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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Wetenschappers boren 2152 meter diep gat in West-Antarctische ijskap
Wetenschappers boren 2152 meter diep gat in West-Antarctische ijskap
Caroline Kraaijvanger
Een record, waar zo’n twintig jaar aan gewerkt is.
Voor het eerst is het onderzoekers gelukt om in de West-Antarctische ijskap een gat te boren dat meer dan twee kilometer diep is. Naar verwachting levert het boorgat een schat aan informatie op over de wijze waarop dit deel van West-Antarctica op de opwarming van de aarde reageert.
Instrumenten Met behulp van warm water boorden onderzoekers in de Rutford Ice Stream een 2152 meter diep gat dat uitkomt op onder het ijs gelegen sedimenten. Direct daarna lieten de onderzoekers een breed scala aan instrumenten in het gat zakken, waarmee onder meer de temperatuur van het ijs en vervormingen in het ijs gemeten konden worden.
Meer kennis Het boren van het gat was een enorme onderneming waar zo’n 20 jaar voorbereiding en één mislukte boorpoging (in 2004) aan vooraf is gegaan. “Ik heb zo lang op dit moment gewacht en ben blij dat we eindelijk ons doel bereikt hebben,” aldus onderzoeker Andy Smith. “Er zitten hiaten in onze kennis omtrent wat er op West-Antarctica gebeurt en door een gebied te bestuderen waar het ijs op zachte sedimenten rust, kunnen we beter begrijpen hoe dit gebied in de toekomst gaat veranderen en bijdragen aan de zeespiegelstijging.” Collega Keith Makinson voegt toe: “We weten dat warmere oceaanwateren ervoor zorgen dat veel West-Antarctische gletsjers eroderen. Wat wij proberen te achterhalen, is hoe glad het sediment onder deze gletsjers is en zo bepalen hoe snel ze vanaf het continent in de zee kunnen stromen.”
In totaal hebben de onderzoekers twee gaten in de Rutford Ice Stream geboord. Ze hopen nog tot half februari in het gebied actief te kunnen zijn en willen in de periode die voor hen ligt ook nog onderzoek doen op een tweede locatie die enkele kilometers van het recordbrekende boorgat verwijderd is
Wauw! Dit is de beste foto van Ultima Thule tot nu toe
Wauw! Dit is de beste foto van Ultima Thule tot nu toe
Vivian Lammerse
We komen steeds meer over dit bijzondere kuipergordelobject te weten.
Ruimtevaartuig New Horizons trakteert ons op een nieuwe foto van het mysterieuze kuipergordelobject Ultima Thule. De foto is gemaakt op slechts zeven minuten vóór de dichtstbijzijnde benadering met de Multicolor Visible Imaging Camera (MVIC) aan boord van de ruimtesonde. New Horizons was op dat moment slechts 6700 kilometer van het object verwijderd.
Het origineel De originele kwaliteit van de foto liet wat te wensen over. Zo sloeg de ruimtesonde het plaatje op met een resolutie van 135 meter per pixel. Wetenschappers hebben de foto vervolgens heel wat zitten bijschaven. Maar het is ze gelukt om de foto te verscherpen, zodat fijne details zichtbaar werden. En het resultaat mag er zijn. Zo is de foto de scherpste en duidelijkste weergave van het object – dat zich in een verre uithoek van ons zonnestelsel bevindt – tot nu toe.
De scherpste foto van Ultima Thule tot nu toe.
Afbeelding: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Southwest Research Institute
Putjes Wat opvalt op de foto zijn de talloze kleine putjes die zich nabij de top langs de dag/nacht grens van het object bevinden. Deze zijn naar schattig zo’n 700 meter groot. Daarnaast lijkt er op de kleinste van de twee bollen – Thule – ook een diepe put te zitten. De onderzoekers zijn er nog niet uit of deze putten inslagkrater zijn, of oppervlaktekenmerken die voortkomen uit andere processen.
Helder Ook de weerkaatsing van zonlicht trekt de aandacht. Zo zijn er op beide bollen zowel lichte, als donkere plekken te zien. Hoewel we hier de oorsprong nog niet van weten, denken de onderzoekers dat deze aanwijzingen kunnen geven over waar het object – toen ons zonnestelsel zo’n 4,5 miljard jaar geleden gevormd werd – uit ontstond. Wat voornamelijk opvalt is de heldere nek van Ultima Thule, dus de plek waar het kleine en grote deel van Ultima Thule aan elkaar vastgeklonken zitten.
New Horizons raast op dit moment met zo’n 50.700 kilometer per uur door de Kuipergordel en is ongeveer 6,6 miljard kilometer van de aarde verwijderd. Een radiosignaal dat de ruimtesonde op deze afstand uitzendt, bereikt onze planeet ongeveer zes uur en negen minuten later.
“Deze nieuwe foto verschaft ons nieuwe informatie over het geologische karakter van de twee bollen, maar het roept ook weer nieuwe vragen op,” zegt onderzoeksleider Alan Stern. “In de loop van de maand zullen er nieuwe beelden met nog betere resoluties en kleuren worden vervaardigd, waarvan we hopen dat ze de vele mysteries van Ultima Thule helpen ontrafelen.”
Astronauten treffen ’s werelds oudste steen aan op de… maan!
Astronauten treffen ’s werelds oudste steen aan op de… maan!
Vivian Lammerse
De aardse steen zat verstopt tussen maanmonsters die astronauten van de Apollo 14 missie 48 jaar geleden verzamelden.
Toen astronauten van de bekende Apollo missie bijna vijftig jaar geleden maanmonsters mee terug naar huis namen, hadden ze waarschijnlijk geen idee dat ze een stukje aarde met de aarde herenigden. Een internationaal team van onderzoekers heeft bewijs gevonden dat tussen die maanmonsters ’s werelds oudste steen verstopt zat. Maar hoe is die steen op de maan terecht gekomen?
Op deze afbeelding is te zien hoe de steen op de maan terecht is gekomen. De steen is op aarde gevormd en is tijdens een planetoïde inslag de ruimte in geworpen.
Afbeelding: LPI/David A. Kring.
Hoe dan? Waarschijnlijk is dat de schuld van een komeet of planetoïde die miljarden jaren terug insloeg op aarde. Door deze klap werd er aards materiaal opgerakeld en de ruimte ingeslingerd, waar het 4 miljard jaar terug botste met het oppervlak van de maan – die destijds drie keer dichter bij de aarde stond dan nu. “Het is een buitengewone vondst die helpt een beter beeld te schetsen van de vroege aarde,” zegt hoofdonderzoeker David Kring.
De steen.
Afbeelding: USRA
De steen De onderzoekers komen met meerdere redenen op de proppen waarom dit stukje steen toch echt van de aarde afkomstig is. De steen is een klein fragment van slechts 2 gram dat bestaat uit kwarts, veldspaat en zirkoon. Allemaal mineralen die veel voorkomen op aarde, maar heel ongewoon zijn voor het maanlandschap. Uit een chemische analyse blijkt verder dat het stukje steen gevormd is bij aardse temperaturen in een aardachtige omgeving met zuurstof. Vervolgens kristalliseerde de steen tijdens de jonge jaren van de aarde zo’n 20 kilometer onder het aardoppervlak. Een komeet of planetoïde zorgde er vervolgens voor dat de steen naar het oppervlak verhuisde. Zo konden toenmalige planetoïden kraters maken met een diameter van duizenden kilometers; voldoende om materiaal uit de diepten naar het oppervlak te brengen.
Naar de maan Eenmaal op het maanoppervlak aangekomen, mengde de steen zich met ander materiaal. Daarnaast kwamen er weer nieuwe processen op gang; zo denken de onderzoekers dat de steen zo’n 3,9 miljard jaar geleden gedeeltelijk smolt en – opnieuw – onder het oppervlak werd begraven. Tot 26 miljoen jaar geleden, toen een planetoïde de Cone-krater vormde. Hierdoor kwam de steen weer terug aan het oppervlak te liggen, waar astronauten het 48 jaar geleden opraapten.
Of het bij één steentje blijft? Kring denkt van niet. Hij vermoedt dat er nog wel meer aardse stenen op het maanoppervlak te vinden zijn. Dat zou aanvullend onderzoek moeten gaan uitwijzen.
For years, real alien sightings have puzzled and confused experts. Whether they're UFOs or messages in the stars, there's plenty of evidence that we're not alone in the universe.
For the first time, researchers have found evidence in data sent back by Cassini for methane/ethane rainfall near Titan’s north pole, signaling the start of the summer season on Saturn’s largest moon.
View of Titan from Cassini. New research provides evidence of rainfall on the north pole of Titan. The rainfall indicates that the summer season has started in the moon’s northern hemisphere.
Image via NASA/JPL/University of Arizona.
Saturn’s largest moon Titanhas often been compared to Earth. Itsseas, lakes and riversare very reminiscent of ones on our own planet, albeit composed of liquid methane/ethane instead of water. The visual similarity, however, is striking. And there’s also another weather-related similarity between Earth and Titan – rain.
The Cassini mission, now ended, had found previous evidence for methane rain on Titan, and now a new study, led by Rajani Dhingra, a doctoral student in physics at the University of Idaho, provides more insight into rainfall at Titan’s north pole and how that relates to the start of this distant moon’s summer season. The peer-reviewedstudy has been accepted for publication in Geophysical Research Letters.
From the paper’s summary:
Cassini arrived in the Saturnian system in the southern summer of 2004. As expected, the Cassini team observed cloud cover, storms and precipitation on the south pole. Like Earth, Titan has an axial tilt (27 degrees) and its seasons vary over its year (30 Earth years). Ever since this shift in season began, the Cassini team eagerly waited for observations indicating cloud cover and precipitation that went missing from the northern latitudes. Our rainfall observation at the north pole is a major finding for two important reasons. Firstly, this discovery observation heralds the much awaited arrival of the north polar summer rainstorms on Titan. This atmospheric phenomenon has been delayed compared to the theoretical predictions and was perplexing Titan researchers and climate modelers especially because the north pole hosts most of Titan’s lakes and seas. Secondly, it is extremely difficult to detect rainfall events on Titan due to its thick atmospheric haze and very limited opportunities to view the surface (and its changes). We have used a novel phenomenon – the smoothening of a previously dry, rough surface by a thin layer of fluid after rainfall, similar to a wet side walk – as evidence for rainfall events on the surface of Titan.
Titan’s north pole as seen by Cassini’s Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer. The orange box highlights the “wet sidewalk” region where methane/ethane rain has left the rough surface wet and reflective.
Image via NASA/JPL/University of Arizona/University of Idaho.
The rainfall and associated clouds had been anticipated for some time by scientists, but weren’t seen, according to Dhingra:
The whole Titan community has been looking forward to seeing clouds and rains on Titan’s north pole, indicating the start of the northern summer, but despite what the climate models had predicted, we weren’t even seeing any clouds. People called it the curious case of missing clouds.
So where was the rain? Even the Huygens probe – part of the Cassini mission – which landed on Titan in 2005, found “damp sand” reminiscent of crème brûlée in what was thought to be a mostly dry riverbed that periodically flows with liquid methane. As on Earth, those rivers are fed by rainfall.
The research team took a closer look and found something intriguing – a reflective feature near Titan’s north pole on an image taken on June 7, 2016, by Cassini’s near-infrared instrument, the Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer. Covering approximately 46,332 square miles (119,999 square km), the feature was not seen in previous or subsequent images.
Cassini radar image of Ligeia Mare, the second-largest sea on Titan. Methane rains help to sustain the moon’s polar seas and lakes.
Image via NASA/JPL/USGS.
Illustration of how rainfall on Titan brings organic compounds to the surface and feeds the rivers, lakes and seas.
Analysis indicated it was similar to a sunlit wet sidewalk, the scientists said, that is, that it, it was wet ground following a methane rainfall event, followed in turn by a period of evaporation. Scientists could even discern what kind of surface was wet; they said it was pebble-like. As Dhingra had explained, a rougher surface generates an amorphous pattern as the liquid settles in crevasses and gullies, while liquid on a smooth surface would puddle in a relatively circular pattern.
This is the first time that summer rainfall has been observed in the northern hemisphere of Titan, showing the changing of the seasons. But seasons last a lot longer on Titan than on Earth – about seven years each. Cassini had also observed clouds and rainfall in Titan’s southern hemisphere after it arrived at Saturn in 2004. The climate models had predicted that rainfall would arrive in the northern hemisphere by summer 2017, but by 2016, there were still no clouds to be seen. According to Dhingra:
We want our model predictions to match our observations. This rainfall detection proves Cassini’s climate follows the theoretical climate models we know of. Summer is happening. It was delayed, but it’s happening. We will have to figure out what caused the delay, though.
The surface of Titan as seen by the Huygens lander in 2005. Huygens found damp sand when it landed near a shoreline or riverbed. The liquid was methane/ethane, but the “rocks” turned out to be composed of solid water ice.
Image via ESA/NASA/University of Arizona.
Titan is the only other body in the solar system known to have liquid seas, lakes and rivers on its surface. Even though it is extremely cold and the liquid is methane/ethane, not water, some scientists think it is possible that some form of primitive life could exist there. There is also a liquid water ocean deep below the surface that couldbe potentially habitable by life.
Bottom line: Titan is a bizarre world – eerily similar to Earth in some ways, yet utterly alien at the same time. The new study of Titan’s rainfall patterns provides more insight into how this moon mimics Earth but remains a strangely very different place at the same time.
Attractive humanoid aliens will soon be embroiled in romance and adventure on The CW’s new seriesRoswell, New Mexico. In an early scene from the show’s new trailer, a Jeep drives under a sign in the desert that reads “Foster Ranch” just before an object from the air crashes into the ground causing a huge explosion. But what is the Foster Ranch, and how did Roswell get its alien reputation in the first place?
We're glad you asked! We're here to tell you all about the "real" alien history of Roswell, and there's two ways to do it. You can watch our mini-documentary for some quick facts, or keep scrolling and read the article for more in-depth knowledge.
Roswell, New Mexico is a desert town about 200 miles southeast of Albuquerque. It is the fifth largest town in New Mexico, but much more provincial than Santa Fe, another well-known New Mexico destination similar in size. While visitors from around the world flock to Santa Fe to experience Southwestern art and culture, tourists seek out Roswell for a different reason: aliens.
Although the alleged crash of an alien spacecraft outside of Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 is the most famous UFO or alien related incident, few knew about it before the first book on the topic, The Roswell Incident, was published in 1980. By July 1997, the 50th anniversary of the crash, the U.S. Air Force had released two separate reports on the Roswell incident (1995 report, 1997 report), and it was featured on the cover of Time magazine. The story of aliens at Roswell had reached the farthest corners of planet Earth.
The incident described by the Air Force began on the Foster ranch about 30 miles outside of Roswell. Ranch foreman Bill “Mack” Brazel claims to have come across odd-looking debris in the field some time in June or early July 1947. He and his son examined the debris but didn’t pay it much attention until Brazel heard stories of mysterious flying discs spotted in the skies elsewhere in the U.S. The most famous of these sightings took place on June 24, 1947, when businessman and amateur pilot Kenneth Arnold spotted several objects described by the press as “flying saucers” -- the first use of the term -- while flying near Mount Rainier, Washington. Arnold’s sighting made headlines and eventually prompted the United States military to begin official investigations into sightings of unidentified objects in the skies.
Brazel thought the debris he found might be one of these flying saucers and reported it to Chaves County Sheriff George Wilcox. Wilcox then reported Brazel’s discovery to the Roswell Army Airfield (RAAF), home of the 509th Bomb Group, at the time, the only team responsible for dropping the atom bomb.
The RAAF sent intelligence officer Major Jesse Marcel and counterintelligence corps officer Captain Sheridan Cavitt to meet with Brazel and drive out to the Foster ranch and take a look at the debris. The next day, July 8, the RAAF sent out a press release claiming, according to the Roswell Daily Record, that they had “come into possession of a flying saucer.” That day the Roswell Daily Record front page headline read: “RAAF Captures Flying Saucer On Ranch in Roswell Region.”
The next day, the Roswell Daily Record’s headline read: “Gen. Ramey Empties Roswell Saucer.” The subheadings read: “Ramey Says Excitement Is Not Justified,” and “General Ramey Says Disk Is Weather Balloon.” The same day, Ramey held a press conference at his office in Fort Worth, Texas with Marcel in which they posed with debris from a weather balloon. With that, as quickly as the story began, it went away.
The Arnold sighing in Washington had inspired the creation of U.S. Air Force Project Sign, the first official investigation into “flying saucers.” It was followed by Project Grudge, and then finally Project Blue Book. The U.S. Air Force investigated the UFO phenomenon from 1948 to 1969, but nowhere in their files will you find mention of the crash outside of Roswell. Nor will you see it in UFO books of the time. Soon after it occurred, the story was lost to obscurity.
Then, in the late 1970s, UFO researcher and nuclear physicist Stanton Friedman was given a tip. A retired Air Force intelligence officer said he had been part of the recovery of a flying saucer. That officer was Marcel. Friedman interviewed Marcel who confirmed that he had seen the debris recovered in Roswell and that it was no weather balloon. He claimed the material had properties beyond that which would have been possible to create at the time and also claimed the debris he showed Ramey had been replaced by weather balloon material for the press conference and photo shoot.
In a 1980 interview on the television series In Search Of…, Marcel said General Ramey told the press, “forget about it. It was nothing more than a weather observation balloon. Of course, which we both knew differently.”
“It was not anything from this Earth,” Marcel said. “I am quite sure of, because being in intelligence I was familiar with just about all materials used in aircraft and/or air travel. This was nothing like that.”
Marcel claimed he was told to go with the weather balloon cover story and he followed orders. However, decades later he was concerned the Air Force had not shared the truth with the public.
Over the next few years, Friedman, along with his research partner William Moore, interviewed many more witnesses. Some of them claimed they also believed the material could not have been from a weather balloon. In 1980, Moore wrote a book with author Charles Berlitz titled The Roswell Incidentsuggesting a major cover-up of a crashed extraterrestrial vehicle. The book was a hit, and along with Marcel’s appearance on In Search Of... the legend of the alien spaceship crash at Roswell grew.
Due to the popularity of the Roswell incident, the U.S. Air Force released an official report in 1995 on the event that backs up one of Marcell’s claims. It confirms the materials Marcel provided were not that of a standard weather balloon like those in the press photos. However, it claimed the debris Marcel examined was part of a secret program called Project Mogul. This project used atmospheric balloons to float listening devices into the atmosphere to monitor Russian nuclear tests.
The first witness account of alien bodies did not come until 1989. Roswell resident Glenn Dennis claimed that while working at a local funeral home at the time of the alleged crash, the RAAF had requested several child-sized caskets. He told his story for the first time to Friedman, but his account was first made public in the book UFO Crash at Roswell published in 1991.
He also claimed to have had a conversation with a nurse from RAAF who told him she had been present at the autopsies of extraterrestrial beings recovered from the crashed saucer. Dennis said he had promised never to share her name. He says the nurse disappeared soon after sharing the story with him.
The aliens she described were not attractive young adults, but they were, more or less, shaped like humans with spindly arms and legs and large heads.
“She drew me a diagram of the bodies,” Dennis claimed in a signed affidavit. “...including an arm with a hand that had only four fingers; the doctors noted that on the end of the fingers were little pads resembling suction cups. She said the head was disproportionately large for the body; the eyes were deeply set; the skulls were flexible; the nose was concave with only two orifices; the mouth was a fine slit, and the doctors said there was heavy cartilage instead of teeth. The ears were only small orifices with flaps. They had no hair, and the skin was black--perhaps due to exposure in the sun.”
Dennis’ story has been called into question after he gave the name of the alleged RAAF nurse to researchers and later admitted the name was made up. He claimed he gave a false name because of his promise not to share her real name. Another reason skeptics doubt Dennis’ claims that he did not come forward until decades after the fact, and years after the Roswell incident was popularized. According to researchers Thom Carey and Dom Schmitt, several of his friends have come forward to say Dennis did share his story about the child-sized caskets soon after the Roswell incident occurred, although some claimed they thought he was joking. Carey and Schmitt included their accounts in the 2009 book Witness to Roswell.
Since then others have claimed to have seen aliens at Roswell, and there was even a famous video of the alleged autopsy of the Roswell aliens. However, the video was debunked, and the creators have admitted to having been paid to create the fake autopsy.
The most credible witness to claim aliens had crashed at Roswell was retired Army Colonel Philip Corso. He was a decorated officer with a long list of achievements in World War II. In his book, The Day After Roswell, published soon before his death, Corso claimed that in 1961, while serving as chief of the foreign technology department he was tasked with handling materials retrieved from the Roswell crash.
“I came into possession of what I refer to as the ‘Roswell File,’” Corso said. “This file contained field reports, medical autopsy reports and technological debris from the crash of an extraterrestrial vehicle in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947.”
He says he farmed the material out to tech companies with U.S. Army contracts which went on to use the debris to develop technologies such as kevlar, night-vision, fiber optics, and computer chips, among others.
The companies Corso claims to have given the material to argue that the development of these technologies is well documented and do not include the use of extraterrestrial materials. Skeptics also point out that many of the witnesses to the alleged alien bodies only came forward after the Roswell incident was famous.
Whether or not aliens really crash landed in Roswell remains up for debate, but decades later the idea continues to inspire pop-culture and our ideas and dialogue regarding the potential for the existence of intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations. In a more cynical view, it can even be seen as enforcing trust issues between U.S. citizens and our government. It is a heavy burden for a small town in the middle of the New Mexico desert. Although, we shouldn’t feel too sorry for their unsought fame. If it wasn’t for the aliens, Roswell’s fame would be tied to being one of the first homes of the planes tasked with dropping the deadliest weapon known to humankind. Personally, I'd rather be known for aliens.
Starting with War of the Worlds all the through Roswell, New Mexico, pop culture has been captivated by aliens and UFOs.
Orson Welles’ 1939 radio play adaptation of H.G. Wells’ alien invasion classic, The War of the Worlds, is the stuff of entertainment legend.
The hour-long program for The Mercury Theatre on the Air on the CBS radio network was nothing if not innovative. Welles designed the narrative to play out as a series of breaking news bulletins that interrupted the typical evening programming. Authoritative-sounding news men described the events of the novel as though they were happening in the moment. The trustworthy voices described an unidentified flying object crash on a farm in Grover’s Mill, New Jersey. The newsmen described police and various onlookers as they witness that cylindrical object open, Martians emerge, and start killing people with a heat ray.
You can watch our video about the history of UFO storytelling right here, or keep reading for a more in-depth look!
Despite a clear disclaimer that the radio show was a drama, plenty of radio listeners were unaware and flooded local newspapers and emergency services with frightened correspondence. The Trenton police department reported receiving 2,000 calls within two hours.
Modern historians and observers have since theorized that the extent of the public’s panic was overblown or perhaps even exaggerated by CBS or Welles himself. According to a C.E. Hooper survey of 5,000 households conducted the night of the broadcast, only two percent of homes even listened to The War of the Worlds.
Still, sometimes the legend is more important to understanding how we understand ourselves than the reality. We have always imagined that Orson Welles was such a titanically talented artist that he could summon a riot through a mere hour of good dramatic storytelling. Or perhaps even we imagine that those silly folk from 1938 were so gullible and uncultured so as to be fooled by radio waves. There’s no way that a more modern audience would be fooled like that.
Except that a more modern audience was fooled like that… at least twice, according to another fantastic hour of radio storytelling, Radiolab’s “War of the Worlds” episode. In 1949, Leonardo Paez, the director of art for Rádio Quito in Ecuador, wanted to try his own Spanish language radio adaptation of The War of the Worlds.
On Saturday, February 12, 1949, Paez ran a version of the story designed more directly to trick the listener than Welles’ ever was. This time there was actual pandemonium. People took to the streets in a panic, which quickly changed to anger once they discovered they had been duped. An angry mob set the radio station on fire. Six people died in the inferno, including Paez’s girlfriend and nephew..
In 1968 Buffalo station WKBW tried out its own War of the Worlds broadcast. Buffalo police claim they received 4,000 frightened phone calls that night. 47 newspapers covered the story. The Canadian military even dispatched troops to the Peace Bridge, which connects Buffalo to Fort Erie, Ontario.
The story of The War of the Worlds, the H.G. Wells original and all of the various radio adaptation that followed it, isn’t just the story of artistic brilliance or human gullibility, though those both play are certainly part of it. The story behind The War of the Worlds and the reason for its longevity is that humanity is fascinated by aliens, UFOs, and the untold mysteries of the universe.
The War of the Worlds model of sci-fi storytelling keeps on popping up over and over again because aliens are some of the most complementary pieces possible in our storytelling. Aliens and the UFOs are the perfect combination of science and fiction. The scientific side of the human brain can appreciate that the universe is so big that there certainly must be other intelligent living beings within it. The fanciful, superstitious side of the human brain can imagine those beings living on Mars and wielding heat rays to destroy us all.
Not only that but if one of the basic tenets of storytelling is “us vs. them” who could possibly be a better “them” than the little humanoid creatures who live way, way, way, way, way out there?
Aliens and UFOs may seem a bit more en vogue now that The CW is launching its new series Roswell, New Mexicothis month. The truth though is that aliens and UFOs never really went away. They are always there in the back of our subconscious waiting for the moment we need a particularly satisfying “them.”
With that in mind, here are five more alien invasion, abduction, and visitation pieces of pop culture that have debuted between Orson Welles’ War of the Worlds and The CW’s Roswell, New Mexico. Each one has something slightly different to say based on the era from which it comes but also something timeless about humanity’s relationship to the alien.
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)
Jack Finney’s 1954 sci-fi novel, Invasion of the Body Snatchers can give H.G. Wells The War of the Worlds a run for its money in terms of influence. While The War of the Worlds led to many radio adaptations (and a pretty good mid-2000s Steven Spielberg movie), Invasion of the Body Snatchers led to three direct film adaptations, two of which are all-time classics.
The first, Don Siegel’s 1956 Invasion of the Body Snatchers, is perhaps the best. In the film, alien plant spores have fallen to Earth from space and have grown into large seedpods. Each pod will eventually create a replacement copy of each human on Earth. When fully developed, that pod will then “assimilate” the person nearest it.
Siegel’s Invasion of the Body Snatchers captures the theme of the novels brilliantly. If the classic alien story is “us vs. them,” Body Snatchers takes the “them” and turns them into “us.”
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)
Steven Spielberg’s Close Encounters of the Third Kind puts a fascinating twist on the classic alien invasion story. Whereas previous incarnations of aliens and UFOs have mostly wanted to dominate Earth and the humans who occupy it, the aliens of Spielberg’s film seem to want something more complex…and far less dangerous to humans.
Richard Dreyfuss stars as Roy Neary, an unassuming electrical lineman in Indiana who has a fateful encounter with a mysteriously celestial object one night and soon after becomes obsessed with UFOs. Before he knows it Roy is sculpting weird shapes out of mashed potatoes and dreaming about Devil’s Tower in Wyoming.
Truly a relic of the spiritual ‘70s, Close Encounters of the Third Kind leans hard on the supernatural, mystical nature of alien life. In that sense, the aliens of Spielberg’s Close Encounters aren’t that different our perception of God. They’re out there somewhere and they have answers for us. Pray that they share them.
Communion: A True Story (1987)
So much of the popular perceptions and myths surrounding alien abduction come from this 1987 book by Whitley Strieber. Strieber is an American writer best known for his horror novels The Wolfen and The Hunger. Communion, however, is purported to be non-fiction.
In Communion, Strieber describes his experience being abducted by aliens and there are plenty of familiar tropes. For one, Strieber experiences lost time and can only recover his memories of abduction via hypnosis. Through hypnosis, Strieber recalls being abducted from his cabin in New York state by humanoid alien beings. The aliens resemble what are now best known as “grays,” though Strieber compares them to the Sumerian goddess Ishtar. Communion would be adapted into a 1989 film of the same name starring Christopher Walken.
Communion and similar alien abduction stories of the ‘80s mark an important milestone in pop culture’s relationship to aliens. Rather than interacting with humanity on a grand scale like in The War of the Worlds, Body Snatchers, or Close Encounters, aliens are perfectly happy to deal with human beings on a one-to-one basis. Here the concept of communication starts to play an increasingly important role in stories of aliens and UFOs.
The X-Files (1993)
The X-Files was one of television’s first honest-to-goodness science fiction spectacles. Science fiction had always had a home on the smaller screen dating back to The Twilight Zone but Fox’s The X-Files proved that sci-fi could perform for mass audiences. Thanks, aliens!
The X-Files wasn’t purely about aliens and UFOs. Each of the shows nine seasons (eventually 11) featured FBI agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully investigating all manner of paranormal phenomena. The show’s central mythology, however, was often reserved for exploring life outside of Earth.
The thing that made Fox Mulder a “believer” was the childhood abduction of his sister by aliens. Mulder would come to be abducted himself in the show’s seventh season. The aliens of The X-Files were in many ways continuations of the Close Encounter brand of aliens. These beings had answers to some questions that humanity simply didn’t.
Signs (2002)
M. Night Shyamalan’s third film, Signs, tackled another popular aspect of the alien phenomenon: crop circles. Crop circles are mysterious symbols that appear in farmers’ fields overnight. Upon their popular arrival in the ’70s, many posited that the symbols were created by and meant for aliens. After all, who would have greater need of messages etched onto the Earth’s surface than a UFO?
Of course, the original crop circles and pretty much all that sprung up after them were eventually revealed to be a hoax. That doesn’t stop Signs from asking the question: but what if they weren’t? In Signs, the Hess family in rural Pennsylvania must deal with the sudden appearance of a crop circle in one of their fields over night. Then the “signs” of an oncoming alien invasion begin to mount. Signs takes a very singular and humanist approach to the alien invasion trope. What matters more than the aliens and what they are trying to communicate is the Hess family and how they will deal the sudden encroachment of a higher power on their lives.
Fargo Season 2 (2015)
Fargo’s second season features one of the most recent pop culture iterations of UFOs but the show, itself is set in a far earlier, more alien-friendly era. Season 2 of Noah Hawley’s sort-of anthology series takes place in the upper Midwest in March, 1979 (just two years after Close Encounters of the Third Kind hit theaters).
The season follows Lou Solverson (Patrick Wilson), a Minnesota State Patrol trooper who finds himself in over his head when local crime family the Gerhardts run afoul the Kansas City mob and set off a chain of violence that affects the organized crime world and genteel Minnesota communities as well. If that doesn’t sound like a particularly science fiction concept, that’s because it isn’t. Fargo Season 2 is as grounded as it comes…except for this one thing. Periodically throughout the season, a UFO just suddenly appears, casting a light down upon the fresh northern snow. Several times characters see the thing, and in one notable instance, Lou’s life is saved when the UFO appears, distracting would-be murderers.
The show never fully explains the UFO’s presence or why it’s there. The closest it comes to doing so is in the season’s fascinating final scene. Lou’s wife, Betsy approaches her father Hank (Ted Danson) with some trepidation because she’s seen a disturbing room in his home that’s absolutelyfilledwith crude child-like drawings. He seems to have gone mad but Betsy gives the old man the benefit of the doubt and asks him what the pictures are all about. Hank answers that he’s seen violence all his life, from war in Korea to petty crimes in his role as police officer. It made him think about miscommunication and how it can be the root of all conflict. It all comes down to language. So his simple drawings were an attempt to create a universal language of pictures.
If anything, the inclusion of the UFO seems to be Fargo Season 2’s own meta commentary on miscommunication. We have no idea why it’s there or what it’s intentions are. And that’s not unusual for the human species among itself. Why should it be any different for celestial visitors?
Our planet’s magnetic field has weakened 15% in the past 200 years – which could be an early warning sign. If the poles flip, compasses will point south – and it could have significant effects on Earth’s power grid (although it’s not likely to happen immediately, despite doomsday-mongers’ obsession with the idea). A report by Undark suggests that the ‘flip’ could allow radiation to reach Earth’s surface, and play havoc with satellites. Scientists are using satellites to analyse the shifts in Earth’s magnetic field – and seen that the north magnetic pole is ‘turbulent and unpredictable’, Futurism reports.
PARTS of the Earth could be “uninhabitable” due to pronounced exposure to solar radiation if the world’s north and south magnetic poles shift, leaving citizens facing a “domino run of blackouts lasting decades”, it has been claimed.
Science author Alanna Mitchell has delivered the stark warning in an article that declares the Earth is “under attack from within” and that a shift in poles could have dire consequences.
Ms Mitchell warned that a shift means the important shield surrounding the Earth called a magnetic field could be “compromised for centuries”.
She wrote: “Because grids are so tightly coupled with each other, failure would race across the globe, causing a domino run of blackouts that could last for decades.
“The shield could be compromised for centuries while the poles move, allowing malevolent radiation closer to the surface of the planet for that whole time. Already, changes within the Earth have weakened the field over the South Atlantic so much that satellites exposed to the resulting radiation have experienced memory failure.
“It turns out that the dipole — the orderly two-pole magnetic field our compasses respond to — is under attack from within.
“The Earth’s magnetic field protects our planet from dangerous solar and cosmic rays, like a giant shield. As the poles switch places (or try to), that shield is weakened; scientists estimate that it could waste away to as little as a tenth of its usual force.”
Since the last shift, the world has changed drastically – there is now close to 7.6billion people inhabiting Earth, this is twice as many as in 1970 alone.
The European Space Agency’s Swarm trio claims that a flip could be imminent, according to their satellite data.
Scientists have added that molten iron and nickel are sapping vital energy from the Earth’s core – this is near the spot where the protective magnetic field stems from.
The situation inside the planet’s core appears to signify a flip.
The author went on: “That radiation isn’t hitting the surface yet. But at some point, when the magnetic field has dwindled enough, it could be a different story.”
Ms Mitchell cites from Daniel Baker, the director of the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics at the University of Colorado, Boulder, that believes the devastating galactic cosmic rays and ultraviolet B rays “from a radiation-damaged ozone layer” could kill “living creatures”.
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In addition to harmful results to life, “satellite timing systems that govern electric grids would be likely to fail”, according to Ms Mitchell.
the last pole shift, the world has changed drastically
She added: “No lights. No computers. No cellphones. Even flushing a toilet or filling a car’s gas tank would be impossible. And that’s just for starters.”
Some have seen this problem coming for a long time and changed their entire way of life by going off-grid. They have found alternative sources such as solar, wind and diesel to power their homes and machinery. A majority of us, who have not gone off-grid, are making a concerted effort to avoid dependence on this ailing infrastructure and preparing for life without it.
The Earth is protected from harmful solar and cosmic rays thanks to the magnetic field – when the planet’s poles shift, which they typically do every 200,000 or 300,000 years, the proactive barrier is hampered.
Because the last flip occurred 780,000 years ago, to say Earth is due for a pole shift would be an understatement.
European Space Agency’s Swarm trio claims that a flip could be imminent
The author explained: “Today, we know that the poles have changed places hundreds of times, most recently 780,000 years ago. (Sometimes, the poles try to reverse positions but then snap back into place, in what is called an excursion. The last time was about 40,000 years ago.)
“We also know that when they flip next time, the consequences for the electrical and electronic infrastructure that runs modern civilisation will be dire. The question is when that will happen.
“Geophysicists have tried to answer that question through satellite imagery and math. They have figured out how to peer deep inside the Earth, to the edge of the molten, metallic core where the magnetic field is continually being generated.”
Now, contrast what I’ve explained the effects would be with what doomsday folks are saying, such as this article:
“As the shift approaches, things begin to go out of balance, and the magnetic field begins to fluctuate significantly over a very short period of time (about 3 – 6 months). This would be like a full moon getting bigger and bigger every day. What happens then is that people start to go crazy emotionally. This breaks down economical and social structures on the planet because it is only people who keep these structures together.”
So what about a large external magnetic force? There’s nothing large enough that’s nearby. Sure, if we were to pass by a magnetar, we’ll be in trouble. Those have magnetic fields on the order of ~1015 times stronger than Earth’s. But the sun’s magnetic field really shows no evidence of affecting ours to the point of flipping it. There is no evidence at all – historic or validated theoretical – to show that the sun’s magnetic field, which is only up to ~10x stronger than Earth’s, can flip ours. After all, if it could, then it would every 11 years, since that’s how often the sun’s field flips.
So I’ve now given two ways that this really could happen – if a planet-mass object or an extraordinarily large magnetic field were to hit us or come near us, that could affect Earth’s rotation or magnetic field to the point where we would get a magnetic pole reversal (or, I guess a really big “shift”). However, we now again get to the question of evidence: There is none. We would know of a planet-sized (or larger) object that is close enough to come near us in 4 years (the end of 2012), or even 40 years. You can read post on the Real Planet X for more information on that. Similarly, we would see effects of a gigantic magnetic field nearby that’s close enough to affect us in the near future, something we also do not see any evidence for.
Would you be able to sustain your loved ones when all hell breaks loose? In this video, I will unearth a long-forgotten secret that helped our ancestors survive famines, wars, economic crises, diseases, droughts, and anything else life threw at them… a secret that will help you do the same for your loved ones when America crumbles into the ground. I’m also going to share with you three old lessons that will ensure your children will be well fed when others are rummaging through garbage bins. Click here to learn all about the 3 skills that will help you thrive in any crises situation.
Wetenschappers ontdekken gigantische Mayastad onder de jungle. Welke geheimen liggen hier verborgen?
Wetenschappers ontdekken gigantische Mayastad onder de jungle. Welke geheimen liggen hier verborgen?
Op internet circuleert momenteel een video over een reusachtige Mayastad die is ontdekt in Guatemala. De stad lag eeuwenlang verborgen onder de jungle.
Onderzoekers spraken van de belangrijkste ontwikkeling in de Maya-archeologie in 100 jaar.
Archeologen hebben de jungle in de regio Peten in Guatemala gescand met behulp van Lidar, een radartechnologie die werkt met laserlicht.
Op deze manier wisten ze een verborgen netwerk van piramides, huizen, verhoogde snelwegen en terrassen te ontdekken. Het zou gaan om ruim 60.000 onbekende bouwwerken.
Bergen verzet
De onderzoekers stellen op basis van de vondst dat het Maya-rijk veel omvangrijker was dan altijd is gedacht.
Met een complex stelsel van irrigatiekanalen en terrassen werd intensieve landbouw bedreven, op een schaal die enorme aantallen mensen kon voeden en die het landschap ingrijpend veranderde.
“De oude Maya’s hebben nooit gebruikgemaakt van het wiel of van lastdieren, maar deze beschaving heeft letterlijk bergen verzet,” zei archeoloog Marcello Canuto van de Tulane University.
“We gingen van de arrogante westerse houding uit dat complexe beschavingen niet in de tropen kunnen opbloeien,” zei hij.
“Maar door het bewijs van Lidar-opnamen kunnen we nu aannemen dat zich complexe samenlevingen in de tropen hebben gevormd,” voegde hij toe.
Archeoloog Thomas Garrison van het Ithaca College liet weten dat deze vondst de belangrijkste in ruim 100 jaar is.
Honderden verborgen steden
Archeoloog Francisco Estrada-Belli zei: “We hebben 100 jaar nodig om al deze gegevens te analyseren en echt te begrijpen wat we hier eigenlijk zien.”
De onderzoekers moeten nog een groot deel van de jungle onderzoeken en verwacht wordt dat er nog honderden verborgen steden ontdekt zullen worden.
Bekijk de video hieronder:
peter2011 :
Maya structures are scattered across the jungle in this LiDAR image taken over northern Guatemala. Picture: National Geographic
A three-dimensional representation of the ‘echoes’ returned by Mayan ruins buried under the forests of Guatemala reveal a ceremonial centre, roads and defensive works. Picture: National Geographic/The Lost Maya City
No archaeologist has yet trod this city’s streets. But modern laser sensors have given them a detailed view of an entire landscape of the lost Central American Mayan civilisation. Picture: National Geographic/The Lost Maya City
The extent of one of the Mayan ceremonial centres — complete with several step pyramids — is shown in this 3D LiDAR scan image. Picture: National Geographic/The Lost Maya City
This digital 3D image provided by Guatemala's Mayan Heritage and Nature Foundation shows the Mayan archaeological site at Tikal in Guatemala created using LiDAR aerial mapping technology.
Picture: Canuto & Auld-Thomas/PACUNAM via APSource:AP
“This may indicate that the radio emission is produced in a disk of infalling gas rather than by a radio jet. However, that would make Sgr A* an exception compared to other radio-emitting black holes. The alternative could be that the radio jet is pointing almost directly at us.”
This can’t be good news. Astronomers using a new array of telescopes for the first time managed to get a really good look at the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy and discovered that it has its radio jet pointed almost directly at planet Earth. Why? A better question might be “WTF does this mean and shouldn’t we be wearing foil while reading this?”
In a press release from the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy, which participated in this project, Sara Issaoun, a graduate student at the Radboud University Nijmegen in the Netherlands and led author of the study published in the Astrophysical Journal, describes what she noticed when reviewing data collected by the worldwide array of telescopes, including the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) in Chile, while pointed at the formerly foggy center-of-the-Milky-Way black hole known as Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*). It’s “formerly foggy” because the team used a technique called very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) which allowed them to effectively combine dozens of telescopes (there are 66 in ALMA alone) into one giant virtual telescope the size of the Earth and peer through the fog.
Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA)
“Even though scattering blurs and distorts the image of Sgr A*, the incredible resolution of these observations allowed us to pin down the exact properties of the scattering. We could then remove most of the effects from scattering and begin to see what things look like near the black hole.”
Michael Johnson of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics developed the technique used to remove the scattering — an effect caused by density irregularities in the ionized material along the line of sight between Sgr A* and the Earth. Once the team got a clear view of Sgr A*, they saw that the radio jet spewing material and strong radio waves from the black hole at close to the speed of light was coming from a spot so tiny that the only way it could possibly be seen on Earth is if it was pointed directly or almost directly at us. (See the simulated images with scattering removed here.)
Sagittarius A*
Are we all gonna die? Well, yes … but not from the radio jet pointed at us by the evil Sgr A* black hole. It’s 25,640 light years away, so it’s not going to hurt even if you stare directly at it through the world’s larges telescope without proper eyeshades. However, researchers like Michael Johnson are absolutely giddy over the possibilities.
“If ALMA has the same success in joining the Event Horizon Telescope at even higher frequencies, then these new results show that interstellar scattering will not stop us from peering all the way down to the event horizon of the black hole.”
Will they see through the wormhole into a far corner of the universe? Into another dimension? Or will they see another group of researchers from the future peering back at them?
Will those future researchers be pointing and laughing?
In 2017, NASA scientists at the Goddard Space Flight Center published a study warning that because of recent anomalies in the Earth’s protective magnetic field, dangerous clouds of cosmic radiationcould soon pose serious health risks to airline crews and passengers flying at high altitudes. Since then, several airliners have faced lawsuits from crews who say theyexperienced unexplained illnessesas a result of their time in the air. Are the two connected?
The Earth’s magnetic field serves as a shield against cosmic rays, but that field is weakening in places for reasons still unknown.
Hard to say, but a recent spate of mysterious illnesses on flights sure makes it seem like something weird is going on aboard airliners lately, whether or not it’s related to NASA’s 2017 warnings about cosmic radiation. On January 2, multiple passengers aboard Frontier Airlines Flight 1397 flight from Cleveland, Ohio to Tampa, Florida fell ill with a mysterious illness. Dozens of passengers suddenly became nauseated and many of them vomited, prompting the plane to land early. The sick passengers were moved to the front of the plane for triage while the rest had to be moved to the rear of the aircraft where they waited to deplane for 90 minutes.
Good thing those tiny paper bags were there among the germ-infested magazines.
It’s still unclear what caused the passengers of Flight 1397 to fall ill, but Frontier Airlines believe it may have something to do with a water fountain at the airport. Officials from the City of Cleveland stated they would conduct an investigation, but there has been no update in the weeks that followed.
Just this week, a Dubai-bound Ural Airlines aircraft which departed from Moscow, Russia had to make an emergency landing after many passengers all fell ill simultaneously. About 90 minutes into the flight, many passengers suddenly found it difficult to breathe and became nauseated. Some of those who fell ill were reported to have “greatly dilated pupils.”
Nausea is a symptom of radiation poisoning – and just about every other form of poisoning. Airline cabins and noxious fumes go hand-in-hand sometimes.
One passenger says that as more and more people fell ill, a sense of dread filled the cabin:
I was woken up by a young woman screaming for assistance. She yelled and screamed ‘Help, help!’ because her husband felt ill. He was feeling really bad. He was suffocating and couldn’t breathe in. His face went the colour green — then a panic swept through the plane.
Similar to the Frontier Flight 1397 incident, this one currently remains unexplained. Mid-flight illnesses are nothing new, and there are plenty of things aboard a modern airliner that could make passengers ill including the stink of other passengers’ rotting flesh. Still, the sudden uptick in mid-flight illnesses coincides with recent discoveries of more and more anomalies in the Earth’s magnetic field. Could NASA’s warning about cosmic radiation finally be coming true?
Reptilian Underground Bases "They Are Living Below Us"
There is a hidden reptilian empire which consists of alien cultures and lost civilizations, their presence explains many of the myths of gods walking among humans.
The reptoids may have sought out refuge underground after Earth underwent climate changes some 12,000 years ago.
The Shanidar Cave is a vast archaeological complex located on Bradost Mountain in the Erbil Governorate of Iraqi Kurdistan.
The remains of 10 Neanderthals, dating from 35,000 to 65,000 years ago have been found within the Shanidar Cave.
The cave also contains two later "proto Neolothie" cemeteries, one of which dates back about 10,600 years and contains 35 'humanoids' one such skill is extremely elongated and considered the Reptilian Elongated Race of Sumerians. Nobody know how vast the complex goes underground.
There are many accounts through history of lizard people and snake like bipedal's from Sumeria to the Hopi Indians.
We will also explore the many accounts at the Dulce underground facility and how this all ties together.
We hope you will become aware of many facts you may have been previously unaware of in this 37-minute Reptilian Documentary.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Secret film to prove that Russian KGB found Alien mummy on Giza Plateau
Secret film to prove that Russian KGB found Alien mummy on Giza Plateau
Conspiracy theorists believe that the builders of the Cheops Pyramid and the other two buildings were visitors from a different star. This would at least explain why the three pyramids were built according to the stars of the Orion constellation.
A sensational documentary film by the former Soviet secret service KGB could possibly shed light on the situation. By Frank Schwede.
During a secret mission under the cover name “Project ISIS” in 1961, KGB staff, along with a group of military experts, found a sarcophagus containing a strange mummy that was apparently worshipped as a god by ancient Egyptians and had already died in 11,000 BC.
Not only the story is mysterious, but also the way the footage was made public.
You have to know that the mission took place during the Cold War. And according to numerous UFO researchers, the Soviet leadership was obviously concerned that the USA was already in possession of alien technology.
In the context of the secret mission, which was led by Sami Saraf, by the way, a close confidant of the Egyptian President Abdel Nasser at that time, one hoped to come across such high technology as well. How one arrived at the assumption whether there was a tipster is not known.
It is assumed that the filmstrip fell into the hands of the Russian mafia after the collapse of the Soviet Union, there was the talk of a lot of money and it is also said that the material came directly from the archives of the KGB.
What was really in the sarcophagus is still controversial today. Critics assume that it was an Egyptian nobleman or a king, high-ranking KGB employees spoke of the mortal remains of an alien.
Numerous extraterrestrial artifacts with hieroglyphic inscriptions are said to have been found in the tomb. According to an expert in writing, the text refers to the return of the winged deities.
In order to understand the content of this message, one must consider in this case that the term spaceship did not yet exist at that time. So, in those days, a very imaginative language was used. But if one researches the royal papyrus Turin, also known as the Turin royal list, one comes across the name Osiris at some point.
Osiris was worshipped as a god and he was the first Egyptian king of the first dynasty. According to ancient Egyptian legend, he descended from the sky in a flying ship. Was God Osiris in truth perhaps an emissary of one of the three stars from the constellation Orion?
The ancient collision that formed the moon may also have brought with it all the ingredients needed for life, a new study finds.
Over 4.4 billion years ago, a Mars-size body smashed into a primitive Earth, launching our moon into permanent orbit around our planet.
But a new study finds that this event could have had a much larger impact than previously thought. The collision could also have imbued our planet with thecarbon, nitrogenandsulfurneeded for life to form, scientists reported today (Jan. 23) in the journalScience Advances.
Back then, Earth was a little like Mars is today. It had a core and it had a mantle, but its noncore portion was very poor in volatile elements such as nitrogen, carbon and sulfur. [Science Fact or Fantasy? 20 Imaginary Worlds]
Elements in the noncore parts of our planet, called the "bulk silicate Earth," can intermingle with each other, but they never interact with the elements of the core. Though some volatiles existed in the core, they couldn't make their way to the planet’s outer layers. And then a collision happened.
One theory holds that special kinds of meteorites, called carbonaceous chondrites, slammed into Earth and gave the bulk silicate Earth these volatile elements. This idea rests on the fact that the ratios of different versions — or isotopes — of nitrogen, carbon and hydrogen seem to match those found on these meteorites. So, proponents of the theory argue, the meteorites must be the source of these elements.
But there's just one problem: the ratio of carbon to nitrogen is off.
While the meteorites have about 20 parts carbon to one part nitrogen, Earth's noncore material has about 40 parts carbon to each part nitrogen, according to study author Damanveer Grewal, a fourth-year Ph.D. student in the Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences at Rice University in Houston, Texas.
An ancient collision
So, the study authors' group decided to test another theory: What if another planet brought the goodies?
"Earth could have collided with many different kinds of planets," Grewal told Live Science. Could one of those planets have given the bulk silicate Earth the correct proportion of elements?
If this collision happened, the two planetary cores would have merged and the two mantles would have merged.
So, they set out to create a possible planet that could have collided with our own.
In the lab, in a special kind of furnace, Grewal and his team created the high-temperature, high-pressure conditions under which a planet’s core might form. In capsules of graphite (a form of carbon), they combined metallic powder (which represents the core and includes elements such as iron bound to nitrogen) with different proportions of silicate powder (a mixture of silicon and oxygen, meant to mimic the hypothetical planet’s mantle).
By varying the temperature, the pressure and the proportions of sulfur in their experiments, the team created scenarios of how these elements could have divided between the core and the rest of the hypothetical planet.
They found that carbon is much less willing to bond with iron in the presence of high concentrations of nitrogen and sulfur, while nitrogen bonds with iron even when a lot of sulfur is present. So for nitrogen to be excluded from the core, and be present in other parts of the planet, it should have contained very high concentrations of sulfur, Grewal said.
They then fed these possibilities into a simulation, along with information about how different volatile elements behave, and the present-day amounts of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur in Earth’s outer layers.
After running over 1 billion simulations, they found that the scenario that made the most sense — the one that had the most probable timing and could lead to a correct ratio of carbon to nitrogen — was one that posited a collision and merger of Earth with a Mars-size planet that contained about 25 to 30 percent sulfur in its core.
This theory "is very probable," said Célia Dalou, an experimental petrologist at the Centre de Recherches Pétrographiques et Géochimiques in France, who was not a part of the study. "This work is a very successful result of years of research of various different teams."
Wat een vrij korte, bijna routinevlucht had moeten zijn van Nantes naar Cardiff is geëindigd in de complete verdwijning van het toestel inclusief passagiers.
Ondanks alle zoekacties is er tot op dit moment nog geen spoor en er doen dan ook al de nodige verhalen de ronde.
Iedereen zal zo langzamerhand het verhaal wel hebben gehoord van de nieuwe spits van Cardiff City, Emiliano Sala, die letterlijk en figuurlijk compleet van de radar is verdwenen.
Op maandagavond rond 19:00 uur vertrok het vliegtuig vanuit Nantes naar Cardiff. Sala had in de Engelse stad net een contract getekend bij voetbalclub Cardiff City. Hij had in Nantes afscheid genomen van zijn oude ploeggenoten en vloog met het 32-jaar oude vliegtuig naar Cardiff om daar aan een nieuw hoofdstuk van zijn carrière te beginnen. Een uur na vertrek verdween het toestel van de radar.
Volgens Britse autoriteiten stuurde het vliegtuig geen noodsignalen uit en is het toestel ook niet onverwacht op een ander vliegveld geland. Dinsdagavond werd de zoektocht gestaakt omdat de omstandigheden te donker waren. De politie van het eiland Guernsey heeft de zoektocht vandaag weer hervat.
Tot op dit moment is er geen spoor van het toestel gevonden.
Uiteraard doen er talloze speculaties de ronde over wat er mogelijk met het toestel, een éénmotorige Piper Malibu, gebeurd zou kunnen zijn.
De eerste theorie is dat het een onfortuinlijk ongeluk is, waarschijnlijk veroorzaakt door ijsafzetting op de vleugels en mogelijk ook ijsvorming in het brandstofsysteem.
Op het volgende plaatje wordt duidelijk waar het toestel voor het laatst is gesignaleerd.
Echter, een vroegere vriendin van Sala gelooft niet dat hier sprake is van een ongeluk:
Berenice Schkair, de ex-vriendin van Emiliano Sala (28), denkt dat er meer zit achter de verdwijning van de Argentijnse spits. Volgens het model is er zelfs sprake van kwade wil. “Ik kan niet geloven dat dit een ongeluk is. Nu zwijg ik nog uit respect voor zijn familie, maar binnenkort zal ik zeggen wat ik te zeggen heb”, stelt de dame uit Buenos Aires op haar sociale media.
In een andere krant wordt zelfs gesproken over de voetbalmafia die een hand zou hebben gehad in de verdwijning van Sala.
We zullen nog even moeten wachten op de onthullingen van de vriendin, maar ondertussen is er ook een andere theorie en die is afkomstig van ufoloog Scott Waring.
Hij wijst erop dat dit vliegtuig is verdwenen precies op de plek waar eerder een aantal piloten en passagiers een waarneming deden van een enorm ruimteschip met een lengte van enkele kilometers.
Dit alles gebeurde in 2007 en in de volgende video is Captain Ray Bowyers verhaalt te horen/zien.
De theorie van Scott is nu dat ditzelfde ruimteschip weer op deze locatie was en dat het toestel waar Sala in zat te dichtbij kwam, waardoor de buitenaardsen het complete toestel aan boord hebben genomen en de piloot samen met de voetballer hebben meegenomen.
Volgens Scott kunnen ze dan nooit meer terugkeren omdat ze dan teveel van de buitenaardsen hebben gezien, wat ze bij terugkomst zouden kunnen vertellen. En aangezien dit niet gewenst is zullen ze voor altijd bij de buitenaardsen blijven. (redactie: klinkt ons wat onlogisch want het is bekend dat buitenaardsen in het algemeen de kunst beheersen mensen dingen te laten vergeten. Dit is bekend uit verslagen van ontvoerden.)
Daarnaast bestaat de mogelijkheid dat ze wel het toestel vinden, maar niet de inzittenden omdat ze alleen die dan hebben meegenomen.
Het vreemde is ook dat de verdwijning van het toestel plaatsvindt vlakbij een gebied dat verboden is voor civiel luchtverkeer en wat ligt tussen het eiland Guernsey en de Franse kust. Waarom dat verboden is, is niet helemaal duidelijk, alleen dat het gebied een militaire bestemming heeft .
De theorie van Scott Waring is misschien helemaal niet zo ver gezocht als dat het op het eerste gezicht misschien lijkt, want er is eerder een dergelijk voorval geweest in 1978.
We hebben daar eerder een artikel over geschreven en hierna volgt een deel over de verdwijning van Frederick Valentich.
Een misschien niet zo bekend, maar wel fascinerend verhaal, is dat van de Australische piloot Frederick Valentich, die op 21 oktober 1978 een UFO ontmoette en spoorloos verdween.
Fredrick was die dag vertrokken van het vliegveld van Melbourne in zijn blauw witte Cessna 182, voor een vlucht naar het eiland Tasmanië. De trip verliep rustig voor het eerste uur tot 6 minuten over 7 uur 's avonds toen Frederick de verkeersleiding opriep met de mededeling dat hij een groot vliegtuig in zicht had, wat op een hoogte vloog van ongeveer 1500 meter.
Om een goed beeld te krijgen, van wat er precies gebeurde volgt hier het laatste gesprek tussen de verkeersleiding (Control) en het vliegtuig van Frederick (Delta Sierra Juliet, DSJ).
7.06 Control: Wat voor type vliegtuig is het? DSJ: Dat weet ik niet. Ik zie vier heldere.... uh, het lijken wel landingslichten.
7:07 DSJ: Melbourne, dit is Delta Sierra Juliet. Het vliegtuig is net over mij heen gevlogen; het bevond zich zeker tweeduizend voet hoger dan ik. Control: Delta Sierra Juliet, begrepen. Kunt u bevestigen dat het een groot vliegtuig was? DSJ: Eh.. weet ik niet, vanwege de hoge snelheid. Is de luchtmacht soms actief in deze omgeving?
7:08 DSJ: Melbourne, het komt nu vanuit het oosten op mij af.... het lijkt wel alsof het een soort spelletje speelt. Het vliegt nu over mij heen... twee, drie keer... snelheid moeilijk in te schatten.
7:09 DSJ: Melbourne, Delta Sierra Juliet. Het is geen vliegtuig. Het is..... Control: Delta Sierra Juliet, kunt u het eh... vliegtuig beschrijven? DSJ: Delta Sierra Juliet, wanneer het voorbijvliegt heeft het een langwerpige vorm.... kan het niet beter identificeren vanwege de hoge snelheid..... het is nu vlak voor me Melbourne.
7:10 Control: Delta Sierra Juliet, en hoe groot is dit... object ongeveer? DSJ: Delta Sierra Juliet, Melbourne. Het lijkt nu stil te hangen. Ik draai nu rondjes en dit ding boven mij doet precies hetzelfde. Het heeft een groen licht en lijkt een soort metallic. Het glinstert helemaal aan de buitenkant. Control: Delta Sierra Juliet. DSJ: Delta Sierra Juliet (er is een pauze van 5 seconden). Het is verdwenen. Control: Delta Sierra Juliet.
7:11 DSJ: Melbourne, hebben jullie enig idee wat voor soort vliegtuig dit kan zijn? Is het een militair toestel? Control: Delta Sierra Juliet, kunt u bevestigen dat.. eh.. het vliegtuig is verdwenen? DSJ: Kunt u dit herhalen?. Control: Delta Sierra Juliet, is het vliegtuig nog steeds bij u? DSJ: Delta Sierra Juliet, het nadert nu vanuit het zuidwesten. Control: Delta Sierra Juliet. DSJ: Delta Sierra Juliet: Mijn motor draait maar net stationair (dit komt overeen met ongeveer 700 toeren). Ik heb drieëntwintig- tot vierentwintighonderd toeren geselecteerd en het ding sputtert. Control: Delta Sierra Juliet, "roger". Wat gaat u doen? DSJ: Mijn bedoeling is... eh... om naar King Eiland te gaan... eh... Melbourne. Dat vreemde vliegtuig hangt weer boven mij. (twee seconden pauze). Het hangt boven mij en het is geen vliegtuig. Control: Delta Sierra Juliet. DSJ: Delta Sierra Juliet, Melbourne (de microfoon bleef 17 seconden open en daarna werd het radiocontact verbroken).
Er werd zeven dagen lang door de luchtmacht gezocht boven het gebied met twee Orion vliegtuigen; er werd geen enkel spoor gevonden. Noch het vliegtuig, noch Frederick Valentich werden ooit gevonden.
We zullen moeten afwachten of er ooit iets wordt gevonden van de Piper Malibu waarin stervoetballer Sala is verdwenen. Het is natuurlijk ook heel vreemd dat er geen noodsignaal is opgevangen, hetgeen erop kan wijzen dat er iets totaal onverwachts is gebeurd.
En dat is een ontmoeting met een groot buitenaards ruimteschip zeker te noemen.
UFO Hunters Claim Solar Warden Is A fully Operational, Top-Secret ‘Black Budget’ Space Program
UFO Hunters Claim Solar Warden Is A fully Operational, Top-Secret ‘Black Budget’ Space Program
“…These programs exist and are known as Special Access Programs (SAP). From these, we have unacknowledged and waived SAPs. These programs do not exist publicly, but they do indeed exist. They are better known as ‘deep black programs.’ A 1997 US Senate report described them as “so sensitive that they are exempt from standard reporting requirements to the Congress…”
The Age of ‘information’ has allowed people around the globe to research accounts related to phenomenon and theories that are ‘unconventional’ and extraordinary.
For several years, proponents of the ‘Alien’ theory believe in the existence of a shadowy ‘world’ government, and a secret space armada, which monitors –among other things— alien life within our solar system and defends planet Earth from the dangers that lie in the cosmos.
Some would call this science fiction or the basis for a movie worth watching. Others, however, believe there’s truth to these accounts, and point towards scientists, government officials, and even military personnel who have come forward offering ‘evidence’ that tells us all of this is more than just a science fiction movie script.
Among the projects that allegedly exist in the ‘background’ is one commonly referred to as ‘Solar Warden.’
The term ‘Solar Warden’ refers to a SECRET space program which is being funded by a secret black budget.
The first reference to “Solar Warden” occurred in March of 2006.
Some might say that secret space fleet, military operations in space, and Solar Warden are the result of an overactive imagination or a science fiction novel. Others believe it’s real, and society is being widely deceived throughout the years.
If Solar Warden is real, it would most likely use an advanced technology equivalent to several generations ahead of what the military currently uses in the battlefield. Some speculate that alien technology or better said reverse-engineered alien technology is responsible for the rapid development of such systems.
I suspect that in the last 60 years or so, that there has been some back-engineering and the creation of this type of equipment, which is not nearly as sophisticated yet as what the apparent visitors have.”
–Dr. Edgar Mitchell, the sixth astronaut, to walk on the Moon
Check out video below:
As it turns out, there are many individuals who have obtained –through different ways— classified information that suggests secret space programs like Solar Warden actually exist.
Gary McKinnon –an individual which is accused of the biggest ever hack in the history of the United States by breaking into the computers of the Army, Air Force, Navy and NASA— believes that he came across the ultimate information that proves the US have a secret space program operated by the navy with fully operational warships that operate in Space.
Perhaps one of the most fascinating statement comes from Dr. Farouk El Baz, a NASA scientist who said that: “Not every discovery has been announced,” and from Ben Richsecond director of Lockheed Skunkworks who said: “We have things out there that are literally out of this world, better than Star Trek or what you see in the movies. We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects, and it would take an act of God ever to get them out to benefit humanity. Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do it…”
According to many people, the statement from Ben Rich is a small tell-tale sign that indicates secret space programs like Solar Warden actually exist.
McKinnonand many others concluded that there is a fleet of spaceships belonging to the USA. This is also supported by comments from the United States Naval Service which revealed in private interviews that the US Navy is in charge of a policy in regards to the use of advanced technologies off planet Earth.
The space fleet, hidden and unknown to the public, operates under the US Naval Network and Space Operations Command (NNSOC) (formerly Naval Space Command). There are approximately 300 people involved in the project.
Solar Warden is said to consist of US aerospace contractors, black projects, but with some contributions of parts and systems from Canada. UK, Italy, Austria, Russia and Australia. It is also said that the program has been tested and operated from secret military bases, such as Area 51 in Nevada, USA.
If Solar Warden is the correct call sign for a secret ‘antigravity space fleet’, then it designates a joint forces command project which draws upon different US military space commands.
Interestingly, when Gary McKinnon first found his way into classified files of U.S. Space Command he said that he had found: “…a list of officers’ names … under the heading ‘Non-Terrestrial Officers’. It doesn’t mean little green men. What I think it means is not Earth-based. I found a list of ‘fleet-to-fleet transfers’, and a list of ship names. I looked them up. They weren’t US Navy ships. What I saw made me believe they have some kind of spaceship, off-planet.”
Furthermore, retired aerospace engineer, William Tompkins has given extremely well-detailed accounts of secret space operations and space flotillas that exist in the ‘background’, funded by a black budget.
During an interview, Tompkins revealed:
“Thousands, thousands, not just a few, thousands of people have joined the Navy here in the United States. They joined the Space Navy. They signed up for a 20-year tour. So these folks, men and women, were given a lot of examinations and a lot of information on what they were going to need.”
“Many of them went to the Moon, our Moon, and facilities there and got checked out and organized and established where is the best place they’re going to go, what their criteria is going to be, what major area they’re going to develop, like what class in the university. And then they get sent to a Mars facility for a short time.”
“…and then they get assigned to a specific base. And they work for a short time in the base before they’re assigned a naval cruiser, or a naval attack vehicle, or even a naval spacecraft carrier, which are one, two, and four kilometer long class. And we have eight of those battle groups out there. So there’s plenty of room for new people to come aboard…”
Just a few weeks ago, I did a radio show on UFOs that started off on the Men in Black, but which later became focused on thewell-known document titledProposed Studies on the Implications of Peaceful Space Activities for Human Affairs, a part of which was focused on alien life. It was a document written by an employee of the Brookings Institution named Donald N. Michael. The report was contracted by the Committee on Long Range Studies, which was an arm of NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The document was completed and provided to the House of Representatives in the 87th United States Congress on April 18, 1961.
The host of the show referred, on several occasions, to the “top secret” nature of the document. I pointed out that the document had not been top secret at all. “Yes, it was,” was the reply. “No, it was not,” I hit back. Other people who phoned in said the document had a high classification. One caller stated it had “been classified above top secret.” There is no “above top secret” category, by the way. Matters went on like this for around fifteen minutes. Afterwards, and for a few days, I decided to run a little experiment. I spoke to a few people in Ufology about the Brookings report and deliberately steered the conversation in the direction of the supposedly secret document. I was amazed at the number of other people who had assumed the document had been highly classified. One was sure there was a “top secret” stamp on his copy of the report, which is complete crap. All of this demonstrates just how unreliable our memories can be. How do we know this? Well, consider the following:
In the December 1960 / January 1961 edition of the NICAP UFO Investigator magazine, a feature appeared under the banner of Space-Life Report Could be Shock. It tells us this: “The discovery of intelligent space beings could have a severe effect on the public, according to a research report released by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The report warned that America should prepare to meet the psychological impact of such a revelation. The 190-page report was the result of a $96,000 one-year study conducted by the Brookings Institution for NASA’s long-range study committee.”
As the above extract from NICAP (the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena) makes abundantly clear, the ufologists of the day – late 1960 / early 1961 – knew all aboutthe Brookings report. It was not a hidden report. In other words, there was nothing secret about it at all. NICAP added: “Public realization that intelligent beings live on other planets could bring about profound changes, or even the collapse of our civilization, the research report stated. ‘Societies sure of their own place have disintegrated when confronted by a superior society,’ said the NASA report. ‘Others have survived even though changed. Clearly, the better we can come to understand the factors involved in responding to such crises the better prepared we may be. Although the research group did not expect any immediate contact with other planet beings, it said that the discovery of intelligent space races ‘could nevertheless happen at any time.”
Brookings Institute in Washington DC
NICAP had more to say: “Even though the UFO problem was not indicated as a reason for the study, it undoubtedly was an important factor. Fear of public reaction to an admission of UFO reality was cited as the main reason for secrecy in the early years of the AF [Air Force] investigation. Radio communication probably would be the first proof of other intelligent life, says the NASA report. It adds: ‘Evidences of its existence might also be found in artifacts left on the moon or other planets.’”
And then there was this from NICAP: “…previous thinking by scholars who have suggested that the earth already may be under close scrutiny by advanced space races. In 1958, Prof. Harold D. Lasswell of the Yale Law School stated: ‘The implications of the UFOs may be that we are already viewed with suspicion by more advanced civilizations and that our attempts to gain a foothold elsewhere may be rebuffed as a threat to other systems of public order.’ The NASA warning of a possible shock to the public, from the revelation of more advanced civilizations, support’s NICAP’s previous arguments against AF [Air Force] secrecy about UFOs. All available information about UFOs should be given to the public now, so that we will be prepared for any eventuality.”
Even when I brought all of this to the attentions of friends and colleagues, some were still sure it had been a highly classified document, with one claiming it had remained classified until the 1990s. Garbage! This may have far more to do with the human mind and our memories, rather than sloppy research. I’m reminded of other similar situations and memories of the Fortean kind, such as those concerning the “missing Thunderbird photo,” a subject I’ll get to on another day.
Scientists experimenting on an Antarctic lake hidden deep under glacial cover made a surprising discovery when mud scrapped from an instrument lowered into its dark, icy depths revealed ancient signs of life.
The startling discovery was made in December, after a team from the Subglacial Antarctic Lakes Scientific Access (SALSA) expedition drilled a hole through a kilometer-thick slab of ice on Lake Mercer, located under an ice sheet some 600km from the South Pole.
The muddy haul first revealed the remains of photosynthetic algae that lived in the area millions of years ago, when the area now called the Antarctic was much warmer.
The researchers were then thrilled to uncover a collection of higher lifeforms: crustaceans, the tendril of a plant or fungus, and an eight-legged tardigrade. Known as “water bear,” this micro-animal is an ultimate survivor, with experiments in the past seeing it withstand desiccation (total drying up of the body), solar radiation, both boiling and freezing temperatures, and even living over a week in outer space.
A previous drilling expedition at Lake Whillans in 2013, some 50km from Lake Mercer, found an environment brimming with microbes, but no signs of more complex life. Thinking that the specimens may have been initially introduced on contaminated equipment, the team cleaned the instruments and repeated the process only to find more ancient lifeforms in the mud.
Researchers used a hot-water drill to bore through 3,500 feet down into an Antarctic subglacial lake, and found tiny carcasses of preserved animals.
(Photo Credit: Billy Collins/SALSA Science Team)
Calling the discovery “fully unexpected,” David Harwood, a micropaleontologist with the SALSA team, told Nature magazine that the discovered remains were in excellent condition.
“It looked really fresh,” he said of one crustacean found with tiny, delicate hairs still attached. “Like something that had been living.”Another shrimp-like crustacean was found with legs still hanging from it and discolored “like an old leaf that’s been sitting on the ground for a season,” Harwood added.
Theories are now sprouting as to how the organisms came to be in the lake. Some suggest they may have lived in nearby ponds and streams during warm periods of glacial retreat between 10,000 and 120,000 years ago, before being washed into the lake through underground rivers deep beneath the ice or a moving glacier.
After covering up the bored hole in January, the SALSA team are now using carbon dating and attempts to sequence the creatures’ DNA in a bid to date them accurately and compare them to modern specimens. This may provide answers to how far the continent’s glaciers retreated millennia ago.
However, the surprise discovery may also inspire hope for those waiting on future exploration of extraterrestrial subglacial worlds. NASA is planning to drill into the frozen crust of Jupiter’s moon Europa in search for alien life, while closer to home on Mars stunning photos of a crater filled with water ice have teased space lovers worldwide.
The SALSA camp at Mercer Subglacial Lake. The team included 45 scientists, drillers, and support staff who spent three weeks drilling through the ice and sample from Mercer Subglacial Lake.
In 2017, the New York Times and Washington Post confirmed what many had had long suspected: the pentagon was stillresearching and investigating UFOslong after the bad old days of foo fighters and Project Blue Book. The Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) officially operated from 2007 to 2012, under the direction of Luiz Elizondo and funded at the insistence of then senate majority leader Harry Reid of Nevada. It was officially shut down due to lack of funding, much to the frustration of Elizondo and Reid who considered it a necessary function of the Defense Department. While this paints the picture of a short-lived and relatively cheap—in the five years it was operational, the AATIP officially cost $22 million—flight of fancy, vanity project, or black-ops cash funnel, new information was released last week that shows the AATIP was interested in much more than simply watching the skies.
According to Motherboard, the Defense Intelligence Agency released a list of 38 research projects funded by the AATIP in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by Steven Aftergood, director of the Federation of American Scientists’ Project on Government Secrecy. The list was presented to congress in January, 2018. The projects funded include juicy titles like “Invisibility Cloaking”, “High-Frequency Gravitational Wave Communications”, “Traversable Wormholes, Stargates, and Negative Energy”, and “Antigravity for Aerospace Applications.”
Page 2released document.
Of course, there’s nothing in FOIA document that explains anything about these titles, so the imagination is left to run wild. It could be that every single one of these projects came to the same conclusion: this is all useless and impossible. But that seems unlikely.
Page 2
Looking at all of the project titles in one batch is overwhelming. It’s hard to find more techno-babble lumped together even in the pulpiest Sci-Fi movie. That the Defense Intelligence Agency was actually spending money on a project titled “Warp Drive, Dark Energy, and the Manipulation of Extra Dimensions,” is hard to fathom, but here we are.
Page three.
In an email to Motherboard, Aftergood wrote:
“The list of research papers tells us something more than previous reporting did about this odd program. Now we have a better idea of exactly what the Defense Intelligence Agency was up to, and what it produced.
I think anyone who looks at these titles will scratch their heads and wonder what on earth the Defense Intelligence Agency was thinking. These are the kinds of topics you pursue when you have more money than you know what to do with.”
I don’t know, Steven, I bet they knew exactly what to do with that money.
It must be asked: could this actually just be techno-babble? How seriously did the DIA take the idea of warp drives, or the “Cognitive Limits on Simultaneous Control of Multiple Unmanned Spacecraft?” Is there a chance this is some sort of misdirection? It’s not unheard of, and black projects need to be funded somehow. You can hide a whole lot in a good UFO story.
All the money was spent on developing those magnetic display stands that make Bud Light bottles float.
We can’t know what the actual point of this research was, but it doesn’t seem like the AATIP ran out of money and shut down like the Department of Defense claims. According to a 2017 article in the New York Times, despite the official shuttering of the AATIP, the project remained operating in secret. According to the Times, Luiz Elizondo resigned from his position in 2017, in protest of the “excessive secrecy and internal opposition.” Elizondo said there was a new director of the program, but he declined to name who it was.
What do you do when an intelligence project stumbles on something that would raise a few too many eyebrows? Send that bad boy underground, of course. Whatever the outcome of this research was we may never know, but our slide into the realm of science fiction seems to be happening faster and faster. For those of us who prefer our reality on the weirder side, we’re probably in for a treat.
Pyramid UFO Over Mountain In Clarens, South Africa, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Pyramid UFO Over Mountain In Clarens, South Africa, Photos, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Nov 22, 2010 but reported today
Location of sighting:Clarens, South Africa
Source: MUFON #97999
This report just came in today. A person was taking photos of a hillside are of Clarens, South Africa and the first photo shows nothing in particular, however the second shows an upside down pyramid UFO. Close up of the UFO shows it has a grey metallic surface with perfectly symmetrical sides. Clarens is a small city of 6,300 residents.
This is not an insect flying past, because there are no legs, wings or head. This is not a kite, because it was gone in seconds. I have heard of pyramid UFOs, but until now never seen one. The object appears to be directly above the mountain and is approximately the size of a small car. Its incredible speed of being caught in only one an indicator that this was an alien craft.
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
Took 2 photos seconds apart. noticed the object years later.
Beste bezoeker, Heb je zelf al ooit een vreemde waarneming gedaan, laat dit dan even weten via email aan Frederick Delaere Deze onderzoekers behandelen jouw melding in volledige anonimiteit en met alle respect voor jouw privacy. Ze zijn kritisch, objectief maar open minded aangelegd en zullen jou steeds een verklaring geven voor jouw waarneming! DUS AARZEL NIET, ALS JE EEN ANTWOORD OP JOUW VRAGEN WENST, CONTACTEER FREDERICK. BIJ VOORBAAT DANK...
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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