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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
I'm a South London-based technology journalist, consultant and author
Patent showing laser decoy system
The U.S. Navy has patented technology to create mid-air images to fool infrared and other sensors. This builds on many years of laser-plasma research and offers a game-changing method of protecting aircraft from heat-seeking missiles. It may also provide a clue about the source of some recent UFO sightings by military aircraft.
The U.S. developed the first Sidewinder heat-seeking missile back in the 1950’s, and the latest AIM-9X version is still in frontline service around the world. This type of sensor works so well because hot jet engines exhausts shine out like beacons in the infrared, making them easy targets. Pilots under attack can eject decoy flares to lure a missile away from the launch aircraft, but these only provide a few seconds protection. More recently laser infrared countermeasures have been fielded which dazzle the infrared seeker.
A sufficiently intense laser pulse can ionize producing a burst of glowing plasma. The Laser Induced Plasma Effects program uses single plasma bursts as flash-bang stun grenades; a rapid series of such pluses can even be modulated to transmit a spoken message (video here). In 2011 Japanese company Burton Inc demonstrated a rudimentary system that created moving 3D images in mid-air with a series of rapidly-generated plasma dots (video here).
1:34 minutes video ‘Talking lasers and endless flashbangs: Pentagon develops plasma tech’ (‘Military Times’ YouTube)
1:53 minute video ‘True 3D Display in the Mid-Air Using Laser Plasma Technology’ (‘Deepak Gupta’ YouTube)
A more sophisticated approach uses an intense, ultra-short, self-focusing laser pulse to create a glowing filament or channel of plasma, an effect discovered in the 1990s. Known as laser-induced plasma filaments (LIPF) these can be created at some distance from the laser for tens or hundreds of meters. Because LIPFs conduct electricity, they have been investigated as a means of triggering lightning or creating a lightning gun
US Army 'lighting gun' experiment with laser-generated plasma channel
One of the interesting things about LIPFs is that with suitable tuning they can emit light of any wavelength: visible, infrared, ultraviolet or even terahertz waves. This technology underlies the Navy project, which uses LIPFs to create phantom images with infrared emissions to fool heat-seeking missiles.
The Navy declined to discuss the project, but the work is described in a 2018 patent: “wherein a laser source is mounted on the back of the air vehicle, and wherein the laser source is configured to create a laser-induced plasma, and wherein the laser-induced plasma acts as a decoy for an incoming threat to the air vehicle.”
The patent goes on to explain that the laser creates a series of mid-air plasma columns, which form a 2D or 3D image by a process of raster scanning, similar to the way old-style cathode ray TVs sets display a picture.
A single decoy halves the chances of an incoming missile picking the right target, but there is no reason to stop at one : “There can be multiple laser systems mounted on the back of the air vehicle with each laser system generating a ‘ghost image’ such that there would appear to be multiple air vehicles present.”
Unlike flares, the LIPF decoy can be created instantly at any desired distance from the aircraft, and can be moved around at will. Equally importantly, moves with the aircraft, rather than dropping away rapidly like a flare, providing protection for as long as needed.
The aircraft carrying the laser projector could also project decoys to cover other targets: “The potential applications of this LIP flare/decoy can be expanded, such as using a helicopter deploying flares to protect a battleship, or using this method to cover and protect a whole battle-group of ships, a military base or an entire city.”
The lead researcher in the patent is Alexandru Hening. A 2017 piece in the Navy’s own IT magazine says that Dr. Hening has been working on laser-induced plasma at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific since 2012.
“If you have a very short pulse you can generate a filament, and in the air that can propagate for hundreds of meters, and maybe with the next generation of lasers you could produce a filament of even a mile,” Dr. Henning told the magazine, indicating that it should be possible to create phantoms at considerable distances.
Phantom aircraft that can move around at high speed and appear on thermal imagers may ring some bells. After months of debate, in April the Navy officially released infra-red videos of UFOs encountered by their pilots, although the Pentagon prefers to call them “unidentified aerial phenomena.” The objects in the videos appear to make sudden movements impossible for physical aircraft, rotate mid-air and zip along at phenomenal speed: all maneuvers which would be easy to reproduce with a phantom projected image.
It is unlikely the Pentagon would release videos of their own secret weapon in a bizarre double bluff. But other nations may have their own version. In the early 1990s the Russians claimed that they could produce glowing ‘plasmoids’ at high altitude using high-power microwave or laser beams; these were intended to disrupt the flight of ballistic missiles, an answer to the planned American ‘Star Wars’. Nothing came of the project, but the technology may have been refined for other applications in the subsequent decades.
Heat-seeking missiles will no doubt evolve ways to distinguish the plasma ghosts from real jets, leading to further refinement of the decoy technology, and so on. Whether humans also get smart enough to recognize such fakes remains to be seen.
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- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:SF-snufjes }, Robotics and A.I. Artificiel Intelligence ( E, F en NL )
Mysterious “Black Goo” Of Egyptian Burials Demystified
Mysterious “Black Goo” Of Egyptian Burials Demystified
Dr Kate Fulcher is a Research Assistant in the British Museum's Department of Scientific Research, and she led the new research project searching for answers as to what this “black goo” used in Egyptian burialsis, and what it might reveal about ancient Egyptian funerary practicesand rituals.
An article on the British Museum’s website opens by describing the burial of Djedkhonsiu-ef-ankh, an ancient Egyptian high priest who served as the “Opener of the Doors of Heaven” at the Temple of Amun at Karnak almost 3,000 years ago. This title means he was the gatekeeper of the temple sanctuary shrine in which the cult image of the god resided and according to Dodson and Hilton’s 2004 book The Complete Royal Families of Ancient Egypt, Djedkhonsiu-ef-ankh was wrapped in linen cloths, mummified and buried in Deir el-Bahari , a complex of mortuary temples and tombs located on the west bank of the Egyptian Nile, opposite the city of Luxor.
Technicolor Black
The high priest’s face was covered in gold leaf and his mummy case was painted in bright colors before it was placed into its coffin, then carried to the tomb. British Museum scientists describe “several liters of warm black goo” being poured all over the mummy case, cementing it into the coffin before the lid was placed, allowing the priest to journey into the underworld in a ‘hermetically-sealed' container (see what I did there?).
Mummy of Djedkhonsiufankh. The mummy, when acquired, was in a gilded cartonnage mummy-case and wooden coffin with a gilded face and inlaid glass
The mysterious ‘black goo’ has been found in a number of ancient Egyptian burials but now over 100 samples from twelve coffins and mummy cases, dating to the 22nd Dynasty (c. 900–750 BC), have been chemically analyzed in the British Museum science labs located beneath the museum in London. The method of analysis in this instance was Gas Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry in which vaporized goo samples were forced into a mass spectrometer which separates them according to their mass to charge ratio, revealing the types and amount of molecules present in the samples.
Testing determined the goo was a composition of “plant oils, animal fats, tree resins, beeswax and bitumen (crude oil)” and the museum scientists think other materials may have been present in the goo but that they have vanished over the last 3,000 years.
The researchers said that some of these ingredients “only naturally occur outside of Egypt,” indicating they had been imported and they said the two tree resins were from conifer trees and pistacia, the later of which grows around the Mediterranean, from Greece to Western Asia.
Examining the bitumen biomarkers in the goo samples revealed it had been imported from the Dead Sea , which the researchers says makes sense because ancient Greek texts refer to “solid blocks of bitumen floating to the surface of the Dead Sea” and they record sailors rowing out to collect it for selling in Egypt.
Spiritual Goo For The Elites That Could Afford it
What then was this mysterious black goo’s practical purpose, or spiritual meaning? The museum scientists are currently unclear about this but they say previous analyses of mummification balms shows it was made of the same ingredients as the black goo. This means it was applied at different points in the burial process, from the ritual preparation of the dead body to when it was poured onto the mummy cases and coffins. And the researchers suggest the color of the goo, black, represented the dead taking on a form of Osiris, the god death and rebirth known as “the black one.” What’s more, according to the museum scientists black is also the color associated with the alluvial silt deposited on the banks of the River Nile after the annual flood receded which was believed to be “inherently magical and regenerative.”
The scientists’ study also demonstrated that black goo was reserved for the burial of social elites which is apparent in that most of the earliest goo samples were found in royal burials, for example, Tutankhamun’s innermost gold coffin was cemented into the middle coffin with “bucketfulls of black goo”. Examples of the use of black goo are more common in the Third Intermediate Period (c. 1069 BC–c. 664 BC), which the researchers think either relates to changes in funerary practices, or perhaps because more recovered coffins from this time are in good states of preservation.
In the search for the hypothetical 9th planet in our solar system, these scientists may have uncovered another explanation for the patterns in the orbits of Kuiper Belt objects.
An artist’s concept of a hypothetical planet with a distant sun.
The presence of Planet Nine has been hypothesized to explain everything from the tilt of the sun’s spin axis to the apparent clustering in the orbits of small, icy asteroids beyond Neptune.
But does Planet Nine actually exist?
Discoveries at the edge of our solar system
The Kuiper Belt is a collection of small, icy bodies that orbit the sun beyond Neptune, at distances larger than 30 AU (one astronomical unit or AU is the distance between the Earth and the sun). These Kuiper Belt objects (KBOs) range in size from large boulders to 1,200 miles (2,000 km) across. KBOs are leftover small bits of planetary material that were never incorporated into planets, similar to the asteroid belt.
After Pluto, the second Kuiper Belt Object – 1992 QB1 – was discovered in 1992 by American astronomers David Jewitt and Jane Luu using the 2.2-m telescope at Mauna Kea in Hawaii.
The discoveries from the most successful Kuiper Belt survey to date, the Outer Solar System Origins Survey (OSSOS), suggest a sneakier explanation for the orbits we see. Many of these KBOs have been discovered to have very elliptical and tilted orbits, like Pluto.
Mathematical calculations and detailed computer simulations have shown that the orbits we see in the Kuiper Belt can only have been created if Neptune originally formed a few AU closer to the sun, and migrated outward to its present orbit. Neptune’s migration explains the pervasiveness of highly elliptical orbits in the Kuiper Belt, and can explain all the KBO orbits we’ve observed, except for a handful of KBOs on extreme orbits that always stay at least 10 AU beyond Neptune.
Proof of Planet Nine?
These extreme orbits have provided the strongest evidence for Planet Nine. The first few that were discovered were all confined to one quadrant of the solar system. Astronomers expect to observe orbits at all different orientations, unless there is an outside force confining them. Finding several extreme KBOs on orbits pointed in the same direction was a hint that something was going on. Two separategroups of researchers calculated that only a large, very distant planet could keep all the orbits confined to part of the solar system, and the theory of Planet Nine was born.
Planet Nine is theorized to be five to 10 times as massive as Earth, with an orbit ranging between 300-700 AU. There have been several published predictions for its location in the solar system, but none of the search teams have yet discovered it. After more than four years of searching, there is still only indirect evidence in favor of Planet Nine.
The search for KBOs
Searching for KBOs requires careful planning, precise calculations and meticulous followup. I am part of the OSSOS, a collaboration of 40 astronomers from eight countries. We used the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope over five years to discover and track more than 800 new KBOs, nearly doubling the number of known KBOs with well-measured orbits. The KBOs discovered by OSSOS range in size from a few kilometers to over 100 km (60 miles), and range in discovery distance from a few AU to over 100 AU, with the majority at 40-42 AU in the main Kuiper Belt.
KBOs do not emit their own light: these small, icy bodies only reflect light from the sun. Thus, the biases against detection at larger distances are extreme: if you move a KBO 10 times farther away, it will become 10,000 times fainter. And because of the laws of physics, KBOs on elliptical orbits will spend most of their time at the most distant parts of their orbits. So, while it is easy to find KBOs on elliptical orbits when they are close to the sun and bright, these KBOs spend most time being much fainter and harder to detect.
This means that the KBOs on elliptical orbits are particularly hard to discover, especially the extreme ones that always stay relatively far from the sun. Only a few of these have been found to date and, with current telescopes, we can only discover them when they are near pericenter – the closest point to the sun in their orbit.
This leads to another observation bias that has historically been ignored by many KBO surveys: KBOs in each part of the solar system can only be discovered at certain times of year. Ground-based telescopes are additionally limited by seasonal weather, with discoveries less likely to happen during when cloudy, rainy or windy conditions are more frequent. Discoveries of KBOs are also much less likely near the plane of the Milky Way galaxy, where countless stars make it difficult to find the faint, icy wanderers in telescopic images.
What makes OSSOS unique is that we are very public about these biases in discoveries. And because we understand our biases so well, we can use computer simulations to reconstruct the true shape of the Kuiper Belt after removing these biases.
Adjusting for biases
OSSOS discovered a handful of new extreme KBOs, half of which are outside the confined region, and are statistically consistent with a uniform distribution. A new study (currently in review) corroborates the non-clustered discoveries of OSSOS. A team of astronomers using data from the Dark Energy Survey (DES) found over 300 new KBOs with no clustering of orbits. So now two independent surveys – both of which carefully tracked and reported their observational biases in discovering independent sets of extreme KBOs – have found no evidence for clustered orbits.
All known KBOs with orbits larger than 250 AU. The orbits of KBOs discovered by OSSOS and DES are in many directions; previous surveys with unknown biases discovered them in the same direction. This image was produced using public data from the Minor Planet Center Database.
All of the extreme KBOs that had been discovered prior to OSSOS and DES were from surveys that did not fully report their directional biases. So we do not know if all these KBOs were discovered in the same quadrant of the solar system because they are actually confined, or because no surveys searched deep enough in the other quadrants. We performed additional simulations that showed that if observations are made only in one season from one telescope, extreme KBOs will naturally only be discovered in one quadrant of the solar system.
Further testing the Planet Nine theory, we looked in detail at the orbits of all known “extreme” KBOs and found that all but the two highest pericenter KBOs can be explained by known physical effects. These two KBOs are outliers, but our previous detailed computer simulations of the Kuiper Belt, which included gravitational effects from Planet Nine, produced a set of “extreme” KBOs with pericenters smoothly ranging from 40 to over 100 AU.
These simulations predict that there should be many KBOs with pericenters as large as the two outliers, but also many KBOs with smaller pericenters, which should be much easier to detect. Why don’t the orbit discoveries match the predictions? The answer may be that the Planet Nine theory does not hold up to detailed observations.
Many beautiful and surprising objects remain to be discovered in the mysterious outer solar system, but I don’t believe that Planet Nine is one of them.
Cults have always hovered out on the fringes of religion. There are always those for which established doctrines don’t answer all of the questions for us, or solve the many mysteries of the universe that taunt us. Sometimes these cults take a sharp right turn into bizarreness, embracing beliefs that many might find questionable at best, and it all gets quite a bit darker when there are deaths involved. Here we will take a look at a rather infamous UFO cult, which took things to the extreme to leave many dead and many unanswered questions behind.
The whole morass of weirdness all began with a rather unsual chance meeting. In 1972, a man by the name of Marshall Applewhite had found himself unemployed from his job as a teacher at the University of Thomas, in Houston, Texas, due to a dalliance with a male student, and was a little down on his luck, confused and aimless. One day he went to meet a sick friend at a hospital, where he met a nurse by the name of Bonnie Nettles, and whether this was a pick-up line or not, he told Nettles that he was convinced they had met in a past life. Far from put off by this, Nettles would take it even further into the weird when she said she had been told by extraterrestrials that they would meet, and that they had a divine mission together. It was basically love at first sight.
In the coming days, Applewhite would claim to have vivid dreams and visions, and Nettles took this as a sign of the prophecy that had been foretold to her by the aliens. The fact that Nettles was married at the time does not seem to have deterred her at all when she then embarked on a 6-month-long retreat with Applewhite, during which time they read extensively on theology, philosophy, and extraterrestrials, as well as praying and engaging in long bouts of intense meditation. Through their studies they became convinced that they were a higher level of humanity than others, and that they were actually the two witnesses spoken of in the Book of Revelation, who were described as prophets who died, were resurrected, and were taken up into heaven upon a cloud. Nettles and Applewhite had their own unique spin on all of this, in that they believed that the cloud spoken of in the Bible was actually an alien spaceship, and that they were destined to also die and be brought aboard to be whisked away by their extraterrestrial saviors in an event they called “The Demonstration.” In addition to this, they believed that God was in fact an advanced, super-evolved alien, that life had been seeded on Earth by these very same aliens, and that we were basically an extraterrestrial garden that would be harvested when the time was right.
Marshall Applewhite
Despite the raised eyebrows this all brought them from pretty much everyone, they were undeterred, and went about making plans to actually carry out their plan and try to contact these higher aliens. Their first step was to gather a group of followers, and they really went full stop with their bizarre claims to those who came to see them. Applewhite and Nettles told potential members that they were the spokespeople for aliens, who could take them away to a place far away in the cosmos basically associated with the Kingdom of Heaven. According to them, the Earth was set to be harvested and then basically reset, and that the only way to avoid being wiped out was to join the extraterrestrials aboard their ship and effectively be taken to “Heaven,” which they called “The Next Level,” where they would become perfected entities. Followers were told that if they embraced the group’s teachings, they would become eligible for this transport off Earth, to essentially become immortal. It seems to have been a good pitch, because they began to attract a decent following of believers, steadily accruing members, attracting a broad spectrum of ages and from different religious backgrounds and walks of life, including people in high positions such the Republican politician John Craig, who joined in 1975 as he was running for the Colorado House of Representatives.
Upon entering the group, followers were required to take on an extremely ascetic lifestyle. They gave up all earthly possessions and connections, including their money, jobs, and families, as well as eschewing their more human tendencies, such as sexuality and their very individuality. Many males, including Applewhite himself, intentionally had themselves castrated in order to escape the binds of sexuality. They believed that this was the only way to condition themselves for the arduous journey they would eventually make, and it was seen as essentially helping them to “graduate” to ever more perfected levels, with the final stage being to leave Earth entirely. Through all of this they believed that there were sinister entities on Earth that sought to deceive and mislead humans through the use of lies and advanced technology such as holograms, and that all other religions had fallen victim to these devious creatures. Over time, the group’s belief’s evolved and were refined to include several New Age concepts, such as the idea that aliens could inhabit human bodies similar to a spiritual “walk-in,” basically a type of possession, as well as astral travel and others. Applewhite and Nettles, who called each other aliases such as “Bo and Peep” and “Do and Ti,” also tweaked their own stories, later claiming that they were not merely the earthly representatives of the aliens, but actually harbored the souls of the extraterrestrials themselves, much in the same way they believed had happened to Jesus Christ. Indeed, Applewhite would begin to proclaim himself as an actual successor to Jesus.
In 1975, the group suddenly sort of vanished off the public radar, going underground, moving covertly across the country camping out and evading the media so effectively that it had seemed as if they had just vanished off the face of the earth. It was all part of their plan to reach a higher level of existence, and to more fully metamorphose into superior beings. Nettles would die in 1985, which spurred a few more changes in the doctrine they had been preaching. Up until that point they had believed that they would physically be brought up into space aboard a UFO, but when Nettles died of cancer and that obviously didn’t happen, it was changed to the idea that only the soul or consciousness was beamed aboard, leaving the empty vessel of the physical body behind. This worked well with the idea of spiritual walk-ins, and so the cult trudged on, later funding the operation partly through a website called “Higher Source,” and indeed the group was heavily involved in using computers and the Internet to spread their ideology and pull in money, leading to their reputation as a sort of “cybercult.”
In September of 1996, the group, which now called itself “Heaven’s Gate,” made its headquarters in a sprawling, 9,200 square feet (850 m2) mansion in the upscale area of Rancho Santa Fe, just outside of San Diego, California. They also began buying up “alien abduction insurance,” which not only surprisingly is a thing, but also cost them ludicrous amounts of money. It was at this time that the approaching Comet Hale–Bopp started to be seen as having some sort of deep significance for them, and was seen as a sign. They became increasingly convinced that in the trail of the comet was a spaceship that was coming to finally pick them up, and that this was the moment they had been dreaming of for over two decades. Applewhite convinced his followers that this was so, that they were being presented a chance to join the Next Level, but how were they to go ride aboard it? In Applewhite’s view it was simple, they just had to leave their corporeal forms behind and be beamed aboard as the comet passed.
Now suicide had long been against the cult’s beliefs, but Applewhite found a way to twist this around. In his mind, since their human bodies were only vessels for their alien souls, then by choosing not to join their brethren aboard the UFO was the real “suicide,” as it would be denying their best chance to evolve to the next stage. This rationale seems to have been perfectly logical and reasonable to his followers, because they then started making arrangements to go about carrying out a series of ritual suicides that would allow them to leave their physical vessels to join the comet’s spacecraft. The website would give the chilling last message:
Hale–Bopp brings closure to Heaven’s Gate … Our 22 years of classroom here on planet Earth is finally coming to conclusion—’graduation’ from the Human Evolutionary Level. We are happily prepared to leave ‘this world’ and go with Ti’s crew.
The members then videotaped farewells to the friends and family they had long ago abandoned in their twisted faith, and in March of 1997 began their final journey. A total of 39 members of the group dressed in identical black shirts and sweat pants, with armbands that read “Heaven’s Gate Away Team,” and then took a concoction of an epilepsy medication called phenobarbital mixed with apple sauce or pudding, which they then washed down with vodka. They then wrapped plastic bags around their heads for good measure, and as each one died their body was placed in a bed. The entire ritual was carried out over three days, between approximately March 22 and March 26, with three different groups, with some staying behind to tend to the bodies and send out videotaped farewells. Applewhite was among the last to die, and in the end, only a handful of the members remained to tell the tale.
On March 26, 1997, the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department would find the bodies and it immediately hit the media to shock the entire nation. It was one of the worst mass suicides in history, made all the more chilling by the cheerful, hopeful demeanors of the final taped farewells, which showed that they really believed what they were preaching. Bizarrely, there would follow more suicides, including three of the cult’s remaining members and a copy cat suicide carried out by a 58-year-old man with no known connection to the cult, who left behind a note reading, “I’m going on the spaceship with Hale–Bopp to be with those who have gone before me.” The news was all so shocking and tragic, that even the co-discoverer of the comet, Alan Hale, spoke out to admonish what had happened and the belief systems and cultish techniques of isolation and indoctrination that had led to it. Despite the shockwaves of horror and revulsion the mass suicide caused, unbelievably the Heaven’s Gate website remained operational, run by two of the group’s surviving members.
The tale of the Heaven’s Gate cult is a bizarre, terrifying, and yet at times fascinating look into the belief system that cults can use to enslave the minds of their followers. That such a large group of perfectly sane individuals can be so absorbed into an aberrant belief system and truly embrace it to the point that they happily give their own lives is chilling at best. In the end 39 people are dead by their own choosing, looking to join the aliens they so desperately took as being real, and whether they really did find their ultimate goal or not, they leave a legacy of an ominous UFO cult, strangeness, and a dark peek into the human mind that will probably never be fully understood for most of us.
Anomaly: something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected.
If something is referred to as an anomaly, you already expect it to be strange and mysterious. If it’s called an anomaly by respected scientists, that complicates things … and makes it scarier. If those same scientists say this anomaly is breaking apart and forming more anomalies, that starts trending towards terrifying … and confusing. Is an anomaly an anomaly to another anomaly? That would be a predicament, which should be the subject of a different study.
“Over the last 200 years, the magnetic field has lost around 9% of its strength on a global average. A large region of reduced magnetic intensity has developed between Africa and South America and is known as the South Atlantic Anomaly. From 1970 to 2020, the minimum field strength in this area has dropped from around 24 000 nanoteslas to 22 000, while at the same time the area of the anomaly has grown and moved westward at a pace of around 20 km per year. Over the past five years, a second centre of minimum intensity has emerged southwest of Africa – indicating that the South Atlantic Anomaly could split up into two separate cells.”
The South Atlantic Anomaly
The scientists in this case are from the European Space Agency and the anomaly is the South Atlantic Anomaly. We’re all interested in the health of Earth’s magnetic field because it protects us from solar wind and cosmic rays. The ESA and NASA are concerned about it because it protects astronauts and, more importantly, their moneymakers … satellites. The South Atlantic Anomaly was discovered in 1958 and, once its danger was determined, has forced satellites, spacecraft and observatories to be shielded in order to pass through safely. That hasn’t always worked – the South Atlantic Anomaly was blamed for the sudden destruction of Japan’s Hitomi space observatory in 2016. And now, the anomaly itself is breaking apart. What could possibly be worse?
“It has been speculated whether the current weakening of the field is a sign that Earth is heading for an eminent pole reversal – in which the north and south magnetic poles switch places.”
There goes your GPS … and that of planes, ships and everything else depending on the poles being in the their proper north and south locations. The North Pole has already been drifting into Siberia and scientists still aren’t sure why, so studying if the South Atlantic Anomaly is a possible influence can’t hurt. In fact, the anomaly itself has been drifting westward at a rate of 20 km (12 miles) per year as well as growing in size … and that’s the real problem here. The South Atlantic Anomaly is growing like an amoeba about to spit, with a second nucleus forming on the African side – the side which may have caused the anomaly in the first place. That’s the location of the African Large Low Shear Velocity Province, a so-called “slab graveyard” of ancient slabs or plates sliding under each other to form a gigantic solid formation.
What does something under the ocean have to do with the magnetic field?
Good question. The magnetic field is continually created and refreshed by the constant churning of the Earth’s molten iron core. The “slab graveyard” anomalies (there’s also one in the Pacific) may be blocking the force creating the field. The Atlantic anomaly causes more problems, which is why the mysterious breakup is cause for alarm. Will it form two equally powerful anomalies?
“The mystery of the origin of the South Atlantic Anomaly has yet to be solved. However, one thing is certain: magnetic field observations from Swarm are providing exciting new insights into the scarcely understood processes of Earth’s interior.”
The European Space Agency has no idea what’s going to happen, so it took the opportunity to end its press release with a plug for its Swarm constellation — three satellites in two different polar orbits at different altitudes studying Earth’s magnetic field. While they’ve made a number of discoveries, including the weakening of the field over the anomaly, they don’t have the answer … yet. All it takes is time.
Do we have enough left? That’s a quandary from an anomaly.
One of the most profound questions we face is that of if we are alone in the universe. In 1950, influential and notable physicist Enrico Fermi was working for Los Alamos National Laboratory, and suggested almost half jokingly that if there were space-faring civilizations were out there in the cosmos we should have probably heard from them by now. He famously asked “Where is everybody?” and we still don’t really have an answer to that. Fermi was puzzled by the fact that, if such civilizations existed, they hadn’t visited or found us yet. In his opinion, if they were out there, they would have exponentially broken their barriers and moved out into the galaxy, colonizing new worlds, and we would have surely known about them by now, and it is a good question. Where are they? There are a lot of proposed reasons for why we haven’t found anyone, which I have covered before, but recently there has been talk of yet another reason. Perhaps the answer to the question of where all of the aliens are is that they are all buried under miles of ice, far from our prying eyes and efforts to find them.
Perhaps one of the problems with finding life in the universe besides our own is that we are simply not looking in the right places. There has been much effort directed by scientists at looking for “Earth-like planets,” that is, planets that are much like our own and which we deem to be the most habitable and welcoming to us. These are the planets that sit just the right distance from their star, called the “Goldilocks Zone,” to have a habitable temperature, an atmosphere conducive to life, with plentiful oxygen and organic molecules, and most important of all liquid water. These are the basic ingredients we have proclaimed to be crucial for life as we know it, and it makes sense that we should deem planets similar to our own to be the best candidates for life and try to find them. After all, the only life we truly know of in the universe, that of our own world, developed in these conditions. But what if alien life is somewhere else, not on the surface, but beneath it?
While all of this effort is being made to find second Earths, and several have been indeed located, a far more common type of planet is thought to be frozen worlds and moons encased in rock and ice, but harboring vast liquid oceans below. In fact, it is widely believed that such watery worlds are perhaps 1,000 times more common than rocky, earth-type planets. To give an idea of just how common this type of world is, we need only look to our own solar system, which holds many examples. For instance, Jupiter’s moons Callisto, Ganymede, and Europa are all thought to have liquid oceans buried by miles of ice and rock, as are Saturn’s moons Titan, Dione, and Enceladus, Neptune’s moon Triton, and others, all with these oceans kept in their liquid state through geothermal activity and the affects of tides and gravitational forces. Not only do such worlds have liquid water in plentiful supply, but through geothermal activity they hold the chance of having habitable conditions and the necessary nutrients and ingredients for life even outside of the magic Goldilocks Zone. Indeed, even planets within our own star’s Goldilocks Zone aren’t really habitable, such as Mars and Venus, so maybe this is a key, and looking at these subsurface oceans potentially opens up the doors to further planets we can search for life on.
In addition, these types of habitats hold other advantages as well, because since they are located so far under, hazardous surface conditions wouldn’t necessarily affect them. One NASA physicist Alan Stern has said of this, “Impacts and solar flares, and nearby supernovae, and what orbit you’re in, and whether you have a magnetosphere, and whether there’s a poisonous atmosphere — none of those things matter.” Another group of scientists who think so are Manasvi Lingam and Abraham Loeb, of the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and the Institute for Theory and Computation at Harvard University, who have written a whole study on this called Subsurface Exolife. Lingham has said of the benefits of a subsurface existence in these alien oceans:
The conventional notion of planetary habitability is the habitable zone (HZ), namely the concept that the “planet” must be situated at the right distance from the star such that it may be capable of having liquid water on its surface. However, this definition assumes that life is: (a) surface-based, (b) on a planet orbiting a star, and (c) based on liquid water (as the solvent) and carbon compounds. In contrast, our work relaxes assumptions (a) and (b), although we still retain (c). One major advantage that icy worlds have is that the subsurface oceans are mostly sealed off from the surface. Hence, UV radiation and cosmic rays (energetic particles), which are typically detrimental to surface-based life in high doses, are unlikely to affect putative life in these subsurface oceans.
We have seen whole sophisticated ecosystems around hydrothermal vents on Earth in areas previously thought to be hostile for life, so it is a promising idea. Yet, there are still some drawbacks to the notion, as Lingham has said:
On the negative side, the absence of sunlight as a plentiful energy source could lead to a biosphere that has far less organisms (per unit volume) than Earth. In addition, most organisms in these biospheres are likely to be microbial, and the probability of complex life evolving may be low compared to Earth. Another issue is the potential availability of nutrients (e.g. phosphorus) necessary for life; we suggest that these nutrients might be available only in lower concentrations than Earth on these worlds.
Nevertheless, such icy worlds are coming to be seen as more and more promising as a potential candidate for alien life, and such biospheres are even thought to very plausibly be able to spawn highly intelligent life. Yet, if these vast oceans did produce intelligent life comparable to or beyond human intelligence, the main problem would be even knowing they are there at all. Some of these worlds have miles and miles of rock or ice between the surface and the water, meaning that communication with radio signals might not be an option. Stern has explained, “If they have technology, and let’s say they’re broadcasting, or they have city lights or whatever — we can’t see it in any part of the spectrum, except maybe very-low-frequency.” There would also be a lack of biosignatures on the surface to give a clue as to any life that might lie below, as the surface could be completely forbidding and barren. It seems that really the only way to know if they exist is if they contacted us or if we physically went and drilled down to them. Professor Loeb has said of these challenges:
It is very difficult to detect sub-surface life remotely (from a large distance) using telescopes. One could search for excess heat but that can result from natural sources, such as volcanos. The most reliable way to find sub-surface life is to land on such a planet or moon and drill through the surface ice sheet. This is the approach contemplated for a future NASA mission to Europa in the solar system.
Adding to this is that even if there are highly intelligent civilizations under the ice, living in such an environment would not be conducive to space travel, as they would have to bore through all of that surface, and water would be a very heavy and difficult medium to transport into orbit and over very long distances. It has even been suggested by scientists like Stern that they might not even be aware that there is space out there over their heads at all, with the universe perhaps all effectively ending for them with the impenetrable wall above them. There has also been speculation that intelligent life would need a mastery of fire to really develop machines and technology, which would be impossible in their watery realm. For instance, dolphins and octopuses have in recent years been speculated as being possibly of human-level intelligence, but their biome makes development of any sophisticated technology a challenge. Could that be happening here? There is no way to know.
What we do know is that these icy planets and moons do exist, along with ample water and quite probably the elements necessary for life. We also know that they are likely far more common than rocky, earth-like worlds. Is it at least possible that if there has evolved intelligent life outside of our own it had done so in one of these environments? If so, what does that mean for our efforts to search out and contact such life? Due to their extreme circumstances is it likely we will ever detect them or meet them? Whatever the case may be, it poses an interesting possibility for the Fermi Paradox, and at the very least truly expands the locales we should be looking at for life in the universe besides our own.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
V-shaped craft over Toronto, Canada 26-May-2020
V-shaped craft over Toronto, Canada 26-May-2020
This triangular-shaped craft was recorded in the daytime sky above Toronto in Canada. This happened on 26th May 2020.
Witness report:
Dark color object of weird shape (could be bell), moving fast at heights generally planes travel. I saw a strange looking dark object moving fast at high altitude. I quickly went inside and grabbed my camera and shot this video at 100X zoom. I did not have the time to setup my camera on a tripod or something so was trying to move with it while focusing. It traveled from downtown Toronto (SW) and could see till it was visible in NW direction at 8:51 PM on 26th May 2020. I was out in my balcony looking at the sun set when I saw it. It took about 1-1.5 minutes to traverse the entire distance (city).
Astronomers have found two objects that, added to a strange object discovered in 2018, constitute a new class of cosmic explosions. The new type of explosion shares some characteristics with supernova explosions of massive stars and with the explosions that generate gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), but still has distinctive differences from each.
Artist’s conception illustrates the differences in phenomena resulting from an “ordinary” core-collapse supernova explosion, an explosion creating a gamma-ray burst, and one creating a Fast Blue Optical Transient. Details in text.
Credit: Bill Saxton, NRAO/AUI/NSF
The saga began in June of 2018 when astronomers saw a cosmic blast with surprising characteristics and behavior. The object, dubbed AT2018cow (“The Cow”), drew worldwide attention from scientists and was studied extensively. While it shared some characteristics with supernova explosions, it differed in important aspects, particularly its unusual initial brightness and how rapidly it brightened and faded in just a few days.
In the meantime, two additional blasts — one from 2016 and one from 2018 — also showed unusual characteristics and were being observed and analyzed. The two new explosions are called CSS161010 (short for CRTS CSS161010 J045834-081803), in a galaxy about 500 million light-years from Earth, and ZTF18abvkwla (“The Koala”), in a galaxy about 3.4 billion light-years distant. Both were discovered by automated sky surveys (Catalina Real-time Transient Survey, All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae, and Zwicky Transient Facility) using visible-light telescopes to scan large areas of sky nightly.
Two teams of astronomers followed up those discoveries by observing the objects with the National Science Foundation’s Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA). Both teams also used the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope in India and the team studying CSS161010 used NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory. Both objects gave the observers surprises.
Anna Ho, of Caltech, lead author of the study on ZTF18abvkwla, immediately noted that the object’s radio emission was as bright as that from a gamma-ray burst. “When I reduced the data, I thought I had made a mistake,” she said.
Deanne Coppejans, of Northwestern University, led the study on CSS161010, which found that the object had launched an “unexpected” amount of material into interstellar space at more than half the speed of light. Her Northwestern co-author Raffaella Margutti, said, “It took almost two years to figure out what we were looking at just because it was so unusual.”
In both cases, the follow-up observations indicated that the objects shared features in common with AT2018cow. The scientists concluded that these events, called Fast Blue Optical Transients (FBOTs), represent, along with AT2018cow, a type of stellar explosion significantly different from others. The scientists reported their findings in papers in the Astrophysical Journal and the Astrophysical Journal Letters.
Artist’s conception illustrates the phenomena that make up the new class of cosmic explosions called Fast Blue Optical Transients.
Credit: Bill Saxton, NRAO/AUI/NSF
FBOTs probably begin, the astronomers said, the same way as certain supernovae and gamma-ray bursts — when a star much more massive than the Sun explodes at the end of its “normal” atomic fusion-powered life. The differences show up in the aftermath of the initial explosion.
In the “ordinary” supernova of this type, called a core-collapse supernova, the explosion sends a spherical blast wave of material into interstellar space. If, in addition to this, a rotating disk of material briefly forms around the neutron star or black hole left after the explosion and propels narrow jets of material at nearly the speed of light outward in opposite directions, these jets can produce narrow beams of gamma rays, causing a gamma-ray burst.
The rotating disk, called an accretion disk, and the jets it produces, are called an “engine” by astronomers.
FBOTs, the astronomers concluded, also have such an engine. In their case, unlike in gamma-ray bursts, it is enshrouded by thick material. That material probably was shed by the star just before it exploded, and may have been pulled from it by a binary companion.
When the thick material near the star is struck by the blast wave, it causes the bright visible-light burst soon after the explosion that initially made these objects appear so unusual. That bright burst also is why astronomers call these blasts “fast blue optical transients.” This is one of the characteristics that distinguished them from ordinary supernovae.
As the blastwave from the explosion collides with the material around the star as it travels outwards, it produces radio emission. This very bright emission was the important clue that proved that the explosion was powered by an engine.
The shroud of dense material “means that the progenitor star is different from those leading to gamma-ray bursts,” Ho said. The astronomers said that in the Cow and in CSS161010, the dense material included hydrogen, something never seen in in gamma-ray bursts.
Using the W.M. Keck Observatory, the astronomers found that both CSS 161010 and ZTF18abvkwla, like the Cow, are in small, dwarf galaxies. Coppejans said that the dwarf galaxy properties “might allow some very rare evolutionary paths of stars” that lead to these distinctive explosions.
Although a common element of the FBOTs is that all three have a ‘central engine,’ the astronomers caution that the engine also could be the result of stars being shredded by black holes, though they consider supernova-type explosions to be the more likely candidate.
“Observations of more FBOTs and their environments will answer this question,” Margutti said.
To do that, the scientists say they will need to use telescopes covering a wide range of wavelengths, as they have done with the first three objects. “While FBOTs have proven rarer and harder to find than some of us were hoping, in the radio band they’re also much more luminous than we’d guessed, allowing us to provide quite comprehensive data even on events that are far away,” said Daniel Perley, of the Liverpool John Moores University.
The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation, operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universities, Inc. The study of CSS161010 was partially supported by the Heising-Simons Foundation, NASA, and the National Science Foundation.
Contacts and sources:
Dave Finley National Radio Astronomy Observatory
A Mildly Relativistic Outflow from the Energetic, Fast-rising Blue Optical Transient CSS161010 in a Dwarf Galaxy. D. L. Coppejans, R. Margutti, G. Terreran, A. J. Nayana, E. R. Coughlin, T. Laskar, K. D. Alexander, M. Bietenholz, D. Caprioli, P. Chandra, M. R. Drout, D. Frederiks, C. Frohmaier, K. H Hurley, C. S. Kochanek, M. MacLeod, A. Meisner, P. E. Nugent, A. Ridnaia, D. J. Sand, D. Svinkin, C. Ward, S. Yang, A. Baldeschi, I. V. Chilingarian, Y. Dong, C. Esquivia, W. Fong, C. Guidorzi, P. Lundqvist, D. Milisavljevic, K. Paterson, D. E. Reichart, B. Shappee, M. C. Stroh, S. Valenti, B. A. Zauderer, B. Zhang. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 2020; 895 (1): L23 DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/ab8cc7
The Koala: A Fast Blue Optical Transient with Luminous Radio Emission from a Starburst Dwarf Galaxy at z = 0.27. Anna Y. Q. Ho, Daniel A. Perley, S. R. Kulkarni, Dillon Z. J. Dong, Kishalay De, Poonam Chandra, Igor Andreoni, Eric C. Bellm, Kevin B. Burdge, Michael Coughlin, Richard Dekany, Michael Feeney, Dmitry D. Frederiks, Christoffer Fremling, V. Zach Golkhou, Matthew J. Graham, David Hale, George Helou, Assaf Horesh, Mansi M. Kasliwal, Russ R. Laher, Frank J. Masci, A. A. Miller, Michael Porter, Anna Ridnaia, Ben Rusholme, David L. Shupe, Maayane T. Soumagnac, Dmitry S. Svinkin. The Astrophysical Journal, 2020; 895 (1): 49 DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/ab8bcf
Incredibly rare pieces of tiny Neolithic rock art found in a shallow Australian cave were made by creating tiny stencils out of beeswax, researchers have concluded.
Located in the Yilbilinji rockshelter in northern Australia's Limmen National Park, miniature stencils of this type are only known from two other sites across the globe.
Although the site — traditionally owned by the Marra Aboriginal people — has been known for decades, the tiny art was only documented in 2017.
Each of the images is less than 4.7 inches (12 centimetres) in length.
The miniatures appear among around 300 larger scale stencilled images, the latter of which are common among the 28,000-year history of Aboriginal art.
The large images are made by spraying paint across objects held against the rock face — with hands, boomerangs and animal parts often used as stencils.
However, the tiny stencilled images are too small to have been made using ordinary objects — which encouraged researchers to explore how they were made.
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Incredibly rare pieces of tiny Neolithic rock art found in a shallow Australian cave, pictured, were made by creating tiny stencils out of beeswax, researchers have concluded
Archaeologist Liam Brady and colleagues including Marra Rangers and Park Rangers recorded a total of 17 of the tiny stencils — including such motifs as human figures, animals, boomerangs and geometric shapes.
'We have found the largest concentration of these images anywhere in the world,' said Dr Brady, who hails from Australia's Flinders University.
'We wanted to know how they were made and what they might mean,' he added.
The team concluded that the shape of the stencilled images meant that they were likely made using a material that could be easily moulded and stuck to the surface of the rock — as there was no sign anything else was used to affix the stencils.
With anthropological studies in the region noting that children often shape beeswax into tiny items like cattle and horses the team set out to test if the sticky substance could be used to produce stencilled art similar to that found in the rockshelter.
The researchers heated and shaped beeswax, proving that it could be employed successfully to make miniature stencils.
'Our experiments show how important the role of precision, carefulness, time and effort are in decorating and inscribing the landscape with symbols' said Dr Brady.
The miniatures appear among around 300 larger scale stencilled images, the latter of which are common among the 28,000-year history of Aboriginal art
The large images are made by spraying paint across objects held against the rock face — with hands, boomerangs and animal parts often used as stencils. However, the tiny stencilled images are too small to have been made using ordinary objects — which encouraged researchers to explore how they were made
Located in the Yilbilinji rockshelter, pictured, in northern Australia's Limmen National Park, miniature stencils of this type are only known from two other sites across the globe
According to the researchers, understand how the images were made may help shine light on exactly why they were made, as well.
Among some Aboriginal populations for example, beeswax is conferred a spiritual significance and is associated with the ancestral beings — or 'Dreamings' — that are said to have originally shaped the world, as well as the practice of sorcery.
At the same time, however, the researchers noted that the fact that children are often seen making things with beeswax could suggest that the art was the product of play — or practice for making the similar, but full-sized, art also found in the cave.
This conclusion is supported by the fact that some of the tiny stencils were left on the rock at child height.
'The Marra were making these miniature stencils in their landscape that is filled with the memories of their ancestors who continue to care for it,' said Dr Brady.
The team concluded that the shape of the stencilled images meant that they were likely made using a material that could be moulded and stuck to the surface of the rock — as there was no sign anything else was used to affix the stencils. Pictured, the team made beeswax stencils
With anthropological studies in the region noting that children often shape beeswax into tiny items like cattle and horses the team set out to test if the sticky substance could be used to produce stencilled art similar to that found in the rockshelter, pictured
The researchers heated and shaped beeswax, proving that it could be employed successfully to make miniature stencils, as pictured
Although the site (pictured) — traditionally owned by the Marra Aboriginal people — has been known for decades, the tiny art was only documented in 2017
Regardless of the reason that the rock art was originally stencilled, the researchers said that the study shows the potential of collaboration between archaeologists, rangers and the Marra Traditional Owners.
'Since this work was published we have already discovered three new miniature motifs, a human figure, freshwater turtle, and an echidna,' said Dr Brady.
'For the Marra, studies of this sort are also about re-connecting knowledge, people, and place to sustain an on-going system of care.'
The only other known sites featuring tiny stencilled rock art exist in New South Wales' Nielson’s Creek and on Indonesia's Kisar Island.
Unlike those found at the Yilbilinji rockshelter, however, these images are both of figures, rather than the diverse range of motifs seen in the north Australian site.
The full findings of the study were published in the journal Antiquity.
Located in the Yilbilinji rockshelter in northern Australia's Limmen National Park, miniature stencils of this type are only known from two other sites across the globe
Archaeologists Reveal Rock Art’s Big Little Secret
Archaeologists Reveal Rock Art’s Big Little Secret
Australian archaeologists have discovered some of the most detailed examples of rare, small-scale rock art in the form of miniature stencils in a rockshelter traditionally owned by the Marra people.
The research, published in the journal Antiquity, examined the unusual art from the Yilbilinji rockshelter at Limmen National Park in the southwest Gulf of Carpentaria region of northern Australia.
Traditionally owned by the Marra Aboriginal people, the site was documented by the research team in 2017 and instantly stood out as unique.
The Yilbilinji rock art site
Photos Dr Liam Brady, Flinders University.
“It’s the size of the rock art that makes this site unusual and highly distinctive,” says Flinders University archaeologist ARC Future Fellow Dr Liam Brady.
“Typically, stencilled rock art around the globe features full or life-sized dimensions such as human and animal body parts, objects (e.g. boomerangs), and even plant matter.
“However, many of the stencils at Yilbilinji are tiny or miniature-sized, and too small to have been made using real-life body parts and full-size objects.”
Only two other examples of this miniature stencilled form of rock art, both human figures, are known from anywhere in the world: one at Nielson’s Creek in New South Wales, and one at Kisar Island in Indonesia.
Replication experiments were conducted to test the method used to create the art works.
Photos Dr Liam Brady, Flinders University.
The research team – archaeologists, anthropologists, Marra rangers, and Limmen National Park rangers – recorded a total of 17 images of these miniature stencils during a 2017 field trip.
The images depict a wide range of motifs including, human figures, animals (crab, long-necked turtles), kangaroo paws, wavy lines, boomerangs, and geometric shapes.
The researchers set out to find out how these unusual images were made. One clue came from the fact most of the miniature stencils were made with rounded and curved edges meaning they were probably made using something that could be easily moulded and stuck to the rock surface.
Another clue came from anthropological research in the region. Co-author and anthropologist Dr John Bradley, from the Monash Indigenous Centre, has worked with Aboriginal people in the study area for more than 40 years.
He remembers seeing beeswax used by people for a range of purposes such as an adhesive for repairing spears and harpoons. He also saw children shaping beeswax into objects and animals such as cattle, horses and cowboys.
Experimental archaeology: recreating the stencils using beeswax.
Photos Dr Liam Brady, Flinders University.
“Using these clues, the researchers decided to test if beeswax could have been used to make the miniature stencils,” he says.
“Our experiments involving heating and shaping beeswax into human figures, animals, objects, and geometric shapes, and then stencilling onto a rock slab confirmed beeswax was an excellent material for making miniature stencils.”
“Whoever made these miniature stencils – adults or children – is open for debate, as is their meaning,” says Matthew Flinders Fellow Professor Amanda Kearney.
“However, what is important here is that this discovery adds another dimension to the Australian and global rock art record,” she says.
Photos Dr Liam Brady, Flinders University.
In fact, since this discovery was made, three additional stencils have been discovered in the area – a human figure, an echidna and a freshwater turtle – which further highlights the archaeological potential at Limmen National Park.
Glenn Durie, Manager of Aboriginal Partnerships, Northern Territory Parks and Wildlife, says the research with Marra Traditional Owners, archaeologists, and park rangers means this discovery could be among the first of many more in the area.
The article, ‘A rare miniature and small-scale stencil assemblage from the Gulf of Carpentaria: replication and meaning in Australian rock art’ (May 2020) by Liam M Brady, John J Bradley (Monash University), Amanda Kearney and Daryl Wesley has been published in Antiquity (Cambridge) Vol 94, No 375 June 2020 DOI: 10.15184/aqy.2020.48
This research is funded by the Australian Research Council (DP170101083, DE170101447, FT180100038).
Nick Redfern ‘What if the Crash at Roswell Was Not a Flying Saucer with Alien Bodies'
Nick Redfern ‘What if the Crash at Roswell Was Not a Flying Saucer with Alien Bodies'
Beyond Belief TV Series Special…
Nick Redfern has extensively researched Roswell and has come away with a new theory that is even more controversial than extraterrestrial visitation. A new investigation was opened in 1993 which disclosed details suggesting that the wreckage was from a classified weaponized-balloon program. At the time, the U.S. and Japan both actively tested high altitude balloons for military applications.
Sometimes they were fitted with explosives, other tests used animal subjects or humans. No matter the outcome, alien or human in origin, Roswell will always be an important case for UFOlogy. Nick Redfern’s main area of research centers around determining what has been learned about the UFO subject at an official level in Britain. At the Public Record Office in London, he has uncovered thousands of pages of previously-classified Royal Air Force, Air Ministry and Ministry of Defense files on UFOs dating from the Second World War.
A media phenomenon, Coast to Coast AM deals with UFOs, strange occurrences, life after death, and other unexplained (and often inexplicable) phenomena.
Steven Greer: Classified Alien Encounters Revealed By Traumatologist
Steven Greer: Classified Alien Encounters Revealed By Traumatologist
Steven Greer: Classified Alien Encounters Revealed By Traumatologist
Steven Greer, founder the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence has a virtual sitdown with Patrick Bet-David and discussed his new movie Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind.
About the guest:Steven Macon Greer is an American ufologist and retired traumatologist who founded the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence and the Disclosure Project, which seeks the disclosure of allegedly classified secret UFO information.
I found a cross on Mars today in a Curiosity rover photo. The cross is deeply carved into a black of stone. The stone clearly didn't belong here, but was placed here by someone. The stone is about 6 inches high. Right next to it is a statue of a sheep that has fallen on its side which is about 8 inches long. The statue looks more worn and eroded, but its clearly a sheep. I'm not a religious guy and didn't go out looking for this. I just came across the photo and found it. These small statues are further proof that a tiny alien race once exited on Mars, similar in size to the woman figure found years ago on Mars.
Now I believe in the Christian faith that the lamb is sometimes referred to as the lamb of god, or god being kind and caring. But it could also mean the followers of the faith, who often refer to themselves as sheep.
What gets my pun that the cross didn't become a christian symbol until Jesus died upon it 2,000 years ago on Earth. But if Jesus did the same on Mars too...then this is further proof that Jesus was an alien trying to instill morals and ethics onto not just humanity but other intelligent species too.
Now the plain cross is suppose to be a symbol of Jesus resurrection. Where a cross with him on it means the sacrifice Jesus made for humanity.
This seems to much of a coincidence that two religious icons would be sitting so close to one another. This has to be actual religious evidence of an alien culture on Mars.
International Space Station Records Thousands Of Alien Spacecrafts Leaving Earth
International Space Station Records Thousands Of Alien Spacecrafts Leaving Earth
On May 18, 2020, a camera from the International Space Station (ISS) recorded something really unusual, thousands of strange objects that simultaneously shoot out from the surface of our planet and fly into outer space.
This can be seen in the original video published on the project channel “High Definition Earth Visualization (HDEV)” on the Ustream platform or below we have posted the part of the video showing the alien spacecraft, the objects seem to take off at high speed and the remains are not the remains of liquid fuel rockets.
Skeptics believe that these are ice particles that detach from the ISS and that are reflected in the camera thanks to sunlight.
But for experts in the field there is no doubt about it, it is the massive evacuation of thousands of UFOs leaving our planet.
Skeptics believe that these are ice particles that detach from the ISS and that are reflected in the camera thanks to sunlight. But for experts in the field there is no doubt about it, it is the massive evacuation of thousands of UFOs leaving our planet.
For them the images show that aliens have been very present on our planet since ancient times. This civilization or civilizations of other worlds have their own underground and submarine bases on Earth, but the question some ask is, what has led them to evade Earth massively?
They consider that this strategy can only be carried out if our planet is doomed and it is very dangerous to be on it. But the threat would not be the coronavirus pandemic, as some have suggested, rather it would be from our closest star. NASA scientists have confirmed that the solar minimum they predicted three years ago has been met.
And scientists have warned that the Dalton minimum, one of the most extreme weather periods in history, will repeat itself. It lasted more than three solar cycles, from 1790-1830, and resulted in heavy snowfall, deep frost, and general cooling worldwide, in addition to drastic weather changes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and famine. It was hell on Earth.
And if the worst predictions are unfortunately fulfilled, perhaps we would find ourselves facing a mass extinction, just as happened with dinosaurs. The truth is that we do not know if this will be the case, but all the events that are happening in the last months seem to indicate that something will happen on our planet. And this video may be evidence that there isn’t much time left.
What do you think about the video of theISS? Is it a massive UFO evacuation? Or do you have another explanation?
Clouds in the greater universe are clumpy areas of greater density than their surroundings. Space telescopes have observed these cosmic clouds in the vicinity of supermassive black holes.
This artist’s concept depicts a quasar, a type of active galactic nucleus, surrounded by a dusty donut shape (torus) and clumps called “clouds.” These clouds start small but can expand to be more than 1 parsec (3.3 light-years) wide. In this diagram, the clouds are at least 1 parsec from the torus.
Once you leave the majestic skies of Earth, the word cloud no longer means a white fluffy-looking structure that produces rain. Instead, clouds in the greater universe are clumpy areas of greater density than their surroundings.
Space telescopes have observed these cosmic clouds in the vicinity of supermassive black holes, those mysterious dense objects from which no light can escape, with masses equivalent to more than 100,000 suns. There is a supermassive black hole in the center of nearly every galaxy, and it is called an active galactic nucleus (AGN) if it is gobbling up a lot of gas and dust from its surroundings. The brightest kind of AGN is called a quasar. While the black hole itself cannot be seen, its vicinity shines extremely brightly as matter gets torn apart close to its event horizon, its point of no return.
But black holes aren’t truly like vacuum cleaners; they don’t just suck up everything that gets too close. While some material around a black hole will fall directly in, never to be seen again, some of the nearby gas will be flung outward, creating a shell that expands over thousands of years. That’s because the area near the event horizon – the threshold around a black hole where the escape velocity surpasses the speed of light – is extremely energetic; the high-energy radiation from fast-moving particles around the black hole can eject a significant amount of gas into the vastness of space.
Scientists would expect that this outflow of gas would be smooth. Instead, it is clumpy, extending well beyond 1 parsec (3.3 light-years) from the black hole. Each cloud starts out small, but can expand to be more than 1 parsec wide – and could even cover the distance between Earth and the nearest star beyond the sun, Proxima Centauri.
Astrophysicist Daniel Proga at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, likens these clumps to groups of cars waiting at a highway onramp with stoplights designed to regulate the influx of new traffic. He said:
Every now and then you have a bunch of cars.
What explains these clumps in deep space? Proga and colleagues have a new computer model that presents a possible solution to this mystery, published April 21, 2020, in the peer-reviewedAstrophysical Journal Letters. Science suggests that extremely intense heat near the supermassive black hole can allow the gas to flow outward really fast, but in a way that can also lead to clump formation. If the gas accelerates too quickly, it will not cool off enough to form clumps. The computer model takes these factors into account and proposes a mechanism to make the gas travel far, but also clump. Proga said:
Near the outer edge of the shell there is a perturbation that makes gas density a little bit lower than it used to be. That makes this gas heat up very efficiently. The cold gas further out is being lifted out by that.
This phenomenon is somewhat like the buoyancy that makes hot air balloons float. The heated air inside the balloon is lighter than the cooler air outside, and this density difference makes the balloon rise.
University of Nevada doctoral student Randall Dannen led the study. Dannen said:
This work is important because astronomers have always needed to place clouds at a given location and velocity to fit the observations we see from AGN. They were not often concerned with the specifics of how the clouds formed in the first place, and our work offers a potential explanation for the formation of these clouds.
This model looks only at the shell of gas, not at the disk of material swirling around the black hole that is feeding it. The researchers’ next step is to examine whether the flow of gas originates from the disk itself. They are also interested in tackling the mystery of why some clouds move extremely fast, on the order of 20 million miles per hour (10,000 kilometers per second).
Bottom line: A new study looks at how cosmic clouds form near black holes.
The location of Earth’s north magnetic pole appears to be controlled from deep within Earth by 2 competing blobs in the magnetic field. One is under Canada, and the other is under Siberia. “The Siberian blob is winning,” according to scientists.
You probably know that a compass doesn’t point to true north. Earth’s geographic north pole – and magnetic north pole – were first recognized as two different placesin 1831. Until the early 1990s, the magnetic North Pole was known to lie some 1,000 miles south of true north, in Canada. Yet, as scientists realized, the location of magnetic north was not fixed. Magnetic north was drifting at a rate of up to about 9 miles (15 km) a year. Since the 1990s, however, the drift of Earth’s magnetic north pole has turned into “more of a sprint,” scientists say. Its present speed is about 30 to nearly 40 miles a year (50-60 km a year) toward Siberia. And now – using satellite measurements – scientists in Europe have helped confirm a theory as to why Earth’s magnetic north pole is drifting so rapidly.
The European Space Agency (ESA) released this interesting article on May 14, 2020. It describes a new study in the peer-reviewed journal Nature Geoscience that describes the theory of “tussling magnetic blobs deep below Earth’s surface” at the root of the phenomenon of rapid magnetic pole drift since the 1990s. ESA said:
In late October 2017, [the magnetic north pole] crossed the International Date Line, passing within 390 km [242 miles] of the geographic pole, and is now heading south …
Tussling magnetic blobs deep below Earth’s surface appear to be at the root of the phenomenon of rapid magnetic pole drift since the 1990s.
In our modern world, it’s not just compasses that are affected by the drift of Earth’s magnetic north pole. ESAexplained:
One of the practical consequences of this is that the World Magnetic Model has to be updated periodically with the pole’s current location. The model is vital for many navigation systems used by ships, Google maps and smartphones, for example.
That’s why the subject of magnetic north is such a vital one to our world, and why ESA’s Living Planet Symposium last year featured a talk from scientists at the University of Leeds in the U.K. about their findings on magnetic north, using SWARM satellite data. The Swarm satellites carry sophisticated magnetometers. Their goal, in part, is to provide a survey of Earth’s magnetic field. ESA said:
The data showed that the position of the north magnetic pole is determined largely by a balance, or tug-of-war, between two large lobes of negative flux at the boundary between Earth’s core and mantle under Canada.
By analyzing magnetic field maps and how they change over time, we can now pinpoint that a change in the circulation pattern of flow underneath Canada has caused a patch of magnetic field at the edge of the core, deep within the Earth, to be stretched out. This has weakened the Canadian patch and resulted in the pole shifting towards Siberia.
The big question, these scientists say, is whether the pole will ever return to Canada or continue heading south. Livermore explained:
Models of the magnetic field inside the core suggest that, at least for the next few decades, the pole will continue to drift towards Siberia.
However, given that the pole’s position is governed by this delicate balance between the Canadian and Siberian patch, it would take only a small adjustment of the field within the core to send the pole back to Canada.
Bottom line: Scientists studying the drift of Earth’s magnetic north pole have pinpointed a change in the circulation pattern of magnetic blobs deep below Earth’s surface. They’ve learned a change in the flow underneath Canada has caused a patch of magnetic field at the edge of Earth’s core, deep within the Earth, to be stretched out. This has weakened the Canadian patch and resulted in the pole shifting towards Siberia.
An image from the 1977 film Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
As the US military releases videos of ‘unidentified’ flying objects, renowned Scottish UFO investigator and paranormal researcher Malcolm Robinson tells Michael Alexander why, after years of scepticism, he believes aliens have almost certainly visited Tayside and Fife.
When the US Department of Defense released three declassified videos of “unexplained aerial phenomena” at the end of April, the Pentagon said it wanted to “clear up any misconceptions by the public on whether or not the footage that has been circulating was real”.
The videos, which had already been ‘leaked’ in 2007 and 2017, included a 2004 clip filmed by two US Navy fighter pilots which showed a round object hovering above the water, about 100 miles (160 km) out into the Pacific Ocean.
Two other videos filmed in 2014 showed objects moving through the air, one of which is spinning. In one, a pilot is heard saying: “Look at that thing, dude! It’s rotating!” Inevitably, the videos have rekindled debate about Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) and conspiracy theories about government.
But do they really point to the existence of alien life?
Renowned Scottish amateur UFO investigator Malcolm Robinson has extensively researched thousands of cases over the past 40 years – including numerous cases in Tayside and Fife. He says 95% of UFO sightings are explainable by “natural identifiable solutions”.
However, the self-confessed former UFO sceptic puts these American military videos firmly into the 5% unexplained category. He stands by his now long-held view that “non-human intelligence” has probably been visiting Earth for hundreds if not thousands of years.
“What’s surprising when you look at the US military footage is that it involved a rather large military exercise involving the USS Nimitz – the pilots clearly don’t know what they are looking at, and the speed these things are moving at, around 2400 mph, is quite staggering,” said Mr Robinson.
“We have two possibilities when it comes to explaining what might have happened.
UFO investigator Malcolm Robinson
“The first possibility is it’s America’s own ‘black budget’ technology being tested and these film clips were released simply as a way of distraction. The US government and military would be happy for these lights to be masquerading as UFOs, like a smokescreen, knowing full well the video is going to come out. “Let’s not forget that the stealth bomber was flying in America for 10 years before the American military finally put their hands up and said ‘yep it’s ours’. This had already given rise at the time to many false UFO reports. “The other possibility is that these truly are UFOs – because similar things have been seen flying in our skies for millennia, right through recorded history. The speeds at which these craft have been described is superior to any Earth-based technology. It’s like tossing a coin I guess. You weigh up the options and you decide what you feel is right.
UK F-35 Lightning jets flying in formation with two B-2 Spirit stealth bombers of the United States Air Force, as part of a deployment to RAF Fairford in Gloucestershire.
“But if you want to know what I truly think, I don’t think it was black budget technology. The immense speed and manoeuvrability of these objects suggest to me we managed to capture something very mysterious on film and I’m just thankful we have that out in the public domain.” Mr Robinson, a now 63-year-old East Sussex-based former newspaper advertising executive, was always interested in strange phenomena as a small boy growing up in Tullibody, Clackmannanshire.
But as he grew older he felt there was no validity to the claims of ghosts and poltergeists. In 1979 he decided to start his own group – Strange Phenomena Investigations. His main aim was to disprove and show “what a lot of nonsense” they were. Yet as he learned more, he came “off the fence” and started doing lectures and more media work.
In 1992 he became one of the main investigators for the so-called ‘Bonnybridge Triangle’ multiple UFO sightings. Working with local councillor Billy Buchanan, he concluded 95% of the sightings reported over the Stirlingshire town had identifiable solutions.
The others, however, were less clear cut, and they petitioned Downing Street for answers. Their call for a government inquiry was turned down because the “objects did not pose a threat to the security of the UK”. It was against this backdrop that he became involved in other investigations.
Mr Robinson said he remains deeply sceptical about many things. But his investigations over the years have thrown up more questions than answers and on balance he is “not embarrassed” to say he now believes in alien life.
“My studies over 40 years have clearly shown to me that we are dealing with a non-human intelligence that’s always been with us,” he said. “It sounds fanciful. But at the end of the day there’s enough evidence to suggest that things have been seen in our skies – many in Scotland as well – which defy description. They do not conform to classic aircraft design or helicopters.
“They are in the main low level close proximity objects that you could more or less throw a stone at – some of them have been so close. “The bottom line for me is there is a lot of nonsense out there – a lot of UFOs are misconstrued as the planet Venus, as satellites traversing the night sky etc etc. But believe you me, there is a substance to some of these accounts.
Let’s not forget we laughed at Marconi, we laughed at John Logie Baird with the invention of the television, we laughed at the Wright Brothers.
“What I’m trying to say with these analogies is just because something looks and sounds ridiculous, we shouldn’t laugh at it. Yes, we have to be very careful but let’s not throw the baby out with the bathwater or the egg could truly be all over our faces.”
Throughout history, human kind has always had the desire to learn and know more about the paranormal. But while investigating reports by “good honest people” over the years, Malcolm Robinson has also had to keep in mind that he’s dealing with human beings and will always look for a rational explanation first. For example, were they drunk or hallucinating? It’s also been suggested film and TV can influence what people think they’ve seen.
Amanda Holden, Shaun Ryder, Malcolm Robinson and Philip Schofield talking paranormal in 2015
Mr Robinson spoke to a former cinema projectionist who, in 1954, was walking in woods near his home in Crieff when he was astonished to observe a “disk shaped object passing overhead at a uniform speed”. It made no noise whatsoever, and it continued on its journey in a northerly direction towards Perth. In prophetic words, the witness stated, “Had I not seen this with my own eyes, I would be an unbeliever about UFOs”.
The book also went into great detail about an incident at Blairgowrie in 1984 when a beam of light “shot out” onto the stomach of a woman doing tapestry work in her garden. Feeling a warm sensation, she looked up into the sky and observed a long translucent object above her house to the east. It was also witnessed by her husband and son who phoned the police. Helicopters later appeared above the house with police, who took soil samples, telling the family they were “conducting tests”….
Malcolm wrote to then PM David Cameron in 2010 calling for an inquiry
Yet another unusual shaped UFO was sighted in Dundee in August 1995 when a former member of the Special Forces walking his dog spotted a “cone shaped light” which was coming out from a silver metallic looking object. It’s possible he saw an unusual plasma effect from the afterburner of an RAF Leuchars Tornado, but like most cases of its kind, this sighting remained unidentified.
Following various sightings around Dundee in 1996 – the same year as the alleged ‘Fife incident’ when a family driving near Newton of Falkland claimed they saw a large black triangular shaped ‘craft’ and numerous small grey ‘beings’ in front of some woods – a senior physicist at Dundee University told The Courier: “I would not rule out the possibility that there are aircraft of extra-terrestrial origin”.
Humans were in America long before we’ve been told, and the Australian Aborigines have a genetic connection to the Amazon which once had great cities. FRANK JOSEPH looks at the fresh discoveries in Graham Hancock’s latest book.
As the former editor-in-chief (1993 to 2007) and ongoing writer for Ancient American – a US magazine examining Old World impact on the New World before 1492 – recently released materials regarding pre-Columbian possibilities often come my way. I was surprised, however, to find that Graham Hancock’s latest tome, America Before, compares remarkably with Before Atlantis (2013), my own book, published six years earlier, in more than title.
Both works go into the Bering land-bridge Theory, megalithic alignments with the Cygnus constellation, Easter Island’s moai, Gobekli Tepe, the discoveries of Albert Goodyear, Brazil’s Stonehenge, the Meadowcroft Rock shelter, Neanderthals, the Clovis First Controversy, Pedra Furada, etc., etc. Other topics tackled in America Before – Ohio’s Great Serpent Mound, North American earthworks, the Piasu Bird, Cahokia, et al. – were likewise described at length in my earlier releases: Discovering the Mysteries of Ancient America (2006), Atlantis and Other Lost Worlds (2008), Unearthing Ancient America (2009), Advanced Civilizations of Prehistoric America (2010), Lost Worlds of Ancient America (2012), Lost Colonies of Ancient America (2014), and Lost History of Ancient America (2016).
Independent research that arrives at common conclusions tends to validate disparate investigators at work in the same field. Of them all, Graham Hancock is certainly the best known, thanks to his early association with such prestigious periodicals as The Times, The Independent, The Economist, and The Guardian, which granted him access to major book publishers with international distribution, such as St. Martin’s Press, publisher of his latest work. His Fingerprints of the Gods was a worldwide bestseller. At the time of its release in 1995, critics – even those sympathetic to the author’s belief in ancient catastrophism – faulted him for merely reworking long-known if not well-publicised information. But they were forced to admit that Hancock acquainted millions of readers with otherwise neglected information about the deep past.
America Before is not unlike Fingerprints of the Gods in that it introduces an international audience to a version of antiquity not otherwise available in schools or mainstream publications. America Before also joins Before Atlantis in highlighting “a global cataclysm that occurred near the end of the Ice Age around twelve thousand eight hundred years ago. A disintegrating comet crossed the orbit of the Earth and bombarded our planet with a ‘swarm’ of fragments.” Familiar language to readers already familiar with The Destruction of Atlantis (2002) and its sequel. Survivors of Atlantis (2004) similarly tells how an abundance of physical proof for worldwide destruction left by comets during the Bronze Age was offered by scientists meeting at Fitzwilliam College in Cambridge, England.
In 1997 they presented undeniable evidence in the form of annual growth rings at Irish bogs and oak forests, ash-fall deposits from Greenland ice-cores, impact lines made by colossal waves along the shores of Morocco, abrupt lake level changes from Western Europe to South America, and small, glassy spherules that result specifically from cometary collisions subjecting rock to intense heat. Earth’s periodic brushes with celestial upheaval belong to a pattern of astronomical interface with our planet that abruptly terminated the Ice Age, as described in America Before and earlier in Before Atlantis.
Buried in the floor of Lake Cuitzeo was a thin, dark layer containing unequivocal evidence for a large, cosmic body that struck central Mexico just when the Younger Dryas period opened with such violence. Virtually identical sediment strata dated to the same period have been previously located at numerous locations throughout North America, Greenland, and Western Europe. According to Science Daily, “The data suggest that a comet or asteroid – likely a large, previously fragmented body, greater than several hundred meters in diameter – entered the atmosphere at a relatively shallow angle. The heat at impact burned biomass, melted surface rocks, and caused major environmental disruption.” The resulting crater became Lake Cuitzeo, measuring twelve and one-half miles across, with an average depth of ninety feet.
Dr James Kennett, professor of earth science at the University of California (Santa Barbara), told the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: “These results are consistent with earlier reported discoveries throughout North America of abrupt ecosystem change, megafaunal extinction, and human cultural change and population reduction. These changes were large, abrupt and unprecedented, and had been recorded and identified by earlier investigators at a ‘time of crisis’. The timing of the impact coincided with the most extraordinary biotic and environmental changes over Mexico and Central America during the last approximately twenty thousand years, as recorded by others in several regional lake deposits.”
Professor of earth science Dr James Kennett and other researchers postulate from the evidence that a fragmented comet slammed into the Earth close to 12,800 years ago, causing rapid climatic changes, megafaunal extinctions, sudden human population decrease and cultural shifts and widespread wildfires (biomass burning). They studied the impact spherules in 18 sites in nine countries on four continents for their study. (Graphic credit: YDB Research Group)
The floor of Lake Cuitzeo is rich in spherules formed when they collided with each other at high velocities during the whirling chaos of an extraterrestrial impact. They are joined by numerous specimens of lonsdaleite – an identifiable configuration nanodiamonds assume when they are pressured by large meteorite collisions – and aciniform soot, the acne-like appearance of dust residue resulting from the same cause. “These materials form only through cosmic impact,” Kennett explained, not through volcanic or other natural terrestrial processes. In the entire geologic record, the only other known continental layer with abundant peaks in lonsdaleite, impact spherules and aciniform soot is in the sixty-five-million-year-old Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary layer that coincided with the extinction of the dinosaurs.
Evidence for Early Human Settlement
“Recent discoveries show that North America was first peopled at least one hundred thirty thousand years ago,” according to Hancock, “many tens of thousands of years before human settlements were established in Europe and Asia.” Homo sapiens-sapiens? Yes, but the European continent was actually settled one hundred seventy thousand years earlier by Neanderthals. In fact, the oldest evidence for proto-humans in Europe goes back 1.3 million years. “At least” is a bit of an understatement for human settlement in the New World, because Before Atlantis describes how prehistorian Juan Armena Camacho discovered lithic implements at Hueyatlaco, seventy miles south-east of Mexico City. According to US geologist Dr Virginia Steen-McIntyre, “radiometric dates using methods identical to those used in Africa to date the early sites there place Hueyatlaco’s stone tools to slightly over a quarter of a million years ago.”
Some thirty years prior to Camacho’s find, a still older site came to light one mile north from the Oklahoma town of Frederick, at a ten-mile-long, half-mile-wide ridge. Ten to twenty-five feet beneath the surface of this gravel deposit occur dozens of well-crafted stone implements cemented in place in common strata with the bones of extinct animals firmly dated to seven hundred fifty thousand years ago. C.N. Gould, Director of the Oklahoma Geological Survey, reported: “There can be no doubt that the artifacts occur in the pit near the basal portion, on the same level as the fossil remains. An examination of the undisturbed face of the pit, immediately above the position of the finds, showed unbroken, nearly horizontal strata above it. As the case stands, it looks very much as though the artifacts are of the same antiquity as the fossil animals. At the same time, it would be well to reserve final judgment until we are certain that the artifacts are not secondary inclusions.”
Since Gould released his report in 1929, subsequent investigations of the Holoman Pit, as it is locally known, repeatedly confirmed that the stone tools are not later inclusions but were indeed laid down at the same time the animal bones were stratified, three quarters of a million years ago. As recently as 2005, archaeologist Silvia Gonzalez of Liverpool’s John Moore’s University in England discovered a line of human footprints dating back forty thousand years ago near Puebla, in Mexico. Conventional scholars, convinced no human set foot in Middle America before twelve thousand years ago, sought to debunk the heretical period she assigned the evidence by dispatching a team of leading geologists led by Paul R. Renne, director of California’s Berkeley Geochronology Center, to the site.
Once there, they took repeated argon testing to investigate the magnetic imprint of the foot-printed, magmatic rock, together with other state-of-the-art procedures. Renne announced their results in the scientific journal Nature, stating that the rock featuring the footprints was not forty thousand years old after all. It was, instead, 1.3 million yearsold.
During the early 20th century, archaeologist Carlos Ameghino (1865 to 1936) led teams of excavators along the Argentine coast south of Buenos Aires after detecting clues to an early habitation site at Miramar. By 1914, he discovered numerous stone tools cemented within Pliocene Era strata. As Silvia Gomez experienced in the following century, Ameghino’s critics commissioned a group of professional geologists to debunk his assertion. Instead, they verified it, stating that the artefacts had been laid down between two million and three million years ago. Although their analysis was released by the prestigious Anales del Museo de Historica Natural de Buenos Aires, it has since been ignored by archaeologists in the outside world.
Australia-Amazon: An Unexpected Discovery
“Certain tribes of the Amazon jungle,” states America Before’s back cover blurb, “are closely related to Australian Aborigines. How did this extraordinary, unexpected, and extremely ancient DNA signal get to the Amazon?” This question elevates Hancock’s new book with fresh discoveries that threaten to shake the scientific establishment to its core by opening an entirely new and revolutionary archaeological theatre of operations.
The vast Amazon region has long been dismissed by mainstream scholars as anciently under-populated and barren of all but the most backward, native cultures, hermetically sealed off by nature from the outside world. Hancock writes, “in September 2015, Pontus Skoglund, his senior colleague Professor David Reich of the Department of Genetics at Harvard Medical School, and other leading experts in the field, announced in the pages of Nature that they had found new evidence in South America, and specifically in the Amazon rainforest, that called for a rethink.”
Researchers mapped similarities in genes, mutations and random pieces of DNA of Central and South American tribes with groups in other parts of the world including Australia. Warmer colours indicate the strongest affinities. Researcher Skoglund said “a statistically clear signal linking Native Americans in the Amazonian region of Brazil to present-day Australo-Melanesians and Andaman Islanders” was confirmed. (Graphic credit: Pontus Skoglund, Harvard Medical School)
He quotes Skoglund’s “genome-wide data to show that some Amazonian Native Americans descend partly from a Native American founding population that carried ancestry more closely related to indigenous Australians, New Guineans and Andaman Islanders than to present-day Eurasians or Native Americans,” and are, in Hancock’s words, “more closely related to Melanesian Papuans and Australian Aborigines than to any other Native American population.” “We spent a really long time trying to make this result go away,” Skoglund explained, “but it just got stronger.” In the end, “a statistically clear signal linking Native Americans in the Amazonian region of Brazil to present-day Australo-Melanesians and Andaman Islanders” was confirmed.
“We also know it has to be pre-Columbian,” added Professor Eske Willerslev of Denmark’s Center for GeoGenetics at the University of Copenhagen. Further studies by Willerslev and his colleagues “found Australian DNA already present in skeletal remains from Lagoa Santa, Brazil, dated to 10,400 years ago, and confirmed the suspicion of the researchers that the anomalous genetic signal must have reached South America in the Late Pleistocene – that is, near the end of the last Ice Age, [when] a group of people carrying Australo-Melanesian genes settled in what is now the Amazon jungle.”
The headline of the Oct/Nov 2010 edition of Cosmos magazine and accompanying by-line, augmented by a photograph of an American skull (Luczia) exhibiting morphology that closely resembles Australian Aboriginal people. The oldest human skull unearthed in the Americas has cranial features similar to those of Australian Aborigines. Another piece of anomalous evidence pointing to an early human story, but largely ignored because it contradicts official scientific theory.
This is undoubtedly one of the most striking revelations ever made in the entire history of archaeology, as inexplicable as it is astounding. It does not mean that a few Australoid castaways accidentally washed ashore on Peruvian shores, then somehow traversed the formidable Andes Mountains and descended into Brazil’s totally different, but no less forbidding jungle, where they cohabited with a few, indigenous individuals.
Rather, DNA evidence signifies a mass-migration of Australo-Melanesians to Amazonia, where they interbred with native peoples on such a broad scale some ten and a half centuries ago, the genetic imprint is still discernible. Their epic, 12,940–kilometre, trans-Pacific voyage to coastal Peru and subsequent 1,890–kilometre trek to Brazilian rain forest were successfully achieved at a time when Western European Man was struggling to survive the challenging Upper Paleolithic, or Late Stone Age. Australia’s contemporaneous material culture was itself far too underdeveloped for undertaking anything even approaching an oceanic crossing of such magnitude, not only in terms of the extreme distances concerned, but especially regarding the large number of persons participating in the expedition, or expeditions.
The maritime technological requirements necessary for conducting an operation of transpacific scope alone rule out all possibilities for Australoid responsibility. Moreover, what conceivable motivation could have possessed them to attempt such a huge enterprise? Hancock wonders if a third party was involved – a different, unrelated, unknown, though far higher culture that, for reasons even more obscure, transported Australo-Melanesians to Amazonia.
Speculation like this begins to conjure ‘legendary’ Lemuria, the pre-Polynesian civilisation that rose to ancient heights of technological greatness and imperialist domination of the Pacific realm, before succumbing to a natural catastrophe sufficiently powerful enough to shake the very foundations of the Earth itself. Hancock, however, shies away from any Lemurian connotations.
Ancient Amazonia Rises Out of the Cleared Forests
Even so, America Before’s most valuable and original contribution to our deepening grasp of antiquity is its investigation of Amazonia, an area of the world hitherto neglected by conventional and alternative researchers alike. They traditionally laboured under the assumption that Brazil’s rain forest was always far too environmentally hostile for civilisation to have taken root there. Hancock cites the academic view “that the Amazon could only have been inhabited for about 1,000 years, and then only by very small groups of hunter-gatherers, since the jungle was ‘resource poor’.”
Among the very few archaeologists who personally challenged this dominant paradigm was Percy Harrison Fawcett. His disappearance in search of the lost city of Z during 1925 seemed to confirm consensus opinion that no such place could possibly exist in the Brazilian jungle, and America Before is remiss in failing to properly credit or even mention in passing the British Colonel, whose self-sacrificial, if percipient effort foreshadowed the very discoveries Hancock describes in Chapters 11 through 17.
Together with the two previous chapters detailing Amazonia’s genetic connection with Ice Age Australia, they combine to represent the book’s highest worth. Nowhere else may readers learn more about the Amazon Basin’s otherwise unknown archaeological wealth.
An artist’s conception shows a Xinguano village of the Brazilian Amazon as it might have appeared before 1492. An example of how the Amazon was once likely inhabited by hundreds of thousands of people in numerous well-managed cities, towns and villages. Archaeologists have found traces of wide, curbed roads and managed parklands.
He tells how the first modern Europeans travelling the Amazon River from Ecuador to its estuary on the Atlantic coast of Brazil saw “great cities” that “glistened in white” (suggesting limestone construction, like that favoured by Maya construction engineers) during their 7,000-kilometre, seventeen-month journey. Some of these urban centres were “more than twenty kilometres from end to end, roughly the length of Manhattan… enormous expanses were given over to productive agriculture, and there were signs everywhere of large and well-organised political and economic systems linked to centralised states that were capable of fielding disciplined armies thousands strong.”
Hancock quotes the mid-16th century expedition’s Spanish chronicler, Dominican friar Gaspar de Carvajal, concerning an abandoned, native “villa, in which were a great deal of porcelain ware of various makes, both jars and pitchers, very large, with a capacity of more than twenty-five arrobas [one hundred gallons] and other small pieces such as plates and bowls and candelabra of this porcelain of the best that has ever been seen in the world, for that of Malaga [Spain’s centre for pottery production] is not its equal, because this porcelain which we found is all glazed and embellished with all colours, and so bright, that these colours astonish, and, more than this, the drawings and paintings which they make on them are so accurately worked out that one wonders how with only natural skill they manufacture and decorate all these things making them look just like Roman articles.” Native porcelain of such high quality does not appear in Brazilian archaeology.
The largest native city Carvajal and his companions saw was greater than twenty kilometres in extent, with a population of twenty thousand or more residents. Their chieftain, Machiparo, also ruled over “many settlements and very large ones, which together contribute for fighting purposes fifty thousand men…”
Two, subsequent expeditions, twenty years later and 1637-38, respectively, supported Carvajal’s report. Hancock quotes UCLA Professor David Wilkinson, “an authority on long-term and large-scale phenomena in world politics [who] has made a special study of the level of civilisation in the Amazon prior to European contact.” Based on a late 17th-century report that one of Brazil’s native cities could field 60,000 warriors, Wilkinson found “comparative-civilisational standards have implied an urban population of 300,000 to 360,000.”
He goes on to describe “more than 30 epidemics – smallpox, measles, and other outbreaks – some on a massive scale – in 16th-18th century South America.” With fatal consequences in the upper ninety percentile, the Amazonian metropolitan areas literally died out though depopulation. “Once left deserted,” Hancock explains, “the great cities and monuments and other public works of any hypothetical Amazonian civilisation would quickly have been encroached upon and soon completely hidden by the jungle…” They only began re-emerging in 1977, “when giant, geometrical earthworks were discovered in the Rio Branco area of the Brazilian state of Acre, in the southwestern Amazon.”
It was the first of many related sites that have since come to light, including a pair of perfect squares – 200 metres and 100 metres wide – connected by a 20-metre-wide, 100-metre-long causeway. Archaeologists estimate “that as many as 1,500 geoglyphs might ultimately be found.” Severino Calazans, the largest Amazonian structure of its kind so far surveyed, “defined by an enclosure ditch twelve metres wide, measures 920 metres.” This particular location and other, outsized designs “have since been revealed by mass clearing of the forest for the cattle industry, thus becoming visible, especially from the sky, over the past 30 years. Indeed, the enormous size of the geoglyphs makes it easier to distinguish their shape and configuration from an aerial perspective, than at ground level…”
Groups are composed chiefly of circles, ellipses and rectangles, suggesting possible celestial orientations. Hancock writes that “because they offer an unobstructed view of the horizon, such locations are also very often what ancient astronomers looked for when they set out monuments on the ground – aligned, say, to the June solstice sunset or to the March equinox sunrise. Without a full-scale archaeo-astronomical survey of the Amazonian geoglyphs,” however, their suspected celestial significance remains unproven.
Their resemblance to Old World Stone Age sites nevertheless inspires provocative comparisons. Hancock tells how “the square enclosure ditch at Severino Calazans shares the ground plan, base diameter and cardinality [orientation to the Four Cardinal Directions] of the Great Pyramid of Egypt. That epoch, moreover, around 2500 BC, coincides and overlaps with the megalithic epoch in Europe, so another curiosity is the way that the circular geoglyphs of Amazonia resemble henges – the circular embankments with deep, internal ditches that surround the great, stone circles of the British Isles. The scale is very similar and the resemblance is so obvious that even the most sober archaeologists, usually wary of cross-cultural comparisons, are willing to remark upon it.”
The Severino Calazans site, formed by a single square-shaped ditch, is cut and partially destroyed by Highway BR-317. A farm has been built inside the area enclosed by the ditch. Indigenous people consider the earthworks sites as sacred and do not use them for housing. (Photograph by Sanna Saunaluoma)
Whatever critics may make of America Before, they cannot deny that its unique discussion of the lost civilisation of the Amazon, plus revelations concerning the mind-boggling heritage of its present-day descendants from 9th millennium BCE Australia, opens new vistas of antiquity, as trailblazing, as they are intriguing.
America Before is available from all good bookstores.
What are these mysterious lights in the sky seen from Daanbantayan, Cebu?
What are these mysterious lights in the sky seen from Daanbantayan, Cebu?
By: Immae Lachica - General Assignments Reporter/CDN Digital
CEBU CITY, Philippines— Netizens are curious about unusual lights in the sky captured and shared by a photo enthusiast from Daanbantayan town, northern Cebu on Saturday evening, May 16, 2020.
Photo enthusiast Jack Ponpon captured the strange but beautiful display of lights fromLibertad, Bagay, Daanbantayan and shared it on his social media account, creating a bit of a buzz online.
Here are some of the photos of the unusual sightings.
This wasn’t actually the first time the lights showed up.
“Ang first jud ani last week kay nag likod2x ko daplin sa dan then nahibung rako naay 5 ka lights (red, blue, green, white, red n green) nag sigeg blink2x nya dili stationary maong nag duda mi nga star haha,” said Ponpon.
(I first noticed these lights last week while I was sitting along the roadside and I noticed that there were five lights blinking in the skies, colors red, blue, green, white, red and green, so I suspected they were just stars.)
Ponpon even said that his neighbors were also fascinated by the lights in the skies and that they thought it was just Ponpon playing with his drones.
Out of his fascination and curiosity about these lights shining from the sky he took out his camera and took some shots, which he then posted on Sunday evening, May 17.
“It’s week 1 and some of our neighbors still think I was flying my drone for consecutive nights. 🌌 Have you seen some of these strange lights in your neighborhood as well? 🤔,” captioned Ponpon.
Whatever these fascinating lights were, they sure did catch the attention of netizens and the residents in the northern town. It also played with their imaginations, too.
Netizen Miko Butaslac commented on Ponpon’s post: “Maski ngari sa Cebu City, Jack makakita ko ana permi bya gabie ako work. Unsa kaha na sa?”
(Even here in Cebu City, I see [these lights] always since my work is at night time. What could those be?)
André Erasmo also commented, “3 days nako nag bantay ana kuya Jack, hangtud ron, wa japon ko kaybaw ug unsa na )
(I’ve noticed that for three days, until now, I still don’t know what those are.)
CDN Digital asked the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (Pagasa) in Mactan about these lights but the country’s National Meteorological and Hydrological Services agency hasn’t replied yet as of this posting.
Mysterious sky lights seen from Cebu could be due to ‘planetary conjunction’ — Pagasa
By: Raul Constantine L. Tabanao
MOALBOAL, CEBU — The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (Pagasa) in Mactan may have answers to the “mysterious” lights seen in the sky from Daanbantayan town, northern Cebu.
Netizens were curious about unusual lights in the sky captured and shared by photo enthusiast Jack Ponpon from Daanbantayan town, northern Cebu on Saturday evening, May 16, 2020.
Ponpon captured the strange but beautiful display of lights from Libertad, Bagay, Daanbantayan and shared it on his social media account the day after.
Asked about this, the country’s National Meteorological and Hydrological Services agency said this could be due to planetary conjuction, a phenomenon where planets “align” in the night sky.
Nedz Saletrero – Deflin, weather specialist of Pagasa-Mactan, told CDN Digital that according to their PAGASA astronomy page, a conjuction of planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and Neptune, have been seen lining-up with the waning Moon on May 12 until today, May 18, 2020.
The advisory also revealed that the conjunction of the planets will be observed in the southeastern horizon.
“Jupiter will lie among the background stars of the constellations Sagittarius, the Archer, while Saturn, Mars and Neptune will dwell together among the stars of the constellation Capricornus, the Sea Goat,” the advisory reads.
These “mysterious” lights caught the attention of netizens and the residents in the northern town after it was shared by Ponpon.
Netizen Miko Butaslac commented on Ponpon’s post: “Maski ngari sa Cebu City, Jack makakita ko ana permi bya gabie ako work. Unsa kaha na sa?”
(Even here in Cebu City, I see [these lights] always since my work is at night time. What could those be?)
André Erasmo also commented, “3 days nako nag bantay ana kuya Jack, hangtud ron, wa japon ko kaybaw ug unsa na )
(I’ve noticed that for three days, until now, I still don’t know what those are.) /bmjo
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
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