for years, ran the Saucer Smear newsletter. Moseley said of his time spent in 1950s-era Ufology: “…I had fallen under the influence of Charles Samwick, a retired army intelligence officer. Both a saucer fiend and very concerned about Communist subversion. Samwick was active in New York City-area saucering circles. Quite sincere and most convincing, he told me…‘the Communist Party has planted an agent in every civilian saucer club in the United States [italics mine].’”
Interestingly, in the June-July, 1955 issue of his other newsletter, Saucer News, Moseley stated: “…Let us give some very serious consideration to the many alleged space men being called to the public’s attention – all of whom invariably tell us of the dangers of war and the exploitation of atomic energy. No one desires peace any more sincerely than we do, but let us remember too that it is part of the Communist ‘peace line’ to frighten the American people into ceasing our atomic experiments. It is quite possible that some of these ‘space men’ are unwittingly playing into the hands of the Communists.” Or, maybe, the “space men” were communists: Russiancommunists. Moseley also offered this: “Could it be that Orthon[one of George Adamski’s alleged, extremely-human-looking alien visitors] was a Communist agent [italics mine], maybe from the Red Planet – or at least the Kremlin – rather than Venus?”
Orfeo Angelucci was another of the early UFO Contactees. Although he never gained the level of popularity that George Adamski achieved, he certainly left his mark on Ufology. His books included The Secret of the Saucers and Son of the Sun. Angelucci made an intriguing statement in the early years of his time as a Contactee. He revealed that on one occasion, and while on a “tour of the East,” he met with what he described as a “subversive element.” That same subversive element attempted to “convert me to Communism” and – more significantly – to “slant my talks along the Party Line [italics mine].”
Whoever these meddling communists were, Angelucci made his position very clear: “Communism is the negation of all that is honest and good in the world and in humanity. They would enslave the human mind. Their obstructiveness is willful and planned. We must eventually meet this murderous element at Armageddon; when it will be victory for one side or the other. Good will triumph, or evil! Every entity in the world and the adjoining planes is now aligned definitely upon one side or the other. No matter what the outcome of the conflict, the positive element of good will ultimately attain a greater life and progression; whereas the negative will meet death, destruction and a new beginning in a more hostile environment. As you have made your choice, so be it!’”
Was there a concerted, meddling effort on the part of the Soviets, back in the early 1950s, to use the UFO Contactee issue as a means to promote communism and the Russian way of life? Was George Adamski’s clear admiration for communism provoked by him having been influenced by the very same people that approached Orfeo Angelucci? Maybe Truman Bethurum too? And, maybe even to create hysteria and fear in the United States? Don’t bet against it. Take, for example, the matter of the CIA’s Robertson Panel, which, in part, addressed the matter of UFOs and how the phenomenon could potentially be manipulated for sinister purposes. In the very same time-frame that the Contactee movement was at its height, the panel’s members feared that Russian interference might have an adverse effect on U.S. national security. On this matter, I will leave you with the words of the Robertson Panel and their thoughts on the matter of UFOs, the then-Soviet threat, and possible Russian manipulation:
“…although evidence of any direct threat from these [UFO] sightings was wholly lacking, related dangers might well exist resulting from:
A. Misidentification of actual enemy artifacts by defense personnel.
B. Overloading of emergency reporting channels with ‘false’ information [italics mine].
C. Subjectivity of public to mass hysteria and greater vulnerability to possible enemy psychological warfare [italics mine].”
'Sporen van eerder universum ontdekt in de kosmische achtergrondstraling'
'Sporen van eerder universum ontdekt in de kosmische achtergrondstraling'
Vivian Lammerse
Ons universum is mogelijk niet het eerste. En ook niet het laatste.
Onderzoekers denken bewijs te hebben gevonden van een vorig universum. Dat wil zeggen; de overblijfselen van zwarte gaten uit een ander universum. Het onderzoek borduurt voort op het kosmologische model dat kortweg CCC wordt genoemd (dat staat voor Conformal cyclic cosmology). Volgens dit – niet onomstreden – model volgen verschillende universums elkaar op.
Hawking-punten Het bewijs komt in de vorm van Hawking-punten, vernoemd naar Stephen Hawking. Hij theoretiseerde dat zwarte gaten straling zouden uitzenden, die bekend staat als Hawking-straling. Volgens de onderzoekers zou deze straling overspringen van het ene universum naar het andere. En ze denken nu, na een analyse van onze nachtelijke hemel, 30 van deze punten gevonden te hebben in de kosmische achtergrondstraling.
Zwart gat Even een stapje terug. In het centrum van onze Melkweg bevindt zich een superzwaar zwart gat. Over ongeveer 4 miljard jaar zal onze Melkweg botsen met Andromeda, onze dichtstbijzijnde buur. Tijdens die gebeurtenis zal het grotere superzware zwarte gat van dit sterrenstelsel samensmelten met het onze. Als deze zwarte gaten om elkaar heen draaien en samenvloeien, wordt er een enorme energiepuls afgegeven. In de daaropvolgende periode botsen andere sterrenstelsels tegen het onze, waardoor er een enorm zwart gat overblijft, omringd door een uitgestorven stofwolk. Maar dit is niet het einde…
Overblijfselen Ons universum breidt zich uit en terwijl het afkoelt, zullen de zwarte gaten gaan branden. Hoewel deze gloed buitengewoon zwak is, valt deze wel voor enige tijd aan de nachtelijke hemel te aanschouwen. Dit zijn de Hawking-punten, die vanuit een volgend universum gezien kunnen worden. En waarvan de onderzoekers dus denken er een aantal ontmaskerd te hebben. “Wat we beweren te zien is het laatste overblijfsel nadat een zwart gat in een vorig universum is verdampt,” verklaart co-auteur Roger Penrose.
Of deze theorie juist is, valt nog te bezien. Want op dit moment moet het echte bewijs van deze Hawking-straling, of Hawking-punten nog aangetoond worden. Er is dus nog veel werk te verrichten voordat iemand het definitieve bestaan van een vorig universum hard kan maken.
A future mission to Europa, an ice-covered moon of Jupiter, could send a probe through the ice to explore what’s thought to be an ocean beneath. (NASA / JPL Illustration)
Instead of cave dwellers gathered around a campfire, roasting mastodon meat, imagine an octopus tribe floating around a hydrothermal vent at the seafloor, boiling lobsters.
That’s the scenario sketched out by Dirk Schulze-Makuch, an astrobiologist at Germany’s Technical Institute Berlin who’s also an adjunct professor at Arizona State University and Washington State University.
Earth’s oceans provide an example in the form of cephalopods. Octopuses and squid are thought to have evolved strictly in the oceans, in contrast to dolphins and whales, which spent part of their evolutionary history on land. Octopuses are also arguably tool users, based on what they can do with coconut shells.
Under the right conditions, could such water-dwelling creatures develop technology on an alien water world? That may be more challenging than it was for our forebears, Schulze-Makuch says.
“Fire can’t exist underwater, and fire is thought to have been essential for humans to develop technology,” Schulze-Makuch notes. However, there’s one potential avenue that he and co-author William Bains explore in their book, “The Cosmic Zoo: Complex Life on Many Worlds.”
“Perhaps smart ocean creatures could use thermal vents on an alien planet’s seafloor to supply concentrated heat energy,” Schulze-Makuch says. “Such energy wouldn’t be as portable or controllable as fire, but the underwater civilization could farm fish without fire, or perhaps use other resources to make tools and technology. As an example, long strands of kelp could be ideal for making rope.”
The prospect of finding life on water worlds isn’t merely a matter for science-fiction speculation: Astrobiologists suspect that hydrothermal activity could support life within the hidden oceans of Europa and Enceladus, ice-covered moons that orbit Jupiter and Saturn.
Credit: Photo: Georg Oleschinski/Rendering: Thomas van de Kamp
Fossilized fly pupae are about as exciting to look at as a handful of dingy, stale Rice Krispies. But despite their humdrum appearance, fossil pupae can hold fascinating secrets inside; in some cases, they preserve deadly examples of insect parasitism.
Scientists recently investigated hundreds of fossil pupae — the inactive life stage between larva and adult — dating to the Paleogene period (about 65 million to 23 million years ago). They found unexpected stowaways inside: four new wasp species.
The wasps reproduced by parasitism, with females laying their eggs inside the bodies of pupating flies. Then, as the wasp larvae grew, they used the flies as a convenient, all-you-can-eat buffet. In most cases, the flies were entirely consumed, and the wasps died and became fossilized while still inside the flies' chrysalis shells. [The 10 Most Diabolical and Disgusting Parasites]
The researchers discovered the wasps by peering into pupae with X-ray scans, then reconstructing what they found inside with 3D computer modeling. They named the most common wasp Xenomorphia resurrecta— the first part of its name alludes to the terrifying, parasitic Xenomorphin the "Alien" sci-fi movies, while the second part of its name refers to the extinct species' "resurrection" through digital imaging, the scientists reported in a new study.
Many species of parasitic wasps are around today, targeting caterpillars, fly maggots, spiders and ladybugs as living meals for their ravenous young. One enterprising wasp species — named Euderus set, after the Egyptian god of evil and chaos — chooses targets that are in its own family, parasitizing other species of parasitic wasps.
But fossil evidence of parasitism in ancient wasps is exceptionally rare. Previously, the only example came from a single mineralized fly pupa from a site in Quercy, a region in southwestern France, dating to about 40 million to 30 million years ago, the researchers wrote.
Mineralized fly pupae held parasitic wasps inside them for more than 30 million years.
Credit: Georg Oleschinski
For the new study, the scientists examined 1,510 pupae, also from the Quercy site in France. They found 55 pupae that showed signs of being parasitized, and 52 pupae preserved the bodies of adult wasps. It's possible that the tough exoskeleton of adults was more resistant to decay than the softer tissues of their earlier developmental stages; this could explain why adult wasps were more abundant in the fossils, according to the study.
In addition to X. resurrecta, the scientists found more wasp species inside the fly pupae: Xenomorphia handschini, Coptera anka and Palaeortona quercyensis. Digital reconstruction of the fossilized wasps' delicate bodies pointed to subtle differences that defined the wasps as different species, and even hinted at the ecological niches they may have filled; the head and body shapes of C. anka and P. quercyensis suggested that they would have been better adapted to life on the ground than their Xenomorph-named cousins, the study authors reported.
The findings were published online today (Aug. 28) in the journal Nature Communications.
Now, a team of German scientists has decided to make the connection between insects and aliens legit by naming newly discovered parasitic wasp species after the Xenomorphs from the sci-fi horror movie Alien.
In the movie, a baby chestburstercrawls out of actor John Hurt's torso in an explosion of blood and guts. The surviving movie characters realize to their horror that humans make perfect hosts for aliens to lay their eggs.
A new study, published Tuesday in Nature Communications, shows that in the real world, parasitic wasps have been using similarly creepy tactics for millions of years.
Parasitic wasps make hosts of other insects just like the the Aliens, laying eggs inside or on top of other insects.
As the young wasps grow, they eat the hosts' bodies from the inside out, and often burst through their hosts' abdomens, just like the chestbursters in Alien.
For the study, scientists from Germany examined 1,510 fossilized fly pupae in total from the Paleogene period found in France.
Fossil evidence for insect host–parasitoid interactions is considered extremely rare, so ideas about parasite evolution has been considered assumptive, until now.
Using synchrotron X-ray imaging, the scientists discovered four new parasitic wasps hiding inside 55 mineralized fossils of fly larvae dating back 30 million to 40 million-years-old.
"It's the first time we definitely have proof of a developing parasitoid wasp inside its host in the fossil record," Thomas van de Kamp, an entomologist from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany and lead author, told the New York Times on Tuesday.
The German team, who identified the specimens of the newly discovered wasp species, have officially named two of the species Xenomorphia resurrecta and Xenomorphia handschini.
In the spirit of Aliens, maybe it's time to nuke these wasps from space.
A spider's erection, and other cool things trapped in amber
Lasting forever
In many ways, amber is nature's historian. As a tree resin, it starts as a sticky flowing substance that often traps flora and fauna in its path. Then, as volatile compounds in the resin evaporate and other chemical changes take place, it becomes fossilized, preserving its contents for millions of years.
Not only is amber prized by jewelry makers, it's also valued by scientists, who can peer into it to look back at the past in a very real way.
Perhaps one of the most striking examples of amber's ability to freeze time is this specimen of a harvestman spider, also known as a daddy long legs. This particular critter was about to have sex, as evidenced by its erect penis, which is normally hidden inside the body in its less excited state.
The spider is estimated to be about 99 million years old, which certainly adds new meaning to lasting forever. The spider's discovery was reported in The Science of Nature journal in January 2016.
"This is the first record of a male copulatory organ of this nature preserved in amber and is of special importance due to the age of the deposit," reads the paper on the find.
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Noah’s Ark was a PYRAMID and he may have been a Pharaoh, Dead Sea Scrolls findings reveal
More than 50 years ago, a shepherd found seven scrolls in the Qumran Caves in the Judean desert of the West Bank near to the Dead Sea.
The findings formed a larger manuscript which have been come to be known as the Dead Sea Scrolls.
The papers contain Biblical and non-Biblical stories and have offered scientists a glimpse into the past and shed new light on Abrahamic religions.
The latest discovery, which was found by scientists who scanned a piece of the Dead Sea Scrolls using different wavelengths of light at 28 times higher resolution than standard scans, revealed that Noah’s Ark was pyramid-shaped.
The Qumran Cave, where some of the scrolls were found
Experts had been unable to read a word following the Hebrew phrase “the ark’s tallness” on the scrolls, but thanks to the high-tech scan, they have now discovered that the word is ‘ne’esefet’.
The translation of ne’esefet from Hebrew to English means “gathered”, which Dr Alexey Yuditsky from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem says means that the ark’s ribs were gathered at the top to form a shape of a pyramid.
and the discovery is actually backed up by previous findings.
The scrolls revealed Noah's Ark was pyramid-shaped
This discovery has led some to believe Noah was actually a pharaoh
Dr Yuditsky says the Septuagint, which is a Greek translation of the Bible which dates back to the third century BC, also describes the ark’s shape as a pyramid, while medieval authors such as Maimonides also suggested the same.
This discovery has led some to believe Noah, who escaped from ancient Egypt, was actually a pharaoh, as pyramids were a sign of high standing in the North African empire at the time.
Blogger Jesse Waugh writes on his website: “Many 'alternative' historians now believe that Moses was Akhenaten, who escaped to Amarna with his people and his Queen Nefertiti, and where he set up a new society dedicated to the veneration of the monotheistic sun-god Aten.
“Is the Old Testament actually the story of the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt?”
Open Minds UFO Radio: Ryan is the author of Somewhere in the Skies: A Human Approach to an Alien Phenomenon and is also a contributing writer to the anthology, UFOs: Reframing the Debate. He is the creator and host of the Somewhere in the Skies Podcast on the Entertainment One Podcast Network and is a frequent contributor to the Rogue Planet news site. Speaking on the UFO topic, he has been featured on ABC News, Fox News, The Science Channel, and is a regular on The Travel Channel’s hit television series, Mysteries at the Museum.
In this episode, Ryan and Alejandro discuss their recent visit to Pasadena for the AlienCon, and other recent events in UFO research. The landscape has changed greatly since the New York Times came out with their article regarding the secret Pentagon UFO study. UFOs are taken more seriously. However, not everyone in the UFO Community is excited about it. Why not? Ryan lends his insight into why this may be and his thoughts regarding other recent UFO news, including a picture he took of Giorgio Tsoukalos and David Duchovny that is going viral!
During a lightning storm strange spherical object shoots out of the clouds
During a lightning storm strange spherical object shoots out of the clouds
We may wonder whether it was a UFO or some sort of ball lightning or something that is connected to the UFO/Lightning phenomenon, a phenomenon that is assumed that UFOs are using the electromagnetic energy from lightning storms.
Police in Argentina Claim They Have Taken the First Photograph of a Real Alien
Police in Argentina Claim They Have Taken the First Photograph of a Real Alien
If anyone can be trusted to give an accurate description of something, it would be the police, right. Well, police officers in Argentina have claimed that they have taken a photograph of a real-life alien.
While many people have claimed in the past to capture photos of aliens, the images have been blurred, with the supposed alien away in the distance or mostly hidden. This time around, it is different as the photograph came from an official body that is trusted, the Argentinian police force.
Photograph of Alien Has Shocked People
The image had shocked many people, both believers, along with disbelievers when it made its way around conspiracy websites after it was revealed on Facebook, according to Alien-ufo-sightings. com.
Reports attached to the photograph suggest that police officer in Argentina were called out to investigate a disturbance after someone reported strange behaviour occurring in the region of Parque Mitre in Corrientes.
When police responded to the call out, they came across what could only be described as a humanoid-like being. Quick to act the police officers managed to take out their mobile phone to capture a photograph of the creature among the trees.
Some Disbelievers Have De-Bunked the Photograph
As always, there are disbelievers with them saying that the photograph has apparently been edited. Some people say it is a modified version of the alien that was in the movie starring Mel Gibson, Signs or it came from the alien horror movie, Ovni.
Others believe that the photograph taken by the police officers is the best evidence so far that aliens are on Earth. Terry Larch spoke out on the Freaklore website is saying, “In the country of Argentina, one of the most magnificent alien photos ever taken has been recently captured.
“The photograph is incredible and may be the best evidence of aliens living among us yet.”
He went on to report that the local police had attended the scene in Argentina on September 13, 2017, when teenagers in the region reported they had seen an alien in woodland and reported the sighting to the police. He said the teenagers had reported seeing a strange creature lurking around. A group of officers then arrived at the scene. The police found the teenagers, who were said to be in a state of panic, where they found an alien being among the trees.
The police walked slowly over to the being among the trees and at that point realized that it was not a human being. Larch said, “It appeared to be a rather traditional looking extraterrestrial, typically seen in movies or drawings.”
The Alien Creature Disappeared into the River
Reports from the police officers said the creature had fled when they approached too closely. The creature went into the Parana River where they lost sight of it. Larch did say that this is the first time someone has captured the photograph of an alien so closely along with being in such clarity, so it does raise suspicions.
Larch said, “Clearly while glancing at the photograph, the shape and size of the alien is rather remarkable to see. It has the oval head shape and almond dark shaped eyes. Its hands appear to have only three fingers protruding outward. “From the distance of where the photograph was taken, it appears to be fairly tall in height as well.”
The Alien Photograph Has Caused a Stir among Believers
The photograph of the alien was first published on the Facebook page of radio station LT7AM 900 from Argentina. It was then published on conspiracy websites along with The website said they did not know if the photograph was a fake or the real deal.
Malcolm Robinson who attended the Paraforce Paranormal UK convention recently showed the image. Robinson was giving a lecture about real aliens coming to Earth along with showing photographs and this one was among them.
Alien caught in #Corrientes#Argentina? That pic is a frame from Spanish horror movie OVNI
ALIEN HOAX: UFO researcher Malcolm Robinson revealed the image in the UK at Paraforce today.
Paranormal researcher Malcolm Robinson revealed the image to the UK at the Paraforce paranormal convention in Witham, Essex, on Sunday.
It was during a lecture he gave on pictures that could potentially be real aliens visiting Earth, and he said it was the latest one to emerge.
He said he did not know if it was real or a hoax, but argued aliens are visting Earth, and it was worth looking into further.
Mr Robinson said: "I do believe we are being visited by these creatures. The evidence for me is absolutely overwhelming.
"Just because something looks and sounds ridiculous, it does not mean to say it is."
One debunker with the user name Newdawnrising commented of the image: "Fake. Image taken and reversed from the movie "Signs".
"The face is the only change.
"The exact body positioning only flipped to face exact opposite.
"CGI. Debunked you're welcome."
Scott Brando, who debunks hoax videos through his website, said the image was in fact just a still from a Spanish alien horror movie.
With a video showing the footage that includes the alien lurking behind the same tree, he tweeted: "Alien caught in #Corrientes #Argentina? That pic is a frame from Spanish horror movie OVNI."
He told "This is a fake story I debunked. Most likely a fake story created by a blog."
Robinson said it was one of the latest to be revealed. He admitted that he did not know if the picture had been edited or not, but did say that aliens are real and they do visit Earth. Robinson said the authenticity of the photograph should be looked into further.
He concluded by saying, “I do believe we are being visited by these creatures. The evidence for me is overwhelming. “Just because something looks and sounds ridiculous, it does not mean to say it is.”
Scott Brando debunks hoax videos along with photos. He said that he thought the image had been edited with the alien taken from a Spanish horror movie about aliens. He pointed to a video showing footage of an alien between trees. He went on to say most probably it was a photo from a fake story on a blog.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Reis mee naar de komkommerkomeet
Reis mee naar de komkommerkomeet
Snel instappen allemaal, we hebben haast. Ons reisdoel vliegt met een onvoorstelbaar hoge snelheid bij ons vandaan, ongeveer 26 kilometer per seconde.
Om het raadselachtige langgerekte hemellichaam in te halen, vergen we het uiterste van de motoren van ons ruimteschip. Het gaat om de eerste interstellaire bezoeker die we ooit konden waarnemen. Een telescoop op Hawaï fotografeerde hem bijna een jaar geleden voor het eerst. Al snel bleek dat het geen planetoïde in ons eigen zonnestelsel is, maar een kosmische binnendringer. Het hemellichaam kreeg de Hawaïaanse naam ’Oumuamua.
We volgen natuurlijk niet hetzelfde traject dat ’Oumuamua aflegt. Dat voerde in het najaar van 2017 op zeer kleine afstand langs de zon. We kiezen een andere route die de baan van ’Oumuamua kruist.
Onze boordtelescoop heeft het hemellichaam inmiddels in beeld. Het is inderdaad extreem langgerekt, met de vorm van een overmaatse komkommer. Dat leidden aardse wetenschappers al af uit de helderheidsvariaties. Je ziet ook duidelijk dat de stenige sigaar op een vreemde, buitelende manier ronddraait.
Landen is er natuurlijk niet bij. ’Oumuamua is hooguit een paar honderd meter lang. In onze telescoop kunnen we duidelijk zien dat het oppervlak extreem donker is, met een enigszins rode tint. Dat is het gevolg van langdurige blootstelling aan kosmische straling.
Ja, op aarde suggereerden sommige fantasierijke lieden wel dat ’Oumuamua in werkelijkheid een ruimteschip is van een andere intelligente beschaving, maar daarvan is niets te zien: geen raketmotoren, geen ramen, geen symbolen. Ook onze gevoelige radioantennes vangen geen enkel teken van leven op.
Maar wacht, er is toch iets merkwaardigs aan de hand. ’Oumuamua lijkt zich niet op de voorspelde positie te bevinden. Hij is al op veel grotere afstand van de zon aangekomen dan de oorspronkelijke baanberekeningen voorspelden. Hoe is dat mogelijk?
Alles wijst erop dat ’Oumuamua iets minder sterk door de zwaartekracht van de zon wordt afgeremd dan je zou verwachten. Anders gezegd: het hemellichaam is een tikje aan het versnellen, alsof het toch een kleine raketmotor aan boord heeft.
Onze navigator berekent een nieuwe onderscheppingskoers, anders valt de geplande scheervlucht in het water. Ondertussen breekt onder de bemanning een verhitte discussie los. Is het dan toch een buitenaards ruimteschip? Proberen de aliens zich aan pottenkijkers te onttrekken?
Terwijl we de ruimtekomkommer aan de dagzijde op kleine afstand passeren – wat een schitterend uitzicht levert dat op! – horen we plotseling zacht getik dat al snel overgaat in een soort mitrailleurvuur van scherpe knalletjes. Ons ruimteschip wordt bekogeld en gezandstraald door een bombardement van stof- en gruisdeeltjes.
Heeft ’Oumuamua het vuur op ons geopend?
Nee, onder invloed van de zonnewarmte is toch wat ondergronds ijs verdampt, waardoor stofkorrels en kleine kiezeltjes van het oppervlak losraakten. De wegstromende waterdamp voeren die mee in de richting van de zon, alsof er sprake is van de vervuilde uitlaatgassen van een raketmotor.
Het effect is hetzelfde: een kleine versnelling van het hemellichaam in de tegenovergestelde richting. Dat raketeffect namen astronomen eerder waar bij kometen. ’Oumuamua is geen dode, uitgebluste planetoïde, maar toch een ijsrijke komeet.
Kijk, daar tuimelt hij weg, de uitgestrekte ruimte buiten ons zonnestelsel in. Vaarwel, ’Oumuamua. Wij keren terug naar de aarde. Het heelal heeft nog veel meer voor ons in petto.
Phobos II was the last space probe designed by the Soviet Union. It was designed to explore the moons of Mars. Unexpectedly, we lost communication with it, and multiple insiders have said we weren't told the truth about what really happened.
Reflect On:
Reflect on the fact that there is no so much evidence showing we are not alone, it's overwhelming, yet to a certain extent, society still ignores the biggest story in human history.
There is a serious possibility that we are being visited and have been visited for many years by people from outer space, from other civilizations. This should be the subject of rigorous scientific investigation and not the subject of ‘rubbishing’ by tabloid newspapers. — Lord Admiral Hill-Norton, Former Chief of Defence Staff, 5 Star Admiral of the Royal Navy, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee (source)
Russian Mars probe was downed by aliens - OFFICIAL
Witness testimony when it comes to ‘credibility’ is not really seen as a good source of information within the mainstream world, except when it fits into the accepted view of reality, or the reality that’s given to us by the global elite. At this point, it’s not hard to see the consistent stream of lies, in almost all realms from health to politics, that’s dished out by establishment media on a regular basis. When information is presented which goes against the grain no matter how credible the source, even if it goes far beyond simple witness testimony and into hard evidence, it’s always greeted with a harsh response. We see this today with science, and findings that challenge belief systems and have paradigm-shifting implications (like non-material science).
Things, however, are changing, the collective mind is definitely opening and willing to accept the fact that there are concepts of our reality that we may have overlooked, especially towards things that don’t fit the frame.
One of these topics is intelligent extraterrestrial life. Judging by global polls alone, a large portion of the world seems to believe that we are not alone in the universe and that there is intelligent life out there, it’s not just us…
A large portion also believes that intelligent extraterrestrial life has, and could still be, visiting our planet.
Intelligent beings from other star systems have been and are visiting our planet Earth. They are variously referred to as Visitors, Others, Star People, Et’s, etc…They are visiting Earth NOW; this is not a matter of conjecture or wistful thinking. – Theodor C. Loder III, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Earth Sciences, University of New Hampshire (source)
When it comes to the UFO phenomenon, it’s not really taboo to discuss anymore. Dozens of governments have admitted to the existence of UFOs, they’ve released electrooptical data (radar tracking, video footage), and more. The phenomenon is real, and that really can’t be debunked or argued against. The U.S. government has also started a slow process of disclosure, having released multiple videos of their own through to the stars academy.
When it comes to the extraterrestrial hypothesis for the explanation of some of these UFOs, we have hundreds of high-ranking people from within the military, politics, aerospace, and education sector who have been telling the world that yes, some of these UFOs are indeed extraterrestrial space-craft.
There is abundant evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations have been visiting us for a very long time… that these visitors use the technologies of consciousness, they use toroids, co-rotating magnetic disks for their propulsion systems…That seems to be a common denomantaor of the UFO phenomenon. – Dr.Brian O’leary, Former NASA Astronaut and Princeton Physics Professor. (source)
We’ve written a lot about the phenomenon, and to sift through the articles we’ve published for the past (nearly) 10 years, you can visit the disclosure section of our website. I thought it was important to briefly mention the information above.
Phobos II
Space is a strange place, a place we don’t know much about, and an area that seems to be dominated by Black Budget Special Access Programs (SAP’s), and Unacknowledged Special Access programs. These are programs that are so secretive that they are exempt from standard reporting requirements to Congress. This has been made clear, not only by those who have investigated black budget programs (not many, more on that in the article linked above), but also by whistle-blowers, and people like Gary Mckinnon, who performed the largest military computer hack in history, finding strange pictures of space-ships floating near the Earth, as well as a list of “off-world officers” and “fleet to fleet” transfers of materials.
So, what happened to Phobos II? Phobos II was (from what we’re told), the very last space probe designed by the Soviet Union. It was designed to explore the moons of Mars, Phobos, and Demimos. It was launched on July 12th, 1988, and entered into orbit on January 29th, 1989.
The Probe got close to the surface of Mars, investigating its surface and atmosphere as well as returning approximately 40 images. The probe was also supposed to approach Phobos within 50 meters and release two landers, but all of a sudden, the mission ended and contact with the probe was completely lost. The ‘official’ answer from NASA was that there was a malfunction onboard, but according to others, with ‘credibility,’ this is not what happened.
As Jim Mars points out in one of his books, Our Occulted History:
In mid-1991, six former U.S. Army remote viewers were commissioned by officials within the Russian space program to study the cause of Phobos II’s disappearance. Remote viewing is the term given to a controlled psychic ability that allows one to perceive persons, places, and things at a distance without the use of the normal five senses. Such techniques were studied by both academic and government scientists before the creation of a remote-viewing unit witin the U.S. Amy’s Intelligence and Security Command (INSOCOM) in the early 1970s.
Remote viewing was part of the US Government’s STARGATE program.
Anytime I mention remote viewing in an article, I always have to throw this in there from the declassified literature,
Successful replication of this type of remote viewing in independent laboratories has yielded considerable scientific evidence for the reality of the (remote viewing) phenomenon. Adding to the strength of these results was the discovery that a growing number of individuals could be found to demonstrate high-quality remote viewing, often to their own surprise. The CIA even participated as remote viewers themselves in order to critique the protocols. CIA personnel generated successful target descriptions of sufficiently high quality to permit blind matching of descriptions to targets by independent judges. (sources)
According to Mars, in 1991, the remote viewers issued a report titled “Enigma Penetration: Soviet Phobos II Space Craft Images Anomaly.” The report outlined how a disc-shaped object arose from the surface of Mars as Phobos neared, all while a second object moved even closer, scanning the probe, and then shooting some sort of, what appeared to be, a particle beam device, which disrupted the communication and guidance equipment.
This isn’t the first time a UFO has been said to shoot some sort of beam disrupting Earthly equipment, Colonel Ross Dedrickson, a high-ranking Air Force Officer who had a long stint with the US atomic energy commission provided an example in thisinterview, he also said extraterrestrial destroyed nuclear weapons that the US government wanted to detonate on the moon for scientific purposes… Here’sanother video of Professor Robert Jacobs describing another similar incident.
So, it’s not the first time we’re hearing about something like this.
Back to Phobos, according to Mars, the remote viewers said that “this may have been no accident, as it seems that all of the technology put into space from Earth is scrutinized closely by nonhumans. If it would reveal alien activities, then it is decommissioned. After being struck, Phobos II spiralled down crashing onto the Martian surface.
The remote viewers aren’t the only ones who spoke of such an incident. In 1991, a retired Soviet Air Force colonel and cosmonaut trainee named Marina Popovic, pictured belw on the far right, expressed that one of the last photographs received by the Russians from Phobos II showed “the silhouette of an odd-shaped object approaching the spacecraft.” Popovich said the picture was taken on March 25th, 1989, in deep space near Phobos (moon of Mars) shortly before contact with the craft was lost. She said the object very well may have been an alien spacecraft.” Her belief that this happened was also poorly expressed by the New York Times.
She is holding the photo below.
Why would she be lying? Especially when she is one of dozens of global astronauts to confirm the existence of “UFOs”, and some have confirmed the extraterrestrial hypothesis.
Alexander Dunayev, chairman of the Society Space organization responsible for the Phobos II project, said that “the doomed probe had photographed the image of a small odd-shaped object between itself and Mars. He speculated that the object might have been “debris in the orbit of Phobos” or even jettisoned parts from the spacecraft. His tone was anything but certain.
Here’s another picture:
What’s most intriguing about this story is that the photograph drawn by the remote viewers matched the description of the disc above, which is something that was quite common in the remote viewing program. Again, it had an extremely high success rate, with viewers able to peer into secret Russian military bases and describe weapons facilities, naval facilities and more. They even used the program to locate a lost spy plane in Africa. There are multiple examples found within the declassified literature, and even more from the participants from within that program, like Ingo Swann, Pat Price, Joseph McMoneagle, Paul Smith, and many more.
The military-trained remote viewers, however, said they saw Mars Observer meeting the same fat as Phobos II as well as other, secret space launch that same moe month in 1993. They noted the similarity of fates between the Phobos missions and Mars observer. This pattern may have continued in another failed Russian attempt to probe the secrets of Phobos. In the fall of 2011, control over Phobos Grunt (literally, Phobos Soil) was lost, and fears grew that its ten-ton load of toxic fuel and oxidizer might wreak havoc when the failed craft reentered Earth’s atmosphere. The stricken craft reportedly crashed into the Pacific Ocean on Sunday, January 15th, 2012, with no reported consequence. Why would all these probes be failing? Could it be that something on Mars doesn’t want us observing the planet? One thing seems clear – someone or something continues to operate far outside Earth. (Our Occulted History)
I’ll leave you with this interview, where Buzz Aldrin said that there is a “monolith” on the moon of Mars.
Debbie Jordan-Kauble, describing what's known to Ufologists as "The Copley Woods" encounter. It's one of many supposed encounters that have happened for a very long time. She describes her strange experience in the video below.
Reflect On:
All of this information is emerging into the mainstream. All of the people who have had these types of experiences should not be labelled as 'crazy.' Many of them are clearly 'sane' and have had what appear to be genuine contact experiences.
It’s almost 2019, and we now have statements about ET encounters from many credible people who’ve held some of the highest security clearances and positions within the intelligence/military communities. It’s overwhelming sometimes, with hundreds of them from all over the world continuing to speak out about a supposed extraterrestrial presence that is and has been engaging this planet and the human race for a very long time. UFOs are finally accepted within the “mainstream,” and it doesn’t really seem too taboo anymore to talk about them. But when it comes to the extraterrestrial hypothesis, there is not the same level of mainstream acceptance.
Mainstream media outlets have been nothing but mouthpieces for the establishment, one that has a long track record of ‘fake news,’ disinformation and downright deception. Caution and critical thinking should always be exercised in tuning in to them. They are always using topics for ulterior motives, and it’s hard to take anything they say seriously, especially with regards to UFOs. You can read more about my thoughts regarding mainstream UFO disclosure in the article linked below.
That being said, there are many people around the world who have had what seems to be genuine contact experiences with ‘otherworldy’ beings, for lack of a better word. These could be visits with what we call extraterrestrials, they could also be extra-dimensional experiences as well. There is still so much to comprehend and probably so much we would have no way of perceiving, perhaps similar to an intelligent human trying to communicate what they know to an intelligent wasp or bee, for example.
These contact experiences have existed within the lore of UFOlogy for ages, dating back thousands of years and embedded in the stories of Ancient Babylon, within indigenous cultures throughout the world and all the way up to the present day. What’s interesting is that it’s a topic that continues to gain more credibility, but there are many people out there who’ve had what seem to be genuine experiences that I’ve been completely ridiculed for sharing. Many of these experiences come with physical evidence, and an entire host of other factors and correlations that, for someone who has done the research, make it nearly impossible to deny.
“Yes, it’s both. It’s both literally, physically happening to a degree; and it’s also some kind of psychological, spiritual experience occurring and originating perhaps in another dimension. And so the phenomenon stretches us, or it askes us to stretch to open to realities that are not simply the literal physical wold, but to extend to the possibility that there are other unseen realities from which our consciousness, our, if you will, learning processes over the past several hundred years have closed us off.” Dr. John Mack (source)
The Case Of 60 Zimbabwe Students
One interesting case Mack investigated was one where approximately 60 young elementary school students and school staff in Zimbabwe witnesses a large craft and what appeared to be “alien beings.” Some of the children still speak of the experience today; they were implanted with visions of the destruction of Earth by humans, something many contactees have experienced, visions of forest fires and oceans smothering major cities.
The list of such cases is long; those who choose to dive into it can travel down a virtually endless rabbit hole. One thing is certain: the time has long past where people should be worried to speak openly about their experiences for fear of being ridiculed or labelled as mentally ill.
You can read more about this case in more detail here.
The Copley Woods Encounter
Below is a clip from a woman named Debbie Jordan-Kauble, describing what’s known to Ufologists as “The Copley Woods” encounter. She eventually ended up with the late Bud Hopkins, because he was one of the few who took her seriously. He is one of the world’s most prominent abductee researchers in the field. If you’re interested in the phenomena I suggest you look him up. He wrote a book about this specific encounter.
They are at various spots in the yard. At the same time, they all seemed to line up and slide to the left, back to this egg shaped thing in front of me. They were smaller than me. Shorter. I thought they looked like children. Bullet-shaped children. Bigger in the head and getting narrow at the feet. I couldn’t see much detail, mostly just silhouettes.
It’s a very fascinating story, listen below!
If you’d like to check out all of our articles in chronological order that deal with the extraterrestrial/UFO topic that we’ve written for nearly the past 10 years, you can check out the disclosure section of our website.
The 20 Weirdest Aliens in the Marvel Universe - PART I
The 20 Weirdest Aliens in the Marvel Universe - PART I
By Jasmin Malik Chua, Contributor
Photo Credit: Marvel
0. Marvel Aliens
When "Guardians of the Galaxy" opened in theaters in 2014, it marked a distinct tonal shift in the way Marvel told its stories on the silver screen. Gone were the brooding heroes struggling to cope with the crushing onus of destiny. In their place, we got a motley crew of misfits and mercenaries who were humanoid, if not entirely human.
With Peter Quill (aka Star-Lord) as the sole Earthling lead among a polychromatic cast, the Marvel Cinematic Universe opened itself to a cosmos of possibilities. Even then, the movie studio has only begun to scratch the surface. From household names like Rocket Raccoon and Groot to the boozy aliens known as the Ciegrimites, here are 20 of the strangest species Marvel has to offer.
Photo Credit: Marvel
1. Rocket Raccoon
A member of the Guardians, Rocket is a genetically and cybernetically engineered raccoon from the planet Halfworld. He cracks wise, totes guns, pilots ships and conceals a heart of gold underneath his prickly exterior. Together with Groot, a sentient, ambulatory tree, he roamed the galaxy picking up bounties until Star-Lord recruited him to help him sell an orb containing an Infinity Stone to Taneleer Tivan, also known as the Collector.
Photo Credit: Marvel
2. Groot
The aforementioned tree, Groot is a Flora colossus from Planet X. Despite being a timber of few words—"I am Groot" is his sole refrain—Groot is an expert inquasi-dimensional super-positional engineering. Near the end of the first movie, Groot sacrifices himself to save the lives of his new friends, but Rocket saves a sprig, which is seen sprouting into a Baby Groot in a post-credits scene.
Photo Credit: Marvel
3. Gamora
Dubbed the "most dangerous woman in the whole galaxy," Gamora is a green-skinned Zen-Whoberi who was adopted by Thanos the Mad Titan as a child and raised to be a ruthless assassin. At least, until she betrays him in the first movie by stealing the orb and attempting to pawn it off to the Collector. When Ronan the Accuser makes off with the orb, Gamora makes a last stand with her fellow Guardians to reclaim it.
Photo Credit: Marvel
4. Yondu Udonta
Yondu Udonta may not technically be Star-Lord's father, but he's probably the closest thing he has to one, even if the Centaurian space pirate was responsible for kidnapping young Peter Quill in the first place. In the comics, Yondu is depicted with blue skin and a large red mohawk-like fin on his head. He's able to control arrows made from yaka, a sound-sensitive metal found only on his planet, by whistling.
Photo Credit: Marvel
5. Howard the Duck
Howard the Duck, an anthropomorphic, well, duck, from Duckworld makes a cameo in a post-credit scene in the first "Guardians of the Galaxy, but he's probably best known for his widely panned foray into film in 1986. How he wound up among the Collector's exhibits remains a mystery, but his comic-book counterpart found himself in the middle of the Florida Everglades after a demon known as Thog the Nether-Spawn used his magic to tilt the interdimensional cosmic axis.
Photo Credit: Marvel
6. Ego
Ego the Living Planetis a member of a god-like race known as the Celestials. An intelligent, self-aware planet that feasts on unsuspecting interplanetary travelers, Ego possesses a brain-like organ, a digestive tract and an immune system that can dispatch antibody-esque beings to fend off intruders. Besides its ability to shape its terrain at will — it frequently manifests a giant face when speaking to others — Ego can also spawn humanoid avatars if it so chooses.
Photo Credit: Marvel
7. Mantis
Eschewing her human comic-book origins in favor of a more extraterrestrial one, the cinematic Mantis is an alien with antennas who uses touch to experience the feelings of others. She can also use her powers to manipulate emotions or induce sleep.
Photo Credit: Marvel
8. The Collector
Taneleer Tivan, better known as the Collector, only looks like Benicio del Toro, at least in the movies. In reality, he's a powerful alien billions of years old and virtually immortal. To occupy his time, Taneleer began scouring the universe for artifacts and life-forms he found rare, valuable or interesting, enough to fill up about 10 museum-worlds.
Photo Credit: Marvel
9. Phoenix Force
Immortal, indestructible, and one of the oldest cosmic entities in the universe, the Phoenix Force is described in the comics as the "embodiment of the very passion of Creation — the spark that gave life to the Universe, the flame that will ultimately consume it." It famously transformed Jean Grey of the X-Men into Phoenix, and later, Dark Phoenix, who inadvertently destroys a planet of 5 billion people after exhausting the energy of a nearby star.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
The 20 Weirdest Aliens in the Marvel Universe - PART II
The 20 Weirdest Aliens in the Marvel Universe - PART II
By Jasmin Malik Chua, Contributor
Photo Credit: Marvel
10. Lockjaw
A member of the Inhuman Royal Family, Lockjaw resembles a giant bulldog with a two-pronged antenna on its forehead. Whether he's an Inhuman dog or an Inhuman who just looks like a dog is unclear, but Lockjaw can teleport himself — and up to a dozen people — across incalculable distances and dimensions.
Photo Credit: Marvel
11. Venom
Brought to Earth by Spider-Man, Venom bonded with the web slinger for a time as a black suit before going on to possess Eddie Brock, Deadpool and Flash Thompson, among others. It hails from a race of extraterrestrial parasites known as Symbiotes, which endow their hosts with extraordinary physical abilities in order to feed off their adrenaline.
Photo Credit: Marvel
12. Galactus
Galactus, the "devourer of worlds," emerged from the death of a previous universe. Likely the most powerful character in Marvel's pantheon, he maintains his near-omnipotent powers by consuming the life energies of entire worlds.
Photo Credit: Marvel
13. Silver Surfer
The Silver Surfer is exactly that: a surfboard-riding humanoid clad in metallic skin. As one of Galactus' "heralds," he coasts through interstellar space and hyperspace, seeking planets for Galactus to devour.
Photo Credit: Marvel
14. No-Name of the Brood
No-Name is a member of a species of parasitic insectoids known as the Brood, which scour the galaxy to find hosts for the spawn. A gladiator on the planet Sakaar, where she meets the Hulk, No-Name is characterized by her fangs, wings and a giant stinging tail.
Photo Credit: Marvel
15. Skrulls
Depicted with green skin, pointy ears and furrowed chins, the Skrulls are warlike aliens who can take on the appearance of almost any form, organic and inorganic. Besides being masters of infiltration, they can also use their abilities to sprout weapons from their bodies, making them formidable combatants as well.
Photo Credit: Marvel
16. The Dire Wraiths
The Dire Wraiths are a branch of Skrulls that evolved into their own distinct species. Like their distant relatives, the Dire Wraiths can also shape-shift. Through vaguely humanoid in shape, their true forms include red or orange skin, small beaks, pincer-like limbs and long, spike-tipped tongues, which they use to suck out the brains of their prey.
Photo Credit: Marvel
17. The Phalanx
Similar to the Borg in "Star Trek," the Phalanx is a cybernetic species that shares a hive mind. Phalanx result when organic life-forms are infected with the Transmode virus by the Technarchy, a techno-organic race with shape-shifting powers.
Photo Credit: Marvel
18. The Badoon
The reptilian-like Badoon consist of two factions split across gender lines: the militaristic Brotherhood of the Badoon, who live on the planet Moord, and the more pacifist Sisterhood of the Badoon, who dwell on Lotiara.
Photo Credit: Marvel
19. Druffs
The Druffs are short-statured creatures that reproduce asexually and possess a childlike intelligence and timidity. Considered pests by the Skrulls, Druff populations are routinely culled. The fuzz-covered aliens have managed to proliferate on other worlds, however, by stowing away aboard various starships.
Photo Credit: Marvel
20. Ciegrimites
Resembling upright snails, the Ciegrimites have eyes on stalks and a carapace that wraps around their backs and torsos. They're described as capitalistic, hedonistic and particularly talented in the art of making alcohol, which they use to barter for technology.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Het is moeilijk om je een buitenaardse beschaving voor te stellen die bereid is gigantische investeringen te doen om de aarde te bezoeken, zonder officieel contact te willen leggen noch winstoogmerk.
Dat is wat men zegt bij stichting Skepsis, maar misschien toch hoog tijd dat ze die mening enigszins bijstellen.
Toen wij in een eerdere publicatie Stichting Skepsis een verlengstuk van de overheid noemden, reageerden ze als door een wesp gestoken.
Het ging om dit artikel waarin een burger een UFO melding doet bij 112 en vervolgens wordt teruggebeld door een medewerker van Skepsis.
Stichting Skepsis dacht er het volgende van:
Het getuigt van hysterische vooringenomenheid en ziekelijke achterdocht van de kant van Niburu wanneer ze hier een grootschalige en kwaadaardige samenzwering ontwaren – een samenzwering tussen alarmcentrales, politiekorpsen, inlichtingendiensten en de Stichting Skepsis.
Tja, dat is dezelfde stichting die zegt geen enkele bemoeienis te hebben met de overheid, maar die wel met overheidsgeld in het leven is geroepen:
Skepsis heeft de eerste vier jaar van haar bestaan een startsubsidie van de overheid (de Stichting Publiek, Wetenschap en Techniek, PWT)
Waarschijnlijk ontbreekt het woord “ontvangen”, maar een kniesoor die daar op let. Wij, en waarheidszoekers in het algemeen, krijgen geen overheidssubsidies, maar dat berust op louter toeval en daar mag niets achter worden gezocht.
Het is ook deze zelfde stichting die nu nog steeds amalgaamvullingen op haar website promoot als duurzaam en veilig.
Het is ook de stichting die als taak heeft te proberen de mensheid zoveel mogelijk te laten stoppen met zelf nadenken en zonder morren de gangbare wetenschappelijke theorieën te laten accepteren. De overheid en de door de grote industrieën betaalde wetenschap weten tenslotte wat goed is voor de burger.
Zo hebben ze bij Skepsis uiteraard ook een mening over het ontstaan van de mensheid en buitenaards leven. De arrogantie van Skepsis kent geen grenzen, getuige het volgende stuk op hun website:
Wereldwijd zijn er iedere dag vele ufowaarnemingen en met regelmaat verschijnen meldingen van mensen die buitenaardse wezens hebben waargenomen of er zelfs door zijn ontvoerd. Aangezien er volgens officiële organisaties nooit een dode of levende alien is gevonden, moeten we op onbevestigde observaties vertrouwen om ons een beeld van de wezens te vormen. Het is moeilijk om je een buitenaardse beschaving voor te stellen die bereid is gigantische investeringen te doen om de aarde te bezoeken, zonder officieel contact te willen leggen en zonder winstoogmerk. Nog vreemder is het dat deze wezens, al hun superieure kennis ten spijt, vaak in betrekkelijk simpele ruimtevoertuigen reizen, regelmatig betrapt worden en dan ook nog eens sterk op ons lijken.
Zonder bewijsmateriaal voorhanden, maar open voor iedere claim, kunnen we alleen maar meedenken over het bestaan van buitenaardse bezoekers en daar waar mogelijk is de waarnemingen met logica en wetenschappelijke kennis ondersteunen. Helaas! Tenzij het leven op aarde het resultaat is van intelligent design, is de kans dat zoveel waargenomen ruimtewezens op mensen lijken, nihil. Maar ook intelligent design biedt geen goede verklaring voor de toevalligheden die het leven op aarde gemaakt hebben zoals wij het nu kennen. Als we terugkijken naar hoe het leven zich heeft ontwikkeld, dan had het proces volgens alle bekende chemische regels en biologische wetten ook heel anders kunnen verlopen. Een ander oersoeprecept had wellicht een prima functionerend zelfreplicerend molecuul opgeleverd, met een andere structuur en samenstelling, maar met dezelfde genetische functies als DNA. Als de Proterozoïsche ijstijden hadden aangehouden, had leven zich alleen diep in de oceanen kunnen afspelen. Als door een toevallige botsing met een meteoriet de dinosauriërs niet waren uitgestorven, hadden zoogdieren zich nooit ontwikkeld tot de dominerende klasse.
Als antwoord op deze overheidspropaganda volgt hierna een zeer verhelderende video. Deze duurt 22 minuten en gedurende die 22 minuten krijg je een scala aan wetenschappelijk onderbouwde feiten te horen en te zien.
Aan het einde is er slechts één conclusie mogelijk en dat die haaks staat op die van de stichting Skepsis zal niemand verbazen:
Als je aanneemt dat de maan echt is, kom je uiteraard weer op de aloude vraag terecht of wij daar nu wel geweest zijn of niet en tenslotte is er nog de vraag of er misschien buitenaardse wezens actief zijn op de maan of dat de machthebbers daar een aantal geheime locaties hebben.
Op 18 mei vond de lancering plaats van de vierde bemande ruimtevlucht naar de maan onder de naam Apollo 10. Hier werd het testen van de maanlander uitgevoerd ter voorbereiding van de eerste vlucht naar de maan, Apollo 11, waar daadwerkelijk mensen op de maan zouden worden gezet. Wat ook gebeurde volgens de mainstream kanalen en zij die geloven dat wij mensen op de maan zijn geweest.
Er is nog zoveel dat we niet weten over de maan, ongeacht of wij er wel of niet zijn geweest, maar daar begint nu toch een beetje verandering in te komen.
Wat te denken van de volgende opname:
Hier is duidelijk een gebouw op de maan te zien en deze foto is eveneens afkomstig van NASA en het betreft hier een wat men noemt gerestaureerde foto.
In de video hierna zie je voorbeelden van het werk van een aantal mensen die druk zijn met het bestuderen van het maanoppervlak en de vele bijzonderheden die ze daar ontdekken. De man die bovenstaande foto weer zichtbaar heeft gemaakt, heeft nog veel meer dingen ontdekt en claimt dat er zich complete steden op de maan bevinden. Iets waar wij eerder over schreven.
Dat de maan en wat daar nu wel of niet gebeurt iets is dat leeft onder de lezers, blijkt onder andere uit het volgende wat een lezer schrijft (dank!):
Ik heb op YouTube een zeer interessante lezing gezien over de vraag of de maanlandingen echt waren of niet, met als duidelijke conclusie dat alles fake was.
Op mijn Facebookpagina heb ik geschreven:
The only "rock from the moon" ever scientifically investigated, in the Netherlands (!), turned out to contain a petrified piece of wood! 100% proof that the photos taken on the moon are fake. Very convincing evidence. At 1:22:27 "I find it fascinating how so many people can be manipulated to believe something which, when you get the evidence together, is quite evidently fake. [...] It is easier to fool people than it is to persuade them that they had been fooled."
Hier is de video:
Ik heb zelf eigenlijk lang getwijfeld over de vraag of de maanlandingen wel of niet echt gebeurd zijn. Ik weet het nog als de dag van gister dat ik samen met mijn vader en moeder en broer voor de televisie zat toen de eerste man voet op de maan zette. De filmopnames gemaakt op de maan zijn de duurste filmopnames uit de geschiedenis van de mensheid, en NASA beweert keihard dat de oorspronkelijke opnames verloren gegaan zouden zijn, hetgeen natuurlijk volstrekt ongeloofwaardig is. Er moeten dingen op de oorspronkelijke filmopnames staan die het daglicht niet kunnen verdragen. Ik heb altijd twee mogelijkheden open gehouden: misschien zijn er buitenaardse ruimteschepen gefilmd, of misschien hebben de maanlandingen nooit plaats gevonden. Na het zien van deze lezing kies ik toch voor optie 2.
Misschien zouden jullie nu of in de toekomst nog een keertje aandacht kunnen geven aan de maanlandingen? Ik vind het in ieder geval een interessant onderwerp. De spreker haalt dus ook de Nederlandse maansteen aan, al duizenden keren gefotografeerd door bezoekers. En nu blijkt er dus versteend hout in te zitten! Tenzij er bomen op de maan hebben gestaan, bewijst het dat de door NASA aan Nederland afgegeven steen helemaal niet van de maan afkomstig was!
Over the next several weeks, I’ll be conducting interviews with leading UFO researchers from countries around the world in an effort to paint a picture of global UFOlogy today.
This week, our global UFO trek takes us to Denmark, and to Pia Knudsen. Pia has had an interest in UFOs since a childhood sighting in British Columbia, Canada. In 2009 Pia co-founded Exopoltics Denmark, which now operates as UFO Denmark. Pia has been interviewed on national radio and for the National Geographic channel; she has written articles on the UFO topic and lectured in both the UK and Norway. In her current role as director of UFO Denmark, Pia says that she “strives to make the best research and documentation available for the Danish public.”
Pia Knudsen, director of UFO Denmark.
RG: Who have been the defining figures in Danish UFOlogy over the past 70 years (for better or for worse), and why?
PK: Major H. C. Petersen was a pioneer in Danish ufology, founding the first nationwide ufo group, Scandinavian UFO Information (SUFOI), in 1957.
As a captain lieutenant in 1952, Hans Christian Petersen was sent to Wright Patterson Airforce base in Ohio for training. During his stay, Petersen became astonished to learn that the Americans took the UFO topic seriously. Project Blue Book had headquarters at the base and the young officer became convinced that UFOs were real. In the mid 1950s, Petersen had his own UFO radar sighting at Skydstrup Airforce base, which fuelled a lifelong interest in UFOs. Due to disagreements regarding George Adamski, H. C. Peterson left the SUOFI group in 1965 and went on to create a second group, IGAP (International Get Acquainted Program) to promote Adamski’s tecahings. Both UFO groups still exist. While the SUOFOI group has become increasingly skeptical of the topic and refers to UFOs as a myth with earthly explanations for all sightings, the IGAP group is slowly diminishing and now has very few members. H. C. Petersen passed away in 2013.
Hans Christian Petersen, a pioneer of Danish Ufology who passed away in 2013.
Early Danish UFO groups include UFO-Fyn, DISC and Nordisk UFO Organisation. FUFOS (Frederiksberg UFO Studygroup) had quite a following in the 1970s, promoting not only UFOs but a mix of topics. The group eventually changed its name and focus; it seldom focusses on UFOs nowadays.
In 2009 I co-founded the Exopolitics Denmark group, focussing on political and environmental activism surrounding UFOs. Each year we invite leading researchers to Denmark. In 2014, you [Robbie Graham] joined George Knapp and Terje Toftenes in Copenhagen to speak about UFOs and the media. Other speakers have included Richard Dolan, Robert Hastings, Timothy Good, Suzy Hansen, Gary Heseltine, Jeremey Corbell, Mary Rodwell, Steven Bassett, A. J. Gevaerd and more. In May 2018, Grant Cameron visited both Copenhagen and Kolding.
In late-2017, Exopolitics Denmark voted to change its name to UFO Denmark. We now have a broader focus to create debate and provide information surrounding the UFO topic.
RG: What do you consider to be the most compelling Danish UFO incident on record, and why?
PK: Police officer Evald Maarup Hansen twice spotted a UFO above his police car on a romote country road in 1970, and again in 1973. Both the car and police radio shut down during the event, but Evald Maarup managed to take three pictures of object. He reluctenly spoke about the event after collegues had contacted the media. In 2010 I located a radar operator, Nis Krog, who had been on duty at the nearby Skydstrup Airforce Base and had seen an unidentified object on his radar at the time and in the area Maarup had his encounter. This case was included in a National Geographic documentary I worked on in 2013 and Nis Krog went public for the first time confirming his radar observations.
RG: What is the Danish government’s official stance on UFOs? When was the last time it issued a statement on the subject?
PK: The Danish airforce released their UFO files in january 2009. There was a big hype in the press. The airforce stated that they had collected 15,000 files since the mid fifties but in fact only released 228 cases on the day. They claimed all files from before 1978 had gone missing. On average, 250 cases were rapported each year, so I estimate that 7,500 cases should have been released in 2009. No members of the press or the SUFOI UFO group questioned why so few cases were released. The airforce’s offical website recommends all new incoming cases be reported to the SUFOI group. I have done much more research into the file release and have an article on the subject. The governement no longer comments on the topic.
RG: Has the Danish government shown more or less transparency on the UFO subject than the US and British governments?
PK: Early on, in the late 1950s the airforce were quite open and even defended Major H. C. Petersen’s right to have a hobby studying UFOs when questioned about his abilty to work as an airforce officer. Since the 1970s the airforce has become much less open regarding UFOs and, since 2009, no longer comments on the subject.
The Danish Ministry of Defence building. The Danish Air Force released some of its UFO files in 2009.
RG: What is the role of your organisation, UFO Denmark (previously Exopolitics Denmark)?
PK: UFO Denmark does not collect UFO reports or do field work. Our role is to create a platform for information and debate. Some indiviuals in our group do independent research and we provide an email address so people can share their sightings.
RG: How many smaller Danish UFO groups or organisations are you aware of?
PK: There is one small UFO group and others who organize CE-5 events. Nowadays social media plays a key role in connecting peole who seek information. UFO Denmark is the only group organizing events and inviting reseachers to speak.
Copenhagen, Denmark on the Nyhavn Canal.
RG: What are the most active regions of Denmark for UFO sighting reports (hotspots)?
PK: I am not aware of any hotspots at the moment. Sightings seem to be spread equally across the country. Very rarely do people see disc-shaped UFOs; it is mainly orbs being reported. There seems to be an increase in contact cases.
RG: Have you personally had any UFO sightings?
PK: Yes, I have had three sightings. I had my first in 1971, together with four other people. It was a daytime sighting of a silver disc (approx. 30 meters away and 40-50 metres in the air). This happened in Surrey, B.C., Canada.
In 2012, together with Gary Heseltine and my Norweigan friend Ann, I had a sighting of a large white glowing orb close to Bergen in Norway.
My last sighting happened in Denmark in 2016 at my summer cottage on the outskirts of Copenhagen. My husband and I saw five white orbs, the size of a frisbee, flying silently opposite the wind pass by our house. I managed to take six pictures (the camera elongated the orb, but it was completly round. You can see the flagpole in the picture).
Photo taken by Pia Knudsen of one of five luminous orbs sighted in the presence of her husband in 2016 near Copenhagen, Denmark.
RG: How long have you been involved in the UFO subject; roughly how many cases have you personally investigated; and what conclusions, if any, have you drawn about the underlying nature of UFO phenomena?
PK: Since my first sighting at the age of 10, and also hearing about my mother’s sightings, I’ve been intrigued by the subject. I have seriously studyed the topic for the past 15 years, and since 2009 together with UFO Denmark members. I have investigated very few cases in a nuts and bolts fashion, but many have shared their experiences with me. The brightest minds in this field have not been able to conclude much about the nature of the phenomena and nor can I, but I do agree that it is much much more than just lights in the sky.
Beste bezoeker, Heb je zelf al ooit een vreemde waarneming gedaan, laat dit dan even weten via email aan Frederick Delaere Deze onderzoekers behandelen jouw melding in volledige anonimiteit en met alle respect voor jouw privacy. Ze zijn kritisch, objectief maar open minded aangelegd en zullen jou steeds een verklaring geven voor jouw waarneming! DUS AARZEL NIET, ALS JE EEN ANTWOORD OP JOUW VRAGEN WENST, CONTACTEER FREDERICK. BIJ VOORBAAT DANK...
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.