The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Onder het ijs van Antarctica ligt iets vreemds en heets verborgen. Wetenschappers doen onverwachte ontdekking
Onder het ijs van Antarctica ligt iets vreemds en heets verborgen. Wetenschappers doen onverwachte ontdekking
Er is iets vreemds aan de hand onder de ijskap van Antarctica. Uiteen nieuwe studieblijkt dat onder de Zuidpool een gigantische ‘hotspot’ verborgen zit, die drie keer zo groot als Londen is.
De extreme hitte afkomstig van de hotspot zorgt ervoor dat een deel van de ijslaag langzaam smelt, schrijven onderzoekers van hetBritish Antarctic Survey.
“Dit was echt een spannend project,” zei hoofdonderzoeker Tom Jordan. “We hebben één van de laatste totaal onverkende regio’s op onze planeet onderzocht.”
Niet bekend
“Onze resultaten waren onverwacht, aangezien veel mensen dachten dat dit deel van Antarctica bestond uit koude rotsen, die weinig impact hadden op de bovenliggende ijslaag,” vervolgde hij.
“We laten zien dat zelfs de onderliggende geologie een aanzienlijke impact op het ijs kan hebben,” klonk het.
Het is niet bekend hoelang de hotspot zich al op die plek bevindt. Duizenden jaren? Misschien zelfs miljoenen jaren? De onderzoekers weten het niet.
Diep onder de grond
Gedacht wordt dat de warmte afkomstig is van zeer radioactieve rotsen in de aardkorst en warm water dat van diep onder de grond komt.
Maar ook dat kunnen de wetenschappers niet met zekerheid zeggen omdat ze de rotsen niet van dichtbij kunnen bekijken.
Het team van de British Antarctic Survey heeft zich gebaseerd op radargegevens die zijn verzameld aan boord van een vliegtuig.
De data geven de onderzoekers inzicht in onder meer de dikte en structuur van de ijskap.
Heeft de Tempelberg misschien in een ver verleden ook een rol gespeeld bij de aanwezigheid van de Goden op aarde. Wordt er ook in de Tempelberg iets geactiveerd, net zoals bij de piramides?
In 2011 vond er nog een merkwaardig voorval plaats op de Tempelberg. Een gebeurtenis die door talloze mensen is gezien en vastgelegd en waarvan de mainstream-media niet wisten hoe snel ze dit tot hoax moesten verklaren.
Op 28 januari 2011 daalde ’s avonds een UFO neer boven de Rotskoepel op de berg en schoot even later met een onvoorstelbare snelheid weer de lucht in.
Voor de mainstream wereld zou het hier gaan om een hoax, in elkaar gezet door iemand die met zijn video zoveel mogelijk bezoekers wilde trekken om hiermee geld te verdienen, maar de werkelijkheid ligt ook hier zoals zo vaak wat anders.
Er is namelijk niet één opname van dit fenomeen gemaakt, maar meerdere, door verschillende mensen en vanaf verschillende posities. De kans dat deze opnames echt zijn, is dan ook veel groter dan dat ze allemaal nep zouden zijn.
Bovendien zijn er nog meer merkwaardigheden, zoals te zien in de volgende video:
Om te beginnen zegt hij dat ook hij uitgebreide analyses heeft uitgevoerd voor wat betreft de opnames van deze gebeurtenis en dat ze honderd procent echt zijn. Niet alleen zijn er door talloze verschillende mensen opnames gemaakt, het is daarnaast volgens hem nog gezien door ongeveer 10.000 ooggetuigen, bestaande uit een mix van toeristen en lokale bewoners.
Ook vertelt hij dat gedurende de kruistochten de Tempeliers een aantal heilige objecten hebben verborgen onder de Rotskoepel. Die objecten zouden dan onder andere zijn de Ark van het Verbond en de Heilige Graal.
Velen zullen zich afgevraagd hebben wat die UFO daar op dat moment te zoeken had, wetende dat ze zouden worden opgemerkt door duizenden mensen. Waarom kwam het juist naar beneden boven een tempel die duizenden jaren oud is?
Scott denkt dat hij het antwoord op die vraag heeft:
Ze noemen het niet voor niets Rotskoepel. De tempel uit die tijd werd gebouwd bovenop een rots die een heilige betekenis had. Het is een heilige rots voor zowel Joden als moslims.
Moslims zeggen dat de rots de plek is van de nachtreis van de profeet Mohammed. Op een nacht toen Mohammed lag te slapen in de buurt van Mekka kwam de engel Gabriël bij Mohammed en nam hem mee naar al-Mashjid al-Aqsa (de verste moskee) in Jeruzalem, gelegen op een steenworp afstand van de Rotskoepel.
Vanaf de rots reisde Mohammed samen met de engel Gabriël naar de hemel, waar hij andere profeten ontmoette zoals Jezus en Mozes. Ook zag hij daar zowel de hel als het paradijs en zag tenslotte God op zijn troon, omringd door engelen.
Scott zegt nu dat de UFO die we boven de Rotskoepel zien, niemand minder is dan de engel Gabriël.
De rots heeft volgens hem een heilige betekenis die heel ver teruggaat en bevat waarschijnlijk ook hele oude technologie, waarbij mensen snel konden reizen van de ene plek in het heelal naar de andere (teleportatie). Misschien kwam die UFO wel om dat dimensieportaal in de rots opnieuw te activeren. Of misschien was het Gabriël die daar nogmaals kwam ter gedachtenis aan het eerdere bezoek aan zijn goede vriend Mohammed.
De engel Gabriël was buitenaards, beschikte over vergevorderde technologie, waardoor mensen hem in die dagen alleen maar konden identificeren als een dienaar en/of boodschapper van God.
En dit is volgens Scott Waring het geheim achter de mysterieuze en tot op de dag van vandaag niet verklaarde UFO boven de Rotskoepel een aantal jaren geleden.
Tot slot nog een deel uit een eerder artikel waaruit blijkt dat er zich vaker vreemde dingen voordoen rondom de Tempelberg, de locatie van de Rotskoepel.
De Tempelberg of de berg Moria, door joden Har ha-Bayit en door moslims Haram al-Sharif genoemd, is een heuvel in het oostelijk deel van de door Israël bezette en geannexeerde oude stad Jeruzalem (in Oost-Jeruzalem), die voor elk van de drie abrahamitische religies (jodendom, christendom en islam) van groot belang is. De Haram es-Sharif wordt beheerd door een islamitische waqf, een religieuze stichting.
De bovenzijde van de berg is onder Herodes de Grote vlak gemaakt en vormt een plein met een oppervlakte van ongeveer 15 hectare. Midden op dit tempelplein staat de Rotskoepel, en aan de zuidzijde de Al-Aqsamoskee, gebouwd door de Omajjaden. Tevens bevinden zich hier meerdere islamitische bouwwerken, waaronder de Dome of the Chain, de Kettingkoepel.
De Westmuur (ook wel Klaagmuur genoemd) is een gedeelte van de westelijke muur dat het plateau omringt onder het niveau van het tempelplein en vormt mede het fundament waarop de Rotskoepel en de Al-Aqsamoskee staan. Vanaf het plein aan de Westmuur, waar tot 1967 de Marokkaanse wijk lag, loopt nu de houten Mughrabibrug omhoog, vanwaar men via de Mughrabipoort toegang heeft tot het tempelplein. Voor niet-moslims is dit de enige manier om de Tempelberg te bereiken.
Vorig jaar bezocht een vrouw deze Tempelberg en zij zag een paar merkwaardige dingen in de lucht en niet alleen dat, ze kreeg er ook een heel akelig gevoel bij.
Ze maakte een aantal foto’s en zegt dat ze niet alleen een soort vreemde cirkelvormige wolk ontdekte, maar ook drie verschillende zonnen zag.
Van de drie “zonnen” die zij zag lijkt de kleinste op een lensflare, maar naast de zon is inderdaad een tweede lichtbron te zien en ook zie je de contouren van een soort cirkelvormige chemtrail. (Redactie: De dame verklaart in de video dat ze dingen met het blote oog zag maar we zijn er niet zeker van of dat ook met deze 3 zonnen het geval was.)
In de onderstaande video doet de vrouw haar verhaal en vertelt de verslaggever dat zij ervan overtuigd is dat we hier te maken hebben met een fenomeen dat waarschijnlijk is veroorzaakt door CERN omdat zij nu ook beschikken over een soort filiaal in Jordanië, Sesame genaamd.
In het kader van de samenwerking met CERN claimt zij verder dat de koning van Jordanië een enorme generator heeft geïnstalleerd op de Tempelberg, waarvan zij zegt dat deze ook een rol speelt in de totstandkoming van de taferelen in de lucht.
Het is een bizarre situatie rondom die Tempelberg, want de koning van Jordanië zou dit inderdaad kunnen doen.
Net als de andere wijken van de Oude Stad in Oost-Jeruzalem, heeft Israël het gebied van de Tempelberg geannexeerd. Het beheer ervan is gebleven bij de Jordaanse islamitische waqf, een religieuze stichting. In 1988 erkende Israël de bevoegdheid van koning Hoessein van Jordanië om het toezicht op de heiligdommen op de Tempelberg te blijven behouden.
Dat CERN een honderd procent satanisch instituut is dat heel goed in staat zou zijn om bovengenoemde effecten te veroorzaken, staat buiten kijf.
Maar, gezien de bijzondere locatie is er wellicht ook nog een andere mogelijkheid en dat is dat er misschien toch ook een verband bestaat met de Goden uit de oudheid. Deze Goden, de Anunnaki, die nu met de nadering van hun planeet Nibirusteeds dichter in onze buurt komen.
In de video zegt de vrouw op een gegeven moment het volgende:
Lichtstralen die vanuit de Tempelberg lijken te komen en de lucht in schijnen.
Volgens Nancy Lieder waren de piramides navigatiebakens voor de Annunaki en het is dan ook geen toeval dat deze piramides met de komst van Nibiru de afgelopen jaren weer tot leven zijn gekomen.
Op een bijzondere manier, want verschillende keren zijn er de laatste jaren opnames gemaakt van piramides die een felle lichtstraal de hemel insturen zoals de volgende:
Heeft de Tempelberg misschien in een ver verleden ook een rol gespeeld bij de aanwezigheid van de Goden op aarde. Wordt er ook in de Tempelberg iets geactiveerd, net zoals bij de piramides?
It’s time for another edition of “Myth or History?” Today’s question: is the ancient lost city of Tenea, said to have been built by Trojan prisoners of war freed by the Greeks after the Trojan War, myth or history? If you said “Myth,” you were right … until this week. That’s when the Greek Culture Ministry announced that archaeologists “located the first tangible remains” of the real lost city of Tenea. No word on whether they found Helen, her husband King Menelaus or Paris of Troy.
Helen of Troy
“The town called Tenea is just about sixty stades distant. The inhabitants say that they are Trojans who were taken prisoners in Tenedos by the Greeks, and were permitted by Agamemnon to dwell in their present home. For this reason they honor Apollo more than any other god.” — Pausanias, “Description of Greece”
The historical authenticity of the Trojan War, a Homeric tale of both gods and men, has long been debated. Tenea was mention by both Pausanias, a Greek traveler and geographer in the second century CE, and Strabo, a Greek geographer, philosopher, and historian in the first century CE. Tenea was said to be south of the ancient port of Corinth and succeeded as a settlement, eventually developing its own government. It was said to have been spared by the Romans when they destroyed Corinth in 146 BCE, but it eventually collapsed on its own and disappeared, establishing itself as a “lost city.”
While artifacts had been found, including a statue dating to 550 BCE of a youth that was named Kouros of Tenea, none offered conclusive proof of the existence of the lost city. Despite that, archaeologist Elena Korka formed a team and began digging where she thought Tenea would be, encouraged by pottery fragments and a sarcophagus containing the remains of a high-society woman from about the right time period. In 2017, they found tombs of wealthy individuals, gilded bronze leaves, a golden ring, precious stones, gold and bronze coins, vases and a series of decorated lamps. Not proof yet, but they were getting close.
Kouros of Tenea
This week, Korka, who is now Greece’s director of antiquities and cultural heritage, unveiled stone walls with door openings and floors that were definitely from the lost city of Tenea.
“It is significant that the remnants of the city, the paved roads, the architectural structure, came to light. We’ve found evidence of life and death … and all this is just a small part of the history of the place.”
For being prisoners of war, the founders of Tenea did surprisingly well. The coins were indicators of economic success and the items in the tombs identified their owners as wealthy individuals. The find was not just of a few buildings or tombs either.
“These buildings date from early Hellenistic to late Roman times and appear to be expanding in all directions. Research will continue in these areas in the next period. Building remains reveal continuous interventions and remodeling due to their long period of use.”
As always, more excavations will occur. The archeologists are fortunate to have the help of residents of the modern city who have formed the ” Friends of Ancient Tenea.”
The lost mythical city of Tenea has been found, proving it to be real. Now let’s find that giant wooden horse.
There are few places in this world as permeated and imbued with wonder and mystery as ancient Egypt. This is the land that gave us the mysteries of the pyramids and various other legendary enigmas that stretch back into the furthest reaches of history and the murky depths of time. Of all of these various mysteries, one that truly stands out is that of a mystical curse, to have been bestowed upon the tombs of the ancient kings, and which has gone on to become a popular legend and point of speculation in the world of the paranormal. Here we have a bit of mystery, adventure, and exploration, mixed with deadly magical evil. This is the curse of King Tut.
The rulers of ancient Egypt, known as the Pharaohs, were seen by their people as actual gods, and this reverence for them continued on even when their earthly form inevitably died. In order to make sure that the beloved kings could more effectively make the journey to the afterlife, the kings were carefully and meticulously embalmed and mummified, preserving the body forevermore, after which they were ensconced within extravagant, ornate tombs. These tombs were loaded with vast riches, countless valuable artifacts, and often livestock or servants who were sealed away in the perpetual dark along with their master, and everything else the Pharaoh would possibly need in order to live on in the next realm.
The tombs themselves were carefully sealed in order to keep away would be grave robbers, sometimes booby trapped as well or containing numerous false doorways or labyrinthine passages that led to nowhere in order t sow confusion, and in some cases the entrances to the tombs were inscribed with powerful curses for the purpose of bringing down strife, misfortune, and death upon any who would dare defile the final resting places of the Pharaohs. Many of these curses are quite ominous and threatening indeed, such as the one carved into the stone of the the tomb of Khentika Ikhekhi, of the 9th and 10th dynasty, which reads, “As for all men who shall enter this my tomb… impure… there will be judgment… an end shall be made for him… I shall seize his neck like a bird… I shall cast the fear of myself into him. As for him who shall destroy this inscription: He shall not reach his home. He shall not embrace his children. He shall not see success.” This was rather common for such curses, and they seem for the most part to have been something not to trifle with.
Howard Carter
Rumors of the “Curse of the Pharaohs,” as well as the ancient secrets of Egypt itself, gained great interest and popularity in the West during the 19th and 20th centuries, mingling with the romantic allure of this far away exotic land to imbue it with a sense of dark magic and legend. Regardless of the curses supposedly hanging over these tombs, grave robbers had still managed to loot many of these sacred places, stealing the treasure and priceless relics contained within, proving to be a bane for the numerous European adventurers and archeologists who began pouring into the region looking for intact, untouched tombs and ancient treasure for them to study, but mostly finding ones that had long ago been pillaged and gutted of teir valuables. Nevertheless, this was an age of real life Indiana Jones adventures, as the outsiders spread out under the desert sun and these scorched lands to look for ancient secrets buried out in the sands.
One of the adventurers who made it to this faraway land of Egyptian kings and their mysterious tombs was a British archeologist by the name of Howard Carter, who was in particular obsessed with locating the lost tomb of the great King Tutankhamun, commonly referred to as simply King Tut. In life, Tutankhamun had been the ruler of all of Egypt from 1332 B.C, taking over the role from his father, Pharaoh Akhenaten, at the tender age of just 9 years old, giving him the nickname The Great Boy King, and he made sweeping changes under his short but illustrious rule. King Tut would die under mysterious circumstances at the age of 19, after which there were a great many efforts by successrs to actually physically remove him from the face of history by erasing his name from all records. Obviously this did not work, and King Tutankhamun would later go on to become one of the most famous of all Pharaohs, partly due to the fact that his mysterious lost tomb had never been found and partly due to the efforts of Carter and his team, as well as the ominous rumors of a curse that would follow.
Carter came to Egypt in the 1890s with the backing of a Lord Carnarvon, who also just so happened to have been an avid amateur Egyptologist who believed that not only was King Tut’s tomb out there to be discovered, but that it was one of the few such tombs remaining that was still sealed and undefiled. Carter spent years scouring the desert looking for the tomb without success, and Lord Carnarvon almost called the whole thing off after sinking so much money into endless expeditions that failed to produce any results. Just when it seemed that Carnarvon was going to give up and pull his funding, Carter managed to stumble across what they had been looking for in November of 1922, after accidentally discovering a series of deep cut steps leading down into the earth right up beside a pyramid. They followed these steps by digging deeper and deeper into the earth, uncovering more steps as they went into the gloom, until they came to an inscription marking the sealed entrance of Tutankhamen’s tomb.
At the time is was a marvelous and groundbreaking discovery, an ancient Pharaoh’s tomb that was actually still for the most part intact and free of any looting. The possibilities for what lie beyond that inscrutable thick stone slab were endless, and Carter immediately sent for Lord Carnarvon to come join him at the dig for the purpose of penetrating this long sealed place hidden away from human eyes for millennia. That very same night there would be the first in what would be a long line of oddness when Carter was told by a panicked servant that a cobra had broken into the cage of the canary that the explorer had been using to gauge the safety of the air in the tomb and had eaten the bird. The servant took this to be a dire warning from beyond the grave, and allegedly told Carter, “That is the Pharoh’s servant and he has sent it to kill the bird for leading you to the tomb! You must not disturb Pharoh Tutankhamun’s peace!”
As spooky as all of this was, Carter was a man of science, and did not put much stock in this superstitious nonsense. He had the servant dismissed and awaited the arrival of Lord Carnarvon, while the media began to work itself into a fervor over the discovery of this long lost and very much intact tomb that had been there sitting in the dark for thousands of years. On the day that the tomb was opened, Carter began by poking a small hole through the entrance, through which he peered by candlelight, the first eyes to meet what lie within for millennia, the first light to hit it, and stated that he could see “wonderful, wonderful things.”
Indeed, as they pushed into the inner sanctum, their thirst for discovery overriding any talk of ancient nefarious curses, one very vocal proponent of the curse was the novelist Marie Corelli, who lamented, “the most dire punishment follows any rash intruder into a sealed tomb.” These warnings were drowned out in the celebratory fanfare, and as the explorers pushed into the murk of the actual burial chamber they uncovered a treasure trove of findings, including religious objects, wealth, gold, paintings, statues, scrolls, and a gold encrusted sarcophagus containing the mummified remains of King Tutankhamen himself. According to the lore, there was also allegedly found a stone tablet inscribed with a curse, which simply read “Death shall come on swift wings to him who disturbs the peace of the King.” Carter would later deny that any such tablet had been found, but the strange phenomena that would orbit the discovery from then on would speak for itself.
One of the first victims of the “Curse of King Tut” would be Lord Carnarvon, who was bitten by a mosquito on his cheek not long after the discovery and would subsequently cut the bite while shaving. Bizarrely, the cut would become hellaciously infected and he would go on to die of acute blood poisoning. Oddly, it was allegedly to be found that the body of King Tut displayed a similar wound upon the cheek, in precisely the same spot as Carnarvon’s ultimately lethal injury. His death really catapulted the talk of ancient curses into the spotlight, and before long there was much gossip on the awakening of a sinister curse that should have stayed buried down there beneath the sand forevermore. It was all further fueled by a statement from Sherlock Holmes author Conan O’Doyle, who speculated that the death had been caused by elemental spirits tasked with guarding the tomb. Other rumors that would spring up to reinforce this are that Lord Carnarvon’s dog let out a howl before dying at the same time, as well as the story that the power in Cairo temporarily went out when the Lord died.
Another rather notorious aspect of the King Tut curse comes in the form of a small golden scarab bracelet that had been found in the burial chamber attached to the mummified hand and had been presented to a Sir Bruce Ingham. The bracelet apparently had born the sinister inscription, “Cursed be he who moves my body, to him shall come fire, water and pestilence,” and sure enough Ingram’s house is said to have burnt down under mysterious circumstances shortly after receiving it. In the meantime, Carter, who did not believe one iota in any sort of supernatural curse, did claim to have seen the presence of a type of jackal similar to the same type depicted in the Anubis, roaming about a region of the desert where they had not been seen for decades.
Whether Carter believed any of this or not, the string of deaths concerning those who had been involved with the discovery of King Tut’s tomb would continue. Prince Ali Kamel Fahmy Bey of Egypt was shot dead by his wife in 1923, Sir Archibald Douglas Reid, who had helped to X-ray the mummy, died under mysterious circumstances in 1924. George Jay Gould I, a visitor to the tomb, died in 1923 after developing a mystery fever, Sir Lee Stack, Governor-General of Sudan, died after an assassination in 1924, Arthur Mace, of Carter’s excavation team, died of arsenic poisoning in 1928, another died in a horrific accident, Carter’s secretary Richard Bethell was suffocated in his bed in 1929, Bethell’s father committed suicide in 1930, and a Lord Westbury killed himself by jumping from the roof of his home. Indeed, by 1935 there was a total of 21 deaths supposedly linked to the relentless “Curse of King Tut,” and Carter himself would die of lymphoma in 1939 at the age of 64, funnily enough after long adamantly dismissing all talk of curses surrounding the tomb.
The suspicious number of deaths congregating around this “cursed” tomb and others like it have been cause for a good amount of speculation over the years. One is that the toxins and chemicals used in the embalming process might become concentrated enough in these sealed, confined spaces to produce dire health problems down the line. There is even the idea that the curse was caused by some form of illness triggered by a type of fungus commonly called “black mold” (Aspergillus niger), or something similar, which can cause all sorts of health issues ranging from fever to diminished immune systems, organ failure, and much worse, although it is hard to reconcile some of the deaths here with the effects of a fungus.
Of course there is a lot of skepticism pointed at the talk of a curse. When the tomb was opened there were many people present, most of whom went on to live long and healthy lives, and even the ones who died are not beyond what would be expected, After all, several of them already had health problems, and of course someone is going to eventually die. It has been pointed out that there is nothing particularly statistically anomalous about the deaths revolving around King Tut’s tomb, so perhaps the media talk of diabolical ancient curses has just managed to color the deaths that did happen and cast them in a more sinister light? It is hard to say. It all fits into a similar trend with other cursed placs and items, in that it is difficult to tell if this is all freaky coincidence or if there is something truly paranormal going on. Whatever the case may be, the curse of King Tut’s tomb has gone on to become almost legendary, and it remains a most curious historical oddity and companion to an era of discovery and adventure.
Four Ancient Monuments On Mars Still Visible On Google Mars Map, On 8.6km long! Nov 2018, UFO Sighting News.
Four Ancient Monuments On Mars Still Visible On Google Mars Map, On 8.6km long! Nov 2018, UFO Sighting News.
Date of discovery: 2009-2010, but revisiting today.
Location of discovery: 33°12'29.82"N, 12°55'51.21"W
Here's an old discovery I made back in 2010 and wanted to revisit it to see if its still there and it sure was. I really thought that Google Mars map would have edited these faces, figure and giant arrow out...but they didn't and thats rare. Usually objects are edited out within 3-6 months after reporting them on Google Earth, however, Mars map is less edited.
There are four ancient monuments seen here.
1. Face one, human like, but with bigger ears.
2. Face two, non human, near leg of figure.
3. Tall standing figure, with long arms and legs.
4. An arrow pointing to the tall figures head.
The standing figure measures 8.6km or 5.3 miles from top of head to bottom of feet. The figures long arm measures 3.4 miles or 5.5km long. The Arrow measures 1.9km long, 1.1km wide at tip. The face near the leg is 1.76km from chin to top of head. The human face is 2.0km from head to lower neck.
The detail of these ancient monuments are outstanding. Its hard to believe that NASA has never discussed even one of them, let alone ignoring all four. These are too large to ignore.
Much like the large face at Cydonia, Mars everyone has heard of. I have found a lot of faces since I was 7 years old at Silicon Valley, CA including the face at Cydonia. Yes others take credit, they always do, but I know the truth and it feels like yesterday, even though it was 43 years ago. I wrote about it several times and is included in my book UFO Sightings of 2006-2009.
I was looking at a photo of Saturns moon Titan that was taken by using radar from Cassini orbiter so that they can see below surface of its lakes and oceans. On the far lower right hand corner is a round tubular alien structure. Its hidden below the surface but its really big. Its hard to estimate its size but my best guess would be its 25 miles across. Perfect size for thousands of aliens to live.
This structures shape is not something that would normally be seen made in nature, especially that size. The structure is probably a alien ship that can fly through space, but has landed in this location to do its work or to make a station for travelers. The right side has tube endings..which I assume are the back of the craft. The left side is more rounded and disk like which is probably the front of the craft.
I found a large triangle UFO that was sitting in the center of a crater on the moon. The UFO is dead center in Plaskett crater. ESA says that crater is 109km in diameter. That would mean this UFO is 25+ miles across! The shape and size would be fitting for a craft that travels across the universe. Sitting in the center of the crater makes me wonder if its been abandoned due to being outdated? Often I find ships in craters, however they are usually parked close to the inner edges so that they have some shelter to protect them. There is no intent or worry about have such protection here. I find that odd.
Perhaps Sir Trevor McDonald was simply overcome with X-Files fever like the rest of the nation in 1994 when he stated that UFOs were a reality. But has the Pentagon now proven him right? Science and technology with Bill Bain
SIR Trevor McDonald is a guy you can trust. It’s his unique selling point – natural authority crystallised by a rich vocal timbre oozing gravitas and empathy. Then there’s that fine moustache – a symbol of old-school chivalry, curled snugly around his tunnel of truth like a greying cat warmed by the hot breath of righteousness.
If Trevor ever approached you in the city centre, all urine-stained jogging bottoms and uncomfortable familiarity, asking for change towards his train fare home, you wouldn’t hesitate to dig deep – perhaps handing over your £1000 smart phone too so he could check the Central Station timetable.
That’s why I believed this establishment-approved Knight of the Realm when he said UFOs were real. The year was 1994 – the fag end of true reality, a few years before the mass fractionalisation, isolationism and grotesque self-glorification bequeathed to us by the digital dawn. No phones, no internet, your gran could whistle the Top Ten and 30 million folk watched Coronation Street. Before Xhamster, Ken Barlow’s rampant bed-hopping was all teenagers had to learn about sex.
This vacuum of yawning nothingness allowed for mass pop culture crazes that infected entire continents with short-lived delirium – and in 1994, the brow of the globe’s collective consciousness was hot and sweaty with X-Files fever.
In fact, so seismic was the show’s influence that ITV saw fit to dedicate an entire evening’s scheduling to UFOs – showcased somewhat predictably in the familiar format of a panel debate. Nothing that would scare the horses, then – or elderly folk too jiggered to get up and change the channel after Corrie.
Saucers full of secrets
IT was as a prelude to this peculiar pow-wow that host Sir Trevor greeted viewers with an unforgettable soliloquy. “We’re here tonight not to decide if UFOs are real – unidentified flying objects clearly are real,” he announced, steely-jawed, unblinking. “Something is in our skies. We’re here to discuss what they could be and from where they might originate.”
It didn’t matter that Trevor was likely reading some faceless producer’s hyperbolic spiel from an autocue. The significance lay in the fact someone who didn’t cut his own hair or eat roadkill just told the nation UFOs were real.
Even unbound by its ubiquitous acronym, 'unidentified flying objects' being legitimised on ITV should have been a cultural watershed – a moment where even the most earthbound of cynics recalibrated their stance.
Yet, nearly a quarter of a century later, the credibility of UFOs has lost much of its worth in terms of cultural currency. Even reputable sightings like the darting lights witnessed by several commercial airline pilots over Ireland last week barely registered a raised eyebrow.
Perhaps, then, UFOs really are just a fading hangover from less informed times, when our species was far more susceptible to vague notions of the supernatural – before smartphone addiction stopped our minds from wandering, killing imagination, wonder and creativity stone dead.
Perhaps Sir Trevor’s new gig chatting to folk with morals lower than snake testicles – not celebs, the monsters he salaciously affords the oxygen of publicity on his abhorrent Inside Death Row show – is also indicative of today’s anaesthetised indifference to anything that’s not taking place within our own silos.
The dying scream of a world quickly spiralling into an uninhabitable, fascist dystopia is being deafened by the static of digital isolation. In such a dystopian, self-obsessed reality, it might actually take something as seismic as the sight of a UFO hovering over a major city to dig us out our deep burrows and unite us again as a species.
Escape the net
THE smoking gun often held up by cynics dismissing the UFO phenomenon is the distinct lack of any clear photos in this smartphone-dominated era.
Certainly, two major online sites for reporting sightings – the National UFO Reporting Center and the Mutual UFO Network – have both experienced numerical declines parallel to Gary Glitter’s royalty cheques.
The internet itself can certainly shoulder some of the blame for UFOs' fading fame too. Despite the initial promise that free access to information and instant communication could birth a more enlightened, empowered and equal world, a grotesque funfair mirror reflection of reality has instead haemorrhaged.
Without gatekeepers, lies are now afforded an equal platform to truth, and the ensuing static serves only to discombobulate focus and perception. In the era of spin, reality distortion, Photoshop and Deepfakes, good luck finding credible evidence of your own existence never mind UFOs. The internet is rather like communism – wonderful in theory, but the cradle of true horror when human nature is added to the formulae.
At times, however, some notable events do cut through the noise. Commercial pilots are certainly credible witnesses and last week’s incident over the Irish sea proved that very strange things continue to happen in our skies – even odder than folk willingly paying £10 for a coffee and biscuit.
Some of the individuals now coming forward to tell their stories are actually more plausible witnesses than those we trust to steer us through the clouds in a sky-dart – high ranking government employees and military personnel with nothing to gain and everything to lose. Yet, despite waving all manner of prestigious credentials, it’s likely they will be taken as seriously as folk who claim to have skinny-dipped with Nessie.
Full Disclosure
OVER the past few decades, there have been several “official” movements attempting to find some sort of objective truth on UFOs.
The most high profile is ‘Disclosure’, where ufologist Steven Greer herded 20 whistle-blowers –including astronaut Gordon Cooper and a brigadier general – for a fascinating press conference held in Washington DC in 2001. The aim? To “establish the reality of extraterrestrial vehicles, life forms and advanced propulsion technologies”. The bantz at that Christmas party must be awesome.
Yet, groups like Disclosure are finding it tough to gain publicity in the mainstream media, where editors have licked a finger and held it to the wind, deeming the public has lost its appetite for such frivolity in an age filled with real clear and present otherworldly dangers.
But who needs the media as a conduit when the lying, conspiring governments themselves are now releasing the most intriguing and credible UFO evidence for public consumption?
Perhaps most jaw-dropping of all the recently declassified military footage released by the US Defence Department is an encounter between Navy F-18 fighters and several unidentified aircraft. The recording captures several pilots discussing a hovering egg-shaped craft, apparently one of a “fleet”. Another film trumps that however – showing an F-18’s close encounter with what is clearly, well, an unidentified flying object.
More sober mindsets will speculate if this was simply space junk catching the sun’s light or even an advanced craft piloted by tiny Russians. Yet, such speculation itself suggests something even more terrifying than the existence of UFOs – that we might actually be completely alone in the universe. Or perhaps we're simply in too early a stage of evolution to be interesting.
The Pentagon comes clean
IF it’s a credible UFO whistleblower you’re after, perhaps someone with a lot to lose from being subject to ridicule from his peers, then Christopher Mellon is your man – a former deputy assistant Secretary of Defence for Intelligence for the Clinton and George W Bush administrations.
Bemoaning the lack of transparent government investigations into valid sightings, Mellon recently told the Washington Post: “I know from numerous discussions with Pentagon officials over the past two years that military departments and agencies treat such incidents as isolated events rather than as part of a pattern requiring serious attention and investigation.”
He also makes reference to his colleague Luis Elizondo - who used to run a Pentagon intelligence program examining evidence of “anomalous” aircraft - resigning in protest at the US government’s seeming indifference to a “growing body of empirical data”.
“Nobody wants to be ‘the alien guy’ in the national security bureaucracy,” Mellon soberly concluded. “Nobody wants to be ridiculed or sidelined for drawing attention to the issue. Yet, the current attitude is a serious and recurring impediment to progress.”
Other declassified documents reveal that the US Air Force recently launched several F-15 fighters in a failed attempt to intercept an unidentified high-speed aircraft darting over the Pacific. Defence Department officials also confirmed more than a dozen similar incidents taking place off the US East Coast since 2015.
It’s perhaps no coincidence that these stories emerged not long after the Pentagon itself publicly acknowledged the existence of a program dedicated to studying unidentified flying objects. The soberly-monikered Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program ran from 2007 to 2012, but many officials claim its efforts have simply resumed under another name. Either way, admission of its existence has marked one of the most significant disclosures about UFO government research since the infamous Project Blue Book, a lengthy US Air Force study into thousands of sightings that was shut down in 1969.
Officially, Project Blue Book failed to find “any technological developments or principles beyond the range of present-day scientific knowledge”, yet a small number of its investigations remain unexplained. And that’s the thing – if even one of the millions of UFO sightings is true, then the phenomenon is conclusively proven. Just one.
Wha’s like US?
FAR from being a spectacle confined to the toothless whispers of mulleted banjo prodigies, Scotland is no stranger to wee visits from aliens, interdimentional structures, highly evolved sky dragons and time travellers from the future. Perhaps all four if you're in Port Glasgow.
Just last year, an Airbus A320 with 220 people on board which was making its final approach into Glasgow airport, came within 300 feet of colliding with a “blue, yellow and silver” object, which pilots witnessed flying underneath it. The disturbed crew immediately contacted air traffic control, stating: “Not quite sure what it was but it’s definitely quite large and it’s blue and yellow.” Prestwick airport backed up the sighting, with radar detecting an “unidentified track history” 1.3 miles east of the plane's position 28 seconds earlier.
However Scotland’s most infamous UFO tale, unique in British history as the only example of a close encounter becoming the subject of a criminal investigation, is known as The Livingston Incident. Forestry worker Robert Taylor claims he saw "a huge flying dome" in woodland near Dechmont Law on November 9, 1979, describing it as seven metres in diameter, and made of a dark metallic material with a rough texture like sandpaper.
Taylor claimed to have experienced an acrid smell "like burning brakes" and the sensation of being dragged. When police visited the site, they found marks in the soil where the craft was said to have hovered, and further tracks following the path of two “mine-like objects”. Taylor, who died in 2007, never sought publicity or financial gain – and always stood by his account.
Perhaps he would have found a more sympathetic audience in Bonnybridge, home of the infamous 'Falkirk Triangle’. This well-kent – and henceforth thoroughly monetised – phenomenon was first reported in 1992 and the area still continues to register around 300 sightings a year, more than any other place on Earth – even more than the notorious Area 51 in Nevada. The fact it attracts a lot of UFO tourists who are perhaps inclined to believe in the phenomenon – and also want their money's worth – is neither here nor there, of course.
Scots UFO expert Ron Halliday says: "One theory is that there could be a window into another dimension, other worlds, the past or the future.” Even Nessie probably thinks that's a bit outlandish. Although where else would you visit but Scotland if this planet is simply some sort of space zoo for holidaying Zeta Reticulians?
And finally …
Temporal lobe epilepsy is an unenviable yet fascinating condition that many doctors deem entirely responsible for all occurances of inexplicable supernatural phenomena, from UFOs to religious communion to the indeterminate forces holding Donald Trump’s barnet together.
Those afflicted may not be aware of their condition, unwittingly suffering brief seizures, paralysis, vivid hallucinations and – notably – an overwhelming feeling of something other in their vicinity.
If UFOs are indeed a purely internally projected phenomenon, we can then safely assume such stories would likely reflect current sociological, technological and cultural fears and aspirations.
Certainly during the Cold War, the beings described in these close encounters were often characterised as benign saviours who wanted to help humans overcome the prospect of nuclear annihilation.
And after events such as Watergate and the Vietnam war fuelled mass distrust in government, witnesses came to describe UFOs as a threat to humanity – their sinister occupants often rendering abductees powerless and repeatedly probing them intimately against their will.
He believes the three asteroids will arrive on the third day of “five waves of energy” washing over the planet – an event which he says could be more than a mere coincidence.
The conspiracy theorist said: “Three asteroids are on their way this weekend, we just found out within an hour. Three of them.
“They’re not going to hit us, they shouldn’t. They’re going to come close and are coming the same weekend of the third wave of the five waves of energy.
“Now, 40 fireballs broke through the Earth’s atmosphere last night, so what’s going on here?”
The firebrand preacher claimed “something ugly is happening in the heavens” and suggested it could be the wrath of God.
PROPHECY: Some doomsayers believe the bible predicted the end of the world (Pic: Getty)
NASA predicts the first asteroid, named Asteroid 2018 VS1, will pass the Earth around 2.03pm.
The second asteroid is comparable in size and speed to Asteroid VS1 but will only come as close as 3.12 million miles.
But, terrifyingly, the third space rock with hurl passed later in the afternoon – this time coming closer than the moon.
Pastor Begley defended his claims, saying his interpretations of the end times approaching are purely based on Christian scripture and the word of God.
He said: “I’m not in charge of how God is going to shake the heavens, I’m supposed to just tell you that he is going to shake the heavens.
ASTEROIDS: The giant trio will barrel past our planet on Saturday (Pic: Getty)RELATED ARTICLES
BIZARRE: The preacher warned blasphemers before the apocalypse (Pic: Youtube)
“And when people say ‘well I don’t believe he’s going to shake the heavens’ then I say ok, well here’s what some scientists say could cause it.
“As a matter of fact, here’s what’s already happened in the past in Exodus Chapter Nine when fire mingled with hail and hailstones fell on the Earth and the fire rang along the earth creating chaos.
“If you read Revelation it tells you it will. If you read Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21 – if you read second Peter Chapter 3 you know that Peter says that Earth is going to melt with a fervent heat.”
The preacher claimed the asteroids and waves of energies passing over Earth are all signs of the second coming of Jesus Christ.
PREDICTION: The end is near, according to some (Pic: Getty)
“The end is near”
He said: “People need to be saved and people need to be ready because we are truly living in the last days. Can you say amen?”
Of course the warning about the upcoming rapture is the latest prophecy about the arrival of the apocalypse.
The predictions conflict other end of the world forecasts, including that of serial end of the world predictor David Meade – who said a mythological planetary system known as Planet X or Nibiru would appear in the sky and wipe pout humanity last year.
Jonathan Sarfati of Creation Ministries International said such doomsday predictions reflect little understanding of astronomy and theology.
That’s not to debunk the belief and biblical teachings about an end and Judgment Day, experts say.
While people of different faiths believe that there will be some religious end to life on Earth, they disagree about how it will happen.
Scientists have several theories about when Earth will be destroyed, although none of the data points to tomorrow.
The most widely accepted theory is that the Sun, which is already gradually increasing in temperature, will expand and swallow up the planet. Some scientists believe this could happen as soon as 7.6billion years’ time.
CREEPY: Is this painting proof aliens have been visiting Earth? (Pic: GETTY)
The artwork, which dates from the 15th century, is proof aliens have been visiting our planet for hundreds of years, according to conspiracy theorists.
An unknown artist painted Madonna and Child with the Infant, Saint John the Baptist.
It can be found in the Hall of Hercules in Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, Italy.
PROOF? The UFO can be seen in the top right and alien-like creatures in the top left (Pic: GETTY)
“Are these also aliens?”
The Ancient Aliens website
Alien hunters have noticed something behind the Madonna and baby Jesus and St John in the artwork.
A disc can be seen in the top right of the painting – with speculation it could be a extraterrestrial UFO.
In the top left, an “odd creature with tentacles” can also be spotted.
This is evidence that other-worldly creatures have been visiting planet Earth, according to alien hunters.
Website The Ancient Aliens, which finds what it believes is evidence of aliens in art throughout history, was excited by the discovery.
It says: “The UFO is of the familiar dish or saucer shape with rays radiating from it, implying it is emitting light.
“Also, in the upper left of this painting are strange creatures under the sun. Another close up is offered of these tentacle-like creatures.
“Are these also aliens?”
WEIRD: The top left of the painting appears to show tentacled aliens (Pic: GETTY)SPACESHIP: The top right has an image of what looks like an alien UFO (Pic: GETTY)
Many flocked to the comments section to discuss the discovery with one pointing out something else.
They wrote: “What you didn't mention is the man and his dog standing by the castle wall, looking up at the UFO.
“And actually, a lot of art is indeed reflective of, and representative of, actual witnessed events.”
This isn’t the widely-held view though – with historians sure it isn’t aliens.
Art website Florence Inferno says: “According to art historians the flying saucer is actually an angel bearing the appearance of a luminous cloud.
“In fact, while the representation of an angel in a non-anthropomorphic manner is rare, the Scriptures, especially the apocryphal Gospels.”
Burning objects in the Nashville sky Saturday night? Paratroopers at the Vandy game
Burning objects in the Nashville sky Saturday night? Paratroopers at the Vandy game
An object streaking across the Nashville skyline Saturday night got people talking — and speculating about what it was.
An object was seen streaking across the sky in Nashville on Saturday, Nov. 17.
Matt Burke
Despite some speculation that it was activity from the Leonid meteor shower, the arrival of aliens or something more serious (the FAA reported no plane crashes), it was actually paratroopers dropping into the Vanderbilt football game.
The paratroopers, outfitted with flares, dropped into Vanderbilt Stadium about the time the burning objects caught the eyes of Nashville skywatchers.
Reports of burning objects falling from the sky first started coming in shortly before 6:30 p.m.
About 100 people were standing outside Bridgestone Arena before the Predators game against the L.A. Kings on Saturday night and saw the display, said Michael Schneider, who was one of many Nashville residents to capture the images on his phone.
But the activity immediately led to rampant speculation about the source of the flaming UFOs.
The FAA and National Weather Service did not immediately return messages for comment, leaving us reasonably assured that nothing more serious took place in the sky over Nashville on Saturday night.
According to Plato, and indeed Greek mythology, Atlantis was protected by the god Poseidon, who for some unexplained reason, made his son Atlas king of this mythical land. We perceive this explanation given by Plato, as a clue to the fate of not only Atlantis but the pre-diluvian world. Atlas being the defining individual and indeed word, which could unravel this mystery. Is it mere coincidence that atlas is incredibly similar in lexical similarity to Atlantis, and also that it is the name given to the map of modern landmasses and indeed the oceans of our modern world?
Could this making of Atlas as king by Poseidon, claimed by Plato, be an admittance to an awareness of the Atlanteans fate by Plato himself? With Poseidon deciding the fate of Atlantis, the God of the Sea, Earthquakes and thus Cataclysm? Has this mythical continent of Atlantis never been found, because we have already found it? Proof of their existence and indeed inhabited landmasses, being all the existing advanced ancient ruins, we so often cover here on our channel which escape explanation, surviving above the waves?
Not only has the ancient pyramids been found to have once been submerged under several metres of sea water, but countless other ruins we have covered also share this intriguing characteristic. Are we looking at the past existence of the Atlanteans, every time we explore an as yet, unexplained advanced ancient ruin? The instructors of these ruins, the font of this knowledge, having been the Atlanteans themselves? Who just like the legends tell of, met their untimely demise at the hands of a great deluge? We find the evidence to suggest such, highly compelling.
Ex-General of the United States talks about what they really found on Mars
Ex-General of the United States talks about what they really found on Mars
Humanity has witnessed one of the greatest popular movements in the history of our planet. We have realized that the UFO phenomenon is not an isolated event, and there is more information on the subject than we have been led to believe. In the last couple of years, high-ranking individuals from politics, government and the military have spoken freely about the UFO phenomenon, suggesting that its reality and deserves more attention.
The UFO phenomenon, however, is not an isolated event that is only seen on planet Earth. While there are millions of people around the world who claim to have seen objects in the sky that defy explanation, astronauts in space have witnessed incredible things in recent decades.
From the mission of Apollo to the International Space Station, there are enough images to make a strong argument when it comes to visits from another world. In short, there are things that even science can not explain. Whether it is the Earth, the Moon or Mars, the UFO phenomenon is everywhere, and one of the most interesting statements made in recent years comes from General Stubblebine.
Some of the most startling statements come from Albert Stublebine, a Major General, who was also a Commander in Chief of the United States Army Intelligence and Security Command, and one of the most distinguished soldiers in the United States and the head of Army Intelligence. U.S.
The statements were made by two possible personalities including John Podesta, who was the Chief of Staff of Bill Clinton and Counselor of Barack Obama.
Or by Dr. Brian O’Leary, a former NASA astronaut and professor of physics at Princeton University, who said: There is ample evidence that we are being contacted, that civilizations have been contacting us for a very long time .
According to Alber Stubblebine, there are constructions on the surface of Mars, since there are underground areas. There are also machines on the surface of Mars.
At one point in his statement he says the following:
“There are structures on the surface of Mars. I will tell you so that there are structures below the surface of Mars that can not be seen by the Voyager cameras that happened in 1976. I will also tell you that there are machines on the surface of Mars and there are machines under the Surface of Mars that you can look at, you can discover in detail, you can see what they are, where they are, who they are and a lot of details about them. ”
So when it says who they are, I do not know if it refers to extraterrestrial beings or machines.
To make clear, in his statement the general does not mention anything about where he gets his sources, but the author makes an assumption that part of that information could come from the Remote Viewing Program. Since the general apparently played a key role in the Stargate project, it was a remote viewing program.
General Albert Stubblebine was an advocate of the “psychic” war and a key player in the “Stargate” project.
Remote viewing can be defined in multiple ways. It is the ability of people to describe a remote geographic location several hundred thousand kilometers away from their physical location.
The results of this project were declassified and published in the Journal of Scientific Exploration. In this project, individuals successfully described physical objects that were not close to their physical location.
A strange coincidence about his birth and death of Albert Stubblebine :, he was born on February 6, 1930 and died on February 6, 2017.
NASA announces their return to the Moon. This time...
NASA announces their return to the Moon. This time... "to stay"
NASA announces their return to the moon. This time to create a sustainable outpost.
We’ve taken giant leaps and left our mark in the heavens. Now we’re building the next chapter, returning to the Moon to stay, and preparing to go beyond. We are NASA – and after 60 years, we’re just getting started.
The space race is very real between nations. It’s only a matter of time until wars are fought in space due to rapidly advancing tech. If we could claim the moon as a military outpost before Russia and China do, that would be a great thing. Unleash the space force!
Atlantis? Ancient Flooded Ruins Discovered On Satellite Images
Atlantis? Ancient Flooded Ruins Discovered On Satellite Images
Ancient ruins found flooded near the Spanish coast, could be the lost city of Atlantis.
Archaeologists have been trying to find the ancient lost city of Atlantis for years. thanks to satellite imagery, it could finally have been found. The ancient ruins that were found provide evidence that the city's huge harbor walls one stood in southern Spain - according to experts. Many of the sites that the team studies were already known and these are said to have been constructed by the ancient Romans and Greeks.
Researchers at a private satellite imaging firm, known as Merlin Burrows, have claimed to have found evidence that these sites were built by Atlanteans. Atlanteans are ancient people who we do not know much about currently. Atlantis was recorded in the writings of Plato, a Greek philosopher, in 400BC. Plato described an advanced island civilization that rules around 9,000 years before his era.
Atlantis was at the center of the empire and was described to have a huge harbor wall, entrance pillars, a temple to the god Poseidon and massive circular pieces of land carved out by the Atlanteans to live on. Some believe that a natural disaster, such as a tsunami or volcanic disaster, eventually wiped out the Atlanteans, causing their legacy to end and be confined to legends. Scientists are yet to find solid evidence that Atlantis even existed. Many scholars think of Plato's story as just that, a story, and a way to present his philosophical theories.
Shown above is what the Merlin Burrows believes to be the remainder of the harbor wall that Atlantis would have had. It is said to be five and a half miles long.
The experts at Merlin Burrows say that the flooded ruins of the legendary city are off the coast of southern Spain. The exact location being somewhere north of the city of Cadis, Andalucía, which is centered around the Donana National Park. Historians believe this once was a vast inland sea. Apparently there are 15 other settlements dotted along the coastline, which they say is further evidence of the ancient civilization.
Most of the settlements scattered across the coastline are believed to be Roman or Greek, according to archaeologists. This would make sense as each civilization once occupied these areas. However, using unique satellite techniques, aerial photography and ground observations of the site, British experts now believe that they have found all the features of the Atlantis that Plato described all those years ago.
The head historian, Tim Akers, at Merlin Burrows, has said that they haven't just found Atlantis but that they have also discovered that the people within were incredibly advanced. According to him, laboratory analysis of the material recovered from Spain showed evidence of a type of cement that has not been seen before - as well as ancient advanced metallurgy. The greenish blue patina that has been found covering some of the ruins, has been shown by tests to be an ancient combination of metals.
Aerial images of the site, show that what they think is evidence of a harbor wall, is a whopping 75 meters thick. Plato also writes that the wall stood 50 stadia long, which would convert into about five and a half miles long. These images also show that there are sand dunes where this massive wall was destroyed by a huge influx of water. This same water which eventually filled the inland sea with sediment and destroyed Atlantis.
Flying Saucer Like Object Filmed Passing By the Sun During Sunset By International Space Station
Flying Saucer Like Object Filmed Passing By the Sun During Sunset By International Space Station
This footage was spotted by Tom Brown whilst watching the live stream from space googlevesaire. Tom Brown says "I was watching the International Space Station live feed from a third party and noticed a flying saucer-shaped object pass by the sun. I don't think it is part of the ISS or a spec of dirt on the camera but an actual object in space whether it is a satellite, space rock, or whatever." This happened on November 15, 2018
‘Alternative history’ researcher and author Graham Hancock has long postulated that a cataclysm some 12,000 years ago might have wiped out advanced civilisations. In his most recent book Magicians of the Gods (Amazon US/Amazon UK) he discusses at length the Younger Dryas period (c. 12,900 to c. 11,700 calendar years ago), which began when temperatures plummeted over the course of just a few decades – and the ‘heretical’ theory that this event may have been caused by a comet impact.
Now, two new papers recently published in respected journals may perhaps provide material support for that idea. The first, published late last week in Nature’s “Scientific Reports”, notes the discovery of “a distinct platinum anomaly spread widely across North America and dating to the Younger Dryas (YD) onset”, supporting the conclusions of previous papers that have provided evidence for an impact event at that time.
The presence of platinum is a strong indicator of an impact event: as lead author Christopher Moore has pointed out, the element “is very rare in Earth’s crust, but it is common in asteroids and comets”; and previous studies have also found “a rise in platinum concentrations over 14 years and subsequent drop during the following 7 years” that is consistent with “the known residence time of stratospheric dust”.
Christopher Moore says that his team’s finding on elevated levels of platinum…
…is a confirmation of data previously reported for the Younger-Dryas onset several years ago in a Greenland ice-core. The authors for that study concluded that the most likely source of such platinum enrichment was from the impact of an extraterrestrial object.
Our data show that this anomaly is present in sediments from U.S. archaeological sites that date to the start of the Younger-Dryas event. It is continental in scale – possibly global – and it’s consistent with the hypothesis that an extraterrestrial impact took place.
The other new paper has just been published in the journal Geomorphology (“A model for the geomorphology of the Carolina Bays). It also provides evidence for an impact event around that time, suggesting that the Carolina Bays may be the remains of “oblique conical craters formed on ground liquefied by the seismic shock waves of secondary impacts of glacier ice boulders ejected by an extraterrestrial impact on the Laurentide Ice Sheet”.
The evidence for an extinction level comet-impact event in North America 12,800 years ago, setting in motion the mysterious episode of megafaunal extinctions, floods and freezing temperatures that geologists call the Younger Dryas, continues to grow stronger with a new paper published in the distinguished peer-reviewed journal Geomorphology. You can read a discussion of the implications of the paper, and you can download a pdf of the paper itself, here.
Those who have read my book Magicians of the Gods, now available in an extended and updated paperback edition, will be aware that I focus extensively on the Younger Dryas cataclysm in which I believe not only mammoths, not only the hunter-gatherer “Clovis” culture, but also an advanced prehistoric civilization, hitherto the stuff only of myths and legends, was lost to history. This, in my view, was when we became a species with amnesia.
Check out my previous post on this subject, with more links and papers, here.
You can of course read Graham’s thoughts on this topic at length by picking up a copy of Magicians of the Gods from Amazon US or Amazon UK.
Web Bot: Clif High: Aliens, Ufo's, Disclosure, Secret Space Program (Video)
Web Bot: Clif High: Aliens, Ufo's, Disclosure, Secret Space Program (Video)
Define Space, Define Outer space. What’s the wisdom to know the difference? Do you trust the government? Did we land on the moon during the Apollo missions? Does Nasa use green and blue screens, wires, cables, cgi in the ISS? Do we have non-photoshopped pics of Earth? What is Scientism?
Is the sun 93 Million miles away? How about the Moon, 237,000 miles away? Have you ever seen the Moon and the Sun out in the same sky? What would cause the shadow on the Moon when we see both the sun and the moon in the same sky? Bear Nugent
Its a weak argument Cliff. Although you tend to make it seem very good with your excellent intelligence. Say a reptilian or avian here on earth has a certain vagus nerve structure, that doesn’t necessarily mean an advanced being of that species doesn’t. Its a weak argument.
And you are too proud sadly. Too aggressive… I’ve heard that for every species here there is an equivalent in the celestial worlds. According to their status they acquire a nature. A status is a hierarchal thing corresponding to a beings service to the one infinite creator and service to all. Peter Hamilton
Dulce Uncensored: Truth and Evidence about The Mysterious Dulce Base (Video)
Dulce Uncensored: Truth and Evidence about The Mysterious Dulce Base (Video)
Greg Valdez Dulce Uncensored- Dulce Base- The Truth and Evidence about the Mysterious Dulce Base from the Case Files of Gabe Valdez. Greg Valdez is interviewed about details surrounding the mystery about the alleged underground Dulce Base in New Mexico.
His book, listed below, assists in clearing up a lot of misinformation and outright fabrications that have followed the Dulce story for years, to finally get us closer to learning the truth about the dulce base.
Paul Bennewitz’s involvement led to the air force launching an exhaustive disinformation campaign, and included intelligence agencies involved in the story of the alien base Dulce.
Phil Schneider also made some mysterious claims regarding an alien-military shootout underground in dulce. Greg tells us that the Dulce base is actually a classified military testing site.
It’s time for another edition of “Fiction or fact?” Today’s subject: Atlantis, Plato’s creation that has spawned more interest, arguments, explorations and movies than any other mythical city. While the needle has often crept away from “fiction,” it returns to it as more investigation yields less evidence. Which way will the needle move as we look at the latest theory that Atlantis lies not in the Atlantic but in a Spanish swamp?
“It is unique, nowhere in our world is there anything resembling this, and the structures match exactly Plato’s dimensions with no deviation. It is absolutely spot on.”
“It,” according to maritime historian Tim Akers of the Merlin Burrows private satellite imaging company, is Doñana National Park, a swampy preserve in Andalusia in southern Spain, where new images taken of the area show what Akers and others claim are the remains of an ancient city that clearly resemble the layout of Atlantis as described by Plato. Using the images, they’ve identified evidence of a massive harbor wall Plato estimated to be 5.5 miles long that collapsed under the pressure of the water that flooded Atlantis into mythological extinction. Those images are shown in his interview with The Daily Mail (see them here).
“We filmed clear evidence and collected samples that were analyzed scientifically in a laboratory in Modena, Italy, which is used to study ancient Roman finds.”
Google map location of Donana National Park
The images also led Akers and Merlin Burrows archeologists to spots where they took samples from the wall area which the report from the Modena Materials Analysis Laboratory claimed to find evidence that …
“The harbour wall seems to have had a coating that prevented barnacle growth, like modern Teflon. That requires highly advanced construction technologies and knowledge of chemistry.”
Samples from remains of pillars showed more …
“These structures contain binders, like calcite. The presence of mica, potassium, and other trace minerals show proof of artificial mixing of materials, so the samples we have tested are made from an ancient, prehistoric concrete.”
The minerals and the design led them to claim that …
“…we’re talking about a civilisation with very advanced technology.”
But is this enough proof to say with confidence that this is Atlantis? Ingenio seems to think so. Ingenio Films is a film and documentary company that has partnered with Merlin Burrows to produce “Atlantica” which its PR team excitedly describes:
“ATLANTICA” is the first in the ATLANTICA series, and in this two hour film, we document and identify every single item that Plato described, using years of research, and extraordinary technologies. The focus of this first installation in the Atlantica Series is to identify, beyond any doubt, that this discovery is indeed ATLANTIS!! In our complex discovery of Atlantis, we have involved every available science and technique along the way, in order to show the FACTS, for which our team has included a multi disciplinary set of experts, sciences, technologies, and academia.”
They claim the film will show “the Temple of Poseidon, the vast Harbor Front cities of Poseida, the massive Harbor Wall, the Inland Sea, and most importantly… the CONCENTRIC ISLANDS themselves!!”
Looking for Atlantis in Doñana National Park
Those are bold claims about the Doñana National Park wetlands and a 100-mile surrounding area stretching from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean which others have also claimed could be the location of Atlantis – albeit without Ingenio’s enthusiasm and confidence. Akers is a bit more reserved:
“We only present the facts and try not to delve into speculation. What is unique in our presentation is all of this material has never been seen before.”
Atlantis: fact or fiction? When this new documentary is finally released, which way will the needle move?
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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