The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
SpaceX's 60-Satellite Launch Is Just the Beginning for Starlink Megaconstellation Project
SpaceX's 60-Satellite Launch Is Just the Beginning for Starlink Megaconstellation Project
The broadband constellation could eventually consist of nearly 12,000 satellites.
The 60 internet satellites SpaceX just launched will be but the tip of a very large off-Earth iceberg, if all goes according to plan.
Last night (May 23), SpaceX lofted the first five dozen members of its Starlink broadband constellation to low-Earth orbit (LEO) using one of the company's workhorse Falcon 9 rockets. Starlink is designed to provide internet connectivity to people around the world, and it will do so using a truly enormous number of satellites.
Starlink won't be able to provide "minor" coverage until about 400 spacecraft are up and running, and "moderate" coverage requires about 800 operational satellites, SpaceX founder and CEO Elon Musk has said. But the company doesn't plan to stop at "moderate."
"In a year and a half, maybe two years, if things go well, SpaceX will probably have more satellites in orbit than all other satellites combined — a majority of the satellites in orbit will be SpaceX," Musk said last week during a prelaunch teleconference with reporters.
That milestone will come around Starlink launch number 30, with 1,800 satellites delivered to orbit, he said.
But the number could rise higher still — much higher, in fact. The Federal Communications Commission has granted SpaceX permission to launch a total of nearly 12,000 Starlink satellites.
Musk said SpaceX has taken great pains to ensure the constellation doesn't pose a collision risk to the other denizens of LEO. For example, he said the Starlink satellites can automatically navigate around other spacecraft and larger pieces of orbital debris, using tracking data provided by the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD).
And this first batch is headed for an operational altitude of 340 miles (550 kilometers) — low enough that they'll get pulled down to Earth by atmospheric drag in a few years even if SpaceX doesn't manage to deorbit them intentionally.
"So, I think we've got a really solution for making sure that we do not create orbital debris," he said. "And, worst-case scenario — the good news there is, the atmosphere cleans it up."
SpaceX isn't the only company with eyes on a LEO broadband constellation.
OneWeb, Telesat and Amazon have similar goals, though their networks may not be as big as Starlink. (OneWeb and Telesat envision constellations numbering in the hundreds, and Amazon's Project Kuiper will top out at around 3,200 satellites if all goes according to plan.)
Starlink is a key part of Musk's long-term plan to help humanity colonize Mars. SpaceX hopes to use Starlink revenue to fund the development of Starship and Super Heavy, the spaceship and rocket the company is building to carry people to the Red Planet, Earth's moon and other solar system destinations.
Last night's launch featured a Falcon 9 whose first stage had already flown twice. It launched from Cape Canaveral Air Force Base in Florida, with the booster acing its third-ever landing, touching down on SpaceX's drone ship "Of Course I Still Love You" off the Florida coast.
Meet Camazotz; the Ancient Maya ‘Batman god’ Worshiped 2,500 Years Ago
Meet Camazotz; the Ancient Maya ‘Batman god’ Worshiped 2,500 Years Ago
Some 2,500 years ago, and even before DC Comics introduced us to Batman, the ancient Maya worshiped Camazotz, an ancient god that had the body of a person and the head of a bat.
Meet Camazotz, the Ancient Mayan Batman
Many things we think originated in recent times are actual copies from much older sources.
There’s plenty of evidence of such cases throughout history.
But did you know that thousands of years ago, the ancient Maya worshiped a god that had the body of a person and the head of a bat? The ‘creature’ had pointy ears and was referred to by the ancient Maya as Camazotz.
Curiously, that description may sound awfully similar to a character most of us are familiar with, seeing him in movies, series, and comic strips.
His name is Batman.
Batman, not the only Bat Man
You guessed it.
Batman’s origins can (sort of) be traced back to a long lost civilization that existed in modern-day Mexico.
Before the DC Comics ‘invented’ the Batman, there was Camazotz, a mysterious pre-Hispanic deity that symbolized night, death and sacrifice.
He was popular among the ancient Maya.
And his description is awfully similar to our modern-day Batman.
But there isn’t really much about him on the internet.
In fact, most of the details describing Camazotz can be traced back to the Popol Vuh.
Camazotz or Camazot is a relatively unknown character from Mayan mythology. The ancient Mayan god is considered as the murderous bat god.
Representations Camazotz can be found in the museum of Copán, in Honduras although description about him can be found in a few Mayan codices as well.
The ancient deity was dubbed as a master of mysteries, life, and death.
Camazotz comes from two ancient Maya (K’iche ) words ‘kame, which means “death”, and sotz’, which is translated as “bat”.
The worship of Camazotz can be traced back to around 200 B.C. and it is believed to have started among the Zapotecs of Oaxaca, Mexico, who worshiped an anthropomorphic monster with the body of a man and the head of a bat.
The bat was associated with night, death and sacrifice.
Camazots eventually found his place among the pantheon of the Quiche, a Mayan tribe that lived in the jungles of what is now Guatemala and Honduras.
The K’iche quickly identified the bat-god with their god Zotzilaha Chamalcan, which is the god of fire.
Some scholars even believe that the myth surrounding Camazotzs went far beyond the land of the ancient Maya, as stories of similar beings spread across Guatemala, and as far as Brazil.
It was back in 2014 when Warner Brothers gathered as many as thirty artists for them to reinterpret the looks of Batman for the 75th anniversary.
There were quite a few results.
But one of them was a stunning piece made by Christian Pacheco, owner of a design agency in Yucatan. In fact, it was his examples that stood out the most.
With his piece, Pacheco reminded everyone, that DC Comics was not the first to actually have their very own Batman.
Pacheco’s design gave a heads up to many people that the very first ‘bat’ man can be traced back to the ancient Maya, more than 2,500 years ago.
You can see more images of his version of ‘If Batman was a Mayan god’ in his Behance gallery.
The Popol Vuh and Camazotz
If we take a look at the Popol Vuh we find a few descriptions of this mythical god.
The Popol Vuh, the book of the council ‘or’ book of the community’, is a compilation of mythical, legendary and historical narratives of the K’iche; the Mayan people inhabiting modern-day Guatemala.
The book, of great historical and spiritual value, has been called Sacred Book or the Bible of the Maya Quiche.
In the Popol Vuh, Camazotz was a common name making reference to the bat-like monsters that the Mayan twin heroes Hunahpú and Ixbalanque stumbled across, during their trials in the underworld of Xibalbá.
It has been found that the Nahua horseshoe-shaped temples were dedicated to the worship of the bat god.
Their altars were made of pure gold and oriented towards the East.
It was believed that the bat god had power to cure any disease, but also power to cut the divine cord of life that unites the body to the soul.
The Nahua priests invoked the bat god when asking for health.
20-year minister and Bible College graduate Jeffrey Daugherty looks at the STUNNING appearance of a UFO in the very first chapter of the Bible–actually between the first and second verses! This is the best explanation in view of the text.
UNINDOCTRINATE YOURSELF! Jeffrey Daugherty, Bible College graduate and former 20-year Christian minister, shines light into the dark corners of Orthodoxy, exposing 2,000 years of suppression and manipulation. You have the right to as much unbiased information as possible when making choices of faith. Mark Twain said ‘It’s easier to fool someone that to convince them they’ve been fooled.
That doesn’t mean Jeffrey is going to stop trying. He is an author, speaker, spiritual worker, frequent guest on Coast To Coast AM, US Air Force veteran, and proud father and grandfather.
The beautiful island of Mayotte was shaken by numerous volcanic temblors.
Image credits: Yane Mainard.
Volcanic shake
About half a year ago, seismologists noticed something unusual off the coast of Mayotte, an overseas French territory between Africa’s eastern coast and Madagascar. Sensors all around the world picked upseismic wavescoming from around the island, but the source was largely unknown.
The locals felt it too. Almost every day, they felt small rumbles, stressing out about what the source might be, and authorities had little answers. French researchers had a hunch what the source might be, but without an on-site expedition, it was impossible to confirm. In February, such an expedition was launched. Nathalie Feuillet of the Institute of Geophysics in Paris (IPGP) and colleagues installed six seismometers on the seafloor, 3.5 kilometers beneath the surface, to monitor the seismic activity.
They pinpointed the seismic area, triangulating a region some 20-50 km deep — but this was only the first step. After the area was identified, researchers mapped it using sonar, finding evidence of a tall volcanic mountain formed underwater, and a huge quantity of solidified lava around it.
The outline of the volcano (in red) was excellently outlined by the sonar beams. The 800-meter (half a mile) volcano was built from nothing in just six months. The eruption was so dramatic that the island of Mayotte sank by about 13 centimeters (5 inches) and moved eastwards about 10 centimeters (4 inches). The sonar also revealed 5 cubic km (1.2 cubic miles) of magma on the seafloor
Competing theories
Mayotte is part of the Comoros archipelago, an archipelago formed through volcanic eruptions. However, although some areas of the Comoros are still very active, the last eruption around Mayotte took place about 7,000 years ago. It’s not just the location of this new volcano that’s a bit puzzling, its nature is also a mystery.
There are several competing theories regarding the nature of this volcanic range. Most volcanoes are found along mid-ocean ridges — underwater mountain ranges formed where the Earth’s tectonic plates are pulling apart, and where convection currents from the mantle are bringing magma closer to the surface. However, this isn’t really the case in the Comoros.
Another possibility is that of a hotspot. A volcanic hotspot is an area where a rising mantle plume comes really close to the surface, producing volcanic activity. The classic example is Hawaii, although the nearby island of Reunion was also formed this way. Hot spots aren’t affected by plate tectonics, and they stay in place while tectonic plates move about, typically leaving a “trail” of volcanoes on the surface. This is consistent with the fairly deep earthquakes observed around Mayotte, which would also suggest that the volcanic magma chamber is also very deep. But the evidence isn’t convincing enough to definitively say that there’s a hotspot there.
Depiction of a rift breaking down into multiple rigid blocks.
Image credits: Italian Institute for Geosciences.
Another likely culprit is the geological process of rifting. East Africa is one of the world’s most active rift zones, with the African tectonic plate splitting into two separate plates. The rifting area isn’t exactly close to Mayotte, but rifting tends to break large areas into rigid blocks, and this might be responsible for the volcanic events.
Most intriguingly, it could be a combination of some (or all) of the above, making Mayotte one of the most exciting volcanic areas to study.
As for the island’s inhabitants, they still have reason to worry. The volcano is probably too deep to threaten the island in any way — the eruptions are too deep to affect the surface and even a potential collapse of one of its flanks would likely be too deep to generate a tsunami. However, the earthquakes seem to be slowly migrating towards the island, which could po}entially lead to a collapse of the island’s flank itself — which would, of course, be much more dangerous. Given this turn of events, Feuillet wants to extend the mission for a few months and get a much better view of what’s happening with this volcanic activity in order to assess the potential risk to the locals. After this is done, results will also be published in a journal, Feuillet says.
Buddy System
Earth will be getting not one but two visitors from space this weekend.
Astronomers expect an asteroid known as 1999 KW4 to swing by the Earth at around 7:05 p.m. ET on Saturday — and when it does, it’ll bring along its very own moon.
“It’s one of the closest binary flybys probably in recent history,” planetary scientist Vishnu Reddy told NBC News. “That’s what makes it a very interesting target.”
Dynamic Duo
Asteroid 1999 KW4 is 1.5 kilometers (.93 miles) wide. That’s about three times the size of its moon, which clocks in at a width of about 0.5 kilometers (.3 miles).
Even at their closest, the space rocks will still be more than 3 million miles away, so don’t worry about them smashing into the Earth. In fact, they won’t even come close enough to see with the naked eye.
Still, the pair won’t be this close to Earth again until 2036, so if you want to catch a glimpse of the dynamic duo, be sure to have your telescope ready Saturday night.
Animation showing the KW4 system viewed from Earth as it moved across the sky from May 21, 2001 to June 12, 2001.
SpaceX’s deploys 60-satellite Starlink blob, all spacecraft successfully phone home
SpaceX’s deploys 60-satellite Starlink blob, all spacecraft successfully phone home
SpaceX’s first 60 “production-design” Starlink satellites have been successfully placed in orbit, kicking off a constellation beta test at an unprecedented scale. According to CEO Elon Musk, all spacecraft also managed to successfully ‘phone home’ after separation.
SpaceX’s Falcon 9 lifts off the pad at Space Launch Complex 40 to send 60 Starlink satellites into orbit.
Photo Credit: Graham Smith / SpaceFlight Insider
The company’s Redmond satellite operators still need to verify that all spacecraft are functional and healthy after a Falcon 9 launch and chaotic deployment from the rocket’s upper stage, but the riskiest part of the mission is now arguably behind SpaceX. What remains is essentially a massive, hardware-rich test of SpaceX’s Starlink satellite constellation, ranging from granular flight testing of individual components to an effective simulation of a full constellation’s operations.
All 60 Starlink satellites online, solar array deployment coming up soon
In support of those tests, SpaceX has already received permission from the FCC to begin setting up a number of ground stations and user terminals across the US. Testing will begin on a relatively small scale but will rapidly expand as FCC permissions roll in and the basics of the first 60 Starlink satellites’ operational capabilities are verified.
According to sources familiar with the matter who spoke under the condition of anonymity, SpaceX will most likely begin commercial testing of its Starlink constellation much like Tesla, using its significant workforce (~6000 people) as beta testers. The sources didn’t know how many launches it would take before that internal testing kicks off, but it’s safe to say that SpaceX will need at least a few hundred satellites in orbit to provide uninterrupted broadband service over a few swaths of the US.
Elon: 60 satellites of the production design for the Starlink system (minus the Ka antenna) will be launched tonight. An incredible amount of hard work went into getting to this point. It’s one of the hardest engineering projects that I’ve ever seen done.#SpaceX
A little over one hour after launch, SpaceX deployed all 60 Starlink satellites simultaneously, producing a bizarre blob of spacecraft that appeared to slowly begin to separate, almost like a zipper unzipping. CEO Elon Musk noted on May 15th that there was “a chance” that satellites would bump into each other during deployment. After watching the actual act, it’s safe to say that many of the 60 satellites almost certainly bumped into each other after separating from Falcon 9, albeit very slowly.
The 60 Starlink satellites in their launch configuration before being encapsulated in the Falcon 9’s payload fairing.
Photo Credit: SpaceX
60 Starlink satellites deployed from Falcon 9’s upper stage in a truly bizarre fashion, moving away from the rocket like an 18 ton blob of spacecraft.
All 60 Starlink satellites moments after deployment.
Photo Credit: SpaceX
A rendering of a Starlink satellite in orbit.
Image Credit: SpaceX
Starlink’s deployment mechanism is easily the most SpaceX-reminiscent thing SpaceX has ever done. It certainly isn’t pretty and your author would love nothing more than to immediately head to orbit to evenly distribute the satellites (oh, the asymmetry ). And yet, it seems likely that the chaotic blob deployment will ultimately be a success, getting rid of the wasted mass of a dispenser, speeding up deployment, and offloading the need for accuracy from Falcon 9 S2 to the satellites themselves.
Starlink satellites are propelled by krypton-fueled electric thrusters, also known as ion or Hall Effect thrusters.
A stack of the first 60 Starlink satellites.
By simply designing the satellites to handle minor bumps and more significant mechanical loads during launch and deployment, SpaceX can forgo the hassle of treating each spacecraft as if they’re made out of fine china, fairly routine for most modern satellites.
Check out Teslarati’s newsletters for prompt updates, on-the-ground perspectives, and unique glimpses of SpaceX’s rocket launch and recovery processes
Foto’s bewijzen dat er iets verborgen ligt onder een Egyptisch tempelcomplex. De autoriteiten willen niet dat jij dit weet
Foto: Леон Петросян Wikimedia Commons
Foto’s bewijzen dat er iets verborgen ligt onder een Egyptisch tempelcomplex. De autoriteiten willen niet dat jij dit weet
Jimmy van YouTube-kanaal Bright Insight heeft een aantal foto’s gepubliceerd van een ontdekking in Egypte waar geen ruchtbaarheid aan gegeven is.
De foto’s zijn gemaakt in het tempelcomplex van Dendera, het heiligdom van Hathor en Isis, dat grotendeels dateert uit de Ptolemaeïsche periode.
Onlangs werd er iets ontdekt onder één van de vloeren van de tempel van Hathor wat maar weinig mensen hebben gezien.
Onbekende tempel
Onder de vloer stuitte men op de bovenkant van meerdere begraven zuilen.
Dat betekent dat recht onder de tempel van Hathor nog een tweede, onbekende tempel gelegen is.
De vraag is nu waarom de internationale nieuwsmedia geen aandacht hebben besteed aan deze bijzondere ontdekking.
In het geheim
Daarnaast kun je je afvragen hoe groot de zuilen zijn, hoeveel het er zijn, hoe groot de onderliggende tempel is en wat we er kunnen aantreffen.
Een gids liet weten dat de blootgelegde zuil eerst zal worden afgedekt en dat pas later, in het geheim, opgravingen zullen worden verricht.
Dit wijst erop dat de autoriteiten die archeologische vindplaatsen beheren, proberen te voorkomen dat nieuwe informatie de massa bereikt.
Professoren, wetenschappers en egyptologen worden niet op de hoogte gebracht van ontdekkingen, maar er worden in het geheim opgravingen gedaan, waarna wordt besloten wat er naar buiten wordt gebracht (als er al iets naar buiten wordt gebracht).
A retired carpenter in Ireland claims that a stroll home from his neighborhood pub turned into an extraterrestrial encounter when he was abducted by aliens who told him when and how the world would end.
Gerry Battles says that the incident occurred on December 26, 2001 as he was walking home from the Seven Sisters Pub.
As he was admiring the stars, he noticed one particularly odd light emerge in the sky and then suddenly found himself aboard an alien spacecraft.
Paralyzed but able to observe other humans in a similar state aboard the ship, Battles was gob smacked when he finally encountered the alien seemingly in command of the vessel.
"All I remember is his big cone head and his beautiful, ginormous eyes. They were jet black, almost like mirrors," Battles told the Limerick Post.
The ET was impressed that Battles was not afraid like the other abductees and even flew the spacecraft over the North Pole at his request.
During their telepathic conversation, the alien revealed to Battles that Earth was due to be destroyed by an asteroid in 850 years.
The disappointed ET also expressed dismay that humanity continues to engage in warfare and subterfuge.
Additionally, the observant alien told him not to trust politicians or banks, which is likely advice he didn't really need from the ETs.
While Battles story will likely be easily dismissed by skeptics, there is one quizzical element to it which should be of interest to UFO enthusiasts.
The former carpenter had no recollection of his experience until a contractor from the Regional Hospital told him that they'd found his coat on the roof of the building!
After getting his coat back, Battles suddenly remembered his incredible experience aboard the spacecraft.
He hopes that by sharing his story, the scientific community will make a serious effort toward solving the UFO enigma.
Although that is unlikely to happen, perhaps someday in the distant future humans will remember his tale and manage to stop that asteroid from hitting us.
The 2019 crop circle season is officially underway in England as the first formation of the year has been found. The design was reportedlydiscovered in the town of Warminster on Wednesday. The appearance of the formation may have elicited sighs of relief from the UK crop circle research community who have not had to wait this long for the season to begin since 2013, when it took until June for the first design to be discovered.
Suggesting that perhaps the crop circle makers are working off a bit of rust accumulated over the winter months, this first formation of the year is a fairly basic design. It consists of a circle surrounded by a thick ring and then a thinner ring which features a pair of larger spheres opposite of each other. Suggestions as to what the formation may be meant to convey include a rudimentary electrical generator or possibly some kind of celestial alignment.
Per usual, fastidious crop circle investigators in England have already flocked to the site to document the formation by way of two different drone videos as well as close-up photographs from the inside the design. What may be most noteworthy about the scene is that the crops appear to be fairly high, making the shape of the formation noticeably crisp, which somewhat makes up for its lackluster design.
As to who or what may have created the formation, it's a safe bet that the debate over the cause of the crop circle phenomenon will undoubtedly continue in 2019 as skeptics contend that the formation came courtesy of human hands. However, based on his examination of the drone videos, researcher Dr. Horace R. Drew argued that "there is no indication at present of any heavy mechanical or other man-made actions in its formation." One thing that seems certain is that we'll be seeing many more formations in the weeks and months to come now that crop circle season has begun.
Eerste graancirkel van 2019 gevonden in Engeland. Wat is de betekenis hiervan?
Foto: Nick Bull
Eerste graancirkel van 2019 gevonden in Engeland. Wat is de betekenis hiervan?
In Engeland is de eerste graancirkelformatie van het jaar gevonden. De graancirkel werd woensdag ontdekt bij de plaats Warminster.
Het graancirkelseizoen begint dit jaar relatief vroeg. In 2013 moesten liefhebbers bijvoorbeeld wachten tot juni voordat de eerste formatie werd gespot.
De graancirkel bestaat uit een cirkel die wordt omgeven door twee ringen. De buitenste ring wordt onderbroken door twee bollen.
De theorieën over de betekenis van de formatie lopen nogal uiteen. Sommigen zien er een stroomgenerator in, terwijl anderen zeggen dat het iets heeft te maken met een samenstand van hemellichamen.
Onderzoekers zijn al naar de locatie afgereisd om de graancirkel te documenteren. Ook zijn er dronebeelden van gemaakt.
Geen aanwijzingen
Eén van de onderzoekers, dr. Horace R. Drew, liet weten dat ‘er op dit moment geen aanwijzingen zijn dat er mensenhanden aan te pas zijn gekomen’.
De komende weken en maanden zullen er naar verwachting nog veel meer graanformaties gaan verschijnen.
WETENSCHAPHet Amerikaanse ruimtevaartagentschap NASA heeft grootse plannen met de maan. Artemis, dochter van Zeus en tweelingzus van Apollo, “is de godin van de maan” en tevens ook de naam van het nieuwe programma van NASA. Het eerste onderdeel van het ambitieuze maanprogramma is de Lunar Gateway: een nieuw ruimtestation.
“We gaan naar de maan, om er te blijven”, zo verkondigde NASA een tiental dagen geleden bij de voorstelling van het nieuwe “Artemis”-programma. Enkele dagen later lijken de plannen alweer een beetje concreter. In 2022 zal er alvast een testmodel van een nieuw ruimtestation gelanceerd worden. Dat vertelde NASA-baas Jim Bridenstine tijdens een persconferentie.
We are going to the Moon — to stay.
We will build sustainable infrastructure to support missions to Mars and beyond. This is what we’re building. This is what we’re training for. We are going. #Moon2024
ISS versus Lunar Gateway Het nieuwe ruimtestation zal in vele opzichten lijken op het internationale ruimtestation (ISS). Alleen zal de Lunar Gateway niet rond de aarde, maar wel rond de maan cirkelen. Daarbij zal het veel kleiner zijn dan het ISS. Nog een belangrijk onderscheid: terwijl astronauten ruim een jaar in het ISS kunnen verblijven, zal dat in de Lunar Gateway hooguit drie maanden mogelijk zijn. Doordat de Gateway maar zo groot zal zijn als een eenkamerflat zijn er minder voorzieningen dan in het ISS. Bovendien kunnen er in het ISS, dat groter is dan een huis met zes slaapkamers, grotere voorraden aangelegd worden.
Het nieuwe ruimtestation zal in twee fases gebouwd worden. In een eerste fase zal de Lunar Gateway gebruikt worden om af te dalen naar de maan. In een tweede fase, die omstreeks 2028 gepland staat, wordt het ruimtestation omgetoverd tot een ruimte waar astronauten enige tijd kunnen verblijven. En zo zal het onderzoek naar de maan een tikkeltje geïntensifieerd worden.
(Lees verder onder de foto)
Photo NewsBuzz Aldrin, de eerste man die voet op de maan zette, tijdens de Amerikaanse Apollo 11-missie.
Race naar de maan
Jim Bridenstine maakte eerder al de naam van het programma bekend, alsook de datum waarop de Amerikaanse astronauten opnieuw op de maan willen landen. NASA mikte er in eerste instantie op om in 2028 weer een maanreis te maken, maar Trump wilde de datum vier jaar naar voren halen en kwam daarom met extra geld over de brug: maar liefst 1,6 miljard dollar (1,4 miljard euro). Er zijn immers andere (maan)kapers op de kust en de Amerikaanse president wil de eerste blijven.
Donald J. Trump✔@realDonaldTrump
Under my Administration, we are restoring @NASA to greatness and we are going back to the Moon, then Mars. I am updating my budget to include an additional $1.6 billion so that we can return to Space in a BIG WAY!
Things are falling from the skies at an alarming rate. With the on comingwar in spaceheating up nicely, nations are starting to test all sorts ofspace-based weapons andkiller satellitespresumably in order to see some rad zero-gravity explosions. Whenever things go ‘boom,’ however, they tend to leave a whole lot of debris behind and, well, we all know what happens to things that go up.
"The Indian test showcased Space Fence's capabilities in a real-world event," Col. Stephen Purdy, director of the Space Superiority System Directorate at Los Angeles Air Force Base, said in a release. "The system was able to quickly respond to a highly dynamic situation providing critical data."
In order to protect hapless civilians from the inevitable tons of flaming satellite shrapnel falling from space, the U.S. Air Force has recently tested a new technology it’s calling “Space Fence.” The system was designed by Lockheed Martin and was able to successfully detect and track the debris field left behind when India recently blew one of their own satellites to smithereens just for kicks.
If a nation can do that to one of their own satellites, think what we can likely do to all of those other weirdos’ satellites with our space weapons.
Lockheed Martin doesn’t share too many details about the system on its official Space Fence website other than that it consists of high-frequency radar positioned in such a way as to be able to accurately track the altitudes of small pieces of space debris in real time and “permit the detection of much smaller microsatellites and debris than current systems.” According to Lockheed Martin, Space Fence will provide peaceful spacecraft with better defenses against space debris and “significantly improve the timeliness with which operators can detect space events, which could present potential threats to GPS satellites or the International Space Station.” Of course, that also means the system will be able to better track adversaries’ satellites, even tiny ones like Russia’s ‘nesting doll’ satellites which are meant to latch onto and hijack other, larger satellites.
The system’s true purpose can be gleaned from the language Lockheed and Air Force spokespersons use in the press release. Vice president and general manager of Radar and Sensor Systems for Lockheed Martin Dr. Rob Smith says in a press release that Space Fence will prove to be an invaluable asset as near-Earth orbits become increasingly crowded, enabling “warfighters” to be more aware of the space battlefield:
The criticality of space assets to both national defense and the world economy cannot be understated. As multiple new mega constellations consisting of thousands of satellites become a reality and the space domain continues to become more congested, the demand for more accurate and timely space situational awareness data will be of the utmost importance to the warfighter.
Colonel Stephen Purdy, Director of the Space Superiority Systems Directorate at the Space and Missile Systems Center at Los Angeles Air Force Base echoes Lockheed’s vice president, likewise saying that “Space Fence is the latest in a long line of capabilities we are collectively bringing to the warfighter as we continue to build out space capabilities for the United States.” Judging from the way Lockheed and Air Force execs describe the system, it’s clear Space Fence is a primarily military tool that will benefit civilians as a side effect. I mean, who will oversee operations of the system? Why the Space Force, of course, making it the Space Force Space Fence. Space War I is coming soon, folks.
KWAJALEIN ATOLL, Marshall Islands, May 22, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — The U.S. Air Force Space Fence system detected the breakup field from an anti-satellite test conducted by India during a scheduled endurance exercise of the new space surveillance radar. As MICROSAT-R was expected to pass…
All this talk of protecting American spacecraft against space threats comes at a time when planetary defense seems to be getting more attention than ever from government agencies. Why the sudden focus on protecting the planet from near-Earth objects and space debris? Could an impact event be looming in our near future? A team of astronomers from University of Western Ontario thinks so, saying the risk may be higher than we currently know.
Earth’s final viral video.
In a new study accepted for publication by the Royal Astronomical Society, Earth scientist David Clark and astronomers Paul Wiegert and Peter Brown write that this summer is the perfect time to analyze the risk of the Taurid meteor swarm. The Taurid swarm is one of the most well-known groups of meteors, creating bright meteor showers every Autumn as it encounters Earth. While the large majority of these are tiny meteoroids smaller than a grain of sand, the Taurid swarm has long been suspected of hiding larger asteroids or meteors in some of its branches. 2019 is predicted to be one of the most active years for the Taurid meteor showers, possibly even creating fireballs bright enough to be observed during the day.
The swarm will come within 30,000,000 km of the Earth in a few months, enabling scientists to better predict the path of the swarm in the future. “There has been great interest in the space community since we shared our results at the recent Planetary Defense Conference in Washington, DC,” says David Clark. “There is strong meteoric and NEO evidence supporting the Taurid swarm and its potential existential risks but this summer brings a unique opportunity to observe and quantify these objects.” Could these meteors or other near-Earth objects pose a greater risk than the public is aware of? We may soon find out. Let’s hope that Space Fence works.
“On May 26, 1946, the U.S. Air Force awarded to the Fairchild Engine and Airplane Corporation a contract which established Fairchild as the responsible agency of theNuclear Energy for Propulsion of Aircraft(NEPA) project. The purpose of the project was twofold: (1) to perform feasibility investigations and research leading toward the adaptation of nuclear energy to the propulsion of aircraft, and (2) to educate the aircraft engine industry in the field of nuclear science and its adaptation to aeronautical propulsion,” wrote staff based at the Oak Ridge, National Laboratory in Tennessee. The content above is extracted from a lengthier, secret document that dealt with the feasibility – or otherwise – of constructing a nuclear-powered aircraft, one that could be used in a showdown with the Soviets at the height of the Cold War. The content of the document is made particularly controversial for one specific reason. It makes it clear that the military was thinking of using human test-subjects – such as prisoners and even cadavers – in its nuclear experimentation.
In the late summer of 1946 there was a radical shake-up in the Nuclear Energy for Propulsion of Aircraft program. The contract that Fairchild had with the military did not live up to its expectations and was placed into the hands of General Electric, who insisted that the operations be carried out not at Oak Ridge, but at GE’s plant in Ohio. More than a few Fairchild staff jumped ship and joined the new version of NEPA. Others, however, stayed at Oak Ridge, which – despite the severing of ties with Fairchild – had already made plans for a new project: the Aircraft Nuclear Program, ANP.
The biggest challenges that faced both NEPA and the ANP were the scientific and technological issues surrounding the development, construction, and deployment of nuclear-powered aircraft into the skies of our world. Could the crew be affected by very close proximity to a nuclear power-source? There were other challenges, too, and chiefly economic ones: Congress balked and frowned upon the ever-escalating costs, and particularly in light of the fact that missiles and supersonic planes were already demonstrating their significant worth. So, thought Congress, why are we even giving consideration to extremely costly, and potentially hazardous, nuclear aircraft? Congress’ question was a fair and understandable one – to the extent that, not even one year into his presidency, President John F. Kennedy finally had the research programs into nuclear-powered aircraft shut down.
Although official, and extensive, research into nuke planes went ahead, for around fifteen years before JFK closed it down, it is an acknowledged fact that dark and disturbing research was done on human beings, in an effort to understand and combat the potentially troublesome issues of exposing a crew to such a futuristic vehicle and power-plant. This is amply demonstrated in the papers of NEPA’s Medical Advisory Committee, the MAC. A June 1948 document makes it very clear what was going through the minds of the scientists on the program: “The NEPA Medical Advisory Committee is attempting to determine what will happen to humans exposed at infrequent times to amounts of radiations which are higher than those accepted as permissible for peace time operations. The Committee, with the exception of one member, feels that such information cannot be obtained by animal experiments nor by clinical observations.”
MAC made another suggestion, or, as some might call it, an example of crossing the line that should never be crossed. MAC said: “The information sought is sufficiently important to justify the use of humans as experimental subjects.” It was then time for the entire scenario to tumble out. And what a hotbed of controversy it was, and as the official, previously top secret papers show: “The Committee, therefore recommends, that the Armed services arrange for and conduct unclassified experiments on man which will make possible the accurate prediction of biological changes resulting from known levels of radiation exposure. “
Those very same “experiments on man” were aimed at using nothing less than prisoners then held in American jails: “The Committee is not in a position to make recommendations as to where these tests can be conducted other than that they should be carried out at some federal, state, or Armed Services prison, where life prisoners are incarcerated and where arrangements can be made with the prison authorities to cooperate in the experiment. The selection of the prison is a matter for top military consideration. Continued cooperation of the prison staff and prisoners for a matter of many years will be required.”
Actually, it didn’t take years, at all. In fact, it wasn’t even oneyear. By early 1948, MAC’s Subcommittee on Human Experimentation recommended that “the Armed Services arrange for and conduct unclassified experiments making possible accurate prediction of biological damage in man from known levels of radiation exposure.” Matters began to progress with speed. In June 1949, the Joint Panel on Medical Aspects of Atomic Warfare gave its support to the program. Four months later, every scientific agency, and arm of the military, that had a vested interest in seeing the nuclear aircraft program come to life was unanimous. An October 4, 1949 memo makes that starkly clear. Experiments on people, the author noted, were the “number one recommendation.”
Everything was running smoothly; that is, until February 1950. That was when a significant percentage of staff at the Atomic Energy Commission Medical Group (CMG) grew worried about where things were potentially heading. In their eyes and minds, it was one thing to undertake research into the effects of nuclear aircraft on their crews. They saw it as quite another thing entirely, however, to consider, and give the go-ahead for, experiments to be undertaken on American citizens – even those incarcerated in American jails. Unfortunately for the rest of the people allied to the program, the CMG was a large and powerful body, one that, when it flexed its muscles and expressed its concern, was able to put everything into a definitive state of limbo.
The arguing went on until September, with many suggesting it was dangerous to go down the path of using human guinea-pigs – and without their consent and even knowledge, too – and just as many others offering that it was no big deal. Unless, that is, one happened to be just such a prisoner. It was in September that NEPA’s staff began working on a recommendation-style document that would forcibly argue the need for the program to proceed, and also the need for human test-subjects to be found – and quickly, too. Matters came to a head in December when NEPA noted that the only thing to end the stalemate would be for a major, powerful body to make a final decision, once and for all: “At the meeting of the NEPA Research Guidance Committee, it was recognized that unless AEC or some other highly influential agency recommends human experimentation, the NEPA proposal would never be carried out by the Armed Services.”
In essence, this amounted to nothing less than a stern warning, combined with a final ultimatum. NEPA’s Medical Advisory Committee also had their say, as a January 5, 1950 report – Radiation Biology Relative to Nuclear Energy Powered Aircraft Recommendations to NEPA – shows: “For many reasons it is desirable that the aircraft carry a crew. This implies that the reactor will be surrounded with shielding adequate to protect the crew against radiations escaping from the reactor. It is necessary to determine the amount of radiation a human can reasonably tolerate in a given number of doses, at given repetition frequencies, and at given intensities, so that shield weights can be minimized. This knowledge is only partially available.”
Despite the ultimatum, those against the human experimentation proceeding were unmoved. It was this stance that, on February 12, 1951, provoked M.C. Leverett, who was the Technical Director of the nuclear aircraft program, to send a memo to Dr. Shields Warren, the Director of Medicine and Biology at the Atomic Energy Commission. It said:
“Dr. Warren, “In connection with our work on Nuclear Powered Flight, we have as you know called together a group of highly qualified experts in the general field of radiology and the effects of radiation upon human beings, in order to assist us in defining the limiting exposure to which we should plan to subject the crew of a nuclear powered airplane. One of the actions taken by this group of experts was the formulation of a program of recommended research necessary, in their opinion, for adequate coverage of the radiobiological aspects of nuclear flight. Among the recommended research projects was the highly controversial one of human experimentation which this group strongly recommended and gave a position of highest priority. For almost two years the various members of this Committee have been making efforts to gain governmental approval of their recommendation regarding human experiments. These efforts have been largely unsuccessful and we and they have come finally to the conclusion that further efforts in this direction would be a waste of energy. We are therefore discontinuing our efforts to obtain governmental approval for experiments on humans along the lines recommended by our Advisory Committee.”
Although the discontinuing went ahead, in the years that followed further research into nuclear-powered aircraft was put into place. Some of those latter-day prototype aircraft may have been mistaken for UFOs – as we shall see in a follow-up article to this one…
The moon has two very different faces and a new study may explain why. It’s very possible that an ancientdwarf planet or a large asteroid crashed into the moonwhich ultimately caused one side to have thicker crust. There is an extra layer of crust on the far side of the moon that’s full of craters, while the side that’s facing Earth has tons of open basins. Scientists discovered these details when the NASA’s Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) mission had two satellites map out specifics of the moon in 2012.
There have been several potential explanations as to why the moon has an extra layer on one side, such as the theory of two moons orbiting Earth many years ago. However, the theory that a huge object – such as a dwarf planet or a large asteroid – crashed into the moon seems a lot more likely and a new study published this month (which can be read here) suggests that very idea.
Scientists took the data from the GRAIL mission and entered it into a computer in order to figure out how large the object would have been in order to cause such asymmetry on the moon. According to their calculations, they believe that the object that crashed into the moon would have been approximately 480 miles in diameter – which is a bit smaller than the dwarf planet named Ceres.
Additionally, they figured out that the object would have hit the near side of the moon at around 14,000 mph in order to have caused lunar debris to fly off that side of moon and fall to the far side like a tsunami. The layer of debris would have been between three and six miles thick which is around how thick the extra layer is on the lunar’s far side. They also found that an object with a diameter of 450 miles could have hit the moon travelling at 15,000 mph.
According to this new data, it’s unlikely that there were once two moons orbiting Earth and the more likely explanation is that a large asteroid or a dwarf planet crashed into the lunar’s side. This would also provide an explanation as to why there are different isotopes found on the Moon than what’s here on Earth, considering that the moon was probably created by splitting off from our planet when a large object crashed into an early Earth.
Breakaway Civilization - Do You Want to Go to Mars
Breakaway Civilization - Do You Want to Go to Mars
The ever-growing expanse of breakaway civilizations requires a vast workforce ranging from menial labor to intelligentsia.
Some people are recruited under false pretenses, some are genetically engineered, and others are outright abducted from their lives on Earth.
None, however, are prepared for what they will face during their tenure inside the program. Those who have returned convey that their involvement challenged the range of human experience from the awful to the unimaginably awesome.
What has been hidden will become evident as the pieces of this intricate puzzle are finally put together.
Date of discovery: May 24, 2019 Location of discovery:Coast of South Africa I found this boomerang UFO over the ocean near Cape of Good Hope, South Africa. The UFO appears to have just risen out of the water and was probably about to fly out into space. The UFO has no smoke or clouds around it which may indicate its a cloud. Its not cloud. Its a solid metallic object flying over the ocean. This is why maps often black out the ocean areas of maps. So we, the public, can't find out about all the UFO and under water bases in our oceans. Scott C. Waring
UFO Filmed Moments Before Cloaking Over Airdrie, Scotland. May 19, 2019, UFO Sighting Nes.
UFO Filmed Moments Before Cloaking Over Airdrie, Scotland. May 19, 2019, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: May 19, 2019 Location of sighting: Airdrie, Scotland This UFO seems to just disappear at .49 into the video. This should be impossible, yet its there on video and I see no flaws or indication of it being CGI. It looks 100% real. Its possible that this UFO was attempting to fly low over the houses in order to scan the residence to gain information of our way of life. OMG, one thing blew my mind...when I heard the guy say, "No it just disappeared," I got shivers...I swear it sounded like Streetcap1, who also is from Scotland, but was reported to have died last year.
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan
Eyewitness states:
This object was first spotted by the four-year-old daughter of this family while having dinner with her family. As her father watched the object pass over their home he realised that this was a UFO and begun to video the cruising craft and right before his very eyes it disappeared... This is my opinion on this footage: I believe this object/craft to be a classic flying saucer and just before the craft vanished we witnessed a bright light emitted from the center of the craft, I believe this to be the craft engaging it's "Cloaking technology" because the UFO didn't fly out of view, it simply vanished.
UFO Fleet Surrounds Helicopter In Naples, Italy On May 23, 2019, Video, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Fleet Surrounds Helicopter In Naples, Italy On May 23, 2019, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting:May 23, 2019
Location of sighting: Naples, Italy
An eyewitness in Naples, Italy noticed a helicopter flying in small circles near his apartments, but then suddenly noticed a fleet of tiny UFO orbs all around. Most the UFOs fade in and out of focus, this is how I know its real. Real UFO orbs have a rotation almost liquid like change that moves across its surface. Need I remind you, I have stood 2 meters from such an UFO orb two years ago, so I know exactly what they look like close up.
This UFO clearly took immediate notice of the UFOs and may have been sent there by a dark government agency in charge of keeping aliens in check.
This discovery was made by an up and coming researcher on Youtube going by the name of Pacitto dominique. He noticed some interesting structure in an old LROC NASA photo of the moon and made a video with convincing evidence in it of the existence of intelligent life on our moon. The most interesting of all the structures was actually one of the smallest. A pyramid that sat in the center of a giant crater. It was a three sided pyramid with a single dark window going along one side. So...the question remains, is this definitive proof that the pyramids in Egypt were built by aliens from our moon? It seems so.
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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