The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Two glowing UFOs filmed above El Paso, Texas
Two glowing UFOs filmed above El Paso, Texas
A glowing triangular object has been filmed in the sky above El Paso, Texas. At the start of the video another object is visible leaving a trail behind. Since the glowing triangle stays motionless in the air, it seems as if it is observing the first object.
Witness statement: I was on my way to work the morning of August 31, 2018 at 6.25 in the morning. I stared at the sunrise as usual because I have to stop a red light, right before I get on the freeway to work.
After a few minutes I glanced to the right and saw a glowing triangle and thought it was weird. So I took several pictures and a short video with my Samsung Galaxy S8 and did zoom in on the object and luckily it worked perfectly.
The witness has submitted the video to Mufon case 94699.
The lost city of Atlantis... hidden in plain sight?
The lost city of Atlantis... hidden in plain sight?
if there is a world that remains is the ancient history of man....we have signs hidden in the deserts...burried in the jungles and swallowed by our oceans......and we have mythology...a time when the world was more beautiful..more dangerous...more mysterious..
the fella in this vid has a great theory about Atlantis...check it out
google map views of Richat Structure
check this website too...same theory..more of the "mythology"
Ces images proviennent de Colombie, on y voit ce que certaines personnes pensent être un ovni dans le ciel…
Nous sommes dans le nord-est de la Colombie, les habitants auraient vu une étrange lueur dans le ciel aux alentours de 21h le 20 janvier 2017. Ils pensaient voir une sorte d’étoile très brillante dans le ciel. Une vidéo a été prise montrant en effet un phénomène lumineux assez étrange. L’apparition à durer environ trois minutes d’après les témoins. Notre étrange lumière aurait effrayée de nombreux témoins qui étaient sur place.
L’objet semble circulaire et est très lumineux. Il augmente de plus en plus en intensité avant de diminuer. Sa couleur passe du blanc au jaune. L’intensité semble très important à son maximum, l’énergie dégagée devait être très importante.
Les hypothèses pour expliquer cet ovni sont assez variées. Certains y voient un appareil extraterrestre, d’autre d’une comète ou une météorite. Ce n’est pas les premières images de ce type. La plupart du temps, il s’agit de météorite ou de phénomène similaire.
Même si certains ufologues pensent à un appareil venu d’ailleurs, il ne pourrait s’agir que d’un phénomène naturel. Il est clair qu’étant donné le nombre de témoins, il ne s’agit pas d’une supercherie, mais dans tous les cas rien ne prouve que notre ovni est un engin volant artificiel.
On ne connaît pas encore tous les phénomènes naturels et certains sont suffisamment étrange pour faire imaginer à autre chose. Ici, notre ovni est surement une météorite, ce qui en fait quand même un objet venu d’ailleurs…
Paul says his whole family was mystified by the object.
Picture: Paul Steinberg/SuppliedSource:Supplied
Un homme et sa famille ont été stupéfaits après avoir repéré trois lumières non identifiées rouges vives qui planaient silencieusement dans le ciel. Il affirme qu'il n'y avait pas « d'explication ordinaire » pour ce qu'ils ont vu.
Une famille, qui vit à Melbourne, en Australie, a prétendu avoir vu quelque chose d’explicable planant au-dessus de leur maison au cours du week-end du 1er au 2 septembre 2018. Le témoin a même réussi à prendre une photo de cet objet mystérieux.
Paul Steinberg a déclaré, au site Internet, qu’il était dans l’allée de sa maison située à North Caulfield avec sa fille vers 20h le samedi soir. C’est à ce moment-là que le père et sa fille ont tous les deux repéré un incroyable OVNI.
« Il volait juste sous les nuages. Cette forme ressemblait à trois feux rouges placées dans une formation triangulaire. Ils se déplaçaient tous en silence vers l’ouest », a déclaré M. Steinberg.
« Il se déplaçait silencieusement dans le ciel et nous ne pouvions pas comprendre ce que c'était et il nous a fallu quelques instants pour nous rendre compte que cela allait très vite. »
Il a appelé sa femme et ses deux autres enfants qui se trouvaient à l'extérieur. Il a déclaré qu'ils avaient tous vu l'objet voyager à ce qu'il estimait être une vitesse d'environ 500 km / h.
L’homme, âgé de 45 ans, sa femme et trois de ses enfants âgés de 11 à 18 ans ont tous vu les lumières rouges vives se déplacer en silence.
« Nous voulions écarter toutes les explications habituelles que nous connaissions comme les satellites, les avions, les drones et mêmela planèteVénus, quiaété très brillanterécemment », a déclaré M. Steinberg.
« Nous sommes despassionnésd’avions et d’astronomie et nousobservons des choses comme des satellites assez souvent.Hélas,cela ne nous a pas permis detrouver une explication rationnelle. »
Il a dit que même si l'OVNI était à environ 1,5 km au-dessus d'eux, les lumières étaient toujours facilement identifiables, ce qui l'a amené à croire que, peu importe ce que c'était, cela devait être très grand.
« Si c'était un drone,ilétait vraiment très haut et vraiment gros », a poursuivi M. Steinberg.
« Tout ce que je voyais, c’était les lumières mais elles étaient siproéminentes.Puisque nous étionscapable de distinguerces lumières si clairement, celadevaitêtreénorme. »
Il a déclaré que l’objet avait parcouru la distance entre la maison familiale et le parc Albert, situé à environ 8,5 km de là, en moins de deux minutes.
«Ilétait très stable et silencieux la plupartdu temps, mais quand il s'est éloigné, il a commencé à bouger de manière irrégulière, de haut en bas et de gauche à droite », a déclaré M. Steinberg.
« Pendant la période au cours de laquelle nous lesregardions, les lumières ont parfois disparu avant de réapparaître dans un endroit différent.»
Le père de famille a précisé que l’OVNI a dansé dans le ciel pendant environ 10 minutes avant de disparaître complètement.
M. Steinberg a affirmé que la façon dont il se mouvait, la vitesse à laquelle il se déplaçait et le fait qu'il se ne faisait aucun bruit, font que lui et sa famille n'avaient jamais rien vu de tel auparavant.
Cependant, le PDG de l’Association régionale de l’aviation australienne (« Regional Aviation Association of Australia », ou RAAA), Michael Linke, a déclaré à qu’il y avait probablement une explication plus terrestre à cette étrange observation.
« C'était plus que probablement un avion », a-t-il déclaré. « En fonction des vents dominants, vous ne pourriez pas entendre le moteur.»
Cet OVNI rappelle le fameux TR-3B, un avion ultra-secret et furtif développé par le gouvernement Américain. L’existence de cet appareil n’a jamais été officiellement confirmée.
The RAAA said it was most likely a plane with winds covering up the sound of the engine.
WETENSCHAP & PLANEETEen team van wetenschappers uit Rusland en Zuid-Korea dat de wolharige mammoet weer tot leven wil wekken, is ter voorbereiding begonnen aan een poging om een uitgestorven paardensoort te klonen. Het gebruikt daarvoor de resten van een veulen dat 40.000 jaar begraven lag onder het ijs van de Batagaikakrater in Jakoetië, de koudste plek van Rusland.
De onderzoekers zullen proberen om een levende cel te vinden in het karkas, dat perfect bewaard bleef in de permafrost. “Het spierweefsel van het dier is onbeschadigd en we hebben enkele stalen kunnen nemen voor biotechnologisch onderzoek”, aldus dr. Semyon Grigoriev, die aan het hoofd staat van het laboratorium van het lokale Mammoetmuseum. (lees hieronder verder)
Zuid-Koreaans professor en kloonexpert Hwang Woo Suk vult aan: “Als we een levende cel vinden, kunnen we die zo veel kopiëren als we willen en er zo veel embryo’s mee maken als nodig. We zullen een van de embryo’s vervolgens inplanten bij een surrogaatmerrie, die het kan voldragen en het ter wereld kan brengen. Het zou de eerste keer zijn dat zoiets lukt.”
Bij het weer tot leven wekken van een mammoet zal een olifant worden gebruikt als draagmoeder. Maar volgens de onderzoekers zou het makkelijker moeten zijn om de verdwenen paardensoort terug te brengen met de hulp van een moderne merrie. “Er zijn zo veel paarden, dat we een goede selectie kunnen maken van eicellen. En er zijn verscheidene paardensoorten die nauw verwant zijn met deze uitgestorven soort. Tussen de mammoet en de olifant is er veel minder gelijkenis. Daar zit een miljoen jaar aan evolutie tussen.”(lees hieronder verder)
Het klonen van de uitgestorven paardensoort aan de North Eastern Federal University zien de wetenschappers als een “eerste stap” in het tot leven wekken van de mammoet. “Het zal ons helpen om de nodige technologie te ontwikkelen”, klinkt het.
De vrouw op wie alle ogen gericht zijn, is Hae Hyun Kim. Zij slaagde er al eerder in om een levende cel te oogsten uit bevroren weefsel: van een hond die de eigenaar in de diepvries had gestopt. Ze gebruikt een gepatenteerde technologie (NT-1) die de cel beter maakt en herstelt. “Het is niet eenvoudig, want water kristalliseert in de cel en vernietigt ze”, klinkt het. (lees hieronder verder)
Het veulen in kwestie werd vorige maand gevonden bij een zoektocht naar bevroren resten van een wolharige mammoet. “Er is geen schade aan het karkas, zelfs het haar van de manen en de staart bleef perfect bewaard en dat is erg zeldzaam voor zulke oude resten”, aldus dr. Grigoriev.
20 dagen
Het veulen was een mannetje en moet ongeveer 20 dagen geweest zijn toen het stierf. Het ziet er nu donkerbruin uit, maar was bij leven lichtros. Zijn haar was zwart en hij had een donkere streep langs zijn ruggengraat. Het gaat om een equus lenensis, een soort die tussen 30.000 en 40.000 jaar geleden de regio bevolkte. “Nooit eerder werd zo’n jong prehistorisch paard gevonden en dan nog eens zo goed bewaard.”
Look through the stock photos of Egypt and it’s rare to find any that don’t include pyramids – the defining monuments of that country. Yet Egypt must have had a history before that, right? These were the people who roamed the deserts and followed the Nile before the pharaohs. The people who came up with the idea of the pyramids and the Great Sphynx in the first place. What were THOSE people like?
Well, now we have another clue. Archeologists digging in Tell el-Samara, a Nile Delta area in the Dakahlia province about 140 km (87 miles) north of Cairo, discovered the remains of a village that dates back 7,000 years to a time 2,500 years before the pyramids. That makes this Neolithic village one of the oldest ever found in Egypt.
Satellite image of the Nile Delta
“Analysing the biological material that has been discovered will present us with a clearer view of the first communities that settled in the Delta and the origins of agriculture and farming in Egypt.”
In a statement on Facebook by the Ministry of Antiquities, ministry official Nadia Khedr points out that this was clearly a farming village but one that predates the development of the extensive canal systems that transformed the Nile Delta into the fertile farmlands that exist today. Studying how these people survived and farmed using the rare rainfall could reveal the spark of ingenuity that created the canals … and eventually the pyramids.
Chief archaeologist Frederic Gio led a joint French-Egyptian excavation team which uncovered storage silos (photos hereand here) containing the organic remains of food plants and animals, indicating humans spent some time there. That plus the pottery and stone tools also discovered in the silos helped date the settlement to 5,000 BCE. Besides predating the pyramids, this was also was before – although as we now know it was not long before – the first signs of the development of manmade mummification of human corpses around 3700 BCE.
Egyptian farmers
So, this new discovery predates mummification, King Menes – the first pharaoh who was believed to have united Upper and Lower Egypt and founded the First Dynasty – and the pyramids. What else does it tell us about the ancestors of these people? That apparently will have to wait until the next excavation season begins. Meanwhile, the organic materials found in the silos will continue to be studied and hopefully offer clues about the first settlers of the Nile Delta.
One of these days, Egypt is going to need some new stock photos.
Last week, at his A Different Perspective blog, Kevin Randle wrote an interesting article on one of the more intriguing figures in the Roswell affair of July 1947. It was focused on the words of the now deceased Major Edwin Easley. For those who may not know too much about the history of the Roswell controversy, Easley – who died in 1992 – was the Provost Marshall at the old Roswell Army Air Field when the “Roswell incident” took place. He was a man with a significant position in the military, and someone who had a great deal of responsibility too. As was the case with so many of the Roswell witnesses, Easley spoke about what he knew of the Roswell event later in life. In the case of Easley, we’re talking about very late in life.
The collective interviews that Kevin Randle had with Easley make for intriguing reading. In part, because of what he, Easley, had to say. But, also because of what Easley was determined not to say or discuss. Easley’s words were, and still are, important because of his rank and his credibility as a military officer with the rank of Major. A look at the interviews show that Easley was very uneasy about speaking on what went down on the Foster Ranch, Lincoln County, New Mexico, a couple of hours’ drive from the city of Roswell.
A clearly wary Easley told Randle that he could not talk about what happened, that he had sworn to President Harry Truman that he would not disclose what he knew (although, Randle takes the far more likely and reasonable scenario of one of Truman’s aides having arranged the non-disclosure). Randle asked Easley if the theory he, Randle, was pursuing – the extraterrestrial theory – was the correct one. Easley, in careful words, said that it was not the wrong path to take. This is all very notable. And, Kevin’s article provoked a lively debate in the “Comments” section of Kevin’s blog.
In that same “Comments” section, you’ll see debate on that President Truman angle, on references to “creatures” that Easley mentioned when his life was near its end, and more. But, it’s not so much the Easley affair itself that is the subject of today’s article. Rather, it’s the matter of how, or if, such interviews can help us solve the case, once and for all. It’s important to note that I respect those in the Roswell research who have spent significant time and money to try and get to the heart of the mystery. There is, however, a problem. At least, from my perspective there is. Yes, it’s a good thing – a very good thing – when old-timers come forward telling us what they know about what really happened at the Foster Ranch, more than seventy years ago. But, after more than seventy years, testimony is still all we really have.
We have zero evidence for any theory for Roswell. Ufologists have not proved that aliens crashed on the ranch. I have been unable to prove that a secret experiment was the cause of the legend, but I do believe that’s the answer. The U.S. Air Force concludes that the debris came from a secret Project Mogul balloon. The USAF admits, though, that it has not uncovered any specific documents that actually prove a Mogul balloon came down. The same goes for the Air Force’s “Crash-test dummy” report to explain away the tales of alien bodies: the USAF believes that dummies were the source of the legends of extraterrestrial corpses found in Lincoln County, NM, but no official papers have surfaced to specifically prove that. The Government Accountability Office (GAO), in the 1990s, was also unable to uncover anything specific on Roswell.
So, where does all of this leave us? Well, I’ll tell you: it leaves us with the words of old men and old women. And that’s all. We debate on their words endlessly. But, regardless of how extensive those debates might be, we still don’t have any kind of proof for what happened 71 years ago. The fact is that if the collective field of Ufology is to break the secret of what actually took place back in the summer of 1947, it will take more than just debate and interviews. And it doesn’t matter how significant that testimony is, it will never, ever be enough.
Ufologists need to take a new approach to solving Roswell. I have to admit that I don’t know what that new approach might be. I do know, though, that regardless of how dedicated ufologists in this specific field are, and regardless of how many interviews have been conducted, they have failed to achieve what they sought for: the Roswell truth, the bodies, the craft, the wreckage, and the old files. And, that goes for my research too; not just for the pro-E.T. investigators or the Mogul and dummy proponents. Now, don’t misinterpret my words: the brief statements made by the like of Edwin Easley are significant, very significant. But, the important thing is they don’t open doors. And, to solve the case, or to take it much further, we need to open doors.
There are dozens and dozens of books out there on the JFK assassination of November 1963 and on the Jack the Ripper affair of 1888. They are filled with interviews, and with decades-old statements (in the Ripper mystery dating back more than a century). But, no one has been able to make a cast-iron, undeniable, 100 percent provable case for who Jack was or who whacked JFK. Roswell is in that very same category, when it comes to research, interviews, blogging and book-writing: we have got so far, but now we’re stuck. As in completely stuck. We’re forced – time and again – to go over old interviews, to readdress what those interviewees told us, and to provoke near-endless blog comments. Of course, we could go on like that forever. But, that’s not preferable. It’s time for the Roswell UFO research community to come together and try and figure out how we might get the truth. There has to be a way, but so far no one has found it. I hope it can be found.
Mysterious Lights Over San Diego Spark UFO Visitation Speculation
Mysterious Lights Over San Diego Spark UFO Visitation Speculation
Residents of San Diego were startled with the mysterious lights that appeared in the sky above their city. Twitter was flooded with photos and videos of the strange glowing orbs that made some to speculate the lights were of extraterrestrial in origin.
Many observed floating-balls like object over the downtown skyline. Various residents had observed the strange aerial activity looking from La Mesa to downtown. Some others mentioned, “extraterrestrial lights” randomly appearing in the air of Pacific Beach in San Diego.
Did aliens visit San Diego? Several UFO enthusiasts think so, but a Navy spokesperson said otherwise. According to the official Navy report, the lights were merely part of a flare training exercise. However, despite this straightforward explanation, many others expressed doubt at it, who said that the official word was unbelievable.
Is the truth out there in San Diego? Let us know what you think in the comment section below.
Daniel Burns@DBurnsOfficial
What’s happening over the downtown skyline? Looking from La Mesa to downtown. Looks like floating balls of fire? @CBS8#ballsoffire#whatsthat
Why Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Are A National Security Risk And Also An Opportunity For Progress
Why Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Are A National Security Risk And Also An Opportunity For Progress
A career’s worth of intelligence work for the U.S. Government has taught me one key lesson: national security is a lot like playing a game of chess. You have to anticipate your opponent’s every move in order to remain one step ahead.
Disclosing your strategy will be used against you. But if you recognize certain opportunities, you can win the match.
When I headed the government’s highly sensitive Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), I worked with a team to assess whether a particular chess piece — in this case in the form of an unfamiliar aerial technology — was a threat to our side of the chess board.
If it was, we had to know how to counter it.
Since the Government views Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) as a potential national security issue, they’re secretive by necessity. They don’t want to reveal any information to a potential enemy.
But there are risks to keeping that information classified.
Say the person who first learned how to harness fire never shared it with the next generation, or the person who invented the telescope threw it away when he was done using it. What if the creator of the wheel decided it was too labor intensive for others to build and decided, “Forget it”?
As a species, we’re meant to evolve. And we needed those advancements to get to where we are today. Reports of strange crafts with seemingly inexplicable properties have been circulating within the U.S. Government for at least 70 years, which suggests it isn’t going away. There is “something out there.”
Declassifying certain information about UAP and sharing it with the public could lead to new technological discoveries, new forms of medical research, and a broader view of how humanity understands reality.
Here’s why:
A government must assume anything is a threat until it has been proven otherwise.
When determining whether an unknown entity is friend or foe, the U.S. Government looks at factors including capabilities, intentions, vulnerabilities, and exploitability. A close look at these factors reveals just how little UAPs are understood.
Advancements in our understanding of physics at the quantum level have helped shed faint light on the potential science behind UAPs. But these advancements have also shown us that UAPs have superior technical knowledge as well.
If these capabilities fell into the hands of a foreign adversary, it would be a decisive game-changer.
Likewise, the intentions of UAPs haven’t been made clear to us at this point. There could be a number of reasons for their presence, ranging from peaceful curiosity to a probe for battlespace preparation. The possibilities are numerous.
UAP vulnerabilities, however, remain a complete mystery. Some have hypothesized that there’s a correlation between UAPs and our nuclear capabilities, while others have suggested that nuclear-generated electromagnetic pulses are a potential weakness.
Regardless, we still don’t really know what vulnerabilities UAPs might have short of speculation. Right now, it’s anyone’s guess.
From a national security perspective, exploitation is the holy grail of endeavors. It’s critical to determine whether UAP technology could be reverse-engineered and used to our benefit, but we can’t exploit such technology unless we first understand it.
When it comes to UAPs, the U.S. knows less than it should, and perhaps much less than our adversaries.
The potential rewards outweigh the risks.
There is always a risk involved when it comes to communicating national security issues to the public. But it’s subjective. The significance of that risk depends on who you ask.
If you ask a military leader, for example, they would say government secrecy about advanced aerospace phenomena is crucial because you want to avoid broadcasting your capabilities and intentions to your potential enemy.
A politician would view UAPs completely differently. They may ask, “Is this something potential voters need to know, or will concealing it cause my constituents to lose faith in me? How does this discussion affect the voters and my ability to represent them?”
A religious figure, on the other hand, would likely be more concerned with the religious and philosophical implications UAPs might have on his or her faith.
There are countless examples throughout history of individuals challenging the prevailing systems of power with radical scientific ideas.
When Galileo told the church hundreds of years ago that Earth was not the center of the solar system, for example, they nearly killed him for it.
As someone without a political or religious agenda, I’m free to say the rewards outweigh the risks in this situation. For example, in December 2017 our team at To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science helped release U.S. military footage of UAPs. No government imploded, no religion dissolved.
Like Galileo, our mission is simple. Collect and disseminate the truth about the unknown. As long as the risks don’t compromise national security, the rewards can benefit all.
Scientific truths help push society forward.
At this point, there’s no question about whether UAPs are out there — they are. People can choose to either continue to live with their heads buried in the sand, or they can take a proactive approach to the phenomenon.
Centuries ago, when mankind first stood on the shores of a beach and contemplated sailing across the horizon, the chorus shouted, “You’re crazy! You’re going to fall off the Earth! There are sea monsters!”
But now, in the 21st century, people travel across oceans every day. What our ancestors thought were sea monsters are great white sharks, blue whales, and giant squid. It turns out that they’re just another part of our natural environment.
Once people committed to discovering the truth for themselves, it was no longer mystical, it was just nature.
But because government processes demand secrecy when it comes to classified information, false knowledge about UAPs spreads rapidly. Secrecy empowers people selling their snake oil and YouTubers profit from peddling their ill-informed narratives about UFOs. Soon people start believing Elvis lives on the mothership — just as they once believed you could fall off the edge of the Earth.
The more knowledge people have, the better they will be able to master their own destinies, and not be held hostage to the monsters of their imaginations.
The trumpets of the Apocalypse are heard again, now in Canada and Indonesia
The trumpets of the Apocalypse are heard again, now in Canada and Indonesia
People around the world have been reporting eerie, haunting and almost apocalyptic like sounds. According to witnesses of this unexplained phenomenon, they hear humming and loud booms, grinding metal, trumpet-like noises coming from the sky.
But do these sounds really come from the sky or something else is going on?
An in-depth investigation on this issue conducted by Linda Molten Howe has shown that the secret of these sounds is inside the Earth.
And again these sounds have been heard. This time strange apocalyptic trumpet-like sounds are heard in the sky in Downtown Calgary, Alberta, Canada on November 2, 2017 at 9:30 pm local time and one day earlier, on November 1, 2017 similar sounds are heard from several locations in Indonesia.
The weird hexagon swirling around Saturn's north pole is much taller than scientists had thought, a new study suggests.
Researchers have generally regarded the 20,000-mile-wide (32,000 kilometers) hexagon — a jet stream composed of air moving at about 200 mph (320 km/h) — as a lower-atmosphere phenomenon, restricted to the clouds of Saturn's troposphere.
But the bizarre structure actually extends about 180 miles (300 km) above those cloud tops, up into the stratosphere, at least during the northern spring and summer, a new study suggests. [Stunning Photos: Saturn's Weird Hexagon Vortex Storms]
The hexagon, which surrounds a smaller circular vortex situated at the north pole, has existed for at least 38 years; NASA's Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 spacecraft spotted the sharp-cornered feature when they flew by Saturn in 1980 and 1981, respectively.
Scientists started to get much more detailed looks at the hexagon in 2004, when NASA's Cassini spacecraft began orbiting the ringed planet. But Cassini's hexagon observations were pretty much confined to the troposphere for a decade after its arrival; springtime didn't come to Saturn's north until 2009, and low temperatures in the stratosphere continued to compromise measurements by the probe's Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) instrument for another five years.
"We were able to use the CIRS instrument to explore the northern stratosphere for the first time from 2014 onwards," study co-author Sandrine Guerlet of the Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique in France, said in a statement from the European Space Agency (ESA).
Those observations have now been newly analyzed. And they revealed a surprise: the presence of a familiar shape high above the clouds.
"As the polar vortex became more and more visible, we noticed it had hexagonal edges, and realized that we were seeing the pre-existing hexagon at much higher altitudes than previously thought," Guerlet added.
The formation of a stratospheric hexagon appears to be tied to the warming brought on by the change of seasons, the research team wrote in the new study. Indeed, Cassini spied a vortex high above the south pole during its early years at Saturn, when that hemisphere was enjoying summer. (Saturn takes 30 Earth years to orbit the sun, so seasons on the ringed planet last about 7.5 years apiece.)
But the southern stratospheric vortex wasn't hexagonal. And neither, for that matter, is the vortex that spins around the south pole lower down, in the tropospheric clouds, the researchers said.
"This could mean that there's a fundamental asymmetry between Saturn's poles that we're yet to understand, or it could mean that the north polar vortex was still developing in our last observations and kept doing so after Cassini's demise," study lead author Leigh Fletcher, of the University of Leicester in England, said in the same statement.
That demise came on Sept. 15, 2017, when mission team members steered Cassini into a fiery death in Saturn's atmosphere. The long-lived orbiter was low on fuel, and the team wanted to make sure Cassini never contaminated the Saturn moons Titan and Enceladus — both of which may be capable of supporting life as we know it — with microbes from Earth.
The asymmetry between north and south is just one vortex-related mystery that scientists are chewing on. Another is the northern feature's striking shape: It's unclear why the jet stream should form into a hexagon. Earth's jet stream has done no such thing, for example.
The $3.9 billion Cassini mission — a joint effort of NASA, ESA and the Italian Space Agency — also dropped a lander called Huygens onto Titan's surfacein January 2005. As the new study shows, data gathered during the mission could still help solve some of the ringed planet's perplexing mysteries, even though Huygens and the Cassini orbiter are no longer with us.
"The Cassini spacecraft continued to provide new insights and discoveries right up to the very end. Without a capable spacecraft like Cassini, these mysteries would have remained unexplored," ESA Cassini-Huygens project scientist Nicolas Altobelli said in the same statement. "It shows just what can be accomplished by an international team sending a sophisticated robotic explorer to a previously unexplored destination — with results that keep flowing even when the mission itself has ended."
The new study was published online Monday (Sept. 3) in the journal Nature Communications.
TRAPPIST-1 Worlds Are Rocky and Rich in Water, New Research Uncovers
TRAPPIST-1 Worlds Are Rocky and Rich in Water, New Research Uncovers
By Nola Taylor Redd, Contributor
The seven planets orbiting the ultracool dwarf star TRAPPIST-1 are mostly rocky, with some potentially holding more liquid water than Earth.
New research reveals the density of the worlds within this crowded system to a greater precision than ever before. The findings reveal that some of the planets could have up to 5 percent of their mass in liquid water form, about 250 times as much water as found in Earth's oceans.
"All the TRAPPIST-1 planets are very Earth-like — they have a solid core, surrounded by an atmosphere," Simon Grimm, an exoplanet scientist at the University of Bern in Switzerland, told by email. Working with a team of researchers, Grimm precisely modeled the densities of the seven worlds. [Meet the 7 Earth-Size Exoplanets of TRAPPIST-1]
In addition to narrowing down the composition of the exoplanets, the researchers also found that one of the worlds could boast some familiar characteristics.
"TRAPPIST-1e is the exoplanet which is most similar to Earth in terms of mass, radius and energy received from its star," Grimm said.
A special system
In 2016, astronomers at The Transiting Planets and Planetesimals Small Telescope (TRAPPIST) in Chile identified three planets around the dim star TRAPPIST-1. Less than a year later, NASA announced the discovery of even more worlds, for a total of seven. All of the exoplanets orbit in the habitable zone of their star, the region where water can remain liquid at the surface. The TRAPPIST-1 system boasts the largest number of rocky worlds ever found in a habitable zone of a single star and lies only 40 light-years from Earth. [TRAPPIST-1: How Long Would It Take to Fly to 7-Planet System?]
Intrigued by the system, Grimm and his colleagues decided to measure the system using a technique known as transit-timing variations (TTVs). By observing small variations in the amount of time it takes a world to pass between its star and our viewpoint, called a transit, TTVs allow researchers to make some of the most sensitive observations of planetary masses and densities.
"Using TTVs is currently the only method to determine the masses and therefore the densities of planets like the TRAPPIST-1 system," Grimm said.
Other methods don't work because the planets are too lightweight or the star is too faint, he said. The method allows astronomers to determine the mass of the planets relative to the stellar masses. Combined with the radii measured as the planet transits its star, the technique reveals the densities of each world.
The researchers relied on data captured by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope and several of the European Southern Observatory's instruments in Chile to make detailed observations that could reveal the variations in planetary orbits.
If one planet traveled around its star alone, then the only gravitational pull it would feel would come from the star. But when a system holds two or more worlds, the planets interact gravitationally, tugging on one another with a force related to their masses. These shifts depend on the planets' mass, distance and other orbital parameters.
At the same time, crowded systems like TRAPPIST-1 make it more challenging to tease out the effects of individual planets, as each world tugs somewhat at its neighbors. The TRAPPIST-1 planets are easier to measure because they orbit in sync; together, the seven exoplanets form a resonance chain connecting them all together and suggesting a slow, peaceful evolution.
"The TRAPPIST-1 system is special because all the planets are in a resonance condition," Grimm said.
Grimm took a simulation that he had previously used to calculate planetary orbits and adapted it to TTV analysis. Using more than 200 transits, his team modeled the mass and densities of the worlds, simulating the orbits of the planets until their modeled transits matched what was observed.
The researchers found densities of the worlds ranging from 0.6 to 1.0 times Earth's density. The seven worlds are rich in water, with water levels on some reaching as high as 5 percent of the total mass. In comparison, only about 0.02 percent of Earth's mass is contained in water.
TRAPPIST-1b and c, the innermost worlds, are likely to have rocky cores and be surrounded by dense atmospheres thicker than Earth's. Lying close to their star, the hottest worlds probably have thick, steamy atmospheres, while the most distant ones could be covered in ice.
TRAPPIST-1d is the lightest of the seven planets, weighing about 30 percent of Earth's mass. Its low mass could be caused by a large atmosphere, an ocean or a frozen icy layer.
TRAPPIST-1f, g and h lie far enough from their host star that water could be frozen into ice across their surfaces. The thin atmospheres would probably lack the heavier molecules found on Earth.
Then there's TRAPPIST-1e, the most Earth-like of the group. As the only planet slightly denser than Earth, TRAPPIST-1e likely has a denser iron core, and may lack a thick atmosphere, ocean or ice layer.
The researchers cautioned that the new results, which were published in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics, do not directly say anything about habitability. However, by helping researchers to better understand the conditions involved in the crowded system, the new research helps to make strides in understanding whether the worlds may be capable of supporting life.
Observation d’OVNI : Un “vaisseau spatial extraterrestre” ABATTU dans le ciel écossais
Observation d’OVNI : Un “vaisseau spatial extraterrestre” ABATTU dans le ciel écossais
Les chasseurs d’ALIENs étaient sur le qui-vive lorsqu’un OVNI a été abattu au-dessus de l’Écosse dans une vidéo qui fait actuellement le tour sur les médias sociaux.
Les théoriciens du complot ont cru avoir décroché le jackpot lorsqu’une vidéo montrant quelque chose d’étrange qui circulait dans le ciel nocturne au-dessus de Kippen, en Écosse.
La vidéo bizarre, qui a été tournée le 1er septembre, montre quelque chose flottant dans le ciel avec une matière étrange qui semble s’en échapper.
Les théoriciens du complot ont cru que c’était un OVNI qui avait été abattu.
La vidéo a été tournée par une femme anonyme en Ecosse qui l’a envoyée à la chaîne populaire UFO Today.
La description sur la vidéo se lit : “L’objet laissait tomber beaucoup de matière incandescente en volant. Elle savait ce qu’était cet objet, mais elle était sûre qu’il ne s’agissait pas d’un objet fabriqué par l’homme.”
“Il ne faisait pas de bruit du tout. Quand j’ai analysé les images, j’ai remarqué que l’objet éjectait beaucoup de matière.”
Beaucoup d’adeptes d’UFO Today étaient convaincus qu’il s’agissait d’une véritable activité ufologique.
YouTuber David Leach a écrit : “Excellente séquence. Il y a beaucoup de fuites. Vers la fin, on dirait qu’un petit OVNI se détache et monte.”
Starman 2710 a ajouté : “C’est passé à travers le portail trop vite et ça a perdu le contrôle ?”
AKIJPN a poursuivi : “On dirait qu’un objet volant qui perd le contrôle ! Incroyable.”
Cependant, il semble y avoir une explication plus logique à ce phénomène étrange.
Selon les gens du pays qui ont pris le site internet Reddit d’assault, les observations étranges sont en fait causés par des gens qui attachent des bougies à des cerfs-volants.
Il semble qu’il y ait eu plusieurs cas au cours du dernier mois où les résidents n’étaient pas trop préoccupés par une invasion extraterrestre.
L’utilisateur de Reddit ‘Space Pecs’ a déclaré que c’est “la troisième fois ce mois-ci” qu’un cerf-volant avec des bougies a été déployé.
Bory Truro a répondu : “Je n’avais pas beaucoup d’indices au début, mais maintenant que vous le mentionnez, on dirait que quelqu’un a collé une bougie sur un cerf-volant.”
We have all heard the mysterious tales of ships and planes going missing without a trace in the infamous Bermuda Triangle, sometimes called the Devil’s Triangle.
The Bermuda Triangle is the greatest unsolved mystery of the modern age
The Bermuda Triangle covers about 500,000 square miles of ocean off the southeastern tip of Florida to Puerto Rico and the island of Bermuda in the North Atlantic Ocean. It has long stumped scientists and unsettled sailors.
Over the years, a variety of paranormal culprits have been blamed. But there has been a lack of any plausible or scientific explanations for the vanishings.
British Scientists May Have Finally Cracked the Mystery Behind the Mysterious Region
A team of scientists at the University of Southampton claims that they have discovered what was responsible for all of the missing boats and planes: “rogue” waves measuring 30 meters (nearly 100 feet) high.
These rogue waves, which last for several minutes, were first observed by satellites in 1997 off the coast of South Africa.
The research team used indoor simulators to recreate the monster waves
The team built a model of the 542-foot vessel USS Cyclops, which went missing in 1918 claiming 300 lives. It did not take long before the model was overcome with water during the simulation. Scientists explained that these monster waves can snap a boat, such as the Cyclops, in two.
Crystal Clear Footage Of Alien Walking Inside UFO Goes VIRAL
Crystal Clear Footage Of Alien Walking Inside UFO Goes VIRAL
Stunning footage of an Alien walking inside a UFO has been captured by an amateur camera man as the jaw dropping footage has gone viral across social media. The grainy footage reveals an object with blue lights behind some trees, but as the camera zooms in, a gray figure can be seen walking around inside it.
UFO fanatics, Blake and Brett Cousins posted the eerie footage as part of a live phone in, but little did they know that the video would explode across the UFO community with many followers claiming it was a Grey Alien.
One view said: “You know how the ship looks like it’s landed behind the tree, it looks like they were stationed there because the one walking by looks like it was wearing an orange space suit.”
The Daily Star reports: Believer, Brett, likened it to something from famous alien movie Close Encounters, before claiming there is no CGI at play.
“It didn’t even look like a human at all.
“It possibly might be something with the government but it’s unexplainable.
“In my opinion these things come from another planet.”
Another fan then called up offering a different explanation.
“I just watched this four times and this Alien Grey, he moves a lot like a human.
“He looks like he’s wearing some sort of leggings or pants and his movements are very similar to a man’s – it looks like he’s working on the controls of the ship.”
Not everyone was as convinced by the footage, however.
“Nothing but light and mirrors,” one commented.
And another agreed, writing: “Looks like someone camping and using fluorescent tube lanterns to light the camp site.”
Meanwhile, a set of crop circles appearing in the English countryside has caused a stir.
Open Minds UFO Radio - David Marler: Investigating Historical UFO Cases
Open Minds UFO Radio - David Marler: Investigating Historical UFO Cases
Open Minds UFO Radio: David is a UFO researcher and author. He’s had a lifelong interest in the subject of UFOs and joined the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) as a field investigator trainee in 1990. Since then he held several positions within MUFON before becoming an independent researcher. Since then he has written a highly regarded book on triangle shaped UFOs, Triangular UFOs: An Estimate of the Situation, and has been featured on several television programs. David has one of the most extensive personal libraries of UFO books, journals, magazines, newspapers, and case files from around the world that covers the last 65 years.
David continues to research the UFO phenomenon and has made substantial progress on unveiling new information on historical cases such as the “Battle of Los Angeles” UFO incident in 1942 and the Farmington, New Mexico mass UFO sighting in 1950. In this episode, we discuss why old cases remain significant in UFO research and why credibility is so important to the integrity of UFO investigations.
Strange UFO Sighting Over Beach In Netherlands Appears On Camera
Strange UFO Sighting Over Beach In Netherlands Appears On Camera
There are a whole range of possibilities when it comes to UFO photos and videos, so many that it would be boring to list them all here. Everything from video editing, to staged, natural and ordinary objects being mistaken for extraterrestrial outer space technology.
In this video we see young adventurers having a good time in their off road vehicles spot something flying through the air, and naturally intrigued, video record it. We can suspend criticism of the shaky quality of the video, because they are amateurs and they are recording from their vehicles, which we see and hear. Forgiven.
It’s a good bet that the subject of their inquisitiveness isn’t video editing, but an actual thing in the sky. It’s the “what is it” piece of the puzzle that we should be solving. The sky is blue, with a gauzy overlay of high cirrostratus clouds. It’s a delightful sunny day. We are not going to impugn the reputations of those involved. Have they captured the scout of an invading Vogon Destructor Fleet? Shouldn’t they be running for cover (even if only to give them the false sense of security a few minutes before the earth is vaporized)? Meh…probably not.
The flight trajectory looks almost like the object is wind born…hmmm. Also, hate to say it, but we’re seeing quite a few of these types of videos lately. Especially after birthday parties and weddings, perhaps? Are you getting the drift of where this is going? If you guessed mylar party balloons, which can hold helium for a really long time, you’re not just getting warm, you’re spot on.
Everything about the flying thing in the video screams “Hey, dudes, I’m a balloon. Get over it!” Look, up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It…it’s a balloon! Yet, the fun will never be over with UFO videos. We are all entitled to our analyses. Some might argue that the unidentified object is not traveling in a straight line, but is zig-zagging. They can prove it by the way it moves against the clouds. Some true believers might cite other subtle cues, possibly claiming high speeds that a floating balloon would be impossible to achieve, or what looks like a brief descent and then quick elevation. It’s actually hard to predict what UFOlogists can come up with to “prove” a thing on film (“film” being an outdated term, really) is actually the flying vehicle of little green men.
Videos like this one give us endless sport in the game of “what is it?” with critics debunking, and believes re-bunking! As long as there are amateur videographers without a proper zoom lens and a tripod capture strange things flying or floating through the skies, whipping out their cell phones from the backs of moving off road vehicles on bumpy roads, there will be no dry spells when it comes to enjoying home UFOmovies.
Nadat eerder deze week NASA volkomen voor joker stond door astronaut Chris Hadfield een oude afbeelding te laten versturen van een gat in de romp van een ruimtemodule, wordt de ruimte soap nog erger.
De Russen denken nu dat het gat in de Soyuz module niet is veroorzaakt door een kleine meteoriet, maar heel goed het resultaat kan zijn van sabotage.
Eerder deze week schreven wij een artikel over een klein gat dat ontstaan zou zijn in de aan het ISS gekoppelde Soyuz module en naar aanleiding daarvan ontvingen wij enkele reacties (dank!).
De eerste:
Die astronaut, Chris Hadfield, mag dan een foto van het gaatje in de ISS twitteren, hij is helemaal niet aan boord van het ISS. (Zie bijlage, huidige bemanning)
Ik denk... ik laat het FF weten! Haha.
Een andere lezer stuurt het volgende:
In het onderstaande artikel schrijven jullie hoe Nasa voor joker staat i.v.m. de foto die ze gebruikten ter illustratie. Deze foto komt van een vorige missie met de Solar Max uit de jaren '80.
De band Remedy drive heeft deze foto weer gebruikt voor hun cover van het album Commodity. Of de ruimtevaart nou een hoax is of niet, dit soort artikelen maakt Niburu niet echt geloofwaardig i.v.m. het slechte onderzoek dat wordt gedaan.
Volgens mij zijn jullie een van de weinigen in de alternatieve media die snapt dat Trump voor de Cabal/Deep State werkt en niet voor de burger. Hierdoor kom ik graag op jullie site maar dit soort artikelen schaad de kwaliteit van jullie site naar mijn idee.
Op onze vraag hoe hij aan deze informatie komt, ontvingen wij het volgende:
In de bijlage een tweet van het space station over de foto.
Het blijft sowieso een vreemd verhaal over dat gat. Ze hadden ook een foto van het gerepareerde gat kunnen sturen...
Terug naar het officiële verhaal met de verklaring dat het gaatje in de Soyzuz module, gekoppeld aan het ISS ruimtestation, veroorzaakt zou zijn door een micro meteoriet.
Nu komt er een nieuwe twist in het hele verhaal, want het hoofd van de Russische ruimtevaartbureau, Dmitry Rogozin, zegt dat dit gaatje weleens het resultaat kan zijn van sabotage.
Het betreffende gaatje is namelijk niet veroorzaakt door een kleine meteoriet, maar door een boor. De enige vraag die voor de Russen nog openstaat is of dit gat erin is geboord op aarde of terwijl de Soyuz aan het ISS is gekoppeld.
Volgens Rogozin zijn er meerdere pogingen ondernomen om een gat te boren en heeft degene die het heeft gedaan geen vaste hand.
Theoretisch zou het ook nog een productiefout kunnen zijn, maar dat lijkt erg onwaarschijnlijk, ook omdat er nooit eerder dit soort problemen zijn geweest met de Soyuz schepen.
De Russen zullen in ieder geval een onderzoek instellen, zowel op aarde als in de ruimte. NASA onthoudt zich van verder commentaar en verwijst naar de Russen omdat zij zich bezighouden met het onderzoek.
Een Russisch parlementslid, Maxim Surayev, suggereert dat het misschien wel is gedaan door een astronaut die heimwee heeft en zo snel mogelijk naar de aarde terug wil keren. Surayev weet waarover hij praat, want naast parlementslid is hij ook astronaut en heeft zelf, zo zegt hij, twee missies naar het ISS meegemaakt.
“Als dit gedaan is door een astronaut, dan is dat slecht nieuws. Ik hoop echt dat het een productiefout is, maar dat zou ook triest zijn, want er is nog nooit iets dergelijks voorgevallen in de geschiedenis van Soyuz schepen”.
WETENSCHAP & PLANEETHet planetair stelsel rond de dwergster TRAPPIST-1, op zo’n veertig lichtjaar van de aarde, blijft meer en meer intrigeren. Sommige van de zeven exoplaneten zouden zelfs meer vloeibaar water hebben dan onze aarde, bericht Tot 250 keer meer zelfs.
Een nieuw onderzoek wierp meer licht op de samenstelling van de zeven exoplaneten (planeten die rond een andere ster dan de zon draaien, nvdr) rond TRAPPIST-1. “Alle planeten rond TRAPPIST-1 zijn heel aarde-achtig: ze hebben een solide kern, omringd door een atmosfeer”, vertelde Simon Grimm van de Universiteit van Bern aan Daarnaast vond het team rond Grimm dat één planeet in het bijzonder op aarde leek: exoplaneet TRAPPIST-1e. De planeet zou een gelijkaardige massa en radius hebben, en krijgt een vergelijkbare hoeveelheid energie van de ster waarrond hij draait.
Eerder werd al gevonden dat de exoplaneten waterrijk zijn, iets dat in het onderzoek bevestigd wordt. In sommige gevallen bestaan de planeten tot vijf procent van hun totale massa uit water. Ter vergelijking: slechts 0,02 procent van de massa van de aarde bestaat uit water.
De onderzoekers waarschuwen dat er nog niets is gezegd omtrent effectieve levensvatbaarheid van het systeem. Het is wel al geweten is dat de planeten in de levensvatbare zone rond de ster draaien, wat vloeibaar water op het oppervlak mogelijk maakt. Het waren wetenschappers onder leiding van Michaël Gillon van de Luikse Universiteit die de eerste vondsten rond TRAPPIST-1 hebben gedaan. Hun eerste publicaties dateren van mei 2016.
Saturn’s massive hexagonal storm may be even more impressive than we realized.
Scientists have studied the remarkable six-sided vortex in the planet’s north pole since it was first discovered by the Voyager spacecraft back in the 1980s.
This low-altitude storm sits deep within Saturn’s clouds, and data captured during the Cassini data has now revealed a higher altitude counterpart that emerges as summertime approaches.
The findings mean the ringed planet may be home to two of the unusually shaped storms stacked atop one another at different layers of the atmosphere – or, it could be one massive structure that stretches hundreds of miles high.
Scroll down for video
Saturn’s massive hexagonal storm may be even more impressive than we realized. Scientists have studied the remarkable six-sided vortex in the planet’s north pole since it was first discovered by the Voyager spacecraft back in the 1980s. Now, they've found another
‘The edges of this newly-found vortex appear to be hexagonal, precisely matching a famous and bizarre hexagonal cloud pattern we see deeper down in Saturn’s atmosphere,’ says lead author Leigh Fletcher of the University of Leicester, UK.
‘While we did expect to see a vortex of some kind at Saturn’s north pole as it grew warmer, its shape is really surprising.
‘Either a hexagon has spawned spontaneously and identically at two different altitudes, one lower in the clouds and one high in the stratosphere, or the hexagon is in fact a towering structure spanning a vertical range of several hundred kilometres.’
The Cassini spacecraft had previously spotted a warm high-altitude vortex in Saturn’s south pole during the summer.
But, despite the presence of the lower storm, no high-altitude storm was seen in the north.
A long-term study across multiple wavelengths captured by Cassini’s Composite Infrared Spectrometer (CIRS) and other instruments, however, revealed new details on the northern hemisphere as the long winter came to an end.
‘One Saturnian year spans roughly 30 Earth years, so the winters are long,’ adds co-author Sandrine Guerlet from Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique, France.
‘Saturn only began to emerge from the depths of northern winter in 2009, and gradually warmed up as the northern hemisphere approached summertime.’
From 2014 until the end of the Cassini mission, the researchers used the CIRS instrument to investigate this region, Guerlet said.
‘As the polar vortex became more and more visible, we noticed it had hexagonal edges, and realized that we were seeing the pre-existing hexagon at much higher altitudes than previously thought.’
Data captured during the Cassini data has now revealed a higher altitude counterpart that emerges as summertime approaches. This means there could be two storms stacked atop one another – or, it could be one massive structure that stretches hundreds of miles
The mysterious six-sided hexagon on Saturn's North Pole has long captivated astronomers, and is thought to be nearly 20,000 miles (32,190 km) wide.
The hexagon is made of a band of upper-atmospheric winds which creates its shape.
A polar cyclone can be seen at its centre.
First seen by Voyagers 1 and 2 more than 30 years ago, the hexagon it thought to be fixed with Saturn's rotation.
Last year, the Cassini spacecraft provided scientists with the first close-up, visible-light views of a behemoth hurricane swirling within the hexagon.
Thin, bright clouds at the outer edge of the hurricane were estimated to b travelling at around 330mph (150 metres per second).
The discovery suggests there are very different processes at work at Saturn’s two poles.
While the north pole is home to two hexagonal vortices, no such shape was seen in the south.
The northern storm is also much cooler, giving rise to different behaviors.
‘This could mean that there’s a fundamental asymmetry between Saturn’s poles that we’re yet to understand, or it could mean that the north polar vortex was still developing in our last observations and kept doing so after Cassini’s demise,’ Fletcher said.
Though it’s unlikely, the researchers say the two hexagon-shaped storms could be a single towering structure. They could also be two separate entities.
‘One way that wave “information” can leak upwards is via a process called evanescence, where the strength of a wave decays with height but is just about strong enough to still persist up into the stratosphere,’ Fletcher says.
The Cassini spacecraft had previously spotted a warm high-altitude vortex in Saturn’s south pole during the summer. But, despite the presence of the lower storm, no high-altitude storm was seen in the north - until now
Mysterious Hurricane at Saturn's North Pole
‘We simply need to know more. It’s quite frustrating that we only discovered this stratospheric hexagon right at the end of Cassini’s lifespan.’
Scientists are now working to better understand how lower-altitude phenomena influence the regions higher above.
‘Saturn’s northern hexagon is an iconic feature on one of the most charismatic members of the solar system, so to discover that it still holds major mysteries is very exciting,’ says Nicolas Altobelli, ESA Project Scientist for the Cassini-Huygens mission.
‘The Cassini spacecraft continued to provide new insights and discoveries right up to the very end.
‘Without a capable spacecraft like Cassini, these mysteries would have remained unexplored.
‘It shows just what can be accomplished by an international team sending a sophisticated robotic explorer to a previously unexplored destination – with results that keep flowing even when the mission itself has ended.’
Beste bezoeker, Heb je zelf al ooit een vreemde waarneming gedaan, laat dit dan even weten via email aan Frederick Delaere Deze onderzoekers behandelen jouw melding in volledige anonimiteit en met alle respect voor jouw privacy. Ze zijn kritisch, objectief maar open minded aangelegd en zullen jou steeds een verklaring geven voor jouw waarneming! DUS AARZEL NIET, ALS JE EEN ANTWOORD OP JOUW VRAGEN WENST, CONTACTEER FREDERICK. BIJ VOORBAAT DANK...
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
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