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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
New Asteroids Update! National Near Earth Object Preparedness USA Strategy via Israeli News Live
New Asteroids Update! National Near Earth Object Preparedness USA Strategy via Israeli News Live
New Asteroids Update! National Near Earth Object Preparedness USA Strategy via Israeli News Live
Here is an update on events that have transpired since we first revealed that the earth is entering an asteroid belt as well as the weather changes that would impact the earth.
From correctly predicting the Presidency of Donald Trump to Disney’s acquisition of 21st Century Fox, The Simpsons, yes the longest-running animated TV show ever, has correctly predicted a bunch of wild events. Join Ryan as he shares fifteen of his favorite predictions that have come true.
The Simpsons is an American animated sitcom created by Matt Groening for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The series is a satirical depiction of working-class life, epitomized by the Simpson family, which consists of Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie. The show is set in the fictional town of Springfield and parodies.
Are both parties infiltrated by aliens? They certainly seem like it lately. Aliens that don’t give a s about us.
NASA Releases a Picture of the Curiosity Rover With a Mysterious Shadow
NASA Releases a Picture of the Curiosity Rover With a Mysterious Shadow
NASA Releases A Picture Of The Curiosity Rover With A Mysterious Shadow
In September 2012, Nasa released a picture of the Curiosity, a rover that was exploring Mars. A regular photo of the rover’s exploration containing a mysterious shadow intrigued the internet and raised questions.
A Mars rover is a motor vehicle that travels across the surface of the planet Mars upon arrival. Rovers have several advantages over stationary landers: they examine more territory, they can be directed to interesting features, they can place themselves in sunny positions to weather winter months, and they can advance the knowledge of how to perform very remote robotic vehicle control. Wikipedia
Hidden Beneath the Frozen Antarctica Landscape... the Lost City of Atlantis
Hidden Beneath the Frozen Antarctica Landscape... the Lost City of Atlantis
COAST TO COAST AM INSIDER Archived Show - Author Thomas Greanias discussed his book Raising Atlantis, which speculates that the ancient city of Atlantis lay buried beneath the frozen Antarctic landscape. According to Greanias, a “magnetic anomaly” has been discovered in East Antarctica at Lake Volstok.
Greanias suggested the anomaly could be a man-made structure, perhaps the ruins of Atlantis or even a submerged flying saucer. He said authorities have placed a “green electric fence” around Lake Volstok out of supposed concern for the delicate environment of the lake, making further investigations of the anomaly difficult to conduct.
White Triangle UFO Over Las Vegas, May Be Alien Drone From Nellis AFB, Sept 27, 2020, Video, UFO Sighting News.
White Triangle UFO Over Las Vegas, May Be Alien Drone From Nellis AFB, Sept 27, 2020, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Sept 27, 2020 Location of sighting: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA Here is some very shaky raw footage of a white triangle UFO over Las Vegas, Nevada this week. This footage is real, it checks out and is not CGI. I have had contact with some people in Las Vegas over the last ten years or so that have also see these white UFOs over Vegas frequently. Nellis AFB is in Las Vegas and its known for having a Tall Whites alien base behind the old firing range of Nellis AFB. This ship fits the description of the Tall Whites craft. I believe this is a remote controlled craft...a drone from the Tall White underground base. They are stubborn and do what they want when and how they want. Why observe us? Humanity has many cultures, rituals and races. We are very different from their genetically enhanced race...genetically increasing strength, memory, stamina, speed, but not things like art, creativity, patience, or trust. Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
Two Mysterious Creatures Wander In Front Of Door Cam, Dallas, Texas, Aug 28, 2020, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Two Mysterious Creatures Wander In Front Of Door Cam, Dallas, Texas, Aug 28, 2020, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: August 28, 2020
Location of sighting:Dallas, Texas, USA
This footage came from a Ring door cam. It was recorded automatically by the door cam. In the footage we see two very short creatures walking around in the parking lot. The creatures look to be about a foot tall or less.
There are dozens of old UFO landing reports that talk about eyewitnesses seeing small alien creatures, some that move incredibly fast, but none were harmful but were reported to be very mischievous. These creatures in the cam look like they are looking for something. Its very possible that these are two intelligent alien beings and they landed to get a close up look at life on Earth for a few minutes. Intelligence is not regulated by size, but by will of the species to evolve and survive.
Astronomers baffled by mysterious object coming to Earth
Astronomers baffled by mysterious object coming to Earth
Mini-moons are a unique space phenomenon that usually happen when an asteroid is caught by Earth's gravitational pull and temporarily orbits the planet.
But now, astronomers are baffled by an object which is on track to enter Earth's orbit in November and it doesn't seem like an asteroid.
According to the director of NASA's Center for Near Earth Object Studies, this 'mini-moon', which they have called asteroid 2020 SO, could be a lost booster rocket from the 60s.
So they're basically suggesting that this man-made booster rocket traveled through space only to resurface close to Earth after more than 50 years. Is that possible or this object isn't man-made at all?
Unknown Object Appears in Field of View of ISS Camera
Unknown Object Appears in Field of View of ISS Camera
On September 27, 2020 an unknown object came into the view of the International Space Station live cam until it disappears behind the earth and goes out of the field of view. About 30 minutes later it reappears....
Meanwhile the ISS is leaking air and till now they cannot find the leak. Since it looks like the object has the same color as the space station we may wonder whether something did come off the ISS or not.
Two silver objects behaving oddly in the sky above Sydney TODAY!
Two silver objects behaving oddly in the sky above Sydney TODAY!
This was filmed today over Sydney, Australia!
Witness report:
About 11am 28/09/2020 two office associates noticed a round silver object moving at steady pace from north to south coming from about above the Gladesville area. After returning from getting a phone to record the object we noticed a second object high in the sky about Balmain/ Pyrmont area. The two objects began to slowly dance about in the sky by a cloud and one began to tumble forward whilst the other moved straight up into and through the cloud. Both objects were very shiny they caught and reflected the sun brightly. The objects continued this behavior for about 10 minutes and disappeared.
This area is directly in the flight path from Sydney airport. They were far too small to be areoplanes and they were too round and without a tail or visible rotor to be helicopters. I don’t believe they were drones as they were about the size of a small (pinky) fingernail to the naked eye.
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Check our this huge bright unidentified flying object flying over the sky above Odessa in Ukraine. This happened on 8th September 2020.
Witness report:
I noticed a faintly glowing object that stood out from the background as it was 10 degrees above the horizon. A bright white glow with increasing intensity, the brightness has increased to a magnitude of -3 or -4, it’s like the brightness of Jupiter or Venus, one of the brightest planets. It took me about 15 seconds to pick up a 5x magnification night vision device. A UFO arose in the south over the sea, near the coast 5 km away, filmed from the village of Kotovsky, a wanderer was moving towards the city of Odessa, and Zhivakhova Gora, this place with a hill in the form of a mountain by the sea, in ancient times was a cult place of Greek colonists, now a place of anomalous zones. I rotated focus on the night vision device in an attempt to sharpen and see the possible outlines of the object emitting light but saw nothing but a bright circular sphere, even when the object faded, the sphere shrank to a small point and disappeared. I shot for another minute, in case an object suddenly reappears, but it disappeared from the sight of even infrared radiation invisible to humans, but visible to the device.
We live in a galaxy called the Milky Way. But there is so much more to know about these grand and glorious star islands in space! Click in here, and prepare to have your mind expanded.
This is a giant galaxy cluster known as Abell 2744, aka Pandora’s Cluster, located in the direction of the constellation Sculptor. The cluster is about 4 million light-years across and has the mass of 4 trillion suns. It appears to be the result of a simultaneous pile-up of at least 4 separate, smaller galaxy clusters that took place over a span of 350 million years. Read more about this image at HubbleSite. Image via NASA/ ESA/ J. Lotz/ M. Mountain/ A. Koekemoer/ the Hubble Frontier Fields Team.
A galaxy is a vast island of stars in an ocean of space. Galaxies are typically separated from one another by huge distances measured in millions oflight-years. Galaxies are sometimes said to be the building blocks of our universe. Their distribution isn’t random, as one might suppose: galaxies are strung out along unimaginably long filaments across the universe, a cosmic web of star cities.
A galaxy can contain hundreds of billions of stars and be many thousands of light-years across. Our own galaxy, the Milky Way, is around 100,000 light-years in diameter. That’s about 587,900 trillion miles, nearly a million trillion kilometers.
Galaxies are of widely varying sizes, too.
There are an estimated two trillion galaxies in the universe.
Illustration showing snapshots from a simulation by astrophysicist Volker Springel of the Max Planck Institute in Germany. It represents the growth of cosmic structure (galaxies and voids) when the universe was 0.9 billion, 3.2 billion and 13.7 billion years old (now).
Galaxies group together in clusters. Our own galaxy is part of what is called the Local Group, for example: a cluster comprising 55 galaxies that we know of so far.
The “glue” that binds stars into galaxies, galaxies into clusters, clusters into superclusters and superclusters into filaments is – of course – gravity, the universe’s construction worker, which sculpts all the structures we see in the cosmos.
Distances from the Local Group for selected groups and clusters within the Local Supercluster, which is called the Virgo Supercluster.
There are several basic types of galaxy, each containing sub-types. Galaxies were first systematically classified, based on their visual appearance, by the famous astronomer Edwin P. Hubble in the late 1920s and 30s, during years of painstaking observations. Hubble’s Classification of Galaxies, as it is known, is still very much in use today, although, since Hubble’s time, like any good classification system it has been updated and amended in the light of new observations.
Before Hubble’s study of galaxies, it was believed that our galaxy was the only one in the universe. Astronomers thought that the smudges of light they saw in their telescopes were in fact nebulae within our own galaxy and not, as Hubble discovered, galaxies in their own right. It was Hubble who demonstrated, by measuring their velocities, that they lie at great distances from us, millions of light-years beyond the Milky Way, distances so huge that they appear tiny in all but the largest telescopes. Moreover, he demonstrated that, wherever he looked, galaxies are receding from us in all directions, and the further away they are, the faster they are receding. Hubble had discovered that the universe is expanding.
A diagrammatic representation of Edwin Hubble’s “tuning fork diagram.” In the late 1920s and 30s, Hubble conducted the laborious observations needed to begin to classify galaxies. His original classification scheme was published in 1936 in a book called “The Realm of the Nebulae.” His original scheme is – like all scientific work – continually being modified. But his idea of a “tuning fork diagram” has continued to be useful.
The most common type of galaxy is the one most people are familiar with: the spiral galaxy. The Milky Way is of this family. Spiral galaxies have majestic, sweeping arms, thousands of light years long, made up of millions upon millions of stars. Our solar system is situated about 2/3 of the way out from the galactic center towards the periphery of the galaxy, embedded in one of these spiral arms.
Spiral galaxies are also characterised by having a bright center, made up of a dense concentration of stars, so tightly packed that from a distance the galaxy’s center looks like a solid ball. This ball of stars is known as the galactic bulge. At the center of the Milky Way – within the galactic bulge – the density of stars has been calculated at 1 million per 34 cubic light-years, for example.
Meanwhile, in the vicinity of our sun, the stellar density has been estimated as 0.004 stars per cubic light-year. Big difference!
A stunning view of the center of our Milky Way galaxy as seen by the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) telescope in Australia in 2019.
Image via Natasha Hurley-Walker (ICRAR/ Curtin)/ GLEAM Team/
The Milky Way is, in fact, in one of Hubble’s spiral galaxy sub-types: it’s a barred spiral, which means it has a bar of stars protruding out from either side of the center. The ends of the bar form the anchors of the spiral arms, the place from where they sweep out in their graceful and enormous arcs. This is a fairly recent discovery: how the bar forms in a galaxy is not yet understood.
Also established recently is the fact that the disk of the Milky Way is not, as most diagrams depict, flat: it is warped, like a long-playing vinyl record left too long in the sun. Exactly why is not known, but it is thought to be the result of a gravitational encounter with another galaxy early in the Milky Way’s history.
They come to be because – although most galaxies are flying apart from each other – those astronomically close to each other will be mutually gravitationally attracted. Caught in an inexorable gravitational dance, eventually they merge, passing through each other over millions of years, eventually forming a single, amorphous elliptical galaxy. Such mergers may result in the birth of new generations of stars as gravity’s shock-wave compresses huge clouds of interstellar gas and dust.
The Milky Way is caught in such a gravitational embrace with M31, aka the Andromeda galaxy, which is 2 1/2 million light-years distant. Both galaxies are moving toward each other because of gravitational attraction: they will merge in about 6 billion years from now. However, both galaxies are surrounded by huge halos of gas which may extend for millions of light-years, and it was recently discovered that the halos of the Milky Way and M31 have started to touch.
The two galaxies have had their first kiss.
Galaxy mergers are not uncommon: the universe is filled with examples of galaxies in various stages of merging together, their structures disrupted and distorted by gravity, forming bizarre and beautiful shapes.
Galaxies may take billions of years to fully merge into a single galaxy. As astronomers look outward in space, they can see only “snapshots” of this long merger process. Located 300 million light-years away in the constellation Coma Berenices, these 2 colliding galaxies have been nicknamed The Mice because of the long tails of stars and gas emanating from each galaxy. Otherwise known as NGC 4676, the pair will eventually merge into a single giant galaxy.
At the lower end of the galactic size scale, there are the so-called dwarf galaxies, consisting of a few hundred to up to several billion stars. Their origin is not clear. Usually they have no clearly defined structure. Astronomers believe they were born in the same way as larger galaxies like the Milky Way, but for whatever reason they stopped growing. Ensnared by the gravity of a larger galaxy, they orbit its periphery. The Milky Way has around 20 dwarf galaxies orbiting it that we know of, although some models predict there should be many more.
The two most famous dwarf galaxies for us earthlings are, of course, the Small and Large Magellanic Clouds, visible to the unaided eye in Earth’s Southern Hemisphere sky.
Eventually, these and other dwarf galaxies will be ripped apart by the titanic maw of the Milky Way’s gravity, leaving behind a barely noticeable stream of stars across the sky, slowly dissipating over eons.
Lynton Brown captured this beautiful image of the Milky Way over Taylor’s Lake near Horsham, Australia, on April 22, 2019. The 2 objects on the right are the Magellanic Clouds. Thank you, Lynton!
It is believed that all galaxies rotate: the Milky Way takes 226 million years to spin around once, for example. Since its birth, therefore, the Earth has travelled 20 times around the galaxy.
At the center of most galaxies lurks a supermassive black hole, of millions or even billions of solar masses. The record holder, TON 618, has a mass 66 billion times that of our sun.
The origin and evolution of supermassive black holes are not well understood. A few years ago, astronomers uncovered a surprising fact: in spiral galaxies, the mass of the supermassive black hole has a direct linear relationship with the mass of the galactic bulge. The more mass the black hole has, the more stars there are in the bulge. No one knows exactly what the significance of this relationship is, but its existence seems to indicate that the growth of a galaxy’s stellar population and that of its supermassive black hole are inextricably linked.
This discovery comes at a time when astronomers are beginning to realize that a supermassive black hole may control the fate of its host galaxy: the copious amounts of electromagnetic radiation emitted from the maelstrom of material orbiting the central black hole, known as the accretion disk, may push away and dissipate the clouds of interstellar hydrogen from which new stars form. This acts as a throttle on the galaxy’s ability to give birth to new stars. Ultimately, the emergence of life itself may be tied to the activity of supermassive black holes. This is an area of much ongoing research.
While astronomers still know very little about exactly how galaxies formed in the first place – we see them in their nascent forms existing only a few hundred million years after the Big Bang – the study of galaxies is an endless voyage of discovery.
Less than a hundred years after it was realized that other galaxies beside our own exist, we have learned so much about these grand, majestic star cities. And there is still much to learn.
Bottom line: What is a galaxy? Learn about these starry islands in space.
“70 years of secrecy has led to this.” — Jacques Vallee, world renowned scientist and UFO researcher
Movies about visitors from another world have been common place in the zeitgeist of popular culture since the likes of THE THING FROM ANOTHER WORLD, THE WAR OF THE WORLDS, THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL and INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS hit cinemas in the 1950’s
Now comes the explosive documentary THE PHENOMENON.
From director James Fox, this film being hailed as the most revealing and credible examination of the long-standing global cover up and mystery involving unidentified aerial phenomenon. Including shocking testimony from high-ranking government and military officials, NASA Astronauts, and riveting never-before seen footage, the timely film also reveals the monumental events behind the NY Times’ recent bombshell disclosure of The Pentagon’s secret UFO Program, and provides eye-opening evidence that mankind is not alone in the universe.
With over 2 million views of the trailer within 24 hours, this film is sure to make a lot of noise. The hot topic film debuts just ahead of the presidential election, and on the heels the Pentagon’s announcement that Deputy Defense Secretary David Norquist approved the establishment of an Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF), which will fall under the Navy. “The Department of Defense established the UAPTF to improve its understanding of, and gain insight into, the nature and origins of UAPs,” the Pentagon said. “The mission of the task force is to detect, analyze and catalog UAPs that could potentially pose a threat to U.S. national security.”
Chairman of the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Senator Marco Rubio, recently publicly said: “We have things flying over our military bases and places where we are conducting military exercises, and we don’t know what it is and it isn’t ours, so that’s a legitimate question to ask.”
Senator Harry Reid says “The Phenomenon is meritorious. It makes the incredible credible.” Former Senior CIA Officer Jim Semivan, calls it “The most important documentary of the year and the most accurate examination of the world’s greatest mystery.”
Narrated by Peter Coyote, the film includes Senator Harry Reid, President Clinton, President Ford, John Podesta, White House Chief of Staff for Clinton and advisor to Obama, Governor Bill Richardson, Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, Christopher Mellon, NASA Astronauts, Governor Fife Symington, George Knapp, and Dr. Jacques Vallee, who was portrayed in Steven Spielberg’s Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
A Treasure in Ruins: Ancient Mehrgarh Lost to Thieves and Violence
A Treasure in Ruins: Ancient Mehrgarh Lost to Thieves and Violence
Mehrgarh is an archaeological site situated in the Balochistan, in the southwestern part of Pakistan. In the native Balochi language, ‘mehr’ is said to mean ‘love’, and ‘garh’ means heaven. Thus, the name of the site may be taken to mean ‘the heaven of love’.
Mehrgarh is considered one of the most important Neolithic sites in South Asia, with some of the earliest evidence of agriculture discovered there. Thus, Mehrgarh is sometimes referred to as the earliest farming settlement in South Asia. Additionally, Mehrgarh is a precursor to the Indus Valley Civilization, one of the cradles of civilization . Archaeologists have divided the occupation of Mehrgarh into seven chronological periods, which provides a picture of how the site developed over the millennia.
Passing Traders, Invaders, and Nomadic Tribes
Mehrgarh is located on the Kachi Plain, not far from the Bolan Pass, to the west of the Indus River. The Kachi Plain provides a favorable environment for human settlement due to the presence of water and arable soil, while the Bolan Pass is an important and strategic geographical feature that connects the region to the west.
This pass is the gateway to the Indus Valley from the highlands of Afghanistan, beyond which is the Iranian Plateau and the Fertile Crescent in the Near East. In other words, it was this mountain pass that facilitated movement between the Indus Valley in the east and the other early civilizations in the west. Traders, invaders, and nomadic tribes have traversed this important pass over the millennia.
The Bolan Pass retained its strategic value well into modern times, when the British colonialists used it for their campaigns in Afghanistan. Mehrgarh lies between the modern Pakistani cities of Quetta, Kalat, and Sibi, while Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa, the two major urban centers of the Indus Valley Civilization , are located to its southeast and northeast respectively.
Discovering and Excavating Mehrgarh
Unlike Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa, the discovery of Mehrgarh occurred at a rather late date. The existence of Mohenjo-Daro was known by archaeologists as early as 1911, although excavations only began in the 1920s. Harappa was already discovered in 1826, with the first excavations taking place in 1920.
Mehrgarh, on the other hand, was only discovered in 1974. It was the French archaeologist, Jean-François Jarrige, who made this discovery. Jarrige was a specialist in South Asian archaeology, and, apart from Mehrgarh, was also responsible for the excavation of sites such as Nausharo (located about 6 km (3.73 miles) from Mehrgarh), Pirak, Sibri, Dauda Damb, Lal Shah, Damboli, and Shah Ghair.
The site of Mehrgarh covers an area of 495 acres (200 hectares, 2 km 2). Jarrige and his team worked continuously there from 1974 to 1986. The excavations at Mehrgarh then stopped for a period of 10 years, before commencing once more in 1997. The archaeologists worked for another four years, and the campaign ended in 2000.
The excavations were carried out jointly by the French Archaeological Mission and the Department of Archaeology of Pakistan. The findings made by Jarrige and his team during their work at Mehrgarh have provided much insight into the lifestyle of the ancient people who lived there.
Mehrgarh’s Extensive Occupation History
Mehrgarh is a classic tell site , a tell being an artificial mound created over time. As the occupants of the site built new structures over the ruins of old ones, the mound gradually increased in height, and, after many generations, forms a tell. A number of these artificial mounds have been excavated at Mehrgarh, and an archaeological sequence has been formed. The sequence has been divided into seven chronological periods – Mehrgarh Period I – VII.
The earliest known settlement at Mehrgarh can be found in the site’s northeastern corner, in an area referred to as MR3. In the archaeological sequence, this period is known as Mehrgarh Period I, and has been dated to between 7000 and 5500 BC. During this phase, which corresponds to the Neolithic period, Mehrgarh was a small village that relied on farming and animal husbandry for its survival.
The culture at this point was aceramic, which means that they were not making pottery, which is one of the features distinguishing the Neolithic from preceding ages. Instead, the inhabitants of Mehrgarh were using basket containers lined with bitumen (which made the vessels water-proof). The archaeological evidence also shows that people at that time were using copper ore that was obtained locally, as well as various stone and bone tools.
A 6,000-year-old copper "wheel" amulet from Mehrgarh.
The presence of foreign goods, seashells from distant seashores, and lapis lazuli from Afghanistan, suggests that the people of Mehrgarh were already in contact with the outside world.
During the Mehrgarh I Period, the occupants of the site lived in simple mud buildings that had four internal divisions. These houses were free-standing and rectangular in shape, while the mudbricks used for their construction have a long, cigar shape.
The form of these structures is quite similar to those found in 7th millennium BC Mesopotamia, and a connection between the two areas has been proposed. Further evidence supporting the link between Mehrgarh and Mesopotamia include the similarities in crafts, agricultural, and funerary practices.
Mehrgarh is also notable for having the earliest archaeological evidence of agriculture in South Asia. The people who lived during the Mehrgarh I Period had access to plant foods such as domesticated and wild six-rowed barley, domestic einkorn and emmer wheat, and wild Indian jujube ( Zizyphus spp ) and date palms ( Phoenix dactylifera ).
In addition, meat was being consumed at Mehrgarh. The faunal remains of herded animals, such as sheep, goat, and cattle, as well as those of wild animals, including gazelle, water buffalo, and elephant were found in this archaeological layer. The types of hunted animals suggest that during this period the area of Balochistan was dominated by savannah.
Two other exciting findings were made by archaeologists – the earliest known example of cotton in the Old World and the earliest evidence for the drilling of human teeth in vivo , i.e. in a living person. The former was published in the Journal of Archaeological Science in 2002 and the latter was published in Nature in 2006.
An experimental reconstruction of a bow and flint-tipped drill used to bore through molar teeth found at a Neolithic graveyard in Mehrgarh, Pakistan.
The discovery of the cotton threads was made during the metallurgical study of a copper bead that came from a burial at Mehrgarh. As a result of mineralization, a few cotton threads were preserved, and therefore could be analyzed. With the aid of a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and a reflected-light microscope, the researchers were able to study the morphology of the fibers, and concluded that they were from cotton.
As for the discovery of the practice of proto-dentistry in Mehrgarh , the researchers identified a total of 11 drilled permanent crowns in nine individuals. The teeth were studied using light microscopy, SEM, and microtomography, and the results of these analyses showed the presence of conical, cylindrical, or trapezoidal cavities, as well as concentric ridges preserved on some walls.
All these are signs that the teeth had been drilled. In all cases, the researchers observed marginal smoothing of the cavity walls. This led them to the conclusion that the drilling had been done while the individuals were still alive, as they continued to chew with these teeth, hence the marginal smoothing.
Flint drill heads were part of the lithic assemblages of the site, and using experimental archaeology, the researchers found that less than a minute was needed to produce similar holes in human enamel with these tools. The researchers also postulated that the knowledge of drilling may have been first developed by artisans for the production of beads, and was later used to drill human teeth .
Ceramics and Craftworks at Mehrgarh
The next level of occupation is referred to as Mehrgarh Period II, and dates to between 5500 and 4800 BC. By this time, the people of Mehrgarh were producing ceramics . It seems that there was a shift in focus from the area of MR3 to a new one, MR4. During this period, agriculture was firmly established at the site, and the archaeologists found that locally domesticated barley (about 90%) was the main crop, though wheat from the Near East was also available to its inhabitants.
The archaeologists also excavated a number of sun-dried brick buildings. These were large and rectangular and were divided symmetrically into smaller squares or rectangles. The archaeologists were of the opinion that these were not houses like the ones excavated in the Mehrgarh Period I layer, as they did not have doors, and there was a lack of residential remains. Instead, they suggested that these structures were either granaries, or other warehouses that were shared by the entire community.
Other structural remains found at this level indicate that large scale production of craft goods had begun in Mehrgarh. These are standardized rooms surrounded by a large open space where the craftsmen would work. This aspect of life in Neolithic Mehrgarh is also evident in the material culture left behind at the site.
The primary product of these craftsmen were beads which are characteristic of the region. This tradition of bead making would last up until the time of the Indus Valley Civilization. During Mehrgarh Period II, craftsmen were making various types of beads. For instance, soft stone beads, such as limestone and steatite, were being made, possibly with stone or copper drills.
For harder types of stone, including agate and jasper, specialized stone drills would have been used. Marine shell ornaments were also being made in Mehrgarh. The beads and shell ornaments show that during the Mehrgarh II Period, there was an increase in the importation of non-local raw materials to the site.
This situation continued into the next period, Mehrgarh Period III, which lasted from around 4800 to 3500 BC, and is considered to be the Early Chalcolithic period. The focus of the settlement, however, shifted once more, this time to the area MR1. Like the preceding period, storage facilities and houses were unearthed by the archaeologists, though these structures were much more elaborate than their Neolithic counterparts. For instance, they had foundations of pebbles embedded in clay, and the buildings’ bricks were made with molds.
Mehrgarh Periods IV – VII lasted from about 3500 to 2500 BC and these levels belong to the Chalcolithic period. The inhabitants of the site shifted to MR1. During these periods, pottery and crafts continued to be manufactured at the site, though it is clear that there were stylistic changes.
Stylistic depictions of the Togau ware found at Mehrgarh shows how the Mehrgarh people moved towards a mass-production model for their pottery ware.
At the end of the Mehrgarh Period VII, the site was largely abandoned. Around the same time, the Indus Valley Civilization was in its middle stages of development. It has been hypothesized that as a result of climatic changes, the region of Balochistan had become more arid and unsuitable for agriculture. As a consequence, the people of Mehrgarh migrated to the Indus Valley, where environmental conditions were more favorable.
Despite its significance, the site of Mehrgarh is in a sorry state today. While Mehrgarh is currently on UNESCO’s Tentative Heritage List, it has been alleged that the central government has not taken the site seriously. The blame has been placed on the government’s failure to present the site to UNESCO in an effective way.
Mehrgarh also faces other, more serious, problems. In 2002, the site became an unfortunate victim of a tribal feud between the Raisani and Rind tribes. Rockets fired by both tribes badly damaged the site. Additionally, although the site was under the control of the Raisani, the Rind also had claims over it. Not content with the way things were, the latter decided simply to bulldoze the site.
In addition to local problems, Mehrgarh faces international ones as well. In October 2014, the Italian authorities confiscated antiquities in Rome that were stolen from Mehrgarh. In a 2015 article, it was reported that the objects have not been repatriated yet due to bureaucratic red tape and the lack of interest from Pakistani authorities.
Archaeological Site of Mehrgarh in September 2018.
Although the seizure of the smuggled antiquities in Rome is commendable, it does not address the root of the problem. The illegal trade of antiquities is rampant in Pakistan and is an issue that needs to be addressed if the future of Mehrgarh and other sites is to be guaranteed.
Top Image: Ruins of Mehrgarh. (M. Thoury et al./ CC BY 4.0 ) Insert: Detail of a female figure made of terracotta from Mehrgarh, circa 3000 BC. (Denis Biette/ CC BY SA 1.0 )
Scientists Discovered an 'Improbable' World That Shouldn't Exist
Scientists Discovered an 'Improbable' World That Shouldn't Exist
This Neptune-sized exoplanet, which inexplicably exists in an ultrahot 'Neptune desert,' could provide researchers with answers they've been seeking for years.
Imagine a world where a year passes more quickly than a single Earth day. That’s what’s shaking at LTT 9779b, a giant exoplanet whose existence and properties are currently inexplicable given its extreme proximity to its Sun-like star, which it orbits every 19 hours.
Located about 260 light years from Earth, LTT 9779b is the first known example of an Neptune-sized world with this type of “ultrashort” orbital period of less than a day, according to a study published on Monday in Nature Astronomy.
The strange world is also the sole member of an entirely new class of exoplanet called the “ultrahot Neptune.”
“LTT 9779b promises to shed light on the nature of Neptune-type planets, and worlds in general,” said James Jenkins, an astronomer at the University of Chile in Santiago who led the new study, in an email.
Scientists have discovered small rocky exoplanets and large Jupiter-sized exoplanets circling their stars in fewer than 24 hours. But it is unprecedented for a world like LTT 9779b to pop up in this so-called “hot Neptune desert” because this intense environment around stars is expected to blow away their atmospheres, leaving only exposed cores.
The planet was first spotted in 2018 as a weird blip in images of the LTT 9779 star system, captured by the newly launched NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). A small dip in the star’s light hinted at the possible presence of a planet that might be crossing in front of it, an event known as a transit.
Jenkins and his colleagues suspected that the ultrashort period might stem from an instrumental error, or a false positive caused by two stars in a binary system.
“When we received the information from the TESS that there was possible planet dips for this star that were happening every 19 hours and the radius could be smaller than the size of Jupiter, I was a little skeptical about what we could find,” Jenkins recalled.
“I checked through all the test outputs that were produced by the TESS team and this started to look very intriguing, something that could be quite unique,” he added.
Since most ultrashort transits end up being false positives, Jenkins and his colleagues followed up on the TESS detection with the High Accuracy Radial-velocity Planet Searcher (HARPS) instrument at the European Southern Observatory’s La Silla Observatory in Chile. HARPS can pinpoint the tiny sideways wobble of a star caused by the gravitational pull of a planet orbiting it, thereby backing up observations of transits.
To the team’s delight, the exoplanet really does exist, against all odds and assumptions.
“At this point we were all over the Moon, as this was something special, something that could provide the exoplanet community with many answers to questions we had been searching for over recent years,” Jenkins said. “We went from surprise at the beginning, to tempered excitement, to being ecstatic at the end.”
LTT 9779b appears to have somehow maintained a gassy atmospheric envelope, even in the face of the intense radiation from its star, which keeps the planet at searing temperatures of about 1,700°C (3,100°F].
“[T]heoretical modelling efforts are needed to try to understand why this planet even exists so close to its star, and still carrying an atmosphere,” Jenkins said. “These key questions on the origin of this world will give us a deeper understanding of the formation and evolutionary processes that planets undergo.”
LTT 9779 b is about five times larger than Earth and 28 times as massive, making it hulkier than Neptune but comparably dense. Its outlier status as the only ultrahot Neptune ever discovered can help scientists understand how different types of planets end up in orbital hot seats very close to their stars.
Just a few months ago, scientists announced the discovery of another planet called TOI-849b, with a size comparable to Neptune, that was also in the Neptune desert. However, TOI-849b is unusually dense and retains only a thin shell of an atmosphere, suggesting that it may be the exposed core of a much larger Jupiter-sized planet that was stripped of its skies when it wandered too close to its star.
LTT 9779 b may be undergoing an analogous process, though it appears to be a genuinely Neptune-scale world rather than the burned-out remains of an even larger planet. It’s possible that this oddball was only recently thrust into its ultrashort period, perhaps by gravitational interactions with other planets in more distant reaches of the star system. Given that the LTT 9779 system is only two billion years old, it may be that this exoplanet has a long and tortuous future in which it will ultimately be stripped of its atmosphere, similar to TOI-849b.
For now, though, LTT 9779b is the perfect place to study the evolution and behavior of ultrashort and ultrahot planets. Jenkins and his colleagues hope to learn new details about the composition of the planet’s atmosphere, or if there are any other planets in the system.
“We are already following up the planet from both the ground and space, and these observations surely promise to reveal a lot more about LTT 9779b in the near future,” Jenkins said.
With this observational data, “theoretical researchers can work to try to explain the origins of the planet,” he noted, “with the big question being: 'Why does a planet with an age of two billion years, and that orbits so close to its star that the temperature is over 1,700°Celsius, still have any atmosphere at all? Why hasn't the entire atmosphere been blown off into space long ago’?”
Het was wereldnieuws vorige week: in de atmosfeer van Venus was fosfine ontdekt. Een gas dat hier op aarde door bacteriën wordt geproduceerd en ook op Venus dus wel eens een spoor van leven zou kunnen zijn.
Andere kijk De studie heeft onze kijk op Venus voorgoed veranderd. Waar de planeet tot voor kort gezien werd als het onleefbare tweelingzusje van de aarde – dat ongeveer net zo groot is als onze thuisplaneet, maar door een uit de hand gelopen broeikaseffect oppervlaktetemperaturen van zo’n 465 graden Celsius kent – bleek het nu opeens weleens leven te kunnen herbergen. Dat leven zou zich dan hoog in het wolkendek ophouden, waar de temperaturen rond de dertig graden Celsius liggen.
Het onderzoek deed het hart van menig astrobioloog harder kloppen en direct werd er al gefantaseerd over missies naar Venus, waarbij we actief naar die organismen op zoek zouden kunnen gaan. Maar het onderzoek riep ook heel wat vragen op. Want om wat voor organismen zou het dan gaan? En hoeveel waren het er? En zouden we wel in staat zijn om ze te detecteren?
Biomassa Een eveneens vorige week verschenen studie gaat – met wat snelle berekeningen – op de twee laatste vragen in. Aan de hand van de fosfine-observaties hebben de onderzoekers Manasvi Lingam en Abraham Loeb de biomassa berekend die nodig is om de fosfine die in het wolkendek van Venus gespot is, te produceren. En de berekeningen wijzen uit dat die biomassa enkele malen kleiner is dan de gemiddelde biomassa die we in het wolkendek van de aarde aantreffen.
Volgens de onderzoekers ligt de gemiddelde dichtheid van de biomassa in Venus’ wolkendek rond de 10^-4 microgram per kubieke meter. “We moeten hierbij wel opmerken dat onze schattingen voor de gemiddelde dichtheid van de biomassa enkel geldt voor hypothetische microben die fosfine produceren,” zo schrijven de onderzoekers. De werkelijke biomassa kan dus veel hoger liggen, als er ook nog microben zijn die een andere stofwisseling kennen.
Aannames We weten natuurlijk nog helemaal niets van eventueel leven op Venus. En dus moeten de onderzoekers in hun modellen waaruit schattingen van de biomassa rollen, behoorlijk wat aannames doen. Een belangrijke aanname is dat de microben wanneer ze actief zijn en dus fosfine produceren, opgesloten zitten in druppels die bescherming bieden tegen uitdroging. Een recente studie suggereerde dat deze in druppels wonende microben er wel eens een eigenaardige levenscyclus op na kunnen houden, waarbij de druppels waarin ze zich bevinden door de tijd heen groeien en uiteindelijk door die groei naar beneden zakken en in onleefbare lagen van Venus’ atmosfeer belanden. In reactie daarop zouden de microben uitdrogen om uiteindelijk in die uitgedroogde, lichte staat weer door de winden naar hogere atmosferische regionen te worden gebonjourd, waar ze weer ingekapseld worden in een druppel, uit die uitgedroogde toestand komen zetten en weer doorgaan met leven, tot die druppel weer afzakt.
Bemoedigend Op dit moment kunnen onderzoekers nog niet met zekerheid zeggen dat de fosfine in de atmosfeer van Venus het resultaat is van ijverige microben. Ze kunnen namelijk niet uitsluiten dat er op Venus een niet-biologisch proces speelt dat resulteert in de aanmaak van het gas. Het feit dat de hoeveelheid fosfine volgens dit onderzoek overeenkomt met een beperkte biomassa, is echter bemoedigend. Want afgaand op het feit dat Venus grotendeels onleefbaar is, zou je ook geen enorme biomassa verwachten, zo stellen de onderzoekers.
Detectie Tegelijkertijd kun je je natuurlijk afvragen of het met zo’n beperkte biomassa niet veel lastiger wordt om dat leven op Venus te detecteren. Ook daar laten Lingam en Loeb zich in hun paper uit. “Het is plausibel dat kleine ruimtevaartuigen die gedurende een paar uren functioneel zijn in staat zijn om biomakers in Venus’ wolkendek te detecteren.”
Vervolgonderzoek is hard nodig. Hieruit zal allereerst moeten blijken of het fosfine-signaal inderdaad in de wat gematigdere regionen van Venus’ atmosfeer zijn oorsprong vindt. Als het bewijs voor leven op Venus zich tijdens die vervolgstudies blijft opstapelen, ligt een missie naar de planeet, met als doel het detecteren van leven, voor de hand. Studies zoals die van Lingam en Loeb kunnen dan helpen om zo’n missie vorm te geven. Nu blijven Lingam en Loeb benadrukken dat hun studie slechts een grove voorzet is; er zijn meer data en observaties nodig om een nauwkeuriger beeld te kunnen krijgen van eventueel leven op Venus. “Maar (onze analyse, red.) wijst er wel op dat missies gericht op het detecteren van leven betekenisvolle resultaten op kunnen leveren, zelfs als de dichtheid van de microben in Venus’ atmosfeer enkele malen lager ligt dan in de atmosfeer van de aarde.” En daarom is het volgens de onderzoekers ook belangrijk om na te gaan denken over wat er vanuit een engineering-oogpunt nodig is om een missie te ontwerpen die het voor eventuele levensvormen op Venus onmogelijk maakt om zich nog langer voor ons verborgen te houden.
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De aarde staat op het punt om het object 2020 SO in te vangen. Onduidelijk is nog of het een ruimtesteen of ruimtepuin is.
Het object 2020 SO cirkelt momenteel nog rond de zon. Maar dat gaat veranderen, zo voorspellen astronomen. Zoals het er nu naar uitziet wordt het object ergens in de komende weken door de zwaartekracht van de aarde ingevangen, wat betekent dat het object – net als de maan – rond de aarde gaat cirkelen.
Invangen We krijgen er in zekere zin dus een maantje bij. Maar hoe gaat dat nu precies in zijn werk? We vroegen het Paul Chodas, directeur van NASA’s Center for Near Earth Object Studies (CNEOS). “In feite is er tussen de twee Lagrange-punten (L1 en L2) een soort ‘poort’ waardoor een object dat een heliocentrische baan heeft (oftewel om de zon cirkelt, red.) door de aarde kan worden ingevangen. Voorwaarde is wel dat het object in vergelijking met onze planeet relatief langzaam beweegt. En dat geldt voor 2020 SO.”
Alles wijst er dan ook op dat het object op termijn door de zwaartekracht van de aarde in een baan om de aarde wordt gedwongen. “Het is in feite een samenspel tussen de zwaartekracht van de planeet en de zwaartekracht van de zon,” vertelt Chodas. “Op vergelijkbare wijze heeft Jupiter in het verleden tijdelijk meer dan twaalf kometen ingevangen, waaronder ook de beroemde komeet Shoemaker-Levy 9: de komeet draaide jaren rond Jupiter voor deze uiteindelijk op de planeet klapte.”
Tijdelijk en ongevaarlijk 2020 SO zal straks in een langgerekte baan om de aarde belanden en net als de kometen die Jupiter inving slechts tijdelijk om de aarde cirkelen. “Het object zal uiteindelijk weer vertrekken (…) En als dat gebeurt, gaat het weer rond de zon cirkelen.” Zorgen hoeven we ons niet te maken. “We kennen de baan van het object goed genoeg om met zekerheid te kunnen zeggen dat het niet zal inslaan op onze planeet.”
Rakettrap Onduidelijk is op dit moment nog wat 2020 SO nu precies is. Het zou een planetoïde kunnen zijn. Maar ook een stuk ruimtepuin. Chodas zet voorlopig in op het laatste. “Ik denk dat het een onderdeel van een raket is.” Hij kan dat zelfs nader specificeren. “Ik vermoed dat het de bovenste rakettrap is waarmee de Surveyor 2 op 20 september 1966 naar de maan werd gestuurd.” Chodas baseert zich op een analyse van de baan en bewegingen van 2020 SO. Daaruit blijkt onder meer dat het object zich eind 1966 in de buurt van de aarde moet hebben bevonden.
De Surveyor 2 moest een zachte landing op de maan maken, maar helaas ging er iets mis, waardoor deze op de maan crashte.
Afbeelding: NASA.
Stralingsdruk en spectrum Nu is het nog gissen naar de ware aard van 2020 SO, maar daar komt binnenkort verandering in. “We verwachten over een maand wel meer over de aard van het object te kunnen zeggen, omdat we dan de invloed van de stralingsdruk van de zon kunnen gaan zien. Als 2020 SO een rakettrap is, heeft het een beperkte dichtheid en zal het zonlicht er meetbaar tegenaan duwen. Als het een natuurlijk object is, zal het een veel grotere dichtheid hebben en zal het effect van de stralingsdruk verwaarloosbaar zijn.” Daarnaast kan men in december ook uit het spectrum van het object afleiden met wat voor soort object we te maken hebben. “Het object zal de aarde rond 1 december relatief dicht naderen en ook relatief helder worden. Als het spectrum overeenkomt met dat van verf, weten we dat we te maken hebben met een raketonderdeel.”
Of 2020 SO nu een natuurlijk verschijnsel is of niet, maakt eigenlijk niet uit; Chodas verwacht dat we in beide gevallen heel wat kunnen leren in de periode waarin de aarde het object ingevangen houdt. “Als het een natuurlijk object is, leren we dat natuurlijke objecten extreem aardachtige banen kunnen hebben en dat zou heel opwindend nieuws zijn voor de In-Situ Resource Utilization.” Chodas verwijst hiermee naar de ambitie om in de toekomst belangrijke grondstoffen van andere hemellichamen te gaan halen. “Een natuurlijk object in zo’n baan is vrij goed toegankelijk en kan bijvoorbeeld tijdens een missie naar Mars gebruikt worden als een tussenstation waar astronauten bepaalde grondstoffen kunnen verzamelen. En als het object een rakettrap blijkt te zijn, leren we weer iets meer over hoe deze rakettrappen (waarvan we de fysieke kenmerken precies kennen) gedurende meerdere decennia beïnvloed worden door de stralingsdruk van de zon.” Al met al genoeg reden voor astronomen om het object de komende maanden uitgebreid te volgen.
On September 14, 2020, a new planet was added to the list of potentially habitable worlds in the solar system: Venus.
Phosphine, a toxic gas made up of one phosphorus and three hydrogen atoms (PH3), commonly produced by organic life forms but otherwise difficult to make on rocky planets, was discovered in the middle layer of the Venus atmosphere. This raises the tantalizing possibility that something is alive on our planetary neighbor. With this discovery, Venus joins the exalted ranks of Mars and the icy moons Enceladus and Europa among planetary bodies where life may once have existed, or perhaps might even still do so today.
I’m a planetary scientist and something of a Venus evangelical. This discovery is one of the most exciting made about Venus in a very long time, and opens up a new set of possibilities for further exploration in search of life in the solar system.
Venus as seen in the infrared by the Japanese Akatsuki spacecraft. The warm colors are from the hot lower atmosphere glowing through the cooler cloud layers above.
First, it’s critical to point out that this detection does not mean that astronomers have found alien life in the clouds of Venus. Far from it, in fact.
Although the discovery team identified phosphine at Venus with two different telescopes, helping to confirm the initial detection, phosphine gas can result from several processes that are unrelated to life, such as lightning, meteor impacts or even volcanic activity.
However, the quantity of phosphine detected in the Venusian clouds seems to be far greater than those processes are capable of generating, allowing the team to rule out numerous inorganic possibilities. But our understanding of the chemistry of Venus’ atmosphere is sorely lacking: Only a handful of missions have plunged through the inhospitable, carbon dioxide-dominated atmosphere to take samples among the global layer of sulfuric acid clouds.
So we planetary scientists are faced with two possibilities: Either there is some sort of life in the Venus clouds, generating phosphine, or there is unexplained and unexpected chemistry taking place there. How do we find out which it is?
A model of the Soviet Vega 1 spacecraft at the Udvar-Hazy Center, Dulles International Airport. Vega 1 carried a balloon to Venus on its way to visit Halley’s Comet in 1985.
First and foremost, we need more information about the abundance of PH3 in the Venus atmosphere, and we can learn something about this from Earth. Just as the discovery team did, existing telescopes capable of detecting phosphine around Venus can be used for follow-up observations, to both definitively confirm the initial finding and figure out if the amount of PH3 in the atmosphere changes with time. In parallel, there is now a huge opportunity to carry out lab work to better understand the types of chemical reactions that might be possible on Venus — for which we have very limited information at present.
Antennas of the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), on the Chajnantor Plateau in the Chilean Andes. The Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, two companion galaxies to our own Milky Way galaxy, can be seen as bright smudges in the night sky, in the center of the photograph.
Once more into the breach
But measurements on and from Earth can take us only so far. To really get to the heart of this mystery, we need to go back to Venus. Spacecraft equipped with spectrometers that can detect phosphine from orbit could be dispatched to the second planet with the express purpose of characterizing where, and how much, of this gas is there. Because spacecraft can survive for many years in Venus’ orbit, we could obtain continuous observations with a dedicated orbiter over a much longer period than with telescopes on Earth.
But even orbital data can’t tell us the whole story. To fully get a handle on what’s happening at Venus, we have to actually get into the atmosphere. And that’s where aerial platforms come in. Capable of operating above much of the acidic cloud layer – where the temperature and pressure are almost Earthlike – for potentially months at a time, balloons or flying wings could take detailed atmospheric composition measurements there. These craft could even carry the kinds of instruments being developed to look for life on Europa. At that point, humanity might finally be able to definitively tell if we share our Solar System with Venusian life.
A concept for an aerial platform at Venus. Two connected balloons could take turns to inflate, allowing the balloon to control the altitude at which it floats. An instrument package would then hang from below the balloons.
Thirty-one years have elapsed since the United States last sent a dedicated mission to Venus. That could soon change as NASA considers two of four missions in the late 2020s targeting Venus. One, called VERITAS, would carry a powerful radar to peer through the thick clouds and return unprecedented high-resolution images of the surface. The other, DAVINCI+, would plunge through the atmosphere, sampling the air as it descended, perhaps even able to sniff any phosphine present. NASA plans to pick at least one mission in April 2021.
But with the detection of a potential biomarker in Venus’ atmosphere, we now have yet another major reason to return to the world ancient Greek astronomers called Phosphorus – a name for Venus that, it turns out, is wonderfully prescient.
Bottom line:On September 14, 2020, Venus was added to the list of potentially habitable worlds in the solar system. Phosphine, a toxic gas commonly produced by organic life forms but otherwise difficult to make on rocky planets, was discovered in the Venus atmosphere. Either there is some sort of life in the Venus clouds, generating phosphine, or there is unexplained and unexpected chemistry taking place there. How do we find out which it is?
In my previous article here at Mysterious Universe – which was on the subject of my new book, The Martians: Evidence of Life on the Red Planet– I made a brief reference to what may very well have been nothing less than life on Mars. And not in the distant past, but just a handful of years ago. I thought that today I would expand on this admittedly strange story as it is – without any shadow of a doubt – undeniably weird. Let us take a careful look at the story and the relevant photo that comes with it. It has become known as the “Face-Hugger photograph.” And there is a very good reason as to why the picture was given that particular name. Taken in July 2015 by NASA’s Curiosity Rover, the photo appears to show nothing less than a strange, multi-legged creature that looks astonishingly like the monstrous face-invading creatures that appeared in the phenomenally successful series of Alien movies. For those who may not know, they starred Sigourney Weaver as Warrant Officer Ellen Ripley – and they reaped in an incredible amount of dollars. When the story broke wide open in early August 2015, the headlines were predictably sensational. The U.K.’s Metro newspaper ranwith the story and titled their feature as follows: “Crab-like alien ‘facehugger’ is seen crawling out of a cave on Mars.”
It might be very wise to avoid the Martian Face-Huggers!
The same Metro article included the words of Seth Shostak, a skeptic when it comes to the matter of life on Mars, and the Senior Astronomer and Director of the Center for SETI Research; “SETI” standing for “search for extraterrestrial intelligence.” Shostak said of the strange looking thing and other allegedly anomalous photos that reach him from time to time: “Those that send them to me are generally quite excited, as they claim that these frequently resemble something you wouldn’t expect to find on the rusty, dusty surface of the Red Plane. It’s usually some sort of animal, but occasionally even weirder objects such as automobile parts. Maybe they think there are cars on Mars.” On the other side of the coin were the words of Scott Waring who, at UFO Sightings Daily, said that: “It does appear alive. It may be a crab-like animal, or it also may be a plant. This object has many arms and one of them goes to the left of the picture a very long ways. That arm is longer than all others. Plant or animal it really doesn’t matter. The significance of this is that it shows signs that it is alive. That is everything, but not to NASA.”
“The Martians: Evidence of Life on the Red Planet”
(Nick Redfern)
And, that’s pretty much how the online debate went on: for the world of science the face-hugger was nothing but a spectacular example of pareidolia. UFO seekers and conspiracy theorists, however, said otherwise. They suggested that what looked like an eerie, creepy animal was exactly that – an eerie, creepy animal on a faraway world. That it appeared to be in the opening to a small cave and maneuvering up (or, possibly, scuttling down to the ground) the cave wall with its multiple limbs only seemed to add to the theory that NASA had inadvertently captured on camera a genuine Martian animal – and a very hair-raising one, too! In my view, the spidery, crab-like animal is not a case of the eye seeing what it sorely wants to see. And, the story isn’t quite over. In my The Martians book I take a close and careful look at the incredible story of a skilled remote-viewer who, in late 2019, was able to add further – and undeniably astonishing – data to this particular story of the closest things to real-life face-huggers.
In 1966 and 1967 there was a sudden flurry of UFO activity around the United States, especially within the Ohio River Valley, and from here a great many weird cases have sprung up, including the Mothman phenomenon and countless UFO reports. A curious report from the era appeared in the book The Mothman Prophecies, by John Keel, and revolves around a usually nondescript man by the name of Tad Jones, of Dunbar, a suburb of Charleston, West Virginia. He was by all accounts a God-fearing man who did not drink or do drugs, and to was known as an honest, hard-working man not prone to fights of fancy or tall tales. Yet, on one January morning in 1966, Jones was driving to work, an appliance store he managed about 10 miles outside of Charleston. It was a route he took every day, and the rive started just like any other, but things were about to take a turn into the surreal, and it would become a case that blends all manner of strangeness, odd clues, and inexplicable events that have never really been solved.
As he drove along, at around 9 AM Jones came to something blocking the road up ahead. Since the road he was on, Route 64, was a fairly new multi-lane highway he at first assumed that this must be a road construction crew, and so he dutifully slowed down, yet as he crawled closer, he realized that this was far stranger than that. It appeared to be a large sphere with a luster like dull aluminum, but what was even weirder was that it was not sitting upon the road, as he had first thought, but rather hovering several feet over it. The sphere was described as being around 20 feet in diameter, with two antennae-like protrusions jutting out from the top, and four legs and what looked like a propeller attached at the bottom. Jones would say of the sphere:
There were four legs attached to it, with casterlike wheels on the bottom of each one. And there was a small window about nine inches in diameter on the side facing me, but I couldn’t see anything inside the sphere. On the underside there was something like a propeller. It was idling when I first drove up, then it started spinning faster and the whole object began to rise upward. It disappeared into the sky and I drove to my store. I believe what I saw. It was there. I never saw anything like it before, and I haven’t seen anything like it since, but it was there that morning on I-64.
The incident had left him shaken and afraid, and after some time pondering what he had seen, he decided to contact the police, and before long his bizarre experience was being featured all over the local papers. At around this time, Jones woke one morning to find that a slip of paper had been deposited under his front door. Not really thinking much of it at first, he picked up the paper and a glance at it caused his heart to drop. There scrawled upon it in handwriting was a note that read; “We know what you have seen and we know that you have talked. You better keep your mouth shut.” It was all very sinister, indeed, and there was no indication of who had written the note or where it had come from. Jones became paranoid, and began constantly looking over his shoulder.
A local UFO expert by the name of Ralph Jarett soon became aware of Jones story right after having his own strange experience, when a mysterious unidentified phone call had turned out to be just a few minutes of a low beeping, as if in code. Jarett would reach out to Jones and uncover many extra details about the sighting, including the fact that the UFO appeared to have been hovering directly over a major gas line. During his extensive investigation of Jones’ case, Jones would once again receive an ominous note slipped under his door. This time it was written on a piece of torn cardboard with burnt edges, and simply read: “There won’t be another warning.” All of this attracted the attention of the imminent researcher John Keel, who happened to be in the area investigating a UFO flap in the Ohio River Valley and the infamous Mothman sightings that were going on at the time. When Keel began questioning Jones and looking into the case, he would unearth even more strangeness.
Jones would mention to Keel an incident that he hadn’t really thought much of at the time, but which he had become convinced was somehow connected to his sighting. He said that one week after his UFO incident, he had been driving along the same road at around the same time when he had passed a lone man on the side of the road. He pulled over to see if the man needed help, but got no response, merely a wave. The next day, Jones passed the same man again at the same spot at the same time, and he would tell Keel that there had been something unsettling and “off” about him. Jones would describe the mysterious stranger:
He was very tanned or his face was very flushed. He looked normal and was wearing a blue coat and a blue cap with a visor… something like a uniform, I guess. I noticed he was holding a box in his hand. Some kind of instrument. It had a large dial on it, like a clock, and a wire ran from it to his other hand.
Thinking that it may have been a utilities worker, Keel checked with the gas company, but it would turn out that not only had they not had any personnel out there at the time, but that they did not wear the uniform described by Jones and also did not use such an instrument. What mysterious connection does any of this have with Jones’ experience? No one really knows. It would only get even more curious still when Keel went out to the site himself and found a strange series of footprints that looked like the tracks of a huge dog that he estimated must have weighed upwards of 200 pounds. In addition to the “dog tracks” found at the site of the Jones encounter, Keel turned up among them a human print that in some ways struck him as unusual, as well as some other weird things. He describes this as follows:
Aside from the dog tracks, we found a single footprint of what appeared to be a large, naked human foot. This was planted in the center of a muddy section with no other footprints of any kind around it. But a short distance away I came across some old friends… a type of footprint that has appeared at many UFO sites around the country. They look like the type of prints made by ripple-soled shoes, but their spacing is always peculiar. They don’t start anywhere and they don’t lead anywhere. Ripple soles had been in fashion since the early 1960s and had then faded out. But these phantom prints had a ridge around the edges. Years later, when the first men walked on the moon, I realized that the photos of the prints left by their moon-walking shoes were identical to the footprints I had seen over and over again in my travels.
Plaster casts taken of the dog tracks were sent to be analyzed and were found to not be dog tracks at all, and indeed no local wildlife experts could identify them as any animal known to the area. Oddly, Keel claims that the imminent cryptozoologist Ivan Sanderson had told him that very similar dog-like tracks often appeared in places where paranormal activity had occurred, and also said that he would later encounter similar tracks around the country in completely separate cases. What did all of this footprint weirdness have to do with Jones’ encounter, if anything? No one really knows, but Keel was certain that it was all connected somehow. In the end we are left to wonder, what did Tad Jones encounter out there on that road? What is the meaning of the strange tracks, the mysterious stranger on the road, and the sinister notes he received? It is unclear, and it continues to be a weird case surrounded by oddness that we may never fully understand.
If you are wondering what the “Australian tektite field” is, its formal title is the “Australasian strewn field.” What it demonstrates is that in ancient times certain portions of our world were effectively torched. Meteoritics and Planetary Sciencesaid: “Early workers, including such astute observers as Charles Fenner, George Baker, and Edward Gill, who picked up pristine tektites on the arid and ancient surface of Australia, became convinced that this shower of glass had arrived very recently. Ages around 10,000-20,000 years were usually quoted. As some early radiometric age determinations of tektites gave spuriously old ages, these data fueled the notion that the age of the fall was disconnected to the time of formation of tektites.” And what – you may very well ask – are tektites? This is where things get really interesting. Tektites are small, glassy bodies that are near-identical to the equally glassy trinitite that was found at the detonation site of the first atomic bomb in New Mexico in July 1945, just a few weeks before the destruction of the Japanese cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima.
The Los Alamos National Laboratory state the following on all of this: “Trinitite has also been referred to as atomsite or Alamogordo glass (after a nearby city). Ultimately, it is a glasslike substance that was created from the sand and other materials at the Site during the intense heat of that first atomic test. Relatively recent research (2005) indicates that, upon explosion, the ground was likely pushed down initially, then rebounded, forcing material into the fireball. As indicated in the display, the ground was vaporized before eventually raining down in the form of trinitite droplets. While most trinitite is light green (due to the iron that was present in the sand), other samples contain some of the iron from the tower on which the ‘Gadget’ was detonated, and those look black. Yet other slightly red samples contain copper from the electrical wire used in the experiment.”
Forbessay the following: “It’s often hard to appreciate how quickly energy gets released in something like a nuclear explosion. The shockwave from the initial blast was so powerful it was felt from over 100 miles (160 km) away, with the mushroom cloud reaching 7.5 miles (12 km) in height. The above photo, taken just 16 milliseconds (0.016 seconds) after detonation, shows a blast explosion about 660 feet (200 meters) high, but it’s what happened below, on the ground, that really was surprising. Beneath the explosion location, an enormous crater formed. The landscape was incredibly scarred, and in many place, melted by the nuclear explosion.”
The Smithsonian Magazineprovides these words: “No one commented on the glass at the time—its creation was the least of the Gadget’s spectacular effects—but visitors to the site after the war noticed the unusual scattering of glassy mineral that surrounded the shallow bomb crater and began collecting pieces as souvenirs. ‘A lake of green jade,’ Time magazine described it in September 1945. ‘The glass takes strange shapes—lopsided marbles, knobbly sheets a quarter-inch thick, broken, thin-walled bubbles, green, wormlike forms.'”
Perhaps like this?
In 2001, Science Frontiersstated the following: “The extent of the immense Australasian-tektite strewn field implies a hard-to-miss crater about 100 kilometers in diameter. Yet, despite the geological recency of the event and despite much geological surveying, no convincing crater has been discovered…The mystery deepens when one realizes that whatever cataclysm sent the Australian tektites aloft may have been comparable in magnitude to the impact that extinguished the dinosaurs (and other fauna) some 65 million years ago. This much older event has its crater buried below the Yucatan and is further marked by widespread biological extinctions. In contrast, the Australasian-tektite event is not only minus an obvious crater but seems to have had scant effect on the earth’s cargo of sensitive life forms. It was a strangely ‘gentle’ event despite the rocky deluge of tektites. What really happened?”
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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