The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
The country’s space program is training astronauts and planning to move the first module to a launch site — and though details are still scarce, it’s the latest sign that China’s leadership is investing heavily in the country’s space capabilities.
Ramping Up
State-run news agency Xinhuacorroborated the SCMP‘s report, adding that the first module of the station will be launched on a heavy-lift Long March-5 rocket.
“China is scheduled to complete the construction of the space station around 2022,” reads Xinhua‘s report. “It will be the country’s space lab in long-term stable in-orbit operation.”
Three Modules
China’s new space station won’t be huge, according to the SCMP — it’ll comprise three modules, and the whole thing will house up to three astronauts at a time.
The Chinese space program already has a small station in orbit, Tiangong-2, but it’s scheduled to be de-orbited this summer, according to Xinhua.
China's first space station burns on its exit from orbit, touching down in the Pacific. China's first space station Tiangong-1 has made its way back into Earth's atmosphere over the Pacific Ocean and hassafely broken apart. As the majority of the space vessel burned upon re-entry, the remaining pieces landed in the South Pacific northwest of Tahiti. ( 2018)
Russia Proposes Superhighway Between New York And London
Russia Proposes Superhighway Between New York And London
Russia has proposed to build a road stretching all the way from London to New York, going thru the entire of Russia in the process. It really is what you would call a "superhighway."
The idea for the project has garnered lots of support, although some oppose it as well of course. The superhighway was dreamt up by the Russian Government. In total it would be 12,910 miles (20776 kilometers) in length. That is a serious amount of tarmac that needs to be mixed. On the route between London and New York, it would also connect other big cities including Moscow.
It would, without a doubt, be the greatest highway ever made and it goes by the name of, "Trans-Eurasian belt development project."
The cost of the project would be around the $3trillion mark. That is a huge amount of cash. According to authorities, this may be money well spent in the long-term. The mention of long-term cost does also bring up maintenance. It is one thing to build it, but what happens when potholes appear on the road or when people crash and emergency have to get there to help out. This will all cost money.
Opening the road may encourage some people and business to change how they travel. With vehicles getting very economical now how would the cost compare to flying for somebody who wanted to get from one part of the route to another? Driving from London to New York may take a while, but it would sure be an adventure! If it is going to cost hundreds of dollars to do the route by plane, would it be cheaper in petrol or diesel bills? By driving you would have the convenience of leaving at a time you wanted to, with no waiting around at an airport.
At this time there doesn't seem to be details about whether there would be toll roads to pay for upkeep. If so this may increase the cost of traveling on it and move the favor back the way of planes. For those on an adventure it probably wouldn't make much of a difference either way. For travelers, this could be like the next Route 66 - A famous stretch of road in America. I can imagine hiring a cool car and driving the full-length from London to New York would be an incredible effort.
What do you think about the plans? Will they go ahead with it? And are they realistic and would it even be worth building? With an ever growing global population, we will need more transport options, is this sort of project the answer?
Met toestemming van Tyler van SecureTeam. Ik mag zijn video’s downloaden, van ondertiteling voorzien en op mijn Youtube kanaal publiceren. Dank Tyler!! Permission to translate and use of video: Tyler - SecureTeam: 'I don't have a problem with it.'
Send fanmail to: Secureteam 1712 11th St. Portsmouth, OH 45662 Box 372 Intro Music: Spellbound by Kevin Macleod Outro Music: "Dark Trap" by rh_music
(NL ondertiteling) UFO’s BOVEN LUCHTHAVENS
We weten niet wat deze ongeïdentificeerde objecten zijn die al vele en vele jaren (en de laatste tijd wel heel frequent) worden waargenomen boven luchthavens, overal ter wereld. Ik beweer niet dat het beslist buitenaardse toestellen zijn, maar wat dan wel? In de gevestigde media zal je er weinig over lezen en horen, men doet net alsof het niet voorvalt. En als men er niet omheen kan, omdat zoals vorig jaar in het geval van de Londense luchthaven Gatwick de luchthaven dagenlang stilligt, dan krijgen meteen de drones van mensen die in de buurt wonen er de schuld van. Geen enkele kritische vragen worden er verder gesteld, zoals bv: kunnen dergelijke particuliere drones wel uren achtereen in de lucht blijven? Of hoe het mogelijk is dat dergelijke drones drie dagen lang een internationale luchthaven plat kunnen leggen, zonder dat de politie en zelfs het leger de daders niet kan lokaliseren? En als er dan een helikopter van het leger of de politie poolshoogte neemt, de drone met een ongelooflijke snelheid over de horizon verdwijnt, niet bij te houden door de heli, overigens ook niet door een F-16. En als de objecten bij daglicht met het blote oog worden waargenomen, dan blijken ze van een grootte te zijn die je niet in je schuur of op zolder kan opbergen. De vorm ervan lijkt ook niet op een drone. Maar zelfs als er drones zijn met dergelijke afmetingen, dan moeten ze absoluut op radar te zien zijn, iets waarvan doorgaans alle luchtverkeersleiders beweren dat ze niet op radar te zien waren, ongeacht dat men ze vanuit de verkeerstoren met het blote oog kon zien.
Kijk, UFO’s bestaan gewoon, dus niet te identificeren vliegende objecten. Daar moet hoognodig een onbevooroordeeld, officieel en open onderzoek naar worden ingesteld en daarbij mag geen enkele hypothese worden uitgesloten, dus… ook niet de buitenaardse hypothese, hoe vergezocht je dat ook mag vinden. Binnen het UFO-fenomeen bestaat 100% bewijs dat een aantal van de waargenomen vliegende objecten (en in de afgelopen 70 jaar gaat het om duizenden objecten) beslist niet van een Aardse mogendheid kunnen zijn. Er zijn vele duizenden hooggeplaatste getuigen die op basis van hun ervaring bij de overheid, het leger, de luchtmacht, politie, enz, er vast van overtuigd zijn dat het wel degelijk om een buitenaardse aanwezigheid gaat, maar dat nagenoeg alle overheden op deze wereld dat steevast ontkennen, omdat men al tientallen jaren de exotische buitenaardse techniek en kennis voor zichzelf te pakken wil krijgen. In plaats daarvan maken ze getuigen belachelijk en beïnvloeden ze de gevestigde media. Met als gevolg dat bijna niemand over UFO’s durft te praten, bang om ook uitgelachen te worden.
For business inquiries or concerns regarding footage used in this video, please contact me at: and I'll get back to you within 48 hours. Thanks!
WETENSCHAP Er zijn bewijzen gevonden dat de planeet Mars ooit een grondwatersysteem heeft gehad, zo heeft de Universiteit Utrecht na onderzoek bekendgemaakt. De aanwezigheid van grondwater op onze buurplaneet was al sinds 2010 voorspeld. De bevindingen werden gepubliceerd in het wetenschappelijke vakblad Journal of Geophysical Research.
Geoloog Francesco Salese van de Utrechtse universiteit onderzocht 24 laaggelegen gebieden in het noordelijk halfrond van de Rode Planeet. Delta’s, rivieren, valleien, beddingen en kustlijnen die enkel op die diepte te vinden zijn, duiden er allemaal op dat er grondwater moet zijn geweest. “Niets wees erop dat ze vanaf het oppervlak waren gevuld. Alleen opwellend grondwater blijft dus over als verklaring”, klinkt het.
Met behulp van foto’s van de Europese sonde Mars Express hebben Salese en collega’s nu bewezen dat er inderdaad water is geweest, met aan elkaar verbonden gebieden op zo’n vier kilometer onder de gemiddelde hoogte van Mars.
De onderzochte kraters lagen allemaal tussen de evenaar en 37 graden noorderbreedte. Daarom vermoeden de wetenschappers dat het van 3,5 miljard jaar geleden daterend grondwatersysteem over de hele planeet bestond. Om daar zeker van te zijn is meer onderzoek nodig. Eens te meer stelt zich de vraag waar al dat water is gebleven.
Like the groundhog in the U.S., a sure sign spring is coming soon is the first Loch Ness monster sightings of the year in Scotland. It means the weather is warming up enough for tourists to visit the loch looking for Nessie, and it means either the water is warm enough for the monster to surface or the banks have thawed enough to unfreeze logs and branches and send them floating out to be faux Nessies. In either case, it’s good for Nessie fans and Loch Ness business owners that there are already some 2019 sightings … however, one was made by a repeat spotter whose technique could spell lost revenue for hotels, tour guides and souvenir sellers.
“It’s a great feeling you get when you have photographed something out of the ordinary in Loch Ness. Nessie is the dark shape on the surface of Loch Ness on the opposite side of the loch.”
Eoin O’Faodhagain. Besides having the best name for a Nessie hunter, he’s either the smartest or the laziest spotter ever. You may remember his name from April 2018 when the resident of Drumdoit Castlefin, County Donegal, Ireland, captured a video of an alleged Nessie in Urquhart Bay while sitting in Drumdoit Castlefin, County Donegal, Ireland … watching the possible monster on the live video feed from the loch. That time, he was quick enough to hit ‘record’ and submitted a video of the feed to Gary Campbell, the Keeper of the Official Register of Sightings, who excitedly said, “As far as Nessie footage goes this is a feature film.” He was referring to the length not of the unidentifiable floating object but of the video.
C’mon, Nessie. C’mon, Nessie.
Well, Eoin hasn’t budged from his easy chair and on February 27th, he saw ‘something’ again on the live feed. It only appeared for a few seconds, so he had to settle for a screen capture photo to send to Gary Campbell. (See the photo here.) While he isn’t sure, Eoin was convinced, as he explained in the Daily Record:
Lisa Brennan claims to have spotted the monster on February 23
Lisa Brennan and her partner Danny were driving near Urquhart Castle when she saw the creature
“I knew immediately I had spotted Nessie, and not a boat. Boats do not disappear from screen there was no further appearance of an object in that area after 20 minutes of watching.”
Perhaps he also saw Lisa Brennan and her partner Danny (or perhaps logs resembling them), who were driving Urquhart Castle on February 23 when Lisa saw something in the loch and managed to take a photograph (Danny was driving) before it disappeared. (See the photo here.) In her report to Gary Campbell, Lisa said,
“… the dark coloured creature rose about 3 feet out of the water for about 10-15 seconds before disappearing back under the surface.”
Danny didn’t see it then and neither saw the object again when he turned around and made another pass. Being a good partner, Lisa said he told her that “my reaction to what I saw was very convincing.”
OK, not THAT convincing.
Convinced Lisa and Eoin saw Nessie? Probably not, since their photos are both far away and burry. Still, these two sightings are the second and third of 2019, which would project to 18 for the year and puts it on pace to exceed the record-setting total of 15 sightings in 2018. There’s still no word from the scientific team which has been running DNA tests on Loch Ness water samples for months.
Eoin O’Faodhagain has proven that you don’t have to go to the Loch Ness to be a monster spotter, while Lisa and Danny showed a trip to the loch to look in person could be good for a relationship. Either way, the definitive Loch Ness monster photo is still up for grabs.
Fact or Fiction? Famous ‘sightings’ of Nessie
The Loch Ness monster – known affectionately as Nessie – is often described as being a large animal with a long neck and usually with a hump popping out of the water.
Although the first sighting is said to have occurred in 565AD it was only in 1933 that widespread public opinion was sparked.
While scientists dismiss claims that there is some sort of prehistoric monster swimming about in the Scottish Highlands others are convinced of its existence.
Either way though the story of Nessie is now firmly part of Scottish folklore.
Saint Columba
The first reported sighting of a monster is said to have been by the Irish monk St Columba in 565AD. Columba sent a man across the River Ness after stories of a “water beast” had circulated. It’s said that while the man was swimming he was approached by a beast but Columba made the sign of the cross and told the animal to “go no further”.
George Spicer
Modern day interest in the beast was largely sparked by a sighting in July 1933 by George Spicer and his wife when they claimed "a most extraordinary form of animal" crossed the road in front of their car.
Surgeon’s photograph
Perhaps the best-known picture of Nessie is the ‘Surgeon’s photograph’ which was published in April 1934, supposedly showing the animals head and long neck. According to the photographer Robert Kenneth Wilson, he managed to capture the image while he was looking at the lake. The image though was exposed as a huge hoax in the 1999 book, Nessie – the Surgeon’s Photograph Exposed.
Holmes video
Lab technician Gordon Holmes claimed he had managed to film the monster in 2007 which he described as "this jet black thing, about 14 metres (46 ft) long, moving fairly fast in the water." Both BBC Scotland and STV aired the footage at the time which marine biologist Adrian Shine described as among “the best footage [he had] ever seen.”
11 Mysterious Human Species That Most People Don’t Know Existed
Evolution includes many now extinct human species.
11 Mysterious Human Species That Most People Don’t Know Existed
Modern humans,Homo Sapiens ,are now the only surviving member of the homo genus. It is almost inconceivable to us that there was a time we walked with other human species, but as the science of archaeology has progressed and more findings have been made it has become clear that the homo genus was once rife with different species.
Since the publication of Darwin’s On Origin of the Species in 1859 there has been great interest in piecing together our family tree. Fossil hominids like Lucy the Australopithecus and Java Manhave helped us to fill in some of the blanks, but as more and more remains of extinct human species have been discovered it has become clear that the history of our ancestors and how they evolved is not as simple as may once have been thought. Our family tree is now filled with not only direct ancestors like Homo Habilis and Homo Erectus but also cousins and distant relatives like Homo Neanderthalensis and Homo Denisova .
But despite so many extinct human species now being known, there are still gaps in the picture. And even though we have remains and evidence of some species, we know very little about them.
1. Homo Heidelbergensis
Homo Heidelbergensis – Heidelberg man. This extinct human ancestor walked the earth about 600,000 years ago in Africa, parts of Asia, and Europe. They are believed to be the direct ancestor of Neanderthals, and some archaeologists even argue that they are “archaic” or “early” Neanderthals. Heidelberg man was exceptionally tall at an average height of 6’, but also intelligent. They were using stone tipped spears made from obsidian to hunt and butcher large prey and may be the first species of homo to intentionally bury their dead.
Heidelberg man - facial reconstruction based on the Kabwe skull displayed at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. (Tim1965 / CC BY-SA 2.0 )
2. Homo Rudolfensis
This extinct human ancestor is only known through a small number of fossilized bone fragments. There has been some debate as to whether Rudolfensis is the earliest known member of the homo genus, or if it is a very late member of the Australopethicus genus.
Due to the scant nature of the remains not much is known about the species, but evidence suggests its brain was proportionally larger than the other earliest members of the homo genus.
3. Java Man
In the early 1890s, the tooth, skullcap, and thighbone of an extinct human species were found by a team of archaeologists in East Java. This is what gave the discovery its nickname ‘Java Man’.
It was a big deal at the time, as the bones were at that point the oldest hominid remains ever discovered. It was originally argued by some archaeologists that Java Man was an ancestor of Homo Erectus , but there were some who said that it was the so called ‘missing link’ between ape and man.
The three main fossils of Java Man found in 1891–92: a skullcap, a molar, and a thighbone, each seen from two different angles. (120 / Public Domain )
4. Boskop Man
Boskop Man was discovered in 1913 in Boskop, South Africa. It is notable as the brain size of the skull was larger than that of a modern human. After other specimens of the species were discovered, it was given the name Homo Capensis. However, after heavy criticism in the 1950s there was a change of opinion and the Boskop Man along with the rest of Homo Capensis was reclassified as anatomically modern Homo Sapiens and not an extinct ancestor at all, despite an estimated head size of 30% larger than the modern average.
5. Homo Denisova
One of the more recent discoveries of an extinct human species was made at the Denisova Cave in Siberia as recently as 2008. Only a very few remains have been discovered so far, but thanks to advances in DNA analysis it has been possible to sequence the genome of Homo Denisova . With this evidence, it has been possible to show that some people in Tibet have snippets of Denisovan DNA in the same way that some Europeans have a tiny percentage of Neanderthal DNA.
Replica of a Denisovan molar, originally found in Denisova Cave. (Thilo Parg / CC BY-SA 3.0 )
6. Penghu Man
Another extinct human found in 2008 was Homo Tsaichangensis , which has the catchier nickname Penghu Man. Penghu Man’s fossilized mandible was discovered by fishermen working near the Penghu Islands off the coast of Taiwan. It is extremely thick and has gigantic teeth, which has puzzled scientists for several reasons. They have been able to determine it is the mandible of a previously unknown species and that it was probably very similar to Homo Erectus , but larger. It has so far not been possible to date the fossil, so they are not sure when the species was alive.
7. Dmanisi Man
Homo Georgicus , otherwise known as Dmanisi Man, is a species of extinct human which has been found in Dmanisi, Georgia. The species had a very small brain, unlike many of our extinct ancestors. The five skulls which are evidence of Homo Georgicus were discovered in 1991, and since then they have been the subject of much debate. They may be an intermediary between Homo Erectus and Homo Habilis , but there are some scientists who think the skulls are simply examples of Homo Erectus. Despite having a small brain, the fossils are associated with a total of 73 tools which proves a large brain is not always necessary to use and produce tools.
The most recent known archaic human to go extinct, the remains of the Red Deer Cave People have been dated to approximately 11,500 years ago, meaning they were still around for about 28,500 years after the last pure Neanderthals.
Some scientists think the Red Deer Cave People were a hybrid of Homo Denisova and modern humans but attempts to sequence their DNA have not proved successful, so it is currently impossible to say for sure.
9. Homo Naledi
Evidence of Homo Naledi was unearthed in 2013 in a cave in South Africa by cavers who were able to access a chamber in the Rising Star system for the first time. Thirty meters (98 feet) below the surface, it is strewn with thousands of bones which have unique and interesting features with 1550 currently excavated and many more remaining in the cave. Some of their features are archaic and resemble specimens from around 20,00,000 years ago, but they also have more modern hominid features, and their bones have been dated to about 250,000 years ago. It has been concluded that they were not a direct ancestor of modern humans.
Archaeologists are unsure how so many bones ended up in the cave, but they may have been deliberately depositing the bodies there at the time of death as there is evidence that they were not all deposited at one time.
10. The Hobbit
In 2004 researchers made the announcement that a discovery had been made on the island of Flores, Indonesia. The people on the island had long talked of the Ebu Gogo, a supposed race of short, hairy men who lived in caves. Astonishingly, the discovery of stone tools and remains of a small hominid in a cave on the island seemed to prove the legends right. The remains were given the official name Homo Floresiensis after the island, but they have become known as The Hobbit . Homo Floresiensis was approximately 3.5’ tall, with large feet.
Comparison of skull features of Homo naledi and other early human species. (Animalparty / CC BY-SA 4.0 )
11. The Ghost Ancestor
A study published in 2019 has shared evidence of a yet undiscovered extinct human ancestor, proposed after an AI program determined that there was a ‘ghost’ population of archaic human which interbred with modern humans in the distant past. Researchers think the unknown ancestor may have been an offshoot of Homo Denisova, based on the evidence.
With new techniques such as this and advances in fields such as DNA analysis , it is now possible to learn more about extinct species of human than ever before. New species are being discovered and identified with relative frequency, and the earliest discoveries can now be reassessed and analyzed in greater detail. The evidence is pointing not to one unbroken chain of human ancestors , but a rich family tree with a number of offshoots. Exactly how many extinct relatives we have will probably never be known for sure, but with each discovery we are able to add a new and unique piece to the puzzle of who we are .
Top image:Evolution includes many now extinct human species.
LA Marzulli: Pilot of SR-71 Blackbird Sights a UFO
LA Marzulli: Pilot of SR-71 Blackbird Sights a UFO
The Lockheed SR-71 “Blackbird” is a long-range, Mach 3+ strategic reconnaissance aircraft that was operated by the United States Air Force. It was developed as a black project from the Lockheed A-12 reconnaissance aircraft in the 1960s by Lockheed and its Skunk Works division. The SR-71 served with the U.S. Air Force from 1964 to 1998.
L. A. Marzulli interviews Russel Rasmussen who tells of an encounter a pilot had with a UFO on the wing-tip of his SR 71 for several minutes at an altitude of 70,000 feet.
The pilot said to Russel Rasmussen that at the moment the disc-shaped UFO flashed off and disappeared, it was going a bit faster than Mach 3 which was the speed of the SR-71 Blackbird at that moment.
This testimony proves once again that U.S. Air Force pilots do indeed have encounters with UFOs, but they are not allowed to talk about it.
Dr. Steven Greer on Disclosure UFOs, ETs - Coverups and more...
Dr. Steven Greer on Disclosure UFOs, ETs - Coverups and more...
Thanks For Watching :Dr Steven Greer on Disclosure UFOs, ETs – Coverups and more… The world is about to change and you can be a part of it! We are calling for new witnesses to come forward and disclose what they know regarding the multitudes of cover ups that are happening all around us… UFO, Secrecy, Cover Up, Free Energy and more! The signs are everywhere.
From startlingly candid presidential candidates to recent NASA & military whistleblowers, the forces suppressing truth can no longer hold back the floodgates of disclosure. Dr. Steven Greer, the father of the Global Disclosure Movement, is thrilled to announce the ultimate campaign that ends illegal UFO and Free Energy Technology secrecy once and for all and embraces the beginning of a new civilization on Earth.
Following “Sirius”, one of the most successful crowdfunded documentaries in history, Dr. Greer and his team are producing Unacknowledged : An Expose of the Greatest Secret in Human History. “Unacknowledged” is named after the super- secret and illegal Unacknowledged Special Access Projects (USAPs) that deal with the UFO/ET issue and will be THE disclosure event that we’ve been waiting for …
WETENSCHAP & PLANEET Archeologen hebben in een grot in de beroemde Mexicaanse ruïnestad van de Maya’s, Chichén Itzá, meer dan duizend jaar oude vaartuigen en andere Precolumbiaanse objecten ontdekt. Archeoloog Guillermo de Anda spreekt van “buitengewoon materiaal dat enorm goed bewaard is gebleven”.
De archeologen hadden de Balamkú-grot op het schiereiland Yucatán vorig jaar ontdekt op aanwijzing van omwonenden. Het bestaan van de grot, een uitgestrekt tunnelsysteem met verschillende zalen, was al langer bekend, maar niet gedocumenteerd. Bovendien was zij afgesloten, de toegang ertoe bevindt zich 24 meter onder de grond. De vorsers konden uiteindelijk binnengeraken via een amper halve meter hoge opening.
“Wat wij aantroffen, was ongeschonden en ongelooflijk”, zegt archeoloog Guillermo de Anda. Ze ontdekten zeven offergaves, voornamelijk bestaande uit houders voor wierook en deels gebroken schepen uit keramiek met verkoolde resten, zaden, jade, mosselschelpen en kleine dierenbeenderen. De gevonden objecten stammen vermoedelijk uit de achtste tot de tiende eeuw. Volgens de Anda zijn het plengoffers voor de watergod Tláloc. De gaves doen vermoeden dat de regio destijds een lange tijd van droogte moet hebben gekend.
Nog maar een derde onderzocht
Tot dusver hebben de archeologen ongeveer een derde van de grot onderzocht. Een deel ervan staat onder water, waardoor voor verdere exploratie gedoken zal moeten worden.
De grot ligt ongeveer 2,7 kilometer ten oosten van de piramide Kukulkán, het hoofdgebouw van het tot het Unesco-werelderfgoed behorende complex. In 2015 werd onder Kukulkán een “cenote”, een met zoet water gevuld hol, ontdekt. Yucatán is bezaaid met zulke grotten, die de kalksteenbodem doorboren en soms over kilometers afstand met elkaar verbonden zijn. Bij het al lang uitgestorven Maya-volk golden cenotes als heilige plaatsen, die gebruikt werden voor religieuze ceremonieën.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Dit zijn de 50 meest vervuilde steden ter wereld. In België krijgt Oostrozebeke slechtste rapport -
Dit zijn de 50 meest vervuilde steden ter wereld. In België krijgt Oostrozebeke slechtste rapport -
KVDS Valentijn , Dumoulein Daimy en Van den Eede
WETENSCHAP & PLANEETDe 50 meest vervuilende steden ter wereld liggen op drie na allemaal in dezelfde twee landen. Dat blijkt uit een nieuw rapportvan Greenpeace en AirVisual, een bedrijf dat metingen van de luchtkwaliteit uitvoert. Grote boosdoeners zijn India en China.
Vooral India maakt een slechte beurt. Maar liefst 22 van de steden in de top 30 liggen daar, inclusief de meest vervuilde stad ter wereld: Gurugram. Dat is een van de grootste satellietsteden van New Delhi, in het noorden van het land. In Gurugram ligt de gemiddelde luchtkwaliteitsindex bijna drie keer hoger dan wat als gezond beschouwd wordt.
China heeft 5 steden in de top 30, maar ook 17 steden tussen de 30ste en de 50ste plaats. Het land maakt wel vooruitgang in vergelijking met vroeger. Volgens het rapport zou de gemiddelde concentratie aan vervuilende stoffen - het rapport focust op deeltjes met een afmeting van PM2,5 of 2,5 micrometer (0,000 002 5 meter) omdat die de grootste impact op onze gezondheid hebben - tussen 2017 en 2018 teruggelopen zijn met 12 procent. De hoofdstad Peking is zelfs uit de top 100 gevallen van meest vervuilde steden, na inspanningen van de overheid om de luchtvervuiling er onder controle te krijgen.
Enkele landen in de buurt van China zien dan weer een slechtere evolutie. Indonesië, Zuid-Korea, Vietnam en Thailand zien hun cijfers flink achteruitgaan. In Bangkok bijvoorbeeld, werden in januari vliegtuigen uitgestuurd die het kunnen doen regenen om de vervuiling in de lucht te doen neerslaan.
Dichter bij ons maken vooral Boznië en Herzegovina, Macedonië en Polen een slechte beurt. Samen maken zij de volledige top 10 uit van meest vervuilde steden in Europa. Op 6 Italiaanse steden na – onder meer Venetië – bestaat de top 50 overigens exclusief uit Oost-Europese steden.
De eerste Belgische gemeente in de lijst is Oostrozebeke. Wereldwijd vind je die terug op de 822ste plaats, in de Europese lijst op de 158ste plaats. Dat is geen verrassing. Oostrozebeke staat al sinds 2005 bekend als slechtst scorend in ons land op het vlak van luchtkwaliteit. Oorzaak is dat het meetpunt vlakbij spaanplatenfabrikant Unilin (het vroegere Spano) staat - in een gebied met veel industrie - en vlakbij de gewestweg N385. Die laatste wordt vaak gebruikt door vrachtverkeer. Unilin nam intussen maatregelen om de luchtkwaliteit te verbeteren, onder meer door het plaatsen van filters. En de gemeente zelf beloofde in januari vorig jaar om te investeren in “ecologische maatregelen”. In totaal waren er 46 Belgische gemeenten bij het onderzoek betrokken.
Als alle landen in hun geheel worden bekeken, staat België op de 52ste plaats. Daarmee zijn we bij de slechtste leerlingen van de klas in West-Europa en doen we net iets minder goed dan onze buurlanden Frankrijk, Duitsland en Nederland.
Volgens het rapport zal luchtverontreiniging volgend jaar wereldwijd 7 miljoen voortijdige overlijdens veroorzaken en een enorme impact hebben op de economie. Wereldwijd zou de kost oplopen tot 225 miljard dollar (199 miljoen euro, red.) aan verloren arbeid en biljoenen in medische kosten, zo staat er in het rapport te lezen.
Voor het rapport werden de gegevens van meer dan 6.000 steden en gemeente ter wereld opgemeten en vergeleken. Opmerkelijk: er zijn vooral data uit Europa, Azië en Noord-Amerika voor handen. Onder meer in Afrika, Zuid-Amerika en Rusland zijn er amper meetgegevens over de luchtverontreiniging beschikbaar.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Triangle UFO Seen Over Amsterdam During Daytime Close Up, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Triangle UFO Seen Over Amsterdam During Daytime Close Up, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: 10-28-2013
Location of sighting: Amsterdam
Here is an old video of a UFO over Amsterdam that I haven't seen before. This is really a breathtaking video of a triangle craft, and yes, it does appear to be a TR3B. The UFO also has a yellow rectangle that is a separate part of the ship. I darkened the photos below to better see the detail of the UFO. Sure this was taken back in 2013, but damn its really mind-blowing video! I doubt very much that its a TR3B, because no pilot would be stupid enough to fly this low out in broad daylight showing it off to the public. I do however believe it to be an alien craft.
Two Foo Fighter UFOs Seen Over Germany, Should We Be Worried? Feb 3, 2019, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Two Foo Fighter UFOs Seen Over Germany, Should We Be Worried? Feb 3, 2019, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: February 3, 2019 Location of sighting: Germany These white orbs seen over Germany a few weeks ago, have been seen over Europe for over 5 decades. They are called Foo Fighters. They use to fly along side fighter planes and bombers as they flew on missions. They observed the war close up to see just how close humanity was to destroying itself. The fact that these large Foo Fighters are showing up again...worries me, because they may be observing a very destructive force on the ground or below the ground that could potentially threaten the existence of humanity again. So the real question is...what is Germany secretly working on that attracted these orbs? Scott C. Waring
WETENSCHAP Of buitenaards leven bestaat, weten we nog steeds niet. Wel slaagden wetenschappers van het Amerikaanse ruimtevaartagentschap NASA erin om een buitenaardse vorm van DNA te creëren, genaamd Hachimoji. En Hachimoji kan zo maar even tot een doorbraak leiden.
NASA’s ontdekking suggereert immers dat andere vormen van DNA zodus ook andere levensvormen, perfect kunnen bestaan. En dankzij de nieuwe DNA-vorm hebben onderzoekers alweer een beter idee naar wat ze precies op zoek zijn.
Kern van ons bestaan Voor wie tijdens de biologielessen vooral sliep: een korte les. Het menselijk DNA ziet er als volgt uit: het bestaat uit twee lange strengen van nucleotiden die in de vorm van een dubbele helix of wenteltrap met elkaar vervlochten zijn. De nucleotiden zijn dan weer verbindingen bestaande uit kleinere bouwstenen of basen: adenine, cytosine, guanine en thymine. Kort samengevat is DNA de kern van ons bestaan, letterlijk en figuurlijk.
Waarom bovenstaande biologieles belangrijk is voor Hachimoji? Zonder een stukje menselijk DNA zou hij niet bestaan. Het Hachimoji-DNA bevat immers dezelfde vier ‘ingrediënten’ of basen (adenine, cytosine, guanine en thymine), maar daarbovenop telt het unieke DNA nog eens twee dubbele verbindingen: purine en pyrimidine. Het resultaat? DNA dat maar liefst dubbel zoveel ‘ingrediënten’ telt: acht.
Uiteraard is de alien van NASA slechts een laboratoriumversie, en eentje die niet eens vingers heeft, laat staan de woorden “E.T. phone home” uitspreekt. Toch is het een veelbelovend experiment waarmee de wetenschappers aantonen dat een andere vorm van leven – inclusief andere bouwstenen – perfect mogelijk is. Verder benadrukken ze graag het belang van de financiering voor grondig onderzoek naar buitenaards leven. Dergelijk onderzoek is noodzakelijk menen de wetenschappers. Met hun experiment hopen ze die noodzakelijkheid ook aan te tonen.
BIZARDe wonderen zijn de wereld nog niet uit, want als we Clark McClelland mogen geloven, dan heeft een alien een ritje gemaakt met de space shuttle. De alien zou ook gebabbeld hebben met astronauten terwijl hij dacht dat niemand keek.
McClelland beweert 35 jaar voor NASA te hebben gewerkt, en vooralsnog heeft de Amerikaanse ruimtevaartorganisatie die bewering niet weerlegd. McClelland zegt dat hij een missie van de space shuttle aan het monitoren was vanuit het Kennedy Space Center toen hij iets zag wat hij eigenlijk niet mocht zien: een 2,7 meter lange, magere alien die in de space shuttle een gezellige babbel sloeg met astronauten. De NASA-veteraan beweert ook een ruimteschip gezien te hebben vlakbij de shuttle. “Ik herken een ruimteschip wanneer ik er een zie”, aldus McClelland. “Aliens lopen rond op onze aarde”, besluit hij.
Velen beweren dat McClelland ze niet allemaal meer op een rij heeft, maar sommige ‘believers’ hechten veel belang aan zijn uitspraken. McClellands website ’Stargate Chronicles” geeft enkele, laten we zeggen, interessante inzichten.
SpaceX CEO Elon Musk hasn’t gotten much sleep this weekend. But true to form, he’s already dreaming of something far more ambitious.
“To be frank, I’m a little emotionally exhausted,” Musk said at a post-launch press conference at four o’clock in the morning on Saturday. “Because that was super stressful. But it worked, so far.”
The private space company has achieved a lot within the last 48 hours. Their futuristic passenger spacecraft Crew Dragon launched early Saturday morning from the Kennedy Space Center and successfully docked autonomously with the International Space Station some 26 hours later.
If all goes well, two astronauts will fly on board the spacecraft to the ISS as soon as July.
Beyond Earth’s Orbit
But, as expected, Musk has much bigger plans — for traveling to beyond Earth’s orbit. “We should have a base on the moon, like a permanently occupied human base on the moon, and then send people to Mars,” Musk said at the press event. “Maybe there’s something beyond the space station, but we’ll see.”
The Starship Enterprise
Earlier this year, Musk admitted that he wanted to get to the Moon – and “as fast as possible,” he wrote in a Jan 31 tweet.
The vehicle that could fulfill that dream: the stainless-steel monstrosity dubbed Starship. But getting Starship to the Moon will be a much harder feat to pull off than any NASA project ever.
“It won’t be easy for us or SpaceX,” Walt Engelund, director of Space Technology and Exploration Directorate at NASA, told Business Insider in a February interview.
But one step at a time. “We’ve got to focus on getting [the Crew Dragon missions] right, for sure. That’s the priority,” Musk admitted at Saturday’s press event.
“But then, after that, maybe something beyond low-Earth orbit.”
Moon landing PHOTOS reignite conspiracy theories… again
Moon landing PHOTOS reignite conspiracy theories… again
A UFO conspiracist has uncovered what he believes is proof that the moon landings were fake, although his detective work has drawn criticism.
“Does Astronaut's visor reflection show a stagehand on the Apollo fake Moon set?" is the question posed by Streetcap1, who shared his recent discovery on YouTube.
The photo in question is taken from the Apollo 17 mission, which took place in late 1972. Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt spent about 22 hours exploring the surface and were the last humans to walk on the moon.
The moon landings have been the source of scepticism for conspiracy theorists ever since astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin set foot on the moon in 1969.
According to Streetcap1, who took a picture of the NASA image using his “software,” the astronaut’s visor reflection appears to show a man “not wearing a spacesuit,” standing on the moon.
"It looks like a man back in the early 1970s, long hair, you know,” he said. "He is wearing some sort of, I don't know, waistcoat type thing… one leg there, with one shoe, another leg and a shadow of that figure presumably.”
Streetcap1 says he wasn’t a moon landing disbeliever until he came across the suspicious image. "I sort of think we did make it to the Moon, but this is starting to make me think if we did because where is this guy's spacesuit?"
Streetcap1’s video divided opinion, with some people surprised to have their suspicions raised.
“Pretty Earth-shaking for a believer in the landing,” a commentator said.
“I vote astronaut... the shadow on the ground looks more like an astronaut in a bulky suit,” said another.
However, other photographs taken from the Apollo 17 mission suggest the “stagehand” in the helmet reflection is likely the other astronaut.
One image shared on the NASA website shows Cernan on the moon, with another astronaut clearly seen in his helmet’s reflection.
As Cernan and Schmitt performed three moonwalks over three days, pilot Ronald E. Evans stayed orbiting the moon during this time, in the command service module of the spacecraft.
Examining NASA’s history site, which contains thousands of images from the mission, along with the accompanying transcript of footage taken on the moon, the astronaut pictured is likely Schmitt.
An image shared on NASA’s site shows Schmitt standing next to the large boulder featured in the suspicious image. It was taken by Cernan. If Schmitt turned toward Cernan, he would have been in an ideal position for Cernan’s reflection to be captured in Schmitt’s helmet.
The Apollo 17 mission aimed to capture precise images for mapping and examining the lunar surface. Multiple cameras were used on the surface of the moon, meaning there were many different cameras that could have captured the astronaut with the helmet reflection.
The astronauts had three battery powered 70-millimeter Hasselblad cameras which were attached to their chests, the Lunar Planetary Institute reports. They also carried a 16-millimeter Maurer Data Acquisition Camera that could be handheld or mounted to the lunar module and lunar roving vehicle.
A lunar surface TV camera was also used and operated from three positions, either mounted on a tripod, or on the modularized equipment storage assembly (MESA). “The camera could be aimed and controlled by the astronauts or remotely controlled by personnel in the mission control center,” LPI said.
NASA doesn’t comment on specific moon hoax theories, but it has said in the past that it did go to the moon.
Scientists found valleys and channels carved into the depths of Martian craters, and according to the European Space Agency (ESA), these formations provide the first evidence of a vast groundwater system in the planet's past.
Researchers also spotted signs of special minerals linked to the emergence of life on Earth in Martian basins.
Mars is a prime target for the cosmically geared imagination, from the story "War of the Worlds" to the last 20 years of robotic exploration on the Red Planet's surface. If a world just a monthslong journey away from Earth could have hosted water, maybe extraterrestrial life once resided at cosmic arms' length from our planet.
"Findings like this are hugely important; they help us to identify the regions of Mars that are the most promising for finding signs of past life," Dmitri Titov, ESA's Mars Express project scientist, said in an agency statement Feb. 28 about the recent findings.
ESA's Mars Express orbiter, which has been circling the planet since 2003, found the first geological evidence of an ancient interconnected system of lakes linked by branching channels deep beneath the planet's surface, ESA officials said.
"Early Mars was a watery world," Francesco Salese of Utrecht University in the Netherlands said in the statement. "But as the planet's climate changed, this water retreated below the surface to form pools and 'groundwater.' We traced this water in our study, as its scale and role is a matter of debate, and we found the first geological evidence of a planet-wide groundwater system on Mars."
Over the last few years, research has pointed to the existence of a warmer Marsin the past — possible thanks to a thicker atmosphere in the planet's history — that supported the flow of water on the ground. Now, there's physical evidence to further support existing models.
Salese led a team that used Mars Express to explore 24 enclosed craters in Mars' northern hemisphere. The crater floors analyzed by the team were at depths of about 2.5 miles (4,000 meters) below Martian sea level, ESA officials said. (Since Mars does not have an existing sea, a "sea level" is approximated by deriving an arbitrary point based on atmospheric pressure and elevation.)
"We think that this ocean may have connected to a system of underground lakes that spread across the entire planet," co-author Gian Gabriele Ori, director of the Università D'Annunzio's International Research School of Planetary Sciences in Italy, said in the statement. "These lakes would have existed around 3.5 billion years ago, so [they] may have been contemporaries of a Martian ocean."
Five of the deepest craters showed signs of carbonates, silicates and several kinds of clay, according to ESA. These minerals provide further supporting evidence that the ingredients for life were present long ago on Mars.
Last week, ESA released Mars Express imagery of the planet's southern highlands region with rocks up to 4 billion years old. The area photographed by the mission lies east of the Huygens impact crater and north of the impact basin Hellas, according to the agency. While the land has gone through heavy erosion since it first formed, some valleys retain tree-like shapes called dendritic structures. Riverbeds on Earth also bend in these ways, offering more evidence for a wet Mars.
Buildings alone cover more than 390 000 square meters, while the visual footprint (the areas from which human activity can be seen) extends to more than 93 000 square kilometers.
This is Australia’s Davis research station, Antarctica.
Image credits: Shaun Brooks.
Antarctica is the world’s southernmost continent. It’s the coldest, driest, and windiest continent, and has the highest average elevation of all the continents — an unfriendly polar desert that only hosts a few creatures which have adapted to survive these extreme conditions. Antarctica, however, is no longer pristine.
At any given moment, there are over 1,000 humans in Antarctica, generally engaged in scientific research. However, during some months, the number of researchers in Antarctica goes closer to 5,000. While much of this research contributes to our understanding and conservation of Antarctica, it still has an environmental impact. Considering that an estimated 38,000 tourists visit the frozen continent every year, it seems quite likely that humans are having quite an impact in Antarctica.
However, this impact hasn’t been thoroughly quantified — until now.
In a new study published in Nature Sustainability, PhD student Shaun Brooks focused on the area that humans changed. He explains that measuring the area impacted by humans was important for Antarctic conservation and environmental management.
“Although the 53 countries that have signed the Antarctic Treaty agreed to protect the Antarctic environment, until now there has been only limited data on the spatial extent of human activity on the continent,” Mr Brooks said.
“Our research shows that human impacts are the greatest on land that is also the most environmentally sensitive – ice free areas within a few kilometres of the coast.”
The international treaty he is referring to mandates Antarctic activities. The treaty prohibits military activities and mineral mining of any kind. It also prohibits nuclear explosions and nuclear waste disposal, but allows scientific research, and protects the continent’s biodiversity.
About 98% of Antarctica is covered by ice, but the remaining 2% hosts a rich biodiversity — Antarctica’s only true biodiversity. However, whenever humans set up camp, it’s almost always in or just outside of this iceless area.
“Ice-free land supports the continent’s greatest diversity of flora and fauna, including iconic species such as Adelie penguins, and provides the most accessible areas for marine animals that breed on land,” Brooks continues. “We found that 81 per cent of the buildings in the Antarctic are located within just 0.44 per cent of the land that is free of ice.”
With a growing number of researchers, and increasing pressure from tourism, the environment pressure is also certain to increase. Brooks says this type of research is vital to ensuring that the fragile balance in Antarctica isn’t
“There is a growing tension between the increasing pressure for access to the continent and international commitments to protect the Antarctic environment. Hopefully, our research can help to inform a sustainable balance between these competing imperatives,” Brooks concluded.
Afterlanding the world’s first roveron the far side of the Moon early this year, China already has far more ambitious plans in the works: sending a rover to Mars.
“Over the past 60 years, we’ve made a lot of achievements, but there is still a large distance from the world space powers,” chief designer of China’s lunar exploration program Wu Wiren said ahead of the opening of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference,CNN reports. “Next year, we will launch a Mars probe, which will orbit around the Mars, land on it and probe it.”
Race To Mars
China’s space program has rapidly picked up pace. Its Yutu 1 rover landed on the Moon in 2013. A second rover landed on the far side some six years later, and a third rover will follow at the end of this year, with the goal of returning to Earth with at least four pounds of lunar soil and rock samples.
But increasingly, China’s space agency has been focusing its efforts on the Red Planet. This weekend, China opened its first Mars simulation base in Qinghai Province at a location known to have similarities to the Martian surface. The base can house 60 people in its futuristic capsules.
Catching Up
China won’t be the first nation to explore Mars. NASA, for one, has a considerable head start: Its Jet Propulsion Lab has so far sent four remotely operated rovers to the Martian surface to look for signs of life gather scientific data about the distant world.
Both NASA and the European Space Agency each plan to send new rovers to Mars as soon as next year. But China is making a substantial effort to catch up.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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