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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
sherman Records A Video Of Mysterious Lights Over Dark Atlantic
Fisherman Records A Video Of Mysterious Lights Over Dark Atlantic
A 90-second video has made rounds on social media after many viewers raised questions about a possible UFO sighting off the coast of North Carolina.
Video licensing agency ViralHog posted the recording on November 29 stating that it was taken on mid-November at Cape Lookout located in the southernmost point of the Core Banks.
When asked for a comment about the possible UFO sighting, National Park Service officials at Cape Lookout National Seashore said they weren’t sure what the set of mysterious lights might be. All they could say that those lights were peculiar.
Viral Hog did not provide the name of the fisherman, but someone named C.R. Larkin posted the same video on November 24, revealing that it was recorded on November 13 off Cape Lookout, between 9 and 10 pm.
According to the story, he rebaited his hooks at around 9 pm, cast them out in to the surf and walked back to his chair. When he turned back to the ocean, he saw a very bright light in the sky that was stationary and silent. It faded in and out throughout the next hour and sometimes became multiple lights.
The lights disappeared at one point for almost 20 minutes and then reappeared much closer to his position, according to the fisherman.
The Curiosity Rover has been sending back images and information of Mars since 2012, but conspiracy theorists suggest it might not be alone. After looking through some of NASA’s images of the Red Planet, an eagle-eyed conspiracy theorist believes he has spotted and alien robot on Earth’s next door neighbour. If the other ‘probe’ was not sent by aliens to garner information on Mars, then prominent alien hunter Scott C Waring suggests it could equally have been sent by another nation or private company in a top secret mission.
The conspiracy theorist adds that the probe may have been sent by the likes of Elon Musk’s SpaceX to check NASA is reporting everything truthfully.
Either way, Mr Waring believes the new technology he has found is far beyond anything NASA is capable of achieving.
He wrote on his popular blog UFO Sightings Daily: “I just found a mini alien robot wandering around the Mars Curiosity rover.
“This mini robot is shiny metallic and has legs. The object looks like it is clean and stands out.
“This mini robot is shiny metallic and has legs."
“So where did it come from and is it really alien at all? It is possible that another nation sent a mini rover to go investigate the NASA craft to make sure they are reporting everything they are supposed to.
“It could be a private company like SpaceX trying to do it in secret so they wont be asked by a foreign country to do it for them too.
“Or it could just be an alien prove that crawls. Whatever it is, it certainly is much smaller than the Curiosity rover – it looks to be only about one foot across.”
Alternatively, it could be NASA’s InSight lander which recently arrived at Mars on November 26 after a seven-month and 300million mile journey.
Alien robot – bottom left – spotted by NASA’s Curiosity rover on Mars - shock claim
(Image: NASA • GETTY)
InSight’s mission is to map the deep interior of Mars and Nasa is also planning a rover mission for 2020, to investigate signs of primitive life they believe exists under the surface.
InSight's primary instrument is a French-built seismometer, designed to record the slightest vibrations from "marsquakes" and meteor impacts around the planet.
The device, to be placed on the surface by the lander's robot arm, is so sensitive it can measure a seismic wave just one half the radius of a hydrogen atom.
A second instrument, furnished by Germany's space agency, consists of a drill to burrow as much as 16feet underground, pulling behind it a rope-like thermal probe to measure heat flowing from inside the planet.
In december 1968 wordt Apollo 8 de eerste bemande missie in een baan rond de maan. Inclusief een passage langs de mythische dark side of the moon. ‘De kans dat de missie slaagde was fiftyfifty, een waanzinnig risico.’
Slordige naslagwerken stellen wel eens dat we de eerste blik op de zogenoemde ‘dark side of the moon’ te danken hebben aan Apollo 8. Fout, om een aantal redenen. In 1959 al heeft de onbemande Russische Loena 3-ruimtesonde er de eerste foto’s van doorgestuurd. Die zijn een jaar later door de Academie der Wetenschappen van de Sovjet-Unie zelfs gepubliceerd in een heuse atlas van die kant van de maan. Een kant die bovendien nooit integraal buiten ons gezichtsveld is gevallen. ‘De Sovjet-Unie stond verder dan de Verenigde Staten op het vlak van onbemande ruimtevluchten,’ weet Kris Christiaens. Hij is de bezieler van Spacepage, een koepelnaam voor een aantal populairwetenschappelijke websites die ruimtevaart en sterrenkunde bestuderen.
Zonder Koude Oorlog zou er in 1969 geen maanlanding geweest zijn
Ruimtevaartkenner Kris Christiaens
Christiaens: ‘De Russen bereikten al in 1959 het oppervlak van de maan met de Loena 2. En de Loena 3 stuurde dus die eerste foto’s van de “dark side of the moon” naar de aarde. Mythische beelden van een kant van de maan die we nooit te zien kregen. De mensen dachten nog dat daar aliens leefden, tot ze op die foto’s zagen dat die kant van de maan er hetzelfde uitzag als de andere.’
Een kleine twintig procent van die ‘andere kant’ is sowieso altijd al waarneembaar geweest vanop de aarde. Met het blote oog, zelfs. Een gevolg wat men in de astronomie ‘libratie’ noemt. Heel kort samengevat: een optisch gevolg van de niet-perfecte cirkelvorm van de omloopbaan van de maan om de aarde en van de ook onvolmaakte rechte hoek van de rotatie-as van de maan met het rotatievlak ervan om de aarde. ‘Far side of the moon’, de verre zijde of de zijde aan de andere kant, is bijgevolg correcter dan ‘dark side’. Maar de collectieve fascinatie voor het onbekende en ongetwijfeld ook de gelijknamige legendarische elpee van Pink Floyd hebben daar anders over beslist.
Wat, voor de volledigheid, wel vaststaat is dat de mens, tot vandaag, nooit voet heeft gezet aan die kant van de maan. Voorlopig, althans. Want in mei dit jaar bevestigde astrofysica Leen Decin in het Radio 1-programma De wereld vandaagdat de Chinezen grootse plannen hebben. ‘De grote droom is nu om op de achterkant van de maan een radiotelescoop te plaatsen. Er is daar geen hinderlijke interferentie met de radiosignalen op aarde. Het is een plan dat natuurlijk ook bij de Chinezen op tafel ligt. Maar het echte totaalplaatje is dat de Chinezen bezig zijn met een stevige opbouw van hun ruimtevaartprogramma. Ze hopen tegen 2030 op dezelfde voet te staan als de Russen en de Amerikanen. Vergeet niet, we zijn nog nooit geland op de achterkant van de maan, en daar kunnen de Chinezen het verschil maken.’
Kris Christiaens bevestigt: ‘Wat de Chinezen nu doen, valt een beetje te vergelijken met de Nasa in de jaren 60. Gigantische budgetten. In tien jaar tijd hebben ze grote stappen gezet: eerste ruimtecapsule, eerste ruimtestation, eerste Chinezen in de ruimte. Ze hebben nog geen grote tegenslagen gekend, benieuwd hoe ze daarop zouden reageren.’
‘Suske en Wiske in space’
Het bijzondere aan de ruimtereis van Apollo 8, van 21 tot en met 27 december 1968, is dat astronauten Frank Borman, Jim Lovell en William Anders een viervoudige primeur op hun naam schrijven. Zij gaan, ten eerste, als eerste ruimtereizigers verder dan een baan om de aarde. Of anders gesteld: Apollo 8 is de eerste bemande missie die voldoende kracht en snelheid ontwikkelt om te ontsnappen aan de zwaartekracht van de aarde. Ten tweede: Borman en co gaan als eersten richting maan waardoor zij ook, ten derde, als eersten te maken krijgen met het zwaartekrachtveld van een ander hemellichaam. En door die route zien zij, ten vierde, als eersten met eigen ogen de dark side of the moon.
Dat laatste klinkt wel spectaculair en spannend, maar in werkelijkheid is het niet meer dan een propagandagewijs mooi meegenomen neveneffect. Om te beginnen is wat de drie astronauten concreet te zien krijgen eigenlijk slechts meer van hetzelfde. Meer kraters en vlakten, zoals al bekend van de voorkant. Dus zeker geen sporen van een of andere antropomorfe of andere buitenaardse beschaving, zoals die werd opgevoerd in de meest uiteenlopende sciencefiction. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan het droombeeld waarmee de eerste naoorlogse generatie Vlamingen opgroeit. In De Mottenvanger (1948) ontdekken Suske en Wiske op de achterkant van de maan een oud-Griekse wereld, inclusief goden en tempels.
Earthrise had een even grote impact als de eerste foto van een voetafdruk op de maan. Voordien zagen we de aarde als een gigantisch ding, nu bleek het plots een fragiel plekje in het heelal te zijn. Dat heeft ons nederiger gemaakt
Kris Christiaens
Zelf heeft Kris Christiaens, geboren in 1978, een andere inspiratiebron: ‘Mijn fascinatie voor ruimtevaart is ontstaan door het lezen van Kuifje-strips. Raket naar de maan en Mannen op de maan (1953 en 1954; red.), dat was een openbaring. Ik ben er dan steeds meer over beginnen te lezen. En met de komst van het internet is er een totaal nieuwe wereld opengegaan. Noem het gerust een uit de hand gelopen hobby. Overdag werk ik voor de Vlaamse overheid, buiten mijn werkuren ben ik bijna constant met ruimtevaart bezig. Mijn ouders en grootouders vertelden destijds uitgebreid over het Apollo-tijdperk, dat ik zelf niet heb meegemaakt. Elke vlucht was voor hen het evenement van het jaar. We kunnen ons nu niet meer voorstellen hoe belangrijk die periode geweest is: de wetenschap en de technologie plukken daar ook vandaag nog de vruchten van.’
De verbeelding is heel even aan de macht die jaren. ‘Het waren de gouden jaren 60 en er was de Koude Oorlog, die de militaire en wetenschappelijke wedloop heeft beïnvloed. Daar stond een onbeperkt budget tegenover. President Kennedy had dat op 12 september 1962 in gang gezet met zijn beroemde toespraak We choose to go the Moon, waarin hij de belofte maakte dat tegen het einde van dat decennium een Amerikaanse astronaut op de maan zou wandelen. Het móest wel, politiek gezien, en financieel kón het. Natuurlijk wilde hij zijn eigen populariteit ook opvijzelen. Vandaag durven wereldleiders dat soort beloften niet meer te maken. Zonder Koude Oorlog zou er in 1969 geen maanlanding geweest zijn.’
Voorlezen uit de Bijbel
Er zijn hoe dan ook nog andere nevenaspecten waardoor Apollo 8 de geschiedenis is ingegaan. De missie levert onder meer Earthrise op: de iconische foto waarbij de aarde als een ochtendzon boven de maan lijkt op te komen. Het is ook de eerste door een mens gemaakte foto waarop de aarde in haar geheel te zien is. In betoverend blauw en andere kleurschakeringen, bovendien. En helemaal fascinerend, in een tijd waarin de televisie de huiskamers verovert: met Kerstmis lezen de astronauten live vanuit de ruimte voor uit de Bijbel.
‘Door die foto’s is de mens tot het besef gekomen dat de aarde een kleine, blauwe planeet is,’ zegt Kris Christiaens. ‘Dat heeft een enorme invloed gehad op de maatschappij. Voordien zagen we de aarde als een gigantisch ding, nu bleek het plots een fragiel plekje in het heelal te zijn. Dat heeft ons nederiger gemaakt, we gingen anders denken over onze plek in het heelal. Earthrise had een even grote impact als de eerste foto van een voetafdruk op de maan. En het heeft op korte termijn mede geleid tot de oprichting van organisaties als Greenpeace, het World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) en Earth Day. Met een boutade zou je kunnen stellen dat de mens naar de maan ging om dat hemellichaam te ontdekken, maar dat we uiteindelijk veel meer leerden over onze eigen planeet.’
Wetenschappers bestuderen de donkere zijde van de maan om het klimaat op aarde te kunnen monitoren. Ze observeren daarbij de zogeheten earthshine, een nogal spookachtige gloed. Daardoor kunnen ze, als aanvulling van satellietobservaties, bepalen wat de mogelijkheid van de aarde is om het zonlicht te reflecteren, een belangrijke klimaatparameter. ‘Aardeschijn’ is tijdens de periode van halve maan met het blote oog zichtbaar. Leonardo da Vinci kende het fenomeen al. Hij beschouwde de maan als een gigantische spiegel.
De Nixontapes
Apollo 8 is, zoals al aangegeven, niet los te zien van een wedloop tussen grootmachten. In de jaren 60 alleen nog tussen de Verenigde Staten en de Sovjet-Unie. Het is al de dertigste bemande ruimtevlucht in amper zeven jaar tijd, sinds Joeri Gagarin in 1961 de eerste mens in de ruimte werd. En nog sterker: in 1968 is het de derde bemande missie in minder dan drie maanden, met in diezelfde periode ook nog eens twee onbemande vluchten. Eerst is er Apollo 7 (11-22 oktober), diezelfde maand nog volgen de Sovjets met de Sojoez 3 (26-30 oktober), waarbij enig bemanningslid Georgi Beregovoi tevergeefs een koppeling probeert tot stand te brengen met de gelijktijdig gelanceerde en onbemande Sojoez 2. Een stap richting ruimtestations zoals we die vandaag kennen, dus.
In het kielzog daarvan hebben de Amerikanen te horen gekregen dat de Russen zich opmaken voor een bemande vlucht rond de maan. Foute informatie, want het blijkt om de onbemande sonde Zond 6 te gaan (10-17 november). Maar op dat moment is de Apollo 8-missie al in allerijl bijgesteld en versneld. De voorziene testvlucht in een baan om de aarde wordt een met een aantal maanden vervroegde trip richting maan. Met alle risico’s van dien.
Grootste menselijke ruimte-avontuur eindigde in een wonderbare apotheose!
Voorpagina Gazet van Antwerpen, 28 december 1968
‘Rond de Apollo 8-vlucht waren er nog wat vraagtekens vooraf,’ stelt Kris Christiaens. ‘De Amerikanen beseften dat het een van de allerlaatste stappen was om op de maan te landen. Ze wisten dat ze de juiste draagraket had, de Saturnus 5. Ze wilden de maanlander testen, maar hadden daar ook alle vertrouwen in. Alleen was de vraag: zullen de astronauten wel kunnen terugkeren? Want aan de andere kant van de maan was geen communicatie mogelijk. Die viel gewoon weg. En dan was het bang afwachten of ze snel iets zouden horen van de bemanning. Een kleine technologische stap, maar wel cruciaal. Stel je voor: een paar jaar voordien was er nog euforie over de eerste man in de ruimte, nu stond er hen nog een veel gigantischer stap te wachten.’
‘Blijkbaar had president Nixon verschillende videobanden ingesproken voor de natie, mocht er iets misgelopen zijn tijdens de bemande missies naar de maan. Het moment dat de communicatie even ophield, lag er eentje klaar. De kans dat de missie slaagde werd op fiftyfifty geacht, dat is een waanzinnig risico. Ook nu nog wordt er met een foutmarge gerekend, maar die is veel kleiner dan toen. Men deed dat vanwege de tijdsdruk. De Nasa ging ervan uit dat het een kwestie van maanden was voor de Sovjets ook een bemande raket naar de maan zouden lanceren.’
De onweerstaanbare drang om de eerste te zijn, kost in de Koude Oorlogs-ruimtevaartjaren mensenlevens. Tussen maart 1961 en juni 1971, de pioniersjaren van de bemande vluchten, sterven vijf kosmonauten en negen astronauten, de meesten tijdens tests op de begane grond.
‘En nu naar Mars, en nog verder!’
Zowel de ruimterace als de eraan verbonden risico’s houden in december ‘68 ook bij ons iedereen bijna dagelijks in de ban met opgewonden krantentitels: ‘Apollo-astronauten zullen enkele benauwende momenten doormaken’, ‘Gezagvoerder Borman: tocht om de maan even gevaarlijk als vlucht boven Vietnam’, ‘Nooit bereikte snelheid: 36.000 km per uur!’, ‘Apollo 8 nu in het aantrekkingsveld van de maan’, ‘Doorbraak van dampkring is nu laatste gevaarlijke fase’, ‘In de dampkring tegen 40.000 km/u’. En dan, oef… ‘GROOTSTE MENSELIJKE RUIMTE-AVONTUUR EINDIGDE IN EEN WONDERBARE APOTHEOSE!’
Maar de blik gaat meteen ook heel fors richting toekomst: ‘Zond 6 maakte geslaagde ruimtefoto’s, Apollo 8 wil nog beter doen’, ‘Amerikaanse geleerden ontdekten nieuwe zee op de maan, Sovjets maken weerkaart van Mars en Venus’… Wernher von Braun, het van alle nazi-zonden witgewassen brein achter eerst het Duitse oorlogswapen V-2 en daarna het Amerikaanse ruimtevaartprogramma, voorspelt zelfs een landing op Mars voor 1985, ten laatste 1990. Sterker nog: ‘Wij kunnen nu al ruimtetuigen ontwerpen waarmee de mens zich buiten het zonnestelsel zal begeven.’
Kris Christiaens verklaart die – nooit gerealiseerde – ambitie om naar Mars te gaan als een gevolg van de eerste maanlandingen. ‘Die vielen wetenschappelijk een beetje tegen, door het dorre oppervlak van die planeet. Mars leek veel interessanter. Maar na de bijna-ramp met de Apollo 13 (17 april 1970; red.) kwamen ze bij de Nasa tot het besef dat ze misschien wel te ver aan het gaan waren en dat de mens dat niet aankon. Sovjetvluchten hebben later uitvoerig aangetoond dat de mens niet gemaakt is om een langdurige periode van gewichtloosheid mee te maken. Achteraf is men trouwens teruggekomen op dat standpunt dat de maan wetenschappelijk oninteressant is. Ze hebben in kraters bevroren water gevonden, afkomstig van meteorietinslagen, waaruit je zuurstof kunt halen om te overleven, zodat je ooit een maanbasis kunt creëren, die dan weer kan worden gebruikt om de rest van de ruimte te exploreren.’
Bizarre UFO Filmed Over Lake Ladoga, Russia. December 5, 2018
Bizarre UFO Filmed Over Lake Ladoga, Russia. December 5, 2018
This footage was captured at Lake Ladoga which is in the Republic of Karelia and Leningrad Oblast in northwestern Russia. In this video we first see what this person see as some lights in the sky that don't belong there but in the second where he goes to have a better look we can see the craft in all it glory and what is even more stunning is the footage catches another object move very fast to join up with this UFO...
Many thanks to Рыбалка for allowing me the use of his footage
Un habitant du Nebraska a filmé des images « étonnantes » de quelque chose qui se trouvait dans le ciel. Certains prétendent qu’il s’agissait d’un « avion top secret » planant au-dessus de cet État américain.
Ces curieuses images ont été filmées par Andrew, un homme qui vit à Omaha, dans le Nebraska. Au moment des faits, il roulait à bord de son véhicule sur une route très fréquentée en pleine journée.
La vidéo semble nous montrer un étrange engin se déplaçant à travers le ciel.
En zoomant, il devient évident que cet objet gigantesque ne pouvait pas être un avion ou un dirigeable en raison de sa forme non conventionnelle.
Une lumière à la pointe de l'objet clignote alors qu'il survole une route très fréquentée.
STEALTH BOMBER? A strange object is spotted flying over Omaha
« Il se trame quelque chose», a réagi StarForce, un théoricien du complot sur YouTube, en regardant cette surprenante vidéo.
« Ce n’est pas un hélicoptère typique, c’est un très gros drone. »
Mais dans les commentaires, les internautes ont affirmé que ce mystérieux OVNI était plus susceptible d’être un bombardier B-2.
Ces bombardiers B-2 (ou bombardiers furtifs) peuvent larguer 80 bombes en l'espace de 22 secondes seulement.
Pesant 71 000 kg, le bombardier furtif a souvent été utilisé par l’armée de l’air pour montrer sa force à ses rivaux.
Plus tôt cette année, des spécialistes ont affirmé que les États-Unis utiliseraient probablement des bombardiers B-2 afin « d’anéantirles forces iraniennes, le régime et l'État dans les plus brefs délais».
Ces bombardiers étaient également présents alors que les tensions entre les États-Unis et la Corée du Nord avaient repris de plus belle en janvier 2018.
Comme le note StarForce, ces avions furtifs auraient été observés dans le ciel d'Omaha par le passé. En effet, des habitants avaient filmé « des images étonnantes de bombardiers furtifs passantjuste au-dessus dela cime des arbres».
Au sujet de ces insaisissables bombardiers furtifs, le spécialiste se demande : « L'armée va-t-elle passer à une étape de préparation complètement différente ?»
Bob Lazar’s claims regarding Alien technology at Area 51
Bob Lazar’s claims regarding Alien technology at Area 51
Get over it.
There has never been any Alien technology at Area 51 (or to be more specific, at the alleged S-4 by Papoose Lake claimed by Bob Lazar). Gullible folks believe in fiction rather than in reality.
There has never been any UFO/ET activity at Area 51, despite Bob Lazar‘s proverbial claims.
Yes, Bob Lazar did tell a nice story. In fact, a great story. But the fact is that it simply remains just a story. It appears to be a cleverly made story at that. Needless to say, it is extremely difficult to prove its authenticity.
It is more important to ask why he had to tell his dubious and largely unsubstantiated story which seems to be persistently endorsed by debonair raconteur, George Knapp, who practically made a secondary career promoting Bob Lazar’s story.
There is not one shred of tangible, solid, physical as well as irrefutable documentary evidence whatsoever that conclusively proves that Area 51 had anything to do with Aliens or UFOs.
That is the bottom line.
While open to the possibility of intelligent life elsewhere in this vast universe, the overwhelming majority of the world’s astronomers and scientists are skeptical about us ever been visited by any physical, extraterrestrial spacecraft of any kind, maneuvered or manipulated by any physical extraterrestrial biological entities of any kind.
In the meantime, as far as Area 51 is concerned, it continues to be a vital research, development and test conglomerate facility managed by a detachment from Southern California’s Edwards Air Force Base (Air Force Test Center) and supported by our hard-earned tax dollars, for our national defense interest.
One of the lamest excuses held by fanatic believers of Bob Lazar is that he hadn’t changed his story over the years. It’s not extremely difficult for any highly intelligent person (and Lazar indeed was highly intelligent) to keep telling the same story from the beginning, making sure not to change anything even after many years.
The World Meteorological Organization has said there’s a “75–80% chance” of a fully-fledged El Niño event by February, 2019. Click in for a good video from ESA describing El Niños and their global effects.
The European Space Agency (ESA) posted the video above on December 7, 2018, in response to anEl Niño / La Niña updateon November 27 from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). The WMO said in late November there is a “75–80 percent chance” that a fully-fledged El Niño event will be with us by February 2019; however, it is not expected to be a strong event.
Sea surface temperatures are already at weak El Niño levels in part of the tropical Pacific, although the corresponding atmospheric patterns have not yet materialized.
ESA took the opportunity to post the explanatory video above, which describes El Niño and its cooler cousin, La Niña, as opposite phases of what is known as the El Niño-Southern Oscillation. They are complex, naturally occurring climatic phenomena, occurring at irregular intervals of between two and seven years.
As the animation above shows, the first signs of an El Niño are a weakening of the trade winds and warmer-than-usual sea-surface temperatures in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. This not only affects fisheries off the coast of South America, but leads to a disruption in weather patterns around the world.
These changing weather patterns can cause heatwaves, drought, wildfires and flooding in different places.
But, again, the coming El Niño is expected to be on the weak side, unlike the 1997–98 El Niño event, which was regarded as one of the strongest El Niño events in recorded history, resulting in widespread drought, flooding and other natural disasters occurring across the globe. The 2014-16 El Niño event was also a very strong one.
As for the coming event, the WMO said:
Sea surface temperatures in the east-central tropical Pacific have been at weak El Niño levels since October 2018. However, the atmosphere has not yet responded to this additional warmth, and the upper level winds, cloud and sea level pressure patterns do not yet reflect typical El Niño features.
Model forecasts suggest that this will change within the coming month or two. The chance of a full-fledged El Niño between December 2018 – February 2019 is estimated to be about 75-80 percent, and about 60 percent for it to continue through February-April 2019. Model predictions of the strength of the El Niño range from just a warm-neutral condition through to a moderate strength El Niño event, with sea surface temperatures peaking at approximately 0.8 to 1.2 degrees Celsius above average.
The chance for a strong event (sea surface temperatures in the east-central tropical Pacific rising to at least 1.5 degrees Celsius above average) is currently low.
Maxx Dilley, director of WMO’s Climate Prediction and Adaptation branch, added:
The forecast El Niño is not expected to be as powerful as the event in 2015-2016, which was linked with droughts, flooding and coral bleaching in different parts of the world.
Even so, it can still significantly affect rainfall and temperature patterns in many regions, with important consequences to agricultural and food security sectors, and for management of water resources and public health, and it may combine with long-term climate change to boost 2019 global temperatures.
Bottom line: The World Meteorological Organization said in late November there is a “75–80% chance” that a fully-fledged El Niño event will be with us by February 2019; however, it is not expected to be a strong event. The European Space Agency responded with an excellent video describing El Niño events and their effects.
Why are extraterrestrials here? It’s the most common question I get asked during media interviews, at UFO conferences, and from just everyday people who know I write about the subject.
The answer isn’t easy because Earth humans don’t have a clue regarding the extraterrestrials’ interests. In our own culture we all have different motivations, be it fame, fortune, family life and other influences. We’re certainly not all the same in terms of our needs, desires and pursuits.
Cultural aspects play a big part in our interests and outlook. I’ve met people who have told me they’ve never seen Star Trek or Star Wars. I’ve also known others who have never read Harry Potterbooks or seen the movie adaptations. Just these few dissimilarities alone define a vast difference in western cultural perspective.
So when it comes to extraterrestrials, too many people try to interpret them from a specific human cultural viewpoint.
Why are extraterrestrials here? I tend to think humans are interesting to watch and study. I suppose that might be the extraterrestrial xenoanthropologist’s viewpoint.
If you are a follower of the Ancient Astronaut theory, there seems to be a huge preponderance of evidence to suggest that extraterrestrials have been visiting during human evolution. They seem to have been teaching our ancient forbearers’ arts and sciences, as well as nudging us as a species toward technologically being capable of leaving this planet in the far future.
Then there’s what I call the extraterrestrial protector and nanny caretaker aspect. On the morning of April 14, 1561, the citizenry of the German city of Nuremberg awoke to a massive aerial battle going on in the skies over the city. It happened again five years later in Basel, Switzerland, on July 27 and 28 and Aug. 7, 1566. Was this a clash between an off-world aggressor species and another caretaker species?
Of course, Nuremberg and Basel were long ago, so how about something a bit more modern? In July and August 1945 the United States detonated three nuclear weapons: one in the New Mexico desert, followed by nuclear attacks on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Shortly afterward, strange crafts in our world’s skies became a major topic of discussion.
In June and July 1947, there was a massive wave of “flying saucer-type” craft reported from 39 states via the wire services of the day. There was an exhaustive study in the 1960s by NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena) author Ted Bloecher in his book Report on the UFO Wave of 1947.
Did our nanny off-world caretakers realize that our war was like primitive species playing with a box of nuclear matches? Perhaps this set off concerns with the nanny ET caretakers.
Evidence of this is well documented in Robert Hastings’ book UFOs and Nukes. Hastings interviewed more than 80 former Air Force missile officers; he heard accounts that during the Cold War unknown craft hovered over and disabled nuclear missiles and their control facilities at various times during the mid- to late-1960s. But that was 50 years ago, so what are our nanny ET caretakers concerned about these days?
In February 2018 I interviewed intelligence officer Luis Elizondo, the former director of the top-secret Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP). He told me that the “UFOs seem to be interested in our most advanced military technology.”
Another answer seems to come from two sources. First, author Thomas Conwell, who has a series of THEY Are Here books, has spent several years studying the cluster patterns of certain types of UFOs, He has noted a trend where the nanny ET caretakers seem acutely interested in our polluted areas, strip mining and waste areas.
Second, studies of abductees and experiancers seem to indicate that the nanny ET caretakers keep telling these humans a common message: “Take care of your planet!”
So why are extraterrestrials here? I think the best answer is to protect the Earth’s human species from aggressor off-world species who would subjugate us or destroy us. The other answer seems to be to protect and guide humans from destroying itself and this lovely blue planet we live on.
Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, March 19-20
UFO MEGA CON, Laughlin, Nevada, March 24-30
Ozark Mountains UFO Conference, Eureka Springs, Arkansas, April 12-14
Phoenix MUFON, Tempe, Arizona, May 11
Pine Bush UFO Festival, Pine Bush, New York, May 18
Michigan UFO Con-Tact, Houghton Lake, Michigan, Sept. 20-21
Greater New England UFO Conference, Leominster, Massachusetts, Oct. 4-5
Retelling the Story That First Made Area 51 a Household Name
Retelling the Story That First Made Area 51 a Household Name
In 1989, a man by the name of Bob Lazar's story about working on UFOs at a secret government facility in the desert sparked decades of Area 51 fan fare. Now Lazar is telling his story in full in the new documentary, 'Bob Lazar: Area 51 and Flying Saucers.' The film's director Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell tells Cheddar what first drew him to Lazar's story.
LAS VEGAS - 2018 was a big year for UFO news. It was a year ago this month when the Pentagon admitted it has been secretly studying unidentified flying objects and also released a few videos recorded by military pilots.
The sudden re-emergence of official interest in these unknown aircraft has also resulted in a closer look at older UFO cases and testimony, including one story that started in Las Vegas.
A new documentary film about UFO whistleblower Bob Lazar is out and there's no way I-Team Reporter George Knapp would miss the world premiere.
It was 29 years ago that Lazar came forward, claimed he worked on technology out in the Nevada desert, and suddenly the Area 51 base became known all over the world.
The I-Team has done occasional updates with Lazar over the decades but it is never easy to get him to open up. The premiere of the new film has fired up many of the same arguments about his credibility, but the first audience to see the movie didn't need much convincing.
The line of eager fans stretched around a city block in downtown Los Angeles. A sellout crowd of 1,600 people filed into the historic United Artists theater to see a film narrated by movie star Mickey Rourke and to hobnob with like-minded enthusiasts, some brought their Area 51 saucer model kits. At least one wore an ET mask.
A few famous faces were in the audience when director Jeremy Corbell took the stage and explained why he was inspired to tackle this particular slice of UFO history.
"The reason I made this film is because I wanted to know the truth," said Jeremy Corbell, documentary filmmaker. "People that are haters, debunkers talk smack. Some of you are in this audience. You don't know the story. You didn't get it right."
As the lights dimmed and the projector fired up, the subject of the movie Bob Lazar took a seat alongside other interested parties.
"There are nine flying saucers, flying discs out there..."
That 1989 interview on KLAS TV changed things forever for Bob Lazar, whose identity was made public months later. His story about alleged alien technology being stored and analyzed at S-4, a camouflaged facility built into a mountain south of Groom Lake, the heart of the now infamous Area 51 military base, set off a stampede.
UFO researchers by the busload made the pilgrimage to the Nevada desert, along with major news organizations. The story put Area 51 on the map worldwide, inspired movies, TV shows, and books, led to the creation of the E.T. highway and a namesake professional baseball team.
In our periodic interviews with Lazar over the last 29 years, he expressed regret about ever coming forward. In Corbell's film, Lazar opens up even more.
"I worked at a secret base called S-4 near Area 51. It changed my life, mostly for the negative. At this point in my life, I would probably lean toward not saying anything," Lazar said.
In the film, Lazar goes into specific detail about the technology he says he saw, technology that is remarkably similar to the objects seen in videos released one year ago by the Pentagon and first obtained by the To The Stars Academy.
These craft can generate gravity and bend space-time, Lazar said nearly three decades ago, and now, the topic is once again generating waves of media coverage.
Audience response to the film's premiere was overwhelmingly positive enough to coax a visibly uncomfortable Lazar onto the stage with the director to answer a few questions, including the attacks on his credibility that are a staple on social media. Lazar says he doesn't blame people for their skepticism.
"I understand it is an incredible story and I myself would have a hard time believing it. As I said in the film, the events portrayed occurred just like they were shown. Frankly, I'd prefer that people didn't believe it so I don't get bothered and asked questions at all."
UFO sighting at Cape Willoughby Lighthouse, Kangaroo Island
UFO sighting at Cape Willoughby Lighthouse, Kangaroo Island
Stan Gorton
KI UFO: A cropped and zoomed-in version of Andrew Isaacson's UFO photograph taken at Cape Willoughby Lighthouse on Kangaroo Island.
International visitor Andrew Isaacson inadvertently captured an unidentified flying object while visiting Cape Willoughby Lighthouse on Kangaroo Island.
He took the photograph of the UFO at 4.25pm on Wednesday, December 5 in perfectly clear conditions.
Mr Isaacson now wants to know if anyone else saw anything else unexplained flying around the Dudley Peninsula or Kangaroo Island in the past few weeks.
“Just when I stopped taking photos and moved the camera down, I saw something out of the corner of my eye,” he said. “Whatever it was moved silently and exceptionally quickly.”
He didn’t realise he had captured the object on his camera until he got back to his accommodation and started downloading and going through his photos from the day.
His only thought was that it could have been some kind of unmanned drone, as it did not move like a plane or helicopter.
He said it appeared to be about a “football field” distance off the shoreline below the lighthouse.
“I’d be interested to know if anyone else reported a sighting that day,” he said.
Mr Isaacson was originally from Sydney but now lives and works as an interior designer in Berlin, Germany.
He was on Kangaroo Island with his mother who was celebrating her 90th birthday and were staying with friends at the Seaview Lodge in Penneshaw.
KI UFO: The original version of Andrew Isaacson's UFO photograph taken at Cape Willoughby Lighthouse on Kangaroo Island.
There have been numerous other UFO reports over the years reported in this newspaper.
Have you ever seen any usual activity in the skies above Kangaroo Island?
We would love to hear about it – please contact
Here are some of our reader comments posted on The Islander Facebook after our previous UFO coverage:
A friend of mine tagged me in article in the National Geographic. I live on the Dudley peninsula not far from antechamber bay, around November last year myself a friend and my 7-year-old son all saw one night what we first thought was just a satellite. But then it became brighter also changing colours from white blue to green and erratically changing direction several times before speeding off and out of sight. – Leonard Deacon
Years ago, driving home- Nth coast road onto Pratt’s Rd, I saw a light in the sky to the west, like a star, but four times as big, and too high to be a house light. I pulled over and watched it for a while, thinking maybe it was a plane coming directly toward me, but it didn’t move. Eventually I went home, but when curiosity got to me I went back out to check it out again, but it was gone. I’ll never know what it was, but it was certainly unusual. – Liz Fogg
There was one time when i was about 10 it was above the hill and shot to ironstone point and back .we watched it for about 2 minutes then it vanished. Others saw it too. About 1975. Never forgotten it . A huge bright light. – Dallys Griffiths
I used to see it quite often at certain times of the year. I think it was a star perhaps Venus low on the horizon to the west over Middle River. – Carol Houston
I had an experience years ago coming back from Kingscote to American River, I was watching a weird light then it disappeared then a minute later this bright light came flat out behind me then shot off was very strange indeed. – Nikki Redman
I also remember Jane Bowering saying in the late 90's she had an encounter on platform highway one night. I don't think Jane is the kind of person to tell lies either. – Daniel Glasson
Yep, and no one believed me, lol. Saw it in Kingscote. Can’t explain it, wasn’t a plane or anything else. – Simone Yvette Halloran
Those are Chinese spy planes. – Anna Mae Junio
Those bloody crossroads at Destree!! – Natasha Jane Kearslake
Extremely rare audio has emerged online that is believed to be of an interview with the only adult known to have spoken out about an infamous 1966 mass UFO sighting in Melbourne.
On April 6, 1966 over 300 students and some staff reportedly witnessed a UFO flying silently in the sky before disappearing behind some nearby trees.
Andrew Greenwood was a teacher at Westall High School when the object was spotted and is one of the only adults to have spoken about his experience.
It has been 52 years since the alleged sighting but there are very few eyewitness details that have emerged in that time.
Though rare audio, believed to be of an interview between Mr Greenwood and American physicist, Dr James E McDonald, may shed some light on what really happened.
The sighting occurred at Westall High School in 1966.
Source:Herald Sun
The audio was recently published by the YouTube channel QUFOSR and claims to be a “huge piece of evidence for the case”.
A link to the audio was sent to by the owner of the channel, who believes it may be the first time the interview has been posted online.
A recording of Mr McDonald describing the interview has been posted online before but audio of the actual interview is very rare.
Though cannot verify the claims it is Mr McDonald and Mr Greenwood speaking on the tape, it is still brings an interesting perspective on the baffling case.
At the beginning of the interview Mr Greenwood told Mr McDonald that he initially brushed off the girl that ran into his classroom claiming there was a UFO outside.
However, at recess time, he thought he might as well go have a look outside, purely out of curiosity, it was then that he saw about 300 students and a few teachers all gathered on the oval.
“I observed the object everyone was looking at. It was grey against a blue grey sky so I didn’t see it immediately,” Mr Greenwood said.
“The only thing I’ve got to compare it against is some smaller sized cessna aircraft and it was approximately two thirds the length of one of those.”
He said it was hard to make out the exact shape but the best way he could describe it was a big plate with a bulge in the middle.
According to Mr Greenwood, the object moved in a very strange way and was a lot faster than any other aircraft he had ever seen.
“It did hover at times, it seemed to be able to accelerate and disappear out of sight and then someone would see it over in another part of the sky,” he said.
“It moved a considerable distance away very rapidly and then moved back again.”
At one point the object moved towards the crowd, but it moved in such a way that it was impossible to know it was moving until it was right in front of them.
“It came towards us, not that we could see it actually coming towards us, but we could see that it was closer now than it was before. It would go up and down. It could move slowly, but generally it seemed to hover or move really fast,” he said.
The sudden appearance of a light plane made the encounter even more bizarre, with Mr Greenwood noting the UFO seemed to be playing some sort of game with the planes.
“[The plane] approached it and then tried to move around it and [the UFO] moved over to another part of the sky very rapidly. The plane followed it over and it moved back again,” he said.
The sighting sparked a lot of speculation by the local paper.
Picture: QUFOSR/YouTubeSource:YouTube
“It seemed to be playing cat and mouse with the plane.”
More planes started to arrive and by the end Mr Greenwood said there were about five planes in the sky with the object.
According to the teacher the UFO was in the sky for about 25 minutes from when it was first noticed and then suddenly it just disappeared.
“It just vanished. It did one of its accelerations and then no one could pick it up again. It was gone,” Mr Greenwood said.
The incident understandably attracted a lot of attention from the local media, with The Dandenong Journal covering the event in great detail and running two front page stories on it.
The Age also ran a small article about the sighting, writing that the unidentified object may have been a weather balloon.
Even though it is the largest mass sighting in Australia to date, hardly any other newspapers made mention of the event, apart from The Sun and The Herald running a few cartoons poking fun at the claim.
There were no pictures of the Westall UFO but this is a photograph of another sighting that was captured just a year before. The exact location of the photo is unknown.
Source:News Corp Australia
At the time, there were a lot of claims that the government was trying to get people to stop talking about the sighting, along with several; witnesses saying sharply dressed men in black suits visited them and warned them from speaking about the incident.
Despite over 300 people seeing the light planes in the sky with the object, the closest airport, Moorabbin, denied having any planes in the sky at that time.
“I drive past (Moorabbin) several times a day and there is never a time when there’s not planes taking off or coming in,” Mr Greenwood can be heard saying.
“So I think it was rather a silly statement for them to make that at that time there were no planes in the sky.”
People are still trying to figure out what exactly those 300 people saw. Picture: Supplied.
Picture: SuppliedSource:Supplied
When Mr Greenwood tried to speak with the physical education teacher who also witnessed the event all she would admit is that she “saw something” but then refused to speak about it anymore.
He also said he was met with complete denial from the headmaster who didn’t want to hear anything about it and even accused him of being hung over and seeing things.
“He is one of these people that runs his school on the book and if it’s not in the book you don’t do it. And there is nothing about how to handle UFO sightings in the book. Therefore you ignore them,” Mr Greenwood said.
He said that after the incident the school received a visit from the Royal Australian Airforce but the headmaster didn’t want to hear anything they had to say and “promptly told them to get lost”.
The interview offers a rare first-hand account of what may have happened that day.
The sighting sparked worldwide interest, with people still debating about what those students and staff actually saw.
Some believe it was definitely an alien encounter while others suspect it may have been new government technology.
Put more succinctly, academia doesn’t put a whole lot of credence in the incessant claims that some of the thousands of UFOs sighted every year are actuallyalien craft. But at least one scientist has recently gone on record suggesting that the clipboard-carrying crowd should be a little less sure.
That scientist is Silvano Colombano, a computer expert and roboticist at NASA’s Ames Research Center in the heart of Silicon Valley. He was a presenter at a conference about new approaches in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) held earlier this year at the SETI Institute in Mountain View, California. Colombano says the skeptical attitudes of most researchers might be too cramped. They could be throwing the infant out with the bath water.
He cited this example: If you approach your favorite astronomy professor and see what she has to say about interstellar rocketry, chances are she’ll roll her eyes. The energy required to accelerate an Enterprise-size starship to near the speed of light is greater than can be wrung from all the remaining fossil fuel on Earth. Fast travel between the stars is incredibly difficult (or impossible), she’ll say. So forget the idea of little gray guys piloting saucers in our airspace. Their home planet, wherever it might be, is just too far away.
But there’s an assumption here, as Colombano pointed out. Namely, that the aliens are biological, and require a fast transit between star systems to forestall dying en route. This small problem, after all, was the motive for Star Trek’s (fictional) warp drive.
However, there’s a fix for that: Get rid of intelligence that dies. Anyone who’s not a total troglodyte knows that artificial intelligence is on the way. By the end of this century, it’s possible that the smartest thing on Earth will be a machine. Since most star systems are billions of years older than our own, you can be sure that any clever inhabitants out there have long ago relegated biological brains to the history books, and are homes to very smart, and possibly very compact, thinking hardware.
As Colombano says in a new paper, “Given the fairly common presence of elements that might be involved in the origin of life… it is a reasonable assumption that life ‘as we know it’ was at least a common starting point, but our form of life and intelligence may just be a tiny first step in a continuing evolution that may well produce forms of intelligence that are far superior to our and no longer based on carbon ‘machinery.'”
Well, an obvious advantage of non-carbon machinery is that it needn’t be cursed with a short lifetime (this despite the experience you may have had with your laptop). Truly sophisticated devices can be self-repairing. Consequently, they can go great distances simply because they’re in no hurry to get to their destination.
This has a profound consequence. Earth has been trundling around the sun for more than 4 billion years. Even at the modest speed of a NASA rocket, that’s more than enough time to get to our planet from anywhere in the Milky Way Galaxy. If the passengers don’t mind spending billions of years in a middle seat, they could to it. Compact machines wouldn’t take much space, and wouldn’t groan at the long transit time.
So, what should we conclude? Clearly, it’s possible that some alien intelligence has decided to come to our solar system and check Earth off its bucket list. Doing so doesn’t violate physics. This might have happened 100 million years ago or a billion years ago, and we wouldn’t know.
But the more appealing thought for many people is that we’re being visited now. Of course, a scientist would consider such a suggestion of interest only if it could be corroborated by observation. Bright ideas are nice, but evidence rules.
So Colombano suggests that massive computers be applied to finding such evidence among the many thousands of UFO sightings. Maybe there’s a gold nugget in all those reports. As Colombano points out, if there’s something to be discovered, we won’t find it unless we look.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Filmpje van ‘vrouw met reptielenogen’ gaat viral. Lees wat deze krant erover schreef
Filmpje van ‘vrouw met reptielenogen’ gaat viral. Lees wat deze krant erover schreef
Er circuleert op internet een bizar filmpje waarin een Oekraïense presentatrice te zien is die heel kort haar reptielenogen zou laten zien.
Het gaat om een video van een spirituele beweging die AllatRa heet. De video werd in juli geplaatst en onlangs opgepikt door de Peruaanse krant La Republica.
In de video, die maar liefst zes uur duurt, praten een man en twee vrouwen met elkaar over spiritualiteit en Atlantis.
Tijdens het gesprek kijkt één van de presentatrices op een bepaald moment omhoog en terwijl ze knippert zouden haar reptielenogen te zien zijn, aldus de krant.
Het tafereel is te zien in de oorspronkelijke beelden die door AllatRa op YouTube zijn geplaatst.
Sommige kijkers trokken een parallel met de tv-serie V. Sceptici kwamen met verschillende mogelijke verklaringen.
In scène gezet
Sommigen suggereerden dat het in scène is gezet door AllatRa om de aandacht te trekken, terwijl anderen claimden dat de ogen van de vrouw simpelweg licht reflecteren.
Spreker David Icke werd bekend met zijn theorie dat een buitenaards reptielenras naar aarde kwam om zich hier te kruisen met een geselecteerde groep mensen.
Nakomelingen uit dat geslacht zouden nu de aardse elite, waaronder het Britse koningshuis, vormen.
Een paar jaar geleden zag je niet of nauwelijks paarse luchten, nu is dat anders en komen ze uit alle hoeken en gaten tevoorschijn.
Naast die vreemde luchten, lijkt er opeens ook weer een toename te zijn van onbekende objecten die door de lucht vliegen.
We beginnen met het verhaal van een lezer, die eveneens een aantal foto's meestuurt (dank!).
Ik woon al zo lang als ik me herinner in de buurt van kassen en ben gewend aan het licht van de kassen.
Sinds enkele maanden zie ik soms Paars in de lucht.
Goed, het licht van de kassen reflecteert op de wolken, dat weet ik en ik weet ook dat er met paars word gewerkt sinds kort. Het gekke is, kassen zijn statisch en ze vervagen enkel als de wolken minder worden en zijn weer even fel als de wolken terug zijn.
Dit is anders met dit paarse licht. Soms is het er een half uurtje en dan vervaagt het naar weg (zodra de zon helemaal onder is). Dan zie ik het tijden niet en ineens is het er weer. Wel altijd op de zelfde plaats.
Kan iemand mij vertellen wat dit paarse licht is? Ik weet voor een feit dat het geen kas is, aangezien die dan structureel zichtbaar moet zijn.
De foto’s zijn NIET bewerkt.
De foto’s met paars nam ik toen ik ging lopen met de hond, de foto zonder paars toen ik terug kwam op het punt waar ik de foto nam zo ongeveer een half uurtje later. het licht (geel) van de kassen is er nog steeds, het paars is weg en dus geen kas.
Gaarne indien op de website vermeld anoniem.
Ik heb indien gewenst als bewijs dat ze niet zijn bewerkt ook een filmpje gemaakt.
Het volgende voorval betreft eveneens een soort paarse lucht, maar een ander soort paars dan hierboven omschreven.
Niet alleen een vreemd paarsachtige wolk boven Boston in de Amerikaanse staat Massachusetts, maar in of onder die wolk iets wat daar niet thuishoort. Het is een stilhangend object, bestaande uit vier lichten.
Volgens Tyler van Secureteam is dit voorval ingediend bij Mufon, de publieke database waar iedereen waarnemingen kan deponeren, maar werd de uitgebreide beschrijving van het voorval binnen de kortste keren verwijderd. Hij zegt dat deze organisatie misschien helemaal niet is wat het lijkt, maar dat deze wordt gecontroleerd/bestuurd vanuit de overheid en dat dit wellicht de reden is dat die omschrijving zo snel was verdwenen.
Dit betekent dat we van dit voorval verder dan ook vrij weinig weten, maar bijzonder is het wel.
De volgende vreemde gebeurtenis kwamen we tegen bij het Youtubekanaal van een man die regelmatig bijzondere opnames heeft, genaamd The Hidden Underbelly.
De beelden zijn gemaakt in Karelië in de buurt van een meer Ladoga genaamd. Dit alles is weer te vinden in de buurt van Leningrad en degene die dit gefilmd heeft ziet een aantal vreemde lichten aan de hemel.
Op een gegeven moment zakt het enigszins weg achter de bomen en komt er zelfs een tweede object in beeld.
Natuurlijk moet je voorzichtig zijn met deze beelden, zeker ook omdat ze uit Rusland komen en ze daar heel goed weten hoe je nepvideo's maakt. Echter, deze ziet er zo op het eerste gezicht vrij echt uit, ook omdat je op een gegeven moment de takken van de bomen voor het object ziet. De heer Alberda zal het daar wel niet mee eens zijn, omdat hij vindt dat alles op deze website nep en GCI is, maar deze zou zo maar echt kunnen zijn. En als dat zo is, dan is het een heel bijzondere opname.
Echter, het gedroeg zich anders dan een normaal hemellichaam, waaronder het plotseling versnellen. Hierdoor zijn er steeds meer wetenschappers van overtuigd dat het object in kwestie, Oumuamua genaamd en waar wij ook al eerder over schreven, wellicht toch een ruimteschip is dat afkomstig is uit een ander zonnestelsel.
Nu komt er toch wel het verrassende nieuws dat een aantal astronomen aan de Harvard universiteit een onderzoek hebben gepubliceerd waarin zij bekendmaken dat ze in de buurt van Jupiter nog vier onbekende objecten hebben aangetroffen die wel eens uit een ander zonnestelsel afkomstig zouden kunnen zijn.
Objecten die zich net als Oumuamua vreemd gedragen en zich niet houden aan de regels zoals die normaal gesproken gelden voor hemellichamen, zoals plotseling versnellen, afremmen of van richting veranderen.
Grote vraag is dan natuurlijk wie of wat dat zijn.
Tornadoes From the Ground up Not in the Clouds as Once Thought
Tornadoes From the Ground up Not in the Clouds as Once Thought
Historically, scientists assumed tornado rotation began in storm clouds, creating a funnel that travels downwards. This theory matches what storm chasers commonly observe visually in the field. Viewers often report seeing funnel clouds gradually descending until they make contact with the ground.
But new research combining a new type of Doppler radar with photos and videos of tornadoes formed by supercell thunderstorms shows the opposite is true: Tornadoes materialize from the ground up.
Weather forecasters typically issue tornado warnings based on radar observations of strong rotation above the ground, but the new findings suggest forecasters must re-evaluate their warning procedure, according to the researchers.
A tornado in Galatia, Kansas on 25 May 2012 as it was decaying.
Credit: Jana Houser.
“We need to reconsider the paradigms that we have to explain tornado formation, and we especially need to communicate this to forecasters who are trying to make warnings and issue warnings,” said Jana Houser, a meteorologist at Ohio University in Athens who will present the new findings here today at the American Geophysical Union’s Fall Meeting. “You are not going to really ever be finding strong evidence of a tornado descending, so we need to stop making that a priority in our forecasting strategies.”
Research conducted in the 1970s suggested tornadoes form from rotation that starts several kilometers above Earth’s surface. The theory was that this funnel gradually sucked in air from below, descending until it touched the ground.
Most meteorologists have accepted this theory of tornado formation, but a series of new observations from rapidly scanning radars has started to change that.
One of the pivotal cases contributing to the new understanding of tornado formation occurred on May 31, 2013. On this day, the El Reno tornado formed in central Oklahoma and shattered previous tornado records. It was the widest tornado ever recorded, peaking at 4.2 kilometers (2.6 miles) wide, and had wind speeds of more than 480 kilometers per hour (300 miles per hour), the second-highest wind speeds recorded on Earth.
Shot of the El Reno, Oklahoma EF-3 tornado near maximum width and peak intensity on 31 May 2013.
Credit: Nick Nolte, CC-BY-3.0.
Houser and a team of researchers from the University of Oklahoma happened to be monitoring the storm with a new type of mobile Doppler radar system that collected tornado wind speeds every 30 seconds. Afterwards, Anton Seimon, a geographer at Appalachian State University in Boone, North Carolina who had chased the El Reno storm, collected hundreds of still photos and videos of the epic twister from citizens and fellow storm chasers.
When Houser compared her radar data with images collected by Seimon, she noticed something odd. The images clearly showed a visible tornado at the ground several minutes before her radar picked it up.
Puzzled, Houser went back through her radar data and analyzed the data taken at the ground. It is typically difficult to get good radar measurements at or near the ground, but Houser and her team had deployed their instrument on a slight rise and there were no obstructions between them and the tornado, so this time, they had data good enough to work with.
Jana Houser standing next to the Rapid X-Pol radar instrument, a new type of rapidly-scanning mobile radar system, during a storm chase on 8 May 2012.
Credit: Jana Houser.
She found clear evidence of rotation at the ground before there was rotation at higher altitudes. Houser then examined other sets of tornado data and found that in many cases, tornado-strength rotation develops at or near the ground first, rather than starting in the cloud itself. In all four datasets she analyzed, none of the tornadoes formed following the classical “top-down” process.
“It emphasizes the fact that we need to have strong, low-level, basically near-ground level rotation, located in the right spot, at the right time, with respect to the larger parent storm circulations in order to form a tornado,” Houser said.
As winter 2018 ensues here in America, the seasonal appearance of one of my favorite unusual natural phenomena–the so-called “mystery booms”–can generally be expected.
Although these unusual “booms” have a wide variety of causes, seasonal appearances in the winter months are sometimes associated with cryoseisms (more commonly known as frost quakes). These are cooler-weather localized phenomena that occur when explosive pressure builds up below ground, often around the time of the first significant freeze of the winter. After groundwater saturation occurs following periods of heavy rain, if temperatures drop below freezing it can result in fractures that result in localized tremors, and sometimes loud “booms” associated with the event.
While these localized “quakes” are an interesting seasonal phenomenon, there are interesting things that are sometimes associated with more conventional seismic phenomena too, such as luminous phenomena known as “earthquake lights.”
Unexplained illumination photographed over Table Rock, North Carolina (image by Bill Fox).
In fact, as of the time I’m writing this, a small 4.4 magnitude earthquake occurred earlier this morning near the Tennessee/North Carolina border, and many residents in my region felt the quake, including yours truly. At approximately 4:16 AM local time, I felt a light, but noticeable shaking that gently rocked my entire home. Presuming it was an earthquake (since my hometown of Asheville, North Carolina is right along the Brevard Fault), I noted the time before attempting to go back to sleep, so that I could gauge whether the timing would be correct if reports the following day indicated that a quake had indeed occurred.
Sure enough, this morning reports from around the region were commenting on the earthquake (the primary 4.4 magnitude quake actually occurred at around 6:30 AM ET, so the light tremblor I felt must have preceded the later, more significant quake). It is not uncommon for lighter quakes to accompany such a seismic event, sometimes occurring before, and after the primary quake.
Here’s where things get a little interesting though; before going back to sleep, the notion struck me to look out the window to see if there were any indications of what might have caused it (apart from my presumption that a small earthquake had just occurred). Looking out the window, I noted a bright light over the horizon in the distance, which was extremely vivid and approximately 1/4 the size of the full moon. Had this been one of the infamous earthquake lights?
Earthquake lights are believed to be natural luminous phenomena that occur around regions where tectonic or seismic activity occur. These little-understood phenomena are a subject of much debate, and theories about their appearances and types of manifestation range from plasmas akin to ball lightning, to the release of gases that become airborne and may ignite, causing illuminations that become visible as they burn.
A famous example of alleged earthquake lights that appear on a recurring basis here in my region are the Brown Mountain Lights, which have been studied a variety of times over the years (to-date, the most comprehensive scientific study occurred decades ago, as undertaken by George R. Mansfield in March and April of 1922; for more on this, see USGS Circular 646, “Origin of the Brown Mountain Light in North Carolina“). Although it was Mansfield’s contention that the distant headlights of locomotives could explain most of the lights, some anecdotal evidence may suggest that the lights are frequently seen in modern times, and often above the horizon (it is this writer’s opinion that a ball-lightning-like plasma may account for at least some of the appearances of the illuminations at Brown Mountain, as potentially documented in this footage obtained by Dr. Daniel B. Caton of Appalachian State University in 2016).
All this to say, in essence, that there is a bit of history of “earthquake lights” around the Brevard Fault area, and coinciding with a small tremblor preceding a 4.4 magnitude earthquake in my region, the thought crossed my mind that I might finally be seeing one of these elusive nocturnal illuminations. It should be noted, of course, that the area over the horizon to the East where the light appeared also happened to be the general area where Venus would be visible in the early morning hours; the problem with the Venus theory, however, was that the sky was completely overcast, with a ceiling at about 36,700 feet (according to Would Venus, bright though it is, have managed to cut through the dense cloud cover over Asheville this morning?
In short, yes. Venus can appear extremely bright in the early morning sky, and dialing up some stargazing software, I was able to satisfactorily reproduce the conditions of my observation while looking due east at precisely 4:16 AM. Below is a screen grab of what I found:
So at 4:16 AM as I lay awake considering whether I had just experienced an earthquake, I looked out the window and saw no earthquake light, but instead a nearby (and very bright) planet, whose reflected sunlight was cutting through the early morning overcast and giving the distinct impression of an illumination below the cloud ceiling.
What can we learn from this? Well, one of the more interesting takeaways for me was the fact that Venus appeared just as bright in the distance even with a full cloud cover. Thanks to modern star-charting software, I was able to easily determine this (as I could have done even more easily at the time of the observation, by simply using a star watching app on my smartphone, had I not been more intent on trying to go back to sleep at that moment). However, I can see how the unusual brightness of Venus could easily give an observer the impression of a light source at a much lower altitude, due to its ability to cut right through the cloud cover.
Although it’s often said that Venus is mistaken for being a UFO (probably more often than you’d think!), this would be all-the-more understandable considering that its curious brightness can cause it to look like a peculiar light hovering in front of distant clouds. In the meantime, as for any “real” earthquake lights, I suppose I’ll just have to keep looking!
Within the first week of the OSIRIS-REx probe arriving at Bennu, it has already detected water on the asteroid. On December 3, 2018, the probe reached the diamond-shaped asteroid in NASA’s first asteroid-sample return mission.
The scientific team pointed three instruments onboard the spacecraft in the direction of Bennu and started their observations. They received data from the probe’s two spectrometers – OVIRS (OSIRIS-REx Visible and Infrared Spectrometer) and OTES (OSIRIS-REx Thermal Emission Spectrometer) – that showed the existence of molecules that contain oxygen and hydrogen atoms that are bonded together. These molecules, which are called “hydroxyls”, are believed to exist across the entire asteroid in water-bearing clay minerals that would indicate that the rocky material on Bennu connected with water at one point. Since Bennu is too small to have ever had liquid water, it’s very possible that it was present on its parent body which was a much bigger asteroid.
Amy Simon, who is the OVIRS deputy instrument scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, said, “The presence of hydrated minerals across the asteroid confirms that Bennu, a remnant from early in the formation of the solar system, is an excellent specimen for the OSIRIS-REx mission to study the composition of primitive volatiles and organics.” She went on to say, “When samples of this material are returned by the mission to Earth in 2023, scientists will receive a treasure trove of new information about the history and evolution of our solar system.”
The surface of Bennu contains a mix of rocky, boulder-filled regions, as well as a few smooth regions that do not have boulders. While there are more boulders than initially thought, there is one in particular that scientists are interested in and it’s located at the asteroid’s South Pole. Initial calculations from the OCAMS (OSIRIS-REx Camera Suite) show that the huge boulder is around 164 feet high by 180 feet wide.
This mosaic image of asteroid Bennu is composed of 12 PolyCam images collected on Dec. 2 by the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft from a range of 15 miles (24 km).
Credits: NASA/Goddard/University of Arizona
The mission is only conducting preliminary surveys of Bennu at this point as it performs flybys over the asteroid’s North Pole, South Pole, and equator at a distance as close as 4.4 miles. Once they determine Bennu’s mass, scientists can then create a plan for the spacecraft to enter its orbit. While performing the surveys, it also gives the Canadian Space Agency’s OLA (OSIRIS-REx Laser Altimeter) its first chance to make observations.
The OSIRIS-REx probe will enter Bennu’s orbit on December 31st and will stay in orbit until the middle of February in 2019. At that point, it will leave the asteroid’s orbit and conduct more flybys for the following survey phase. The probe will get within one mile of the asteroid’s surface which will set a record for the closest orbit of a planetary body by a spacecraft, as well as another record for the smallest body ever orbited by a spacecraft. The OSIRIS-REx is set to leave the asteroid in March 2021 and head back to Earth.
Triangular Craft filmed during docking procedure SpaceX Dragon Capsule and the ISS?
Triangular Craft filmed during docking procedure SpaceX Dragon Capsule and the ISS?
During the live coverage on Saturday, December 8 International Space Station crew members used the station’s 57.7-foot (17.6-meter) robotic arm to capture SpaceX's Dragon spacecraft and attach it to the orbiting laboratory.
But during the docking procedure of the dragon capsule and the International Space Station suddenly a triangular object comes into the view moving behind the Dragon capsule until it disappears into space.
It is unknown whether the object originated from the ISS or if it was a UFO.
Below the footage of the the triangular object that looks like a typical TR-3B at the moment it passes the Dragon capsule during the streaming of the docking procedure.
You can also see the object around the 1.35 mark at the original SpaceX Live stream.
Gold UFO Seen Observing Astronaut On Spacewalk At Space Station, Dec 2018, UFO Sighting News.
Gold UFO Seen Observing Astronaut On Spacewalk At Space Station, Dec 2018, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: December 2018
Location of sighting: International Space Station
This is a golden UFO that came very close to the space station yesterday. An astronaut was outside during a spacewalk rearing the outer walls insulation when an alien craft flew past observing him on live Internet camera.
The UFO is only visible due to its golden color and the bright light reflecting off the space station onto the UFO. The space station flashes at one point and the entire UFO is visible for a split second.
This is 100% proof that alien craft are closely observing the space station and highly interested in how humans deal with the stress of spacewalks.
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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