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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Vivian Lammerse
En de boosdoeners zijn hongerige, ijzer-verorberende microben…
De aarde warmt op. En dat is slecht nieuws voor permafrost; een normaliter permanent bevroren laag aarde. Stijgende mondiale temperaturen zorgen er namelijk voor dat bevroren Arctische permafrost dooit. Hierdoor komt er methaan en koolstofdioxide vrij, dat er al voor duizenden jaren in opgeslagen zat. In klimaatmodellen is hier al rekening mee gehouden. Maar mogelijk is de hoeveelheid CO2 die vrijkomt door dooiend Arctisch permafrost onderschat. Want waar onderzoekers niet aan hebben gedacht, is aan hongerige, ijzer-verorberende bodemmicroben.
CO2 Zoals gezegd zit er in Arctisch permafrost heel veel koolstof gevangen. De hoeveelheid koolstof die in het permafrost opgesloten zit, wordt geschat op vier keer zoveel als de gecombineerde hoeveelheid CO2 die moderne mensen hebben uitgestoten. Het is dan ook niet voor niets dat wetenschappers zich zorgen maken. Want wanneer alle broeikasgassen die het permafrost herbergt een weg naar onze atmosfeer weten te vinden, zou dat dus een enorme impact hebben op ons mondiale klimaat.
Studie Wetenschappers proberen dan ook al enige tijd de processen achter de dooi beter te doorgronden. En in een nieuwe studie reisden onderzoekers hiervoor af naar het Zweedse natuurreservaat Stordalen Mire. “Het dooien van het permafrost is één van de grootste verhalen van deze tijd,” zegt onderzoeker Monique Patzner in een interview met “Wat er gaande is, is geen toekomstige zorg. We ondervinden het al aan den lijve. De permafrost in ons onderzoeksgebied zal tegen 2050 naar verwachting volledig verdwenen zijn. Elk jaar, zelfs tussen de seizoenen in, zien we veranderingen en instortingen in het veld, veroorzaakt door het verlies van permafrost. Dit betekent dat de transformatie heel rap gaat.”
Ondertussen in Alaska Niet alleen in Zweden smelt permafrost weg. Ook in Alaska zien wetenschappers permafrost dooien. Dat komt omdat het in Alaska een stuk regenachtiger is geworden. Sterker nog, De Amerikaanse staat beleeft de regenachtigste vijf jaar op rij ooit. In plaats van sneeuw, komt er dus regen naar beneden zetten. En dat is behoorlijk verontrustend. Want de regen zorgt ervoor dat er steeds meer permafrost verdwijnt. Daarnaast hebben ook ijverige bevers een vinger in de pap. Hoe? Gewapend met hun scherpe tanden bouwen de bevers van struiken en bomen dammen, waardoor er kleine poeltjes ontstaan die uitgroeien tot nieuwe meren die soms wel een paar hectare omvatten. En dat gaat rap. In slechts vijf jaar tijd hebben bevers woonachtig in noordwest-Alaska 56 nieuwe meren gecreëerd. Ook al bestaande meren dijen door toedoen van de bever uit. En dat gaat ten koste van kwetsbaar permafrost. Het water is namelijk warmer dan de omringende grond. En dus kunnen deze meren en vijvers de dooi van permafrost versnellen.
Hoewel dat al verontrustend genoeg is, zijn de onderzoekers er nu achtergekomen dat we mogelijk de hoeveelheid CO2 die vrijkomt door dooiend Arctisch permafrost hebben onderschat. In feite kan er zelfs veel meer CO2 vrijkomen dan onze worstcase-modellen hebben voorspeld. En dat komt volgens de onderzoekers omdat we geen rekening hebben gehouden met hele actieve bodemmicroben. Onderzoekers zijn zich al wel langer bewust dat micro-organismen een sleutelrol spelen bij het vrijkomen van CO2 als permafrost smelt. Als reactie op de stijgende temperaturen worden microben in de grond namelijk wakker en beginnen organisch materiaal dat jarenlang in het permafrost lag opgeslagen, af te breken. Daarbij komt CO2 en methaan vrij. Maar onderzoekers hebben nu ontdekt dat bodemmicroben mogelijk een nóg grotere rol spelen dan gedacht.
Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain
Nieuwe ontdekking Men veronderstelde dat het mineraal ijzer koolstof bindt, zelfs als permafrost dooit. Maar onderzoekers uit de nieuwe studie hebben ontdekt dat hongerige microben die zich verschuilen in de Arctische bodem, het vermogen van ijzer om koolstof vast te houden, uitschakelen. “Bevroren grond heeft een hoog zuurstofgehalte, waardoor de ijzermineralen stabiel blijven en koolstof zich aan kan binden,” legt onderzoeker Carsten Müller uit. “Maar zodra het ijs smelt en in water verandert, daalt het zuurstofgehalte en wordt het ijzer instabiel. Tegelijkertijd geeft het ijs toegang tot bacteriën. En die gebruiken vervolgens de ijzermineralen als voedselbron. Terwijl ze eten, worden de bindingen die koolstof bevatten vernietigd en komt het vrij in de atmosfeer als broeikasgas.” Het zijn verontrustende bevindingen. Want de hoeveelheid extra koolstof die kan vrijkomen – en momenteel nog gevangen en gebonden is door het ijzer – wordt geschat op circa twee tot vijf keer de hoeveelheid koolstof die jaarlijks vrijkomt door antropogene emissies van fossiele brandstoffen. “Dit betekent dat we een grote nieuwe bron van CO2-uitstoot hebben gevonden die in klimaatmodellen moet worden opgenomen en nader bestudeerd moet worden,” aldus Müller.
Vragen Hoewel de onderzoekers slechts één moerasgebied in het Noord-Zweedse Abisko hebben bestudeerd, besloten ze hun resultaten te vergelijken met gegevens uit andere delen van het noordelijk halfrond. En daaruit blijkt dat de nieuwe resultaten mogelijk ook van toepassing zijn op andere permafrost-gebieden. Het is behoorlijk zorgelijk. Al is er ook nog een hoop dat we niet weten. Hoewel koolstof opgeslagen in duizenden jaren oud permafrost een grote impact heeft op ons wereldwijde klimaat, weten onderzoekers eigenlijk nog heel weinig over de mechanismen die bepalen of koolstof in de bodem wordt omgezet in broeikasgassen. Het merendeel van het klimaatonderzoek in het noordpoolgebied richt zich op de hoeveelheid opgeslagen koolstof en hoe gevoelig deze is voor klimaatverandering. Er is veel minder aandacht voor de diepere mechanismen die koolstof in de bodem vasthouden. “De vraag blijft bijvoorbeeld of de vrijkomende koolstof door permafrost-dooi echt wordt uitgestoten als broeikasgasemissies, of opnieuw wordt opgeslagen, bijvoorbeeld in toenemende biomassa,” zegt Patzner. Ook weten we niet precies welke micro-organismen de boosdoeners zijn. “Welke microben het ijzer verorberen en zo de bijbehorende organische koolstof vrijgeven, is momenteel de focus van onze lopende onderzoeken,” gaat Patzner verder. “Ook is het heel belangrijk om de hoeveelheid ijzer in diepere lagen, de hoeveelheid koolstof gebonden aan reactieve ijzermineralen in de talrijke permafrost-gebieden en de biologische beschikbaarheid van deze koolstof na het vrijkomen ervan verder te bepalen.”
Al met al laat dit onderzoek wederom de complexe mechanismen van onze aarde zien. “Dankzij de studie krijgen we een beter begrip van de ingewikkelde processen die plaatsvinden in deze complexe permafrost-gebieden,” zegt Patzner. “Dit is van fundamenteel belang om de snelheden van broeikasgasemissies zoals kooldioxide en methaan te bepalen, wat nodig is om betere voorspellingen te doen over klimaatverandering.” Het betekent bovendien dat de kans groot is dat we onze huidige klimaatmodellen moeten herzien. En dat door hele kleine microben die ver onder onze voeten, zich hongerig te goed doen aan hun omgeving.
Asteroïdenstof gevonden in inslagkrater die einde dinosaurussen betekende
Asteroïdenstof gevonden in inslagkrater die einde dinosaurussen betekende
Nieuw onderzoek levert bewijs dat het uitsterven van de dinosauriërs linkt aan de inslag van een asteroïde 66 miljoen jaar geleden. De wetenschappers vonden voor het eerst aanwijzingen van stofresten van een asteroïde in de Chicxulub-inslagkrater in Mexico.
Zesenzestig miljoen jaar geleden vond een catastrofale massa-extinctie plaats die het leven op onze planeet volledig veranderde. De dinosauriërs verdwenen van het aardoppervlak, samen met vele andere soorten en families, waaronder de ammonieten en de mosasauriërs. De eerste aanwijzing om dit plotse en wereldwijde uitsterven van het leven beter te begrijpen werd gevonden in sedimentlagen bij Gubbio in Italië en Caravaca in Spanje, waar een zeer dunne kleilaag de grens vormt tussen de tijdperken van het Krijt en het Paleogeen.
In het begin van de jaren tachtig vonden wetenschappers in deze kleilaag opmerkelijk hoge concentraties van iridium, een zeldzaam metaal dat in hoge concentraties voorkomt in meteorieten maar in zeer lage concentraties in de aardkorst. Deze kleilaag zou gevormd zijn uit stof dat was ontstaan na de inslag en verdamping van een asteroïde met een diameter van ongeveer twaalf kilometer. Deze ontdekking werd later bevestigd door de ontdekking van de 180 tot 200 kilometer grote Chicxulub inslagkrater, die onder het oppervlak van het schiereiland Yucatán in México begraven ligt.
Nu, meer dan 40 jaar later, hebben wetenschappers het laatste stukje bewijs ontdekt dat de wereldwijde massa-extinctie met de asteroïde-inslag in verband brengt. Een internationaal team van onderzoekers onder leiding van wetenschappers van de Vrije Universiteit Brussel heeft de globale asteroïde stoflaag getraceerd tot binnen de Chicxulub inslagkrater in Mexico. 'De cirkel is nu eindelijk rond', zegt Steven Goderis, docent geochemie aan de Vrije Universiteit Brussel en hoofdauteur van de studie.
In mei 2016 werd een ring van heuvels die het centrum van de Chicxulubkrater in Mexico omringt, een zogenaamde piekring, aangeboord door een wetenschapsteam van het International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) en het International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP) Expeditie 364. Ongeveer 835 meter gesteente werd naar de oppervlakte gebracht, die een enorme hoeveelheid nieuwe informatie heeft opgeleverd over de processen die zich in het kratergebied hebben afgespeeld tijdens en vlak na de inslag van de asteroïde.
De boorkern heeft ook zeer gedetailleerd het tijdsinterval vastgelegd waarin de krater overging van een dynamische omgeving met terugkerend oceaanwater en tsunamigolven naar veel rustigere omstandigheden. Op basis van een uitgebreide geochemische analyse van dit deel van de boorkern werden de hoogste concentraties iridium gevonden in een kleirijk interval in sedimenten die de kraterpiekring bedekken, net onder kalksteen uit het vroegste Paleogeen.
'Iridium is een element dat in deze context vrij moeilijk te meten is vanwege de lage concentraties. Daarom hebben we de resultaten van vier onafhankelijke laboratoria over de hele wereld gecombineerd om er zeker van te zijn dat we dit juist hebben', verduidelijkt Steven Goderis. De iridiumconcentraties die in de boorkern werden gemeten, komen overeen met de concentraties die eerder werden gemeten op plaatsen rond de Golf van Mexico. 'Het is heel opmerkelijk dat we zulke hoge concentraties hebben gevonden in de inslagkrater zelf. In de eerste uren tot maanden na de inslag was de krater een zeer turbulente omgeving die werd beïnvloed door tsunami's, oscillerende golven en aardbevingen. Bovendien zijn hydrothermale vloeistoffen die van dieper in de krater naar het oppervlakte kwamen ook door de iridiumlaag heen gegaan, maar hebben deze niet wezenlijk veranderd. Gelukkig is de iridiumlaag bewaard gebleven, mede dankzij de unieke positie van de boorkern in een depressie op de verhoogde piekring. Na enkele jaren in de atmosfeer rond de aarde te hebben gecirkeld, kan de afzetting van dit iridiumrijke stof tot een paar decennia na de inslag hebben geduurd', vat Goderis samen.
Het behoud van de iridiumlaag in de krater is werkelijk fantastisch, het vormt het onweerlegbare bewijs dat de inslag en de uitsterving nauw met elkaar verbonden zijnPhilippe Claeys, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
De atmosferische neerslag van dit asteroïdestof legt dus belangrijke tijdslimieten op aan de afzetting van het kratergesteente net onder deze iridiumlaag. 'Dit deel van de krater keerde terug naar een relatief laag-energetische omgeving in een veel kortere tijd dan eerder verwacht. Samen met andere tijdsindicaties, zoals microfossielen en helium-3 concentraties, geeft de iridiumlaag de timing weer van het herstel van leven gedurende de jaren tot millennia na de inslag, wat duidt op een zeer complexe biologische reactie op de snel veranderende omgeving op ‘ground zero’', aldus Sean Gulick, onderzoeksprofessor aan de Universiteit van Texas in Austin en mede-hoofdwetenschapper van de boorexpeditie. De boorkern van IODP-ICDP Expeditie 364 bevat dus een uitzonderlijk gedetailleerd verslag van de processen die gepaard gingen met de vorming van de Chicxulub-krater en het herstel van het leven.
Snelle neerdaling inslagmateriaal
De ontdekking van zo'n goed gedefinieerde iridium anomalie in de Chicxulub krater zal ongetwijfeld ook het onderzoek naar de Krijt-Paleogeen massa-extinctie nieuw leven inblazen. 'Met deze ontdekking zijn we beter dan ooit in staat om precieze tijdslimieten te stellen aan de producten die als gevolg van de asteroïde-inslag zijn gevormd. In de krater zien we een 130 meter dikke stapel van gesmolten, gebroken en fijnkorrelig gesteente dat waarschijnlijk in minder dan twintig jaar is afgezet, waarbij het grootste deel zelfs in de eerste dag is afgezet, wat verbluffend snel is. Op veel verschillende plaatsen in de wereld wordt dit tijdsinterval van twintig jaar vertegenwoordigd door een veel dunnere gesteentelaag, die bestaat uit geschokt, gesmolten en gecondenseerd materiaal dat uit de krater werd geslingerd. Door deze verschillende locaties te vergelijken, zullen we de precieze mechanismen beter begrijpen die verband houden met de Chicxulub-inslag die leidde tot het wereldwijde massa-uitsterven', legt Pim Kaskes uit, een FWO-doctoraatsstudent aan de Vrije Universiteit Brussel die werkt op de boorkern. 'Het behoud van de iridiumlaag in de krater is werkelijk fantastisch, het vormt het onweerlegbare bewijs dat de inslag en de uitsterving nauw met elkaar verbonden zijn', besluit Philippe Claeys, gewoon hoogleraar geologie aan de Vrije Universiteit Brussel en al 30 jaar veteraan op het gebied van Krijt-Paleogeen onderzoek.
Apophis definitely won't hit Earth this month, but scientists are pretending it might.
An animation shows Apophis' 2029 path compared to the swarm of satellites orbiting Earth.
(Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech)
Earth's most recent brush with asteroid danger was eight years ago, when a space rock the size of a six-story building came seemingly out of nowhere, injuring 1,200 people when it exploded over Chelyabinsk, Russia.
Now, scientists are using this month's flyby of the infamous asteroid Apophis to test their responses to potentially hazardous space rocks, honing the fine art of planetary defense. Planetary defense focuses on identifying asteroids and comets that hang out around Earth, mapping their precise paths and seeing how their orbits compare with Earth's.
If an orbital model shows that an asteroid and Earth are due to reach the same place at the same time, things get serious, particularly when the space rock is large. That's the sort of scenario that ended the dinosaurs' reign, after all. But planetary defense isn't hopeless: if humans identify a dangerous asteroid long enough before impact, we could theoretically do something to divert it.
Successfully preventing damage from an asteroid impact will depend on spotting the threat in time, which takes practice. But although scientists have identified more than 25,000 near-Earth asteroids to date, the majority are too small to cause much worry. So while there are plenty of asteroids rattling around Earth's orbit, most aren't big enough or close enough to trigger realistic existential angst.
Apophis came to its fame because it isn't like most of these near-Earth space rocks. When scientists discovered it in 2004, it stood out right away. First, it is relatively large — more than 1,000 feet (300 meters) wide, around the height of the Eiffel Tower, according to NASA. And models based on early observations suggested a nearly 3% chance Apophis would collide with Earth on April 13, 2029.
More precise observations soon put the fear of impact that year to rest, but the early concern surrounding the asteroid prompted its name, which references an Egyptian "demon serpent who personified evil and chaos," as NASA put it. Right now, scientists are confident that Apophis is no threat to Earth for at least a few decades. But the space rock will still come visiting next month, offering scientists valuable opportunities to get a close look at a relatively large asteroid.
And, with a little imagination, these flybys can also serve as planetary defense rehearsals.
"The goal is to basically wrangle all the scientists from around the world, kind of the coalition of the willing," Vishnu Reddy, a planetary defense expert at the University of Arizona who is coordinating the project, told "Then we go on this months-long campaign, trying to observe this object."
Apophis will fly past Earth on March 5. The asteroid will remain about one-tenth the average Earth-sun distance away — a downright mundane flyby compared to the 2029 event, when Apophis will pass by at about the altitude at which particularly high satellites orbit.
To mark this year's flyby, the International Asteroid Warning Network instituted its third such campaign. Previously, scientists have practiced on an asteroid called 2012 TC4 and on 1999 KW4, which is a pair of rocks circling each other. For Apophis, about 40 scientists from 13 different countries have signed on. These observers are pretending that Apophis has never been seen before, which means they are starting from scratch in terms of evaluating how much danger the asteroid poses to Earth.
"It's not a scientific goal," Reddy said. "The goal is to get new observations as if we don't know anything about this object and try and see where in the process we need to improve efficiency and also identify the human factor. Anybody dealing with scientists knows that it's like herding cats, and when you do that on an international scale, there's part diplomacy, part science, and part planetary defense."
Reddy said that the coincidence of the Apophis flyby occurring during the continuing COVID-19 pandemic offered an opportunity to understand how resilient the asteroid detection system is. At this point, most telescopes are managing to continue operating, although he said the pandemic likely would have interfered much more had the flyby occurred a year earlier, when institutions were still scrambling to respond.
"There's a reasonable amount of redundancy in planetary defense," he said. "Even if one telescope goes down or we lose a certain thing, it's not like the whole community goes down, to some extent."
A "discovery" moment
Campaign members first definitively identified Apophis around Dec. 19, thanks to a space-based instrument called NEOWISE. After the spacecraft, originally an astrophysics mission, lost the ability to keep itself cool, scientists reinvented it to identify new asteroids.
That the first discovery credit went to NEOWISE was unusual, however. These days, most new asteroids are discovered by ground-based surveys, particularly the Pan-STARRS telescopes in Hawaii and the Catalina Sky Survey in Arizona.
But Apophis was tricky for Earth-based telescopes to discover this time around, Reddy said. "The challenge was that its motion and the way it was moving, it was hard to do it with short observing arcs," he said. NEOWISE is never pulled away from a target by the Earth's rotation, and since it studies infrared light, it can observe during day and night alike.
"NEOWISE got it first, and that's because of where we look in the sky and the wavelengths that we use to search for it," Amy Mainzer, an astronomer at the University of Arizona and principal investigator for NEOWISE, told "To get to, quote-unquote, discover Apophis was really fun."
There's a perk to spotting a new asteroid with NEOWISE: The instrument can quickly determine the size of a space rock. Telescopes that identify asteroids using optical light have trouble distinguishing between larger dark rocks and smaller light rocks; NEOWISE's infrared sight eliminates that confusion.
And for this "discovery" of Apophis, the initial optical appearance turned out to be more menacing than NEOWISE's calculated diameter. "You can quickly tell if it's going to be a global catastrophe or just regional because you can get the size quickly," Mainzer said. "It makes an orders of magnitude difference in the prediction of hazard."
While a newly discovered asteroid may initially sport a slight chance of impact, additional observations typically whittle that chance to nothing. "For Apophis, if you start afresh, assuming that we don't know anything about it and we just discovered it with NEOWISE and we're following it up, there is a reasonable impact risk from Apophis," Reddy said.
It's worth emphasizing that "reasonable impact risk" appears only in the scenario they're practicing, not in the reality of scientists' full knowledge of the asteroid. "Of course, if you include the historical observations, it goes away, because we know its orbit very well, it's not going to hit us," Reddy said.
Good news for humans, but that disappearing impact risk isn't helpful to the practice session. "That's not what we're looking for, we want to see what are the effects on the ground," Reddy said. So at some point, the campaign will part with reality, and, in the safe confines of computer models, scientists will nudge Apophis toward Earth.
Altering the asteroid's trajectory lets planetary defense specialists practice each stage of the asteroid response process, the point, after all, of the campaign.
Continuing observations
Apophis has become much easier to observe since its "discovery"; by now, Reddy said, amateur astronomers can spot it with a decent backyard telescope, and he looks forward to including them in the project.
Meanwhile, for scientists, the initial hustle of "discovery" has calmed somewhat. "There's a huge flurry of activity, and then there's not a whole lot in the middle for five or six weeks," Reddy said. The team, ignoring old data about Apophis, already has much of the information a planetary defense expert would want, data that helps scientists determine an object's shape or composition.
"The key event after this point, I think, is the radar observations," he said; these observations should begin March 3. Planetary radar observations, which bounce a beam of radio waves off an object then catch the echo, are the most powerful tool scientists have to study the precise shape and location of an asteroid.
But NEOWISE isn't done with Apophis either, Mainzer said. Although the instrument moved onto other work after the "discovery," the asteroid will be back in the NEOWISE field of view after its close approach. "We're almost certain to detect it again in April," she said.
That will be another valuable science opportunity. "If we see it in December, we look at it from one direction; when we get it in April, we're probably going to see from a different direction, right?" Mainzer said. By seeing Apophis multiple times at different angles, scientists may be able to get a glimpse of the space rock's surface.
"We can combine that information to hopefully pull out some details, I'm hoping we can get some details of the surface roughness, the thickness of any rocks and dust on the surface of the object," Mainzer said. "It may help us learn quite a bit more about it, if we're very lucky."
Email Meghan Bartels at or follow her on Twitter @meghanbartels. Follow uson Twitter @Spacedotcom and on Facebook.
It was part of a space rock that created a dramatic fireball over Uppsala.
A 30-pound chunk of iron meteorite found in Uppsala, Sweden.
(Image credit: Andreas Forsberg/Anders Zetterqvist.)
A half-melted hunk of iron-rich rock found in Uppsala, Sweden, is part of a meteorite that fell there in November 2020.
The lumpy meteorite is about the size of a loaf of bread and weighs around 31 pounds (14 kilograms), according to the Swedish Museum of Natural History. It was once part of a larger space rock, probably weighing more than 9 tons (8.1 metric tons), that created a dramatic fireball over Uppsala on Nov. 7.
After that impact, scientists at the Swedish Museum of Natural History calculated the likely landing site and found some small fragments of iron meteorite near the village of Ådalen, according to a museum statement. The fragments were only about 0.1 inches (3 millimeters) long, but the investigation also turned up a boulder and a tree root that had clearly been hit by something heavy.
Stockholm geologists Andreas Forsberg and Anders Zetterqvist headed back to the site and found a much larger piece — likely the one that smashed the boulder. The piece was about 230 feet (70 meters) from the area where the fragments were found, partially buried in moss. One side is flattened and cracked, likely from the collision, and the meteorite is pockmarked with circular depressions. These depressions are common in iron meteorites, according to the museum, and they form when the space rock partially melts during its passage through the atmosphere.
"It is the first sure example of a newly fallen iron meteorite in our country," Swedish Museum of Natural History curator Dan Holtstam said in a statement. It's also the first time that any meteorite fragments linked to an observed fireball have been recovered in Sweden for 66 years.
"Since we now know that it is an iron meteorite, it is possible to fine-tune the simulations of the meteorite fall, University of Uppsala astronomer Eric Stempels said in the statement. "It is very likely that the meteorite that has now been found is the largest existing piece after the originally about 9-ton-heavy space rock. Some smaller pieces are probably left in the area."
Iron meteorites are the second-most common kind of meteorite that land on Earth, after stony meteorites. They originate in the cores of planets and asteroids, which means they can hold clues to the formation of the solar system.
Prior to the rover Curiosity, rovers were either reaching the surface of Mars via rocket-controlled landers or merrily bouncing their way along the surface nestled in airbags. However, the creation of the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL), later named Curiosity, presented a dilemma for engineers. How do you get a one-ton rover the size of a Volkswagen down safely?
While previously rovers utilized landers in which they would drive off, the new car-sized Curiosity presented a problem. Landers need ramps and larger rovers need larger ramps. Additionally, ramps can be one of an engineer’s worse nightmares. Since the first successful rover, Sojourner, landed on Mars in 1997, engineers have always been scared that a multi-billion dollar project could get to a planet some 40,000 miles away from Earth, only to have the rover snag a part on the lander ramp, essentially becoming a lander itself on top of another lander, rendering them both basically useless.
(Note: The microwave-sized Sojourner was not technically the first rover on Martian soil. That distinction belongs to the Russians’ Prop-M rover which was tethered to their Mars 2 and 3 landers. Since Mars 2 pancaked itself into the surface and Mars 3 lost communications with Earth because of a sand storm, neither rover was actually deployed).
Second problem: These larger landers and larger ramps would need more room. On a planet where the main inhabitants are rocks (and lots of them), finding clearance would be a big thorn in the side of those in charge of finding a place to land. Not only that, but the good science comes when you get near the rocky stuff, which would be hard if you had to park in lot BFE.
Third problem: Putting rockets on the bottom of a rover like it was done in earlier landers like Viking creates a stability problem. In the book “Curiosity” by Rod Pyle, he likens it to “balancing a bowling ball on a broomstick.”
This is one reason why Spirit and Opportunity utilized the airbag system. The airbag system is pretty much how it sounds. Prior to the rover landing on the ground, airbags would inflate bouncing them to land where they may. This was never a viable option for the much larger Curiosity rover. Airbags can only handle so much weight and 2,000 pounds went far beyond those limits. Also, airbags also create just another thing to get the rover caught on.
So a new landing system was needed. As Curiosity’s Chief Engineer, Rob Manning, told Pyle in his book, “We were thinking out of the box. In fact, we threw away the box. We were literally going through all possible ways to land this machine, trying to imagine every possible configuration, whether it made sense or not.”
When Manning and his team first conceived the idea, it didn’t exactly have a warm reception. After all, Curiosity would be coming on the heals of two high-profile failures by NASA with the Mars Polar Lander and the Mars Climate Orbiter missions of the “better, faster, cheaper” era of the space program. (In 2004, the Harvard Review actually published a report using this NASA method as the way NOT to do business).
So the idea was tabled…but not for long.
After time devising other strategies, it always ended up coming back to the sky crane. As harrowing as it sounded, it was also one of the best options to deliver the rover to the best destination.
The Sky Crane
Think of the sky crane portion of the descent stage as a kind of jetpack with eight engines which safely lowered the rover to the ground. The sky crane slows the robot down until it hovers over the surface, then slowly winches the rover down with nylon cords.
If you’ve ever seen heavy-lift Sikorsky Skycrane helicopters with cargo dangling beneath via cables, that’s the essence of the sky crane. In fact, the engineers who first devised the idea actually met with pilots and engineers of that bird for guidance. Unfortunately, due to the gravity differences between Mars and Earth, there wasn’t a real way to test the landing system. Yes, it was a do-or-die operation where the only real test HAD to work.
“We talked about it to no end. If this didn’t go right, there would be nowhere to hide because every joe six-pack on the street would be saying that they knew it wouldn’t work,” Adam Steltzner of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, chief engineer for the Perseverance rover, told Astronomy. Stelzner’s team originally thought up the sky crane idea for Curiosity.
If all goes right, and the rover makes it safely to the ground, pyrotechnically activated blades cut the cords connecting it to the descent stage. The descent stage then flies off to make its own uncontrolled landing on the surface of the Martian surface a safe distance away from the rover.
Prior to all of that though, the machine has to make it through the atmosphere. The intense period called the entry, descent and landing (EDL) phase of the mission begins when the spacecraft reaches the top of the Martian atmosphere, traveling at about 13,200 miles per hour (5,900 meters per second). EDL ends about seven minutes later (known as the Seven Minutes of Terror) with the rover stationary on the surface. From just before jettison of the cruise stage 10 minutes before the craft hits the atmosphere, to the cutting of the sky crane bridle, the spacecraft goes through six different vehicle configurations and fires 76 pyrotechnic devices, such as releases for parts to be separated or deployed.
The parachute, which is 51 feet (almost 16 meters) in diameter, deploys about 254 seconds after entry, at an altitude of about 7 miles (11 kilometers) and a velocity of about 940 miles per hour (about 405 meters per second). About 24 more seconds after parachute deployment, the heat shield separates and drops away when the spacecraft is at an altitude of about 5 miles (about 8 kilometers), traveling at a velocity of about 280 miles per hour (125 meters per second).
As the heat shield separates, the Mars Descent Imager begins recording video, looking in the direction the spacecraft is flying. The imager records continuously from then through the landing. The rover, with its descent-stage “rocket backpack,” is still attached to the back shell on the parachute.
The back shell, with a parachute attached, separates from the descent stage and rover about 85 seconds after heat shield separation. At this point, the spacecraft is about 1.3 miles (2.1 kilometers) above the ground and rushing toward it at about 190 miles per hour (about 80 meters per second), 6,900 feet (2,100 meters) above the ground.
All eight throttleable liquid-fueled retrorockets on the descent stage, called Mars landing engines, would then begin firing for the powered descent phase. The rover’s wheels and suspension system, which double as the landing gear, pop into place just before touchdown. The bridle is fully spooled out as the spacecraft continues to descend, so touchdown occurs at the brisk walking speed of about 1.7 miles per hour (0.75 meters per second). When the spacecraft sensed the rover has touched down, those pyrotechnically-fired blades release the cords, and the descent stage can then fly away before impacting on the surface of Mars far away from the rover.
A notable difference between Perseverance’s EDL and Curiosity’s is the Lander Vision System (LVS). While Curiosity used radar to determine the distance to the ground, Perseverance utilized a whole new type of technology.
The LVS’s job determined the rover’s position, handling different possible terrain conditions, within an accuracy of about 130 feet (40 meters) in less than 10 seconds. It contains a downward-facing camera that took multiple images of the ground and an onboard computer – the Vision Compute Element (VCE) — which processed these images and spit out acceptable landing locations. After the camera powered on, the LVS used an initial five seconds to take three images and process them to calculate a rough position relative to the Martian surface. Then, using that initial location solution, it took additional images, processing them every second, deriving locations on a finer scale. The VCE sent a stream of these location calculations to the main rover brain, the Rover Compute Element.
Now what started as a hair-brained idea is seeming to becoming the norm for NASA.
“If you’re landing a rover on Mars, there’s no doubt this is the right way,” said Steltzner. “(For Curiosity) we certainly had questions about whether this really was a crazy thing to try to do. Had we missed a big thing? Was it totally wrong? Did all the pieces actually come together and work? We answered those questions.”
SpaceX wants you.
SPACEX WANTS TO PUT FOURprivate citizens into space, and two seats are up for grabs.
The "Inspiration4" mission, expected to launch no earlier than the fourth quarter of 2021, will be the world's first all-civilian spaceflight. The mission will send a Crew Dragon capsule whizzing around the Earth for three or four days.
On Monday, February 22, the group behind the mission announced that Hayley Arceneaux, a 29-year-old physician assistant at St. Jude's Children Research Hospital and a bone cancer survivor, would join the mission. She will be joined by Jared Isaacman, the founder and CEO of Shift4 Payments.
The final two passengers will be decided via a competition, and will be announced in March, according to reports.
The ad for "Inspiration4" played during one of the many commercial breaks during the Super Bowl LV game. In the ad, SpaceX explained how "You could be on board" (yes, you) the world's first all-civilian mission to space. All you have to do is win.
Watch the full ad below:
The ad was directed by Bryce Dallas Howard and narrated by Oscar-winner Octavia Spencer. The music is Celeste's version of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star."
The ad for this once-in-a-lifetime competition follows hot on the heels of the mission's announcement by SpaceX on February 1. Now, Elon Musk's firm has put the word out at the annual sporting event, which last year received 99.9 million viewers. That is a lot of competition, so here's everything you need to know in case you missed the clip or just need a recap:
Inspiration4, as the video reveals, is set to take off no earlier than the fourth quarter of 2021 — so between September and December of 2021.
Inspiration4 and its civilian crew will launch on a Falcon 9 rocket from Launch Complex 39A at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
The capsule will spend between three and four days orbiting the Earth. The capsule will circumnavigate the globe once every 90 minutes. Then, it will return to Earth by landing in the water off the coast of Florida.
Ahead of the flight, SpaceX will train the crew on how to use the rocket, the capsule, orbital mechanics, zero gravity, emergency preparedness, and other mission simulations.
The mission has two passengers chosen already: 37-year-old Jared Isaacman, founder and CEO of Shift4 Payments. Isaacman bought all four seats on the journey. One of the seats was reserved for someone with ties to St Jude's Children's Research Hospital — now confirmed as Arceneaux.
The other two are still free — and, as the ad explains, you can win one of them.
The Super Bowl clip is a sign of the emergent new era of spaceflight, when space is more accessible than ever before. SpaceX has worked to reduce the cost of spaceflight by landing its Falcon 9 boosters after missions, saving around three-quarters of the cost of the entire mission. With reusability, so the argument goes, comes greater democratization of what has been the preserve of well-funded government agencies.
The four-seater Crew Dragon is also helping to open up spaceflight to more players. The capsule was first developed to help NASA send astronauts to the International Space Station. The capsule completed its first crewed mission in May 2020 and its first non-test crewed mission in November 2020.
Beyond sending astronauts from NASA and other agencies into space, SpaceX also plans a series of private commercial flights:
The Inspiration4 mission, set to take place no earlier than the fourth quarter of 2020.
The Axiom Space AX-1 mission, taking place no earlier than January 2022. Last month, Axiom Spaceannounced the four passengers for the trip.
The Space Adventures mission, announced in February 2020, taking place sometime from late 2021 to mid-2022.
Jared Isaacman, founder and CEO of Shift4 payments, is the first member of this mission. He is also a jet pilot who holds world records, including two speed-around-the-world records. Isaacman has also flown in over 100 airshows.
The other three passengers have codenames: Hope, Generosity, and Prosperity.
"Hope" is Arceneax, who was confirmed on the flight on Monday. Arceneaux is a 29-year-old physician assistant at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, which is located in Memphis, Tennessee. At 10-years-old, Arceneaux was diagnosed by the hospital with osteosarcoma, a type of bone cancer. She received prosthetic leg bones during her treatment, which would have previously restricted her from becoming an astronaut.
Arceneaux's trip will make records: She will be the youngest American to orbit in space, and the first bone cancer survivor to go to space, too.
"I think this mission is going to inspire people in so many ways," Arceneaux told the BBC. "It shows them that anything is possible."
That leaves "Generosity" and "Prosperity" — and both are open to competition.
"Generosity" is one of the seats available to win. This seat on the spacecraft will go to a member of the public who supports St. Jude's via donation. Members of the public can enter by donating $10 or more to the research hospital, with 10 chances to win for every dollar donated.
There is a limit of 10,000 entries per person, no matter how you enter, however.
There are also a series of limitations on who can enter this competition. Entrants must be at least 18 years old and live in the United States. If you can't donate, then you can also enter without donating, as many times as they like up to 10,000, by filling in a form.
Seat number four is dubbed "Prosperity." This seat is reserved for "an inspirational entrepreneur" who has used the Shift4Shop e-commerce platform to launch an online business. You can sign up to the platform via the Inspiration4 mission website, thereby entering the raffle-style competition.
The competition for "Generosity" will end on February 28. The fourth seat will also be announced at that time.
All four passengers will be announced by March 2021, meaning the lucky winners should find out soon whether they will be going. Will it be you?
Vénus : Une photo inédite de la planète dévoilée par la Nasa
Vénus : Une photo inédite de la planète dévoilée par la Nasa
ESPACE La photo laisse apparaître un phénomène lumineux entourant Vénus ainsi qu’une de ses terres hautes
La Nasa a publié, ce jeudi, sur Instagram une photo de Vénus prise en juillet 2020 par lasonde spatiale solaire Parker. L’engin avait été lancé en août 2018 pour « éclaircir les mystères de l’atmosphère du Soleil », a expliqué l’agence américaine sur son site.
Pour cela, la sonde va survoler Vénus sept fois en sept ans, utilisant la gravité de la planète pour se rapprocher de notre étoile principale. L’image montre des détails inédits, indique RTL. Les astronomes de la Nasa ont annoté le cliché afin de mettre en avant les éléments notables qui y apparaissent.
Des détails inédits
Les spécialistes ont estimé que l’aura plus claire que l’espace qui entoure la planète est un phénomène lumineux causé par des atomes d’oxygène. Ces derniers se trouvent à une altitude importante et se réunissent à nouveau pour former des molécules dans l’ombre de Vénus.
L’image capturée par la Parker laisse également voir une tache foncée recouvrant une partie de la surface de la planète. Il s’agit d’Aphrodite Terra, la plus vaste haute terre de Vénus. La température qui y règne est plus basse que celle des régions qui l’entourent, causant la différence de couleur visible sur la photo.
A terme, la sonde Parker s’approchera du Soleil à un peu plus de six millions de kilomètres de distance, soit sept fois plus près que tout autre engin avant elle. A titre de comparaison, la distance moyenne séparant la Terre du Soleil est de 150 millions de kilomètres.
TOP SECRET SERIES: Plumed Serpents, Giants, and Human Sacrifice
TOP SECRET SERIES: Plumed Serpents, Giants, and Human Sacrifice
We believe some of the immortals—the created gods of Psalm 82 and their counterparts—migrated to North and South America to accept worship. Stephen Quayle wrote:
It is evident that fallen angels and giants, as well as their offspring and demons ruled over many of the Native American populations in the New World. Additionally it seems likely that the serpents that would be worshipped throughout the Americas were either fallen angels taking the form of snakes, or the offspring of fallen angels who mated with animals.[i]
In order to “connect the dots,” we begin with the Israelites’ formative period in Egypt, noting that, unlike the other Egyptian gods, “the reverence paid to the snake was not merely local or even limited to one period of history, but it prevailed alike in every district of the Pharaohian empire and has left its indelible impress upon the architecture and archeology of both Upper and Lower Egypt.”[ii] For example, consider the Egyptian four-winged, divine serpent, Chnuphis.[iii]
From there, the ancient Israelites moved to Canaan, where they encountered tales of the Leviathan, a dragon described as “the twisting serpent, the close–coiling one with seven heads,” by the Canaanites (KTU[iv] 1.5:1:1)[v] and appears six times in five verses of the Hebrew Bible (Job 3:8 and 41:1; Psalm 74:13–14 and 104:26; and Isaiah 27:1). According to Christoph Uehlinger, a religious studies professor at the University of Zurich, it’s likely that Leviathan was assimilated by the Egyptians as “Apophis, a huge serpent who during the night tries to hinder the sun-god’s travel through the netherworld.”[vi] According to 1 Enoch, Leviathan is a female dragon located at the bottom of the sea and Behemoth is a male dragon living in the desert.
And on that day were two monsters parted, a female monster named Leviathan, to dwell in the abysses of the ocean over the fountains of the waters. But the male is named Behemoth, who occupied with his breast a waste wilderness named Dûidâin, on the east of the garden where the elect and righteous dwell, where my grandfather was taken up, the seventh from Adam, the first man whom the Lord of Spirits created. (Enoch 60:7–8)
This beastly bifurcation is also mentioned in the apocryphal text 4 Ezra 6:49–52. If one accepts the ancient tradition, Leviathan still lurks in the deep, plotting to destroy the world:
And I saw there the sea and its islands, and its animals and its fishes, and Leviathan and his spouse, and his lair, and his dens, and the world which lies upon him, and his motions and the destruction of the world because of him. (Apocalypse of Abraham 21:4)[vii]
Leviathan is eschatologically connected to the “Day of the Lord,” because Isaiah prophesied:
In that day the Lord with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, Even leviathan that crooked serpent; And he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea. (Isaiah 27:1)
We suspect that Leviathan is a real reptilian entity, a highly intelligent, immortal, divine creation in chaotic rebellion. When the underworld portal is opened, this sea serpent will briefly visit untold horror on the earth, only to face judgment when facing “the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven” (Matthew 26:64).
The Behemoth depicted by Job 40:15–24 (10–19) is also best understood as a preternatural creature possessing supernatural characteristics.[viii] While connections to other ancient Near-Eastern dragons have been suggested, Behemoth seems to be a distinct entity paired with Leviathan. This dragon might very well manifest from the earth when the portal to the abyss is opened (Revelation 9:1). However, you might be surprised to learn that not all flying serpents in Scripture are fallen.
Although many Christians probably recoil at the thought that God created serpentine divine beings, as we demonstrated in chapter 1 (“What Is This All About?”), Scripture does support the notion. It is also telling how the Watchers were described in explicitly reptilian terms[ix] by the ancient Hebrews, lending support to the idea that fallen ones may have matched the depiction of human sacrifice-demanding “fiery serpents” whose characteristics are partly human in appearance. With a proper understanding of the biblical Seraphim and Watchers, the Mesoamerican connection no longer seems so fanciful. The plumed serpent gods of the Aztecs, Mayans, and Incans share the same basic description as the biblical flying serpentine humanoids.
Early Mesoamericans who worshiped the feathered serpent included the Olmec, Mixtec, Zapotec, Toltec, and Aztec. As early as Olmec times (1400 BC), the feathered or plumed serpent is depicted throughout North, Middle, and South America. For example, the late Olmec or Toltec culture known as Teotihuacan prominently displayed the serpentine god on the sides of the pyramid located at the Temple of the Feathered Serpent.
The archaeological record shows that after the fall of Teotihuacan, the cult of the serpent spread to Xochicalco, Cacaxtla, and Cholula—the New World’s largest pyramid dedicated to Quetzalcoatl.[x]
The Incas of Peru, the Aztecs of Mexico, and the Mayas of Yucatan all worshipped similar winged serpent gods. The Inca referred to these rebel Seraphim as Amaru; the Aztecs as Quetzalcoatl; and the Maya as Kukulkán. In Inca mythology, the amaru is a huge, double-headed, flying serpent that dwells underground.[xi] As a supernatural entity, the reptilian was believed to navigate portals between the netherworld of the dead to the natural world of the living.[xii] While many have connected descriptions of Quetzalcoatl as a bearded man with similar descriptions of Viracocha, the latter is not represented as a winged, serpentine-human hybrid. However, in remarkable accord with Quetzalcoatl, the title Amaru Tupa was an honorific title denoting royalty.[xiii] In fact, the Incan creator god Viracocha adopted “a stone image of an amaru”[xiv] as his huauque, the “man-made double”[xv] representing the living king during his lifetime.
Quetzalcoatl is the Aztec name for the feathered-serpent deity and is one of the main gods of Mexico and northern Central America. In the Aztec civilization of central Mexico, the worship of Quetzalcoatl was ubiquitous. He was the flying reptile deity who reportedly said, “If ever my subjects were to see me, they would run away!”[xvi] His winged reptilian adversary, Tezcatlipoca, was generally considered more powerful, as the god of night, sorcery, and destiny. During the twenty-day month of Toxcatl, a young man dressed up as Tezcatlipoca would be sacrificed.[xvii] Lesser known is that, like the Watcher angels in Genesis 6, Aztec tradition holds that their plumed serpent gods also created giants who were later destroyed in a worldwide flood:
According to Aztec myth, during the first age, or Sun, the gods Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca created a race of giants from ashes, giving them acorns for nourishment. But the giants so enraged the gods due to their wickedness that the gods decided to end the giants’ existence and sent the jaguars to destroy them. Only seven survived the onslaught of the savage beasts. Later, when the gods summoned forth the waters to flood the Earth and destroy the first race of humans, these seven giants, the Xelhua, climbed the mountains to seek refuge from the thrashing waters that were enveloping the planet. Five of the giants survived the torrent, and in the end they built the great tower of Cholula to commemorate their survival of the flood.[xviii]
The Incans similarly believed that Viracocha’s first creation was a race of wicked giants that he destroyed in a deluge.[xix] While it is usually held that all of the Nephilim were drowned in the Flood, there are similar Jewish traditions of one giant’s survival, King Og of Bashan.[xx] A tradition of his survival is preserved in the Talmud.[xxi] Whether one accepts this ancient rabbinic tradition or not, the obvious parallel to the Aztec account entailing a few surviving giants demands an explanation. We suggest both traditions reflect actual historical events. Even so, such high strangeness is not so summarily relegated to the past.
The Maya hold that Kukulkan, represented as a feathered serpent, came from Heaven to earth. Accordingly, the quetzal bird representing Heaven was chosen as his totem, and the serpent represents earth. Winged serpent iconography features prominently at Chichén Itzá, El Tajín, and throughout the Maya region. As discussed in the chapter 3, the Mayan cosmology has led to significant theological error in the New Age movement and was the impetus for most of the failed 2012 ascension predictions. The cumulative case that these plumed serpent deities are real immortal entities, fallen “fiery flying serpents,” or former Seraphim explains all of the mythological data in terms consistent with biblical theology.
The heinous practice of human sacrifice by the Aztecs,[xxii] Mayans,[xxiii] and Incans[xxiv] is well enough attested to be uncontroversial. Some indigenous scholars defend the old ways on the grounds that, according to their cosmology, the gods did the same for the people. Some stories suggest vampirism, a practice associated with the fallen ones and their Nephilim progenies.[xxv] For example, in a creation myth found in the Florentine Codex, Quetzalcoatl offers his blood to give life to humanity. There are several other myths in which Mesoamerican gods offer their blood.What distinguishes this from the blood of Jesus in Christian theology is that it was a one-time offering by a willing participant who subsequently rose from the dead. In contrast, the Mesoamericans offered even their own flesh-and-blood children in various forms of ritualistic human sacrifice—a brutal idolatry that was good news to nobody. Identifying these blood-thirsty serpents as fallen “sons of God,” who defiantly court worship from humans and encourage various forms of extravagant ethical deviance, seems morally warranted from the original source documents of Mesoamerican religions.
It is nearly self-explanatory as to how such concepts of flying serpents could have extended from Mesoamerica to Native American tribes and apocalyptic beliefs. For instance, the “Cherokee Rattlesnake Prophecies” were written down by members of the Cherokee tribe during 1811–1812. These prophecies are similar to Mesoamerican apocalyptic belief and share the idea that sometime following the year 2012, a flying plumed serpent with human-hybrid features would return during a time of when the earth and heavens are shaken.
A portion of the Rattlesnake Prophecy reads:
[Following] the year…2012 an alignment will take place both on the Cherokee calendar and in the heavens of the Rattlesnake Constellation.… It is the time of the double headed serpent stick. It is the time of the red of Orion and Jupiter against the white blue of Pleiades and Venus…the Cherokee Rattlesnake Constellation will take on a different configuration. The snake itself will remain, however; upon the Rattlesnake shall be added upon its head feathers, its eyes will open and glow, wings spring forth as a winged rattlesnake. It shall have hands and arms and in its hands shall be a bowl. The bowl will hold blood. Upon its tail of seven rattles shall be the glowing and movement of Pleiades. The Rattlesnake shall become a feathered rattlesnake or feathered serpent of Time/Untime.
While the Mayans and Cherokee await the return of their serpent deity, uninvited preternatural visitations are ongoing. According to Chulin Pop, a contemporary Mayan, preternatural giants are still visiting the Watcher’s sins on the native peoples in the jungle. Ardy Sixkiller Clarke, a professor at Montana State University, recorded his testimony:
They [seven-to-eight-foot giants] come from the stars in their big silver plates and they stay here sometimes only for a night; sometimes for a week or more. They take the women and make them have their babies. They have four fingers and no thumbs. Any man who tries to defend his women is sick for days. They have great powers. They make you hear words, but they never speak. They have weapons that make rocks and things disappear.
The transparent parallels between the ancient “sons of God,” who sinned “as Sodom and Gomorrah” by “giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh” (Jude 7), worldwide reports of alien abduction, and this contemporary Mayan’s account, suggests a complex interrelated phenomenon. As with the cultural rebellion against biblical morality, modern-day testimony reminiscent of the Watchers’ lustful deviance imply the days of Noah and Lord’s return are upon us (Matthew 24:37; Luke 16:26). Stephen Quayle suggested that Americans consider this little poem, “Quetzalcotal, are evil leaders in this land waiting for you to claim America again as Amaruca, the Land of the Serpent?”
This title—Amaruca—is, according to some people, the title from which “America” is taken. It is related to Mesoamerican history, serpent-worship, and giants, and according to Freemasonry, connects the founding of the United States and its Capital designers with “wisdom” derived from the fallen flying Seraph. Tom Horn explains in Zenith 2016:
The story begins long before the Spaniards arrived on this continent and was chronicled in the hieroglyphic characters (and repeated in oral history) of the sacred, indigenous Maya narrative called the Popol Vuh. Sometime between 1701 and 1703, a Dominican priest named Father Francisco Ximénez transcribed and translated the Mayan work into Spanish. Later his text was taken from Guatemala to Europe by Abbott Brasseur de Bourbough where it was translated into French. Today the Popol Vuh rests in Chicago’s Newberry Library, but what makes the script interesting is its creation narrative, history, and cosmology, especially as it relates to the worship of the great “feathered serpent” creator deity known as Q’uq’umatz; a god considered by scholars to be roughly equivalent to the Aztec god Quetzalcoatl and the Yucatec Mayan Kukulkan. According to Freemasons like Manly P. Hall, no other ancient work sets forth so completely the initiatory rituals of the great school of philosophic mystery, which was so central to America’s Baconian dream of the New Atlantis, than the Popol Vuh. What’s more, Hall says, it is in this region where we find the true origin of America’s name and destiny.
In The Secret Teachings of All Ages, Hall writes:
This volume [Popol Vuh] alone is sufficient to establish incontestably the philosophical excellence of the red race.
“The Red ‘Children of the Sun,’” writes James Morgan Pryse, “do not worship the One God. For them that One God is absolutely impersonal, and all the Forces emanated from that One God are personal. This is the exact reverse of the popular western conception of a personal God and impersonal working forces in nature. Decide for yourself which of these beliefs is the more philosophical [Hall says sarcastically]. These Children of the Sun adore the Plumèd Serpent, who is the messenger of the Sun. He was the God Quetzalcoatl in Mexico, Gucumatz in Quiché; and in Peru he was called Amaru. From the latter name comes our word America. Amaruca is, literally translated, ‘Land of the Plumèd Serpent.’ The priests of this [flying dragon], from their chief centre in the Cordilleras, once ruled both Americas. All the Red men who have remained true to the ancient religion are still under their sway. One of their strong centres was in Guatemala, and of their Order was the author of the book called Popol Vuh. In the Quiché tongue Gucumatz is the exact equivalent of Quetzalcoatl in the Nahuatl language; quetzal, the bird of Paradise; coatl, serpent—‘the Serpent veiled in plumes of the paradise-bird’!”
The Popol Vuh was discovered by Father Ximinez in the seventeenth century. It was translated into French by Brasseur de Bourbourg and published in 1861. The only complete English translation is that by Kenneth Sylvan Guthrie, which ran through the early files of The Word magazine and which is used as the basis of this article. A portion of the Popol Vuh was translated into English, with extremely valuable commentaries, by James Morgan Pryse, but unfortunately his translation was never completed. The second book of the Popol Vuh is largely devoted to the initiatory rituals of the Quiché nation. These ceremonials are of first importance to students of Masonic symbolism and mystical philosophy, since they establish beyond doubt the existence of ancient and divinely instituted Mystery schools on the American Continent. (emphasis added)
Thus from Hall we learn that Freemasons like him believe “ancient and divinely instituted” mystery religion important to students of Masonry came to Amaruca/America—the Land of the Plumèd Serpent—from knowledge that the Red Man received from the dragon himself. What Hall conceals is that, even to this day, in the secret societies, Lucifer is considered this benevolent serpent-god who has nothing more than the best intentions for man, while Jehovah is an evil entity who tries to keep mankind in the dark and punishes him if he seeks the truest wisdom. Since these ancient serpent legends include the Mesoamerican feathered serpent gods and can be looked upon as a historical testament of that Angel thrown down by God, “then perhaps The Land of the Plumèd Serpent may also be known as the Land of Lucifer,” concludes Ken Hudnall in The Occult Connection II: The Hidden Race.
Our weekly documentary film curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE.
From its beginning in the Second World War, rocket technology honed by Nazi Germany and then exfiltrated to the United States, thus providing the beginnings of the US space program. Just in time for the Cold War, with Washington and NASA locked into an epic competition with is geopolitical rival the Soviet Union. This independent documentary project compiles what is perhaps the most extensive and detailed vérité depictions of this groundbreaking phase of modern space exploration.
UFO During Flight Test At Santa Lucia Airport, Near Mexico President! Feb 11, 2021 UFO Sighting News.
UFO During Flight Test At Santa Lucia Airport, Near Mexico President! Feb 11, 2021 UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Feb 11, 2021
Location of sighting: Santa Lucia, Mexico
The eyewitness was watching a news cast about the first plane to land at the Santa Lucia airport. He was watching because the Mexican Air Force was flying in the President of Mexico, Andres Orbrador. But later in the ceremony a non military plane (white) was seen taking off from the runway. As this plane rose higher and higher upon takeoff, a black disk could be seen hovering in place in the background beyond the unfinished control tower. The eyewitness took out his camera and recorded directly off the TV screen. Its a well known fact that UFOs are frequently seen around presidents doing outdoor events. So this video means a lot.
Now I searched the videos for this particular aircraft and I could only find the craft landing. I could not find it taking off. So...the original news video...eludes me...or was it deleted by the government before the public noticed?
Mysterious Blue Lights In Sky Over Tokyo, Japan March 1, 2021, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Mysterious Blue Lights In Sky Over Tokyo, Japan March 1, 2021, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: March 1, 2021
Location of sighting: Tokyo, Japan
Please keep an open mind, these lights were recorded over Tokyo this week and they took the residence there by surprise. There was no visible beam, as would be the case if it were spot lights. There was also no perfect synchronization as with spot lights too. So I know this to be something different. Something rare and strange. I believe these are energy entities that came from Mount Fuji. Strange lights and have been seen around that volcano and throughout the forest around it. Because these entities are light, they will be hard to record with any camera. When it is recorded like here, the entities appear lighter, harder to see than with the naked eye. Absolute proof that there is an alien base under Mount Fuji.
NASA Movie Set Shows UFO Near Dragon Capsule On ISS livestream, Dec 18, 2018, UFO Sighting News.
NASA Movie Set Shows UFO Near Dragon Capsule On ISS livestream, Dec 18, 2018, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Dec 18, 2018, but redone well this week Location of sighting: International Space Station
One thing that makes a good UFO researcher into a great one is that we must keep an open mind about things. Often trolls will attack a sighting or eyewitness and cause them to feel ashamed for posting their video and they sometimes as I saw this week, delete it. Well, this time I found a person who took an old sighting and made it new with some nicely done analysis of the event. If we don't strive to understand our past UFO sighting, then how are we even going to grasp the reality of our current ones?
A young lady YouTuber going by Anne did just that. She says this live cam looks just like a movie set! And I really have to agree with her on this. Watch the video below and it will blow your mind! She broke a sighting down and slowed it so that everyone can not only see the UFO, but discuss the possibilities of why it was seen. I love this video! We as a UFO community need more of this!
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
Eyewitness Annes states:
Mysterious object appeared in a brief flash, to never appear again. Doesn't strike me as the Canada Arm. The sequence of events puts the arm in around 47 minutes into the video when the dragon craft is about 30 meters away from the ISS. The craft needed to be 10 meters away for the arm to crab it which occurred much later on. So then, what was observed in the first second of this event?
An ancient city has been found in the middle of the ocean
An ancient city has been found in the middle of the ocean
The ancient ruins are located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and could be the remnants of a long lost ancient civilization. Some even say it was one of the many cities belonging to the mythical Lemurian empire.
Science channel’s series What on Earth analyzed the mystery behind the ancient city ruins located off the coast of Micronasia—a subregion of Oceania, comprising thousands of small islands in the western Pacific Ocean.
The ruins are located on the remote island of Pohnpei, where we find Nan Madol, an archaeological site of great importance. Curiously, the name Nan Madol means “Space in between.”
But despite the fact that Nan Madol has attracted researchers, scholars and authors, little is known about the ancient structures and the people who once called it home.
The entire city of Nan Madol appears to sit on top of a lagoon, connected by a number of different canals and massive stone walls.
According to reports by Research Gate, the entire archaeological site could date back to around the first or second century AD. But there is very little verified information about the ruins.
As noted by Atlas Obscura, human activity dates back to around the first and second century AD, but the site was probably erected around the 12th or 13 the century.
The ancient structures are clearly visible on Google Earth if anyone wants to take a look at the archaeological site from the air.
The archeological site covers an area of around 1.5 kilometers and contains around 100 artificial islets.
The legend behind Nan Madol is fascinating.
Locals believe that Nan Madol began with the arrival of twin sorcerers Olisihpa and Olosohpa from the mythical Western Katau.
They are said to have been much taller than the local inhabitants. The two brothers erected an altar on Nan Madol in order to worship Nahnisohn Sahpw, the god of agriculture.
They performed numerous rituals at the altar and levitated massive stones with the help of a flying dragon.
This brings us to one of the greatest mysteries surrounding Nan Madol. How on Earth did the ancients build this ancient city? And how did they manage to transport the massive blocks of stone across nearly inaccessible terrain?
Researchers suggest that the massive rocks were most likely ‘floated’ via rafts to the different islets.
But, this remains only a theory as the exact means by which the ancient managed to transport the massive stone from distant quarries, over land and water, and then erect them on reef complexes remains a profound archaeological and architectural mystery.
The gorgeous new imagery provides just a taste of what's to come.
NASA's Perseverance rover has landed in a rich scientific hunting ground, if its first good look around is any guide.
The car-sized Perseverance landed on the floor of Jezero Crater on Feb. 18, kicking off an ambitious surface mission that will hunt for signs of ancient Mars life and collect samples for future return to Earth, among other tasks.
Perseverance is not yet ready to dive into that science work; the mission team is still conducting health and status checks on its various instruments and subsystems. But the six-wheeled robot recently used its Mastcam-Z camera suite to capture a high-definition, 360-degree panorama of its surroundings, and that first taste has the mission team intrigued.
For example, the zoomable panorama revealed a dark stone that the team has dubbed "Harbor Seal Rock," Mastcam-Z principal investigator Jim Bell, of Arizona State University's School of Earth and Space Exploration, said during a webcast discussion of the photo on Thursday (Feb. 25).
The Martian wind probably carved Harbor Seal Rock into its curious shape over the eons, Bell said. He also pointed out patches that showed evidence of much faster-acting erosion — spots where the thrusters on Perseverance's "sky crane" descent stage blew away Mars' blanket of red dust on Feb. 18, exposing the surfaces of small rocks.
One such patch harbors a group of light-colored, heavily pitted stones that have caught mission scientists' eyes.
"Are these volcanic rocks? Are these carbonate rocks? Are these something else? Do they have coatings on them?" Bell said. "We don't know — we don't have any chemical data or mineral data on them yet — but, boy, they're certainly interesting, and part of the story about what's going on here is going to be told when we get more detailed information on these rocks and some of the other materials in this area."
This is one of the key jobs of Mastcam-Z and Perseverance's other cameras, Bell said — to spot interesting features that Perseverance can study in more detail with its spectrometers and other science instruments.
The 28-mile-wide (45 kilometers) Jezero Crater harbored a deep lake and a river delta billions of years ago. Deltas are good at preserving signs of life here on Earth, so the Perseverance team is eager for the rover to study and sample the remnants of that feature within Jezero. And the delta is visible in the Mastcam-Z panorama; the cliffs that mark its edge are about 1.2 miles (2 kilometers) from Perseverance's landing site, Bell said.
The ridgeline that's visible beyond the delta cliffs in the Mastcam-Z panorama is Jezero Crater's rim, he added.
The recently unveiled photo is just the beginning, of course. For starters, it's the lowest-resolution panorama the Mastcam-Z team will construct. Bell said that similar shots that are three times sharper will be assembled after Perseverance switches over to its surface-optimized software, a four-day process that's already underway.
And we haven't gotten the slightest taste of Perseverance's science discoveries yet. That work will take a while to get going, because the mission team's first big task after getting the rover up and running is to conduct test flights of the 4-lb. (1.8 kilograms) Mars Helicopter Ingenuity, which rode to the Red Planet on Perseverance's belly.
Ingenuity's pioneering sorties — the first rotorcraft flights on a world beyond Earth — will likely take place this spring, and science and sampling are expected to begin in earnest in the summer, mission team members have said.
Mike Wall is the author of "Out There" (Grand Central Publishing, 2018; illustrated by Karl Tate), a book about the search for alien life. Follow him on Twitter @michaeldwall. Follow us on Twitter @Spacedotcom or Facebook.
An ancient kauri tree log from Ngāwhā, New Zealand
Nelson Parker
A perfectly preserved ancient tree fossil has offered scientists a unique peek into a moment 42,000 years ago when the Earth’s magnetic field went haywire. The impressive study paints a picture of temporary environmental chaos, potentially influencing everything from an increase in cave paintings to the extinction of the Neanderthals.
On the day side of Earth, magnetic reconnection funnels material and energy from the sun into Earth's magnetic environment.
(Image credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center)
Without the Earth’s magnetic field we’d have a pretty hard time living on the planet. Beyond helping us simply navigate around the world with a compass, the Earth’s magnetic field is fundamental to the existence of life. It helps deflect harmful solar winds and keeps our protective atmosphere in place.
But our planet’s magnetic field is far from static. In fact, it is profoundly dynamic, consistently shifting and fluctuating over time. Every few hundred thousand years it completely flips, with magnetic north switching places with magnetic south.
The last major geomagnetic reversal occurred 780,000 years ago, and plenty of scientists suggest we are well overdue for a similar event. In between these full geomagnetic reversals, which can last up to 10,000 years, we find shorter disruptions to the Earth’s magnetic field. These events are known as geomagnetic excursions.
Geomagnetic excursions are short-lived, and involve temporary changes to the Earth’s magnetic field lasting anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand years. The most recent recorded geomagnetic excursion is known as the Laschamps excursion and it took place around 42,000 years ago.
"The Laschamps Excursion was the last time the magnetic poles flipped," explains Chris Turney, co-lead author on a landmark new study investigating this transformative event. "They swapped places for about 800 years before changing their minds and swapping back again."
Scientists have known about these dramatic magnetic pole events for a long time but it’s never been clearly understood what kind of impact they have on life or the environment. That is until a few years ago, when an ancient fossilized tree was discovered in New Zealand.
Workers preparing a site for a new power-plant unearthed the massive kauri tree trunk, perfectly preserved for 42,000 years, with its rings offering up an incredible 1,700-year record of the Earth’s environmental conditions exactly spanning the period of the Laschamps Excursion.
"For the first time ever, we have been able to precisely date the timing and environmental impacts of the last magnetic pole switch," says Turney. "Using the ancient trees we could measure, and date, the spike in atmospheric radiocarbon levels caused by the collapse of Earth's magnetic field."
In a bold new study, published in the journal Science, the research team used the detailed radiocarbon data from the ancient tree to create a novel timeline of the Earth’s atmosphere across the period spanning the Laschamps Excursion. The team then ran a global climate model, incorporating previously gathered data from all over the world, to explore what acute effects this type of magnetic field disruption had on the environment.
Life, the Universe and Everything
The results reveal an incredibly dramatic period of environmental change, particularly in the stretch of time leading up to the few hundred years the Earth’s magnetic field was reversed. The study calculated a depleted ozone layer, higher levels of ultraviolet radiation and increased atmospheric ionization all coalesced about 42,000 years ago. In tribute to author Douglas Adams – in whose book The Hitchhiker's Guide the the Galaxy, the supercomputer Deep Thought calculates the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything is "42" – the researchers named this specific period the “Adams Transitional Geomagnetic Event.”
"The more we looked at the data, the more everything pointed to 42," says Turney. "It was uncanny.”
Alan Cooper, co-lead author on the study, suggests a number of novel environmental conditions would have appeared during the so-called Adams Event. Auroras, for example, would have been widespread across the entire planet, alongside extraordinary volumes of electrical storms due to increases in ionized air.
“Early humans around the world would have seen amazing auroras, shimmering veils and sheets across the sky,” says Cooper. “It must have seemed like the end of days.”
Perhaps the most controversial part of the new study is the degree of hypothetical speculations the researchers make between the Adams Event and evolution of life on Earth. One link raised in the study suggests the magnetic field disruption led to an influx of cave art, underpinned by the need for humans to seek shelter from the increase in ultraviolet rays.
“We think that the sharp increases in UV levels, particularly during solar flares, would suddenly make caves very valuable shelters,” suggests Cooper. “The common cave art motif of red ochre handprints may signal it was being used as sunscreen, a technique still used today by some groups.”
Other bold speculations in the study are that the Adams Event both prompted the extinction of several megafauna species in Australia and hastened the end for Neanderthals. Chris Stringer, from the Natural History Museum of London, calls the new study important but also questions some of its broad hypotheses.
“The authors also make a link with the physical extinction of the Neanderthals around 40,000 years ago and I think it could certainly have contributed to their demise,” he said in an interview with The Guardian. “But they did survive longer and ranged more widely than just Europe, and we have a very poor fix on the timing of their final disappearance across swathes of Asia.”
Shifting to what the research can tell us about life on Earth today, Alan Cooper cautiously suggests his team’s research offer novel insights into how the world would be affected if something like the Adams Event were to happen nowadays. He points to current movements of the north magnetic pole across the Northern Hemisphere as a potential warning sign.
"This speed – alongside the weakening of Earth's magnetic field by around nine per cent in the past 170 years – could indicate an upcoming reversal," says Cooper. "If a similar event happened today, the consequences would be huge for modern society. Incoming cosmic radiation would destroy our electric power grids and satellite networks."
The new study was published in the journal Science, and the short video below narrated by Stephen Fry gives an overview of the Adams Event.
New Videos: Today More Ships Arrived: UFO – Corpuscular Ship. It Comes From The 5. Dimension. 13.February.2019.
New Videos: Today More Ships Arrived: UFO – Corpuscular Ship. It Comes From The 5. Dimension. 13.February.2019.
New Videos: autor videos :Martin Mikuaš On theThese ships reacts with anger only by my dog but by all the dogs in the vicinity. The ship is constructed from the light.
Corpuscular ship is constructed in detail in accordance with the law of God in the form of light energy. Light corpuscular ship is therefore better as a spiritual power manifested corpuscular ships. The ship can move faster than light. When the object moves faster than light, disappearing from sight. Goes into another dimension.
The human eye sees everything that is inside of the light spectrum. When I mention the light spectrum and hit the light spectrum of the sun. With increased intensity of light would blind man. His senses would not notice a higher form of vibration. It can not therefore see the world resulting on a different frequency, although located around beside him. Corpuscular ship can move at high speed. It is therefore invisible to the human eye.
By increasing the energy of the corpuscular vessel there is an increase of its speed. If it goes into the vessel by its frequency, it means that moves slower than the maximum speed. This makes it the human eye sees. It manifests itself in the form of light. Reducing the speed to changing light and the human eye, the ship must appear as a solid object. If the moving ship and if it stays on the molecular level, the maximum rate will remain invisible to the human eye. That they are explained in words that corpuscular ship may be the front door of your house and you will not see it. The ship can come to a man secretly. People of it may remain hidden from man.
The people of the corpuscular vessels reduces its frequency to a protein molecule in the cell become visible to the human eye. They therefore come secretly and suddenly appear before you in the form of light and energy. At that moment comes the light source, the energy in the form of spirit. You will be influenced by your spirit will be affected the most energy, which manifested itself around you and you will be allowed contact with corpuscular ships. In contact with them you should not worry. Believe me, it’s something natural.
There is nothing mysterious. Only one who manifests the spirit of mentally able to take this energy will be able to experience the transition from one age to another.
For all who write to me that it is a star, a planet or a drone. I have a link .in contact with aliens for almost 50 years and I know very well what their ship is and what is not….Martin Mikuaš
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
U.S. Alien-Hunters Identify 1000 Potential Watching Stations
U.S. Alien-Hunters Identify 1000 Potential Watching Stations
A scientific team of American alien hunters claims that if advanced life does indeed exist on any one of a 1,000 different star systems, they could be watching Earth right now! American alien hunters are probably the world’s most active and advanced when it comes to this kind of hunting: they have the best equipment and are likely also the best funded. This team’s latest findings suggest new possibilities in the hunt for alien life . . .
American Alien Hunters Say: Someone’s Watching
Looking for exoplanets orbiting remote stars requires American alien hunters and astronomers to fix their telescopes on distant suns and monitor them for dimming, which occurs when a planet passes between the star and the telescope. By analyzing how the light changes as stars dim, scientists are able to determine the chemicals present in the passing planet's atmosphere. But while this method is revealing, it’s also exceptionally restricted as it only works for planets orbiting between Earth and the observed star.
According to a new study published in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society “1,004 star systems are in a direct line of sight to our planet,” and all of them are all close enough to Earth that if any were, or are, inhabited by an advanced lifeform, “they could detect us.”
While alien hunters search for alien life, it could well be that alien life has been watching us on Earth for a very long time.
Dr Lisa Kaltenegger, a Cornell University astronomer, published a new paper asking some fascinating questions relating to possible alien life from the perspective of alien hunters. For example, which nearby stars are situated appropriately for any inhabitants to watch Earth cross (transit) the sun; and in those star systems, could those life forms detect signs indicating us inhabiting the Earth's surface? The results of Dr Kaltenegger’s study suggest a great number of nearby stars systems, if inhabited, might have their scientific equipment trained on us right now. And this has also created a lot of excitement among alien hunters.
Humans are bound to a location in spacetime in which we have developed five primary senses tuned for survival on planet Earth. When it comes to monitoring microscopic levels of universal existence, and possible life at vast distances in deep space, we build innovative tools to do these jobs. To assist in this new study the scientists used the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite ( TESS), a scientific weapon on the frontline of space exploration. The scientists said this incredibly advanced satellite would see Earth as “a biosphere in the atmosphere of our Pale Blue Dot.”
Alien hunters use advanced satellites to monitor deep space for alien communication and for potential planets that could be watching us right now!
Where Could Some Of These Alien Astronomers Be Hiding?
The new alien hunters’ journal study looked at star systems within a distance of 326 light-years from Earth and discovered “1,004” are located in a position from which alien astronomers could see our planet. Furthermore, the researchers stated that “508 have viewing angles that would give them at least 10 hours of observational data every time Earth passed between that location and the Sun.” Based on the study these are the ideal conditions for spotting our little blue-green planet and the signs of life in its atmosphere.
An estimated 5% of these 1,004 stars capable of watching Earth orbiting the Sun are too young for intelligent life to have evolved. However, the research team of alien hunters say the other 95% belong to star categories that can “sustain life for billions of years,” which under the correct conditions is long enough for intelligent life to have evolved.
The Next Steps In The Scientific Quest To Find Alien Life
Most of the 1,004 stars are located at the maximum 326 light-year distance, but the closest one orbiting a sun is only 28 light-years distant from Earth. The alien hunters research team have identified several more that are on a trajectory to enter the Earth’s observation zone by 2044. To advance their research the scientific team of American alien hunters are now planning a reanalysis of the 1,004 stars identified in their paper with SETI' s Breakthrough Listening program. This program is capable of detecting communications from advanced alien civilizations. SETI scientists look for both microscopic and macroscopic life in outer space with space rovers, orbiters, field expeditions, and radio telescopes.
According to the SETI website, there are “one hundred billion” potentially habitable planets just in our galaxy, and many of the moons, like those orbiting Mars, Jupiter and Saturn , have environments that could also have supported biological life. If you think this is all highly speculative, you would be wrong. This is because with so many potentially life-supporting planets the SETI website says, “it ’s reasonable to imagine that at least some are populated by intelligent beings.” This is good news indeed for all alien hunters!
Top image: Could aliens on a distant planet in our solar system be watching us now? This is the big question that American alien hunters are asking in the latest published scientific study.
The Dogon’s Extraordinary Knowledge of the Cosmos and the Cult of Nommo
France, 1920: Marcel Griaule is a young man who is very well-established in his studies, especially in mathematics. He has recently served as a volunteer in the French Air Force and aspires to attend the prestigious Lycée Louis le Grande.
Although his future already seems marked, fate has other plans for him - a new road that begins to take shape when he decides to attend a conference that same year. The speakers are Marcel Mauss, anthropologist, sociologist, and historian of religions, and Marcel Cohen, linguist.
Griaule is struck by their words and decides to devote himself entirely to the study of anthropology. Between 1928 and 1933 he took part in two ethnographic expeditions, and in this period (1930) he came into contact with a mysterious African tribe: the Dogon.
The opportunity was given to him during a period of study in Mali alongside his pupil Germaine Dieterlen, who was also a pupil of Mauss and deeply interested in the study of ancient myths. From that moment, the mystery of the Nommo is born. It is an element of an ancient heritage of which we cannot expand without having first spoken of the Dogon people
One People, Many Mysteries
The Dogon are a tribe that lives in a desert land of Mali, near the border with Burkina Faso. It is a place that welcomed them after their escape to avoid the expansionist pressures of the medieval empires…we are around the year 1000, during the fierce battles on the banks of the Niger river.
Many researchers have already discussed the range of mysteries that surround these people, but what interests us particularly for the development of the hypotheses contained in this article is their complex cosmogony, based on faith in a creative god, Amma, and in a creation produced by the movements of the “Egg of the World”.
On the basis of these beliefs, the “Nommo”, the eight pro-genitors of the Dogon, brought to Earth a basket containing the clay necessary to build the grain stores of their villages. This image, which at first sight appears quite simple and devoid of particular significance, hides in reality a very profound knowledge of the universe and of the celestial bodies.
The granary represents the universe, its scales symbolize both the males and females that generated the Dogon and the various stars and constellations: in this sense we will find the Pleiades in the north, Orion in the south, and a comet in the west. So, everything started with a “basket”, or container, that carried life.
But the thing that most struck the two scholars was the finding that, despite the Dogon having come into contact with our civilization in fairly recent times (about the beginning of the century), they possessed incredible scientific and astronomical knowledge. Some of this knowledge was certainly the result of a cultural heritage that is millennia old, but one element in particular has decidedly current characteristics - the detailed knowledge of the star Sirius.
The Dogon were in fact aware of the fact that Sirius is a binary system (i.e. a system consisting of two stars, Sirius A and Sirius B); they were aware of the fact that Sirius B revolves around Sirius A with an elliptical orbit and over a period corresponding to 50 years; and the most disconcerting discovery was that the Dogon knew the exact position of Sirius A within the ellipse.
Sirius A and Sirius B as seen by the Hubble Space Telescope. The white dwarf can be seen to the lower left.
(NASA, ESA, H. Bond/STScI, M. Barstow/University of Leicester/ CC BY 3.0 )
Many may wonder what is so disconcerting about all this? The amazement arises from the fact that it was only in 1862 when the American astronomer Alvan Clark deduced the existence of Sirius B using a telescope, among the most advanced for that era, and it was not before 1970 that there was confirmation of the existence of this star, not to mention a photograph of it.
Yet the Dogon knew of it hundreds of years before, and not only that, they called Sirius B with the name of “Po Tolo”; this name is certainly the most apt and shocking way to describe this system, the term Tolo, in fact, means star, while Po refers to a typical cereal that has the characteristic of being extremely heavy despite its small size; an expression, therefore, very close to reality since Sirius B is a white dwarf and, as such, has a very high density.
A Dogon diagram said to represent Sirius B’s elliptical orbit around Sirius A.
All this information is practically inaccessible without adequate astronomical equipment, and it is useless to specify that the Dogon had never come into possession of any such instrument, they even ignored its existence.
But the mystery does not end here, the Dogon, in fact, used to represent the planet Saturn as surrounded by a sort of halo, thus demonstrating that they knew of its rings; moreover, they knew that the planet Jupiter had around “four companions”, which correspond exactly to its four main moons.
An artistic representation of Jupiter and its moons.
As if this were not enough, they depicted the Earth as a sphere and knew that this sphere revolves around its axis, and together with other spheres (the planets), around the sun; last, but not least, it is surprising that the Dogon, or in any case the elders of the village, described our galaxy as an immense spiral shape. We know very well that this concept began to be disclosed by Western astronomers only at the beginning of this century.
For the Dogon, Sirius B was the first star created by God and it represents the fulcrum of the Universe. All matter developed from it, including souls, following a complex spiral motion - the same that is symbolized in the intertwined baskets.
Saturn is surrounded by rings, Jupiter has four main moons, and four calendars are used: one for the Sun, one for the Moon, one for Sirius, and one for Venus. Needless to say, that the Dogon believe a truth attested from ancient times - the fact that the planets orbit around the Sun.
The Dogon know what, logically, they should not know; their knowledge is not the result of ancient legacies acquired by observing the sky and the stars with the naked eye, as happened in other civilizations, they simply “know”; this is the most disturbing part of the Dogon mystery.
‘Master of the Slanted Eyes.’ Antropomorphic representation, probably a Dogon ancestor figure.
An old Dogon legend tells of when the God of the universe, Amma, sent the Nommo to earth. This was a half-man, half-amphibian creature which landed in the land of the Fox, a territory northeast of Bandiagara, in the Mopti region; the Nommo was red, but when it touched the ground it became white.
Mali, Dogon container This container shows the "Ark of the world", in which Nommo, the mythical progenitor of humanity, is supposed to have come down from the sky.
The name Nommo derives from a Dogon word that translates as “to do well”; much more often, however, this is remembered as “The Master of Water” (perhaps a reference to the fact that the Nommo could not survive out of water), the Admonitor, or the Destroyer.
We do not know exactly how this figure can be placed in the various events that characterized the growth of the Dogon culture, but it is not so difficult to identify other very similar creatures in different cultures - not only geographically distant but also with respect to various historical moments.
The same type of creature is present in a history of Mesopotamia written during the III Century BC from the priest Beroso; his name was Oannes, his body was similar to that of a fish, he lived only in water, and had feet similar to those of man. Are these images referring to the same event?
In any case, this ancient, almost primordial figure occupies a prominent place in all African cultures; not infrequently, for example, in the most internal areas of Africa. People belonging to monotheistic religions turn to the priests of the various villages because in situations of extreme difficulty they invoke the assistance of the Nommo.
Finally, let us not forget the God fish Dagon of the Philistines, and the same symbol of the fish which the first Christians used to represent their deity. Whoever or whatever it was, the Nommo still continues to lengthen its shadow on African territory, perhaps as a messenger waiting to be able to reveal ancient truths to those who have the courage and the predisposition of mind to listen to it.
Today’s article is focused on two things that most people probably wouldn’t think have a connection to each other: (a) Crop Circles; and (b) “missing time” (similar to the type that occurs in the “alien abduction” phenomenon). Very early on in his Crop Circle research, Matthew Williams (both a creator and a researcher of Crop Circles) came to realize something deeply strange and highly intriguing. Namely, that many people who make the formations experiencing unusual phenomena in the fields – and on numerous occasions in the formations of their very own making. For example, Matt has experienced (as have a number of other, well-known Circle-makers, more than a few of who are reluctant to speak on the record) a wealth of weird phenomena in Crop Circles that he himself created. That included seeing small, aerial balls of light zipping around, detecting unexplained animal-like presences, and even experiencing significant periods of missing time. Matt explained to me what he believes lies at the heart of all this. It involves, he concludes, a belief system suggesting that crop circles are somewhat akin to 21st Century versions of Stonehenge or the Avebury Stones. They are rather like modern-day – but highly alternative – temples that, via ritual magic, can be instilled with extraordinary properties that, in turn, lead to the sometimes unusual effects experienced within such formations.This brings me to a fascinating story of missing time in a Crop Circle.
This incident I’m about to share with you occurred in 1989 and involved a man named Paul Farrant and a Woman in Black. Paul is someone who I met in the U.K. back in the summer of 1997. At the time, Paul spent ten days checking out the Crop Circles that had appeared during that summer in the county of Wiltshire, England – which is where most of the formations are made on a yearly basis. I was there for two weeks, with Irene Bott of the Staffordshire UFO Group, and gave a few lectures in the area at the same time, which is how I got to know Paul. He had a story to tell that involved missing time, but not at all of the type associated with alien abductions. Paul told me that he had been walking around one of the formations just as the sun was starting to rise when a woman appeared – seemingly out of nowhere. She was dressed in a long black cape that had a black hood. Paul said her skin was extremely pale and her face was very thin. She engaged him in what seemed to be a very short conversation about time travel and then, oddly, warning him not to dig too deep into the subject. So, why did she bring up the matter in the first place? I have no idea. Neither did Paul.
The Woman in Black then turned away and exited the huge and intricate formation. For reasons that he was unable to understand, Paul felt both nauseous and frightened. Here’s the strangest part of the story: Paul found himself quite confused, due to the fact that although it seemed to have been a brief encounter, when he checked he realized there was far more to it. According to his watch, close to three-quarters-of-an-hour were missing from Paul’s memory. And, although the woman had something to say to Paul of a warning nature, he couldn’t remember exactly what he said in response to her. It puzzled, and worried, him for weeks. One final thing: not only had Paul lost around forty-five minutes of his life, but his watch had gone forward three hours. There’s no doubt this is a very strange story, but it demonstrates that when one is in Crop Circles, time-based anomalies are not unknown. Paul’s case is a perfect, but mystifying, example.
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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