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The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Kepler heeft minder potentieel leefbare exoplaneten ontdekt, dan gedacht
Kepler heeft minder potentieel leefbare exoplaneten ontdekt, dan gedacht
Caroline Kraaijvanger
We dachten 30 planeten in de leefbare zone ontdekt te hebben, maar misschien zijn het er in werkelijkheid maar twee.
Dat blijkt uit een analyse van de Kepler-data, uitgevoerd in het licht van de Gaia-missie.
Gaia en Kepler De Gaia-satelliet werd in 2013 gelanceerd en heeft in de afgelopen jaren onder meer de helderheid en positie van ongeveer 1,7 miljard(!) sterren vastgesteld. En uit dat onderzoek rolt een opmerkelijke conclusie: veel van de sterren die ons reeds bekend waren, blijken – afgaand op de metingen van Gaia – veel helderder en groter te zijn dan we dachten. En dat heeft ook implicaties voor de planeten die ruimtetelescoop Kepler rond deze sterren heeft ontdekt.
Hoe zit dat precies? Kepler ontdekt nieuwe planeten door langdurig naar sterren te turen, in de hoop dat de helderheid van die sterren regelmatig enigszins afneemt. Zo’n afname kan namelijk veroorzaakt worden doordat een planeet voor de ster langs beweegt en tijdelijk een deel van het sterlicht tegenhoudt. Zodra Kepler op deze manier de aanwezigheid van een planeet heeft vastgesteld, willen onderzoekers natuurlijk graag weten hoe groot de planeet is. Dat leiden ze dan weer af uit de afname van de helderheid van de ster. Want als je een idee hebt van hoe helder en groot een ster is, kun je uit de afname van de helderheid ook weer afleiden hoe groot die planeet ongeveer moet zijn om zoveel sterlicht tegen te kunnen houden.
Leefbare zone Kepler heeft op deze manier al duizenden planeten ontdekt. Daar zitten grote jongens tussen – gasreuzen bijvoorbeeld – maar ook kleine, rotsachtige planeten en superaardes. Maar nu blijkt uit de Gaia-data dus dat we de helderheid en omvang van sterren onderschat hebben; sterren zijn in veel gevallen veel helderder en groter dan gedacht. En dat betekent dat veel van de door Kepler ontdekte planeten ook veel groter moeten zijn, om de afnames in helderheid te kunnen verklaren. Het heeft onder meer gevolgen voor die klasse planeten die onderzoekers doorgaans het meest interessant vinden: de kleine, rotsachtige planeten in de leefbare zone van een ster (zie kader).
De leefbare zone is een denkbeeldige zone rond een ster. Planeten die zich in die zone bevinden, ontvangen voldoende warmte van de ster om te voorkomen dat eventueel water op hun oppervlak bevriest. Tegelijkertijd ontvangen ze ook weer niet zoveel warmte dat eventueel water op hun oppervlak verdampt. Kortom: van planeten in deze zone wordt verwacht dat ze vloeibaar water kunnen herbergen.
Tot op heden heeft Kepler zo’n 30 kleine, rotsachtige planeten in de leefbare zone rond een ster ontdekt. Tenminste: dat dachten we. Want afgaand op wat Gaia ons leert, vermoeden onderzoekers nu dat veel van die planeten in werkelijkheid rond grotere en heldere sterren cirkelen – wat gevolgen heeft voor de locatie van de leefbare zone – en zelf ook wat groter zijn dan gedacht. Rekening houdend met wat Gaia tot op heden over de moedersterren van deze potentieel leefbare exoplaneten heeft onthuld, denken onderzoekers dat in werkelijkheid veel minder van deze planeten leefbaar kunnen zijn. In plaats van dertig, zouden ons mogelijk maar tussen de 2 en 12 rotsachtige exoplaneten in een leefbare zone bekend zijn.
Meer onderzoek Maar: onderzoekers houden een beetje een slag om de arm. Want eigenlijk is er nog veel meer data nodig – onder meer over het verband tussen de omvang en samenstelling van een planeet – om harde conclusies te kunnen trekken. “We zijn nog steeds bezig om uit te zoeken hoe groot een rotsachtige planeet kan zijn,” vertelt onderzoeker Jessie Dotson.
De nieuwe bevindingen lijken misschien wat teleurstellend: we hebben minder potentieel leefbare planeten ontdekt dan gedacht. Maar de onderzoekers wijzen erop dat ze er nog steeds van overtuigd zijn dat potentieel leefbare planeten een veelvoorkomend verschijnsel in ons universum zijn.
In de zomer van 1770 scheerde een komeet op een afstand van slechts twee miljoen kilometer langs de aarde. Maar niemand weet waar ‘ie sindsdien gebleven is.
Dit artikel is oorspronkelijk verschenen in het onlangs geheel vernieuwde blad ZENIT, waarin je elke maand alles kunt lezen over sterrenkunde, weerkunde en ruimteonderzoek.
De Franse astronoom Charles Messier ontdekte de komeet Lexell op 14 juni 1770, in het sterrenbeeld Schutter. Een week later was de komeet met het blote oog te zien. En op 1 juli – toen de komeet het dichtst bij de aarde stond – was deze even helder als Sirius. Zijn coma – de nevelige gaswolk rond de kern van de komeet – was toen aan de hemel vijf maal zo groot als de volle maan. De komeet Lexell was de eerste en enige komeet die ooit zo dicht bij de aarde is waargenomen. En op 3 oktober verdween deze weer uit het zicht. Anno 2018 proberen astronomen nog steeds te achterhalen waar de komeet sindsdien is gebleven.
Radaropnamen van planetoïde 2010 JL33, gemaakt met NASA’s Goldstone Solar System Radar op 11 en 12 december 2010, toen deze planetoïde op 7 miljoen kilometer langs de aarde scheerde. Het rotsblok draait in 9,4 uur eenmaal om zijn as en zou de kern van komeet Lexell kunnen zijn.
Afbeelding: NASA / JPL-Caltech.
Kortperiodieke komeet Na het verdwijnen van de komeet vroegen astronomen zich af wat voor baan de komeet had beschreven. Zoals gebruikelijk werd eerst aan een paraboolbaan gedacht, omdat men toen nog geen enkele komeet met een ellipsbaan kende en de komeet zich blijkbaar voor het eerst had vertoond. Maar een paraboolbaan voldeed niet. De Fins-Zweedse wis- en sterrenkundige Anders Johan Lexell vond de oplossing. Hij probeerde andere baanvormen en ontdekt dat alleen een elliptische baan rond de zon met de waarnemingen overeenstemde. Het meest nabije punt (perihelium) van die baan lag volgens zijn berekeningen bij de baan van Venus en het verste punt (aphelium) nabij de baan van Jupiter. De omlooptijd bedroeg 5,6 jaar. De allereerste kortperiodieke komeet was gevonden.
Silhouetportret uit 1784 van Anders Johan Lexell (1740-1784), de Zweeds-Finse wis- en sterrenkundige die aantoonde dat de later naar hem genoemde komeet in een ellipsbaan om de zon draaide.
Afbeelding: Wikipedia.
Jupiter als komeetregelaar Maar ook deze oplossing leidde weer tot vragen. De komeet was in juli 1770 zeer helder geweest, dus waarom zou hij al niet tijdens een eerdere passage zijn waargenomen? Ook op deze vraag vond Lexell het antwoord. De komeet had aanvankelijk in een baan gedraaid die grotendeels buiten de baan van Jupiter lag, te ver om hem vanaf de aarde te kunnen zien. In 1767 leidde een passage op korte afstand van deze reuzenplaneet tot een drastische baanverandering. De komeet kwam toen in een kleinere baan met een omlooptijd van 5,6 jaar die hem drie jaar later dicht langs de aarde bracht en hem dus voor het eerst zichtbaar maakte. De passage langs de zon in maart 1776 bleef ongezien omdat de komeet toen, gezien vanaf de aarde, achter de zon stond. Maar in 1778 kwam Lexell met de waarschuwing dat de komeet zich misschien nooit meer zou vertonen. Doordat zijn omlooptijd de helft was van die van Jupiter, zou de komeet in augustus 1779 – na twee omlopen rond de zon – opnieuw zeer dicht langs Jupiter komen. Door de baanverandering die hiervan het gevolg zou zijn, kwam het perihelium ergens tussen de banen van Mars en Jupiter te liggen, ver weg van de zon zodat de komeet onzichtbaar bleef. Lexell kreeg gelijk, want ondanks naarstig zoeken was er in 1781 en 1782 geen spoor van de komeet te zien. En daarna ook niet, nooit meer. Andere astronomen bevestigden min of meer de bevindingen van Lexell. De komeet – die inmiddels de naam van Lexell had gekregen en niet die van zijn ontdekker – moest als verloren worden beschouwd.
William Robert Brooks (1844-1921), de Amerikaanse astronoom die in 1889 een komeet ontdekte waarvan even werd gedacht dat hij dezelfde was als komeet Lexell. Plaats en datum van de foto zijn onbekend.
Afbeelding: Smith Observatory Library.
Komeet 16P/Brooks onder de loep Toch bleef het lot van komeet Lexell astronomen intrigeren. Op 6 juli 1889 ontdekte de Amerikaanse astronoom William Robert Brooks komeet 1889d, ofwel 16P/Brooks. De komeet bleek in ongeveer zeven jaar rond de zon te draaien en was dus evenals komeet Lexell een lid van de Jupiter-kometenfamilie. De Amerikaanse astronoom Seth Carlo Chandler berekende dat de komeet voorheen in een heel andere baan om de zon had gedraaid, met het perihelium nabij de baan van Jupiter en het aphelium buiten de baan van Saturnus, waardoor de komeet nooit voor ons zichtbaar kon worden. Een zeer dichte nadering tot Jupiter in 1889, tot op een vergelijkbare afstand als komeet Lexell, had die baan echter ingrijpend veranderd en wel zodanig dat hij evenals komeet Lexell in de buurt van de aarde kon komen. Deze baanverandering zou volgens de berekeningen van Chandler hebben plaatsgevonden in dat deel van de baan van Jupiter waar ook komeet Lexell zich in augustus 1779 bevond. En wat het meest opvallende was: enkele belangrijke grootheden van zijn baan leken wel heel sterk op die van komeet Lexell. Dat bracht Chandler tot het ‘overweldigende vermoeden’ dat deze komeet dezelfde was als komeet Lexell. Helaas gooide zijn Amerikaanse collega Charles Lane Poor in 1905 roet in het eten. Zijn berekeningen na twee nieuwe verschijningen toonden aan dat komeet 16P/Brooks hoogstwaarschijnlijk niet dezelfde was als komeet Lexell. Bovendien wees Poor erop dat behalve overeenkomsten in banen ook overeenkomsten in fysische eigenschappen belangrijk zijn en die waren in dit geval niet te bepalen. Komeet Lexell bleef zoek.
De Pools-Russische astronome Elena Ivanova Kazimirchak-Polonskaya (1902-1993) in 1934. Volgens haar zou komeet Lexell nu in zo’n 280 jaar in een baan om de zon kunnen draaien.
Afbeelding: Wikipedia.
Transneptunische baan? In de jaren 1960 begon de Pools-Russische astronome Elena Ivanova Kazimirchak-Polonskaya, van het Instituut voor Theoretische Astronomie in Leningrad, de baanveranderingen van alle bekende kortperiodieke kometen te bestuderen. Elena simuleerde de veranderingen van de komeetbanen gedurende de periode 1660-2060 met een BESM-2, een vroege Sovjetcomputer die nog met vacuümbuizen werkte. Ze bestudeerde de belangrijke rol van de vier reuzenplaneten bij het veranderen van de baan, invangen en wegslingeren van kometen. In het kader van dit onderzoek werden ook de baanveranderingen van de verloren komeet Lexell bestudeerd, waarbij de invloed van alle planeten in rekening werd gebracht. Kazimirchak-Polonskaya vond dat de komeet vóór zijn eerste ontmoeting met Jupiter, in 1767, minstens een eeuw lang in een bijna cirkelvormige baan met een omlooptijd van tien jaar in de buurt van Jupiter om de zon had gedraaid. Na de tweede ontmoeting met Jupiter, in 1779, zou de komeet mogelijk in een elliptische baan op afstanden tussen 5 en 81 astronomische eenheden van de zon zijn gekomen, in een transneptunische baan die tot twee maal zo ver als Pluto reikte en een omlooptijd van 280 jaar had. Maar deze berekende waarden waren heel gevoelig voor zelfs heel kleine fouten in de oorspronkelijke positiemetingen. Het was daardoor ook mogelijk dat komeet Lexell via een hyperbolische baan het zonnestelsel had verlaten.
Grote kans op herontdekking? Amerikaanse astronomen hebben nu opnieuw de lotgevallen van komeet Lexell bestudeerd. Met behulp van geavanceerde computerprogramma’s berekenden Paul Wiegert, Quan-Zhi Ye en Man-To Hui de baan en baanveranderingen van komeet Lexell vanaf het moment dat hij in 1767 voor het eerst rakelings langs Jupiter kwam. Daarbij werd rekening gehouden met de aantrekkingskracht van de zon, het stelsel aarde-maan en de zeven andere planeten. Zij vonden dat er een kans van 98 procent is dat de komeet zich momenteel nog steeds ergens in de omgeving van de banen van Mars of de aarde ophoudt. Het perihelium zou zich in ieder geval een stuk binnen de baan van Jupiter moeten bevinden en misschien zelfs binnen de baan van de aarde. In tegenstelling tot wat voorheen werd gedacht, zou er dus toch nog een (grote) kans zijn dat komeet Lexell zich een keer in onze buurt vertoont. Uitgaande van de schijnbare helderheid van de komeet tijdens zijn verschijning van 1770 berekenden de drie astronomen dat zijn absolute helderheid eertijds vier maal zo groot was als die van komeet Halley. Lexell behoorde daarmee tot de helderste ‘aardscherende’ kometen. De afmetingen van de kern van de komeet zou tussen de 4 en 22 kilometer liggen, waarmee Lexell tevens een van de grootste kometen was die zich in de buurt van de aarde heeft vertoond.
Jupiter met zijn Grote Rode Vlek, gefotografeerd in april 2014 met de Hubble Space Telescope. Deze reuzenplaneet heeft er voor gezorgd dat komeet Lexell zich één keer in de buurt van de aarde vertoonde.
Afbeelding: NASA, ESA, A.Simon.
Lexell als planetoïde? Als komeet Lexell zich inderdaad ergens binnen de baan van Jupiter verschuilt maar inmiddels inactief is geworden, zou hij zich als een dode komeet of een planetoïde kunnen voordoen. Misschien is hij zelfs al gefotografeerd in het kader van programma’s waarmee objecten in de omgeving van de aarde worden opgespoord. Om daar achter te komen hebben Wiegert en collega’s de banen van NEO’s (Near Earth Objects) groter dan één kilometer onder de loep genomen en die teruggerekend naar 1770, het jaar waarin komeet Lexell langs de aarde kwam. Er werd één planetoïde gevonden waarvan de baan in 1770 heel veel leek op die van Lexell. Dat was 2010 JL33, een 1800 meter grote planetoïde die tussen Jupiter en Venus om de zon draait. Maar helaas blijkt die planetoïde toen niet op hetzelfde moment als komeet Lexell langs de aarde te zijn gekomen. Dit verschil kan veroorzaakt zijn door enkele nauwe passages langs Jupiter in de afgelopen tweehonderd jaar. Ander effecten die misschien een rol hebben gespeeld zijn de niet-gravitationele krachten die op de planetoïde kunnen werken. Dat zijn krachten die onder invloed van het zonlicht optreden en weliswaar heel zwak zijn, maar op lange termijn toch een niet te verwaarlozen invloed op de baan hebben. Ook dit effect hebben Wiegert en collega’s bestudeerd en na heel veel uitproberen vinden zij dat zulke krachten het tijdsverschil inderdaad kunnen verkleinen. Helemaal wegwerken lukt echter niet. De astronomen concluderen in hun artikel in het aprilnummer (2018) van de Astronomical Journal dat planetoïde 2010 JL33 en komeet Lexell hetzelfde object zouden kunnen zijn, maar dat de overeenkomst nog ‘verre van overtuigend’ is. Komeet Lexell is dus nog steeds niet teruggevonden, net zomin als de zeventien andere kometen die sinds Lexell spoorloos zijn verdwenen.
ZENIT Kom nog meer te weten over kometen, maar ook over sterren, planeten en andere hemellichamen met ZENIT. In het magazine ZENIT lees je elke maand het laatste nieuws over sterrenkunde, ruimteonderzoek, weer en klimaat.
Zo lees je in het novembernummer bijvoorbeeld alles over de spectroscoop, een bijzonder instrument dat niet meer weg te denken is binnen de moderne sterrenkunde. Verder: de ALMA-telescoop opent een nieuw venster naar het heelal, alles over komeet Wirtanen die eind dit jaar met het blote oog aan de hemel te zien zal zijn, en hoe je zandlawines op andere planeten kunt bestuderen in een centrifuge.
Nieuwsgierig geworden? Kijk op de website voor meer informatie of sluit hier direct een abonnement af!
Mars Express heeft een vreemde wolk gespot op de rode planeet.
De onbemande ruimtesonde Mars Express heeft wel een hele mysterieuze pluim gespot op de rode planeet. Zo is de sonde al ruim een maand in de ban van een langgerekte wolk, die rond de 20 kilometer hoge Arsia Mons-vulkaan zweeft.
Vulkaan De locatie doet wellicht vermoeden dat het eigenaardige verschijnsel te maken heeft met vulkanische activiteit. Maar toch zijn de onderzoekers er vrij zeker dat dit niet het geval is; zo hebben wetenschappers nog nooit enige vorm van vulkanische activiteit op Mars ontdekt. Nee, de onderzoekers neigen eerder naar een waterijswolk. Zo is het bekend dat aan weerszijden van de zuidwestelijke flank van de Arsia Mons-vulkaan een seizoensgebonden, terugkerende wolk bestaande uit waterijs ontstaat. Deze is ook eerder waargenomen in 2009, 2012 en 2015. En dit is – helaas – een doodnormaal meteorologisch fenomeen op de rode planeet.
De langgerekte wolkenpluim op de rode planeet.
Afbeelding: ESA
Wolk De foto hierboven is genomen met de Visuele Monitoring Camera (VMC) van de Mars Express. De sonde heeft de wolk de afgelopen weken wel honderden keren afgebeeld. De witte, langwerpige pluim strekt zich uit over zo’n 1500 kilometer ten westen van de Arsia Mons vulkaan, die zich dichtbij de evenaar van de planeet bevindt. Ter vergelijking: de kegelvormige vulkaan heeft een diameter van zo’n 250 kilometer.
Groot De waterijswolk verandert gedurende de Martiaanse dag meerdere keren van uiterlijk. Zo groeit de wolk immens in lengte tijdens de ochtend, aangespoord door een wind die langs de vulkaan raast. Hierdoor loopt de wolkpluim bijna evenwijdig aan de evenaar en bereikt zo’n indrukwekkende grootte, dat deze zelfs voor telescopen op aarde zichtbaar kan zijn.
De vorming van waterijswolken is gevoelig voor de hoeveelheid stof die in de atmosfeer aanwezig is. En aangezien er in juni en juli een enorme stofstorm op de rode planeet woedde, kunnen de beelden belangrijke informatie opleveren over het effect van stof op de ontwikkeling van de wolken, en de variabiliteit ervan gedurende het jaar.
NASA fotografeert een perfect rechthoekige ijsberg
NASA fotografeert een perfect rechthoekige ijsberg
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Moeder Natuur kan een strak lijnenspel blijkbaar ook wel waarderen.
De prachtige foto is gemaakt tijdens NASA’s IceBridge-project. Tijdens dit onderzoeksproject worden de Antarctische en Arctische gebieden elk jaar vanuit de lucht geobserveerd. Door de beelden en metingen naast elkaar te leggen, kunnen we zien hoe de ijskappen, ijsplaten en zee-ijs zich door de jaren heen ontwikkelen.
From yesterday's #IceBridge flight: A tabular iceberg can be seen on the right, floating among sea ice just off of the Larsen C ice shelf. The iceberg's sharp angles and flat surface indicate that it probably recently calved from the ice shelf.
De rechthoekige ijsberg werd gekiekt tussen het zee-ijs dat voor de Larsen C-ijsplaat dobbert. Wellicht doet die ijsberg een belletje rinkelen? De ijsplaat haalde vorig jaar alle kranten, doordat deze een gigantische ijsberg baarde en in één klap 10% van zijn massa kwijtraakte. De scherpe randen van de ijsberg die nu voor de Larsen C-ijsplaat dobbert, wijzen erop dat deze eveneens – maar dan veel recenter – van de ijsplaat is losgekomen.
Afkalven IJsplaten zijn eigenlijk niets anders dan gletsjertongen die op het water drijven. Doordat de achterliggende gletsjer ijs richting zee duwt, zou je verwachten dat zo’n ijsplaat alleen maar groter wordt. De praktijk is echter anders; er ontstaan met name aan de rand van de ijsplaat – waar het ijs dun is – scheuren. En die scheuren monden uiteindelijk uit in het loskomen van ijsbergen. Bij ijsbergen denk je in eerste instantie misschien aan een hoge, onregelmatig gevormde berg ijs. Maar ijsbergen die loskomen van een platte ijsplaat zien er vanzelfsprekend heel anders uit: ze zijn plat. En vaak hebben ze ook redelijk rechte randen, omdat de scheuren die in een ijsplaat ontstaan vaak redelijk recht lopen. Maar de ijsberg die nu voor de Larsen C-ijsplaat is gespot, is – voor zover we dat op deze luchtfoto kunnen zien – wel heel strak afgekalfd.
Zo strak blijft de ijsberg niet; nu deze los is gekomen van de Larsen C-ijsplaat zijn alle randen blootgesteld aan wind en golvend water. Het lijkt dan ook een kwestie van tijd voor het strakke lijnenspel door die nietsontziende eroderende krachten wordt aangetast.
Satellietbeelden van geheimzinnige legerbasis bij Area 51 acht jaar niet bijgewerkt. Wat hebben ze te verbergen?
Satellietbeelden van geheimzinnige legerbasis bij Area 51 acht jaar niet bijgewerkt. Wat hebben ze te verbergen?
Lange tijd was Tonopah Test Range in Nevada, een geheimzinnige legerbasis, te zien op Google Maps, maar de beelden van het gebied werden acht jaar lang niet bijgewerkt.
Twee mensen besloten satellietbeelden van de locatie te kopen omdat ze vermoedden dat er sprake was van censuur.
Ze vroegen Google waarom de beelden al jaren niet zijn bijgewerkt.
Schrijver Brendan Byrne en ingenieur Dhruve Mehrotra vroegen de internetreus ook of zij met de Amerikaanse overheid heeft afgesproken om dit gebied niet meer te laten zien op Google Maps.
Volgens een woordvoerder van Google is de basis in Nevada niet gecensureerd, maar ‘was er simpelweg geen interesse in het gebied’.
Het tweetal mocht de beelden voor 1984 dollar leasen van een bedrijf dat Apollo Mapping heet. Ze mogen de satellietbeelden niet openlijk tonen en dus is niet duidelijk wat erop te zien is.
Opvallend is dat Google het gebied nu opeens wel heeft bijgewerkt, met beelden uit 2017.
De legerbasis bevindt zich op ruim 100 kilometer van Area 51, een basis die in verband wordt gebracht met UFO-waarnemingen en aliens, en er worden naar verluidt diverse wapens en vliegtuigen getest.
Ook zou het eerste Amerikaanse stealthvliegtuig er zijn ontwikkeld.
Zelfs Google moet geregeld beelden van legerbases kopen van satellietbedrijven, merken Byrne en Mehrotra op.
History is full of various aviation mysteries that have gone unsolved. There are dozens upon dozens of cases of planes shooting up into the skies only to come back with fantastic stories of weirdness, or conversely to never come back at all. From missing flights like that of Amelia Earhart to encounters with UFOs, vanished aircraft over the Bermuda Triangle, and more, the skies have always been a mysterious place to venture into, with numerous unsolved mysteries to be found here among the clouds. One very odd case of an aviation mystery is a flight that supposedly disappeared into nothingness, only to reappear decades later halfway across the world with nothing but riddles and strange clues.
A very odd account was written of in an issue of the Weekly World News magazine on November 14, 1989 by a journalist named Irwin Fisher, and although the name of the magazine should be sending alarm bells ringing, the tale that it told has gone on to be an oft-discussed oddity. The whole story supposedly centers on an airliner, Santiago Flight 513, which was a Lockheed Super Constellation that was carrying 88 passengers and 4 crew members when it embarked on a flight from Aachen, Germany on September 4, 1954 on what was to be a routine flight to Chile. However, this was all to apparently become far from routine, and the plane went on to completely vanish without a trace somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean, flying off into nothingness and legend. Despite an intensive search, no wreckage was ever found, and the flight was considered simply lost at sea, with all on board officially considered dead.
That is far from the end of the story, and according to the article decades later, on October 12, 1989, a plane came in out of the blue over Port Alegre, Brazil, where it proceeded to circle the airport several times before coming in for a landing and then simply sitting there on the tarmac. Throughout the whole surreal scene there was apparently no successful communications between air traffic control and the pilots of the mysterious craft, just a wall of quiet, so a team was put together by airport personnel to approach the idling plane that was crouched out there on the runway in total radio silence.
When the team warily approached the dormant aircraft, which sat there almost as if a beast ready to pounce, they pried the doors open, and at that point probably no one there had the slightest idea of the horror show that was awaiting them within that dim vessel. According to the tale, within the cramped confines of that aircraft there was not a single living person on board, but rather the macabre sight of every single passenger and crew member sitting there as skeletons, their empty eye sockets staring off into the abyss of whatever they had seen. Even the pilot, Captain Miguel Victor Cury, was a skeleton, his desiccated fleshless fingers still gripping the controls tight, and leaving everyone to wonder just how the plane had managed to land in the first place. Through this all, the planes perfectly working engines were still idling away, completely ignorant to the fact that 35 years had passed since the doomed aircraft had left its destination.
Upon this grim discovery, the airport officials apparently went about totally covering the whole thing up, and there was quite a bit of debate on what was going on. One researcher named Dr. Celso Atello has said that the case demonstrated a clear case of a portal or wormhole of some sort, saying that Flight 513 had “almost certainly entered a time warp, there is no other explanation.” According to the reports, the only thing the Brazilian government was willing to concede was that the flight had appeared out of nowhere and landed safely, but other than that it has refused to offer any further explanation or speculation. Retired physics professor Roderigo de Manha chimed in on this lack of transparency, complaining that the government had a duty to share what it had learned in the investigation, saying:
The public has a right to know everything about this plane and the government has a duty to tell them. If this plane did enter a time warp and there is evidence to prove it, the entire world should be told. Something like this could change the way we view our world and alter science as we know it. It is crime to keep information like this secret, especially from the relatives of the people who perished on Santiago Airlines Flight 513.
In the meantime, the Brazilian government has refused to offer up any more information of the case, and it has subsequently been left open to discussion and debate. Of course considering the source of this story and its spectacular nature there has been quite a bit of skepticism pointed its way, saying that it is all merely a clever urban legend and hoax, but what if it isn’t? Is there any truth to this tale at all, and if so what was going on here? How could a plane vanish and then reappear decades later, good as new, only to make a perfect landing while all of its occupants were skeletons? While this is most likely a good old-fashioned journalistic yarn, it is certainly curious nevertheless, and it joins the many aviation mysteries that have come before it.
Europa has been thought to have water vapor plumes similar to those on Saturn’s moon Enceladus. But new research shows Europa’s plumes differ significantly from those on Enceladus – or, perhaps – don’t really exist at all.
Artist’s concept of a water vapor plume on Europa. New research shows that, if they do exist, Europa’s plumes aren’t as dynamic as those on Saturn’s moon Enceladus.
Does Jupiter’s moon Europa have water vapor plumes? A growing body of evidence in the last few years suggests the answer is yes, but a final confirmation has remained elusive. If the plumes do exist on Europa, they seem to be less active than those on Saturn’s moon Enceladus, where huge geyser-like plumes erupt from the moon’s south pole on a regular basis. Data from the Hubble Space Telescope has strengthened the case for plumes on Europa. But a new finding – presented on October 22, 2018, at the Division of Planetary Sciences meeting in Knoxville, Tennessee – has thrown a wrench into the possibility.
Researchers led by Julie Rathbun of the Planetary Science Institute said they found a lack of the expected heat signatures at locations where Europa’s plumes should originate. In other words … no hot spots.
Jupiter’s moon Europa as captured by the Galileo spacecraft, which orbited Jupiter from 1995 to 2003. Galileo found the 1st evidence that a global ocean of liquid water exists under Europa’s icy crust.
We searched through the available Galileo thermal data at the locations proposed as the sites of potential plumes. Reanalysis of temperature data from the Galileo mission does not show anything special in the locations where plumes have possibly been observed. There are no hotspot signatures at either of the sites.
This is surprising because the Enceladus plumes have a clear thermal signature at their site of origin, so this suggests that either the Europa plumes are very different, or the plumes are only occasional, or that they don’t exist, or that their thermal signature is too small to have been detected by current data.
Composite photos from the Hubble Space Telescope and the Galileo spacecraft, showing a suspected plume erupting on Europa in 2014 and 2016.
Previous observations had suggested a plume originating from an area north of Pwyll Crater on Europa, and reanalysis of Galileo magnetometer and plasma data also supported the existence of a plume source about 600 miles (1,000 km) northeast of the first site.
But if the plume locations on Europa don’t show any heat signatures – as they do on Enceladus – that result suggests that either Europa’s are different from those on Enceladus, or that Europa’s plumes don’t even exist. Rathbun put it simply when she said:
Europa was expected to be active.
Rathbun said there are four possible explanations for the lack of heat signatures on Europa. The plumes may be intermittent. They may be fundamentally different from those on Enceladus and not be associated with anything hot. They may be smaller than expected. Or, they don’t exist; however, other data from Hubble provide strong evidence that they do exist.
Artist’s concept of the global subsurface ocean thought to lie beneath Europa’s icy crust. The plumes on Europa, if they exist, stem from there.
Image via NASA/JPL-Caltech.
On Enceladus, the plumes originate from a salty global subsurface ocean, where the water makes its way to the surface through large cracks called “Tiger Stripes” in the outer ice shell near the south pole. Data from the Cassinispacecraft, which orbited Saturn until September of 2017, also showed that there is likely geothermal activity on the ocean floor. That’s intriguing because, on Earth, geothermal vents on the sea floor provide conditions suitable for life.
It’s thought that conditions similar to those on Enceladus probably exist in Europa’s global subsurface ocean as well. But finding out for sure will require a return mission to the vicinity of Jupiter. Europa’s subsurface ocean has given it a powerful allure for space scientists, and a future planetary mission is already bound there. NASA’s upcoming Europa Clipper mission, to be launched in the early-mid 2020s, will be able to study the marine environment in Europa’s ocean better than ever before. It will be able to examine deposits left on the moon’s surface by evaporating ocean water. Some water may simply seep to the surface, but if there are plumes, they could deposit a large amount of minerals on the surface, which Europa Clipper could analyze.
It’s even possible that Europa Clipper could fly directly through the plumes and analyze their composition, much as Cassini did at Enceladus, when that spacecraft discovered complex organic molecules in Enceladus’ plumes.
Geyser-like water vapor plumes on Saturn’s moon Enceladus, as seen by the Cassini spacecraft. Analysis by the spacecraft showed they contain water vapor, ice particles, organics and salts.
Whatever the explanation for Europa’s plumes turns out to be, it will provide scientists with valuable insight into how plumes occur on other worlds, including the nitrogen gas ones on Neptune’s moon Triton. Those plumes have nothing to do with water, but are active geysers of extremely cold nitrogen gas – something not seen anywhere else in the solar system.
Bottom line: New research shows that Europa’s plumes may be significantly different from those on Saturn’s moon Enceladus, since they don’t exhibit the same heat signatures. The upcoming Europa Clipper mission should be able to help finally determine what is happening (or not) on Europa.
Star motions in the Small Magellanic Cloud – as revealed by the Gaia space observatory – confirm that this small satellite galaxy of our Milky Way collided in the past with its larger neighbor.
The video above simulates an interaction between the Small Magellanic Cloud and Large Magellanic Cloud, starting 1 billion years ago. It shows a collision about 100 million years ago. And indeed astronomers now think this happened.
Just a few years ago, astronomer Gurtina Besla at University of Arizona used a computer to model what would have happened if, sometime in the past, the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds collided. The simulation above comes from her work. She and her team predicted at that time that a direct collision would cause the southeast region of the Small Magellanic Cloud – which astronomers call the Wing – to move toward the Large Magellanic Cloud. On the other hand, if the two galaxies simply passed near each other, the Wing stars should be moving in a perpendicular direction. This past week (October 25, 2018) – thanks to ESA’s Gaia space observatory – Michigan astronomers were able to confirm that what Besla and team predicted is in fact occurring.
The Wing is moving away from the main body of the Small Magellanic. They said this observation provides:
… the first unambiguous evidence that the Small and Large Magellanic Clouds recently collided.
The Magellanic Clouds, visible from Earth’s Southern Hemisphere, are known to be small satellite galaxies of our Milky Way. They’re located not far from each other on the sky’s dome. Star motions in the smaller Cloud provide evidence for the collision, but we didn’t have data on these motions prior to Gaia, whose second data releasewas last April. Astronomers have been mining the Gaia data to learn all sorts of interesting insights about our galaxy and its neighborhood of space, and now here’s another one. Astronomer Sally Oey of University of Michigan, lead author of the study, said:
This is really one of our exciting results. You can actually see that the Wing is its own separate region that’s moving away from the rest of the Small Magellanic Cloud.
Oey and colleagues published their results in The Astrophysical Journal Letters.
Astrophotographer Justin Ng caught the edgewise view into our Milky Way galaxy, the bright star Canopus and the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds at sunrise, in September 2013, over East Java’s Mount Bromo. Read more about this image.
A statement from University of Michigan described some of the processes these astronomers used to make their discovery:
Together with an international team, Oey and undergraduate researcher Johnny Dorigo Jones were examining the SMC [Small Magellanic Cloud] for ‘runaway’ stars, or stars that have been ejected from clusters within the SMC. To observe this galaxy they were using a recent data release from Gaia …
Gaia is designed to image stars again and again over a period of several years in order to plot their movement in real time. That way, scientists can measure how stars move across the sky.
Artist’s concept of Gaia in space.
Image via D. DUCROS/ESA.
Oey said:
We’ve been looking at very massive, hot young stars – the hottest, most luminous stars, which are fairly rare. The beauty of the Small Magellanic Cloud and the Large Magellanic Cloud is that they’re their own galaxies, so we’re looking at all of the massive stars in a single galaxy.
Examining stars in a single galaxy helps astronomers in two ways, these researchers said. First, it provides a statistically complete sample of stars in one parent galaxy. Second, this gives the astronomers a uniform distance to all the stars, which helps them measure their individual velocities. Dorigo Jones said:
It’s really interesting that Gaia obtained the proper motions of these stars. These motions contain everything we’re looking at. For example, if we observe someone walking in the cabin of an airplane in flight, the motion we see contains that of the plane, as well as the much slower motion of the person walking.
So we removed the bulk motion of the entire Small Magellanic Cloud in order to learn more about the velocities of individual stars. We’re interested in the velocity of individual stars because we’re trying to understand the physical processes occurring within the cloud.
Oey and Dorigo Jones study runaway stars to determine how they have been ejected from these clusters. In one mechanism, called the binary supernova scenario, one star in a gravitationally bound, binary pair explodes as a supernova, ejecting the other star like a slingshot. This mechanism produces X-ray-emitting binary stars.
Another mechanism is that a gravitationally unstable cluster of stars eventually ejects one or two stars from the group. This is called the dynamical ejection scenario, which produces normal binary stars. The researchers found significant numbers of runaway stars among both X-ray binaries and normal binaries, indicating that both mechanisms are important in ejecting stars from clusters.
In looking at this data, the team also observed that all the stars within the Wing – that southeast part of the SMC – are moving in a similar direction and speed. This demonstrates the SMC and LMC likely had a collision a few hundred million years ago.
The Magellanic Clouds – satellite galaxies of the Milky Way – via ESO/Wikipedia.
Dorigo Jones commented:
We want as much information about these stars as possible to better constrain these ejection mechanisms.
Everyone loves marveling at images of galaxies and nebulae that are incredibly far away. The Small Magellanic Cloud is so close to us, however, that we can see its beauty in the night sky with just our unaided eye. This fact, along with the data from Gaia, allows us to analyze the complex motions of stars within the Small Magellanic Cloud and even determine factors of its evolution.
Bottom line:The motions of stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud – as revealed by the Gaia space observatory – show that this small satellite galaxy of our Milky Way collided in the past with its larger neighbor, the Large Magellanic Cloud.
From the X Files –“Why Don’t Astronomers See UFOs”
From the X Files –“Why Don’t Astronomers See UFOs”
As a NASA research scientist who worked for four years at NASA Ames Research Center in the Intelligent Systems Division, and now a professor of physics, Kevin Knuth attended the 2002 NASA Contact Conference, which focused on serious speculation about extraterrestrials. During the meeting a concerned participant said loudly in a sinister tone, “You have absolutely no idea what is out there!”
The silence was palpable as the truth of this statement sunk in. Humans are fearful of extraterrestrials visiting Earth. Perhaps fortunately, the distances between the stars are prohibitively vast. At least this is what we novices, who are just learning to travel into space, tell ourselves.
Are we alone? Unfortunately, neither of the answers feel satisfactory. To be alone in this vast universe is a lonely prospect. On the other hand, if we are not alone and there is someone or something more powerful out there, that too is terrifying. And Why don’t astronomers see UFOs asks Knuth, an Associate Professor in the Departments of Physics and Informatics at the University at Albany. He is Editor-in-Chief of the journal Entropy.
Knuth writes: I have always been interested in UFOs. Of course, there was the excitement that there could be aliens and other living worlds. But more exciting to me was the possibility that interstellar travel was technologically achievable. In 1988, during my second week of graduate school at Montana State University, several students and I were discussing a recent cattle mutilation that was associated with UFOs. A physics professor joined the conversation and told us that he had colleagues working at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Great Falls, Montana, where they were having problems with UFOs shutting down nuclear missiles.
At the time I thought this professor was talking nonsense. But 20 years later, I was stunned to see a recording of a press conference featuring several former US Air Force personnel, with a couple from Malmstrom AFB, describing similar occurrences in the 1960s. Clearly there must be something to this.
With July 2 being World UFO Day, it was a good time for society to address the unsettling and refreshing fact we may not be alone. I believe we need to face the possibility that some of the strange flying objects that outperform the best aircraft in our inventory and defy explanation may indeed be visitors from afar – and there’s plenty of evidence to support UFO sightings.
The nuclear physicist Enrico Fermi was famous for posing thought provoking questions. In 1950, at Los Alamos National Laboratory after discussing UFOs over lunch, Fermi asked, “Where is everybody?” He estimated there were about 300 billion stars in the galaxy, many of them billions of years older than the sun, with a large percentage of them likely to host habitable planets. Even if intelligent life developed on a very small percentage of these planets, then there should be a number of intelligent civilizations in the galaxy. Depending on the assumptions, one should expect anywhere from tens to tens of thousands of civilizations.
With the rocket-based technologies that we have developed for space travel, it would take between 5 and 50 million years for a civilization like ours to colonize our Milky Way galaxy. Since this should have happened several times already in the history of our galaxy, one should wonder where is the evidence of these civilizations? This discrepancy between the expectation that there should be evidence of alien civilizations or visitations and the presumption that no visitations have been observed has been dubbed the Fermi Paradox.
Carl Sagan correctly summarized the situation by saying that “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.” The problem is that there has been no single well-documented UFO encounter that would alone qualify as the smoking gun. The situation is exacerbated by the fact that many governments around the world have covered up and classified information about such encounters. But there are enough scraps of evidence that suggest that the problem needs to be open to scientific study.
When it comes to science, the scientific method requires hypotheses to be testable so that inferences can be verified. UFO encounters are neither controllable nor repeatable, which makes their study extremely challenging. But the real problem, in my view, is that the UFO topic is taboo.
While the general public has been fascinated with UFOs for decades, our governments, scientists and media, have essentially declared that of all the UFO sightings are a result of weather phenomenon or human actions. None are actually extraterrestrial spacecraft. And no aliens have visited Earth. Essentially, we are told that the topic is nonsense. UFOs are off-limits to serious scientific study and rational discussion, which unfortunately leaves the topic in the domain of fringe and pseudoscientists, many of whom litter the field with conspiracy theories and wild speculation.
I think UFO skepticism has become something of a religion with an agenda, discounting the possibility of extraterrestrials without scientific evidence, while often providing silly hypotheses describing only one or two aspects of a UFO encounter reinforcing the popular belief that there is a conspiracy. A scientist must consider all of the possible hypotheses that explain all of the data, and since little is known, the extraterrestrial hypothesis cannot yet be ruled out. In the end, the skeptics often do science a disservice by providing a poor example of how science is to be conducted. The fact is that many of these encounters – still a very small percentage of the total – defy conventional explanation.
The media amplifies the skepticism by publishing information about UFOs when it is exciting, but always with a mocking or whimsical tone and reassuring the public that it can’t possibly be true. But there are credible witnesses and encounters.
I am often asked by friends and colleagues, “Why don’t astronomers see UFOs?” The fact is that they do. In 1977, Peter Sturrock, a professor of space science and astrophysics at Stanford University, mailed 2,611 questionnaires about UFO sightings to members of the American Astronomical Society. He received 1,356 responses from which 62 astronomers – 4.6 percent – reported witnessing or recording inexplicable aerial phenomena. This rate is similar to the approximately 5 percent of UFO sightings that are never explained.
As expected, Sturrock found that astronomers who witnessed UFOs were more likely to be night sky observers. Over 80 percent of Sturrock’s respondents were willing to study the UFO phenomenon if there was a way to do so. More than half of them felt that the topic deserves to be studied versus 20 percent who felt that it should not. The survey also revealed that younger scientists were more likely to support the study of UFOs.
UFOs have been observed through telescopes. I know of one telescope sighting by an experienced amateur astronomer in which he observed an object shaped like a guitar pick moving through the telescope’s field of view. Further sightings are documented in the book “Wonders in the Sky,” in which the authors compile numerous observations of unexplained aerial phenomena made by astronomers and published in scientific journals throughout the 1700s and 1800s.
Evidence from government and military officers
Some of the most convincing observations have come from government officials. In 1997, the Chilean government formed the organization Comité de Estudios de Fenómenos Aéreos Anómalos, or CEFAA, to study UFOs. Last year, CEFAA released footage of a UFO taken with a helicopter-mounted Wescam infrared camera.
Declassified document describing a sighting of a UFO in December 1977, in Bahia, a state in northern Brazil. Arquivo Nacional Collection
The countries of Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Ecuador, France, New Zealand, Russia, Sweden and the United Kingdom have been declassifying their UFO files since 2008. The French Committee for In-Depth Studies, or COMETA, was an unofficial UFO study group comprised of high-ranking scientists and military officials that studied UFOs in the late 1990s. They released the COMETA Report, which summarized their findings. They concluded that 5 percent of the encounters were reliable yet inexplicable: The best hypothesis available was that the observed craft were extraterrestrial. They also accused the United States of covering up evidence of UFOs. Iran has been concerned about spherical UFOs observed near nuclear power facilities that they call “CIA drones” which reportedly are about 30 feet in diameter, can achieve speeds up to Mach 10, and can leave the atmosphere. Such speeds are on par with the fastest experimental aircraft, but unthinkable for a sphere without lift surfaces or an obvious propulsion mechanism.
1948 Top Secret USAF UFO extraterrestrial document. United States Air Force
In December 2017, The New York Times broke a story about the classified Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program, which was a $22 million program run by the former Pentagon official Luis Elizondo and aimed at studying UFOs. Elizondo resigned from running the program protesting extreme secrecy and the lack of funding and support. Following his resignation Elizondo, along with several others from the defense and intelligence community, were recruited by the To the Stars Academy of Arts & Science, which was recently founded by Tom DeLonge to study UFOs and interstellar travel. In conjunction with the launch of the academy, the Pentagon declassified and released three videos of UFO encounters taken with forward looking infrared cameras mounted on F-18 fighter jets. While there is much excitement about such disclosures, I am reminded of a quote from Retired Army Colonel John Alexander: “Disclosure has happened. … I’ve got stacks of generals, including Soviet generals, who’ve come out and said UFOs are real. My point is, how many times do senior officials need to come forward and say that this is real?”
There is a great deal of evidence that a small percentage of these UFO sightings are unidentified structured craft exhibiting flight capabilities beyond any known human technology. While there is no single case for which there exists evidence that would stand up to scientific rigor, there are cases with simultaneous observations by multiple reliable witnesses, along with radar returns and photographic evidence revealing patterns of activity that are compelling.
Declassified information from covert studies is interesting, but not scientifically helpful. This is a topic worthy of open scientific inquiry, until there is a scientific consensus based on evidence rather than prior expectation or belief. If there are indeed extraterrestrial craft visiting Earth, it would greatly benefit us to know about them, their nature and their intent. Moreover, this would present a great opportunity for mankind, promising to expand and advance our knowledge and technology, as well as reshaping our understanding of our place in the universe.
Image credit top of page: IJG JPEG Library
The Daily Galaxy via The Conversation
Top 10 Most-Viewed Headlines of 2018 (Click and View)
Niet alleen is Google een machtige speler op het wereldtoneel en een werktuig in handen van hen de macht hebben, maar ook vervult het nog een bijzondere rol.
Google wordt ook gebruikt om een plek te verhullen die spannender is dan Area51 en waar zich een buitenaards ras verborgen houdt.
Eén van de meest bekende en beruchte basis van de Amerikanen is Nellis AFB (Air Force Base). De basis ligt net ten noordoosten van de stad Las Vegas en staat ook wel bekend als de basis waar zich een buitenaards ras bevindt.
Dat alles is weer heel actueel geworden door een video die is gemaakt door Tyler van Secureteam. Hij heeft deze video gemaakt naar aanleiding van een artikel op Motherboard, waar men had ontdekt dat het meest geheime gebied niet Area51 is, maar een gebied dat onderdeel vormt van Nellis AFB.
The Tonopah Test Range (TTR) is a restricted military installation located about 30 miles (48 km) southeast of Tonopah, Nevada. It is part of the northern fringe of the Nellis Range, measuring 625 sq mi (1,620 km2). Tonopah Test Range is located about 70 miles (110 km) northwest of Groom Dry Lake, the home of the Area 51 facility.
Bij Motherboard noemen ze dit gebied: Het gebied waar Google stopte met het maken van kaarten. Jarenlang is dit gebied door Google bewust niet bijgewerkt met satellietbeelden zoals dat wel gebeurt met alle andere gebieden.
Zowel Tyler als ufoloog Scott Waring zijn het erover eens dat men hier iets heel groots probeert te verbergen, waarbij Scott Waring ervan overtuigd is dat dit te maken heeft met het type buitenaardsen dat bekendstaat als The Tall Whites. (Tegenwoordig is het heel racistisch om een buitenaards ras Tall Whites te noemen, maar vroeger voordat politieke correctheid bestond, deed men dat soort dingen).
We schreven in een eerder artikel het volgende over de Nellis AFB en de Tall Whites:
Een van de grotere Amerikaanse luchtmachtbasis is Nellis AFB in de buurt van Las Vegas in de staat Nevada.
Er doen al lange tijd veel verhalen de ronde over dat er buitenaardsen zouden verblijven.
Een bekende en prominente persoonlijkheid die veel weet over buitenaards leven is de voormalig Canadese Minister van Defensie, Paul Hellyer.
1) Er zijn minimaal vier verschillende soorten buitenaardsen die de aarde de afgelopen duizenden jaren hebben bezocht.
2) De soorten hebben waarschijnlijk verschillende agenda’s en dienen niet beschouwd te worden als van hetzelfde ras.
3) Een van die soorten is wat men noemt de Tall Whites. Volgens Hellyer werkt dit type samen met de Verenigde Staten.
4) Er leven op dit moment buitenaardsen op aarde.
Volgens ufoloog Scott C. Waring is de plek waar de Tall Whites wonen een ondergrondse basis op het terrein van Nellis AFB.
In een nieuw artikel zegt Waring dat dit ras helemaal niet zo aardig is. Het is volgens hem een super agressief ras dat zichzelf ver superieur beschouwt ten opzichte van de mensheid. Voor het minste of geringste maken ze je dood en toch doet het Amerikaanse leger zaken met hen vanwege hun kennis en technieken.
Scott raadt iedereen die meer wil weten over de Tall Whites aan om de volgende video te bekijken. Het is een interview met een man die als burger liaison (verbinder) fungeerde tussen dit ras en de Amerikaanse luchtmacht.
Saturn has 62 moons. Of those, 53 have been formally named while nine others are such recent discoveries that they haven’t yet received an official name. Titan, the largest of Saturn’s moons, is more massive than the planet Mercury and has a nitrogen-rich atmosphere similar to Earth’s. Enceladus, another moon, likely has an internal ocean as evidenced by the volcanoes of ice that plume from its surface into space and fall back to the surface as snow. Complex organic molecules have been detected in Enceladus, making it one of the prime candidates for finding extraterrestrial life in our solar system. There may be only nine formally recognized planets in our solar system, but there are 181 moons orbiting those planets, each with their own complexities and unique mysteries.
Saturn’s moon Dione is one of those mysteries. Dione is smaller than Earth’s moon, and exists in orbital resonance with Enceladus, meaning that it completes one orbit of Saturn for every two completed by Enceladus. This orbital resonance is likely the source of the geologic heat found in Enceladus, which reveals itself in the form of Enceladus’s dramatic ice volcanoes. Despite being smaller than Earth’s moon, Dione proves that size isn’t everything in terms of astronomical weirdness. Data from Cassini shows that, along with an orbital relationship, Dione shares other similarities with Enceladus, most notably the presence of an interior ocean., but Dione isn’t simply a twin of Enceladus. According to a new study publishedin journal Geophysical Research Letters, the small moon has a mystery all its own. Streaking across its surface are bright white stripes unlike anything else seen in the solar system, and so far scientists don’t know what they are.
Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute
Scientists have ruled out geologic causes for the stripes like tectonic activity. Instead, they say that whatever the stripes are made of, they’re likely draped across the surface like snow. What’s strange is how they’re draped. Other bodies in the solar system, including Saturn’s moon Rhea, show bright lines on the surface but none as straight and seemingly intentional as the lines on Dione. The lines are between six and sixty two miles long and three miles wide and perfectly straight. Not only are they perfectly straight, but they run parallel to Dione’s equator, a trait that scientists say is very unusual. They are unbroken, which scientists take to mean that they are a relatively new phenomenon and possibly part of an ongoing phenomenon in the Saturn system.
The authors of the study say that the cause of these mysterious lines is likely due to some off world influence:
We explored different ways of forming linear features on planetary surfaces and favor the draping of exogenic material across a planetary surface by encounters with either Saturn’s rings, co‐orbital moons, or close flyby of comets. This debris may introduce materials into the Dione system that could contribute to creating a more habitable Dione.
One of Cassini’s final images of Dione.
Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute
Recently, scientists demonstrated that one of the building blocks of life here on earth was probably formed in space and deposited here on Earth. With a liquid water interior and constant depositing of off-world material on Dione, it seems possible that some strange chemistry could make its way into the underground sea and begin the process of life. Of course, such life would be likely be microscopic and completely outside our ability to study it for many years to come. This does show that, once again, the more we learn about our corner of space, the more mysteries we uncover.
Mercury, the least explored planet of the inner Solar System, is the target of BepiColombo, the ESA/JAXA mission that is going to reveal the secrets of the smallest of the rocky planets.
BepiColombo mission to Mercury is scheduled to launch on 20 October 2018 and to arrive at Mercury on 5 December 2025. The mission is a collaboration between the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). BepiColombo consists of two scientific orbiters: ESA’s Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO) and JAXA’s Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter (MMO). BepiColombo will be launched by an Ariane 5 ECA launch vehicle (Ariane Flight VA245) from Ariane Launch Complex No. 3 (ELA 3) at Guiana Space Centre in Kourou, French Guiana, on 20 October 2018, at 01:45 UTC (19 October, at 22:45 local time).
NASA's Kepler Space Telescope has mysteriously gone dark and scientists are trying to understand what malfunctioned.
NASA's alien-hunting Kepler Space Telescope has suffered another malfunction, with the spacecraft returning to sleep mode just days after it sent information from its latest campaign back to Earth.
"Following a successful return of data from the last observation campaign, the Kepler team commanded the spacecraft into position to begin collecting data for its next campaign," NASA said on its website. "On Friday October 19, during a regularly scheduled spacecraft contact using NASA’s Deep Space Network, the team learned that the spacecraft had transitioned to its no-fuel-use sleep mode. The Kepler team is currently assessing the cause and evaluating possible next steps."
On Oct. 15, NASA was able to download information from it latest observation campaign, Campaign 19, noting it was "monitoring the spacecraft and will provide more information when its status has been fully assessed."
On Aug. 29, Kepler began collecting data for its 19th campaign, though the government space agency said on Sept. 5 it had modified the craft's configuration due to "unusual behavior exhibited by one of the thrusters," adding that it was unsure how much fuel remained. NASA also said that Kepler's pointing performance was degraded.
At the time, NASA said it was continuing to monitor the health and performance of Kepler. Over the years, Kepler has suffered greatly. It has even "survived many potential knock-outs during its nine years in flight, from mechanical failures to being blasted by cosmic rays," NASA noted.
Even though Kepler has endured several setbacks in recent months, it has been an unquestioned success for NASA, having flown in space for nine years, surpassing the initial estimate of just one year. During that time, the $600 million spacecraft has discovered a great number of exoplanets, including Wolf 503b, which is described as "twice the size of Earth" and is 145 light-years away from our planet.
In December 2017, experts harnessed machine learning technology from Google to spot another exoplanet, Kepler-90i. This hot, rocky planet circles Kepler-90, a Sun-like star 2,545 light years from Earth.
In total, Kepler has discovered more than 2,650 confirmed planets over its lifespan, according to
Kepler is slated to be replaced by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), which left Earth on April 18 on board a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket.
In September, TESS found its first alien planet, HD 39091, located approximately 59.5 light-years from Earth and has been dubbed an evaporating "Super-Earth."
NASA’s historic 1969 Moon landing was an elaborate hoax prophesied nearly 500 years ago by French mystic Michel de Nostradamus, a conspiracy theorist has claimed.
I can't believe I actually SAW it and They are VERY real
I can't believe I actually SAW it and They are VERY real
On October 27, 2018 MrMB333 witnessed something in the night sky that can best be described as a black boomerang UFO which was bigger than a football field and it made NO sound.
He states that it was simply amazing, just astonishing to know that something like that exists.
Coincidentally his camera has recorded the object, though since it has been recorded in the dark, the images of the object were not clear but MrMB333 has tried to get a clearer picture of the object by adding various filters.
Also, the ISS had a strange light approach it as it flew over New Mexico, which he got on video too.
In the video below, MrMB333 gives a detailed explanation of the event he has observed and filmed.
This is a giant green structure sticking up from Jupiters outer edge. This structure is 100% evidence that aliens currently occupy Jupiters surface and underground areas. The clouds were probably made on purpose to hide the current civilization structures that would normally be visible. This structure is probably hidden from view most the times but its cloaking device was probably malfunctioning from some reason. I am certain that this is not the only structure to be sticking out from under the clouds of Jupiter. We must keep looking for more. Look at the beauty of this green emerald building. Yes, I believe it to be the top of building sticking out. The outer edges cause these structures to become more visible than if we were looking at them at the center of the planet...where they would be invisible to us. Excellent discovery by UFOmaniaof Youtube. Some are claiming this is a UFO, but from my perspective and its lines and position...this appears to be a structure connected to Jupiters surface.
Witnesses are being sought to shed light on one of North Wales greatest mysteries.
A new documentary is in the pipeline investigating the Berwyn Mountains incident in 1974 and investigator Russ Kellett is asking if anybody who was there to come forward.
Dubbed the Welsh Roswell, at about 8.30pm on January 23, in 1974, people reported hearing a huge bang, earth tremors were felt amid claims of a brilliant light in the sky above the mountain range.
Police received reports and arrived in the area and a RAF search and rescue team was scrambled from Anglesey.
In the 44 years since there has been a huge debate as to what exactly happened that night, with TV documentaries made and books written on the subject.
Some researchers have claimed a UFO landed or crashed, with further claims “bodies” were retrieved and taken away by soldiers.
Other theories suggest it was a meteor shower combined with an earthquake – the epicentre of which was at Bala Lake – and the misconception of poachers on the hillside carrying lamps.
A witness who saw an object on the hillside said in a statement: “Saw bright red light, like coal fire red. Large perfect circle. Like a big bonfire. Could see lights above and to the right and white lights moving to bottom. Light changed colour to yellowish white and back again.”
A message in a police log said: “There’s been a large explosion in the area and there is a large fire in the mountainside. I can see the fire where I am.”
Telex message to chief constable Gwynedd constabulary. 22.00pm approx 23/1/74: Saw bright green lights, object with tail – travelling west. Saw about Bangor direction – dropped down.
At approx 10pm on 23/1/74: Saw a circular light in the sky at an estimated height of 1,500 feet. This object exploded and pieces fell to the ground. Mr ...... estimates the pieces would have fallen into the sea between Rhyl and Liverpool.
Russ Kellett believes UFOs were out there that night
Russ who has investigated the incident for years, said: “I have been investigating this for 25 years.
“I have been approached by a company in America to make a documentary, the Americans are fascinated by this.
“If there is anybody who may have witnessed what happened at the time or may have seen military or anything else, could they please get in touch with me.”
Witnesses can contact Russ on 07368 417871.
To have your say on this story, use the comments section below.
UFO: People reported seeing a huge craft and other lights (Pic: GETTY)
People reported seeing a huge craft and other lights, along with military planes and helicopters.
Other accounts include claims of an Apache helicopter landing with its cockpit on fire, weird "snow" and mystery men in white overalls.
The activity in Pentyrch, near Cardiff, on February 26, 2016, was explained by the authorities as an armed forces exercise code-named "Chameleon".
But many claim they saw unidentified lights which did not seem to belong to conventional military aircraft.
The incident echoes the most famous alleged UFO incident ever at a ranch in Roswell, New Mexico, when the US military was claimed to have captured a crashed flying saucer.
Recalling the events in Wales, witness Caz Clarke, said she could "categorically state it was no exercise".
She said: "I will take a lie detector anywhere for anyone. What I witnessed will stay with me for the rest of my life.
"What is more, the military knew they were coming and had a spotter plane in the air for two days waiting for 'the event'. When it came, four planes chased the green object while the spotter plane circled about six red oval objects which formed a pyramid shape.
SPOTTED: Computer generated images of a UFO sighting in Pentyrch (Pic: Media Wales )
"Several red spheres hovered silently above the fields until the helicopters came."
Another witness, Mike Henbury, claims to have seen three red pulsing lights in a triangle descending from the clouds.
Mr Henbury said: "It looked very large indeed. I don't think it touched down totally but about 10 to 12ft from the ground it lit up fully, showing the full outline of it, then it dimmed down."
It was also claimed Apaches flew low across the fields in a pyramid formation.
Members of Swansea UFO Network recently visited the scene of the sighting, guided by Caz Clarke.
Co-founder Emlyn Williams said: "There is a strong electromagnetic residue in the core location to the place the UFOs were spotted. It's physical evidence something unusual happened there."
Google Earth blindspot is ‘HOSTING UFOs’ - whistleblower’s shock global conspiracy claim
Google Earth blindspot is ‘HOSTING UFOs’ - whistleblower’s shock global conspiracy claim
A FORMER Ministry of Defence expert has astonishingly claimed Google conspired with the US government to cover up a “super secret” location deep in the Nevada desert.
Nick Pope, who used to work for the government’s specialist UFO department, has said the discovery the search engine giant did not update images of the Tonopah Test Range for eight years is “murky”.
Using his insider background of how governments want to keep such facilities out of the public’s knowledge, he has speculated the reason behind the blackout was because the American government kept top secret information and crashed UFOs.
The search giant normally updates satellite images of every part of the continental United States every 60 days but no fresh photos of the Nevada facility appear on Google Earth between 2008 and 2016, it has emerged.
This is despite most other military bases in the US being regularly logged.
Mr Pope told the Sun Online that the base is close to the infamous Area 51, which is why he thinks the US government wanted Google’s cameras to ignore the facility.
He said: "Because of its proximity to the infamous Area 51, this has understandably started all sorts of conspiracy theories in the UFO community.
"Could this super-secret location be where the US government hides crashed UFOs?
“Or is it where the next generation of stealth aircraft, drones and hypersonic weapons are developed and tested?
Nick Pope believes Google and the US government blocked satellite images of the site
(Image: Nick Pope)
"Either way the US government is hugely concerned - and understandably so.
"This is all quite murky. Either as a consequence of federal law, or through a 'gentleman's agreement', Google and/or the third party providers from whom they obtain satellite imagery have ensured that the public won't see up-to-date images of the Tonopah Test Range.
"Along with drones flown by hobbyists, the easy availability of high-quality satellite imagery has caused immense problems for the military and the intelligence community.
"It's given people a window on a world that was previously closed to them.
The Tonopah Test range is home to some of the US government’s most secret projects
(Image: UIG via Getty Images)
"Simply put, these technologies make it more difficult for the government to hide things."
"Having worked in the MoD for 21 years I well understand the need for secrecy, and indeed my final posting was to the Directorate of Defence Security.
"While I understand that people are naturally curious about what's going on at Tonopah, the problem with people's 'right to know' is that once information is in the public domain, it's seen by everyone: not just UFO researchers and aviation enthusiasts, but the Russians, the Chinese, the Iranians, the North Koreans, ISIS and all sorts of other non-state actors who may not have the best of intentions."
The desert army barracks have long been the subject of mystery after it was reported the range has been used for secret government aerospace and weapons testing since the 1950s, including the development of the iconic stealth bombers.
Aerial shot of the airbase in the Nevada desert
(Image: Google)
A spokesperson for Google denied any censorship of the base in a statement.
The company said: “Google Earth didn’t censor this area in Nevada.
"Our satellite imagery is licensed from third party providers which are commercially available and are not the property of Google.
"We update imagery by prioritising areas that are most popular with users while complying with local and federal laws.”
An image released by NASA seems to show a strange green anomaly just past the edge of Jupiter.
The image was quickly picked up on by Youtube conspiracy channel ‘UFOmania - The truth is out there’ who posted a short clip alongside the description: “A NASA image of Jupiter shows a massive unidentified green anomaly just above or on the surface of Jupiter.
Another alien hunting site, UFO Sightings Hotspot also spotted the anomaly, claiming it is irrefutable proof that highly advanced extraterrestrials are visiting the gas giant which is Jupiter.
UFO Sightings Hotspot reads: “A NASA image of Jupiter shows a massive unidentified green anomaly just above or on the surface of Jupiter.
One YouTube user simply commented: “It’s the aurora of Jupiter… idiots.”
Jupiter is a gas giant so any life there, which is unlikely, would be extremely different to ours.
However, this does not mean it would be impossible for aliens to reside in the clouds of Jupiter.
US Scientist Carl Sagan theorised life on Jupiter would take the form of enormous balloon-like lifeforms that float above the hot gasses on Jupiter’s surface.
Spot the 'UFO' (Image: NASA)
He said on his TV show, Cosmos: A Personal Voyage, that “vast living balloons could stay buoyant by pumping heavy gasses from their interiors or by keeping their insides warm.”
He added: “They might eat organic molecules in the air or make their own with sunlight. We call these creatures ‘Floaters’.
“We imagine Floaters kilometres across, enormously larger than the greatest whale that ever was – beings the size of cities.”
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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