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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
A Pakistani pilot flying near the city of Karachi was left scratching his head on Friday when he spotted a UFO flying near his plane. The intriguing encounter reportedly occurred during what had been an otherwise run-of-the-mill flight to the city of Sukkur. Shortly after taking off, however, the pilot noticed something odd sharing the sky with him and contacted air traffic controllers about the sighting.
According to the witness, the object was dark brown or black and seemed to be located around 150 feet above his aircraft. Perhaps the most fantastic aspect of the case is that he told ATC operators that the oddity "looked like a spaceship." Clearly committed to his craft rather than chasing UFOs, the pilot promptly adjusted his flight path after reporting the sighting and then departed the scene without even taking a picture of the strange object.
As to what it may have been, officials with the civil aviation authority in Pakistan theorized that the pilot simply spotted a drone in the sky and turned the case over the local police to investigate the situation. The possibility that the UFO was a weather balloon has also been raised by some observers, but that answer was dismissed by a meteorologist who argued that the witness would have known the nature of the object due to his training. Strangely enough, the incident comes on the heels of another weird aerial event in Pakistan in which pilots flying in that same general area reported seeing inexplicable laser beams in the sky.
Ovnis : tous les documents déclassifiés de la CIA sont là
Ovnis : tous les documents déclassifiés de la CIA sont là
Nathalie Mayer - Journaliste
EN VIDÉO] Quel est cet ovni filmé depuis l'ISS ?Régulièrement, les caméras de la Station spatiale internationale (ISS) filment des objets volants non identifiés, alias ovnis. Satellites, débris ou étages de lanceurs, quand ce ne sont pas de simples reflets dans les vitres : ces images font le bonheur des ufologues. Ici, on voit un objet allant dans le même sens que l’ISS, un peu plus bas et (logiquement) un peu plus rapide. Rêvons un peu.
En 2020, le nombre de signalements d'Ovnis a littéralement explosé dans plusieurs parties du monde. Le thème est à l'affiche d'une nouvelle série dont la diffusion vient d'être lancée sur Canal+. Le moment idéal pour le site The Black Vault de diffuser enfin plus de 2.700 documents déclassifiés par la CIA.
Les extraterrestres sont-ils (déjà) parmi nous ? Certains se posent la question. Et peut-être trouveront-ils des réponses dans les documents déclassifiés par la CIA et désormais librement disponibles au téléchargement. Grâce à l'acharnement, à la patience et au travail de John Greenewald Jr., l'ufologue qui alimente le site The Black Vault, ce sont donc plus de 2.700 nouvelles pages qui deviennent consultables. Et qui s'ajoutent aux plus de 2,2 millions de documents déjà regroupés sur le site.
Ces pages relatent des dizaines d'incidents. Un mystérieux « quelque chose » concernant un ovni -- pour objet volant non identifié -- remis en main propre au sous-directeur adjoint de la science et des technologies à la CIA dans les années 1970. Un réfugié bosniaque qui raconte une rencontre du troisième type. Ou encore de mystérieuses explosions en pleine nuit dans une petite ville russe. Tout y est. C'est du moins ce que prétend la CIA.
Encore des révélations à venir ?
John Greenewald Jr. promet par ailleurs de poursuivre son travail en demandant que soient éclaircies les trop nombreuses parties noircies qui demeurent sur beaucoup de ces documents. D'autant que l'intérêt pour la question semble récemment relancé. Après la déclassification récente de vidéos datant de 2004 et de 2015 (voir plus bas). Mais aussi après une recrudescence des observations rapportées aux États-Unis.
Le tout à quelques semaines d'une nouvelle obligation faite aux responsables du département américain de la Défense et aux agences de renseignement. Le Congrès leur a en effet demandé, fin décembre 2020, de lui soumettre un rapport sur tout ce qu'ils savent concernant les phénomènes aérospatiaux non identifiés (PAN), parmi lesquels, ceux que nous appelons les Ovnis.
Le Pentagone rend public huit rapports de rencontres avec des « phénomènes aériens inexpliqués »
Dans le cadre de la loi américaine sur la liberté de l'information, l'U.S. Navy a été contrainte de rendre publics huit rapports d'incidents entre ses pilotes et des phénomènes aériens non identifiés. Pas de soucoupe volante, mais pour l'un des espaces aériens les mieux surveillés au monde, l'existence de ces phénomènes récurrents aériens non identifiés est un sujet de préoccupation majeure.
Aux États-Unis, la loi sur la liberté de l'information, datant de 1966, oblige les agences fédérales et les forces armées à déclassifier et à transmettre leurs documents à tout citoyen américain qui en fait la demande. Cette liberté est toutefois restreinte par différents critères, dont la mise en danger de la sécurité nationale, pour empêcher la publication de ces documents. Dans les faits, obtenir des documents sensibles, demande beaucoup de patience tant la demande s'apparente à un parcours de longue haleine et une course d'obstacles.
Mais, à force de persévérance, des citoyens américains ont contraint le département de la Défense à rendre public de nombreux dossiers, dont des photos et des vidéos qui traitent des phénomènes aériens non identifiés et plus communément appelés Ovni. Il ne s'agit évidemment pas nécessairement d'extraterrestres dans ces documents en question.
Seulement quelques jours après que le Pentagone a déclassifié trois vidéos de l'U.S. Navy, cette dernière a rendu publics huit rapports de rencontre de ses pilotes avec des phénomènes aériens non identifiés en plein vol, sur la côte est des États-Unis.
Un des huit rapports de rencontre, rendu public en mai 2020, entre un pilote de l'U.S. Navy avec un phénomène aérien non identifié.
Sept d'entre eux impliquent des Super Hornets F / A-18E / F et se sont produits à différents moments entre 2013 et 2014 au large des côtes de la Virginie et de la Caroline du Nord. Le huitième incident a eu lieu en 2019 et impliquait un avion de guerre électronique Boeing EA-18G Growler volant au large de la côte du Maryland.
Sans surprise, aucun de ses huit rapports, disponibles sur de nombreux sites Internet, ne met en évidence l'existence de soucoupes volantes ou d'une quelconque technologie extraterrestre. Cela dit, l'existence encore aujourd'hui de phénomènes aériens inexpliqués est tout de même un sujet d'inquiétude au sein du gouvernement américain et une préoccupation de sécurité nationale beaucoup plus grande qu'il n'y paraît à première vue pour l'U.S. Air Force, en charge de la défense aérienne des États-Unis.
Ovni : le Pentagone rend publiques trois vidéos de « phénomènes aériens non identifiés »
Article de Rémy Decourt publié le 30/04/2020
Le Pentagone a déclassifié trois vidéos de l'U.S. Navy, déjà rendues publiques, montrant ce qui semble être des objets volants non identifiés. Une initiative qui ne correspond à aucune logique, si ce n'est de rappeler à tout un chacun l'existence de phénomènes aériens toujours inexplicables !
Le Pentagone a diffusé le 27 avril trois vidéos de l'U.S. Navy qui avaient été rendues publiques en septembre 2019 par l'organisation TTSA (To The Stars Academy) de recherche sur les Ovni de Tom DeLonge, ancien chanteur de Blink-182. Ces vidéos, toutes acquises par des pilotes de l'U.S Navy en vol, les montraient confrontés à des objets volants non identifiés, à plusieurs reprises, réalisant des manœuvres incompatibles avec les performances de tous les engins volants connus (accélérations, arrêts brutaux, virages instantanés).
À l'époque, l'U.S Navy avait été contrainte par une loi américaine sur la liberté d'information de s'expliquer sur ces vidéos. Le 10 septembre 2019, son porte-parole, Joseph Gradisher, a admis que le « phénomène montré dans ces vidéos n'est pas identifié » et reconnu qu'il s'agit « d'objetsinconnus violant l'espace aérien américain ». Mais, plutôt que de parler d'objets volants non identifiés (Ovni), la marine américaine a préféré utiliser les termes moins polémiques de « phénomènes aériens non identifiés ».
Les phénomènes aériens observés dans les vidéos restent caractérisés comme « non identifiés ».
Des phénomènes aériens bien réels mais inexplicables
Aujourd'hui, le Pentagone justifie son initiative de « transparence » pour couper court à «toutes les idées fausses qui circulent sur les Ovni » explique la porte-parole du Pentagone Sue Gough. Comme l'U.S Navy, après enquête le Pentagone a reconnu que les phénomènes aériens vus sur ces images étaient classés comme non identifiés. On se demande bien comment il aurait été possible de les expliquer différemment sans admettre l'existence d'une technologie supérieure aux capacités militaires américaines !
«Après une analyse minutieuse, nous avons estimé que le partage autorisé de ces vidéos ne révèle aucun système ou aucune capacité sensibles et n'a pas d'effet sur d'éventuelles investigations à venir au sujet d'incursions de phénomènes aériens non identifiés dans l'espace aérien militaire », conclut Sue Gough.
Ovni : l’U.S. Navy dévoile des vidéos de « phénomènes aériens non identifiés »
Article de Rémy Decourt publié le 21/09/2019
Alors que plus de 2 millions de personnes veulent forcer l'entrée de la zone 51 aux États-Unis ce week-end, l'U.S. Navy a confirmé officiellement le 10 septembre l'authenticité de trois vidéos montrant des objets volants non identifiés. Ces vidéos, acquises en vol par des pilotes américains avaient été rendues publiques par l'organisation TTSA (To The Stars Academy) de recherche sur les Ovni de Tom DeLonge, ancien chanteur de Blink-182.
En novembre 2014 et en janvier 2015, au large des côtes de San Diego et de Jacksonville, des pilotes de la marine américaine, à bord d'avions de chasse, ont été confrontés à des objets volants non identifiés à plusieurs reprises réalisant des manœuvres incompatibles avec les performances de tous les engins volants connus (accélérations, arrêts brutaux, virages instantanés).
Les enregistrements réalisés lors de ces vols montrent clairement la présence de structures volantes se déplaçant à très grandes vitesses et l'on peut entendre l'étonnement et la surprise des pilotes face à ces objets aux performances inenvisageables, et surtout leur incapacité à déterminer leur origine.
Ces enregistrements avaient été rendus publics deux ans plus tard par TTSA (To The Stars Academy), l'organisation de recherche sur les Ovni de Tom DeLonge, ancien chanteur de Blink-182. Ils avaient également fait l'objet d'une couverture médiatique aux États-Unis. À l'époque, l'U.S. Navy parlait de drones et de ballons (certainement une version plus moderne du ballon météo de Roswell !) pour expliquer leur présence.
L'U.S. Navy se veut pragmatique et admet, enfin, l'évidence
Mais, contrainte par la loi américaine sur la liberté d'information, l'U.S. Navy a dû apporter des explications plus convaincantes et sérieuses. Le 10 septembre, son porte-parole, Joseph Gradisher, a admis que le « phénomène montré dans ces vidéos n'est pas identifié » et reconnu qu'il s'agit « d'objetsinconnus violant l'espace aérien américain ». Mais, plutôt que de parler d'objets volants non identifiés (Ovni), la marine américaine a préféré utiliser les termes moins polémiques de « Phénomènes aériens non identifiés ».
Cette annonce a agréablement surpris la communauté ufologique mondiale, saluant la déclaration de l'U.S. Navy, rompant de fait avec la position officielle du gouvernement des États-Unis qui n'a jamais souhaité reconnaître de tels « phénomènes » en utilisant les termes aussi précis employés par l'U.S. Navy.
Cela dit, si l'authenticité des images a pour la première fois été attestée officiellement, elles n'indiquent en rien une origine extraterrestre. En effet, ces objets peuvent aussi évoquer des drones militaires très avancés qui a priori ne seraient pas américains.
The Republican chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee is leading the charge to declassify and make public what the intelligence community knows about “unidentified aerial phenomena."
Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida is pushing legislation that would require the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which oversees the intelligence community’s 17 intelligence agencies, to work with the Pentagon and other relevant agencies to produce a detailed report outlining what the U.S. government knows about UFOs, including their origin, frequency, and potential threat to U.S. national security.
Rubio’s efforts follow the April release by the Navy of three unclassified UFO videos that previously leaked online.
“Look, here’s the interesting thing for me about all this and the reason why I think it’s an important topic, OK? We have things flying over our military bases and places where we’re conducting military exercises, and we don’t know what it is, and it isn’t ours. So, that’s a legitimate question to ask,” Rubio said in a Thursday interview with Jim DeFede of CBS4 News in Miami. “I would say that, frankly, that if it’s something outside this planet, that might actually be better than the fact that we’ve seen some technological leap on behalf of the Chinese or the Russians or some other adversary that allows them to conduct this sort of activity.”
Rubio added: “But the bottom line is: If there are things flying over your military bases and you don’t know what they are because they’re not yours, and they exhibit, potentially, technologies that you don’t have at your own disposal, that to me is a national security risk and one that we should be looking into.”
In late June, the Senate Intelligence Committee, led by Rubio, approved the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021, which still has to be approved by the Senate. A section of the proposed bill deals with UFOs and calls for answers within 180 days of the law’s passage.
“The Committee directs the DNI, in consultation with the Secretary of Defense and the heads of such other agencies as the Director and Secretary jointly consider relevant, to submit a report within 180 days of the date of enactment of the Act, to the congressional intelligence and armed services committees on unidentified aerial phenomena (also known as ‘anomalous aerial vehicles’), including observed airborne objects that have not been identified,” the bill states, adding, “The report shall be submitted in unclassified form, but may include a classified annex.”
The report that the proposed law would direct the intelligence community and the Pentagon to produce would cover a host of UFO-related topics, including: a “detailed analysis of unidentified aerial phenomena data and intelligence reporting collected or held by the Office of Naval Intelligence, including data and intelligence reporting held by the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force”; a “detailed analysis” of UFO data collected by geospatial, signals, human, and other intelligence; and a “detailed analysis” of data the FBI might have that “was derived from investigations of intrusions of unidentified aerial phenomena data over restricted United States airspace.”
This proposed intelligence analysis would also include the “identification of potential aerospace or other threats posed by the unidentified aerial phenomena to national security” and whether any of the UFO activities “may be attributed to one or more foreign adversaries” as well as the “identification of any incidents or patterns that indicate a potential adversary may have achieved breakthrough aerospace capabilities that could put United States strategic or conventional forces at risk.”
Rubio shed new light on why the committee wanted these answers.
“It has impacted the Navy, for the most part. I’ve seen reports on this now for the better part of a decade. Other countries have had similar reports. But our perspective is: There is someone flying in the airspace that no one else is allowed to fly in, and we don’t know who it is, and it isn’t something we have. We need to know what that is,” Rubio told DeFede. “I mean, in my mind, I don’t understand why we wouldn’t want to know what it is. Maybe there’s a completely sort of boring explanation for it, but we need to find out. And so, that’s really what we’re asking about, and we’re asking to make public as much as possible that information. None of it fits into the mold of classified, per se.”
Earlier this year, videos from the Navy were released through the Freedom of Information Act that showed UFOs moving at incredible speeds and performing seemingly impossible aerial maneuvers. One of the videos was shot in November 2004; the other two were shot in January 2015. The three videos were code-named “FLIR1,” “Gimbal,” and “GoFast.” In the 2015 videos, Navy pilots can be heard expressing disbelief.
All three UFO videos were captured by Navy F/A-18 Super Hornets.
The videos were made public and published because of efforts by the New York Times, as well as through efforts by the To The Stars Academy, which was founded by Tom Delonge, the founder and lead vocalist for the bands Blink-182 and Angels & Airwaves.
Last year, Joseph Gradisher, spokesman for the deputy chief of naval operations for information warfare, told the Black Vault, a blog, that “the Navy designates the objects contained in these videos as unidentified aerial phenomena.”
When asked why the military preferred that phrasing over “UFO,” he responded: “The ‘Unidentified Aerial Phenomena’ terminology is used because it provides the basic descriptor for the sightings/observations of unauthorized/unidentified aircraft/objects that have been observed entering/operating in the airspace of various military-controlled training ranges.”
DeFede asked Rubio on Thursday: “So, what’s your gut? Are we alone in the universe, or is there something else out there?”
“I don’t have a gut feeling about it because it’s a phenomenon,” Rubio said. “It’s unexplained. I just want to know what it is, and if we can’t determine what it is, then that’s a fact point that we need to take into account. I wouldn’t venture to speculate beyond that.”
The mission team for NASA’s InSight lander called off its attempts to try to dig deeper into Mars with the heat probe known as “the mole.” Meanwhile, the rest of the mission gained an extension to December 2022.
Here’s the NASA’s InSight lander’s heat probe – nicknamed “the mole” – on October 3, 2020, when the spike-like mole was still trying to burrow into the red Martian soil. The copper-colored ribbon attached to the mole has sensors to measure the planet’s heat flow. Now NASA engineers have called a halt to this part of the mission.
One key aspect of NASA’s InSight mission on Mars sadly came to an end last week. NASA announced that InSight’s HP3 heat probe – aka the mole – hasn’t been able to gain the friction it needs to dig as deeply as planned into Mars’ surface. Now mission engineers have finally ended attempts, NASA said, to get the probe to burrow deeper into the soil. However, there’s also good news. The mission has been granted an extension, giving it more time on Mars’ surface to carry out its other tasks.
The mole – known officially as the Heat Flow and Physical Properties Package – was designed to dig down as far as 16 feet (5 meters). The goal was to take measurements of the internal temperature of Mars, providing vital clues as to how geologically active Mars still is and how much heat it still retains in its interior.
The problem was that the mole required friction from the surrounding soil to be able to continue digging deeper. As it turns out, the soil on that part of Mars was more clumpy than had been expected, meaning less friction. The mole would penetrate a couple of centimeters or so,less than an inch, and then it would tend to pop back up again. Eventually, the mission team started trying to push the mole farther down with the scoop on the lander’s robotic arm. Soil would be scraped onto the mole, and then the scoop would be used to tamp it down with “hammering strokes,” hopefully providing more friction. That worked to some degree, for a while, but still wasn’t enough to get the mole to continue digging deeper on its own.
By January 9, 2021, over 500 such hammering strokes had been conducted, to no avail. At that point, the mission team called an end to the effort.
It’s unfortunate, but – as you can imagine – unexpected problems often arise when exploring worlds that are hundreds of millions of miles away. As Tilman Spohn of German Aerospace Center (DLR), which built the mole, stated:
We’ve given it everything we’ve got, but Mars and our heroic mole remain incompatible. Fortunately, we’ve learned a lot that will benefit future missions that attempt to dig into the subsurface.
The mission team used the scoop at the end of the robotic arm to try to hammer the heat probe deeper down into the soil. The attempts were unsuccessful, however, because of the lack of friction in the soil due to clumpiness.
Other landers and rovers have used scoops to dig into the surface layers of soil to obtain samples, but InSight’s mole was meant to burrow down significantly deeper. The failure to dig deep enough is disappointing, but it certainly wasn’t for lack of trying, and is still a success in other ways. As Thomas Zurbuchen, associate administrator for science at NASA, said:
We are so proud of our team who worked hard to get InSight’s mole deeper into the planet. It was amazing to see them troubleshoot from millions of miles away. This is why we take risks at NASA, we have to push the limits of technology to learn what works and what doesn’t. In that sense, we’ve been successful: We’ve learned a lot that will benefit future missions to Mars and elsewhere, and we thank our German partners from DLR for providing this instrument and for their collaboration.
So what went wrong?
The clumpiness of the soil was surprising, since testing of the instrument back on Earth was based on properties of the Martian soil seen by previous missions to Mars. But the soil at InSight’s landing site, in Elysium Planitia, proved to be different from that seen at any other landing site. According to Troy Hudson, a scientist and engineer at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL):
The mole is a device with no heritage. What we attempted to do – to dig so deep with a device so small – is unprecedented. Having had the opportunity to take this all the way to the end is the greatest reward.
InSight has many different scientific instruments. The heat flow probe, shown on the right, was supposed to burrow down about 16 feet (five meters) into the ground.
All is not lost, however. The setback provided the mission team with more experience using the robotic arm as well as the chance to learn more about the soil at this location. What makes it more clumpy?
Another task in the near future will be to use the robotic arm to bury the tether that connects the seismometer instrument – called the Seismic Experiment for Interior Structure (SEIS) – to the lander. It is hoped that doing so will reduce the amount of cracking and popping sounds heard in the seismic data due to temperature changes.
SEIS takes the “pulse” of Mars, listening for seismic activity below the surface, and has recorded over 480 marsquakes so far. By far most are very small, but they tell scientists how active Mars is below the surface. So far, it seems to be somewhere between the Earth and moon. Some of the seismic activity detected by InSight has come from regions with still-active faults and ancient volcanoes, suggesting that Mars may still be volcanically active to some degree, at least below the surface.
The lander itself continues to be in overall excellent health, which is good news, and the mission has been extended another two years, until December 2022. That means there is still a lot more science that can be done with all of InSight’s other instruments.
InSight’s mission is primarily to study the interior of Mars and determine if the planet is still geologically active.
InSight’s overall mission is to study the interior of Mars, to determine how geologically active the planet still is, and how it formed and has changed over the past several billion years. A radio experiment onboard called Rotation and Interior Structure Experiment (RISE) is designed to find out if Mars’ core is still liquid or if it is solid, and what its overall composition is, including iron.
InSight also monitors Martian weather above the surface, with some of the most advanced weather sensors ever sent to the planet. The Curiosity rover also monitors the atmosphere and weather, as will the Perseverance rover when it lands next month, on February 18. All three together will create the first meteorological network on another planet, another huge accomplishment.
The mole may not be digging anymore, but the mission is far from over, with a lot of good science still to come!
Bottom line: The mission team for NASA’s InSight lander on Mars has called off any further attempts to try to dig deep into the soil with the heat probe instrument called “the mole.” The rest of the mission continues, however, with an extension to December 2022.
2,000-Year-Old Limestone Pyramid Tomb Discovered in Lebanon
2,000-Year-Old Limestone Pyramid Tomb Discovered in Lebanon
An ancient pyramid-shaped megalithic burial has been discovered in North Lebanon dating back to 2,000 years before the pyramids of Egypt. What’s more, it is speculated that this, and other similar pyramid tombs in Lebanon, might have inspired the rulers of Egypt to construct their world famous pyramidal super-structures.
A Blazing White Pyramid among the Blackness
This very well-preserved ancient megalithic stone tomb was discovered by Abdulaziz Al-Zein, the Environment Council's mountain guide, while he was hiking near the village of Akrum in the Akkar District of North Lebanon. This region has been inhabited for around 6,000 years and the pyramidal tomb was discovered on the high grounds of Wadi El-Deir.
A report in The 961 says the 3-meter-high (9.84 ft) burial structure is “very well-preserved” and relatively untampered with, considering its age. What’s more, this particular sepulchral monument is different from all the others that have been found in the Akkar District, because it was constructed with tall, flat, white limestone, where most others were built with basalt.
Could it really be true that the pyramid tombs at Akrum inspired the Pharaohs to build the famed Egyptian pyramids?
The tombs at Akrum predate the pyramids of Egypt by about 2,000 years. Historical researcher Dr. Imad Younis told the NNA that he thinks the Pharaohs of Egypt were “probably inspired by the idea of the pyramid burial from the Akrum burials.” While this is speculation, the researcher points out that “the ancient Egyptians visited the region and stayed there repeatedly.”
This entire area is abundant with megalithic cemeteries and, according to a report in Lebanon24, the archaeological sites near the villages of Menges and Fereidis in Akkar “date back 4000 years before Christ.” Al-Zein notes that what is striking about this Akrum pyramid shaped burial tomb is that it is made of tall, flat, white limestone, while all other examples that have been discovered were constructed of dark basalt rocks.
Remains of a basalt dolmen in the Akkar District, North Lebanon.
Dr. Antoine Daher is head of the Environment Council in Kobayat - Akkarsay and he says there are three pyramid cemeteries in the outlying area of the town of Akrum al-Dayaa close to the border with Syria. However, he said that many of these forgotten treasures have been lost “due to people's ignorance of the value of these ancient constructions.” In a Lebanon24 article, professor Daher highlighted the importance of the region saying there are the paintings of Wadi al-Saba that belong to the campaign of Nebuchadnezzar before the time of Christ, and at the fortress of Husayn “Roman temples are still standing.”
The professor is calling out to authorities to protect and preserve the ancient monuments of the Akrum, and to “put an end to the sabotage that affects them.” He asked: “Can the Antiquities Directorate move with the municipalities of Mount Akrum, which has modest financial capacity, and with all interested parties and volunteers to protect these treasures, which are the memory of humanity and the pillar of the economy for the future?”
Kamouh el Hermel, also known as the Pyramid of Hermel, is a famous pyramid tomb in Lebanon dating back to the second century BC.
Lebanon is no stranger to ancient pyramid-shaped tombs and perhaps the most famous example is Kamouh el Hermel (the Pyramid of Hermel) located 6 kilometers (3.7 mi) south of Hermel in Baalbek-Hermel Governorate. Dating to the second century BC, this pyramid sits on top of a hill and measures between 19.6 meters (64 ft) and 27 meters (89 ft) high, sitting on a base measuring around 1.1 meters (3.6 ft) with three steps made from black basalt. This pyramid was heavily vandalized by locals between 2000 and 2018 when all four faces of the base were covered with graffiti.
Only three other pyramidal burials have been discovered in the Akrum area similar to the one discovered by Al-Zein, and all of these structures were recently renovated and opened for visitors and tourists. Unfortunately, according to the professor, “the ignorance and negligence” of the government, combined with their lack of proper efforts to preserve and protect the monuments, means that some of those “historical treasures” have also fallen to vandalism.
Top image: The megalithic pyramid tomb in Akrum (Akkar District), Lebanon, was built with limestone. Experts believe that the Lebanese pyramid tombs inspired the great pyramids of Egypt. Source: NNA
Has the Function of the Great Pyramid of Giza Finally Come to Light?
Has the Function of the Great Pyramid of Giza Finally Come to Light?
About 150 years after the establishment of Egyptology as an academic field, there still appears to be no agreement between scholars on the function of the Great Pyramid of Giza. Yet several different hypotheses have been proposed. The tomb hypothesis appeared when research began on the pyramid, with a popular belief saying the primary function of the pyramid was to be the final resting place for the second ruler of the 4th dynasty - Khufu.
Other competing theories were proposed as well: the granary, the power house, heaven’s mirror, water pump, and the Orion belt, among others. Reviewing all the main hypotheses with an open mind I came to conclusion that I cannot agree with any of those, so I propose my own. Certain aspects of the hypothesis were already voiced by others but not substantiated enough. I tried to fill the gaps where needed with additional facts and evidence.
It is well known that the Great Pyramid is located at the maximum geographical center of Earth (or close to it). No proposed hypothesis tends to explain why - most tend to ignore this fact or downplay it. If the pyramid is indeed built as a tomb, how did Khufu end up picking the location for the tomb to be at, or close to, the geographical center of Earth? With the pyramid construction estimated at 20 years, is mapping and charting the planet factored into the pyramid construction time?
How long did it take Khufu to survey the planet to determine that location? Similarly, how did the granary or power house end up at the center of Earth and for what reason? All the proposed hypotheses lack an explanation for this important aspect, and beyond any doubt it is critical in understanding the function of the Great Pyramid of Giza .
Light can be created by any system if it can emit charged particles into the ionosphere. The Aurora Borealis is the phenomena caused by the same process in which where electrons created by the sun collide with air molecules to create light. So, what would it take for the Great Pyramid of Giza to create similar light?
First, let’s talk about the construction material used in the Great Pyramid of Giza. If in the ancient past someone decided to build a system to emit electrons and create light, the person would definitely face a dilemma with the choice of construction materials. To accomplish that goal, high conductivity material at high frequency is needed. Copper has excellent conductivity and we know Ancient Egyptians had it in their toolbox, though at high frequency copper would overheat and melt within a few seconds. What other materials could be used?
Nummulitic limestone from the Abu Rawash area was analyzed by the National Research Center of Cairo. It was found its conductance improves at higher frequency - to the point where it is exceptional. If the conductivity of a material needs to be about 600 Tera Hz, in addition to structurally strong, there could not be better material than limestone.
One of the original casing stones for the Great Pyramid (circa 2570 BC), most of which were removed during medieval times. This block was found in the rubble surrounding the pyramid.
The Great Pyramid is located at the geographical center of Earth , as noticed by Charles Smyth and reported in this book “Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid” in 1864. The fact that the geographical center of Earth is at the location of the Great Pyramid is startling.
Now, for a structure to emit high frequency radiation (which is really light), it must be surrounded by a large land mass. This is the fundamental requirement for systems emitting electromagnetic radiation , of which any antenna design engineer is aware. If the pyramid needs to emit electromagnetic radiation on a scale of the whole planet, the maximum land mass location is ideal!
Antennas of the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), on the Chajnantor Plateau in the Chilean Andes. The Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, two companion galaxies to our own Milky Way galaxy, can be seen as bright smudges in the night sky, in the centre of the photograph.
The electrons emitted by the pyramid need to reach the ionosphere and there is about a 100-km air gap between the peak of the pyramid and the ionosphere. The earth is a spherical capacitor, which means electrons at high frequency would propagate through the air with little impedance. Also, the ionosphere has negligible impedance, which means electrons can travel along the layer of the ionosphere to the other side of the planet with practically no restriction. However, they need to come back to the base of the pyramid to complete the closed path.
Passing through the ionosphere, the electrons would be colliding with atoms of various gasses, creating air glow similar to Aurora Borealis. The electrons travel back toward Earth from the ionosphere through elevation points of the planet.
It is interesting to note that many ancient cultures across the planet have had pyramid like structures. With the ionosphere saturated with charged particles, building a pyramid would provide a path for electrons to come back to the Earth’s surface - creating intense light glow over the structure. Reaching the surface, the electrons would return to the pyramid base through the mantle of the planet, the impedance of which is also negligible.
As the electrons approach the Giza plateau, they would pass through caves filled with water. The finding of the caves was reported by Andrew Collins and Dr. Hawass. Another process took place there known as electrolysis, causing water molecules to split into hydrogen and oxygen gas. The gas mixture filling the caves caused air pressure build up on the bed rock, creating earth trembling and noise. It is interesting to note that the Pyramid Text has multiple references to quakes and trembles.
The Function of the Great Pyramid of Giza
The Great Pyramid of Giza has a few chambers, shafts, and passages. Each of the elements played an important role in producing light. I provide a description of the functions of the main components in the system below.
Great Pyramid of Giza plan.
(Author provided)
Subterranean Chamber
The function of the subterranean chamber was to split water molecules into oxygen and hydrogen gas. For that you need to have water, terminals, and voltage. Hydrogen would accumulate around one voltage terminal (cathode) and oxygen would be around the other terminal (anode), but only hydrogen is needed for light, so oxygen needs to be rejected from the system. The front view of the subterranean chamber shows two hills made of limestone - those are two necessary terminals.
The top view of the chamber shows some similarities between the terminals: the two terminal bases are about the same size and the division between the two plateaus is exactly centered. All this points to intelligent design of the subterranean chamber. You can also notice some differences which are intentional.
Top view of the subterranean chamber.
(Author provided)
Note that the terminal on the left has a wider area compared to the terminal on the right. This means more electrons would pass through the terminal on the left side than right terminal. This would cause a voltage potential in which negative is on the right side, with the hydrogen gas accumulating there, and oxygen is on the left. Also, you can notice that the left and right shafts exiting the subterranean chamber are not leveled.
Hydrogen gas being lighter than the air, it would exit to the right and pass toward the ascending passage. Oxygen gas is heavier than air and would tend to concentrate at the bottom of the chamber. The granite block on the floor at the right shaft would prevent oxygen passing through. Some mixture would pass along, but it would not cause combustion. The gas built in the caves came out from the floor pit. This was not a steady process of gas and water slowly pouring out; it was a process of gas and water blasting out of the pit with high pressure.
For the pyramid to create light, free electrons are needed, and hydrogen was used for that. To get electrons from hydrogen it can be pressurized, subjected to high voltage, or hit with EM radiation. All three processes were used in the pyramid. As the air pressure in the subterranean chamber increased, the hydrogen gas got pressurized in the Queen’s chamber - filling the southern and northern shafts. The shafts are blocked by Gantenbrinks doors, so it stayed there.
With pressure mounting, the temperature of the gas increased, and partial release of electrons took place. There are copper terminals in the doors to channel the EM radiation of stars into the system. Those align with the shafts. The alignment does not need to be perfect, just enough for X and gamma rays (which can pass through the blockage) to reach the copper. Then the ionization of hydrogen took place.
The purpose of the King’s chamber was to collect all free electrons produced in the Queen’s chamber and push those toward the top of the pyramid. The granite beams in the King’s chamber are made of red granite, which has high crystal content when exposed to vibration and creates an electric field, pulling electrons from the Queens’ chamber toward the peak of the pyramid.
Opening to the King’s Chamber shaft. Morton Edgar, 1910.
The function of the portcullis in the antechamber was to control the hydrogen gas flow toward the King’s chamber and control pressure in the pyramid. Essentially, closing those would prevent the gas flowing out of the pyramid through the King’s chamber shafts. Controlling how much the portcullis closed, someone would also control pressure in the Queen’s chamber and how much light the pyramid would produce.
A Coffer in the King’s Chamber
The coffer in the King’s chamber is an important feature. What it was used for and why was it placed there are questions that still puzzle many scholars. The purpose of the coffer was to create high voltage in the King’s chamber to ionize the hydrogen and make that space conductive. Without a high voltage source in the chamber, the pyramid would not work. A device similar to the Baghdad battery could have been used. Or a device similar in construction to the Ark of the Covenant would also work.
There are three granite plugs in the bottom portion of the ascending passage. It appears the prevalent number of discussions support the theory that those were slid down to block the entrance to the ascending passage and were held there with wooden beams. There is, however, no agreement on the function of those plugs.
I believe those were used to shut down the pyramid at any instant if needed. It worked as an emergency stop. The three granite slabs would be slid down the descending passage to block hydrogen passing through and shut down the process. The fact that those plugs are blocking the passage now means they were used at least once.
Thus, I propose the function of the Great Pyramid of Giza was to emit free electrons to the Ionosphere, with the purpose to create light on the planet . The hydrogen gas produced in the subterranean chamber was used as a source of electrons needed for the process.
Top Image:The Great Pyramid of Egypt. Credit: BigStockPhoto
Until now the Middle Stone Age is thought to have ended about 30,000 years ago. However, new evidence unearthed in Africa suggests the tools which define this period of African prehistory between the Early Stone Age and the Later Stone Age - continued to be produced for another 20,000 years.
Recent archaeological digs in Africa found evidence of Middle Stone Age tools dating to just 11,000 years ago, about 20,000 years after these tools were traditionally believed to have stopped being produced. This means groups of ancient humans moved to using newer tools at different speeds, and that early human hunters lived in relative isolation from each other.
Questioning Human Evolution in the Middle Stone Age
All previous archaeological and anthropological discoveries in Africa have supported the belief that humans in Africa stopped using simple points and scraper tools and developed more complex weapons , tools and craft appliances about 30,000 years ago. However, researchers from Germany’s Max Planck Institute have published their new findings in the journal Scientific Reports claiming the latest evidence gathered at sites in Senegal, on the West coast of Africa, are “fueling a rethink of the passage of human evolution.”
The new paper suggests some ancient people living in Africa 11,000 years ago were still using simple tools, while other groups had developed more advanced technologies 20,000 years previously. This directly challenges the traditional theory that humans evolved in a linear fashion, making technological advances together, and proves humans evolved at greatly different rates around Africa, and the world.
Team fieldwalking along the Gambia River, Senegal.
Putting recent human evolutionary history in a nutshell: the period before Homo sapiens is known as the Lower Stone age, and that gave way to the Middle Stone Age, where we began developing simple stone, wood and rope tools. In the Late Stone Age, the skill sets that were developed using these tools became craft disciplines, and the rapid advancements in technologies started at that time haven’t stopped since, leading to our current state, as tool wielding monkeys with big aspirations.
The archaeologists wrote that for most of humanity's prehistory groups of humans were relatively isolated from each other. This conclusion was derived from the fact that most Middle Stone Age finds in Africa date to between 300 thousand and 30 thousand years ago and after this time they largely vanish. However, the new finds show primitive tool production continued in some isolated areas much later in the Late Stone Age, “when the Neolithic became the Bronze age around 3,500 BC,” said the researchers.
The lead author of the new study, Dr Eleanor Scerri, said that up to now almost everything that is known about ancient human origins has been extrapolated from discoveries in small parts of eastern and southern Africa. Now, this new work highlights the importance of investigating the entirety of the African continent so to construct a clearer and more reality-based picture of human evolution.
Lithics from Laminia (A-D) and Saxomununya (E-H). (A) unretouched flake; (B) bifacially retouched flake; (C) Levallois core evidencing a step fracture; (D) side retouched flake/scraper; (E, F) Levallois cores; (G) bifacial foliate point; (H) bifacial foliate.
The team are currently unclear as to “why” some groups of West Africa's Stone Age hunters were left standing in time while others rapidly advanced. However, they think “geographical isolation” has a lot to do with it. And we can still see the effects of geographical isolation in the modern world, for example, we have 20 years olds in San Fransisco walking about with Google Glasses being fed big data in live streams, while other 20 year olds around Yaohnanen village on the southern island of Tanna in Vanuatu worship Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, the consort to Queen Elizabeth II, as a divine being.
The researchers also suggests that perhaps the people with less advanced technologies experience fewer changes in climate, therefore, they were not under such intense pressure to survive and adapt. Either way, the study presents “a newer view of human evolution:” one in which groups of Stone Age survivalists lived and developed separately, and maybe even had “cultural boundaries,” living “in slightly different ecological niches,” wrote the researchers.
Top image: Freshly found artifact of the Middle Stone Age from Laminia, Senegal. Source: Eleanor Scerri / Max-Plank Institute
Mexican Farmers Unearth Ancient Statue of Elite Mesoamerican Woman
Mexican Farmers Unearth Ancient Statue of Elite Mesoamerican Woman
Farmers tilling the soil in a citrus grove in the Huasteca region along Mexico’s Gulf Coast unearthed something ancient and unusual. Hitting a hard object they assumed was a rock, the farmers dug down deeper to remove it. According to, what they had actually found was a six-foot-tall (1.8 meters) white stone statue of a Mesoamerican woman. She was buried in a position of peaceful repose, but facial features were contorted by an open-mouthed, wide-eyed expression that suggested she’d seen something shocking and unforgettable.
The farmers discovered the statue of a Mesoamerican woman in the Huasteca region in Mexico by chance when tilling the soil.
After removing the statue from the ground, the farmers quickly notified local authorities. Word was eventually passed on to Mexico’s National Institute of Anthropology and History, which dispatched archaeologists to investigate the discovery. These experts confirmed the statue’s antiquity, deducing that it was constructed and erected sometime between the years 1450 AD and 1521 AD, presumably by the Huastec people who had inhabited the region at that time.
If this is correct, the statue would date to the era just before the Spanish conquistadors arrived on the Gulf Coast. The Huastec region was the site of one of the most appalling episodes associated with the Spanish conquest , when the brutal and fanatical conquistador Gonzalo de Sandoval had 400 Huastec nobles and 60 chiefs burned to death to intimidate the Huastec people into submitting to his authority. He later sold 20,000 Huastecs into slavery, decimating the population and leaving Huastec society in ruins.
Assuming the statue is accurately dated, it is a relic that foretells an epic tragedy. The wide-eyed look of shock and horror that animate the woman’s features could be seen as prophetic, as if the person who carved the statue somehow anticipated the coming apocalyptic disaster. The statue is a relic from a society that was on the verge of being utterly destroyed by ruthless invaders who would murder their leaders, enslave the strong, and rule the rest with an iron hand defined by its intolerance and contempt.
The citrus farmers then alerted authorities of their discovery. Experts are now trying to work out who or what the statue of the Mesoamerican woman represents.
Deciphering the Identity of the Mesoamerican Woman
According to National Institute of Anthropology and History officials, this is the first statue of this type found anywhere in the Huasteca region. Based on the elaborate headpiece and fine clothing the woman represented in the statue is wearing, Institute archaeologist Maria Eugenia Maldonado Vito believes the statuesque woman was someone of elite status .
“This could be a ruler, based on her posture and attire, more than a goddess,” Maldonado wrote. Alternatively, she said the statue may represent “a late fusion between the Teem goddesses and women of political or social status in the Huasteca.” The goddesses she mentions were associated with fertility cults. Statues and figurines that venerate and immortalize fertility goddesses have been found all across the globe and represent a common motif from ancient times. Consequently, it is reasonable to hypothesize that the Huasteca statue may have some connection with fertility rites and observances.
But that is only one possibility, and maybe not the most likely explanation. “There are quite a few pre-Hispanic depictions of elite women and female rulers elsewhere,” explained Susan Gillespie, an anthropology professor asked to comment on the discovery of the Huasteca statue. “[They are] best known among the Classic Maya, but also in Classic Zapotec bas-reliefs and Post-Classic Mixtec codices.”
The Huastecs were originally descended from the Maya . They created their own distinct culture following their separation from their progenitors, which occurred approximately 2,000 years before the time when the statue of the woman was constructed. But they likely preserved at least some cultural traditions from ancient times, meaning that overlaps between their cultural practices and those of the Maya were to be expected.
Interestingly, the statue seems to reveal some Aztec influence . The Aztecs were just beginning to make intrusions in Huastec territory by the middle of the 15 th century AD, in military campaigns that were destined to bring the Huastecs into the Aztec Empire before the century ended. Given the contact between the Huastecs and the Aztecs that was occurring at this time, a cultural fusion that would help shape artistic choices was inevitable.
“Colonial era Aztec documents mentioned women ‘rulers’ or at least holders of the crown to pass on to their successors,” Gillespie is quoted as saying in “Women were highly valued in the pre-Hispanic era, drastically losing their status only after the conquest.”
The statue of the Mesoamerican woman has an open mouth and a wide-eyed expression. Experts are trying to work out who or what she represents.
Since the Mesoamerican statue bears no inscriptions or identifying markings of any type, it is impossible to tell who the woman is or what exactly her status might have been. Unfortunately, it is also impossible to know for sure if she really was carved by a Huastec artist, or even if the statue was constructed in the Huastec region.
Not only is this the only such statue ever found there, but the place where it was found has never before produced any notable archaeological finds. This raises the possibility that the find was not legitimate, and that the statue was transported to Huastec from another location by unidentifiable sources at an unknown date.
“If there is only one such find, it’s hard to say whether it is significant, or even correctly identified,” Gillespie confirmed. “Archaeology works best with repeated occurrence, to show a pattern.” Of course, archaeologists haven’t yet had much of an opportunity to identify such a pattern, if it exists. This may be the first such statue ever found in Huastec, but that doesn’t mean it will be the only one.
Its discovery may launch an exciting new era of exploration—now that archaeologists know where to look, there is no telling what they might find in the months and years ahead. Today’s brand new archaeological site may be tomorrow’s treasure trove of invaluable artifacts, which would have remained hidden indefinitely if not for that first fortuitous discovery by citrus farmers.
Top image: The statue of a Mesoamerican woman was discovered in Álamo Temapache, Veracruz in Mexico by citrus farmers.
A CLICK BEETLEROLLING AROUND on its back may look pitiful — but do not be deceived. Beyond the hard exterior of their bodies lies a jack-in-the-box-like mechanism that, once snapped, springs them high into the air with a signature click!
Scientists have known of this click-trick, but what they've struggled to understand is precisely how and whythese beetles spring into the air. However, using high-speed x-ray technology and fundamental equations of motion, a team of mechanical engineers recently examined how this action takes place and what its limits are.
A better understanding of this elegant, biological mechanism not only reveals insight into a natural phenomenon — it may help roboticists super-charge the strength of future machines without increasing their "muscular" strength.
The findings were published Monday in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
They might look helpless, but these beetles are poised to pop at any moment.
We typically imagine springs and latches are something human-designed — doodads used to close doors or accelerate pinballs into obstacle courses. But in fact, click beetles are far from outliers when it comes to natural examples of these mechanisms.
Venus flytraps, for example, use a similar biological spring to close their leafy lips around their prey. Meanwhile, mantis shrimp can snap their claws so quickly they create tiny sonic booms in the ocean.
When it comes to click beetles (which encompass a family of beetle called Elateridae discovered by an English zoologist in 1815), scientists have studied its kinematics (the beetles' resultant acceleration) as well as the geometry of the beetles' biological latch. However, the researchers behind this new study argue the question of how this motion arises from the beetles' biology is still largely unexplored.
"Previous studies have focused on the [click beetle] jump, in this paper, we are focused on the bending maneuver referred to as the click because of the audible click it produces," Aimy Wissa, assistant professor of mechanical science and engineering at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, tells Inverse.
"The bending movement happens in a hinge in the thorax and only takes a few milliseconds. In the paper, we identify and characterize the different phases of the click and we identify the forces governing the energy release phase of the click."
With four beetles on loan for the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign's permanent research sites, the team began the process of learning exactly what makes these beetles tick (or click).
Because only a number of milliseconds separate a still click beetle from a click beetle pirouetting through the air, the researchers used a high-speed x-ray imager to slow down the process for analysis.
The team zeroed in on a small cavity in the beetle's thorax that transforms into a latch when they begin to twist back and forth.
With this visual data, the team had three big questions they wanted to answer:
1) What are the phases of the clicking motion?
2) What are the elastic energy storage and release mechanisms in click beetles?
3) Can the energy release mechanism be inferred from the latch dynamics during the energy release phase?
Examining the motion of these four beetles, the researchers identified three distinct phases of behavior that predicate the clicking spring: latching, loading, and energy release.
Based on this behavior, the researchers were able to classify this mechanical movement as "elastic recoil," which is a fast release of stored elastic energy. Essentially, as the beetle twists its body, its latch creates more and more elastic energy. This energy is eventually released when the latch breaks free, creating the springing movement.
Studying this motion, the researchers observed that the loading phase (where a peg tip was wedged into the cavity) took up to 235 milliseconds while the energy release took only 17.4 milliseconds at most.
This means that after a relatively slow build-up of elastic energy, the beetle expells it all at once for maximum recoil.
Because the beetle's writhing dance appears to be the main determinant of when how and this movement takes place, the researchers were able to closely model the oscillatory movement of the beetle post-jump as a one-degree-of-freedom system.
Being able to match the biological motion to an existing model will make it easier to replicate this motion in non-living systems as well.
"Learning about how small organisms can generate extreme acceleration will lead to breakthroughs in the field of insect-scale robotics and other small devices," Wissa tells Inverse. "Microrobots currently suffer from severe actuation limitations and cannot move nearly as fast as even the slowest [spring-equipped] biological organism"
While the researchers were able to answer a number of important questions about this mechanism, there are still outstanding questions yet to be explored.
For example, the external latch that they identified is likely only part of an interior spring mechanism. What exactly that mechanism is and how it works is something they hope to explore in future studies.
In the future, the researchers write that they hope this understanding can help build a symbiotic relationship between advancing robotics and advancing the study of biological life as well. Eventually, this understanding could "enable the creation of a new generation of insect-inspired robots capable of generating and sustaining high-acceleration movements," the study team writes.
"Such robots will also serve as research platforms to answer critical questions about their biological counterparts."
Many small animals use springs and latches to overcome the mechanical power output limitations of their muscles. Click beetles use springs and latches to bend their bodies at the thoracic hinge and then unbend extremely quickly, resulting in a clicking motion. When unconstrained, this quick clicking motion results in a jump. While the jumping motion has been studied in depth, the physical mechanisms enabling fast unbending have not. Here, we first identify and quantify the phases of the clicking motion: latching, loading, and energy release. We detail the motion kinematics and investigate the governing dynamics (forces) of the energy release. We use high-speed synchrotron X-ray imaging to observe and analyze the motion of the hinge’s internal structures of four Elater abruptus specimens. We show evidence that soft cuticle in the hinge contributes to the spring mechanism through rapid recoil. Using spectral analysis and nonlinear system identification, we determine the equation of motion and model the beetle as a nonlinear single-degree-of-freedom oscillator. Quadratic damping and snap-through buckling are identified to be the dominant damping and elastic forces, respectively, driving the angular position during the energy release phase. The methods used in this study provide experimental and analytical guidelines for the analysis of extreme motion, starting from motion observation to identifying the forces causing the movement. The tools demonstrated here can be applied to other organisms to enhance our understanding of the energy storage and release strategies small animals use to achieve extreme accelerations repeatedly.
The Voynich Manuscript is an enigmatic 240-page book penned in the early part of the 1400s, and which has consistently defied the world’s finest code-breakers, who have spent decades trying to decipher the odd text. It takes its name from a man named Wilfrid Voynich, a dealer of books who obtained the manuscript back in 1912. As for the contents of the Voynich Manuscript, they include a great deal of material relative to botany – as well as close to thirty- pages of imagery of the heavens: stars, planets and moons. But, as for why, and what the attendant text says, no one knows. As to how it fell into Voynich’s hands, we have this from the man himself:
“In 1912 I came across a most remarkable collection of preciously illuminated manuscripts. For many decades these volumes had lain buried in the chests in which I found them in an ancient castle in Southern Europe. While examining the manuscripts, with a view to the acquisition of at least a part of the collection, my attention was especially drawn by one volume. It was such an ugly duckling compared with the other manuscripts, with their rich decorations in gold and colors, that my interest was aroused at once. I found that it was written entirely in cipher. Even a necessarily brief examination of the vellum upon which it was written, the calligraphy, the drawings and the pigments suggested to me as the date of its origin the latter part of the thirteenth century. The drawings indicated it to be an encyclopedic work on natural philosophy.
“The fact that this was a thirteenth century manuscript in cipher convinced me that it must be a work of exceptional importance, and to my knowledge the existence of a manuscript of such an early date written entirely in cipher was unknown, so I included it among the manuscripts which I purchased from this collection. Two problems presented themselves – the text must be unraveled and the history of the manuscript must be traced. It was not until sometime after the manuscript came into my hands that I read the document bearing the date 1665 (or 1666), which was attached to the front cover. This document, which is a letter from Joannes Marcus Marci to Athanasius Kircher making a gift of the manuscript to him, is of great significance.”
Notably, a theory exists that the manuscript was the work of a secret society based in Italy – one with a very long and clandestine lineage – that extended back to the time when the Roman Empire was at its height. It apparently still existed when the Voynich Manuscript was compiled, and was said to have been just one of dozens of such manuscripts – only one of which is, today, known.
It’s intriguing to note that the National Security Agency – the former bosses of the world’s most infamous whistleblower, Edward Snowden – has taken a very deep interest in trying to crack the code of the Voynich Manuscript. Via the terms of the Freedom of Information Act, the NSA has declassified into the public domain several important papers penned by those agency personnel who tried to tackle the mystery for themselves. One being “The Most Mysterious Manuscript in the World,” written by Brigadier John H. Tiltman, a man who worked for the United Kingdom’s equivalent to the NSA, the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) at Cheltenham, England. As evidence of Tiltman’s skills as a code-breaker, he was the first non-American to become a member of the NSA’s Hall of Honor. But, for all of the NSA”s skills in code-breaking, cipher-cracking, and spying, the Voynich Manuscript remains the mystery that it did when it fell into the hands of Wilfrid Voynich more than a century ago.
Some of the most fascinating, and often very bizarre accounts of UFO and alien encounters come to us from the so-called whistleblowers, the ones that claim to come from positions right in the thick of things. These are the ones who are supposedly in the know, with often very impressive credentials and apparent inside information on what is really going on. Such tales run the range from the compelling to the completely flat-out bonkers, and everywhere in between, yet even among these there are some that truly stand out among the rest. A good example of such accounts comes from a man who claims to have been part of an elite secret government cabal tasked with investigating and retrieving fallen UFOs, and his story is at once intriguing and totally outlandish.
One very incredible tale of aliens and secret government operations comes from retired U.S. Army sergeant Clifford Stone, who says his story begins when he was just a child. When he was very young, he claims he had several encounters with aliens, after which he was frequently visited by two military men, in particular an Air Force captain who told him he was being watched due to his remarkable ability to “interface with extraterrestrial biological entities.” The mysterious stranger would appear often to encourage him to pursue the study of UFOs, visiting him at least once a week and eventually influencing him to join the military in his older years. Stone would go on to serve in the Army from between the years of 1968 to 1990, although not in what one would call a traditional capacity.
Clifford Stone
Upon entering the military, Stone claims that he was first given training at a Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Warfare facility at Fort Lee, Virginia, after which he was recruited into a secret elite government organization called the Interplanetary Phenomena Research Unit, which apparently had been started back in 1943 by General Douglas MacArthur for the purpose of gathering intelligence on alien activities on Earth, studying alien entities and their technology, and retrieving the wreckage of downed UFOs. According to Stone, the unit had been formed in response to the large number of UFO sightings that were occurring during the war, often called Foo Fighters, speculated to be due to the entities studying the human conflict. It was thought that there was an urgent need to study this presence in order to determine if the aliens were hostile and what they wanted, and so the unit was formed.
Stone has revealed, largely through interviews with such renowned ufologists as Dr. Michael Salla, Dr. Steven M. Greer, and Paola Harris, much about what his duties and experiences were like with the shadowy organization. He says that he was typically assigned to the nuclear, biological, and chemical retrieval and abatement detail at Fort McClellan Army post in Alabama, and would be called away when there was a top-secret assignment for a retrieval. According to him, his team was not originally completely devoted to alien spacecraft, but rather to retrieving any suspicious foreign objects that crashed to Earth, but this evolved as the project went on through the years. He says of this:
This unit was initially organized as a 4602nd Air Intelligence Service Squadron. Among its peacetime missions was operation Blue Fly. Operation Blue Fly was to recover objects of unknown origin that fell to Earth. It is very important that you remember these were specifically objects that fell to Earth- because we didn’t have any spacecraft up there at this time. As a result of this, they had monitors right there at Wright Patterson that when UFO reports came in they were looked at very closely to see if there was any possible necessity of sending out teams to recover any of this fallen debris. The Air Force states they never used them. I’m telling you I know they did. But the intent of the Operation Blue Fly peacetime project was to go out and recover objects of unknown origin that impacted with the Earth.
Later it would be expanded in 1957 to cover all objects of unknown origin meaning spacecraft too. And it would become part of what they would call in the October of 1957 timeframe, Project Moon Dust. Project Moon Dust is the overall field exploitation to recover only two items: First, objects of non-U.S. origin that survives re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere and impacts with the Earth and objects. Naturally, we would be interested in those items from a technical, scientific intelligence basis to determine, or try to ascertain the technical capabilities of any potential enemy since our known enemy of the U.S., the USSR at that time that was launching space vehicles into space. The other area of interest was objects of unknown origin. Now we find that there were quite a few objects of unknown origin that did not correlate with any known space launches, impact times, or any known space debris falling back to Earth. In short, under Project Moon Dust and under Blue Fly, we have recovered alien debris not of this Earth.
Indeed, Stone claims that throughout his career he was involved with several such retrievals of alleged alien debris, always under the guise of a nuclear containment team, which is what he was ostensibly trained for. According to him, these retrievals were carefully orchestrated to make it appear as if they were checking out crashed aircraft or a nuclear incident, even using fake news reports planted in the media to complete the ruse. He explains the thought process of these retrievals:
Now, in order to prepare me for this, very early on in my career they sent me to NBC School at Fort McCullen [sp], Alabama. It’s a three-week school. It’s for NBC personnel, NBC meaning Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical. And it would always be in the context of an NBC unit that I would be involved in UFO retrievals. You would go ahead and deploy as though it was a nuclear accident. There are procedures already established on nuclear or biological or chemical accidents. So you would proceed in that way. If you could get in there and do recoveries, if you could go in and extract the debris that are there quietly behind the scenes and no one knows, you’d do it. If you needed an officially sanctioned deception program to come into play, such as a bogus news release, you could do this also.
For example, if you have an airplane accident we have standard procedures on how we handle that. Those same procedures are utilized when you do a recovery or extraction of a crashed ET spacecraft or debris thereof. And I have to stress debris simply because these are highly advanced technical machines. There were not that many crashes. They are flawed because they are made by an intelligence that is as mortal as you or me. Being mortal, we are subject to error. Now, we are talking about a highly intelligent civilization, not a highly incompetent civilization. We take steps and they take steps. But at the same time, when you go out, you make a recovery. And when you make that recovery, you handle it the same way you would as if you were out there on an airplane accident or you have a hazardous material type situation, because it works. It is all set up.
He is meticulously detailed when he explains how all of this works. He goes into depth about how the material is concealed and how they ship it. He talks of tracking the trucks carrying the objects, code words used during these shipments, and many other finer points of the operations. He even claims that he has secretly taken some of the material found at these sites. For instance, according to him, at one purported UFO crash in 1973 he hid a small fragment of metal from the craft in his shoe, later burying it on property near his home in New Mexico. He says of the object:
Yes, I have it and wouldn’t dare to keep it in the house. I had it here to show some people where I kept it, a day longer than I should have and then somebody actually came here and tried to take it. That was some tense moments, I almost shot somebody that day. I can’t replace this, you don’t go to the store and buy this and I took a big chance when I went ahead and got it.
Stone claims that while debris was not totally uncommon, cases of whole crashed spaceships or recovering alien bodies were actually pretty few and far between, and that one of the reasons they crashed in the first place was that Earth radar interfered with some of their systems. He says he only actually was called out to a handful of whole crashed UFOs, and when asked to estimate how many craft had crashed on Earth when he first joined the unit, he says:
Not more than two-dozen UFOs had been retrieved by 1969 when I was briefed first. We were informed that there had only been a couple dozen tops- that there were several in the ‘40’s and the early 50’s. And to make it perfectly clear about those events that took place then, it sounds crazy but our radar wreaked havoc on the ET guidance systems and they had to make adjustments to their guidance systems for that. How many bodies had been recovered? Don’t know. How many crashes have occurred in which we only got debris because the ET’s came and did their recovery before we got there? Don’t know but it has happened. It has happened. When they had problems, just like we send out a distress call, they send out a distress call, which is something that a lot of people don’t think about; it’s a question that’s never asked.
Another topic he speaks of are the specialized teams that would join them when there was any sort of biological component, meaning an alien body, and the measures they took to make sure there wasn’t any kind of contamination. With regards to finding aliens, he said that they would find both dead ones and occasionally even living ones, which he says he has a gift for communicating with. Some of his stories are fairly spectacular, such as the time they allegedly fired on an alien and it deflected the bullet with some sort of force field, the time he helped some aliens escape during a crash retrieval in Vietnam during the war, and another occasion when he was shown an alien entity at the Pentagon and the alien teleported him to his friend’s office at Fort Meade. According to Stone, there are a total of 57 different known species of aliens that had been catalogued by the time he retired, coming in various shapes and sizes, with some of them reportedly practically indistinguishable from human beings. The military allegedly had a whole manual on the aliens, a 3-inch thick book called the “EBE Guidebook,” which contained the physiology, food requirements and medical information for each species.
He claims that the government is very secretive on all of this, and that they even distorted his service records to list him as being merely a clerk and typist. One of his main reasons for coming forward with this information, even though it is at great risk to him, is to help along with government disclosure and try to convince the world of what is really going on. He claims that the attitudes of the general populace make it easy for the government to keep these secrets because there is the tendency to treat UFOs and aliens as flights of fancy and to try and debunk it all. It is skeptics and debunkers who, according to him, are making it easy for the government to keep wraps on it all, and he explains of this:
During the discussion of UFO’s, the question ultimately is going to come up can any government keep secrets let alone the U.S. Government? And the answer to that is unequivocally yes. But one of the greatest weapons the intelligence community has at their disposal is a predisposition by the American people, the American politicians, and the debunkers- people who wish to try to debunk UFO information. They immediately come out and say oh we can’t keep secrets, we can’t keep secrets. Well, the truth is, yes we can. And we are conditioned by our own paradigms not to accept the possibility or probability of a highly advanced intelligent civilization coming here to visit us. You have evidence in the form of highly credible reports of objects being seen, of the entities inside these objects being seen. Yet, we look for a prosaic explanation and we throw out the bits and pieces of the evidence that doesn’t meet our paradigm. So it is a self-keeping secret. You can conceal it in plain sight. It is political suicide to go and start hitting up intelligence agencies to get this information released. So most of your members of Congress, and I know I’ve worked with a lot of them along that line, will balk and try not to do it. I can name you three members of Congress that were point blank asked to have a congressional inquiry on what happened here at Roswell.
Stone has written a whole book on his wild career and strange experiences, his 1997 UFOs Are Real, and he has continued his crusade for the cause of full government UFO disclosure, pursuing relentless requests under the Freedom of Information Act and constantly giving talks about it all. For many in the UFO field he is a champion of disclosure, however, as with many such alleged whistleblowers he has also gained his share of criticism. One is that he has very few actual hard documents or evidence to back these claims up. For instance, the alleged EBE Guidebook he has only seen on occasion, and has never managed to get an actual copy of it. He has managed to gather some documentation admitting to classified projects called Blue Fly and Moon Dust through the Freedom of Information Act, but it is unclear how much it actually proves that they were involved in retrieving aliens and alien spacecraft, and there has been debate on just how real any of his documents are. He also refuses to present the purported piece of UFO debris he has, saying that it is too dangerous to do so at this time, so for many there is just very little concrete corroboration or evidence for his extraordinary claims. There is also the fact that, although he claims that his service record has been altered to hide his true background, he is still only officially listed as a military typist and clerk, with no way to prove otherwise. Yet he definitely has his supporters, and Dr. Michael Salla says of him:
In my interview Sgt Stone comes across as very meticulous in his statements, very clear about the information he is revealing, and refuses to speculate on subjects he did not directly experience. The information he provided in the interview was very consistent with earlier interviews conducted by other investigators such as Paola Harris. Furthermore, Sgt Stone had no desire to gain financial profit for his evidence or appeared in any way to be a publicity seeker. He came across as an individual of great integrity desiring to let the American public learn the truth about UFOs and the ETH. My overall conclusion is that Stone is very credible due to the meticulous nature of his testimony, the consistency in his story, his obvious integrity, and because of the documents he has been able to provide.
We are left to wonder. Is there anything to Stone’s claims? Certainly he seems sincere and has been embraced by many in the UFO field, and his attitudes towards government disclosure seem to be in the right place. However, is he for real, or is he just spinning wild stories? Whatever the case may be, Stone has made many good points on the topic of government UFO disclosure, and whether any of his claims are true or not, he remains a fascinating, strange, and often eyebrow-raising figure upon the landscape of ufology.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
A Legend That Turns Out to Be Real? Hibernating Alien Discovered Inside Secret Chamber in the Great Pyramid
A Legend That Turns Out to Be Real? Hibernating Alien Discovered Inside Secret Chamber in the Great Pyramid
Would you believe a story about an alien mummy being found in the Great Pyramid of Giza? In the March 2000 issue of the Egyptian magazine Rose al-Yūsuf, a strange article posed the same question.
As the story goes, in the year 1988, a French Egyptologist named Louis Caparat was exploring the interior of the Great Pyramid when he accidentally discovered a secret chamber. The room had been sealed right after the pyramid was completed, more than 4,500 years ago, and it contained “a crystalline transparent case.”
Apparently, the crystalline case served as life-support for a small humanoid alien or human-alien hybrid, which Caparat believed was hibernating or in a stage of suspended animation. The discovery of a previously unknown chamber inside the Great Pyramid sounds intriguing, but finding an actual alien being inside it would be an extraordinary event, if we are to trust this particular account.
Further inspection of the chamber revealed clues about the identity of its millennial occupant when archaeologists found a papyrus scroll. According to hieroglyphic inscriptions on the scroll, the creature was in fact an extraterrestrial messenger that had arrived in ancient Egypt during Pharaoh Khufu’s reign. His mission was to announce the arrival of his brethren, who expressed their interest towards the Egyptian people.
Apparently, the Pharaoh held the visitor in high regards, since the papyrus claimed the Great Pyramid was actually built as a receptacle for the crystal capsule containing the small humanoid. The fact that the life support system was still working after thousands of years supports the theory that the pyramids were built with the aid of advanced alien technology and it also gives credence to the idea that the pyramids acted as energy receivers.
Shortly after his discovery, Caparat called his friend and colleague, biologist F. de Braga, who was in Spain at the time. He boarded the next plane to Cairo, hoping to obtain blood, tissue and DNA samples from the hibernating alien. But when his plane landed, de Braga was promptly sent back to Madrid by the Egyptian authorities. The alien and its crystal coffin were ultimately confiscated by the State Security Investigations Service and taken to an undisclosed location and that’s where the trail stops.
No further mentions of Caparat or the secret chambers are made and Egypt has offered no official statement regarding this episode.
But this is neither the first nor the only incident when a decidedly non-human body was found in a pyramid.
According to legend, the first man to break into the Great Pyramid of Giza was a powerful caliph named Abdullah al-Ma’mun, the son of Harun al-Rashid. In 813 CE, after weeks of arduous manual drilling, his team of hired Egyptian laborers broke through several blocks of granite and into a burial chamber that contained the remains of a humanoid alien. The alien had been buried with great respect and was surrounded by precious items.
In Secrets of the Great Pyramid, author Peter Tompkins mentions the event:
Another mysterious mummy of an otherworldly being was allegedly uncovered in a small pyramid in El-Lahun, just south of Pharaoh Senusret the Second’s tomb. As the story goes, Viktor Lubek, a retired University of Pennsylvania University professor made this discovery on 1997 but there is very little information available.
The mummy was that of a frail creature measuring around 5 feet in length. It had been buried with special honors, and a number of intriguing objects were found inside the tomb. According to an article published in a 2003 issue of Weekly World News,
Inscriptions inside the tomb read that the mummy belonged to an important being that had been appointed counselor to the king. Its name was Osirunet, ‘meaning star – or heaven-sent.’
The body of Osirunet had been preserved in a very unusual manner, and it was covered with linen wraps and a mixture of clay and gold.
As for the unknown objects found inside the pyramid, they were described as “devices made of a tough synthetic-type material that no one has been able to identify, and the uses of these strange machine-like items are a complete mystery.”
This finding was particularly upsetting for many Egyptian officials who insisted that it remain secret until a plausible explanation was found. The mummy was allegedly flown to Florida for an in-depth analysis but that’s the last time anybody’s heard of Osirunet.
A similar incident involved a 15-inch long mummified finger discovered in 1988.
Even if these stories sound far-fetched or offer little evidence to support their claims, when considering the greater picture offered by Egypt’s many mysteries, they seem possible. Some would say unlikely, but possible.
When (and if) the ancient Egyptians built the Pyramids of Giza, they exhibited great engineering, mathematical and astronomical skills and we can easily see how the magnificence and precision of their monuments could be attributed to external influence.
But in the end, you could say it’s really a matter of perspective.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
UFO Seen Twice! Over Medellin, Colombia In 2020! 2 Videos, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Seen Twice! Over Medellin, Colombia In 2020! 2 Videos, UFO Sighting News.
Date of 1st sighting: Jan 29, 2020
Date of 2nd sighting: Oct 6, 2020 6AM
Location of sightings: Medellin, Colombia
A new video was posted this week of a sighting back in Oct 6, 2020 over the city of Medellin, Colombia. This sighting is new to me. The eyewitness Diego Penagos states, "I myself recorded it on October 6 at 6 am in Medellin while I was climbing one of the highest hills in the city of Medellin. It was on the hill of the 3 crosses. I tried to send it to various media but no one answered me."
This is 100% confirmation that the earlier Jan 29, 2020 pilot sighting was 100% authentic and real. This newer video by Diego is absolute proof that dark grey hexagon shaped UFOs frequently scan the inhabitants of Medellin, and may even have an alien base 5km below the city itself...where thousands of aliens from dozens of worlds could be currently living right now!
ISS live feed captured squadron of UFOs flying through the clouds
ISS live feed captured squadron of UFOs flying through the clouds
On January 21, 2021 the ISS live feed captured a fleet of UFOs flying through and under clouds.
While watching the ISS live feed on TV, the witness noticed several UFOs flying through and under the clouds below the ISS on which he grabbed his phone to record the remarkable event.
Then all of a sudden the live feed switched over to another camera and remained off for awhile afterwards, something which often happens when UFOs come into view. Mufon.
This UFO video was was filmed back on 11th July 2020 but it was just posten on MUFON’s website today. It shows this black UFO flying over Orlando in FL.
Witness report:
It was circling it had no lights it looked big & kinda of shaped like a saucer eventually it disappeared I ended the video & ran to my girlfriend to show her by the time we came back outside it was gone that’s the best description I could give you with the naked eye
A hacker, one of the most recognized in the world, saw all the jealously guarded “UFO secrets” of NASA and the elite.
From ” non-terrestrial ” officials to photographs of UFOs . What Gary McKinnon discovered that year 2001 was as revealing to the rest as it was dangerous to him. His life from then on became a legal ordeal, but he opened the door to many theories.
Anyone who is at least curious about aliens and UFOs has heard of Gary McKinnon , a hacker who managed to break into 97 computers of the United States government, which included the Navy and NASA.
However, unfortunately for everyone, it was discovered before I could make the findings publicly known …
Who is Gary McKinnon?
Gary McKinnon, not one of the most recognized hackers in the world. (Public domain) Gary McKinnon, known in the cyber world under the pseudonym ” Solo “, was born on February 10, 1966 in Glasgow, United Kingdom.
He became one of the most recognized hackers when he was accused by the United States of having breached the security of the military system , becoming the largest computer assault to date.
How did you become one of the most recognized hackers?
At the beginning of the 2000s, McKinnon began researching UFOs and aliens on the Deep web , until it reached the servers of different agencies in the United States.
What would have been crazy to anyone, to McKinnon was the obvious; he hacked into 97 computers from NASA, the Pentagon, the Navy and the United States Defense Service with the intention of finding classified information on aliens.
The country estimated that the damages caused by the hacker were presumed to be about $ 700,000 , an amount that was extremely high to date. For that reason, their e xtradition to the United States was requested .
If that had happened, McKinnon would have had to serve a sentence of at least 70 years and, in fact, many times expressed his fear of being forcibly taken to Guantánamo .
How did you get access to the systems?
In an interview he gave to the BBC, McKinnon explained that he was able to access the different systems thanks to a “Perl” programming language script .
In addition, he also mentioned that several of the computers of the different services in the United States continued to use their default passwords , which greatly facilitated his work.
The extradition request
The “Solo” journey quickly turned into a nightmare. Jon Ronson , a journalist and writer, mentioned that McKinnon practically stripped the network servers of the highest levels of security of the US government, which had not even bothered to create passwords.
Although McKinnon continues to live in the UK, the United States made it clear that it wanted him to be extradited to the country as soon as possible. They even mentioned the case they had already prepared, and the prison time that was to be requested.
The United States claimed that several of the servers it had accessed had been deliberately damaged , something McKinnon has always denied.
What did McKinnon find?
In a statement to RichPlanet TV , he stated that he had used a program called ” Landsearch ” to find information. Thus he managed to access several NASA folders where there was an EXCEL file with different names.
The funny thing is, the file was called ” Non-Terrestrial Officers .” During the interview, McKinnon said that he thinks spacecraft pilots are involved . In previous interviews, the hacker mentioned two names of “ships”; the ” USSS LeMay ” and the ” USSS Hillenkoetter “. ‘
Usually, American ships only have 2 “S” in their names, an acronym for “Ship of the United States”, but this time it is 3 , possibly for ” Space Ship of the United States ” or “Ship Space”.
McKinnon looked for the names of those officers in the list of NASA workers that are publicly available, but there were none of them, so it was confidential information.
He also spoke about Donna Hare, the former NASA contractor who at the beginning of the 21st century made it public that the space agency retouched photos of unidentified flying objects.
One of the most important statements is where he mentions that he managed to see an image of a spaceship in perfect condition in the shape of a cigar , in addition to reports that mentioned how they had managed to create anti-gravity propulsion systems by applying reverse technology to the remains of extraterrestrial ships.
McKinnon believes that the only reason to keep this fact hidden is because it would generate the possibility of generating free energy , thus ending dependence on oil and other fuels.
How was it captured?
Due to human error; In March 2002 McKinnon confused the schedules and accessed the servers while there were still personnel in the areas.
The workers noticed how the computer followed commands that they had not entered, so security immediately disconnected the computer from the Internet and managed to locate its IP.
Gary McKinnon has become a legend for fans of the UFO and extraterrestrial theme, who fervently believe in his story. However, no evidence was ever shown about what he saw, which makes him a bit doubtful about his version. Despite this, one thing is certain: NASA hides information from the public.
FAST’s 500-meter (1,640-foot) dish makes it the world’s largest single-dish radio observatory. It’s expected to open to international observers in 2021.
Photo from January 11, 2020, showing the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST) in China.
Radio astronomy suffered a blow in late 2020 when the legendary Arecibo telescope in Puerto Rico – damaged by recent hurricanes – became non-functional. The National Science Foundation had just announced, in November 2020, that Arecibo would be dismantled. Then, on December 1, all hopes of saving the beloved telescope were dashed when its 900-ton receiver platform fell onto the giant reflector dish below. In recent years, Arecibo – once the world’s largest radio telescope comprising of one single dish – had been overtaken by a larger telescope, built in southwest China. Now astronomers requiring high sensitivity radio data have their interest pinned on that telescope – the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope, or FAST – which was declared fully operational as recently as January 2020. Now there’s more news. reported on January 4, 2021, that FAST is opening up to foreign observers, with proposals for observing projects due on April 1, 2021.
Around 10% of the observation time is expected to be awarded to international observation projects, with those observations slated to start on August 1, 2021.
FAST was built in a remote valley in China’s Guizhou province between 2011 and 2016. Its diameter is a whopping 1,640 feet (500 meters). FAST saw what astronomers call first light in September 2016; afterwards, it underwent extensive testing.
A section of FAST’s antenna dish seen from the side, revealing aluminum triangular panels, each with a side of 36 feet (11 meters). Image via astronomer Liyuan Lu from the Galaxy and Cosmology Group at Xiamen University, who captured this and the following images in 2017. Digital cameras are now not allowed at the site, in order to keep the the region radio silent so as not to disturb the astronomical observations.
Triangular panels with a side of 11 meters (36 feet), making up the FAST dish of the antenna.
Image via Liyuan Lu.
How does this telescope compare with Arecibo? The two observatories are quite similar in that both were built in natural bowl-shaped depressions in a landscape. Thus both FAST and Arecibo only stare – more or less – straight up (at what astronomers call the zenith of the sky). The telescopes follow the rotation of the Earth to change the direction of view. I write “more or less” because the direction can actually be changed a little bit. The detectors suspended above each telescope’s wide dish, in a structure called a cabin, can be moved to follow an object for a few hours at a time. Also, in the case of FAST, the entire detector cabin can move, and, in addition, the dish itself is flexible, consisting of roughly 4,400 individual aluminum panels that can be pointed in different directions, making the dish able to focus on different areas of the sky. In contrast, Arecibo’s dish was stationary. This, together with the greater depth of the dish, makes FAST able to image a larger part (2-3 times) of the sky than Arecibo was able to.
FAST 500 meter dish with the mobile receiver assembly suspended above.
Image via Liyuan Lu.
With its 500-meter (1,640-foot) dish, FAST has roughly twice the collecting area of Arecibo, which measured 305 meters (1000 feet) across. This makes it twice as sensitive. However, it is important to keep in mind that the effective diameter is never as large as the full diameter, and in the case of FAST, it is closer to 300 than 500 meters at any one time, due to its ability to follow a target for a longer time. The same was the case with Arecibo, but to a smaller extent, rendering it an effective diameter of 221 meters.
Can FAST be seen as a replacement to Arecibo? Indeed, FAST is the only other telescope that can observe to a similar (and better) sensitivity at similar wavelengths. Arecibo operated from a wavelength of 3 centimeters to 1 meter (1 to 39 inches, a little bit shorter to not fully as long as the wavelengths observed by FAST). But in addition, Arecibo was equipped with a transmitter able to send out strong radar signals. NASA had funded Arecibo’s Planetary Radar System, which let Arecibo study solid objects from Mercury to Saturn, and to perform very accurate orbit determinations on near-Earth objects, particularly potentially hazardous objects. It also let Arecibo send out a powerful interstellar message in 1974, our first intentional contact message to the cosmos. Such powerful transmitters are too large and heavy for FAST’s smaller receiver cabin.
The effective aperture of FAST is 300 meters.
Image via Phoenix7777, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons.
A radio telescope is like a giant radio receiver, listening for exceedingly faint radio wavelengths from space. Because radio is emitted at much longer wavelengths than visible light, the telescope must be much larger than an optical telescope to achieve sufficient resolution – detail – of what you observe. In the case of FAST, it is able to observe wavelengths from 10 cm to 4.3 meters (4 inches to 14 feet), a range that makes it possible to study areas of research including, but not limited to:
– Pulsars, not only local to the Milky Way, but also in other galaxies. Extragalactic pulsars were not possible to observe before, due to their distant signals being too faint for other telescopes. Since the commissioning of FAST, it has, to date (January 2021), discovered and measured 240 pulsars.
– Gravitational waves. Through monitoring pulsars, FAST contributes to an international collaboration that looks for low frequency gravitational waves.
– Fast radio bursts. In August and September of 2020, FAST detected a fast radio burst called FRB 121102, which is too faint to have been detected by any other telescopes.
– Exoplanets have not before been (conclusively) detected at radio wavelengths. FAST is, however, powerful enough to detect polarized radio emission. Such emission would indicate a planet harboring a strong magnetic field, something astronomers believe is likely necessary to protect potential life (as for Earth). Even the large size of FAST does not give enough resolution to pinpoint something as small as a planet, but this will be helped by adding on 36 small 5-meter dishes into an array, which will increase the resolution (ability to see clearly) by 100 times.
– Neutral hydrogen – the most abundant element in the universe, emitting at 21 cm – in both the interstellar medium of our Milky Way galaxy and in other galaxies.
The telescope will also be part of interferometry observations in which it will be connected with other telescopes in the world, such as the VLBI network.
The 305-meter (1000-foot) dish and receiver assembly of the previous largest single-dish telescope in the world, Arecibo in Puerto Rico, a few years before it collapsed. Image by Theresa Wiegert.
Bottom line:FAST, located in southwestern China, is the world’s largest single-dish radio observatory with its 500-meter (1640-foot) diameter. It is now fully operational and has started receiving observation proposals from international astronomers as of 2021.
As anyone who has witnessed the aurora australis or aurora borealis, the lights created by solar winds meeting Earth’s magnetic field are a beautiful site to behold. As any who has lived through power outages, haywire computers and disrupted communications can attest, the meeting of solar winds and magnetic fields can also be catastrophic. If only there was a place where their effects were lessened of minimized. It turns out there is. New research using data from the European Space Agency’s (ESA)’s Swarm satellite constellation found a “surprising” imbalance, with solar winds heading to the North Pole far more frequently than the South Pole. Are reindeer antlers acting as solar lighting rods? The actual reason is just as strange and mysterious.
Northern lights
“Here we advance a paradigm which can explain the observed persistent asymmetry and northern preference for incoming Poynting flux at Swarm altitudes based on the known offset of the magnetic dipole moment from the centre of the Earth towards the northwest Pacific. This offset generates different relative effective solar illumination of the auroral ovals in the northern and southern hemispheres arising from the rotation of the Earth. The offset can also introduce asymmetries in the magnetic fields in the auroral zones as well.”
What? Fortunately, a University of Calgary press release gives a simpler summary of the paper, published in Nature Communications, written by a team from that school and the University of Alberta. The University of Calgary developed and operate the electric field instruments (EFIs) on the three Swarm satellites. The EFIs give precise measurements of ionospheric winds and temperatures – measurements which show a clear preference of north over south by solar winds. “North” and “south” in this case refer to the magnetic field poles. In an ESA press release, lead author Ivan Pakhotin attempts to explain the preference.
“Because the south magnetic pole is further away from Earth’s spin axis than the north magnetic pole, an asymmetry is imposed on how much energy makes its way down towards Earth in the north and south. There seems to be a differential reflection of electromagnetic plasma waves, known as Alfven waves. We are not yet sure what the effects of this asymmetry might be, but it could also indicate a possible asymmetry in space weather and perhaps also between the Aurora Australis in the south and the Aurora Borealis in the north. Our findings also suggest that the dynamics of upper-atmospheric chemistry may vary between the hemispheres, especially during times of strong geomagnetic activity.”
Southern lights
In simpler terms, somehow the Earth’s magnetic field itself is routing more energy, in the form of plasma waves, north rather than south. It could be caused by space weather anomalies, unexplained differences in upper atmospheric chemistry or even some kind of weird preference by the Sun for the northern hemisphere. Whatever the reason, us non-scientists can see the difference in the Northern and Southern lights, especially during different seasons.
Ultimately, it starts with the magnetic South Pole being father way from the axial South Pole than the magnetic North pole is from its axial counterpart. More research is needed, especially because it will tell us how to interpret solar winds and electromagnetic fields when searching on other planets for life or possible settlement sites. Finally, it leads us to potentially safer locations on Earth when that apocalyptic solar flare ultimately hits.
Beste bezoeker, Heb je zelf al ooit een vreemde waarneming gedaan, laat dit dan even weten via email aan Frederick Delaere Deze onderzoekers behandelen jouw melding in volledige anonimiteit en met alle respect voor jouw privacy. Ze zijn kritisch, objectief maar open minded aangelegd en zullen jou steeds een verklaring geven voor jouw waarneming! DUS AARZEL NIET, ALS JE EEN ANTWOORD OP JOUW VRAGEN WENST, CONTACTEER FREDERICK. BIJ VOORBAAT DANK...
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.