The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
World’s first ion-drive airplane can fly without any moving parts
World’s first ion-drive airplane can fly without any moving parts
Researchers at MIT have achieved the first sustained flight powered by ionic wind. Their small unmanned aircraft prototype has no moving parts and creates lift by ionizing the atmosphere around it in an electric field, instead of pushing the air with a propeller or turbine.
Illustration of the world’s first ionic-wind-powered aircraft.
Credit: MIT.
In order to move air around it, the world’s first solid-state aircraft generates an ionic wind. By applying a high voltage to a pair of electrodes, electrons are stripped off nearby air molecules, and the ionized oxygen and nitrogen molecules collide with neutral air molecules as they move from one electrode to the other. It’s this bulk movement of atmospheric molecules — the ionic wind, flowing in one direction and pushing the aircraft in the opposite direction — that enabled MIT’s drone-sized aircraft to stay airborne.
The ion-drive aircraft’s design is fairly simple: a thin wire acts as the leading edge, where nitrogen and oxygen get ionized by 20,000 volts of electricity. Behind the wire is a thin airfoil covered by the second electrode, which is charged with negative 20,000 volts, creating a difference of 40,000 volts. The winged body, a 40 kilovolts custom-built battery, and an electronic control system round off the rest of the setup.
Ion drives have been used in spacecraft for decades, but getting them to work in Earth’s gravity had not been possible until now. It’s thanks to advances in electronics and batteries that researchers were able to design an ion-drive aircraft capable of generating practical amounts of thrust.
There is a series of inherent trade-offs due to physical limitations that scientists had had to constantly joggle. For instance, an ion-drive generates the most thrust with a lower electric field strength. However, if the field’s strength drops below a threshold, air molecules won’t get ionized in the first place. Then, if the mass of the aircraft is too great, you need more power, which implies bigger and heavier batteries — at some point, the thrust is just not large enough to carry the airplane’s weight.
Timelapse image of the craft in flight in a gym.
Credit: MIT.
After tweaking various thruster designs, the researchers finally found a version that is capable of sustaining flight. Their a 5-meter wingspan, 2.5-kilogram aircraft made 10 flights, flying up to 9 seconds over a distance of 45 meters at a speed of 5 meters per second. It had to be launched from a mechanical bungee system in order to give it a brief time to power up. A computer algorithm optimizes the electric field constraints so that maximum thrust is achieved during flight.
According to the MIT researchers, the ion-wind thruster generated 5 newtons for each kilowatt of power, which is on par with the output of jet engines. However, the overall efficiency of the system is just 2.5%m which is well below a conventional aircraft that pushes the air mechanically.
This is just a proof of concept, and the researchers are confident that they can come up with a much more efficient system. Their current design was limited by the fact that they had to fly inside an indoor track. By fitting larger wings, the authors say that they could up the efficiency of the system to 5% without changing the setup. Different designs for the electrode and better power conversion electronics could further boost efficiency.
An ion-drive might never be capable of generating enough thrust to carry human passengers or large cargo like conventional aircraft can. To move that much mass, you’d need a huge power input, which is not feasible with current battery technology. However, there are various applications where its low thrust density would be well suited to. A silent aircraft with no moving parts may be advantageous as an urban monitoring vehicle or for transporting small packages, thus avoiding the annoying noise pollution generated by mechanically propelled drones.
The ionic-wind-powered drone was described in the journal Nature.
Et on ne parle pas d'une idée loufoque d'illuminés. Les créateurs de ce signal radio sont Carl Sagan et Frank Drake. Le premier, célèbre astronome américain, est l'un des fondateurs de l'exobiologie, l'étude scientifique du développement hypothétique de la vie dans l'Univers. Le second, astronome américain également, a cofondé le projet de recherche SETI, qui vise à détecter une civilisation extraterrestre grâce à nos connaissances scientifiques. Il a également mis au point une équation tentant d'estimer le nombre de ces civilisations dans notre galaxie.
Evidemment, le message d'Arecibo n'a pas eu de réponse. Il faut dire qu'il n'en attendait pas tellement: il était dirigé vers l'Amas d'Hercule, à 22.200 années-lumière de la Terre. Il n'a aujourd'hui parcouru que 0,20% de son chemin. Mais si quelqu'un le captait, après l'avoir déchiffré, il aurait découvert de nombreuses informations sur l'Homme, la Terre et notre connaissance de l'Univers. Une sorte de preuve, de bouteille spatiale jetée dans l'océan du vide intersidéral.
Le paradoxe de Fermi
De manière générale, nous n'avons aucune preuve scientifique de l'existence d'une vie biologique ailleurs que sur la Terre. Et encore moins d'une vie intelligente. Pourtant, cette question de la vie extraterrestre obsède beaucoup de monde, y compris de très nombreux astronomes.
Pourquoi cette question nous obsède tant? Il y a bien sûr la quête de connaissances. Mais c'est surtout qu'elle nous interpelle. Pourquoi serions-nous uniques dans l'énormité de l'Univers, ou même plus simplement de notre galaxie?
Depuis quelques décennies, nous avons repéré des milliers d'exoplanètes, des planètes en dehors de notre système solaire. Mais c'est un grain de sable. Si on extrapole, on se rend compte de l'immensité qui nous entoure. Rien que dans notre galaxie, les chiffres donnent le tournis. Les estimations tablent sur au moins 100 milliards d'étoiles. Même avec l'estimation la plus basse, on peut imaginer la présence, au moins, de milliards de planètes dans la galaxie. Sans même parler des plus de 100 autres milliards de galaxies.
Alors bien sûr, les conditions pour que la vie émerge sont difficiles à comprendre et sont certainement rares. Pour autant, vu le nombre de planètes, l'âge de la galaxie et la vitesse à laquelle une espèce intelligente peut se développer technologiquement, on peut s'étonner que la galaxie n'ait pas été colonisée depuis bien longtemps.
Ce raisonnement, de nombreux scientifiques l'ont fait. Notamment l'un d'eux, Enrico Fermi, l'un des créateurs de la bombe atomique. Lors d'un déjeuner dans les années 50 avec des collègues physicien, la question de la vie extraterrestre arrive sur la table. Le chercheur fait alors remarquer ceci: vu l'immensité et l'âge de l'univers, si une civilisation extraterrestre existait, elle aurait certainement eu le temps de s'étendre sur des milliers de mondes et de nous rendre visite. Alors, où sont-ils?
C'est le "paradoxe de Fermi". Depuis des milliers de personnes ont essayé de trouver une réponse à ce problème.
Toujours plus d'hypothèses
Des théories, il en existe tellement qu'un physicien, Stephen Webb, a publié un ouvrage évoquant 75 solutions au paradoxe de Fermi, regroupées dans 3 catégories: ils sont là (mais nous ne le savons pas), ils existent mais n'ont pas communiqué avec nous ou encore ils n'existent pas.
C'est aussi pour réfléchir à ce paradoxe que Frank Drake a créé sa fameuse équation. Aujourd'hui encore, par pure expérience de pensée ou via des découvertes astronomiques récentes, de nombreux physiciens font régulièrement des hypothèses. La plus pessimiste étant que la vie a existé ailleurs, s'est développée, est devenue intelligente... mais a fini par s'auto-détruire, soit par la guerre, soit par l'exploitation des ressources. Un scénario qu'on peut effectivement imaginer si l'humanité n'arrive pas à endiguer le réchauffement climatique et sa course à la croissance.
Evidemment, ces hypothèses ne restent que des hypothèses. Mais ces expériences de pensées philosophiques ne sont pas dénuées d'intérêt, loin de là, car elles permettent d'imaginer des schémas, de dénicher des inconnues à tester dans la pratique.
Car justement, ce dont la science a besoin pour avancer, c'est de faits, de preuves tangibles. C'est le but du SETI, qui observe l'espace sur différentes longueurs d'ondes en espérant entendre un signal étranger, une sorte de bouteille à la mer similaire à notre message d'Arecibo.
Ecouter ou émettre, encore et encore
D'ailleurs, en septembre, un grand télescope français s'est lui aussi lancé dans la recherche de signaux extraterrestres. Pour autant, les chances de trouver un signal sont objectivement extrêmement basses, et ce pour plusieurs raisons. La principale, c'est que nous n'observons qu'une partie infime du ciel. A un moment donné bien défini, pendant lequel une hypothétique civilisation aurait émis un signal il y a très longtemps. Le temps que le message, qui voyage à la vitesse de la lumière, traverse l'immensité qui nous sépare des autres systèmes stellaires. Même pour les plus proches, cela se compte en années.
Il y a aussi la question de savoir ce que nous observons. Il y a tellement de moyens de communiquer, de fréquences radios... Et même si nous cherchons le bon type de signal, encore faut-il que nous écoutions dans la bonne direction et au bon moment. Au vu de la taille et de l'âge de la galaxie, c'est un peu comme rechercher une aiguille dans une botte de foin. Mais cela peut aussi donner de l'optimisme: si nous n'avons rien trouvé, c'est peut-être tout simplement car nous ne cherchons pas assez.
En parallèle, certains chercheurs veulent aller plus loin. Ne pas écouter, mais émettre. Comme le message d'Arecibo, mais en faisant tout pour être entendu. En 2016, un message a été envoyé vers l'étoile polaire Polaris, située à 450 années-lumière. Ce qui veut dire que même si des extraterrestres vivaient autour de cette étoile, l'onde électromagnétique qui contient le message ne les atteindrait qu'en 2466. Cette capsule temporelle était surtout une sorte de testament et de message d'alerte destinée à la Terre, selon l'auteur du projet, l'artiste écossais Paul Quast.
D'autres, comme les astronomes du METI (une organisation nommée en référence au SETI, mais qui veut émettre plutôt qu'écouter), veulent envoyer de nombreux messages et espèrent être écoutés. Un premier a été envoyé en novembre 2017, à destination de GJ 273b, une exoplanète située à 12,4 années-lumière de la Terre. La porte à côté, à l'échelle de la galaxie. Un message simple, répété pendant trois jours. Un tutorial mathématique et scientifique utilisant une "langue cosmique" imaginée par un mathématicien pour communiquer de la manière la plus abstraite possible, en faisant fi de nos références culturelles.
Une initiative qui a créé la polémique, même si les chances d'obtenir une réponse sont, au mieux, infinitésimales. Déjà, des chercheurs ont critiqué l'idée même des ces bouteilles à la mer, estimant que les chances de réponses sont trop faibles face aux coûts. Mais certains scientifiques vont plus loin dans la désapprobation.
Un débat qui peut se résumer ainsi: si nous envoyons des messages dans l'espace, nous signalons notre présence à de potentielles civilisations avancées, sans rien savoir d'elles. Et si des aliens à la technologie avancée envahissaient notre monde en remontant à l'origine du message? C'est un peu ce que redoutait Stephen Hawking.
L'astrobiologiste Dirk Schulze-Makuch affirme lui que les conséquences de ce genre de message sont si grandes que l'envoi d'un tel signal devrait faire l'objet d'un débat citoyen et ne pas être simplement décidé par "un petit groupe de scientifiques".
Tant de débats sans aucune preuve, cela peut sembler étrange de la part de scientifiques. Mais quand on pense à toutes les implications scientifiques et philosophiques qu'aurait la découverte d'une preuve de l'existence d'une vie intelligente extraterrestre, en fait-on finalement assez?
A RIVER RAN THROUGH IT The next NASA Mars rover will land at Jezero crater, a former lake bed that includes the remains of an ancient river delta (seen above in this composite image from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter).
The next NASA Mars rover will hunt for signs of ancient life in what used to be a river delta, the agency announced on November 19.
The rover is expected to launch in July 2020 and to land on Mars around February 18, 2021. It will seek out signs of past life in the sediments and sands of Jezero crater, which was once home to a 250-meter-deep lake and a river delta that flowed into the lake.
“This is a major attraction from our point of view for a habitable environment,” said Mars 2020 project scientist Ken Farley of Caltech in a news conference discussing the site. “A delta is extremely good at preserving biosignatures.” Any evidence of life that may once have existed in the lake water, or even evidence that came from the river’s headwaters and flowed downstream, could be preserved in the rocks that are there today.
The 2020 rover’s design is similar to that of the Curiosity rover, which has been exploring a different ancient crater lake, Gale crater, since 2012 (SN: 5/2/15, p. 24). But where Curiosity has an onboard chemistry lab for studying the rocks and minerals in its crater, Mars 2020 will have a specialized backpack for sample storage. A future mission will pick up the cached samples and return them to Earth for more detailed study, possibly sometime in the 2030s.
“The samples will come back to the best labs — not the best labs we have today, but the best er, which has been exploring a different ancient crater lake, Gale crater, since 2012 (SN: 5/2/15, p. 24). But where Curiosity has an onboard chemistry lab for studying the rocks and minerals in its crater, Mars 2020 will have a specialized backpack for sample storage. A future mission will pick up the cached samples and return them to Earth for more detailed study, possibly sometime in the 2030s.
“The samples will come back to the best labs — not the best labs we have today, but the best labs we will have then,” said science mission directorate administrator Thomas Zurbuchen of NASA headquarters in Washington, D.C.
Mars 2020 will also use a souped-up version of Curiosity’s landing system called Sky Crane, in which a hovering platform lowers the rover onto the ground with a cable. Mars 2020’s version will include a navigation system that will help it avoid hazards on the ground, like cliff faces and boulders. labs we will have then,” said science mission directorate administrator Thomas Zurbuchen of NASA headquarters in Washington, D.C.
Mars 2020 will also use a souped-up version of Curiosity’s landing system called Sky Crane, in which a hovering platform lowers the rover onto the ground with a cable. Mars 2020’s version will include a navigation system that will help it avoid hazards on the ground, like cliff faces and boulders.
Jezero crater is within striking distance of another site on scientists’ wish list. That region, called Midway, is just 28 kilometers away from Jezero and contains some of the most ancient rocks on Mars. At the final landing site selection workshop in October, scientists floated the idea of visiting both sites in one mission, a feat seen as ambitious but achievable. But a decision on that will have to wait until after the rover is safely on Mars, Farley said.
Could it have been a rogue aircraft in unauthorised airspace? Or some junk thrown into the depths of space by humans?
We still don't know - but here are the three main possibilities:
Military Activity
As you can hear in the air traffic control recording, the captain of a British Airways flight asked if there were any military exercises taking place in the vicinity of the sighting.
The response from controllers was that they weren't aware of any military activity and no other aircraft were shown on radar.
In 2003, then US President George W Bush boarded Air Force One near Washington DC on a top secret mission to visit American troops stationed in Iraq.
Given the extreme risk of taking the president into a war zone, it was critical that no one knew he was coming.
This meant the crew had to fly a distance of 10,000km, taking 10 hours and flying over the busy airspace of the United Kingdom, France and Germany, without the iconic giant blue and white aircraft being spotted by anyone.
Most of Air Force One's communication equipment was switched off, and the crew identified themselves to air traffic control as a much smaller Gulfstream private jet. This would be their cover when they appeared on radar screens during the journey.
The entire mission was almost called off when the presidential aircraft flew over London. An observant pilot jumped on the airwaves.
"Did I just see Air Force One?" they asked
There was some silence, then the Air Force One captain replied.
"No. Gulfstream."
Luckily for the president and his team, the British Airways pilot took his observation no further and President Bush landed in Iraq before anyone even knew he was coming.
Air Force One, one of the most identifiable of all aircraft in the world, was flying within UK airspace and none of the air controllers had any idea.
Space Debris
This theory is so far stacking up to be the most likely explanation. One of the pilots who witnessed the lights shared his thoughts on the cause.
"It may have been a meteor or some other object making some sort of re-entry. [It] appeared to be multiple objects heading on the same trajectory. It was very bright," he said.
Additionally, newly emerged video filmed in Ireland at the same time of the sighting seems to back this up. The object appears to break up and fade into thin air as it streaks across the night sky.
Sandy Laverty, the driver who captured the lights on her dashcam, said it was much larger and brighter in real life and said she didn't hear the story about the pilots until the following day.
Something else?
A letter to the editor published in the Irish Times by a Mr John Bergin says the object was a UFO because it is exactly that, an unidentified flying object. If it turns out that it was being used by alien lifeforms, then it will lose that title.
Loman Ó Loingsigh also wrote to the paper with his thoughts. He said the little green men are already here.
"They have been helping people cross the road safely for years," he said.
It does seem likely that if little green men were to make anywhere on Earth their home, it would be Ireland.
Unbelievable 'UFO' captured in stunning picture above South Lanarkshire
Unbelievable 'UFO' captured in stunning picture above South Lanarkshire
Fiona Pagett got the shock of her life when she spotted a strange flying saucer shape in the sky.
ByArthur Vundla
Fiona Pagett pictured the flying saucer shape above South Lanarkshire
(Image: Fiona Pagett /
A mum has captured a stunning picture of a cloud formation - that looks just like a flying saucer.
Nature lover Fiona Pagett, 49, headed out to Biggar, South Lanarkshire, on Sunday evening to photograph the beautiful sunset.
But the mum-of-two got the shock of her life when she spotted a strange flying saucer shape in the sky.
Fiona, from Edinburgh, took out her Nikon camera to capture the UFO-shaped object only to realise it was actually a lenticular cloud - stationary clouds that form in the lowest region of the atmosphere.
The personal trainer says she did not expect to capture "some sort of spaceship".
She said: "Well I had headed there to try and take some pictures of the beautiful sunset but I noticed some sort of spaceship cloud.
"It was a bit surreal especially considering we had the most beautiful weekend with beautiful blue skies.
"When I did some research regarding the type of cloud it was, I noticed they are unusual clouds and some people have got them mistaken for ufos.
"I put the picture on Facebook, it was pretty cool to get a positive response."
Fiona enjoys doing photography in her spare time.
She added: "I've always been doing it. It's a hobby of mine."
UFO sighting on LIVE TV is ‘100 percent’ PROOF of aliens
UFO sighting on LIVE TV is ‘100 percent’ PROOF of aliens
A SPECTACULAR UFO sighting was caught on live television in Argentina, sending the presenters into a frenzy, with hunters saying it is “100 percent” proof of aliens.
A bright light was caught travelling across the background screen during a live news broadcast in Argentina. The two presenters quickly spotted the cube-shaped object and were keen to point this out to the viewers. The news broadcast rapidly went viral, with alien hunters keen to point out that this is strong evidence that extraterrestrials are visiting Earth.
The UFO appears to have no wings or propellers, which has led some to dismiss any suggestions that it is a plane or helicopter, while it is also seemingly moving too fast to be considered a balloon.
Prominent alien hunter Scott C Waring wrote on his blog UFO Sightings Daily: “During a live news broadcast two reporters were surprised when a box shaped UFO began to cross the top of the large screen TV.
This box shape is actually more common than you might think. Without wings, propellers, jets this boxy UFO moves across the sky at a very high speed, much too fast to be a balloon
“Remarkable, and this is 100 percent proof that aliens are trying to gentle their way into the hearts and minds of the public.”
UFO sighting on LIVE TV is ‘100 percent’ PROOF of aliens
(Image: YOUTUBE)
Argentina is something of a hotspot for UFO sightings, so much so that a UFO ‘landing pad’ was built in the wilderness of Argentina by a man who claims aliens told him to create the site.
The strange monument is believed to have been built by a Swiss man called Werner Jaisli.
The landing pad is a collection of white and brown rocks placed in the shape of an ‘ovniport’ – a monument which resembles a star which conspiracy theorists have linked with extraterrestrial activity.
Mr Jaisli built the monument in the Argentinian desert just outside of the small town of Cachi in the province of Salta.
Aliens are apparently trying to make their presence on Earth known
(Image: GETTY)
The larger monuments are surrounded by smaller pieces and can be seen from the skies, which would be handy for any UFO’s driven by aliens as they near Earth.
The site attracts hundreds of visitors a year and Mr Jaisli decided to build it when he claims he received a “telepathic message” from extraterrestrials in which they told him they needed a place to land when they arrive at our planet.
He told Argentine newspaper El Tribuno: “I was in Fuerte Alto with my neighbour Luis. It was midnight on November 24, 2008.
The UFO landing pad
(Image: YOUTUBE)
“'It's a UFO night,' I said to Luis. And the sentence was not over, when two luminous objects advanced about 200 meters above the Calchaquí River.
“They were solid, circular and like burnished metal. I do not know why, but mentally I asked them to come closer. And they did it!
“They asked me telepathically to build the airport.”
Construction on the groundbreaking station started on November 19, 1998, and continued until 2011, floating through space as one of mankind’s proudest endeavours to date.
However, it has been the subject of all kinds of conspiracies and cover-ups as we step ever closer to answering the age-old question: Do aliens exist?
To celebrate the International Space Station’s birthday, here are some of the most suspicious ISS moments to date.
Irishwoman spooked after spotting 'UFO' hovering over Dublin Airport
Irishwoman spooked after spotting 'UFO' hovering over Dublin Airport
She was in the airport when she saw a bright light in the sky
By Aengus O'Hanlon
A northside woman who was at Dublin Airport at the weekend managed to get a photo of a strange unidentified light she spotted in the sky.
The Dubliner - who asked not to be named - was in the airport when she saw a bright light appear to hover in the sky above the busy plane hub.
She told her husband what she'd seen and he mentioned that very similar lights had been spotted over Crumlin last week , just days after pilots reported seeing UFOs off the coast of Kerry, Dublin Live reports.
He said that his wife had heard nothing about the alleged UFO sightings of the past week, but after they discussed it, they decided to get in touch with Dublin Live.
The man told us: "My wife was at the airport on Sunday morning when she saw this strange light appear in the morning sky. It was at around 7.20am, and it was there for a while in the one spot and then moved before disappearing.
"She knew nothing about the sightings last week over the airport - she also said a plane flew over past it at one stage."
Last week, Crumlin man Craig Keogh said he spotted an unidentified flying object as he was leaving for work.
He quipped: "I wasn't freaked - I was more puzzled to know what it was like.. someone needs to give answers or come up with some reason because me little bro is scared big time, and I'm not helping him either."
Dublin Live has contacted the Irish Aviation Authority for a comment.
Donal Brady's video of a UFO over Cork has racked up almost 155,000 views online.
Bishopstown mystery UFO video goes viral online
Rob McNamara
A CORKMAN's video of a UFO over Bishopstown has gone viral with over 155,000 viewings on YouTube since being uploaded last week.
Douglas resident Donal Brady was in Bishopstown at a friend's house when he spotted a bright light in the sky. He then took out his phone to film it as a plane flew past.
The jerky video shows the object moving very slowly across the Cork sky.
A number of commercial airline pilots flying near Kerry reported similiar sightings in the south-west of the country the day before but these have been dismissed by experts as possibly a meteorite or the reflection of a high flying plane's hull.
Others have dismissed the object as the International Space Station passing over or a large satellite but some people commenting on the video are saying it could be proof of an alien species visiting our skies due to the trajectory of the object and the movements reported by the airline pilots.
Both a British Airways pilot and a Virgin Airlines pilot reported sightings of a UFO to Shannon Air Traffic Control on Friday, November 9.
Mr Brady told the Evening Echo that reaction to the video has gone “off the wall” and the media interest has been “crazy” since he posted it.
The Irish Aviation Authority has opened an investigation into the sightings which have extended as far as Carlow.
The protagonist of the video is Robert Miller. He worked in Area 51, he is famous for his alleged UFO research, and that he was recruited by the US government.
He piloted an alien ship with only his mind and with the ship he also traveled in time.
It is hard to believe him. We know. But he also claims that he films the video because he somehow feels the responsibility to reveal the truth about how the evidence of extraterrestrial life systematically hides us at the Groom Lake facility. That’s why Miller decided to tell his story in the first person.
IN HIS HANDLING OF THE SHIP, HE DETAILS: “I remember being taken inside a boat and in the pilot’s seat. There was only room for one person in the giant boat. I looked around the cabin and saw only one seat. No joystick, no steering wheel, no other controls.
However, there was a helmet. They told me that the ship controlled itself telepathically. They told me to imagine that the ship was beginning to float on the ground, but it did not work.
I had to imagine that I was the boat, as part of it, and I began to think of myself floating. ”
REALLY AMAZING Especially because he explains that after the experience he fainted and could have traveled in time. In his own words: “(The ship) was falling to the ground and I was unconscious.
The next thing I knew, I was in the hospital. A man in a black suit came in and explained what happened. He said that just before.
The ship touched the ground, it simply disappeared, exploded, disappeared. Then, in the middle of the night, they heard a loud noise outside and the ship crashed in the same place.
The scientists hypothesized that the ship had traveled in time. Have you seen the video?
Is it possible that they are hiding what is happening outside our planet so blatantly? For us, it is about believing or revealing.
What do you think about these revelations and affirmations?
Three separate pilots were left baffled when they encountered a bright light whizzing through the sky. The incident occurred in the early hours of Friday, November 9, when a British Airways pilot contacted Shannon air traffic control (ATC) as 06.47 local time. The pilot wanted to know if any military exercises were taking place as she claimed the object was "moving so fast”.
ATC said no exercises were taking place, yet the mystery deepened when two other pilots contacted ground control stating "multiple objects following the same sort of trajectory” were spotted in the same region.
ATC said there were no military exercises had been planned, before eerily adding: “There is nothing showing on either primary or secondary radar.”
The pilot said: "OK. It was moving so fast. We saw a bright light and it then just disappeared at a very high speed.”
She claimed that it did not appear to be on a collision course with the plane but admitted she was still "wondering" what it could be.
UFO MYSTERY: Pilots break silence on incredible ‘ALIEN’ sighting in Ireland
(Image: GETTY)
To the surprise of ATC, a third pilot called in to report the same sighting, adding: "I'm glad it wasn't just me.”
They reported that the 'UFO' was moving at "astronomical speeds - it was like Mach 2."
For reference, Mach 2 is 2,500 kph – twice the speed of sound.
However, pilots, who were not involved in the sightings, have offered their theories and believe there is a more plausible explanation than that of an alien visit.
The sighting occurred over the south of Ireland
(Image: GETTY)
Speaking on the Professional Pilots Rumour Network (PPRuNe) internet forum, user Cygnet720 explained that the sighting is probably down to meteors hitting the planet’s atmosphere.
Cygnet720 wrote: “I remember about two years ago coming out of Nice under Milano radar, seen quite a bright one, was far from the first time seeing them, but apparently Alitalia E-190 crew were more impressed and reported to ATC asking about military activity in the area.
“No idea why, but we were quite accustomed to seeing meteors and were quite surprised our Italian friends were so impressed, and much less cool about them.”
Aviation journalist Gerry Byrne agreed with this sentiment, stating: "In all probability they were meteorites and it's not uncommon for meteorites to come in at a low angle, a low trajectory into the Earth's atmosphere.”
Experts believe it was a meteor
(Image: GETTY)
Nonetheless, the Irish Aviation Authority (IAA) will investigate the incident.
The IAA said in a statement: "Following reports from a small number of aircraft on Friday 9 November of unusual air activity the IAA has filed a report.
"This report will be investigated under the normal confidential occurrence investigation process."
Millions of people from around the world claim to have been abducted by extraterrestrials.
The typical testimony from abductees describes how they are taken from their beds, homes, cars, and other locations and transported to spaceships manned by small grey aliens with oversized black, slanted eyes.
Memories of the abduction include being unable to move, hearing buzzing sounds, electrical sensations and difficulty breathing due to pressure on the chest.
In Netflix documentary Top 10 Secrets and Mysteries narrator Robert Russell said: “In analysing the statements of people who claim to have encountered or been abducted by aliens, there are similarities.
“There’s the UFO sighting, then an intense ray of light and a crackling sound, followed by paralysis of the contact or abductee while remaining fully conscious.”
However, some experts offer a different explanation for the alien abduction phenomenon: sleep paralysis.
Sleep paralysis is a known, documented condition which is when someone consciously awakens from sleep during the night but their body is completely immobilised.
In a typical sleep-paralysis episode, a person wakes up paralysed, with senses a presence in the room. They feel fear or even terror and may hear buzzing and humming noises, or see strange lights.
Alien abduction HORROR: Aliens cause human “Paralysis” while fully conscious
(Image: Getty)
A visible or invisible entity is even felt on their chest, shaking, strangling or prodding them.
Attempts to fight the paralysis are usually unsuccessful.
The phenomenon is experienced by millions of people, even larger numbers than polls conducted asking about alien abduction experiences.
Aspects of the experience reported by those who have had a sleep paralysis experience overlap considerably with those of alien abduction.
This theory would not argue that all abductions are because of sleep paralysis but may go some way to explaining some accounts.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
CITY BENEATH THE WAVES? - Ancient flooded ruins off Spanish coast are lost city of Atlantis, satellite experts claim
CITY BENEATH THE WAVES?- Ancient flooded ruins off Spanish coast are lost city of Atlantis, satellite experts claim
Research leader Tim Akers said the find would have huge implications for how we view ancient history
By Gerard du Cann
Ancient flooded ruins off the Spanish coast are the lost city of Atlantis, a UK team of satellite historians claim.
Antiquity specialists Merlin Burrows believe the ruins of the legendary civilization can be found below the wetland's of Doñana National Park.
Atlantis was recorded in the writings of Greek philosopher Plato who lived around 400BC.
He described an advanced island civilization that ruled a vast maritime empire, some 9,000 years before his own era.
The city was described as having, among other features, an enormous harbour wall, huge entrance pillars, a temple to the god Poseidon and massive circular pieces of land carved out by the Atlanteans to live on.
The location, the researchers claim, is somewhere north of the city of Cadiz, Andalucía, centred around the Doñana National Park, in what they believe was once a vast inland sea.
An aerial image some of the ancient structures which litter the western Andalucian coastline, which could be Roman, Greek, or from Atlantis.
Doñana National Park has long been suspected as a possible location, with the marshland that floods six months of every year believed to hide the once proud city.
It is thought a cataclysmic natural disaster, such as a tsunami or volcanic event, wiped out the Atlanteans.
Using satellites, aerial photography and ground observations, the team believe they have found all the features of Atlantis Plato described.
Research leader Tim Akers said not only had they discovered Atlantis but also found the people were incredibly advanced, perhaps having huge implications for how we view ancient history.
He said laboratory analysis of material recovered from Spain showed evidence of a new type of cement, as well as ancient advanced metallurgy.
Satellite scans have found evidence of dozens of circular foundation structures which they believe are the circular islands described by Plato
Ancient structures on a beach near Cadiz could be Roman or Greek, but the researchers claim they are far older
The researchers believe these are remnants of the harbour wall of Atlantis just yards from the coast of Andaluci
A scan showing one of the beach pillars and foundations they believe point to the structure being from Atlantis
Akers claimed to have even found a green patina on the ruins, which match Plato's description, and provided it to a lab in Italy for analysis.
The team also claim ruins on the beaches around the area are from the Atlantians, but ancient Greeks and Romans also lived in the area.
Aerial images of the site reveal what could have been a harbour wall – an incredible 75-metres thick.
The researchers say Plato wrote that this wall was ’50 stadia long’ which would make it around five-and-a-half miles in length.
“Investigations in Doñana lead to the conclusion that there have been two natural disasters (tsunamis) that caused the islands and dry areas to sink, one of which happened around 1500 BC and the other 200AD. There is also evidence of a tsunami event in the Bible.”
The Dolmen of Menga, an incredible 5,500 year old burial tomb built into a mountain near the Atlantis site
Merlin Burrows have now recorded a documentary film - ‘Atlantica’ - about the discovery.
In the film the team visit sites they believe still show clues of the legendary city.
Akers said: “Plato describes the location exactly and all we did was follow in his footsteps the way ancient seafarers would have travelled to the cities.
“The site has both Tartessian, Greek, Phoenician, and Roman additions and our scans show multiple occupations over time till there final and ultimate destruction.
Documentary filmmaker Michael Donnellan, who has studied classical Greek and Minoan archeology, said tests at the Modena Materials Analysis Laboratory in Italy on material taken from the site had revealed amazing results.
“The harbour wall seems to have had a coating that prevented barnacle growth, like modern Teflon.
Today huge sand dunes occupy the wall area to the left of the image and to the right it is still visible they claim in the mouth of an estuary
Giacomo Falanga, from the Modena Centro Prove, a chemical testing laboratory in Italy, said samples from the site included a variety of material.
He said: “These structures contain binders, like calcite. The presence of mica, potassium, and other trace minerals show proof of artificial mixing of materials, so the samples we have tested are made from an ancient, prehistoric concrete.”
Andrea Carpi, a material engineer, said: “We can confirm with certainty that the samples analysed were the creation of an ancient civilization with advanced construction methods, which makes me believe that we’re talking about a civilization with very advanced technology.”
Salyut 6, DOS-5, was a Soviet orbital space station, the eighth flown as part of the Salyut programme. Launched on 29 September 1977 by a Proton rocket, the station was the first of the “second-generation” type of space station.
On June 18, 1981, Gosplan called for an extraordinary conference, with the presence of UFO experts, cosmonauts and Soviet authorities, including military officers.
Its moderator was the chief of the Soviet Space Program, General Georgi Timofeevict Beregovoy. Beside him was Vladimir Kovalyonok [Kovalenok], the cosmonaut who, along with Viktor Savinikh[Savinykh], stayed 77 days in space, aboard the Salyut-6 station. … The revelation they made was to shock the world.
It’s quite simply the story of a close encounter of the second kind – which didn’t go the third kind because mission control ordered: NYET. Salyut-6 made contact with an alien spaceship for 4 days (with interruptions) and together they orbited Earth.
The event involved five astronauts: Kovalyonok, Savinikh and three aliens aboard an unknown vehicle that had the shape of a sphere.”
It’s an Amazing Story. The tale describe how the cosmonauts managed to contact the extraterrestrial intelligences, first by a failed attempt flashing a light in Morse code, but eventually succeeding with an alleged mathematical message. There is also the physical description of the aliens, essentially human beings, or “similar to human beings”:
“They used light helmets, such as tight hoods. … They had thick and long eyebrows and straight noses, like those of Greek statues. What most impressed the cosmonauts were the eyes – large and blue, twice as large as ours – fixed on them, without a trace of emotion. Their traces were handsome, very dark. They reminded of solemn Hindu men. But no muscle moved on their faces. They looked like robots.”
It’s even more amazing because, according to the story, the contact was fully recorded in many photographs and a long film footage, which was shown in the Gosplan conference and even today must be kept highly secret in some Russian vault.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Daytime UFO recorded over Kamloops, Canada 10-Nov-2018
Daytime UFO recorded over Kamloops, Canada 10-Nov-2018
Check out this interesting footage of a huge UFO that appeared in the sky above Kamloops in BC, Canada on 10th November 2018.
Witness report:
An unidentified object was flying under cloud lying as if it had wings. Directional changes.
1.I didn’t witness this UFO, I saw it on the local news but I don’t believe that it has been reported here. This is the most clear footage I have ever seen of a UFO and I think that it should be getting more coverage.
2. Seeing it on the local news
3. At first I thought it was a massive kite. But all I could come up with was that it was a flying object that could change it’s direction in the air. Looks like it had malleable wings that flexed in the air
4. Object was black, entering and exiting the cloud lining. It was able to change it’s direction and flew around as if it was a “sting ray” in the air.
5. I didn’t witness the event but what shocked me was it’s ability to change direction and elevation on command. From what I know, humans don’t have a aerial transportation machine that can do this. I was also shocked by how flexibile it was. Almost as if it was an animal flying in the sky.
The Irish Aviation Authority has officially launched an investigation after multiple commercial aircrafts reported seeing an unidentified flying object off the southwest coast of Ireland last Friday. In the bizarre recording from air traffic control, the pilots seemed pretty confused when they radioed ground control to ask about the strange bright light they saw flying around them.
This already sounds like the opening scene of an alien invasion movie, so that’s why it’s not weird at all that I’m sitting in my basement writing this with a tin foil hat on.
At about 6:47 am on November 9, the pilot of a British Airways flight travelling from Montreal to Heathrow contacted Shannon Air Traffic Control (ATC) asking if any military exercises were going on in the airspace . There wasn’t. ATC responded, “There is nothing showing on either primary or secondary [radar].” The pilot goes on to describe how the “bright light” appeared on her left-hand side then suddenly turned north and disappeared at a very high speed. “We were just wondering what it might be”
Moments after, another pilot from a Virgin Airlines plane radioed ATC about multiple objects following the same trajectory, and said they were very bright from where he was. After first commenting that maybe it was a meteor making re-entry, he goes on to say that it appeared as if the objects “climbed away at speed, at least from our perspective”.
A third pilot than chimes in, “glad it wasn’t just me”. In a separate recording, he claimed the object was travelling at “astronomical” speeds, at least Mach 2 (2,500 km/h).
You know what they say: if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and talks like a duck, then it’s probably an alien.
According to reports from the Irish Examiner, the British Airways flight was passing over Kerry at the time, while the other two flights were heading eastbound in high-level airspace, 24,500 ft and above.
The Irish Aviation Authority has since released a statement, “Following reports from a small number of aircraft on Friday, November 9, of unusual air activity, the IAA has filed a report. This report will be investigated under the normal confidential occurrence investigation process.” In other words, just leave this one up to the Men in Black.
Unsurprisingly, “experts” are already pointing the finger at a meteor shower as the culprit of this strange sighting, which is obviously code for secret government cover-up, right?
Why Are Skies Turning Purple? Here's What The Media Won't Tell You...Bizarre!
Why Are Skies Turning Purple? Here's What The Media Won't Tell You...Bizarre!
By Lisa Haven
Red skies at night shepherd’s delight. Red skies in morning shepherd’s warning…but what if the sky is purple? Have you looked up recently and noticed an unnatural color? Many from across the U.S. have as reports roll in from Coast to Coast. Something that has never occurred before is now a ‘normal’ occurance. One must ask themselves what has changed and what is different? What is causing this exterme phenomenon? All this and more in the video below.
Bosnische Zonnepiramide blijkt 32.000 jaar oud. Krant publiceert over spannende ontdekkingen
Bosnische Zonnepiramide blijkt 32.000 jaar oud. Krant publiceert over spannende ontdekkingen
De Bosnische Zonnepiramide is ongeveer 32.000 jaar oud, zo blijkt uit nieuw onderzoek. Het bouwwerk is geen heuvel zoals sceptici beweren, maar door mensen gemaakt.
Materiaal dat is verzameld bij de ingangen van pas ontdekte tunnels onder de piramide is onderworpen aan koolstofdatering.
“Analyse van de stalagmieten in de nieuwe tunnels heeft aangetoond dat ze 26.200 jaar oud zijn,” zei dr. Semir Osmanagic, ontdekker van het piramidecomplex.
Dezelfde cultuur
“Dat betekent dat deze ingangen en tunnels, die tot voor kort aan het oog werden onttrokken, een lange geschiedenis achter de rug hebben,” voegde hij toe.
Als je de tijd die nodig is voor de vorming van stalagmieten daarbij optelt, kom je uit op ongeveer 32.000 jaar, aldus Osmanagic.
“Dit is precies hoe oud de Bosnische Zonnepiramide en ondergrondse tunnels zijn,” zei hij tegen de krant Dnevni Avaz. “Ze maken deel uit van dezelfde cultuur.”
Druk gewerkt
De Bosnische piramides trekken ieder jaar duizenden mensen uit 160 landen. Gemiddeld blijven mensen ongeveer een week.
Tussen maart en november worden de meeste gasten verwelkomd, maar ook in de wintermaanden blijven de toeristen komen.
Dit jaar wordt er weer druk gewerkt rond de piramides. Zo verrichten vrijwilligers opgravingen bij de oostkant van de Zonnepiramide.
GIZA LOOK Egyptian Pharaoh ‘HIDDEN’ inside Great Pyramid’s ‘secret chamber’, historian reveals
GIZA LOOKEgyptian Pharaoh ‘HIDDEN’ inside Great Pyramid’s ‘secret chamber’, historian reveals
The chamber may hold the body of Khufu, show body has never been found
By Tariq Tahir
THE Egyptian king who ordered the building of the Great Pyramid of Giza could have hidden his body in a secret chamber, it has been claimed.
Khufu, also known as Cheops, is believed to have reigned during the 26th century BC from 2589BC to 2566BC built and had the pyramid built as a tomb for him and his queen.
Egyptologists believe the enormous structure was built over a 20-year period ending in around 2,560BC.
But according to one amateur historian, there be a secret chamber inside the huge building where Khufu, whose body has never been found, is buried.
Matt Sibson claims to have made a discovery on the brickwork of this huge complex after reading a paper on the geology of the stones, the Daily Star Online reported.
He points to triangle marks on pyramid as being the clue that there maybe a secret burial chamber
“On the west side it is the most prominent and it looks out of place - so I think it is hiding another entrance to the pyramid,” he said.
“So maybe they made a tomb and took away the staircase at a later date. So if there is another entrance, then he could be buried in there somewhere.
“Maybe there is a second set of chambers that could lead to the body of Khufu.
Pharaohs expected to become gods in the afterlife and so built temples to the gods and massive pyramid tombs for themselves.
Pyramids would be filled with the things each ruler would need to guide and sustain himself in the next world.
The Great Pyramid is part of a complex of three large pyramids in the Giza Necropolis, part of a Unesco world heritage site, which is also home to The Great Sphinx.
Mystery black granite sacrophagus, thought to be 2,000-years-old, is opened in Alexandria
The ITMO University and the Laser Zentrum Hannover researchers plans to use the results to design nanoparticles, which will be used to develop sensors and highly efficient solar cells.
Beroemde farao verborgen in geheime kamer in Grote Piramide? Amateurhistoricus doet ontdekking
Beroemde farao verborgen in geheime kamer in Grote Piramide? Amateurhistoricus doet ontdekking
Ligt er een farao verborgen in een geheime ruimte in de Grote Piramide van Gizeh? Een amateurhistoricus denkt van wel.
Volgens hem bevindt zich in het enorme bouwwerk een geheime kamer waar Cheops, wiens lichaam nooit gevonden is, verborgen ligt.
Matt Sibson baseert zijn uitspraken op het metselwerk. Hij wijst op driehoeken op de piramide die volgens hem wijzen in de richting van een geheime ruimte.
Tweede reeks
“Op de westkant zie je de meest prominente, dus ik denk dat daar nog een ingang naar de piramide verborgen zit,” zei hij.
“Mogelijk hebben ze een tombe gemaakt en het trappenhuis later weggehaald. Als zich daar inderdaad een andere ingang bevindt, kan hij er begraven liggen,” klonk het.
“Wellicht is er nog een tweede reeks kamers die naar het lichaam van Cheops kan leiden,” zei Sibson.
Elektromagnetische energie
Eerder dit jaar ontdekten wetenschappers dat het 146 meter hoge bouwwerk elektromagnetische energie concentreert in de verborgen kamers.
Deze energie wordt richting de basis van de piramide geleid, waar interne magnetische velden ontstaan. Waarvoor die dienen is onbekend.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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