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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
SpaceX Satellites Could Block Extraterrestrial Radio Signals
SpaceX Satellites Could Block Extraterrestrial Radio Signals
Elon Musk did what Elon Musk does best this week and made headlines around the world. The entrepreneur and future supervillain launched a payload of 60 Starlink satellites this week to begin the ambitious goal of getting 12,000 of the tiny satellites into orbit. Once in place, the massive system of satellites will provide the world with ultra-high-speed internet. “Starlink will connect the globe with reliable and affordable high-speed broadband services,” SpaceX tweeted just before the launch That’s the plan, anyway.
As with all things SpaceX, there are sure to be some surprises and controversies with the Starlink plan. Musk intends Starlink broadband access to be affordable, so he’ll likely have to fight off his fair share of corporate sabotage as telecom giants see their future profitability fade into the wind like the exhaust from a SpaceX Falcon 9.
Musk can handle ’em. Dude put a freakin’ car in space.
Aside from competition, Musk will have to face the objections of the astronomical community who warn that filling the skies with thousands of satellites could have loads of unintended negative effects. Already, several astronomers have warned that Starlink satellites pose a threat to the search for extraterrestrial radio signals. Alan Duffy, an astronomer with the Royal Institution of Australia, says that a ring of 12,000 satellites would create so much radio interference as to make all radio telescopes useless:
A full constellation of Starlink satellites will likely mean the end of Earth-based microwave-radio telescopes able to scan the heavens for faint radio objects. The enormous benefits of global internet coverage will outweigh the cost to astronomers, but the loss of the radio sky is a cost to humanity as we lose our collective birthright to see the afterglow of the Big Bang or the glow of forming stars from Earth.
Astronomers are continuing to discover all sorts of mysterious radio sources in deep space, and some believe that there is a possibility these radio bursts could one day be the means through which we make first contact with an extraterrestrial species. Is removing that possibility worth affordable high-speed internet access worldwide ? It’s a truly tricky question.
Another astronomer caught a breathtaking video of the 60 Starlink satellites trailing across the night sky like a row of ducks crossing the street. Very bright ducks. Will the skies began to become increasingly filled with artificial objects? Who could have imagined that our roads would one day be lined with giant advertisements on 100-foot poles? A Japanese startup is already looking to create psychedelic artificial meteor showers by dropping rocks of different chemical compositions from space, and another Russian startup wants to put billboards in orbit. Is this what the skies of our cyberpunk future will look like? That is, if we can even see through the air pollution at all.
Turn off the TV tonight, go outside, and look at the stars for as long as you can. We may have to one day describe them to generations who have never known them.
Investigative Reporter And Producer Of History’s Unidentified: “Holy Shit! This Is Like, The Biggest Story In The Universe!”
Investigative Reporter And Producer Of History’s Unidentified: “Holy Shit! This Is Like, The Biggest Story In The Universe!”
Anthony Lappé is a New York-based showrunner, director and investigative journalist and was a producer on History Channel’s upcoming docu-series, “Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation.” He was a guest today on “Podcast UFO.” Watch/listen at the YouTube link above.
Below are my notes from the show. And if I thought it was important, I transcribed it. As you’ll see, most off it was important! And below that are my note from Lappé’s appearance on “Open Minds UFO Radio” with Alejandro Rojas.
Podcast UFO Notes…
“Unidentified” wasn’t AL’s brainchild.
He’s an independent filmmaker, and television producer.
History Channel had been talking to Lue Elizondo, Tom DeLonge and Chris Mellon for a little while after the New York Times article came out in December of 2017. Folks at History were just very excited about figuring out a way to do a show with them. And AL was brought on in the spring of last year. They had exclusive access to everything that TTSA were doing over this past year.
It has to have been the most fascinating, mind-blowing project I’ve ever worked on. It was absolutely incredible.
After working on the show, I definitely have many more questions than I have answers. We’re trying to reinvent the genre of UFO television. Other shows come in with a pre-conceived notion of what these things are. That they’re somehow extraterrestrial and they leave out countervailing information.
“Unidentified” takes a cold look at what these military witnesses are seeing. And that alone is gonna blow your mind.
He mentions the Navy’s new guidelines for pilots and others to report their UFO encounters. That Navy guideline is a tacit admission that what these pilots are seeing are not U.S. military. Once you rule out that it’s U.S. military, you’re really only left with only one plausible explanation: It’s either a foreign adversary or maybe an ally. But for anyone who knows anything about propulsion and recent advancements in aircraft and where the Russians and Chinese are, it’s very hard to square that circle.
What “Unidentified,” does is look at all this test cases and try to talk about them in a very investigative way and hear directly from the pilots, radar operators and others. And then let the viewers make up their own minds about what they could be.
Martin Willis: We’ve said many times on the show that if somebody tells you they know what these things are, run away. (I agree! ~Joe) MW says he thinks our government covers up this subject because they don’tknow what it is.
AL: I’ve reported on the government for many years. In particular, law enforcement and intelligence agencies. And people need to understand that there is no such thing as the U.S. government. Just in the intelligence world alone you have 17 different intelligence agencies.
He thinks that the Navy announcement shows us that they don’t have answers at hand. And that’s the significance of these two major pillars in the whole story of UFOs that have happened over the last year and a half. It began with the release of the three videos in 2017 and then the Navy announcement.
Regarding the Navy shift in policy towards UFOs…
“That’s a big thing that many of the pilots we talked to – and there’s many more pilots…One of the interesting things – when you watch our series – you’re gonna meet and see several pilots, including the pilots who were involved in the other two videos that were released by the DoD. And we’re gonna shed some new light on that incident or incidents. There’s many more pilots that I talked to who didn’t want to go on air, who confirmed their stories.
“One of the things that really struck me was David Fravor’s wingman pilot who spoke to us for the first time. She’s the female pilot that you see in the first episode. One of the things that she told us…and I can’t remember if this is in the episode. It might be in the following episode where we kind of circle back to her. One of the things she said to us is, ‘If I was alone, and was a single-seat pilot and I was just out on a patrol or something and I saw this? I probably wouldn’t have told anyone.’ The only reason they came back and said what had happened was because all four of them saw it. The two pilots and their weapons systems operators.
“That is the reason why this wingman pilot and David Fravor are coming because they want it to be okay to report this. This is an incident that happened in broad daylight. That’s the other thing that is a huge difference for me in the sort of veracity of these stories. These are pilots intercepting things in broad daylight. So many things can happen at night, whether that’s a weather inversion or reflections or all the other weird things that happen at night. But when you’re seeing things up close and personal during broad daylight on a perfectly clear day, over the Pacific. And it’s being confirmed by all these different pilots…
“And here’s the other thing that I’m gonna tell you that we do in this show. I don’t want to give too many spoilers away. But we find many civilian witnesses, in the same area where the Nimitz incident occurred, who tell of ongoing incidents. Very similar to the Nimitz incident.”
Martin Willis: It’s strange that there are reoccurring flaps and it makes you wonder why they’re in one area.
AL: Really good point and one of the topics that they get into on the show. “We clearly are seeing that there are, some sort of, what they calls hot spots, for these incidents that are happening in certain parts of the world. And I believe you see in Episode One, AATIP even created a map in 2009 that we reveal…that shows just a very small smattering of plot points on a global map where the military had reported seeing incidents. So that is one of the ensuing mysteries of this whole thing which is fascinating and we delve into that question. Probably raising more questions than we have answers.
“This show, I hope, will push the needle forward in this conversation. Because primarily, and obviously, this was a strategic decision by Elizondo but also us as filmmakers. Making the series was…by focusing on these military witnesses, several of which are active duty people who have everything to lose. When you’re an F-18 pilot, it’s very easy to be grounded. One slip up and you can basically lose your…have your driver’s license taken away…for lack of a better word.
“And these guys are the creme de la creme of the military. To be an F-18 pilot in the Navy, is a dream of thousands of pilots that go and…even just to be a C-130 pilot is a dream. But to be a fighter pilot in the Navy, flying an F-18, you’ve really reached the pinnacle. So to risk that by coming forward and talking about something that could potentially brand you as, you know, some kind of…puts you in some sort of psych eval situation, is just an incredibly brave thing for them to do.
“As I said, I talked to many more pilots than you see in the show, who spoke to me off the record, confirming the larger details of this other main incident that we look into. But those guys did not want to go on camera. And listen, I can’t blame them. If you worked all your life and you had a dream of becoming a fighter pilot and you wanna serve your country, it’s a very risky thing.
“So what is interesting now is the Navy is saying, ‘Hey, you don’t have to be afraid any more.’ What we’re hoping is, when our show goes on the air, we actually have, at the end of every episode, an email address for military witnesses to contact us because we want to continue this investigation. Because as I said, even though we have a ton of new, really fascinating information that you’re gonna see in this series, we’ve touched the tip of the iceberg. This is an ongoing situation. These events are happening all over the world. They’re happening all the time. They may be increasing. We don’t know that for sure. But there are people who say they are. It’s exciting and I think George Knapp said it best. He said, ‘It’s exciting and it’s a little scary.’
“We brought along Commander Fravor to meet another pilot from another incident. And you’ll see him, Lue Elizondo and this new pilot, that no one’s heard from before, talk about another incident. We wanted to bring Fravor along, both to help this pilot feel comfortable and knowing that Fravor’s career wasn’t harmed by coming out. And he still works in the private sector now but still as a respected person in the military community. But also what was fascinating was just to hear them talk about aeronautics and all the physics about what this guy saw. And compare and contrast the craft that he was seeing with what Fravor saw. And it was just absolutely fascinating. That’s in episode four.”
Did AL have an interest in this subject before he started working on the show? What does he think about the theories that these are our own, secret craft/technology?
You can hear his answers and the rest of the interview at the YouTube link I posted above at beginning of this blog post.
AL: The show is almost like a chronological, year in the life of Elizondo, Mellon and the guys at To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science. He started following them last spring.
He’s a filmmaker and investigative journalist and did an eight-part series on the history of the war on drugs for History Channel two years ago. The show dug deep into the CIA’s involvement in the drug trade. He’s done a lot of work around the intelligence world and the military.
He used to run a website called “Guerrilla News Network,” which focused on alternate news. They covered Steven Greer and “The Disclosure Project.” He’s always been really interested in the UFO subject but never took the time to dig deep.
Last year, while working for A+E Originals and after the guys at TTSA were signed to an exclusive deal with them, he met Chris Mellon and Luis Elizondo. And he was like, “Holy shit. This is like, the biggest story in the Universe.”
His first impression after hearing about the Pentagon’s UFO program was skepticism since he knows a lot about how the intelligence agencies work. He’s studied and reported on things like MK Ultra, Operation Paperclip and “the CIA’s involvement in all sorts of nefarious coups and operations and actually, what counter-intelligence is.” He was extremely skeptical and asked a lot of questions that a lot of people ask when confronted with this information. Questions like, “Isn’t this just some sort of advanced aircraft that we just don’t know about yet?” That was his first question and it began a dialogue with the guys at TTSA, who very patiently began to break down why they believe that’s not the answer.
Throughout the series, they’re asking the counterfactual questions: “Can this be explained by this? Or can this be explained by that?” They really tried to take an independent look at it and try to let people make up their own minds.
Elizondo and Mellon are vessels for the testimony of these military personnel. The challenge as a filmmaker comes because these guys still have security clearances and are still very connected with what’s going on inside the Pentagon and on Capitol Hill. They’re not whistleblowers. “They’re both very cognizant out of loyalty and commitment to the government but also in terms of their own legal situation. They try very hard not to disclose any classified information.”
Alejandro Rojas asked AL if he was surprised to see these kind of credible people doing this kind of work and doing it publicly.
AL: “That was the first thing that attracted me to this project was who these guys were…what their backgrounds were. In particular, Chris Mellon’s background as a high ranking, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and his role on the Senate Intelligence Committee. He had visibility over these special access programs that even top generals didn’t have access to see. This was a guy, as Lue says, who knew all the secrets and who was famous internally as someone who also was very much into going to sites. Going to places like Area 51 at Groom Lake and going to other black sites and meeting with the people who are running these programs. He was a very hands on guy. And frankly, just like Lue Elizondo, much of what he did was highly classified. Their lives are definitely still shrouded in mystery in terms of what exactly they were doing and where they were deployed. All that stuff is still…these guys were guys who worked in the shadows.
“So, for them to come out, especially someone like Chris Mellon, who has his family legacy as we all know, and to be speaking so candidly and putting his reputation, both in sort of, you know, his social circles…his political circles and his family legacy circles…it’s a pretty big deal.”
AR: Have you come to the conclusion that there is a genuine mystery?
AL: “Yeah, I have. And it definitely was a process to get there. But as Chris calls it – run all the traps (explore all options ~Joe). As I’ve talked to other experts…there’s many more pilots – for instance, that I’ve talked to personally, off the record, than you see in the show…that I was able to talk to who weren’t comfortable coming on the air – who confirmed things about some of the other incidents that we look into.
“I generally believe that the U.S. Navy does not know what these things are. And that’s what’s so interesting about this new April 2019 announcement of the new guidelines and the policies that they’re putting in place for reporting unidentified craft. You don’t have to read between the lines to say that that is a tacit admission that…it’s not our own craft. So, you’re really only left with two possibilities…which is, it’s an adversary, or I guess it could be an ally, but that would be fairly strange. But you’re left with it could being some sort of terrestrial adversary. And for these guys, that’s almost even a scarier concept. If Russia, for instance, has the capability to fly hypersonic craft in and around our carrier strike groups, that’s just a very scary prospect. (bad audio here so quote may be off) If they could zip and nuke and drop it on the White House and disappear before they even open up the anti-ballistic guns from the lawn there…
“And then that’s where Steve Justice from Skunkworks comes in. I’ve had long, on the record conversations with him and off the record conversations with him about technology and about the evolution of technology and where we are today with propulsion systems. Things like the (X-43) Scramjet and other hypersonic jets that are being developed. And even though we are on the edge today of a new realm of hypersonic craft, all those craft are still using conventional…or somewhat conventional propulsion systems. They’ll have huge heat signatures, for instance, coming off of them. So, for Steve Justice, it just doesn’t add up that even an adversary working in secret could leapfrog us to that degree and have something that could do the things that these pilots are saying that they’re seeing.
“It’s not only the pilots. It’s also…we speak with radar operators as well. It is a genuine mystery. I think a big…one of the people that was extremely helpful in our investigation and who plays a big role in the show, as you see, is Bryan Bender, national security correspondent for Politico. He doesn’t get a lot of credit because his story ran the same day as the New York Times story did back in 2017. He was reporting things fully and really got deep into it. Spent a lot of time personally with Elizondo and Mellon. And he just has incredible contacts inside the Pentagon…inside the intelligence community…inside the technology community and weapons contractors. And he and I have become friends. And he’s been extremely helpful for me because he’s someone who’s just at a whole nother level in terms of just understanding what’s going on inside the Pentagon and the intelligence agencies. And he independently has come to the same conclusion that he believes that the Pentagon clearly does not know what’s going on with these craft. That there is a growing sense inside the Pentagon that it’s something that needs to be studied more.
“And that’s really the story that we show. The series has a pretty incredible arc to it. As I said, it really is like a linear, year in the life of these guys and begins shortly after the New York Times article comes out. And it ends… what was really incredible about the April 2019 Navy announcement – that they were going to be establishing new policies and guidelines for reporting UAPs and they’re going to be analyzing the data – is that we kind of have a front row seat to how that policy was established. I can’t really say what we see had a direct result because we don’t really know the sort of cause and effect. But, as you’ll see in the series, we, both Chris Mellon and Lue Elizondo, are both closely involved with what’s going on inside the Pentagon over the course of this last year. And they consider that Navy announcement to be a huge victory for sort of everything they’ve been doing behind the scenes. And we’re able to chronicle that.”
AR: “What impact do you hope this show has on the public?”
AL: “Thats a great question.
He goes on to say that they want the show to be super accessible to everyone.
You really get to know Elizondo as a person over the course of the series and learn the challenges and risks he faced for coming out publicly about this subject.
He hopes that people will watch the series and become intrigued and have their minds opened. He feels the strength of what they’ll show is the credibility of the military pilots and their encounters that are corroborated by their radar operators when they get back to their ship.
Reiterates what these pilots have to lose by coming forward and sharing these stories. They can be grounded for very small infractions.
AL: “For these guys and women to come forward to say things about what they’ve seen in the air and to talk about how they’re feeling like that the Navy really isn’t studying it and that they’re feeling that there’s a danger that’s not being addressed, is pretty dramatic. And that’s what you see in this series. You’re gonna see people who have everything to lose. They’ve worked their whole lives to reach where they are and they’re coming forward saying that they feel like there’s a potential threat here that needs to be addressed.”
As a journalist, AL is worried about when this airs. He’s nervous because it’s a tricky thing to be associated with and it could affect his reputation.
AL: “We’re on a precipice here. There’s definitely a change. There’s a change that’s going on inside Washington right now at the highest levels of power that you will see happen before your eyes and over the course of the six episodes of ‘Unidentified.’ You will see these guys working behind the scenes to change both policy but also just to open people’s minds about what’s going on.
“These things are being seen all over the world and they have been seen over the world at least for 70 years. So, to explain them by some simple, black budget, secret program is very difficult.”
Once again, here’s the link to the entire show. It’s a must listen:
Close encounters? SpaceX satellites spark Dutch UFO frenzy
Close encounters? SpaceX satellites spark Dutch UFO frenzy
A Dutch website set up to record UFO sightings was flooded early Saturday with reports after a "train of stars" was spotted crossing the Netherlands' skies, sparking fears of an alien invasion.
In this screengrab taken from a video shot by Marco Langbroek, a group of SpaceX Starlink satellites passes over Leiden, Netherlands on May 24, 2019
The row of satellites which are part of a plan by billionaire Elon Musk's firm to provide internet from space, glided across Dutch skies around 1:00 am (2300 GMT).
Shortly afterwards, Dutch website was inundated with more than 150 sighting reports, with astonished spotters describing a "bizarre train of stars or lights moving across the skies at constant speed".
"There's a long line of lights. Faster than a plane. Huh?" one spotter reported, while another called it a "star caravan" and one saying "I have it on film".
One spotter simply texted: "WTF?"
"I didn't know what to make of it," an unnamed witness later told the NOS public broadcaster.
"Is it Russia attacking the US? Are they UFOs? Seriously, I didn't know," the witness said.
One of SpaceX's Falcon 9 rockets blasted off without incident from Cape Canaveral in Florida at around 0230 GMT on Friday.
An hour after liftoff, the rocket began to release the satellites at an altitude of 280 miles (450 kilometres).
The satellites then had to separate and use their thrusters to take up their positions in a relatively low orbit of 340 miles (550 kilometres).
Each of the satellites weighs 227 kilograms (500 pounds) and was built in-house in Redmond, near Seattle.
Starlink will become operational once 800 satellites have been activated, which will require a dozen more launches.
One Dutchman who remained unfazed was satellite spotter Marco Langbroek, who knew what the mysterious lights were—and had his camera on hand.
"I cheered them on, the moment they appeared," he told the NOS.
This screengrab taken from the SpaceX webcast transmission on May 23, 2019, shows a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket with 60 Starlink satelites lifting off from Space Launch Complex 40 (SLC-40) at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida
Are UFOs a Threat to National Security? This Ex-U.S. Official Thinks They Warrant Investigation
Are UFOs a Threat to National Security? This Ex-U.S. Official Thinks They Warrant Investigation
Chris Mellon believes the government should more aggressively gather intel on military UFO sightings, some of which were captured on video.
Photo illustration of a UFO.
(Credit: Gremlin/Getty Images)
Throughout his distinguished government career, Chris Mellon has been keenly focused on the prospect of unconventional national threats. Now he works with a civilian group called To the Stars Academy of Arts & Science, trying to prod the U.S. defense and intelligence communities to investigate reports of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs—also known as UFOs) that maneuver in ways that have no known precedent.
He’s inspired, he says, by the growing number of such sightings in sensitive military contexts—reported by highly trained, highly credible witnesses and corroborated by some of the world’s most sophisticated technology, including several infrared videos shot from fighter jets. He doesn’t claim to know what these unusual crafts might be, nor does he assume they bring “aliens” from afar. To him, they signal a potential high-level strategic threat of unknown origin—one the nation would be foolish to ignore.
Chris Mellon (left) and Luis Elizondo of To the Stars Academy of Arts & Science.
Photo by Andrew Cagle
Mellon is uniquely qualified to assess such threats. Having served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence during the Clinton and George W. Bush administrations, and later as Minority Staff Director of the Senate Intelligence Committee, he was heavily responsible for reviewing agencies and budgets involved in top-secret “black programs” related to things such as special operations and nuclear weapons. Mellon is now an integral part of the investigative team featured on HISTORY's “Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation.” We talked to him about what’s happening—and what he thinks should be done.
Why raise the alarm now about UFOs/AAVs?
What is really motivating me right now, what really has accelerated and solidified my interest, is the [2004] USS Nimitz case—when I learned of that and began to talk to the military personnel involved. We had multiple naval aviators [reporting] what they saw [wingless UFOs, with extraordinary capabilities] in broad daylight, over an extended period of time. It was corroborated by the most sophisticated air-defense sensor systems on earth, and on multiple platforms operated by multiple independent individuals. So when you start talking about that level of evidence, I think any reasonable person would have to say—this is real, and we should proceed accordingly.
Which means what? Intelligence gathering? Risk assessment?
From a national security standpoint of course, you’re paid to be paranoid, to think about risk. So you do inevitably wonder: Why are these things currently in these locations at these times? Have we been technologically leapfrogged? Could it be the Russians or Chinese—or someone else? And what else may be going on?
There are craft that are violating our airspace with unknown intentions and extraordinary capabilities. And until we get some answers to the questions about the technology involved and the capability, the intentions, we shouldn't rest easy.
I have lived through and survived intelligence failures, including the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon, and the Iraq war. Some of those problems are manifest in the situation again today. And that's part of what concerns me—people are not paying attention or not engaging, and the data is extremely compelling. We don't want to have to relive mistakes we've seen in the past, like in Pearl Harbor, where radar blips were observed and nobody paid attention.
When the Nimitz pilots got back to the aircraft carrier, no one took their report seriously.
It was extraordinary that when the [Nimitz] pilots landed, that they were ridiculed. There was no interest expressed on the part of the intelligence personnel on board, in terms of documenting this, running this up the chain. It was the inverse of what you would normally expect. We spent $50 billion a year and have an intelligence apparatus, in large part to avert strategic surprise. And here we have a case where incredible technology is manifesting itself, intelligently controlled vehicles operating in and around the carrier battle group—and the system doesn't react. It shuts down. It tries to suppress the information.
I think a large part of the reason is because people have a hard time processing something so radical; there's no frame of reference for it.
There's a great deal of agitation on the part of our combat personnel who are encountering these objects—and understandably so. Their concerns are what we're trying to relay. We respect the uniform, we respect those personnel, and we're deeply concerned that the information they’re trying to provide is not being acted on.
If one of these craft bore a Russian insignia, do you think the response would be different?
One of the things that I've often pointed out—and I've never found anyone who disagreed with this—is that if any one of these objects had a Russian insignia on it, the entire system would be electrified and would spring into action.
Sixty years ago, the public was rightly agitated to learn that the Soviet Union had beaten us to space, had deployed the first man-made satellite in orbit. That capability and the momentum they were achieving with their space program understandably generated a lot of concern here in the context of the Cold War. I would hope that people, when they get this information, would react now as the public did then, which is to raise questions about what we are doing in response to that.
How has that question-raising gone for you inside the Beltway?
When you're talking to people about this issue in the Pentagon, you're going to draw blank stares. Even from very high-ranking officials, very, very few of them have any exposure to the actual underlying information and the empirical data. So there's a propensity for people to say, "Well if this were real, I'd know about it, because I'm well plugged in, I've got all these security clearances, and I get access to all this information."
Well, the fact is, the information has not been disseminated through normal channels.
Didn’t the U.S. government investigate UFOs during the Cold War?
In the 1940s, shortly after the war, the military began to encounter an increasing a number of UFOs, and the number of incidents spiked enormously. They recognized the need to try to understand the phenomenon, which resulted in series of investigations culminating in the Air Force’s Project Blue Book, a program that lasted until the late ’60s.
We know from documents that in New Mexico, the director of Air Force security was advocating a study of the phenomenon, because so many people in and around Los Alamos and other facilities where nuclear weapons were being tested, were observing these [anomalous] crafts: scientists, military pilots, civilian pilots, a wide range of individuals.
Ultimately, the government determined it needed to tamp down the public concern, in part because during the Cold War, this could create some kind of hysteria. The government concluded, behind the scenes, that it needed to discredit this phenomenon—not due to a lack of compelling information. It was actually the result of compelling information. When the Air Force undertook this study, they examined 12,000 cases. Of those, 700 were unexplained.
The first question all of us have asked when we've seen the information is: Could this possibly be one of our own programs, a highly classified U.S. test program?
I served in a capacity in which it was my job to conduct oversight of our black programs, and never saw anything of this kind on the books. Moreover, I was once actually specifically asked to determine whether we had a capability along these lines, in response to a query from the chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Senator Bobby Byrd.
I ran that all the way up the flagpole with the Air Force and others, and believe me, everyone respected Senator Byrd. No one was going to lie to him and risk his wrath. And the answer was, “Absolutely not. We don’t have a super-secret black triangle that can go at hypersonic speeds and all that sort of thing.”
Secondly, a technology like this is so radical, it can't just appear out of nowhere. There have to be facilities, there has to have been research and development, a prototype. We don't see any evidence of that anywhere.
Thirdly, these aircraft are being observed operating in and around carrier battle groups that are armed with air-to-air missiles and so forth. We never, to my knowledge, put at risk those personnel—or test personnel—by flying them in an uncoordinated manner against carrier battle groups. That's just not how we operate.
Chris Mellon (right) and Luis Elizondo of To the Stars Academy of Arts & Science.
Photo by Andrew Cagle
Talk about To the Stars Academy, where you work with Tom DeLonge and Luis Elizondo. What’s the mission?
They are not necessarily asserting that these are alien craft or anything of that kind. They are people like me who see this as an incredible mystery and enigma that that needs to be resolved.
We’re helping to change the climate, I think, and establish that there are reasonable level-headed, patriotic people who are willing to speak about this.
My goal, personally, in my role within the organization, is to help break down the bureaucratic walls that are preventing this information from reaching Congress and the American people. I'm not trying to drive any particular agenda. I want to ensure, if possible, that people who have responsibility for national security are informed and have the facts and the data.
Is anyone else exploring these questions?
One of the things that's really exciting to me is that we are one of only three efforts in the world that are [currently] in a position to potentially answer the profound, timeless question “Are we alone in the universe?”
Today, NASA is spending about $20 billion a year. A small portion of that is directed toward trying to uncover, identify exobiology—alien life. They're looking for microbial life on Mars, and they want to use the next generation of space telescopes to examine the atmospheres of different planets for molecules that would be consistent with life. Not necessarily intelligent life, just some kind of life. So that's a very slow-moving, wonderful program—exquisite science, but not likely to answer the question anytime soon.
There's a Russian billionaire who has self-funded a program listening for signals from space that might reveal alien communications. It's a very worthwhile effort. But so far they've had no success. We probably don't even know what to look for. We probably wouldn't recognize the signals. So it's a difficult proposition.
The third effort, that we're associated with, is trying to convince our government to use the capabilities it already has to understand the UFO phenomenon. And if we find out it's the Russians or Chinese or others, then we've done a great thing for the country and for national security.
What are those capabilities? What are you suggesting?
The U.S. government has an extraordinary network of sensors—from geosynchronous orbit 22,500 miles away to the depths of the ocean—and many places in between. And that fairly exquisitely sophisticated and calibrated sensor network is acquiring data that could help answer these questions that no one is even bothering to look at.
We've already paid for it. It’s just sitting there at a computer and no one is even interested enough to say, “Gee, during that period when this carrier battle group was engaging these unknown vehicles in the Pacific… What other signatures are we seeing in that area?” Nobody's analyzing it, no one's pulling it together.
So the first step is to convince the Congress, the executive branch, to simply use the apparatus the taxpayer has already bought and paid for to try to answer the question.
November 2004, 90 miles of the coast of Mexico near San Diego, California, the Nimitz Carrier Strike Group was conducting routine training and aerial defense exercises when unexplained events occurred. No one could have predicted what would soon confront the world's most advanced naval war ships and fighter jets. Aerial craft would appear that forever changed all those that encountered them.
The answers to the question of “what are they?” remains unanswered by the sailors and the US Gov. After years of cloaked secrecy the true story can finally be told. With multiple witnesses from the ships, their first hand testimony is impossible to deny. Our film features CGI re-creations as told by the sailors and naval aviators that witnessed them. Aside from the historical fictionalized dialog (no one recorded the radio conversations), the story itself is based on the facts of the case, including official US government docs, witness statements, news reports and official timelines. See for links to the official documents.
Some military personnel have requested their names be removed or remain anonymous, out of respect for their privacy we have changed names and details to protect their identity. All similarities to persons living or dead is unintentional. The producers have made every attempt to verify details and deny any liability for errors or omissions.
Long UFO Seen Over The Popes Vatican In Rome Italy, MUFON Report, UFO Sighting News.
Long UFO Seen Over The Popes Vatican In Rome Italy, MUFON Report, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting:12-6-2012, but reported today.
Source: MUFON #100676
This UFO was recorded over the Vatican in Rome, Italy back in 2012, but the report was just recently sent in. UFOs have been seen around the Vatican before, usually on live cam. Now why UFOs are so frequently seen around religious monuments is unknown, but we can easily assume that the aliens are doing research on us and our religious or non religious beliefs. People are often so confident and loyal to a religion that it may be a quality that aliens admire...loyalty.
Remember the UFO that came down over Dome of Rock temple in Jerusalem? It was seen by thousands of locals and tourists and captured on over 6 different videos. Probably more recorded it, but often people are too afraid if they upload a video of a UFO that government agents or MIB agents will harm them. That fear still controls some of the public, causing a a large amount of reports to go unreported.
Alien City Found In Crater In US Navy Clementine Moon Map, UFO Sighting News.
Alien City Found In Crater In US Navy Clementine Moon Map, UFO Sighting News.
Ok, well I have not looked at this site in many years because I could not access it from outside the USA. So I downloaded a VPN which makes my ip address appear to be in the USA. Now I can see it. So I made this quick video of this odd city structure that looks more like a winding intestine than anything else. There is no doubt in my mind that aliens use a combination of tech with biology to grow some of their larger structures and ships. Its a big time saver and aliens are known for being too lazy to do manual labor, but prefer a more think tank kind of job.
I found this face back in 2016, but the photo now needs a security clearance to view it. The URL now takes you to a white page marked only with the words...FORBIDDEN. This means when I found the face of Trump on was real. Even NASA thought so and took it down. They fear the public may learn the truth...that aliens are taking over our world by becoming our leaders, benefiting all the while. Much how ancient aliens came down in Egypt and used human slaves to build the pyramids...but this time...they do it in a more advanced way. Why else would NASA forbid the public from viewing the Trump face on Mars? Scott C. Waring
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Ruins, strange artifacts on other planets, moons, ed ( Fr, EN, NL )
UFO Shoots Over Buckley Michigan And Into Cloud, May 2019, Video, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Shoots Over Buckley Michigan And Into Cloud, May 2019, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: May 25, 2019 Location of sighting: Buckley, Michigan, USA This UFO was recorded by Bill Hicks of Youtube. He recorded this white UFO as it was moving across the sky over Buckley, Michigan last week. The sky is bight blue with only a few clouds so this UFO really stands out. I believe it is darting from cloud to cloud to give it some cover. This white disk has no visible wings, contrails, lights, windows or anything that would denote it as a plane or rocket. Its moving much too slowly to be a meteor or space debris. So yes, I think it is a UFO. An alien craft being flown over Michigan. Mostly likely heading to an underwater alien base at the bottom of Lake Michigan itself. Thats right, aliens don't just buzz over our cities, they actually live in bases below us. How could the governments of the world allow aliens do have such bases? Because aliens don't need anyones permission. They were here long before us and will be here long after us. Scott C. Waring
Despite its proximity and influence on planet Earth, our understanding of the Moon – and the mechanism by which it formed – remains incomplete. The Moon is holding out on a number of mysteries that science hasn’t solved. In the past few years there has been a resurgence of interest in the Moon, perhaps due to the fact that we barely understand our cosmic neighbour.
It is fortuitous and timely that long time New Dawn contributor Louis Proud recently completed his book The Secret Influence of the Moon: Alien Origins and Occult Powers.
A writer and researcher specialising in paranormal and occult phenomena, Louis’ first book was Dark Intrusions: An Investigation into the Paranormal Nature of Sleep Paralysis Experiences.
The mysteries of the Moon go far beyond the scientific. To bring us the full picture, Louis has ventured into territory of a more fantastic and metaphysical nature. He delves into the entire gamut of long held theories – popular, esoteric and occult – including alien and hostile forces on the Moon, and its vampiric powers.
Louis Proud has been interviewed about his book by Jeffery Pritchett of the online radio show The Church of Mabus (, which covers high strangeness in the field of the paranormal.
JEFFERY PRITCHETT (JP): What inspired you to write your new book, The Secret Influence of the Moon: Alien Origins and Occult Powers?
LOUIS PROUD (LP): I’d been closely researching the Moon for a number of years, from both scientific and esoteric perspectives, and I wrote the book as an attempt to collate and compile this research. I’ve long been fascinated by the Moon and its mysteries. My interest in the Moon deepened significantly when, many years ago, I first became acquainted with the Spaceship Moon theory. The idea that the Moon is a part-natural, part-artificial world, as stated by this theory, piqued my imagination and made me question all of my preconceptions about the Moon. One of my objectives in writing the book was to see if the Spaceship Moon theory has validity in light of contemporary lunar discoveries. (The theory originated in 1970 and hasn’t been updated since that time.)
JP: Would you go into why you think the Moon may have alien origins?
LP: The Moon is an immensely strange object and highly unique within the solar system. Of the four terrestrial planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars), Earth and Mars are the only two that possess moons. Mars has two moons: Phobos and Deimos. These, however, are extremely small, whereas Earth’s moon is extremely large. In fact, it’s the largest moon in the solar system relative to the size of its host (Earth). Because of its large size, in addition to other factors, some astronomers think of the Moon as Earth’s twin planet rather than Earth’s satellite. This would make the Earth and the Moon a double-planet system rather than a planet-satellite system. The former model is the one I subscribe to.
Of course, just because the Moon is odd and unique doesn’t mean it has “alien origins.” In my book, I argue that the Moon has alien origins on account of its numerous artificial characteristics. There’s good evidence, for example, that the Moon is partially hollow. Since, to borrow a quote from Carl Sagan in relation to the moons of Mars, “a natural satellite cannot be a hollow object,” the only way to explain the Moon’s apparent hollowness is if some kind of alien intelligence modified it long ago, perhaps in order to transform it into a suitable habitat.
JP: Personally do you really think the Moon is home to alien life forms who seek to control humanity?
LP: Much compelling evidence suggests that the Moon is and has long been inhabited by an alien intelligence, one that is hostile, manipulative, and parasitic towards humanity. The precise nature of this intelligence remains unknown and perhaps unknowable. Whether it is physical, non-physical or somewhere in-between is difficult to say. Personally I believe we’re dealing with something that operates primarily on a non-physical level but can assume physical form when required.
What led me to this conclusion? First, a small percentage of reports of transient lunar phenomena (TLP) – short-lived lights, colours, and changes in appearance on the lunar surface – exhibit qualities suggestive of intelligence. Certainly not all of these reports can be explained in terms of natural phenomena. (By “natural phenomena” I am referring to such things as lunar outgassing and clouds of dust suspended above the lunar surface by means of electrostatic activity.)
Secondly, many lunar myths allude to the Moon being inhabited by an alien intelligence. For example, according to the Zulu shaman Credo Mutwa, Zulu lore states that the Moon is not only an artificially-hollowed out planetoid from outside the solar system, it is also the home of manipulative and meddling reptilian beings called the Chitauri (“children of the serpent”). The Chitauri are synonymous with the Nagas of Buddhist and Hindu mythology. The latter are described as a strong and handsome race of half-human, half-serpentine beings of semi-divine status. (Naga is Sanskrit for “serpent.”) Nagas are related to all things watery – lakes, rivers, seas, wells, and so forth. And indeed, there is an ancient and universal belief that the Moon is related to all things watery. (No doubt this belief originated in part from the simple recognition that the Moon governs the tides.)
Lastly, a number of occult teachings speak of the Moon in purely negative terms and even refer to it as the domain of sinister non-human beings who control and exploit humanity.
JP: What findings from NASA’s Apollo missions have they concealed?
LP: It’s clear that much was concealed from the public by NASA regarding what was discovered on the Moon during the Apollo program (and other programs). However, I’m inclined to believe that these suppressed discoveries were primarily geological in nature and relate to the lunar interior more than anything else. Of course, there are compelling rumours that the Apollo astronauts encountered UFO activity both within the vicinity of the Moon and on the lunar surface. A related rumour states that NASA discovered an extraterrestrial base on the far side of the Moon (the side that remains turned away from Earth) during Apollo 8 in 1968. Furthermore, anyone who’s read the work of Mike Bara and Richard Hoagland would be familiar with the theory that the surface of the Moon is littered with spectacular ancient structures in the way of glass domes and so forth. It is claimed these structures were photographed by NASA but that the photographs were either “tampered with” to remove evidence of the structures or never released to the public.
Let me explain what I mean by these suppressed discoveries being primarily geological in nature. During the Apollo program, the astronauts placed on the lunar surface a network of seismometers (devices that measure and record seismic activity), as part of an effort by NASA to better understand the Moon’s internal structure. By triggering artificial moonquakes – caused by dropping discarded lunar modules (LMs) and other heavy objects on the lunar surface – it was discovered the Moon “rings like a bell” for periods of over an hour. The Moon is, to quote one scientist, “an almost perfect medium for the propagation of seismic waves.” This discovery – plus additional evidence discussed in my book – suggests the Moon is partially hollow. Since the Moon’s apparent hollowness cannot be accounted for naturally, it must have been hollowed out artificially. NASA has long been interested in the Moon’s peculiar internal characteristics, yet has remained suspiciously quiet on these matters. (NASA claims that its entire lunar seismic network was shut down in late-1977, though this could well be untrue.)
JP: What are some of the many holes in the “Giant Impact” theory about the Moon’s origins and the evidence for a hollow, artificial Moon?
LP: By far the biggest mystery of the Moon is how it came into being. Prior to the Apollo program, there were three contending theories as to the origin of the Moon. Known as the three classic theories of lunar origin, they are the Fission theory, the Coaccretion theory, and the Capture theory. All three theories were well and truly disproven by the end of the Apollo program. This gave rise, in the mid-1970s, to the Giant Impact theory, which is the theory accepted by most scientists today. The theory states that around 4.5 billion years ago, when the Earth was very young, a Mars-sized planet struck the Earth, producing a cloud of debris that coalesced to form the Moon.
The Giant Impact theory has a number of major flaws. According to this theory, the Moon is supposed to have formed from a mixture of impactor material and earth material, with the percentage of impactor material far exceeding the percentage of earth material. The Moon and Earth should therefore possess dissimilar oxygen isotope ratios. An object’s oxygen isotope ratio, or signature, gives an indication of where it formed in the solar system. For example, the oxygen isotope signature of Mars is very different to that of Earth. Yet the Moon and Earth have practically identical oxygen isotope signatures. This suggests the impactor shared a similar orbit to the Earth, occupied that orbit for a very long time, yet somehow ended up striking the Earth – a most improbable scenario. To quote British geologist Ted Nield: “[I]t would be extremely unlikely that a wandering impactor would just happen to possess the exact same oxygen isotope profile as the object it hit.”
Another piece of evidence that puts the Giant Impact theory on very shaky ground is the recent discovery of traces of water in samples from the lunar interior. The samples were found to contain similar levels of water as the Earth’s upper mantle. And yet, according to the Giant Impact theory, the Moon formed at an extremely high temperature and thus ought to be completely deprived of volatiles such as water. How, then, do we explain the presence of water in lunar samples?
Now for the evidence of a hollow, artificial Moon. That the Moon is a hollow, partly-artificial object was first suggested by scientists Mikhail Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov, both members of the Soviet Academy of Scientists, in a paper published in July 1970 in the journal Sputnik titled “Is the Moon the Creation of Intelligence?” According to their Spaceship Moon theory, the Moon is a planetoid from outside the solar system that was transformed into a spaceship – hollowed out and fitted with machinery and given a strengthened “hull” – and then flown to Earth and “parked” in orbit.
While it’s true that the Spaceship Moon theory has numerous merits and helps to explain why the Moon appears to be hollow (and hence not wholly natural), it falls short by failing to account for the near identical oxygen isotope signatures between the Earth and Moon. In my book, I suggest that the Moon formed naturally alongside the Earth (as per the Coaccretion theory) but was later “hijacked” and artificially modified. I refer to this as the Hybrid Double Planet theory – “hybrid” because the Moon is a part-artificial, part-natural world and a “double planet” for reasons already explained.
JP: Could you go into some of your occult findings regarding the Moon?
LP: In my book I look at the Moon as it’s dealt with in the Qabalah, and I found this to be an extremely rich area of investigation. The Qabalah is a complex mystical tradition of Jewish origin and is considered the cornerstone of Western esotericism. Central to the Qabalah is the Tree of Life, a glyph that consists of ten spheres, called Sephiroth. Each Sephirah on the Tree of Life is ruled by a particular planet. The Sephirah Malkuth, for example, which corresponds to the physical plane, is ruled by Earth. The Sephirah ruled by the Moon is called Yesod and this corresponds to both the lower astral plane as well as to the etheric plane.
The etheric is a blueprinting for the physical world and is virtually synonymous with Rupert Sheldrake’s theory of morphic fields, whereas the astral is the realm of emotions, of dreams, of illusions, and of spirits, demons, angels and other entities. The astral knows no bounds. It can be a place of beauty or one’s worst nightmare. The lower astral plane is the lowermost portion of the astral – the part of the astral “closest” to the physical realm – and is said to be inhabited by entities of a truly unpleasant and vampiric disposition. Mediums call them “lower astral entities” or “hungry ghosts” and say they feed off the negative emotions generated by human beings. Although my interest in the Qabalah is purely academic and there is much about it I fail to understand, I find it symbolically interesting that the Moon is related to the lower astral plane as well as to the etheric plane. Whether there truly exists a lower astral plane populated by malevolent, vampiric entities is perhaps beside the point.
JP: How do you interpret G.I. Gurdjieff’s teaching that “we are food for the Moon?”
LP: George Ivanovich Gurdjieff (1866?–1949) was a Greek-Armenian mystic, philosopher, and guru who rose to prominence in the first half of the twentieth century. He was born in the Russian-Armenia town of Alexandropol (now Gyumri). His career as a spiritual teacher began in 1912, when he moved to Moscow and started recruiting students. He later moved to France where, at a large country estate, he established an esoteric community of sorts called the Institute for the Harmonious Development of Man. Gurdjieff was something of an enigma and many of his teachings were complex and highly obscure. His teaching that “humanity is food for the Moon” was probably his most obscure teaching of all. Not being a student of Gurdjieff’s “system,” called the Fourth Way, it would be wrong of me to claim that I possess a deep understanding of what he meant by humanity being “food for the Moon.” I have nonetheless tried my best to decipher its meaning. In fact, my book features an entire chapter on Gurdjieff.
Gurdjieff taught that our so called normal waking consciousness is actually a form of hypnotic sleep, and that our lives are driven by external influences. We’re like boats cast adrift on the sea, being pushed around in whichever direction the wind happens to be blowing us. He actually referred to humans as machines. He said that humanity is controlled by “planetary influences,” of which the most immediate and dominant is the Moon. In accordance with the law “as above, so below,” planetary tension results in tension among people on Earth. Wars and similar events, then, are the result of planetary tension.
Gurdjieff further taught that all of the planets, including the Moon, are living beings that grow and develop, and like all living beings require sustenance. Because the Moon “feeds” on “organic life on Earth” – of which humanity is a part – “humanity is food for the Moon.” On one level, the teaching refers to humanity being part of a cosmic food chain of sorts, within which the Moon occupies a higher position than humanity. Yet, according to Gurdjeiff, it’s possible to emerge from the state of sleep that dominates our existence and to cease being food for the Moon. This involves freeing ourselves from the Moon’s influence by creating a second Moon – a permanent centre of gravity – within ourselves.
The unidentified flying objects look like white Tic Tacs, or spinning tops flying against the wind — and Navy pilots keep reporting their presence over U.S. airspace. In interviews with the New York Times, five more pilots have come forward describing their experiences with UFOs flying off the Eastern seaboard from Virginia to Florida between 2014 and 2015.
One ten-year veteran, Lieutenant Ryan Graves, claimed that he saw UFOs almost daily, and that the objects could reach hypersonic speeds and heights of up to 30,000 feet without any visible engine or plumes of infrared exhaust. Graves, who reported his experience to the Pentagon and Congress, said, “These things would be out there all day,” and that, “with the speeds we observed, 12 hours in the air is 11 hours longer than we’d expect.”
In late 2014, a pilot of a Super Hornet reported a near-collision with a UFO when an object that looked like a “sphere encasing a cube” zipped between two fighter jets flying roughly 100 feet from each other. Another pilot, Lieutenant Danny Accoin, could identify a flying object’s presence on his radar, missile system, and infrared camera but was not able to actually see it in his helmet camera. “I knew I had it, I knew it was not a false hit,” Accoin said. But still, “I could not pick it up visually.”
As the Times reports, pilot sightings of UFOs have increased since “their 1980s-era radar was upgraded to a more advanced system. As one fighter jet after another got the new radar, pilots began picking up the objects, but ignoring what they thought were false radar tracks.”
What fascinated Lieutenant Graves about his interactions with the objects was their ability to stop rapidly, turn instantly, and immediately accelerate to hypersonic speed — maneuvers that would burden human pilots with unbearable G-forces. “Speed doesn’t kill you,” Graves said. “Stopping does. Or acceleration.”
Because the sightings occurred in airspace designated for fighter-jet training, the pilots concurred that the objects were not classified or commercial drones operating in the area. Still, none of the five — nor the Defense Department — would speculate as to the objects’ extraterrestrial nature. “We’re here to do a job, with excellence, not make up myths,” said Accoin.
The past few years have been something of a quiet golden age for UFO enthusiasts hoping to prove the validity of their interests. First, there was the Pentagon’s 2017 admission of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, a short-lived, $22 million scrap of the Defense budget that would investigate reports of “unexplained aerial phenomena.” Then, in November 2018, scientists from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics proposed a long-shot hypothesis about the cigar-shaped object Oumuamua, which passed through the solar system in 2017: It was a “solar sail,” gathering energy from the sun to accelerate through our galaxial neighborhood. (The technology isn’t all that complicated; humans have already developed it.)
And in April, the Navy announced it is “updating and formalizing the process” by which pilots report UFO sightings, as a means to destigmatize the sharing of information and treat the reports with a more data-driven approach. Luis Elizondo, a former senior intelligence officer, told the Washington Post that it was “the single greatest decision the Navy has made in decades.”
At this rate, the president’s Space Force might actually have something to do.
Neptune's largest moon Triton boasts an uncommon icy mixture of carbon monoxide and nitrogen, which could help astronomers better understand the conditions of other distant alien worlds.
Using the Gemini Observatory in Chili and the high-resolution spectrograph called IGRINS (Immersion Grating Infrared Spectrometer), a visiting instrumentfor Gemini, astronomers detected a distinct infrared signature on Triton, revealing a mixture of carbon monoxide and nitrogen frozen as solid ice. This finding helps explain seasonal atmospheric changes on Triton and how material is transported across the moon's surface via geysers, according to a statement.
Prior to detecting this unique signature on Triton, researchers first identified the specific wavelength of infrared light absorbed by an ice mixture of carbon monoxide and nitrogen molecules in the lab.
"While the icy spectral fingerprint we uncovered was entirely reasonable, especially as this combination of ices can be created in the lab, pinpointing this specific wavelength of infrared light on another world is unprecedented," Stephen Tegler, lead author of the study from Northern Arizona University's Astrophysical Materials Laboratory, said in the statement.
The icy mixture detected on Triton could help explain the moon's iconic geysers, which are the dark, windblown streaks first observed by NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft in the moon's south polar region. These distinct streaks are believed to be erupted material from an internal ocean, or an icy mixture that migrates around the surface in response to changing seasonal patterns of sunlight, according to the statement.
"Despite Triton's distance from the sun and the cold temperatures, the weak sunlight is enough to drive strong seasonal changes on Triton's surface and atmosphere," Henry Roe, deputy director of Gemini and a member of the research team, said in the statement. "This work demonstrates the power of combining laboratory studies with telescope observations to understand complex planetary processes in alien environments so different from what we encounter every day here on Earth."
In fact, NASA's New Horizons spacecraft found that carbon monoxide and nitrogen ices coexist on Pluto. However, the recent findings are the first evidence of these ices mixing, according to the statement.
Therefore, the study, which will be published in The Astronomical Journal, sheds light on the possible composition of ices and seasonal variations in the atmosphere on other distant worlds beyond Neptune.
Martian sand dunes are blowing in the wind — but slowly, and based on factors that don't affect sand movement here on Earth.
Scientists tracked the movement of nearly 500 individual dunes, all using data gathered by NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. By studying the movement of all that sand, the researchers were able to compare the interaction between wind and sand on the Red Planet with the same interaction on Earth.
"On Mars, there simply is not enough wind energy to move a substantial amount of material around on the surface," lead author Matthew Chojnacki, a planetary scientist at the University of Arizona, said in a statement. "It might take two years on Mars to see the same movement you'd typically see in a season on Earth."
Chojnacki and his colleagues used images taken by HiRISE, a specialized camera on board the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter that images the surface of Mars with incredibly detailed photographs. Those photographs include plenty of scenes of sand dunes rippling across the planet.
Scientists are particularly interested in the sand dunes because they represent areas where the surface is changing enough that the same material isn't getting constantly blasted by the harsh environment. "If you don't have sand moving around, that means the surface is just sitting there, getting bombarded by ultraviolet and gamma radiation that would destroy complex molecules and any ancient Martian biosignatures," Chojnacki said.
An animation based on Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter data showing the movement of sand dunes on the Red Planet.
By selecting pairs of images that showed the same patch of ground years apart, the team was able to measure how fast each dune was moving. That analysis suggests that Martian sand dunes move at a fraction of the speed of those found on Earth — which makes sense given how much thinner an atmosphere the Red Planet boasts than Earth.
What was less predictable was that just a handful of spots would sport significantly faster sand movement: Syrtis Major, the Hellespontus mountainsand a region called the north polar ergs. The researchers think that the relatively fast sand movement here may be caused by dramatic changes in surface elevation and temperature that arise where different types of surface features neighbor each other. That's not a situation that prompts winds here on Earth.
A map of Mars shows the three regions where the team of scientists behind a new study found the most dramatic sand dune movement: Syrtis Major, along the Hellespontus mountains, and near the north pole's ice cap.
"Those are not factors you would find in terrestrial geology," Chojnacki said. "On Earth, the factors at work are different from Mars. For example, ground water near the surface or plants growing in the area retard dune sand movement."
The research is described in a paper published March 11 in the journal Geology.
There's a binary star system out there in the Milky Way, and it's acting very weird.
"AG Draconis," as astronomers call it, is made up of two stars: arelatively cool giant and a relatively hot white dwarf — the stellar corpse of a low- to medium-size star. They're 16,000 light-years away from Earth. (A light-year is the distance light travels in a year, meaning everything we see happening on these stars happened 16,000 years ago). And that distance makes them difficult to observe in detail. But we do know some things about them.
The two stars are probably interacting, with material flowing off the surface of the big, cool star and onto the surface of the small, hot star. And every once in a while, about once every nine to 15 years dating back to the 1890s, they become active — going through a period of several years where, once a year, they get much brighter in certain wavelengths that Earth's telescopes can detect. They're in an active period now, with flashes (or "outbursts" of energy) detected in April 2016, May 2017 and April 2018. (The 2016 outburst was a bit weird itself, having two peaks two weeks apart.) Researchers expect another outburst in April or May of this year, though it's too soon for any reports to have been published.
But there's something weird about this period of activity, as researchers reported in a paper uploaded May 10 to the preprint server arXiv, which has not yet been through peer review. [15 Amazing Images of Stars]
In the past, AG Draconis' active periods almost always followed a simple pattern: The first couple of outbursts are "cool," with the temperature of the white dwarf appearing to drop during each of its outbursts. Then, sometimes, the next set of outbursts are "hot," with the star's temperature rising. Cool outbursts tend to be much brighter than hot ones.
Researchers suspect that a cool outburst happens when the white dwarf starts to expand, its outermost, atmosphere-like region growing and cooling at the same time. That doesn't happen during hot outbursts, which are less well-understood.
But this current cycle is weird. Occurring just seven years after a minor outburst in 2008, it's been made up entirely of "hot" outbursts.
"Such behavior is considerably peculiar in [the] almost 130-year history of [the] observing of this object," the researchers wrote, offering no explanation for why it might be happening.
Why does any of this "outbursting" happen at all? No one knows for sure.
The researchers pointed to a paper from 2006 posted to arXiv that offers one popular explanation, derived from a different star system. As the white dwarf's gravity captures material from its giant twin, an "accretion disk" forms — made up of material circling the dwarf and waiting to fall onto its surface. But the disk is unstable, with the giant sometimes feeding more material into it and sometimes less.
Every once in a while, too much material falls onto the dwarf's surface and there's a spike in thermonuclear burning on the outside of the star, where there should be fairly little. That hellish blaze spits material out into the system, forming a brief, hot shell around the white dwarf. From Earth, this all looks like a slight tweak in the light across a few wavelengths.
"The future evolution of AG Dra[conis] is an open question," the researchers wrote. In 2019, they asked, "can we expect (finally) a major, cool or (again) minor, hot outburst?"
It's also possible, the researchers suggested, that this period of minor outbursts will simply end. That happened once before, during the relatively minor activity period of 1963 to 1966.
Long term, they said, this illustrates the importance of keeping a careful eye on stars like these, so that astronomers may one day crack the code of their behavior. It also demonstrates the difficulty of parsing events in solar systems light-years away.
Close Encounters
In an astonishing new story by The New York Times, Navy pilots detail their encounters with UFOs — “strange objects” that have “no visible engine or infrared exhaust plumes,” but could reach “30,000 feet and hypersonic speeds.”
“Wow, what is that, man?” an unnamed pilot said in a video recorded in early 2015 of what appears to be an object flying above the ocean. “Look at it fly!”
“Strange Stuff”
Two pilots spoke on the record to the Times, while three more gave details about their UFO encounters under condition of anonymity. The UFOs aren’t necessarily aliens — and are likely just unidentified terrestrial phenomena — but military officials aren’t sure what they are.
“People have seen strange stuff in military aircraft for decades,” Ryan Graves, a lieutenant and Navy pilot, told The Times. “We’re doing this very complex mission, to go from 30,000 feet, diving down. It would be a pretty big deal to have something up there.”
Unidentified Aircraft
The news comes after the U.S. Navy was found to be working on new guidelines for its personnel to report sightings and other encounters with “unidentified aircraft,” according to Politico — a sign that the Navy is taking UFO encounters more seriously.
The New York Times also uncovered a $22 million program in 2017 called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program — or “Black Money” — that investigated reports of UFOs from 2007 until 2012.
Navy Pilot In Near Miss With UFO Off Virginia Beach
Navy Pilot In Near Miss With UFO Off Virginia Beach
A spate of UFO encounters off the East Coast puzzles US Navy.
The New York Times has reported that a US Navy pilot has come forward to claim that his vehicle had a very close encounter with an unidentified flying object off Virginia Beach in 2014, and according to reports he is certainly not the only person to have had such an experience in recent years.
A Sphere Encasing A Cube
The pilot claimed that the object that he nearly collided with was a "sphere encasing a cube". Other descriptions of unidentified flying objects vary but it is clear that there is a pattern of strange activity in the skies over the East Coast of the United States with numerous pilots making reports to the Navy leadership. According to some of the pilots, these objects were remarkably designed with no visible engines or exhaust plumes. They had been seen at altitudes of 30,000 and observed traveling at hypersonic speeds. More than one of the pilots noted that the craft seemed to be performing maneuvers "beyond the physical limits of a human crew" such as turning instantaneously.
NYT Science@NYTScience
No one in the Defense Department is saying that the objects were extraterrestrial, and experts emphasize that earthly explanations can generally be found for such incidents. But the objects have gotten the attention of the Navy.
‘Wow, What Is That?’ Navy Pilots Report Unexplained Flying Objects
No one at the Pentagon is saying that the objects are extraterrestrial, but the Navy has issued new classified guidance for reporting unexplained aerial phenomena.
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The US Navy has confirmed that they have received a number of reports about these bizarre crafts entering US air space in the past couple of years. “These kinds on incursions can be both a security risk and pose a safety hazard for both Navy and Air Force aviation, " said the official statement, "For safety and security concerns, the Navy and the USAF takes these reports very seriously and investigates each and every report."
Lieutenant Ryan Graves, one of the Navy pilots who has come forward to share his experience said that there were concerns among his squadron that this situation is becoming increasingly dangerous. He expressed his own worries that it was only a matter of time before a pilot had a mid-air collision with one of these bizarre crafts.
The Navy has explicitly denied that they think that the unidentified flying objects are extra-terrestrial in origin. The pilots who reported their encounters also shied away from this theory. One pilot said, "we’re here to do a job, with excellence, not make up myths."
"Wow! What is that, man?" One of the pilots is heard saying in the clip. "Look at that flying!"
A Massive City And Several Pyramid-Shaped Structures Found Beneath Lake Fuxian In China
A Massive City And Several Pyramid-Shaped Structures Found Beneath Lake Fuxian In China
Archeologists have recently discovered the remains of a group of large ancient buildings at the bottom of Fuxian Lake in Yunnan Province, China.
Also found were placed stones with carvings that can be classified as mysterious. These findings question previous assumptions by experts. According to Chinese newspaper outlets, recorded in historical documents was a city named Yuyuan. Yuyuan was founded in the Fuxian Lake demographic during the Western Han Dynasty from 206 BC to 24 AD. Yuyuan disappeared from the historical record during the Sui and Tang Dynasty from 589 AD to 907 AD. Urban legend claims the city sank to the bottom of Fuxian Lake.
An Ancient Undocumented City
These recent findings suggest otherwise since the remains of the buildings were made of stone. Yuyuan buildings were found to be mostly built with wood.
Through Sonar surveys, it was revealed that the architecture found at the bottom of Fuxian Lake covered around 2.4 square kilometers. This constitutes a large city that was never documented in history.
A Pyramid and Enigmatic Carvings
Also found at the bottom were the remains of a pyramid thought to be more complex than the famous Egyptian pyramids.
One of the many stones found has gathered some special attention. On the top right section of the stone is a small circle that was carved with seven radial lines surrounding it. This carving resembles the sun. A smaller circle is carved on the left side of the same stone, but with only four radial lines. These types of carvings are considered rare by experts and are estimated to be over 1,800 years old. No such similar carvings are known in that time frame.
Carvings found on one of the stones in the underwater ruins in Fuxian Lake
Also found on the stones were carvings resembling masks. These masks do not resemble masks that were made for humans based on the teeth marks.
Experts are stumped as to what these findings mean, as more research is needed.
EXCLUSIVE: Journalist Ralph Blumenthal talks New York Times latest UFO coverage
EXCLUSIVE: Journalist Ralph Blumenthal talks New York Times latest UFO coverage
(Scree shot)
When the New York Times published the piece titled “Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program” on Dec. 16 2017 it was a paradigm shift in the way the public and mainstream press outlets presented stories on UFOs. Since that initial story by veteran journalists Helene Cooper, Ralph Blumenthal and Leslie Kean a lot has happened in bringing this topic away from fringe. When the first Times article hit, we went behind the scenes of the story with Blumenthal when he discussed how they considered Luis Elizondo credible, and wanted to purse the story. Blumenthal was able to talk to Punk rock and UFOs again on the Times latest offering, and how editorial leadership sees these stories.
“The good news is the Times is receptive to this story,” Blumenthal said.” They have to be done in a New York Times way where everything is on the record. In this case we did, we were able to talk to several pilots without using names. Everyone else was on record. The Times takes the subject very seriously with its editing standards, which is why the stories have gotten such credible resonance. When people see it in the Times it’s not fake news, (and) it’s not speculation. We are very careful to stick to what we know, and lay out what we don’t know. The editing process is very rigorous, and it is not easy for reporters like us to get these stories through because we are held to a very high standard given the subject I would say properly so.”
The New York Times isn’t the only journalism giant taking this seriously all of a sudden. Politico, Washington Post, The Hill, New York Mag, and other large media companies are following suit with similar stories, which makes the journalists at the Times prideful from what started as the Pentagon UFO story to now.
“We love to see it lighting up the Internet,” Blumenthal said. “It is the most e-mailed , most watched and most everything’d story of the day. It is really dominating Times coverage, so it is a part of pride because we do think the subject is important, and we love to see people follow us since sometimes we need to follow other people, but in this case I think we have set the pace.”
Ralph Blumenthal is a 45-year veteran of the New York Times.
With the new NYT story “‘Wow, What Is That?’ Navy Pilots Report Unexplained Flying Objects” that dropped May 26, Blumenthal, Kean and Cooper return to feature two new witness testimonials from military officials with the biggest takeaway being that these baffling UFOs appeared almost daily from the summer of 2014 to 2015 off the East Coast. The article features quotes from Lt. Ryan Graves ( a 10-year Navy vet) who reported his sightings to the Pentagon and Congress, Lt. Danny Accoin and three others (who asked not to be named) spoke on record to the times on what they saw. Graves and Accoin are mentioned in the story to also appear on upcoming episodes of History’s “Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation” ( read our spoiler free review of episode one here). The sightings reported here seem to mimic the descriptions of the 2004 Nimitz UAP case.
Some detractors of efforts of To The Stars, and these stories in general are quick to paint a picture as the release of the story is timed to collaborate with the debut episode of “Unidentified.”
“We knew the History Channel had put this series together, and we watched that and give them credit in the piece, and saw what they said in the series and went after them (witnesses) because obviously we weren’t going to take it from the TV; we wanted to conduct our own interview, so we did meet with Ryan Graves in New York, and Helene spoke with Danny Accoin over the phone,” Blumenthal said.” There are many places in the paper for shows to be reviewed and featured. This was not the purpose of this article. We wanted to establish the credibility of these witnesses on our own, and not part of any other effort, program or institution. It was not reliant on anybody but our own reporting.”
Blumenthal is aware of the infighting, division and skepticism among the UFO community, but ultimately believes this story is one “of the biggest of our time.”The effort from the journalists at the New York Times continues to be done by journalists only.
“We really try to keep out distance from To The Stars because we think it helps our credibility to be separate,” Blumenthal said.” They are doing what they are doing, and they’ve done some really interesting, important things, but we have to do what we do at the New York Times. To maintain our standards and credibility we have to do it our own way. We are doing it by our interviews the way we always do everything, and it keeps our reporting pure and obviously respected elsewhere. We aren’t taking anything from anybody; we are investigating ourselves.”
UFOs exist and everyone needs to adjust to that fact
UFOs exist and everyone needs to adjust to that fact
UFOs are not the same thing as extraterrestrial life. But we should start thinking about that possibility.
Footage from 2004 shows an encounter between a U.S. fighter jet and "anomalous aerial vehicles," which is military jargon for UFOs.(To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science)
The term “UFO” automatically triggers derision in most quarters of polite society. One of Christopher Buckley’s better satires,“Little Green Men,” is premised on a George F. Will-type pundit thinking that he has been abducted by aliens, with amusing results. UFOs have historically been associated with crackpot ideas like Big Foot or conspiracy theories involving crop circles.
The obvious reason for this is that the term “UFO” is usually assumed to be a synonym for “extraterrestrial life.” If you think about it, this is odd. UFO literally stands for “unidentified flying object.” A UFO is not necessarily an alien from another planet. It is simply a flying object that cannot be explained away through conventional means. Because UFOs are usually brought up only to crack jokes, however, they have been dismissed for decades.
One of the gutsiest working paper presentations I have witnessed was Alexander Wendt and Raymond Duvall presenting a draft version of “Sovereignty and the UFO.” In that paper, eventually published in the journal Political Theory, Wendt and Duvall argued that state sovereignty as we understand it is anthropocentric, or “constituted and organized by reference to human beings alone.” They argued that the real reason UFOs have been dismissed is because of the existential challenge that they pose for a worldview in which human beings are the most technologically advanced life-forms:
UFOs have never been systematically investigated by science or the state, because it is assumed to be known that none are extraterrestrial. Yet in fact this is not known, which makes the UFO taboo puzzling given the ET possibility.... The puzzle is explained by the functional imperatives of anthropocentric sovereignty, which cannot decide a UFO exception to anthropocentrism while preserving the ability to make such a decision. The UFO can be “known” only by not asking what it is.
When Wendt and Duvall made this argument, there were a lot of titters in the audience. I chuckled, too. Nonetheless, their paper makes a persuasive case that UFOs certainly exist, even if they are not necessarily ETs. For them, the key is that no official authority takes seriously the idea that UFOs can be extraterrestrials. As they note, “considerable work goes into ignoring UFOs, constituting them as objects only of ridicule and scorn.”
In recent years, however, there has been a subtle shift that poses some interesting questions for their argument. For one thing, discussion of actual UFOs has been the topic of some serious mainstream media coverage. There was the December 2017 New York Times story by Helene Cooper, Ralph Blumenthal and Leslie Kean about the Defense Department’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, which was tasked with cataloguing UFOs recorded by military pilots. DoD officials confirmed its existence. Though this story generated some justified skepticism, it represented the first time the U.S. government acknowledged the existence of such a program.
What we know — and don't know — about aliens and UFOs
The Post's Cleve R. Wootson Jr. explains why a recent admission from the government is like pouring kerosene on UFO conspiracy theories.(Video: Monica Akhtar/Photo: Bill O'Leary/The Washington Post)
Then, there were the reports last November about Oumuamua, “a mysterious, cigar-shaped interstellar object [that] fell through our solar system at an extraordinary speed,” according to New York’s Eric Levits. Oumuamua’s shape and trajectory were unusual enough for some genuine astrophysicists to publish a paper suggesting the possibility that it was an artificial construction relying on a solar sail. Again, this prompted skeptical reactions, but even those skeptics could not completely rule out the possibility that extraterrestrial activity was involved.
The strange objects, one of them like a spinning top moving against the wind, appeared almost daily from the summer of 2014 to March 2015, high in the skies over the East Coast. Navy pilots reported to their superiors that the objects had no visible engine or infrared exhaust plumes, but that they could reach 30,000 feet and hypersonic speeds.
“These things would be out there all day,” said Lt. Ryan Graves, an F/A-18 Super Hornet pilot who has been with the Navy for 10 years, and who reported his sightings to the Pentagon and Congress. “Keeping an aircraft in the air requires a significant amount of energy. With the speeds we observed, 12 hours in the air is 11 hours longer than we’d expect.”....
No one in the Defense Department is saying that the objects were extraterrestrial, and experts emphasize that earthly explanations can generally be found for such incidents. Lieutenant Graves and four other Navy pilots, who said in interviews with The New York Times that they saw the objects in 2014 and 2015 in training maneuvers from Virginia to Florida off the aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt, make no assertions of their provenance.
The Times reporters broke new ground by getting pilots on record. What is interesting about this latest news cycle, however, is that DoD officials are not behaving as Wendt and Duvall would predict. Indeed, Politico’s Bryan Bender reported last month that, “The U.S. Navy is drafting new guidelines for pilots and other personnel to report encounters with ‘unidentified aircraft,’ a significant new step in creating a formal process to collect and analyze the unexplained sightings — and destigmatize them.” My Post colleague Deanna Paul followed up by reporting that “Luis Elizondo, a former senior intelligence officer, told The Post that the new Navy guidelines formalized the reporting process, facilitating data-driven analysis while removing the stigma from talking about UFOs, calling it ‘the single greatest decision the Navy has made in decades.’ ”
What appears to be happening is that official organs of the state are now acknowledging that UFOs exist, even if they are not literally using the term. They are doing so because enough pilots are reporting UFOs and near-air collisions so as to warrant better record-keeping. They are not saying that these UFOs are extraterrestrials, but they are trying to destigmatize the reporting of a UFO.
Still, the very fact that this step has been taken somewhat weakens the Wendt and Duvall thesis. This was always a two-step process: (a) Acknowledge that UFOs exist; and (b) Consider that the UFOs might be ETs.
In recent years, the U.S. national security bureaucracy has met the first criterion. What happens to our understanding of the universe if great powers meet that second one?
AFPHet Pentagon doet niet voldoende onderzoek naar de oorsprong van ufo's, vindt Christopher Mellon.
Ufo’s moeten serieus genomen worden. Daar pleit Christopher Mellon voor, die nog onder Clinton en Bush voor de Amerikaanse inlichtingendienst werkte. Mellon doet zijn beklag in een opiniestuk in de Washington Post naar aanleiding van het vrijgeven van nieuwe beelden met een mysterieus vliegend object boven de Atlantische Oceaan.
De clip duurt twee minuten en is sensationeel. Legerpiloten filmden een ufo vanuit een F-18 van de US Navy, die op een hoogte van 25.000 voet vloog. “What the fuck is dat ding?” roept een piloot. De video werd online gepost door de To the Stars Academy of Arts and Science, een privaat onderzoeksbedrijf.
De vrijgegeven beelden werden in 2015 geschoten aan de Amerikaanse Oostkust. Hoe het onderzoekscentrum eraan geraakte, zei het niet. Maar iedereen zou ze kunnen opvragen. Vorig jaar werden twee gelijkaardige video’s openbaar gemaakt.
Volgens Christopher Mellon vormen de video’s “het bewijs voor het bestaan van vliegtuigen die ver boven alles staan waar de VS of haar bondgenoten over beschikken”. Mellon is adviseur bij de To the Stars Acacemy en werkte voor de geheime dienst onder Bill Clinton en George W. Bush. Hij vindt dat de overheid te weinig onderzoek doet naar dat soort bewijsmateriaal: “Als het een mysterie is waar die vliegtuigen vandaan komen, dan is de passiviteit van de overheid tegenover zulke bewijzen dat ook”.
Hij verwijt het leger en de overheid dat ze “dat soort incidenten beschouwen als geïsoleerde feiten en niet als onderdeel van een patroon dat op een ernstige manier aandacht en onderzoek vraagt”. Hij vergelijkt die houding in de Washington Post met de inspanningen van de CIA en de FBI tegen terrorisme vóór 9/11, toen beide diensten wel informatie hadden over de kapers maar die voor zich hielden en niet met elkaar deelden.
Mellon vraagt zich af of “Rusland of China technologisch haasje-over doen met de VS” dan wel dat de beelden “het bewijs kunnen zijn van een buitenaardse beschaving”. Hij schrijft dat Poetins recente gepoch over een Russische doorbraak in voortstuwingstechnieken misschien wel niet zomaar bluf is. Mellons besluit: “Helaas hebben we geen idee, omdat we zelfs geen antwoorden zoeken.”
US Department of DefenceIn 2004 werd een mysterieus vliegend object met een ongezien acceleratievermogen en zonder tekenen van voortstuwing gespot voor de kust van San Diego, zo maakte het Pentagon recent bekend.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
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