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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
Interstellar Comet Borisov is no longer in one piece
Interstellar Comet Borisov is no longer in one piece
But this doesn't mean the object is breaking apart in a meaningful way.
Imagery of interstellar Comet Borisov captured by the Hubble Space Telescope suggests that a piece broke off the object’s nucleus between March 23 and March 28, 2020. (The middle photo was taken with a different filter than the two on the sides, explaining its different appearance.)
Our solar system's second known interstellar visitor doesn't seem to be in one piece anymore.
Photos of the interstellar Comet Borisov taken by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope on March 28 and March 30 show an elongated nucleus that appears to have two distinct components, astronomers announced in a note Thursday (April 2). That's a very different situation than the one Hubble observed on March 23, when the nucleus was a single entity.
"Actually, it turns out almost never to be that case," Jewitt told, referring to similar observations of native-born comets.
"Usually, the main nucleus drops off a piece, and the piece is small compared to the main nucleus — it contains a tiny fraction of the total mass," he said. "But, because it was just plucked out of the nucleus, it's pretty icy. And the ice fizzes and sublimates like crazy, making it a good producer of dust."
Dust is what Hubble is picking up in these photos. So, it's unlikely that Borisov is breaking apart in a significant way, Jewitt added. He estimated that Borisov may have just lost 0.1% to 1% of its total mass, comparing the probable scenario to a car that just dropped a side mirror.
Still, the researchers don't know for sure that this is the case; it's possible that something more dramatic just happened. Jewitt and his colleagues hope to figure it out, and additional Hubble observations could do the trick.
For example, further Hubble imagery could show researchers how fast the shed fragment is accelerating away from the main nucleus and how long it remains observable. Both of these data points would provide clues about the size of the newly liberated shard, Jewitt said.
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope captured this view of the interstellar object Comet 2I/Borisov on Oct. 12, 2019. (Image credit: NASA/ESA/D. Jewitt (UCLA))
Comet Borisov was detected in August 2019 and made its closest approach to the sun in December. It's not necessarily surprising to see a chunk fly off the comet now, four months after this perihelion passage, Jewitt said; the timeline is consistent with two prominent models of comet shedding.
In one of those models, comets begin spinning faster after close solar approaches because the heating they experience causes significant, and asymmetrical, mass loss. It may take several months for the spin-up to get dramatic enough for pieces to go flying off into space, Jewitt said.
In the other model, this same heating causes pressure to build up inside comet nuclei. Eventually, the pressure reaches a pocket of supervolatile ice, such as carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide, resulting in a blowout. And, again, this may take some time. (But comets may be too leaky for this explanation to be viable in most circumstances, Jewitt said.)
There's also the possibility that Comet Borisov got hit by something. But an impact is unlikely to be the explanation, Jewitt said, given how empty space is and how strange Borisov's orbit is compared to objects that were born in our solar system.
Borisov is the second known interstellar body ever spotted in our solar system. The first was the mysterious object 'Oumuamua, whose multilayered weirdness has prompted speculation that it may be an alien spacecraft of some sort.
'Oumuamua was already barreling toward the outer solar system when it was detected. Borisov had not yet rounded the sun in August 2019, meaning astronomers have been able to track it for longer stretches and in greater detail.
"It's entirely possible that the virus is going to kill the comet for most astronomers," Jewitt said.
But Hubble is still operating despite the outbreak, and this iconic eye in the sky is well suited to observe Borisov. Indeed, even the biggest ground-based scopes don't have the resolution required to detect the recent shedding event, Jewitt said.
"So, really, only [the Hubble] Space Telescope can see this sort of thing," he said.
A scarlet fan spread across the skies over Japan 1,400 years ago, and it's been puzzling astronomers ever since.
According to historical records, on Dec. 30, 620, a "red sign" shaped like "a pheasant tail" appeared in the sky. At the time, the sign was considered a bad omen. Modern scientists looking back at the report have wondered whether the spectacle may have been caused by an aurora or a comet, but neither of those explanations quite made sense.
Ryuho Kataoka, who studies space weather at the National Institute of Polar Research in Japan, and his colleagues decided they wanted to investigate what could have caused the scarlet phenomenon, according to a statement.
They began by comparing the historical description with a modern understanding of auroras. Although these celestial dances are often green, they can appear in other colors, including red, depending on which elements in Earth's atmosphere are being activated by charged particles spit out by the sun.
The team tracked down more recent observations of auroras that were visible over Japan in a fan shape with a red background. That matches the "pheasant tail" description of the 620 event. The researchers also mapped what Earth's changing magnetic field would have looked like at the time, suggesting that Japan would have been around 33 degrees of magnetic latitude in 620, as opposed to 25 degrees today, according to the statement.
A pheasant with its tail fanned out, below. (Image credit: Hiromichi Nakagawa)
The researchers also analyzed another hypothesis about the "red sign" — that it was caused by a comet. But such spectacles usually aren't tinged red, and the team determined that there should have been a low probability of a comet streaking by at the time.
"This is an interesting and successful example that modern science can benefit from the ancient Japanese emotion evoked when the surprising appearance of heaven reminded them of a familiar bird," Kataoka said.
The research is described in a paper published March 31 in the Sokendai Review of Culture and Social Studies.
In the world of the paranormal there are a variety of different types of encounters with seemingly humanoid entities. Some of these are of course of ghosts, while others can be of lesser defined phenomena, and some of these truly leave us scratching our heads. Among such reports are scattered accounts of encounters with what seem to be pitch black entities of some sort, which seem to appear anywhere and which have origins and machinations that are inscrutable to us. Here is a selection of such strange encounters with black humanoid entities from beyond our understanding.
Some of these strange encounters happen out in the wilds where things are already dark and scary enough as it is without having to worry about pitch black, possibly demonic entities. One such story comes to us from Reddit user “Justinf10000,” who says he had his spooky experience in the woods of Camp Tommy, in Fishkill, New York. He says he had been working as a camp counselor at the time of the incident, and that on this evening he was sneaking out to go meet up with his girlfriend in one of the other cabins. He wasn’t supposed to be out, as the cabins were supposed to be locked down after 10PM, but he had done this often and there was no reason to think anything strange would happen this time, but it did anyway. He explains of what happened as he cut through the forest:
Suddenly I heard rustling in the woods, and stopped to investigate it. There are bears/other animals so I was expecting something like that. This 3 foot humanoid type thing suddenly jumps out of the bushes spooked and looks at me. It’s too dark for me to make out any of its features, other than it was standing on 2 feet, had 2 arms, and basically looked just like a miniature person without any features (just looked solid black, if it had clothes on, I would have been able to notice that).
I was really curious what it was so I started walking towards it, and it must have got more spooked because it bolted back into the woods. I’ll never forget how mechanical it looked as it took off running too. It’s whole body basically shifted 90 degrees (like if someone was doing the robot dance) and it just took off. I have never seen anything on 2 legs run that quickly so I was pretty confused about what it was. I’m a pretty fast runner and fit person in general, but this thing was on another level of fast. As much as I try to make sense of it, I still to this day have no idea wtf it was. It was very human, but too short to be a human (3 feet tall is about accurate) and i really don’t know how a human could run that fast anyways. I have no freakin idea but it’s always bugged me! Maybe one day I will go back to try and find this creature again!
Strange, indeed. Another such account comes to us from the wilds of the state of Alabama, where Reddit user “AMpwrs” says she had a rather bizarre experience just after an evening riding around in his 4×4 truck through a wooded area. On their way back they apparently ran out of gas and were forced to push the truck to a secluded parking area, where they decided to sit and take a rest before deciding what to do next. It was as they sat there that the witness looked up and saw something strange in the solitary security light of the parking lot. He says of what happened next:
Standing there no more than 10 ft in front us and directly in clear view under the security light was a horrible creature. I froze up and just remained as silent as I could, then my buddy screams out loudly. That’s when this thing noticed us and jumped, turning in our direction. It immediately ran off in an awkward lanky fashion and ducked behind a tree. It then peeked around the tree back toward us then sprinted off towards the woods where it disappeared. That’s when I said, “did you see that”?
My friend immediately described exactly what it was that I had just witnessed down to detail. A solid black bipedal creature with shiny tight skin. It had an elongated head and no face. It did have facial bone structure but no orifices. No mouth, no nostrils and no eyes. You could see every bone in its body and it was slightly hunched. It had long dangling pointy fingers.
The creature apparently then ran off into the night and was not seen again. What was this thing? Who knows? Not all of these encounters happen out in the middle of nowhere. Another tale comes to us from a soldier in the U.S. Army, who at the time was at the sprawling, 94,000-acre Fort Sill, in Lawton, Oklahoma, for training exercises. He says that on this evening he was on firewatch duty, which was basically a pretty boring detail according to him. However, on this evening it would prove to be anything but boring. The witness says:
One Saturday I had firewatch. Not a big deal i decided I’d chill in my room for most of it and make myself been seen every now and then. We had a gym below the main floor. We would spend a lot of time in that gym. Firewatch was sometimes tasked with cleaning it up. There was a small walled off section though. It used to contain an electric chair. I’m still unsure on the history of the building we we’re at but it was next to a large cemetery. We would hear the occasional creepy story about the building and the electric chair.
Anyway, I digress. That night I was asked to clean the gym and then to mop 3rd deck. At the time no one lived on 3rd deck. My buddy and I cleaned the gym then walked up the stairs to mop. He mopped from the end to the middle and I proceeded to mop the rest of the way to the stairs. We finished mopping my friend went to go skate in his room while I told duty we we’re done. I walked back up the stairs to grab the mop bucket. I got up there and I realized someone had walked all over the floor that we just mopped. So I looked down the hallway.
When I did I saw a human like figure. Except it was black. The blackest black I have ever seen. I felt this wave of uncertainty and fear wash over me. Something I have never felt before. I sprinted down the stairs ran to my room waking my roommate up. He thought I was messing with him when I told him what happened. After that I never saw the figure again while I was there. It was honestly one of the most disturbing experiences of my life.
What in the world was going on here? Was this a ghost, his imagination, or something else altogether? On occasion, such entities are seen around more residential areas or even more creepily within homes. One account from Your Ghost Stories supposedly happened in 2008 in the U.S. state of Connecticut, with the witness saying that the strangeness began when he woke up one evening to find a strange presence in his room. He explains of what happened next:
A few seconds after awaking I felt the sensation of something gripping my heart and squeezing it to the point where it was painful. For me to admit pain, actual pain, with what I’ve gone through in terms of getting hurt playing sports, means that it was really something bad. Also, I don’t wake up at those hours of the morning anymore without a reason I’m aware of, a dream, having to go to the bathroom, or something along those lines. When I woke up for this, there was no immediate cause that I can remember that forced me to wake up… All I remember is waking up.
In the corner of my bed room, there was a black shadow, darker than my room that appeared to be humanoid, but somehow didn’t really have a shape. I never looked directly at it, but only looked at it out of the corner of my eye, which is unusual because I ALWAYS look at unusual objects/things. I do remember it seeming to reach out toward me at one point. All I did was curl up into a ball and started praying. A minute or 2 after I started praying, I felt the pressure in my chest release, and with it came a profound calmness I’ve never had before, and I’ve managed to maintain a piece of that calmness ever since. My house is not haunted, nobody has ever died in it, and there’s no ancient Indian Graveyard underneath it. I have no explanation for what happened.
This sounds like it could almost be a case of the phenomenon of sleep paralysis, wherein the witnesses will find themselves in a sort of limbo state between sleep and wakefulness and experience extremely vivid dream-like hallucinations, but it is hard to say. Another witness, Reddit user “Hhandholmes,” says that he and several acquaintances were plagued by a string of sightings of these types of black entities in the vicinity of where he lived, at an undisclosed location within the United States. He says that within a month he and several others spotted petite black humanoids standing only around 4 feet tall lurking about the area, and he explains:
In most of the cases we all witnessed the same style of humanoid, around 3 1/2 to 4 feet tall and pitch black, meaning that no features were even seen on the things. They would walk/run extremely fast and were only seem at night time, sometimes even passing through street lights yet their bodies got no lighter than what they were in the dark, they were always a pitch black.
They were spotted all in the same two blocks of each other, mostly standing in the alleys, once sitting in a tree, on someones front porch and even in a bedroom. The most seen together was only two, meaning that they mostly traveled alone? Most of them seemed to simply be watching, there was one incident where the being was slightly different. it was probably a foot and half taller but hunched over and could drop on all fours and sprint away faster than any animal or person I have ever seen.
There are cases along these lines reported from countries other than the United states as well. One comes to us from a Reddit User “is_no_good,” who says he had this experience while living in a small rural village in Germany in 2003. At the time he was on his way back from a church service when he saw something very outlandish standing in a side alley. He says of his encounter:
In a sidestreet under a lighted street lamp stood this thing, it was completely black had no face and no clothes, was very tall, like about 2m and the creature’s arms reached below its knees. It just stood there in silence and as I saw it and realized that it can’t be a human, I was frozen to fear and couldn’t stop looking at it, till it made a step in my direction. In this moment I ran like hell to the house of my parents without turning around. It didn’t get me or something but I was in extreme fear. I never talked to anyone about this because I feared that people would laugh about me. But I saw it and it still haunts my thoughts now and then. Fortunately, I never saw it again. In Summary: The thing was completely black it had no details. There was no face, no colors, no nose shape, no eyes. It had normal proportions except the knee long arms. It was very thin and approximately 2m tall. It made no sound. And I have the feeling that it was a ‘he.’
Another account is from a witness on Your Ghost Stories who lives in the Philippines. She explains that this happened when she was in college living with 4 housemates at an apartment near the university. It was here where they would all be menaced by a very strange entity indeed. The witness says:
One afternoon at around 4 or 5, one of our housemates (which was also my classmate and batchmate) was eating her dinner while I was sitting in the middle of the living room facing the mirror and my sister was in the living room watching TV. So as the area is an open space and is just divided by some sort of study table or chairs (I can’t remember the divider we used), all 3 of us are basically within the same room and can clearly see each other. After a while, I saw a tall dark figure sort of peeping at us from the kitchen sink area. There is a thick supporting foundation just before the sink (L-shaped area) and there was this tall dark thing hiding by it. I can see its face, hair, one arm and left leg and foot but the other parts are not visible as it seems to be hiding (like when a kid is shy but is still curious to see something kind of pose). So it took me a few seconds before I was able to talk because my mind can’t comprehend what I was seeing so my immediate question was, “is there anyone at the sink”? Which I know is quite odd and impossible as I know there are only 3 of us.
My housemate, being a scaredy cat suddenly stood up looking at me in disbelief asking me to stop teasing her but I told her that there is something by the column going to the sink looking at us. My sister then said there are only 3 of us in the house right now and it can be a burglar as we are just on the 2nd floor of the entire apartment building. But I told them that is not possible as the exit staircase is no longer there due to weather and rusting. I also told them that it is not person based from what I see.
They then asked me what I see and I told them that aside from the white of the eyeballs, everything was just black. I told them it was black as a charcoal and the hair is like that of an afro and the it is almost as tall as the ceiling. It stayed there for a good 2 to 3 minutes as if it was observing someone or something from the house (my guess is that it was looking at the TV as it was the direction of its gaze) before it disappeared. I think all the hairs on my body were standing up during the entire time I was seeing this thing and then everything went back to normal as soon as it disappeared. The funny thing is I think my sister and our housemate were even more afraid of the thing than I was even though I was the only one that can see it. I didn’t feel any scary aura coming from it. I guess my goosebumps were just due to the fact that I don’t know what I was seeing and I can’t believe what I was seeing. And more than ten years from that event, I still don’t know what that tall dark thing was.
With such an eclectic mix of truly bizarre reports we are left to wonder what it is we might be dealing with in such encounters. Are these examples of ghosts, demons, or even aliens or interdimensional interlopers of some sort bleeding over into our reality? Are they just fanciful fictionalized accounts or the product of the imagination? There is no way to really know for sure, and such cases as these serve to really fuel speculation and wonder as to what might be going on.
Everybody loves a murder mystery – including the space scientists at NASA. Spoiler alert: they already figured out the murderer in this whodunit and they’re calling it officially a “cosmic homicide.” If you know anything about space and astronomy, you won’t be surprised to learn that the culprit is a black hole. However, this one is a type that has been theorized to exist but has eluded detection and proof … until now. Is this really a murder mystery or more of a Stephen King horror thriller?
“Astronomers have found the best evidence for the perpetrator of a cosmic homicide: a black hole of an elusive class known as “intermediate-mass,” which betrayed its existence by tearing apart a wayward star that passed too close.”
NASA’s press release on the discovery of the first known intermediate-mass black hole (IMBH) opens like a murder case, but quickly switches to sounding like an archeological study.
“These so-called intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs) are a long-sought “missing link” in black hole evolution.”
And then it becomes a horror monster thriller.
“It took the combined power of two X-ray observatories and the keen vision of NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope to nail down the cosmic beast.”
This is getting interesting.
While the movie doesn’t have a title yet, the plot opens with the Hubble telescope, that workhorse responsible for so many stellar discoveries. According to the NASA press release for the study published in the The Astrophysical Journal Letters, astronomer Dacheng Lin of the University of New Hampshire pointed the Hubble telescope at a strange X-ray flare detected but not identified previously by other space telescopes. The first clue this was something completely different was the startling discovery that it wasn’t coming from our galaxy nor from the center of another galaxy – which meant it wasn’t a supermassive black hole. Being on the edge of a galaxy made 3XMM J215022.4−055108 and its strange galactic home something new yet familiar.
“The star cluster that is home to 3XMM J215022.4−055108 may be the stripped-down core of a lower-mass dwarf galaxy that has been gravitationally and tidally disrupted by its close interactions with its current larger galaxy host.”
The cause of the X-ray flare was the cosmic homicide of a star by this strange black hole in a strange location in a strange galaxy. Using the glow, the astronomers estimated the size of the black hole at 50,000 solar masses – the perfect size to be an intermediate-mass black hole. That proves it’s both the murderer in the cosmic homicide tale and the missing link between small and supermassive black holes.
Like good homicide detectives, the astronomers will use this new knowledge to look for other cosmic killer IMBHs. They’ll also keep their eye on 3XMM J215022.4−055108 – there’s no way to bring it in and lock it up for life, so it’s still lurking in a dark corner of a mysterious galaxy … waiting for an unsuspecting star to sashay by. Yes, it’s a true “cosmic beast.”
Killer Cosmic Beast. Homicide: Life on the Galactic Edge. Law & Order: Intermediate Black Hole Unit. The movie and TV series possibilities are intriguing. Maybe it’s time for a channel that caters to astronomers. Andromeda Prime? Netflux? Starz Encore Murders?
Film-making has got to be among the most difficult careers in the world. More so if the topic of your film is something as mercurial and controversial as the UFO phenomenon. If you’re going to make a movie about tigers then you know that if you travel to the jungles of Southeast Asia (or Oklahoma) chances are you’ll be able to film some tigers. If your movie is about mount Everest you can book your plane ticket to Nepal with full confidence that the mountain isn’t going anywhere. But with UFOs, you will always be two steps behind them, so filmmakers need to follow a ‘cold case’ approach: visit the ‘crime scene’, interview the witnesses and the experts, perhaps even analyze trace evidence, if any; but the chances of capturing with your camera a bonafide flying saucer –or at the very least a fuzzy orange orb– are close to nil.
Yet that does not exclude the possibility of really weird things happening during the production of a UFO film. Nietzche’s famous quote, “If you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you” is often invoked in paranormal circles, to illustrate how showing an active interest in these mysteries can often carry some unforeseen circumstances…
Take for instance the documentary Witness of Another World (Testigo de Otro Mundo) released originally in 2018 (last year with English subtitles) by Argentinian filmmaker Alan Stivelman. The film focuses on the story of Juan Pérez, who in 1978 was a very young ‘gaucho’ (a South American cowboy) who had an incredible close encounter of the third kind; a case so remarkable it merited the personal investigation by none other than Dr. Jacques Vallee. WoAW shows, among other things, how Juan’s experience forced him to isolate himself from society and even from his own family; living as a recluse in a small cabin with no electricity or even running water, with no other company than his animals with whom he claims to be able to communicate. For you see, like many other UFO experiencers, Juan developed what can only be described as psychic abilities, including the gift –or is that a curse?– of prophetic dreams.
[Minor Spoilers Ahead] In the film there’s a scene in which Dr. Néstor Berlanda –a professional psychiatrist who’s been treating Juan for many years– is shown conducting a sort of hypnotic regression therapy on him, in order to reveal more information of what happened on that fateful morning of September 6th, 1978, when the (then) 12-year-old boy who was sent by his father to fetch their herd of horses, found himself instead face to face with a shiny object which his juvenile mind first mistook for a ‘tractor’ or a ‘barn’, and inside the ‘barn’ he encountered two non-human entities (a very tall humanoid, and a smaller being which looked like a robot). On a podcast interview that my friend Greg Bishop and I recorded with Alan, among our many questions for him we asked about that scene in particular, because we’re both keenly aware of the backlash generated by the use of hypnosis in abduction research due to the potential risk of implanting false memories in the witness.
Berlanda and Juan
Alan explained to us the procedure Dr. Berlanda had applied on Juan carried no such risk, because was different from the typical hypnosis performed by therapists, and that it was more a method of ‘relaxation’ than an actual trance-like state –of course, critics could argue that relaxation is the whole point of hypnosis, so I guess Dr. Berlanda could be the only one able to explain the difference in detail. Another aspect of the therapy scene Greg had found very interesting was how, at one point in the session, Berlanda suggests Juan to ‘ask’ questions to the tall humanoid –like “why are they here?” or “why did you choose me?”– to which he apparently received some surprising answers.
Illustration depicting the tall being encountered by Juan
“What would be the point of asking such questions,” Greg asked Alan, “if they hadn’t really taken place during the original event of 1978?” Was Berlanda trying to help Juan attain some sort of closure by way of filling the gaps of his encounter using his own imagination?
“No,” Alan said to us. In what would seem as a total departure from causality and logic, Berlanda had discovered that by taking Juan in the proper state of mind, he was apparently not only able to remember what had taken place to him in the past, but also he was able to communicate with ‘them’ as if they were there during the session in the present time!
As incredible as this may sound, there is at least another example in the UFO literature in which similar interactions with alleged alien intelligences while in the presence of independent researchers have been documented: I’m talking here of course of the hypnotic sessions with Betty Andreasson Luca, as described by author Raymond E. Fowler in his classic book The Andreasson Affair.
Betty Andreasson and her husband, Bob Luca
According to Fowler, during the 12th regression session which was conducted on July 16, 1977, the MUFON investigators were attempting to extract more details about the event that happened to Betty and her family on January of 1967 –when she was taken from her home and led by a group of ‘gray aliens’ to a circular craft, and from there to another realm in which she received visions of a mystical nature– when suddenly Betty’s mind spontaneously ‘shifted’ from her past memories to the present, and she found herself unable to move her arms and legs. She also felt as if someone or something was controlling her words, and suddenly, to the amazement of everyone present, she began to talk with a mechanical tone in an unknown language –this “star language” was later determined to be very similar to ancient Gaelic.
At one point it seemed as the hypnosis with Andreasson had turned into a mediumship session, and the investigators were trying to ask direct questions to the intelligence or intelligences controlling Betty, who was answering them in plain English –although the meaning of the replies still remained too cryptic. At other times, the flow of the communication and the messages in the “star language” were interrupted by meaningless bursts like “Base 32 — Base 32 — Signal Base 32,” and it was later suggested messages from a truck driver using a CB radio was messing with the ‘alien transmission’ hijacking Betty’s mind.
Could it be that electromagnetic signals generated by human technology could actually interfere with the ‘superior technology’ of UFOs? Although no one is able to answer that question, basically every UFOlogist accepts that the opposite is true –based for example on the many cases in which automobile engines have been shut down by the close proximity of a UFO, which is attributed to the tremendous magnetic field surrounding these objects affecting the car’s alternator.
Which brings us back to Witness of Another World, and two other fascinating incidents occurring during the filming of that intriguing hypnotic session between Dr. Berlanda and Juan, which Alan shared with Greg and I during our interview (despite the fact that they were not mentioned in his documentary): During the shooting of that scene –which took place inside’s Juan humble house in the middle of the Argentinian pampa– all the lights in the camera crew’s equipment began to flicker all at once; an inexplicable phenomenon, given how they were being powered with independent batteries.
Alan Stivelman
Even more fantastic still, is that every single member of Alan’s team –with the exception of himself and Dr. Berlanda– fell asleep at the exact moment when Berlanda told Juan to ask the questions to the tall humanoid, and they didn’t wake up until the session ended.
Both Greg and I were totally dumbfounded when Alan told us these things via Skype, in October of 2019. It goes without saying that to this day he doesn’t have an explanation to why these things happened while he was making his movie, and neither have I. Perhaps part of the answer lies in what Betty Andreasson told to the MUFON investigators while she was in hypnotic trance in 1977: That, to these beings –whatever they are wherever they come from– “the future and the past are the same as today.”
Superzwaar zwart gat in centrum Melkweg begint wakker te worden
Voorstelling van links onze Melkweg en rechts Sagittarius A*, het zwarte gat in het centrum met sterren die er omheen cirkelen.
Superzwaar zwart gat in centrum Melkweg begint wakker te worden
In het centrum van de meeste sterrenstelsels ligt een superzwaar zwart gat en dat is ook met onze Melkweg het geval. Sagittarius A*, zoals dat zwarte gat heet, staat niet bekend als een erg actieve kern, het slokt niet veel materie op uit de buurt en stoot dus ook niet veel straling uit. Maar daar lijkt verandering in te komen. Een nieuwe studie bevestigt dat Sagittarius A* sinds augustus 2014 drie keer meer energierijke uitbarstingen kent in het röntgenspectrum dan daarvoor. Hoe dat komt is voorlopig nog onduidelijk.
Luc De Roy
Door hun enorme zwaartekracht oefenen zwarte gaten, en zeker de superzware met een massa van enkele miljoenen tot enkele miljarden keer de massa van onze zon, een sterke aantrekkingskracht uit op alles in hun buurt. Sommige zwarte gaten slokken daardoor materie uit hun buurt op, en dat zorgt voor wrijving en een enorme hitte waardoor er elektromagnetische straling vrijkomt, röntgenstraling, visueel licht, infrarood en radiostraling. Ook kunnen ze jets uitstoten uit hun beide polen, 'fonteinen' van elektronen en geladen deeltjes materie.
Sagittarius A*, het zwarte gat in het centrum van ons Melkwegstelsel, is echter een vrij rustig exemplaar, ook al fluctueert de helderheid ervan wel zowat dagelijks in de verschillende elektromagnetische spectra. Maar de laatste tijd lijkt daar verandering in te komen.
Een studie uit 2017, waaraan ook astrofysicus Enmanuelle Lossoux van de Université de Liège meewerkte, stelde dat uit observaties van 1999 tot 2015 met de röntgenobservatoria XMM-Newton, Chandra en Swift bleek dat de helderste uitbarstingen in het röntgenspectrum sinds augustus 2014 toegenomen waren, terwijl de zwakste en minst energierijke uitbarstingen sinds augustus 2013 net iets minder talrijk waren geworden.
Om na te gaan of die tendenzen nog steeds aanhielden, heeft een Belgisch-Frans team onder leiding van Lossoux nu opnieuw de gegevens van 1999 tot 2015 bekeken en ook de data van 2016 tot 2018 van de drie telescopen.
Een voorstelling van het stellaire, niet superzware, zwarte gat Cygnus X-1 dat materie wegzuigt en opslokt van de nabijgelegen blauwe reus-ster..
121 opflakkeringen
In de gegevens die verzameld werden tussen 1999 en 2015 hadden de onderzoekers 107 opflakkeringen in het röntgenspectrum gevonden, in de nieuwe gegevens die tussen 2016 en 2018 verzameld werden door de observaties van de Chandra-telescoop vonden ze 9 nieuwe opflakkeringen en in die van de Swift-telescoop nog eens 5, zodat het totaal op 121 komt.
De onderzoekers gebruikten nieuwe, betere algoritmes om de gegevens te analyseren en ze kwamen tot de conclusie dat de minst heldere en minst energierijke opflakkeringen stabiel waren gebleven. Hun aantal was dus niet gedaald sinds augustus 2013, zoals in de studie uit 2017 was gesteld.
De meest energierijke uitbarstingen waren daarentegen wel degelijk talrijker geworden, zo konden ze bevestigen. De telescopen zijn niet constant op Sagittarius A* gericht, zodat de opflakkeringen die wel geobserveerd werden, tot 2014 zowat overeenkwamen met één per dag. Sinds augustus 2014 is hun aantal in het röntgenspectrum zowat verdrievoudigd.
En dat is niet het enige spectrum, ook in andere golflengten is er een opflakkering geweest: verleden jaar zag de Keck telescoop op Hawaï in het nabij infrarood, het deel van het infrarode spectrum dat het dichtst bij zichtbaar licht ligt, Sagittarius A* op 13 mei gedurende twee uur 75 keer helderder worden dan gewoonlijk. Dat is dubbel zo helder als het vorige record. Nog verleden jaar vertoonde Sagittarius A* in totaal op drie nachten een verhoogde activiteit in het nabij infrarood, wat nog nooit eerder gezien was in de data die we hebben, volgens de onderzoekers die deze gegevens geanalyseerd hebben.
Voor 2019 zijn de data nog niet allemaal bekend, die komen dit jaar nog, maar uit korte berichtjes van verschillende astronomen blijkt alvast dat Sagittarius A* ook in 2019 erg actief is gebleven in het röntgenspectrum, zoals blijkt uit observaties met de Swift- en de ARTXC-telescopen.
De onderzoekers analyseerden al wel de gegevens van Swift en vonden 4 nieuwe opflakkeringen, het hoogste aantal dat ooit geobserveerd werd in een enkele campagne.
Duidelijk is dus in elk geval voor de onderzoekers dat de activiteit van Sagittarius A* sinds 2014 toegenomen is in verschillende golflengten van het elekromagnetische spectrum.
Een combinatie van beelden van de omgeving van Sagittarius A* in infarood licht (groot beeld) en een close-up in röntgenstraling (inzet).
X-ray: NASA/UMass/D.Wang et al. IR: NASA/STScI
Oorzaak nog niet bekend
De oorzaak van de verhoogde activiteit van Sagittarius A* is nog niet bekend.
Mogelijkheden zijn een toegenomen accretie, dat er meer materiaal uit de ruimte wordt aangezogen en in de accretieschijf rond het zwarte gat belandt en daar meer straling veroorzaakt, een zogenoemde "getijdenverstoring" door passerende asteroïden of een verandering in het magnetisch veld van het zwarte gat.
Om daarover uitsluitsel te krijgen, is het wachten op de data voor 2019 van Chandra en XMM Newton, maar om zekerheid te verkrijgen over de toegenomen activiteit en de oorzaak te achterhalen zijn er ook meer gegevens nodig uit andere golflengten, het nabij infrarood en radiogolven. De onderzoekers zijn nu de beschikbare gegevens uit die spectra aan het bestuderen.
Wat de oorzaak ook is, Sagittarius A* ligt op 26.000 lichtjaar van de aarde, zo'n 245 biljoen kilometer. Naar astronomische normen mag dat dan wel een boogscheut zijn, het is in elk geval ver genoeg om uit te kunnen sluiten dat we er enige hinder van zouden ondervinden.
AFPSagittarius A*, in het centrum van ons Melkwegstelsel.
WETENSCHAPSagittarius A* is een zwart gat dat in het centrum van onze Melkweg ligt. Superzwaar, maar niet actief wat betekent dat het zwart gat niet superveel materie in zijn omgeving opslokt waardoor de kern niet bijzonder helder gloeit. Maar sinds 2014 lijkt daar verandering in te komen: Sagittarius A* lijkt wakker te worden. Dat stelt een Belgisch-Frans onderzoeksteam in het * vaktijdschrift Astronomy & Astrophysics.
Eerst dit: een zwart gat is een gebied in het heelal waar de zwaartekracht zo’n kracht uitoefent dat niets eruit kan ontsnappen, zelfs licht niet. Vandaar de naam zwart gat. Wanneer zo’n zwart gat materie in zijn omgeving opslokt, komt er evenwel energie vrij. Dat uit zich in elektromagnetische straling, röntgenstraling, visueel licht, infrarood en radiostraling. Door die energie, die af en toe vrijkomt, fluctueert de helderheid van het centrum van ons sterrenstelsel dagelijks. Dat is niet eigenaardig.
Wél bijzonder: hoewel Sgr A* zich normaal erg rustig gedraagt, zijn de heldere uitbarstingen de afgelopen jaren toegenomen. Dat stelt een onderzoeksteam van Franse en Belgische wetenschappers, onder leiding van astrofysicus en onderzoeksleider Enmanuelle Lossoux van de Université de Liège.
Eerder observeerden ze wat het zwart gat deed tussen 1999 en 2015. Daaruit bleek dat de heldere uitbarstingen sinds augustus 2014 toenamen. Om te controleren of het om een nieuwe tendens ging, vergeleek het onderzoeksteam de resultaten nogmaals met data van 2016 tot 2018, afkomstig van drie verschillende telescopen. Het vermoeden werd bevestigd met 14 nieuwe heldere uitbarstingen: negen opflakkeringen werden waargenomen met de Chandra-telescoop en nog eens vijf met de Swift-telescoop. Dat brengt het totaal aantal opflakkeringen tussen 1999 en 2018 op 121. De activiteit van Sgr A* is duidelijk toegenomen.
Hoe het komt dat het zwart gat in het centrum van ons Melkwegstelsel wakker wordt, is voorlopig onbekend. Maar tot de oorzaak gevonden wordt, moeten we ons alvast geen zorgen maken. Omdat het zwart gat Sagittarius A* 25.640 lichtjaar van de aarde verwijderd is (zo’n 245.000 biljoen kilometer) zullen we niet meteen hinder ondervinden van de activiteit.
Joseph SchuberEen Maratus noggerup toont zijn dansmoves.
DIERENSpinnen zijn nu niet meteen ’s werelds meest geliefde dieren, maar voor deze schattige gastjes maken we toch graag een uitzondering. Dit zijn pauwspinnetjes en in Australië werden er zopas maar liefst zeven nieuwe soorten van ontdekt.
De nieuwe soorten worden beschreven in het wetenschappelijk tijdschrift Zootaxa door Joseph Schubert, een 22-jarige pauwspinnenexpert van het Australische Museum Victoria. Hij was zelf ooit bang van spinnen en hield hen als huisdier om zijn fobie te overwinnen en is nu door de diertjes gefascineerd. “Ik zou pauwspinnen omschrijven als kleine, kleurrijke kittens”, vertelde hij aan de Australische zender ABC. “Ze hebben hun eigen persoonlijkheid en zijn bijzonder klein: ongeveer zo groot als een rijstkorrel.”
Pauwspinnen behoren tot de familie van de springspinnen en zijn gekend voor het erg flamboyante achterwerk van de mannetjes en voor hun charmante paringsdans. Ze leven enkel in Australië en hoewel ze giftig zijn, zijn deze spinnetjes compleet onschadelijk voor de mens: ze jagen op minuscule vliegjes en andere insecten.
Joseph SchuberMaratus laurenae
Schubert heeft tot nu toe al 12 van de 85 gekende soorten pauwspinnen beschreven, inclusief uitgebreide details over hun paringsdansen. Hij krijgt vaak staaltjes toegestuurd ter identificatie, maar verricht ook veldwerk. “Sommige van deze soorten werden ontdekt door amateurwetenschappers die de lokale soorten documenteren en me foto’s opstuurden: hun hulp is erg belangrijk voor dit soort onderzoek”, legt hij uit.
Schuberts favoriete pauwspin is de Maratus constellatus, die zijn naam dankt aan zijn kleurrijke buik die gelijkenissen vertoont met het schilderij De Sterrennacht van Vincent Van Gogh. “Het is zo een mooie soort”, aldus Schubert.
Joseph SchuberMaratus constellatus
Jurgen Otto werkt voor het Australische ministerie van Landbouw en is eveneens gefascineerd door pauwspinnen. Hij is verantwoordelijk voor de identificatie van een hele reeks soorten en heeft een volledige website aan de kleurrijke spinnetjes gewijd.
De voorbije jaren werden er verscheidene nieuwe soorten ontdekt en gezien hun populariteit zullen er vermoedelijk nog nieuwe soorten aan het licht komen.
De pas beschreven zeven nieuwe soorten zijn Maratus azureus, Maratus constellatus, Maratus laurenae, Maratus noggerup, Maratus suae, Maratus volpei en Maratus inaquosus.
Onderstaande video toont de bijzondere paringsdans van een mannelijke pauwspin.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Disclosure! They Are Out There!
Disclosure! They Are Out There!
With the on going UFO activity above earth captured on the ISS live feed for the last two months, now Gina Colvin Hill from Salem, Indiana wants to share some images taken on March 24, 2020 showing numerous ufo ships in the sky.
Gina has used different filters to capture these ships otherwise you don’t see them since most of them are cloaked.
Multiple UFOs seen and filmed over Utica, New York 1-Apr-2020
Multiple UFOs seen and filmed over Utica, New York 1-Apr-2020
This footage was just uploaded to MUFON website. It shows 5 UFOs/ORBs flying over Utica, New York on 1st April 2020.
Witness report:
5 UFO Orbs Video Witnessed By Group Of People April 1 2020. Witnessed By Group Of People In Utica NY April 1 2020 We been recording ufos in central ny for a 2 year period
Rare phénomène au Brésil: 2 grosses météorites apparaissent en l'espace de 2 jours
Rare phénomène au Brésil: 2 grosses météorites apparaissent en l'espace de 2 jours
Deux météorites de grande ampleur sont tombées au Brésil en moins de deux jours : un phénomène qui n’était plus arrivé depuis 2016. Elles ont été capturées par les détecteurs et les webcams de surveillance d'un observatoire de Taquara, dans la région métropolitaine de Porto Alegre. La première est tombée dans la nuit du 29 au 30 mars, l’autre le soir du 31 mars.
"Les météores sont des phénomènes naturels, explique Carlos Fernando Jung, professeur et directeur à l’observatoire. Ils se produisent depuis le début de notre planète, donc ces événements continueront de se produire et nous espérons également que ces météores n'auront pas une magnitude si élevée qu'ils seraient capables de détruire notre civilisation".
Massive Fleet of UFOs flying past the International Space Station
Massive Fleet of UFOs flying past the International Space Station
More and more people around the world are starting to notice the massive formations of UFOs flying past our planet.
So also Gorden Mckenna, while checking NASA's live feed cam on April 2, he noticed a fleet of UFOs flying past the International Space Station.
As we have reported before, a first wave of UFOs and unknown space anomalies/debris appeared in February through the first week of march. This fleet of UFOs is part of the second wave that started a week ago and is just one of the many formations that fly by.
Just like the first wave, this second wave also comes from the same direction, indicating that there is something going on in deep space that forces all these UFOs to move to other locations.
It is of course difficult to determine what could be the reason for the displacements of all these UFOs but one reason could be that there is a space war going on.
Another reason could be that a huge devastating celestial body is the cause of the UFO displacements, since the live cam also shows countless unknown anomalies what looks like debris that fly by, which suggest that these anomalies may come from such a celestial body.
Fleet of UFOs flying alongside unknown anomalies/debris.
Whatever the reason, it's something to keep an eye on.
SpaceX is about to start putting the latest prototype of its Starship Mars-colonizing vehicle to the test.
Starship SN3 (short for "Serial No. 3") has been stacked and hauled to a launch stand at SpaceX's South Texas facilities near the seaside village of Boca Chica, photos tweeted recently by company founder and CEO Elon Musk show.
The stage is thus set for the SN3's test campaign, which will start with a pressure trial and end with short test flights into the South Texas sky. That's if all goes according to plan, of course, and there's no guarantee that it will. Two previous Starship prototypes, for example, didn't make it past the pressure-test hurdle.
The Starship transportation system consists of a 100-passenger vehicle called Starship and a giant rocket named Super Heavy. SpaceX is developing this reusable duo to carry people and payloads to a variety of destinations, especially Mars. Indeed, Musk has repeatedly said that he founded SpaceX back in 2002 primarily to help colonize the Red Planet, making humanity a multiplanet species.
SpaceX founder and CEO Elon Musk tweeted this photo of the company’s SN3 prototype on the launch stand, getting readied for testing, on March 30, 2020. (Image credit: Elon Musk via Twitter)
SpaceX is building its way up to the final Starship design via a series of prototypes that will go beyond the SN3. For instance, SN4 will likely perform the first high-altitude test flights, which will get up to about 12 miles (20 kilometers) above Earth, Musk has said.
Such milestone tests might be just around the corner, for the billionaire entrepreneur wants to get Starship and Super Heavy up and running soon. SpaceX representatives have said the first operational Starship missions — likely launches of communications satellites to Earth orbit — could happen as early as next year.
SpaceX has one crewed Starship mission on the docket. In 2018, Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa booked the vehicle for a round-the-moon voyage, with launch targeted for 2023.
Antarctica scientists find bizarre creature 3,500m under ice: ‘Like nothing seen before'
Antarctica scientists find bizarre creature 3,500m under ice: ‘Like nothing seen before'
ANTARCTICA scientists made a stunning discovery 3,500 metres below the ice, leading one to state they had "never seen anything like this before," a documentary revealed.
Expedition Antarctica took to the waters for a 50-day journey across the Southern Ocean and beyond the icy continent earlier this year. On board New Zealand’s research vessel RV Tangaroa, an international team used state-of-the-art technology to scan the seabed. The Aegis imaging system allowed scientists to capture fascinated images like nothing seen before.
While the mission is still ongoing, “The Secrets of Antarctica” documentary was released on YouTube in July revealing the amazing finds to date.
The narrator explained: “Having braved ice storms, broken equipment and rough seas for almost two months, the team braces itself for the most high-pressured assignment of them all.
“They will delve 3,500 metres into the abyssal plain, a depth almost as high as the Swiss Alps.
“It will endure 300 times more pressure than we experience every day.
Antarctica scientists were stunned by the creature
(Image: YOUTUBE)
The expedition traveled through the Southern Ocean
(Image: YOUTUBE)
I have never seen anything like this before
Kareen Schnabel
“Suddenly the abyssal plain reveals itself, it looks barren, like the surface of Mars, but a closer look reveals life that no one has ever witnessed in Antarctica at all.”
However, the scientists could not leave it there.
They wanted a closer look at some of the marine life and so sent down a fishing net.
The narrator added: “The team take the opportunity to trawl the bottom, having set up more than 5,000 of cable into the sea.
“The beam trawl finally comes aboard at 2:00am and, after six hours of waiting, the team gets its reward.
He said last month: “This is why I came to Antarctica, to see things like this.”
Dr Stewart held the creature up to the camera.
He then exclaimed: “I have to look at such features as the shape of the teeth, the jaws, the shape of the gill rakers, as well as counts of the vertebrae [to determine what it is].
“Now I have no idea what species this is.
“The colour pattern on the fins is like nothing I’ve ever seen before.”
When NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft sailed past Pluto in 2015, it captured animageof the dwarf planet’s heart-shaped geography. But while it was there, New Horizons also caught a glimpse of Pluto’s dark side.
An image of the back of the dwarf planet shows black ripples of rock exactly opposite Sputnik Planitia, the basin that makes up the left lobe of Pluto’s heart. Now, researchers report that those ripples could be evidence that Pluto has a 93-mile-thick ocean sandwiched between its crust and its core. The findings were presented the virtual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, which had its in-person event canceled due to the new coronavirus pandemic.
The impact that carved the Sputnik Planitia basin could have sent shock waves around Pluto that ripped up the landscape on the other side, according to the results first pre-published in October, which have not yet been peer reviewed. Signs a similar event on Mercury are also apparent where a 950-mile-long impact crater sits at the exact opposite side of the planet to a region of chaotic geography, reports Robin George Andrews for Scientific American.
“If the impact is large enough, the planet itself can act like a lens, and focus the wave energy at the exact opposite point on the planet from the impact,” Purdue University planetary scientist Adeene Denton tells Science News’ Lisa Grossman.
When a large projectile—250 miles wide, in Denton’s simulations—crashes into a dwarf planet like Pluto, it creates a shock wave followed by a stress wave. As the pair ripple across the surface of the distant world, the waves also travel through its center. But waves would move at different speeds in different materials: quickly through the dwarf planet’s dense core, slowly through the icy crust, and slowest through a liquid ocean.
For Brigham Young University planetary scientist Jani Radebaugh, who wasn’t involved in the study, the research shows how insightful New Horizons’ brief visit to Pluto has been. “It’s amazing how we squeeze every little bit out it,” she tells Scientific American.
The model is still in early development, but it adds to a growing collection of hypotheses that suggest there could be water on Pluto. In 2016, analyses of its surface fissures and spherical shape pointed experts to conclude that a subsurface ocean might be to blame. And research published last year suggested that the impact on Sputnik Planitia may have broken through Pluto’s crust and brought the ocean to the surface, where it froze and tipped Pluto into its current orientation.
The images of Sputnik Planitia’s antipode is relatively low resolution, so it’s difficult to tell what exactly they’re showing. And other explanations have been offered for its chaotic state.
“There’s a lot of weird stuff on that far side of Pluto,” says James Tuttle Keane, a planetary scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, who was not involved with the study, to Scientific American. “And there are a lot of different ways that you can imagine creating some of those odd patterns that we see.”
For example, it’s possible that volatile ices, made of methane, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen, could have dug up the landscape by cycling between gaseous and solid states.
The New Horizons spacecraft is now exploring further into the Kuiper Belt, a ring of icy objects including Pluto, so evidence needed to confirm or deny theories about Pluto’s subsurface ocean will have to wait for another mission.
But if it’s true, “we might need to think a little differently about the Kuiper belt itself and all of these distant worlds in it and maybe look at them a little bit closer. They could all host such incredible, rich geologic histories,” Denton tells Scientific American. To Science News, she says, “It’s certainly not exactly a smoking gun. But it’s exciting.”
66-Million-year-old Deathbed Linked to Dinosaur-Annihilating Meteor
66-Million-year-old Deathbed Linked to Dinosaur-Annihilating Meteor
Fossilized fish piled one atop another, suggesting that they were flung ashore and died stranded together on a sand bar after the wave from the seiche withdrew.
The beginning of the end started with violent shaking that raised giant waves in the waters of an inland sea in what is now North Dakota.
Then, tiny glass beads began to fall like birdshot from the heavens. The rain of glass was so heavy it may have set fire to much of the vegetation on land. In the water, fish struggled to breathe as the beads clogged their gills.
The heaving sea turned into a 30-foot wall of water when it reached the mouth of a river, tossing hundreds, if not thousands, of fresh-water fish -- sturgeon and paddlefish -- onto a sand bar and temporarily reversing the flow of the river. Stranded by the receding water, the fish were pelted by glass beads up to 5 millimeters in diameter, some burying themselves inches deep in the mud. The torrent of rocks, like fine sand, and small glass beads continued for another 10 to 20 minutes before a second large wave inundated the shore and covered the fish with gravel, sand, and fine sediment, sealing them from the world for 66 million years.
Fossilized Graveyard
This unique, fossilized graveyard -- fish stacked one atop another and mixed in with burned tree trunks, conifer branches, dead mammals, mosasaur bones, insects, the partial carcass of a Triceratops, marine microorganisms called dinoflagellates and snail-like marine cephalopods called ammonites -- was unearthed by paleontologist Robert DePalma over the past six years in the Hell Creek Formation, not far from Bowman, North Dakota.
The evidence confirms a suspicion that nagged at DePalma in his first digging season during the summer of 2013 -- that this was a killing field laid down soon after the asteroid impact that eventually led to the extinction of all ground-dwelling dinosaurs. The impact at the end of the Cretaceous Period , the so-called K-T boundary, exterminated 75 percent of life on Earth.
Fossilized fish piled one atop another as they were flung ashore by the seiche, at the 66-million-year-old meteor impact fossil site.
"This is the first mass death assemblage of large organisms anyone has found associated with the K-T boundary," said DePalma, curator of paleontology at the Palm Beach Museum of Natural History in Florida and a doctoral student at the University of Kansas. "At no other K-T boundary section on Earth can you find such a collection consisting of a large number of species representing different ages of organisms and different stages of life, all of which died at the same time, on the same day."
In a paper to appear next week in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , he and his American and European colleagues, including two University of California, Berkeley, geologists, describe the site, dubbed Tanis, and the evidence connecting it with the asteroid or comet strike off Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula 66 million years ago. That impact created a huge crater, called Chicxulub , in the ocean floor and sent vaporized rock and cubic miles of asteroid dust into the atmosphere. The cloud eventually enveloped Earth, setting the stage for Earth's last mass extinction.
"It's like a museum of the end of the Cretaceous in a layer a meter-and-a-half thick," said Mark Richards, a UC Berkeley professor emeritus of earth and planetary science who is now provost and professor of earth and space sciences at the University of Washington.
Richards and Walter Alvarez, a UC Berkeley Professor of the Graduate School who 40 years ago first hypothesized that a comet or asteroid impact caused the mass extinction, were called in by DePalma and Dutch scientist Jan Smit to consult on the rain of glass beads and the tsunami-like waves that buried and preserved the fish. The beads, called tektites, formed in the atmosphere from rock melted by the impact.
It's like a museum of the end of the Cretaceous period, in a layer a meter-and-a-half thick, at the meteor impact fossil site.
Richards and Alvarez determined that the fish could not have been stranded and then buried by a typical tsunami, a single wave that would have reached this previously unknown arm of the Western Interior Seaway no less than 10 to 12 hours after the impact 3,000 kilometers away, if it didn't peter out before then. Their reasoning: The tektites would have rained down within 45 minutes to an hour of the impact, unable to create mudholes if the seabed had not already been exposed.
Instead, they argue, seismic waves likely arrived within 10 minutes of the impact from what would have been the equivalent of a magnitude 10 or 11 earthquake, creating a seiche (pronounced saysh), a standing wave, in the inland sea that is similar to water sloshing in a bathtub during an earthquake. “Though large earthquakes often generate seiches in enclosed bodies of water, they're seldom noticed,” Richards said. The 2011 Tohoku quake in Japan , a magnitude 9.0, created six-foot-high seiches 30 minutes later in a Norwegian fjord 8,000 kilometers away.
"The seismic wavesstart arising within nine to 10 minutes of the impact, so they had a chance to get the water sloshing before all the spherules (small spheres) had fallen out of the sky," Richards said. "These spherules coming in cratered the surface, making funnels -- you can see the deformed layers in what used to be soft mud -- and then rubble covered the spherules. No one has seen these funnels before."
The tektites would have come in on a ballistic trajectory from space, reaching terminal velocities of between 100 and 200 miles per hour, according to Alvarez, who estimated their travel time decades ago.
The seismic shockwave would have triggered a water surge known as a seiche.
"You can imagine standing there being pelted by these glass spherules. They could have killed you," Richards said. Many believe that the rain of debris was so intense that the energy ignited wildfires over the entire American continent, if not around the world.
"Tsunamis from the Chicxulub impact are certainly well-documented, but no one knew how far something like that would go into an inland sea," DePalma said. "When Mark came aboard, he discovered a remarkable fact -- that the incoming seismic waves from the impact site would have arrived at just about the same time as the atmospheric travel time of the ejecta. That was our big breakthrough."
At least two huge seiches inundated the land, perhaps 20 minutes apart, leaving six feet of deposits covering the fossils. Overlaying this is a layer of clay rich in iridium, a metal rare on Earth, but common in asteroids and comets. This layer is known as the K-T, or K-Pg boundary, marking the end of the Cretaceous Period and the beginning of the Tertiary Period, or Paleogene.
Iridium Found in 66 Million-year-old Rock
In 1979, Alvarez and his father, Nobelist Luis Alvarez of UC Berkeley, were the first to recognize the significance of iridium that is found in 66 million-year-old rock layers around the world. They proposed that a comet or asteroid impact was responsible for both the iridium at the K-T boundary and the mass extinction.
The impact would have melted the bedrock under the seafloor and pulverized the asteroid, sending dust and melted rock into the stratosphere, where winds would have carried them around the planet and blotted out the sun for months, if not years. Debris would have rained down from the sky: not only tektites, but also rock debris from the continental crust, including shocked quartz, whose crystal structure was deformed by the impact.
The iridium-rich dust from the pulverized meteor would have been the last to fall out of the atmosphere after the impact, capping off the Cretaceous.
"When we proposed the impact hypothesis to explain the great extinction, it was based just on finding an anomalous concentration of iridium -- the fingerprint of an asteroid or comet," said Alvarez. "Since then, the evidence has gradually built up. But it never crossed my mind that we would find a deathbed like this."
Key confirmation of the meteor hypothesis was the discovery of a buried impact crater, Chicxulub, in the Caribbean and off the coast of the Yucatan in Mexico , that was dated to exactly the age of the extinction. Shocked quartz and glass spherules were also found in K-Pg layers worldwide. The new discovery at Tanis is the first time the debris produced in the impact was found along with animals killed in the immediate aftermath of the impact.
"And now we have this magnificent and completely unexpected site that Robert DePalma is excavating in North Dakota , which is so rich in detailed information about what happened as a result of the impact," Alvarez said. "For me, it is very exciting and gratifying!"
Tektites Covered in Amber
Jan Smit, a retired professor of sedimentary geology from Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam in The Netherlands who is considered the world expert on tektites from the impact, joined DePalma to analyze and date the tektites from the Tanis site. Many were found in near perfect condition embedded in amber , which at the time was pliable pine pitch.
"I went to the site in 2015 and, in front of my eyes, he (DePalma) uncovered a charred log or tree trunk about four meters long which was covered in amber, which acted as sort of an aerogel and caught the tektites when they were coming down," Smit said. "It was a major discovery, because the resin, the amber, covered the tektites completely, and they are the most unaltered tektites I have seen so far, not 1 percent of alteration. We dated them and they came out to be exactly from the K-T boundary."
Dating the tektites gave the age for the impact – 65.76 million years ago, at the meteor impact fossil site. ( Robert DePalma / The University of Kansas)
The tektites in the fishes' gills are also a first.
"Paddlefish swim through the water with their mouths open, gaping, and in this net, they catch tiny particles, food particles, in their gill rakers, and then they swallow, like a whale shark or a baleen whale," Smit said. "They also caught tektites. That by itself is an amazing fact. That means that the first direct victims of the impact are these accumulations of fishes."
Smit also noted that the buried body of a Triceratops and a duck-billed hadrosaur proves beyond a doubt that dinosaurs were still alive at the time of the impact.
"We have an amazing array of discoveries which will prove in the future to be even more valuable," Smit said. "We have fantastic deposits that need to be studied from all different viewpoints. And I think we can unravel the sequence of incoming ejecta from the Chicxulub impact in great detail, which we would never have been able to do with all the other deposits around the Gulf of Mexico."
"So far, we have gone 40 years before something like this turned up that may very well be unique," Smit said. "So, we have to be very careful with that place, how we dig it up and learn from it. This is a great gift at the end of my career. Walter sees it as the same."
Robert DePalma is a University of Kansas doctoral student in geology.
Source: University of California - Berkeley. "66-million-year-old deathbed linked to dinosaur-killing meteor: Fossil site preserves animals killed within minutes of meteor impact." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 29 March 2019.
Discovery a new species is usually a reason for celebration, especially in the ocean, where up to a million species live and two-thirds of them may still be undiscovered. Nevertheless, the expansion of microplastics in the water in recent years has changed things a bit.
Credit Newcastle University
A group of researchers from Newcastle University discovered a new species of a marine creature, a type of crustacean called an amphipod. Their glee was short-lived, however, as they quickly found plastic in its body, showing the large scale of plastic pollution across the globe.
The crustacean was found in the Marina Trench at a depth of roughly 6,000 meters (20,000 feet). But even animals that live in such extreme and ostensibly remote areas of the world are affected by plastic pollution.
Inside the body of the previously unknown amphipod, the researchers found little pieces of plastic debris, called microplastics. The material was identified as polyethylene terephthalate (PET) — a kind of plastic used broadly, in both drink and food packaging.
Consequently, the team at Newcastle decided to call the species Eurythenes plasticus, to forever remind the world about the grim state of the global environment from the effects of pollution. Urgent action needs to be taken to “stop the deluge of plastic waste into our oceans,” said lead author Alan Jamieson in a statement.
“We have new species turning up that are already contaminated and so we have missed the window to understand these species in a natural environment,” said Jamieson to Newsweek. “This discovery exemplifies the extent of the plastic problem. Species in remote and extreme marine environments are suffering as a result of human activity.”
Plastic waste is now found throughout all the world’s oceans. A 2015 study showed that roughly 8 million tons of plastic enter the ocean every single year. Once there, it begins to break down into smaller and smaller pieces, eventually becoming microplastics — that are subsequently eaten by animals.
Microplastics appeared in nature at the same time as plastics, more than 50 years ago. As the world is producing more and more plastic, the number of microplastics continues to grow dramatically. Researchers from several countries are working to understand their distribution and impacts.
The finding by the Newcastle researchers and the decision to name the species linked to plastics was welcomed by environmental organizations. It was a “bold and necessary move,” said the Vice President of Conservation at the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Lauren Spurrier.
“There can be no disputing the ubiquitous presence of plastics in our environment and its impact on nature,” she said to Newsweek, via a statement. “We now are seeing even more devastating impacts of plastic pollution; in that it is infecting species science is only just now discovering.”
For the last forty years or thereabouts, Roswell has been Ufology’s number-one case. It’s a field of research that is always looking for proof that UFOs exist. And, by proof, I mean hard, solid evidence that can be examined and studied – if, of course, “they” would only “tell us the truth.” As I write this, more than seventy years have gone by since Kenneth Arnold kicked off the flying saucer controversy – after encountering a squadron of unidentified aerial vehicles near Mt. Rainier, Washington State. And, although we have masses of material, eye-witness testimony, photos, declassified files, etc., the fact is that we still don’t have hard evidence of – or definitive answers for – what UFOs actually are. Roswell, however, UFO researchers say, theoretically offers us those answers. If only, that is, we could uncover the bodies, the wreckage, the old files, and so on. And presuming, of course, that Roswell was an alien event and not something else. Such as something down-to-earth and which still has to remain hidden at all costs.
The fact is that Ufology is not just looking for hard, undeniable proof that UFOs exist. Much of Ufology is desperate to find pro-E.T. evidence for Roswell, chiefly so that all those decades of research won’t be seen as a waste of time. Those UFO researchers now in their sixties, seventies and eighties are faced with meeting the Grim Reaper before they get to see the doors to the “secret Roswell hangar” opened wide. For those researchers, the answers have to come, before it’s all too late. And they have to come soon. Roswell is to them what Moby Dick was to Captain Ahab. So, for those who conclude that aliens crashed back in July 1947, the Roswell affair – with its large number of first-, second-, and third-hand witnesses, and with the government having changed its stance on what happened more than a couple of times – is the one that could really tip the scales. And, with the scales tipped, the world would know that the UFO community was right all along and it was all worth it. All thanks to Roswell.
There is very little doubt in my mind that when Ufologists see the word “Roswell” prominently referenced in a new online article, there’s an immediate sense of “Maybe, this time, we really have it nailed.” I saw just such a thing happen when the fiasco known as “the Roswell Slides” surfaced a few years back. For those who don’t know the pathetic saga, it revolves around a photograph of a mummified child which was, for a while, touted as one of the bodies from the Roswell crash. The whole thing was a shitty embarrassment, one that is best forgotten. There’s another reason why Roswell is so important, but from a very different perspective. If, one day, Roswell is conclusively proven not to have been an extraterrestrial event – maybe, instead, some dark and murky experiment of the kinds I have suggested – then I firmly believe that the UFO community will have a collective breakdown / meltdown of epic proportions and from which it will never recover. Shaking knees, breathing slowly into paper bags, stomach ulcers, antidepressants, and uncontrollable bladders will be commonplace. Don’t even get me started on out-of-control bowel movements.
In that sense, Ufology is desperate to see Roswell confirmed as an extraterrestrial event. Ufology can barely consider Roswell as anything else. For many, such a situation is utterly unthinkable. So, again, whenever Roswell pops up – and particularly so amid rumors that “something big” is coming – there is a dire and pressing need, and a desperate yearning, for something tangible. And, everyone clicks on the link, praying for the definitive breakthrough that has consistently failed to surface; the breakthrough that only “Saint Roswell” can (maybe) deliver into Ufology’s eager hands. Roswell has been elevated and championed as an E.T. event to such an incredible degree that it can – in single-handed fashion – completely make or break Ufology. Forever. However you look at the case – and whatever your personalopinion on what happened in ’47 on the Foster Ranch – that’s why the incident remains so incredibly important.
It has been seen time and time again that UFO encounters and alien abductions seem to happen to people from all walks of life, and are far from confined to just weirdos out in the middle of nowhere. On occasion there have been such reports from very famous people or those in high standing, and these are the ones that tend to really resonate and catch people’s attention to get them talking. One of these is the chess-playing Russian Federation president who not only claims to have been abducted by aliens, but that they invented the game he loves most.
Kirsan Nikolayevich Ilyumzhinov is not a name many people will probably be familiar with, but he has had a rather impressive and colorful career. He burst onto the political scene from the private sector, where he was the president of SAN Corporation in Moscow, to be elected as the first president of the Russian Federation’s Republic of Kalmykia in 1993, a position in which he would serve until 2010, constantly re-elected unopposed. His stint as president is mostly notable for allegations of corruption, misappropriation of funds, and his wild and unorthodox ideas while in office, such as offering a free mobile phone to every shepherd, paying $100 dollars out to everyone who voted for him, and an almost obsessive compulsion to build religious buildings, such as a mosque, a synagogue, a Catholic church, 22 Orthodox churches, and 30 Buddhist temples, as well as his assertion that he was able to psychically subconsciously influence and mind control people, once saying:
Irrespective of what I tell people, I give them instructions on a subconscious level, a code. I do the same thing when I communicate with Russian citizens from other regions. I am creating around the republic a kind of extra-sensory field and it helps us a lot in our projects.
He was also a completely hopeless chess geek. A lifelong avid chess player, after winning the regional championship as a child, he went on to become a master player, defeating former world chess champion Garry Kasparov to go on to become the head of the International Chess Foundation (FIDE), which he would remain until 2018 and which was every bit as colored by scandal as his presidency. He has played chess against some of the best, and has also had bizarre matches against an ecclectic mix of celebrities and other politicians such as the former Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi, in the process pouring millions of government dollars and from his own personal fortune into chess related projects and promoting chess in schools all over the world. Make no mistake about it, Ilyumzhinov really, really likes chess. He also has been abducted by a UFO and thinks chess was created by aliens from outer space. Wait, what?
Kirsan Nikolayevich Ilyumzhinov
The whole bizarre tale begins in September 1997, when one evening Ilyumzhinov claims he was at home at his flat in Moscow when a UFO swept down, piloted by beings in “yellow spacesuits” of some sort, and whisked him away. As soon as he was aboard their ship he says he was provided with a spacesuit similar to theirs in order to help him breathe, and that they spoke to him telepathically. Ilyumzhinov would describe being the abduction and being aboard their ship thusly:
It was from my apartment. They flew in and picked me up. They were wearing yellow spacesuits. I remember this moment exactly. We went off to their interplanetary ship, and I started to feel a lack of air, a lack of oxygen. They gave me a spacesuit as well. One of the aliens pointed to his chest and indicated that the oxygen supply could be regulated by turning a dial. So this is what I did.
The ship was absolutely enormous. One of its chambers was the size of a large football pitch. We landed on one of the planets and picked up some piece of equipment. They told me everything in detail. I asked them to take me back to Earth as quickly as possible, because in two days I had to conduct Youth Government Week. And then they brought me back and everything was normal again. A few days later I was walking along thinking: ‘Why did they take me?’ And I was cursing myself for not asking them any questions. But it is possible that it is still not the time for us to meet these extraterrestrial civilizations.
He describes coming back to find that he had an hour of missing time, and he would soon discover that while he had been gone members of his staff had been searching his apartment for him but had found no trace of where he had gone. He describes these entities as being very similar to us, with the same ways of thinking and same visions for the future. He believes that they were also responsible for many inventions here on Earth, and of course since this is Ilyumzhinov we are talking about here this includes chess. He says of this:
My theory is that chess comes from space. Because it’s the same rules — 64 squares, black and white, and the same rules in Japan, in China, in Qatar, in Mongolia, in Africa — the rules are the same. Why? I think maybe it is from space.
Considering his high political position and reputation at the time, and that he was well into his presidency, it seems as if this might have been a bizarre experience he’d want to keep to himself, but in interviews and with the media he was very open and candid about what had happened to him, and this led to many of his fellow countrymen wondering if he was fit to lead. In particular, one Russian parliament member by the name of Andre Lebedev was very outspoken about his concerns that Ilyumzhinov was perhaps not in his right mind and fit to govern, and not necessarily because he admitted being taken up on a spaceship or claiming that they had invented chess, mind you, but rather because he was worried that the leader had given the aliens state secrets. Others just flat-out thought he had lost his mind, and others still commended him for his willingness to openly disclose his experience. For his part Ilyumzhinov thinks he did the right thing to bring people’s attention to the presence of UFOs and aliens, and has said of all of this:
I’m not a crazy man, but after I gave the first interview to Radio Freedom in Russia … thousands — not hundreds — thousands of people wrote me letters and called on the phone, saying, ‘Oh, Kirsan, you are a politician and you are not afraid to talk about it?’
Whether he was crazy or not, he still managed to stay in office for many years after this story hit, and it is either a good example of a politician coming clean about UFOs or more eccentric ramblings from a decidedly eccentric man. It goes to show that not all of those who claim such encounters are nutjob nobodies, and sometimes people in high places have them as well. This one was just perhaps a bit stranger than most.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
De vreemde patronen die worden gevlogen door vliegtuigen, ook boven ons land, blijven maar aanhouden. Het begint dermate op te vallen dat ook piloten nu vragen beginnen te stellen.
Misschien is er een heel simpele verklaring voor al die vreemde vliegbewegingen boven ons land. Misschien zijn ze er altijd al wel geweest en is het nooit iemand opgevallen omdat normaal gesproken het luchtruim vol is met commercieel vliegverkeer hetgeen op dit moment uiteraard niet het geval is.
Wel hebben we eerder laten zien dat er opvallend vaak vreemde patronen worden gevlogen boven gebieden waar zich veel coronagevallen voordoen.
Tijdens het opstellen van dit artikel kregen we in die zin ook weer een bevestiging hierover binnen via een lezer (dank!):
Hi redactie,
Jullie schreven laatst over propeller vliegtuigjes met vreemde vluchtroute. Ik heb het nieuws in Heerde en Gorré Overvlaké gevolgd en vind het zeer opvallend idd dat deze 2 gebieden nu ernstige Corona bezwijkingen hebben .
Nu vandaag sinds 12 uur is hier omgeving Nieuw vennep Hoofddorp en Hillegom een vliegtuigje al uren aan het cirkelen het is nu inmiddels rond 1500 uur en net hoorde ik m nog . Ik denk mocht er wat komen dat door de wind vooral nieuw vennep en Hoofddorp bereikt zijn.
Er is tot nu toe ook summier aandacht aan besteed in de mainstream media, waar men eigenlijk ook niet verder komt dan de aanname dat het wel zal gaan om luchtfoto’s voor Google en dat die nu gemaakt worden omdat het mooi helder weer is.
Waar de opnames exact voor worden gebruikt is niet bekend. Het vliegtuigje boven de Veluwe is van het Belgische bedrijf Eurosense, dat gespecialiseerd is in ‘geo informatie’. Zij staan 365 dagen per jaar paraat om de lucht in te gaan, maar het heldere weer van vandaag maakt dat de omstandigheden ideaal zijn voor luchtopnames. In België nemen ze echter niet de telefoon op om uitleg te verschaffen.
En dan gaan ze verder met te zeggen dat de omgeving van Zwolle ook recentelijk door Google opnieuw in kaart is gebracht
Echter, dan blijft het totaal onverklaarbaar waarom er ook gewoon in het donker wordt doorgevlogen. Dat kan weinig te maken hebben met foto’s voor Google, dus moet er een andere reden zijn.
Hier is een voorbeeld van een screenshot dat we ontvingen van een lezer (dank!) betreffende een vlucht ’s avonds rond half tien boven Rotterdam.
En zo zijn er inmiddels meerdere binnengekomen (dank allemaal).
De volgende opname is ook een bijzondere; het gevlogen patroon is heel rommelig. De reden zou kunnen zijn dat het vliegtuig een Aero L-39 Albatros van het bedrijf Skyline Aviation is en niet een propellorvliegtuig zoals al die anderen. Maar op deze wijze foto's maken voor het in kaart bregen van het land (Google) kan niet en we kijken hier dus naar iets anders. Maar wat. Voor een holding patroon lijkt het ook veel te onregelmatig.
Skyline Aviation is gespecialiseerd in het trainen van luchtmachten. Hoewel het civiele toestellen zijn die zij vliegen, werkt men nauw samen met diverse Europese luchtmachten om de rol van aggressor te spelen. Voor dit doel heeft men een aantal Aero Albatrossen en een Learjet 35.
Opvallend is dan weer wel dat dit toestel wederom vliegt boven één van de zwaarst getroffen coronagebieden in Nederland.
Dan ontvingen wij de volgende email van een lezer (dank!) die dat eveneens bevestigt, maar ook nog iets anders.
Ook onder piloten wordt er nu gesproken en gespeculeerd over de nog immer voortdurende vliegbewegingen. Dit terwijl het belgische vliegruim gesloten is voor VFR verkeer! (Redactie: VFR betekent dat er "op zicht" gevlogen wordt in plaats van op instrumenten)
Zelf ben ik ook heel benieuwd naar de achterliggende reden van deze vluchten. (Genoemd worden Aerodata, foto's, etc)....
Ik heb recentelijk in het oosten van het land een vliegtuig zien gaan in de avond, afkomstig uit Duitsland. Deze heeft urenlang boven Arnhem gevlogen.
Hiermee blijft vooralsnog dit raadsel voortduren en wij blijven hopen dat er toch binnenkort een harde verklaring komt voor dit alles.
Eerder publiceerden wij de volgende foto, een Amerikaanse treinwagon met het opschrift covid-19.
Deze opname schijnt volgens sommigen niet echt te zijn, want de/een originele treinwagon zou er als volgt uitzien.
Als dat inderdaad klopt, dan is de wagon met covid-19 een photoshop product en dat zal dan ook weer niemand verbazen in een wereld waar zo goed als alles tegenwoordig nep is.
Blijf scherp en laat ons weten of er zich meer vreemde dingen voordoen.
Beste bezoeker, Heb je zelf al ooit een vreemde waarneming gedaan, laat dit dan even weten via email aan Frederick Delaere Deze onderzoekers behandelen jouw melding in volledige anonimiteit en met alle respect voor jouw privacy. Ze zijn kritisch, objectief maar open minded aangelegd en zullen jou steeds een verklaring geven voor jouw waarneming! DUS AARZEL NIET, ALS JE EEN ANTWOORD OP JOUW VRAGEN WENST, CONTACTEER FREDERICK. BIJ VOORBAAT DANK...
Druk op onderstaande knop om je bestand , jouw artikel naar mij te verzenden. INDIEN HET DE MOEITE WAARD IS, PLAATS IK HET OP DE BLOG ONDER DIVERSEN MET JOUW NAAM...
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Alvast bedankt voor al jouw bezoekjes en jouw reacties. Nog een prettige dag verder!!!
Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.