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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Linda Moulton Howe: Extraterrestrials Are Likely Someone Else's Machines via Artificial Intelligence (Video)
Linda Moulton Howe: Extraterrestrials Are Likely Someone Else's Machines via Artificial Intelligence (Video)
Linda Moulton Howe starts off with Elon Musk’s comments to American governors at a meeting in Rhode Island: “Artificial Intelligence is a fundamental risk to the existence of human civilization and I don’t think people really appreciate that.” With video and images, Linda will lay out the emerging problems of applying A. I. to robots, especially those under development for military applications with weapons, and those problems include the potential for robots to lethally turn on their human makers.
As humanity is rapidly moving to depend on A. I. robot support, people in the UFO/E.T. abduction syndrome have been saying for decades that some of the beings they have dealt with were clearly Someone else’s programmed androids and robots.
Russia UFOs: Something Not From This Earth Is in the Skies and Waters There (Video)
Russia UFOs: Something Not From This Earth Is in the Skies and Waters There (Video)
Mysterious events are occurring in Russia in the form of UFOs and USOs. The topics presented at the lecture are listed below: Ancient Russia and the Russian Empire’s UFO sightings.
The Tunguska Object and other mysteries before 1917. KGB and UFOs in the USSR.The most important UFO cases of the Soviet Union. UFOs over the Caucasus, Siberia, Russia’s North and Far East: then and now.
UFOs in the oceans and space from the secret files and heretofore unavailable information regarding USOs (unidentified submersible objects) and sightings of UFOs by Russian cosmonauts.
This gold-anodized aluminum plaque was attached to the Pioneer 10 spacecraft before it was launched into space on March 2, 1972. Scientists Carl and Linda Sagan and Frank Drake designed the plaque that was attached to Pioneer 10 to communicate with extraterrestrial beings. (Note: Due to size limitations, the entire plaque is not pictured here.)
One of the biggest voices in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, or SETI, once wrote that humans should be prepared to deal not just with aliens, but also with their artificial intelligence. Seth Shostak, senior astronomer for the SETI Institute, based his argument on watching us create both basic AI and cloud computing technology and sending robots to explore places we currently can't go. If we can do that, why couldn't an alien species do something similar?
The communication part is where it gets tricky. The prospect of getting aliens to understand what we're saying is hard enough. What chance would an alien machine have? After all, whatever signals we send might seem based on immutable laws of math to most of us, but they'd be arbitrary to an extraterrestrial mind, organic or synthetic. For instance, the fact that we divide information into bits and bytes, that each byte contains eight bits, and there are 1024 bytes in a kilobyte are consequences of computing being adjusted to better handle certain arbitrary communication protocols. So, while we could imagine beaming pulses that are neatly decoded into greetings and instructions for alien probes, how do we know that these machines could understand our Earth-centric standards?
Shostak says we shouldn't worry about that. An alien machine could do what we do when we're trying to understand a different language. They could parse it for distinct patterns, notice repetitions and conclude that what they're receiving is an intelligent signal.
"If you just said lots of things," he explains, "and no matter what is at the other end, if it's an intelligent machine, then it can certainly go through all that information and pick out the redundancies. Even if it's little gray guys with big eyeballs, they probably have some big computers and so they could do the same thing with their computers."
In fact, he argues that trying to send a large volume of data is a more efficient way for aliens to understand our language, more efficient than signals showing that we understand the laws of mathematics. Faced with vast amounts of data, alien machinery could build up a large list of nouns and learn to associate them with certain images.
"If they were parsing [the digital version of] The Library of Congress, they would quickly learn that the name for this square thing with four wheels is 'automobile,'" he says. "What will be hard is understanding verbs, but they could certainly pull out sequences and try to figure them out, kind of how you learn to read actually, although you'd already know the language."
Of course, there's only so far we can broadcast our radio signals, and there are only so many targets at which we can aim our lasers. But let's say that at some point alien machines do encounter our probes. It's very unlikely the two devices will be able to successfully communicate because in a few hundred years the electronics on our probes would fail thanks to wear and tear and the radiation of outer space. It's also statistically unlikely they'd be quickly found by an alien spaceship. However, says Shostak, that doesn't mean there wouldn't be a lot for aliens to learn from the discovery, starting with analyzing the probes' levels of technology.
"Say something happened to Christopher Columbus' ships and they all sank except maybe one," he elaborates. "So imagine that Santa Maria washes up on the shore and Native Americans go down and take a look at this ship. What can they tell about the culture that was on the other side of the ocean that launched this ship? Well, they have metal, and they have big pieces of cloth that serve some function they can probably figure out what the purpose of it was. They'd see a rudder and certainly know what a rudder was. They could certainly learn a lot from just the technology about the relative technical sophistication of the culture at the other end."
Each of the two Voyager spacecraft launched in 1977 carry one of the 12-inch gold-plated phonograph records pictured here, replete with images and sounds from Earth.
And while Shostak says aliens are probably never going to run into the Voyager or the Pioneer probes, they'd be intrigued with the technology we put into them, more intrigued than with any plaques adorning said probes. If anything, he argues that equipping probes for first contact should be done with as much data as possible and allow alien machines to figure out the rest.
In other words, aliens will understand our communication protocols as long as we're consistent about the ones we send and we make sure to give them a lot of data so they can decipher that they're dealing with a language. How much time and energy they'll invest in their process will likely be determined by their priorities and the limitations of their machines' programming, but it's unlikely that alien machines and their handlers won't at least recognize that they've made first contact with something out there.
Shostak also suggests using a kind of interstellar braille on crystals that can survive for extremely long periods, "sort of like a CD designed for the rigors of space" that can still be read by scanners since an alien machine would be able to notice the patterns of redundancies and start the process of deciphering what we have to teach it.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Bizarre Light Orbs Over California Prompt Interstellar Visitor Theories (VIDEO)
Bizarre Light Orbs Over California Prompt Interstellar Visitor Theories (VIDEO)
A clip with a mysterious flying object, uploaded by an ordinary YouTube user, has been quickly picked up by Disclose Screen, a popular channel among UFO enthusiasts.
Chris Wilson managed to capture a free-falling object that emanated a bright white light, hovering over San Diego, California at sunset. At one point, the alleged UFO split into two, which stunned Wilson, who, nevertheless, continued filming:
“That’s crazy. Woah, what the hell, it's stopped its free-fall and now there are two.”
YouTube users, who probably have a thing for conspiracy theories, appeared to be impressed with the video, leaving comments such as: “Cool, NASA will say it’s [sic] balloons or reflections,” “Wow, crazy. Great catch,” “Alien invasion” or “The war of Armageddon is raging.”
Another user suggested that “an object flying straight away from you will appear to be descending. Helicopters and drones can easily hover and change direction in mid air,” while a fellow YouTuber wrote that there was a marine base north west of the place where the sighting took place.
Sur les fonds du littoral breton, on ne trouve pas que des épaves, mais aussi de bien curieux mégalithes qui semblent bien ne pas avoir été déposés par hasard à une profondeur d’une vingtaine de mètres. Une étrange pyramide engloutie se dresse ainsi dans les profondeurs du golfe du Morbihan. Sa position et des marques découvertes sur les rochers environnants prouvent que son origine n’a rien de naturel. Sa présence tendrait à conforter l’hypothèse d’une montée des eaux beaucoup plus importante qu’il est communément admis, il y a environ 5000 ans…
Il est des secrets qui dorment sous nos yeux, jusque devant nos portes, oubliés de tous, sortis de la mémoire collective à tel point que personne n’est en mesure aujourd’hui de retrouver leur origine…
C’est le cas en Bretagne sud, dans le golfe du Morbihan, une petite mer intérieure (traduction littérale de Mor-Bihan) de 15 km de long sur 12 km de large, parsemée d’une myriade d’îles et d’îlots, ne communiquant avec l’océan que par un goulet de 900m de large, se remplissant et se vidant toutes les six heures au rythme des marées en engendrant de redoutables courants pouvant dépasser 15km/h. Là, les tombants, dont la profondeur n’excède guère 25 m, sont d’une extraordinaire richesse en faune et en flore.
C’est là, le long des tombants de la pointe Sud-Ouest de l’île Longue, non loin de l’accès du golfe à la mer libre, que j’ai découvert une énigme à laquelle personne, jusqu’à présent, n’a pu fournir d’explication.
Là, en un lieu nommé ”les Gorets”, j’ai fait la découverte d’une curieuse pyramide monolithique, sous une vingtaine de mètres d’eau. Elle semble taillée dans le granit et possède trois faces sur une base triangulaire (c’est un tétraède). Les faces sont lisses, les angles sont vifs et elles sont d’inégales surfaces. La plus grande, orientée vers l’Ouest, est parallèle au tombant. La base de la pierre est située, par marée haute de coefficient moyen, à 23m de la surface. Sa hauteur est de 1,70m. La roche est rougeâtre, peut-être du granit rose ou du porphyre ? Je l’ai mesurée pour en calculer le volume puis le poids : celui-ci doit être d’environ 1,4 tonne. Une prospection au détecteur de métaux dans les alentours n’a rien donné : pas de trésor, ni de métal en vue !
Que fait à cet endroit cette bizarre structure ? Trois hypothèses ont été émises quant à la présence de ce monolithe en ce lieu et à cette profondeur. J’ai d’abord pensé à une pierre taillée tombée d’un bateau. Nous savons en effet que les anciens transportaient par voie d’eau des blocs découpés destinés à des constructions lointaines. Mais le fait que cette pierre pointue (les angles au sommet sont inférieurs à 90°) me semble mal convenir à une bâtisse, il est peu vraisemblable qu’elle soit tombée la pointe bien orientée vers le haut, la plus grande face exactement parallèle au tombant.
La deuxième hypothèse me fut suggérée par David, un ami moniteur local. ”Tu sais, m’avait-il dit, c’est probablement une formation géologique naturelle. Les roches en cristallisant donnent parfois ce genre de structure. Regarde par exemple la Chaussée des Géants en Irlande”. Certes, mais ce sont des roches éruptives comme le basalte qui forment naturellement ces constructions géométriques. Or notre pyramide semble en granit qui n’est pas d’origine volcanique. D’ailleurs, le volcanisme récent est inexistant dans le vieux massif armoricain et il n’y a nulle part, en surface, de monolithe de ce genre. Les roches, érodées, sont arrondies.
La troisième hypothèse était que cette pierre, appartenant au substrat, avait été taillée par la main de l’homme pour en faire un amer, marquer un lieu sacré ou Dieu sait quoi d’autre. Car n’oublions pas que nous sommes en plein cœur d’une région extrêmement riche en monuments mégalithiques. Les célèbres menhirs des alignements de Carnac ne sont, à vol d’oiseau, qu’à 14 km. Bien plus près, à environ 1 200 m, le tumulus de Gavrinis abrite une allée couverte ornée d’énigmatiques gravures. Mieux encore, en face de Gavrinis se trouve l’îlot d’Er-Lannic. Celui-ci, classé réserve ornithologique, possède sur sa pente sud-est deux cromlechs (un cromlech est un ensemble de menhirs-pierres dressées disposés en forme de fer à cheval). Le premier, parfaitement visible quand on passe en bateau, est semi-immergé. Quant au second, il est complètement recouvert par en moyenne 3 à 4 m d’eau. Il ne se laisse entrevoir que par grande marée basse. Preuve indubitable que le niveau des eaux a monté dans le golfe depuis l’érection de ces monuments. Des fouilles effectuées par des archéologues et des plongeurs locaux ont permis tout d’abord de faire un relevé précis de ces alignements puis de dater leur édification à 3 500 av. JC, période d’apogée du Néolithique en Armorique. Notre pyramide pourrait donc faire partie de cet ensemble de constructions préhistoriques.
Problème : les eaux du golfe, d’après les spécialistes, ont dû monter de 7 à 8 m depuis 5500 ans. Or la pyramide est à -23m ! Donc, soit le niveau de la mer s’est beaucoup plus élevé que ce que l’on pense, soit le monolithe est beaucoup plus ancien et aurait été recouvert lors de la fonte des glaciers mettant un terme à la glaciation de Wurm. C’est-à-dire au plus tard vers 8000 av. J.C.! Pourtant les archéologues nous ont appris que les plus vieux mégalithes bretons datent d’environ 4500 av. J.C. Nous étions donc loin du compte !
Quelques années passèrent depuis cette curieuse découverte. Une observation plus attentive me permit de constater que la pyramide n’appartenait pas au substrat mais était ”simplement” posée sur le sol rocheux de surface inégale, créant ainsi des cavités abritant congres ou homards. Posée oui, mais par qui et pourquoi ?
J’en étais là de mes interrogations quand, passant fin juillet faire gonfler mon bloc au Crouesty (grand port de plaisance situé près de l’entrée du golfe), Martial ami de longue date, me fit une confidence qui m’intrigua : ” j’ai trouvé, il y a peu, près de la pyramide, un triangle gravé sur la face plate d’une roche, tu devrais allez voir”.
Confiant en sa parole et en son œil exercé (il avait déjà découvert, dans la même zone, en faisant des baptêmes, un petit muret d’un demi-mètre de haut dissimulé dans les algues) je mouillais, début août, mon bateau aux Gorets et plongeais. Suivant ses indications je ne tardais pas à trouver, à cinq mètres (distance mesurée) de notre monolithe une pierre portant, grossièrement gravé, le dessin d’un triangle ! Coïncidence ?
Je le nettoyais puis revenais le mesurer. Il était représenté pointe vers le bas, son plus grand côté faisant 43cm, les deux autres respectivement 36 et 28cm. Etant dessinateur de métier, j’en traçais un plan à l’échelle ¼. Je mesurais son angle au sommet : 85°, presque un angle droit. Mais aussi pratiquement le même angle au sommet de la grande face de la pyramide, celle qui est parallèle au tombant ! Là les coïncidences devenaient trop nombreuses pour que ce soit seulement le hasard. Il s’agissait dès lors de raisonner logiquement.
Pour moi ce triangle sommairement gravé le fut pour indiquer à ceux qui allaient amener la pyramide que c’était là l’endroit où la placer. Il s’agissait d’un emplacement bien précis, ne devant rien au hasard (il n’y a que 5m de la gravure à la pyramide), mais dont nous ignorons la signification.
N’oublions pas qu’il y a, sur l’extrémité Sud de l’île Longue, donc à quelques dizaines de mètres de la pyramide, une allée couverte (propriété privée, la visite en est interdite) dont les parois sont recouvertes des mêmes mystérieuses gravures que celles du cairn de Gavrinis datant de 3700 av. J.C et situé à 1000m de là. Gravures qui à ce jour n’ont jamais pu être interprétées. On ne sait d’ailleurs pratiquement rien sur le peuple qui a couvert de monuments mégalithiques toute cette région de Bretagne Sud. N’ayant pas d’écriture ils n’ont laissé de leur présence que ces énormes blocs de pierre érigés en menhirs, dolmens, allées couvertes ou cairns.
Songeons que le grand menhir (pierre dressée) de Locmariaquer, situé à la pointe Ouest de l’entrée du golfe, aujourd’hui abattu et cassé en quatre morceaux, faisait 20m de long et pesait 300 tonnes ! (A titre comparatif, l’obélisque de la Concorde à Paris pèse 200 tonnes). Il fut érigé vers 4500 av. J.C., soit 2000 ans avant les pyramides d’Egypte, et auparavant déplacé sur 17km ! Il fallait à un peuple capable d’un tel exploit une organisation sociale élaborée, avec des décideurs, des concepteurs, des cadres et de la main-d’œuvre. Il avait également besoin d’une intendance pour outiller, loger, nourrir tout ce monde. Et tous ces gens avaient surtout une foi profonde envers leurs dieux, car tous ces édifices avaient selon toute vraisemblance, un but religieux.
Déplacer une pierre pyramidale d’un peu plus d’une tonne pour l’installer en un endroit pré-déterminé ne devait donc pas leur poser de gros problèmes. Reste celui de la profondeur à laquelle reposent pyramide et triangle. Certes nous avons la preuve que le niveau de la mer s’est élevé au cours des siècles : face à Gavrinis se trouve l’îlot d’Er-Lannic. Il possède sur sa pente Sud-Est deux cromlechs, ensemble de menhirs disposés en demi-cercle. Le premier parfaitement visible est semi-immergé. Le second est complètement recouvert par 3 ou 4m d’eau. D’autres sites en Bretagne ont également les ”pieds dans l’eau” : dolmen de Kerroyal au fond du golfe, menhir de Penglaouic à Loctudy, allée couverte de Guinirvit en Finistère Nord, etc…
Cette montée des eaux, appelée ”transgression flandrienne”, est due à la fonte des glaciers du Nord de l’Europe à la fin de la glaciation de Wurm il y a 10-12000 ans. Mais elle ne dépasse pas, aux dires des hydrologues, 7 à 8m en 5500 ans. Les géologues nous apprennent aussi que la Scandinavie, libérée du poids de ses glaces, s’élève lentement depuis 10 000 ans et que par contre-coup la péninsule armoricaine s’abaisse sensiblement. Ce phénomène, appelé ”mouvement épirogénique”, accentue encore l’importance de l’ennoyage des estuaires et des plaines basses du littoral breton.
Alors, pour que la pyramide ait été placée là où elle est, c’est à dire à plus de vingt mètres de la surface actuelle, il n’y a que deux possibilités :
soit le niveau des eaux dans ce qui deviendra le golfe du Morbihan, est vers 5000 av. J.C. (en admettant que notre pierre fasse partie des tous premiers mégalithes) beaucoup plus bas que ce qui est généralement admis et que donc la montée des eaux a été plus importante et plus rapide que ce que nous pensons.
Soit la pyramide est beaucoup plus vieille et a été positionnée vers la fin de la dernière glaciation, c’est à dire vers 8000 av.J.C. ! C’est ce que pense le plongeur- spéléo Francis Le Guen qui lui, a trouvé un petit dolmen par 25m de fond en Finistère Nord. Mais dans ce cas quelle population aurait été capable à cette époque, d’une telle réalisation ?
Pour ma part je pencherais plutôt pour la première hypothèse. Seules les rivières de Vannes et d’Auray serpentaient dans la plaine cernée de mamelons rocheux qu’était alors le golfe. Elles ne devaient pas être très profondes et peu soumises à la marée, la mer libre étant beaucoup plus loin, au delà de Houat et peut-être de Belle-Ile. Aujourd’hui le fond moyen de cette zone est d’environ -25m. Si on admet une profondeur des deux rivières à l’époque de 4 à 5m on a donc un rivage dans les -20m actuel ce qui nous place la pyramide en bordure du flot, mais à sec.
Quand à savoir qu’elle était l’utilité réelle de notre pyramide c’est un mystère dont je laisse la résolution aux archéologues. Mais je pense qu’une extension des recherches sous-marines dans le golfe du Morbihan, malgré les difficultés (courant, trafic), pourrait nous apporter d’autres intéressantes découvertes.
Attention !
Si vous désirez plonger dans le golfe, sachez que c’est une zone dangereuse pour le néophyte. Les courants y sont violents et changeants ; le trafic en été y est intense. Il est donc grandement préférable de s’adresser aux très sérieux clubs locaux.
Bibliographie :
Giot P.R. La Bretagne des Mégalithes Ed. Ouest France ; Lecerf Y. Mémoire de pierres Ed. Cloître ; Lecerf Y. La Bretagne préhistorique Ed. Skol Vreizh ; Mohen J.P. Pierres vives de la préhistoire Ed. Odile Jacob ; Politzer A. er M. Des Mégalithes et des Hommes Ed. Coop Breizh
Stunned dad spots ‘submerged plane’ on Google Earth in the sea off Scotland – but is all as it seems?
Stunned dad spots ‘submerged plane’ on Google Earth in the sea off Scotland – but is all as it seems?
Robert Morton, 55, found the incredible image under the sea near Edinburgh
By James Cox
A SHOCKED dad couldn't believe his eyes after spotting a submerged plane on Google Earth.
Robert Morton, 55, found the incredible image under the sea near Edinburgh.
The father-of-three, from Doncaster, said the image appears to show an airliner underneath the waves.
He told Mirror Online that the discovery was "incredible and very strange".
Robert, a mechanical fitter, said: "I was just looking on Google Earth on Monday and, by chance, I came across the picture of the aircraft.
"It looks like it is the sea, just off the coast of Edinburgh. It looks like it is underwater.
"Its very, very strange. It's incredible.
"I have never actually seen an aircraft on Google Earth so it is very strange. It appears to be underwater."
The bizarre image can be found around nine miles from Edinburgh airport, off the Scottish coast near Portobello.
So what is the story behind the picture?
Robert says he has never heard of a plane crash in that region - and suggests there is an Earthly solution to the mystery.
The plane can be found 9 miles from Edinburgh airport, off the coast near Portobello
How did the plane get down there...or is it down there at all?
He described his find as a "Google anomaly".
Robert added added: "I know the picture of the plane isn't really in the water, its probably the satellite looking down on it through thin cloud giving it that appearance."
Researchers just test-fired a new type of ion thruster that “breathes” air, and one day, it could help humanity reach Mars and beyond.
Better propulsion systems are key to advancing our space capabilities, and one of the most promising kinds is ion propulsion. An ion thruster “ionizes” a propellant, most commonly xenon, by either adding electrons to it or taking electrons away. This creates thrust that can position a satellite or propel spacecraft, for example.
Ion thrusters are much cleaner, safer, and more fuel-efficient than standard rocket engines. However, they are still limited by the amount of propellant their craft can carry.
Scientists at the European Space Agency (ESA), Polish company QuinteScience, and Italian space company SITAEL hope to change that. The team has successfully tested an ion thruster that utilizes a method known as air-breathing electric propulsion (ABEP), or RAM electrical propulsion. That means it quite literally runs on air.
While ABEP is not a new concept, the ESA’s prototype is the first of its kind. It works by sucking in air molecules from the top of Earth’s atmosphere. Then, it gives those molecules an electric charge and accelerates them. Finally, it ejects the ionized molecules back out into space. This ejection of ions is what causes thrust.
After running a number of successful computer simulations, the team decided it was time to test their thruster in the physical world.
The group set up a vacuum chamber at the SITAEL’s test facility in Italy to replicate conditions 200 kilometers (124 miles) above Earth’s surface. Through a series of tests, they proved they could ignite the system using solely an atmospheric mix of nitrogen and oxygen.
“This result means air-breathing electric propulsion is no longer simply a theory but a tangible, working concept, ready to be developed, to serve one day as the basis of a new class of missions,” Louis Walpot, an ESA aerospace engineer, said in a statement.
Slow And Steady
This “air-breathing” thruster may not be as powerful as some other ion thrusters in development, including NASA’s X3, but what it lacks in power, it makes up for in potential longevity.
Because they can pull fuel from the air, these ion thrusters could expand our reach into space. A craft could travel from one atmosphere to the next, “refueling” at each before continuing on its journey. Instead of causing drag, air would become a fuel source.
Of course, any long-distance trips would still take a long time, but at least we’d have the ability to eventually reach objects much farther away.
Besides supporting future long-distance missions, these air-powered thrusters could be superior alternatives to the thrusters that currently help satellites maintain their positioning. Those systems eventually run out of propellant and can no longer function, as was the case with the ESA’s Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) satellite.
The ESA’s ion thruster could also cut down on the weight of spacecraft, which is a constant limiting factor for launches. The GOCE satellite, for example, carried 40 kilograms (88 pounds) of xenon for propellant. Getting rid of this weight could be a significant benefit to using these thrusters.
While it isn’t the most powerful propulsion system, the ESA’s new ion thruster design has clear advantages over older designs. Eventually, it could become the propulsion system of choice for spacecraft engineers.
The US government made a pact with Aliens for otherworldly technology
The US government made a pact with Aliens for otherworldly technology
There are numerous Ufologists who claim that extraterrestrial beings have worked with our government for years. This theory, which has been seriously ridiculed by many, might actually be true since numerous scientists and governmental official have come forward suggesting that there is more to alien life on Earth than previously believed.
Philip Schneider was a man who is believed to have come forward with highly classified information. He was a geologist and structural engineer of the Government of the United States and was involved in the construction of deep underground military bases in the United States with the Army Corps of Engineers. He was one of three people to survive the 1979 fire fight between the large Greys and U.S. intelligence and military forces at Dulce underground base. At Dulce, Schneider maintained, “gray” humanoid extraterrestrials worked side by side with American technicians. In 1979, a misunderstanding arose. In the ensuing shootout, 66 Secret Service, FBI and Black Berets were killed along with an unspecified number of “grays”.
Philip Schneider’s father, Oscar Schneider was a medical advisor to the US Navy. During the last two years of his life, Phil Schneider gave over 30 lectures to a variety of audiences around the world talking about highly classified information of the government involving alien technology, alien weapons, experiments and pacts between governments worldwide and aliens.
Many people remained skeptical about what Schneider had brought forward and much of his life was seriously questioned by people worldwide. He was ridiculed by many, but there were many who believed that what Schneider was telling was the absolute truth, something that no one dared to talk about.
Mysteriously in 1996, Schneider was found dead in his apartment. Authorities said it was a suicide, but many people believe that Schneider was killed because he had leaked extremely classified information to the public.
In 1954, former President Dwight Eisenhower, made a pact with three species of aliens, Schneider said at a conference in 1995. n exchange for alien technology, Eisenhower allegedly gave permission for the aliens to abduct a limited number human beings to perform numerous experiments on Earth and in space.
Schneider said that many of the thousands people who have gone missing around the world, may have been taken by aliens. He said there are nine races of aliens who see the human race as “a bag of food.”
According to Schneider, the technology that aliens gave us as part of this exchange includes a type of metal that is almost indestructible. Schneider showed the audience what he said was a piece of this metal. It is made of niobium, an element that we have in the periodic table, and Marinite, a strange element which is not found on Earth.
But there were other technological utilities that aliens gave to humans thanks to the pacts. The government was able to develop a spy satellite with help of aliens that can detect a penny on the floor of your kitchen according to Schneider. This spy-satellite uses some sort of infrared technology with a resolution factor of 99.99961.
But this pact was broken by the aliens since they have abducted way more aliens than agreed. According to Schneider, since the pact was broken there have been tensions among alien races and humans.
The debate over who arrived in the New World first is a contentious one. Their identities aside, nobody can quite decide how those first Americans traveled or how they dispersed once they arrived. But now, a new study published in Cell, illuminating the genetic history of some of those early travelers, reveals a unifying thread.
An international team of scientists announced Thursday that the majority of people in Central and South America can be linked to a single ancestral lineage of humans who journeyed across the Bering Strait at least 15,000 years ago. After their journey southward into the new world, this source population broke into at least three branches, which diversified and spread, some of them back toward the north.
Two of those branches are new to science. One is unexpectedly connected to the Clovis people — who were thought to be the first Americans until the early 2000s— whereas the other links ancient North Americans to people who lived in Southern Peru and Northern Chile at least 4,200 years ago.
“These [findings] are fascinating as they open new gateways into archeological and genetic research,” explains co-author and Harvard Ph.D. candidate Nathan Nakatuska to Inverse. “It was previously not known that the Clovis culture extended into South America, and it is incredible that these people were able to migrate all the way through North, Central, and South America. In addition, the new migration into the Southern Andes was not previously known, and we are unsure what historical events led to this.”
Nakatuska and his colleagues analyzed DNA from 49 ancient individuals who once lived in what is now Belize, Brazil, the Central Andes, and the southernmost parts of Chile and Argentina and died between 10,900 and 8,600 ago. The team worked with government agencies and indigenous people to identify the samples, extract powder from skeletal material, and extract the DNA necessary to created double-stranded DNA libraries.
The use of DNA is one of the most novel aspects of this research. When studying migration of ancient peoples, other scientists often have to rely on other factors, such as old footprints or lice.
This broad dataset allowed the team to link genetic exchanges between people in North and South America and confirm the common origin of North, Central, and South Americans. The analysis made it clear that the original “source” population, fresh off the Bering Strait, diversified before they spread into South America.
What surprised the study authors most was the genetic connection they found between the Clovis culture and South America. About 13,000 years ago, the Clovis were distributed across North America. Though they were long thought to be the first Americans, findings of even older remains stripped them of that title. In the new paper, the team links DNA from a Clovis boy who lived in Montana about 12,800 years ago to some of the data set’s oldest individuals, who lived much farther south, in modern-day Belize, Chile, and Brazil.
“This [previously unknown gene flow event] suggests that, surprisingly, the genetic ancestry of people who produced the Clovis culture expanded further south,” explains first author and Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History researcher Cosimo Posth, Ph.D. to Inverse. “However, this ancestry was replaced at least by 9,000 years ago from another lineage, which left a long lasting population continuity until today, in multiple South American regions.”
The second previously unknown population links ancient individuals who lived on California’s Channel Islands to individuals who lived at least 4,200 years ago in Southern Peru and Northern Chile. Posth notes that “this might be linked to a population expansion in the region seen in the archeological record around that time.”
Nakatuska hopes the team’s research will stimulate further investigation into these genetic bonds and emphasizes the need for researchers to respectfully work with indigenous people. While strides have been made in the past two decades, archeology has a history of cultural imperialism.
“We hope the findings will facilitate greater collaboration and engagement with indigenous communities where the communities are deeply engaged and provide their insights to help drive the science and complement the studies with their own indigenous epistemologies,” Nakatuska says.
“We must ensure that our studies benefit indigenous people, particularly those currently living in the areas near the ancient individuals from our studies.”
Study Summary from Authors:
We report genome-wide ancient DNA from 49 individuals forming four parallel time transects in Belize, Brazil, the Central Andes, and the Southern Cone, each dating to at least ∼9,000 years ago. The common ancestral population radiated rapidly from just one of the two early branches that contributed to Native Americans today. We document two previously unappreciated streams of gene flow between North and South America. One affected the Central Andes by ∼4,200 years ago, while the other explains an affinity between the oldest North American genome associated with the Clovis culture and the oldest Central and South Americans from Chile, Brazil, and Belize. However, this was not the primary source for later South Americans, as the other ancient individuals derive from lineages without specific affinity to the Clovis-associated genome, suggesting a population replacement that began at least 9,000 years ago and was followed by substantial population continuity in multiple regions.
Earlier in 2018, the Curiosity rover found evidence for abundant organic compounds – those containing carbon – on Mars. Does this mean Mars once had life? Or can some other process can explain it? Here’s one idea.
Mars as seen by one of the Viking orbiters in the late 1970s. We now know there are organics there, but where did they come from?
Image via NASA.
For a long time, it wasn’t known if organic compounds – compounds containing carbon – existed on Mars. They are ubiquitous within living things on Earth, but – due to its thinner atmosphere – these compounds would be destroyed on Mars’ surface by strong incoming ultraviolet radiation. Still, scientists have thought that there should be some organics on Mars – hidden within rocks or perhaps just under the surface – even if just very simple ones from the meteorites that strike Mars regularly. Various landers and rovers found hints of organics, but nothing too substantial. Then, earlier in 2018, the Curiosity rover finally hit pay dirt, finding evidence for abundant organics in the ancient mudstone rocks in Gale Crater, which used to be a Martian lake billions of years ago. These carbon molecules ranged from simple to fairly complex, but their actual origin was still unknown. They could be created by abiotic processes (without life). Or they could be the molecular remains of once-living organisms.
Now, a new study by scientists at the Carnegie Institution for Science has shown one possible way that these or similar organics might have been created on Mars. The new peer-reviewed paper – by Andrew Steele and his colleagues – has been published in Science Advances.
The researchers studied organics found in three Martian meteorites – Tissint, Nakhla, and NWA 1950 – and compared them to the organics discovered by Curiosity. They found that both sets of organic carbon were quite similar, suggesting a possible similar origin. From the paper:
Here, we show that Martian meteorites Tissint, Nakhla, and NWA 1950 have an inventory of organic carbon species associated with fluid-mineral reactions that are remarkably consistent with those detected by the Mars Science Laboratory mission[with its Curiosity rover]
Earlier this year, NASA’s Curiosity rover found organic carbon compounds in ancient mudstones, similar to ones previously discovered in Martian meteorites.
Image via NASA/GSFC.
Previously, in 2012, Steele led another team that determined the organics found in 10 different Martian meteorites was indigenous to Mars, not contamination from Earth, but also was not biological in origin. But if those carbon deposits were not biological, then how did they form?According to Steele:
Revealing the processes by which organic carbon compounds form on Mars has been a matter of tremendous interest for understanding its potential for habitability.
Basically, according to the paper, Mars’ organics may have originated from a series of electrochemical reactionsbetween briny liquids and volcanic minerals – in other words, natural “batteries.”
The Tissint Martian meteorite, one of several that were found to contain organic material.
So what about the organics found by Curiosity? Steele and his team looked closer at the organics in the meteorites – using advanced microscopy and spectroscopy – and found that they were likely created by electrochemical corrosion of minerals in Martian rocks by a surrounding salty liquid brine. As Steele noted:
The discovery that natural systems can essentially form a small corrosion-powered battery that drives electrochemical reactions between minerals and surrounding liquid has major implications for the astrobiology field.
A high-resolution transmission electron micrograph (scale 50nm), from a transmission electron microscope, of a grain from the Martian meteorite Nakhla. The organic carbon layers are found between the intact “tines.” This texture is created when the volcanic minerals of the Martian rock interact with a salty brine and become the anode and cathode of a naturally occurring battery in a corrosion reaction. This reaction would then have enough energy – under certain conditions – to synthesize organic carbon.
Image via Andrew Steele/Science Advances.
Does this prove the Curiosity organics were created in the same way? No, but it is a viable answer. Curiosity itself is somewhat limited in being able to determine whether any organics are biological in origin or not. The upcoming 2020 roverwill be able to do that, NASA has said.
The team further postulates that similar processes could also occur on Jupiter’s moon Europa, Saturn’s moon Enceladus and other bodies in our solar system – anywhere that igneous rocks are surrounded by salty brines. This could also have a bearing on their potential habitability as well.
Bottom line: The origin of organics on Mars is still unknown, but this new study from the Carnegie Institution for Science may hold some important clues for how at least some of them were created.
This new Juno spacecraft image shows magnificent, swirling clouds in Jupiter’s dynamic atmosphere. The craft was about 4,400 miles (7,000 km) from the planet’s cloud tops on October 29, over about 40 degrees north.
NASA’s Juno spacecraft captured this image of swirling clouds over Jupiter’s North-North Temperate Belt on October 29, 2018, as the spacecraft performed its 16th close flyby of Jupiter. At the time, Juno was about 4,400 miles (7,000 km) from the planet’s cloud tops, at a latitude of approximately 40 degrees north.
Appearing in the scene are several bright-white “pop-up” clouds as well as an anticyclonic storm, known as a white oval.
Citizen scientists Gerald Eichstädt and Seán Doran created this color-enhanced image using data from the spacecraft’s JunoCam imager. JunoCam’s raw images are available for the public to peruse and to process into image products here.
Bottom line: Image of Jupiter’s clouds by NASA’s Juno spacecraft.
What landed here – a UFO or a meteorite? This 40 meter high geological formation was never thoroughly investigated until the 2000s but Russian scientists seem to have found an explanation.
A gloomy dark mount towers over the bright green landscape of the dense Russian taiga. Looking like a giant speaker – 40 meters high and 100 meters wide – it’s an unexpected site to see in a remote area in the north of Irkutsk region, some 210 km north of the town of Bodaibo.
Until 1949 only a few locals knew about it. They call it the “Fire Eagle’s Nest” and used to think of it as a bad place that even animals avoided. Some who visit this place die a strange death and household animals vanish without a trace. What’s the mystery behind this crater and is there a rational explanation for the all the mysterious activity?
How it was discovered
The scientist who first chanced upon this unique formation was Russian geologist Vadim Kolpakov. In 1949 he came here to conduct research and couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw the crater.
“I thought I was mad,” he recalled. “From a distance it reminded me of a giant pit mine and I even wondered if people were there. Why would they be? This is a dense area of the taiga. Plus there were no NKVD labor camps around here – I knew it for sure. Secondly, I thought that it might be an archeological artefact, but the local Evenk and Yakut people were not ancient Egyptians. They can’t built rock pyramids.”
A closer examination showed that the crater was a large mound made of shattered limestone blocks with a diameter of around 160 meters, with an estimated weight of about one million tons. The crater was coined “Patom” (the name of a nearby river), but wasn’t examined thoroughly until the 2000s due to a lack of funding.
The mystery of “Fire Eagle’s Nest” has fueled various theories, from an alien ship landing to an underground nuclear reaction. Some, including Kolpakov himself, supported the idea that the crater was formed by a meteorite falling on the Patom Highland – people thought it might be a fragment of the Tunguska meteorite that fell in the Siberian taiga in 1908. Others suggested that the crater is a volcanic structure that formed due to gas steam jets from a significant depth along fault zones.
The first complex scientific expedition that visited the site in 2005 didn’t get any answers. The head of the expedition died of a heart attack – a tragedy that some believed was a bad omen.
Still, the scientists continued to examine the area. Subsequent expeditions in the years that followed (2006, 2008, 2010) were more successful. Gathered material from the site showed that the crater formed around 500 years ago (way earlier than the Tunguska meteorite) and that it has a zoned ring structure with individual zones formed at different times.
The scientists eventually discarded the meteoritic theory and cryogenic formation hypothesis (suggesting that the cone formed by the freezing of aquifer sequence) and came to the conclusion that the Patom Crater formed by a phreatic (steam) explosion, that happened either during magma emplacement into hydrous rocks or due to the faulting and decompression of heated hydrous rocks.
Despite this, some prefer to believe in more exciting, farfetched explanations like a tiny fragment of a neutron star falling to Earth – so massive that it punched straight through the Earth and out the other side, through the Patom Crater. It’s not completely unrealistic – two similar events happened in 1993 in different parts of the planet, both within a month of each other.
There’s still no explanation for strange events reportedly happening in the crater’s vicinity. Apart from the magnetic anomaly that was detected during one of the first expeditions there is no confirmed evidence that something big is buried in the center of the crater.
Whichever theory one chooses to believe, the crater will most likely remain one of the most mysterious places in Siberia.
If some good evidence for life after death were announced, I’d be eager to examine it; but it would have to be real scientific data, not mere anecdote. As with the face on Mars and alien abductions, better the hard truth, I say, than the comforting fantasy.
Carl Sagan
There are people who claim that the extraterrestrials abducted them. Brace yourself to get familiar with these true stories because they are sure to give you jitters down your spine. The claims of the real life alien abductions may be true or may not be, but they will definitely petrify you of the UFOs. Here we begin with the alleged true stories of alien abductions.
1 – Abduction of Clayton & Donna Lee
The heart wrenching story of Clayton and Donna Lee claims that the aliens stole a foetus from Donna. Clayton claims that the aliens abducted him in his childhood, while he was visiting a park. Donna says that she remembers floating around the stars and darkness.
Donna claimed in one of the media outlets that she saw the aliens and they took her to a far off place in a vehicle, full of metal. The couple say that they remain petrified all the time, fearing these kind of abductions.
2 – Alien Abduction of Amy
Amy, a 22 year old girl alleges that the aliens abducted her right out of the window of her lounge room. She was with her friend Petra, who claims to witness a bright light post which, a spaceship sort of a thing lifted Amy up. Strangely, the police found Amy miles away from her house, with some weird marks on her inner thighs.
3 – Abduction of the Russian Millionaire and Politician
Believe it or not, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov claims that from his window, a spaceship kidnapped him and took him to some star. He says that he has seen and talked to the aliens. According to him, the aliens are people like us.
4 – Robert Taylor Incident
This incident does not involve alien abductions but it does involve alien encounter. According to Robert Taylor, a forestry worker in Livingston, a spaceship tried to pull him into it. He says, he fell unconscious after an alien encounter and upon gaining consciousness, he was completely out of energy and lost his voice. His dog went hysteric to an extent that it was difficult for him to control it.
5 – Travis Walton’s Abduction Story
Travis Walton, a forestry worker in Arizona, states that three men with bald head and huge eyes, interrogated him after kidnapping him. He, along with his six friends, was heading home after work one night, when they saw a blinding streak of light. Thinking it to be a plane crash, they went to the spot, but it was allegedly a spaceship.
Apparently Walton went closer to the ship, and got abducted by the aliens. His friends claim to witness Walton floating up in the ship. But, on reporting this incident to the police, they did not believe these forestry workers. Even after some gruelling rounds of interrogation, their statements did not change.
6 – Abduction from Manhattan Apartment
Linda Napolitano (Originally Linda Cortile), a Manhattan resident, describes an unbelievable episode of alien abduction. She alleges that the aliens took her from her window, inside their spaceship where she witnessed benches, tables and sliding doors. Strangely, her story supports the claims made by two bodyguards of the United Nations.
7 – Bizarre Visitation of Real Life Men in Black
Robert Richardson supposedly had an encounter with two men who instantly vanished the moment he wanted to inspect them. What the men let behind was a piece of metal, which Richardson took home with him. He alleges that after three days, the men suddenly reappeared at his house to ask for the metal, which Richardson had sent to the lab for analysis. After asking them to leave, he never saw them again.
8 – Betty and Barney Hill Abduction
Betty and Barney claim that they witnessed a UFO while driving back to home from a vacation. Barney alleges that he saw people inside the spaceship with the help of his binoculars. They allege of alien encounters in their dreams. Their claims are that the aliens examined their bodies and tried to wipe their minds completely.
How did life begin? The biggest question mankind has asked itself. Where did we come from? The idea that gods from the heavens had provided the seed of life has been supported by many researchers. End of the day we may have been looking into the correct direction: a breakthrough study claims that the so-called building blocks of life, the elements that are the backbone of organic molecules which form living matter, came to Earth from outer space.
Evidence of seeding
According to a team of researchers from the University of Hawaii at Manoa and their colleagues from France and Taiwan, phosphates and diphosphoric acid, two major chemicals that form chromosomes carrying our genetic information, were generated billions of kilometers away from our planet and were delivered to Earth by space wanderers such as asteroids or comets.
The scientists used a vacuum chamber cooled down to near absolute zero to simulate interstellar icy grains coated with carbon dioxide, water, and phosphine.
When exposed to radiation, these grains created both phosphates and diphosphoric acid. “On Earth, phosphine is lethal to living beings,” said Andrew Turner of the University of Hawaii.
“But in the interstellar medium, an exotic phosphine chemistry can promote rare chemical reaction pathways to initiate the formation of biorelevant molecules such as oxoacids of phosphorus, which eventually might spark the molecular evolution of life as we know it.”
Scientists suggested that these phosphorus oxoacids could be traced back to an interstellar medium, the materials that fill the space between stars, which are delivered to Earth by comets or meteorites.
Humans are not from Earth?
Panspermia is a mechanism that allows biology to spread through space without needing a spaceship. Living matter “hitches a ride on sunlight or inside rocks.” Some scientists believe that Mars was indeed inhabited at one time. Some space rocks were “kicked” off the planet and landed in a “suitably welcoming patch” on Earth. Biological material from Mars that was in the rocks may spur exploration into the search for the solution to the age-old question: Where do we come from and why are we here? There are several theories that relate to extraterrestrials.
There are suggestions that aliens escape from an unknown planet and come here due to dire circumstances on their home planets and most likely we are descendants of this race. Environmentalist and ecologist turned author Dr. Ellis Silver believes we may have come from Alpha Centauri. The planet may have suffered some type of cataclysmic event from which a few residents were able to escape and come to Earth.
Other scientists believe that, eons ago, Humanoids inhabited Mars but a war destroyed the livability of the planet. This could have been due to the equivalent of two hydrogen bombs exploding on Mars 300,000 to 1 million years ago. Is it possible some living beings were able to escape to Earth before the destruction?
There are many mysteries and controversial theories for which there seems to be more questions than answers.
Newscasters, cable news show anchors and news readers are finding their jobs in precarious positions for a number of reasons, but those in Western countries have no threat to their employment quite s big as the one facing their counterparts in China, where media providers are testing virtual newsreaders created by combining images and voices of humans with artificial intelligence (AI) technology. Mr. President! Mr. President! Robbie Gort here from AI 2001 News. What’s your stance on robot rights?
“AI anchors have officially become members of the Xinhua News Agency reporting team. They will work with other anchors to bring you authoritative, timely and accurate news information in both Chinese and English.”
Xinhua News Agency is the official state-run news provider of the People’s Republic of China. It’s the largest media organization in China and the largest news agency in the world in number of correspondents (10,000) worldwide. That last figure, according to South China Morning Post, is why the organization is turning to AI.
“Celebrity anchors are regarded as important assets at major news networks in the US. The highest paid news anchor, CNN’s Anderson Cooper, is reportedly paid US$100 million a year, while Diane Sawyer at ABC and Sean Hannity at Fox News earn US$80 million each. Celebrity anchors in China are generally paid a lot less because they work for state-run TV stations but they often earn extra money from product endorsements and book sales.”
Let’s take a look at the weather map
Not only do Xinhua’s lifelike AI anchors work cheap, they never need bathroom breaks, lunch hours, sleep, vacations, huge paychecks or ego-stroking. As long as human editors keep feeding them news items (and those people could be eliminated soon as many news agencies are testing automated news aggregators and story writers), the AI anchors will keep staring into the camera and talking — 24 hours a day, seven days a week … or at least until viewers get tired of staring at the same face, which may not be a problem (or at least one that anyone will feel safe complaining about) since Xinhua is the state news agency. (See a video of the first AI anchor here.)
The AI news anchors were announced at the recent World Internet Conference in Wuzhen and developed by Sogou, China’s second-largest search engine operator. It has proprietary technology in natural language processing – a branch of AI dealing with how computers understand and interpret human language – so it is undoubtedly working on improvements to give the AI newsreaders more realistic-looking speech, lip movements and facial expressions.
Who is in control?
What about questioning authorities or telling the truth? There has been ongoing controversy in the U.S. over local TV news staffs being forced to read copy written by the station’s owners and management without question and without changing any words. Artificial intelligence hasn’t reached the point yet where an AI anchor can get disgusted and walk off the set while yelling, “I’m mad as Hell and I’m not going to take this anymore!”
Can it? Should it? Will other media providers see this as something to fight or a means to greater profits?
What do you think … while you can still think for yourself? Anderson?
In a recent article here at Mysterious Universe I described how, on occasion, people in the UFO research field have fallen victim to paranoia. And, on some occasions, to an almost life-crippling degree. In many cases, the paranoia was provoked by wholly down to earth issues that were misinterpreted and blown out of proportion. A perfect example of one such case: back in the 1990s, I had a friend, Wayne, who lived in a little village in the north of England; a friend who was deeply involved in the UFO subject. Wayne told me that on three occasions across a period of several weeks, an old, black-colored Jaguar car was parked directly opposite his house, on the other side of the road. He was seriously concerned it wasthe Men in Black, carefully watching him. It was not.
After confronting his neighbor (in a fashion which didn’t really help the situation at all), Wayne was told that the car belonged to his daughter’s boyfriend. The boyfriend, it turned out, was someone who restored old, classic cars and then sold them for a good price. The car was a 1950s-era Jaguar, which soon went up for sale. Mystery solved. In fact, there was no mystery at all: just a mind overwhelmed by MIB-driven paranoia. Sometimes, though, it’s very easy to see why paranoia might occasionally surface and for legitimate reasons. I’ll share several examples with you.
Greg Bishop is a good friend and the author of a number of excellent books, including Project Beta (on the weird and even sinister UFO-themed saga of Paul Bennewitz and his, Bennewitz’s, descent into a state of overwhelming paranoia), and It Defies Language! The latter is a book that contains dozens of Greg’s articles on UFOs. Greg has a strange story to tell that is relevant to the subject of this article. He says: “Mail tampering is the darling of clinical paranoids, but nearly every piece of mail that the late researcher/abductee Karla Turnersent to [my] PO Box looked like it had been tampered with or opened. Since this is easy to do without having to be obvious, we figured someone was interested in her work enough to make it clear that she was being monitored. She took to putting a piece of transparent tape over the flap and writing ‘sealed by sender’ on it. Karla pretty much took it for granted after awhile, and suggested I do likewise.” Moving on…
Lisa Hagan has been my literary agent for around a decade-and-a-half. Some time ago, Lisa shared with me several strange experiences she had and which gave her reason to be concerned. Lisa said that on several occasions, late at night, she heard the trunk of her vehicle open. She explained the situation: “It’s very dark where I live and there are only a few people here. It’s very heavily wooded and there’s a lot of farmland. And it’s all dirt road, so there’s not a lot of traffic. So far, it has happened to me at least three or four times. My house is a long bungalow, and my bedroom is on the end, near the car-port. And, periodically, I’ll be lying there reading, with the light on. It’s always been between 10:00 and 11:00 at night, and I’ll hear my vehicle trunk open. Then I hear it close. I do have a picture of a hand-print, in the dust on my trunk that I took after it happened one night. I kept the picture in case I wanted to do anything with it, which I did not. If I had wanted to I could have crept up in my pajamas and intervened, but what would I do? It made me mad, though. Nothing was ever taken from the trunk. But, I did check if anything had been put in there. Those bugs are small though, so who knows?”
Lisa also had a run-in with what John Keel termed “phantom photographers.” Over to Lisa: “It was a Sunday and I was in the kitchen making something, standing at my kitchen sink. And, I saw a flash to the left. In my yard. I looked over and there was a little white Honda. An Accord, I think; two people. There was a guy taking pictures of the side of my house. And then they drove right in front of the house and took a picture – right where I was standing in front of the kitchen window. They were only about two car-lengths from the window. They went down passed my house and then came back. And then they drove off. That made me nervous and my anxiety went up. My intuition, my alarm bells, went off.”
Finally, from Lisa: “The other story is that my aunt and I had seen a UFO on our farm. This was Christmas night, 2015. And, on the 26th she left. I called and asked friends if they wanted to come over, to look for UFOs. They were like, ‘No, we’re already in bed.’ But, another friend wanted to come over and see if we might see anything. We were standing by the trunk of my vehicle – the trunk someone had been in and out of – as we had the iPads and the binoculars resting on it. It was a beautiful night and we were talking and looking around. As my friend left, he said that when he was maybe ten cars away from me, around a row of trees here, there was a black, unmarked SUV with a lot of antenna on it. Not long after that, the same friend was driving on our main road – the road that everyone lives off – and there were two of those SUVs, with men outside them with binoculars, overlooking our farm.”
Sometimes UFO footage makes me want to grab the aliens by their tiny shoulders and yell at their dumb faces like a disappointed little league coach “Be cooler!” All the footage that ever really seems unidentified is also always the most boring. Both in the filming itself, and the thing that’s being filmed. But that’s to be expected and it’s why those are usually the most convincingly bizarre.
UFO’s aren’t going to look like floating neon sci-fi disco balls. They don’t care about aerodynamics, they’re not going to be sleek. They don’t have the same imaginative sense style and intimidation that we do, they’re not going to be “cool” in the classical sense. UFOs probably look like weird potatoes. But that doesn’t mean they won’t be worth filming. If you do spot a weird potato in the sky, you’re not going to get your DSLR and $1,200 telephoto lens. You’re not going to set up a gimbal and frame the shot perfectly. You’re just going to hit record and get what you get. It’s going to be messy and shaky and generally unpleasant to watch.
This looks cool, because a human made it.
And here we have a video that’s a perfect example of both those things. This footage—which you can watch here—was uploaded by MUFON to their YouTube channel, so it comes from as decent a source as you can reasonably hope for. At the very least, someone who’s watched a lot of these things saw it first and decided it was worth uploading. The footage was reportedly taken in Perthshire, Scotland. Here’s a snippet ofthe description the witness sent to MUFON along with the footage (edited for clarity and the reader’s well-being):
I would describe the object as puck shaped, a disc with an edge. I was viewing it moving from my left to right. It does appear cigar shaped as it moves horizontally. There were clouds above it and below it. It approached some lower level clouds then banked. As it did this, you could clearly see it was circular when viewed from underneath.
You say puck-shaped, I say potato. Despite the horrendous shaky-cam situation going on when they zoom in (kudos for at least trying, though) you can see that the object is moving and seems to be swooping over the clouds. It certainly looks like the classic UFOs that became known as “flying saucers.” It’s not the moon, and it’s not a bird. You show me a potato bird and I’ll show you an abomination.
Flying saucers are the rally cars of space.
It could be a drone. But I’m starting to suspect that the more times you say the phrase “it could be a drone” the easier it will be to dismiss all UFO footage. After all, they didn’t have drones when these things first started showing up in the skies. That’s the modern version of the weather balloon dismissal. You never want to fall into those traps, in any part of your life. The easy way out is never worth it.
VANISHING ACT A relative of the Komodo dragon, this goanna, shown attacking a wallaby, lived in Australia 50,000 years ago. What happened to this and other extinct giant animals is the subject of a new book.
Today’s land animals are a bunch of runts compared with creatures from the not-too-distant past. Beasts as big as elephants, gorillas and bears were once much more common around the world. Then, seemingly suddenly, hundreds of big species, including the woolly mammoth, the giant ground sloth and a lizard weighing as much as half a ton, disappeared. In End of the Megafauna, paleomammalogist Ross MacPhee makes one thing clear: The science on what caused the extinctions of these megafauna — animals larger than 44 kilograms, or about 100 pounds — is far from settled.
MacPhee dissects the evidence behind two main ideas: that as humans moved into new parts of the world over the last 50,000 years, people hunted the critters into oblivion, or that changes in climate left the animals too vulnerable to survive. As MacPhee shows, neither scenario matches all of the available data.
Throughout, Peter Schouten’s illustrations, reminiscent of paintings that enliven natural history museums, bring the behemoths back to life. At times, MacPhee slips in too many technical terms. But overall, he offers readers an informative, up-to-date overview of a fascinating period in Earth’s history.
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Enraged Scientists Hit Back at 'Outlandish' Harvard Claims 'Oumuamua is Alien Spacecraft
Enraged Scientists Hit Back at 'Outlandish' Harvard Claims 'Oumuamua is Alien Spacecraft'
all this it a it a it a it bullshit.........
harvard astro-physisists claim that solar radiation slowed the thing down........why is it that there is more of a concern for this object after it is out of reach.........why didnt they check it out while it was here????
The mysterious object known as ‘Oumuamua has given us a lot to talk about in recent times. A new scientific paper published by two researchers at Harvard University has recently hinted at the possibility that ‘Oumuamuamay be an alien spacecraft sent by an advanced civilization elsewhere in the universe to study us. The cigar-shaped ‘spacecraft’ allegedly displays features …
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Scientists have detected long-lost continents hidden under Antarctica’s ice sheets
Scientists have detected long-lost continents hidden under Antarctica’s ice sheets
Dead satellite reveals lost continents.
Recent scientific discoveries have revealed continents from long ago hidden beneath Antarctica’s ice sheets using data from a satellite that has been inoperative for about five years.
This new research reveals a better understanding of the geological history of Antarctica over the last 200 million years. The data reveals that roughly 180 million years ago the main landmasses of Antarctica, India, and Australia separated from Gondwana. This separation resulted in a slow shift to their current locations.
The satellite used concerning these discoveries is known as the Gravity Field and Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE). GOCE was a European Space Agency (ESA) satellite that was in orbit from 2009 to 2013. During the four years of operation, GOCE mapped the gravity field on Earth with unmatched accuracy before being purposefully destroyed when re-entering the atmosphere. Since its destruction, scientists have studied the data of GOCE and have used it to create maps of the lithosphere of the Earth. The lithosphere is the tectonically active layer that contains the crust and outer mantle of the Earth.
These maps are used to sketch long-lost masses of land trapped within drifting continental plates known as cratons. Cratons have typically been hard to examine in the lithospheric structure of Antarctica because of the isolated location and huge ice sheets that obscure the underlying geology of Antarctica. The observations GOCE has provided has solved this problem significantly.
Using GOCE, scientists were able to locate ancient cratons below the ice fields of Eastern Antarctica and link them to the past neighbors in the region, India, and Australia. GOCE also revealed that Western Antarctica has a much thinner lithosphere, therefore lacking similar cratons.
The findings of GOCE are significant because they reveal that a combination of seismological and satellite gravity gradient imaging has great potential regarding increasing our understanding of the structure of the Earth. This is particularly true in previously hard to map regions such as Antarctica.
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