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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
Blue and Grey UFO Spotted in London, England
Blue and Grey UFO Spotted in London, England
The witness and videographer of this strange incident said that he saw a triangle-shaped UFO with blue and grey colour moving above his head in London.
The observer stated he had sufficient time to get his 90x zoom camcorder and capture the strange moments in the video. He also managed to snap still frames of the triangle vehicle.
The UFO appeared to have unique colours and shape. The top of the object in question seems to be off-centre as compared to other reported triangle-shaped UFOs.
However, given the consideration of today’s technology, it is just wise to be sceptical as it is now easy to make something like the one on the video.
The bizarre object has a blue colour along with grey on the other side. Take a look at the video and see what you think.
Check out this footage of a UFO activity in the sky above Australia. This was filmed on 2nd October 2018.
Witness report:
Time: 20:38:47pm Direction: West, next to star HIP – 83858 The movement is very strange, appears to be moving in a curve. It’s very far away given I had to zoom in on the footage that was shot at 300mm.
ESA Just Released Photo Of The Surface Of An Alien World
ESA Just Released Photo Of The Surface Of An Alien World
Today the European Space Agency (ESA) published a fascinating photo.
The bizarre landscape comes from Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. The photo was taken from ESA's spacecraft Rosetta.
This image shows a portion of 67P/C-G as viewed by Rosetta on 22 September 2014, only one and a half months after the spacecraft had made its rendezvous with the comet.
Explore the full mission image archive yourself at
Scientists Accidentally Blew Up Their Lab By Creating History's Strongest Indoor Magnetic Field
Scientists Accidentally Blew Up Their Lab By Creating History's Strongest Indoor Magnetic Field
Things did not exactly go as planned when researchers at the University of Tokyo set out to create test the properties of a new generator system. Instead, they managed to create the strongest magnetic field ever created indoors, which led to them blowing off the doors to their lab.
Strongest Magnetic Field in a Controlled Environment
A paper in the “Review of Scientific Instruments” revealed the researchers wanted to reach a peak magnetic field with an intensity of about 700 Teslas. However, in reality, they produced 1,200 Teslas. Bear in mind that the standard refrigerator magnet is only about 0.01 Tesla. While they did not mean to do it, they essentially made the strongest magnetic field in a controlled environment indoors.
However, they do have some way to go before they can claim to have generated the strongest ever field. Russian researchers did this in 2001 when they created more than twice the strength at 2,800 Teslas.
Researchers Did Not Use TNT But Still Blew the Door Off
To create the magnetic fields the researchers used “electromagnetic flux-compression”, a technique that researchers have used since the 1940s. A spike that is only brief is caused in the magnetic fields strength as it is squeezed rapidly into a smaller size. During the 1940s this technique relied on large amounts of TNT being used in order to generate an explosion that was powerful enough to cause the magnetic field to compress. The downside to this, of course, was that the technique could only be used once due to the fact the equipment was totally destroyed by the blast caused by the TNT.
The researchers in Japan wanted more control over the explosion to cause the magnetic field to compress so they refrained from using TNT, instead dumping huge amounts of energy by of 3.2 megajoules, into the generator. In order to do this, the researchers had to feed 4 million amps of current in the generator. To put this into perspective it is several thousand times that of a lightning bolt. When the coil is tightly compressed and will not go any further a shockwave is produced destroying the generator along with the coil.
In order to provide themselves with protection to keep them safe, the researchers constructed an iron cage, placing the generator inside it. While this was a good idea, the cage they constructed had only been made to be able to withstand up to 700 Teslas at the most. Of course, things went awry when they produced 1,200 Teslas by accident, which resulted in the door to the iron cage being blown off.
Researcher Admitted He Did Not Expect Magnetic Field to be so high
Shojiro Takeyama was among the researchers at the University of Tokyo taking part in the experiment. He said, "I didn’t expect it to be so high." "Next time, I’ll make [the enclosure] stronger."
A new iron cage was made and the researchers made some adjustments and are giving the experiment another attempt. They are planning to generate only 1,500 Teslas by pumping 5 megajoules of energy into the generator.
In conclusion, the researchers said:
"Only 40 years ago, magnetic fields of the order of 1000 Tesla were only reported in extremely complicated and sometimes unreliable explosively-driven systems, without any of the sophisticated levels of control. Therefore, one can say without any doubt, that the present results represent the beginning of a new era in the quest of producing and using ultrahigh magnetic fields for solid-state studies as well as for plasma fusion related experiments."
THIS will change Everything you KNOW about human history
THIS will change Everything you KNOW about human history
Is it possible that the great prophet Enoch was instructed by aliens with the engineering knowledge necessary to build the great pyramids?
Were these pyramids built at a time before the Great Floods? As new technologies explore unprecedented details of the pyramid, new questions are asked about what remains to be revealed. Perhaps Enoch's lost library remains hidden in a secret chamber inside the great pyramid.
Join Erich of Däniken on an excursion through the Great Pyramid of Cheops as he unveils hidden secrets in the familiar chambers and begins to uncover secrets yet to be discovered.
On both September 19 and 23, Arctic sea ice dropped to its minimum extent of 1.77 million square miles (4.59 million square km). The 2018 minimum ties for the 6th-lowest in the satellite record.
Arctic sea ice likely reached its minimum extent for the year on September 19 and again on September 23, 2018, according to researchers at the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) and NASA.
Scientists track sea ice in the Arctic as it grows to a maximum extent through the winter and shrinks back in the summer to its minimum extent in September each year. This year’s minimum sea ice extent – the smallest area of ice for the year – reached 1.77 million square miles (4.59 million square km). That tied with 2008 and 2010 as the sixth lowest sea ice minimum since consistent satellite records began 40 years ago.
Researchers at NSIDC noted that the estimate is preliminary, and it is still possible (but not likely) that changing winds could push the ice extent lower.
Arctic sea ice follows seasonal patterns of growth and decay. It thickens and spreads during the fall and winter and thins and shrinks during the spring and summer. But in recent decades, increasing temperatures have led to significant decreases in summer and winter sea ice extents. The decline in Arctic ice cover will ultimately affect the planet’s weather patterns and the circulation of the oceans.
The map above shows the extent of Arctic sea ice as measured by satellites on September 19, 2018. Extent is defined as the total area in which the ice concentration is at least 15 percent. The yellow outline shows the median September sea ice extent from 1981–2010.
Claire Parkinson is a climate change senior scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. She said in a statement:
This year’s minimum is relatively high compared to the record low extent we saw in 2012, but it is still low compared to what it used to be in the 1970s, 1980s and even the 1990s.
Bottom line: On September 19 and 23, 2018, Arctic sea ice extent dropped to 1.77 million square miles (4.59 million square km) – tied for the 6th lowest minimum in the satellite record.
The MASCOT lander captured this shot of asteroid Ryugu from an altitude of 20 meters (60 feet), just before touching down. More images and data will arrive in the next few days.
The MASCOT has landed.
As of two weeks ago, humans had never put a single robotic explorer on an asteroid. Now we have three of them hopping about on Ryugu, a 900-meter-wide object currently orbiting on the other side of the Sun. On September 20, Japan’s Hayabusa2 probe dropped two little landers, MINERVA II-1a and II-1b. They promptly sent back dizzying images from the surface. Then last night (October 3), the mothership deployed MASCOT, a much larger rover that is now performing a battery of studies during its rushed, 16-hour lifespan. A fourth rover and sample collection are yet to come.
What we are witnessing here is not just a single spectacular mission (though Hayabusa2 certainly is), but the beginning of a new era of solar system exploration. When the New Horizons probe flew past Pluto in 2015, that marked the end of humanity’s initial reconnaissance of the nine classical planets and the beginning of a closer look at the little-explored small objects that hold so much information about the formation and evolution of the solar system, and perhaps about the emergence of life on Earth.
In 2016, the Rosetta probe made spectacular studies of Comet 67P. Later this year, NASA’s OSIRIS-REx probe will visit another near-Earth asteroid named Bennu; other NASA missions to a double asteroid, a metal asteroid, and asteroids caught in Jupiter’s orbit are all on the way. But for now, the story belongs to Haybusa2 and the spectacular work of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). I tracked down a few of the key players to get their firsthand impressions of this historic moment.
The little MINERVA II-1 rovers before launch, and a schematic of their unusual mechanism for hopping around on Ryugu. They are solar powered, so could potentially keep operating for weeks or months to come.
(Credit: JAXA)
I asked Makoto Yoshikawa, mission manager of Hayabusa2 at JAXA, about his reaction to the first results from Hayabusa2 and its two little MINERVA-II rovers (it stands for MIcro-Nano Experimental Robot Vehicle for the Asteroid, in case you were wondering). These innovative robots, each just 18 centimeters (7 inches) wide, use a movable internal weight to jump about on Ryugu. The gravity there is so weak that wheels or legs would be useless. Yoshikawa also previewed the next stages of the mission, when Hayabusa2 will lower itself to the surface of Ryugu and collect samples to send back to Earth.
Yoshikawa: “For me, the biggest surprise was its shape. The shape of Ryugu is a spinning top, which is totally unexpected. We know some asteroids have such shape, but for such asteroids the spin period is short, just 2 to 4 hours. The spin period of Ryugu is 7.6 hours, so it is not rotating so fast. That’s why we did not expect Ryugu to look like a top. And usually the shapes of small asteroids are irregular. Ryugu is very small but has a geometrical shape, so it is very interesting.
The MINERVA II-1A rover saw its shadow on Ryugu. On an asteroid, the forecast is always sunny weather.
(Credit: JAXA)
“I am very happy for this success. I was also working on the Hayabusa mission [JAXA’s previous asteroid probe], and I felt quite pity when we failed to put MINERVA on the surface of asteroid Itokawa. Now we were able to put two small rovers on the surface of Ryugu and they send us marvelous photos. The rovers are very small but they are moving on the surface of Ryugu by hopping. It is very pleasant for me to imagine such a scene.
“The main purpose of MINERVA-II is not science but to demonstrate how to move on a surface with very low gravity. But now we know how the regolith (rocks, pebbles) look like on the surface of Ryugu. I think this will be important information to study the evolution of Ryugu. The most worrying thing is that there are no wide fields on the asteroid without big boulders. Now we are discussing how to make touchdown safely to get the samples.
“The main scientific purpose of this mission is to study organic matter and waters [hydrated minerals] on the surface of Ryugu. We think Ryugu has not changed much since it was born, so if we study such things, we can understand organic matter in the solar system before life on Earth began.”
Surface views of Ryugu from the MINERVA II rovers. The left 2 images are from rover 1B, the final one from 1A.
(Credit: JAXA)
I also contacted MASCOT project leader Tra-Mi Ho of DLR (the German Aerospace Center), the agency that co-developed the rover with the French space agency. Unlike the MINERVA-II rovers, MASCOT (Mobile Asteroid Surface Scout) is designed for maximum science return. Doing that requires a lot of power, meaning that solar cells would not suffice. Instead, it carries a battery, so this is a one-shot deal: 16 hours of science, give or take, and then MASCOT will spend the rest of eternity — millions of years, at least — slumbering on the surface of Ryugu. Ho summarized what the 10-kilogram lander will be doing during its frenzy.
Ho: “MASCOT has 4 scientific instruments: MASCAM, a camera; MMEGA, an infrared hyperspectral imager; MARA, a radiometer; and MASMAG, a magnetometer. With this suite of experiments we would like to understand four main goals.
“First, the geological context of the surface. Second, the global magnetization of the asteroid and any local magnetization at the landing. Third, the mineralogical composition and physical properties of the surface and near-surface material including minerals, organics and detection of possible, near-surface ices. And fourth, the surface thermal environment, by measuring the asteroid’s surface temperature over the entire expected temperature range for a full day-night cycle. This all will give us further understanding on what C-type [carbon-rich] asteroids Ryugu are made of and learn about their evolutionary history.
MASCOT on Earth (top), and as it might appear now on Ryugu.
(Credit: DLR)
“The finding of the MINERVAs and MASCOT are very complementary. The MINERVA rovers landed on the northern latitude of Ryugu. MASCOT will land on the southern latitude of Ryugu. By correlating the observation of the instruments on-board Hayabusa2 with the in-situ measurements performed by MASCOT and the MINERVAs, along with the analysis of the retrieved samples which we foresee will be taken along the asteroid’s equatorial region, the acquired local ground truth on Ryugu can be placed into a global context.
“When I saw the first images from the MINERVAs, I was surprised and astonished at the view of such an extraterrestrial world. It is quite different from asteroid Itokawa, which was visited by Hayabusa. It looks like smoother terrains found on Itokawa are less widespread on Ryugu. The amount of stones and fractured boulders appear more hazardous, so it’s possible that MASCOT could get trapped in an unfavorable condition. It adds excitement to the adventure, though!”
Amid all the excitement over Hayabusa2 and its little companions, I also want to give props to one of the mission’s predecessors. This is the first time anyone has successfully deployed rovers on an asteroid, but this is not the first time anyone has landed on an asteroid. (And, to be fair, there have also been quite a number of comet and asteroid flybys.) The first-touchdown honor goes to NASA’s NEAR Shoemaker spacecraft in 2001. Although NEAR was designed only to orbit the asteroid Eros, mission planners devised a clever plan to crash land it so gently that it might survive. In fact, NEAR kept operating for more than two weeks, returning bonus data about the composition of Eros.
The first intimate portrait of an asteroid, and also the last image taken by NEAR Shoemaker, from 2001. At the time the spacecraft was 120 meters from Eros and falling.
Lucy McFadden of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center was on the NEAR science team. She’s also a veteran of several other small-body missions, including the Dawn mission that is now nearing its end around dwarf planet Ceres. McFadden has some colorful recollections from her time with the NEAR mission.
McFadden: “The NEAR landing on Eros was extremely elegant, as it was not designed to do so. The engineers made it happen, and it provided us with serendipitous results. Now my colleagues will be able to compare two asteroids that vary in size by a factor of 20. Hyabusa2 will provide a lot more information, because it planned on landing and its lander has instruments designed to operate on the surface. We have the bold engineers and mission managers to thank for paving the way for today’s landed space missions.
“After the NEAR landing, we took one of our lead engineers out to dinner (to celebrate his getting a PhD–not for the landing). While at the restaurant, we heard a big uproar at the bar. We asked the waitress what the huzzah was all about. She said, ‘One of the guys had just landed his ping pong ball in a glass of beer at the end of the bar.’ We all looked at each other, and turned to the waitress and said, ‘Oh, that’s nothing. We just landed a 3-meter spacecraft on a 33-kilometer-long asteroid, 135 million kilometers away.’ We were all tremendously amused at ourselves.”
McFadden reflects that then, as now, the triumphs of space exploration provide a welcome counterpoint to the sad and maddening stories that dominate the news headlines. “At times like these, space stories play an important role,” she says. “I call it cosmic relief.”
Just wait, because the Hayabusa2 mission has a lot more cosmic relief coming our way.
NASA Solar Probe Flies By Venus on Its Way to 'Touch' the Sun
NASA Solar Probe Flies By Venus on Its Way to 'Touch' the Sun
By Mike Wall, Senior Writer
A NASA sun-studying spacecraft's first Venus flyby is in the books.
The agency's Parker Solar Probe zoomed within 1,500 miles (2,400 kilometers) of Venus as planned this morning (Oct. 3), getting an orbit-sculpting gravity assist, NASA officials said.
The spacecraft therefore remains on course for its first close encounter with the sun, which is scheduled to take place from Oct. 31 through Nov. 11. During this 12-day stretch, the Parker Solar Probe will gather a wealth of data about the sun's structure, composition and activity.
NASA's Parker Solar Probe successfully made its first flyby of Venus on Oct. 3, 2018 as the spacecraft makes its way toward the sun. The spacecraft will be the first to fly through the sun's outer atmosphere. Six more Venus flybys are planned.
Credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins APL/Steve Gribben
The spacecraft, which launched on Aug. 12, has many more such encounters on tap — a total of 24 over the next seven years. And there will be six more Venus flybys as well, which will serve to shrink the Parker Solar Probe's orbit, allowing it to get closer and closer to Earth's star over time.
During the final planned solar close approach in 2025, for example, the spacecraft will zoom within 3.83 million miles (6.16 million km) of the sun's surface. For perspective, the current proximity record —which Parker will break late this month, by the way — is 27 million miles (43 million km), set by the German-American Helios 2 mission in 1976.
NASA’s Parker Solar Probe will use seven Venus flybys over nearly seven years to gradually shrink its orbit around the sun, coming as close as 3.83 million miles to the sun’s surface. The first of these flybys occurred on Oct. 3, 2018.
Credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins APL
When all is said and done, the data gathered by the mission should greatly improve scientists' understanding of the sun and space weather, NASA officials have said. For example, the Parker Solar Probe could help solve two long-standing solar puzzles — why the sun's outer atmosphere, or corona, is so much hotter than the surface; and how, exactly, the charged particles that make up the solar wind are accelerated to their impressive speeds.
Mike Wall's book about the search for alien life, "Out There," will be published on Nov. 13.
Astronaut Scott Kelly Fought Off Aliens In Space STRONAWith Microsoft’s HoloLens
Astronaut Scott Kelly Fought Off Aliens In Space With Microsoft’s HoloLens
Think augmented and virtual reality headsets are just for games? NASA astronautScott Kelly thinks otherwise after spending some quality time with Microsoft’s HoloLens aboard the International Space Station during his recent 340-day mission. At a press conference yesterday, the astronaut said: “It worked great. I was really surprised. We messed around with it for, like, two hours, and immediately, I sensed — this is a capability we could use right now.”
Unlike virtual reality headsets, such as the Oculus Rift, Microsoft’s HoloLens overlays images onto the actual environment around you. It accomplishes this by projecting light directly onto the eyeball, literally augmenting your vision.
“It worked great,” he said today during a news briefing at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Texas. “I was really surprised. We messed around with it for about two hours, and immediately I sensed this is a capability we could use right now.”
Microsoft and NASA sent the HoloLens devices up to the ISS to see if it would work as part of Project Sidekick to assist astronauts:
“For example, ground controllers could monitor Kelly’s HoloLens view during a maintenance procedure. “I could say, ‘Hey, is this the bolt or connector you’re talking about?’ And the person [at Mission Control] could just write an arrow in your field of view,” Kelly said.”
It wasn’t all work, however. Kelly got to play RoboRaid, one of Microsoft’s HoloLens games:
“”It has alien spaceships coming inside the space station, and there’s these aliens attacking you,” Kelly said of the game. “You’ve got to shoot them with your finger. … It was kinda fun.”
As Kelly explained, that meant that a “person on the ground could be drawing things in your field of view, and pointing to things, and I could be doing the same thing.” For instance, he added, “I could say, ‘Hey, is this the bolt or connector you’re talking about?’ And [Mission Control] can just write an arrow in your field of view.” Another feature Kelly found useful was the ability to keep track of tasks with a list off to the side of his vision.
Since it’s so difficult to control your body and keep objects from flying around in the micro-gravity of space, it isn’t hard to imagine how something that makes information easily available could be useful aboard the space station.
Of course, that doesn’t mean Kelly and his fellow crew members didn’t play any games with the HoloLens. He tried a game — probably RoboRaid — where you have to fight off incoming swarms of invading aliens by shooting them with your finger. We saw the game at E3, but it’s probably a bit more surreal when you’re actually in space. Kelly said, with a grin, that it was “kinda fun.” The best part, though? This footage (above) of him and fellow astronauts playing the HoloLens game while floating in space. The future is here.
UFO sightings: MUFON’s most bizarre eyewitness alien encounters and testimonies
UFO sightings: MUFON’s most bizarre eyewitness alien encounters and testimonies
UFO sightings are a daily occurrence for MUFON, the Mutual UFO Network, and the organisation is always on alert for more alien encounters. Here are some of the most bizarre eye-witness accounts of UFOs.
The Mutual UFO Network was established in 1969 and has since grown to become one of the world’s largest bodies of dedicated UFO hunters.
MUFON’s goal is to study, track and gather data on daily UFO encounters from around the world.
The UFO hunters said: “As the world's oldest and largest UFO phenomenon investigative body we aim to be the inquisitive minds' refuge seeking answers to that most ancient question, ‘Are we alone in the universe?’”
The bulk of MUFON’s work relies on user submitted reports which the organisation claims to meticulously review before publishing.
One of the more recently published UFO sightings, submitted by a witness in Singapore, concerns a “fast moving, boomerang-shaped” object in the sky.
The UFO was seen dashing across the sky under cloud cover on October 6, 2017.
The eyewitness recounted in Case 87184: “It was a very clear and cloudless night when I looked up and saw this boomerang-like, ‘cloud’ flying by.
“The ‘cloud’ had a very faint body and it maintained its shape while speeding past.”
The witness estimated the object was roughly 2km away from their position but managed to cover the entire distance along the horizon in “just a mere couple seconds”.
The witness stressed the UFO was moving to the east – against a northeastern wind.
They said: “There was no light nor sound coming from the object.”
MUFON researcher Robert Spearing has since closed the case as an Unknown UAV, or unmanned aerial vehicle.
UFO sightings: MUFO collects eye-witness reports of alleged alien spacecraft
UFO sighting photo: This alleged alien ship was pictured flying over Nevada, United States
Teardrop UFO in Nevada – Case 83759
Thousands of miles away in North Las Vegas, US, a witness submitted a report of what appeared to be a teardrop-shaped object flying some 500 feet above the ground.
The MUFON testimony claims the witness was outdoors shooting photographs of airplanes landing at Nellis Air Force Base in southern Nevada.
The testimony reads: “The UFO is too far away, about two miles, to say what it was. It was like a bright light, but when I blew it up, it looked like a smoky goldfish cracker.
“I blew it up to about 200 percent and it looked like a cloud of circular smoke. I probably don't have the best equipment to say what it was.
“And with so few pixels, well, we don't have enough solid evidence other than its descending path, which can be calculated by time to say, yes this was a UFO. But the object started up at 1,000 feet and pulled a 45-degree descent.
“And then, just disappeared.”
Nevada MUFON State Director Sue Countiss closed the case as an Unknown UAV.
Square UFO over the Philippines - Case 83456
The next case presents another oddly shaped object floating over a city but this time over Angeles City, northeast of Manila.
This UFO was spotted by a “trained US Marine observer” who was sipping a cup of coffee at 5.45am local time on May 1, 2017, during the encounter.
The witness said in their report: “I heard my dogs carrying on outside and went to investigate.
“At first, I thought they had barked at nothing, when I suddenly caught sight of the object.
“I watched it only for 30 seconds or so before realising that it wasn't a plane, helicopter, or hot air balloon and ran into the house and grabbed my cell phone as it was the closest camera available.”
The case was investigated by Chase Kloetzke who closed it as an Unknown UAV.
UFO sighting: An eye-witness spotted this strange object over the Philippines
Low-flying triangle over California - Case 83410
A California witness claims to have seen a triangle-shaped object with seven, blinking lights pass over Fresno, US.
After the event, I realized I may have viewed a possible UFO
UFO witness, MUFON Case 83410
The UFO encounter took place on April 26, 207 around 9pm local time.
The eye-witness recollected: “I looked up in the sky and saw a triangle-shaped craft with seven white lights blinking all at the same time heading west.
“It was very clear and seemed too large to be an aircraft.
“I thought it might be a drone at first glance. But it was too large and too high in altitude to be a drone.
“The object made no noise. It seemed to be well above 500 feet at about 80-degrees above the horizon when we first spotted it.”
Adding: “After the event, I realized I may have viewed a possible UFO.”
The case was closed for MUFON by field investigator Hady Felfly as an Unknown UAV.
The aviation industry, only born a little over a century ago, is on the brink of an enormous change. While electric cars and the electric scooters are already dotting city streets, planes are preparing to join the emissions-free club.
On October 1, HES Energy Systems announced plans to craft the first regional hydrogen-electric passenger plane in the world. The company aims for the four-passenger aircraft, named Element One, to take to the skies in 2025.
“We are looking at innovative business models and exploring collaboration with companies such as Wingly,” Taras Wankewycz, CEO of of HES Energy Systems told Inverse in an email. Wingly, a flight-sharing startup, sees a perfect pairing between Element One and France’s underused airfields.
The zero-emission plane boasts a range of 500 km to 5,000 km in service, thanks to its lightweight hydrogen fuel cell technology.
What Makes Today the Moment to Go Electric?
The title of first electric plane to take flight actually goes to Heino Brditschka, an airplane manufacturer who made it 300 meters in the air for about 10 minutes in 1973. But the electric aircraft industry only took off in earnest over the past 9 years, spurred on mostly by start-ups and new players in the aviation, according to consulting firm Roland Berger in a Financial Times report. That’s helped drive more innovation: Companies like Siemens, with its record-breaking 200-plus mile per hour electric 330LE, as well as the new electric face of Boeing 737s are also working on similar initiatives.
Aside from competition, the recent push to electric flight is chiefly motivated by environmental concerns. Aviation makes up 3 percent of global carbon emissions, according to the EU’s Clean Sky 2 initiative. And with air travel projected to increase threefold by 2050, the industry is trying to avoid contributing to the problem of climate change any more than it already is.
See also: NASA Is Developing A Supersonic Plane That Is (Hopefully) Super Quiet
In the context of rising emissions, this makes a plane like Element One — designed to create zero-emissions — absolutely transformative. The aircraft would use ultra-light hydrogen fuel cells (stored either as a gas or liquid) to tackle the industry-wide challenge of battery density not matching traditional fuel density (in other words the weight of batteries needed to power aircraft could be overwhelming). The Element One will also only takes 10 minutes to refuel, and may eventually use solar or wind energy to recharge mid-flight. Although the prototype fits four passengers, the aircraft could scale up to 10-20 passengers or more, according to Wankewycz. Innovations like these allow Element One to outperform other battery-electric airplanes, reaching a range of 500 km (a little longer than the Grand Canyon) to 5,000 km (a little over the distance from L.A. to New York).
Current challenges include certification and testing that faces every new aircraft, but Wankewycz is confident in preparing the Element One for success.
Hydrogen fuel cells could be swapped in as little as 10 minutes, and may eventually be recharged using other forms of renewable energy.
And with the expanded range of Element One, new promising opportunities for regional travel open. Wingly, a French flight-sharing startup collaborating with HES Energy Systems, found the perfect opportunity in France’s unused airfields.
“We analyzed the millions of destination searches made by the community of 200,000 pilots and passengers on our platform and confirm there is a tremendous need for inter-regional transport between secondary cities,” says Emeric de Waziers, CEO of Wingly in a press release. “By combining autonomous emission free aircraft such as Element One, digital community-based platforms like Wingly and the existing high density network of airfields, we can change the paradigm. France alone offers a network of more than 450 airfields but only 10% of these are connected by regular airlines. We will simply connect the remaining 90%.”
In today’s paradigm, small, short-distance flights like the ones de Waziers describes are a luxury of the terrifically rich. But at the intersection of hydrogen-electric technology and forward thinkers of startups like Wingly, passengers from diverse economic backgrounds may soon have a quieter, greener (and sleeker) reason to clap at the end of their flight.
A recent study published discovered that the Great Pyramid in Egypt can store electromagnetic energy.
Reflect On:
This is one of many discoveries being made that the pyramids built all over the world could actually be technologically advanced in ways we can't even imagine.
Humanity is full of strange mysteries and metaphysical discoveries that are being made every single day. These are the types of discoveries that really challenge the accepted framework of knowledge that’s constantly pushed upon the populace. Today we have no shortage of dogma, acceptable belief systems that are put in place that really don’t disrupt what we thought we knew, and every time something does disrupt what we thought we knew, hardly a peep is heard from the mainstream. Perhaps that’s because these discoveries would disrupt our known reality in a way that’s too much for the mind to handle. That being said, the collective mind is indeed opening more and more every single year.
One of the latest examples I recently wrote about is the Bosnian Pyramid Complex, it was discovered in 2005 and multiple global conferences were held in 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015 with more than 100 experts from various scientific backgrounds. The conferences included leading scientists, archaeologists and anthropologists. They concluded that the Pyramids were without a doubt real and that it now represents the oldest pyramid complex on the planet. You can read more about the Bosnian Pyramids, in-depth here.
Pixabay Composite
I mention the Bosnian pyramid complex within this article because at that location, a team of physicists apparently witnessed an energy beam coming through the top of one of the Pyramids. The beam is continuous and its strength grows as it moves up and away from the pyramid.
This phenomenon contradicts the known lawas of physics and technology. This is the first proof of non-herzian technology on the planet. It seems that the pryamid-builders created a perpetual motion machine a long time ago and this “energy machine” is still working.
– Semir Osmanagic, Ph.D, retired anthropology professor and discoverors of the complex
So, just to make it clear, the idea that these structures served some unknown highly advanced technological function, is not novel, and it is complemented by world researchers that are at the forefront of these discoveries. It makes you really wonder, doesn’t it? Why, and who built these amazing structures so long ago, and why were they built in these time periods and supposedly by civilizations on Earth, that had absolutely no knowledge or contact with each other? And why is serious study about it ignored and/or ridiculed when certain conclusions are hypothesized?
The latest example comes from Egypt, in the form of a new study published about the Great Pyramid at Giza suggesting that it might also have its own energy source. Researchers discovered that, due to its shape, the Great Pyramid of Giza can actually focus electronic and magnetic energy, like radio waves for example, into its internal chambers and below its base. Scientists say that if they are able to recreate the concentrated energy on a nanoscale, it could eventually be used to develop a more efficient form of solar cells.
Although the pyramids in Egypt have been known about for a long time, researchers have very little scientific knowledge about their physical properties. We know that there are some strange synchronicities, like their location on Earth, their mathematical properties.
How about the fact that the ratio of its circumference to its original height is equal to the value of pi: 3.14 ? This is something that’s not supposed to have been known for more than another millennium. Their mathematical and astronomical knowledge and the acquisition of it remains a complete mystery to modern-day scholars.
This is why it’s also important to mention all of the research that’s gone into and is going into the Bosnian pyramid complex.
The Great Pyramid can concentrate electromagnetic energy in its internal chambers and under its base, where the third unfinished chamber is located. explains how the researchers came to their conclusions:
They were derived on the basis of numerical modelling and analytical methods of physics. The researchers first estimated that resonances in the pyramid can be induced by radio waves with a length ranging from 200 to 600 meters. Then they made a model of the electromagnetic response of the pyramid and calculated the extinction cross section. This value helps to estimate which part of the incident wave energy can be scattered or absorbed by the pyramid under resonate conditions. Finally, for the same conditions, the scientists obtained the electromagnetic field distribution inside the pyramid.
Scientists had to use some assumptions, however. For example, the assumption that there are no unknown cavities inside, and the building material with the properties of an ordinary limestone is eventually distributed in and out of the pyramid, “with these assumptions made, we obtained interesting results that can find important practical applications,” Said Dr. Sc. Andrew Evlyukhin, scientific supervisor and coordinator of the research.
These seem to be reasonable assumptions that don’t really disrupt the discovery.
The scientists now plan to use the results to again perhaps develop a more efficient energy source.
Choosing a material with suitable electromagnetic properties, we can obtain pyramidal nanoparticles with a promise for practical application in nanosensors and effective solar.
Now, the scientists plan to use the results to reproduce similar effects at the nanoscale.
In this case, the scientists seemed to steer away from making any type of interpretation, but given what we already know about pyramids all over the world, they are, at least in my mind, representations of something we have yet to come to grasps with. Something otherworldly, spiritual, metaphysical and ahead of our time, but also a glimpse of our past.
It’s an interesting finding given what’s already been found in Bosnia.
The Takeaway
It’s important to recognize that what’s written in our history books should not really be taken as truth. We don’t know who built the pyramids, how they were built, or why they were built, but it’s quite clear that metaphysical, spiritual and a high level of technological advancement was probably involved. Our history as we know it has plenty of holes and we should not allow something that disrupts what we believe to be possible to not be taken into consideration, there is more than enough data to suggest what we thought we knew is not correct, and that we can go back to saying “we don’t know.”
Insider claimt meer dan 3000 autopsies te hebben uitgevoerd op aliens. Dit is zijn verhaal
Insider claimt meer dan 3000 autopsies te hebben uitgevoerd op aliens. Dit is zijn verhaal
Insider Emery Smith heeft na 10 jaar zijn ware identiteit onthuld. Hij heeft besloten in de openbaarheid te treden en zijn verhaal te doen. Het is vervolgens aan de kijker om het waarheidsgehalte van zijn verhaal te beoordelen.
In onderstaande video beweert Smith, die recentelijk in meerdere shows is verschenen, dat hij meer dan 3000 autopsies heeft uitgevoerd op aliens.
Hij begon naar eigen zeggen op jonge leeftijd als chirurgisch technicus in het Amerikaanse leger.
Ondergrondse installatie
Smith presteerde zo goed dat hij werd overgebracht naar Kirtland Air Force Base, waar hij in een ondergrondse installatie monsters moest verzamelen en labelen.
In eerste instantie waren de monsters klein en onbeduidend, zoals bijvoorbeeld een zalmfilet.
Elke drie tot zes maanden kreeg Smith een hogere beveiligingstoegang en begonnen de monsters meer ‘intact’ te worden.
Niet van deze aarde
Zo kreeg hij onder meer iets waarvan hij duidelijk kon zien dat het een hand was. Hij mocht alleen geen vragen stellen. “Je deed je werk en sprak daar verder met niemand over,” zei hij.
Na verloop van tijd kreeg de insider lichaamsdelen voor zijn neus die duidelijk niet van deze aarde afkomstig waren.
Over het eerste lichaam waar hij aan werkte zei hij: “Het had de kleur van een luipaard en bestond uit een romp, en het leek alsof het aan stukken was geblazen. Het had de huid van een reptiel en het had normale organen zoals een milt, hart en longen. Het gezicht was helemaal verminkt.”
Op de dag dat hij een volledig lichaam kreeg dat nog warm was, besloot Smith eruit te stappen. Sindsdien wordt hij naar eigen zeggen bedreigd en aangevallen.
It took Emery Smith over a decade of being an anonymous insider to David Wilcock to finally come out into the public and talk about his experiences in black ops projects, where he says that he performed autopsies on over 3000 different ET specimens.
Reflect On:
Does the testimony of Emery Smith seem possible to you? Is it important for the Awakening Community to try to piece together the larger reality of these hidden projects and bases in order to move forward in our quest for sovereignty on the planet?
It took Emery Smith over a decade of being an anonymous insider to David Wilcock to finally decide to come out into the public realm and share his stories in person. You may have heard of him already if you follow the work of David Wilcock, Steven Greer, Corey Goode or others. If you have not, be prepared to hear about a hidden world of laboratories in secret underground bases that seems almost too fantastical to be made up.
The video embedded below is from Emery Smith’s first appearance on David Wilcock’s ‘Cosmic Disclosure.’ If Emery appears to be nervous in the first interview to reveal his identity, he has reason to be. He was aware that he had testimony that powerful people would not want disclosed. Near the end of the interview, they discuss Emery’s decision to reveal himself to the public. Emery gets quite emotional, saying that ‘Recently…it’s gotten a little violent.’
Emery: Been shot at, been stabbed, been jumped by 3 agents, gotten my butt kicked, I mean, I’ve been through it all…They really got angry and that’s where I lost everything. They broke into my house, rammed my gate, my concrete gate, down, you know, where all this stuff was stored, cut into the walls, where things in safes were hidden, that you can only know by satellite, using–these people definitely had perfect satellite imagery, of, you know, I know about the satellites, very well, and the stuff they can do with them, and they can look into every brick, and every wall of the house.
David: Wow, it’s unbelievable. I’m very glad that you made it here alive, that we’re doing this now, we’re gonna try to get as much on camera as we can for your safety.
While David had long been telling Emery that coming forward publicly to reveal what he knows would probably be better for his safety than staying anonymous, Emery finally decided that David was right, after having so much violence inflicted upon him. It seemed to be enough to give him the resolve to expose himself andspeak about this important information. All this and more is spoken about in the video below.
Getting Into The Black Ops World
Starting off as a surgical technician in the military at a young age, he showed great promise with his skill and rapidly growing knowledge. When he was moved out to Kirtland Air Force Base he was offered a special ‘Moonlighting’ job, which he would do part-time at first but eventually became full-time while still being ranked and paid as an above-board active duty service member.
He discusses his first day of work which involved going into an underground facility on the base through a secret elevator that could go down at least 30 levels:
‘On my first day I just remember I was in this little room, kind of like you would see in the movies where the rooms were all white with the little steel table, and all these instruments there, and you’re escorted to this place, and you get in there and there’s this piece of tissue, and it’s all positive-pressure air system, and you do scrub-out just like a surgeon scrubs and puts his gowns on and all that, and you label like you would in biology school a frog–this is a muscle, this is a tongue, whatever–and I was just there to label and take small samples, and put them in these different types of jars and vats and containers, which I would then push through a drawer in a wall, and someone else would take it, and that was it.’
At first, the samples were small and nondescript, at times resembling a piece of salmon filet. But every three to six months Emery would rise to a higher security clearance, and as he did so,
‘…the samples started getting more ‘intact,’ where you could see that, well, this is a hand, you know, and I could not tell you what that is, at that point <ET or not>, I couldn’t even say–and you’re not allowed to ask, anything. You just do that, and you don’t talk to anybody, and that’s your job, and that’s it.
David: What if you told your friends or your family, like, were you given security briefings for that?
Emery: Yes. I would be killed.
Emery began seeing things that were fully not what one would see on the planet, but seemed to look like highly evolved pieces of animal or even insect bodies. He said at this point he didn’t know if he was working with extraterrestrial beings, because there were possibilities that these were hybrids of different animal DNA and even human DNA.
Advancing to Partial And Full Bodies
It did not take too long, about 10 months, for Emery to advance to the point where he was getting large body parts of clearly extraterrestrial beings to autopsy, since he was doing his job well and keeping his mouth shut. Emery describes the first partial body he worked on.
Emery: It was a leopard-colored skin, it was a torso, it looked like it had got blown up, and it had reptilian skin, it had normal body parts like we had on our insides, so I did see a spleen, a heart, lungs, the face was too distorted and destroyed so I couldn’t tell you what the face looked like, but it had perfect, normal bone structure like we do, and it was just the skin, was beautiful, it was iridescent blue leopard skin, it reminded me of growing up in the Everglades, with the leopard frogs, where they had those round circles–and peacock feathers, mixed.
David: Did it scare you the first time you got a partial body, were you, like, ‘Oh my god, what’s going on here?’
Emery: Yeah, I was in shock. They’re measuring my heart rate, by the way, the whole time, they’re measuring how I’m reacting, so I kept cool, and they didn’t ask me ‘How are you doing?’
On the one hand, Emery had an insatiable curiosity about the beings he was working on, about where they came from, how they came to be in the lab, what had happened to them. He was, however, not even allowed to ask questions, and so a bit of disenchantment with the whole process was settling in.
After working with full bodies of extraterrestrial beings for a while, many of which defied description, he started feeling that there was something not right, that he was no longer feeling comfortable with what he had been doing. The day he received a full body that was warm, and which he knew had just died, he started to realized that he no longer wanted to do the work and applied for and received an honorable discharge.
Tip Of The Iceberg
Emery Smith has recently appeared as a guest on many shows, and it becomes clear that his knowledge and understanding of the workings of black projects and a whole world that is hidden from us is quite vast and comprehensive. The fact that he has autopsied extraterrestrial beings could almost be considered the tip of the iceberg, though it gives some indication of the high level of secrecy, compartmentalization, and vastness of this secret world that most human beings are still not aware of.
With the testimony of insiders like Emery Smith and Corey Goode, the Awakening Community has no choice but to evaluate their claims and try to piece together a picture of the vast operations that are being hidden from us, not only on the Earth but deep underground and in space. The more we work together to understand not only the nature of these activities but also the agenda, the closer we will be to getting the truth revealed to humanity at large.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Onlangs publiceerden wij een artikel waar op drie verschillende tijdstippen in de Amerikaanse staat Minnesota een groot cirkelvormig object met talloze lichten werd waargenomen door getuigen.
Het ziet er onmiskenbaar uit als een (buitenaards) ruimteschip en naar nu blijkt is hetzelfde soort schip ook al eerder in Nederland gesignaleerd.
Het gaat om drie onafhankelijke waarnemingen in de Amerikaanse staat Minnesota van een behoorlijk groot cirkelvormig object dat er als volgt uit zag:
Naar aanleiding van ons artikel, ontvingen wij de volgende mail(dank!):
This evening while looking at your site I saw “Ruimteschip hangt vier minuten boven weg Update”
This gave me the goosebumps! This is exacly what my X wife and myself saw in 1996 From Oeffelt To Our House In Boekel, I didn’t have a camera with me so I didn’t take a picture but now I see it and thank you for that.
Op die website staat inderdaad het hele verhaal wat er die zomeravond in juni 1996 gebeurde tijdens een autorit van Oeffelt naar Boekel, een afstand van zo’n 26 kilometer.
De man in kwestie was samen met zijn toenmalige vriendin op bezoek geweest bij vrienden die in een vrij afgelegen boerderij in de buurt van Oeffelt woonden.
Hij kan zich die avond van 22 juni 1996 nog goed herinneren, want dat was de avond dat Nederland tegen Frankrijk speelde voor de wereldkampioenschappen.
Rond middernacht vertrekt het stel omdat de volgende dag een werkdag was en ze een beetje op tijd in bed moesten liggen. Het eerste wat de man ziet is een rond object met vele lichten dat rondcirkelt boven de boerderij waar ze op bezoek waren. Het was identiek aan die die nu wordt waargenomen in Minnesota.
Het was een kilometer of 7 richting snelweg vanaf de boerderij en de weg was verlaten en liep door een vrijwel onbebouwd gebied. De vriendin kon vanuit de auto zien dat het object hen volgde rechts van de auto en exact dezelfde snelheid aan hield. Toen de man gas gaf accelereerde de UFO ook en toen hij een bocht naar rechts maakte volgde de UFO.
De man werd een beetje overmoedig, stopte de auto en stapte uit om beter te kunnen kijken. Het object draaide rond tegen de richting van de wijzers van de klok in en stopte boven een huis aan de rechterkant van de weg. Toen begon het met de richting van de wijzers van een klok mee te draaien en bewoog zich richting auto en de man had het gevoel alsof het object met hem communiceerde. Hij schat de grootte ervan op enkele voetbalvelden, geen kleintje dus. Bovendien maakte het geen geluid. Het vloog enkele keren over de auto en tenslotte stapte de man weer in.
Omdat ze op een gegeven moment onder een bladerdak van bomen reden dachten ze het object kwijt te zijn, maar niets was minder waar. Een minuut later was het weer terug aan de passagierskant van de auto. De vrouw vroeg hem om sneller te gaan rijden en de auto zo snel mogelijk thuis de garage in te rijden, hetgeen geschiedde.
Thuis gekomen was de man toch weer nieuwsgierig geworden, liep naar buiten en zag het object hangen boven het huis van de buren. Omdat het object nu heel dichtbij was en onder een bepaalde hoek hing, had de man heel sterk het gevoel dat ze naar hem keken. De man riep naar zijn vriendin en de babysitter om snel naar buiten te komen en toen ze dat deden schoot het object weg met hoge snelheid. Het verdween van het ene op het andere moment, zonder enig geluid te maken.
De man was een voormalig sergeant bij de luchtmacht en is daardoor wel goed in staat om onderscheid te maken tussen bijvoorbeeld een helikopter en een onbekend object.
Even later kwam het object nogmaals terug en werd toen ook gezien door de babysitter en de buurman die net zelf terugkwam van een feestje. Uiteindelijk verdween het object opnieuw en ze hebben het daarna nooit meer gezien. Wel bleek later dat er die avond veel UFO meldingen waren geweest in dat gebied.
Tot zover het verhaal.
Het mooie van dit verhaal is wel dat hiermee eigenlijk wordt uitgesloten dat het waargenomen object een drone is. Simpelweg omdat die in 1996 nog niet voor kwamen.
Wij hopen dat door het lezen van dit verhaal misschien meer mensen zich iets herinneren, hetzij van die avond of een andere gelegenheid waarbij ze ook dit bepaalde type UFO hebben gezien.
If you’re Jupiter (the planet), moons are a dime a dozen … you’ve got nearly 7 dozen (79) of them. However, if you’re a hot Jupiter — a gaseous Jovian clone circling some other star in a very close orbit – you may not have any moons at all … at least as far as we know. That may have changed this week as two astronomers announced they think they’ve found a Neptune-sized moon attached to an alien planet. If it’s true, this is the first discovery ever of an alien moon … and the way it was found may cause a resurgence in the playing of a certain Cat Stevens song.
A large moon orbits the Jupiter-size planet Kepler 1625b in an illustration.
“We find evidence in favor of the moon hypothesis, based on timing deviations and a flux decrement from the star consistent with a large transiting exomoon.”
The Flux Decrements would be a great name for a band, but Columbia University astronomers Alex Teachey and David M. Kipping are referring to a change in the light cast by a star when they use it in their new report in ScienceAdvancestouting their proposed discovery – ‘proposed’ because they don’t yet have full confirmation but they definitely have a pile of evidence, starting with their curiosity in 2017 surrounding strange data from the Kepler space telescope which hinted that exoplanet Kepler 1625b orbiting Keplar 1625 – a star similar to our own – was behaving as if it had a very large moon. Unfortunately, Kepler’s data wasn’t solid enough for proof.
Kepler telescope trying hard to follow a moonshadow
Enter the Hubble Space Telescope – four times more powerful than Kepler. Teachey and Kipping scheduled time on the Hubble and in October 2017 were able to watch Kepler 1625b cross in front of its star. Hubble immediately picked up an anomaly — Kepler 1625b showed up 77.8 minutes earlier than predicted (the timing deviation). Then, 3.5 hours later, a shadow passed in front of Kepler 1625 — the flux decrement. Coupled with the timing deviation, Teachey and Kipping concluded that the shadow was cast by a moon about the size of Neptune … maybe.
“We’ve tried our best to rule out other possibilities such as spacecraft anomalies, other planets in the system or stellar activity, but we’re unable to find any other single hypothesis which can explain all of the data we have.”
David Kipping wants to see the phenomena happen again. The next opportunity to observe Kepler 1625b and its alleged giant moon will be in May 2019 when they are next scheduled to pass in front of their star. Will the astronomers see the moonshadow following the exoplanet’s? Teachey hedges his bets while making a pitch to fellow astronomers.
“If we don’t get the time, maybe someone else will get the time. That would be just fine with us. It would be more convincing … if somebody else came along and got the same answer.”
In 1955, one of the most controversial of all the many and varied UFO books published in the fifties was released. Its title was The Case for the UFO. The author was Morris Ketchum Jessup. His book, in part, was a detailed study of the theoretical power-sources for UFOs: what was it that made them fly? How could they perform incredible, aerial feats, such as coming to a complete stop in the skies, hovering at incredible heights? Jessup believed that the answers lay in the domain of gravity. Or, as he saw it: anti-gravity. Jessup may well have been onto something, as it wasn’t long at all before the world of officialdom was taking an interest in him – specifically the U.S. Navy. And it was one particularly intriguing office of the Navy that was watching Jessup – a “special weapons” division. Clearly, someone in the U.S. Navy was intrigued by Jessup’s findings and theories.
In the mid-fifties, Morris Jessup became deeply worried – paranoid, even – that he was being spied on. On several occasions, he noticed that certain items in his office had clearly been moved – strongly suggesting that when he was out of his home someone was having a stealthy look around. The ante was upped when Jessup had a face to face interview with Navy representatives who wanted to speak with him about his book and the theories and the technology referred to in its pages. That wasn’t all they wanted to discuss They also wanted to know what Jessup knew about the so-called Philadelphia Experiment of 1943, in which, allegedly, a Navy ship – the USS Eldridge – was rendered invisible, something that is said to have led to the deaths of some of the crew. I should stress, though, that Jessup’s original source for the story was a man named Carlos Allende. He was a notorious hoaxer in the controversy-filled saga of the vanishing ship, which was not a good sign.
USS Eldridge
Of course, given the fact that Jessup was already in a deep state of fear and paranoia, the meeting with the Navy only increased his anxieties. He saw Men in Black lurking outside of his home. Hang-up calls in the middle of the night became regular occurrences. Mail arrived tampered, opened and resealed. Clearly, someone was trying to derail Jessup and his research.
In the early evening of April 20, 1959, the lifeless body of Morris Jessup was found in his car, which was parked in the Matheson Hammock Park in Miami, Florida. The car’s engine was still running and a hosepipe, affixed to the exhaust, had been fed through the driver’s side window. Jessup was dead from the effects of carbon-monoxide. Jessup’s body was found by a man named John Goode, who worked at the park. He quickly called the police, who arrived in no time at all. While it looked like Jessup had killed himself, not everyone was quite so sure that things were so black and white. The window through which the hose was stuffed with a couple of towels, to prevent air from getting in and carbon-monoxide from getting out. Curiously, Mrs. Jessup — Rubeye – confirmed the towels were not theirs. Why, if Jessup took his own life, did he not take towels from the family home? What would have been the point of buying new towels? And, if he did buy such towels, where was the receipt? It certainly wasn’t in the car, or in any of Jessup’s pockets.
Of course, no one can say what goes through someone’s mind when they decide to end their life, but if nothing else the matter of the towels was perceived as somewhat of a red flag. It should be noted, though, that Jessup’s life was not exactly stable in this period. And that’s putting it mildly. His marriage was in a fraught state, a car accident had limited his activities, and he was having trouble getting published. In other words, we most definitely need to look at both sides of the coin – and carefully and closely, too.
Moving on, there is the fact that on the very night before his death, Jessup spent more than an hour chatting on the phone with one Manson Valentine, expressing his enthusiasm for his latest work and plans for further investigations into the Philadelphia Experiment. Jessup even told Valentine that they should have lunch together the next day. Valentine never saw Jessup again.
NO WAY! - What you are about to see was OBSERVED in the skies above Planet Earth
NO WAY! - What you are about to see was OBSERVED in the skies above Planet Earth
We are familiar with atmospheric phenomena like sundogs, light pillars, and other kinds of halos seen in the sky. They're actually caused by the sun, very high in the sky, shining through a particular type of ice cloud formation.
But lately other phenomena have been observed that are difficult to explain, strange cloud formations, square and rectangular clouds, mysterious glows in the night skies, roll clouds from horizon to horizon, rays of light, straight lines that seem to split the sky, etc.
It makes us wonder whether all these unnatural-looking sky phenomena are still natural or the result of geo-engineering, weather manipulation.
The following video shows some these strange unnatural-looking sky phenomena captured in the last few days.
UFO Caught Over Tucman, Argentina Construction Site on Sept 6, 2018, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Caught Over Tucman, Argentina Construction Site on Sept 6, 2018, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Sept 6, 2018 Location of sighting: Tucman, Argentina Source: Twitter report This report just came into me on Twitter today. A person in Argentina was hired to make a portable water facility and took two photos to show his boss that he was doing on the job. However the second photo had a UFO over some of his equipment. The UFO...when enhanced clearly has a round dark window for a pilot and this craft is about half the size of a motorcycle, but maybe much bigger if its far back behind the equipment...not over it. Aliens know that the human eye is flawed, there are parts of the spectrum we cannot see and an object moving at a high enough speed would basically appear invisible to us. Absolutely a great photo that has excellent evidence that we are not only being visited by aliens, but also monitored by them. Scott C. Waring
Beste bezoeker, Heb je zelf al ooit een vreemde waarneming gedaan, laat dit dan even weten via email aan Frederick Delaere Deze onderzoekers behandelen jouw melding in volledige anonimiteit en met alle respect voor jouw privacy. Ze zijn kritisch, objectief maar open minded aangelegd en zullen jou steeds een verklaring geven voor jouw waarneming! DUS AARZEL NIET, ALS JE EEN ANTWOORD OP JOUW VRAGEN WENST, CONTACTEER FREDERICK. BIJ VOORBAAT DANK...
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.