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Maandag 10 februari 2025
The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
NASA-sonde scheert langs verste ruimteobject ooit door de mens bestudeerd en stuurt al eerste signaal door -
NASA-sonde scheert langs verste ruimteobject ooit door de mens bestudeerd en stuurt al eerste signaal door -
Photo NewsIllustratiebeeld: de sonde New Horizons scheert langs het object Ultima Thule. Het is het verste object dat ooit is bestudeerd door de mens.
WETENSCHAPDe sonde New Horizons van het Amerikaanse ruimtevaartbureau NASA heeft vandaag zoals aangekondigd een nieuw record neergezet. De sonde scheerde langs een object met de naam Ultima Thule, en bereikte op dat moment het verste object dat ooit door de mens werd bestudeerd, zo kondigde wetenschappelijk missieleider Alan Stern aan.
De sonde richtte om 06.33 uur Belgische tijd haar camera’s op Ultima Thule. Deze ijzige steenklomp in de Kuipergordel bevindt zich op zowat 6,4 miljard kilometer van ons, 1,6 miljard kilometer verder dan de baan van de dwergplaneet Pluto. “Nooit eerder heeft een ruimtetuig een object bestudeerd dat zo veraf gelegen is”, aldus Stern. Wetenschappers hopen dat de observatie van Ultima Thule meer kennis oplevert over hoe het zonnestelsel is ontstaan.
De Kuipergordel is een omvangrijke regio in ons zonnestelsel dat potentieel miljarden kleine objecten herbergt die afstammen van de vorming van ons planetair stelsel en die de sleutel kunnen zijn om dit proces te begrijpen, zegt de NASA.
Eerste signaal
De sonde vloog op een afstand van ongeveer 3.500 kilometer voorbij het object en schoot normaal gezien in enkele seconden tijd zowat 900 beelden. Een grondstation van de NASA in Madrid heeft ook al een eerste signaal ontvangen van de sonde nadat die langs Ultima Thule was gescheerd. Ingenieurs begonnen daarop de status van de onderscheiden subsystemen van het ruimtetuig na te trekken. Een eerste onderzoek leert dat de subsystemen van de sonde in orde zijn, aldus NASA TV. Dat duidt erop dat de sonde tijdens haar verst verwijderde scheervlucht ook data heeft vergaard.“We hebben een gezond ruimtetuig. We hebben juist de verst verwijderde scheervlucht achter de rug”, zei missie-operatieshoofd Alice Bowman. De scherpste foto’s zouden morgen onze planeet bereiken.
New Horizons is in januari 2006 op Cape Canaveral gelanceerd om in het bijzonder de dwergplaneet Pluto gedetailleerd te verkennen. Dat gebeurde ook in 2015. Het was de Amerikaans-Europese Hubble Ruimtetelescoop die in 2014 Ultima Thule heeft ontdekt.
APDe sonde OSIRIS-REx kwam op 3 december na een reis van meer dan twee jaar en twee miljard kilometer aan bij de asteroïde Bennu.
WETENSCHAPEen sonde van het Amerikaanse ruimtevaartbureau NASA is gisteren in een baan rond een asteroïde gekomen, om er later stalen van naar onze planeet te brengen.
Planetoïde Bennu is het kleinste object in de kosmos waar ooit een door mensenhanden gemaakt tuig rond heeft gedraaid. De sonde OSIRIS-REx kwam op 3 december na een reis van meer dan twee jaar en twee miljard kilometer aan bij Bennu, een object dat aan 100.000 kilometer op meer dan 110 miljoen kilometer van ons rond onze ster wentelt. De verkenner stabiliseerde zich toen op 7 kilometer van de asteroïde.
Nadat de één miljard dollar kostende Osiris-Rex zijn doelwit wekenlang nauwgezet had bestudeerd, kwamen de motoren gisteren om 20.43 uur acht seconden tot ontbranding om perfect in een baan rond de koolstofrijke Bennu te komen, aldus de NASA.
Potentieel gevaar
Dat hemellichaam heeft een diameter van slechts 492 meter. In juli 2020 moet de sonde stalen nemen van de asteroïde. Die landen in een soort container in september 2023 in de Amerikaanse staat Utah. Bennu geldt als een potentieel gevaarlijke asteroïde voor ons. Er is 1 kans op 2.800 dat het ding rond het jaar 2135 met ons in botsing komt.
Wetenschappers hopen dankzij de missie meer te leren over het ontstaan van ons zonnestelsel.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Deze wetenschappers publiceerden onderzoek waarin ze stellen dat de maan hol en kunstmatig is
Deze wetenschappers publiceerden onderzoek waarin ze stellen dat de maan hol en kunstmatig is
De maan is de enige natuurlijke satelliet van de aarde en de op vier na grootste maan van ons zonnestelsel.
Onze maan vertoont schijngestalten omdat gewoonlijk slechts een deel van het vanaf de aarde zichtbare maanoppervlak door de zon wordt verlicht.
Er zijn veel theorieën over het ontstaan van de maan. De gangbare theorie is dat de maan is ontstaan doordat de aarde botste met Theia, een planeet van ongeveer de grootte van Mars.
Holle bol
Er zijn ook andere theorieën.
In 1962 zei NASA-wetenschapper dr. Gordon MacDonald: “Uit de astronomische data kan worden afgeleid dat het binnenste van de maan meer lijkt op een holle bol.”
Nobelprijswinnaar dr. Harold Urey stelde dat zich in het binnenste van de maan grote gaten bevinden.
Dr. Sean C. Solomon, oud-hoogleraar van het Massachusetts Institute of Technology, schreef bovendien: “Door de experimenten met de Lunar Orbiter zijn we veel te weten gekomen over het zwaartekrachtsveld van de maan. Ze wijzen erop dat de maan mogelijk hol is.”
Geen ‘natuurlijke’ satelliet
De beroemde astronoom Carl Sagan stelde: “Een natuurlijke satelliet kan geen hol object zijn. Daarom is de maan wellicht geen ‘natuurlijke’ satelliet.”
De maanlanding van de Apollo 12 op 20 november 1969 veroorzaakte een maanbeving. De maan galmde vervolgens nog een uur na.
Na seismische metingen tijdens Apollo 13 werd geconcludeerd dat de maan een lichte of helemaal geen kern heeft.
Uitgehold ruimteschip
Volgens overleveringen van de Zoeloes is de maan hol en wonen daar de Python of Chitauri.
In de jaren zeventig schreven twee wetenschappers van de Academie van Wetenschappen van de Sovjet-Unie in het tijdschrift Spoetnik dat de maan volgens hen een uitgehold ruimteschip is.
Ieder jaar weer spannend, zo’n sprong naar een spiksplinternieuw jaar waarin ongetwijfeld weer van alles gaat gebeuren.
Zal er een moordaanslag worden gepleegd op Vladimir Poetin en Donald Trump ernstig ziek worden, zoals voorspeld door Baba Vanga?
Bij de aftrap van het nieuwe jaar wensen wij allereerst alle trouwe en niet trouwe lezers een gelukkig, voorspoedig en een heel gezond jaar toe.
Wat het nieuwe jaar zal brengen is altijd koffiedik kijken en sommigen zijn daar in beter dan anderen. Een aantal dingen zou je kunnen voorspellen door logica te gebruiken, maar de echte zieners gebruiken andere bronnen om te voorspellen wat er gaat komen.
Eén van die echte zieners is Baba Vanga die als bijnaam heeft Nostradamus van de Balkan.
Baba Vanga is ongeveer 100 jaar geleden geboren en in 1996 overleden, was volkomen blind en een fiks deel van haar voorspellingen zijn uitgekomen.
Enkele voorbeelden daarvan zijn 9/11, de tsunami in Azië in 2004, klimaatopwarming en de opkomst van ISIS.
Onderzoekers die zich bezighouden met de voorspellingen en deze proberen te plaatsen in de context van wat er in de wereld gebeurt, menen te kunnen vaststellen dat Baba Vanga het komende jaar als zeer turbulent voorspelt.
Een jaar waarin zij zegt dat de Old World Order zal verdwijnen en wordt vervangen door een andere World Order. De waarschuwing die erbij komt is dat dit dan wel klinkt als goed nieuws, maar dat een dergelijke overgang gepaard zal gaan met een diepe crisis waarbij wereldwijd mensen mogelijk hun spaargeld zullen verliezen en waarbij werk en een baan niet meer de normaalste zaak van de wereld zijn. Het jaar 2019 zal worden gekenmerkt als het jaar van grote gebeurtenissen die het wereldtoneel zullen veranderen.
Niet alleen op het wereldtoneel zal het een spectaculair jaar worden, ook op het gebied van de natuur. Volgens Vanga is de aarde “moe” en zal heftig reageren in de vorm van ontelbare (grote) natuurrampen. Veel mensen op aarde zullen lijden en opmerkelijk is dat zij waarschuwt dat het grote gevaar uit de hemel/lucht zal komen. Dit wordt dan al snel uitgelegd als een mogelijke asteroïde, maar het zou uiteraard ook heel goed de onbekende planeet Nibiru kunnen zijn die zich dan in het nieuwe jaar veel meer zal laten gelden.
Kortom, ze voorspelt dat 2019 een “doom and gloom” jaar zal worden, waar eigenlijk heel weinig goed nieuws voor de mensheid is te ontdekken.
Dat had volgens een Engelse krant tot gevolg dat sommige mensen in hun commentaren op sociale media weigerden om dit alles te geloven, omdat ze vinden dat Baba Vanga goed nieuws had moeten voorspellen en omdat dit niet is gebeurd, zijn de voorspellingen volgens hen waardeloos.
Writing on Facebook, one person said: "Could she not predict something nice to happen to this world." A furious Facebook user wrote: "First of all that's all garbage! No one can predict the future!"
Het schijnt trouwens dat Baba Vanga het zinken van de onderzeeër Koersk ook correct heeft voorspeld.
Maar, er is nog meer schokkend nieuws, want zo zal er in 2019 een moordaanslag worden gepleegd op Vladimir Poetin. Een aanslag die afkomstig zal zijn uit de gelederen van zijn eigen beveiliging. Het lijkt niet dat de aanslag succesvol zal zijn, want er wordt niet gezegd dat hij het niet zal overleven.
Ook voor de Amerikaanse president Donald Trump ziet het nieuwe jaar er niet goed uit, want voor hem wordt voorspeld dat hij een mysterieuze ziekte zal oplopen waardoor hij niet alleen doof wordt, maar ook een hersentrauma zal oplopen.
Kortom, als de voorspellingen van Bana Vanga uitkomen zal het nieuwe jaar vrij rampzalig verlopen. Wat dat betreft zit ze aardig op één lijn met de familie Rothschild die ook een gitzwart jaar voorspelt.
Wij kiezen ervoor om het allemaal positief te bekijken, want duidelijk is dat het aan alle kanten rommelt bij de bestaande machtsstructuren en 2019 zou zomaar eens het jaar kunnen worden, waar een groot deel van de bevolking massaal ontwaakt en er echte veranderingen zullen plaatsvinden. Want, dat er dingen moeten veranderen voor een betere toekomst van het nageslacht, zoveel is duidelijk.
What he official statement says: During the early hours of December 24th, a coronal mass ejection (CME) exploded from the far side of the sun. SOHO recorded the cloud as it billowed over the sun’s northeastern limb. Because this was a far sided event, it will have no impact on Earth.
But according to YouTube channel Mrmb333 the CME is a huge sphere, an alien craft that leaves the sun.
In the past similar spherical objects have been spotted near the sun which were clearly not coronal mass ejections.
The images were taken by NASA's satellites Lasco C2 and Lasco C3 on December 24, 2018 and processed in the first part of the next video showing the moment the UFO soars off of the sun.
It’s known as the British Roswell. It has been studied by the British government, UFO experts, military investigators, conspiracy theorists and reality TV shows and written about in dozens of books and on hundreds of magazines and websites. It’s best known as the 1980 Rendlesham Forest Incident and has been considered “unexplained” … until possibly now. An anonymous tip from an alleged insider to a British UFO investigator has led to a stunning revelation that the Rendelsham Forest Incident may have actually been an elaborate prank performed by the Special Air Service (SAS) of the British Army on US Air Force personnel stationed at two former RAF bases nearby as revenge for alleged mistreatment by the US military. Is any of this true? Will books have to be rewritten?
“They called us aliens! Right, we’ll show them what aliens really look like!”
If this gets turned into a movie, that should be the opening line … with a British accent. Dr. David Clarke, a lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University and recognized UFO ‘expert’ for Britain’s Ministry of Defence and the media, says that’s what British special forces soldiers said after their alleged experience with the US Air Force. Clarke reveals in a detailed article on his website that he received this info over three years ago from a person claiming to be an SAS insider who told him: “(It’s) about time that the truth is revealed.”
According to the insider, SAS soldiers secretly parachuted into RAF Woodbridge on an August 1980 night to test the US security at the site. Radar detected the paratroopers despite their black parachutes and the soldiers were apprehended, interrogated for 18 hours and allegedly beaten up. During the entire ordeal, the Americans referred to them as “unidentified aliens” – a descriptive but innocent term that the British took as an insult.
“After their release, the troopers made no complaint at their rough treatment but determined to get their own back on the USAF for the beating that they had received.”
The insider explained that that insulting “aliens” comment inspired the special forces to plan a UFO prank. He was told that the soldiers used black helium balloons and remote-controlled kites to carry lights and colored flares into the sights of the US base personnel, triggering a panicked response that the British thoroughly enjoyed. Then things started to get out of hand.
“Unfortunately, a senior US officer (Lt Col Halt) led the US contingent out into the forest on the second night and took along his tape recorder. The hovering and whizzing lights were sufficiently impressive for him to send a report to the MoD. Someone in London recalled the events of the previous August and questions were asked. A few red faces but also some satisfaction and amusement followed… The USAF was “reassured” at a very senior level and no UK investigation was undertaken – for obvious reasons!”
The informant swore all of this was true. Unfortunately for him he told it to the wrong guy. Clarke first contacted Robin Horsfall, a former SAS sniper and member of the famous Special Forces operation that stormed the Iranian Embassy in 1980 to free hostages. He said he would have heard about such a seemingly great prank through the SAS grapevine, but if he did, he wouldn’t have believed it or the August incident that allegedly triggered it.
“We did undertake planned training actions against British military establishments but never against those of the US forces. Working against US units with live ammunition without strict safety protocols could have got people killed with huge political ramifications. The idea of a revenge prank by [SAS] isn’t plausible as the rules controlling pyrotechnical devices within the regiment were very strict and any such action could have resulted in those involved being returned to unit.”
Then Clarke went to Col. Ted Conrad, the US Base Commander at the time of the incidents who ordered police from the 81st Security Squadron to conduct an informal investigation of the UFO sightings in the forest reported by his personnel. He disagreed first with the “aliens” comment.
“US bases are not on US soil, rather all of them remain on sovereign British soil…US citizens who are stationed and work there are the “aliens”.”
And then with the alleged capture and beatings.
“The SSA was guarded 24/7/365 by armed, trained security personnel who were instructed to shoot to kill, if necessary, to prevent a breach. It is unthinkable that either side would conduct such an exercise against an important facility where real weapons and ammo were present. The alleged rough treatment of British Special Forces by one US Lieutenant from the 67 ARRS is also unthinkable, but if it had been reported by complaint, the offender would have been more impacted by our disciplinary action that mounting a fake UFO landing could possibly have had.”
Those are the comments of military personnel in the know on both sides. Do they have any reason to lie or cover up the alleged prank? What does Clarke think? His PhD is in British folklore, which explains his analysis:
“So there we have it folks: another winter’s tale from the Rendlesham forest. The truth, though, remains persistently out there.”
UFO Above Clouds In Bridgeport, Connecticut On Nov 28, 2018, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Above Clouds In Bridgeport, Connecticut On Nov 28, 2018, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: November 28, 2018
Location of sighting: Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA
Source: MUFON
Here is a MUFON report that I haven't seen before. The UFO was caught over a cloud during a sunset. Sunset it one of the most common times of the day to catch a UFO. Often objects that are flying around the cloud become ignited with light as the sun sets. This makes them easy to spot for a few minutes.
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
While taking my dog for a walk in the park across the street from my house in black rock, Bridgeport, Connecticut, I decided to take continuous pictures of the beautiful sunset, with my iPhone's camera. As I reviewed my photos, I saw a bright blue object darting around the sunset in a different place in each photo, all of which took place in a few seconds. The object surprised me. It is clearly a disk-shaped UFO.
Mind control SHOCK: How Soviet Union achieved ‘great success’ with PARANORMAL warfare
Mind control SHOCK: How Soviet Union achieved ‘great success’ with PARANORMAL warfare
THE Soviet Union took UFOs seriously with the KGB and the Soviet Defence Ministry dedicating units collecting and analysing information about paranormal activity, a bombshell documentary has revealed.
Military experts even claimed to know how to "summon" UFOs and make contact with them during the height of the Cold War and amid an arms race with the US. For many years, reports of UFO sightings were treated in the Soviet Union as non-science, or fiction not worthy of attention from serious scientist In Amazon Prime’s “The Secret KGB Files”, the documentary reveals that under Nikita Khrushchev, former Premier of the Soviet Union had great success had been achieved in the Soviet Union with the paranormal. Some of the first bio generators and machines to alter human minds came to the scene.
The narrator explains that the Americans were “worried about Soviet research programs because they knew that the Soviet Union would not use it for peaceful means”.
And that “the Soviet Union was there to conquer and to overtake the United States”. Another area of deep interest was UFOs.
It is claimed that the Kremlin hoped investigating reports of alien spacecraft could advance aeronautical design.
The former Soviet Union was an ideal location for the study of unidentified flying objects as Russia had more UFO sightings than any other nation.
Mind control SHOCK: How Soviet Union achieved ‘great success’ with PARANORMAL warfare
(Image: Getty)
One reason for the multitude of UFO cases is that Russian borders surrounded the largest land mass in the world.
Of the reported UFO sightings, the most compelling case is known as the Dalnegorsk Incident in January of 1986.
“It’s the best documented crash because we do not have the fragments they have been analysed”, said a research scientist.
Beginning in 1917 and continuing until 2003, the Soviets poured up to $1billion into developing mind-controlling weaponry to compete with similar programs undertaken in the United States.
The battle between the U.S. and the Soviet Union during the Cold War, for technological and scientific one-upmanship, included a costly effort that involved the two superpowers' attempts to develop mind-control weapons.
A blog post at the Physics arXiv Blog, citing a new paper by researcher Serge Kernbach, said that both the U.S. and the Soviet Union experimented with parapsychology, mind control and remote influence.
And, while some of the work conducted by the US on these topics is now public, much less is known about the Soviet body of knowledge, which reportedly cost about a billion dollars to gather.
The blogpost said: “The Soviets had a similar program. This included experiments in parapsychology, which the Soviets called psychotronics.
“The work built on a long-standing idea in Soviet science that the human brain could receive and transmit a certain kind of high frequency electromagnetic radiation and that this could influence other objects too.”
Was UK’s most notorious UFO sighting a REVENGE PRANK played on US airmen by SAS commandos?
Was UK’s most notorious UFO sighting a REVENGE PRANK played on US airmen by SAS commandos?
Reported in detail by ranking military personnel, the 1980 UFO sightings in Sussex’s Rendlesham Forest, spawned their own cottage industry of speculation. But now a leading ufologist says it was all just a vengeful prank.
Thirty-eight years ago, on three nights between December 26 and 28, different sets of US Air Force personnel stationed at the RAF Woodbridge base, which reportedly housed nuclear warheads, witnessed bright orange, red, blue and white lights in the sky.
Sent out to further investigate, one serviceman on patrol reported a “smooth, opaque, black glass” craft on the forest floor, covered in incomprehensible hieroglyphs, while on another night a different team encountered an object the size of a basketball turn into a spaceship, and had a “silent standoff” with what appeared to be a humanoid alien. The team, some of whom have since been diagnosed with PTSD, said that indentations in the ground, damage to the forest, and abnormal radiation readings proved that these were not mass hallucinations.
Original recorded live report by USAF colonel Charles Holt.
But now, Dr. David Clarke, a researcher at Sheffield Hallam University, who once managed Britain’s national UFO sightings archive, says that he has found a less far-fetched explanation. Courtesy of a Special Air Service “insider”named “Frank,” who personally contacted the academic who has spent the past three years trying to get to the bottom of the mystery, which has been labeled Britain’s own Roswell.
According to the source the root of the incident goes back to August 1980, when British SAS commandos made a practice landing inside the USAF base, in a live exercise intended to challenge their American allies – a rare but known practice during the Cold War.
But instead of receiving a friendly telling off, the team was allegedly hauled off into cells, mauled, and interrogated at length by US officers, who referred to them as “unidentified aliens.”
“After their release, the troopers made no complaint at their rough treatment but were determined to get their own back on the USAF for the beating that they had received,” said Clarke, quoted in the Daily Mail.
“In particular, their repeated characterization as ‘aliens’ sowed the seeds of a plan. They said: ‘They called us aliens. Right, we'll show them what aliens really look like.’”
So come Christmas, the British supposedly created several contraptions using the materials at hand, such as remote-controlled kites, helium balloons, and colored flares, and launched them into the sky.
If anything, the prank purportedly worked too well – when the US side sent an official report to the UK Ministry of Defence.
“Someone in London recalled the events of the previous August and questions were asked. A few red faces – but also some satisfaction and amusement – followed,” said Clarke.
The USAF was ‘reassured’ at a very senior level and no UK investigation was undertaken – for obvious reasons.”
According to Clarke, who says that he followed up the claims with several officials from the era, this is the reason for what some say appears to have been a continuously blasé reaction from the UK authorities to the incident.
While “Frank’s” yarn is interesting in itself, for determined conspirologists – several men present on the nights of the sightings – who have claimed that the case has been deliberately hushed up by the military, this will likely be treated as a new red herring, put out by the government to throw them off the scent.
Rise in mysterious 'TR-3B UFO sightings' sparks PANIC over 'top-secret US military plans'
Rise in mysterious 'TR-3B UFO sightings' sparks PANIC over 'top-secret US military plans'
THERE has been a shocking rise in alleged TR-3B triangular UFO sightings across the world - with the most recent footage showing the bizarre aircraft close to a US airbase in Ohio.
A recent jump in the number of sightings of alleged TR-3B aircrafts has sparked a panic amongonline conspiracy communities. Experts fear that there “is something going on” amid concern over top-secret US military experiments or the involvement ofextraterrestrials. Michael, of the YouTube channel MrMBB333, posted the latest sighting of the alleged TR-3B in Toledo, Ohio.
Has the mystery of 'Britain's Roswell' finally been solved? Rendlesham Forest UFO 'landing' was a prank SAS tricksters played on US Airmen, insiders claim
Has the mystery of 'Britain's Roswell' finally been solved? Rendlesham Forest UFO 'landing' was a prank SAS tricksters played on US Airmen, insiders claim
Rendlesham Forest incident in Suffolk, has intrigued UFO enthusiasts since 1980
Military personnel said they saw lights flying in the woods in December that year
The group was largely convinced they had witnessed an alien spacecraft
Yet it has now been claimed that the extraterrestrial sighting was a hoax
Dubbed ‘Britain’s Roswell’, the Rendlesham Forest incident in Suffolk, has intrigued UFO enthusiasts since taking place in December 1980.
On three separate nights just before the New Year, military personnel said they saw lights flying in the sky and descending into the woodland - the group was convinced they had seen an alien spacecraft.
Yet it has now been claimed that the extraterrestrial sighting was a hoax, played on the US air force by the SAS in revenge for capturing a squad and subjecting them to a brutal interrogation.
Since the incident in 1980, Rendlesham Forest has become a site of endless speculation for UFO chasers
The SAS were said to have regularly tested US security by probing the perimeters of RAF Woodbridge in the English county, which allegedly stored Nuclear warheads and was believed to be a key target for Soviet agents.
But when an SAS troop parachuted into the complex one night in August 1980 they were unaware the guards had upgraded their radar system.
Their black parachutes were immediately detected and the British were hauled off for questioning.
They claimed they were beaten up by their captors who refused to believe who they were and repeatedly referred to as ‘unidentified aliens’, before being released 18 hours later after the British authorities intervened.
On three separate nights just before the New Year, military personnel said they saw lights flying in the sky and descending into the woodland (pictured)
Staff Sergeant Jim Penniston sketched the craft he says he saw at the time of the incident
Seething from the interrogation, SAS soldiers were keen to take revenge.
British X-Files expert Dr David Clarke, who has been researching the story for three years, revealed: ‘After their release, the troopers made no complaint at their rough treatment but were determined to get their own back on the USAF for the beating that they had received.
‘In particular, their repeated characterisation as “aliens” sowed the seeds of a plan. They said: “They called us aliens. Right, we'll show them what aliens really look like.”’
As December approached, lights and coloured flares were rigged in Rendlesham Forest. Black helium balloons were also coupled to remote-controlled kites to carry suspended materials into the sky, activated by radio-controls.
Taking place over three nights between 26 and 28 December in 1980, military personnel from nearby RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge witnessed strange lights in the woods and hovering above the airbases which were on high alert as the Cold War was at its peak.
Pictured is the east gate at RAF Woodbridge, near where the incident is alleged to have occurred
‘A great deal of nocturnal Christmas fun was had at the expense of the USAF - and the matter should have ended there,’ according to a letter written to Dr Clarke by an alleged SAS source.
‘Unfortunately, a senior US officer (Lt Col Halt) led the US contingent out into the forest on the second night and took along his tape recorder.
‘The hovering and whizzing lights were sufficiently impressive for him to send a report to the MoD.
‘Someone in London recalled the events of the previous August and questions were asked. A few red faces - but also some satisfaction and amusement - followed.
Military personnel from nearby RAF Bentwaters (pictured) and RAF Woodbridge witnessed strange lights in the woods and hovering above the airbases
‘The USAF was 'reassured' at a very senior level and no UK investigation was undertaken - for obvious reasons.’
Dr Clarke said he was first contacted three years ago by ‘Frank’ who claimed to be a SAS insider.
He had seen Dr Clarke talking about Rendlesham on a TV documentary and felt ‘it was about time that the truth was revealed about the incident’.
Dr Clarke, of the Centre for Contemporary Legend at Sheffield Hallam University, said: ‘I investigated his incredible story by talking to trusted and open sources in the British military, including some high profile former SAS troopers.
‘What happened in the forest, according to Frank, would be bread and butter for special operation soldiers trained to deceive and misinform whilst remaining invisible.’
In December 1980, strange lights were reported by servicemen in Rendlesham Forest near RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge, in Suffolk.
The incident came to be known as 'Britain's Roswell'; named after the supposed UFO sightings in New Mexico.
Soldiers investigated what the lights were, including Staff Sgt Jim Burroughs, Airman First Class Edward Cabansag and Airman First Class Larry Warren.
The disputed sightings, over three nights between December 26-28, occurred when Britain and the West were on high alert during the Cold War.
Retired US Air Force officer Steve Longero broke a 36 year silence in December 2016, to reveal he also saw something in the night sky.
Mr Longero said the UFOs looked like red and green fluorescent lights hovering over treetops.
He also dismissed one theory that the lights had been caused by a lighthouse.
The incident became a topic of fascination in the UK after a group of servicemen went into Rendlesham Forest to investigate the mysterious lights and came out convinced they had seen seen an alien spacecraft.
The Suffolk sightings resurfaced claims from those living in Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947, when an unexpected crash was alleged to have been the remains of a spacecraft and alien bodies.
But this was rejected by the U.S. military following a close investigation into the wreckage.
The British Ministry of Defence has also dismissed the claims regarding Rendlesham.
It said there was no threat to national security and the UFOs were likely to be caused by a series of nocturnal lights.
The company announced Dec. 18 that it completed a milestone in its Commercial Resupply Services (CRS) 2 contract called Integrated Review 4. With that milestone, the company is cleared to move ahead into assembly of the Dream Chaser vehicle that will deliver cargo to the station.
"NASA's acknowledgement that SNC has completed this critical milestone and its approval of full production of the first Dream Chaser spacecraft is a major indication we are on the right path toward increasing vital science return for the industry," John Curry, CRS-2 program director at the company, said in a statement announcing the milestone. [In Pictures: Dream Chaser Space Plane Aces Glide Flight]
SNC was one of three companies, along with incumbents SpaceX and Orbital ATK (now Northrop Grumman Innovation Systems), to receive CRS-2 contracts from NASA in January 2016. Each company is guaranteed at least six missions to the ISS under the contracts.
To carry out the missions, SNC proposed a cargo version of the Dream Chaser spacecraft it had been developing for NASA's commercial crew program. Although the vehicle was not selected by NASA when it awarded contracts instead to Boeing and SpaceX in 2014, SNC adapted the design with foldable wings, allowing it to fit within many existing payload fairings, and a cargo module.
While many elements of Dream Chaser were already in production, this review confirmed the overall design was ready for full-scale assembly and testing.
"IR4 was a series of reviews, documentation, and data deliverables that are the culmination of many years of design work, analysis and development testing," said Fatih Ozmen, co-owner and chief executive of SNC, in a statement. "This comprehensive review approved moving the Dream Chaser program into the production phase so we can get Dream Chaser to market as a critical space station resupply spacecraft as soon as possible."
The cargo version of Dream Chaser can carry up to 5,500 kilograms of cargo to the International Space Station and return 1,850 kilograms to Earth in a runway landing. The cargo module, which burns up on reentry, can dispose of an additional 3,400 kilograms of cargo.
The first Dream Chaser launch, on a United Launch Alliance Atlas V, is planned for no earlier than late 2020, a date that will depend on the status of vehicle development and cargo needs for the ISS.
SNC, though, is keeping its launch options open for future Dream Chaser missions. "We're looking at all launch vehicles out there," Steve Lindsey, vice president for space exploration systems at the company, said during a panel discussion Oct. 11 at the International Symposium for Personal and Commercial Spaceflight in Las Cruces, New Mexico.
Competition in the launch market has helped drive down costs for SNC. "When those launch vehicle prices come down — which, by the way, is about 80 percent of our costs on every mission we fly — that opens up the commercial market," he said. That includes other applications of Dream Chaser, such as a free-flying experiment platform.
At that conference, Lindsey said he expected to be "the majority of the way through" assembly and testing of the first Dream Chaser by next October, while planning "changes and upgrades" for a second vehicle.
This story was provided by SpaceNews, dedicated to covering all aspects of the space industry.
blasphemy??? i think not... its just another version of the story.....
personally....i see many bible stories as an alien the exodus and the strange happenings surrounding it......the parting of the red sea for u know they found evidence that the sea did in fact part??? and what was the arc of convenant sure did a lot of cool things........sounds like some kinda advanced tech to me?? anyways......ill go off about moses and mount sinai ...the exodus and other weird stuff some other time.............this one heres about Ezekiels wheel........some of the verses in Ezekiel....can easily be interpretted as an ufo experience.........which appears to describe a metallic object descending from the sky......everyone is gonna cry that von daniken started this theory but the bible verse is in the link it for is quite compelling.......Ezekiel also describes the faces of the E.T. as well...........or is it just some more ambiguous bible verse.............
The story of Ezekiel is perhaps one of the most fascinating stories found in the Bible, especially if you look at the story from a modern, technological point of view. When ancient texts, legends, and stories are viewed and interpreted through modern eyes, we start to understand that Earth’s ancient past is far more exciting …
Zechariah and the flying scroll...........20 cubits long??? dude saw something huge in the sky ...looked like a cigar-shape
Zechariah 5
I looked again, and there before me was a flying scroll.
2 He asked me, “What do you see?”
I answered, “I see a flying scroll, twenty cubits long and ten cubits wide.[a]”
then theres the ascension of Elijah ...he was taken up in a "chariot of fire"
and what kind of tech did the "angels" at sodom and gomorrah use to blind the unruly mob that was after Lot???...the whole destruction reads like a nuclear event as well.............
these are just a few stories that cross my mind......there are others....i am totally convinced moses was an alien hybrid of sorts.........he was thutmose im sure ....akhenatens brother........u know......the alien looking pharoah.......anyways......
btw.....thutmose means son of thoth...........the wisest of the egyptian gods who came from u guessed it....the stars........
The part starting at 19:00, about it turning white with fear, then red with anger, then suddenly, instantly taking on the camouflage of its surroundings. how in the world does it do that? Seriously, how does 'science' explain it altering its appearance instantly in such a drastic way? how does it possess the creativity to basically paint it's body the same pattern, of camouflage as it's surroundings?
UFO sighting in San Diego? Shock claim ‘cloaked’ alien spaceship seen monitoring US city
One resident of San Diego managed to capture an image of what he believes is a UFO – or at least a spaceship which is under a cloaking device. The image shows a strange circular, low-lying cloud which resembles a classic flying saucer. While many have claimed this is just an odd cloud formation, some UFO experts believe it is an alien spaceship which is trying to keep a low profile.
Conspiracy theorists believe that UFOs sometimes resemble clouds, as this way they can monitor the public without making them aware that they are being watched.
Prominent alien hunter Scott C Waring uploaded the picture to his blog, UFO Sightings Daily, writing: “This UFO photo was sent in by a Twitter follower in San Diego today. They noticed a UFO shaped cloud floating overhead unusually low compared to other clouds.
“The fact that this cloud was so low was clearly suspicious, however its shape totally gives away the true shape of the UFO.
“It is a huge disk as you can see from the lines at the bottom of the craft.
“UFOs often create cloud cover around them when they want to fly unusually low to scan the residence below.
“This way they do not frighten anyone and people who see the cloud only shrug their shoulders and ignore it.
“However occasionally a person can sense being watched and will notice the cloaked UFO and take its photo to share with others.”
However, it would seem that the most likely explanation would be apophenia – where the brain recognises specific patterns in things.
If someone has hinted something looks like a UFO for example, the brain will try to picture it in that way.
New Horizons is the spacecraft that sent back those amazing images of Pluto in 2015. Ultima Thule is its next target, a billion miles beyond Pluto. The encounter is New Year’s Day, but start watching now!
Ultima Thule is the bright yellow spot in the middle. The 2 possible flyby distances for New Horizons are indicated by the 2 concentric circles. The mission has decided to fly along the closer path, toward the target point marked by an X.
New Horizons – the same craft that made humanity’s first-ever visit to Pluto in 2015 – is now just days away from its next target, aKuiper Belt objecta billion miles beyond Pluto, nicknamed Ultima Thule. NASA said before Christmas that – after a three-week search – it found no apparent obstacles in the spacecraft’s optimal path, no rings, no small moons, no potential hazards. Thus New Horizons is now aimed on that optimal path for its January 1, 2019, encounter with Ultima Thule. And you can start watching now!
It will be another first for New Horizons, the farthest planetary flyby in human history.
NASA TV and the NASA New Horizons social media channels are now online. The New Horizons mission will also provide coverage of live activities on this website and the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory YouTube channel. Click here for a schedule of events. You’ll find several on December 31 and more on January 1.
Follow the New Horizons mission on Twitter and use the hashtags #UltimaThule and #UltimaFlyby to join the conversation.
Live updates will be also available on the mission Facebook page.
There are a couple of more links to events in the tweets below:
The spacecraft’s path will take it about 2,200 miles (3,500 km) from Ultima Thule, instead of a hazard-avoiding detour that would have pushed it three times farther out. The last opportunity to maneuver the spacecraft onto another trajectory was December 18.
As New Horizons gets closer to Ultima Thule (which is officially designated 2014 MU69) the mission’s science team is puzzling over the light reflected from this object.
The spacecraft has been taking hundreds of images to measure Ultima’s brightness, but these recent measurements appear to be at odds with a 2017 observation, made when Ultima Thule covered (occulted) a star as seen from Earth. That 2017 observation suggested that Ultima Thule might be not one, but two bodies orbiting around each other. If there aren’t two objects there, the science team said in 2017, then this little Kuiper Belt object might have apronounced elongated shape.
Now scientists aren’t sure what to think, since repeated observations over the past three months haven’t revealed the variations in brightness they’d expect from two bodies, or from a spinning elongated body. Those variations in brightness are what scientists call a light curve. New Horizons principal investigator Alan Stern of the Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) in Boulder, Colorado, commented in a statement:
I call this Ultima’s first puzzle – why does it have such a tiny light curve that we can’t even detect it? I expect the detailed flyby images coming soon to give us many more mysteries, but I did not expect this, and so soon.
There are various possible explanations, including that Ultima Thule’s rotation pole may be aimed right at or close to the incoming spacecraft. Or Ultima Thule may be surrounded by a cloud of dust that obscures its light and makes the observations difficult to read. University of Virginia’s Anne Verbiscer, a New Horizons assistant project scientist, suggested an even stranger possibility:
Ultima [may be] surrounded by many tiny tumbling moons. If each moon has its own light curve, then together they could create a jumbled superposition of light curves that make it look to New Horizons like Ultima has a small light curve.
While that explanation is also plausible, she added, it has no parallel in all the other bodies of our solar system.
New Horizons will make its historic close approach to Ultima Thule at 05:33 UTC (12:33 a.m. EST; translate UTC to your time) on January 1, 2019. Stern commented:
The spacecraft is now targeted for the optimal flyby, over three times closer than we flew to Pluto. Ultima, here we come!
The fast-moving New Horizons spacecraft launched from Earth in 2006 and had its historic encounter with Pluto in 2015. Now the craft is in the Kuiper Belt, preparing to encounter its 1st object in this region, Ultima Thule, on January 1, 2019.
Bottom line: New Horizons spacecraft is just days away from its January 1, 2019, encounter with its next target, a Kuiper Belt object known as Ultima Thule. This post contains links to schedules for events and social media.
Dr. David Jacobs, a retired university professor, and Young-Hae Chi, from the University of Oxford have both hypnotically regressed people who claim to have had ET abduction experiences. After thousands of people, they all share the same story.
Reflect On:
How is this possible? How can thousands of people from all over the world share the same experience? Something is going on here, it's time we begin looking at that. Is there justification for the secrecy that exists in this space?
Yeah, the title of this article can seem quite scary, but this is one perception and there is a lot to talk about here.
To even contemplate the idea that (some) intelligent extraterrestrials are taking human beings against their will for unknown reasons, subjecting them to several different experiences that will be elaborated on later in this article, and then (in most cases) returning them from where they were taken, can completely destroy one’s worldview paradigm.
It seems like something out of a horror movie, perhaps it would be best to take the perspective of all the animals that we take for our own entertainment and scientific purposes, that animal would most-likely have a difficult time comprehending what exactly is going on and would probably assume there is nothing but malevolent forces at work. Furthermore, we ourselves, have a difficult time communicating with that animal, and cannot get through to it due to the fact that it’s so extremely panic ridden.
Is this what’s going on in abductions? Perhaps there is something greater at play, even for our own good? Perhaps not. Many abductees, although subjected to much trauma, have had a sense of comfort and also telepathic communications letting them know that they’ll be alright. What’s going on here? Some sort of science experiment? Genetic manipulation? Human/alien hybridization?
Abductees vs Contactees
Watch our free screening on CETV with contactee Susan Manewich.
Before we get into it, it’s also important to mention the fact that when it comes to extraterrestrial contact, of which millions of people have claimed to have had, there are multiple categories. There are abductees, as described above, and there are contactee’s, those who are not taken forcefully but rather have encounter(s) with supposed intelligent extraterrestrials, sometimes friendly, and other times a quite fearful experience as well. Then there are those who claim to be ‘channeling’ extraterrestrial beings, but have not experienced physical contact.
An example of a ‘contactee’ experience would be when more than 60 school children in Ruwa, Zimbabwe witnessed the landing of a spacecraft by their schoolyard. Two beings apparently came out of the craft and were seen by the children. These beings were also conveying telepathic messages to the children. The messages included the care-taking of our planet, and what would happen if we don’t turn it around. Many of them had disturbing visions, and are still speaking about the encounter today, which was made public by Harvard psychiatrist John Mack. You can read more about that story in detail, here.
Mack, now deceased, is a great source for information when it comes to abductees and contactee’s, another great one is Dr. David Jacobs a recently retired Professor and historian at Temple University who makes a very interesting point,
Now, let us suppose it is not happening, all those things still remain, and yet it’s not happening, there is no such thing as the abduction phenomenon. If that is the case, we have found the most important thing ever in the history of neurology, brain function, cognition…all these people are saying the same thing at their risk, this is not going to bring applause to them , that they say they’ve been abducted by aliens from outer space. High functioning people say this knowing full well it could destroy their careers, and they say this around the world…And it’s not happening then what? (source)
Why Are They Abducting Humans?
Some of what people report as UFOs are extraterrestrial (ET) vehicles. Some of those extraterrestrial vehicles actually have ET crews, and some of those ET crews catch and release humans
– Don Donderi, Retired McGill University professor, Department of Psychology (source)
There are multiple theories based on the abductees and those who are actively involved with the research. One common theme seems to be an alien/human hybridization program. Many abductees claim to have been subjected to strange procedures, from having their sperm or egg extracted from the body, sometimes for males this occurs through forced orgasm. Others report being forced to breed with a human-like extraterrestrial.
Many women who are abducted and subjected to these procedures become pregnant shortly after they are returned, and during their pregnancy they experience another abduction event where they are returned without their fetus inside of them. After this, the next abduction usually occurs years later, and involves the abductee inside of a ‘meet and greet’ with their hybrid child, or children. They spend time together aboard the craft, and are observed during this type of activity by the extraterrestrials.
This is extremely common for women, women have these experiences all the time.
– Jacobs
According to Dr. Jacobs, in a recent interview he gave with UFO researcher and historian Richard Dolan (see below), there is some type of ‘take-over agenda.’ Some of these hybrids return to Earth with their mother, and are, according to Jacobs, currently living amongst us. They do not know our ways, have many questions, and seem to be in ‘observation’ mode. Dolan describes them as lacking emotion, Jacobs feels that they are very logical and very curious about our ways. He’s even been in contact with a supposed hybrid, via the parent. He hypothesizes that “this planet will be theirs.” These hybrids also apparently have the ability to neurologically control humans to some extent, from a close distance of a few feet.
When they come here, I’m making very large claims of course, when they come here, as people have told me, they are naive . There is only so much they can learn being on board a UFO, once they come here to live in human society, they learn that there is a lot more to learn. So, the abductee takes them to the supermarket, and teaches them how to buy food etc…They are amazingly good at remembering things…all information is remembered…Their brains are different than ours. They can control us, from a few feet away, and that control is, that’s a bad one.
– Jacbos
Keep in mind, we are talking about the typical Gray alien here. It’s important to mention that abductees and contactees have reported multiple beings, from the grey alien, to reptilian beings, insect and animal like beings all the way to human looking extraterrestrials of various sizes, and obviously, hybrid looking type of humanoids as well.
The ability to neurologically control others, is indeed scary, and for a being of those capabilities, you would hope that they are nothing but service to others, as I am sure we all do.
Furthermore, we are talking about regular people, doctors, lawyers, university professors, people who are struggling, living in poverty etc. These abductees are located all over the world, from all walks of life, and all share practically the exact same story when they are hypnotically regressed. We’ll get to that point shortly as I want to elaborate on it more.
It does not matter what country they come from, they all say the same thing. -Jacbos
This is amazing, considering the fact that thousands of these people have been regressed by researchers.
It’s also interesting to note that hybrids are not only composed of half human, and half alien, but there are also exchanges between hybrids with humans as well. There are multiple generations with varying amounts of alien/human, based on the research of those mentioned in this article.
Are They ‘Good’ or ‘Bad?’
Obviously, we don’t know the answer to this question, but the overall gist from most researchers is that the main idea is the preservation of our planet. This comes from experiences like the one mentioned earlier in the article about the 60 school children in Zimbabwe. Not only that, this narrative comes from multiple credible ‘insiders’ with very interesting backgrounds.
There is what seems to be a lot of benevolence when it comes to examining the intention of these supposed beings, but there are also hints of malevolence as well.
Colonel Ross Dedrickson is one of many examples I’ve used in the past. He was assigned to the US Atomic Energy Commission and has had a long service there between 1950-1958 made him privy to some very sensitive information. He eventually decided to go public and tell the world that the “preservation of the planet is their main concern.” He did so in this interview with Dr. Steven Greer.
He was not talking about hybrids, but simply extraterrestrials. Who knows if the group he was referring to is the same group involved with the hybridization program?
Again, we are talking about what could be multiple groups visiting our planet, others with perhaps some benevolent intent, and others, unfortunately, with some malevolent intent. It seems that the Gray alien is most involved with the abduction phenomenon, along with insect like beings and reptilian type beings as well.
But what about this hybridization program? Is it benevolent or malevolent? There are differing opinions here among those who are involved with this research. In the interview with Jacobs, Dolan compares these hybrids to psychopaths who don’t seem to have any empathy, at least that’s the way it can look sometimes. He claims that some of them are “faking their way,” simply to find out more about what’s going and how we operate here, or at least this could be a possibility.
This goes along with Jacobs’ hypothesis, that the purpose here is the colonization of the Earth.
I’m not sure if I agree with the empathy comments by Dolan. These are things we do not know, we do not know how they feel towards others, how they would react if they saw someone in a helpless situation. It’s also important to keep in mind that Dolan could be correct, they are after all half alien, and an important part of some sort of unknown agenda that’s going on that’s been conducted by this ET group. How do we know if ET’s have the same emotional capacity as us? Does that make them bad or good? It’s our human perception in the end that filters what we see.
Perhaps the ‘abductors’ are ‘working’ for someone else? Another group? Who knows.
Are they seeding the planet with a hybrid population? Is this simply another step in our evolution and how it’s happened all along? Is this some sort of take over agenda for self serving purposes, or have human beings messed up so much that the preservation of the planet requires a completely new race? We don’t really have many answers yet to be honest. At this point, we can’t really draw any conclusions.
I do not believe feelings and intuition should be used to decipher mass truth about the phenomena at this point, but I personally feel there is an important role to play for hybrids, and that they will know this role when the time comes. But again, who knows, everything at this point, for the most part, is speculation, except for the fact that they are here and that they are increasing in numbers.
Perhaps all of us are some sort of hybrid?
We don’t know enough yet, and there is still a lot to find out as time goes on. It seems that there is simply a hybridization program taking place and that these hybrids have been walking amongst us for quite some time. If something overly sinister was supposed to happen, I feel it already would have. But then again, there is a possibility that this phenomenon did not start until after World War 2, at least Dr. Jacobs seems to believe that based on his research (he mentioned that in the interview).
If this is the case perhaps we are looking at some type of military component? I say this because based on my research, some ‘alien’ abductions may be military abductions that utilize psychotronic weapons.
In the interview, Jacobs mentions a colleague of his who is also heavily engaged in abduction research. He does not seem to share the same ‘grim’ type of perspective, despite the fact that he is getting the exact same results.
The colleagues name is Young-hae Chi, who also engages in abduction research. He is a professor at the University of Oxford.
Below is a link to the entire interview with Dolan and Jacobs if you’d like to listen to it in its entirety. Later on you will find a lecture from Young-hae Chi.
The Findings Are The Exact Same
We know that the phenomenon is very, very widespread around the world. People think that this is an American phenomenon, it is not. I’ve worked with people from Africa, and Asia, and Latin-America, and Europe and so forth… All say the same thing all around the world, it does not matter where they’re from. People often ask me whether there’s any consistency in abduction accounts, the consistency is mind-boggling.
Chi, Jacobs, and others before them, have regressed and researched thousands of people. Chi, in Korea, and Jacobs in the United States. They correspond with each other, as virtually all abduction researchers have found. They’ve found that the stories coming out of hypnotic regressions are the same, with very similar but unique differences, for practically everyone.
How jaw-dropping is this? Either there is some sort of new mental condition, or some type of psychosis happening that’s not looked at or mentioned, or, something is really going on here.
Susan has been involved in extensive contactee research and shares EXACTLY what is similar in contactee experiences. We interviewed her on CETV.
It seems the latter, especially given all of the evidence that already exists for the existence of UFOs that are piloted by an extraterrestrial being.
Jacobs believes that the purpose for these programs is the colonization of Earth, as mentioned. But Young, however, based on his research, believes in the benevolent theory, that this is being done to spark a more compassionate and environmentally aware citizenry who actually care about the planet they live on.
Interesting isn’t it?
Below is a full lecture by Chi discussing his conclusions.
The Takeaway
The UFO phenomenon is no longer taboo, and the idea that some of these craft may be piloted by intelligent extraterrestrial beings has, in my opinion, strong evidence behind it. We have statements from thousands of credible people from within the military, intelligence agencies, governments, academia and more that has all been complimented by physical evidence and electro-optical data. The conversation gets deeper into why they are here, what are they doing, how their craft work etc…It leaves no area of humanity untouched.
The abduction phenomenon in particular can be quite ‘scary,’ but as you can see based on the information provided within this article, there are many unknowns, and it’s still hard to determine what exactly is going on. To be honest, I still believe it’s something far greater than we may be able to comprehend at this moment.
Based on witness testimony, and the fact that many of these craft have taken, as former Canadian Defence Minister Paul Hellyer once said, “corrective measures to avoid our aircraft,” it seems they are not here to harm. That being said, the protocol still seems to “shoot first and ask questions after,” which is how, possibly, Dr. Edgar Mitchell knew that “there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered.”
One thing is for certain, we are not alone, and we’ve never been alone.
Perhaps the preservation of the planet is something more important than WE are…
Related CE Article
We’ve been writing about this topic in depth for years, below is one article out of hundreds that touches on what’s currently happening in the mainstream with regards to UFO disclosure. If you’d like to read more of our articles on the UFO/extraterrestrial phenomenon, visit the disclosure section of our website.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
De planeet zal van hen zijn. Gepensioneerde hoogleraar trekt verrassende conclusies over buitenaardse ontvoeringen
De planeet zal van hen zijn. Gepensioneerde hoogleraar trekt verrassende conclusies over buitenaardse ontvoeringen
In onderstaande video gaat de Amerikaanse historicus Richard Dolan in gesprek met de gepensioneerde hoogleraar David Jacobs van de Temple-universiteit in Philadelphia. Ze praten met elkaar over buitenaardse ontvoeringen.
Jacobs spreekt van een gevaarlijke ontwikkeling.
Volgens hem zijn er buitenaardse wezens op onze planeet aanwezig die de aarde willen overnemen.
Meer dan een miljoen
De gepensioneerde hoogleraar deed tientallen jaren wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar buitenaardse ontvoeringen en kwam tot de conclusie dat mensen al eeuwenlang contact hebben met buitenaardse wezens, die zich onopgemerkt onder ons begeven.
Hij interviewde zo’n 150 mensen die naar eigen zeggen zijn ontvoerd door aliens.
Jacobs verwees naar peilingen waaruit blijkt dat meer dan een miljoen Amerikanen zijn ontvoerd door buitenaardse wezens.
Vreemde tekens
Hij merkte op dat mensen meestal in groepen worden meegenomen; vreemden die elkaar op aarde nog nooit hebben ontmoet herkennen elkaar van hun ervaringen in de ruimte.
Mensen keren terug met vreemde tekens of littekens. “Ik heb dat met mijn eigen ogen gezien,” zei hij.
Geheim programma
Uit onderzoek van Jacobs blijkt dat buitenaardse hybrides betrokken zijn bij een geheim programma om de menselijke samenleving te infiltreren.
“Die hybrides trainen om hier te leven,” merkte hij op. “En zij worden getraind door de ontvoerden.”
Dr. Jacobs doceerde meer dan 25 jaar een vak over UFO’s aan de Temple-universiteit.
Taiwanese vissersboot haalt buitenaards schip uit het water. Bekijk dit tv-item
Taiwanese vissersboot haalt buitenaards schip uit het water. Bekijk dit tv-item
Een dag nadat dr. Steven Greer vorig jaar te gast was in het tv-programma van de Amerikaanse oud-gouverneur Jesse Ventura, onthulde de New York Times dat het Pentagon jarenlang in het geheim onderzoek had gedaan naar UFO’s.
Ventura besloot hem dit jaar opnieuw uit te nodigen om dieper in te gaan op dit gevoelige onderwerp.
Greer, oprichter van het Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence, denkt dat de overheid af en toe doelbewust wat informatie lekt, nu er zo ontzettend veel informatie naar buiten komt via onder andere documentaires.
Topje van de ijsberg
Hij zei dat het programma waar de New York Times over schreef, slechts het topje van de ijsberg is.
“Er zou ieder jaar 22 miljoen dollar naartoe zijn gegaan, maar het gaat hier om bedragen in de orde van grootte van 200 tot 300 miljard dollar,” zei hij.
Greer merkte op dat er in de afgelopen maanden informatie naar buiten is gekomen over vreemde gebeurtenissen rond de Marianentrog, de diepst bekende plek in de oceaan, met name het eiland Guam, een afzonderlijk territorium van de VS.
Buitenaards schip
Een Taiwanees vissersschip had een schijf met een doorsnee van zo’n 10 meter gevangen. Het bleek volgens dr. Greer te gaan om een buitenaards schip.
De Amerikaanse marine werd erbij betrokken en één van de bemanningsleden van een Coast Guard Cutter, een schip van de Amerikaanse kustwacht, besloot naar buiten te treden.
De getuige zei dat meerdere Navy Seals door de jaren heen vreemde objecten in en uit het water hadden zien gaan nabij de Marianentrog.
Illegale operaties
Greer voegde toe dat zich inmiddels zo’n 900 getrainde waarnemers – militairen, piloten, wetenschappers, enzovoorts – bij hem hebben gemeld met soortgelijke verhalen.
Het gaat hier volgens hem om illegale operaties, aangezien bijvoorbeeld de president of de CIA-directeur er geen weet van hebben.
“Dit vormt een enorme bedreiging voor onze democratie, omdat mensen geen idee hebben hoe gevaarlijk deze operaties zijn,” klonk het.
Beste bezoeker, Heb je zelf al ooit een vreemde waarneming gedaan, laat dit dan even weten via email aan Frederick Delaere Deze onderzoekers behandelen jouw melding in volledige anonimiteit en met alle respect voor jouw privacy. Ze zijn kritisch, objectief maar open minded aangelegd en zullen jou steeds een verklaring geven voor jouw waarneming! DUS AARZEL NIET, ALS JE EEN ANTWOORD OP JOUW VRAGEN WENST, CONTACTEER FREDERICK. BIJ VOORBAAT DANK...
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Alvast bedankt voor al jouw bezoekjes en jouw reacties. Nog een prettige dag verder!!!
Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.