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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
Aknauten was a Pharaoh in the 18th dynasty. father of the famous king Tut. He would soon be called the heratic King. Because of the extent at which the ancient Egyptians went to erase his legacy from history. Because of this. very little is known about him. but what we do know about him makes us wonder who or what he really was.
Ancient Vimana Discovered in Secret Underground Chamber? Srirangam Temple, India
Ancient Vimana Discovered in Secret Underground Chamber? Srirangam Temple, India
Hey guys, what you are seeing is the actual footage of a secret underground chamber in the ancient temple of Srirangam in India. This underground chamber was discovered in 2015 and experts confirm that this is an authentic video. The temple of Srirangam is at least 2000 years old and contains many ancient secrets. A week after this chamber was opened, authorities completely closed it and sealed with granite blocks and metal doors, which is what you see here. There is no way to enter or examine it now. What was inside the underground vault which was so secretive, that the entire structure had to be sealed off? I have been talking to several locals about this, and this is what really happened.
Until 2015, this entrance was closed with 2 doors made of granite stone blocks and nobody knew how to open them. Authorities finally broke these doors, and entered the room at the ground level. Look at what is carved on the top of this doorway. It undoubtedly shows 2 doors closing the entrance and there is a conical sign below, pointing vertically underneath the floor. These were ancient symbols clearly pointing to something important, I am not sure if this is why authorities decided to break the doors and go in. When authorities entered this room at the ground level, they found a conical sign carved on the floor. They started removing the rocks on the floor in that spot, and they found that it leads to this underground vault.
You can clearly see that this chamber is at the underground level. But another chamber was also discovered directly underneath this level as well. Construction workers who saw it with their own eyes confirm this. You can see a small rectangle covered with dirt, and a pole placed on it. This was the doorway that led to the next underground level, which had something extraordinary. It is obvious that authorities have covered this with a stone block, put some dirt and placed a pole on it, so no one can open it. There would be no need for the pole, if there was nothing underneath. There is no footage of the 2nd underground chamber, and authorities completely sealed everything within a week after opening that chamber.
What did the underground vault have? Why was the contents not shown to the public? It is obvious that there was some ancient secret inside the vaults, because if the chambers were really empty, there is no need to seal off everything. I said chambers because look at here (2.05) this is a door knob which would lead to the next vault. And (1.12 ) look – this is a new block, placed recently. These evidences prove that authorities found more vaults nearby and then closed everything off.
So far, everything we have seen is remarkably similar to what happened in Padmanabaswamy temple. The Padmanabhaswamy temple also has many underground chambers and valuables worth at least 17 Billion dollars were found and the final chamber has still not been opened. The Padmanabhaswamy and Srirangam temple are remarkably similar to one another, both are dedicated to Lord Vishnu. Even the main deities in the sanctum look identical. Did these underground vaults at Sri Rangam also contain large amounts of gold and diamonds like the Padmanabaswamy temple? While construction workers confirm that a large treasure was in fact found, they also reveal something much more shocking: one of these vaults contained a 10 foot tall metallic Vimana, a flying machine, which made a rattling sound when moved.
Are locals making up this story or was a small aircraft really found here? Around the world, We have heard several eyewitness accounts of small UFOs and flying saucers, one even crashed in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania. But this is the first time we are hearing of such a small, ancient spacecraft in India. Did ancient builders safeguard a Vimana in the underground area of the temple? If this is the case, they would have definitely made some carvings about them. Remember, I have repeatedly demonstrated that ancient builders always leave clues in the form of carvings. Even in this temple, note how they had carved the doors and the conical sign which were clues to open the doors and dig underneath.
So, I began exploring the carvings in this temple, but this was a monumental task because there are more than 25,000 carvings in this temple – this is the largest temple in India which stretches for miles. But I find exactly what we are looking for. Here is a carving of a Vimana, an aircraft hanging in mid-air, this is actually in a flying position. And this is not the only carving I found, there are several flying machines carved in this temple. And it is interesting to see that these Vimanas also resemble temple towers.
Now what does the term Vimana mean? Ancient Indian texts clearly describe vimana as an aircraft or spacecraft used by Gods who came down from the sky. Human beings later built stone models of these flying machines, and used the same name for the models as well. This is why all temple towers are aerodynamically shaped and resemble spacecraft and this why these towers are also known a Vimanas. But these carvings are definitely not temple towers. Why? Because temple towers cannot hang in mid-air, these are obviously flying devices. And look at the bottom of these Vimanas, each Vimana is different from the other, and each one has a specific cymatic design at the center. There would be absolutely no need to put these cymatic patterns at the base of a temple tower because this design would merely be buried in the ground. But all modern spacecraft, would have a circular hole at the bottom center to provide thrust. And this is what we see in these ancient Vimanas as well. Each cymatic pattern in these Vimanas indicates a specific frequency which was used for propulsion. In fact, ancient Vedic texts clearly state that there is a specific mantra or sound pattern assigned to activate specific types of Vimanas. And if we decode these cymatic patterns, we might finally understand the secret of these ancient flying machines. And we may be even be able to rebuild an actual Vimana.
But what’s really strange is that, there is already a large metallic Vimana in Srirangam, which is hiding in plain sight. When we look at the aerial view of Srirangam temple, we realize that something is not right. There are a total of 21 temple towers or Vimanas, but only 20 are made of stone. One Vimana, the one at the very center, is made out of solid gold. People are not allowed to take photographs of this golden vimana, and it is even protected with an electric fence. Who built this Golden Vimana, and what is the purpose of it? While modern history books are not able to give us a definite answer, the ancient historical text called Sri Ranga Mahatmiyam clearly mentions that the Golden Vimana was not constructed, but appeared on its own. This Vimana was the original vehicle of Lord Vishnu, and the rest of the stone structures around it were built much later in time. There are pictorial representations of Lord Vishnu standing inside a dome, carved on this golden Vimana. Locals confirm that there are underground vaults right underneath the golden tower as well, and those chambers were also sealed off about 50 years ago.
This means that this vast temple area is full of underground structures just like Ellora Caves. This is the reason why many areas such as the 1000 pillared hall are locked. See how this entire area cannot be accessed by visitors. I mean, what is the need to restrict access to a hall which only has stone pillars? Is it because it also has entry ways to underground chambers?
But the most important question is this: What happened to the 10 foot tall Vimana found underground? Is it currently in the sealed chamber or has it been moved somewhere? We can see a strange pattern emerging among ancient sites in India. The Padmanabaswamy temple, the Submerged city of Dwaraka, and now the Srirangam temple. Someone accidentally finds evidence of a lost civilization but instead of showing the contents to the public, authorities completely cover it up from the public eyes. Why do they prevent us from learning the }about ancient technology?
Please let me know your thoughts in the comments section. I am Praveen Mohan, thanks a lot for watching, don’t forget to subscribe and also click on the bell button to get all the updates. Please give this video a thumbs up and share it with your friends and I will talk to you soon. Bye!
Earth is surrounded by a cloud of defunct satellites that can be hazardous to working spacecraft — but it doesn't have to be that way.
Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center/JSC
"Space is for everyone" is a popular saying, but it rarely holds true — partly because space is expensive, and partly because certain countries have decades of a head start and established procedures to rely on.
Rethinking those established procedures, however, could address not just inequity, but other looming challenges in space exploration as well. That's the argument that powers the research of Danielle Wood, who runs a program at MIT's Media Lab, which focuses on how to do things in space that further equity and justiceon Earth.
Much of that ambivalence stems from the space race, which played out against a geopolitical landscape of intense nationalism that used space as a power play — both through the hard power of aiding weapons research and the soft power of seeking to impress newly independent former colonies. America's early spaceflight work was also deeply rooted in military goals, and our first rockets were designed and built by engineers recruited from Nazi Germany after World War II.
While Wood appreciates the importance of physical security, she said it's past time to shift the goals of space so that projects align more closely with other values humans hold, like justice — which she defines as ensuring everyone can access space and use its technology to meet local goals. She focuses her work around the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals, a set of 17 global priorities created by the U.N. Development Program. Sample goals include ending hunger, ensuring access to clean water and addressing climate change and its effects.
Traditional space technology does sometimes address these issues. For example, satellite data can inform agricultural practices, for example, and a whole fleet of satellites keep an eye on climate indicators. But they do so within the confines of the same satellite design and rocket technology that underpins all other uses of space. Wood believes in putting these values at the base of a project, so that they infuse every step of the way.
Consider how we power rockets in the first place — with huge quantities of toxic, flammable rocket fuel that scientists suspect is polluting Earth's upper atmosphere. Engineers regularly work to reduce the amount of fuel they need, but Wood pushes the question deeper. "Can we choose ingredients for spacecraft that are not so expensive or so difficult to operate?" she said. So her team is studying whether paraffin wax could replace rocket fuel, since it's cheaper and safer to handle.
Another area in which Wood is working is how satellites are created. "Our current approach mainly depends on doing a design for a satellite that's complete on Earth," Wood said. "We can imagine a future in which there are basically small factories available in space." Incorporating technology like 3-D printing and modular parts, assembly could move to space, changing the engineering problems and costs involved in building satellites.
Such an approach could also affect the challenges and costs at the other end of the production cycle. Right now, when satellites are no longer in use, most are carefully de-orbited to avoid cluttering space — but for decades, the first spacefaring nations didn't stop to worry about leaving junk in orbit. That gave them an advantage. "Early space actors could take sort of a lazy approach to satellite engineering," Wood said. As long as it reached space safely and did its job without breaking, it was a success. [Explorer 1: America's First Satellite in Pictures]
Newer satellite builders don't have that luxury, since space junk has become such a challenge — they need a cleaner endgame. And they have to work around debris already in place, designing trajectories and technologies that keep their creations safe from the litter of previous satellites, which can cause extremely damaging collisions. "They're also inheriting the physical realities of what's happening in orbit due to space debris," she said.
But rethink satellite production, Wood said, and space junk could be designed out of the system. Satellites that have served their purpose could be split into their modular parts or melted into 3D printer stock material, regenerating their successors.
And such overhauls could also close the gap between building satellites and getting them to space. Even as cheaper small satellites like cubesats have proliferated, more established spacefaring nations still control most launch opportunities, with the notable exception of a United Nations' program that has helped countries like Kenya and Mauritius build satellites launched from the International Space Station. If a satellite can be built in orbit, its creator doesn't need to rely on launch capability.
That would let more countries use space to pursue the goals that make sense for them on the ground — and make space a more just place, Wood said.
NASA’s New “Fermi Guide” to Advanced Alien Life (Weekend Feature)
NASA’s New “Fermi Guide” to Advanced Alien Life (Weekend Feature)
This past December 2018 an exciting event took place: NASA researcher Silvano Colombano, who works for the agency’s Ames Research Center in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, published a white paper that Enrico Fermi would have given a rave review titled “New Assumptions to Guide SETI Research.” In short, the document was a fresh look at the Fermi Paradox that attempts to answer the eternal human question: Are we alone? Where is evidence of another advanced civilization?
Colombano challenged the set of assumptions that currently guide SETI research and made recommendations for a new, more “aggressive” approach. Recent discoveries, he observed, from the Kepler Mission data have identified planetary system as old as 10.4 Gyr (a Gyr equal to one billion years) Kepler-10 and 11.2 Gyr, Kepler-444. Considering that the age of our solar system is about 4.5 Gyr, earth like planets could exist that are 6 billion years older than Earths.
We live in a universe where matter is distributed in a hundred billion galaxies, each containing a hundred billion stars, made up of quantum fields where space and time are not existent, that manifest themselves in the form of particles, such as electrons and photons, or as waves. Tucked into the 14-billion-year history … Continue readingThe Aliens Before Us –“We are Not the First Technological Civilization” (Or, are We?)
Technological development in our civilization started only about 10,000 years ago and has seen the rise of scientific methodologies only in the past 500 years, means that we can surmise that we might have a real problem in predicting technological evolution even for the next thousand years, let alone that of a civilization a million or more years older.
The core ideas of Columbano’s new SETI guide:
1. Interstellar travel is impossible or highly unlikely. Clearly distance and energy are insurmountable problems for the technologies we have available and our present understanding of physics. Still we are able to fathom possibilities of achieving much greater understanding and control of matter-energy and space-time. Even if the speed of light continues to be an unbreakable barrier, over spans of thousands of years civilizations could probably make interstellar journeys, depending on what assumptions we make about the forms of life that they will comprise (see below).
“I do not believe that most advanced alien civilizations will be biological,” says Susan Schneider of the University of Connectict and the Institute for Advanced Studies at Princeton .”The most sophisticated civilizations will be postbiological, forms of artificial intelligence or alien superintelligence.” Schneider is one of the few thinkers—outside the realm of science fiction— … Continue reading“Alien Artificial Intelligence is Out There” –And It’s Billions of Years Old (A 2018 Most Viewed)
2. Radio waves continue to be the major form of communication for thousands or millions of years. I suspect, he writes, that even if the radio medium continues to be used, the packing of information inside it would be so much greater that we would not be able to recognize any “structure” and would not be able to distinguish it from noise, unless a civilization would in fact decide to use it as a beacon. Even with that intention, that form of communication might quickly have become obsolete, and they might choose other types of beacons for civilizations that are closer in development to theirs. Whether and how civilizations would choose to communicate could also be a fertile field of technosociological study.
3. Intelligent civilizations would be based on carbon life Given the fairly common presence of elements that might be involved in the origin of life throughout the universe, it is a reasonable assumption that life “as we know it” was at least a common starting point, but our form of life and intelligence, may just be a tiny first step in a continuing evolution that may well produce forms of intelligence that are far superior to ours and no longer based on carbon “machinery”. After a mere 50 years of computer evolution we are already talking about “super-intelligence” and we are quickly becoming symbiotic with computer power.
I don’t want to address here the issue of the survival of our species, he writes, or its future “role” within a continuing evolution of millions of years. He simply wants to point out the fact that the intelligence we might find and that might choose to find us (if it hasn’t already) might not be at all be produced by carbon based organisms like us. How might that change the above assumptions about interstellar travel? Our typical life-spans would no longer be a limitation (although even these could be dealt with multi-generational missions or suspended animation), and the size of the “explorer” might be that of an extremely tiny super-intelligent entity. And how might this change our assumptions about openness or desire to communicate with other civilizations?
4. We have not been, and are not being… visited. It seems to me, Columbano observes, that SETI has ignored (at least officially) the potential relevance of UFO phenomena for three reasons: 1) The assumption of extremely low likelihood of interstellar travel, 2) The very high likelihood of hoaxes, mistaken perceptions or even psychotic events in UFO phenomena, and 3) The general avoidance of the subject by the scientific community.
I think, he continued, the approach the scientific community could take, instead, is very similar to what SETI has done so far: find the signal in the noise. In the very large amount of “noise” in UFO reporting there may be “signals” however small, that indicate some phenomena that cannot be explained or denied. If we adopt a new set of assumptions about what forms of higher intelligence and technology we might find, some of those phenomena might fit specific hypotheses, and we could start some serious inquiry.
Columbano points to new opportunities: The recent Kepler discoveries of Earth-like planets offer the opportunity to focus our attention on detecting signs of life and technology in specific planetary systems, but I feel we need to become more flexible in our assumptions. The reason is that, while it is still reasonable and conservative to assume that life is most likely to have originated in conditions similar to ours, the vast time differences in potential evolutions render the likelihood of “matching” technologies very slim.
In light of the challenges described above he proposes a more “aggressive” approach to future SETI exploration, in the following directions:
1. Engage physicists in what might be called “speculative physics”, still grounded in our most solid theories but with some willingness to stretch possibilities as to the nature of space-time and energy.
2. Engage technologists in futuristic exploration of how technology might evolve, especially with Artificial Intelligence, “Evolvable Robotic Systems” and symbiosis of biology with machines.
3. Engage sociologists in speculation about what kinds of societies we might expect from the above developments, and whether and how they might choose to communicate.
4. Consider the UFO phenomenon worthy of study in the context of a system with very low signal to noise ratio, but nevertheless with the possibility of challenging some of our assumptions and pointing to new possibilities for communication and discovery.
THE YELLOWSTONE volcano could wipe out more than three-quarters of the US in the event of an eruption and a researcher warns that, if it happens, people must "head east as fast as you can", a bombshell documentary has revealed.
The supervolcano, located inYellowstoneNational Park, has erupted three times in history – 2.1 million years ago, 1.2 million years ago and 640,000 years ago. Scientists have previously revealed that, should an earthquake occur, it could take less than two weeks before a catastrophic reaction event. Now, researchers are plotting the safest evacuation in case of an emergency.
Survivalists Martin and Steven run YouTube channel Team Hack Life, where they provide key information on crisis situations.
Last week, they posted mini-documentary “Yellowstone Volcano Eruption – How to Find Safety”, where they discussed the possible outcomes should the volcano blow.
Martin revealed: “Where would it be safe if Yellowstone did erupt? The easy answer is head east as fast as you can.
“The states of Montana, Idaho and Wyoming would be the most affected by the initial blast.
Researchers have warned about Yellowstone's effects
(Image: GETTY)
Martin revealed a map of the affected areas
The easy answer is head east as fast as you can.
Martin, Team Hack Life
“Scientists have predicted how the event would go down with a map."
He then revealed a diagram showing six zones in the US and how they would each be affected.
He added: “Zone one, which is a radius of 100 miles, could see 70,000 people die instantly.
“Zone two, which starts after 100 miles, would be covered in 10ft of volcanic ash at 450C.
“After the second zone, your chances of surviving increase, but still head east as fast as you can.
yellowstone volcano is located in Yellowstone National Park
(Image: GETTY)
Yellowstone last blew more than 600,000 years ago
(Image: GETTY)
“Beyond zone six is where you would be the safest in the US for the short term, but the wind will greatly determine where ash falls.”
Martin went on to describe how, even after surviving the initial blow, humans around the world could fall victim to a volcanic winter.
He detailed: “Much like a nuclear winter, a volcanic winter is when there’s enough ash in the atmosphere to cool down the planet by one or two degrees.
“Two degrees doesn’t sound like much, but this shift in temperature could cause the deaths of Billions of people.
“Those deaths would not be caused by ash filled lungs but would be caused by starvation as the volcanic winter causes the decimation of agricultural crops around the globe.”
Ancient woman with ‘ALIEN-LIKE' SKULL unearthed in Russia (VIDEO)
Ancient woman with ‘ALIEN-LIKE' SKULL unearthed in Russia (VIDEO)
The remains of a woman, believed to be from antiquity, with an elongated alien-like skull has been found during excavations of an ancient burial site in southern Russia.
Since 2017 bones belonging to humans and numerous wild and domestic animals, along with a large number of ceramics, ornaments and bronze arrowheads have been discovered at the remarkable Gamurzievsky settlement in the city of Nazran, Ingushetia.
However this week’s discovery of a woman’s skeleton – which dates back to between the 4th and 6th century – is particularly unique because of the fascinating intentional deformation of her skull and neck.
The practice of changing the shape of one’s head, scientifically known as artificial cranial deformation (ACD), is a known tradition among many peoples of the world. Today, the result resembles Hollywood’s perception of what a alien from outer space might look like.
“History knows many examples of purposeful change in the shape of the head,” said a representative from the Yevgeny Krupnov Archaeological Center carrying out the dig.
Skulls were elongated from infancy using rings and repeated bandaging for the first few years of life as a sign of a special status to command certain privileges in society. Remains of elite ancestors from various tribes including the Sarmatians, Alans, Huns have also been found to have elongated skulls.
Last year scientists finally identified the 1,500-year-old remains of several high-ranking “treaty brides” from Bulgaria and Romania discovered with tower-shaped skulls. In Peru some 38 high-ranking members of the pre-Inca population were also found with teardrop-shaped heads that represented their prestige and social rank.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Merkwaardig gevormde schedel opgegraven in zuiden van Rusland. Bekijk hier beelden
Foto: Instagram/archeologiya_ri
Merkwaardig gevormde schedel opgegraven in zuiden van Rusland. Bekijk hier beelden
Archeologen hebben opnieuw een skelet met een vreemd gevormde schedel gevonden, die doet denken aan de zogeheten Paracas-schedels die in Peru zijn ontdekt.
Vooral het gebit is opvallend goed bewaard gebleven.
Geschat wordt dat het skelet, dat ontdekt is bij de stad Nazran in Rusland, ongeveer 1700 jaar oud is.
Onverklaarbare lichten
Eerder werden al merkwaardig gevormde schedels ontdekt in Arkaim in het zuiden van Rusland.
Die archeologische vindplaats wordt ook wel het Russische Stonehenge genoemd, omdat er ook resten zijn gevonden van een monolithisch monument.
Wetenschappers nemen aan dat het bouwwerk ooit werd gebruikt voor astronomische doeleinden.
Sommige bezoekers hebben er naar verluidt onverklaarbare lichten gezien of begonnen te hallucineren.
Arkaim en de nabijgelegen Zuidelijke Oeral zijn daarnaast een hotspot voor UFO-waarnemingen.
In het verleden leidde de vondst van een vreemd gevormde schedel vaak tot berichten over aliens, maar inmiddels is bekend dat oude culturen geregeld aan schedelvervorming deden.
Ouders vervormden de schedel van een kind bijvoorbeeld door middel van massage.
Sommigen speculeren dat bepaalde culturen aan schedelvervorming deden als teken van status.
Anderen beweren dat de schedels werden vervormd als verwijzing naar een buitenaards ras dat onze voorouders zou hebben bezocht.
Nadat eerst het Londense vliegveld Gatwick dagenlang was platgelegd vanwege een drone, was het daarna de beurt aan het andere vliegveld, Heathrow.
Zoals later bleek was er bij Gatwick sprake van iets anders dan een drone en het lijkt erop dat dit ook bij Heathrow het geval was.
Een drone lijkt natuurlijk altijd een plausibele verklaring voor onbekende objecten die in de buurt van vliegtuigen of vliegvelden komen. Iedereen is bekend met het fenomeen drone en iedereen kan zich voorstellen dat dit voor mogelijke problemen kan zorgen.
En natuurlijk, vaak zijn het ook drones die worden waargenomen, maar niet altijd.
Iets meer dan een maand geleden was er de situatie dat het vliegveld Gatwick nabij Londen dagenlang werd gesloten.Uiteraard is de verklaring ook hier een drone, er werden zelfs mensen opgepakt en later weer vrijgelaten en uiteindelijk bleek dat er wel degelijk een ufo bij het vliegveld was waargenomen.
Vluchten vanaf de Londense luchthaven Heathrow zijn korte tijd aan de grond gehouden. De luchthaven heeft laten weten dat het om een voorzorgsmaatregel ging, nadat er mogelijk een drone in de omgeving was gezien.
,,Wij kregen een melding dat er een drone gezien is op Heathrow en werken nauw samen met de politie om elke dreiging uit te sluiten’’, meldde de luchthaven in een mededeling op Twitter. De politie werd ingeschakeld om te onderzoeken of er inderdaad een drone was waargenomen. Ook een politiehelikopter was ter plaatse. Uit voorzorg werden alle vertrekkende vluchten tegengehouden, vliegtuigen konden nog wel landen.
De dag daarop, 9 januari, is de bekende politicus Nigel Farrage te gast in een lokaal radioprogramma waar mensen ook naartoe kunnen bellen en met hem spreken.
Eén van die bellers vertelt Farrage dat hij de vorige dag in de buurt van Heathrow een witte ufo heeft gezien. De getuige is een jongeman die Sadish heet en in Hounslow woont, vlakbij het vliegveld.
Hij ontmoette die ochtend zijn vriend die eruit zag alsof hij een geest had gezien. Sadish vroeg zijn vriend of hij misschien ziek was, waarop deze het hoofd schudde en zei: “Nee, ik heb een ufo gezien, kom mee naar buiten”.
Sadish beschrijft het object dat zich op enkele kilometers afstand van het vliegveld bevond als een grote witte stip, met daaromheen twee cirkels en een andere kleinere cirkel in het midden.
Alhoewel ze geen beeldmateriaal hebben is Sadish ervan overtuigd dat het geen ster was wat ze hebben gezien, want daarvoor was het veel te dichtbij.
Dat wat Sadish en zijn vriend zagen is waarschijnlijk wel gefilmd op een andere dag, ook op enkele kilometers afstand van Heathrow. De volgende opname werd gemaakt op 28 december.
Eerder deze week schreven wij over de verdwenen voetballer Sala die met vliegtuig en al in de buurt van de Kanaaleilanden verdween zonder enig spoor na te laten.
Ook deze locatie is niet zo gek ver van Londen en in het gebied waar Sala is verdwenen, is al eerder een beroemd iemand met vliegtuig en al verdwenen zoals een lezer ons schreef (dank!):
Het verhaal van het verdwenen vliegtuig met voetballer Sala doet me denken aan bandleider Glenn Miller.
Die is in 1944 óók boven het Kanaal met vliegtuig en al spoorloos verdwenen. Dat op die locatie soms vreemde dingen gebeuren staat wel vast.
Drones en een ongeluk? Of is er toch iets heel anders aan de hand in en rondom Engeland?
Fans of actual athletic competitions have been running away from the Summer Olympics since the televised events have been dominated by gymnastics, swimming and the opening and closing ceremonies. Fans of track-and-field events have almost no reason to watch, especially if they’re hoping to see the throwing events — shot put, discus, hammer and javelin. Those events never make it to the coverage unless someone is hit by one of the airborne objects … especially a javelin. That’s too bad, because, outside of running and swimming, this spear-throwing event is probably one of the oldest, dating back far beyond the ancient Olympic games. In fact, a new study suggests the first prehistoric javelin competition may have been between a Homo sapien and … a Neanderthal! Who won? Did he get a rock-on-a-rope to hang around his neck?
“While the earliest weapons are often considered to be hand-held and consequently short-ranged, the subsequent appearance of distance weapons is a crucial development. Projectiles are seen as an improvement over contact weapons, and are considered by some to have originated only with our own species in the Middle Stone Age and Upper Palaeolithic.”
The study, “External ballistics of Pleistocene hand-thrown spears: experimental performance data and implications for human evolution,” published recently in Scientific Reports, begins with what researchers have long assumed – that humans came up with the idea of throwing sharp sticks instead of just running with them and putting their eyes out. The oldest known spears are the Schöningen spears, eight wooden throwing spears from the Palaeolithic Age that were found amongst thousands of animal bones in Schöningen, Germany. That makes them about 400,000 years old, which predates the Neanderthals. Dr. Annemieke Milks (UCL Institute of Archaeology), the study leader, wondered if the Neanderthals, besides having sex with humans, shared any other kinds of spearing.
The Neanderthals were a cousin species of humans but not a direct ancestor - the two species split from a common ancestor - that perished around 50,000 years ago. Pictured is a Neanderthal museum exhibit
To find out, the researchers gave replicas of the Schöningen spears to six modern javelin throwers (who were probably grateful for the workout). Modern javelins are made of metal and are between 2.6 and 2.7 m (8 ft 6 in and 8 ft 10 in) in length and 800 g (28 oz) in weight. The replicas were made by hand from Norwegian spruce trees and weighed between 760 g and 800 g – what the Schöningen spears were believed to have weighed. The points were sharpened with stone tools, keeping the design as close to the original as possible.
Research has combined a fragment of a surviving spear found in Clacton-on-Sea (pictured) with javelin throwing athletes and found the projectiles were more efficient than previously thought
A whole replica of the spear from which the 400,000 year old spear fragment discovered in Clacton-on-Sea came from
Eric Lemming, first Olympic javelin winner
How did the athletes do with the Schöningen spears? They were able to hit targets up to 20 meters away with sufficient velocity and force that they would have penetrated the hide and body of a large animal. That wouldn’t have won an Olympic medal — the first Olympic javelin record was set by Sweden’s Eric Lemming, who competed from 1900 to 1912, with a throw of 62.32 meters or 204.5 feet. However, he didn’t have to aim his spear at a running beast, which would have been an interesting, albeit gruesome, event. Nonetheless, the Neanderthal spear throwers were winners too.
“The results show that distance hunting was likely within the repertoire of hunting strategies of Neanderthals, and the resulting behavioural flexibility closely mirrors that of our own species.”
Winners, yes. But perhaps this ability made them losers in a way. Study co-author Dr. Matt Pope, University College London, had this observation in Science Daily:
“The emergence of weaponry, technology designed to kill, is a critical but poorly established threshold in human evolution. We have forever relied on tools and have extended our capabilities through technical innovation. Understanding when we first developed the capabilities to kill at distance is therefore a dark, but important moment in our story.”
With every new discovery, we find out that we share more with the Neanderthals than we once thought.
Or are WE the Neanderthals?
The timeline of human evolution can be traced back millions of years. Experts estimate that the family tree goes as such:
55 million years ago - First primitive primates evolve
15 million years ago - Hominidae (great apes) evolve from the ancestors of the gibbon
7 million years ago - First gorillas evolve. Later, chimp and human lineages diverge
A recreation of a Neanderthal man is pictured
5.5 million years ago - Ardipithecus, early 'proto-human' shares traits with chimps and gorillas
4 million years ago - Ape like early humans, the Australopithecines appeared. They had brains no larger than a chimpanzee's but other more human like features
3.9-2.9 million years ago - Australoipithecus afarensis lived in Africa.
2.7 million years ago - Paranthropus, lived in woods and had massive jaws for chewing
2.6 million years ago - Hand axes become the first major technological innovation
2.3 million years ago - Homo habilis first thought to have appeared in Africa
1.85 million years ago - First 'modern' hand emerges
1.8 million years ago - Homo ergaster begins to appear in fossil record
800,000 years ago- Early humans control fire and create hearths. Brain size increases rapidly
400,000 years ago - Neanderthals first begin to appear and spread across Europe and Asia
300,000 to 200,000 years ago - Homo sapiens - modern humans - appear in Africa
50,000 to 40,000 years ago - Modern humans reach Europe
In the long history of human warfare, we have constantly tried to one up each other on the battlefield, devising new technology, tactics, and weaponry to give ourselves the edge. In this sense it seems only natural that at some point we should turn to the vast wealth of supposed psychic poers lying within the human mind and try to use them to our military advantage, and this was, and perhaps still is, done on a surprisingly large scale within the American military and intelligence agencies. Here we have tales of psychic soldiers, men who stare at goats, and the American Jedi soldiers.
One of the most famous psychic projects pursued by the U.S. military was a program that sought to delve into tapping into a wide variety of mental powers in for military purposes, which was eventually called Project Stargate. Originally started in 1978 at Fort Meade, Maryland, it was the brainchild of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and a California company called SRI International, and its scope would become wide beyond what enyone could have expected. The idea was simply to try and develop psychic powers for use in military operations, initially focusing on remote viewing, wherein faraway objects and places can be seen by the psychic, but soon branching out to clairvoyance, manipulating computer systems with the mind, and even supposedly powers straight from a movie, such as levitation, invisibility, walking through walls, or killing with the power of the mind.
It was largely overseen by the esteemed general and self-professed psychic General Albert Stubblebine III, and is a project popularized by the 2009 Hollywood blockbuster The Men Who Stare At Goats, starring George Clooney and Ewan McGregor, itself based on the 2004 book of the same name by journalist Jon Ronsonthe, the title of which refers to having psychics stare at goats or other animals and try to physically affect them with their thoughts. As absurd as it may sound, there were indeed many living creatures subjected to these sorts of experiments in an effort to create psychic assassins, and there were allegedly successes at times and even supposed real research that that was said to conclusively prove that negative mental energy could be focused upon mould to inhibit its growth, which is useful for the military? I suppose? Even the famed psychic and spoon bender extraordinaire Uri Geller was allegedly brought into the fold and asked to kill a pig with his mind for the military, which he says he refused to do, not because he couldn’t, mind you, but because he thought it was unethical. Geller would say of this:
They asked me to kill the poor creature using thought alone. I cannot tell you how shocked I was. I love animals. My powers cannot be used to harm. In those days, I was young and naive, but in that moment I realised who I’d become associated with. I catapulted myself out of that room and left the program.
While this might all sound like pure fantasy, it was bizarrely a totally real program that expanded quite rapidly. The Cold War in particular saw some in the American military war machine terrified that the nefarious Soviets were pursuing psychic warfare, spying on them, influencing them, or even trying to disarm nuclear weapons with the power of the mind, and efforts to counteract this were stepped up. As a result, the project began to give birth to other clandestine offshoot programs and sister programs, all with colorful code names right out of a comic book that these sorts of thing were known for, such as GONDOLA WISH, GRILL FLAME, CENTER LANE, SUN STREAK, and MK ULTRA, and all devoted to different areas of psychic phenomena. It was all very hush hush, and funded secretly, but inevitably word leaked out about these covert operations. It might sound ludicrous that the military would pour so much time and money into all of this, but it was apparently all taken very seriously, and one remote viewer and Special Forces Sergeant Glenn Wheaton has said of such secret programs:
You have to understand that these ideas were not considered wacky. They were seen as the next military frontier. We needed to know whether it was possible to use paranormal forces for military ends. We also needed to know how to protect ourselves should they be used against us.
One of these projects was called Project Jedi, named after the Jedi of the Star Wars films, and which sought to focus on creating soldiers who could use their mental powers not for merely spying, but for actively offensive purposes and to increase human performance on the battlefield. The program first started to come together in the late 1970s and early 80s, and was also known by such titles as the “Ultimate Warrior Training Program,” “The Jedi Warrior Training Program,” and the “Earth’s First Battalion,” and which was designed specifically for use by elite Special Forces and envisioned as potentially revolutionizing warfare.
One area that was developed towards these ends was to utilize what was called by them “Biocybernaut training combined technologies of biofeedback, neurofeedback, cyberphysiology, and contemplative inner methods of mastery drawn from the vast array of contemplative science traditions” to supposedly hone soldiers’ perceptions and mastery over their minds and bodies. This was allegedly used to sharpen the marksmanship of the soldiers to nearly superhuman levels of ability, and it was claimed that soldiers trained with these methods were better shots in less than half the training time of conventional methods, and that they could even reach a level where they could shoot accurately when blindfolded. These methods could also supposedly be used to increase the speed of mastery of foreign languages, as well as to consciously manipulate brain chemicals such as endorphins for the purpose of enhancing physical prowess. They were also apparently trained to be able to control numerous bodily functions such as blood flow, muscle tension, healing rate, blood pressure, and physiological reactions to stress, as well as turn off pain and also how to “synchronize their brainwaves.”
A great deal of this training was also focused on increasingly deep meditation exercises and martial arts skills. One of the main guys they had working on this in the early stages of the program was instructor Mike Echanis, who was an almost cult-like figure of the martial arts world at the time and by many accounts was able to utilize many of these mental powers to improve his fighting abilities, with one account saying of one training exercise:
The students couldn’t see him. It wasn’t that he was actually invisible, but he could blend in, using both camouflage and mental trickery, that they couldn’t spot him. He was able to adapt and blend into the environment so well that those looking down into the pit just could not see him. A trainee would jump into the pit, and suddenly Echanis would come out of nowhere and be upon him, and the hand-to-hand combat would ensue. The students were certain to endure a severe beating.
Echanis was also said to have the ability to kill animals with the power of his mind alone. Indeed, according Wheaton this was sometimes spectacularly successful, such as one episode in which he personally witnessed the martial artist kill one of the animals in this way, of which he says:
Michael focused on the goat pretty intensely. It started to bray like a donkey or horse. It dropped down to its forelegs; blood began to drip from its nose. About 20 to 30 seconds later red suds began to froth from the goat’s mouth. The goat lost its equilibrium and passed away in a fit.
There was also a martial arts instructor with the program named Guy Savelli, who claimed to have vast knowledge of ancient secret techniques such as the death touch, as well as “reflex-reaction, touch sensitivity, concepts of power and invisibility, and mind-striking techniques.” Interestingly, his “mind striking” powers were purportedly so advanced that he was able to throw grown men across the room, as well as kill small animals such as hamsters with a thought, earning him the nickname “Hamster Killer.” Folks you can’t make this stuff up, it writes itself. Another big hitter in the program was Dr. John Alexander, former commander of Special Forces in Vietnam and psychic, of which his biography says:
As part of his official military duties, he became involved in studying psychic phenomena and attempting to understand what the Soviet Union was doing in this area. He learned how to teach psychokinesis, involved professional magicians in the process, and then brought these skills to many high-level officers. His studies also covered remote viewing and extensive work in Neuro-linguistic Programming. These techniques were applied to accelerating learning and skill acquisition.
Project Jedi only lasted 6 months before it was sort of closed down, but it still adds to the wider lore of Project Stargate, of which it was a part. The whole bonkers program was passed off to the CIA and eventually downsized and eventually terminated in 1995, with the CIA declassifying the documents and claiming that none of the projects ever saw any real verifiable promise for actual intelligence or battlefield work, and that it was a waste of resources that could be spent elsewhere. However, of course there is the opinion that programs such as Project Stargate and others like it never really stopped but were rather buried deep away from the public eye. Such programs are claimed to have actually seen plenty of military action, such as pervasive rumors that U.S. remote viewers were instrumental in locating and bringing down the terrorist Osama Bin Laden. is this true and is the military still actively engaged in using psychic powers for warfare? Who knows?
So here we have psychic warriors, real Jedi fighters, and the channeling of the power of the human mind into military capacities. Is there anything to any of this? While it is certainly true that the U.S. government did pursue these avenues of research and did try to weaponize psychic powers, how successful were they really, and does any of this still go on? Like any good conspiracy there is probably no way to convince anyone either way, and the debate and speculation will probably rage on.
While most Americans and the mainstream media are focused on other news about the Trump administration, space watchers had their ears perked up by an excerpt from yet another book about the administration by yet another former member with mostly the same stories to tell … except for one. According to the new tell-all, “Team of Vipers” by former White House aide Cliff Sims, early in his term President Trump made a once-in-a-lifetime offer to then Acting Administrator of NASA Robert M. Lightfoot, Jr. – a blank check made out to NASA to pay for a manned mission to Mars before the 2020 presidential election. Wait … what?
“What’s our plan for Mars?”
According to an excerpt of the book in New York Magazine,that’s the question President Trump asked Lightfoot on April 24, 2017, while getting ready for a video call to the International Space Station to congratulate astronaut Peggy Whitson on breaking the American record for the longest amount of time in space. This was just a month after the president signed a landmark bill authorizing $19.5 billion in funding for NASA — significant because it was the first NASA authorization in seven years and contained funding specifically for sending humans to Mars by the 2030s. Sims was also in the room and reports that at about ten minutes before the well-choreographed and limited-time linkup to the ISS, Trump suddenly sprung the question on Livingston, who quickly responded with the aforementioned 2030 timetable.
“But is there any way we could do it by the end of my first term?”
At that point, Sims remembers that Lightfoot, a former engineer, got technical and quickly discussed the logistics of “distance, fuel capacity, etc. Also the fact that we hadn’t landed an American anywhere remotely close to Mars ever.”
“But what if I gave you all the money you could ever need to do it? What if we sent NASA’s budget through the roof, but focused entirely on that instead of whatever else you’re doing now. Could it work then?”
Sims says they were 90 seconds away from calling Whitson. Lightfoot gave the president a quick but respectful “no” answer and a “visibly upset” Trump pulled himself together for the congratulatory call. Or did he?
“Tell me, Mars — what do you see a timing for actually sending humans?”
That’s right. Sims recalls that, after asking astronaut Whitson about her current mission and the record, he put her on the spot in front of her boss – not to mention the media and the entire world. Being well-versed in public relations as all astronauts must be these days, Whitson gave the 2030s answer and – unaware of the offer he just made to her boss — reminded the president that the enormous cost would need to be shared among the other spacefaring nations.
“Well, I think we want to do it in my first term or at worst in my second term. So I think we’ll have to speed that up a little bit.”
Sims says the media coverage at the time, not knowing about the president’s black check offer to Livingston, reported that the questions and comments to Whitson about Mars were made “jokingly” – but Sims writes they obviously were not.
Another president from another space era made a promise in 1961 to put a man on the Moon by the end of the decade. That would have been long after it could have been used in a campaign for re-election in 1964. Space exploration is not just something that human nature demands – some would argue it’s a necessity because of our current state of affairs and planetary conditions. However, is it deserving of a blank check ahead of so many other national, international and planetary needs? And for such a trivial – some would say selfish – reason?
Could you turn down a blank check? Say what you will about NASA, but all of the training received by everyone from astronauts to administrators to the day-to-day operators made this another situation where cooler heads prevailed.
John Glenn and a few other astronauts have served in Congress. Is it time to elect some more?
Loch Ness, Scotland has a reputation for high-strangeness. It dates back not just to relatively recent times, but centuries ago, even. There is, for example, the 565 AD affairof St. Columba, who allegedly saw a strange creature in the waters of the River Ness, which flows from the huge loch. More than a thousand years later, there was a deep belief in the area that the waters of Loch Ness were home to what became known as“water horses” or “kelpies.”They were dangerous and deadly shapeshifters. From 1899 to 1913, the “Great Beast” himself, Aleister Crowley, had a home at Loch Ness:Boleskine House. In 1933, the phenomenon of “the Loch Ness Monster” took off big time. In the 1970s, Nessie seeker Ted Holiday had an encounter at the loch with a Man in Black. In other words, Loch Ness is definitively weird.
More Loch Ness weirdness hit the news in 2011, specifically in August of that year. The UK’s Daily Express newspaper splashed a headline across its pages that read: “Alert as UFO is sighted over Loch Ness.” The story was, undoubtedly, an odd one. That something occurred does not appear to be in doubt. It is, however, the nature of the “something” that remains open to debate. It was on the night of August 20, 2011 that a number of people –many being completely independent of each other – encountered something unusual in the skies over Loch Ness. Witness descriptions of the movements of the object fell into two camps: those who said they saw it descending into the loch and those who maintained it was actually hovering above the expansive waters. As for the appearance of the UFO, it very much depended on who one asked. But, whatever it was, it quickly caught the attention of the emergency services, who were contacted by worried locals.
Martin Douglas, of the Loch Ness Life Boat crew, told the Daily Mail that someone in the area had seen what, superficially at least, resembled a microlight or a hang-glider, and which actually seemed to enter the loch in a controlled flight. Oddly, however, others who saw the unknown craft described it as being somewhat balloon-shaped. Then there were those who opined it looked eerily like a fully-open parachute. There was, then, no real, solid consensus on what was seen – or on what wasn’t seen. Crew member Vivian Bailey added that although the mystery was not resolved, the emergency services were pleased that concerned people had quickly contacted them. There is, however, a very odd afterword to all this.
Exactly one month previously, on July 21, law enforcement offices in the vicinity of 125-miles-long Lake Champlain – which covers parts of New York and Vermont, and portions of Quebec, Canada – were inundated with calls from worried locals, all who had seen a balloon-like object fall into the huge lake, near Rouses Point, New York. Police and Border Patrol personnel were quickly dispatched and scoured the area, but with no luck. After around four hours, the search was called off. It remained a mystery. It should be noted, however, that, just like Loch Ness, Lake Champlain has its own resident monster. Champ – as the creature is famously known – is, like Nessie, a large, long-necked leviathan that has taken on near-legendary proportions.
Is it only coincidence that two lakes on opposite sides of the world – both with resident monsters – should have been the sites of unusual, and very similar, UFO-like activity within a month of each other? Or is this yet further evidence of profound paranormal weirdness wherever lake monsters lurk?
Plane passenger captured a huge flying saucer above China
Plane passenger captured a huge flying saucer above China
During a flight from the Netherlands to China a passenger named Ming Yang suddenly felt something strange, and looked out of the window and noticed a silver-gray disc-like UFO in the distance on which he immediately pulled out the phone and took a picture of the UFO.
Based on the remarkable UFO sighting photographed on September 14, 2018, mp.weixin.qq. has worked out a detailed report and came to the conclusion that the location of the UFO was above the Shidou Reservoir. Shidou Reservoir which is a reservoir in Jimei District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province, China.
They also have consulted a professional captain, Mr. Cheng Hui and according to his analysis the size of the UFO is about 120-200 meters and it was nearly up to 4,000 meters while according to the flight track query the KLM Boeing 787 was at 3,600 meters at the moment Mr. Ming Yang took the picture.
According to the report the UFO has a strong stealth performance and it seems to have two layers above and below, in a static state, indicating that it could be a man-made antigravity craft.
In a place known as Balochistan, Pakistan, at exactly 6000 kilometers far of Sphinx of Egypt, another sphinx can also be found, clearly of similar antiquity…
Full video is at the end of the article. Scroll down!
Supporting the suspicion claimed many times on our page, that a civilization which far predated the ancient Egyptians, actually built these amazing pyramid, for a sophisticated, although as yet, unknown purpose.
Known as the “Sphinx of Balochistan,” many funded academics have strongly denied the possibility of this familiar looking formation, being of manmade origin, and many attempt to claim that its familiar shape, along with the surrounding environments artificial appearance, is merely coincidental, and that the entire area is just a natural formation, these conclusions, made with no official archaeological investigations ever being undertaken at the site.
Thankfully, however, an equal number of individuals who have actually visited this site, most self-funded, have actually concluded the complete opposite, Graham Hancock being but one individual who has concluded that the site is indeed a very ancient sphinx. Quite possibly dating back to the last precession of Leo, some 12500 years ago…
For the next batch of photos sent by the rover Curiosity and posted on the official website of NASA on June 12 this year, a virtual archaeologist Mauricio Ruiz discovered a strange object, which in any way cannot be confused with stones or refer to pareydolicheskuyu illusion (deleted picture of mars)
Firstly, the object was clearly man-made, something like a landed or crashed aircraft. Secondly, it led to the tracks of the rover – a fact that indicates that NASA employees are very interested in this deal, and so they sent her Curiosity. (deleted picture of mars)
Fortunately, independent researchers then copy these pictures knowing that they can be removed at any moment to NASA, which is what happened with this mysterious picture – it soon disappeared from the site of the American space agency (instead it was a black square).
Notable in this story, and it turned out that the request Mauricio Ruiz to NASA, what is it, agency staff, surprisingly, this time gave the answer online archaeologist. And it also proves that the picture is not simple, and how it was leaked on the agency’s resource page – an enigma that still …
The official reply from NASA stated that the photos simply moved to another site and even has a link – where. Mauricio Ruiz went on this link but found a very different picture, or rather, very well treated the old one, which is almost nothing you can not really see and understand
In response, ufology NASA officials also indicated that the photo he allegedly saw the broken earth spacecraft that crashed December 22, 2004 landing on the surface of the Red Planet. As an official statement about this accident is not reported, it knows about it almost a very narrow circle of people.
And again the puzzle: unlikely to NASA officials began to give out the secret of the collapse of Earth’s secret apparatus if it was really – it was easier to b habitually silent. Something here is not that, at least, he Mauricio Ruiz sure of it a hundred …
A swarm of ants invaded the bRing telescope in Australia, temporarily shutting down observations of tens of thousands of stars.
Credit: Ian Adams/Michael Kennedy/Siding Springs Observatory
A swarm of ants attacked a small telescope in Australia earlier this year, and when they died, their tiny corpses blew out the power supply.
The Australian Beta Pictoris b Ring instrument (bRing-AU) was part of a fleet of instruments used last year to hunt for signs of rings or an exomoon aroundBeta Pictoris, a young star hosting at least one planet. While the hunt was unsuccessful, astronomers are continuing to monitor the star, along with tens of thousands of other stellar targets in the southern sky to obtain additional science.
The ants didn't make waves climbing on the exterior of the instrument. According to Samuel Mellon, a doctoral candidate at the University of Rochester who is working with bRing, the telescope sits on a few bricks to elevate it off the ground, with an aluminum sheet attached to serve as a floor. That may have provided the point of entry for the insects. [Alien Comets of Star Beta Pictoris Explained (Infographic)]
"A minor imperfection in the seal between this and the frame could have allowed them to get in," Mellon told Another possibility is that the small black ants, only a few millimeters in length, climbed in through the external fans, but he said this was unlikely as a very fine grill covers each of the fans. He was not certain what species the ants were.
"We anticipated a possible insect invasion and did our best to seal bRing on all sides and edges with sealant and weatherproof tape," Mellon said. "However, ordinary wear and tear could have opened a vulnerability for the tiny ants to get in."
The bRING-AU instrument is set up at the Siding Springs Observatory in Australia.
Credit: Ian Adams/Michael Kennedy/Siding Springs Observatory
Invasive insects
Located 63.4 light-years from the sun, Beta Pictoris is roughly 20million years old. Disks of dust and gas around the star have long suggested the presence of planets. In 2008, astronomers captured an image of a new planet, Beta Pictoris b. The planet appears to be between 9 and 13 times the mass of Jupiter, and it orbits about nine times farther from its star than Earth over the course of 20 years. Astronomers think the baby star may also host a swarm of comets.
In 2016, astronomers calculated that, while the planet would not pass directly between its star and Earth, the region around the star where rings or moons could be held gravitationally would. They began a seven-month campaign to study the star, setting up instruments in places such as South Africa and Antarctica, and even launching a small telescope into space.
One of these instruments was bRing, twin telescopes placed in Australia and South Africa. Housed at Siding Spring Observatory in New South Wales, Australia, bRing-AU used two wide-field cameras to probe the light coming from the star. Just as a planet passing between its star and Earth causes a slight decrease in the star's brightness, astronomers hoped that any rings or moons around the planet that passed the star could cause a similar dip.
The suite of instruments studied Beta Pictoris intently from April 2017 to January 2018, but neither moons nor rings appeared. That doesn't dissuade Paul Kalas, an astronomer at Berkeley who helped bring together the international teams that worked together to search for the rings. Kalas told that it's possible that the planet could still host natural satellites but the geometry wasn't lined up to make them visible from Earth.
Researchers think the swarm of ants that invaded the bRing telescope in Australia in January 2019 may have been attracted by an electromagnetic field — or they were just searching for shelter.
Credit: Ian Adams/Michael Kennedy/Siding Springs Observatory
"You can still have a ring system," Kalas said.
After the hunt drew to a close, bRing-AU has continued to observe tens of thousands of stars, including Beta Pictoris. But that project was briefly halted at the dawn of the year thanks to some insect interference.
"We noticed a power failure in early January 2019," Mellon said. "The handy staff at Siding Spring observatory opened up the power supply and found that the ants had shorted it out."
About a hundred ants had swarmed into the tiny telescope. Mellon isn't sure what drew the first insect investigators, but he speculated that the cause could have been electromagnetic, since they were attracted only to the power supply.
"They could also have been looking for shelter and wandered into the wrong area," he said.
On their death, the ants seemed to release a pheromone that attracted other ants to attack, causing a swarm. The process is similar to how a species known as "crazy ants," a species from South America that has invaded the Gulf Coast,short out electronics.
"When a few were electrocuted, the rest must have been summoned," Mellon said.
The pileup of corpses eventually fried the power supply, leading the Siding Spring staff to investigate. They cleaned out the dead ants and installed ant traps and repellents to keep away other curious creatures.
"We have replaced the power supply and set up ant traps and repellents and better sealed the instrument," Mellon said. "bRing-AU is back up to taking data."
Once a few ants died inside the bRing telescope in Australia, their corpses may have attracted a larger swarm that eventually shorted out the telescope.
Credit: Ian Adams, Michael Kennedy (Siding Springs Observatory)
The brief power supply loss came after the observations of the Beta Pictoris transit had been completed, so the ants did not interrupt the hunt for the exorings. The ants did, however, put a brief stop to the next stage of observations while the power supply was replaced. No other part of the instrument was damaged, and none of the staff was bitten.
Although the team tried to anticipate potential problems, Mellon said he would have taken further steps if he had realized how determined the insects would be.
"Had I known my instrument would have been invaded by ants, I would have installed ant traps," he said. However, "this situation would have been hard to predict for anyone."
In 1971, Apollo 14 astronauts brought home various minerals and rock samples from their brief lunar voyage. For decades, these lunar rocks have stayed in storage, occasionally being revisited by researchers curious to try out a new technique in order to learn more about the moon’s geochemistry. Imagine the surprise when scientists found that one such rock was terrestrial in origin — to top it all off, it’s also Earth’s oldest rock found thus far.
This rock fragment is over 4 billion years old. It may have formed on Earth but ended up on the moon due to a massive asteroid impact.
Credit: USRA/LPI.
This adventurous moon rock has quite the backstory. According to an international team of researchers, the two-gram piece of quartz, feldspar, and zircon was found embedded in a larger rock called Big Bertha. These minerals are very rare on the moon but quite common here on Earth. The reason is that quartz and zircon form in oxidized systems such as Earth, in the kind of high temperatures and pressures experienced deep below the planet’s crust.
Since zircon contains uranium, whose half-life is predictable, the researchers were able to date the rock to about 4 to 4.1 billion years ago. They also determined — based on the sample’s geochemical properties — that it must have formed at a depth of about 20 kilometers (12.4 miles) beneath Earth’s surface.
So, how did it end up on the moon? The most plausible explanation is that a massive asteroid impact hurled our traveling piece of rock into space, landing on the nearest body, Earth’s natural satellite. The moon was about three times closer to Earth than it is today, it should be mentioned. Around that time, the planet was regularly bombarded by cosmic objects of all shapes and sizes, some responsible for producing craters thousands of kilometers in diameter on Earth — so this isn’t that far-fetched of an explanation at all. Once on the moon, the rock was further sculpted by new impacts which melted and altered it into a new kind of rock about 3.9 billion years ago. These forces also buried it deep below the lunar surface.
The Moon was much closer to the Earth than it is today when the rock fragment was produced and ejected from the Earth.
Credit: LPI/David A. Kring.
The rock probably stayed buried for eons until around 26 million years ago when another asteroid impact, this time on the moon, produced the 340 m wide Cone Crater. Finally, Apollo 14 astronauts found the rock and reunited it with mother Earth.
“It is an extraordinary find that helps paint a better picture of early Earth and the bombardment that modified our planet during the dawn of life,” said Dr. David Kring, co-author of the new study and a researcher at the Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI).
This may all sound a bit ridiculous, but it’s better than the alternative. For the minerals to come from the moon, Science Alert says that they must have formed 30 to 70 kilometers below the surface, in an “unusually oxidizing magmatic environment with oxygen levels much higher than those in the lunar mantle 4 billion years ago.”
Of course, there’s a lot of speculation involved in this scenario and the geological community will not be so easily convinced. Researchers will have to verify this assumption by studying other lunar samples collected thus far. Hopefully, more new samples will be retrieved in the future now that NASA plans on returning humans to the moon.
We earthlings have long been fascinated by the thought of alien abduction, and that fascination is reflected in the staggering number of movies dedicated to the mysterious topic. Whether you're a horror fan or someone who prefers family-friendly alien fare, there's an abduction movie out there to satisfy your specific tastes.
Below, we've rounded up 12 movies that demonstrate the sheer variety of films dedicated to exploring what might happen during and after an extraterrestrial kidnapping. Read on to learn more about the good, the so-bad-they're-good, and the weird cinematic depictions of truly close encounters, ranked from most terrifying to least.
1. Dark Skies
Photo Credit: Dimension Films
Something creepy is happening to Lacy and Daniel’s family. Unexplainable phenomena occurs in their house. Their sons, Sammy and Jesse, find strange symbols on their bodies. Most chilling of all, Lacy wakes one night to see a figure standing over Sammy's bed—a figure that disappears when the lights are on. After installing security cameras inside the house, and reviewing some truly disturbing footage, Lacy and Daniel seek the aide of ufologist Edwin Pollard (J.K. Simmons) to try and save their family before it’s too late. Dark Skies is a surprisingly scary alien movie that will have even seasoned horror fans looking over their shoulders.
This 2009 documentary-style horror movie stars Milla Jovovich as Dr. Emily Tyler, a psychologist from Nome, Alaska. The movie uses two storytelling formats: a 'televised' interview with Dr. Tyler about a close encounter in Nome several years ago, and 'reenactments' of the events. At times, these formats are featured in split screen to enhance the 'documentary' effect. During the interview with Dr. Tyler, she describes the incidents that changed her life forever, beginning with the mysterious death of her husband and an encounter that some townsfolk claim to have had with a white owl. But to quote Twin Peaks, the owls are not what they seem—and through hypnosis, the terrifying truth comes out.
What's the worst-case-scenario for a honeymoon? If you answered ‘one of the newlyweds is abducted and turned into an alien host,’ then you must have already seen Honeymoon. Honeymoon is the only movie on this list with a female director, Leigh Janiak. It also stars Rose Leslie, known for her role as Ygritte on Game of Thrones.
For their honeymoon, Bea (Leslie) and Paul (Harry Treadaway) decide to stay in a cabin in a remote forest (which, if they'd seen any of the other movies on this list, they'd have known was a bad idea). The locals tell Bea and Paul to leave, but the two think nothing of the warning until Bea disappears one night, and is later found naked by Paul in the woods. But now that Bea's back, she's ... different. The honeymoon period is over, and so is Bea and Paul's chance at marital bliss.
In Altered, director Eduardo Sánchez (The Blair Witch Project) gives the phrase 'alien abduction' a whole other meaning. When they were 15, a group of friends on a hunting trip was abducted and experimented on by aliens. One friend was killed, but the rest survived and have spent the years since trying to process their trauma. Two of them have become obsessed with killing an alien in reprisal for the death of their friend, and eventually track one down with the intent of getting revenge. What could go wrong? More horror than sci-fi, Altered will probably satisfy those who like their alien movies with a lot of gore.
Although initially met with mixed reviews, 1993's Fire in the Sky has since become somewhat of a cult favorite. The movie was adapted from Travis Walton's memoir The Walton Experience, which chronicles his alleged alien 1975 abduction.
In the movie, Walton (played by D.B. Sweeney) is driving home from work with a group of fellow loggers in Snowflake, Arizona when they encounter a UFO. Walton gets out of the truck to investigate, and is struck by a forceful beam of light. Believing Walton to be dead, the other loggers flee to get help, but are stonewalled by local law enforcement who believe the loggers conspired to kill Walton. Even when Walton shows up naked, dehydrated, and disoriented—but alive—days later, the witnesses are still met with skepticism. Fire in the Sky features an unsettling flashback in which Walton remembers some of what he experienced during his abduction. It's a scene that will stay with viewers for a long time.
This 2014 found footage movie follows the Morris family on their ill-fated vacation to North Carolina’s Brown Mountain. It doesn't take long for things to go wrong: the Morris' cellphones and car inexplicably die, birds commit mass suicide in front of them, and they get stuck in a tunnel with a very creepy creature at the end of it. For me, Alien Abduction’s appeal was how it played with the actual mythology surrounding Brown Mountain, particularly the Brown Mountain Lights, strange orbs frequently seen just above the horizon in the region. The area is so known for bizarre phenomena that it was even featured in a particularly gnarly X-Filesepisode, “Field Trip.”
Communion inspires passion: you’ll probably either love it or hate it. This 1989 film stars Christopher Walken as real-life author and ufologist Whitley Streiber, and is based on Streiber’s autobiographical book in which he describes his abduction by mysterious "beings." However, Streiber himself disliked the movie for the liberties it took in its depiction of him. In the film, Walken-as-Streiber lives in Manhattan with his wife and son, and is frequently woken by disturbing dreams that someone is in the bedroom with him and his wife. Streiber decides that the best cure for these night terrors is to take his family to a remote cabin in upstate New York, where—surprise, surprise—things only get weirder.
Scarlett Johansson plays an alien with a van and a plan in this gorgeous, unforgettable movie based on Michael Faber’s novel of the same name. The unnamed protagonist travels throughout Scotland, offering men a ride in her van. Most of them are never seen again. As she adjusts to life on Earth, Under the Skin suggests that the mundane misogyny women experience might be just as dangerous as the alien's lethal appetite.
One of the greatest alien movies ever, Steven Spielberg's Close Encounters of the Third Kind follows Roy and Jillian, who witness UFOs during a night when strange crafts are seen across the globe. They both develop an emotional obsession with the UFOS, while international agencies struggle to respond to the unprecedented number of incidents worldwide, and scientists rush to understand a message sent from space. As the world prepares for alien contact, Roy and Jillian's separate lives begin to fall apart as their preoccupation with the image of a strange mountain increases.
This 2011 Disney movie was obviously aimed at kids, but its unsettling digital animation style left many viewers more than a little creeped out. Mars Needs Moms was a critical failure, and had the worst financial reception ever of a Disney film. LiveScience suggested the 'uncanny valley' theory— which posits that people are unsettled by human replicas that appear too lifelike—to explain why many found the movie's animation so repellent.
Regardless of how the film's aesthetic was received, its plot is definitely family-friendly: Martians abduct Milo (Seth Green)'s Mom (Joan Cusack), hoping to use her motherly essence to power their 'nannybots.' That extraction process will kill Milo's mom, so—despite recently telling his mom that his life would be better without her—Milo sets out on a mission to save her from the martians' dastardly plan.
Interestingly, Mars Needs Moms's director, Simon Wells, is practically sci-fi royalty: his great-grandfather was The War of the Worlds'author H.G. Wells.
Tim Burton'scomedy sci-fi movie Mars Attacks! is about an alien invasion first and foremost, but the Martians certainly abduct some humans in their quest for global takeover. When hundreds of Martian ships arrive in Nevada, the Martians claim that they've come in peace. But after a human bystander releases a dove, the Martians shoot it and then kill or abduct many of the people in attendance. Professor Donald Kessler (Pierce Brosnan) attempts to renegotiate with the Martians, but is later abducted himself.
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy is an outlier on this list—it's probably the most lighthearted (and certainly the most musical) movie included. Guardians is also one of the few alien abduction films that shows an abductee adjusting to their life in space. Following the death of his mother, young Peter Quill is abducted by a group of space pirates led by the ravager Yondu Udonta. The movie then jumps 26 years into the future, and shows us how Quill has evolved into a true a-hole; a space pirate (dare we say space lord?) who isn’t afraid to double-cross even his surrogate father.
Guardians of the Galaxy might not appeal much to horror aficionados, but space opera fans will find a lot to love—and, unlike other Marvel Cinematic Universe movies, Guardians doesn't require any previous Marvel knowledge to be enjoyed.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Mysterious UFO sighting in the sky (cloud creator photo) Posted on January 25, 2019 by Brian Mysterious UFO sighting in the sky (cloud creator photo) is about a very strange object that seems to create condensation (cloud). It was captured on photography
Mysterious UFO sighting in the sky (cloud creator photo)
Mysterious UFO sighting in the sky (cloud creator photo) is about a very strange object that seems to create condensation (cloud). It was captured on photography in Denmark on May 25, 2017, aboveOdensecity at 03.06 pm local time. In the unedited picture below it looks like a tube-shaped condensation with inclined pruning coming out of nowhere.
The picture above originates from a photo investigation inside a secluded pasture where I had a creature sighting on May 24. And because of that UFO sighting, I decided to visit the site again on May 25. I had my Canon EOS 60D DSLR camera with me and it produced 173 images and this UFO gallery with 43 hi-res UFO photos.
Mysterious UFO sighting in the sky (cloud creator photo)
The mysterious UFO sighting, actually a photo sighting (I did not see it during the photography) stuns me. If you are weather expert or meteorologist, you might say it´s just a cloud. But the next pictures you will see defies a normal meteorological explanation.
The unedited but magnified picture above does not reveal much other than a small linear cloud-like structure. It looks like there is something behind but it is almost impossible to distinguish. But the negative below that was processed with Auto Contrast in Adobe Photoshop is a totally different story. A mysterious squared structure appears with some kind of material coming out of a hole.
I have no known terrestrial reference points when trying to explain this. What should I compare it with? An aircraft? An airship or balloon? A cloud? There seems to be cloud-like material but it comes out of the square-shaped object behind.
The picture above was processed with Auto Tone in Adobe Photoshop and got some more brightness. The mysterious cloud creator is revealed by the pink color. The white material seems to be condensation and the creation of a cloud.
Mysterious UFO drawing…
This is my drawing of the mysterious UFO sighting. This is how I see it or imagine it. I see a clear square-shaped object behind the cloud-like material. The cloud-like material seems to come out of a hole in the square-shaped object behind.
This is not like the cloud manifestation or the other sky phenomenon I have photographed. This is so strange and so weird that it is a bit scary. Well, it depends on what eyes who see! You may see something else? Or do you see the same as I do?
The UFO cloud creator
Are these pictures the evidence of a cloud creator? Is the mysterious UFO sighting here actually space aliens that create clouds to hide in? Why emit material that looks like a cloud? This condensation feature is quite common in relation to the unidentified flying objects in my photos.
Besides the flying saucers that seem to ride on cloud-like structures (1, 2 & 3), there are also other unknown vessels that seem to emit condensation in flight. Among other things the UFO fly-by footage that shows 9 original frames from a *.mts video. You could also explore the “condensation”-TAG
Basic photo-sighting data
Denmark, Odense May 25, 2017, at 3.06 pm local time
As long as we have been human, we have looked at the stars and wondered if anything like us exists elsewhere out there. More recently, we’ve found new ways to try to answer that question, bycapturing images of far-off worldsorsending our own envoys to into the great beyond. Finally, after millennia of waiting, intelligent alien life has come to Earth. How do we react to these extraterrestrials? Do we attack them, or infect them, or do we try to make peace with them? What do we want to know from them, and what does that say about us as humans?
To be clear, intelligent life has not yet come to Earth. But in the new film The Visit, you can play out the scenario to see what might happen if they were to do so. Part documentary and part science fiction, this film is about an event that hasn’t happened yet. It features interviews with experts who delve into the policies and pragmatic measures that global and national organizations actually have in place, by running through a hypothetical scenario wherein extraterrestrials arrive on Earth. But it’s also a contemplation on humanity—how we see ourselves and our inability to cope with uncertainty.
“This is a topic I’ve been thinking about for many years,” Michael Madsen, the film’s director, tells Popular Science. “It would be the most significant event for mankind to experience—there’s nothing else that would so dramatically change human perception on ourselves and on the universe.”
Random Media
The film, which took about four years to make, has a cast consisting of experts and officials from the United Nations, British Ministry of Defense, and NASA. (Yes, there are real organizations with protocols in place that outline governments’ response to an alien visit.) Each person looks into the camera and answers Madsen’s questions as if they were addressing the aliens themselves.
That unique perspective does a couple of important things for the film—for one, experts can play out this scenario that they’ve thought about, anticipated, and planned for much of their professional lives. They ask all the questions you might expect—Why are you here? What do you know about the universe? How does your brain work?
But Madsen also noticed a sense of relief in how the scientists played into the scenario. “It’s more than the fact that these experts have been thinking about these things—there’s tremendous longing at play in these questions,” he says, “All of us have been looking at the stars and wondering if there’s life, there’s this quasi-religious notion here that, if there’s something out there and if it sees me, I will gain some kind of extended existence. I will be seen.” Identity is at the heart of that desire, he adds—the same reason we post constantly on social media. If others see us, maybe we can get a sense of where we fit in the universe.
Why are you here? What do you know about the universe? How does your brain work?
But when experts are speaking to aliens and the audience watches, viewers become alienated as well. “The experts are there as experts but we see them in a way from the outside, from an alien perspective, and that makes us observe them in a different way,” Madsen says. Astrobiologists know a lot more than the average person about what kind of alien might truly be out there, but unlike in a scientific paper on the subject, the film enables viewers to read the concern on their faces, to read their humanity.
By taking this hypothetical seriously, the experts had to consider how we understand beings that are so dramatically different from ourselves. One of the most fantastical elements of The Visit is an interview with Chris Welch, an astronautics professor at International Space University who has agreed to be the first human inside an alien space ship. Madsen wanted him to imagine and describe what it would be like inside an alien spacecraft, without falling subject to our presumptions that all aliens look like little green men.
“If we were able to meet something from another world, there’s only one thing we can say for certain: It’ll be beyond our comprehension, it’ll be so radically different that we will have nothing to compare it to,” Madsen says. Welch assumes that if a superior being came to Earth, it would present itself in a way we could understand or recognize, so he describes how he imagines the inside of the alien spacecraft might smell, look, or feel in a way that feels familiar and yet completely foreign.
Random Media
Alien beings would bring so much uncertainty to anxious earthlings. One of humanity’s ugliest sides comes out when we do not understand or don’t have control. There are a lot of things officials won’t know if aliens visit Earth, and not knowing the facts allows our fears to germinate and chaos to ensue. Though we would be curious about the aliens, some humans would rather attack them than surrender our grip on control and knowledge. This, Madsen says, is one of the things that struck him the most when making The Visit—the thin line between civilization and chaos. “If people are afraid, it’s scary how easily the varnish of civilization can be penetrated,” he says. “So little has to happen before things go into Armageddon.”
One of humanity’s ugliest sides comes out when we do not understand or don’t have control.
At its heart, the film is a meditation on what it means to be human—how we construct our identities, which parts of ourselves we are most comfortable with, and our unrelenting need to be in control.
The Visit recently premiered in the United States and Denmark, and will soon be released all over Europe. So far, the reviews have been overwhelmingly positive. But Madsen knows this isn’t a film for everyone—some people say it’s too slow, or aren’t willing to suspend their disbelief enough to play into the hypothetical. Madsen’s goal isn’t to make a film that is escapist, but rather to create space for the audience to retreat into themselves and see those beautiful and unsettling parts of humanity with clear eyes.
“Some people think [the film] is too unreal to take seriously. But nothing can be unreal because we can imagine it,” Madsen says. “That imagination is worth taking note of. I think that’s what Neil Armstrong was talking about—that giant leap is in our imagination so that we can see the world in a different way. That includes aliens coming to Earth—it would give us a totally different way to view the universe and ourselves.”
The Visit recently premiered in the United States and Denmark, and will soon be released all over Europe. So far, the reviews have been overwhelmingly positive. But Madsen knows this isn’t a film for everyone—some people say it’s too slow, or aren’t willing to suspend their disbelief enough to play into the hypothetical. Madsen’s goal isn’t to make a film that is escapist, but rather to create space for the audience to retreat into themselves and see those beautiful and unsettling parts of humanity with clear eyes.
“Some people think [the film] is too unreal to take seriously. But nothing can be unreal because we can imagine it,” Madsen says. “That imagination is worth taking note of. I think that’s what Neil Armstrong was talking about—that giant leap is in our imagination so that we can see the world in a different way. That includes aliens coming to Earth—it would give us a totally different way to view the universe and ourselves.”
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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