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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
Gemstone Found in King Tut’s Tomb Was Created by a Massive Meteorite Impact
Gemstone Found in King Tut’s Tomb Was Created by a Massive Meteorite Impact
Sometimes it feels like the ancient Egyptians are teasing us. As if everything we’ve uncovered about ancient Egypt is an elaborate prank meant to confound and frustrate all proceeding civilizations. So much of what we’ve discovered under the Egyptian sands has a cruel habit of hinting at something mysterious and perhaps even cosmic. Of course, if you were a pharaoh whose whole shtick was that you were a living god, that’s the exact impression you would want to give. One of the pharaohs most successful—if not the most, by name recognition alone— at cultivating the image of a cosmic deity was King Tutankhamen, AKA King Tut. Themore we learnabout King Tut, the more that “cosmic” part of his image seems to be literal. Arecent study in the journal Geologyof a ceremonial breastplate worn by the boy king found that the gemstone scarab in the center is made of an extremely rare desert glass that was created during amassive meteorite impact. If you’re trying to be a god-king, that’s some top-notch imagery to channel.
The breastplate holding the gemstone was found in 1922 by British archaeologist Howard Carter when he discovered King Tut’s tomb. Like many of the artifacts of the ancient pharaohs it is stunning in its opulence and artistry. In the middle of the breastplate sits a greenish-gold gemstone scarab beetle symbolizing the god Ra, the sun god and creator of the universe. When first discovered, it was believed to be made out of a type of quartz. In 1998, it was discovered that the scarab gemstone was actually made of Libyan Desert Glass, one of the rarest minerals on Earth, found only in the Great Sand Sea of Libya.
King Tut’s pectoral breastplate with the desert glass scarab in the center.
How the desert glass was formed was a mystery. Other types of naturally occurring glass, like Obsidian, are formed by volcanoes, but there are no extinct volcanoes anywhere near where the Libyan Desert Glass exists. Up until now, the prevailing explanation was that a comet with a high percentage of water exploded in the atmosphere—an event called an airburst—and the resulting heat created the glass. A new paper refutes that claim, finding that Libyan Desert glass contains a very rare mineral called Reidite, which is formed through the extremely high pressures. An airburst alone does not generate enough pressure to create Reidite, only an actual, very large, meteorite impact can generate the necessary pressure.
Like many things, this finding creates more mysteries than it solves. If Libyan Desert Glass had to have been made by a meteorite impact, there must be an impact crater. However, there have been no impact craters found in the same area as Libyan Desert Glass. Also, it is unknown how King Tut got his hands on his desert glass gemstone. So far, King Tut is the only Egyptian pharaoh we know of who had any jewelry made of this particular glass. Dating of the glass suggests that the impact occurred 28 to 26 million years ago, well before King Tut’s time. Is it just a coincidence that a symbol of the sun god was carved out of the glass left behind by a massive, violent explosion that came out of space? Of course, it’s also a perfect color to symbolize the sun. Still it’s intriguing, and it’s yet another example of how much we still don’t know about ancient Egypt.
According to a NASA geoscientist, astronauts could eventuallylive inside of caves underneath the surface of the moon. Daniel Moriarty and several of his colleagues answered questions during a Reddit ‘ask me anything’ session which they did on May 16, 2019. During that session, he claimed that the natural shelters on the moon that were created by lunar lava would be a great place where humans could build a lunar base.
The long tunnel-like structures were created from past volcanic activity where the lava flow eventually cooled and hardened up. The hard crust was positioned above the molten rock which was moving underneath it, and when it finally depleted, a hollow tunnel remained.
The caves would shield the astronauts against the damaging solar radiation as well as the fluctuating temperatures on the moon. Since NASA is planning on sending astronauts back to the moon in 2024, the majority of the Q&A session was focused on that which can be read here.
As for the possibility of future moon bases, Dr. Moriarty wrote, “I don’t think we’re going to be able to change anything about the surface of the moon much,” adding, “It could be interesting to set up shop within a pre-existing lava tube.”
He also mentioned that setting up a base near the lunar poles could be beneficial. “For instance, it could be useful to establish a base near a permanently-shadowed polar region in order to take advantage of surface water that’s there,” he explained. In fact, China National Space Administration announced in April that they plan to create an international base that would be located close to the south pole of the moon where there is much ice.
NASA also plans to use “innovative, new technologies” to explore more of the moon. “We will use what we learn as we move forward to the Moon to take the next giant leap – sending astronauts to Mars,” said NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine.
Initially, humans were only supposed to go back to the moon in 2028 according to Bridenstine who made the announcement in March of this year. However, plans were changed when Vice President Mike Pence said that humans would be back on the moon by 2024 which is four years earlier than the original plan. In fact, he looked to NASA to “reignite the spark of urgency” for the exploration of space.
Buzz Aldrin during the Apollo 11 mission
Whether astronauts get to the moon in 2024 or slightly later, it would be the seventh manned US lunar expedition – quite a bit later than the first six expeditions that were conducted between 1969 and 1972. This upcoming expedition, named the Artemis mission, will be even more special, as it will be the first time that a woman will walk on the moon. They also hope to be the first crewed mission to land close to the lunar’s South Pole.
Flying Saucer disguised as cloud photographed over Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Flying Saucer disguised as cloud photographed over Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Interesting photograph of a cloaked UFO in the sky over Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Portholes are visible in the upper part of the flying saucer-shaped UFO.
The photographer who has submitted the images to MUFON states:
I parked on Lena’s parking lot, which is a grocery store. I looked up to the sky before getting out of my car when I saw the cloud looking UFO shape in the sky.
I screamed excitedly to my son “Look a UFO” so we excitedly came out of my car quick to take pictures . I was so exited taking pictures I didn’t even think of taking a video.
So then I proceeded after that to go inside the grocery store quick because I wanted to see if it was still there and 11 minutes later I took another photo which was not the full shape UFO I seen, it was like a UFO was there and it left the rest of the cloud behind it or smoke or something.
Upper image left: Cloaked UFO - Upper image right: The UFO has disappeared and left the rest of cloud behind.
Antarctica: Enoch Reveals The Prison For Fallen Angels - Mysteries Revealed In 201
Antarctica: Enoch Reveals The Prison For Fallen Angels - Mysteries Revealed In 2019
Almost everything you’ve been told, almost everything you’ve heard since the time you were a child….. Is a LIE….. an untruth….. a Fabrication created and perpetuated by a lying system, under the control of the fallen angel Lucifer.
Enoch And The Lie About Angels Why was the Book of Enoch removed around 500 years ago? Was it because the religous leaders wanted to hide something too terrifying from the church?
A scientific discovery may have just discovered the prison of the fallen watchers in Antarctica, which points to a prophecy in the book of Enoch detailing the release of these creatures in the ‘Year of Mystery’. Could 2019 be the year of mystery? Find out here!
If this is before their appointed time to be released, then no; man should be able to melt the entire continent and those angels will stay imprisoned. Now, on the other hand; if the appointed time is caused by man’s doing, then yes they will be released and we will witness major Prophecy fulfillment. Man playing with the Spiritual realm is beyond dangerous and defies God. He is coming.
Graham Hancock: America Before-Exposing the Cover-Up of Ancient Advanced Civilizations
Graham Hancock: America Before-Exposing the Cover-Up of Ancient Advanced Civilizations
We speak to Graham Hancock about his new book America Before: The Key to Earth’s Lost Civilization.
Graham Hancock discusses how dogmatism in archaeology has covered up 130,000 years of human history in the Americas and evidence of advanced civilizations that lived in the Americas thousands of years ago, which challenges colonial narratives of uncivilized natives incapable of high culture.
Geologist: A Yellowstone Eruption “Would DESTROY MOST of the U.S.”
Geologist: A Yellowstone Eruption “Would DESTROY MOST of the U.S.”
A geologist has said that if the Yellowstone supervolcano erupts, it would destroy most of the United States, all but wiping the country off of the map. Dr. Jerzy Zaba is importantly not predicting that the volcano is going to erupt soon, but simply stating that it does have the power to destroy humanity and life as we know it.
According to Tech WP, Dr. Zaba says that Yellowstone, if it erupted in a similar manner as it did 640,000 years ago, it would destroy much of the United States. Dr. Zaba, who is a geologist at the University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland, said the mass explosion is completely unavoidable although it’s impossible to say when that explosion will occur. In addition to the annihilation of the United States, the geologist also says about 5 billion other people will starve to death in the volcanoes aftermath: a volcanic winter.
It is forecasted that if there was an explosion similar to the one from 640,000. for years, it would destroy most of the United States. Discarded materials would cover everything with a meter layer within a radius of 500 km. And due to the emission of a huge amount of dust, gases or sulfur oxide to the atmosphere, there would be a temporary cooling of the climate. Sulfur oxide would create a thin veil of sulfuric acid around the planet reflecting sunlight. [This] would persist for many years. It is estimated that due to climate change about five billion people would starve to death. The scenario of such an explosion can be seen in the documentary film “Superwulkan – disaster scenario”. This is, of course, a catastrophic film, but a lot of scientific truth in it.
An eruption at Yellowstone would cause the Earth’s temperature to plummet as the sulfuric acid would reflect the sunlight, making growing food difficult across the globe.
As more talk is made by geologists that suggest that the supervolcanoes are “waking up” around the world, the fears will simultaneously spike. That doesn’t mean an eruption will happen anytime soon, only that Earth will experience another supervolcano eruption in the future.
Experts still say there is no reason to fear a supervolcano eruption just yet, but understanding the devastation that we will all face sooner or later is important in the advancement of science and human survival.
This article has been contributed by SHTF Plan. Visit for alternative news, commentary and preparedness info.
Linda Moulton Howe: Planet X Truths - Explains Everything You Need To Know
Linda Moulton Howe: Planet X Truths - Explains Everything You Need To Know
COAST TO COAST AM. Earthfiles investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe discussed the possible discovery of a new ninth planet in our solar system. She spoke with Caltech astronomer Mike Brown, who discovered that thirteen objects in the Kuiper Belt surrounding our solar system were all moving together as if influenced by the gravity of a very large object that is so far not visible.
He told her that the astronomical community will now be searching for confirmation of the object. Nicknamed ‘Planet Nine,’ it’s thought to have 10 times the mass of Earth, and travel in a long orbit around the sun that takes between 10,000 to 20,000 years.
At its closest distance to Earth, it would still be around 7 times further away than Neptune is to us, so there’s no danger of ‘Planet X’-like havoc coming from this particular body, Brown noted. Featured guests also include: Craig Hulet News segment guests: Dr. Peter Breggin
The Sumerian Ishtar Mystery that Experts Cannot Fathom
The Sumerian Ishtar Mystery that Experts Cannot Fathom
In the ancient world, it is difficult to overstate the importance of Inanna/Ishtar. As the most famous Mesopotamian goddess, her substantial influence was embedded in many aspects of her worshippers’ lives, and she was revered across the broad geographical reach of the Ancient Near East for a period of history spanning thousands of years.
Ishtar comes from a very early time in the history of complex civilizations, attested at Uruk as early as the late 4th millennium BCE.
In our new animated documentary series we will describe the history of Ancient Mesopotamia and the first episode will be covering Sumer and its rise in the Fertile Crescent, which is rightly considered the cradle of civilizations. Our series will cover all the major civilizations of this region and then will move on to other regions.
Sumer is the earliest known civilization in the historical region of southern Mesopotamia, modern-day southern Iraq, during the Chalcolithic and Early Bronze ages, and arguably one of the first civilizations in the world along with Ancient Egypt and the Indus Valley.Wikipedia
Proof We Have Starships in Orbit! Above Top Secret!
Proof We Have Starships in Orbit! Above Top Secret!
John Lenard Walson has used a special telescope camera system he designed to zoom in and record large Starships in Earth’s orbit. Many of them are disguised as stars and only when you zoom into them do you see they are ships. In the video above you’ll see just some of what he’s captured in orbit. Are these ships from our secret space program? Are some of them from the demon “aliens” also known as the fallen angels who pretend they made us and have access to high technology far more advanced than us?
Joe Jordan has the proof that all aliens are demonic. Not just some, ALL of them are demonic. If you have any books or DVDs about aliens throw them in the trash to close the door to them. The following information was censored by all the government controlled UFO conferences. It’s a big secret too and why they want to destroy and kill Christians. As long as Christians live we can pray these alien demon scum away from us. Every abduction stops when the name of Jesus is used to stop it! I studied UFO’s since I was probably 10 years old and never once did I learn about this little secret! Joe Jordan was an atheist but God showed him the truth. His video “Unholy Communion” seen below is excellent and should have 50 million views but of course it’s censored from getting the big exposure. Watch it and you’ll never fear these alien dirt bags again!
I’m sure most of these ships and space stations being seen in orbit are of earthly origin which actually makes sense since Nikola Tesla discovered electromagnetic antigravity over 100 years now. Tesla built a flying antigravity platform and patented a UFO saucer type craft too! Insiders have said the US used antigravity in our own secret space program to first go to the moon in the late 50s and begin building Mars bases in the 60s. Rockets were just a sham to hide the technology that would free humanity from a power bill! The Germans went to space first according to the whistleblowers. Germans formed a breakaway civilization before WWII ended and went to the Moon in the 40s and had a Moon base and Mars base by the 50s. This German breakaway civilization considers Earth a prison planet and have pictures of it with chains wrapped around it on their ships and bases according to Tony Rodrigues who went to the German base on Ceres and was on several German starships. Tony is very believable and makes no money from telling the story. Does it make any sense that Tesla had antigravity technology working 100 years ago but yet we never used it and oh by the way we went to Moon with ancient rocket technology in 1969 and haven’t been back since the 70s? Does that make any sense to you? If so, then you’re a perfect illuminati slave! Good slaves keep watching fake sports on TV and worrying about the latest iPhone. Good slaves do what their Tel-Lie-Visions tell them and they always get all those vaccines your masters want you to get!
Here’s the testimony of Tony Rodrigues on the secret space program and the German breakaway civilization he served as a slave. Here’s just one story of many you can find on youtube. Ceres was completely controlled by the Germans who have hundreds of thousands of people on Ceres and probably over a million on Mars!
There was a lot of truth to the campy movie, Iron Sky. The Germans really did get there long before us with help from the demon aliens who they still work with for technology.
John Walson has also done some incredible videos of the moon also clearly showing massive artificial structures all over the place! Clearly everything we’ve been told about the moon and the current state of technology is a lie. We haven’t needed rockets to get into space for a very long time but they keep lying to us so they can charge us for gasoline and energy. It’s all about keeping us on monthly payments and maintaining their control.
Here’s testimony of Gary McKinnon, a British hacker who hacked into the NSA and NASA. Before he got busted, he viewed pictures showing US Starships in orbit! He also found a list of Navy ships that were not ships on the sea but in space! They were starships with names not existing anywhere. He even found a list of “Non Terrestrial” officers. So this evidence that we have starships in orbits comes from many sources including John Lear whose Dad invented the Lear Jet.
On February 25, 2009, a legendary figure within the Contactee field – Howard Menger– passed away at his Vero Beach, Florida home, at the ripe old age of eighty-seven. As Contactee authority Greg Bishop notes, Menger was quite a character, and someone who had a particular thing for women of the allegedly E.T. kind: “At the age of 19, Menger enlisted in the Army and saw service in the Pacific during WWII in a flamethrower unit flushing the Japanese out of caves and other hideouts,” says Greg. “He was wounded and received the Purple Heart. Returning to his native New Jersey in 1946, Menger started a sign painting business and a family.” Greg adds:
“This changed in 1956, when he appeared on the Long John Nebel radio show, along with Contactee George Van Tassel. He talked about contacts with space brothers – and, more specifically, sisters – who appeared to him, beginning when he was ten years old. Some of his later published descriptions sounded distinctly sexual in nature, although he carefully couched them in language that could be construed as platonic. He also started taking pictures of the space people and their ships; although most who saw the photos say that they are quite indistinct. On August 4th of 1956, Menger said he was invited on board one of the flying saucers. The next month he said that the space people took him for a joyride where he saw alien civilizations on other planets and structures on the Moon.”
It was not long before there was a major development in Menger’s life, says Greg. In 1956, Menger met Connie Weber, a woman who turned up at one of Menger’s events. According to Menger, he suspected – and finally came to believe – that Connie was nothing less than a reincarnated alien; an alien that Menger had met in another life, no less. It wasn’t long at all before Menger and his then-wife went their different ways and Connie became his new love. They were together for more than fifty years. Things changed radically for the pair as their lives in Ufology progressed: in 1959, Menger’s Contactee-driven book, From Outer Space to You, was published. It cemented his place in the domains of the Space Brothers and Menger’s fellow contactees. He was soon lecturing up and down the west coast. Connie was very much a part of all this too: she wrote her own book, My Saturnian Lover. It was focused on Howard’s and Connie’s fun-filled escapades in their previous lives.
At the dawning of a new decade, something else happened; something unforeseen and weird. It was in 1960, while on a prime-time television program, that Menger came out with an amazing confession. He said that much of his story was not what it seemed to be. Menger elaborated and claimed that a clandestine branch of the U.S. Army had secretly approached him some years earlier. That same branch could not have cared less if Menger’s tales were true, partially true, or complete garbage. All they wanted from Menger was his help in determining how the public might react to the presence of extraterrestrials in their midst. So, they wanted him to keep on doing what he was doing: spreading the words of the aliens among us. It must be said that very few of the many contactees of the 1950s-1970s ever backed off from their original claims. In fact, quite the opposite: they made sure that their stories remained fully intact. Not so Menger. Interestingly, as Greg also notes: “Fortean writer Ivan Sanderson arrived at the Menger residence in the late 1950s and claimed that Menger got very angry with him when Sanderson discovered some equipment and crates in a storage area with ‘U. S. Army’ stenciled on them.”
There can be no doubt at all that the stories (or, rather, the yarns) of Howard and Connie stretch credibility to the absolute limit. They still stretch matters to that very same limit! The tales of new lives in new bodies, and of a home on a new world (ours), are highly entertaining. But, in terms of being the literal truth? Well, I just don’t buy it. What I do buy, however (well, sometimes I buy it…) are Howard’s claims that he was approached by the military, who wanted him to play psychological games with the American public – and to do so by using the UFO phenomenon as a means to an end. Such a thing may not be so far-fetched as it might initially seem to be. Read on…
Thanks to the Freedom of Information Act, we know that the CIA’s Robertson Panel of 1953 was deeply concerned about the UFO phenomenon. Not because it believed that real aliens were visiting us, but because they – the panel members – were worried that the Russians might use the lore of the UFO to create fear, hysteria and paranoia in the minds of Americans. We’re talking about psychological warfare. Perhaps, there were still similar concerns a few years later; something which promoted someone on the inside to enlist Menger into the program. There is an earlier case that reinforces this theory: Silas Newton, a millionaire business man and a conman too, was significantly responsible for creating the infamous “UFO crash” story of Aztec, New Mexico in March 1948. There’s very little doubt that the tale was bogus. What we know now, however, is that while the Aztec story was still riding high, representatives of a secret group within the U.S. Government clandestinely approached Newton and asked him to keep spreading his UFO tale – even though they knew there was no truth to the story. This all sounds very much like Menger’s claims.
When it came to Menger’s stories of alien contact, some might say that he was telling the literal truth. Others, like me, conclude that his overall tale was simply that: a tale. But, just maybe, Menger was being absolutely truthful when he said that he was pressed by some arm of the U.S. Army to assist them in a program designed to see how the population was reacting to the UFO phenomenon – and how it could be manipulated, too. If you want to find more about the complex lives and claims of Howard and Connie, you can do so in Greg Bishop’s book, It Defies Language!
ANCIENT ROMANS landed in America: Staggering discovery will 'change history'
ANCIENT ROMANS landed in America: Staggering discovery will 'change history'
HISTORIANS claim they have found evidence Romans arrived in North America, more than a thousand years before Christopher Columbus set foot on the continent.
Lead historian Jovan Hutton Pulitzer believes the haul is firm evidence the great empire landed there first and is the "single most important discovery" ever for the Americas.
It remains unclear how ancient Romans could have made the epic journey across the Atlantic Ocean but, according to the Ancient Artifact Preservation Society (AAPS), the haul was discovered in a shipwreck off Oak Island on the south shore of Nova Scotia, Canada.
Mr Pulitzer said: "The ceremonial sword is 100 per cent confirmed as Roman.
"I began my forensic work into it using an XRF analyser - which is a leading archaeological tool for analysing metals.
"And we found all these other metals that tell you this was made from ore that came directly from the ground.
"It has the same arsenic and lead signature in it. We've been able to test this sword against another one like it and it matches."
A Roman sword, a legionnaire's whistle, Gold Carthage coins and a Roman shield were found
Are these Roman soldiers?
Mr Pulitzer insists that the shipwreck from which the sword was recovered years ago is "beyond a shadow of a doubt Roman."
He said: "We have scanned it, we know exactly where it lays, but it will be a touchy thing for the Canadian Government to allow an archaeological team to survey it.
"I think this is the single most important discovery for the Americas - an event that will re-write history.
"This is a gunshot to be heard around the world. It changes all of our history."
The shipwreck lies near the infamous 'Money Pit' - a 230ft booby-trapped shaft which is thought to contain valuable artefacts.
It remains unclear how ancient Romans could have made the epic journey across the Atlantic Ocean
Gold Carthage coins were found in Canada
Pulitzer's team also discovered ancient burial mounds in shallow water on the island dating back to less than two centuries after Christ.
Professor James Scherz, from the University of Wisconsin, said: "These mounds are consistent with ancient European and Levant burial mounds, not native American.
"I am in agreement the underwater mounds being of a foreign ancient mariner style and not native to Nova Scotia or traditional North American.
"These mounds, in looking at the known ocean levels for the area, give a possible date of occurring between 1500BC and 180AD."
As well as the graves, the experts also uncovered carved stones on Oak Island that "possess a language from the ancient Levant".
Another clue, in his report, is the presence of an invasive species of plant which was once used by Romans.
As well as the graves, the experts also uncovered carved stones on Oak Island
Mr Pulitzer said: "There are also 50 words in the native M'kmaq language.
"These are ancient nautical sailing terms used by ancient mariners from Roman times - but they were not a seafaring culture.
"Another very interesting 'coincidence' is a bush on Oak Island and one on the mainland which is listed in Canada as an invasive species called Berberis Vulgaris.
"This was used by ancient mariners, including Romans, to season their food and fight scurvy.
"It grows in Oak Island and across the way in Halifax. All these things, signs and symbols add up to more than just coincidence."
Other historians dismissed the finding as inaccurate, insisting the artefacts were simply dropped by collectors in modern times.
Mainstream history states Columbus was the first non-indigenous person to arrive in the continent when he landed in the Bahamas in 1492.
However, over the years several radical theories have emerged that the Vikings, the Polynesians and the Chinese, arrived before Columbus.
Mr Pulitzer added: "We have absolutely been lead to believe that nothing happened on this side of the pond before Christopher Columbus.
"I think anything that challenges history is very risky, very dangerous and extremely political.
"I think we should all fight for the truth and people should make up their own minds."
In the southeast region of the country of Brazil lies Guanabara Bay, off the coast of the major metropolis of Rio de Janeiro. It is the second largest bay in Brazil, but other than that there is nothing particularly special about it other than perhaps the large amount of pollution here. However, lying approximately 15 miles offshore, buried down in 100 feet of water across an area around the size of three tennis courts is a rather strange oddity. Here scattered along the bottom are various relics from ancient Rome, far from where they have any business being, and which have remained a baffling historical anomaly and conundrum that remains unsolved.
The unusual spot was originally first discovered in 1976, when some lobster divers reported having come across what appeared to be ancient, barnacle encrusted jars at the bottom of the bay. It wasn’t long before a diver named Jose Roberto Teixeira actually produced two of the strange artifacts, which were found to be a type of tall, tapered ceramic jars with two handles called amphorae, typically used by the ancient Greeks, Romans, and Phoenicians to carry around all manner of things such as wine, oil, water or grain during long sea voyages. This was certainly a rather odd thing to be pulled up from Guanabara Bay, as the first known European presence in Brazil is thought to date back to 1500, when Portuguese navigator Pedro Alvares Cabral reached these shores.
Guanabara Bay
The unusual find caught the attention of author, underwater archeologist, and treasure hunter Robert Marx, who in 1982 decided to try and locate more of the objects, along with the help of Dr. Harold Edgerton of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Marx was able to get permission for his expedition from the Brazilian government and then went about combing the bottom of the bay with sophisticated sonar technology, peering down there through the waves to try and catch a glimpse of anomalous history. At first he was actually rather skeptical of the whole thing, thinking that the jars that had been found were hoaxes, but what he found was beyond anything even he could have expected.
After finding a promising spot, Marx dove down to find an accumulation of 200 amphorae found down there in the murky, heavily polluted water, where they had been for thousands of years, some on the surface and others buried deep, covered with muck, barnacles or even ensconced in coral and some of them entirely intact even after so many centuries lying there on the sludge of the bottom. It was a remarkable find to say the least, and it was thought by the team that these jars could not have been planted there in modern times, but were rather from some unknown, hidden past. It was Marx’s speculation that the mysterious jars had come from an ancient Roman ship, and he even claimed that there had been evidence of a possible wooden wreck buried down there, but if this was the case then how did such an ancient voyage manage to make it to Brazil many centuries before the first known European presence here, when the Romans were never known to have made it any farther than India in an era when South America might as well have been another planet across a sea of stars? These were things that Marx wanted to find out, and he went about trying to organize a further expedition to the area to uncover more information and look for any wreck that might be there or any other artifacts such as hull fragments, coins, or weapons, for as he has said, “If authentic, it would be one of the most important discoveries in the field of marine archaeology.”
In the meantime, Marx had the jars studied by experts, claiming that everyone who looked at them confirmed that they were from the 2nd or 3rd century and of Roman origin. One of these experts was a professor of classics and specialist in ancient Roman amphoras at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst a specialist by the name of Elizabeth Will, who has said of them:
The highly publicized amphoras Robert Marx found in the ship are in fact similar in shape to jars produced in kilns at Kouass, on the west coast of Morocco. The Rio jars look to be late versions of those jars, perhaps datable to the third century A.D. I have a large piece of one of the Rio jars, but no labs I have consulted have any clay similar in composition. So the edges of the earth for Rome, beyond India and Scotland and eastern Europe, remain shrouded in mystery.
According to Marx, the jars likely came from a Roman ship that had made it to Brazil, and that it could not have been merely a wandering derelict that had blown away across the ocean unmanned because it had managed to navigate all the way up the bay without crashing on the rocks or reefs along the way. His theory was that it had likely made it to Brazil under human control and then perhaps been blown off course to end up where it had. It was an incredible mystery, and one which Marx had hoped to solve before a series of setbacks kept him from it.
Roman ship
In 1983, the Brazilian government, which had been cooperative up to that point, suddenly and without any real explanation denied Marx’s request for permission to further explore the area. In fact, they even went as far as to ban him from entering the country at all, citing the allegations that he had stolen numerous historical objects from shipwrecks all over the country, and with Guanabara Bay this would extend into a full ban on any underwater exploration by anyone whatsoever. The frustrated Marx then accused the Brazilian government of a cover-up, saying that they were trying to wipe out anything that would clash with the established known history of the country, and this was why no effort had ever been made to investigate the fishermen’s claims in the past. He even went as far as to accuse the Brazilian Navy of burying the jars and possible shipwreck in silt in order to keep them hidden, which they denied.
So what is going on here? How did ancient Roman jars get all the way over in Brazil? Were these from a derelict ship blow out across the sea? Were they from some Roman voyage overseas that actually managed to cross the Atlantic? Is the Brazilian government trying to cover it up and subdue any further research on the matter? Or is it all a hoax perpetrated by Marx? Are the jars really even ancient at all? It is still undetermined, and considering that the area has been closed off to any more expeditions, it seems likely that if there is anything there, then it will remain down there in its watery final resting place for many millennia more, forever eluding answers.
The more we learn about this weird universe of ours, the more we realize just how little we know. Soon after scientists realized that they don’t actually know how the sun works, it seems that another thing we thought was totally settled might be completely wrong as well. A new study seems to show that the universe could bea billion years younger than previously thought. Which is a big deal, as it means that something, somewhere in our model of how the universe works, is broken.
The age of the universe was determined by the European Planck telescope’s measurements of cosmic background radiation in 2013. By measuring the background radiation, astrophysicists could determine the rate that the universe was expanding, and by extension, how long it’s been since the universe was a single point, what we call the “big bang.” The number the Planck telescope came up with was 13.8 billion years. It was a solid answer, and was believed to be almost certainly correct. It only needed to be confirmed by other independent telescopes, pointed at neighboring galaxies. Six years and a whole bunch of data later, it turns out we might not be as smart as we think we are. The data did not confirm the Planck telescope measurements, but instead throws a billion year wrench into the whole thing.
The new data showed that the universe was expanding 9% faster than the Planck telescope showed. That 9% difference in the expansion rate adds up to an age discrepancy of a billion years. According to Nobel prize-winner Adam Riess, who co-authored the new study, they were completely unprepared to deal with such a discrepancy:
“It was getting to the point where we say, ‘Wait a second, we’re not passing this test — we’re failing the test!'”
Alone, Riess’ data would suggest that the universe is only 12.5 to 13 billion years old. So there’s a problem somewhere, but no one knows where it is. Further observation by Riess’ team only confirmed their results, while reanalysis of the Planck data showed there was no problem there either. If the numbers are correct, it means that the problem is in how we’re interpreting them. Riess says:
“This is not just two experiments disagreeing. We are measuring something fundamentally different. One is a measurement of how fast the universe is expanding today, as we see it. The other is a prediction based on the physics of the early universe and on measurements of how fast it ought to be expanding. If these values don’t agree, there becomes a very strong likelihood that we’re missing something in the cosmological model that connects the two eras.”
It’s starting to look like there’s a fundamental problem with our model of the universe. As the competing data is checked and re-checked and neither seem to have any errors, it becomes more and more likely that the problem lies with the underlying theories. According to astrophysicist Jo Dunkley, we don’t have any models of the universe that can account for everything:
“There’s currently no consistent story that works for all our cosmological data. That means there is fascinating work to be done, to see if there is something out there that can explain all of it.”
Maybe there is a “theory of everything,” but it’s safe to say we haven’t found it yet, and it’s a good bet that we’ll be wrong a whole bunch of times before we get it right.
In late 2017, thealleged disclosureof a black budget government research project known as the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) changed the contemporary conversation surrounding UFOs and what the U.S. government may know about them. As it turns out, the Department of Defense is quite aware of many anomalous or otherwise unidentified aerial phenomena whichregularly enter U.S. airspaceand easily outrun the very best aircraft we have. Who knew?
Naturally, there are those within the government who encourage the study of these phenomena and those who want to ignore them. However, there are voices within the intelligence and defense agencies which argue United States government has an obligation to study these phenomena to determine if they pose a threat to American air superiority, the American people, or humanity itself.
That’s according to Chris Mellon, who served for two decades in various intelligence advisory roles within the U.S. government including Deputy Assistant Defense Secretary for Intelligence from 1999 to 2002. Mellon currently serves as “national security affairs adviser” for Tom DeLonge’s To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science and as a consultant on its upcoming History channel series Unidentified. In a new essay published by The Hill, Mellon pulls no punches in declaring prior attempts to study the UFO phenomenon to be failures:
Most Americans would no doubt agree that our inability to identify scores of mysterious aircraft repeatedly violating restricted U.S. military airspace in recent years is a shocking failure.
Mellon argues that given the overwhelming evidence, the United States Congress must act to mandate a report on UAPs, unidentified aerial phenomena. The evidence is clear that these phenomena exist and are much more frequent than we know, Mellon writes, meaning it’s time the government for the government to finally get to the bottom of the UFO phenomenon once and for all:
If UAPs turn out to be toys of Elon Musk’s making, we’ll all breathe a sigh of relief. If they are Russian, we’ll be glad we took action now rather than kicking the can down the road. If we learn that someone else’s more advanced version of our Voyager spacecraft has reached Earth, then this humble measure will forever transform our understanding of the universe and man’s place within it.
Let’s hope they are Elon Musk’s toys. Mellon doesn’t outright call for full disclosure, instead merely arguing that Congress must “require the secretary of Defense and the director of national intelligence to review the UAP issue and deliver a report providing a comprehensive assessment.” It’s unknown if Congressional committees would make such a report public even if it’s ever produced, and Mellon himself argues that the Trump administration “should be free to provide the report at whatever level of classification it deems appropriate,” but come on: why would the government want citizens to know there are freaky outer space gizmos whizzing around overhead that make the F/A-18 look like a failed Wright Brothers model? That’s bad for Boeing sales.
Still, it’s reassuring to see major political publications taking the UAP phenomenon seriously enough to publish such an opinion piece. The timing makes me wonder, though: is all of this merely part of the publicity campaign for the History channel’s upcoming series? History is owned by Hearst and Disney, huge media conglomerates with extensive reach within the media. It’s not too far-fetched to wonder if some strings have been pulled to get this piece published.
Then again, this could be a sign that more voices are joining the chorus calling for disclosure of the government’s UFO research. Are the AATIP revelations a smokescreen or the first taste of public disclosure?
America Before-Exposing the Cover-Up of Ancient Advanced Civilizations
America Before-Exposing the Cover-Up of Ancient Advanced Civilizations
We speak to Graham Hancock about his new book America Before: The Key to Earth’s Lost Civilization.
Graham Hancock discusses how dogmatism in archaeology has covered up 130,000 years of human history in the Americas and evidence of advanced civilizations that lived in the Americas thousands of years ago, which challenges colonial narratives of uncivilized natives incapable of high culture.
SpaceX alien shock: UFO-hunters spot SPACESHIP during International Space Station link-up
SpaceX alien shock: UFO-hunters spot SPACESHIP during International Space Station link-up
ALIEN hunters were sent into a frenzy when they saw what they believe to be a UFO zooming past SpaceX’s Dragon as it latched onto the International Space Station (ISS).
In early December, 2018, SpaceX successfully ferried 2.5 tonnes of supplies to the the orbiting laboratory, including materials to support 250 experiments on its Dragon spaceship. However, while Dragon was latching onto the ISS to deliver the supplies, eagle-eyed viewers believe they spotted something in the distance. As seen on a NASA live feed from the ISS, what looks like three red lights in a triangular formation appear to slowly move by in the background.
Conspiracy theorists had a field day, with some categorically stating it is evidence of an alien spaceship.
According to alien hunters UFO Today, the sighting is evidence that extraterrestrials were observing the mission.
UFO Today said: “At the beginning of the video we suddenly see a large triangular object flying behind the dragon capsule.
“This object was triangular in shape and it was emitting light in several places, probably it's propulsion system. This UFO could investigating the dragon capsule in space.
The alleged UFO
(Image: YOUTUBE)
“Could this be first contact in space?”
However, others have offered a more logical explanation.
One user on Reddit wrote: “That’s just moonlight reflecting off the camera’s internal lenses.”
Wirmish wrote on YouTube: “It's a piece of gold foil used to protect satellite hardware from the heat.
SpaceX alien shock: UFO-hunters spot SPACESHIP during International Space Station link-up
(Image: GETTY)
“Russian astronauts worked outside the space station three days before.”
Scientists who have worked for NASA in the past have a much simpler explanation for all of the bizarre UFO sightings reported.
According to former NASA engineer James Oberg, most UFO sightings are nothing more than “space dandruff” floating in front of cameras.
SpaceX successfully ferried 2.5 tonnes of supplies to the the ISS
(Image: GETTY)
These specks of dandruff can be anything from bits of chipped paint drifting aimlessly in zero gravity, flakes of ice or ISS insulation that has broken off.
He said: “I’ve had enough experience with real spaceflight to realise that what's being seen in many videos is nothing beyond the 'norm' from fully mundane phenomena occurring in unearthly settings.”
Mr Oberg argued the human brain is not wired to make sense of these tiny objects floating above Earth.
At some point, humans might settle Mars. But according to an evolutionary biologist, babies born on the Red Planet will look, function, and behave dramatically different from Earthlings — and all within a few generations.
Credit: Wikimedia Commons.
Tech entrepreneurs and technologists like Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos love to talk about our species’ future as a multi-planetary species. And to be fair, they’re actually making important contributions to turn this vision into a reality. But while there’s a lot of focus on the technology that might take us to places such as Mars, not nearly as much thought seems to be given to what happens once we actually get there.
Mars is the most Earth-like planet in the solar system, so it makes sense to make it the first target for an off-world colony. Similar to Earth, Mars has a pair of polar ice caps. Its north pole is made up of a sheet of ice water that is 1.8 miles thick. The sheet at the opposite pole is even thicker, and made mostly of carbon dioxide ice.
There are also important differences between the two worlds. The planet is smaller than ours, with a diameter of approximately 4,200 miles, and the air is comprised mainly of carbon dioxide — it makes up 95 % of the atmosphere. Temperatures on Mars regularly reach a chilling -195 degrees Fahrenheit (-125 degrees Celsius), making living on its surface virtually impossible.
Mars used to support volcanic activity (Mars is home to the largest volcanoes on any planet in our solar system) during a time when water in its liquid phase is believed to have been quite plentiful. In addition, Mars had a thick atmosphere and a magnetic field which would have been capable of shielding the cold surface from dangerous levels of radiation — but not anymore.
Homo martianus
Any human colonists settling Mars would have to be confined to a relatively small habitat where they’d be subject to significantly higher radiation and more difficult living conditions than on Earth. In time, natural selection would amplify certain traits in the Martian population that would considerably differentiate humans born on the Red Planet from Earthlings. And according to Scott Solomon, a Rice University professor of evolutionary biology, this could happen within just a couple of generations.
“Evolution is faster or slower depending on how much of an advantage there is to having a certain mutation,” Solomon told Inverse. “If a mutation pops up for people living on Mars, and it gives them a 50-percent survival advantage, that’s a huge advantage, right? And that means that those individuals are going to be passing those genes on at a much higher rate than they otherwise would have.”
Among other things, Solomon expects Martians will develop the following traits:
Denser and more brittle bones due to Mars’ weaker gravity, which is just a third that of Earth’s.
Near-sightedness since people won’t have to see as far as they would on Earth. Solomon cites studies of cavefish living in deep trenches that have gone blind in pitch black darkness and of children who spent more time indoors, making them far more likely to become near-sighted.
Altered skin tone in response to high levels of radiation. On Earth, human skin contains a pigment called melanin that protects us from ultraviolet rays. People with more melanin in their skin have a darker skin tone. To fight off radiation, Martians might evolve an entirely new type of pigment so it might not be that far-fetched to imagine Martians with a skin tone that doesn’t exist yet.
Enhanced oxygen intake. Martian settlers will have to learn to use oxygen more efficiently and will perhaps adapt traits similar to humans living on the Tibetan plateau where oxygen is 40% lower than at sea level. To cope, Tibetans have denser capillaries that are better at moving blood and altered metabolism that limits the amount of body fat burned while maximizing glucose consumption.
Poor immune system — or none at all. Solomon thinks that the Martian sterile environment might make an immune system obsolete. With no immune system, Martians would have to be off limits from germ-carrying Earthlings, which means that the two populations would have to stop mingling. This also means that at some point there would be no more traveling between the two worlds — and there would certainly be no more sex between them. Lacking any gene flow, in time the two populations would diverge so much that speciation would become inevitable — Homo martianus?
These changes could happen very quickly, spurred by radiation which enhances genetic mutations, but also by artificial means through gene editing tools like CRISPR/Cas9.
According to Solomon, the ideal human colony should number around 100,000 people from all corners of the globe, especially those from Africa who are the most genetically diverse. This is in order to ensure a healthy genetic diversity.
Some hope that we might one-day terraform Mars to make it a second Earth. But even if such an ambitious undertaking were possible, it would still take centuries to complete — ample breeding time for Martian settlers to comfortably drift away from humanity.
You can learn more about how humans on Mars might change over the generations from Solomon’s 2018 TEDx speech.
Scientists have set their sights on getting humans to Mars — and maybe even terraforming the Red Planet. SpaceX CEO Elon Musk’s goal is tosend humans to Mars by 2024, andNASA plans to launch astronauts there after the Moon.
But despite the resources being funneled into technology to transport us to the Red Planet, we don’t yet understand the evolutionary implications the move will have on the human body. In a new interview with Inverse, evolutionary biologist and Rice University professor Scott Solomon thinks it’s worth asking what will happen to Mars colonists in the long term — as mutations start to cascade through the gene pool.
“What’s interesting to me as an evolutionary biologist is thinking about, what if we’re actually successful?” he asked the site. “I don’t think there has been nearly as much discussion about what would become of the people that are living in these colonies generations later.”
Genetic Jumble
In January 2018, Solomon gave a TEDx talk in Houston that outlined the evolutionary changes the first Martian settlers will likely experience. After about two generations, he thinks their bones will strengthen, they’ll need glasses for nearsightedness, their immune systems will be null, pregnancy and childbirth will be significantly more perilous, and the exposure to radiation—more than 5,000 times the amount we’re exposed to on Earth during a normal lifetime, Solomon says—could lead to an influx of cancer.
Most importantly, though? Solomon argues that Martians should stop reproducing with Earth-humans.
“Evolution is faster or slower depending on how much of an advantage there is to having a certain mutation,” Solomon says in the video. So, if humans on Mars gain a mutation that raises their survival advantage, that’s a good thing — but Solomon says they’ll be “passing those genes on at a much higher rate than they otherwise would have.”
Pop Cap
Contact with Earthlings could even be deadly for Martians — and vice versa. Mars doesn’t have any microorganisms to carry disease, and so if cross contamination between Earth and Mars is controlled, Solomon explains that all infectious disease could be eliminated — meaning there should be no intimate connection between the two groups.
But all mutation isn’t bad. Every new baby on Earth is born with 60 new mutations, a number which Solomon says will jump to the thousands on Mars. By mutating, humans on Mars would gain critical, life-saving benefits to cope with the brutal planet: a different skin tone to protect from radiation, less reliance on oxygen to adapt to the thin atmosphere, denser bones to counteract calcium loss during pregnancy.
Solomon even suggests that we could use CRISPR to more purposefully design these helpful mutations.
Maybe it’s sadly ironic. If Earth becomes uninhabitable and we look to other planets for a new home, the only way to ensure the long term survival of the human species might be to become a completely different species.
“If we eventually come to inhabit multiple worlds scattered across the gallery, over time, we may see the evolution of a plethora of new human species,” Solomon said. “We should recognize that here could be unintended consequences for who our decedents become many generations from now.”
Did you know that there are forests in the Arctic?
Lush underwater forests of large brown seaweeds (kelps) are particularly striking in the Arctic, especially in contrast to the land where ice scour (scraping of sea ice against the sea floor) and harsh climates leave the ground barren with little vegetation.
Kelp forests have been observed throughout the Arctic by Inuit, researchers and polar explorers. The Canadian Arctic alone represents 10 percent of the world’s coastlines, but we know little of the hidden kelp forests there.
Today, climate change is altering marine habitats such as kelp forests on a global scale. In western Australia, eastern Canada, southern Europe, northern California and eastern United States, kelps are disappearing due to warming temperatures. In other areas, kelps are being heavily over-grazed by sea urchins. Coastal conditions in the Arctic are changing dramatically and the region is warming faster than the rest of the world, but these changes could actually be good for kelp.
Yet we know little about kelp forests in remote Arctic regions. Our latest research, published in Global Change Biology, uncovers the distribution of Arctic kelp forests and explores how these important ecosystems are changing with the climate.
Proliferation of kelps in the Arctic
Kelps currently occur on rocky coasts throughout the Arctic. The longest kelp recorded in the Arctic in Canada was 15 meters, and the deepest was found at 60-meter depth (Disko Bay, Greenland). Many find it surprising that marine plants can grow so well in harsh Arctic environments.
Photographs show examples of Arctic kelp forests: (A) Alaria esculenta in Greenland, (B) Laminaria solidungula in the Beaufort Sea, Alaska (Ken Dunton), (C) Laminaria hyperborea in Malangen fjord, Norway (Karen Filbee-Dexter), (D) Saccharina latissima on sediment in Russia, (E) Agarum clathratum and (F) mixed Saccharina latissima, S. longicruris, Alaria esculenta, Laminaria solidungula in Baffin Island, Canada (Frithjof Küpper), (G) Eularia fistulosa in Aleutian Islands, Alaska (Pike Spector), (H) Laminaria hyperborea in Murmansk, Russia (Dalnie Zelentsy), (I) Laminaria digitata in Svalbard, Norway (Max Schwanitz).
Image via Karen Filbee-Dexter.
Kelps have adapted to the severe conditions. These cool water species have special strategies to survive freezing temperatures and long periods of darkness, and even grow under sea ice. In regions with cold, nutrient-rich water, they can attain some of the highest rates of primary production of any natural ecosystem on Earth.
Kelps function underwater in the same way trees do on land. They create habitat and modify the physical environment by shading light and softening waves. The underwater forests that kelps create are used by many animals for shelter and food. More than 350 different species — up to 100,000 small invertebrates — can live on a single kelp plant, and many fish, birds and mammals depend on the whole forest. Kelp forests also help protect coastlines by decreasing the power of waves during storms and reducing coastal erosion. A lot of kelp break off or are dislodged from the rock they attach to and end up in nearby habitats where they fuel deep food webs.
Changing climates, forests
As waters warm and sea ice retreats, more light will reach the seafloor, which will benefit marine plants. Researchers predict a northern shift of kelp forests as ice retreats.
Genetic evidence reveals that most kelps reinvaded the Arctic from the Atlantic Ocean quite recently (approximately 8,000 years ago, following the last Ice Age). As a result, most kelps in the Arctic are living in waters colder than their optimal temperature. Ocean warming will also move conditions closer to temperatures of maximum growth, and could increase the productivity of these habitats.
However, other changes are happening in the Arctic that complicate this picture. In Canada, Alaska, Greenland, Norway and Siberia, permafrost soils that have been frozen for thousands of years are receding by half a meter per year. Thawing permafrost and crumbling Arctic coasts are dumping sediments into coastal waters at alarming rates, which blocks light and could limit plant growth. The run-off from melting glaciers will also lower salinity and increase turbidity, which impacts young kelp.
Understanding kelp forests
The Canadian Arctic is the longest Arctic coastline in the world. The earliest scientific records of kelp in the Arctic are from Canada during expeditions in search of the Northwest Passage. In Hudson Bay and eastern Canada, kelp forests have been scientifically documented between Ellesmere Island and Labrador, and along coasts in Lancaster Sound, Ungava Bay, Hudson Bay, Baffin Bay and Resolute Bay.
In the northwestern Canadian Arctic, lack of rock substrate and a harsher climate support smaller, fragmented kelp forests. However, baseline measures of the extent of kelp communities are missing in many areas. Unfortunately, lack of information has already made it difficult to tell how kelp forests are changing.
Locations of kelp forests in the Arctic. Based on 1,179 scientific records.
Image via Karen Filbee-Dexter.
Today, a number of researchers in Canada have partnered with northern communities and organizations to study kelp in the Arctic. The five-year ArcticKelp Project, for example, explores future changes and opportunities these ecosystems could provide. At the same time new technology (underwater lasers) is being developed in collaboration with Inuit fishers to map kelp forests in the Arctic. This is important, because knowledge of Arctic kelp forests could help northern communities and societies anticipate and benefit from these valuable changing ecosystems.
Forest potential
Kelp forests throughout the world play an important role in coastal economies, supporting a broad range of tourism, recreational and commercial activities. Kelp is making its way onto the plates of North Americans, and the kelp aquaculture industry is growing at a rate of seven percent per year for the last 20 years globally (kelp is a coveted food source in many countries, full of potassium, iron, calcium, fibre and iodine). In the Arctic, Inuit traditionally use kelp as food and wild harvest numerous species.
Arctic kelp forests provide a key example of the diverse responses to climate change. Predictive models and experiments suggest that Arctic coasts are in line to become one of the most impacted environments in the world under changing climate. Yet the possible expansion of kelp forests should provide new habitats for fish and other marine organisms, and enhance a suite of valuable ecosystem services along Arctic coastlines.
This expanding resource may provide needed income to northern communities whose livelihoods are threatened by climate change and other impacts. Anticipating these changes and understanding these new ecosystems will be a key priority for Arctic nations. Just because you cannot see the forests growing in the Arctic does not mean we should not appreciate them and recognize the crucial role they play in the ocean.
At the end of 2017, The New York Times broke the story of a secretive Pentagon program with a budget of $22 million to investigate UFOs called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP). The man who exposed the existence of the program, Luis Elizondo, was the former head of the project. Elizondo’s ongoing efforts to investigate the UFO mystery with his new employer, the To the Stars Academy (TTSA), will be featured in a History Channel series premiering May 31 called Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation.
However, what The New York Times apparently did not know when they published their story is that the program went by a different name at its inception, and the scope of the program was much broader than just UFOs. In fact, according to a senior manager on the project, the investigations included “bizarre creatures, poltergeist activity, invisible entities, orbs of light, animal and human injuries and much more.”
It is unknown whether Unidentified will cover the paranormal aspects of the program. Although Elizondo did work with this paranormal project, he only worked in the UFO division. By the time he was the head of the entire program, the UFO division was all that was left. The rest of the program had been shut down, and you will never guess why. It wasn’t because people inside the Department of Defense (DoD) thought the program was too weird, although some did. It was shut down because of demonic forces.
Don’t worry, demons didn't attack the Pentagon, but apparently, some people inside the government were afraid the potentially paranormal incidents being investigated could be demonic, especially scary occurrences taking place at a ranch in Utah, and they wanted no part of it. They didn’t want the government messing with demons either, so they lobbied for the program to be ended and it was.
This may sound extremely odd, but according to those involved, it's true.
The New York Timesstory that broke the Pentagon UFO program began when an official with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) approached Las Vegas billionaire Robert Bigelow “to visit Mr. Bigelow’s ranch in Utah, where he conducted research.”
That sounds innocent enough, but what the article did not cover is what Bigelow researched at this ranch in Utah. Bigelow was known for his interest in the paranormal and UFOs, and by the time the DIA official had approached him, Bigelow had already spent decades and large sums of money researching the paranormal. Bigelow’s first significant foray into the unknown was an organization created in 1995 called the National Institute for Discovery Sciences (NIDS). Its purpose was to conduct scientific investigations of the paranormal.
After hearing rumors about paranormal phenomena occurring in the Uintah Basin in Utah, primarily focused on Skinwalker Ranch, Bigelow bought the ranch in 1996. It was the perfect place to conduct NIDS investigations. The ranchers who owned the property stayed for a while but left because they did not feel comfortable there. If their stories are to be believed, they had good reason to go.
The family, using the pseudonym Gorman, said they had several terrifying experiences. Among them was the sighting of a giant wolf-like creature that attacked cattle, could withstand multiple point-blank gunshots and seemed to disappear into thin air. The incident that caused them to leave for good, however, was when their beloved dogs chased glowing orbs of light into the forest at night never to be seen again.
The NIDS investigators had their share of experiences as well. As detailed in Knapp and Kelleher’s book, the strangest occurred in the middle of the night while two researchers were observing the ranch from the edge of a bluff. As they were packing up to leave at around 2:30 am, one of them noticed a light in the forest below. At first, they thought it might be a reflection. However, as they watched, the light began to grow. Once it became a couple of feet wide, they say it looked like a tunnel opening up, and they saw a creature within. It was large and black with no face. It crawled out of the light and into the dark forest. The light then began to disappear until it was gone.
Kelleher said years ago he felt whatever was going on at the Skinwalker Ranch outsmarted them and anticipated their actions.
John Alexander, a retired Colonel in U.S. Army Intelligence who also spent time working at Los Alamos Laboratories and still does some work as a defense consultant, helped organize NIDS investigations. In a YouTube interview for in 2013, he describes what they encountered at the ranch as a “precognitive sentient phenomena.”
“What we learned was that the events were real and tangible, and definitely occurring,” Alexander explained. “These weren’t figments of someone’s imagination, or folklore or any of these sorts of things.”
“But, as for the etiology, nope,” says Alexander. ”We remained mystified.”
According to a recent interview with Knapp, Investigations into the ranch petered as the paranormal phenomena occurring on the ranch also waned. By the early 2000s, not much was going on. It was during this lull that Bigelow allowed Knapp to begin working on the book. Once the book was published, it brought a lot of attention to the ranch, but paranormal experiences were still rare.
So when the DIA official approached Bigelow in 2007 to visit the ranch, no one thought there would be anything to worry about. However, precognitive sentient forces on the ranch had other plans. Soon after arriving at the ranch, the DIA official had a paranormal encounter that Knapp described as “remarkable, and it made a very big impression on this guy.”
The New York Times says shortly after this visit, DIA officials met with Senator Harry Reid because they wanted to start a research program. It turns out Reid, a friend of Bigelow’s, was kept in the loop regarding Bigelow’s work researching the paranormal because he shared Bigelow’s interest in the topic.
Reid then found bipartisan support from a couple of fellow members of Congress, secured the funding, and got the project launched - all within 2007. Soon after, a requisition for a contractor to conduct research for the program was posted, and Bigelow’s Bigelow Aerospace won it. Bigelow created Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies (BAASS), lead by Kelleher, to manage the contract.
However, the project was not called AATIP, as The New York Times reported. Per Knapp and documents he obtained, it was called the Advanced Aerospace Weapons System (AAWSAP), and it was set up to investigate not just UFOs, but primarily all of the weird stuff going on at the Skinwalker Ranch, including that list of weirdness at the beginning of this story.
Due to the nature of the project, it was kept as quiet as possible. Few in Congress knew it existed. However, it didn’t take long for religious factions within the government to raise concerns.
“They’re basically high-level people in different intelligence agencies who are fundamentalist Christians; who think that anything involving UFOs and the paranormal is satanic,” says Knapp.
“Certain senior government officials thought our collection of facts on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) was dangerous to their philosophical beliefs,” Elizondo wrote in a post on Medium. “They decided the data was a threat to their belief system.”
Elizondo explained to Den of Geek that by 2008, the negative attention their paranormal investigations received caused them to create a sub-group inside of AAWSAP that only focused on military UFO cases. This was AATIP. When Elizondo joined AAWSAP (the paranormal program), it was to work with AATIP (the UFO division). Eventually, the DIA closed AAWSAP, and only AATIP remained. Elizondo took over leadership of AATIP in 2010.
As for The New York Times, one of the authors of the article, Leslie Kean, told me via email "at the time, our focus was AATIP. This was the name on the documents that we had, and this is what Lue Elizondo had talked to us about in interviews with him, as did others associated with the program." Elizondo says that since his involvement was primarily with AATIP and the UFO side of things, he did not feel at liberty to share AAWSAP information with them.
Filmmaker Jeremy Corbell has recently completed a documentary titled Hunt for the Skinwalker. He worked with Knapp, who intended to make a film when the book came out in 2005. The footage Knapp obtained back then is a large part of the new documentary.
“That $22 million that was created to study the phenomenon was really inspired wholly by Skinwalker Ranch and what Bigelow had been doing there privately with NIDS,” Corbell told this reporter in a recent podcast interview. “The public is going to see by watching this film that connection very clearly and yes, our Department of Defense, specifically the intelligence organization within the Department of Defense, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), they took this very seriously...Secrets have been kept, big secrets about this ranch for more than, I would say, two decades, and everybody wondered what has been going on there,” says Corbell. “This has been embargoed, this information. All of that has changed, and this story can now be told.”
These stories, although they sound fictional, are accounts from credible sources, and according to Corbell, Knapp, and Elizondo, there are still more shocking revelations to come. Elizondo recently told Den of Geek, “You ain't seen nothing yet, baby!”
Those of us following this story have been wondering when the time will come for us to find out more. Elizondo says much of what we have been waiting for will be included in the History Channel series Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation premiering May 31.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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