The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Waterwolken ontdekt in Jupiters Grote Rode Vlek
Waterwolken ontdekt in Jupiters Grote Rode Vlek
Caroline Kraaijvanger
De ontdekking kan meer inzicht geven in het ontstaan van de grootste planeet in ons zonnestelsel.
Astronomen ontdekten de waterwolken met behulp van het Keck Observatory en NASA’s Infrared Telescope Facility, beiden te vinden in Hawaii. De observaties suggereren dat de waterwolken zich op grote diepte in Jupiters Grote Rode Vlek bevinden. Op die plek is de luchtdruk vijf keer hoger dan aan het aardoppervlak en liggen de temperaturen net boven het vriespunt van water.
Lagen De observaties onthullen voor het eerst dat er in de Grote Rode Vlek sprake is van een duidelijke gelaagdheid. Helemaal bovenin vinden we ammoniakwolken, daaronder – op veel grotere diepte – ammoniumwaterstofsulfide-wolken. En nog dieper de waterwolken.
Een model van de verschillende lagen in Jupiters Grote Rode Vlek.
Afbeelding: Bjoraker et al.
Elementen De diepte waarop de waterwolken zijn aangetroffen wijst er – in combinatie met metingen van een ander zuurstofdragend gas (koolstofmonoxide) – op dat er op Jupiter 2 tot 9 keer meer zuurstof te vinden is dan op de zon. Dat zware elementen – zoals zuurstof, maar ook koolstof, stikstof, zwavel en zuurstof – veel vaker voorkomen op Jupiter bewijst dat de planeet op een andere manier is ontstaan dan de zon (die voornamelijk uit waterstof en helium bestaat. Astronomen denken dat Jupiter – en ook Saturnus – ontstonden door middel van accretie: het gas waaruit de zon gevormd werd, condenseerde tot materiaal dat samenklonterde en op de één of andere manier ongeveer 1 kilometer grote objecten vormde die planetesimalen worden genoemd. Die planetesimalen kwamen in botsing, klonterden samen en vormden de kern van de gasreuzen. Zodra die kernen ongeveer tien keer de massa van de aarde hadden, waren ze in staat om gas uit de zonnenevel aan zich te binden en uit te groeien tot een echte gasreus. In grove lijnen hebben onderzoekers dus een aardig beeld van het ontstaan van de gasreuzen, maar wat ze niet weten, is waar de planetesimalen ontstonden. “En dus waar de gasreuzen gevormd werden,” vertelt onderzoeker Imke de Pater.
De verhouding tussen de verschillende elementen in de gasreuzen kan daar meer inzicht in geven. Zo onthulde de Galileo-missie – waarbij de Galileo-sonde in Jupiters wolken dook – dat zware elementen als koolstof, zwavel, stikstof en edelgassen ongeveer vier keer overvloediger op Jupiter voorkomen dan op de zon. Maar de sonde ontdekte ook dat zuurstof – in de vorm van water – op de plek waar deze in Jupiters atmosfeer dook, juist veel minder overvloedig voorkwam. In de Grote Rode Vlek lijkt zuurstof tussen de 2 en 9 keer overvloediger voor te komen dan op de zon. Dat is nogal een brede marge, té breed om iets over de geboorteplaats van Jupiter te kunnen zeggen. Want, als er 3 tot 4 keer meer zuurstof op Jupiter te vinden is dan op de zon, is de gasreus waarschijnlijk voorbij de baan van Neptunus ontstaan (waar planetesimalen een mengsel van gesteente en amorf waterijs vormen). En als er meer dan negen keer zoveel zuurstof op Jupiter te vinden is als op de zon, zou de gasreus in de omgeving van zijn huidige locatie zijn gevormd (waar planetesimalen een mengsel van kristallijn ijs en gesteente vormen, waarbij zware elementen gevangen zitten in de ijskristallen). Vervolgonderzoek moet onderzoekers in staat stellen om de overvloedigheid van zuurstof op Jupiter nauwkeuriger vast te stellen. En vervolgens kunnen er dan ook conclusies worden getrokken omtrent de geboorteplaats van de gasreus.
Hubble fotografeert spectaculair poollicht op Saturnus
Hubble fotografeert spectaculair poollicht op Saturnus
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Het poollicht danst over de noordpool van de gasreus.
Astronomen bestudeerden het poollicht op de noordpool van Saturnus met behulp van ruimtetelescoop Hubble, gedurende een periode van zeven maanden. Het onderzoek geeft meer inzicht in Saturnus’ enorme magnetosfeer – het gebied rond de gasreus waarin geladen deeltjes beïnvloed worden door het magnetisch veld van Saturnus. Op aarde ontstaat het poollicht wanneer door de zon uitgezonden deeltjes de interactie aangaan met het magnetisch veld. Dit magnetisch veld beschermt de aarde tegen zonnedeeltjes, maar kan ze ook gevangen houden en via de magnetische veldlijnen naar de magnetische polen leiden. Daar gaan ze de interactie aan met zuurstof- en stikstofatomen die zich in de bovenste lagen van de aardatmosfeer bevinden. Die interactie veroorzaakt de kleurrijke, flikkerende poollichten zoals wij die kennen.
Hubble in ultraviolet.
Afbeelding: ESA / Hubble, NASA & L. Lamy (Observatoire de Paris).
Maar ook op andere planeten in ons zonnestelsel kan het poollicht dus ontstaan. Eerder is het poollicht aangetroffen op Jupiter, Saturnus, Uranus en Neptunus. Omdat de atmosfeer van deze planeten – in tegenstelling tot die van de aarde – voor een groot deel uit waterstof bestaat, kunnen die poollichten echter enkel op ultraviolette golflengtes worden waargenomen. Voor Hubble geen probleem, zo blijkt wel uit de prachtige foto hieronder.
Deze foto bestaat eigenlijk uit twee afbeeldingen. Het poollicht legde Hubble in 2017 vast. Vervolgens plaatste men dat poollicht op een kiekje van Saturnus – gemaakt in zichtbaar licht – dat in 2018 is geschoten.
Afbeelding: ESA / Hubble, NASA, A. Simon (GSFC) & OPAL Team, J. DePasquale (STScI), L. Lamy (Observatoire de Paris).
De beelden die Hubble van het poollicht op Saturnus heeft gemaakt, onthullen dat er nogal wat variatie zit in het poollicht (zie ook het filmpje hieronder). Het heeft alles te maken met de zonnewind en de rotatie van Saturnus (de gasreus heeft maar elf uur nodig om een rondje rond de as te voltooien).
Het is alweer elf jaar geleden dat astronomen voor het eerst melding maakten van een snelle radioflits (ook wel Fast Radio Burst of kortweg FRB genoemd). De snelle radioflits werd al in 2001 door het Parkes Observatory vastgelegd, maar pas in 2007 – tijdens een analyse van gearchiveerde data – ontdekt.
Buitenaards In de jaren die volgen, worden er nog meer snelle radioflitsen ontdekt. Natuurlijk roepen de ontdekkingen de vraag op hoe deze radioflitsen ontstaan en waar ze precies vandaan komen. Maar er is ook twijfel; alle flitsen worden door het Parkes Observatory gevonden en dus vragen sommige astronomen zich af of ze wel een buitenaardse oorsprong hebben en niet het resultaat zijn van een foutje in het instrument. In 2014 veegt een nieuw onderzoek die twijfels van tafel. Er is een nieuwe snelle radioflits ontdekt en dit keer door het Arecibo Observatory. “Nu, met de ontdekking van een radioflits door Arecibo zijn we er zekerder van dat FRB’s astrofysische fenomenen zijn,” stelde onderzoeker Laura Spitler. Maar de oorsprong van snelle radioflitsen bleef een mysterie. “We krijgen geen grip op wat het is,” erkende Spitler in 2014.
Het Parkes Observatory nam de eerste snelle radioflitsen waar. Afbeelding: Diceman Stephen West
De feiten Maar wat wisten astronomen in 2014 dan wel? Nou, ze zagen dat de radioflitsen maar kort aanhielden: hooguit enkele milliseconden. Verder wisten ze dat er een enorme hoeveelheid energie bij vrijkwam: soms wel meer dan onze zon in duizenden jaren tijd genereert. Verder was er alle reden om aan te nemen dat een snelle radioflits een eenmalig verschijnsel was; vervolgwaarnemingen in dezelfde richting als waarin de radioflits was waargenomen, leverden niets op. Dat laatste deed astronomen dan ook vermoeden dat deze radioflitsen ontstonden tijdens een extreme, catastrofale gebeurtenis, zoals een botsing tussen twee zware objecten.
Aliens? In een poging het ontstaan van snelle radioflitsen te kunnen verklaren, werden natuurlijk ook de aliens van stal gehaald. Want waren de radioflitsen misschien een poging van hun kant om met ons in contact te komen? Inmiddels hebben de meeste astronomen die verklaring wel verworpen. Zo ook Seth Shostak, verbonden aan de Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). In een eerder dit jaar verschenen blog schrijft hij dat het niet aannemelijk is dat aliens zo’n energierijk communicatiesignaal versturen dat zelfs in andere sterrenstelsels te zien is. Want wat is het nut daarvan? “Het is alsof je op de zinkende Titanic gebruik maakt van een vuurpistool dat zo’n helder signaal afgeeft dat het zichtbaar is vanaf Mars,” zo schrijft Shostak. Wat het idee van een buitenaardse beschaving die radiopulsen gebruikt om te communiceren echter nog veel overtuigender tegenspreekt, is het feit dat er dagelijks naar schatting duizenden van zulke snelle radioflitsen ontstaan. Een overtuigende aanwijzing dat dit het werk van moeder natuur is.
Op herhaling Dat de snelle radioflitsen maar één keer, heel kortstondig acte de présence geven, maakt het natuurlijk een stuk lastiger om te achterhalen waar en hoe ze precies ontstaan. De opwinding is dan ook groot als onderzoekers in 2015 voor het eerst getuige zijn van een zichzelf herhalende FRB: FRB 121102. Het idee dat snelle radioflitsen ontstaan tijdens een catastrofale, eenmalige gebeurtenis komt op losse schroeven te staan.
Dwergsterrenstelsel Maar hoe ontstaan de snelle radioflitsen dan? In een poging dat mysterie op te lossen, richten onderzoekers hun pijlen op dat ene exemplaar dat herhaaldelijk van zich laat horen: FRB 121102. En vorig jaar lukte het onderzoekers eindelijk om de bron van deze snelle radioflits te lokaliseren. De radioflits bleek afkomstig te zijn uit een dwergsterrenstelsel dat op maar liefst drie miljard lichtjaar afstand staat. Daarmee was nog lang niet duidelijk hoe deze snelle radioflits precies ontstond. Maar het feit dat deze het levenslicht ziet in een klein sterrenstelsel zette astronomen wel aan het denken. Het dwergsterrenstelsel bevat relatief weinig verrijk gas, waardoor er veel meer zware sterren ontstaan dan in ons sterrenstelsel. “Mogelijk is de snelle radioflits afkomstig van het ineengestorte overblijfsel van zo’n zware ster,” speculeerde onderzoeker Jason Hessels vorig jaar. Maar er bleven nog genoeg andere hypothesen over. Zo kon het ook goed zijn dat de snelle radioflits ontstond nabij een zwart gat dat gas uit de omgeving verorberde. Kortom: de oorsprong van de snelle radioflits bleef in nevelen gehuld.
Een actief zwart gat. Afbeelding: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center / CI Lab.
Extreme omgeving Begin dit jaar kwamen onderzoekers echter weer een stapje dichter bij de oplossing van dit inmiddels jaren oude mysterie. Astronomen stelden vast dat de bron van de repeterende snelle radioflits zich in een zeer extreme omgeving bevindt. Ze trokken die conclusie op basis van een analyse van het licht van de radioflitsen. Dat licht blijkt sterk gepolariseerd te zijn – wat betekent dat het een voorkeursoriëntatie heeft. Daarnaast is het licht ook ‘gedraaid’, wat weer te wijten zou zijn aan een sterk magneetveld. Het gaat daarbij om een extreme draaiing: 500 keer groter dan ooit bij een andere bron van radioflitsen is gezien. Een dergelijke extreme draaiing is tot op heden alleen waargenomen in de nabijheid van een superzwaar zwart gat (zoals dat in het hart van onze Melkweg bijvoorbeeld). De astronomen vermoeden dan ook dat de bron van deze radioflitsen – waarschijnlijk een neutronenster – dicht bij een zwaar zwart gat staat. Een andere mogelijkheid is dat de neutronenster zich in een energierijke nevel of een supernovarestant bevindt.
Veel vragen Nog steeds weten we dus niet hoe deze snelle radioflitsen precies ontstaan. Wat we ook niet weten, is hoe FRB 121102 zich verhoudt tot die andere (eenmalige) radioflitsen. Is FRB 121102 echt bijzonder en ontstaat deze op een andere manier dan die eenmalige radioflitsen? Of zijn die andere radioflitsen helemaal geen eenmalige verschijnselen, maar moeten we gewoon wat langer wachten alvorens ook zij nog een keer acte de présence geven?
Er zijn meer waarnemingen nodig om al die prangende vragen te kunnen beantwoorden. En zoals het er nu naar uitziet, zijn die waarnemingen ons wel gegund. Wetenschappers vermoeden dat er elke dag duizenden detecteerbare snelle radioflitsen ontstaan. De vraag is dan ook niet of, maar wanneer we zullen ontdekken hoe deze nu nog mysterieuze radioflitsen precies het levenslicht zien.
The space station sprung a leak, a fireball shot over Western Australia, and a NASA astronaut candidate quit — it's's best news stories of the week.
Photo Credit: NASA
1. Potential astronaut quits
A little over a year after he was chosen to join spaceflight training, NASA astronaut candidate Robb Kulin resigned for personal reasons.
Legendary mathematician Katherine Johnson, whose calculations led NASA to its first human spaceflight and whose story was told in the feature film "Hidden Figures," turned 100 years old this week.
Physicists at CERN have observed the Higgs boson decaying into two bottom quarks for the first time — these observations are a major support of the Standard Model.
Photo Credit: National Astonomical Observatory of Japan
6. Monster galaxy
Researchers took a close look at an ancient monster galaxy 12.4 billion light-years from Earth. They found that it forms stars 1,000 times faster than the Milky Way.
Causing momentary panic, ground control operators discovered a tiny air leak on the International Space Station. Luckily, the crew seems to have repaired the leak, which did not pose an immediate risk to the astronauts.
Alien life on Milky Way's 'water worlds' could be possible, scientists believe
Alien life on Milky Way's 'water worlds' could be possible, scientists believe
University of Chicago and Pennsylvania State researchers say alien life could be found on water planets after all
By Neil Murphy
Life can be supported on water planets
(Image: Reuters)
Alien life could be discovered on so-called 'water worlds' that are radically different from our own planet, new research claims.
Scientists from the University of Chicago and Pennsylvania State claim that the unique carbon make-up of ocean planets could support life for a longer period than was initially thought - giving a boost to the search for extraterrestrial life.
A computer model created by physicists showed that water planets have enough carbon to allow life to flourish and do not have too many minerals and elements.
It had been believed that water planets were unable to replicate the cycling of carbon and minerals that makes life on planet Earth habitable.
A newly discovered exoplanet, Kepler-452b, comes the closest of any found so far to matching our system
(Image: NASA/Ames/JPL-Caltech
Earth photographed from one million miles way
(Image: PA)
The Astrophysical Journal found that ocean planets could stay in the "sweet spot" for habitability much longer than previously assumed.
"This really pushes back against the idea you need an Earth clone—that is, a planet with some land and a shallow ocean,' said Edwin Kite,assistant professor at UChicago and the report's lead author.
Life needs an extended period to evolve so scientists usually look for planets that have both some water and some way to keep their climates stable over time.
But this model doesn't work on a water world, with deep water covering the rock and suppressing volcanoes.
"The surprise was that many of them stay stable for more than a billion years, just by luck of the draw,' Kite said.
"Our best guess is that it's on the order of 10 percent of them."
"How much time a planet has is basically dependent on carbon dioxide and how it's partitioned between the ocean, atmosphere and rocks in its early years,' said Kite.
"It does seem there is a way to keep a planet habitable long-term without the geochemical cycling we see on Earth."
The scientists simulations looked at solar systems similar o our own but say similar results may be found for red dwarf planets because they
Scientists say they 'can't rule out' alien life on Jupiter after new discovery
Scientists say they 'can't rule out' alien life on Jupiter after new discovery
The discovery of water in Jupiter's Great Red Spot suggests the possibility of alien life.
By Tyler MacDonald
A team of researchers just discovered water clouds in Jupiter's Great Red Spot. Following the discovery, scientists say they "can't rule out" alien lifeon the planet.
"Water may play a critical role in Jupiter's dynamic weather patterns, so this will help advance our understanding of what makes the planet's atmosphere so turbulent," said astrophysicist Mt dmkovics.
However, dmkovics cautions that the presence of water on Jupiter doesn't mean it is a precursor to life.
"And, finally, where there's the potential for liquid water, the possibility of life cannot be completely ruled out," he said. "So, though it appears very unlikely, life on Jupiter is not beyond the range of our imaginations."
The team hopes to eventually learn just how much water is on the planet and the role it plays.
"Water may play a critical role in Jupiter's dynamic weather patterns, so this will help advance our understanding of what makes the planet's atmosphere so turbulent," dmkovics said.
The research team made the discovery using specially designed software to analyze data obtained from Jupiter.
"When I initially began, I started by running the data through. The code was already written and I was just plugging in new data sets and generating output files," said researcher Rachel Conway. "But then I began fixing errors and learning more about what was actually going on. I'm interested in everything and anything that's out there, so learning more about what we don't know is always cool."
The findings were published in the Astronomical Journal.
Audio About Australia’s Largest Mass UFO Sighting Resurfaces, Revealing Spooky Details
Audio About Australia’s Largest Mass UFO Sighting Resurfaces, Revealing Spooky Details
We live in a vast and endless universe, so the odds of us being completely alone in it are slim. Now that technology is becoming increasingly advanced, we are discovering more and more Earth-like planets in far-off corners of the universe that have the potential to support life. As a result, it’s only a matter of time before we discover aliens too.
While we may be closer than ever before to making contact with E.T., there have been recorded incidents of extraterrestrial events on our planet for millennia. In fact, aliens are even mentioned in the Bible. It’s also been suggested that the Ancient Egyptians were able to build the pyramids with primitive technology because they had extraterrestrial help.
Despite these incidents, there is still no absolute and universally accepted proof that aliens exist. But thanks to science fiction, when most of us think of aliens, we automatically assume that they are a lot more advanced than us humans, and it’s for this reason that many of us believe it’s not outwith the realm of possibility for them to have already made contact.
One of the most famous examples of alleged alien contact happened in 1947 when a UFO appeared to crash over a ranch near Roswell, New Mexico. A picture of the incident was published by the local paper and a national frenzy ensued, with many people believing that undisputable evidence of alien life had finally been found – that was until the military got involved.
They offered a logical explanation for the seemingly out of this world picture of the crash, explaining that it was nothing more than a conventional weather balloon. However, interest in the case was renewed in the 1970s when ufologists began to speculate about whether or not this was a part of an elaborate cover-up and that aliens had indeed crashed in Roswell in 1947.
Another famous UFO sighting, often dubbed “Australia’s Roswell”, happened in 1966 when Westall High School’s pupils and their teachers allegedly saw an object they couldn’t identify flying down onto a nearby wild grass field. The mysterious UFO then ascended back into the sky and flew away in a north-westerly direction over Clayton South, Victoria.
The UFO was first spotted around 11:00 am when pupils at the school were engaging in sports outside when they saw what they later described as a grey saucer-shaped craft, which was slightly purple in color and around twice the size of a car.
However, descriptions of the UFO do vary quite considerably because there were around 350 witnesses. Andrew Greenwood, a science teacher, told The Dandenong Journal that the craft he saw was silvery-green in color.
Needless to say, those present did not all immediately witness the UFO. They simply gathered when news of its existence spread and watched it for around 20 minutes. As the UFO left the grassy field, it was reportedly being circled by two planes – further solidifying witnesses’ belief that what they were witnessing was a bona fide alien craft.
The alleged presence of the planes also caused some confusion over whether there was just one UFO or not, with some witnesses claiming that there were three. The story was further sensationalized by newspaper reports at the time, with some pupils said to have “collapsed and became ill with fright” when they saw the craft or crafts in the field.
Extensive interviews were carried out after the incident took place to get to the bottom of what really happened. Because there were so many people present, a mass hallucination or mix up on that scale simply wasn’t plausible, and the Victorian Flying Saucer Research Society took out a newspaper ad in an appeal for more eyewitness descriptions.
Now, a fascinating interview from the time has resurfaced. Conducted by Dr. James E. McDonald, who was famed for his work investigating extraterrestrial phenomenon, according to Fox News, it was with Westall school science teacher Andrew Greenwood. And because he was an adult at the time, it provides a reliable insight into what actually happened.
To hear the incredible interview for yourself, check out the video below:
Describing the interview, McDonald said, “Greenwood told me the UFO was first brought to his attention by a hysterical child who ran into his classroom and told him there’s a flying saucer outside.”
“He thought this child had become deranged or something so he didn’t take any notice, but when the child insisted that this object was in the sky he decided to go out and have a look for himself.”
When Greenwood arrived outside to investigate what had upset the child, he saw a group of pupils looking towards the northeast area of the school grounds, and as he walked over, he saw a UFO hovering next to a power line.
During the interview, Greenwood said the UFO was around the size of a car, round and silver and had a metal rod sticking out of its side. He said that as he looked up, more people arrived to watch the spectacle as planes began to circle it.
“He called it the most amazing flying he had ever seen in his life,” McDonald added. “The planes were doing everything possible to approach the object and he said how they all avoided [a] collision he will never know.”
“Every time they got too close to the object it would slowly accelerate, then rapidly accelerate and then move away from them and stop. Then they would take off after it again and the same thing would happen.”
The teacher said that this game of “cat and mouse” continued for around 20 minutes in front of around 350 stunned witnesses. He said that the UFO disappeared quite suddenly and when it did, all of the pupils were ushered back inside.
The headmaster then told the pupils and his staff not to discuss the phenomenon that they had seen with anyone.
“He gave the school a lecture and told the children they would be severely punished if they talked about this matter and told the staff they could lose their jobs if they mentioned it at all,” McDonald explained.
While various conspiracy theorists have argued that the government tried to cover up the incident by once again claiming that it was caused by a balloon, namely a research balloon like the one pictured below, Greenwood insisted it was the headmaster.
He was reportedly so “scared” and “disturbed” by what he saw that he hid inside the school until the UFO was gone.
“When the Royal Australian Airforce contacted the headmaster he told them to ‘go and jump in a lake’,” McDonald said.
A number of witnesses also said that after the event they were warned by several men in black suits not to speak about it.
Prior to the incident, Greenwood “was a complete skeptic himself. He had never even considered the possibility of their existence.”
“When he asked the physical education teacher to describe what she had seen herself so that he could compare it with his own observation, she just wouldn’t say anything,” McDonald revealed.
Pictured above are two witnesses recalling the event as adults.
At the time of the incident, a newspaper described the sighting as “important” because circular patches were found in the grass above where the UFO had been hovering. However, just like the Roswell UFO incident, the reality of what happened that morning in 1966 remains impossible to prove, but one thing’s for sure – the 350 pupils and staff present definitely saw something.
Cassini Snaps Best Ever Images of Saturn’s ‘Flying Saucer’ Moon Atlas
Cassini Snaps Best Ever Images of Saturn’s ‘Flying Saucer’ Moon Atlas
Just five weeks after beaming home images of a giant space ravioli, NASA’s Saturn-orbiting Cassini spacecraft has shown us a “UFO.”
Well, sort of. On Tuesday (April 12), Cassini snapped the best-ever photos of Saturn’s bizarre moon Atlas, whose humped middle and broad equatorial ridge make it look like a flying saucer. (The “ravioli” moon, by the way, is the Saturn satellite Pan, although some people think it looks more like an empanada.)
Cassini took the new photos during a flyby that brought the probe within just 7,000 miles (11,000 kilometers) of Atlas at closest approach.
“These images are the closest ever taken of Atlas and will help to characterize its shape and geology,” NASA officials wrote in a description of the images Thursday (April 14). “Atlas (19 miles, or 30 kilometers across) orbits Saturn just outside the A ring — the outermost of the planet’s bright, main rings.”
During its nearly 13 years in the Saturn system, Cassini has revealed just how weird, wonderful and varied the ringed planet’s bevy of 60-plus moons is. For example, the probe has captured amazing images of Iapetus, which looks like a walnut, and Mimas, which is a dead ringer for the Death Star from the “Star Wars” films.
And Cassini discovered geysers of water ice, organic compounds and other materials blasting from the spherical satellite Enceladus’ south polar region. Scientists have since concluded that this stuff is coming from a huge, potentially habitable ocean of liquid water buried beneath the moon’s icy shell. (Just Thursday, researchers announced that this ocean appears to harbor enough chemical energy to support life.)
The $3.2 billion Cassini-Huygens mission — a joint effort of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency — launched in October 1997 and arrived at Saturn in July 2004. (Huygens was a piggyback lander that touched down on the surface of the huge Saturn moon Titan in January 2005.)
But the Cassini orbiter’s work is nearly done. Later this month, the probe, which is low on fuel, will begin the “grand finale” phase of its mission — a series of 22 orbits that will take it between Saturn’s cloud tops and the edge of the innermost ring.
Then, on Sept. 15, Cassini will plunge into the planet’s thick atmosphere in a death dive designed to ensure that the spacecraft doesn’t contaminate Enceladus or Titan (both of which may be capable of supporting life) with microbes from Earth.
These Stunning Designs Show What Our Future on Mars Might Look Like
These Stunning Designs Show What Our Future on Mars Might Look Like
By Chelsea Gohd, Staff Writer
A recent contest challenged participants to create utopian designs of future human Mars settlements, and their creations are stunning.
In the HP Mars Home Planet Rendering Challenge, over 87,000 people from all over the world flexed their creative muscles to design the perfect colony on the Red Planet. Last summer, when HP launched the challenge, the participants started working on their designs, and the winners were announced on Aug. 14.
The participants' designs were judged on originality, creativity, rendering quality and Mars physics (or how the design would realistically work on the actual Martian surface), HP included in a statement. The designs must take into account atmospheric conditions, gravity, the soil, the surface terrain, radiation, drinking water, and air, the statement added.
Open to the public, this challenge had three competitions: Concept, 3D Modeling and Rendering. The participants could submit their designs to one of five categories in either architecture/civil engineering or vehicles/mechanical engineering: still rendering (GPU rendered), still rendering (CPU rendered), animated rendering (GPU rendered), animated rendering (CPU rendered), and virtual-reality or real-time executable. [How Living on Mars Could Challenge Colonists (Infographic)]
Jorge Moreno Fierro, from Columbia, was one of the winners in the HP Mars Home Planet Rendering Challenge. They won "Innovation in Design" for their BIO SYSTEM as part of the Conceptual Design challenge.
Credit: Courtesy of HP, Inc.
Rustam Shaikhlislamov, from Russia, was one of the winners in the HP Mars Home Planet Rendering Challenge. They won for their Long Range Universal Platform as part of the MARS Multi-utility Vehicle as part of the 3D Modeling Challenge.
Credit: Courtesy of HP, Inc.
Xabier Albizu, from Spain, was one of the winners in the HP Mars Home Planet Rendering Challenge. They won for their MARS Multi-utility Vehicle as part of the Conceptual Design challenge.
Credit: Courtesy of HP, Inc.
Bijay Balia Hembram, from India, was one of the winners in the HP Mars Home Planet Rendering Challenge. They won for their piece "Martian Hybrid Power Plant" as part of the Rendering challenge.
Scientists Map Out How to Nudge Small Asteroids into Earth’s Orbit
Scientists Map Out How to Nudge Small Asteroids into Earth’s Orbit
A University of Glasgow team explores the subtle art of capturing asteroids without killing everybody.
Image: Kevin Gill
The notion of an asteroid headed for Earth is typically seen as a bad omen. On the flip side, some scientists and entrepreneurs increasingly see this scenario as a potential opportunity. Deliberately redirecting asteroids to our planet’s vicinity could enable us to study them up close, or even mine them.
Given that these objects are packed with valuable resources, building a collection of them nearby could spark major advances in spaceflight, to say nothing of the scientific research that might result from easy access to these extraterrestrial bodies.
A recent paper published in Acta Astronautica suggests that asteroids could be captured in Earth’s orbit with aerobraking, a maneuver that uses atmospheric drag to decelerate and position objects in stable trajectories around a planet. Aerobraking has helped place interplanetary spacecraft in orbit around Mars and Venus, and to slow down spacecraft returning to Earth.
Led by Minghu Tan, a PhD student at the University of Glasgow, the paper immediately addresses the most obvious concern with this scenario: What if there’s some mistake in the redirect process and an asteroid accidentally impacts Earth? It’s bad enough that the dinosaurs were oblivious to their doomsday space rock, but it would be especially embarrassing if we humans smack ourselves in the face with one.
Tan and his co-authors suggest mitigating this risk by selecting asteroids under 30 meters in diameter for aerobraking, as they’d burn up in the atmosphere if the maneuver failed. Tan also told me, in an email, that a redirected asteroid might collide with spacecraft in orbit around Earth. That’s why “accurate guidance and control strategies would be required,” he said.
Assuming that such guidance measures would be in place, the paper maps out two possible strategies for capturing small asteroids with low-energy aerobraking techniques. In each case, Tan and his co-authors envision a rendezvous, far from Earth, in which a spacecraft applies enough force to put an asteroid on a path to graze our planet’s atmosphere, initiating the capture.
The spacecraft could stay coupled with the asteroid on its journey, in case mid-flight course corrections were needed. The team identified the asteroid 2005 VL1 as a particularly good potential target for such a mission, because it has the ideal size and speed to be redirected, and it theoretically would not lose as much mass during aerobraking as other candidate asteroids, making it an economical choice.
Other concepts for asteroid redirect missions have tried to assuage the possibility of accidental impacts by choosing targets that are farther from Earth. Directing an asteroid into orbit around the Moon, a strategy NASA has considered, seems less existentially perilous than aerobraking them in Earth’s atmosphere, but both scenarios have advantages and drawbacks.
Ultimately, the rewards of asteroid capture missions will have to outweigh current risks before these futuristic concepts come to fruition—but it never hurts to get all the math worked out in the meantime.
This artist’s concept shows Pioneer venturing out into interstellar space. Both Pioneer 10 and 11 carry a plaque bearing a message from Earth.
(Credit: NASA)
The Pioneer and Voyager spacecraft famously contain messages to anyone who might someday find them. Both Pioneers carry a plaque, while the Voyagers carry a phonograph record. An enormous amount of effort went into creating these objects, but could an alien observer truly understand the messages we have sent to the stars?
While we cannot take anything for granted when it comes to how these messages might or might not be interpreted, let’s assume that the beings who might find the spacecraft can at least see or hear with eyes or ears similar to our own. Each message was designed with not only the information it was to carry in mind, but also the means to establish understanding through common denominators found throughout the universe.
The Pioneer plaque is a gold-anodized aluminum plate with these images engraved onto it.
(Credit: NASA Ames Resarch Center [NASA-ARC])
The Pioneer Plaque
Pioneer 10 and 11 each carry a 6 x 9-inch (15 x 23 centimeters), gold-anodized aluminum plaque. The plaque is affixed to support struts close to the spacecraft’s bus (main body). Carl Sagan and Frank Drake played key roles in designing the plaque and Linda Salzman Sagan, Sagan’s wife at the time, was the artist who actually drew the images engraved on the plaque.
The most striking feature of the plaque are the figures of the man and the woman overlying the silhouette of the Pioneer spacecraft itself. While this does clearly convey our physical size and shape, as well as that sexual dimorphism is present in humans, the facial features of the couple have little detail and the sort of sensory organs are being depicted (the couple’s ears are barely shown at all) might be unclear. The man and woman both have their mouths closed, and viewers might not understand that these are even mouths at all. Given how the image is drawn, an observer could also be forgiven for not understanding that both the male and female have hair on their heads.
The couple both have a bland expression (which may have been an attempt to avoid anything that could be interpreted as hostile) and the man is seen raising his right hand with the palm facing the viewer. While this gesture clearly conveys a greeting when viewed by another human, an extraterrestrial may have no way of interpreting this gesture. (Could you interpret a gesture made by an antelope … or a praying mantis?) It does show, however, that humans have opposable thumbs, as well as the general range of motion of the upper limbs.
With regards to the scientific data presented, the top left of the plaque shows the hyperfine transition of neutral hydrogen as a means of conveying to the reader baseline units of time (0.7 nanoseconds, the frequency of the transition) and distance (21 cm, the wavelength of the light released by the transition). If one is able to deduce that the image is that of hydrogen, the time and distance should be understandable.
The plaque also contains a map of our sun relative to 14 pulsars as well as the center of our galaxy, conveying both the distances to the pulsars and their frequency in binary notation. As this image conveys copious objective data, a spacefaring species might well be able to easily interpret it.
Finally, the plaque contains a map of the solar system. The solar system map is likely among the more easily interpreted parts of the plaque, with Pioneer shown to have originated from the third planet. The plaque was created at a time when Pluto was still considered the ninth planet (before the discovery of other trans-Neptunian dwarf planets such as Eris and Sedna, among others), but it would still direct the reader’s attention to Earth if they were able to figure out that our solar system was the one depicted.
The Voyager golden record (left) is a 12-inch gold-plated copper disc. Its cover aluminum electroplated with an ultra-pure sample of uranium-238.
(Credit: NASA)
Voyager’s Golden Record
The Voyager record asks more of whoever finds it but gives more information in return. These phonographs, attached to the spacecraft bus, feature a cover illustration and over 90 minutes of audio on the reverse side. The cover illustration features the same image of hydrogen and the same pulsar map as found on the Pioneer plaque. Of critical importance, the Voyager records convey instructions on how to play them, such as how to affix the attached stylus, at what rate of rotation the record must be spun, and the proper waveform of signals generated by the record. It also explicitly tells the reader how to know if they are viewing the images properly via an engraving of what the first image (a circle) should look like. While this may seem very daunting, the challenge is primarily technical and might well be easily overcome by an advanced spacefaring species.
An alien species might well find more difficulty in interpreting the audio samples, music, and images contained on the record. There are over 50 greeting messages in different languages. While the specifics of the messages are likely to be uninterpretable, they would at least convey to the listener the diversity of the creatures who created the Voyagers.
Similarly, the musical selections chosen demonstrate a wide range of human musical styles (ranging from works of Beethoven and Stravinsky to those of Chuck Berry, among others). While the lyrics of “Johnny B. Goode” are probably gibberish to an extraterrestrial, the beat and rhythm of the song would convey a tremendous amount to an alien listener.
Of perhaps the greatest importance are the 115 images encoded on the record. The first six images, if decoded properly, provide immense technical data for the reader regarding mathematical definitions, scales and sizes, as well as additional information regarding our location and how to find us. Images of the sun and its spectrum, as well as some of the planets in our solar system, could help the discoverer of the Voyagers to find us should they decide to pay the Earth a visit. There are also approximately 20 medical and scientific diagrams including the structure of DNA and detailed images of human anatomy. These images could likely be interpreted correctly given their concrete nature.
The Voyager record also contains a plethora of images of humans engaged in a variety of activities (including eating, looking through a microscope, and even going on a spacewalk). While many of these images would be hard to interpret (e.g., a picture of a woman licking an ice cream cone or a photo of a string quartet) the images would at least convey that humans have created a complex civilization with some degree of advanced technology.
The Big Picture
As Marshall McLuhan famously said, “The medium is the message.” While the recipients of the Pioneer plaque or the Voyager record might never understand everything we are trying to convey, the fact that these messages were placed on interstellar spacecraft carry (both for them and for us) a deeper message — that humans created these spacecraft and that we want to tell the universe who we are.
WETENSCHAPArcheologen hebben een van de oudste dorpen in de Egyptische Nijldelta uitgegraven. Het dorp dateert uit de tijd voor de farao’s, aldus het Egyptische ministerie voor Oudheden. Het neolithische dorp was ontdekt bij opgravingen ten noorden van Caïro, in het gebied Tal al-Samara in de provincie Dakahlyia.
De archeologen vonden onder andere beenderen van dieren en keramiek, zo zei de leider van het Egyptisch-Franse team, Frederic Gio. De vondst toont aan dat er ook al samenlevingen gevestigd waren in de Nijldelta tot 5.000 jaar voor Christus. De afgelopen maanden maakte Egypte verschillende ontdekkingen bekend. Archeologen vonden in de stad Minja een necropolis met duizenden sarcofagen en kunstschatten.
Egypte wil zijn toerismesector nieuw leven inblazen. Die sector is een belangrijke bron van inkomsten voor het land, maar heeft het moeilijk door de politieke onrust sinds de opstand tegen dictator Hosni Moebarak in 2011. Dit jaar nog gaat een nieuw museum bij de piramiden van Gizeh open. Tegen 2020 moet het museum volledig klaar zijn. Onder andere schatten uit de tombe van farao Toetanchamon zullen er worden getoond.
Not counting the Olympics opening ceremony or the World Cup finals, there are few events in the universe more spectacular than the collision of two stars. We know this because it was just one year ago that astronomers for the first time witnessed the collision of two neutron stars – a binary couple of extremely dense white dwarfs that send out gravitational waves and possibly gold. While waiting patiently for a shipment of gold to arrive from this merger located about 130 million light-years away from the galaxy NGC 4993 in the constellation Hydra, astronomers may want to first listen for messages from extraterrestrials. A new study proposes that other species seeing this spectacular collision may be intelligent enough to produce a signal near it that other awe-struck observers would see since we and they are staring in that general direction. Far-fetched? Like the philosophy of SETI, it’s worth listening to.
In a paper published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, physicist Yuki Nishino from Kyoto University begins by marveling himself at the neutron star collision witnessed after its gravitational wave GW170817 was detected on August 17, 2017. That wave, first picked up by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) in the U.S. and the Virgo Interferometer in Italy, pointed astronomers to the neutron star collision that created it.
“We were really impressed by the rapid growth of multi-messenger astronomy associated with [the neutron star merger detected last August], and started thinking about interesting possibilities far beyond traditional astronomical studies.”
He and co-author Naoki Seto speculated that civilizations far more advanced than us (not a stretch of the imagination) would not only see the neutron star collision after it occurred but are probably smart enough to see the build-up to it. Knowing that the spectacular event would be bright enough and powerful enough to be observed throughout the universe, they could conceivably started considering how a technologically advanced alien civilization beyond our galaxy might piggyback on the bright signals created by colliding neutron stars to catch our attention.
OK, so an advanced civilization might figure out how to predict binary neutron collisions and send messages coordinated with the event to any other civilizations watching. One question is … why? Would it be a warning to watch out for flying debris? Astronomers believe these explosions could spit out entire planets. Could they be letting us know there’s a shipment of gold and other metals on its way? If they’re really advanced, they’re probably sending us a bill for the gold.
Perhaps the message is a “goodbye” or “We were here!” epitaph to let others know of their existence. Nishino tells likes that one.
“I think one of the basic grounds for developing an advanced civilization is a profound desire to leave behind information.”
If that’s one of the basic grounds for developing an advanced civilization, what messages are WE leaving behind?
Saturn's Stunning Swirling Northern Lights Caught By Hubble
Saturn's Stunning Swirling Northern Lights Caught By Hubble
Astronomers using the NASA/ESA Hubble Space telescope have taken a series of spectacular images featuring the fluttering auroras at the north pole of Saturn.
The observations were taken in ultraviolet light and the resulting images provide astronomers with the most comprehensive picture so far of Saturn’s northern aurora. Hubble observes energetic lightshow at Saturn’s North Pole.
In 2017, over a period of seven months, the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope took images of auroras above Saturn’s North Pole region using the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph. The observations were taken before and after the Saturnian northern summer solstice. These conditions provided the best achievable viewing of the northern auroral region for Hubble.
The video shows how the auroras in Saturn’s northern regions vary over time. The variability of the auroras is influenced by both the solar wind and the rapid rotation of Saturn.
Americans were seeing things in the sky during the summer of 1947. A private pilot, Kenneth Arnold, was searching for a missing Marine Corps plane near Mount Rainier, Wash., when he saw nine “extremely shiny” objects “shaped like saucers” flying at 10,000 feet. Around that same time, a rancher in Roswell, N.M., found debris scattered across his land. Soon the Air Force’s 509th Bombardment Group at Roswell Army Air Field agreed among themselves that the rancher had found a crashed flying saucer—before announcing that the discovery was really a weather balloon. (The Air Force later revealed it was part of a secret program to monitor Soviet nuclear tests.)
The public was confused, curious and a little afraid. At St. Joseph’s Church in Grafton, Wis., something crashed into the lightning rod on the church roof. The Rev. Joseph Brasky went outside and found a warm metal disc, 18 inches in diameter, with “gadgets and some wires.” The mysterious craft looked like a circular saw blade.
It was.
Father Brasky, like many other practical jokers that summer, wanted to have a little fun at the expense of the media. Hoodwinked reporters were subjected to his collection of trinkets, including “bass bottles”—beer bottles outfitted with the head of a fish—and Fish Tales, his self-published book of angling stories. But though many unexplained sightings were proved to be hoaxes, they continued beyond that summer. Something, it seemed, was in the sky.
"Around 8:15 on the first night of the carnival, among the aerialists and rides, his searchlight spotted a 'glowing disc.' And this was not a one-time occurrence."
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In April 1949, the Rev. Gregory Miller, the pastor of Saints Peter and Paul Church in Norwood, Ohio, wrote to the Archdiocese of Cincinnati with two requests. The parish school needed an expansion. Also, the nuns who taught at the school had been living at nearby Regina High School, but their quarters were “becoming crowded,” and they needed a new residence at the parish. Father Miller had a plan to deal with both challenges: He would hold a festival that August to raise money for the building fund.
The Saints Peter and Paul Jitney Carnival was approved for Aug. 19 through 21. The Sensational Kays and The Three Milos, two famous high-wire acts, were booked. There would be free entertainment—but also “fun for a nickel.” An Army surplus searchlight, owned by the parish, was used to attract crowds. The light was operated by Sgt. Donald R. Berger of the University of Cincinnati’s Reserve Officers’ Training Corps.
Manning a military searchlight in late August was no comfortable task, but Sergeant Berger’s job would become more difficult than he ever imagined. Around 8:15 on the first night of the carnival, among the aerialists and rides, his searchlight spotted a “glowing disc.” And this was not a one-time occurrence. Nine times in the following months, the parish searchlight would illuminate the impossible: a flying saucer. Unlike Father Brasky’s saw blade, the case at Saints Peter and Paul remains unsolved.
Making Sense of Mystery
The early days of flying saucer reports were full of practical jokes—along with serious, confounding sightings from military officers and pilots. Readers, and most reporters in the media, were not sure how to juggle such a contrast. From the start, the problem with flying saucers has been, among other things, a semantic one: If U.F.O. stands for unidentified flying object, then any attempt to categorize a sighting makes it an identified flying object—something else entirely.
Even today, whenever we talk about U.F.O.s, we are engaging in endless conjecture. We are always trying to imagine what they might be. With our eyes to the heavens, squinting at fast-moving discs and sporadic lights, the mind wanders. Yet in the mid-20th century, enough people reported strange objects in the sky that the government took notice. Project Blue Book, the Air Force’s official study of U.F.O.s, compiled over 15,000 sightings between 1947 and 1969. Nearly 700 were labeled unexplained, but another 1,000 were categorized as unknown. While the difference remains debatable, and is likely a result of poor terminology, the conclusion is clear: Although most U.F.O. reports were easily and eventually explained, a small number were scientifically curious and enigmatic.
"U.F.O.s and faith both occupy a surreal space: the porous border region between the prosaic and the profound."
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Scientifically curious and enigmatic, though, does not make for great entertainment. Aliens do. The rest is cultural history. From the rise of the contactee movement (people who claim to have had contact with extraterrestrials) to popular films like “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” and TV series like “The X-Files,” U.F.O.s have become interchangeable with aliens. If an object courses through the sky, we reason, someone, or something, must be flying it.
These sightings are certainly interesting to U.F.O. buffs, but what do they have to do with the Catholic Church—beyond a few priests who saw strange objects in 1949? U.F.O.s and faith both occupy a surreal space: the porous border region between the prosaic and the profound. Imagine a woman sees a glinting disc in the night sky. She first thinks it is a star, but then watches it bounce and bobble and speed into the distance. She might scratch her head and move on, but if she keeps thinking about that light, she must make a decision based on conjecture. Either she saw something entirely reasonable and typical—a plane, the planet Venus, a spotlight aimed at the sky—or she accepts that she has an unknown experience. And once she accepts the fragility of her perception, she opens the door to even more possibilities.
Thinking about U.F.O.s can be an exercise in theological speculation, a way to consider what might happen if the prosaic instantly became profound. Such speculation is healthy for Catholics, particularly because it can reveal how we might seek to neuter our faith of its mystery. In the same way that we might rush to explain a strange light in the sky, we might seek to explain God in purely rational and realistic terms—a theology of convenience. Because the church has hesitated to offer firm teachings on the existence of aliens, theologians and philosophers have filled that space with wonder. As early as the 14th century, the French priest John Buridan, in a response to Aristotle’s De Caelo (“On the Heavens”), wrote, “It must be realized that while another world than this is not possible naturally, this is possible simply speaking, since we hold from faith that just as God made this world, so he could make another or several worlds.” Father Buridan’s suggestion here is that all things earthly—and cosmically—are possible through God.
Astronomers have had to parry questions about aliens for years. Guy Consolmagno, S.J., the director of the Vatican Observatory, has tried to be firm with U.F.O. enthusiasts, writing on his personal website in 2013, “I do not know of any credible evidence at all that there has ever been contact of any form between extraterrestrial aliens and Earth. Period. I cannot imagine a circumstance where such contact could be kept secret for very long. And I say this, not only as an active astronomer for 40 years, but also as someone who knows lots of people in the SETI [Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence] community (who would love to have such evidence), and as someone who’s been an officer in the American Astronomical Society and in the International Astronomical Union. If there was something like this going on, we’d all be talking about it. There isn’t, and we aren’t.”
Michael Burke-Gaffney, S.J., a Canadian priest who is an astronomer and professor at St. Mary’s University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, had an extensive personal interest in U.F.O.s—even covertly investigating them for Canada’s National Research Council and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. In 1966, after the noted astronomer and ufologist J. Allen Hynek penned an infamous letter to Science magazine offering seven reasons why U.F.O.s merited scientific study, Father Burke-Gaffney responded with his own letter. He takes a more cautionary tone. Until we identify mysterious “atmospheric phenomena,” he asks, should not scientists strive “(i) to exhort people to have patience, and (ii) to remind them that, up to the present, U.F.O.s have furnished no evidence of extraterrestrial beings, and (iii) to point out that the existence of extraterrestrial little green men is no more firmly established than that of leprechauns?”
There is no official Vatican position on U.F.O.s and aliens, although in 2014 the Vatican Observatory co-hosted a conference on the subject with the University of Arizona’s Steward Observatory, called “The Search for Life Beyond the Solar System: Exoplanets, Biosignature and Instruments.” The next year, Pope Francis gave an interesting responseto a question about extraterrestrial life: “In every case I think that we should stick to what the scientists tell us, still aware that the Creator is infinitely greater than our knowledge.”
Of Skeptics and Sightings
George Coyne, S.J., was director of the Vatican Observatory from 1978 to 2006, when he retired to focus on teaching. He is known for examining the intersections between faith and science, earning him the respect of religion skeptics like Richard Dawkins and the late Stephen Hawking. Father Coyne told me he is “very skeptical of all U.F.O. sightings of which I am aware.” I asked him if extraterrestrials are worthy of serious theological or scientific inquiry, and he pointed me toward a paper he had written for the anthology Many Worlds: The New Universe, Extraterrestrial Life, and the Theological Implications.
Father Coyne’s essay, “The Evolution of Intelligent Life on Earth and Possibly Elsewhere: Reflections From a Religious Tradition,” offers a route forward. Father Coyne warns we should not study U.F.O.s in the hopes of somehow understanding the mysteries of God.
When we view God as “explanation” for the world, Father Coyne writes, using the “rational processes of science” in a manner not appropriate to their purpose—we ignore Scripture and tradition, which shows “God revealed himself as one who pours out himself in love and not as one who explains things.” Though science and faith intersect, we should not expect science to reveal a proof for faith. Perhaps, Father Coyne writes, we should look to the limitations of science and consider the “very nature of our emergence in an evolving universe and our inability to comprehend it, even with all that we know from cosmology, may be an indication that in the universe God may be communicating much more than information to us.”
“I do not know of any credible evidence at all that there has ever been contact of any form between extraterrestrial aliens and Earth. Period."
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In this conversation, U.F.O.s are too prosaic and tenuous to be of use. As for extraterrestrials, Father Coyne argues that theologians must consider that the idea of life elsewhere in the cosmos “strains [the] anthropocentric revelations of God to his people.” He asks good questions without easy answers: Did God also redeem extraterrestrials from their sin? Did Jesus give up his life for them so that they might also be saved?
Father Gregory Miller had been at Saints Peter and Paul since 1938. His brother Norbert was a priest at nearby St. Vincent Ferrer Church. A third brother, Cletus, was a longtime priest at a third Cincinnati-area parish, Annunciation Church.
Cletus was with Gregory at Saints Peter and Paul on Oct. 23, 1949. By that date, Sgt. Berger, the searchlight operator, had seen an object similar to the one seen on the night of the August carnival on two subsequent occasions, and he was back at the church with the two priests, as well as Sgt. Leo Davidson of the Norwood Police Department, Robert Linn, the managing editor of The Cincinnati Post, and Leo Hirtl, a columnist for that newspaper. According to Mr. Berger’s observation log (published by Leonard Stringfield, an Ohio U.F.O. researcher), the men saw the flying disc in the sky, and then saw two groups of five triangular objects coming out of the disc.
Mr. Hirtl was skeptical, claiming that they had seen geese that glowed in the light. Father Miller stood by his story, even getting into an argument years later with Mr. Hirtl on the Cincinnati TV station WCPO during a special program on “flying saucers.”
Father Cletus agreed with his brother. He described the smaller objects as shaped “like the apex of Indiana arrowheads.” At the time, Father Cletus was dean of the Institutum Divi Thomae—a unique graduate research institute established by the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. The research was directed by Dr. George Sperti, previously a director of the Basic Science Laboratory at the University of Cincinnati. Dr. Sperti, a Catholic, later told Cincinnati Magazine in a 1972 interview that one of the goals of the institute was to demonstrate that there is “no conflict between religion and science.”
Under the direction of Dr. Sperti and Father Miller, the institute was responsible for an interesting array of inventions. It developed Preparation H, Aspercreme, a tanning lamp, a meat tenderizer and even a method of freeze-drying orange juice—while working on their central goal of cancer research. U.F.O.s were not in their repertoire.
"The sightings near Cincinnati continued through the winter and into the spring."
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The sightings near Cincinnati continued through the winter and into the spring. One relatively consistent witness was William Winkler, who owned a printing company—but also was a “dabbler in things scientific,” according to The Cincinnati Post. “It’s not a flying saucer. Maybe it’s a base for flying saucers,” he conjectured. Mr. Winkler sent a letter about the sightings directly to General Vandenberg—the Air Force chief of staff—complaining about bungling F.B.I. agents and asking forgiveness for his handwritten letter (“My secretary has gone for the day.”).
At this time, Project Grudge, a precursor of Project Blue Book, had taken an interest in the Norwood sightings and sent a few members of their Office of Special Investigations to the parish. Those agents, along with two professors from the University of Cincinnati—D. A. Wells, from the physics department, and Paul Herget, from the astronomy department—were with Father Gregory Miller at the sighting on Dec. 20. Both scientists were dismissive, telling the Cincinnati Post that it was “an optical illusion” or an “illumination of gas in the atmosphere.” Mr. Herget explained, “We need an explanation to squash people’s fears.”
Mr. Herget might have said too much. The investigator Leonard Stringfield interviewed R. Ed Tepe, then-mayor of Norwood, who was also present at the Dec. 20 sighting. He explained that Mr. Wells was “there with camera and protractors and was in frequent ‘hush-hush’ with the Air Force investigators,” before calculating that the size of the disc “was approximated to be 10,000 feet in diameter.” In context, his comments sound like a cover-up.
“The last word is up to experimental science. There is nothing else to do for the theologians but wait.”
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Mr. Stringfield also claims that Father Miller had film of the object, taken during the sighting on Oct. 23 by Sgt. Davidson. The film was reportedly shown to a closed audience at the studios of WCPO in 1952 but, like so many other elements of the Norwood case, has since vanished.
According to David Clarke in his book How UFOs Conquered the World: The History of a Modern Myth, that same year Domenico Grasso, S.J., a Vatican theologian, said the Holy See had debated the existence of alien contact after the flurry of U.F.O. sightings, concluding: “The last word is up to experimental science. There is nothing else to do for the theologians but wait.”
Whatever the Miller brothers saw, it was attracted to that searchlight. That seems like too convenient a metaphor, but how else do we think about the unexplained? Between August 1949 and March 1950, a U.F.O. visited Saints Peter and Paul Church. That is all we know. The moment we identify it, it stops being a mystery.
In the months after the sighting ended, Father Miller was back to writing the archdiocese. A section of the school boilers needed to be replaced. They needed to renovate the pews, choir stalls and church throne. That November he hoped to raise money to resurface the blacktop on the school playgrounds and parking lot by holding a turkey raffle and bazaar. No searchlight was required.
About once a week, Jean-Christophe Terrillon wakes up and senses the presence of a threatening, evil being beside his bed. Terror ripples through him, and he tries to move or call out.
But he is paralyzed, unable to raise an arm or make a sound. His ears ring, a weight presses down on his chest, and he has to struggle for breath.
''I feel an intense pressure in my head, as if it's going to explode,'' said Mr. Terrillon, a Canadian physicist doing research in Japan. Sometimes he finds himself transported upward and looking down on his body, or else sent hurtling through a long tunnel, and these episodes are terrifying even for a scientist like him who does not believe that evil spirits go around haunting people.
Called sleep paralysis, this disorder -- the result of a disconnect between brain and body as a person is on the fringe of sleep -- is turning out to be increasingly common, affecting nearly half of all people at least once. Moreover, a growing number of scholars believe that sleep paralysis may help explain many ancient reports of attacks by witches and modern claims of abduction by space aliens.
''I think it can explain claims of witchcraft and alien abduction,'' said Kazuhiko Fukuda, a psychologist at Fukushima University in Japan and a leading expert on sleep paralysis. Research in Japan has had a headstart because sleep paralysis is well-known to most Japanese, who call it kanashibari, while it is little-known and less studied in the West.
''We have a framework for it, but in North America there's no concept for people to understand what has happened to them,'' Professor Fukuda said. ''So if Americans have the experience and if they have heard of alien abductions, then they may think, 'Aha, it's alien abduction!' ''
Sleep paralysis was once thought to be very rare. But recent studies in Canada, Japan, China and the United States have suggested that it may strike at least 40 percent or 50 percent of all people at least once, and a study in Newfoundland, Canada, found that more than 60 percent had experienced it.
There, as in Japan, people have a name for the condition and some scholars believe that people are therefore more likely to identify it when it happens to them. In Newfoundland, it is called ''old hag'' because it is associated with visions of an old witch sitting on the chest of a paralyzed sleeper, sometimes throttling the neck with her hands.
Sleep paralysis seems to have been described since ancient times, and an episode appears in ''Moby Dick'' and perhaps also in the 18th century Henry Fuseli painting, ''The Nightmare,'' which shows a goblin sitting on the stomach of a sleeping woman. What is striking is that although the symptoms of sleep paralysis are generally very similar, the images in the hallucinations and the interpretation of them seem to vary.
Europeans seem to have interpreted ancient sleep paralysis as assaults or abductions by witches taking them off for a forcible ride on a broomstick. Chinese called it ''gui ya,'' or ghost pressure, and believed that a ghost sat on and assaulted sleepers.
In the West Indies, sleep paralysis was called ''kokma'' and meant a ghost baby who jumped on the sleeper's chest and attacked the throat. In old Japan, it sometimes seems to have been interpreted as a giant devil whose foot came down on the sleeper's chest.
''People will draw on the most plausible account in their repertoire to explain their experience,'' said Al Cheyne, an associate professor of psychology at the University of Waterloo in Canada. ''Trolls or witches no longer constitute plausible interpretations of these hallucinations. The notion of aliens from outer space is more contemporary and somewhat more plausible to the modern mind. So a flight on a broomstick is replaced by a teleportation to a waiting spaceship.''
Dr. Cheyne said that in a survey he had worked on involving more than 2,000 people identified as experiencing sleep paralysis, hundreds described experiences similar to alien abduction.
''A sensed presence, vague gibberish spoken in one's ear, shadowy creatures moving about the room, a strange immobility, a crushing pressure and painful sensations in various parts of the body -- these are compatible not just with an assault by a primitive demon but also with probing by alien experimenters,'' Dr. Cheyne said. ''And the sensations of floating and flying account for the reports of levitation and transport to alien vessels.''
In recent years there has been a huge increase in the number of people who insist that they have been kidnapped by alien creatures from outer space, perhaps subjected to medical experiments and then released again. These claims have been a bit of a scientific puzzle, because they strike most people as utterly wacky and yet they are relatively widespread. One well-publicized (and widely criticized) Roper Poll published in 1992 suggested that nearly four million Americans reported experiences akin to alien abduction.
Surprisingly, one study found that these people were no more fantasy-prone than the general population and had slightly higher intelligence. Many shun publicity and show signs of feeling traumatized and humiliated.
Several scholars have found that people are more likely to report alien abductions when they have been exposed to movies or books about the idea. Simon Sherwood, a researcher on sleep paralysis in England, said that in one case study he gathered, a regular sufferer of sleep paralysis watched an alien film and then had a hallucination of ''little blue aliens'' inserting a metal probe into his forehead.
The growing professional literature on sleep paralysis has often mentioned the parallels with reports of alien abductions. Still, many scholars are reluctant to research the connection for fear of tainting their reputations. Others say that a connection is plausible but unproved.
Tomoka Takeuchi, a Japanese expert on sleep paralysis who is conducting research at Brock University in Ontario, Canada, said that a connection might eventually be demonstrated scientifically but added: ''I hesitate to speculate too much.''
Those who believe in alien abductions deny that sleep paralysis could be behind it all. John E. Mack, a Harvard University Medical School professor who is the most prominent defender of the possibility of abductions, argues that sleep paralysis simply does not fit the evidence. He notes that at least a few abduction reports come from remote places where people are not exposed to movies or tales of U.F.O.'s, and that many happen in daylight and involve people who seem to have been awake and alert.
Other defenders of abduction theories say aliens may be clever enough to use sleep paralysis in their kidnappings.
Sleep paralysis researchers say that as many as 60 percent of intense abduction experiences were linked to sleep, and some of the reported symptoms -- noises, smells, paralysis, levitation, terror, images of frightening intruders -- are very similar to those of sleep paralysis.
Still, sleep paralysis cannot be a full explanation because some reports of alien abduction do not involve sleep. Leonard S. Newman, a psychologist at the University of Illinois at Chicago who has studied alien abductions, argues that they are false memories -- in some cases triggered by sleep paralysis but at other times by daydreams or fantasies.
''People, especially when they are hypnotized, can easily weave together images, dreams, fantasies and things that they might just have heard or read about into elaborate pseudo-memories that they are confident are real,'' Professor Newman said in an E-mail interview.
So what is sleep paralysis?
Even after many years of study, particularly in the last decade, it remains mysterious. Experts have trouble even saying definitively whether a person is asleep or awake during sleep paralysis.
''In the classic definition, you are awake,'' said Emmanuel Mignot, director of the Center for Narcolepsy at Stanford University Medical School. ''But in practice, there's a gradient between being awake and being in REM sleep,'' he said, adding that sleep paralysis lies in a murky place on that slope.
During REM sleep -- the period when rapid eye movement takes place -- the body essentially turns itself off and disconnects from the brain. This is a safety measure, so that people do not physically act out their dreams, and it means that people are effectively paralyzed during part of their sleep. Even automatic reflexes, like kicking when the knee is tapped, do not work during REM sleep.
Sleep paralysis seems to occur when the body is in REM sleep and so is paralyzed and disconnected from the brain, while the brain has emerged from sleep and is either awake or semiawake. Usually after a minute or two the spell is broken and the person is able to move again, as the brain and body re-establish their connection.
Just what is going on in the brain during sleep paralysis is unclear. The person experiencing the paralysis certainly feels completely awake and ''sees'' the room clearly, but laboratory experiments in Japan show that sometimes people experiencing sleep paralysis do not even open their eyes.
Sleep paralysis sometimes runs in families and appears to have a genetic component. Although it is normally harmless, some scholars believe it may be linked to a pattern of unexplained deaths among Hmong and other groups in Southeast Asia. The victims are usually healthy young people who die in their sleep, sometimes after fighting for breath but without thrashing around, and their faces show grimaces of terror.
Among ordinary people, sleep paralysis occurs most often after jet lag or periods of sleeplessness that interrupt normal REM patterns. Men and women seem to suffer it at equal rates, and although it is most common in the teen-age years, it is reported at all ages.
Aside from witchcraft and alien abduction, sleep paralysis is also sometimes mentioned as a possible link to shamanism and to dream interpretation and even to near-death experiences. But for many sufferers, the growing research in the field is reassuring simply because it demonstrates that they are not alone in their terrifying night-time paralysis and hallucinations.
''Sometimes I'm just glad that I didn't live a long time ago,'' said Mr. Terrillon, the Canadian physicist in Japan. ''Because maybe people who had this in the olden days were put in madhouses.''
India Will Launch Its Own Astronauts to Space by 2022, Government Says
India Will Launch Its Own Astronauts to Space by 2022, Government Says
By Meghan Bartels, Senior Writer
Indian engineers have a new, ambitious timeline for putting its astronauts in space, according to a recent set of comments from government leaders, who say the country will achieve the feat by 2022.
According to reports by the Hindustan Times, the timeline was a surprise to the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), but the agency has been working on human spaceflight issues since 2004 and said it doesn't expect to have trouble meeting the schedule.
"Our country has made great progress in space," Prime Minister Narendra Modi said during a speech on Aug. 15 to mark the country's independence day, according to a translation by the Planetary Society, a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting space exploration and science. "But our scientists have a dream. By 2022, when it would be 75 years of Independence, an Indian — be it a man or a woman — will go to space with the tricolor flag in their hands."
The newly scheduled mission series is being called Gaganyaan. So far, only one Indian has been to space: Rakesh Sharma, who completed a mission in 1984 and who is planning to advise the current effort. But unlike Sharma's flight, this series of missions — which is due to begin in 2020 with uncrewed test flights before progressing to crewed flights — will be entirely overseen by ISRO.
The agency has already developed the rocket it would use for these flights, the GSLV Mk III, which has launched twice to date. Earlier this year, the country also tested the escape system for its crew module.
But the team behind Gaganyaan have plenty of tasks left to tackle, including selecting and training crewmembers, perfecting a spacesuit design, preparing launch pads and developing the astronauts' expertise in bioscience. The government estimates the project could create 15,000 jobs, according to the Hindustan Times, and it could cost the equivalent of about $1.3 billion.
After ISRO is satisfied the technology is ready for humans to use, the agency would send a crew of three astronauts to orbit for five to seven days at an altitude of between 180 and 250 miles (300 and 400 kilometers), according to the Hindustan Times. That altitude is about the same as the one used by the International Space Station as it orbits Earth.
Je moet tegenwoordig wat beter je best doen om te proberen de echte UFO waarnemingen van al die neppers te onderscheiden, maar ze zijn er nog steeds wel.
Na een barrage van nep UFO video’s lijkt het op dat gebied iets rustiger geworden en komt er weer wat meer ruimte voor echte waarnemingen.
Het lijkt erop alsof de rage van het maken van nep video’s van UFO’s een klein beetje over is. De afgelopen jaren is de wereld overspoeld door nepbeelden van mensen die speculeren op de nieuwsgierigheid van lezers of kijkers en op die manier veel geld hebben verdiend aan advertentieklikken.
De laatste tijd zie je minder van dat soort dingen verschijnen, waarschijnlijk omdat het publiek een beetje “UFO moe” is geworden van de zoveelste, soms heel knap gemaakte, nepopnames.
En dat is natuurlijk heel jammer, want vaak zijn de echte waarnemingen iets minder spectaculair dan de nagemaakte en verdwijnen die helemaal naar de achtergrond.
Vandaag daarom wat aandacht voor enkele waarnemingen die wel echt lijken te zijn. De eerste vond plaats boven New York op 29 augustus 2018 en is aangemeld bij Mufon onder nummer 94490.
Een man loopt buiten en ziet boven zijn hoofd iets vreemds door de lucht vliegen. Hij pakt zijn telefoon en probeert wat opnames te maken. Dit lukte slechts voor ongeveer 20 seconden voordat het object weer uit het zicht verdwenen was.
Het zag er als volgt uit:
Wat het ook is dat daar vliegt, het is iets dat gemaakt is door een intelligente levensvorm en niet iets dat spontaan is ontstaan in de natuur zoals een vogel. De man die dit filmde dacht eerst dat het om een helikopter ging, maar dat bleek niet het geval.
En als je over een object praat ter grootte van een helikopter dan valt eigenlijk ook een drone als mogelijkheid weg. Ook gezien de vorm lijkt het niet echt op een drone.
Vraag is wat het dan wel is.
De volgende is ook interessant omdat het hier lijkt te gaan om een echte waarneming. Een voorval dat plaatsvond op 25 augustus 2018 in El Hornoval Jujuy in Argentinië en is eveneens aangemeld bij Mufon onder nummer 94500.
Het is één van die waarnemingen die eigenlijk per ongeluk gebeuren. In dit geval gaat het om mensen die met vakantie zijn en er wordt op een gegeven moment een foto genomen van een vrouw.
Wanneer men de foto bekijkt dan staat er iets op dat verdacht veel lijkt op een zogenaamde retro UFO, de klassieke vliegende schotel vorm. Dat het object niet helemaal scherp is komt volgens ufoloog Scott Waring omdat het waarschijnlijk met een enorme snelheid vliegt.
De waarneming vond plaats in het uiterste noorden van Argentinië bij een hoge bergketen die uiteraard ideaal zijn voor buitenaardsen om in dat soort locaties ondergrondse bases te vestigen.
En tenslotte, een vreemde opname die is gemaakt in Bessoncourt in Frankrijk op 1 augustus.
Het is gefilmd vanuit een auto op een parkeerplaats en je ziet minutenlang een vreemd langwerpig voorwerp in de lucht hangen. Dan op een gegeven moment lijkt het zelfs alsof het een soort thrusters gebruikt.
Wie of wat het is, is zoals heel vaak niet duidelijk.
Summer may be over but the travel services site Orbitz thinks anytime is a good time to visit places where extraterrestrials have dropped at some time in history. To promote travel to these locations, Orbitz has issued classic alien and UFO movie-style posters describing the ET or UFO connection to each one. Ten in all, they range from the ancient to the current and include many forms of flying objects and alien beings. Best of all, Orbitz gives the encounter at each location a cool movie title name.
Before checking Orbitz’s selections, what famous, infamous or little-known-but-still-interesting UFO or alien sites would be on YOUR list?
Finished? Let’s see how your selections compare with the experts in all forms of travel, not just paranormal. Orbitz’s selections are in chronological order, so you’re free to rank them, as well as your own picks, in order of preference. To make it fun, let’s assume money is no object.
Disks of Fire
This is probably a trip to Egypt and the Valley of Kings to visit the tomb of Thutmose III. According to one translation of the Tulli Papyrus written by his scribes around 1480 BCE, unknown “fiery disks” appeared in the sky and “fish and other volatiles rained down from the sky,” making this one of if not the first known references to UFOs.
Galactic Globe Falls to Earth
This is a trip to Rome where first century BCE writer Julius Obsequens reported seeing “a round object, like a globe, a round or circular shield, took its path in the sky from west to east” and “a globe of fire, of golden color, fell to the earth gyrating. It then seemed to increase in size, rose from the earth and ascended into the sky, where it obscured the sun with its brilliance.”
Judgement Day: The Night The World Nearly Ended
Travel to the River Lenne in the beautiful Sauerland hills of western Germany where a Saxon attack on the Sigiburg Castle in 776 was said to be thwarted when UFOs said to resemble two large flaming shields appeared in the sky.
They Came From The Stars… To Fight For Planet Earth
Combine a trip to the River Lenne with a stop in Nuremburg to celebrate the alleged 1561 celestial phenomenon over Nuremberg when many witnesses reported seeing flying globes, flying blood-red crosses and a flying spear before the flying globes took sides and seemed to attack each other for over an hour until a mutual destruction ended with them falling to Earth.
That’s No Moon: A Visit from an Unearthly Enemy
The historic English port of Hull is where, in June 1801, many newspapers reported a UFO resembling a giant moon with a black bar across the middle flying overhead, then splitting into seven smaller globes of fire which disappeared, reappeared as a whole, split into five balls, then disappeared again, leaving Hull bathed in a mysterious blue light.
She Came From Outer Space: Beware Her Cosmic Beauty
No trip to Japan would be complete without stopping in Hitachi province on the eastern coast of Japan where in 1803 a strange ship allegedly washed ashore and a young, attractive woman with red and white hair emerged, speaking a strange language. Fishermen put her back in the boat and she disappeared. The first Unidentified Floating Object?
They’re Here …
Roswell, New Mexico. 1947. Crashed flying saucer. Need we say more? If you haven’t been there yet, Orbitz will help you check it off your bucket list.
You Can Run, But You Can’t Hide
Check off a UFO and a cryptid sighting with a visit to Flatwoods, West Virginia, where in 1952 eyewitnesses claimed to see a bright object cross the sky and land and possibly release a 10-foot-tall monster or alien hissing mutant with a round red face and a pointed head.
Attack of The Tentacled Tormentor
It’s on to Erasmuskloof, a suburb of Pretoria in South Africa, where in 1996 multiple witnesses saw a pulsating light contained a red triangle and emitting bright green tentacles. Over 200 police officers and a helicopter allegedly chased it until it disappeared into the sky.
Spiralling Lights Haunt Scandinavian Skies
Any trip to Norway should include a visit to Trøndelag where in 2009 a huge lighted spiral appeared in the sky of this and neighboring counties. Was it a failed Russian rocket, a wormhole opening, a test gone wrong at the Large Hadron Collider or an alien spacecraft?
They all sound like great excursions … and good movies too. Were any of these sites on your list? What would you add? Check out the posters at Orbitz and start saving your bitcoins.
Mass UFO sighting over San Diego, California 29-Aug-2018
Mass UFO sighting over San Diego, California 29-Aug-2018
Strange bright lights over Rosarito in Baja, California on 29th August 2018!
Here are some witnesses reports:
Ryan Hase Lasted maybe 30 minutes. Facing the ocean. Lights were super bright and twinkly. Formed patterns in the sky. Very surreal.
Jeff Ermoian Shot from the balcony of our apartments this evening. My wife Sherri came outside when she heard our friend Marisol excitedly calling her. I grabbed my cel phone and got this long segment.
Shot by Jeff Ermoian. Unusual lights, mostly all stationary above Pemex in Baja California. Pemex was until recently the only gasoline supplier in Baja. This part of the coast usually has one or two ships nearby.
Shot by Jeff Ermoian. Kay Dee I saw this strange thing in the air over Baja MX. That’s all I’m saying. Watch the video for yourself
RollsChoice Adhesive Pen San Diego, California August 29 2018 At first 2 lights appeared then disappeared. Reappeared. Disappeared. Followed by a string of them moving around and disappeared and came back one final time.
Beste bezoeker, Heb je zelf al ooit een vreemde waarneming gedaan, laat dit dan even weten via email aan Frederick Delaere Deze onderzoekers behandelen jouw melding in volledige anonimiteit en met alle respect voor jouw privacy. Ze zijn kritisch, objectief maar open minded aangelegd en zullen jou steeds een verklaring geven voor jouw waarneming! DUS AARZEL NIET, ALS JE EEN ANTWOORD OP JOUW VRAGEN WENST, CONTACTEER FREDERICK. BIJ VOORBAAT DANK...
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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