The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
SpaceX plans to A/B test its Starship rocketship builds
SpaceX plans to A/B test its Starship rocketship builds
"This is a competition to see which location is most effective."
Enlarge/ The Starship test vehicle, currently under assembly in South Texas, may look similar to this illustration when finished.
On Tuesday, photos began to emerge onlineof a new, Starship-like vehicle being built in an industrial park near Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Later, SpaceX founder Elon Musk confirmed that the company will develop a Starship prototype in Florida to parallel work being done in South Texas.
"Both sites will make many Starships," Musk shared on Twitter. "This is a competition to see which location is most effective. Answer might be both." This will not be a strict A/B test, a randomized experiment. Rather, Musk added, any insights gained by one team must be shared with the other, but the other team is not required to use them.
This is a rather new way to develop an orbital spaceship, especially one as large and as complex as Starship, which is designed to land and take off from other worlds such as the Moon and Mars. However, it is far from unprecedented in the tech world. For example, Google has long had a strategy of making two of everything, with multiple, competing products that go after the same user base.
Musk also provided an update on development of Raptor engines—which will power both the Starship vehicle and its companion rocket, Super Heavy. SpaceX, ultimately, will need dozens of the engines for the spaceship and rocket. But initially, the company will be testing its prototype Starship with one and three engines. SpaceX has now completed four of the engines, and it's building the fifth one in Hawthorne, California. The company should have built more than 100 of the methane-fueled engines by next year, Musk added.
Elon Musk✔@elonmusk
Starship test flight rocket just finished assembly at the @SpaceX Texas launch site. This is an actual picture, not a rendering.
Meanwhile, after about five weeks of downtime, SpaceX appears ready to ramp up activity at its Boca Chica test site in South Texas. In early April, a series of tests culminated in a short, tethered hop of a Starship prototype. Now, the company may begin testing activity again later this month. The Brownsville Herald reports that a nearby highway, State Highway 4 from Oklahoma Avenue to Boca Chica Beach, will be closed on May 28 between 2pm and 10pm CT, or alternatively, on May 29 and May 30.
SpaceX is working toward an orbital launch of the Starship vehicle in 2020, but as with all large aerospace projects, that date is likely to slip later into the 2020s. A flight any time soon, given the absence of government funding and overall ambition of the project, would be notable.
Mysterieuze streep van lichtjes aan Nederlandse hemel leidt tot talloze UFO-meldingen
Mysterieuze streep van lichtjes aan Nederlandse hemel leidt tot talloze UFO-meldingen
In de nacht van vrijdag op zaterdag was in de lucht een bijzonder verschijnsel waarneembaar. Aan de hemel was een streep van tientallen lichtjes zichtbaar die op sterren leken.
Het ging om satellieten van het Amerikaanse ruimtevaartbedrijf SpaceX, die vrijdag in een baan om de aarde zijn gebracht.
In binnen- en buitenland maakten mensen melding van het fenomeen dat zich rond 01.00 uur voordeed.
De één vroeg zich af of het ging om een ‘zwerm drones’, de ander zei dat het was ‘alsof de intercity langskwam door de lucht’.
Onderzoeker Marco Langbroek plaatste op Twitter een spectaculair filmpje waarin de ‘trein’ van Starlink-satellieten te zien is.
Het project van het bedrijf van Elon Musk is bedoeld om een verbinding voor snel internet op aarde en op termijn ook in de ruimte te realiseren.
Daarvoor zijn honderden satellieten nodig, waarvan de eerste 60 de ruimte zijn ingeschoten.
Er waren ook veel mensen die dachten dat het om UFO’s ging. Bij het UFO Meldpunt Nederland kwamen uit heel het land meldingen binnen.
“We zijn op de hoogte van een UFO in de vorm van een lange reeks lichtjes die op verschillende plaatsen door heel Nederland (en België) zichtbaar was rond 1 uur vannacht,” tweette het meldpunt.
Beste volgers/lezers, we zijn op de hoogte van een ufo in de vorm van een lange reeks lichtjes die op verschillende plaatsen door heel Nederland (en zelfs België) zichtbaar was rond 1 uur vannacht. Heeft u beeld, deel het dan alstublieft met Dank!
In a recent experiment, scientists reversed the arrow of time for a split second, simulating the possibility of time travel using quantum particles called qubits. The experiment was a far cry from achieving time travel anytime in the near future, but if it provides even a modicum of possibility it would support Dr. Michael P. Masters’ theory that UFOs and aliens might just be future anthropologists traveling back in time to study their ancestors — us.
Masters completed his Ph.D. in Anthropology at the Ohio State University and is currently a professor of biological anthropology at Montana Tech. His resume also cites coursework in astrobiology, astronomy, and physics – needless to say, he has some pretty relevant credentials.
In his bookIdentified Flying Objects: A Multidisciplinary Scientific Approach to the UFO Phenomenon, Masters explores the evolution of humans in relation to our hominin ancestors, and our likely progression as a species moving forward. Based on the trajectory of our physical, intellectual, and technological development, he says he believes the common trope of the hairless, large-headed, technologically advanced alien is likely where evolution is leading us.
Humans have evolved to become (relatively) hairless creatures compared to our ancestors and many anthropologists believe we’ll eventually lose it entirely as it doesn’t really serve much of a function anymore, save aesthetics. Add to that the fact that our skull size has doubled and tripled to support a larger brain compared to the smaller cranium of ancestors like Homo erectus and Australopithecus, respectively.
“The phenomenon may be our own distant descendants coming back through time to study us in their own evolutionary past,” Masters told a local television station in his home state of Montana. “The extra-tempestrials are ubiquitously reported as being bipedal, upright-walking, five fingers on each hand and foot, bi-lateral symmetry, that they have two eyes, a mouth, a nose, and they can communicate with us in our own languages.”
Dr Michael P. Masters
If that’s the case, and close encounters with aliens are really close encounters with our future relatives, the term extraterrestrial wouldn’t be appropriate to describe our humanoid alien descendants. That’s why Masters coined the term, extratempestrials.
Much like the theme of Michael Crichton’s 1999 novel Timeline, Masters imagines how incredible it would be for future archeologists and anthropologists to travel back in time to study the eras and people we’ve only imagined from our history textbooks.
“As an anthropologist who has worked on and directed numerous archaeological digs in Africa, France, and throughout the United States, it is easy to conceptualize just how much more could be learned about our own evolutionary history, if we currently possessed the technology to visit past periods of time,” Masters said.
Language is another facet of his argument: reported encounters with extraterrestrials often involve their ability to communicate with us through the same mechanisms we use for communication.
Masters posits the possibility that extraterrestrials from another planet with a different atmosphere, different physics, and different evolution might use different forms of vibratory communication – not necessarily through language.
Though admittedly just a theory, Masters had his book peer-reviewed by a number of his colleagues to verify some of the foundations of his conclusion.
The theory is an interesting one and might help explain or corroborate the theory that extraterrestrials sometimes appear to act as inter-dimensional entities, who are able to transcend time and space through apparently inexplicable means.
And as we consider some of the bizarre elements of UFO encounters and their seeming ability to zip in and out of existence, appearing to defy known laws of physics, one can’t help but think of Arthur C. Clarke’s famous line “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”
UFO technology appears to be magic based on current technological capabilities, but much of our technology today would look like magic to anyone living a century ago, let alone hundreds, or thousands of years ago. What if we were to fast forward hundred or thousands of years from now?
Given that Moore’s Law — that is, computer processing power doubles every two years– has maintained, while quantum physics has conceptually made many science fiction themes now seem within the realm of possibility, time travel might just become science fact. That is, if our species is able to survive long enough to see it come to fruition, but if Masters’ theory is right, it appears we must have.
UFO’s en aliens zijn antropologen uit de toekomst. Amerikaanse professor baart opzien
UFO’s en aliens zijn antropologen uit de toekomst. Amerikaanse professor baart opzien
Natuurkundigen kregen het onlangs voor elkaar om een zogeheten qubit een fractie van een seconde terug in de tijd te sturen.
Wetenschappers creëren tijdmachine die vergelijkbaar is met de Tardis van Doctor Who, kopte de Britse Daily Mirror.
De wetenschappers creëerden een kunstmatige toestand die zich ontwikkelt tegen de thermodynamische richting van de tijd in.
Haarloze wezens
Dit lijkt een ondersteuning te zijn van de theorie van dr. Michael P. Masters, die pas geleden beweerde dat UFO’s en aliens antropologen zijn uit de toekomst, die zijn teruggereisd in de tijd om hun voorouders te bestuderen.
Professor Masters, verbonden aan Montana Tech, suggereert dat mensen in de toekomst zijn veranderd in haarloze wezens met grote hoofden.
“Mogelijk zijn het onze verre verwanten die terugreizen in de tijd om ons in hun eigen verleden te bestuderen,” zei Masters tegenover een lokale tv-zender.
Eigen taal
“Deze wezens lopen rechtop, hebben vijf vingers aan iedere hand en vijf tenen aan iedere voet, hebben twee ogen, een mond, een neus en kunnen in onze eigen taal met ons communiceren,” klonk het.
“We zouden zoveel kunnen leren van ons eigen evolutionaire verleden als we de technologie hadden om naar het verleden te gaan,” zei hij.
Professor Masters suggereerde verder dat echte buitenaardsen, afkomstig van andere planeten met een andere atmosfeer en een andere evolutie, met ons communiceren op een ander trillingsniveau, niet noodzakelijkerwijs via taal.
RH Negative - Real Alien Human Hybrid Programs - A New Race is Appearing on Earth
RH Negative - Real Alien Human Hybrid Programs - A New Race is Appearing on Earth
In this complimentary episode from George Noory’s Gaia TV show, Beyond Belief, hypnotherapist Barbara Lamb details how many of her clients have had encounters with otherworldly beings; and a number of those have had startling similar experiences which revealed they’d been subjected to extraterrestrial hybridization programs.
The Rh blood group system is one of thirty-five known human blood group systems. It is the second most important blood group system, after the ABO blood group system. The Rh blood group system consists of 49 defined blood group antigens, among which the five antigens D, C, c, E, and e are the most important.Wikipedia
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Major Alien Disclosure - They Are Starting To Release Something BIG
Major Alien Disclosure - They Are Starting To Release Something BIG!
The powers that be that are in favour of ending UFO secrecy and they are doing it in some very strange ways, sometimes even using big news outlets or in some cases even Ufologists.
Could it be that there may actually be that the good people among the secret keepers are moving forward with telling the truth, despite resistance within from others that are in the know. UFO researchers right now need to understand that this is the superbowl of history and they’re in the stadium.
Most of the world doesn’t understand this yet. All the information is ready to be released, but everyone is making deals and agreeing to keep things secret.
Planet X: Sumerian Texts Speak of Ancient Kings and a Mystery Planet - Half a Million Years
Planet X: Sumerian Texts Speak of Ancient Kings and a Mystery Planet - Half a Million Years
Most of mythology speaks about the same things, the sky.. Approximately half a million years ago these Anunnaki beings came to Earth because our planet and their planet came in close proximity. And if you don’t believe research the ancient Sumerians and see…
Planet X. Lieder drew the name Planet X from the hypothetical planet once searched for by astronomers to account for discrepancies in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune.
The Nibiru cataclysm is a supposed disastrous encounter between the Earth and a large planetary object that certain groups believed would take place in the early 21st century. Believers in this doomsday event usually refer to this object as Nibiru or Planet X. Wikipedia
Something pretty weird happened in Cambodia this week. On May 23, a mysterious explosion was heard somewhere along Cambodia’s border with Laos in Stung Treng province. While I immediately jumped at the story thinking this would be another mystery boom to add to the pile, villagers in several communes along the Cambodian-Lao border reported finding pieces of unidentified metallic debris shortly after the explosion was heard. What could have exploded over Cambodia?
That remains unknown, but Major General Mao Dara, chief of Stung Treng provincial police, says the debris has been sent to experts for identification. “We heard the sound of an explosion and we saw pieces of iron debris scattered in different places,” Maj Gen Dara said. “We don’t know where the debris came from because we are not experts, so we can’t make a conclusion yet.”
Stung Treng, Cambodia.
Pictures published by the Phnom Penh Post show various pieces of metal housing, circuit boards, and metal canisters. From the look of the debris alone, it’s impossible to make out what it could have been from – at least to my layman eyes. One villager who heard and saw the explosion says rumors have been circulating that the debris may have come from a Chinese space launch gone awry, though. “I heard villagers saying there was an announcement in Laos [on Thursday] that a spacecraft was launching in China,” said Prak Savorn. “This might be part of the debris from a Chinese spacecraft that fell on five southern provinces in Laos. That was what I overhead Lao people saying.”
Unidentified metal and plastic debris fell to earth in Stung Treng province’s Borei O’Svay Sen Chey district near Laos on Thursday following a loud explosion. Photo supplied
A Chinese Long March 3 rocket.
There may be some truth to that. Chinese state media confirmed that a Long March 4C rocket failed to get what is believed to be a secret electromagnetic military satellite into orbit Wednesday after a launch near Beijing ended in what Xinhua News called “abnormal operation.” Footage posted to Chinese social media sites shortly after launch show the rocket’s smoke trail spiraling off into several directions at once as the rocket explodes.
According to Xinhua, “rocket and satellite debris have fallen on the ground” following the failed rocket launch, but exactly where that debris fell wasn’t disclosed. This isn’t the first time other countries have had to deal with China’s falling space debris. Is that what villagers found in Cambodia? If so, there are going to be plenty of people who want to get their hands on that debris before the Chinese do.
Angelic UFO Leaving Our Sun On May 15, 2019, UFO Sighting News.
Angelic UFO Leaving Our Sun On May 15, 2019, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: May 15, 2019 Location of sighting: Earths sun I was looking at the NASA SOHO satellite images of our sun when I noticed the angelic UFO was back. This one is slightly different in that one is different size than the other. This angelic UFO has been seen weekly for years and I just love reporting about it. It moves much too fast to be a planet or star. There is only one photo of the object in the SOHO video. If it were a planet, there would be dozens of images of it moving from one side of the photo to the other. So this angelic object is something that moves so fast, it gets caught only for a few minutes on the SOHO satellite, before it hyper jumps out of the area. Scott C. Waring
Alien Figure Near Moon Appears Next To The Moon In Aceh In Indonesia, May 2019, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Alien Figure Near Moon Appears Next To The Moon In Aceh In Indonesia, May 2019, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: May 2019 Location of sighting: Indonesia This dark object was recorded by the moon last week over Indonesia. The dark object stood out well near the moon and looks to be a standing figure. Its easy to make out the head, shoulders, back and legs. I don't believe that all aliens who visit earth need a spaceship to get here. Some may transport here with a mere thought, because of advances in tech of billions of years. Others may travel in energy form and not need protection from the elements of space. I have seen the energy beings close up, about 400 meters up at midnight over Taipei a few years back, and it was obvious when they came back a few seconds later and circled over me...that they saw me too. SCW
Twitter/Marco LangbroekDe ‘trein’ van lichtjes die vannacht door de hemel trok.
WETENSCHAPDe voorbije nacht was in de lucht een bijzonder verschijnsel waarneembaar. Aan de hemel was een streep van tientallen lichtjes zichtbaar die op sterren leken. Vermoedelijk ging het om satellieten van het Amerikaanse ruimtevaartbedrijf SpaceX, die vrijdag in een baan om de aarde zijn gebracht. Dat zegt ook weerman Frank Deboosere. “De heldere lichtpunten vannacht rond 1.00 uur aan de hemel zijn dus de Starlink-satellieten van SpaceX”, tweette hij.
In binnen- en buitenland maken mensen melding van het fenomeen, dat zich rond 1.00 uur voor het eerst voordeed en ook daarna nog te zien was. De een vraagt zich af of het gaat om een “zwerm drones”, de ander zegt “alsof de intercity langskomt door de lucht”.
Het project van het bedrijf van ondernemer Elon Musk, met de naam Starlink, is bedoeld om een verbinding voor snel internet op aarde en op termijn ook in de ruimte te realiseren. Daarvoor zijn honderden satellieten nodig, waarvan de eerste zestig de ruimte zijn ingeschoten.
Rond 02.30 uur was de trein van satellieten nogmaals te bewonderen al was het toen meer bewolkt.
Over een uurtje, rond 2:30-2:35 Nederlandse tijd, komt de "trein" van #Starlink satellieten opnieuw over. Bijgaande kaart is voor Leiden. Elders wat kleine afwijkingen in het traject, en hou rekening met een plus/min van enkele minuten:
Beste volgers/lezers, we zijn op de hoogte van een ufo in de vorm van een lange reeks lichtjes die op verschillende plaatsen door heel Nederland (en zelfs België) zichtbaar was rond 1 uur vannacht. Heeft u beeld, deel het dan alstublieft met Dank!
On the night of October 10, 1973, two men – Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker – were fishing on the banks of Mississippi’s Pascagoula River. All was going fine. That is, until approximately 9:00 p.m. rolled around. That’s when all hell broke loose. Yet, it all began relatively calmly. It didn’t stay that way, however. As they fished, Parker and Hickson suddenly noticed a light in the distance. Not only that, it was following the river and appeared to be coming in their direction. Which was not necessarily a good thing. As the light got closer, they could see it in its full glory: the light was actually a brightly lit, somewhat egg-shaped craft, from which came a deep, throbbing hum. Such was the intensity of the hum, it provoked intense nausea in both men. Confusion, and a sense of distinct unreality, quickly followed. The pair watched in horror and amazement as what was described as a “hatch” opened and a trio of very strange-looking creatures exited the hovering object: they had aerial-like protrusions coming out of their heads and “hands” that resembled the claws of a lobster. Even stranger, and much more unnerving, the three things floated from the craft, across the waters of the river, and towards Hickson and Parker.
The aliens were not of the famous large-headed, black-eyed, and dwarfish kind, however. They weren’t even of the benevolent-looking, so-called “Space Brothers” variety of the 1950s. Nope, this particular breed of E.T. was described later by the shocked and undeniably traumatized men as being humanoid, and with faces that appeared to be almost masked, and heads from which three carrot-style points protruded. On top of that, they had large crab-like or lobster-like claws. Then matters got even worse: when the things from another world were practically on top of terrified Parker and Hickson, both men were rendered into a state of paralysis. Whether due to some technology of the aliens, or provoked by overwhelming fear, remains unknown. Maybe it was a combination of both.
Suddenly, the entities seized the pair, who were manhandled onto the UFO. Like most abductees, Hickson and Parker were quickly reduced to the equivalents of lab rats. When the encounter was over, the pair was dumped back on the edge of the river. The story, hardly surprisingly, became a UFO classic, and in quick time too. The media was soon on the case. As was the military. While Parker chose to keep out of the limelight, Hickson went on to write a book about his experience (UFO Contact at Pascagoula, co-written with William Mendez), and spoke about it on the lecture circuit. So, why am I mentioning all of this now? Well, I’ll tell you.
Just recently I had the opportunity to meet the aforementioned Calvin Parker at the annual Out of This World gig in Edinburg, Texas. In fact, I was able to hang out with him quite a bit at the weekend-long conference. The Pascagoula affair was one that I got interested in as a kid. So, for that reason alone, it was good to meet Calvin and speak to him, face to face, about the now-legendary encounter of October 1973. Not only that, while I was at the conference I bought a copy of Calvin’s book on his experience. Its title: Pascagoula – The Closest Encounter: My Story. If you haven’t yet seen this 2018 publication, then you really should. It’s a fascinating book that not only tells the story of what went down on the night that changed Calvin’s life, but way more too.
What I particularly appreciated, while reading the book, was Calvin’s openness and willingness to share not just the details of that close encounter on the Mississippi River, but much of his life too – from a child to the present day. This skillfully sets the scene for what is to come and lets the reader really know who Calvin Parker was back then and who he is now. This is important because, by opening up to a significant degree, we learn a great deal about the lead-up to the incident and what came afterwards – both immediately and in the years ahead. The fear that followed the incident is detailed graphically. It’s pretty much impossible to come away from the book and not conclude that something seriously strange occurred.
Not only does the book contain Calvin’s very own words on the event; it also includes a mountain of newspaper and magazine clippings on his encounter with Charles Hickson back in 1973. It’s accurate to say that these otherwise-hard-to-find clippings provide not just a look back at how the media coverage the story. They also demonstrate the sheer, incredible scale of interest that the same media displayed. Most important of all, we see how Calvin has come to terms with the trauma-filled incident. Running to more than 400 pages, Pascagoula – The Closest Encounter: My Story, is an excellent story of how the UFO phenomenon – when encountered up close and personal – can provoke amazement, stress, terror, bewilderment, and life-changing experiences. Calvin Parker experienced all of those. He has done all of us a great favor in finally telling his firsthand story of what happened on that incredible night – and way beyond, too.
Last week, a strange series of events had been unfolding in the mountains of Western North Carolina, where locals reported what they believed to have been a possible plane crash near the town of Hendersonville.
“Multiple agencies were searching on the ground after a report of a possible plane going down,” local ABC News affiliate WLOS reported, stating that rescue and search teams, as well as the Mountain Area Medical Airlift helicopter, were all involved in the search.
Emergency dispatch said they received a call on the evening of Thursday, May 16, 2019 “about a possible downed aircraft” near the intersections of Summer Road and Spicer Cove Road. However, after finding no evidence of a crash, the search was called off by 10:30 PM.
So what was behind the false alarm that had rescue teams out looking for a plane crash?
Surprising though it may sound, one of the simplest explanations had been a meteor streaking through the sky, which are a common occurrence on clear spring nights. Despite their prevalence, people can–and often do–mistake shooting stars for being structured aircraft falling out of the sky. I know this for a fact, since in my experience, these brightly illuminated objects have aroused suspicions about far stranger things than alleged plane crashes.
A number of years ago, I was contacted by a MUFON investigator who wanted to share a remarkable story with me. “This is too big,” he explained to me in an email. “I think you’d better come up here.”
Fortunately, “up here” was only an hour away near the town of Burnsville, North Carolina, a little mountain community that sits quite literally in the shadow of Mount Mitchell, the tallest U.S. peak east of the Mississippi River. It was a quick drive up through the country, which is scenic enough to be enjoyed with or without an urgent call pertaining to something mysterious and UFO-related.
We had agreed to meet at a small Chinese restaurant in a little strip mall off the main road. A pleasant, elderly gentleman, he brought a small leather briefcase with him to our table, and once we had placed our order, he opened it and handed me a newspaper.
“Rather than telling you myself, I think I’ll let you read that,” he said.
The front page story described an incident remarkably similar to the recent search for a missing plane in Hendersonville: area law enforcement had been called about what appeared to be a plane that went down over Spanish Oak Mountain toward the end of October some years earlier. Once rescue teams were called in to search for the wreckage, they were unable to find any evidence that anything had crashed there at that time.
However, my host thought otherwise. “Not only do I think there was a crash, but I don’t believe it was a plane… and I think the authorities are hiding what really crashed that night.” As we finished our lunch, we returned to the parking lot and began the second leg of our little adventure; we got in the gentleman’s car, and he drove me around to the locations where several people in the community had been interviewed, all of whom did see something in the sky on the night in question.
“This man refused to talk with me at all,” he said, pointing up a hill toward a small brick home. “We were told to leave his property immediately.”
“Why do you think he had he been so hostile?” I asked.
My driver was silent for a moment. Then he replied, “I think they might have gotten to him first.”
As we continued along, we rounded a large corner and he pointed down to our left at another little house with an unkempt front yard. “Now this family had been willing to talk with me, and they gave a very good description of the craft.” At the time he visited with the family, the father had said that he remembered seeing a bluish-green object that “sparkled” similar to fireworks as it passed over their home.
After driving us around to see several other homes of witnesses in the area, he finally explained his own theory about what had happened that night.
“I think it was a saucer,” he said. “Quite obviously something was seen… these people couldn’t all be lying. And the authorities didn’t report what they found because it wasn’t a plane at all.”
As he dropped me back off at my car, he thanked me for making the trip up the mountain, and we parted ways. However, it was fairly clear by this time what had actually happened that night: observers in the area who had been watching the skies in the final weeks of October had probably seen part of the annual Orionid meteor shower, which occurs around this time every year. Although they generally peak around the 22nd of October, these meteors can be seen on almost any clear night during the latter half of the month, and are actually the result of particle remnants left by the tail of Haley’s Comet. According to, the majority of these cometary fragments are very small (some as tiny as a grain of sand) and can produce very bright trails before burning up in our atmosphere.
In short, based on the color described by those who had seen it, as well as the rather suspicious time of year it was reported (in fact, the alleged incident had occurred the same weekend that the Orionids would have peaked), it seems very likely that people would have seen something that might have seemed out of the ordinary in the skies that night; it is also very unlikely, being an Orionid meteor, that it ever struck the ground.
It’s actually understandable that someone who is unused to seeing illuminated objects in the sky might mistake a falling star for a plane going down. However, in light of all this information, why would this gentleman have leaped to the conclusion that, rather than a case of mistaken identity, that a UFO crash had occurred?
We can sometimes chalk things like this up to willful belief or fantasies, but I think that in this case, the gentleman in question might have actually felt that his theory was logical: if rescue crews had been called out on the night in question, something must have been seen to warrant this kind of response. Furthermore, the witnesses he interviewed all seemed to confirm that an object was seen passing through the sky over their homes, and yet the official explanation was that no wreckage of any kind had been recovered. In his mind, it seemed that something had to have crashed, and if the authorities wouldn’t talk about whatever it had been, then there must have been a coverup. What he failed to consider was whether there had been a simpler solution to the problem of why local rescue teams concluded that there hadn’t been a crash.
However, I would further argue that there was probably more going on here than just a willful desire to uncover evidence of a groundbreaking UFO crash incident. In fact, part of the reason for his fantastical conclusion was due to the sort of precedent set by what is arguably the most famous investigation in the history of ufology: that of the alleged UFO crash at Roswell, New Mexico in the summer of 1947.
In part two of this article series, we will look more deeply at some of the reasons the Roswell incident had such a lasting effect on UFO investigatons, and further point to how the precedent set by this high-profile, but now rather questionable case has continued to shape attitudes toward UFO study.
In the early 2000s, several Spanish scientists became interested in relatively unknown and mysterious meteorological phenomena known asmegacryometeorsafter huge chunks of ice, some weighing up to 6 pounds (2.7 kg), fell repeatedly from cloudless skies over Spain. While a few peer-reviewed studies were published following these incidents (seehereandhere), little remains known about these anomalous ice conglomerations.
Ice falling from passing aircraft is often cited as the most likely explanation for megacryometeors, as ice can form on aircraft at high altitudes and melt as aircraft descend. However, numerous incidences of megacryometeors have been cited far from flight paths, not to mention the fact that accounts of the phenomena pre-date the invention of aviation.
A Spanish megacryometeor from 2007.
The latest report of an anomalous ball of ice falling from the sky occurred in Arizona on April 27 as a 10-pound chunk of ice crashed through a woman’s house in Havasu, Arizona. Unlucky homeowner Sandy Ford said the megacryometeor crashed through her roof and destroyed her garage ceiling before exploding on the ground. The ice was clear, as opposed to the blue ice that is typically used in airline septic systems. According to Ford, the noise of the ice exploding in garage was so loud that neighbors called emergency services:
It sounded like a sonic boom in my garage. My neighbor heard the sound and came over, then someone from the fire department showed up. When I went out, I was expecting to see that my hot water heater exploded … it was a chunk of ice that fell through the tile roof, through the ceiling and all the way to the ground.
In 2018, a megacryometeor was caught on camera as it exploded on a London street just feet away from a street cleaner. Just last month, a huge chunk of ice shattered a Colorado woman’s windshield as she drive along a busy highway. When will one of these incidents turn deadly?
For now, megacryometeors remain an enigma. Could these phenomena merely be signs that aviation and human population growth are contributing to increased incidents of ice falling from aircraft onto populated areas? Then what to make of similar reports that are nowhere near flight paths? Aircraft could be to blame, but that would mean that – gasp! – there are undisclosed aircraft buzzing around places they shouldn’t be. That couldn’t be, could it?
But that leaves out what to make of reports that pre-date aircraft. Could these megacryometeors simply be some kind of super-sized hailstone created under a very specific set of atmospheric conditions? That begs the question: could they become more common as climate patterns change? That’s a scary thought.
Figure 1.
A chunk of ice that fell in Chilches (Castellón de la Plana, Spain) having a diameter of around 10 cm.
Figure 3.Raman spectra obtained at intervals of 60 s on cooling distilled water from 25 to −50°C at a rate of 2°C min−1. The acquisition time of each spectrum was 10 s.
Figure 4.Band fitting performed on the Raman OH stretching band obtained from the Chilches sample. Four bands are obtained after deconvolution and subtraction of the broad feature covering the spectral range of 1900–2800 cm−1.
Figure 5.Band fitting performed on the Raman OH stretching band obtained at −20°C on cooling distilled water. Four bands are also obtained after deconvolution and subtraction of the broad feature covering the spectral range of 1900–2800 cm−1.
Figure 6.Measured δ18O (V-SMOW) versus δD (V-SMOW) values of selected megacryometeors that fell in different areas of Spain and analysed in this work. The samples match quite well with the Meteoric Water Line (Craig’s Line): δD=8×δ18O+10. CHIL, Chilches; ALG, Algemesi; ENG, Enguera; AL, Alcudia; TO, Tocina. (Adapted from Martínez-Frías et al. 2005.)
Meningen verschillen en dat is maar goed ook, want uit al die verschillende meningen komt uiteindelijk de waarheid boven tafel.
De oude geschiedschrijvers beschreven een periode op aarde dat er geen maan was, of was die er toch wel?
Naar aanleiding van ons artikel gisteren over dingen die niet kloppen met betrekking tot de maan, volgt hier een geheel afwijkende mening van onze gewaardeerde auteur Evert Jan Poorterman (dank!).
Klopt de ene versie van het verhaal en de andere niet of is het een mix van beiden. Lees het verhaal van Evert Jan en oordeel zelf.
Geachte redactie,
vóór de zondvloed waren de Zon, de Maan en de planeten en de sterren NIET te zien vanwege de zeer dichte dampkring om de planeet! Afgaande op de omlooptijden van de tweede ster (volgens Zecharia Sitchin 3.600 jaren) vond de zondvloed plaats 10.800 jaren geleden (3 x 3.600 jaren terug) of 14.400 jaren geleden (4 x 3.600 jaren terug). De oude Soemeriërs kenden de Maan al, getuige afbeeldingen en beschrijvingen. Al in het 'Scheppings-epos' wordt de Maan genoemd als KIN.GU. – kind van de stier... ofwel opgewekt door de binnenkomst van de tweede ster – uit de buik van planeet Tiamat. Nou zullen der wel weer lieden zijn die zeggen dat de Soemerische schrijvers dat bedacht hebben, maar waarom zouden ze dat doen?! Het Enoema Elisj (Enuma Elish) is het scheppingsverhaal over het ontstaan van ons zonnestelsel. Planeet Tiamat baart elf monsters, waarvan Kingoe de grootste is... en ook nà de 'hemelstrijd' aan de zijde van Tiamat/Gaia blijft! Daarom is de Maan in verhouding met de andere planeten en hun satellieten te groot voor ons kleine planeetje... maar eens was planeet Tiamat groter; haar bovenste helft (hoeft niet per see 50% te zijn!) werd afgeslagen en is de astroïdengordel en haar onderste helft (hoeft niet per see 50% te zijn!) werd naar 'aarde' weg geketst tussen de planeten Venus en Mars in! In de naam zit duidelijk een verwijzing naar de 'Hemel' ofwel de astroïdengordel! Daar werd de Maan geboren! 4,1 miljard jaren geleden...
MA AN> maat-hemel NA AM< gevormd-geworteld
De MAAN is ons hemelmaatje en haar maat, haar formaat werd in de Hemel gevormd. Zij zou een planeet worden, maar haar werden de voorwaarden om een planeet te worden, ontnomen; haar wateren, haar... ach lees maar mee in een eerder bericht aan jullie; de redactie van Niburu:
De Soemeriërs schrijven dat de Maan niet zijn bestemming kreeg; hij was voorbestemd om een planeet om de Zon te worden. Dat ging niet door en de Maan verloor al zijn wateren, zijn potentie om een levende planeet te worden. Hij werd 'als een pot klei' schrijven ze! Hij droogde op en droogde uit en na 4 miljard jaren is de Maan wel echt droog te noemen en net als een terracotta bloempot of een vaas van klei, klinken deze als je der op klopt of tikt...
De Maan oefent enorme kracht uit op onze planeet. Zo sterk dat de Maan onze planeet wegtrekt uit het exacte midden. Zoals een kogelslingeraar één wordt met de kogel en door de opgewekte centrifugaalkrachten zelf ook onderhevig is aan de door hem zelf opgewekte krachten!
En Kingoe, die het hoofd van hen geworden was, Liet hij slinken: Hij noemde hem DOEG.GA.E. Ontnam hem zijn tablet van bestemming Waarop hij geen recht had.
Marduk (tweede ster, later door hem Nibiru genoemd) schrijft Zecharia Sitchin, vernietigde Kingoe dus niet. Hij strafte hem door hem zijn onafhankelijke baan te ontnemen, die Tiamat hem toegekend had, naarmate hij in omvang toenam. Edoch tot een kleiner omvang gekrompen, bleef Kingoe een 'god' - een planeet van ons zonnestelsel. Omgezet in een hemelse 'doeggae' was Kingoe ontdaan van zijn 'vitale' elementen - atmosfeer, wateren, radioactieve materie: zijn omvang kromp en werd een 'massa levenloze klei'.
DOEG.GA.E. zou volgens de vertalers 'pot met klei' betekenen, maar als ik er mijn oertaal Kwando op los laat komt der wat anders uit de bus. DUG GA E> = DU.UG. = 'doen-uitgaande', ofwel komt voort uit de buik van Tiamat: is er uit gekomen, maar ook doeg als daag, adieu, tot ziens... want DUG GA E> = 'vertrekken-garant-lichaam', ofwel alle condities om een garant (levend) lichaam te worden, zijn vertrokken. Weg en foetsie! Omgekeerd: E AG GUD< = 'lichaam-agitatie-Gud', ofwel dat komt door de agitatie van de ster Gud (= aanstormende stier).
Het perfecte lichaam van de pas ontstane Maan/Kingu werd door het kosmisch treffen tussen de ster Gud/Anu/Ra en de leidende planeet Tiamat ontdaan van zijn levenskansen. De andere tien 'monsters' uit Tiamat werden verstrooid door de kracht van de ster Gud/Anu/Ra (Marduk/Nibiru), maar Kingu werd gespaard en mocht aan de zijde van zijn moeder blijven... die echter wel een kleiner formaat heeft; want Gaia is de onderste helft van Tiamat. Haar afgeslagen bovenste helft werd de astroïdengordel.
Groet Evert Jan
Geachte redactie,
krijgen we nu binnenkort ook aandacht voor de platte 'aarde' en voor Jupiter als Satan?! De oude Soemeriërs beweren dat de Maan werd geboren als één der elf monsters die uit de buik van de planeet Tiamat kwamen. Dat werd veroorzaakt door de binnenkomst van de jonge nog vuur brakende ster uit het Orion-stelsel... die wij inmiddels kennen als Gud, als Anu en als Ra (door Sitchin eerst Marduk genoemd en later Nibiru). Indien de Maan een kunstmatig object zou zijn (wat niet zo is) dan is de Maan dat al vanaf het begin van zijn bestaan; 4,1 miljard jaren!
De Maan is wel bewoond, evenals Mars... en wel alleen in ruimtestations of ondergrondse bases. Als de Maan een hol object zou zijn... en zelfs een ruimteschip, dan heeft de Maan onvoldoende massa om onze planeet te beroeren. De draaiing van de Maan om onze planeet haalt onze planeet zelfs uit haar midden (centrifugaalkracht). Zo sterk zijn de twee met elkaar verbonden. De Maan veroorzaakt tweemaal daags eb en vloed. Dat zou een hol object nooit en te nimmer kunnen doen! Neen de Maan heeft massa!
Hierboven zien we voorbeelden van boodschap en antwoord. Carl Sagan verzond een boodschap de ruimte in via de Arecibo-telescoop en jaren later kwam er een antwoord in een graanveld nabij Chilbolton (Zuid-Engeland). Op ons bericht tonen we informatie over onze planeet, het zonnestelsel en de mens. We zien rechts de Zon (afbeelding linksboven), vervolgens de planeten Mercurius en Venus, dan (verhoogd afgebeeld) planeet Gaia, dan Mars, Jupiter, Saturnus, Uranus en Neptunus. Pluto is weggelaten omdat het niet op die schaal kan worden weergegeven.
Op de afbeelding rechtsboven (het antwoord in het graan) zien we NIET een ander stelsel maar opnieuw ons eigen stelsel. We zien links de Zon, vervolgens de planeten Mercurius en Venus, dan (verhoogd weergegeven) planeet Gaia, planeet Mars en de tweede ster Ra (met zijn vier planeten) en dan Jupiter, Saturnus, Uranus en Neptunus. Ook hier zijn de Maan en Pluto weggelaten vanwege hun geringe formaat. Het betreft dus geen ander stelsel, maar opnieuw het onze! De anunnaki wonen op onze planeet en zitten ook op de Maan en op Mars.
By Lee Austin
Anyone up for the final solution? The heliocentric model states the coastline of Antarctica is about eleven thousand miles long. The geocentric model, propagates a sixty-thousand mile circular ice wall that ascends to a height of two hundred feet. So which is it? There is a fourty-nine thousand mile differential between both theories. One of them is true. The other is a delusion.
Of course the debate surrounding the shape of the earth could be easily resolved by flying over the South Pole. The rulers of this flat earth want you to believe in the fictious moon landing pictures. Yet there are no videos of man flying over the entire continent of Antartica.. Why? Because it doesn’t exist. And it’s illegal. All flights over the fictional South Pole were banned in 1958. This is what is known as the Nation State Treaty. It’s the only geopolitical topic that the UN can agree upon. The International Maritime Organization, World Meteorological Organization, International Civil Aviation Organization, and The Air Map of The World all display a flat earth flag, adding a layer of Masonic intrigue. The flat UN flag is divided into thirty-three Freemasonic sections.
Although the South Pole doesn’t exist, there is an Antarctica. Just not in the heliocentric sense. Antarctica’s inner ocean frozen border wall/bulkhead is over two hundred feet in height: a threehundred and sixty-degree circumference covering sixty-thousand miles and containing the oceans of the flat earth. At the end of Antarctica’s vast interior territory, the flat earth plane intersects the precipice of the sea firmament dome, which is also where the first heaven of the third dimension ends and the second heaven of the fourth dimension begins.
The answer is so simple and yet is anyone with the resources doing anything about it?
Charter a boat and sail around the coast of Antartica. Once the “continent” has been circumvented, check the mileage and you’ll know the answer. Eleven thousand miles, it’s round. Sixty thousand, it’s flat…..
What you can’t see touch, hear, smell, or feel pales in reality to the multi-dimensional parallel universe existing outside the third dimensional prison of space and time. The first heaven of the third dimension is a tangible demonstration of invisible vibrations. It’s an infinitesimal component of a gigantic electric universe built on and governed by a base foundation of tiny, super-symmetric vibrating strings. Superstring Theory is not a theory. The Universe is comprised of electromagnetic forces containing highly charged particles in a plasma conduit holding the luminaries (stars and planets) in their orbits. Everything animate and inanimate vibrates to corresponding harmonics. These subsequent frequencies result in the building blocks of light and dark matter, the latter comprising twenty-seven percent of the universe.
Before the fall, Adam and Eve reflected the Ancient of Day’s perfect triple-helix DNA genome code, wearing their spirits externally and bodies internally. After their expulsion from Eden, both were downgraded to a perishable double-helix DNA genome code, displaying their bodies externally and their spirits internally. You may want to re-read this paragraph.From the beginning of our beginning, the Ancient of Days prophesied he would restore Eden as the second Adam. A unique God/image hybrid, offering the free gift of restoration through the infusion of his triple-helix DNA genome code.
Every human contains a scroll of DNA determining their physicality, intellect and emotions. Forty-six chromosomes from the father and mother form one individual set containing a doublehelix DNA genome code. This physical testimony and record of the parents’ lives has been passed down and preserved since the deluge.
As above, so below illustrates the lie of duality and confusion. Freemasons and Knights of The Templar believe the Demiurge and Lucifer are equal, as demonstrated in the black and white trestle floor of Masonic Halls and Ying and Yang of Chinese philosophy.
The systemic lie of Kabbalah postulates that God is the total of everything: good and evil, knowable, unknowable, limitless, limited, merciful and cruel. In the beginning, Kabbalists believe God sent out an emanation of himself in the form of ten lights called the Sephiroth or Tree of Secret Knowledge. This equates to the name I Am.
The universe is comprised of layered spheres of frequencies, with the Ancient of Days ruling from the ninth dimension/heaven. To be one with the Light Bearer, disciples must pass through the nine guarded spheres, which are protected by angels and devils. Only those who know the guardian’s passwords can pass though the nine spheres. Gnostic knowledge enlightens the soul as it ascends the ladder of the Sephiroth, attaining apotheosis. The ten Sephiroth spheres are the driving forces that move all of creation. In truth, there are ten heavens in the multi-universe. …..To be continued…
Lee Austin is the author of “Morning Star’s Tale”…. a sci-fi novella
Evidence Of Trains Operating Underground On Mars!!! (Mars Mysteries) Video, UFO Sighting News.
Evidence Of Trains Operating Underground On Mars!!! (Mars Mysteries) Video, UFO Sighting News.
Its a well known fact for most researchers that Mars had intelligent life on it. But what we really want to know is where did they all go? Every few years the atmosphere over Mars fills with 75% methane, a gas created by living organisms, so if the gas exists, then so does life. But life looks hard on the surface of Mars and I believe most life has moved below the surface to survive. Take a look at the screenshot above, of a craft that hovers above the surface and rests every so often, leaving an indention in the dirt below. It appears to be a mining craft. It could be an autonomous mining craft or manned, but nevertheless its there and it seems to be working hard in a straight line, leaving marks as it moves. This is a good video by "Of Sound Mind And Body," which puts all the evidence together for us to see. Scott C. Waring
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Ruins, strange artifacts on other planets, moons, ed ( Fr, EN, NL )
A String Of 60 Glowing Objects Recorded By Space X Stirs The Imagination, UFO Sighting News.
A String Of 60 Glowing Objects Recorded By Space X Stirs The Imagination, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: May 24, 2019 Location of sighting: Earths orbit This string of brightly lit objects flew past a SpaceX satellite and was even visible from the ground. It could easily be mistaken for a fleet of UFO, but SpaceX is claiming its the Starlink satellites being released. Some comments below the video seems to show peoples dismay:
1. I just saw them here in Germany, totally unprepared. I didn't know it were the starlink satellites, never saw something alike. wow. 2. I saw this earlier over Devon, UK. Amazing sight. 3. Saw them here in the Netherlands as well.. I was pretty confused that night😂😅
I can see the conversation now...Elon Musk standing next to James Fredrick head of NASA.
NASA: So, we sent up 3 satellites today. Hows your day been Musk? Elon: Well Fred, I don't really know for sure, we just kinda keep shoving those little basterds into the BFR until we can't pack anymore in. We're at 60 right now. NASA: So...BFR, does it really mean? Musk: Yep, Big F@%#ing Rocket. NASA: Deep sigh as his hopes and dreams are smashed.
I was searching a map and looking over Area 51 when I noticed new construction on the map. This new location appears to be an underground base. On one end of the base is some huge air vents to pull fresh air down into the underground facility. There is also two fields being grow near the underground base. This field look like it might be grown for genetic research. They are altering the genetics of the plants for unknown reason. This worries me...because if they are doing genetic research...then why do they need an underground base to do the research? Unless of course its includes other research that could endanger the public. Scott C. Waring-Taiwan
Beste bezoeker, Heb je zelf al ooit een vreemde waarneming gedaan, laat dit dan even weten via email aan Frederick Delaere Deze onderzoekers behandelen jouw melding in volledige anonimiteit en met alle respect voor jouw privacy. Ze zijn kritisch, objectief maar open minded aangelegd en zullen jou steeds een verklaring geven voor jouw waarneming! DUS AARZEL NIET, ALS JE EEN ANTWOORD OP JOUW VRAGEN WENST, CONTACTEER FREDERICK. BIJ VOORBAAT DANK...
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.