The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
HUGE Cigar Shaped Craft Captured On Camera Above US Lake- They Are HERE
HUGE Cigar Shaped Craft Captured On Camera Above US Lake - They Are HERE
UFO sightings are back on the rise and this recent Cigar shaped craft sighting is a rather fantastic capture. CHILLING footage has emerged of an unidentified flying object above a lake in the US, sparking confirmation of alien life on Earth.
In the clip, a man is filming a lake on his mobile phone before a startling sight leaves him convinced he has seen an alien ship. Apparently the cameraman was that excited/anxious, hence how shaky the camera is!
“Hey, this is a spacecraft,” the cameraman says as he turns his camera around.
And above the water, a silver line can be seen hovering, not like anything ‘man-made’ and seen ever before!
As the footage is slowed down, it becomes clearer that the object looks like a cigar above the tree line.
This was captured at Lake Norman in North Carolina, US, and shared on YouTube channel The Hidden Underbelly 2.0.
And the terrifying footage has re-fuelled the debate on whether there is alien life or planet earth! Some believed this is solid evidence!?
“Yes, we have many of them here. Among other things we’ve seen here,” one viewer said.
“There is more going on than you know.”
While another added: “Great catch!”
But there are some who had other ideas.
A third said: “I believe there are advanced military aircraft in our skies.”
This is not the only time UFOs have been spotted recently, though. A cloud that looked suspiciously like a flying saucer appeared over a tower block earlier this month, making many wonder whether this was some kind of cloaked craft!
While a police helicopter in America circled a UFO above Los Angeles in July – please check out the clip below!
It definitely does appear that UFO sightings are back on the rise with this great capture (even though the cameraman finds it pretty much impossible to stand still whilst recording!). When the video stops shaking around so much you can quite clearly see that it is a cigar shaped craft and quite unlike any ‘human made’ craft.
We recently reported that UFO sightings are starting to drop in number, we now appear to have to eat our own words! The truth of the matter is that the elite are trying to restrict us all from what we see and KNOW!
Italian Parachutist Comes In Contact With Huge Bright UFO Orb – Incredible Footage!
Italian Parachutist Comes In Contact With Huge Bright UFO Orb – Incredible Footage!
Recently an Italian pilot and Parachutist came in close contact with a HUGE fiery Orb way up high above the clouds. This is the first time one of these huge orbs have been recorded so closely and already this video is being deleted off the internet by the elite.
We are waiting to hear more information about this incredible sighting, but one thing is for sure, this is the real deal people and an awesome capture! This is no flare (too high up) and definitely NO rocket (they would NEVER be this close!).
Please check out the incredible footage below. We are still awaiting an official statement by those onboard the plane.
This has to be one of the sightings of the year and you can tell it’s an important capture, not just by how clear the footage is but also by how the deathly silence surrounds this brilliant footage, suggesting that the elite don’t want you and I to know of this!
We will keep you updated on this fantastic footage, and we are also trying to interview those onboard the plane, so watch this space.
I personally have seen one of these huge orbs above Bristol U.K about 5 years ago and they are very very REAL!!!
WETENSCHAPDe Japanse zakenman en kunstverzamelaar Yusaku Maezawa is de eerste passagier die mee mag met een particuliere ruimtevlucht van SpaceX. Hij zal met een raket een reis langs de maan maken en daarna weer naar de aarde terugkeren.
De 42-jarige miljardair was in Los Angeles aanwezig toen in het hoofdkwartier van SpaceX werd bekendgemaakt wie de eerste maantoerist wordt. Maezawa zegt dat het zijn levenslange droom is om de ruimte in te gaan. Alleen al de gedachte aan de reis doet zijn hart sneller kloppen, zei hij. “Hij is de moedigste mens, hij wil het liefste van iedereen en is de grootste avonturier”, vindt SpaceX-oprichter Elon Musk.
“Eindelijk kan ik u vertellen dat ik uitgekozen ben om naar de maan te vliegen”, aldus Maezawa, die rijk werd met de verkoop van kledij op internet. “Het is mijn levensdroom. Sinds ik kind ben, hou ik van de maan.”
Maezawa zal niet alleen vliegen, maar zes tot acht kunstenaars uit de hele wereld meenemen - die niets moeten betalen. Ze moeten inspiratie opdoen voor een kunstproject. Aan welke kunstenaars hij denkt, wil Maezawa nog niet zeggen.
Weekje weg
De vlucht wordt gemaakt met de Big Falcon Rocket, of Falcon 9. Dat is een nieuwe raket van het ruimtevaartbedrijf van de Tesla-topman, die nog in ontwikkeling is. De ontwikkeling van het ongeveer 118 meter hoge ruimteschip zal volgens Musk ongeveer 5 miljard dollar kosten.
De Falcon 9 zal om de maan vliegen en ze daarbij naderen tot op zo’n 200 kilometer. De vlucht zal ongeveer een week duren en zal, “als alles goed gaat”, plaatsvinden in 2023, zei Musk.
Hoeveel betaald moet worden voor de ruimtevlucht van SpaceX, is niet bekend. De Japanner betaalt “zeer veel geld” voor de reis, zo klonk het. Een precies bedrag wilden noch Musk noch Maezawa kwijt.
SpaceX maakte vorig jaar al bekend dat het mensen naar de maan wil brengen. Toen was er sprake van twee kandidaten, die een “aanzienlijk voorschot” hadden betaald. De tot dusver laatste bemande vlucht naar de maan, of zijn omgeving, gebeurde in 1972.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Het eiland Malta, gelegen in de Middellandse Zee net ten zuiden van Sicilië, heeft een lange rijke geschiedenis.
Die geschiedenis gaat nog veel verder terug dan duizenden jaren en het is niet voor niets dat daar langwerpige schedels zijn “verdwenen”.
Keer op keer komen er aanwijzingen dat onze geschiedenis veel verder terug gaat dan ons wordt geleerd op school. Vandaag gaan we naar het zonnige eiland Malta in de Middellandse Zee waar iets bijzonders is ontdekt aan het begin van de vorige eeuw.
Het Ħal Saflieni Hypogeum op Malta is een ondergronds complex, een hypogeum dat als begraafplaats en waarschijnlijk ook als tempel dienst heeft gedaan.
Hypogeum is Grieks en betekent "onder de aarde" . Het complex is aangelegd in de periode tussen 4000 - 2500 v. Christus en is daarmee ouder dan de Egyptische piramiden en ook ouder dan bijvoorbeeld de Minoïsche beschaving op Kreta. Het diepste punt van het hypogeum ligt 10,6 meter onder de straat. Het gehele complex omvat meer dan 500 m².
Het complex is bij toeval ontdekt in 1902 en staat sinds 1980 op de werelderfgoedlijst van UNESCO.
Het hypogeum ligt in de kleine plaats Paola. Het ligt onder een gewoon woonhuis. Aan de buitenkant is niets meer te zien dan een informatiebord. Het woonhuis is op de begane grond omgevormd tot een hal met daarin een kassa en een wachtruimte voor bezoekers.
Het hypogeum bevindt zich op korte afstand van het bovengrondse tempelcomplex van Tarxien, en kan gezien worden als de onderaardse pendant ervan.
De wijk waarin het hypogeum ligt, was vanouds op Malta bekend als "Tal-Gherien", dat "van de grotten" betekent. De ondergrond in deze wijk bevat van nature holtes en grotten.
Geschiedenis: Sommige delen van het hypogeum zijn 6000 jaar oud en dateren uit de beginfase van het neolithicum. Dat is de periode waarin de landbouw zich ontwikkelde en de mensen zich meer in groepen gingen vestigen en organiseren. Op veel plaatsen in Europa werden megalithische monumenten gebouwd, zoals in Nederland de hunebedden. De mensen beschikten echter in de nieuwe steentijd, zoals het neolithicum ook wel genoemd wordt, nog niet over gereedschappen van brons of ijzer. Al het gereedschap moet van hout, been of steen zijn geweest.
Waarschijnlijk is het gedeelte van het hypogeum dat boven het oppervlak uitstak het oudste. Hiervan zijn echter maar weinig resten over. De ondergrondse delen liggen op drie niveaus. Het bovenste niveau is het oudste en dateert van 3600-3300 voor Christus. Het middelste niveau dateert van 3300-3000 v.Chr. Het onderste is het jongste en is aangelegd tussen 3150 en 2500 voor Christus.
Het hypogeum is gebruikt als begraafplaats. Een van de kamers van het bovenste niveau bevat nog de originele resten van een begrafenis. De mensen uit deze prehistorisch periode hadden waarschijnlijk behoefte aan een collectieve begraafplaats, en bouwden deze ondergronds.
In de periode 1991-2000 werd het monument afgesloten voor het toerisme, omdat het enorme aantal bezoekers te veel schade aanrichtte. Het monument werd geconserveerd. Vanaf 2000 worden maar heel weinig bezoekers tegelijk toegelaten. Om het monument te behouden voor toekomstige generaties wordt het microklimaat geregeld. De temperatuur, de luchtvochtigheid en de hoeveelheid kooldioxide in de lucht worden constant in de gaten gehouden.
Het hypogeum kan in groep, onder leiding van een plaatselijke gids, bezocht worden. Reserveren is noodzakelijk, afhankelijk van de periode weken tot maanden vóór het geplande bezoek. Fotograferen in het hypogeum is niet toegestaan.
Misschien is er wel een heel andere reden dat het hypogeum zoveel mogelijk voor normale mensen verborgen moet blijven, want naast de verhalen zoals hierboven zijn er nog een aantal geheimzinnige zaken die je niet aantreft bij de algemene informatie.
Eén van die vreemde zaken zijn de langgerekte schedels van Malta.
Er zijn in totaal elf van deze schedels gevonden en niet alleen zien ze er bijzonder uit, ze hebben ook een genetische afwijking vergeleken met onze schedels. Bij ons mensen gaat het als volgt met de schedel:
De schedel van een pasgeboren baby is nog niet goed gesloten. Op het hoofd van je baby zitten twee fontanellen: een zacht plekje midden bovenop en een kleiner plekje op het achterhoofd. Een fontanel is een opening tussen twee schedelplaten. Deze schedelplaten groeien in de loop van een paar maanden naar elkaar toe.
Bij de langgerekte schedels van Malta ontbreekt er bij één schedel ieder spoor dat er ooit schedelplaten aan elkaar zijn gegroeid en bij anderen is dat wel gebeurd, maar op heel afwijkende manieren vergeleken met (normale) mensenschedels. Daarnaast ontdekt men dat er bij sommige schedels drie kleine gaatjes in het hoofd zijn geboord. Dit is gebeurd dan in een tijd waarin mensen alleen beschikten over stenen werktuigen volgens de Wikipedia.( De mensen beschikten echter in de nieuwe steentijd, zoals het neolithicum ook wel genoemd wordt, nog niet over gereedschappen van brons of ijzer. Al het gereedschap moet van hout, been of steen zijn geweest.) Toch knap als je dan drie gaatjes in schedels weet te boren.
In eerste instantie werden de schedels tentoongesteld in het museum van Valetta, maar al snel verdwenen ze daar zonder opgaaf van redenen. Niemand weet waar ze nu zijn en het schijnt dat van de oorspronkelijke 11 er 6 helemaal spoorloos zijn.
We treffen in één van de oudste bouwwerken op aarde vreemde langgerekte schedels aan met genetische afwijkingen vergeleken met normale menselijke schedels en bij sommigen met drie geboorde gaatjes in het hoofd en niemand vindt dat vreemd. Wij hebben eerder een aantal artikelen geschreven over andere plekken waar eveneens langgerekte schedels zijn gevonden.
Alle schedels zijn zo snel mogelijk weer uit het publieke domein gehaald voordat iemand er echt kritische vragen over kon stellen. Kortom, we weten op dit moment niets zeker over de oorsprong van die schedels, maar er is nóg een hele vreemde zaak betreffende het hypogeum.
In de jaren dertig van de vorige eeuw ging een medewerkster van de Britse ambassade, Lois Jessop, op excursie in de grotten. Het was een tour onder leiding van een gids toen ze op een gegeven moment in een grote (graf)kamer kwamen, waar opeens de grond ophield en je in een soort afgrond naar beneden keek. Zij was nieuwsgierig en terwijl iemand haar vasthield, leunde ze zover mogelijk naar voren met een kaars om te zien of ze wat kon ontdekken.
Het volgende is hoe ze haar ervaring beschreef:
Ik hield mijn kaars hoger en staarde in de afgrond en bedacht dat het geen goed idee was om verder te gaan zonder een heel goede gids. Toen zag ik ongeveer 20 reusachtige gestalten die vanuit een opening ergens diep beneden kwamen. Ze liepen achter elkaar langs een smalle rand beneden. Ik schat dat ze ongeveer zeven tot negen meter groot waren omdat hun hoofden tot ongeveer halverwege de muur aan de overkant kwamen. Hun hoofden waren bedekt met lang wit haar, naar beneden gekamd en het zag er onverzorgd uit. Ze liepen heel langzaam, met grote passen. Toen ineens stopten ze allemaal, draaiden zich om en hieven hun hoofden op om naar mij te kijken. Tegelijkertijd hieven ze allemaal hun armen op en met hun handen wenkten ze mij. De beweging die ze maakten was alsof ze iets wilden pakken of voelen en hun handpalmen waren naar beneden gericht.
Enkele weken na bovenstaand voorval gebeurde er iets ergs. Volgens Jessop ging een groep van 30 studenten de grot in naar dezelfde plek waar zij was geweest, maar zij kwamen niet terug en niemand heeft hen ooit weer gezien. De grot achter hen stortte in en men kon het geschreeuw om hulp en de angstkreten van de studenten nog dagenlang horen als een soort echo in de grotten. Hulpverleners die een zoektocht organiseerden slaagde er niet in hen te traceren en hun lichamen zijn nooit gevonden. Na deze gebeurtenis werd het complex door de overheid gesloten voor het publiek.
Een ander mysterie, meer van de laatste jaren, is dat er geluiden worden gehoord. Dat niet alleen, die geluiden vallen in de frequentie van 110 tot 111 hertz. Dat zijn geluidsfrequenties die een bepaald effect hebben op het menselijk lichaam en geest.
-110 111 Hz kwam voor in oude tempels, er werd op een frequentie van 110 Hertz gechant. Deze hogere gamma frequenties leiden dus tot o.a. hogere niveaus van bewustzijn en mystieke ervaringen.
-Door die hoge Hertz waarden zijn er veranderingen in de verbanden tussen linker- en rechterhersenhelft.
Als je regelmatig wordt blootgesteld aan de frequentie van 110 of 111 Hertz, activeert dit een gebied in de hersenen (aan) dat effect heeft op ons humeur, empathie en sociaal gedrag, volgens ‘bio-behavioral’ wetenschappers.
Kortom, het lijkt alsof het hypogeum veel meer geheimen verbergt dan men ons wil laten geloven. Dat, toen men eenmaal ontdekte dat er waarschijnlijk verbanden zijn met buitenaardse beschavingen het hoog tijd werd om aan damage control te doen en de toegang tot de grotten zo moeilijk mogelijk te maken.
David is a UFO researcher and author. He’s had a lifelong interest in the subject of UFOs and joined the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) as a field investigator trainee in 1990. Since then he held several positions within MUFON before becoming an independent researcher. Since then he has written a highly regarded book on triangle shaped UFOs, Triangular UFOs: An Estimate of the Situation, and has been featured on several television programs. David has one of the most extensive personal libraries of UFO books, journals, magazines, newspapers, and case files from around the world that covers the last 65 years.
Photo Credit: Robert Simmon (Terre), NASA/JPL (Neptune)/NASA Goddard
The Week's Top Space Stories
Satellites are monitoring Hurricane Florence, NASA's new mission will study the thinning ice sheets in Antarctica, a newfound exoplanet may answer questions about mid-sized worlds and experts say a Space Force might cause more problems than it solves. These are just some of this week's top stories from
Photo Credit: NOAA
1. Preparing for Hurricane Florence
Hundreds of thousands of people were ordered to evacuate as Hurricane Florence, a Category 2 storm as of Sept. 13, approached landfall on the eastern coast of the United States. The National Hurricane Center expects portions of North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia to be affected by potentially life-threatening rainfall. Satellites are closely monitoring Florence's structure and path.
This September, set your gaze skyward and look for a bright comet whose orbit Jupiter captured. Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner will be visible by binoculars, but it will be easier to enjoy with a small telescope.
NASA plans to launch the Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite-2 spacecraft this weekend. The satellite is designed to travel over a thousand orbital paths every 3 months and retrace its steps to take incredibly precise measurements of ice sheet depth with bright-green laser beams.
Water may have been with the Earth since our celestial home first began taking shape. Two new studies suggest tiny dust grains circling around a young sun could have held enough water to explain the amount found on today's blue planet. Additional work will be needed to confirm these findings.
The OSIRIS-REx mission to Bennu, a near-Earth asteroid, started its studies of the space rock Sept. 11. It will now begin analyzing the dust around the asteroid to ensure a safe approach in December of this year, NASA officials said.
A fast-moving burst of solar wind recently escaped a hole in the outer atmosphere of the sun. This gave Earth's northern lights a boost last week, as the solar wind produced a geomagnetic storm high up in the planet's atmosphere.
A panel of former U.S. defense officials are not convinced that a Space Force is needed. While the Pentagon is obligated to follow President Trump's order to start the process of making a new service, some experts warn that rushing to set up a U.S. Space Command might make more problems than it solves.
On Sept. 6, the Indian Space Research Organisation displayed the spacesuit it designed for the first crewed mission of their human spaceflight program, Gaganyaan. Weeks ago, India announced a timeline that would send its astronauts into space by 2022.
Photo Credit: Robert Simmon (Terre), NASA/JPL (Neptune)/NASA Goddard
10. Newly-discovered exoplanet may solve planet-size questions
A graduate student worked with an international research team to analyze data from NASA's Kepler Telescope. They found a exoplanet ripe for new discoveries, because this world is a special size and relatively close to Earth.
A test version of NASA's Orion spacecraft used three parachutes to touch down safely after being released from an aircraft 6 miles (9.5 km) up on Wednesday (Sept. 12). Early data analysis from the testing, which will evaluate the spacecraft's ability to re-enter Earth after journeying to the moon, suggests the trial was a success.
SpaceX made a major announcement late Thursday (Sept. 13) when the company revealed it has signed a deal to fly a private passenger on a trip around the moon using its Big Falcon Rocket. SpaceX promises more details in a press conference Monday night (Sept. 17). You can read our main story here and take a look at our early thoughts on potential changes in SpaceX's BFR rocket.
Come on, universe, what’s a guy gotta do to get just one little shred of evidence of extraterrestrial life? It doesn’t need to be anything too extraordinary. No antennaed green humanoids, no crawling masses of purple ooze, no silicon-based crystal creatures. At this point I’d be content with a single dead microbe clinging to the side of a meteor. I’m not picky – I just need to know: are we alone?
Of course, I’m not alone in my need to know. The search for alien life currently involves some of the most sophisticated astronomical equipment and laboratories on Earth, but has still yet to find conclusive proof of anything else out there in space crawling around eating and farting and dying like us. NASA has identified loads of planets which might support life, but the problem is they’re all so far away that we’ll likely never be able to reach and analyze them – in our lifetimes, anyway. Unless we hurry up and get that immortality thing together.
In more promising news, a team of NASA scientists has just published a study claiming that the closest known exoplanet, Proxima Centauri b, just might possibly be able to support life. The planet, also called Proxima b or Alpha Centauri Cb, lies just 4.2 light-years away from Earth in the constellation of Centaurus. That’s only 40 trillion kilometers, or 25 trillion miles, the cosmic equivalent of a stone’s throw.
Alpha Centauri, left, Beta Centauri, right, and Proxima Centauri, circled in red.
Proxima b orbits the star Proxima Centauri and is roughly the size of Earth. For some time, astronomers have thought the planet to be uninhabitable due to the fact that it experiences extreme solar flares and radiation from its nearby star. However, the scientists behind this most recent study believe there could be scenarios in which Proxima b could still support life.
For example, if the planet happens to be tidally locked, meaning the same side faces its host star as it orbits, then surface water could allow for enough heat exchange between the hot and cold sides to support life throughout the whole planet. “An ocean-covered Proxima b could have a much broader area of surface liquid water but at much colder temperatures than previously suggested,” the authors write, adding that “Proxima b could be an inhabited, mostly open ocean planet with halophilic life.”
Another scenario could be that the planet formed much farther away from Proxima Centauri and has been slowly getting closer throughout its history, meaning some of the planet may still be habitable. UniverseToday has a good breakdown of all of these hypothetical scenarios and an interview with Anthony D. Del Genio of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies concerning this new research.
It’s important to note, though, that all of these scenarios are hypothetical and were produced through a new type of planetary simulation software used by NASA in their hunt for exoplanets. Could our nearest neighbor support life? How convenient would that be? Let’s hope we get that EM Driveworked out soon. I need to know.
A Mystery Man dies not too far away from the Solar Observatory, New Mexico
A Mystery Man dies not too far away from the Solar Observatory, New Mexico
The Sunspot Solar Observatory in Mexico reopened on Monday, Sep 17, 2018 but people are dissatisfied with the official explanation as it offers a few new but vague details about the circumstances surrounding the evacuation.
Even the local Sheriff, who was kept in the dark about the investigation throughout, was skeptical. ”But for the FBI to get involved that quick and be so secretive about it, there was a lot of stuff going on up there,” Otero County Sheriff Benny House said, as quoted by Alamogordo News. “There was a Blackhawk helicopter, a bunch of people around antennas, and work crews on towers but nobody would tell us anything.”
On September 6th, the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) made the decision to temporarily vacate the Sunspot Solar Observatory at Sacramento Peak, New Mexico as a precautionary measure while addressing a security issue.
AURA has been cooperating with an on-going law enforcement investigation of criminal activity that occurred at Sacramento Peak. During this time, we became concerned that a suspect in the investigation potentially posed a threat to the safety of local staff and residents. For this reason, AURA temporarily vacated the facility and ceased science activities at this location.
The facility closed down in an orderly fashion and is now re-opening. The residents that vacated their homes will be returning to the site, and all employees will return to work this week.
A criminal activity and they were concerned that a suspect potentially posed a threat to the safety of local staff and residents. Really?
And who is the suspect, a human, an alien, a humanoid or was it a UFO?
1972 photo of a Viking space probe at White Sands Missile Range, near the Sunspot Observatory.
To make it even more mysterious on Sep 12, 2018 the New Mexico State Police found a mystery manwho died not too far away from the solar observatory.
According to the NPS release, while closing WSNM, park rangers discovered an unattended vehicle in the Alkali Flat Trail parking lot.
After searching the immediate area, park rangers expanded their search to the Alkali Flat Trail where they discovered an unresponsive man about a half mile from the trailhead between 10 p.m. and 11 p.m., the release states.
New Mexico State Police responded to WSNM then confirmed the man was dead upon their arrival.
“Any car park in an area needs to have a reason for being there,” Sauter said. “For example, our back-country campers, they need to have a permit on their dash and back in our back-country camping trails which they have their water and camping gear.”
NPS will be coordinating with NMSP to investigate the incident and.. of course no further information is being released due to the ongoing investigation they stated.
Multiple UFOs Fly Across Moon – Shot by Amateur Astronomer – Rome, Italy – July 29, 2018
Multiple UFOs Fly Across Moon – Shot by Amateur Astronomer – Rome, Italy – July 29, 2018
Case File Information
TBV Investigations Case Number: 257854
Date of Event / Case File: 07/29/2018
Name of Witness: Alessio
Case File Status: Unidentified
The following case was submitted to The Black Vault / TBV Investigations on August 1, 2018. It was shot by an amateur astronomer / photographer taking a video of the moon. The video was submitted for analysis, and due to the nature of the video, it was assigned to multiple investigators for multiple perspectives.
Lead Case Investigator: Monica Salazar
Additional Analysis done by: Jim Kerr, Michael Glenn and Paul Wright
Witness Testimony
The following was the original testimony, as submitted by the witness. It was sent to John Greenewald, Jr. of The Black Vault through a mutual friend, and the identifying name has been removed. The witness is not a “UFO enthusiast” nor a “UFO Hunter” but captured the video by chance. It has been edited slightly for clarity.
“Hello I am a friend of ___________ and I want to report a sighting.
It was the day after the Red Moon (or Blood Moon) and the weather was clear. To record the passage of the Moon I used the follow equipment:
-Sky-Watcher Maksutov SkyMax 127/1500 OTA -T2 ring -Pentax HD DA AF 1.4x rear converter -Pentax K-70
Thank you for your attention, best regards.
The Evidence
The following high resolution video was submitted for analysis.
Original / Uncut Video
Cropped to Highlight “Anomalies”
The Analysis
by Monica Salazar, TBV Investigations
The video was recorded on July 29th, 2018, at 1.08 AM.
In the beginning of the video you can see a zoomed in image of the moon. The clear details of the moon show that it was obviously a high powered camera with an adequate zoom lens. As mentioned by the witness, the specs of the camera are as follows:
-Sky-Watcher Maksutov SkyMax 127/1500 OTA -T2 ring -Pentax HD DA AF 1.4x rear converter -Pentax K-70
(ALL meta data is listed below, for reference)
You can clearly see all the craters and detailed lining of the moon showing a good camera focus. At about 2:52 (of the “original” video) you can see a dark object cross in front of the moon. Taking the zoom into consideration, it appears that the anomaly is flying at a high altitude. If these were bugs, birds or bats flying much lower to the ground, most likely they would be out of focus and not appear in the video, or if they do, be largely out of focus given the focal length of the lens in conjunction with the clarity of the moon. Objects nearer to the lens would largely be invisible or drastically out of focus.
The height is very hard to determine, since there are no reference objects in the frame, other than the moon. We know the moon is 252,088 miles away from Earth, but to properly give some kind of calculation, another “reference object” needs to be in the frame to compare. Since there is none, it is highly speculative to try and pinpoint an exact altitude.
Later in the video at about 3:10 a greater wave of objects pass through the same view. I was able to count at least 38 objects in total. The objects seem to travel at a relatively fast speed. Judging by the speed the earth is rotating (1600km/hr) and the way the moon moves across the screen I would have to say the anomalies are traveling faster than any commercial jet plane (about 740-930 kph or 500 knots) in my best estimation.
This case was reviewed by other investigators and their opinions vary on what the objects might be. However, everyone, including myself, is in agreement that there is no evidence in the raw video that it has been tampered with, manipulated or is a CGI hoax.
Additional analyses are as follows:
Jim Kerr, TBV Investigations
“I am not only an amateur astronomer but a ufologist as well. Since approx 2011, I have followed and researched videos and photos of unidentified objects traversing the moon. There are many good examples on the internet, but there are also those that are migrating flocks of birds. In all the footage I have analyzed, I have never seen the large number of objects as depicted in TBV case # 257854.
On 08-08-2018 I downloaded the video from case # 257854 to Sony Vegas video editing software. In this edited version, I shortened the length of the video. There is no sound in this edited version as I didn’t want to voice my opinions in the video. There are repeating clips with several different video effects along with cropped footage in an attempt to identify these objects. I sent the video to John Greenewald for distribution to the assigned investigators.
Keep in mind; this footage is not in sharp focus which is no fault of the camera or operator. Due to the earth atmosphere, video footage and objects will appear to slightly shift, morphing, pulsate and slightly go in and out of focus. With that said, the objects also appear slightly out of focus appearing to change shape slightly and morph in size. Is this because these objects were close to the lunar surface or outside earth’s atmosphere at an unknown distance from the moon? That, of course, is a possibility but let’s talk about the flight characteristics of these objects. Some of the objects are traveling faster and slower than others. Also, some change course slightly coming closer to one another.
In my opinion, these objects are a flock of migratory birds, but of course, I could be wrong. From what I have observed even with these objects being slightly out of focus, they behave like migratory birds. My recommendation to investigators is, research the geographical location of this sighting for migratory bird activity along with their flight characteristics.”
The bird theory is addressed in detail below.
Michael Glenn, TBV Investigations
“I used Adobe Premier to check out the video as well. The objects definitely exist in the image based on simple analysis using inverted imaging, and the way they warp the edges of the moon image when they leave the lighted areas. Slow moving compared to bugs, bats, or satellites. A plane would have definition, wings etc. in their silhouette. Birds would be moving about as fast as the bats, perhaps a bit slower. I think this is upper atmosphere based on the slowness of some of them, and the lack of formation that birds might have. They also sway in an odd way, negotiating for space with each other in intelligent ways.”
Possible Explanations
I followed Mr. Kerr’s advice and I was able to find flocks of one kind of bird that does migrate in the area of Rome which are the Starlings, however their pattern of flight does not seem to mirror that of the video. If you look at starlings’ migration pattern they actually form a giant cloud in the sky and they travel in the hundreds, not in just a few like depicted in the video.
This photograph shows what starlings look like, as they migrate over the moon. Starlings fly in a much more dense concentration of birds, andtherefore, look nothing like the anomalies above.
Official Caption: Starlings migrating from northern Europe fly in the sky of Rome with the moon in the background on Nov. 3, 2014. About one-million starlings migrate in Rome during autumn and winter time and draw beautiful patterns in the sky before spending the nights in the trees by the Tiber river, creating chaos in the neighborhood with their droppings. (AFP Photo/Gabriel Bouys)
Example of a full moon, with birds on how they appear. This example shows much less of a zoom/focal length of the lens, but offers a reference point to compare what birds would look like. Zoom in to get the details on the lunar surface like the video above, these birds would most likely be out of focus and not appear as sharp as the anomalies do above. Official caption: The moon provides the perfect backdrop for watching birds migrate at night. Observers with spotting scopes and small telescopes can watch the show anytime the moon is at or near full. Photo illustration: Bob King
Another migratory bird of the region is the Honey Buzzard. Here is a video of a migration of the Honey Buzzard, also not even close to resembling the anomaly movements, density, number of “birds” etc.
The movement of the objects seem to not mimic the flight of birds when comparing to other videos of bird migrations, not only those above, but other videos found online. There are also very few birds that can get tens of thousand of feet into the air. Given the detail on the moon and the size within the frame, if these were birds, they would have to be at a very high altitude to move that slow within the video. If they were fairly low to the ground, even for migratory birds, they would likely be seen going very fast through the video, and caught on very few frames of video. These appear to be very high, but the exact altitude can not be determined. In addition, birds migrate in much larger numbers, and even if only a small “group” of the larger migratory group was capture in front of the moon, the density of the birds do not match migratory patterns by most birds referenced for the region.
I would assume that the anomalies shown on the video are most likely not birds of any kind, at least, any birds that I could find. Any additional feedback from Italian/European bird experts is welcomed.
Based on the evidence, a flock of birds seems unlikely at this time.
Bats Flying In Front of Moon
You can see with this video, when objects (in this case bats) are much lower to the camera, they go through the frame very quickly. One example above is at 0:46 of the video, and it is very quick as the bat flies by. Another occurs at approximately 1:32.
Based on the evidence, bats flying across the frame seems unlikely.
Satellites Flying By
This is probably the closest match to the anomalies caught above. However, there are key differences. First, the anomalies above seemingly do not move in a straight line, and seem to even interact with each other. Satellites will traverse across a camera’s field of view in a straight or slightly curved line, but do not change speed or adjust course. In addition, investigator Jim Kerr assisted me in checking Stellarium to see if there were any satellites in the area that were possibly captured by the witness’ camera, and there were not. When I asked him to verify what was in the sky, he said:
“A search of Stellarium (equatorial view) showed nothing unusual with the moon from a view point in Rome, Italy on July 29, 2018 @ 1:08am. No satellites or asteroids were noted crossing the moon at that time.”
Below, you will find Stellarium screen shots for Rome Italy, July 29, 2018 @ 1:08am.
Balloons Caught on Video
There is a possibility that the objects could be balloons, but it is fairly unlikely. Given the assumed high altitude, for so many “toy” balloons (standard helium filled party balloons) to be released from the surface of Earth from a party or major event, and for them to reach such heights and maintain a relative “formation” by sticking together, is too coincidental. In addition, there is a case where a larger “Google Balloon” was captured by an amateur astronomer while photographing the moon. Although it is hard to discern the movement from the photograph, you can see that it does not appear to be a similar type object. In addition, weather balloon or “Google Balloons” never are launched together in such a quantity, so I think a type of weather balloon (or Google Balloon) is safely ruled out.
Amateur astronomer Luis Verdiales, from Puerto Rico, spotted the ‘small black disc’ flying across the face of the moon during a rare celestial event when the planets aligned together – and aviation experts managed to work out it was one of Google’s balloons.
Based on the evidence, balloons seem unlikely.
Digital Manipulation
Many of us all considered a hoax, but there is no sign or evidence of any digital manipulation. TBV Investigations’ Paul Wright also looked at the video, and sees exact characteristics when he views the moon through his high powered lens, including the “hazing” effect around it. He extracted the “meta data” of the video, and everything matches what the witness reported, in regards to the technical specs of the camera. It also appears to be the raw file, and not edited.
Meta Data
I do not believe this is some kind of bird migration, and although there are similarities to satellites crossing the sky, Stellarium does rule out such an explanation. Balloons are also highly unlikely and we find no evidence of a hoax or digital manipulation. Therefore, I rule out all plausible explanations at this time, with no other reasonable explanation to explore.
For now, I would close this case and I will classify it as Unidentified, however, I am always open to feedback or other angles to explore.
Astronomer Have Spotted A Mysterious Object, Which Is 570 Billion Times Brighter than the Sun
Astronomer Have Spotted A Mysterious Object, Which Is 570 Billion Times Brighter than the Sun
So bright that it pushes the energy limit of physics. Billions of light years away, there is a giant ball of hot gas that is brighter than hundreds of billions of suns. It is hard to imagine something so bright. So what is it? Astronomers are not really sure, but they have a couple theories.
They think it may be a very rare type of supernova — called a magnetar — but one so powerful that it pushes the energy limits of physics, or in other words, the most powerful supernova ever seen as of today.
This object is so luminous that astronomers are having a really difficult time finding a way to describe it. “If it really is a magnetar, it's as if nature took everything we know about magnetars and turned it up to 11,” said Krzysztof Stanek, professor of astronomy at Ohio State University and the team's co-principal investigator, comedically implying it is off the charts on a scale of 1 to 10.
The object was first spotted by the All Sky Automated Survey of Supernovae (ASAS-SN or “assassin”), which is a small network of telescopes used to detect bright objects in the universe. Although this object is ridiculously bright, it still can’t be seen by the naked eye because it is 3.8 billion light years away. ASAS-SN, since it began in 2014, has discovered nearly 250 supernovae, however this discovery, ASASSN-15lh, stands out because of its sheer magnitude. It is 200 times more powerful than the average supernova, 570 billion times brighter than the sun, and 20 times brighter than all the stars in the Milky Way Galaxy combined.
“We have to ask, how is that even possible?” said Stanek. “It takes a lot of energy to shine that bright, and that energy has to come from somewhere.” Todd Thompson, professor of astronomy at Ohio State, has one possible explanation. The supernova could have generated an extremely rare type of star called a millisecond magnetar — a rapidly spinning and very dense star with a crazy strong magnetic field.
This is how crazy magnetars are: to shine as bright as it does, this magnetar would have to spin at least 1,000 times a second, and convert all of that rotational energy to light with pretty much 100 percent efficiency — making it the most extreme example of a magnetar that is physically possible.
“Given those constraints,” Thompson said, “will we ever see anything more luminous than this? If it truly is a magnetar, then the answer is basically no.”
Over the coming months, the Hubble Space Telescope will try to solve this mystery by giving astronomers time to see the host galaxy surrounding this object. The team may find that this bright object lies in the very center of a large galaxy — meaning the object is not a magnetar at all — and the gas around it is actually evidence of a supermassive black hole.
If that is the case, then the bright light could be explained by a new kind of event, said study co-author Christopher Kochanek, professor of astronomy at Ohio State. It would be something that has never, ever been seen before at the center of a galaxy.
Whether it is a magnetar, a supermassive black hole, or something else entirely, the results are probably going to lead to new thinking about how objects form in the universe.
A congressionally-mandated report recommends that NASA lead efforts to directly image possibly Earth-like exoplanets, using upcoming technologies. A major goal is finding habitable – maybe even inhabited – worlds.
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) in Washington, D.C., just released a new congressionally mandated report that aims to guide scientists’ study of exoplanets in the years to come. Among other things, the report urges NASA to lead a comprehensive direct imaging mission – using a new advanced space telescope – to study Earth-like exoplanets orbiting stars similar to our sun. The report is called Exoplanet Science Strategy.
The past several years have seen an explosion in the number of known exoplanets, or planets orbiting distant suns. At the moment, there are 3,779 confirmed planets, plus an additional 2,737 candidates awaiting verification. How many have been directly imaged? Fewer than two dozen, according to Wikipedia’s list of directly imaged exoplanets.
Many of the discovered exoplanets orbit close to their stars, and thus images are exceedingly difficult to image. Many are gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn, but others are smaller and rocky, like Earth. These rocky worlds would be the most difficult to image, but they’re of particular interest to astronomers and scientists, since at least some of them have the potential to be habitable and maybe even host life of some sort.
When scientists speak of Earth-like exoplanets, they’re basically referring to rocky planets of a similar size to Earth. With the limited information we currently have about these worlds, it’s still unknown how many of them have actual similarities to Earth, in terms of water, atmosphere, composition, habitability and so on. Obtaining that information is the next step in exoplanet research.
From the report:
The past decade has delivered remarkable discoveries in the study of exoplanets. Hand-in-hand with these advances, a theoretical understanding of the myriad of processes that dictate the formation and evolution of planets has matured, spurred on by the avalanche of unexpected discoveries. Appreciation of the factors that make a planet hospitable to life has grown in sophistication, as has understanding of the context for biosignatures, the remotely detectable aspects of a planet’s atmosphere or surface that reveal the presence of life.
The cover of the new report, Exoplanet Science Strategy 2018, by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine.
There are two main goals as outlined in the report:
To understand the formation and evolution of planetary systems as products of star formation and characterize the diversity of their architectures, composition, and environments.
To learn enough about exoplanets to identify potentially habitable environments and search for scientific evidence of life on worlds orbiting other stars.
The overall objective is to use both theory and observations to search for evidence of past and present life elsewhere in the universe. Rocky planets like Earth are the primary focus, given what we know about how life evolved here. A growing number of such worlds have been discovered by various missions and telescopes such as the Kepler Space Telescope, including ones in their stars’ habitable zones, although most are quite distant. The new TESS mission, which just launched a few months ago, is currently looking for similar planets closer to our own solar system.
A key aspect of that objective is to directly image these planets, which will require funding and long-term monitoring to see results. The report recommends using instruments that can directly image an exoplanet by blocking the light emitted by the parent stars – such as with a coronagraph or starshade.
Being able to determine what conditions are actually like on some of these rocky worlds – or even detect possible biosignatures – would open an exciting new chapter in exoplanet research. Other recent studies have shown that even planets covered completely in water – as some water worlds are thought to be – could potentially support life (both water and geologically active land masses are thought to have been necessary for life on Earth). Such discoveries increase the possibility of many worlds being able to support life, not just ones that are more “Earth-like.”
Artist’s concept of one of the Earth-sized exoplanets orbiting the star TRAPPIST-1. A growing number of such worlds are now being discovered. How many of them could support life?
Image via ESO/M. Kornmesser.
In addition to the new direct imaging capabilities, the report also notes that other ground-based observations will be essential. This would include the future Giant Magellan Telescope and the proposed Thirty Meter Telescope. These telescopes could not only provide advanced imaging and spectroscopic abilities of entire planetary systems, they could also detect molecular oxygen – a potential biomarker – in the atmospheres of rocky planets. The report further recommends that the National Science Foundation should invest in both telescopes to provide all-sky access.
The Kepler Space Telescope, now nearing its end of its mission, looked at stars relatively close by, while TESS will focus on stars even closer, in our sun’s immediate neighborhood. Another space telescope, however, the Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST), would look at stars much further out, for which we still have little information as to planets, and enable a large direct imaging mission. WFIRST received the Academies’ highest priority in the 2010 Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey.
In addition, the report recommends that the James Webb Space Telescope should be used to systematically collect data on exoplanet atmospheres early in its mission.
The model of NASA’s interdisciplinary collaboration initiative – the Nexus for Exoplanet System Science – should also be expanded by supporting a cross-divisional research effort inviting proposals for interdisciplinary research. The report also calls on NASA to support a robust individual investigator program – including grants for theoretical, laboratory, and ground-based telescopic investigations to fully realize the scientific payoff of exoplanet missions.
The Planetary Habitability Laboratory currently lists 55 known exoplanets as potentially habitable, including these “top” ones.
Image via PHL @ UPR Arecibo ( July 2, 2018.
The report goes even further however, and is not limited to just scientific interest. It also acknowledges another very important issue – the discrimination and harassment that exist in the scientific workforce and how that can affect the exoplanet research community by posing barriers to the participation of people from certain demographic groups:
To maximize scientific potential and opportunities for excellence, institutions and organizations should take concrete steps to eliminate discrimination and harassment and to proactively recruit and retain scientists from underrepresented groups.
The discovery of a growing number of Earth-sized exoplanets, some potentially habitable, is one of the most exciting developments in space science. The new report from NASEM urges NASA to make more detailed observations of these worlds a priority, which is great news. Such near-future studies may well lead to one of the most important discoveries in history –another inhabited world.
Released By The U.S. Air Force: Soldier Talks About Various E.T. Races
Released By The U.S. Air Force: Soldier Talks About Various E.T. Races
The United States Air Force has allowed the release of this video in 2012 showing a soldier discussing various ET races. In it, several fellow service members can be heard asking about Reptilian related ET's. He knows he is being filmed yet allows it to happen. Awareness Is Key. Analyze This. Look.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Video of UFO – Orb While Filming Moon With Nikon P900 – 18 Aug 2018
Video of UFO – Orb While Filming Moon With Nikon P900 – 18 Aug 2018
I was filming the moon on the early evening of August 18th2018 with a Nikon P900 and captured this object slowly flying to the right.
It's most easily seen on the left and then to the right of the moon several seconds later.
I didn't see the object while filming.
After discovering the capture I researched several "moon" videos to see if anything else seen something similar.
Some captured satellites.
This is not a satellite. Satellites fly by much faster...within a second of time. This object is on screen for around a minute and twenty seconds.
I also checked software like Stellarium, etc. to see if there were any moon transits by satellites or debris at the time. I found nothing in our databases so far.
Undeniably an object that is unidentified. If anyone can find a moon transit of debris or a faraway satellite in any of the databases, please post it. I found none.
Check out some of Crrow777 and Martin Stubbs YouTube'll see some that look very similar. Thanks to them both for providing the references.
And no...this is not fake or cgi. I have no idea how to produce images like this.
The director of the National Solar Observatory in New Mexico states that the closure is not about aliens
The director of the National Solar Observatory in New Mexico states that the closure is not about aliens
It has been a week since the National Solar Observatory in Sunspot, New Mexico, was shut down, evacuated, and visited by FBI agents— and the undisclosed “security issue” behind all this activity remains a mystery to the public.
Strange UFO In The Sky Over New Jersey Seen From Multiple Locations
Strange UFO In The Sky Over New Jersey Seen From Multiple Locations
These strange lights were filmed from 3 separate locations in New Jersey - Ocean city, Somers Point and Margate. The witnesses claim the lights where part of one huge object.
Sondes de la NASA et de SpaceX : Une affirmation explosive suggère que les missions ont été “sabotées par des OVNI”
Sondes de la NASA et de SpaceX : Une affirmation explosive suggère que les missions ont été “sabotées par des OVNI”
Les OVNI ont délibérément saboté trois grandes missions spatiales, selon des affirmations farfelues en ligne.
Des théoriciens du complot sont convaincus que les extra-terrestres ont piraté et détruit des sondes conçues pour explorer la galaxie en guise d’avertissement aux humains.
Ils ont mis en lumière des événements aussi bizarres que l’explosion d’un OVNI quelques secondes avant l’explosion de la fusée SpaceX en 2016 et avant la disparition de la sonde russe Phobos II en orbite autour de Mars.
Ces événements étranges, aussi farfelus qu’ils puissent paraître, ont déclenché des théories selon lesquelles des formes de vie intelligentes suivent de près nos missions galactiques.
La Fusée de SpaceX
Une fusée SpaceX Falcon-9 transportant un satellite Amos-6, qui devait étendre le haut débit de Facebook dans le monde entier, a explosé trois minutes avant un lancement d’essai programmé.
La compagnie d’Elon Musk a accusé une anomalie dans la quantité d’oxygène absorbée alors qu’elle chargeait le propergol dans la fusée.
Cependant, les théoriciens du complot aux yeux de faucon ont un point de vue différent.
Ils ont repéré un objet étrange – décrit comme un “globe gris” – qui apparaît une seconde avant que la fusée n’explose en une boule de feu.
Et ils sont convaincus que c’est un OVNI ou même un drone.
Certains ont prétendu que le Pentagone avait tiré quelque chose à côté de la fusée parce que SpaceX devient un sérieux concurrent pour le déploiement de satellites militaires.
Les sceptiques ont dit que l’OVNI était simplement un oiseau qui semblait beaucoup plus grand de loin.
Lorsque Musk a été interrogé sur la vie extra-terrestre, il a répondu sur Twitter : “On ne sait pas si nous sommes la seule civilisation actuellement vivante dans l’univers observable, mais il y a des chances que nous soyons est une impulsion supplémentaire pour étendre la vie au-delà de la Terre.”
Dans une autre réponse sur le média social, l’entrepreneur sud-africain a déclaré : “Il n’y a pas d’extraterrestres, du moins officiellement.”
La sonde Voyager 2 de la NASA
La sonde Voyager 2 de la NASA, lancée en août 1977 pour étudier les planètes les plus éloignées, est le seul vaisseau spatial à avoir visité les mastodontes de glace Uranus et Neptune.
C’est le troisième objet le plus éloigné de la Terre et il reste en contact avec le quartier général de l’agence spatiale.
En 2010, quelque chose de très étrange s’est produit.
Voyager 2 a commencé à transmettre des données illisibles pendant plusieurs semaines, ce qui a donné lieu à des suppositions selon lesquelles la sonde avait été piratée.
Un auteur pseudo-scientifique allemand, Hartwig Hausdorf, a laissé entendre que des extraterrestres avaient manipulé l’équipement dans l’espace lointain.
“On dirait presque que quelqu’un a reprogrammé ou détourné la sonde – nous ne connaissons donc peut-être pas encore toute la vérité”, a-t-il dit.
Cependant, la NASA a une explication plus simple, imputant le dysfonctionnement à la mémoire d’un ordinateur de bord qui, en quelques semaines, était à nouveau pleinement opérationnel.
Même si les données scientifiques étaient inintelligibles, ils ont insisté sur le fait que la sonde n’avait été ni piratée ni reprogrammée.
On pense qu’un vent cosmique d’une tempête solaire a pu frapper l’engin spatial.
La sonde russe Phobos II
La Russie a lancé les sondes Phobos 1 et 2 pour explorer la lune martienne du même nom en 1988.
L’un d’eux aurait été perdu à cause d’une erreur de commande radio.
Mais la deuxième sonde a atteint la lune martienne et a commencé à renvoyer des images de l’atmosphère de Mars et des environs.
L’image incroyable montre des objets très étranges, y compris ce qui semble être une forme d’éclipse très mince à la surface de la lune.
Peu de temps avant que la sonde ne disparaisse pour toujours, elle a renvoyé une photo montrant un énorme objet entre le vaisseau spatial et Mars.
Les conspirationnistes prétendent que l’OVNI était un vaisseau spatial cylindrique géant qui, selon eux, projetait l’ombre à la surface de Mars.
Ils croyaient qu’il s’agissait de la “première fuite d’un vaisseau mère extraterrestre dans le système solaire”.
New Mexico Solar Observatory Re-Opening Monday After Criminal Investigation
New Mexico Solar Observatory Re-Opening Monday After Criminal Investigation
By Mike Wall, Senior Writer
It wasn't aliens, or a doomsday solar flare.
No, the Sunspot Solar Observatory — a National Solar Observatory facility high up on New Mexico's Sacramento Peak — has been closed for the past 10 days because of a criminal investigation.
"AURA has been cooperating with an ongoing law enforcement investigation of criminal activity that occurred at Sacramento Peak," AURA representatives wrote in a statement Sunday (Sept. 16). "During this time, we became concerned that a suspect in the investigation potentially posed a threat to the safety of local staff and residents. For this reason, AURA temporarily vacated the facility and ceased science activities at this location."
But things are about to get back to normal.
"In light of recent developments in the investigation, we have determined there is no risk to staff, and Sunspot Solar Observatory is transitioning back to regular operations as of September 17th," the statement added.
AURA officials had previously cited a "security issue" as the cause of the closure (which also affected a nearby post office) but did not elaborate. The FBI was apparently involved but kept pretty much everyone, including local law enforcement, in the dark about what was going on.
As often happens, rumors rushed in to fill the information-free void. Speculation ranged from the ridiculous (that the government wanted to squash news of an alien-life detection or civilization-destroying solar flare) to the plausible (that some bad actor had planted spy gear on the Sunspot grounds, which provide a good view of the White Sands Missile Range and Holloman Air Force Base).
That latter explanation may still be in play; AURA has not disclosed the nature of the criminal activity being investigated.
"We recognize that the lack of communications while the facility was vacated was concerning and frustrating for some," Sunday's AURA statement added. "However, our desire to provide additional information had to be balanced against the risk that, if spread at the time, the news would alert the suspect and impede the law enforcement investigation. That was a risk we could not take."
The Sunspot Solar Observatory was established in 1947. Its main eye on the sky today is the Dunn Solar Telescope, which was completed in 1969 and helps researchers better understand the sun, solar activity and its effects on Earth.
Nine people, from New Mexico State University and AURA, work at the observatory, AURA representatives said.
A NASA study of certain bubbling lakes in the Arctic suggests that methane deposits are being released due to an understudied phenomenon called ‘abrupt thawing’. Methane — which is 30 times more potent at trapping heat than carbon dioxide — has been frozen for potentially thousands of years and its sudden release could significantly impact the climate by the end of the century.
Methane bubbles up from the thawed permafrost at the bottom of the thermokarst lake through the ice at its surface.
Credits: Katey Walter Anthony/ University of Alaska Fairbanks.
Methane and carbon dioxide are both produced in thawing permafrost as animal and plant remains decompose. As long as this organic matter remains frozen, it will stay in the permafrost. However, if it thaws, it starts decaying, releasing carbon dioxide or methane into the atmosphere — which is why scientists are deeply concerned with the present development.
Right now, Earth’s atmosphere contains roughly 850 gigatons of carbon (a gigaton is about the weight of 100,000 school buses). Scientists estimate that there is about twice as much carbon frozen in permafrost than present in the atmosphere today.
That doesn’t mean that all of the carbon will end up in the atmosphere. The trick is to find out how much of the frozen carbon is going to decay, how fast, and where. The full picture seems to be even more complex than previously thought. In a new study, scientists have discovered a new source of methane that hasn’t been accounted for by climate models — methane emissions from ‘thermokarst‘ lakes.
Such lakes form when permafrost taws at a faster rate and deeper levels than usually happens. This sudden thawing creates a depression which fills up with rainwater, ice, and snow melt. The water’s presence then leads to even more thawing at the shores of the lake, speeding up the rate of methane release into the atmosphere.
“The mechanism of abrupt thaw and thermokarst lake formation matters a lot for the permafrost-carbon feedback this century,” said first author Katey Walter Anthony at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks. “We don’t have to wait 200 or 300 years to get these large releases of permafrost carbon. Within my lifetime, my children’s lifetime, it should be ramping up. It’s already happening but it’s not happening at a really fast rate right now, but within a few decades, it should peak.”
Walter Anthony and colleagues used a combination of computer models and field measurements to reach the conclusion that abrupt thawing more than doubles previous estimates of permafrost-derived greenhouse warming.
“Within decades you can get very deep thaw-holes, meters to tens of meters of vertical thaw,” Walter Anthony said. “So you’re flash thawing the permafrost under these lakes. And we have very easily measured ancient greenhouse gases coming out.”
Current models estimate carbon emission from thawing permafrost as a gradual process. These new results suggest that in reality, the Arctic’s thawing feedback loops are more complex than we suspected. It’s all especially concerning considering that the IPCC — the leading international body for the assessment of climate change — did not incorporate any permafrost carbon emissions and the resulting amplification of climate change in its most recent climate projections.
This means that it will be even more challenging to keep global temperatures below the 1.5- or 2- degrees Celsius target set by the international community under the Paris Agreement.
Even so, methane emissions from thawing permafrost pale in comparison to the amount of human fossil fuel emissions. According to the researchers, permafrost methane emissions account for only 1% of the global methane budget. So the best thing we can do is to transition as fast as possible to a carbon-neutral society.
“But by the middle to end of the century the permafrost-carbon feedback should be about equivalent to the second strongest anthropogenic source of greenhouse gases, which is land use change,” Walter Anthony said.
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.