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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
We zagen ze nog nooit zo veel vliegen: tien opmerkelijke Belgische UFO-meldingen uit 2020 verklaard
We zagen ze nog nooit zo veel vliegen: tien opmerkelijke Belgische UFO-meldingen uit 2020 verklaard
MEULEBEKE/ANTWERPEN - Het Belgisch UFO Meldpunt in het West-Vlaamse Meulebeke kreeg vorig jaar 446 meldingen binnen van mensen die iets vreemds in de lucht hadden gezien. Dat is een stijging van 64 procent in vergelijking met 2019. Met dank aan de lockdown, waardoor we plots meer tijd hadden om naar de hemel te turen. En daar zitten enkele opvallende luchtverschijnselen tussen. Wij haalden de tien opmerkelijkste er voor je uit.
Valentijn Dumoulein
1. De satelliet-treintjes van Elon Musk (maart en april)
Dat er dit jaar een recordaantal meldingen binnenliep bij het Belgisch UFO Meldpunt heeft in grote mate te maken met SpaceX, het commerciële ruimtevaartbedrijf van Elon Musk. “Dertien meldingen bereikten ons op 29 maart. De avond voordien waren het er zelfs 22”, zegt Frederick Delaere van het UFO Meldpunt. “Al deze meldingen gingen over witte lichtstippen die in een lange rij traag langs de hemel bewogen. Het betrof een nieuwe uitzetting van de Starlink-satellieten van SpaceX, die in een ‘treintje’ door de lucht voorbij vlogen. Er kwamen in totaal 191 meldingen binnen over deze satellieten of het ISS-ruimtestation.”
2. Carnaval in het heelal... (omgeving van Aalst, 23 februari)
Paniek op zondagavond 23 februari in de omgeving van Grembergen, Aalst en Lebbeke. Een half uur lang zagen inwoners uit die regio en omgeving schimmige lichtobjecten langs de hemel vliegen. Zes lichtgevende bollen werden geteld, meestal bewegend in formaties van drie. Soms bijna roerloos, dan weer met een enorme snelheid van Aalst wegschietend om kort daarna weer op dezelfde manier terug te keren naar een vast punt boven de stad. “Vijf getuigen hadden video’s van het verschijnsel kunnen maken en die doorgestuurd naar ons”, zegt Frederick. “Het verschijnsel op de beelden is genoegzaam bekend: het gaat om het schijnsel op de wolken van kantelbare hallogeenspots die naar de lucht zijn gericht. De datum is niet toevallig: 23 februari was de dag waarop de 92ste editie van het driedaagse carnavalsfeest van Aalst werd ingeluid.”
Bekijk hier een filmpje van de waarneming:
3. Verschillende lichtgevende stippen (Kuurne, 3 maart)
In de late namiddag van 6 maart filmde een politiecommissaris boven de West-Vlaamse gemeente Kuurne verschillende lichtgevende, vreemd bewegende stippen die elkaar leken te volgen. De stippen verdwenen af en toe in de wolken. “Waarschijnlijk werden hier trossen witte ballonnen gefilmd”, legt Frederick uit. “De objecten vlogen langs dichte wolkenflarden. Die ontstaan doordat luchtstromen op die hoogte voortdurend van richting veranderen. Het verklaart waarom de ballonnen geen rechtlijnig traject volgden.”
Bekijk hier een filmpje van de waarneming:
4. Vreemd condensspoor (Antwerpen, 18 maart)
Op 18 maart verscheen rond 7 uur in de hemel “nabij Antwerpen” (een preciezere locatie wordt door de waarnemer niet vermeld, nvdr) een sinusvormige witte sliert tussen de normale condenssporen. Diezelfde dag, maar dan rond 18.30 uur, werd een gelijkaardige langere witte sliert gefotografeerd vanuit Antwerpen-Deurne. Het gaat om een zeldzaam type condensspoor van een vliegtuig.
5. Bol met korte vleermuisarmen (Sint-Andries, 16 mei)
Op 16 mei kreeg het UFO Meldpunt deze melding binnen: ”Ik was aan het wandelen met mijn vriendin en onze zoon in het park. Mijn vriendin keek omhoog en zag het object boven ons vliegen. Ik keek ook en stond er versteld van. Het maakte geen lawaai en zweefde soepel.” De melder voegt er nog aan toe dat het object leek op “een bol met korte vleermuisarmen” en kleiner was dan een vliegtuig.
Twee foto’s werden aan het UFO Meldpunt bezorgd. Ze tonen niet alleen het merkwaardige object, maar ook een sportvliegtuig dat achter het object aanvliegt. “Dat laatste detail deed een lampje branden”, zegt Frederick. “Waarschijnlijk hadden de getuigen een Verhees-delta waargenomen. Sinds 2009 heeft dit experimentele vliegtuigtype al tientallen ufo-meldingen opgeleverd. Vaak worden de toestellen begeleid door een tweede vliegtuig. Nazicht op Planefinder bevestigde dat de tweezitsversie van de delta’s die middag langs Brugge was gevlogen. Opmerkelijk is dat de getuigen geen geluid hebben gehoord, terwijl de Verhees-delta’s toch bekend staan als vrij lawaaierige toestellen.”
6. Is het een vliegtuig, is het een vogel? (Overmere, 14 juni)
Rond 14 uur werd op 14 juni in het Oost-Vlaamse Overmere een foto van een bijzonnenring gemaakt, een optisch verschijnsel door de vorming van ijskristallen in de lucht. “Deze keer was er in de linker bovenhoek van een van de foto’s een ongewone schotelvorm te zien”, weet Frederick. “Vermoedelijk gaat het om een kleine vogel die tijdens de opname voor de camera zwenkte.”
7. Twee evenwijdige lichtgevende lijnen (Lanaken, 3 juli)
Een man uit Lanaken filmde op 3 juli rond 2.50 uur vanuit het dakvenster van zijn slaapkamer drie quasiparallelle ‘lichtlijnen', die ongeveer twintig minuten roerloos in de lucht bleven hangen. Het verschijnsel deed zich voor in zuidoostelijke richting. Op uitgezoomde beelden is boven de lijnen ook een stip te zien. “Het onderzoek, dat werd uitgevoerd met behulp van een hemelkaart en een foto genomen bij daglicht vanuit dezelfde slaapkamer, bracht aan het licht dat de stip de planeet Mars was”, verduidelijkt Frederick. “Daaruit kon ook de positie van de lichtlijnen worden afgeleid. Het bleek te gaan om reflecties van omgevingslicht op het raamkozijn van het dakvenster van de buren.”
8. De vlinder die te dicht kwam (Wilrijk, 27 juli)
“De vrouw die ons deze melding doorstuurde, ontdekte pas in november dat er zich een merkwaardig object bevond op een foto die ze op 27 juli van een bijzondere wolkenpartij had gemaakt. Ze gelooft zelf niet in UFO’s, maar volgens enkele van haar vrienden kan het alleen maar een UFO geweest zijn. Wij zien echter een vlinder”, glimlacht Frederick.
Op 20 november ontving het meldpunt een merkwaardige foto van een team van architecten, gevestigd in één van de hoogste flatgebouwen op Antwerpen Linkeroever. Volgens de melder was er een UFO op te zien. Meer info werd er niet verstrekt, behalve dan dat de UFO werd opgemerkt tijdens het middageten en ongeveer een half uur lang zichtbaar was geweest. Op 24 november volgden nog achttien foto’s van hetzelfde verschijnsel, nadat een aantal extra vragen naar het architectenteam was verstuurd. “Dat gaf een heel ander plaatje”, vertelt Frederick. “Een van de foto’s bevat een merkwaardig detail: aan de linkerkant van het object zijn twee uitsteeksels te zien. Waarschijnlijkheid zijn het de handvatten van een doorschijnende of witte pedaalemmerzak, zoals op de afbeelding rechts. Dit soort wegwerpzakken vinden we overal. Ze zijn bijzonder licht en worden makkelijk door de wind opgetild en meegevoerd. Dat de zak een half uur boven dezelfde plaats bleef rondcirkelen, verklaart zich doordat de zwakke westelijke wind loodrecht inbeukte op de twee flatgebouwen die de achtergrond van de foto’s uitmaken.”
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
NASA wil robothond Spot naar Mars sturen
NASA wil robothond Spot naar Mars sturen
Ontmoet Spot, de robothond die reeds schapen hoedde in Nieuw-Zeeland, wordt ingezet door de New York City Police Department (NYPD) en binnenkort ook Mars zal verkennen.
Spot is van Amerikaanse makelij en werd ontworpen door het bedrijf Boston Dynamics. Hij staat op vier poten en kan dus ook trappen lopen. Hij heeft een 360 gradenzicht waarmee hij hindernissen kan vermijden. Bovendien kan de robot worden ingezet op plaatsen waar robots op wielen niet geraken. En dat maakt het stalen beest net zo interessant voor het Amerikaanse ruimtevaartagentschap NASA.
Tot nu toe werden er vier robots met wielen naar de rode planeet gestuurd, een kleine beperking gezien zulke robots enkel de relatief vlakke delen van Mars kunnen verkennen. Omdat Spot op vier poten loopt, geniet hij een grotere vrijheid en kan hij het nog onbekende terrein in beeld brengen.
Om dat mogelijk te maken, werd de robothond nog uitgerust met een nieuw sensorenpakket, een warmtebeeldcamera en aangepaste software opdat hij gegevens naar de aarde kun sturen.
Doel van de missie
Wat moet Spot nu concreet gaan doen op Mars? Men vermoedt dat er op Mars ondergrondse lavagrotten zijn. Zulke grotten zijn ontstaan door (uitgedoofde) lavastromen en zouden een geschikte verblijfplaats kunnen vormen voor de mens, eenmaal er sprake is van permanente bewoning op Mars.
GERELATEERDE VIDEO'S, selected and posted by peter2011
I found a few objects on Earths moon using the NASA LROC moon map. The first object is a diamond shaped grey metal craft with a hump on its upper center. The hump has dark areas going across it that look like windows. Also the hump...when I add extreme focus...has 4 antennae like objects coming out of it. Bob Lazar did say that the classic disk he worked on in Area S4 had a single antenna for balance and controlling direction. This is much larger, so makes sense it has more.
Also found something that looks like a structure, not a built structure but a grown structure. Thats the reason its more fungi in appearance.
NASA deliberately added too much light making these objects almost invisible. However with just a little adjustments of adding sharpening and contrast...the truth stands in front of us.
Also a third craft, fungi like so it must be biomechnical...that means the ship was grown. Aliens are lazy...I can't emphasis that enough. They really don't want to do the work and want things done the easiest way possible. This is 100% proof that humanity is still in the dark about the truth of alien life.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Ruins, strange artifacts on other planets, moons, ed ( Fr, EN, NL )
Cloaked Device causes Sky Phenomenon over Florida
Cloaked Device causes Sky Phenomenon over Florida
On January 2, 2021, a resident of Pembroke Pine in Florida noticed strange lights in the sky through the clouds yet it was a clear night. While filming the sky phenomenon the lights changed color and shape.
Initially thinking that the sky phenomenon was something natural like an aurora, also called northern lights, a natural light display in the Earth's sky, but after re-viewing the images it turns out that these lights were caused by a cloaked rectangular device. Mufon.
The image above shows a cloaked rectangular device below such a green light.
Boston Dynamics, one of the leading global mobile robot developers, has recently released a video showing their highly popular robot lineup in action. In tackling some of the toughest robotics challenges, the company wanted to show the public just exactly what they’ve been up to lately. In the video below, Atlas, their humanoid robot, Spot, the dog-shaped robot, and Handle, the box-juggling robot, took center stage as The Countours “Do You Love Me” began to play. The dance that happened next needs to be seen to be believed.
Initially founded in 1992 after breaking off from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston Dynamics’ goal is to “combine the principles of dynamic control and balance with sophisticated mechanical designs, cutting-edge electronics, and next-generation software for high-performance robots equipped with perception, navigation, and intelligence.”
Their first major success came with its dog-like quadrupedal robots developed for DARPA, the Defense Department’s research and development organization. This would evolve into the commercialized version of the Spot robot, which is currently on the market.
In 2018, Boston Dynamics showcased the Spot robot attempting to do “The Running Man” dance to the popular song, “Uptown Funk.” The new video shows how far the company has come with all of the mobility issues they may have had in the past and how much the robots have evolved.
The purpose of showing off the “dancing robots” is two-fold for Boston Dynamics.
The first highlights the organic quality of stable motion that humans often associate with natural movement but implemented in robots with legs. Unlike wheeled or track robots, these robots can navigate and overcome the challenges of obstacles and rugged terrain with this dynamic mobility.
The second reason for showing off the smooth, perfectly choreographed dance chops of the robots is to bring fun to autonomous robots’ evolution. Many videos of these robots have left people feeling uncomfortable due to their rigid movements and focused tenacity at completing tasks.
Boston Dynamics wanted to go into the New Year with some light-hearted fun in an attempt to show how much their robots have evolved. On their official Twitter account, they stated that “Our whole crew got together to celebrate the start of what we hope will be a happier year.”
Currently, the “Dancing Robots” video has racked up over 20 million views on YouTube, showing no signs of slowing down. And neither do the robots or their creators. Boston Dynamics plans on posting more videos of the robots dancing. And while Spot is the only robot currently on the market, the prototypes of both Atlas and Handle are well on their way to becoming the next dance sensations.
With one of the most unusual and tumultuous years behind us, these three robots indeed show that anything is possible as we move forward. That is, of course, before the Terminator-like invasion begins to the soundtrack Dirty Dancing.
On Tuesday, December 1st, Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX, said that he is confident that his company will be launching a crew to Mars by 2026 and teased that it could even be sooner.
Musk had been awarded the annual Axel Springer Award, which company representatives explained is “given to outstanding personalities who are particularly innovative, and who generate and change markets, influence culture and at the same time face up to their responsibility to society.” During the discussion, Musk also announced that an unmanned probe is set to head to the red planet by 2022.
Founded in 2002, SpaceX designs, manufactures, and launches advanced rockets and spacecraft. SpaceX rockets and spacecraft were initially built to become reusable launch vehicles. Although a private company, Musk’s SpaceX also launches commercial and government payloads, including the recently launched Dragon spacecraft, to send NASA astronauts to the International Space Station. Now, their sights are set on Mars with a brand new vehicle known as the SpaceX Starship.
The SpaceX Starship prototype is about 170 feet tall. It will be attached to a giant rocket known as Super Heavy, both of which will be reusable. Super Heavy will return to Earth, while Starship will fly to Mars and back to Earth by using a powerful launch system built directly into the spacecraft.
While SpaceX continues their development and testing phases for both Starship and Super Heavy, Musk stressed at the award ceremony that his “main focus is to ensure the technology is in place to allow a lot of people to go to Mars and make life interplanetary,” and that he thinks “it’s important that we aspire to have a self-sustaining city on Mars as soon as possible.”
“I want to help humanity become a multi-planet species,” he explained. With the recent SpaceX launch of Crew-1 and their working relationship with NASA firmly established, we may become Martians much sooner than we ever could have dreamed.
John Keel and the Men in Black: The Strange Side of Project Blue Book
John Keel and the Men in Black: The Strange Side of Project Blue Book
During the 1960s, American author and UFO researcher John Keel had a problem: it involved reports of Men in Black, the mysterious strangers in dark suits said to appear after UFO sightings and intimidate witnesses.
Over the years, Keel told of arriving at the homes of UFO witnesses only a short time after they had been visited by these odd individuals, who were often described as having an olive complexion and stiff, almost robotic demeanor. The men were known for asking strange questions, and in some instances, the Men in Black even acted in an angry or threatening manner toward witnesses they approached.
Keel, unable to prove who the Men in Black (MIBs) were, nonetheless viewed these strangers as a focal point of the UFO mystery. “I realized that I would never be able to catch a flying saucer,” Keel wrote in his book The Eighth Tower, “but if the MIB were real, and the testimony of many people indicated they were, I might be able to head them off at some cosmic pass, and force their big black automobile to the side of the road.”
On a few occasions, Keel said he observed the “phantom Cadillacs” that he believed to have belonged to the Men in Black. Once on Long Island, he told of receiving an anonymous phone call he recieved which resulted in him confronting and chasing one of the cars, only to have had it disappear inexplicably on a dead-end road. Keel described these “phantom” automobiles as having “sinister-looking” passengers, who often had a foreign appearance.
So who were these ominous observers of the UFO phenomenon? Are stories of “Men in Black” really just folklore that has been built onto some of the unusual characters that ran in UFO circles throughout the 1960s? Or could some of them have a more down-to-earth explanation, which might even involve investigations by the U.S. Air Force during the years of Project Blue Book?
In at least a few cases, it appears that some individuals Keel described as Men in Black in his books over the years turned up in other situations and were able to be identified. One notable example is a MIB Keel gave the nickname “Tiny”, who had a penchant for odd mannerisms and wearing a Russian-style fur hat. After Keel wrote about this “MIB” in his book The Mothman Prophecies, Charles Bowen, editor of Flying Saucer Review, wrote to Keel noting that a man possessing the same unmistakable characteristics came to visit him in the United Kingdom. Unlike in previous instances Keel had written about, his name was well known to Bowen. “Tiny” even stayed with the Bowen family during his short stay in England, who Bowen said “regarded him rather as they might do a cobra, and expressed a feeling of repugnance” toward him.
Another instance where Keel wrote about a visit from an alleged MIB appeared in chapter two of The Mothman Prophecies, titled “The Creep Who Came in from the Cold.” In it, Keel describes an incident that took place in May 1967, where a purported MIB visited a Mrs. Ralph Butler of Owatonna, Minnesota. In this famous case, which Keel would refer to many times over the years in his lectures and other appearances, the MIB in question attempted to pick up a bowl of Jell-O and drink it:
“Did you ever hear of anyone—especially an air force officer—trying to drink Jell-O?” [Butler] asked. “Well, that’s what he did. He acted like he had never seen any before. He picked up the bowl and tried to drink it. I had to show him how to eat it with a spoon.”
In this case, the MIB introduced himself as “Major Richard French of the U.S. Air Force,” and was said to have arrived in a white Ford Mustang. He was wearing civilian clothes, described later to John Keel as a “neat gray suit,” and that “everything else he was wearing appeared to be brand-new,” including the un-scuffed soles of his shoes. Mrs. Butler told Keel that French was “about five feet nine inches tall, with an olive complexion and a pointed face. His hair was dark and very long—too long for an air force officer.” Mrs. Butler found him to be a fluent conversationalist until at one point he complained of having stomach trouble. “When Mrs. Butler offered him the Jell-O,” Keel notes of the bizarre visit, “she suspected for the first time that something was out of kilter.”
Keel rather bluntly asserted that “Major Richard French” was not at all who he claimed to be:
Richard French was an imposter. One of the many wandering around the United States in 1967. For years these characters had caused acute paranoia among the flying saucer enthusiasts, convincing them that the air force was investigating them, silencing witnesses and indulging in all kinds of unsavory activities—including murder. When I first began collecting such reports I was naturally suspicious of the people making such reports. It all seemed like a massive put-on. But gradually it became apparent that the same minute details were turning up in widely separated cases, and none of these details had been published anywhere … not even in the little newsletters of the UFO cultists.
So who was Richard French, and is it possible that this MIB “impostor” might have actually been with the U.S. Air Force?
Decades later, answers to these questions might have turned up unexpectedly at the Citizens Hearing on Disclosure, an event held at the National Press Club in Washington in 2013. According to the event’s website, “Forty researchers along with military/agency/political persons of high rank and station came to the National Press Club in Washington, DC to testify to six former members of the United States Congress.”
A Washington Post article that covered the event noted that a retired Air Force colonel now in his 80s had been one of the men who testified at the event, describing him thusly:
“An Air Force colonel now in his 80s, Richard French, claimed to have been responsible for covering UFOs up. “I’d say it was swamp gas. Anything we could come up with to convince the general public. At that time there was an average of about three a week ufos… I went down there observed ’em just regularly.”
“Why is it now that you’re at the table?” asked former congresswoman Carolyn Kilpatrick.
“PROBABLY IT’S BECAUSE I’M IN MY 80s,” French said.
A Huffington Post article by Lee Spiegel also discussed the testimony French gave at the event in 2013, referring to him as, ”an alleged lead investigator of Project Blue Book in the 1950s.”
As Spiegel wrote at the time:
In Washington, D.C., recently, the 83-year-old retired officer testified at the Citizen Hearing On Disclosure panel of six former members of Congress about his work as a UFO debunker in 1952. French recounted how the Newfoundland incident unfolded decades ago, in the early 1950s, after two UFOs were seen by many people off the coast of St. John’s. French’s superiors ordered him to look into the situation.
Lt. Col. Richard French, pictured in 2016
(Credit: Nadine Y. Barclay/USAF/Public Domain).
Even prior to his appearance at the 2013 Citizen’s Hearing and subsequent media attention he received, a photo which appears to show a young lieutenant French in Air Force uniform was featured in a 2012 OpenMinds article, where writer and editor Antonio Huneeus expressed some skepticism about French’s claims about UFO investigations during the Blue Book era. However, what can be verified about French, according to records that were uncovered by Huneeus, is that he participated in Air Force operations including more than 600 missions during conflicts including the Korean War. French had also worked with the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (OSI), which was later referred to by ufologist Bill Moore as the agency from which many modern urban legends about “Men in Black” may have their origin.
According to Keel, several of the Men in Black had likely been posing as “military officers,” but serving the actual purpose of confusing the public, as well as ridiculing and intimidating UFO witnesses. In light of French’s claims in 2013 that he had once served as a UFO “debunker” for Project Blue Book, perhaps Keel was partially right: French may not have been a full-blown impostor, but if his claims are true, he certainly had been working to cover up the extent that UFO sightings were occurring in America at that time.
In any case, it seems that another of John Keel’s famous “MIBs” from the late 1960s has been positively identified, and very likely had been involved in UFO investigations undertaken by the U.S. Air Force at that time.
For more information about John Keel and his work, visit, a website maintained by Keel’s longtime friend Doug Skinner.
This article originally appeared in the TSL Telepath Newsletter.
ALL RELATED VIDEOS, selected and posted by peter2011
In May last year NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine announced the agency will collaborate with Hollywood action movie actor Tom Cruise to film a movie at the International Space Station (ISS). “NASA is excited to work with Tom Cruise on a film aboard the Space Station! We need popular media to inspire a new generation of engineers and scientists to make NASA’s ambitious plans a reality,” Bridenstine stated via Twitter – “Should be a lot of fun!” the founder of SpaceX Elon Musk said in response. Cruise will launch aboard SpaceX’s Crew Dragon spacecraft, that will be launched into orbit atop the company’s Falcon 9 rocket.
Tom Cruise’s flight is managed by Axiom Space, a start-up from Houston, Texas, founded by Michael Suffredini who served as NASA’s Space Station Program Manager from 2005 to 2015. Axiom offers space tours for civilians to visit ISS. The company also has ambitious plans to build a space station in low Earth orbit to continue operations once NASA retires the ISS program and moves beyond the orbiting laboratory to focus operations on the lunar surface.
Axiom signed a deal with SpaceX to launch a crew of four passengers aboard SpaceX’s Crew Dragon spacecraft. Among the four passengers are Tom Cruise, film producer Doug Liman, and Israeli fighter pilot Eytan Stibbe; They will fly alongside NASA Astronaut Michael Lopez-Alegria, who will be mission commander. During the mission called 'AX-1', they will embark on a 10-day voyage to the Space Station and experience beautiful views of Earth. The AX-1 space tour is currently scheduled for October. “… Thanks to Axiom and their support from NASA, privately crewed missions will have unprecedented access to the space station, furthering the commercialization of space and helping usher in a new era of human exploration,” the President of SpaceX Gwynne Shotwell stated.
Axiom did not release details on how much it will pay SpaceX to fly its four-person crew to the orbiting laboratory this year. However, Dragon has a price-tag of around $55 million per seat, and NASA said last year it opened a path for commercial trips to the Space Station, stating it would charge $35,000 per person per day for private stays.
How life originated on Earth continues to fascinate scientists, but it's not easy peering back billions of years into the past. Now, evidence is growing for a relatively new hypothesis of how life began: with a very precise mix of RNA and DNA.
RNA and DNA both determine the genetic make-up of all biological life, with DNA acting as a genetic blueprint and RNA as a blueprint reader or decoder. For a long time, it was thought that RNA developed on Earth first, with DNA evolving afterwards – but mounting evidence suggests they may have emerged at the same time and both been involved in kickstarting life on the planet.
The latest study to back up this idea explains how the simple compound diamidophosphate (DAP) – which may have predated life on Earth – can knit together DNA building blocks called deoxynucleosides into basic DNA strands.
"This finding is an important step toward the development of a detailed chemical model of how the first life forms originated on Earth," says chemist Ramanarayanan Krishnamurthy form Scripps Research in California.
The findings add credence to the idea that both DNA and RNA developed together from the same sort of chemical reactions at the beginning of life on our planet, and that the first self-replicating molecules could have been mixes of both these nucleic acids – not just RNA, as suggested in the more established 'RNA world' hypothesis.
One of the big issues with the idea that RNA alone gave rise to life on Earth is how RNA was able to go through the necessary self-replication process – RNA usually requires enzymes to split, which evolved after RNA.
From what we know so far, it seems that RNA had some kind of helping hand in engineering life – and the latest experiments show that DNA could well have been it, creating "chimeric" molecular strands that can separate more easily than RNA alone.
The series of lab tests run by the researchers simulated what might have happened before the beginnings of life on Earth, and show how DAP could have feasibly formed basic DNA in much the same way as RNA can come together from chemical building blocks.
"We found, to our surprise, that using DAP to react with deoxynucleosides works better when the deoxynucleosides are not all the same but are instead mixes of different DNA letters such as A and T, or G and C, like real DNA," says chemical biologist Eddy Jiménez, from Scripps Research.
We may never know for sure whether DNA helped RNA to form the first lifeforms on our planet, considering this happened billions of years ago, but our understanding of these processes continues to develop.
The research isn't just useful in terms of how it relates to the origins of life, either – insight into the RNA-DNA relationship can have a whole host of applications in modern chemistry and biology.
"Now that we understand better how a primordial chemistry could have made the first RNAs and DNAs, we can start using it on mixes of ribonucleoside and deoxynucleoside building blocks to see what chimeric molecules are formed – and whether they can self-replicate and evolve," says Krishnamurthy.
Professor Abraham Loeb and a rendering of 'Oumuamua.
NY Post photo composite
When the first sign of intelligent life first visits us from space, it won’t be a giant saucer hovering over New York. More likely, it will be an alien civilization’s trash.
Avi Loeb, the chair of Harvard’s Department of Astronomy, believes he’s already found some of that garbage.
In his upcoming book, “Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth” (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt), out Jan. 26, the professor lays out a compelling case for why an object that recently wandered into our solar system was not just another rock but actually a piece of alien technology.
The object in question traveled toward our solar system from the direction of Vega, a nearby star 25 light-years away, and intercepted our solar system’s orbital plane on Sept. 6, 2017.
On Sept. 9, its trajectory brought it closest to the sun. At the end of September, it blasted at about 58,900 miles per hour past Venus’ orbital distance, and then, on Oct. 7, it shot past Earth’s before “moving swiftly toward the constellation Pegasus and the blackness beyond,” Loeb writes in the book.
The object was first spotted by an observatory in Hawaii containing the Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS) — the highest definition telescope on earth.
The space object was dubbed ‘Oumuamua (pronounced “oh moo ah moo ah”), which is Hawaiian for — roughly — “scout.”
As space travelers go, it was relatively small at just about 100 yards long, but it was a big deal in the scientific community.
For starters, it was the first interstellar object ever detected inside our solar system. Judging from the object’s trajectory, astronomers concluded it was not bound by the sun’s gravity — which suggested it was just traveling through.
No crisp photos could be taken, but astronomers were able to train their telescopes on the object for 11 days, collecting reams of other data.
At first, scientists thought it was an ordinary comet. But Loeb said that assumption ran the risk of allowing “the familiar to define what we might discover.”
“What would happen if a caveman saw a cellphone?” he asked. “He’s seen rocks all his life, and he would have thought it was just a shiny rock.”
Loeb soon opened his mind to another possibility: It was not a comet but discarded tech from an alien civilization.
A number of unusual properties about the object helped Loeb make this conclusion.
First were ‘Oumuamua’s dimensions.
Astronomers looked at the way the object reflected sunlight. Its brightness varied tenfold every eight hours, suggesting that was the amount of time it took for it to complete a full rotation.
Scientists concluded the object was at least five to ten times longer than it was wide — sort of like the shape of a cigar.
No naturally occurring space body we’ve ever seen has looked like it — or even close.
“This would make ‘Oumuamua’s geometry more extreme by at least a few times in aspect ratio — or its width to its height — than the most extreme asteroids or comets that we have ever seen,” Loeb writes in his book.
What’s more, ‘Oumuamua was unusually bright. It was at least “ten times more reflective than typical solar system [stony] asteroids or comets,” the author writes.
He likens its surface to that of shiny metal.
But the anomaly that really pushed Loeb toward his E.T. hypothesis was the way ‘Oumuamua moved.
“The excess push away from the sun — that was the thing that broke the camel’s back,” he said.
Using physics, scientists can calculate the exact path an object should take and what speed it should travel due to the gravitational force exerted by the sun. The sun’s pull will speed up an object massively as it gets closer, then kick it out the other side, only for the object to slow considerably as it gets farther away.
But ‘Oumuamua didn’t follow this calculated trajectory. The object, in fact, accelerated “slightly, but to a highly statistically significant extent,” Loeb writes, as it moved away from the sun.
In other words, it was clearly being pushed by a force besides the sun’s gravity alone.
At first the explanation seemed simple. Comets show a similar acceleration, because as they approach the sun, their surface is warmed, releasing once-frozen gases, which act like a rocket engine.
Those released materials, however, form a comet’s distinctive tail. Scientists looked carefully for that tail or any sign of gases or dust that might propel ‘Oumuamua and came up empty.
Loeb calculated that with these and other anomalies, the chances that ‘Oumuamua was some random comet was around one in a quadrillion, leading him to his blockbuster hypothesis.
But what was it exactly?
One possibility, weirdly enough, could be found in technology we already have here on earth.
Some 400 years ago, astronomer Johannes Kepler observed comet tails blowing in what looked like a solar breeze and wondered if that same force could propel rocket ships through space like the wind pushes boats through water.
It was a smart idea that scientists now use to develop light sails for probes. Thin, reflective sheeting is unfurled in space to capture the particles streaming off the sun, propelling a ship at great speeds through the empty void. Alternatively, powerful lasers from earth could be aimed at the sail to make it go even faster.
Loeb, who is involved in a light-sail project to send a tiny, unmanned craft to a nearby star, said if we earthlings have thought of this idea, then why couldn’t aliens?
He and a colleague crunched the numbers and hypothesized that ‘Oumuamua was not actually cigar-shaped but possibly a disk less than a millimeter thick, with sail-like proportions that would account for its unusual acceleration as it moved away from the sun.
As to its purpose, Loeb isn’t entirely sure. He speculated it could be “space junk” that once served as a kind of space navigation buoy used by a long-ago civilization.
“The only way to look for [alien civilizations] is to look for their trash, like investigative journalists who look through celebrities’ trash,” Loeb said.
Of course, not everyone in the scientific community agrees with his theory.
In July 2019, the ‘Oumuamua Team of the International Space Science Institute published an article in Nature Astronomy concluding, “We find no compelling evidence to favor an alien explanation for ‘Oumuamua.”
Loeb admits his theories have raised astronomers’ eyebrows, but he is resolute about his findings. “Some people do not want to discuss the possibility that there are other civilizations out there,” he told The Post. “They believe we are special and unique. I think it’s a prejudice that should be abandoned.”
Loeb said the skeptics are bending over backwards to assign natural origins to the object and that the explanations they’ve given to explain its weird properties don’t stand up to scrutiny.
For example, some scientists have suggested that ‘Oumuamua’s acceleration was caused by frozen hydrogen on its surface turning to gas and driving it like a comet, and that hydrogen would have been invisible to Earth’s infrared cameras, which is why we didn’t detect it.
But Loeb and a colleague published a paper showing that “a hydrogen iceberg traveling through interstellar space would evaporate long before it reached our solar system.”
Whatever the truth, the stakes are high.
The acceptance that an alien race has made contact — even through its trash — would trigger a serious search for more trash, leading us to scour the moon and Mars, for example, for debris that might have crash-landed thousands or millions of years ago.
And if more evidence is found, we earthlings would have to start building tools to help us grapple with extraterrestrials, such as space treaties and academic fields like astro-linguistics and astro-economics.
But, perhaps more important, any further discoveries could redefine our place in the universe.
“It would put us in perspective,” Loeb said. “If we are not alone, are we the smartest kids on the block? If there was a species that eliminated itself through war or changing the climate, we can get our act together and behave better. Instead, we are wasting a lot of resources on Earth fighting each other and other negative things that are a big waste.”
Since ‘Oumuamua’s appearance, a second interstellar object known as 2I/Borisov was spotted entering the solar system by a Crimean telescope in 2019. But that turned out to be a plain old comet.
Until recently, our instruments have not been sensitive enough to pick up these kinds of visitors. But Loeb said technology will soon make it possible to locate more space travelers, and the only way the mystery of ‘Oumuamua will be settled is if a similar object is spotted and more thoroughly investigated with a probe.
He said his book “should motivate people to collect more data on the next object that looks weird.”
“If we find another and we take a photo and it looks like a light sail, I don’t think anyone will argue with that.”
Harvard-professor: Iets buitenaards bezocht ons in 2017
Een object dat recentelijk door ons zonnestelsel zoefde, was geen ruimterots, maar een stuk buitenaardse technologie. Dat beweert de gerenommeerde Harvard-professor Avi Loeb in een boek dat op 26 januari uitkomt, schrijft de New York Post.
Het object kwam uit de richting van Wega, een ster op 25 lichtjaar afstand, en werd in 2017 ontdekt. Op 7 oktober dat jaar schoot het langs de aarde, om vervolgens met bijna 100.000 kilometer per uur richting het sterrenbeeld Pegasus te verdwijnen.
Het ruimteobject kreeg de naam Oumuamua, wat Hawaiiaans is voor ‘verkenner’. Het betrof het eerste interstellaire object dat ooit in ons zonnestelsel is ontdekt. In eerste instantie dachten wetenschappers dat het een doodgewone komeet was. Professor Loeb had een andere theorie: het was geen komeet, maar een afgedankt stuk schroot van een buitenaardse beschaving.
Loeb kwam tot deze conclusie omdat het object een aantal ongewone eigenschappen heeft. Het veranderde in helderheid, zag eruit als een sigaar en was ongewoon helder. “We hebben nog nooit een ruimtelichaam ontdekt dat er zo uitzag.” De professor kwam ook tot de ontdekking dat het object werd ‘voortgedreven door een bepaalde kracht’.
De kans dat Oumuamua een willekeurige komeet was, is volgens professor Loeb één op een biljard. Hij zegt dat het object in werkelijkheid de vorm heeft van een schijf. Het zou kunnen gaan om een lichtzeil, een onderdeel van een ruimtevaartuig zonder eigen aandrijving. Loeb vermoedt dat het een stuk ‘ruimteafval’ is dat lang geleden door een beschaving is gebruikt om te navigeren in de ruimte.
In 2019 heeft een telescoop op de Krim een tweede interstellair object gespot in ons zonnestelsel. Dat object, 2I/Borisov geheten, bleek wel een komeet te zijn. Tot voor kort waren onze instrumenten niet gevoelig genoeg om dergelijke bezoekers te detecteren. Loeb zei dat het binnenkort mogelijk zal zijn om meer ruimtereizigers te vinden.
White Disk Over Nairobi, Kenya Jan 3, 2021, UFO Sighting News.
White Disk Over Nairobi, Kenya Jan 3, 2021, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Jan 3, 2021 Location of sighting: Nairobi, Kenya
I spoke to the eyewitness and he recorded this white craft moving in and out of the clouds above. He thought it might be the Google Loon wifi balloon but said it was a best guess. He also said it could be a UFO or even a shopping bag that got loose. However I dismissed the bag idea right away and the Google Loon project ballon should be carrying a transmitter that is about 1.5 meters across square shaped...I do not see it having from this white object. I believe this is a very large and alien craft that is taking a very close scan and recording the inhabitants of Nairobi. Fantastic and exciting proof that aliens were over Kenya Today!
NOAA is reporting that the weather satellite has caught some rings in the clouds on Nov 20, 2020, but I cant say thats true. As I see it, there are no rings. I see no holes or rings at all, but instead what I see are long grey smooth objects that resemble alien ships. Yes you heard me right. These look like an entire armada of alien ships that are in earths clouds hiding until they get to the perfect location over the ocean to descend and move to an under ocean alien base. These UFOs are several miles across so they are huge, but not the biggest ship ever seen before. I made a close up of one of them at the beginning of the video, then gets further away and last 20 seconds is original untouched for you to compare. 100% proof that alien ships are in our clouds and often get dismissed due to insignificant data of what they really are. It also doesnt help when people give up so easily and assume they are just clouds. Things like that really make us the laughing stock of the universe.
What kind of object could this have been? It looks like a glowing circle attached to a solid object passes the Sun.
Could it be that this fast moving object is just a reflection of the planet Venus? (Bright object below the glowing circle).
However, if it is a reflection of Venus then why is it moving much faster than the planet? Camera reflection or it could be that this glowing object is of extraterrestrial origin?
US Pilot Saw 9 UFOs Of Extraterrestrial Origins, Flying At 1,700 Km/Hr A Month Before Roswell Incident
US Pilot Saw 9 UFOs Of Extraterrestrial Origins, Flying At 1,700 Km/Hr A Month Before Roswell Incident
On June 24, 1947, pilot Kenneth Arnold saw nine strange bright blue-white disc-shaped objects, flying in a “V” formation in the sky above Mount Rainier, Washington. They were unlike any other aircraft, moving at a speed of 1,700 kilometers per hour.
Arnold was an experienced pilot with more than 9000 hours of flying time. In the search of Marine Corps C-46 transport plane, he left his flight plan (Chehalis to Yakima, Washington) that was reportedly somewhere down on the slope of Mount Rainier. Unfortualnetly, he did not find anything there and then returned to his flight plan.
According to him, it was a normal afternoon with a clear view when he was flying at an altitude of 9,200 feet. He suddenly saw nine strange flying objects for about three and a half minutes before they disappeared at great speed. Their speed was estimated at about 1,700 km/hr.
As Arnold returned to Yakima, he immediately visited the editorial office of a local newspaper to tell the press what he had just seen. It was the first time when the term “flying saucers” was introduced to the world.
Arnold’s observation was partially confirmed by a prospector named Fred Johnson at Mount Adams. On June 24, Fred also saw six unexplained objects through his telescope at about the same time as Arnold.
According to Fred, the objects were oval in shape. He also noted that his compass had been disturbed by the UFOs. AAF (US Army Air Forces) found his claim credible, and they rejected Arnold’s claim calling it a mirage.
When a reporter named Bill Bequette asked Arnold about the movement of the mysterious objects during an interview, Arnold said: “they flew erratic, like a saucer if you skip it across the water.”
But Arnold insisted that the objects he had seen were not round, but most of all resembled fighter jets without tails. The original sketch made by Arnold, however, only reinforced the delusion, since it was not done very well, and the object in it really resembled a disk.
However, later, a more detailed sketch was created by a professional artist that depicted objects exactly seen by Arnold that day.
American journalist and UFO researcher, Philip J. Klass claimed that Arnold had seen meteors falling in the atmosphere. According to him, the rapidly falling debris of a meteor could glow brightly, creating an effect similar to the reflection of the sun from a metal surface. But Arnold refused his theory because what he had seen flew parallel to the earth’s surface.
Skeptic ufologist James Easton stated that Arnold had seen only a flock of pelicans, and the up and down jumps and metallic sheen were explained by the streams of hot air flowing over the mountains and creating mirages. But his version also did not explain the incredibly high speed of the objects, as birds cannot fly at the speed of 1,700 km/hr.
Arnold was not the only person who managed to see a “flying saucer” in the sky over the USA. In the 1940s, mysterious objects in the sky were reported by civilians, military pilots and airline personnel.
In July 1947, the wreckage of something suspiciously reminiscent of one of those “flying saucers” was found by William Brazel near his property. He lived near Roswell and showed samples of the strange aircraft to the local sheriff. He handed them over to the US Air Force.
Retired USAF Soldier Worked As E.T. Interpreter, Buried Alien Craft Piece, Crashed In 1973
Retired USAF Soldier Worked As E.T. Interpreter, Buried Alien Craft Piece, Crashed In 1973
A retired sergeant Clifford Stone, who served in the US Army from 1968 to 1990, claimed that he had been a part of a secret elite group that was assigned to recover the crashed UFO or E.T. parts, alien bodies, and artifacts. Besides, he said that intelligent life had been visiting our planet in highly advanced crafts that are capable of covering many light-years in less time that is beyond modern human knowledge
In an interview with Michael E. Salla, Clifford said that the US military and an Air Force Captain used to visit him on regular basis in his childhood, encouraging him to join the military.
Initially, he was assigned to the NBC Team (nuclear, biological, and chemical retrieval and abatement detail) at Fort McClellan Army post in Alabama and did some regular assignments until he was called for retrieval duties. He was reportedly out for a week when the army required him for UFO retrievals. Besides, his army service record was manipulated and excluded all his UFO recovery activities, showing him as a typist.
To support his claims, Stone cleverly disclosed the existence of classified projects such as Moon Dust and Blue Fly, that had been created to hide the UFOs’ debris by using Freedom of Information Acts.
Stone revealed in his several interviews that during the 1960s, the US army had been in contact with over 57 different E.T. races that had been visiting Earth for a very long time. He said that many species looked like humans, but their eyes were slightly larger and had black iris. According to him, extraterrestrial species contacted only through telepathy and could even read minds.
In 1973, Stone was involved in the retrieval of a crashed UFO. He hid a small metallic piece of UFO in his shoe and buried it near his property in New Mexico, Nevada, after his retirement in 1989.
He said: “Yes, I have it and wouldn’t dare to keep it in the house. I had it here to show some people where I kept it, a day longer than I should have and then somebody actually came here and tried to take it. That was some tense moments, I almost shot somebody that day.”
Italo-American photojournalist and UFO researcher Paola Harris wrote in her book, “Eyes Only: The Story of Clifford Stone and UFO Crash Retrievals” about his childhood E.T. friend named Korona who looked like a human and was with Stone to understand human emotions.
Further, she talked about Stone’s alien encounter in Vietnam, where he helped aliens to escape from military custody, as he cared for the rights of extraterrestrials who visit Earth.
Sgt. Clifford Stone claimed that he had been good at communicating with the ETs found at the crash sites or in an encounter with his military team. Once, his team fired a bullet at ET, but they deflected it with some advanced technology. He also mentioned the teleport techniques of ETs when he found himself hundreds of feet from his initial position.
Stone also claimed that there are many alien groups that visit our solar system and also Earth, but when humans learned how to detect their crafts, they limited their visits but did not stop.
He had no intention to benefit from his claims and evidence and no desire to gain publicity. His only desire was to let the US citizens know the truth about the UFOs and extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH), that these are interplanetary spacecraft.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Triangle formation filmed over Simi Valley, California 1-Jan-2021
Triangle formation filmed over Simi Valley, California 1-Jan-2021
Unknown bright lights in triangular formation were seen and recorded in the sky above the city of Simi Valley, in the eponymous valley, is in the southeast corner of Ventura County, California. This happened on 1st January 2021.
Witness report:
Just after midnight on New Year’s Day I went onto my second floor balcony and immediately saw multiple unidentified aerial phenomenon. Being New Year’s Eve there was a lot of visual and audible activity (fireworks, noisemakers, etc), but what I saw did not fit anything I could identify. The multiple glowing red craft would appear from behind some hills to my south, then hover, increase altitude and turn to the west on an ascending trajectory before flickering out. The pattern repeated for about 30 minutes, as if they were on a repeated path. In total I saw 21 craft in multiples of 1,2 or three. The most I saw at one time was 3, so I am not sure if they were the same craft making multiple passes, or individual craft following the previous ones that passed. My best educated guess for an explanation would be drones, but the altitude seemed to reach the height of a commercial jetliner, and the solid lights always flickered out in ways I have never seen with my own eyes. Very curious indeed. I had heard that there were other similar sightings across California on New Year’s Day, with at least one report from Los Angeles. Curious indeed.
A Harvard professor believes that we were visited by an alien object in 2017.
In his upcoming book, Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth, theoretical physicist Avi Loeb lays out his theory about a peculiar-shaped object that entered our solar system several years ago.
The interstellar object—named "Oumuamua"—was first observed through the Pan-STARRS telescope at Hawaii's Haleakala Observatory in 2017. Researchers determined that it had passed through the ecliptic plane on Sept. 6 from the direction of Vega, a star in the Lyra constellation that is about 25 light-years away from our planet. Just three days after later, Oumuamua—Hawaiian for "scout"—began accelerating toward the sun, before it eventually came closer to Earth on Oct. 7, "moving swiftly toward the constellation Pegasus and the blackness beyond," according to Loeb.
Some scientists claim Oumuamua, which is believed to be the first interstellar object detected in our solar system, was simply another comet; however Loeb—the chairman of Harvard University's astronomy department—dismisses that assumption, as it relies too much on the "familiar."
"What would happen if a caveman saw a cellphone?" he wondered while talking to the New York Post. "He’s seen rocks all his life, and he would have thought it was just a shiny rock."
Loeb says there are two big details that suggest Oumuamua wasn't just a comet, but rather a piece of alien technology. The first detail is the object's dimensions, as it was determined to be "five to 10 times longer than it was wide." Loeb argues the cigar-like shape isn't typical for a natural space object.
But the theoretical physicist says the biggest detail that supports his theory is Oumuamua's movement.
"The excess push away from the sun, that was the thing that broke the camel’s back," he said.
Loeb explains that the sun's gravitational force would cause a natural object to move faster as it approaches, and eventually push the object back, causing it to move slower as it moves away. Loeb points out that this didn't occur with Oumuamua, which accelerated "slightly, but to a highly statistically significant extent" as it moved further and further away.
"If we are not alone, are we the smartest kids on the block?" Loeb asked. "If there was a species that eliminated itself through war or changing the climate, we can get our act together and behave better. Instead, we are wasting a lot of resources on Earth fighting each other and other negative things that are a big waste."
Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth is set to hit shelves Jan. 26.
ALL RELATED VIDEOS, selected and posted by peter2011
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
China Reveals That a Massive Alien Outpost and Mining Facility is Operating on the Moon
China Reveals That a Massive Alien Outpost and Mining Facility is Operating on the Moon
Ever wondered why no one has set foot on the Moon for decades? And why there’s no permanent outpost already established there? Is it because the Moon is not a viable celestial body to harness, or maybe because all of the above mentioned are already happening, but we are not being told about it?
The answer to these questions may be easier than first anticipated, but complex at the same time. Dr. Michael Salla has pointed out that there is a military industrial extraterrestrial complex (MIEC) on the surface of our ‘natural satellite’, and there’s a strong possibility of an alien regime currently operating on the moon in tandem with humans.
To support his claims and those of many others, the Chinese have released an intriguing photo of what appears to be an artificial complex operating on the lunar surface. The image represents yet another confirmation of secret operations carried out up there, and it may also reveal that the Chinese government has been in touch with otherworldly visitors. That, in turn, would also explain why China has been investing massively in radio telescopes.
The following report will bring further clearance into this matter:
“I was sent some pictures by a source who claims China will be releasing Hi Res images taken by the Chang’e-2 moon orbiter, which clearly show buildings and structures on the moon’s surface. He also claims NASA has deliberately bombed important areas of the Moon in an effort to destroy ancient artefacts and facilities.
Pictures yet to be released clearly show nuclear impact craters and building debris caused by explosions in an effort by NASA to destroy the truth. China is moving toward full disclosure of the Extraterrestrial reality, if these images and future ones are verified genuine then NASA should be investigated for fraud and treason. China will be releasing all the data and images from the Chang’e-2 in the coming weeks and months, let’s hope this is the beginning of a new era.“
There’s a chance that the world governments have a secret pact to exploit the moon for its minerals. This pact may be signed by other ET species residing in the Universe, which could explain why this alliance has a secretive nature. However, since greed is a common trait among humans, there shouldn’t be long until someone is excluded out of this alliance, and eventually disclose this secret project to humanity.
Countless rumors speak of an alien base located on the dark side of the moon – the side we never get to see, and it’s no secret that, in 2009, NASA publicly bombed a portion of the moon for unclear reasons. Other leaked images originating from NASA’s headquarters reveal different structures found up there that are likely to be artificial in nature.
Among the most renowned people to speak of this Moon conspiracy is Milton Cooper, a Naval Intelligence Officer who disclosed that the US Navy Intelligence Community knows of the alien base. The term used to describe it is “Luna,” and according to Cooper, its main objective is to mine the underground for certain materials. He also speaks of a massive mother ship found in the vicinity of the moon used by the aliens to store up materials, and also travel to Earth in small “flying saucers” found on the main ship.
“LUNA: The alien base on the far side of the Moon. It was seen and filmed by the Apollo astronauts. A base, a mining operation using very large machines, and the very large alien craft describing in sightings reports as mother ships exist there,” Milton Cooper revealed.
So, is it possible that what the Chinese revealed is in fact a small fraction of the mining operation facility called Luna? After all, it strongly resembles the drilling devices used by our own species, and there is no one to debunk it as being a natural formation. (source)
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