The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Everything You Need To Know About The Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (Video)
Everything You Need To Know About The Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (Video)
(Arjun Walia)What is the extraterrestrial hypothesis? (ETH) It’s one of the multiple hypotheses’ which exist in order to explain the UFO phenomenon. Yes, objects performing manoeuvres that defy our belief and understanding of physics have been spotted, filmed, and tracked on radar. With all of the UFO disclosure that’s happened over the past few years, a trend that doesn’t seem like it’s going to stop, the ETH is one that holds strong over multiple others, or as explained in the lecture below, a combination of others, to explain what is going on here. The lecture is given by Richard Dolan, historian and one of the world’s leading UFO researchers.
If, for instance, if it turns out that all physical evidence is consistent with a mundane interpretation of the causes of UFO reports, there will be little reason to continue to speculate about the role of extraterrestrial beings. If, on the other hand, the analysis of physical evidence turns up very strong evidence that objects related with UFO reports were manufactured outside the solar system, then one must obviously consider very seriously that the phenomenon involves not only extraterrestrial vehicles but probably also extraterrestrial beings.” –
The ETH separates itself from the others for a couple of big reasons, one is the fact that multiple people from ‘within’ have come forward explaining that not only has there been a UFO cover-up, but an extraterrestrial cover-up as well. Secondly, the observed highly advanced, physics-physics manoeuvres these crafts that have been seen and filmed by people and military agencies are not produced by any nation on Earth. Lastly but not least, all of the supposed encounters between people and extraterrestrial beings, there is no shortage found within the lore.
There is abundant evidence that we are being contacted, . That civilizations have been monitoring us for a very long time and that their appearance is bizarre from any type of traditional materialistic Western point of view.
At the same time, we have to think about extra dimensions, parallel universes, and more…There could be multiple explanations for the UFO phenomenon, and multiple cases that don’t actually represent the same thing.
There are many factors to consider here, and the lecture below is great for discussing that. I (the ETH) opens up new science, new paradigms, and leaves no aspect of humanity untouched. Science, history, technology, consciousness, and more will all be changed and transformed at a more rapid pace. This is one of the greatest stories in human history, and as independent media, we must keep talking about it because mainstream media always seems to have some sort of agenda, with all topics, from terrorism to UFOs and GMO’s and as I’m sure you know, much more.
Here is a couple of articles that goes into more detail regarding the latest on that:
We have, indeed, been contacted — perhaps even visited — by extraterrestrial beings, and the US government, in collusion with the other national powers of the Earth, is determined to keep this information from the general public.
-Victor Marchetti (Second Look, Volume 1, No 7, Washington, DC, May, 1979)
I joined the CE team in 2010 shortly after finishing university and have been grateful for the fact that I have been able to do this ever since There are many things happening on the planet that don’t resonate with me, and I wanted to do what I could to play a role in creating change. It’s been great making changes in my own life and creating awareness and I look forward to more projects that move beyond awareness and into action and implementation. So stay tuned
MILIEUNa zes jaar voorbereiding is de grote schoonmaak van oceanen met de plasticvanger van ‘Ocean Cleanup’ officieel begonnen. Dat is een opkuissysteem dat snel en efficiënt plastic vuilnis uit de zee moet halen. Hoe werkt dat dan juist?
De oceaanschoonmaker is een buis van meer dan zeshonderd meter lang. De installatie drijft los in zee, dus zonder verankering aan de bodem. Door wind en golven beweegt de buis zich sneller dan ronddrijvend afval. Plastic dat zich aan en vlak onder de oppervlakte bevindt, wordt door de buis en het 3 meter brede scherm eronder ‘opgeveegd’. Vissen en andere zeedieren zullen met de neerwaartse stroom die voor de buis en het net ontstaat onder de installatie door zwemmen, dat is althans de bedoeling.
Onder invloed van wind en met behulp van kabels neemt de buis een U-vorm aan, waardoor het plastic zich tussen de armen verzamelt. Als het goed is, verplaatst de installatie zich vanzelf naar plekken waar het meeste afval drijft. Om de paar maanden haalt een schip het plastic op. Dat wordt aan land gebracht en zoveel mogelijk gerecycleerd.
De bedenkers lieten het ding gisteren te water aan de Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. De eerste opkuis vond plaats tussen Hawaii en San Francisco, een gebied van bijna 4.000 kilometer breed, dat drie keer zo groot is als Frankrijk. Voor de eerste Ocean Cleaner, bedacht door de toen 18-jarige Nederlander Boyan Slat, werd maar liefst 27 miljoen euro aan crowdfunding ingezameld.
“Plastic is niet de vijand”
“Dat mensen plastic gebruiken, is niet het probleem. Dat we dat plastic zomaar weggooien en dat het dan in zee belandt, dat is wel een probleem.” Dat zegt Lonneke Holierhoek van The Ocean Cleanup.
“Plastic is niet de vijand”, klinkt het. “Plastic is een mooi product, het is bestendig, het is goed op verschillende manieren toe te passen. We vinden alleen dat het niet in de oceaan moet belanden.” Dat kan door überhaupt minder plastic te gebruiken, maar er zijn meer manieren. “We zijn gebaat bij betere recycling. Dat we verpakkingen bijvoorbeeld slimmer plannen. Zodat we niet nog meer plastic creëren, maar het plastic dat er is beter benutten.”
En daar zit volgens Holierhoek een probleem: “Er is te weinig stimulans om waarde te halen uit het plastic dat we al hebben. Zeker bij een lage olieprijs is het goedkoop om nieuw plastic te maken. Daarmee maak je de plasticberg alleen maar groter.” Zij vindt dat ook de industrie daar een taak in heeft. “Producenten kunnen plastic zo maken dat het goed te recyclen is. De recyclingindustrie kan nog een hoop innovatie gebruiken.”
Veel plastic in de Grote Oceaan is afkomstig uit landen als Indonesië, de Filipijnen en China. Holierhoek: “Het heeft te maken met armoede. Veel mensen wonen op plekken waar geen infrastructuur is die elke week het vuilnis ophaalt.”
MILIEUMorgen is het eindelijk zover. Na zes jaar begint de grote schoonmaak van de de oceanen met de plasticvanger die gelanceerd werd door de toen 18-jarige Nederlander Boyan Slat.
Degenen die zaterdag in San Francisco over de Golden Gate Bridge rijden of lopen, zullen hun ogen uitkijken. In de loop van de middag komt daar een bijzonder gevaarte voorbij: een honderden meters lange zwarte buis die naar open zee wordt gesleept. Het is de eerste plasticvanger van Boyan Slat, de jonge Nederlandse uitvinder die zich ten doel heeft gesteld het plastic in de oceanen op te ruimen.
Na jaren van voorbereiding gaat de grote schoonmaak nu echt beginnen. Het wordt de lakmoesproef voor de plannen van de 24-jarige Slat, die zes jaar geleden zijn idee lanceerde om afval in zee op te ruimen met lange drijvende armen. Het leverde hem een cultstatus op. Hij wist wetenschappers en sponsors aan zich te binden. Zijn groepje medewerkers groeide uit tot een professionele organisatie waarin miljoenen omgaan. Nu moet blijken of hij de hooggespannen verwachtingen kan waarmaken. De wereld kijkt mee.
Drijvende vuilnisbelt
Slats organisatie, The Ocean Cleanup, wil een drijvende vuilnisbelt opruimen die zich bevindt in de Stille Oceaan, tussen Hawaï en Californië. Daar heeft zich onder invloed van zeestromen een immense hoeveelheid plastic verzameld: 80.000 ton in een gebied drie keer zo groot als Frankrijk. Van visnetten tot verpakkingen, van kratten tot microplastics. De afvalberg weegt ruwweg evenveel als 450 Jumbo Jets.
Voor de ambitieuze opruimactie heeft The Ocean Cleanup een 600 meter lange metalen pijp ontworpen, waaronder een flexibel scherm hangt dat het plastic moet tegenhouden. Deze enorme sliert gaat zaterdag vanaf een voormalige basis van de Amerikaanse marine op weg naar zijn plaats van bestemming en zal daarbij onder de Golden Gate Bridge door komen.
Zodra de constructie – System 001 gedoopt – op zijn plek ligt, moeten de voorbereidingen voor de bouw van de tweede installatie beginnen. Het is de bedoeling dat uiteindelijk een vloot van zestig van deze drijvers op de plasticsoep wordt afgestuurd. Zo denkt Slat in vijf jaar de helft van de zogeheten Great Pacific Garbage Patch weg te kunnen werken. Of die ambitie haalbaar is, zal afhangen van het resultaat dat hij bereikt met System 001.
Hoe werkt de plasticvanger?
De installatie drijft los in zee, dus zonder verankering aan de bodem. Door wind en golven beweegt de buis zich sneller dan ronddrijvend afval. Plastic dat zich aan en vlak onder de oppervlakte bevindt, wordt door de buis en het 3 meter brede scherm ‘opgeveegd’. Vissen en andere zeedieren zullen met de neerwaartse stroom die voor de buis en het scherm ontstaat onder de installatie door zwemmen, dat is althans de bedoeling.
Onder invloed van wind en met behulp van kabels neemt de buis een U-vorm aan, waardoor het plastic zich tussen de armen verzamelt. Als het goed is verplaatst de installatie zich vanzelf naar plekken waar het meeste afval drijft. Om de paar maanden haalt een schip het plastic op. Dat wordt aan land gebracht en zoveel mogelijk gerecycleerd.
Geen zekerheid
Proeven met schaalmodellen en prototypes hebben Slat en zijn team vertrouwen gegeven dat het systeem gaat doen wat het moet doen. Maar geen zekerheid. De vraag is hoe het gevaarte zich zal houden midden op de oceaan, met stormen en golven die 12 meter hoog kunnen worden. Welk effect hebben corrosie, uv-straling en levende organismen die zich aan het materiaal hechten? Het moet allemaal duidelijk worden in de praktijk.
Het is makkelijker om spullen in de ruimte heel te houden dan op zee, zegt Slat op zijn kantoor in Rotterdam. “Een poos geleden zou dat mijn grootste zorg zijn geweest. Ons prototype op de Noordzee ging al vrij snel kapot. Daar hebben we veel van geleerd. Nu heb ik er meer vertrouwen in dat het systeem intact blijft.” Het spannendst is voor hem de vraag hoe efficiënt het systeem het plastic vangt en vasthoudt. “Hoe gedraagt het plastic zich als het stormt? Gaat het dan onder de drijver door? Daar zit voor mij de onzekerheid”, aldus Slat.
Kansrijk project
Gerbrant van Vledder, oceanograaf aan de TU Delft, helpt The Ocean Cleanup met computersimulaties van golfbewegingen. Als de wind draait, moet ook de installatie draaien. Als het stormt, moet het plastic binnen de U-vorm blijven. “Ik zie het als een kansrijk project, maar ik kan geen garantie geven. Het gaat erom dat het systeem tijdens een storm minder plastic verliest dan het in rustig weer verzamelt.”
System 001 is uitgerust met stabilisatoren, camera’s om de omgeving in de gaten te houden, verlichting, reflectoren voor radar en akoestische boeien om zeedieren weg te houden als het plastic wordt opgevist. Ook drones houden een oogje in het zeil. Met GPS is de positie van het systeem te volgen.
Nederlandse vlag
De Nederlandse overheid houdt de veiligheid op zee en gevolgen voor het milieu in de gaten. Daarover heeft Slat dit jaar een overeenkomst getekend met het ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat. Het systeem, dat buiten de territoriale wateren ligt, ‘vaart’ onder Nederlandse vlag. Verder is er samenwerking met de Amerikaanse kustwacht, het Amerikaanse milieuagentschap EPA en de oceanische dienst NOAA.
In de loop der jaren zijn de plannen van Slat verscheidene malen gewijzigd. Aanvankelijk was het de bedoeling om armen van 100 kilometer in zee te plaatsen, verankerd aan de zeebodem. De uitvoering van dit idee zou extreem duur en ingewikkeld zijn geworden. Daarna werd gedacht aan drijvers van 1 of 2 kilometer lang met zwevende ankers. De versie die nu naar de Garbage Patch gaat is nog korter. De zwevende ankers zijn verdwenen.
The Ocean Cleanup wekt niet alleen bewondering. Uit wetenschappelijke hoek klinkt ook kritiek op de methode-Slat. Onlangs gaven vijftien Amerikaanse experts nog te kennen dat ze twijfelen aan het nut van zijn operatie. Een van hen is Eben Schwartz van de California Coastal Commission. “De enorme aandacht voor dit project leidt ons af van het echte probleem”, zegt Schwartz. “Verreweg het meeste plastic in de oceanen komt van het land. Daar moeten we de vervuiling tegengaan, bij de bron.”
Volgens Schwartz drijft slechts 3 procent van al het plastic dat in de oceanen terecht komt aan de oppervlakte in zogeheten gyres, cirkelvormige oceaanstromingen waarin afval zich concentreert. Waar de rest blijft, is niet helemaal duidelijk. Vast staat dat veel plastic op kusten aanspoelt en – afgebroken tot kleine stukjes en microplastics – zinkt of wordt opgegeten door zeedieren. Schwartz: “Ik hoop dat het project van Boyan Slat een succes wordt, maar ik vrees dat we ons richten op een heel klein deel van het probleem.”
Half procent
Jan Andries van Franeker, marinebioloog bij Wageningen Marine Research, rekent voor hoe weinig de schoonmaak volgens hem oplevert. “The Ocean Cleanup schat zelf dat in de Pacific Garbage Patch zo’n 80.000 ton plastic drijft. Jaarlijks verdwijnt naar schatting 8 miljoen ton in zee. Slat zegt in vijf jaar de helft van het afval in de Garbage Patch te kunnen opruimen: dus 40.000 ton. In die tijd verwijdert The Ocean Cleanup dus een half procent van wat de mens er jaarlijks in stopt.”
Boyan Slat en zijn team zouden hun kennis en creativiteit beter kunnen richten op oplossingen om de hoeveelheid afval te beperken, zegt Van Franeker. Zoals het opvangen van plastic in riolen en rivieren of het ontwerpen van volledig recycleerbaar verpakkingsmateriaal. “Als je dan toch aan opruimen op zee denkt, denk dan aan technieken die toepasbaar zijn bij riviermondingen of op de kustlijn.”
Slat verweert zich tegen deze kritiek door erop te wijzen dat opruimen en voorkomen van vervuiling elkaar niet uitsluiten maar aanvullen. Veel organisaties zijn bezig met preventie, maar niemand ontwikkelde technologie om het afval in de oceanen op te ruimen, zegt hij. “Wij vinden ook dat voorkomen moet worden dat plastic in zee komt. Maar zelfs als dat vandaag stopt, drijven er nog grote hoeveelheden rond die schadelijk zijn voor het zeeleven. Dat willen we opruimen voordat het plastic in microdeeltjes uiteenvalt en niet meer kan worden weggehaald.”
Volgens Slat komt veel kritiek voort uit een zekere afkeer van het grootschalige, bedrijfsmatige en technologische karakter van zijn methode. “In milieukringen hebben altijd vooroordelen bestaan tegen grootschaligheid, ondernemerschap en technologie. Allemaal eng.”
Eben Schwartz denkt dat de schoonmaak vrijwel onmogelijk zal zijn zonder schade aan het zeeleven. Hij vreest dat vissen op het plastic afkomen om ervan te eten en dat zeeschildpadden, zeehonden en dolfijnen verstrikt raken en slachtoffer worden als het plastic uit het water wordt gehaald. Onnodige bezorgdheid, reageert Slat. Ook nu eten vissen plastic en kunnen zoogdieren vast komen te zitten in ronddrijvende netten.
Hij liet onafhankelijk onderzoek doen naar de milieu-effecten van zijn onderneming en daaruit blijkt dat de extra risico’s voor dieren vrijwel verwaarloosbaar zijn, zeker als een aantal aanbevolen maatregelen wordt genomen om dierenleed te voorkomen. “We houden de situatie in de gaten met camera’s. Tijdens het ophalen van het plastic kijken biologen of er dieren tussen zitten.”
Ondanks zijn kritiek wil Van Franeker gezegd hebben dat hij waardering heeft voor het wetenschappelijk onderzoek dat The Ocean Cleanup heeft gedaan naar verspreiding en typering van plastics in zee. “Dat hebben ze gedaan op een schaal die niemand anders voor elkaar heeft gekregen. Daarvoor verdienen ze een compliment. Met de media-aandacht die hun projecten trekken werken ze mee aan bewustwording. Aan de andere kant kan de boodschap dat we onze rotzooi kunnen opruimen het gevoel van urgentie doen afnemen.”
Twijfel is er ook bij critici over de bruikbaarheid van het plastic dat uit zee wordt gehaald. Als dat een tijd in het zoute water heeft gelegen en aan zonlicht heeft blootgestaan is er niet meer zoveel mee te doen, wordt gezegd. Slat wuift de bedenkingen weg. Zijn zonnebril, gemaakt met oceaanafval, moet het ongelijk van de critici bewijzen.
“Over drie maanden vaart de eerste boot uit om plastic op te halen. Het verwerken van het afval tot korrels is al geregeld met recyclingbedrijven in Californië. Ik denk dat we over een jaar kunnen onthullen welke producten we gaan maken. Meer dan vijftig ondernemingen hebben belangstelling getoond. Zij begrijpen dat de waarde van het materiaal schuilt in het verhaal: dat het product afkomstig is uit de Great Garbage Patch.”
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
We're Probably Living in a Simulation, Elon Musk Says
We're Probably Living in a Simulation, Elon Musk Says
By Mike Wall, Senior Writer
Elon Musk thinks we're all probably trapped in a "Matrix"-like pseudo existence.
The universe is 13.8 billion years old, so any civilizations that may have arisen throughout the cosmos have had loads and loads of time to hone their technological know-how, the SpaceX founder and CEO explained early this morning (Sept. 7) during a long, wide-ranging and very entertaining appearance on comedian Joe Rogan's popular podcast, "The Joe Rogan Experience."
"If you assume any rate of improvement at all, then games will be indistinguishable from reality, or civilization will end. One of those two things will occur," Musk said. "Therefore, we are most likely in a simulation, because we exist." [13 Ways to Hunt Intelligent Aliens]
"I think most likely — this is just about probability — there are many, many simulations," he added. "You might as well call them reality, or you could call them multiverse."
The "substrate" on which these simulations are running, whatever it may be, is probably quite boring, at least compared to the simulations themselves, Musk further told Rogan.
"Why would you make a simulation that's boring? You'd make a simulation that's way more interesting than base reality," Musk said, citing the video games and movies that humanity makes, which are "distillation[s] of what's interesting about life."
The billionaire entrepreneur is far from alone in this interpretation; a number of physicists, cosmologists and philosophers find the simulation hypothesis compelling. If even one advanced alien civilization with a predilection for creating simulations has ever arisen out there, the reasoning goes, then it could theoretically pop off thousands — or perhaps even millions or billions — of "fake" universes. And it would be hard for the inhabitants of these digital realms to figure out the truth, because all the evidence they could gather would likely be planted by the creators.
Indeed, the simulation idea is one of many possible explanations for the famous Fermi paradox, which basically asks, "Where is everybody?" ("Everybody" being aliens, of course.)
This was far from the only ground that Musk and Rogan covered during their 2.5-hour conversation. For example, Musk reiterated his concerns about unregulated and uncontrolled artificial intelligence; stressed that a bright and appealing future for humanity involves exploring and settling other worlds, both in our solar system and beyond; and discussed the traffic-reducing potential of extensive tunnel systems, which his Boring Company aims to build in big cities around the world.
Musk also talked at length about Tesla, the electric-car company he runs, and the need for our species to wean itself off fossil fuels. Musk described humanity's mass displacement of carbon from the ground to the atmosphere (and from there into the oceans) as an incredibly dangerous experiment whose ultimate outcome is unknown.
"We should not do this," he told Rogan. "We know that sustainable energy is the end point. So why are we doing this experiment? It's an insane experiment. It's the dumbest experiment in human history." [Images of Melt: Earth's Vanishing Ice]
Musk also casually mentioned that he has an idea for an electric supersonic plane that takes off and lands vertically. But he said he doesn't view the development of this concept as a priority at the moment, given the other pressing problems humanity needs to solve.
Musk and Rogan sipped whiskey throughout their conversation. And at one point, the comedian lit up a joint, and Musk took a puff.
This was apparently a rare event; the SpaceX CEO said he almost never smokes marijuana (which is legal in California, where The Joe Rogan Experience is taped) and doesn't enjoy it, because it saps his famous productivity.
"It's like a cup of coffee in reverse," Musk said. "I like to get things done. I like to be useful."
He told Rogan that ideas are bouncing around inside his head all the time — "it's like a never-ending explosion" — and that he realized he was different from other people when he was just 5 or 6 years old.
"I thought I was insane," Musk said. As a kid, he added, he worried that authority figures might notice his "strangeness" and put him away somewhere.
There was so much other interesting stuff as well. For example, Musk appreciatively handled a samurai sword in the studio that Rogan said was 500 years old. And at one point toward the end of the conversation, Musk said, "This may sound corny, but love is the answer." (Another choice quote: "I don't know what would happen if I got in a sensory-deprivation tank. Sounds concerning.")
We leven hoogstwaarschijnlijk in een simulatie. Elon Musk vertelt in deze populaire podcast waarom
We leven hoogstwaarschijnlijk in een simulatie. Elon Musk vertelt in deze populaire podcast waarom
Elon Musk denkt dat we allemaal gevangen zitten in een Matrix-achtige schijnwereld.
Het universum is 13,8 miljard jaar oud, dus beschavingen die elders in de kosmos zijn ontstaan hebben meer dan genoeg tijd gehad om zich te ontwikkelen, legde de baas van SpaceX uit tijdens de populaire podcast van komiek Joe Rogan.
“Computergames zullen uiteindelijk niet te onderscheiden zijn van de realiteit, of de beschaving komt ten einde,” zei Musk. “Eén van die twee dingen gaat gebeuren.”
“Om die reden leven we hoogstwaarschijnlijk in een simulatie, omdat we bestaan,” vervolgde hij.
Ik denk dat er heel veel simulaties zijn, aldus Musk. “Je kunt ze realiteit noemen, of het multiversum.”
Het ‘substraat’ waar deze simulaties op draaien, wat het ook moge zijn, is waarschijnlijk nogal saai, in ieder geval in vergelijking met de simulaties zelf, vertelde hij.
Zeker niet de enige
“Waarom zou je een simulatie maken die saai is?” vroeg hij. “Je maakt alleen simulaties die veel interessanter zijn dan de basisrealiteit.”
Hij voegde toe dat videospelletjes en films die mensen maken ook gaan over de dingen die het leven interessant maken.
De miljardair is zeker niet de enige die stelt dat we in een simulatie leven. Er zijn veel natuurkundigen, kosmologen en filosofen die openstaan voor deze theorie.
It’s not often discussed in America, but military bases and testing sites are all around us. Depending on where you live, you might be only a few miles away from some seriously spooky stuff and not even realize it. Such is the case for a few perplexed and concerned homeowners in Satellite Beach, Florida this week after they discovered a strange, unidentified metal object in their backyard. Metal debris from our nation’s past is everywhere, but what makes this case curious is the home’s proximity to Patrick Air Force Base.
All the weirdest stuff happens near Air Force bases. It is known.
Patrick AFB is the current home of the 45th Space Wing which manages all of the unmanned launches at the Eastern Range, consisting of Kennedy Space Center and Cape Canaveral. That means this wing oversees most launches of satellites for the military, National Reconnaissance Office, and National Security Agency. Prior to that, the base served as a base for anti-submarine operations during World War Two. With such a history, there’s no telling what might lay under the ground surrounding the base.
Which is why homeowners are so concerned about what might lie underneath their house. Residents of Satellite Beach, Florida have for years been telling urban legends the area, and this mysterious discovery might have proven some of them true. Satellite Shores resident Sandra Sullivan discovered an unidentified metal object in her yard with a metal detector and is now concerned that the object might be leaching harmful chemicals into the ground around her home – or worse. Upon discovering the object, Sullivan got in touch with federal investigators who confirmed that the ground upon which her home sits was in fact used as a military dump.
Just the thing to drive property values up. For the right buyer.
The only concrete information coming from experts who have examined the object is that it’s not a bomb and it’s not a chemical drum. That leaves, well, just about everything else. Fuel rods? Depleted uranium shells? De-engineered alien warp drives? Who knows?
Despite the alarm, Satellite Beach City Manager Courtney Barker says that while the presence of old military hardware is alarming, noone has been harmed by any discarded materials – yet:
I’ve heard rumors all my life because I’ve grown up here. We checked with Brevard County and our records here at the city and we’ve never received any complaints ever about anybody digging up anything in their yards.
Barker says Satellite Beach city council members are consulting with state and federal safety experts to develop a new set of guidelines for potential dangers stemming from the area’s past as a landfill for the military’s space launches.
And who knows what some of those satellites might have been carrying?
While this unidentified object is in all likelihood a piece of inert scrap metal, it really makes you wonder what else might have fallen into the seas or deep underground during the last several decades of rocket launches, experimental aircraft tests, and who knows what else. The real losers in war are always civilians – even if only due to the toxic aftereffects of research, development, and testing here on good ol’ American soil. We should have listened to Eisenhower.
When it comes to the paranormal, there seem to be certain places that are well-suited to or seem to draw the most activity. Old abandoned places, ruins, graveyards, dilapidated houses, these are the usual suspects for haunted places, but there are always exceptions to this, and certainly one of these would be military bases, and these locations also have on occasion drawn to them strange stories of the unexplained. It seems that the men and women stationed here would already have enough to worry about besides ghosts and ghouls, but here we will look at some very curious accounts of encounters with strange entities from beyond our understanding at military installations.
One report comes from a witness called Sergeant M., who in 2015 was assigned to 24-hour-desk duty, which entails keeping a full 24-hour watch at a barracks. One of their duties was to keep an eye on soldiers who were demonstrating psychological issues or who had been confined to their barracks to protect those around them and were considered “high risk.” The witness relates a tale about one such individual, who had been kicked out for being a troublemaker and an “angry, hate filled individual that never progressed past Private Second Class in his 20 months in uniform.” The mysterious individual was also apparently rumored to be into black magic and Satanism, and most of the others had kept well away from him. According to the witness, this unruly individual left the barracks without making any effort at all to clean out his filthy room, which would be described thus:
When he was kicked out, he left his barracks room a complete mess. I’ve seen portable toilets cleaner than his room. The toilet had been broken and didn’t flush, but he had continued to use it. In the closet there were mountains of trash, and rotten food in the sink and refrigerator. The shower was also filled with garbage and water. Aside from the mess, there were strange things as well. When the commander, First Sergeant and myself, the Supply Sergeant, went into his room, we found chicken bones tied together, hanging from strings from the ceiling. They had been lashed together to make seemingly archaic symbols. We counted roughly two dozen before we quit counting. The floor was covered in grime and candles had been lit in a circle. All of the furniture had been stacked out of the way or shoved in the closet. I’ll spare you the description of the smell. But the whole room had an unsettling feeling to it. The air in the room felt wrong. I couldn’t tell at the time if it was the smell or the filth. Whatever the reason, I didn’t want to be in there. We called a special cleanup team and put in a work order to have the room stripped and cleaned by professionals. After they were finished, the room was spotless.
Not long after this, there allegedly began to trickle in reports of strange phenomena surrounding the room in question. Even though it was still unoccupied there were claims that things could be heard banging around within, and odd odors would also emanate from the room, such as a scent of burning plastic that could not be identified. The witness says that he ended up being assigned to the duty roster that put him into close proximity to the “haunted” room, and one evening he had a very terrifying experience as he was on duty with a private. It started when they suddenly heard a roar come from the room, which he describes as sounding “like metal tearing while someone played a recording of a scream, except distorted and in reverse.” The startled men then warily approached the room, and the witness would say of what happened next thus:
Being the senior ranking, I instructed the soldier to call the Barracks Representative (LNO) and have him get to the desk as soon as possible. Five minutes later, he and I are using his master key to gain access to the room while my Private covers the hallway from the desk, staying with the phone and also watching our backs. As soon as we enter the foyer, we’re hit with the smell of dog poo and burned plastic. Neither of us can identify the source, but the room is completely empty. We sweep and clear every nook and cranny, later agreeing that we felt like we were being watched the whole time. We found nothing but the smell remained.
We decided to re-secure the room and not log the incident, because I, for one, didn’t want to look like a crazy idiot when my boss’s boss read my report. We move for the door. We exit, turn and go to close the door behind us when a massive force hits the door from inside the room, shoving the Barracks Representative out of the doorway and slamming the door shut. None of the doors are allowed to slam, they all have hydraulic arms at the top to prevent that. They’re not even quick to close if a 200 lb male leans on them, so one slamming so hard it could move a grown man is impossible – especially considering it had worked moments prior when we entered the room.
We tried to open the lock again, but this time the keycard wouldn’t work. We agreed that neither of us wanted to go in again anyway, and we agreed not to report any of it, because we would be taken as seriously as anyone else. After that incident, I kept an ear out but didn’t hear anything nearly as dramatic again. On another occasion, it sounded like there was some kind of shuffling coming from the room, like someone moving around, but I kept a stalwart face about it and ordered my private to stay away from it as well. To this day, I cannot explain what happened in that room.
What was this? Was it some sort of demonic entity conjured up by the troubled soldier who had left? It is hard to say. In another case defying classification the tale is told by the nephew of the eyewitness, but it is no less spooky. The uncle, called Bob, was reportedly a new soldier in the Army in 1985, and at the time he was on fence patrol duty at a base in Arizona. As he and a partner made their way around the perimeter, he claimed that they had heard an anomalous noise from behind them, and turned to see a strange sight indeed. According to the one relaying the account:
When they turned around, they saw an old man dressed in buckskin with long hair in braids. Bob described it was being so grey that “it almost glowed”. The man was standing approximately thirty feet behind them. Both men drew their weapons, as the old man was in a “shoot to kill” area, with warning signs all over the place. Neither Bob or the other man wanted to shoot an old man. They figured that he must have Alzheimer’s, and had wandered into the base or something. After all, he was not being threatening, and appeared harmless.
The men shouted to the old man, telling him he was in a restricted area and that he needed to put his hands in the air. Bob thought they’d walk him to post call and call the local police department who would be able to get him back home. Bob tried the radio, but it was just static. Calling his friend to help, both he and Bob turned to tinker with the walkie. Although they only looked away for “half a second”, to quote my uncle, when they turned back the old man was gone. In his place was a massive cottontail (rabbit), just sitting there, watching them.
The two startled men looked around to see if the old man was still around, but the mysterious stranger was gone, nowhere to be seen. All that was there was this rabbit sitting there staring at them in the desert night. They warily continued on with their duty, and shortly after heard the noise again, this time from the opposite side of the perimeter fence. When they looked, they were shocked to see the same old man standing there on the other side, staring in at them. Since this was a military base, the fence was very high, around 10 feet, and decked out with razor wire, very secure, so it seemed impossible that the old man could have gotten over the fence so quickly without being detected. This was frightening enough that the two men quickly got out of there and never spoke of it with their commanding officer.
This case is particularly interesting due to the location, Arizona, and the apparent shapeshifting quality of the strange intruder. One phenomena often reported from the southwest United States is that of what are called Skinwalkers, basically shape changing entities from Native lore that have been sighted all over the region by often very reliable witnesses. Is that what these two men saw? Unfortunately, this is a second hand account that is impossible to verify, so it is all left to imagination and speculation.
If it was a Skinwalker it certainly wouldn’t be the only one reported by military personnel. In the wake of my own article outlining my personal experiences with a group of what could have very well been these creatures, I was given a curious account by a reader who says he encountered one in New Mexico, where he had been stationed at the White Sands Missile Range. According to the witness, he had been on guard duty one evening along with a partner and it was typically a rather uneventful, even boring duty, yet on this night they would have a frightening encounter that has stayed with them ever since.
White Sands Missile Range
The witness says that as they conducted their patrol his partner stopped him and pointed off into the barren surrounding desert wilderness, where there appeared to be two pinpoints of light hovering over the scrub, around 6 feet in the air. Thinking it was perhaps just a wild animal, they crept closer to its position to find that it seemed to be a tall, dark figure just standing out there in the middle of nowhere in the dark. It then became apparent that this cloaked individual was a man, although with a deeply wrinkled face that looked “ancient.” The witness would describe what happened next:
We were a little spooked because there should have been no one out there at this time, especially that close to the base. And this guy, he gave off a weird vibe, just standing there staring at us even as we approached. His face, he looked like he was maybe Native American, and I couldn’t tell so well but his skin looked creased, craggy and pockmarked, somehow ancient. He was wrapped up in some kind of cape or cloak and we couldn’t see his hands or feet. We called out to him to identify himself but this guy, he didn’t flinch. I don’t even know if he heard us or not.
Well, now we are a bit unsettled, and think we are dealing with a seriously disturbed individual or some senile old fart from a reservation, so we know we have to apprehend him or at least get him out of there. We start getting closer to this guy, who is still standing stock still like a statue and that is when it happens BOOM, he just sort of drops, there is a flutter of the cape, and he is gone. Just gone. My partner calls out in surprise and right then a coyote runs right past us, practically close enough to touch, before dashing off into the night. That old guy, there is no sign of him. It freaked us out for sure.
It seems like a classic Skinwalker encounter. What did those guys see out there? There have been strange paranormal encounters reported from bases in other areas of the world as well. One account was given by a witness named Adolph Schäfer, who claims to be the equivalent of a sergeant in the unified armed forces of Germany, called the Bundeswehr. He claims to have had a very anomalous experience when he was just a cadet at boot camp in East Germany. One evening at around 5 PM they were apparently out doing drills when they heard some sort of “eerie, unexplainable noises” coming from one of the nearby buildings. They did not think much of it at the time, but then at 8PM the power grid began to go on the fritz, with lights flickering everywhere, which was odd as it had been inspected just a few days before.
The base drill sergeant was convinced that it was just a faulty generator, and had the witness go out with three others to fix it. The men then made their way to the basement where the generators were kept, and there they found that two of the generators worked fine, although one had inexplicably been turned off. It was when they got to the larger third generator when things would get ominous down there in the dank basement, and the witness says of what happened thus:
The third generator was the largest main source of power in the base. The first thing I noticed were the scratches: this seemingly super-hard-to-break hunk of metal had what I think were scratches and cuts – claw marks – piercing its outer metal shell like a buzzsaw. So deep, the scratches had cut the cords inside and had damaged the batteries as though they were paper. After a moment of thinking I knew this couldn’t have been a person doing this, seeing as nothing any cadet had could cut through that tough metal so easily, I immediately rushed up the stairs to tell my drill sergeant, hoping he would know what to do. He told me, “The most we can do is tell base command and put someone guard the door, and have the generator replaced. Good thing reporting this, cadet Schäfer.
After getting a pat on the back, I resumed my daily training routines without anything too odd happening. But some hours later, sometime in the night (I can’t be exactly sure when), I heard scratching noises, but not from the basement, they were too close and too loud… as if they were in the sleeping quarters. After that moment of realization, I opened my eyes and looked around. I saw what I thought was someone in the corner, going through a bag… But, when I looked around the room, sheer terror came into me: all the bunks were full, every one.
“Wait….the hell?”, I thought to myself. But, then, as if it had heard what I was thinking, the “thing” in the corner turned to face me. It was a pale grey, with no nose, and claws like razors. This thing was skinny and two feet taller than my six-foot self. After that I just froze in a blank stare of horror. In my mind seconds turned to minutes, minutes turned to hours and hours turned to days….I think I passed out of terror, because all I remember after that is waking up to my buddies and sergeant looking at me, while talking to me, telling me I looked sick. And I felt sick too, like all energy from me was drained for days on end.
Also strange is another case from way over in Afghanistan, where a witness named Jerry Aberdeen saw something very unusual during his tour of duty out in that forsaken wasteland. It is an account that seems hard to really categorize, but seeming to deal with ghosts, demons, or some other supernatural being.
The incident happened to him while he was stationed at an air base in in Mosul, Ninewah Province in 2004, and the witness would say:
I was attached to 2/3 INF 3 SBCT at FOB Patriot. A call went out on the radio that FOB Diamondback (the airfield) was under attack. Everyone on every FOB from, Courage, Blickenstaff, Patriot and Marez jumped into the closest vehicle and headed to the airfield to counter the attack. I was in a vehicle with some other infantry guys, an engineer and a PsyOps guy. When we got to the airfield we saw some dudes trying to climb over the wall. The gunner opened up on them and the rest of us took up a position in a ditch on the other side of the road and opened fire. There were three of us side by side, the engineer, the PsyOps guys and myself. We fired and one guy and he dropped from the top of the wall (hard to tell who actually shot him). Right after he fell there was stream of black smoke coming out of him. The engineer made that comment that he must have been wearing a suicide vest and it malfunctioned. A few seconds later the black smoke grew larger and started to take a human looking form. What happened next all three of us saw and there was no doubt. The now fully materialized black smoke was standing upright and now had red smoky glowing eyes and a weird looking mouth. The damn thing actually smiled at us and turned to, sort of run but it just dissipated after it took a few steps. Very hard to describe how it all happened. All three of us just looked at each other wide eyed for a second or two. After it was all over we only spoke about once then never again.
What sort of entity was this, if it ever really existed at all? There is no way to know. And that seems to be a recurring theme with all of these reports. Here we have looked at an assortment of cases of what seem to be very odd paranormal entities of some sort, but which seem to elude easy categorization. What are these things and what do they want? Are we looking at ghosts, Skinwalkers, demons, or all of the above? Considering the range of differences between these cases there is probably no clear answer that can explain all of them, and they probably represent very different disparate phenomena, but one common question we can ask why have they been drawn to these military installations? Or are these merely creepy campfire stories being told by some soldiers for a good laugh? As usual we are left with some very jolting accounts and hints, but no clear answers to any of these, and once again we have more to pile onto the great big pile of weird things we may never understand.
Born in Township, Minnesota in 1908, Daniel William Fry claimed a distinctly close encounter of the alien kind while working at the White Sands Proving Ground, New Mexico: he asserted he took a flight in an extraterrestrial spacecraft – on Independence Day, 1949, no less – to New York and back in barely half-an-hour! So the story went, Fry intended to celebrate the holiday period with colleagues and friends from the base in the nearby town of Las Cruces. Unfortunately, he missed the bus and was forced to remain on-base – utterly alone.
It was, said Fry, a blisteringly-hot night; and given the fact that the air-conditioning system in his quarters was pretty much useless and made the room “unbearably hot and stuffy,” he decided to do a bit of exploring in the vast expanse of desert that makes up what is today called the White Sands Missile Range. It’s highly unlikely that Fry ever anticipated coming into contact with a being from another world while he roamed the isolated area; and yet that is precisely what he said did happen.
White Sands Missile Range Museum
“I headed first in the direction of the old static test stand, on which we were mounting our largest rocket motor,” said Fry. “About two thirds of the way to the test stand, a small dirt road intersects the main road, and leads off to the right toward the base of the Organ Mountains.” He added: “Directly ahead of me, and just over the peaks of the Organ Mountains, an especially bright group of stars seemed to beckon to me as I walked leisurely along. Then, suddenly, the brightest of the stars simply went out…something I could not see was eclipsing the light of the star.” Fry soon found out what that something was. Out of the skies descended “a spheroid, considerably flattened at the top and bottom. The vertical dimension was about sixteen feet, and the horizontal dimension about thirty feet at the widest point…if viewed from directly below it might appear to be saucer shaped, but actually it was more nearly like a soup bowl inverted over a sauce dish.”
As Fry looked on in complete and utter awe (“as a child might stare at the rabbit which a stage magician has just pulled from his hat”), a disembodied voice – that went by the name of A-lan – told the shocked Fry that the fantastic device appearing before him was being remotely-controlled by a “mother-ship” orbiting the planet at a height of around 900 miles. Then there came a truly bombshell-style question: would Fry like to take a ride across the country in the alien craft? Of course, the answer was: Yes! And so – Fry maintained – that’s exactly what he did. He jumped aboard and was whisked across the night-sky to New York and back in no more than half-an-hour. The journey may not have been a long one; but it was said to have been a highly profound one. While Fry was on-board the futuristic flying machine, the voice of A-lan related a wealth of data relative to the forgotten and lost history of human culture:
“Tens of thousands of years ago, some of our ancestors lived upon this planet, Earth. There was, at that time, a small continent in a part of the now sea-covered area which you have named the Pacific Ocean. Some of your ancient legends refer to this sunken land mass as the ‘Lost Continent of Lemuria or Mu.’ Our ancestors had built a great empire and mighty science upon this continent. At the same time, there was another rapidly developing race upon a land mass in the southwestern portion of the present Atlantic Ocean. In your legends, this continent has been named Atlantis.”
According to A-lan, “increasing bitterness” between the two cultures, as well as “their constantly increasing command of destructive energies,” led to a catastrophic war. He explained to Fry: “…the resulting nuclear radiation was so intense and so widespread, that the entire surface became virtually unfit for habitation, for a number of generations.” Before departing (having thoughtfully returned Fry to White Sands), and in a fashion that would become all-too-typical of the Space-Brothers, A-lan gave Fry a message pertaining to the potential for overwhelming atomic disaster that faced modern-day humanity: “As nuclear weapons proliferate among your nations, it should always be remembered that ‘An ounce of understanding is worth a megaton of deterrent.’”
In 1954, shortly after going public with his fantastic story, Fry outright flunked a lie-detector test; and it was later learned that his much-flaunted “doctorate,” bestowed upon him around early 1960, had, in reality, been obtained via a London, England mail-order organization called the Saint Andrews College. But this did not stop Fry from developing a large following of like-minded individuals. From 1954 onward, Fry delivered numerous lectures across the United States, and wrote such publications as Atoms, Galaxies and Understanding; To Men of Earth; Steps to the Stars; Curve of Development; Can God Fill Teeth?; and Verse and Worse.
One year later, he established a group that went by the name of Understanding Inc., and which, in 1959, was described as follows: “From a start of nine members at El Monte, California in 1955, Understanding Inc., has grown into an international organization of more than sixty units and many members-at-large throughout the world. These units and members have sponsored hundreds of lectures and meetings, circulated thousands of books and magazines to reach many people in the spirit of ‘bringing about a greater degree of understanding among all the peoples of the earth and preparing them for their eventual inevitable meetings with other races in space.’”
Such was the interest in Fry’s claims of alien contact thatUnderstanding Inc. went on to publish a monthly newsletter that ran for no less than 23 years: nearly 250 issues were published between 1956 and 1979. Moreover, at its height, in the early 1960s, Understanding Inc. was able to boast of almost 1,500 members, and became the recipient of an impressive 55-acres of land near Tonopah, Arizona that had been donated by a Reverend Enid Smith. The true irony of this was that the buildings, first intended by Smith to act as a religious college, were shaped like classic flying saucers. Understanding, Inc. took full control of the property by 1976; however, with membership of Understanding, Inc. falling by that point, and with Fry’s finances not being what they once were, the site ultimately fell into disrepair: in late September and early October 1978, the kitchen and the library were burned to the ground by an arsonist and were never rebuilt. And further tragedy followed: one year later, Fry’s second wife, Florence, died from breast-cancer – he had divorced wife number-one, Elma, in 1964.
Although Fry’s place within the annals of Ufology was largely over by the dawning of the 1980s, he continued to give the occasional lecture and interview, before ultimately passing on in December 1992 – still standing by his every claim of that strange, long-gone, }4, 1949 night when he sailed high across the starlit skies of the United States, with nothing but an intergalactic disembodied voice for company.
My view on all this? Fry was a great storyteller. And I do mean stories. His photos and footage of alleged flying saucers were far from being credible. He failed a lie-detector. And his “doctorate” came via mail-order. Time to move on to far more credible things, methinks…
Strange fireball-shaped object hovering in the sky over Toronto
Strange fireball-shaped object hovering in the sky over Toronto
The city’s skies lit up Thursday evening with what appeared to be a fireball-shaped object hovering in the night sky.
The mysterious, large ball appeared before midnight, prompting reports of UFO sightings in Pickering and Scarborough.
The strange glowing orb flickering in the eastern sky caused quite a stir on social media, one user said just hovered in the sky instead of moving or disappearing.
It looks like the mysterious light source, is coming from below a disk shaped object then the footage shows also a smaller orb flying away from the light source.
Mile Long UFO Caught During Sunset Over Reykjavik, Iceland On Sept 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Mile Long UFO Caught During Sunset Over Reykjavik, Iceland On Sept 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Sept 9, 2018 Location of sighting: Artun, Reykjavik, Iceland Source: MUFON #94745 This UFO was caught just today and was seen during sunset over Iceland. The UFO measures over a mile across has a shape of large disk, AKA flying saucer. This is a fantastic video of the UFO and it appears he didn't see the craft till viewing the video at home, otherwise he probably would have focused in it a lot more. I often say its easiest to record a UFO during sunset, because the angle of the setting sun, the UFO and the eyewitness makes a perfect triangle which causes the cloaked UFO to be revealed...for a few minutes only. This is one beautiful alien craft. Such UFOs have been seen recently by a pilot over the ocean near the UK back in 2007. Click here to see interview with pilot. Scott C. Waring Eyewitness states:
I saw it directly over the N1 gasoline station in Artun, Reykjavik.
Black UFO Seen Coming From Gulf of Mexico Over Texas, Aug 28, 2018, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Black UFO Seen Coming From Gulf of Mexico Over Texas, Aug 28, 2018, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Aug 28, 2018
Location of sighting: Bacliff, Texas, USA
Source: MUFON #94751
This dark black UFO was seen over Trinity Bay in Texas. The bay is connected to the Gulf of Mexico. This UFO was seen coming from the direction of the Gulf and may have come from an underwater alien base off shore. Since the ocean covers 75% of the earths surface, its just logical to assume aliens would use ocean floors for bases. Also remember if UFOs work in space, then they will work under water.
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
Hovered over water, then went in a over land, looked like it was carrying a cage.
Top secret US base houses living and dead ALIENS from Roswell UFO crash site in vaults and burial grounds, former worker claims- PART I
Top secret US base houses living and dead ALIENS from Roswell UFO crash site in vaults and burial grounds, former worker claims- PART I
Retired Air Force Engineer Raymond Szymanski, who worked at the Ohio base for 39 years, makes the revelations in his book 50 Shades of Greys
A TOP secret US Air Force base contains a vast complex of underground tunnels and vaults filled with living and dead aliens, a former worker at the site has claimed.
Raymond Szymanksi believes the UFOs and aliens from the infamous 1947 Roswell incident were bought to the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB) in Dayton, Ohio for inspection and kept in secret tunnels.
The extra-terrestrial researcher, who worked as an engineer and senior scientist at WPAFB for 39 years, detailed the full extent of the "alien" activity at the base in a book called 50 Shades of Greys.
Szymanski, who is the first person to break rank and publicly talk about the “secrets” of the base, heard of the alien conspiracy during his first week at the base.
He claims his mentor Al asked him, "Have you heard about our aliens?", as he showed him around.
Szymanski claims Al went on to tell him there was a there was a system of tunnels and vaults underground at the WPAFB housing both living and deceased extra-terrestrial beings.
Speaking exclusively to the Sun Online, he said: “I was assigned to the Avionics Laboratory's Management Operations Office to work with my mentor Al, an industrial engineering and MBA graduate.
“During my first week, Al provided me with some totally unexpected and unsolicited sage advice.
Raymond Szymanksi believes the UFOs and aliens from the infamous Roswell 1947 Roswell incident were bought to the top-secret US base
In 1947 the military claimed they had recovered a "flying disc", which had crashed in Roswell, New Mexico, but later retracted the statement (pictured, an alien conspiracy theorists believe was recovered from the site)
“He said that in 1947 there was a crash down in Roswell and they brought the machines and the aliens here for inspection and said they keep them in secret tunnels under the base.
“When I asked him how he came to know about the secret, he responded, 'Everybody who works on base knows’.
“I was stunned. Me, a young co-op student barely into his first week, was now initiated into a small select group of 10,000 people and given their most incredible secret ever - that we have aliens and their craft in our tunnels on our base.’”
Szymanski claims this disc-shaped structure on the Ohio base is an ancient burial ground and believes its size and shape is no coincidence
The engineer, who later became an extra-terrestrial researcher, claimed his mentor Al told him that the Roswell aliens were taken to the base for testing
He said: “I was stunned. Me, a young co-op student barely into his first week, was now initiated into a small select group of 10,000 people and given their most incredible secret ever"
The former worker also said Building 219 on the base was previously used as a paediatrics clinic and a "creepy" high chair is still in the basement
Following the bizarre conversation Szymanski began to carry out research into the “secret” UFO and extra-terrestrial activity at WPAFB.
He discovered that The Foreign Technology Division (FTD) on the base housed Project Blue Book, the Air Force's official UFO investigation project from 1952 -1969.
“For the next four decades I had dozens if not hundreds of brief conversations regarding the 'secret' I'd been given during my first week on base,” he said.
“The important fact established here is that not one single person at that time ever said, ’We have no aliens here, you crazy son of a b*tch’... I saw lots of smiles but no denials.'
“I’ve been basically investigating locations on the base that I think could contain clues to its history relative to extraterrestrials and UFOs ever since.
“By looking at evidence, which I document in the book in text and photographs, it would appear to me as if the stories are true.”
What is the Roswell Incident?
The 1947 Roswell incident is one of the most discussed and controversial UFO theories in history.
On 8 July, Roswell Army Air Field revealed they had found a "flying disc", which had crashed in the New Mexico deesert.
But the next day they retracted the statement and said the disc was just a damaged US Air Force balloon.
In a witness interview that resurfaced in June this year, a police officer claimed he saw soldiers "hauling away a creature" from the crash site.
US Deputy Sheriff Charlie Forgus said: "When we got there, the land was covered with soldiers. They were hauling a big, creature.
"The bodies must have been 5 feet tall."
The police officer said the flying object was "100ft across" and claimed there were as many as four hundred soldiers in the area.
Szymanski claims the aliens found at the crash site were housed in secret underground tunnels on the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Datyon, Ohio.
Szymanski says he’s seen the tunnels and vaults in which aliens - or "greys" - could be kept but as he’s never seen an actual alien he can’t be sure if they are still on the base.
The engineer believes that state-of-the-art climate-controlled facilities and deep underground cyrogenic chambers were built at WPAFB to preserve debris, alien technology artifacts, and corpses recovered from UFO crash sites.
According to UFO researchers, leaked documents and whistleblower reports as many as 14 to 16 alien corpses were transported to WPAFB.
Pictured, a photo from the Air Force's "The Roswell Report," released in June 24, 1997, which discusses the UFO incident in Roswell
In a photograph from 1947, Air Force General Roger Ramey is seen holding debris which is believed to have come from the Roswell incident
Though Szymanski never encountered any of these greys himself, he claims to have had three separate encounters with real-life "Men In Black" type characters on and around the Dayton base. He said the men wore black suits and black hats even in the middle of an Ohio summer and spied on him on three occasions.
Szymanski believes the main job of these men is to steal evidence that researchers like himself have acquired on aliens and UFOs, and that they are most likely part of a government agency.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Top secret US base houses living and dead ALIENS from Roswell UFO crash site in vaults and burial grounds, former worker claims- PART II
Top secret US base houses living and dead ALIENS from Roswell UFO crash site in vaults and burial grounds, former worker claims- PART II
The extra-terrestrial researcher, who worked as an engineer and senior scientist at WPAFB for 39 years, detailed the full extent of the "alien" activity at the base in a book called 50 Shades of Greys
Apart from the underground tunnels, Szymanski also believes there are four potential burial sites on the AFB grounds where aliens have been buried.
Szymanski has pictured one of the sites in his book where, he says, it is quite possible that a 4ft tall alien grey has been laid to rest standing in a vertical standing position as opposed to laying horizontally, as is customary for humans.
Szymanski also suggests that the bodies of eight aliens are buried under a car park next to the Foreign Technologies Division for UFO Reverse Engineering.
The Roswell incident has fascinated UFO hunters and conspiracy theorists ever since the US military announced in a press release they had found the remains of a crashed flying saucer in the New Mexico desert in July 1947.
The following day officials retracted the statement but witnesses came forward to say they saw alien bodies with the crashed craft which were taken away - something the US government has always denied. Szymanski believes governments have good reason or keeping the existence of aliens under wraps - to keep us safe.
He said: "We still aren’t ready for full disclosure, the governments like to keep secrets cause that’s what keeps us safe sometimes.
"The last time the Air-Force made the announcement ‘hey we’ve got a flying saucer’ that didn’t go so well, so what would happen if they announced it this time?
"I really don’t see a change, I don’t think the fact that we have cell phones or 150,000 cable TV channels will make us any more prepared than the people were in 1947 after Roswell.”
Szymanski knows his theories may sound far fetched but he says he just wants to document his research and let people decide for themselves.
He said: “I present new theories, I show you evidence and I let you make up your own mind."
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Before the dinosaurs, giant insects ruled the world.
Okay, prehistoric insects weren’t this big … but they were bigger than our insects today. Poster for the film “The Deadly Mantis” (1957) by artist Reynold Brown, via Wikimedia Commons.
When you complain about dead bugs on your windshield, be thankful that insects today are considerably smaller than their prehistoric ancestors.
Hundreds of millions of years ago, giant insects were common on Earth. Consider Meganeura, a genus of extinct insects from approximately 300 million years ago, related to modern-day dragonflies. One member of this group – M. permiana – was first described by researchers in Kansas in 1937 as having a wingspan of over 2 feet (0.6 meters). It’s still considered one of the largest known insects that ever lived.
While over a million insect species live today, truly giant insects no longer exist. Why did they disappear?
There are two main reasons. The most important is that our atmosphere has changed. Millions of years go, the air surrounding our planet was warmer, moister and contained more oxygen. During the Carboniferous and Permian periods, Earth’s air contained 31-35 percent oxygen, as compared to just 21 percent oxygen in the air today.
Oxygen levels are especially important for insects because they don’t have lungs. Instead, they rely on air flowing through a series of opening across their bodies called spiracles, which connect directly to the tissues that need oxygen.
Fossil remains of M. monyi, a member of the extinct insect genus Meganeura. Their wingspans could reach 2 feet (0.6 meters). This specimen is housed at the Fossil at the Museum of Natural History in Toulouse.
But there’s another reason giant insects disappeared. As ancient dinosaurs evolved the ability to fly, eventually becoming modern birds, they put a cap on insect size through predation and competition.
The earliest known bird – Archaeopteryx – appeared about 150 million years ago. Birds proved to be faster and more agile than the giant insects. In an article in LiveScience, paleobiologist Matthew Clapham of UC Santa Cruz commented:
The change in insect size is gradual. This gradual change fits quite nicely with the gradual evolution in birds at the time.
Where giant insects fit in the history of life on Earth.
Bottom line:Hundreds of millions of years ago, giant insects were common on Earth. The decline in atmospheric oxygen and the rise of birds contributed to their demise.
A new crop circle has appeared in Reigate Hill, Surrey according to a recent report. While the reports are still recent and not much is known about the circle, including specific details about the formation that could tell us more about how it got there, this one is quite fascinating in design.
Why talk about crop circles? As we will discuss below, they are a phenomenon that simply can’t be ignored. Formations show up every single year and come with great mystery, even in the scientific realm. Many do not realize some of the amazing things that are happening inside crop circles that blow the board and rope theory out the window.
“Some of these formations are so immense and complex as to defy reason. And after all these decades, none of the perpetrators have been caught in the act of making any of the truly extraordinary formations.”
– Richard Dolan, historian, academic, author, and one of the world’s leading UFO researchers (source)
Richard’s thoughts there are quite telling of this reality, and even scientific minds are at a loss for words as although they believe the circles are done by humans, they are calling it the most science oriented art movement ever.
For example, Richard Taylor, a University of Oregon physicist, published a paper on them in the 2011 issue of Physics World, stating:
“Crop circle arts are not going to give up their secrets easily. This summer, unknown artists will venture into the countryside close to your homes and carry out their craft, safe in the knowledge that they are continuing the legacy of the most science-oriented art movement in history.” (source)
But what would cause a physicist to conclude that these works do not have an extraterrestrial explanation? Or to even consider the issue seriously?
Here are the pictures of the most recent crop circle reported in the UK. Thanks to CropCircleConnector for the images.
Facts About Crop Circles
When you begin to explore the reality of crop circles you start to realize how one cannot simply pass the phenomenon off as people walking out into a field with some ropes and boards and making a design. It would be naive to make such a claim.
Above is a picture of an 800 foot crop circle that appeared in Wiltshire, England back in 2001. It caused a lot of commotion, and as you can see, it was very beautiful and extremely complex. The design consisted of 409 circles that form what’s known as a triskelion, a symbol that dates back thousands of years. There is some great footage of it in the documentary Crop Cricles: Quest for Truth by Academy Award-winning director William Gazecki. You can view that here.
“It was so large that it took us half an hour to find the center.” (quote taken from video link below)
There are some more great images of it in this YouTube video. You can also see footage of it taken by a helicopter flying above from the documentary Thrive in this video (at the 26.16 minute mark). This circle marks just one of thousands of verified formations that continue to baffle scientists, researchers, and onlookers alike.
Richard Taylor, the aforementioned scientist who studied these circles, again expressed his belief that this was one of the greatest art revolutions in history when he published his scientific analysis of crop circles in the journal Nature in 2010.
After studying the affected grass in the lab, he concluded that the circle makers must be using GPS devices, lasers, and microwaves to create these designs because the nodes of some of the stalks had been blasted out on one side. This same effect has been replicated by highly localized microwave heating, which is what causes the stocks to flop over to one side.
While he was able to come up with a scientifically feasible explanation for this phenomenon, he fails to address how hoaxers could come into possession of such advanced technology. It’s clear that there would be no other way to make some of these circles, so what is really going on here?
“If something like this caused the formations, then we are clearly talking about a highly sophisticated agency behind the phenomenon.” – Richard Dolan (source)
Did you know that the electromagnetic field over the area where a circle appears is usually electrostatically charged? Or that there is a rare form of electromagnetic energy called an “ionized plasma vortex,” also known as ball lighting, involved with these formations? (source)
The helicopters you see in the video are military helicopters. Military involvement with UFOs is well documented, and this should be no surprise. For more information on that you can read this article.
These are verified facts, which is why studies published in scientific journals have tried to come up with explanations that differ from unknown or extraterrestrial. For example, Dr. Terence Meadon, a professional physicist, meteorologist, and archaeologist at the University of Oxford, said that these balls of light are a result of wind currents and ionized plasmas. Whatever the case may be, the fact that scientists are taking note should signal that this phenomenon is worth our attention.
End Of The Moon Landing Conspiracy? NASA Releases 4K Video Of The Moon
End Of The Moon Landing Conspiracy? NASA Releases 4K Video Of The Moon
NASA has released what is being dubbed a 4K virtual tour of the moon which allows the general public to take a peek at Earth’s natural satellite in more intricate detail than ever before.
The video was compiled from images taken by NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft over a period of nine years. It follows a previously released video from NASA seven years ago and incorporates the original imagery along with newly compiled footage of the lunar surface.
Ernie Wright of NASA’s Space Visualisation Studio explained in a blog post released on the official NASA website that the tour is designed to zoom in on some interesting sites to illustrate the variety found in the lunar landscape. He explains that some of the selected sites are on the near side of the moon and will, therefore, be very familiar to both professional and amateur astronomers, but some of the sites lie on the so-called dark side of the moon which can only be seen clearly from space.
NASA releases 4K virtual tour of the moon
Among the fascinating sites delved into in the course of the video is the Tycho Crater. The origins of this crater, which is estimated to be one hundred million years old, features a bizarrely placed 100-meter-wide boulder at its summit which is still a completemysteryto scientists studying thehistoryof the moon. The video also zooms in on the Tauruas-Littrow Valley which is notable for being deeper than the Grand Canyon. Another exceptional point of interest about the Tauruas-Littrow Valley is that it was the original site of the Apollo 17 moon landing crew. The video demonstrates the path that the astronauts followed during their three days on the lunar surface and zoomed in on the rover vehicle and the bottom half of the lunar landing which have been in place for the past forty-six years.
It has been speculated that this emphasis on the original site of the moon landing was an attempt by NASA to dispel rumours that the moon landing in 1972 was fake. However, it is unlikely that this video will be enough to remove doubt from the millions of people across the world who believe that the original NASA missions to the moon were not all that they appeared to be.
Trumpets of the Apocalypse: Could this be the answer?
Trumpets of the Apocalypse: Could this be the answer?
Since 2011, strange reports have ebbed in concerning strange noises coming from the skies including humming, grinding metal, disparate noises that speak to the general hustle and bustle of the city and most bizarrely of all, trumpets. This year, new reports of this phenomenon have come in from areas as geographically disparate as Canada and Indonesia. Now, investigative journalist Linda Moulton Howe is on a mission to get to the bottom of this scientifically baffling mystery.
Strange noises come from the sky – could this be the answer?
Various theories have been put forward since 2011 to explain the source of these bizarre sounds. One of the first theories to emerge came from the Azerbaijani geophysicist Elchin Khalilov who suggested that the phenomenon was caused by "acoustic-gravity waves caused by powerful solar flares and plasma emissions from the sun." However, this theory has not gained a great deal of traction and experts in the field of solar physics, such as David Hathaway of NASA, have said that they doubted that solar activity could be connected to the sounds.
Other theories have suggested that the sounds might be emanating from subtle movements of the tectonic plates. However, this theory can be dismissed for some reasons. Firstly, no unusual seismic activity has been detected in the areas which have been afflicted by the sounds during the event and secondly, if the noises were caused by a movement of the plates, then the phenomenon would surely have been detected long before 2011.
The above theories are based on the idea that the noises directly must be caused by a naturalphenomenon. However, Moulton Howe is not convinced that this is the case. Given that these recognisable noises started quite abruptly in 2011, she believes that it is more likely that the noises come from a man-made origin. She has theorised that the noises may have been tests of a controversial project called the Voice of God weapons. Since 2001, it is believed that the American Defense Department had been trying to create methods of causing disturbing noises and visions to psychologically target their opponents in the Middle East.
It is unknown as to whether Moulton Howe is correct in this hypothesis. However, since the noises have been known to be accompanied by visions of strange cityscapes in regions such as China, it is entirely probable that this disturbing phenomenon is something wholly created by human beings.
For someone who gets violently seasick, Boyan Slat spends a lot of time thinking about the ocean. The Dutch inventor has designed the world’s first ocean plasticcleanup system but admits he won’t be on the ship with it when it launches out of San Francisco on Saturday. “I am not a man of the sea,” he says.
System 001 — a floating barrier nearly 2,000ft long — snakes its way out under the Golden Gate Bridge into the Pacific. Its destination is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a gyre of plastic waste twice the size of Texas held in position by ocean currents between California and Hawaii." data-reactid="12">After five and a half years of hard work, the 23-year-old Slat will watch from dry land as System 001 — a floating barrier nearly 2,000ft long — snakes its way out under the Golden Gate Bridge into the Pacific. Its destination is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a gyre of plastic waste twice the size of Texas held in position by ocean currents between California and Hawaii.
plastic pollution problem,” Slat tells TIME in a phone interview a few days before the launch, in between final preparations. “For sixty years it has only gotten worse and worse. Now hopefully we’re turning the tide.”" data-reactid="13">If all goes to plan, Slat says, an array of 60 systems could reduce the amount of plastic there by half by 2025. “I hope that this will be a turning point for the plastic pollution problem,” Slat tells TIME in a phone interview a few days before the launch, in between final preparations. “For sixty years it has only gotten worse and worse. Now hopefully we’re turning the tide.”
The eradication of the garbage patch, and more broadly the salvation of our oceans, has been Slat’s single-minded goal ever since he was 16 years old, when a diving trip to Greece yielded more plastic bag sightings than fish. Struck by the idea for a floating barrier that could collect plastic using the power of ocean currents alone, he founded his company, The Ocean Cleanup, aged just 18.
System 001 was featured on TIME’s list of the best inventions of 2015. The project has come a long way since then, Slat says. “It takes a trained eye to see the similarities.”" data-reactid="26">The idea grabbed imaginations around the world. In 2015, an early prototype of System 001 was featured on TIME’s list of the best inventions of 2015. The project has come a long way since then, Slat says. “It takes a trained eye to see the similarities.”
What was originally envisaged as a large rigid barrier arranged around a central tank for collecting plastic, is today an unmanned, modular system that moves with the currents, naturally gravitating to areas of higher concentration. From the air it looks like a pipeline sitting on the surface of the sea, but beneath the waves lies a 10ft deep ‘skirt,’ which traps plastic accumulated by the current.
sea life will be protected from becoming ensnared. The hope is that plastic will accumulate as if on a seashore, ready to be collected by boats and taken for recycling." data-reactid="28">Because the system is solid rather than a net, Slat says sea life will be protected from becoming ensnared. The hope is that plastic will accumulate as if on a seashore, ready to be collected by boats and taken for recycling.
McDonald’s are moving to remove single-use plastics from their stores. (Some say not fast enough.) The U.N. says over 8 million tons of plastic still enter the oceans each year – the equivalent of a garbage truck full of plastic every minute." data-reactid="29">It’s an ambitious plan, and one that has received millions of dollars of funding thanks to fast-shifting public opinion on plastic. In December 2017, 193 countries signed a U.N. resolution to eliminate ocean plastic pollution, and big corporations like McDonald’s are moving to remove single-use plastics from their stores. (Some say not fast enough.) The U.N. says over 8 million tons of plastic still enter the oceans each year – the equivalent of a garbage truck full of plastic every minute.
But reducing our addiction to plastic is just one half of the equation, Slat says. “These garbage patches won’t go away by themselves. Even if we were to close the tap today the plastic would still be there in 100 years.”
published in the journal Scientific Reports. “But of course what’s going to happen over the next few decades is that all the other 92% of plastic will be turned into microplastics as well,” Slat says. “So the sooner we get it out, the better.”" data-reactid="44">Slat sees his mission as a race against time. Plastic gradually breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces called microplastics which can eventually enter the food chain. Currently, however, just 8% of the plastic mass in the Pacific garbage patch is microplastics, according to research carried out by The Ocean Cleanup published in the journal Scientific Reports. “But of course what’s going to happen over the next few decades is that all the other 92% of plastic will be turned into microplastics as well,” Slat says. “So the sooner we get it out, the better.”
A thorny question remains in what will happen to the plastic that is brought back to shore from The Ocean Cleanup’s systems. Slat says he wants to turn it into branded merchandise, but acknowledges that all depends on the quality of the plastic, which remains a mystery. In any case, most of the plastic in the oceans is single-use, Slat argues. “By not making it into anything single-use, you can already reduce the chances of it ending up back in the oceans by 99%,” he says.
But it’s possible that lots of the waste returned to land will have to be carted off t }o third-party recycling plants and eventually recycled into more single-use plastics that might one day return to the oceans. The task ahead isn’t so much Herculean as Sisyphean.
Nevertheless, Slat isn’t dissuaded easily. “Big problems require big solutions,” he says. “If anyone has any better ideas, we’d love to know.”
Fishermen saw ‘robot-like creatures with slit mouths and crab pincers in most bizarre alien abduction ever’, secret hypnosis files reveal
Fishermen saw ‘robot-like creatures with slit mouths and crab pincers in most bizarre alien abduction ever’, secret hypnosis files reveal
The never-seen-before notes describe how the two men were fishing when a UFO hovered above them and three strange beings emerged
By Emma Parry, Digital US Correspondent
THE two men involved in one of the most bizarre ‘alien’ encounters on record recalled seeing "creatures with slit-like mouths and crab pincers" while under hypnosis, top secret files obtained by Sun Online reveal.
Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker claim they were captured by three alien creatures and taken into a UFO while they were fishing in Pascagoula, Mississippi, on October 11, 1973.
Now never-seen-before handwritten notes of a secret interview conducted on them under hypnosis reveal how they both described strange creatures looking like robots with unusual eyes, grey skin and crab pincers for arms.
The interview was conducted in 1973 by case investigators Professor J Allen Hynek and Dr James Harder - and the terrified men’s account was enough to convince the pair that they were telling the truth.
Dr Harder’s files include notes from the interview and other information he gathered - and offer a unique insight into the infamous sighting almost 45 years ago.
On one handwritten page Dr Harder writes: “I asked what the ‘creatures’ looked like and got a description which included 1. No neck, no helmet 2. crab-like hands, two digits … 3. slit-like ‘mouth’.”
Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker, pictured, were left traumatised by the 1973 encounter
The strange notes were taken during an interview conducted with the men under hypnosis
The beings did not communicate and had a “robot businesslike attitude”, the men recalled during the hypnosis session.
Charles, 42, and Calvin 19, were sat on the banks of the Pascagoula River, when they claim they heard a whizzing sound overhead.
They said that an oval shaped "craft", some 8ft across, suddenly appeared near them and seemed to levitate about 2ft above the ground.
A door opened and three creatures - who were "humanoid" in shape and about 5ft tall - emerged and seized the men, "floating" them into the UFO, they later told police.
Both men reported being paralysed and numb - while Calvin claimed that he had fainted due to fright.
A sketch of the creatures which allegedly "abducted" by Calvin and Charles
This page describes how the "craft" never touched the ground and three creatures came out
The men said the creatures had claws at the ends of their arms, "carrot-like" growths for their nose and ears, and only one leg.
One page of Dr Harder’s handwritten notes states: “Key novel features - 1. Cessation of sensation upon contact. 2. “floating” them along one foot from the ground. 3. Crab-like arm appendages. Two ‘pincers’ of equal size.”
There was a “possible suggestion” they were “robot” due to their “lack of usual eye structure, pincers on arms and “possible fused lower ‘limbs’” according to the notes.
The creatures allegedly had no neck, slit-like mouths and carrot-like nose and ears
Dr Harder and Professor Hynek were sent to study the case but most of their research files - except these notes - have vanished
We reported on the bizarre Pascagoula 'alien abduction' in 19734
A sketch of the UFO which the men claim they were taken onboard by the "alien creatures"
“After they touched them they felt nothing but weightlessness,” the doctors’ notes read.
On the ship, Charles claimed that he was examined by what looked like a large football-shaped mechanical eye, about 6 to 8 inches in diameter, that seemed to scan his body.
Calvin claimed that he could not recall what had happened to him inside the craft.
Dr Hynek was a renowned astrophysicist who coined the term "close encounters'
The men said they were released after about 15-20 minutes and the creatures levitated them, with Charles's feet dragging along the ground, back to their original positions on the river bank.
In another page of the notes, Dr Harder said attorney Joe Colingo described the men as looking "scared to death" and "as frightened as any two adult human beings as I've ever seen."
Philip Mantle, a former director of investigations for the British UFO Research Association, managed to obtain the file containing the handwritten notes during his research.
Many of Dr Harder and Prof Hynek's files relating to the case have mysteriously vanished
Ufologist Philip Mantle is calling for anyone who knows where the other files are to get in touch
However - in a bizarre twist - he says that many of Prof Hynek’s and Dr Harder’s other notes and tapes from the case are mysteriously missing.
Hynek was a consultant to top secret UFO studies by the US Air Force including Project Blue Book (1952–1969). He initially started as a skeptic but went on to found the Centre for UFO Studies in 1973.
The astronomer also coined the phrase 'Close Enounters of the Third Kind' which was used as the title of Steve Spielberg's $20million blockbuster about UFOs in 1977.
His files were spread out between Northwestern University, the Centre for UFO Studies while Dr Harder's were kept at private facilities.
But Philip claims that dozens of boxes related to the case have vanished.
Philip, who has published the book Pascagoula - The Closest Encounter written by Calvin Parker, said: "No one knows who took these files.
"Were they taken deliberately, part of a possible cover-up? Or could they simply be lying in a collector's attic somewhere?
"The fact is that no one knows but we do know that these files and documents did exist and we are confident that they are 'out there' somewhere.
"We are asking anyone out there who might have these documents and files or may know of there whereabouts, or may have even been a witness themselves to the event, to please come forward.”
SpaceX wants to give rise to a human settlement on Mars.
Starting small with a couple of spaceships and expanding out into a sprawling metropolis, a colony on the red planet is partially the vision of Paul Wooster, principal Mars development engineer for SpaceX. Speaking at the 21st Annual International Mars Society Convention in August, Wooster detailed how SpaceX is grappling with some of the big questions that come with taking on one of the biggest projects in human history.
“The idea would be to expand out, start off not just with an outpost, but grow into a larger base, not just like there are in Antarctica, but really a village, a town, growing into a city and then multiple cities on Mars,” Wooster said. The convention notes that Wooster is a long-time supporter that attended early conferences and also served as a founding member of the Mars Society.
SpaceX founder Elon Musk detailed the company’s plans to reach Mars at the International Astronautical Congress in Adelaide, Australia, in September 2017. A newly designed “BFR” rocket that measures 348 feet tall will produce liftoff thrust of 5,400 tons from 31 Raptor engines. SpaceX will launch two rockets and their corresponding spaceships to Mars in 2022, filled with supplies for future missions. The company will send four more in 2024, two of which will ferry the first humans to the planet to set up an outpost.
Wooster explained that each spaceship would carry around 100 tons of supplies, meaning the six ships would ferry around double the mass of the International Space Station to Mars. The ships would probably serve as the home for the first humans initially, as they work to extract resources and become self-sufficient fast. The humans will be tasked with extracting at least one tonne of ice per day, part of which will help make the methane fuel to bring the humans and rockets back to Earth.
The six ships are the first steps to permanent Martian cities. The humans will then need to consider establishing surface power, developing landing pads, habitats, greenhouses, additional life support, and all the other amenities to encourage a functioning settlement.
“All the capabilities you need to have a growing population on the surface,” Wooster said.
The humans will also have to consider tasks like setting up a suitable recycling system — no word on whether they’ll use color-coded bins. Another future issue is surface mobility, with artist concepts detailing pressurized rovers and a space suit for moving around the surface.
There are also questions about what they would be doing in their day-to-day life, once the settlement is stable. Researchers could learn more about the history, geology and climate of Mars. Teams could dive sub-surface, looking at questions about whether there ever was life on Mars — and if there is still life on Mars.
“These types of things are real opportunities for pretty much anyone in the broader Mars-related community to engage in,” Wooster said. “SpaceX is focused on getting the transportation architecture set up as quickly as possible, but it’s really to enable all these other types of activities.”
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