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The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
The Frozen Earth Conspiracy (“I promise it is good read”)
The Frozen Earth Conspiracy (“I promise it is good read”)
I have just received this email:
I ask for your help in exposing the biggest conspiracy ever. Please print the attached pdf for safe keeping.
There is no virus and this isn’t spam. You can choose to ignore this message and its contents, but please do not report me as a spammer.
Thank you and please get this to as many people out there as possible. I promise it is good read.
Here’s the copy of the PDF:
The Frozen Earth Conspiracy
Now, as you saw from the title of this document and the picture below it, NASA and the American government have been lying to everyone about the real size of our planet and what they found buried in Antarctica. You have always thought there were all these conspiracies, but in reality there is only this one, and all these other phenomena were simply the means employed by NASA and the American government to hide the truth. I’m going to go trough several popular conspiracies in the hope you realize how you allowed yourself to be fooled. In reality, you didn’t do anything wrong, you have just been brainwashed from a very young age. I’m certain you had a planetary globe in your class room in primary school.
So the first two conspiracies I’m going to address are The Hollow Earth and The Flat Earth theories. Now, I’m not going to explain them or even debunked, but simply let you know that at their very core lies the exploits of this man.
Admiral Richard E. Byrd
This is Admiral Richard E. Byrd, which counts among is many deeds, several flights over Antarctica to map it. He was also involved in expeditions to the North Pole, so this is definitely a man I recommend you look into. Admiral Byrd is reported to have found land masses beyond Antarctica during these reconnaissance flights. Both Flat Earth and Hollow Earth supporters saw this as positive evidence that validated their respective theories. However, what they failed to realize was that their conception of our planet’s size was wrong. Admiral Byrd’s final reconnaissance flight took place in 1956 as part of Operation Deep Freeze. And the outcome was the same as before. There is no end to Antarctica. 3 years later the Antarctic treaty was signed and so began the biggest cover up in human history.
I don’t want to go to deep into the Antarctic Treaty, but I recommend you look into articles 4, 6, 7 and 10. The deception is hiding in plain sight in some very clever wording. But basically, Antarctica is locked away from exploration, even if you have signed the treaty. And now lets look at photographic evidence that destroys everything you just read.
Oh wait, there is none. The picture you see here is a composite from many others taken by satellite. In fact there are no pictures whatsoever from Antarctica taken from space. ZERO. And the reason is because Antarctica is not the continent you’ve been lead to believe. But remember that there was no way to fully map the entire extension of Antarctica and the planes used for reconnaissance would either run out of fuel or have their engines freeze. The only way to do it was to go up, and in 1958 NASA was created to provide for research into problems of flight within and outside the earths atmosphere, and for other purposes. Once again, clever wording to hide their true intentions. And thus the space race was born with the public goal of going into space and eventually putting a man on the Moon, but with the secret objective of getting up there and seeing how big our planet really is. And boy, does it look different from up there.
I know this isn’t the best picture ever presented as evidence, but what I what you to take from it is the actual size of both Antarctica and the North Pole, since that is how big they really are. They look very different from anything you have ever seen before, right? Our planet is not the little blue marble we’ve been lead to believe. And why don’t I address the ridiculousness of creating a Space Program that had the secret goal of mapping our planet. Why couldn’t they do it from down here? Well, the best way to map any surface is to view it from above, pure and simple. Not to mention the freezing temperatures that no airplane engine could sustain for too long. And the men doing this attempts were at the mercy of Frostbite. But let me give you a practical example. Think of the scientists that discovered the wreckage of the Titanic. They sailed to the area where they suspected the Titanic went down in a research vessel. Once there, they mapped the area from the surface and only when finding a possible resting place did they go down in submersibles.
The picture below was taken by explorers looking for flight MH370. You map it from above and if you find something of interest you investigate. There are satellites in orbit that were designed specifically to detect structures buried beneath the ice. It would be unfeasible to start excavating randomly in the hopes of finding something.
So NASA set out to do the same thing with our planet, and used the space race as a cover up. I’m going to address the Moon landing a little bit. It didn’t happen. There, I addressed it. You have heard about the moon landing hoax and conspiracies before so it’s pointless for me to try and bring any more evidence, but what you didn’t know was why they went to the trouble of faking it. Well, for one, they had to hide the fact they were using the budget for something else, and also, when we were watching a recording of the moon landing, the astronauts were actually being the first humans to fully see the extent of our planet. Now, have you ever seen the actual press conference of the astronauts when they returned to Earth?
Boy, do they look happy or what? You are seeing a group of men being forced to lie to an entire nation about an extraordinary achievement that actually never happened. And yes, the remaining moon landings were all staged. But these recorded broadcasts could not go on forever. So enter the cold war, and the fear of the communist treat, and then the Vietnam war, then Korean war, etc. There is allot for the public to occupy their minds with. But the space flights never stopped. Now, I want you to admire the picture below. It was taken by John Glenn in 1962. Look at the quality of this image. Beautiful. It has that 60’s look. But more importantly, It is one of the very few pictures that has not been manipulated in any way.
Now, can you please find me a picture of our entire planet that is not a composite or cgi? I know, there isn’t one. We take pictures of everything. People climb Mount Everest to take a selfie up there, and yet after almost 70 years of the first space flight there are no pictures of Earth that aren’t either cgi or composite. NASA always gives us the excuse that the planet is to big. Well, they are actually telling the truth there. The planet is massive. Look at a different take of the picture on the cover.
Everything you have ever seen about how our planet looks like from space is a lie. Documentaries, movies, tv shows, the news logos of the Earth spinning, etc is a way of making sure you keep on believing this lie. And NASA kindly provides the 3D models to make sure they are ”accurate”.
But lets go to the North Pole for a little bit and I believe a picture is worth a thousand words.
As you see, the reason you have also never seen an actual picture of the North Pole from space is that in addition to the size, you will also find a massive crater there, like the one on the picture to the left. This is where the asteroid that threw our planet of its axis collided.
And a crater like this will lead to lots of questions, namely, how can the North Pole be this massive and the dimensions of the planet as we know it be the same? Well, they aren’t. So what could be so interesting about Antarctica that NASA decided to keep the real size of our planet a secret? It’s very easy. I want you to think about Chernobyl.
After the reactor meltdown, they evacuated the town, but you could say everything froze in time. There are still cars parked, pots and pans on stoves and fridges filled with food. In Antarctica the very same thing happened with the added bonus that everything is completely frozen, or preserved in ice. Night Eternal over Antarctica.
We are talking about the people that lived here before us, along with their technology and their everyday life. I’m sure you’ve read about the reports of people working on far more advanced technology that the one we currently have at our disposal, like the UFO that several sources say is being stored in Area 51. Well, these artifacts were salvaged from deep beneath the ice, and it is one of the reasons that NASA wants everyone to remain ignorant about this. Can you imagine if another nation salvaged something and got it to work before the American government? That could be seen as a threat to their world dominance. But there is something else that is extremely more important, and that is their actual knowledge. Think of it like this. You are diagnosed with a terminal illness, with less than a year to live. Some people might go on a spending binge, but not you. You have responsibilities, a family that you’ll leave behind, a mortgage, etc, so you’re gonna use the time you have left to make arrangements to ensure their survival. They are your future, even tough you won’t be here to see it develop.
Funnily enough, we ourselves prepare for this scenario today. There are many seed banks like the one on the left all over the world. They are meant to protect us in the future in case a virus or bacteria destroy our current crops irreparably. There are also other places where our knowledge is stored, schematics, blue prints, etc. And of course these places are all in remote areas, either built deep into the ground or into a mountain to protect them from whatever catastrophe we might face. So, knowing that Earth was going to be hit by an asteroid in what now is the North Pole, where would the safest place be? As far away as possible from the impact zone, and seeing that our planet is more or less a sphere, the safest place would be the exact opposite Pole, or Antarctica.
So there you will find these ancient repositories of knowledge that they left for us to learn. But no, the American government believes this would only create more threats, so you live in ignorance of their existence. Now that you know about this, don’t you want to go there and learn everything you can about the people that lived here before? Just imagine what awaits for us there. And I’m gonna trow in a little bonus. Our own seed banks are guarded by state of the art surveillance systems, so you could not get close to them without someone being alerted to your presence. Now, some of you have heard and even reported about these strange energy beams that from time to time are detected going into space and have their origin in Antarctica. Guess what? Perimeter breached. Sound the alarm. So now you know what these occurrences are.
Another conspiracy that ties into this cover up is global warming, and the reason for that is very simple. Antarctica is completely covered in ice, so any increase in the planet’s temperature is welcomed by NASA. That means the ice gets easier to excavate without them directing additional funds to that effect. Imagine excavating tons of metric ice, only to find them restored in no time. But there is another consequence of hiding the size of our planet. All the weather models are incorrect, since they do not account for the actual size of Antarctica and the amount of cold air coming from there. It doesn’t sound so crazy when you realize we keep having these massive tropical storms all the time.
But it goes a little deeper.
Every year, numerous forest fires decimate hundreds and hundreds of acres of land. But what does this have to do with global warming?
Well, how many of you had one of these fires close to your residence or even in your state? These fires attack every year and firefighters always seem to be out of their league when dealing with them. The media refers to it as wildfire season, so you get used to it. But it is ridiculous. Would you get used to a killing spree season, or would you be up in arms for the inadequacy of the government in dealing with a problem that seems to occur every year? This is by no means a critique of the men and women that give their lives to protect us and our homes, but its like they are not being provided with adequate equipment on purpose. There seems to be a lack of coordination whose sole purpose is to let these fires burn and release carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. And no one ever seems to find a point of origin or a culprit. I wonder if a satellite could be used to concentrate the sun, kinda like when we were kids and used the lens of a Looking Glass to burn a piece of paper.
But we are on the brink of not needing fossil fuels to power our cars. I mean, electric cars have come along way and eventually carbon emissions will decrease. Are you sure? The only company that really invested in an electric future is Tesla, but lately, it feels like someone is interested in seeing the company go down the drain. And no, I not going to address that carthat was shot into space.
But a conspiracy this big could not have been kept secret since this beginning. I mean hiding a planet from it owns inhabitants? Surely someone in power would have wanted the worldto know about this. And you are right. There was one man, one president that understood the power this discovery could have in uniting all of us. And that man was President John F Kennedy, who was killed by agents of his own government because he wanted to share with the American people and the rest of the world what NASA found about our planet when they went into space. But there were those that believed it was to soon to release information without a proper assessment and that whatever secrets lied frozen beneath the ice might be exploited by a foreign power and engulf the world in yet another war. After all, it had only been a mere 17 years since World War II ended, and these agents were not going to risk that happening because one man had faith in humanity. While writing this segment, I realized that it has also been 17 years since the attacks of September 11th horrified us. Is the world a different place today than it was 17 years ago? Do you feel it is safer? Are we more united as a species, or is the divide between nations even greater? I’ll let you decide. But what about the next president, and the one after that, and so on? Well, after eliminating the threat to national security that was President Kennedy, the decision was made to keep this information classified even from the man that was elected by the American people to best serve them. At least during his first term. Can you imagine what a president without a filter and that tweets every thing that comes to is mind might do with this information, if he finds himself elected a second time?
What about Mars? Any advanced civilization that lived on earth thousands of years ago, would have certainly tried to colonize Mars, or maybe even escape doomsday by fleeing there, but we have all seen pictures of Mars and there are no structures there. It is one big red desert, right? Well, yes and no.
Look at the picture on the right. Would you say that our planet is one big desert, or do you understand you are seeing selected pictures of Mars with the sole purpose of hiding the truth from you? The Sahara desert extends for hundreds and hundreds of miles in any direction without any water and little vegetation, but you wouldn’t say our planet is only made of sand.
I’m rather sure you have heard about Planet X or Nibiru. It is supposedly a secret giant planet than NASA is hiding from us that is located in the solar system and will eventually collide with Earth. Well, this conspiracy is not without a sense of irony, because like you already know, this giant planet that NASA has been hiding is our own.
S/orry, did you just say that space tourism is coming our way? Well, it isn’t. You’re just meant to think it is. We’ve been hearing about space hotels and cheap space flights for years, but save for a few millionaires that went to space, no one else is going anytime soon.
Shall we ask Sir Richard Branson how many millions he invested in a dream he’ll never be allowed to achieve. And it’s very easy to understand why. First thing you’ll want to do is go around the world. How long before someone realizes the planet looks nothing like what we grew up seeing? Down here it is easy to control air space. You can scramble a jet to investigate an intrusion in no time. But up there? Wouldn’t work. So you are going to stay on the ground. But don’t worry. Eventually VR will be here to make space look so good you won’t even think about experiencing it for real.
And now we are going to go into how this is been done in a practical way. To be able to mask the real size of our planet, distances had to be altered, and to do that satellites and super computers are being used. But just saying that sounds like something you would hear coming from someone wearing a tin foil hat. Look at this supercomputer distribution chart. Once you remove China, the US has more than twice the supercomputers of all the other countries combined.
And now, look at the evolution of satellites in orbit.
In case you’re thinking that the majority of these satellites are for communication purposes, you should know that 95% of all communication is done trough underwater cables, not only for speed, but also for reliability. So all these satellites are remapping and then sending back these false distances to GPS devices all over the world. Funny how Russia has their own system, GLONASS, which was made a top government priority by President Putin and China has their BeiDou system.
But what about the more that 10.000 planes that fly at any given time? This is where it gets interesting. You see the two main aircraft manufacturers are Boeing and Airbus and both of these companies are deeply involved in space exploration and are basically working with NASA.
And it goes without saying that every airline pilot would have trained whatever route they will fly in a simulator first, so the deception becomes reality when they board a real cockpit. Remember, pilots are basically there to take off and land the plane. And at the end of the day they are human like you and me. I bet you use the GPS in your car all the time, even when you’re visiting a place you’ve before and know perfectly well how get there. And now, let me address one of aviation’s biggest mysteries and why it still remains so. Flight MH370 and why you’re are not being allowed to find it.
We’ve been told that the pilot wanted to create one of aviation’s biggest mysteries, and this theory is backed up by evidence the FBI uncovered when analyzing the pilot’s personal computer.
Funnily enough, this supposed route he practiced bared no fruit in finding the plane. You see, the problem with that lies in the fact that the only mystery a pilot is “allowed” to create is the why, much like the German Wings co-pilot that crashed the plane he was flying. The where and the what were out of his control, but the why remains a mystery.
Now, there has never been a civilian aircraft that crashed and was not found, so the idea that the pilot was able to somehow mastermind a mystery this big is ridiculous. No, the reason you are not allowed to know where the plane crashed is because once you do, you’ll eventually realize the plane could have never flown there with the fuel it carried. But now you know that aircraft manufacturers are in on the cover up. Any passenger aircraft can cover a much larger distance that the one reported by the manufacturer in the plane’s specs. So where could the plane have crashed? We’ve been told that the plane is somewhere in the Indian Ocean, and yet, after years of searches nothing as been uncovered.
And why? Well these things take time. Recently wreckage of a WWII bomber was discovered, so who knows if it is going to take us another 70 years to find the airplane. Will anyone even care by then?
Well, it won’t take that long because I’m going to tell you where you need to look.
Do you know what a garbage patch is? They are these massive islands of garbage that float around the Pacific Ocean. Yes, the Pacific Ocean. MH370 crashed in the Pacific Ocean. Now, look for the one that was closest to MH370’s route the night it disappeared and you will find the plane there. That is why no debris was found, it is being masked by all the garbage floating around it. I’m pretty sure ships are told to avoid these garbage patches as to not incur damage to their hull and engines. But more importantly, when you do find the plane, you’ll realize there is no way it could have flown there, unless distances are being manipulated and you’ve been lied to your entire life.It is funny how the American government always uses a tragedy to cover up their wrong doings.
Originally, when I decided to write this, I was going to finish here, but I’m going to address the recent closure of the Solar Observatory in New Mexico and why it happened. Lets just say it’s big. As you know, the FBI closed off and evacuated the area surrounding the Observatory without a single explanation to workers, residents and even local authorities.
There were also other observatories closed in foreign countries like Chile, Spain and Australia that completely contradict the official version that was provided by the FBI. The first reported cause for the closure was an espionage act conducted by Chinese spies. This served as an escape goat motive until a proper cover story could be cooked up. But it was a very good strategy to use the espionage angle for a couple of reasons. Firstly, it goes into the general fear of national secrets falling into foreign hands, and why not use the Chinese when everyday there is a report about a hacking attempt. And secondly, no foreign nation will ever confirm or deny an espionage act. If you deny something once and keep mum the next time, you are by omission confirming it. But obviously this was never seriously considered. They were just cooking a better cover story. So officially, the observatory was closed and the surrounding area evacuated because a janitor at the observatory was using the WiFi to download child porn. Now, we can all agree that child pornography is despicable, and that is exactly why it was used as a cover story. But lets dig trough some of the comments from official sources in the hopes you too can see trough the ridiculousness of it:
– The chief observer repeatedly found a laptop “plugged in and running” in offices that were either empty or weren’t often used. He described the laptop’s contents as “not good”. So this unidentified janitor left his laptop unattended and completely unprotected in an empty office several times, while child porn was being downloaded. The person that found this laptop didn’t think to apprehend the computer there and then and put an end to this. And I’m alittle confused. Did he use is own laptop or did he use a computer that belonged to the Observatory?
– The next day, the chief observer allegedly saw the janitor leaving the office where the laptop had been taken by the FBI. But the FBI came and closed the Observatory immediately. There wasn’t a next day after the FBI came.
– The janitor allegedly continued to “feverishly” search the observatory and bring up concerns about security, saying “it was only a matter of time before the facility ‘got hit.’ ” He also said a serial killer might murder someone at the observatory, documents said. But the FBI came and closed the Observatory immediately. There wasn’t a next day after the FBI came(I know I repeated the exact same phrase).
– While the janitor was named in court documents, he has not been charged. News outlets are not identifying him.
I really hope some poor actual janitor did not have is life destroyed in some ridiculous cover up. But the most important part to take from this last statement is that no one has been charged. And you know why? So when you call the observatory or even the FBI they can give you a very nice “we cannot comment on an open investigation”. How many of you wanted to further investigate this matter and were told to let it go? If you are a journalist, call the Observatory or the FBI to see what they say, and then watch your superior tell you to drop this NOW. Maybe if you follow this you’ll end up discovering that janitors in those other observatories were also involved(I should be making these cover stories). By the way, the Solar Observatory in New Mexico is state of the art compared to the other ones. Think of a top of the line professional photographic camera versus your very good phone camera. So what really happened? Well, you are about to be told about something that you have never considered, and that is how an advanced civilization would travel trough space. Let me start by saying you have been looking in the wrong place.
As always I’m going to give one of my “grounded” examples to make it easier to explain. Look at this picture. This is a power socket. Its main purpose is to provide power so you can connect your appliances and power them (like the printer I hope you used to print this). If you’re in a room, there are probably a few in the walls. Do you know how they work?
Lets have a look at another picture. So basically they are connected in sequence, but you can use any of them in any order you want independently.
But you can use them for more than just powering appliances. With one of the adapters you see on the left you can now send and receive data and have internet in that attic where the WiFi signal doesn’t reach. And this adapter did all this trough the same power line it used to power itself. Now I want you to go back and look at the that schematic again but this time imagine that one of the sockets is our sun, the next one is the sun of Alpha Centauri and so on. This next picture exemplifies my point.
All stars are connected by an invisible thread. You see, as cool as jumping to hyperspace or going to warp speed sounds, traveling across millions of miles of empty space would be a waste of time and resources. And any scientist will tell you that we only have interest in visiting solar systems with an active star, where life could be sustained. The consensus is that we would need to fold space or travel trough a wormhole and that would require a tremendous amount of power. So how about using the sun as a power source and just navigating trough it?
We know that a dying star creates a black hole, that in theory takes you to another part of the universe, but why wait for a bridge to collapse to cross it? And yes, I know that the sun is extremely hot and any object that got to close would be vaporized instantly. I’ll just say that there is a reason why UFOs are always shaped like a saucer. The universe always provides a way for its inhabitants to travel, much like hundreds of years ago, sailors used wind and ocean currents to circumnavigate the globe. An advanced civilization would use this amazing network to move back and forth at tremendous speeds. And yes, it does sound like an intelligent design behind all this. And now you know why the observatory was closed. Because it recorded an arrival. The one that is going to change everything. And since we just went into how you would travel trough the Cosmos, I’m gonna go into the final conspiracy, and you could say I left the big one for last. I’m gonna talk to you about what happened in 1947 in Roswell, New Mexico and you are going to realize that everything you just read started with what happened there. But more importantly than that, I’m gonna tell you why it happened and why there. I have never seen anyone associate these two events together, or at least live to do so.
In 1945 the USA tested the first atomic bomb in New Mexico, on what is now the White Sands Missile Range. Any scientist will tell you that a nuclear explosion has a very specific energy signature and it is something that does not happen naturally. In fact there are satellites that are programmed to detect nuclear explosions by monitoring for these energy signatures. So someone came to our planet to investigate this occurrence. But then they crashed and it was covered up as a weather balloon malfunction. Remember that this UFO was destroyed in the crash, so the one in Area 51 came from Antarctica. I know that usually when talking about aliens and UFOs is the moment where one loses its credibility, so perhaps another one of my comparison scenarios might help.
You live peacefully in your community and one day in the horizon you see smoke. You think to yourself that the smoke is most likely a sign of another civilization that you did not know existed and that they might be in trouble. So you go there to investigate and help if needed. When you get there, you discovered horrified that those people were testing fire as a weapon and that they used it to savagely burn down a couple of villages, incinerating men, women and children (that is Hiroshima and Nagasaki in case you didn’t get it). Unfortunately, you end up crashing and get captured. Throughout the years, other people from your community attempt to reach out to the ruling nations of this other civilization but are always met with hostility. The people from over there that report seeing your crafts and interacting with members of your community are always ridiculed, either by politicians, the media or pretty much everyone in general. No one will investigate these occurrences out of fear of being ridiculed and having their credibility destroyed. You watch from afar as the people of those nations are being more oppressed everyday and the ruling powers getting greedier by the day. You know that the day they find their way back to where you live they will fabricate whatever evidence they need to justify a conflict with you. But you also know that some of the people that live there are good and with proper guidance will be a tremendous addition to the already vast alliance of tribes you belong to.
You’ve already tried reaching out to the rulers and were turned away multiple times, so how do you make contact in a way that is clear and that everyone can see you? But more importantly, and this is the question you should be asking yourself, who do they make contact with? With the Americans that have been hiding the truth about our planet and the existence of other life out there all along for profit and greed? The Russians or the Chinese that also knew about it, but did nothing? What about the British, who all of a sudden discovered a new “love” for everything foreign? What about leaders of the European Union, that is starting to look more and more like a dictatorship? What about a different kind of ruling power like the Vatican? Will they usurp the truth as the word of a higher power, that only they control and lead us into another dark ages? And finally, what about you? Yes, you that are reading this? Are you ready to have entrusted to you knowledge and wisdom that can change mankind for the better, or will you keep it to yourself because it is your time to live a good life? You see, once you actually ask this question there isn’t really a clear cut answer. Maybe they should just leave us alone so we can simply destroy the planet and the ecosystem. After all, it is our planet, right? But what about all the other species that live in harmony and balance with the ecosystem? You know, the ones we are hunting to extinction. Should these other species just go gently into the night and never be seen or heard again? As you see, if you really want to delve into this question is not really that simply. But do you really want to know how contact is going to be made?
There you go.
I know, these pictures are circulating online as alien fleet around the sun, but now you know they were not around the sun, they came out of the sun because that this is how you travel around the galaxy. NASA and the American government know this, and they have started preparing for the mass panic that will no doubt come with the news that we are not alone in the universe. I expect an announcement to come any day now. You even have the new Presidential Alert system that was designed for this very occurrence, and not for the fires, earthquakes or tropical storms that have been happening for years now. But I want you to know that the day you look up and think the world is coming to an end you don’t have to be afraid. And for you that just traveled trough an ocean of stars to come see us I only want to say SBAECSEDMA.
L'une des questions les plus débattues dans notre société est de savoir s'il y a de la vie sur d'autres planètes. Et est-ce une série d'observations inexpliquées d'OVNIS qui ont conduit beaucoup à croire que des extraterrestres ont toujours existé parmi nous. Cependant, les sceptiques tentent continuellement d'expliquer ces phénomènes, tandis que les témoins ne peuvent être plus certains de ce qu'ils ont vu.
La vérité est que, lorsque les observations ne sont observées que par une seule personne, elles sont généralement discréditées. Quand il y a plusieurs témoins, alors les choses changent. Et lorsque des milliers, voire des millions de personnes sont témoins de l'impossible et que l'on voit également à la télévision en direct, la controverse commence. L'une de ces observations controversées a eu lieu le 20 janvier 2013, lorsque la chaîne de télévision américaine Fox News lors de la retransmission en direct du Washington Monument, est sortie de nulle part d'un objet mystère illuminé. Il y a ceux qui ont dit qu'il s'agissait d'un hélicoptère, car il s'est déroulé la nuit précédant la deuxième investiture du président Obama. Cependant, il n'avait pas la forme d'un hélicoptère, donc pour certains, c'était la preuve qu'un OVNI apparaissait à travers un portail dimensionnel sur la capitale américaine.
Et encore une fois, un objet mystérieux est apparu lors de la diffusion en direct du journal. Cette fois en Argentine.
OVNI à Buenos Aires.
Ils viennent de publier une curieuse vidéo montrant un objet volant non identifier (OVNI) apparaissant au cours d'un programme d'informations argentin. Dans la vidéo, vous pouvez voir les présentateurs de la chaîne d'information 5 News parler du smog qu'il y a à propos de Buenos Aires. Mais à un moment donné, la présentatrice de l'époque, Mariela Fernández, signale la présence d'un étrange objet métallique dans les cieux.
"Un OVNI, un objet volant non identifier ", s'exclame Mariela. "Qu'est-ce que c'est, qu'est-ce que c'est ? Parce que ce n'est pas un avion… et que ça va très vite. "
À partir de ce moment, le présentateur Diego Angeli essaie de trouver une explication logique et rationnelle à l'observation, expliquant même qu'un OVNI n'est pas synonyme d'un engin extraterrestre. Mais après quelques secondes, Angeli a complètement changé son discours et a reconnu que pour lui, sans aucun doute, il s'agissait d'un vaisseau extraterrestre.
En outre, il offre une explication détaillée de la raison pour laquelle il s'agissait d'un objet provenant d'autres mondes, comme s'il s'agissait d'un expert du domaine. Le présentateur argentin a expliqué que la propriété de l'embarcation extraterrestre est l'accélération, le fait de ne pas avoir de force peut accélérer à grande vitesse sans changement d'inertie, en plus de pouvoir se téléporter entre différentes dimensions.
"Pour moi, c'était un vaisseau spatial extraterrestre", dit Angeli. "Evidemment, oui."
La vidéo de l'OVNI au cours du programme informatif est rapidement devenue un phénomène viral et pour beaucoup de gens, il était clair que la vie extraterrestre était une réalité. Certains théoriciens du complot ont même prétendu que les gouvernements du monde entier et des agences spatiales telles que la NASA cachaient des secrets liés à la vie extraterrestre, afin que la population ne provoque pas le chaos parmi la population. Bien que le câble aussi la possibilité que c'est un avion secret.
Il y avait aussi ceux qui ont comparé cette observation à celle qui s'est produite lors de la retransmission en direct des informations de la chaîne de télévision américaine KOIN cette année, lorsque deux mystérieuses boules de lumière sont apparues dans le ciel derrière les présentateurs de nouvelles, pour disparaître ensuite dans une Direction différente à travers le ciel nocturne. Mais pour les sceptiques, l'OVNI de l'actualité argentine est simplement une sorte de ballon qui, en raison de la force du vent, se déplace à grande vitesse.
Selon vous, quel est l'objet mystérieux de Buenos Aires ?
Ancient Aliens In And On Stone From Around The world
Ancient Aliens In And On Stone From Around The world
Ancient Aliens are definitely in and on stones around the world. Humans have been using Alien technology to create stone walls and defenses, buildings and structures as there's many examples everywhere in the ancient world.
Below is a proposed Ancient Astronaut depicted in stone. It definitely looks like he or she is well on it's way to becoming an Ancient Astronaut.
With either Alien like symbols, artwork or depictions of Alien beings (what we would call Aliens in the modern day) it must be that these were created from living beings as they looked because they are so similar looking and plentiful. There's many examples of Alien artifacts - like for instance the huge stone works at Cusco in Peru. The walls may have been actually liquefied and then solidified in to place. We actually have a post ready to go on this specific theory so when we do, come back and check this out also on this website? The ancient historic cultures of the early world (not everywhere) but in some specific places on the planet must have had a significant and specific Alien purpose because we find very, very similar like stone carvings of Alien beings, large scale and small scale carvings all the time.
Megaliths in Cusco, Peru. Some believe that we are at our most advanced as a civilization, but if you research the precision needed to construct some ancient structures you'll discover that we have actually lost a lot of knowledge through the years. How did people move these huge rocks without the kind of technology we have today? Slave labor is not a valid answer. And even very personal stone works of which are depictions of either "favorite friends" like an Alien/human friendship trinket as a memory keepsake type souvenir -or we what would recognize it as a photograph even a selfie in today's world.
That's a universal remembrance keepsake and souvenir. We do this to mark an occasion or we do this type of thing as in "remembrance of" or to look back on something or someone but in later times and to think of that specific moment. that's what I think some of these are?
Also we have this same image capturing process in marking events, occasions and to commemorate also to revere and to worship. We even have a form of taking a likeness of something - which has meaning or a meaning to someone specific, thing or place or represents a specific event(s) and carving it in stone is what they did like the way we do today.
The Pyramid of Kukulkan in Chichen Itza is also called "El Castillo". It is one of the most impressive buildings in the ancient world. Was this ancient Pyramid (seen all over the world) constructed but using advanced Alien technology, then was it used to worship the Sky Gods or Aliens and even sacrifice humans for the Gods and to the Gods? We might never know, but we might discover something that gives us the definitive answer.
Ancient stone carvings came in all shapes and sizes but as it was carved in stone it was designed like that to make it last as long as possible so it can either teach people/Aliens alike, salute or just give a nod to so something or someone which had either a profound effect on the peoples or on something, someone or somewhere which had a significant impact and even an intricate design in something and was part of the beginning of something huge.
Like for instance Aliens coming down from the heavens above and making themselves known to the humans? That would definitely fit the Pyramids purpose and it certainly fits in with the myths and legends which surround these amazing places. Below is an image that is widely accepted by alternative researchers and Ufologists as an Ancient Astronaut wall painting by our ancient ancestors. Is this actual evidence or is this just an ancient scribbling of an overactive mind? I think this could be an ancient equivalent of a photograph.
That's what I think these ancient artifacts are, Alien related carvings? We see this process everywhere, even on the Moon, Mars and other places we've sent things or where we've been to places in the universe and left stuff!
NASA Releases 4K Video Of The Moon Ending The Moon Landing Conspiracy
NASA Releases 4K Video Of The Moon Ending The Moon Landing Conspiracy
NASA has just released a 4K video tour of Earth’s moon and the footage will make your jaw drop. Even though Earth’s moon can be viewed in unprecedented detail from Earth, NASA has recently released a video filmed in 4k showing off the surface of the moon in unprecedented close-up detail, and the video will definitely take your breath away.
How can we describe the video footage? Well, it’s stunning. It’s mesmerizing. It’s Fresh. It offers an entirely new way of exploring the surface of the moon, and you can see all of the most important and prominent features of the Earth’s satellite in the stunning video footage.
The footage dubbed as “virtual tour of the moon” in breathtaking 4K has been collected by NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft over a span of nine years.
“The tour visits a number of interesting sites chosen to illustrate a variety of lunar terrain features,” Ernie Wright of NASA’s Space Visualization Studio explained in a blog post. “Some are on the near side and are familiar to both professional and amateur observers on Earth, while others can only be seen clearly from space.”
Wright explains that this recently published video is, in fact, an updated version of another one released 7 years ago, in 2011. Despite the fact that the camera path may be the same, the data that has been gathered in 7 years has made it possible for NASA to create a far more incredible and detailed presentation of the moon.
The recently released 4k video displays a number of the moon’s features, combining colors that highlight important or noteworthy data to make sure you not only enjoy the view but learn something new. One of the most interesting parts of the video is when we have the chance to fly over the Tycho Crater, a lunar formation said to be around 100 million years old.
The most interesting part occurs when you think you’ve seen the best part.
The video zooms in unprecedently, focusing on Tycho Crater’s mesmerizing central peak which features an enigmatic 100-meter-wide bolder at the summit, “the origins of which are still a mystery,” the video’s narrator says, adding to the suspense.
In addition to the Tycho crater, you can also fly above the Apollo 17 landing site at the Taurus-Littrow Valley, which as explained in the video, is deeper than the Grand Canyon on Earth. So, the end of the Moon landing conspiracy…right? I wonder, does that make the Taurus-Littrow Valley the ‘Grander Canyon’?
Anyway, while exploring the Apollo 17 landing site, the video offers a few overlays that show us the path NASA astronauts took as they spent three days on the surface of the moon in 1972. You can appreciate the bottom half of the mission’s lunar lander and rover vehicle, items that have remained untouched and undisturbed for the last 46 years.
This video is public domain and along with other supporting visualizations can be downloaded from the Scientific Visualization Studio at .
When the Martians first land on Earth in the 1996 sci-fi comedy Mars Attacks!, for a moment it appears all will be fine. “We come in peace,” says their leader, as the music swells and a dove soars overhead. Seconds later the Martian pulls out a laser gun and opens fire on a crowd of human onlookers. Yet another blockbuster alien invasion has begun.
That’s Hollywood, of course. But the melodrama underscores one of humanity’s most widely held fears: that if and when we do encounter extraterrestrial beings, they will wreak all kinds of havoc, much as they do in the movies.
Or will they? For his new book, Aliens: The World’s LeadScientists on the Search for Extraterrestrial Life, quantum physicist Jim Al-Khalili asked a series of experts to explore how humans might actually make contact with aliens. The possibility is not as far-fetched as it once seemed: since NASA launched its Kepler mission in 2009, researchers have discovered thousands of new planets and “revolutionized our concept of how many habitable worlds could exist,” writes astrobiologist Nathalie Cabrol in one of the book’s essays.
But while Hollywood suggests we should expect to battle their inhabitants, science tells a different story. Here, five popular alien myths that Aliensdebunks.
MYTH NO. 1: Aliens would eat us
Movies like The Blob and Critters imagine aliens harvesting humans for food, an unpleasant prospect. But it doesn’t track with the science of nutrition, writes astrobiologist Lewis Dartnell. In order for aliens to get nourishment from eating us, their bodies would have to be capable of processing our molecules (like amino acids and sugars). And that requires having a similar biochemistry–a long shot for a species that hails from a different world.
MYTH NO. 2: Aliens would breed with us
Both of this summer’s extraterrestrial blockbusters, Alien: Covenant and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, involve human-alien hybrids. But given that we can’t even reproduce with our nearest evolutionary relative, the chimpanzee, it’s “overwhelmingly improbable” we could do so with aliens, according to Dartnell.
MYTH NO. 3: Aliens would look like us
Human evolution depended on so many unique and unpredictable factors, it’s near impossible that an extraterrestrial species would have human-like features, like the aliens in The Day the Earth Stood Still and Star Trek. It’s far likelier, writes neuroscientist Anil Seth, that they’d be as different as the octopus, “our very own terrestrial alien,” which has a high level of intelligence, a decentralized nervous system and an alternative style of consciousness.
MYTH NO. 4: Aliens would be “living” creatures
Even restrained films like Arrival get this one wrong, according to some scientists. Should aliens contact us, cosmologist Martin Rees believes we will hear not from fellow organic creatures, but from the robots they produced, who can, in theory, live forever.
MYTH NO. 5: Aliens would steal our water and metal
The aliens in Independence Day famously arrive to strip Earth of its resources. But again, that logic doesn’t add up, writes Dartnell. Most of our metal is in the Earth’s core, not its crust; asteroids would be far better targets for mining. And icy moons, like Jupiter’s Europa, would be easier places to stock up on water. They’re uninhabited, and they don’t have Earth’s strong gravitational pull.
So if aliens aren’t interested in harvesting our lands or our bodies, why would they make contact? Dartnell suspects a purer motive: curiosity. “If aliens did come to Earth,” he writes, it would probably be “as researchers: biologists, anthropologists, linguists, keen to understand the peculiar workings of life on Earth, to meet humanity and learn of our art, music, culture, languages, philosophies and religions.”
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Something is happening above the moon (Raw footage) on October 21, 2018 A professional photographer using his Nicon camera with a 3000mm lens recorded on October 18, 2018 the moon as well as unusual activity above and near the moon. The video shows a
Something is happening above the moon (Raw footage)
A professional photographer using his Nicon camera with a 3000mm lens recorded on October 18, 2018 the moon as well as unusual activity above and near the moon.
The video shows a UFO next to the moon. then a second circular UFO becomes visible.
Next a third UFO approaches and flies upwards until it disappears behind the moon.
In the meantime till the end of the video the first UFO remains in the same position.
The footage below is the raw version of the moon event and submitted to Mufon.
Noodweerbenelux/Felix VanderleenenEen 'pilotengat', vanmiddag gespot boven het Vlaams-Brabantse Halle.
WEERNIEUWSBoven de Vlaams-Brabantse stad Halle is vanmiddag een opmerkelijk natuurfenomeen gespot. Het gaat om een ’fallstreak hole’, of een zogenaamd pilotengat.
Volgens Noodweerbenelux gaat het om een vrij zeldzaam verschijnsel, waarbij een rond of elliptisch gat ontstaat in de wolken. Het fenomeen ontstaat onder meer wanneer een vliegtuig door de wolken vliegt. “Deze wolken bestaan uit onderkoelde waterdruppeltjes”, klinkt het. “Wat wil zeggen dat die druppeltjes niet zijn bevroren, maar wel een temperatuur onder het vriespunt hebben. Wanneer in een laag bevriezing optreedt, worden ijskristallen gevormd die vervolgens omlaag vallen. Zo lijkt het of er als het ware een hap uit de wolken is verdwenen.”
In the recent world of fringe science, there has been an explosion of interest in so-called meta-materials allegedly “recovered from unidentified aerial phenomena.” Although this announcement has created a great deal of excitement, there has been very little context to these claims. The public, therefore, has no real baseline by which to critique or even understand the claims or methods being employed to confirm the potentially anomalous nature of the material. For example, how can a member of the public understand whether or not the testing methods suggested by a variety of individuals are sufficient? And how will the evidence such testing provides be understood and analyzed by the scientific community, and how best can that be expressed to the general public? In this report our group will give this context, helping the public to construct informed opinions on these testing methods, results, and the very nature of the tests performed.
As a first pass on this analysis, we must understand what questions are being asked. In other words, let’s suppose we were given a piece of material that was believed to have come from another, potentially alien civilization. The challenge presented to our scientific team is to prove whether or not this material really did, or at least most likely must have, come from some non-Earth intelligence. How would we begin to develop a plan to test if the evidence supported this hypothesis? This question can be broken down into a number of significant portions. Firstly, we would want to identify if the material has come from outer space by comparing it to similar materials or samples we find on Earth. Does it show significant enough differences to cause us to believe it did not come from our planet? Second, is there evidence that the material has been engineered or designed in some way? Does it show properties or applications that we wouldn’t expect to occur naturally, or is it engineered or composed in a way to give it specific properties? And third, does it show advanced techniques or knowledge with which we are unfamiliar. Are there super-heavy elements which we have yet to discover here on Earth, does it show crystal structures or solid phases that have not yet been documented by the materials science community, does it show composition and engineering which is beyond the scope of science today?
This artist’s concept depicts Kepler-186f, the first validated Earth-size planet to orbit a distant star in the habitable zone — a range of distance from a star where liquid water might pool on the planet’s surface.
(Image Credit: NASA)
If these three questions are answered in the affirmative and supported by evidence this would be enough to support the hypothesis. This would show that this material is not only from outer space but from a civilization that had engineered it for a specific purpose. Each question answered in the affirmative would be a tremendous milestone for the person who found the material, but not enough to support the extraordinary claim of alien engineering on its own. For instance, if the material were found to be from outer space with evidence of unknown properties it may be a meteorite or other piece of space debris, but not necessarily from another civilization. At the same time, if the material showed evidence of engineering and was also found to have unknown properties it could be from an experimental aircraft or another device that is currently unknown to the public and scientific community. One possibility we cannot ignore here is that our current science may not be able to understand or determine the properties or applications for which a given material has been engineered. This may give a false negative to our question 3 above and lead us to unfairly characterize some samples as not passing the high threshold we have set. Ultimately if a material has been engineered, it is almost implied that there would be a reasoning behind this engineering, some application for which it would be used. Therefore, I would anticipate that although we may not currently understand its application that does not imply that an application was not in mind when the material was initially designed. This suggests that for cases where engineering is suspected as well as a non-Earth point of origin careful consideration must be given to potential applications we do not expect, as well as a variety of tests that may not be obvious to the engineer or scientist.
Materials science is a broad field with applications across the breadth of scientific, engineering, and medical studies. It deals primarily with the analysis and study of solid materials, both in their bulk form (for example the properties of a gallon of sand) and at the level of individual particles (a single grain of sand). This science deals with both crystalline materials, those with repeating patterns of atomic arrangement into what are known as crystalline phases (one of the most well-known examples of a crystalline solid is diamond, although crystals do not need to be gem-like, for example, salt), and amorphous solids, those without repeating atomic arrangements (one of which is aluminosilicate glass materials such as those used for dishware or windows in homes). Other materials which are well known to the reader are metallic solids such as Iron (a bulk collection of iron atoms held together by shared electrons) and steel (an alloy of iron with other metals, creating a solid mixture of components into a roughly homogeneous material). These materials are all, more or less, simplistic in their composition and manufacturing processes. For the majority of our time as a civilization, we have either mined them from the Earth for our direct use, or performed slight modifications such as melting, remixing, and re-casting to make them more useful. It is potentially true that other civilizations, having obtained the ability to make their way to our distant corner of the universe, will have also had their bronze or iron ages far in the past, and come to roughly the same conclusions as our metallurgists, scientists, and engineers when it comes to how to shape and utilize these materials at the bulk scale (assuming of course that these beings are physical things at all, something that is out of the scope of this discussion).
In recent years, materials engineering has focused on the creation of novel materials for directed applications. In particular, this has focused on the creation of materials with nanoscale properties, those which become apparent at the bulk scale but are due to properties of the material at the scale of 1 x 10-9 meters long. Of particular interest to the study of potentially engineered materials, the behavior of nanoengineered solids is such that they would not, in general, be possible in nature as far as we understand it. These may include the creation of composite materials (e.g. solid particles covered in polymer molecules, layers of unlike oxides and metallic compounds with polymer or soft matter layers, designed or engineering crystal or polymer phases, and others), the creation of non-standard geometries (asymmetrical crystal growth or properties, designed crystal defects at regular positions, pillaring or other mixed porosity structuring), or the creation of materials that are post-synthetically functional (in other words materials that can be reversibly altered through the application of heat, chemical impulse, electromagnetic field, or some other energy/force). Probing structures of this sort is a complicated process, but one which has a tremendous amount of literature background available for the interested scientist or engineer. The pathway is apparent to those with the wherewithal to follow it; however, the jargon and specifics may be confusing and difficult to the interested public. In general, however, there are a number of properties that would be of immediate interest to a material scientist faced with the three hypotheses we have posited above.
2. Atomic and Isotopic Make-Up
The first piece of useful information is what the material is composed of. This question in the first place helps to narrow down our later searches significantly, provides information to hint at the origin point of the material, and may even help us answer if the material has been engineered or not; as has been gone over consistently in the popular articles on this subject one of these tests would include something like EDS (Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy) or XRF (X-ray Fluorescence). In both of these tests, a material sample is bombarded with X-Rays in a test chamber, causing the atoms within the sample to become excited. These excited atoms eventually relax back to their initial ground state, by releasing photons which are then collected by a detector within the test chamber. The released photons are dependent on the atomic number of the elements within the sample, and in some testing methods, the oxidation state of the atoms within the material can be determined as well. These tests provide information on the elements within the sample, as well as a rough estimate of the chemical makeup of the bulk solid. In the unlikely case that the material contains an unknown element, it is these sorts of tests that would show the scientist that further testing should likely be performed. These tests may also suggest the presence of elements we don’t expect to find normally on the surface of the Earth, or even percentages of elements that are uncommonly found. For example, there are elements which are not naturally occurring but instead result from our nuclear weapons testing. Elements of this sort such as Strontium and Cesium would not be anticipated in high percentages in a normal sample of material, although again this would only suggest that the material is not from a standard source and not that it is extraterrestrial in origin.
Another type of information which has been held up as the holy grail of material testing in pop science is isotopic testing and ratio analysis. Isotopes of a given element are defined by their atomic number (the number of protons in their nucleus, which gives the element it’s identity and placement on the periodic table) and their mass (the number of protons and neutrons, each defined as one atomic mass unit, within the nucleus). The relative abundance of an isotope of an element on the surface of the Earth is, very roughly, averaged to give the atomic mass listed on the periodic table for that element. Isotopes vary due to their stability (with radioactive isotopes decaying and therefore becoming less abundant with time), and therefore the relative ratio of isotopes within a given sample would normally be expected to fit within the range of other samples found on the Earth. However, the variation of isotopes across the Earth’s surface can vary significantly, with radioactive testing and other geological or historical factors potentially playing a part. Therefore, it is important to be nuanced and careful in the analysis of these tests, a fact that has not been fully appreciated to date by those claiming to have extraordinary samples. At best isotopic testing would tell us that material is outside of the range of terrestrial samples we usually find, warranting further study by other means. It may also tell us if the sample is from before or after the Earth or even our solar system formed, or what local chemical or geological make up may have looked like over the lifetime of the sample. However, isotopic testing alone is not sufficient to answer the question of whether or not a sample has been engineered or left behind by some advanced civilization.
Isotopic testing is generally performed utilizing magnetic mass spectrometry techniques such as Isotope-Ratio Mass Spectrometry (IRMS) or Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICPMS). In these tests, the material sample is first atomized, either by grinding or very fast heating and dispersion in a carrier solution, which also causes them to take on a net positive or negative charge and thereby become ions. These ions are then carried with the carrier gas or plasma through a magnetic field towards an ion detector. The magnetic field is set up in such a way that ions will be separated from one another based on their mass to charge ratio, a value which is specific to ions of isotopes of a given element. Essentially, isotopes which are heavier will flow more slowly with the carrier gas, and those with higher charges will be more attracted to the magnetic field. This allows us to obtain a readout of the mass to charge ratio of the atoms within a sample, which when compared to a standard set of samples can then be used to determine the isotopes within the sample as well as their relative abundance based on the number of hits the detector reads. The results of these tests can be extremely accurate, down to parts per million of a sample if given the correct calibrations and analysis methods being employed.
Mass Spectrometry Machine at the University of Toronto
(Image Credit: Flickr/Nayuki)
3. Crystallography and Surface Characterization
If an advanced civilization has engineered a material for a specific purpose, one of the avenues to discover the trademarks of this engineering may be in the specifics of the solid components that make up the material. This includes the surface characteristics of the individual solid components (for example are they patterned or etched, do they show evidence of atomic deposition or other surface treatments for growth or sealing, are the surfaces polished or show a lack of imperfections), the porous structure of the support (is the surface area very high, are their complex porous channels that appear to have some separation or adsorption potential, are the pores engineered to include secondary chemical sites for chemisorption or catalysis of some sort), the crystal structure or phase of the components (is it a crystal structure that currently exists on Earth, is it a single crystal compound, does it show multiple materials combined together in a way which is unexpected), and the bulk properties of the solid (how does it respond to temperature, pressure, shear stresses, radiation, etc). The range of possible properties that can be probed in this case is vast; however, there are a few tests which I would consider to be absolutely necessary for a true analysis of any potentially engineered solid. These include X-Ray Diffraction, Pore/Surface analysis via adsorption isotherm, Raman or FTIR Spectroscopy, Electron Microscopy, and Thermogravimetric Analysis/Differential Scanning Calorimetry. These cover the broad gamut of materials characterization, giving a view of the materials properties as they currently exist, and would hint at potential other applications or methods of engineering should they exist.
X-Ray Diffraction consists of the analysis of how an X-Ray beam is diffracted off of a materials crystal lattice. You can imagine a crystal structure like a regularly repeating pattern of atoms, each placed in a fixed position to one another in 3-dimensional space. During X-Ray diffraction, the crystal lattice is bombarded with photons, which are being shot as a beam at a given angle. Photons will interact and collide with atoms within the crystal lattice if they come into contact and be diffracted off of the solids lattice. In X-Ray Diffraction the photons that are diffracted are collected at each given angle and analyzed to determine information about the geometry of the crystal structure, how well defined the crystal is, and even in some cases how much stress or strain the material is under. For our analysis, the first important characterization is if the material is a crystal structure or not. If it is a crystal, is it a sort of crystal structure that we would find in the scientific literature, or is it something novel to materials science? From the hints that we have received so far by those in possession of these materials, we may expect that the solid is layered, or lamellar. These layered solids possess diffraction patterns at the lowest X-Ray angles, between 0.1 and 5 degrees 2 theta (2 thetas being the measured angle of the X-Ray beam). This corresponds to very large spaces between repeating planes, with most layered materials in the open literature showing d spacings of between 10 and 40 Angstroms. This would be a quick and easy test to run and would immediately tell us if the structure is layered in any way which would make it outside of the scope of naturally occurring lamellar structures such as clays or layered hydroxides.
X Ray diffraction patterns at the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester.
(Image Credit: Flickr/Duncan Hull
Spectroscopy occurs similarly, probing the structure with photons of a given energy and observing the excitation of the material surface to tell us something about the chemical bonds likely present on the material. Raman spectroscopy is generally utilized in this field for metallic structures, although the information obtained in this way is generally limited. The true use of these spectroscopic techniques from a materials science perspective is in the ability to see if there are secondary chemical functionalities present on the material’s surface. For example, we may expect that catalysis or separation applications on some other planet would require the same careful control of chemical binding sites as we use on Earth for our catalysis and separations applications. This would be clear by the presence of secondary chemical species not often found on the surface of solid materials. Sensors on a material surface, coatings for different applications, and other potential surface species adsorbed onto the material being studied (such as debris from entry into the upper atmosphere, chemical species from the atmosphere of where ever this material has been, and other surface alterations) would also potentially be observable from such an analysis. This in tandem with isotherm analysis for porosity and surface area information would also be extremely useful. Materials with very high surface areas may show potential as catalysts or adsorbents and would show at least that the material was likely created and not naturally occurring (surface areas as high as 3000 m2/g have been achieved on Earth, although only for synthetic materials).
Electron Microscopy via Scanning Electron Microscopy and Transmission Electron Microscopy would give information as to the solids bulk surface properties, although outside of that the information gleaned from such analysis is likely to be limited. Of particular interest would be whether the surface is patterned or altered in some way. For example, on Earth we are currently studying the effect of rough surface patterning on anti-bacterial or microbial properties of surfaces, as well as what effect surface etching or patterning can have on the ability to repel or absorb water. We may expect that other intelligences would also find these properties useful to tune and would utilize them to provide beneficial properties to their materials. There may also be other surface patterning alterations which provide additional benefits, for example, radar cloaking or resistance to heat or radiation. On top of that if the material has been fabricated at the micron or bulk scales, then these microscopic techniques would tell that story, providing direct evidence of engineering. Thermal analysis may also provide some benefit, although this would again be limited. TGA and DSC work by heating the material slowly over time and observing what changes are made to the temperature of the material or the weight of the material. This may provide information on organic content, the ability of the material to withstand increased temperatures or heat fluxes, and how the solid behaves under the extreme heat of entry into the atmosphere from space.
4. Current State of Materials Study and Conclusion
As far as can be gleaned from the information available to the general public, it appears that efforts to date concerning the analysis of solids potentially occurring from some unknown civilization have focused on the first class of studies, those concerning the elements making up the material and their isotopes. However, as has been suggested by this work that is only a small portion of the entire picture needed before any definitive conclusions can be made. There are other, more specific tests that would need to be run to determine the potential applications of any material, how it was potentially fabricated, and where it may have come from. However, as any first-year materials science student can tell you, these are the basic analytical techniques which would be utilized for a serious investigation. Of particular concern to the interested public should be any study that purports to give evidence without reporting clearly and in detail their methods, potential sources of error, the accuracy of their measurements, and other information required to replicate their results. Without these pieces of information, it is impossible to verify any claims regarding a material’s properties, let alone more extraordinary claims regarding potential engineering by a non-Earth civilization. It is the authors hope that this report has been informative to the general public, and it is our sincere hope that this work may be of some use to those interested in these subjects who are not sure what to make of extraordinary claims of materials with special properties or exotic origin points.
Prepared by Christopher F. Cogswell, Ph.D. in association with the Scientific Association for the Investigation of Unexplained Phenomena.
UFO researchers and UFO and Close Encounters of the Third Kind enthusiasts gathered in Hulett, Wyoming for the Devils Tower UFO Rendezvous recently. Held near the iconic natural phenomenon made famous from the Steven Spielberg movie, lectures discussed UFO research and the latest UFO news. interviewed several of the speakers on their thoughts regarding the recent revelation that the Pentagon had a secret UFO program that began in 2007. According to insiders, the program still exists.
Open Minds UFO Radio: Micah Hanks is a writer, podcaster, and researcher whose interests cover a variety of subjects. His areas of focus include history, science, philosophy, current events, cultural studies, technology, unexplained phenomena, and ways the future of humankind may be influenced by science and innovation in the coming decades.
In 2012, his book The UFO Singularity explored themes that incorporated futurism and technology–both speculatively, and at times skeptically–into an analysis of UFO phenomena. Micah hosts The Gralien Report podcast which has seriously covered the UFO phenomenon for many years. In this interview, we discuss the cultural significance of the UFO phenomenon and how it has changed the culture and how it may influence the future.
How Close Are We to Kubrick's AI-Controlled Vision of the Future?
How Close Are We to Kubrick's AI-Controlled Vision of the Future?
By Mindy Weisberger, Live Science Senior Writer
A murderous computer named HAL in the film "2001: A Space Odyssey" (1968).
Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures
"I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that."
Movie audiences first heard these calmly intoned and ominous words in 1968, spoken by a spaceship's intelligent computer in the science-fiction masterpiece "2001: A Space Odyssey." With that one phrase, the computer named HAL 9000 confirmed that it could think for itself, and that it was prepared to terminate the astronauts who were planning to deactivate it.
We might be a lot closer than we think, with machines as smart — and as potentially threatening — as HAL lurking "in plain sight on Earth," according to an essay published yesterday (Oct. 17) in the journal Science Robotics.
Essay author Robin Murphy, a professor of computer science and engineering at Texas A&M University, knows artificial intelligence well; she was a pioneering leader in the development of disaster-response robots, and she serves as director of Texas A&M's Humanitarian Robotics and AI Laboratory, according to a faculty biography.
Kubrick's portrait of HAL represented a rare glimpse of what were then very young fields: AI and robotics, showcasing three disciplines that were critical for developing artificial intelligence: "natural language understanding, computer vision and reasoning," Murphy wrote in the essay.
HAL learned from observing its environment, watching and analyzing the words, facial expressions and movements of the human astronauts on the spaceship. It was responsible for performing rote functions such as maintaining the spaceship, but as a "thinking" computer, HAL also was capable of responding conversationally to the astronauts, Murphy explained.
However, when the mission goes awry and the astronauts decide to shut HAL down, the AI discovers their plot by lip-reading. HAL arrives at a new conclusion that wasn't part of its original programming, deciding to save itself by systematically killing off the people onboard.
The prospect of AI doing more harm than good may not be that farfetched. Experts suggest that weaponized AI could play a big part in future global conflicts, and the late physicist Stephen Hawking suggested that humanity might soon find AI to be the biggest threat to our survival.
"The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race," Hawking told the BBC in 2014.
During a pivotal scene in "2001," HAL strands astronaut David Bowman (Keir Dullea) outside the spaceship, cutting off his demands for re-entry with an emotionless, "This conversation can serve no purpose anymore." But the conversation about AI today is far from over; humanity's growing dependence on computers for a range of everyday uses demonstrates that AI has already established a firm foothold in our homes and in our lives.
What that could mean for humanity over the next 50 years, however, remains to be seen.
Why Haven't We Found Aliens? Because We're Just Not Looking Hard Enough.
Why Haven't We Found Aliens? Because We're Just Not Looking Hard Enough.
By Adam Mann, Live Science Contributor
The Very Large Array in New Mexico is searching for out-of-this-world signals from extraterrestrial intelligence. But it still only covers a vanishingly tiny slice of the search space where alien signals could hide.
Credit: Shutterstock
Editor's Note: This story was corrected at 5:20 p.m. E.D.T.
Where are all the aliens? For decades, humans have searched for artificial signals, yet the skies above remain silent. But new research suggests that researchers' investigations have so far not been particularly exhaustive; if the total possible search space were equivalent to the all the water in Earth's oceans, we have examined only a hot tub's worth of volume.
"It is often said that we have been looking for 40 years or so, but we still haven't found any signs of extraterrestrial civilization," said Shubham Kanodia, an astronomy graduate student at Penn State University and co-author of the new paper in the preprint journal arXiv, which has been submitted to The Astronomical Journal. "We wanted to see how much have we looked and how much more do we need to look."
Researchers see radio telescopes as an obvious instrument to use for such investigations, because radio waves travel easily through interstellar dust and, in certain parts of the radio spectrum, background interference is minimized. "It is the 'cosmic quiet zone' where we can best listen for a faint whisper across the interstellar expanse," as an article on the SETI Institute's website puts it.
But how much of the skies have researchers scoured for such radio signals? Along with his colleagues, Kanodia created a rigorous mathematical framework to analyze past SETI searches. The researchers looked at eight separate parameters, including the amount of sky a telescope searched, the sensitivity of the searching observatory and the power of a potential signal. They concluded that, of the total possible search space in which a signal could have hid, previous SETI searches have examined roughly 5.8 times 10 raised to the minus 18, or about a quintillionth, of the available space, which is itself merely a miniscule part of the huge range of potential bandwidths that scientists could search through.
The findings support those who argue that "the Great Silence" is merely an artifact of our limited investigations. "Bright and obvious radio beacons might be quite common in the sky, but we would not know it yet, because our search completeness to date is so low," the authors wrote in the paper.
There is much more room to expand these examinations, said Kanodia, as SETI searches now go beyond radio wavelengths. Newer studies target signals in the optical bands as well, because intelligent aliens might flash powerful optical laser pulses into the universe, either as signals or as a method to drive interstellar spaceships powered by solar sails, Kanodia said. He and his colleagues hope to also eventually quantify the amount of optical SETI that has been done to date, he said.
However, even if we searched both optical and radio wavelengths thoroughly, that would likely represent only a small sliver of the potential search space. In the course of their history, extraterrestrials might have come across many phenomena that humans have not, some of which might be useful for generating signals, Kanodia said. "In all probability, there is still a lot of physics that we have not yet deciphered or understood," he said. "If you were trying to communicate with a caveman with a walkie-talkie, you would not receive any reply."
The results are heartening, said Jill Tarter, an astronomer and former director of the Center for SETI Research, who has done similar calculations in the past. Her results suggested that total SETI searches were akin to looking at a drinking glass's worth of seawater and concluding that there were no fish in the ocean. "I was glad to see that I was in the right ballpark," she said. "It's a very big ocean, and so far, we haven't been able to investigate very much of it."
Editor's Note: This story was updated to note that the study looked at eight parameters, including how much of the sky a telescope searched, not the number of star systems searched.
One of the most perplexing of all the UFO shapes is the Changing UFOs category. For a few years now I’ve heard many UFO enthusiasts complain that the Changing category is useless since it really doesn’t define anything, or that the observers are flawed in some way. I must admit that the previous reports of Changing or Morphing UFOs left me with the impression that these were flawed observations.
Then I listened to the radio talk show Coast to Coast AM, as investigative journalist George Knapp was interviewing Jacques Vallee, one of the deans of Ufology. Vallée made a point about Changing UFOs that seem to morph in an effort to confound observers, their cameras and other scientific equipment that the researchers might be using.
A strong case has been made that many UFOs seem to be under intelligent control vs. some random natural phenomena like ball lighting. Another idea is that these unidentified craft might be “living ships with Artificial Intelligence (AI) Consciousness.” The idea is that these living ships detect the thoughts of people on the ground trying to observe them.
I decided to see what the statistical numbers indicate. First, let me preface two important points:
Many people have a knee-jerk habit of just seeking out the big UFO numbers. My advice is to not be seduced by big numbers; sometimes the prize is hiding in plain sight but with smaller numbers.
Many have a preconceived notion of what a UFO should be like. Remember that although our eyes sense things, seeing really happens in the brain where the interpretation occurs. Any culture with usable telepathy or AI with telepathic functionality could in theory project “what it wants” into your thought process. Now that is the ultimate stealth technology!
Here’s some intriguing data on the “Frequency of Sighting Profile.” For comparison, I selected the most common UFO shape reported: a simple “light” in the sky. The blue line sighting profile from 2001 to 2017 is roughly consistent with most other UFO shapes. There was a slight rise from 2001 through 2007. There is a spike in 2008, which was caused by a documentary about UFOs that was on the Discovery Channel. MUFON was featured in that Discovery show as a national UFO reporting service and thereafter the MUFON data loosely tracked year to year similar to NUFOC. In 2011 through 2015 there is a sharp rise and fall and in 2016 and 2017 have fallen off sharply.
Now look at the red line which represents the Changing UFOs. Note that that the Light shape has sharply changing and huge sighting numbers between the high hundreds through the tens of thousands. The Changing UFO has numbers more or less in the dirt by comparison; with an even string of reports totaling less than 2,100 sighting reports over 17 years.
If we examine the Changing UFO with a finer resolution we can see that it also has a rolling cyclic nature; with an average of about 123 sighting reports per year.
I was surprised where these Changing UFO reports were coming from. California, as you might expect, had 340. Yet it was the next four states that were telling, with a range from 130 to 103: Florida, 130; Washington, 104; Arizona, 103; and Texas, 103. I expected to see a steeper drop in those sighting numbers. Thereafter, the sighting numbers for the Changing UFO dropped very gradually across the various states, which is a very atypical sighting pattern.
I took a peek at U.S. counties for this Changing UFO. Since the overall national sighting numbers for the Changing UFO were barely 2,100, I didn’t expect every county in the country to have a sighting. Using a Forensic Cluster process that I’ve developed I discovered the following with regard to Changing UFO reports.
Only 594 counties of more than 3,000 counties nationally, reported a Changing UFO from 2001 to 2017. Only 319 counties reported more than two. Only 31 counties reported more than 10. Interestingly, only four counties reported more than 25. Clark County, Nevada, reported 26. Orange County, California, reported 41. Maricopa County, Arizona, reported 60 and Los Angeles County, California, reported 79.
I would never have dreamed that from such tiny sighting numbers that such an interesting mystery would reveal itself.
UFO Mega Con, Laughlin, Nevada, March 24-30
Ozark Mountains UFO Con, Eureka Springs, Arkansas, April 12-14
Illustration of CI Tau, which is surrounded by a planetary disc and has four gas giants orbiting around it.
Credit: University of Cambridge.
Astronomers have discovered a peculiar solar system some 500 light-years away from Earth that may force them to rethink how planets form. The star in question is only two million years old — a mere ‘toddler’ by astronomical standards — but despite its very young age, it’s orbited by four Jupiter and Saturn-sized planets.
A crowded baby star
Since the first confirmation of an exoplanet orbiting a sun-like star in 1995, and with only a few narrow slices of our Milky Way galaxy surveyed so far, astronomers have confirmed 2,327 exoplanets, with a further 2,244 awaiting confirmation.
A recent statistical estimate places, on average, at least one planet around every star in the galaxy. However, only 1% of the stars astronomers have surveyed so far host a hot Jupiter — a class of gas giant exoplanets that are inferred to be physically similar to Jupiter but that have a very short orbital period.
Most of the hot Jupiters currently identified orbit stars that are at least hundreds of millions of years old. This is why CI Tau, the young star recently studied by researchers at the University of Cambridge, is so interesting. What’s more, it has not one but four gas giants orbiting it.
The astronomers used Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) to identify the exoplanets. CI Tau is surrounded by a huge disc of dust and ice, known as a protoplanetary disc, which will seed planets, moons, asteroids, and other objects in its system. ALMA’s instruments were able to find distinct gaps in the disc which theoretical modeling showed would correspond to gas giant planets orbiting the star.
According to the new study published theAstrophysical Journal Letters, the four planets differ greatly in their orbit. The closest planet to CI Tau, a juvenile hot Jupiter, is within the equivalent orbit of Mercury.
The farthest orbits are at a distance three times greater than that of Neptune from the Sun. The two outer planets are about the mass of Saturn, while the two inner planets are around one and 10 times the mass of Jupiter respectively. Given that the outermost planet is more than a thousand times further from the star than the innermost one, the system has also set a new record for the most extreme range of orbits observed so far.
Scientists are not sure what to make of this anomalous system. Hot Jupiters have always puzzled astronomers because they are often thought to orbit too close to their parent stars to have formed in situ — instead, they might be captured rogue planets. But considering the age of CI Tau, the findings suggest that hot Jupiters could form within close proximity of a star.
“It is currently impossible to say whether the extreme planetary architecture seen in CI Tau is common in hot Jupiter systems because the way that these sibling planets were detected—through their effect on the protoplanetary disc – would not work in older systems which no longer have a protoplanetary disc,” said Professor Cathie Clarke from Cambridge’s Institute of Astronomy, the study’s first author.
In the future, the team of researchers plans on studying CI Tau at multiple wavelengths to learn more about the disc and its planets. For instance, they would like to see whether the outer planets played a role in driving their innermost sibling into such an ultra-close orbit. How the two outer planets formed in the first place is also a mystery.
“Planet formation models tend to focus on being able to make the types of planets that have been observed already, so new discoveries don’t necessarily fit the models,” said Clarke. “Saturn mass planets are supposed to form by first accumulating a solid core and then pulling in a layer of gas on top, but these processes are supposed to be very slow at large distances from the star. Most models will struggle to make planets of this mass at this distance.”
According To Steven Greer, Trump’s Administration Has Been Briefed About UFOs
According To Steven Greer, Trump’s Administration Has Been Briefed About UFOs
What do presidents know about UFOs? Well, if you’re an avid researcher of the topic, you’ve probably realized by now that presidents don’t really have a “need to know” about these things.
The “military-industrial complex” that Eisenhower spoke of, which has become as uncontrollably powerful as he feared, has completely taken over operations that not even the president knows about. Many from within political realms who’ve held esteemed positions have spoken out about this fact.
Take Paul Hellyer for example, a former Canadian Defense Minister, who gave a lecture at the University of Toronto in 2008 where he said it is “ironic that the U.S. would begin a devastating war, allegedly in search of weapons of mass destruction when the most worrisome developments in this field are occurring in your own backyard.”
He was referring to black budget special access programs, which receive no oversight from Congress. This means that not even the government knows about the developments happening in this area, all for “national security” purposes.
“It is ironic that the U.S. should be fighting monstrously expensive wars allegedly to bring democracy to those countries, when it itself can no longer claim to be called a democracy when trillions, and I mean thousands of billions of dollars have been spent on projects which both congress and the commander in chief know nothing about.”
To The Stars Academy
It’s almost 2019, and the topic of UFOs has exploded into the mainstream, especially with former rock superstar Tom Delonge gathering defense intelligence officials, world-renowned scientists and more to relay this information to the public via the ‘To The Stars Academy.’ They’ve already released multiple videos of UFOs, and have publicly stated that there are programs within the government that study this phenomenon.
They have Luis Elizondo, a former director of a government ‘aerospace threat identification’ program. This was all disclosed via establishment mouthpieces like the New York Times and the Washington Post.
They’ve also admitted to recovering materials from these ‘unidentified’ objects. You can read the latest updates about what’s going on with that and mainstream UFO disclosure, in general, below.
Black Budget Projects
The black budget is something we easily get information about, and for those who try to bring out information it is difficult to investigate. One example is the efforts of journalists Dana Priest and William Arkin of the Washington Post in 2010.
Their investigation lasted approximately two years and concluded that America’s classified world has “become so large, so unwieldy and so secretive that no one knows how much money it costs, how many people it employs, and how many programs exist within it or exactly how many agencies do the same work.” You can read more about that HERE.
Here is one of many statements from people who have been “in the know” so to speak. There are thousands of verified quotes on this subject, and we now have the electro-optical data and evidence to back up all of this witness testimony.
“We have, indeed, been contacted – perhaps even visited – by extraterrestrial beings, and the US government, in collusion with the other national powers of the Earth, is determined to keep this information from the general public.” (Second Look, Volume 1, No 7, Washington, DC, May, 1979)
What are the intentions of the cabal when it comes to UFO disclosure? We’ve been lied to about so many things by them, that it’s become hard to believe anything we hear from mainstream mouthpieces.
Presidents George Bush and Barack Obama, who I believe are establishment puppets, have brought up the subject, acknowledged it, but have refused to share any information on it. They did so in cryptic, often comedic ways on popular television, on the Jimmy Kimmel show. It’s hard to know what to make of their comments, or even their overall knowledge about this.
Has Donald Trump been briefed? Yes he has, according to Dr. Steven Greer.
Greer is the founder of The Disclosure Project, an initiative that has brought forth hundreds of military/ defense/ political personnel from all over the world, with verified credentials, to publicly share their testimony about their experiences with UFOs and extraterrestrials. He also released a film last year, called “Unacknowledged.”
It was one of the most popular, if not the most popular film on Itunes & Netflix in 2017. It’s highly recommended if you are new to this subject and don’t already know much about it.
Greer has amassed great credibility for his claims. For example, many years ago he claimed to have had meetings at the Pentagon with some very high-ranking people.
After this, Apollo astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell admitted that he also attended these meetings with Greer. What came out of these meetings is that not many people knew the details of this topic, nor wanted to discuss it.
He’s been able to develop relationships with individuals he has interviewed from various branches and ranks of the military as well as within the intelligence and defence communities.
In my opinion, Podesta, Clinton, Obama and Bush are all cabal puppets. Therefore, anything they say about terrorism, national security, or UFOs, is probably lathered up with some ‘disinformation’ soap.
Without this point, if we completely disregard it, there is still more than enough evidence to show that they are simply following the will of their masters. But that’s a topic for another article, back to UFOs!
Greer says he has briefed people close to Trump about the UFO / extraterrestrial issue in this interview. He has also claimed to have briefed past presidents, like Obama and Clinton, and provides those documents on his website, Sirius Disclosure. It seems credible, especially when his claim to have had high-level meetings within the Pentagon was verified by Dr. Edgar Mitchell.
White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders has so far not answered any questions that have been asked about UFOs.
Will There Ever Be A Full Mainstream UFO Disclosure?
Given the fact that this topic seems to be controlled by a small group of very powerful people who gets to decide what humanity can and can’t know, I’d say that as long as this group maintains power, the reality of UFOs and extraterrestrial beings will be hidden from humanity in official channels. A censorship plan has also been spoken about for years by those within.
Roscoe Hiellenkoetter, the first director of the CIA, for example, pointed out decades ago in the New York Times that, “through an official campaign of secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.” He went on to state that they are operating under intelligent control.
That being said, there is a serious effort by multiple nations, and perhaps those within this power structure as well, to reveal these truths to humanity. This is evident by all of the whistle-blowers with verified credentials who have shared their experiences, as well as the release of evidence in the form of radar trackings and electro-optical data.
There is a serious push for mainstream disclosure, this can’t be denied and is quite evident by the article linked earlier. Establishment mouthpieces are slowly disclosing this reality.
In 1979 Spanish General Carlos Cavero told the world the following:
“Everything in a process of investigation both in the United States and in Spain, as well as the rest of the world. The nations of the world are currently working together in the investigation of the UFO phenomenon an international exchange of data.” (via Richard Dolan, “UFOs & The National Security State”)
Why Any Disclosure At All?
Why would the New York Times, CNN and the rest of them share any of this truth? Can we believe what they say?
Perhaps not everything they say is false, but for years we’ve seen major geopolitical issues completely twisted by the mainstream media, and evidence of ‘perception manipulation’ that is fostered by their close relationship with US intelligence agencies.
There is also the testimony of multiple award-winning mainstream media journalists who emphasize how mainstream media outlets are paid by governments, corporations and intelligence agencies to present a specific narrative.
Is the establishment trying to lay the foundation for a ‘war against aliens’ like they made a ‘war against drugs’ and a ‘war terror?’ Or are we seeing the white hats within these groups push for the disclosure of information?
All this remains to be seen, but we must understand why this topic would be extremely difficult to disclose and to be honest, it’s probably a mix of both.
For one, you have the energy question. These crafts are clearly not using petroleum. Have we harvested technology from these crafts? If released, what would that mean for the oil industry and our economy? Who would benefit, who would lose?
What about the historical questions, the scientific questions? What about our laws of science and what we understand about ourselves and perhaps human origin? What about the idea that there are intelligent extraterrestrials surveying, visiting, and interacting with people here on Earth!
Tremendous Implications
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the disclosure of this information leaves no area of humanity untouched.
As you can imagine, it has tremendous implications and it’s something that would change the world forever. I am sure the existence of extraterrestrials and the fact that we’ve been visited and are being visited, is not even the tip of the iceberg when it comes to discovery.
Most important will be the impact on consciousness, the deeper investigation into metaphysical realities, and the validation of non-material science. One can expect that disclosure will impact our understanding of who we are and why we are here, and perhaps there is some sort of spiritual lesson to be reaped from the realization that we are not the only ones.
Humanity is just now waking up, and ready to take the steps necessary to move out of infancy. Understand “them” will help us to understand ourselves. We are all connected in some strange form, and the future is exciting.
It’s a topic that, most importantly, we DON’T have to be afraid of or react to with fear, despite the fact that that this type of reaction seems to have been programmed into us. We need to deprogram ourselvesfrom what Hollywood has presented us with, and start to examine the actual evidence and what’s really going on here.
I don’t believe you have to be afraid to discuss or talk about this topic with your peers and your family anymore. It’s no longer taboo, and the more we speak up, speak out, and generate discussion, the closer we get to finding out what’s really going on. It’s definitely an exciting time to be alive.
NASA wants to send humans to Venus – here’s why that’s a brilliant idea
There are plans to cause HAVOC on Venus.
NASA wants to send humans to Venus – here’s why that’s a brilliant idea
Popular science fiction of the early 20th century depicted Venus as some kind of wonderland of pleasantly warm temperatures, forests, swamps and even dinosaurs. In 1950, the Hayden Planetarium at the American Natural History Museum were soliciting reservations for the first space tourism mission, well before the modern era of Blue Origins, SpaceX and Virgin Galactic. All you had to do was supply your address and tick the box for your preferred destination, which included Venus.
Today, Venus is unlikely to be a dream destination for aspiring space tourists. As revealed by numerous missions in the last few decades, rather than being a paradise, the planet is a hellish world of infernal temperatures, a corrosive toxic atmosphere and crushing pressures at the surface. Despite this, NASA is currently working on a conceptual manned mission to Venus, named the High Altitude Venus Operational Concept – (HAVOC).
But how is such a mission even possible? Temperatures on the planet’s surface (about 460°C) are in fact hotter than Mercury, even though Venus is roughly double the distance from the sun. This is higher than the melting point of many metals including bismuth and lead, which may even fall as “snow” onto the higher mountain peaks. The surface is a barren rocky landscape consisting of vast plains of basaltic rock dotted with volcanic features, and several continent-scale mountainous regions.
Venus was once an Earth twin.NASA / JPL
It is also geologically young, having undergone catastrophic resurfacing events. Such extreme events are caused by the build up of heat below the surface, eventually causing it to melt, release heat and re-solidify. Certainly a scary prospect for any visitors.
Hovering in the atmosphere
Luckily, the idea behind NASA’s new mission is not to land people on the inhospitable surface, but to use the dense atmosphere as a base for exploration. No actual date for a HAVOC type mission has been publicly announced yet. This mission is a long term plan and will rely on small test missions to be successful first. Such a mission is actually possible, right now, with current technology. The plan is to use airships which can stay aloft in the upper atmosphere for extended periods of time.
As surprising as it may seem, the upper atmosphere of Venus is the most Earth-like location in the solar system. Between altitudes of 50km and 60km, the pressure and temperature can be compared to regions of the Earth’s lower atmosphere. The atmospheric pressure in the Venusian atmosphere at 55km is about half that of the pressure at sea level on Earth. In fact you would be fine without a pressure suit, as this is roughly equivalent to the air pressure you would encounter at the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro. Nor would you need to insulate yourself as the temperature here ranges between 20°C and 30°C.
The atmosphere above this altitude is also dense enough to protect astronauts from ionising radiation from space. The closer proximity of the sun provides an even greater abundance of available solar radiation than on Earth, which can be used to generate power (approximately 1.4 times greater).
The conceptual airship would float around the planet, being blown by the wind. It could, usefully, be filled with a breathable gas mixture such as oxygen and nitrogen, providing buoyancy. This is possible because breathable air is less dense than the Venusian atmosphere and, as result, would be a lifting gas.
The Venusian atmosphere is comprised of 97% carbon dioxide, about 3% nitrogen and trace amounts of other gases. It famously contains a sprinkling of sulphuric acid which forms dense clouds and is a major contributor to its visible brightness when viewed from Earth. In fact the planet reflects some 75% of the light that falls onto it from the sun. This highly reflective cloud layer exists between 45km and 65km, with a haze of sulphuric acid droplets underneath down to about 30km. As such, an airship design would need to be resistant to the corrosive effect of this acid.
Luckily we already have the technology required to overcome the problem of acidity. Several commercially available materials, including teflon and a number of plastics, have a high acidic resistance and could be used for the outer envelope of the airship. Considering all these factors, conceivably you could go for a walk on a platform outside the airship, carrying only your air supply and wearing a chemical hazard suit.
Life on Venus?
The surface of Venus has been mapped from orbit by radar on the US Magellan mission. However, only a few locations on the surface have ever been visited, by the series of Venera missions of Soviet probes in the late 1970s. These probes returned the first – and so far only – images of the Venusian surface. Certainly surface conditions seem utterly inhospitable to any kind of life.
Venus as seen by Magellan.NASA
The upper atmosphere is a different story however. Certain kinds of extremophile organisms already exist on Earth which could withstand the conditions in the atmosphere at the altitude at which HAVOC would fly. Species such as Acidianus infernus can be found in highly acidic volcanic lakes in Iceland and Italy. Airborne microbes have also been found to exist in Earth’s clouds. None of this proves that life exists in the Venusian atmosphere, but it is a possibility that could be investigated by a mission like HAVOC.
The current climatic conditions and composition of the atmosphere are the result of a runaway greenhouse effect (an extreme greenhouse effectthat cannot be reversed), which transformed the planet from a hospitable Earth-like “twin” world in its early history. While we do not currently expect Earth to undergo a similarly extreme scenario, it does demonstrate that dramatic changes to a planetary climate can happen when certain physical conditions arise.
By testing our current climate models using the extremes seen on Venus we can more accurately determine how various climate forcing effects can lead to dramatic changes. Venus therefore provides us with a means to test the extremes of our current climate modelling, with all the inherent implications for the ecological health of our own planet.
We still know relatively little about Venus, despite it being our nearest planetary neighbour. Ultimately, learning how two very similar planets can have such different pasts will help us understand the evolution of the solar system and perhaps even that of other star systems.
Mysterious Signals at the Center of Our Galaxy May Be an Optical Illusion
Mysterious Signals at the Center of Our Galaxy May Be an Optical Illusion
By Yasemin Saplakoglu, Staff Writer
Credit: Shutterstock
The universe might be tricking us with its optical illusions.
Last spring, researchers discovered high abundances of three elements in a group of red giants (dying stars in the last stage of their evolution) less than 3 light-years away from the black hole at the center of our galaxy, the Milky Way. The high levels of these elements — scandium, vanadium and yttrium — puzzled astronomers, who tried to explain the phenomenon with various theories. One theory suggested that the abnormally high levels of the elements resulted from the descent of old stars into the black hole, while another posited that the elements were debris from the collision of neutron stars, according to a statement.
The latest of such explanations was recently proposed by an international group of astronomers and atomic physicists. They argue that those elements didn't actually exist at the high concentrations observed. Rather, the elements were probably an illusion all along, the researchers reported in a new study published yesterday (Oct. 10) in the Astrophysical Journal.
Scientists originally detected these elements by recording "spectral lines" with a spectrometer. With this method, scientists look at the amount of light an object absorbs or emits. Because different elements will emit or absorb light in a slightly different way (called their spectral lines), scientists can use the information to figure out what an object is made of. Scandium will interact with light differently than, say, vanadium would, for example. [Our Milky Way Galaxy: A Traveler's Guide (Infographic)]
The scientists who conducted the new research found similar lines of scandium in red giants in our own solar neighborhood. However, the authors found that if the red giant were below a certain temperature, those spectral lines increased in strength. But this didn't mean that there was more scandium, vanadium or yttrium in the star, they said.
As for why temperature would affect the measurements, the researchers suggested that electrons that make up the atoms of these elements behave differently at lower temperatures than at higher ones, according to the statement. So, the lower temperatures of red giants — which are much, much lower than that of our sun — could have given off this illusion of spectral lines, according to the statement.
The researchers suggest that the high abundance of these elements is not a unique phenomenon in these red giant stars near the black hole, but that it's an illusion in the measurements. The formation of these strong lines currently "escapes accurate theoretical modeling," they wrote in the study.
They concluded that those spectral lines shouldn't be used as a measurement of these elements, "until we better understand how these lines are formed," they wrote in the study. The researchers are doing just that, continuing to measure spectral lines from various stars in the Milky Way to better understand what they're made of.
I enjoy watching scifi movies as much as anyone does, but having an analytic mind I can’t help but to dissect them some. One of the questions that these movies always bring up for me is how would real aliens talk? In movies it seems like the entire Universe knows how to speak English. I realize that they do this to keep us form having to read subtitles for the entire movie, but they could manage to make it a little more realistic by giving some of the species really heavy, really strange accents. Usually the only character in the movie with a thick accent is the one that is all the way from Scotland, not the one that is from across the Universe. I could pick on the unrealistic portrayal of aliens in scifi movies all day but I won’t. What I do want to do is to talk about how aliens really would talk if we ever where to meet one.
One of our Favorite Aliens
The one way of communication between aliens that you will see in scifi movies that I think is probably the most accurate is telepathy. Telepathy is the ability where alien beings can talk to each other by using only their thoughts. While I can’t even imagine trying to understand how telepathy would work, it definitely makes sense when it comes to wanting to know how an advanced species of aliens would communicate. I think it is safe to assume that the theory of evolution is probably one of the scientific standards that stays constant throughout the entire Universe. If you follow the natural progression of intelligence and the ability to transfer ideas form one being to another, telepathy would be the best answer of how communication would evolve. The amount of time it would take advanced species to evolve would greatly be decreased by the addition of gene manipulation. Humans are already learning how to manipulate genes, which is probably going to change our species in ways that we can’t even imagine, so many alien species have surely had this technology for thousands of years. I am sure that if they didn’t naturally evolve to the point of being telepathic then they would create the ability themselves for their own species. The feeling of having their thoughts invaded is also a very common experience I hear from people that have been abducted by aliens. The abductees often report that the aliens they encountered talked to them, and the other aliens, without making a sound.After a long enough period of time evolution would step into this process again by eliminating the need for vocal cords. It is impossible to know if some aliens enjoy the art of vocal singing or not. If they do then their vocal cords would probably stay but if not then the body would eliminate them after they were not used for a long enough period of time.
Aliens Could Be Everywhere
Aliens Use Telepathy as Mind Control
The scary part about aliens having the ability to use telepathy is that they could also be using their minds to control our thoughts. Theoretically, that would mean that aliens could mask their appearance to humans. That means that they could be standing right in front of you yet you either don’t see them or they appear to be something else. Using this technique aliens could be all around us and we would never even know!
Aliens Would Be Way Smarter Then Humans
Us humans can’t even comprehend what the minds of such advanced beings could do. We like to think that we are smart but that’s because we compare ourselves to other animals on Earth. Chances are that there are humanoids somewhere in the Universe that have millions of years of advancements on us. We would be like ants to them.
Evolution Changes the Way Aliens Look
This would probably make the aliens heads grow in size while their necks would get thinner. This is often how aliens have been described to me by people that have seen them. For the reasons we have discussed and many more, I believe that the number one way advanced alien species will communicate with each other is telepathy. Of course I do realize that this form of communication would make a really boring movie which is why I try not to dwell on the flaw while I am enjoying the latest scifi movie. I also think that there would still be a need among advanced alien species to use written communication because there may be some limits to their ability to communicate using telepathy; distance probably being one. I would think that aliens would also use some form of written language to record history and label things such as space ship controls. Whether they would still have ears to hear other things around them is another interesting thing to think about. As for how they decide to communicate with us only time will tell.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
The American company that has developed a robotics Boston Dynamics is known for its developments.
Especially impressed users of the Network video in which the robot dog Boston Dynamics opens the door, even resisting someone who is trying to hold him.
A well-mannered four-legged machine SpotMini has already proved that she can easily open the door and enter it, even though man armed with a hockey stick, stopping her.
Now the robot dog Boston Dynamics has learned to dance to the song Uptown Funk by American musician Mark Ronson, recorded with the singer Bruno Mars.
One user commented that to dance like robots to be after the victory over humanity.
The other resents the fact that huge funds were invested in robotic ATV to get him to dance funk and shake your ass on the screen.
Anotherviewer writes that the dance community in 2594 year. The other confirms that it’s tin man dances better cuts of meat.
Another user claims that the company Boston Dynamics was bought by the Japanese, and that the robot repeats the wonderful mechanics of living beings, but he has no “brain” and all it shows is the result of the operator’s work behind the scenes. As an example, he cites the Japanese robot ASIMO.
And “brains”, the AI is much more important than chassis with high-quality gyroscope and a powerful processor, repeating all commands. But users doubt that the robot has the AI of a sufficient scale to dance on their own.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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