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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
UFO moving against the wind over Port Charlotte, FL 12-Apr-2021
UFO moving against the wind over Port Charlotte, FL 12-Apr-2021
This strange object was flying over Port Charlotte, Florida at low altitude on 12th April 2021.
The two names most associated with Planet Nine are astronomers Michael Brown and Konstantin Batygin of Caltech. In 2016, they published a paper about their simulation of Extreme Trans-Neptunian Objects (ETNOs) to determine why these faraway space rocks share the same angle at perihelion, the point in their orbit that is closest to the Sun, and concluded this could be caused by a large planet not more than 10,000 astronomical units from the Sun – anything beyond that would be out of the gravitational pull of the Sun – that was somewhere in the Oort Cloud. The pair recently released a new paper based on new data and simulations which will help Planet Nine hunters, including Brown and Batygin, narrow their search. Before you buy a bigger telescope and a new star map, you may want to hear them out.
“Due to the long-term gravitational pull of Planet Nine’s orbit, inner Oort Cloud objects evolve on billion-year timescales, slowly getting re-injected into the outer solar system. So what happens to them? We have simulated this process, accounting for perturbations from the canonical giant planets, Planet Nine, passing stars, as well as the galactic tide, and have found that these re-injected inner Oort Cloud objects can readily mix in with the census of distant Kuiper belt objects, and even exhibit orbital clustering.”
On their Find Planet Nine blog, Brown and Batygin revise their thinking about the Oort Cloud based on new simulations which use the 19 now-known ETNOs rather than the original six used in 2016. Where they once assumed objects in the Oort Cloud were static, they now consider the possibility that some could have come from the Kuiper Belt, which is close enough to the Sun to contain Pluto and the other minor planets. Further, they propose that there is still movement going on in both directions between the Kuiper Belt and the Oort Cloud, specifically in the inner Oort Cloud. Finally, that inner Oort Cloud was affected during its creation by both Saturn and Neptune flinging debris outward while nearby developing stars in the early formation of the galaxy pushed them back towards the Sun. The result is a dense – relative to the rest of the Oort Cloud – ring of space objects.
“However, the degree of clustering they show is prominently weaker, suggesting that a more eccentric P9 is required to explain the data. Another intriguing aspect of these calculations is that they produce a more radially extended distribution of long-period TNOs, providing an intriguing potential explanation for the abundance of highly long-period orbits, such as that of the Goblin.”
The Goblin – formally named 541132 Leleākūhonua – was the third ETNO discovered and is known for its extreme orbit around the Sun at a distance of 65–2000 AU once every 32,000 years with a very high eccentricity of 0.94 and angle of inclination relative to the standard planetry plane. All of that made both simulations digitally scream “Planet Nine!” with the more recent one adding “In the inner Oort Cloud!” Put it all together and it tells Planet Nine hunters to look for it in the inner Oort cloud at an orbital eccentricity and angle similar to the Goblin’s. That narrows the area down, but it’s still far beyond Pluto and the Kuiper Belt. Needless to say, Brown and Batygin are excited.
“All in all, as scientists, our primary role is to continue hammering away at the hypothesis, and our new simulations indicate that there exists an intriguing additional mode of P9-induced dynamics affecting our efforts to pin down the orbit of Planet Nine. With each theoretical breakthrough, the observational search comes into sharper focus.”
Daytime UFO sighting over Great Doddington, UK 2021
Daytime UFO sighting over Great Doddington, UK 2021
This unidentified flying object that looks like a solid metal orb was filmed over Great Doddington, a village and civil parish in Northamptonshire in the United Kingdom. This happened on 7th March 2021.
Witness report:
A strange object that was silent and moved upwards like nothing I’ve seen before.
Prince Philip reportedly had a fascination with UFOs and collected books about aliens.
Anwar Hussein/Getty Images
In addition to his many earthly pursuits, the late Prince Philip also looked to the skies to watch for UFOs — and had amassed a large collection of books on the subject, according to reports.
The Duke of Edinburgh, who died Friday at age 99, was fascinated with close encounters and was a regular subscriber of Flying Saucer Review, a quarterly magazine established in 1955, according to the UK’s Metro.
He first developed an interest in UFOs from his uncle Lord Mountbatten, who wrote an official report about a spaceship that reportedly landed on his estate in Romsey, Hampshire, in 1955, the Sun said.
Philip had given his former assistant Sir Peter Horsley, a senior Royal Air Force commander who died in 2001 at age 80, “carte blanche” to collect stories about UFOs from the RAF, according to Metro.
In his 1997 autobiography, “Sounds From Another Room,” Horsley described his own fascination with UFOs, which began when he was Philip’s equerry, or royal attendant, from 1949 to 1956.
Prince Philip (right) meets a man in a spacesuit during a visit to the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, on March 14, 1966.Harry Benson/Daily Express/Hulton Archive/Getty Images
Horsley, who wrote about a close encounter with an “alien” in London in 1954, said he was asked to bring witnesses to Buckingham Palace for private discussions with the Duke, Metro reported.
In 2019, Philip read “The Halt Perspective,” written by retired US Air Force Col. Charles Halt, a former deputy commander of RAF Bentwaters, who described how he led a patrol to investigate an alleged UFO landing in the Rendlesham Forest in 1980.
The incident was dubbed “Britain’s Roswell” after the famous 1947 crash of a US Army Air Forces balloon in New Mexico that spawned rumors that the wreckage came from a “flying disc.”
Prince Philip’s reported fascination with the extraterrestrial supposedly began in 1955 when his uncle wrote about a spaceship landing in Hampshire.Fox Photos/Hulton Archive/Getty Images
Among the books about extraterrestrials in Philip’s collection was “Haunted Skies: The Encyclopedia of British UFOs,” whose author, retired West Midlands detective John Hanson, said the Duke had a dozen of his works, according to Metro.
“I’ve got about 12 letters from the Duke’s private secretary that say the prince found the subject interesting,” Hanson, who co-wrote “The Halt Perspective,” told I News.
“I’m quite proud of Prince Philip, why shouldn’t he have been interested in UFOs, because for goodness’ sake, that is something that we should treat seriously rather than flippantly. It is a phenomenon that has baffled mankind for millennia,” he said.
“Even Prince Charles is interested in it and Prince William,” Hanson added.
Prince Philip reportedly subscribed to the magazine Flying Saucer Review.PA Images via Getty Images
In his book, Horsley claims that in 1954, he had an encounter with an alien called “Mr. Janus,” who could read his mind.
“He didn’t say he was a visitor from another planet — but I had that impression,” he wrote. “I believe he was here to observe us. I never saw him again. I have no qualms about the reaction to my experience with Mr. Janus.”
He added that Janus wished to meet Philip, whom he described as a “man of great vision.”
The “What could possibly go wrong” file is so full, it may be time to give China its own manila folder for its experiments with human-animal chimeras that not only cross the ethical line – they wipe it out completely with genetically-altered erasers. The latest entry in the file is an experiment that attempts to reach the unholy grail of hybrids – human-monkey chimeras, created under the ‘good intentions’ guise of developing ways to address the severe shortage of human organs for transplants. Before you start pointing fingers at China’s Kunming University of Science and Technology, the leader of this experiment was an American from the Salk Institute in California who has also been involved in creating human-pig chimeras. Do we need to start TWO files?
“We studied the chimeric competency of human extended pluripotent stem cells (hEPSCs) in cynomolgus monkey (Macaca fascicularis) embryos cultured ex vivo. We demonstrate that hEPSCs survived, proliferated, and generated several peri- and early post-implantation cell lineages inside monkey embryos.”
In their new paper published in the journal Cell, American geneticist Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte and a team of researchers in China led by primate reproduction biologist Weizhi Ji announced they have successfully injected 25 human stem cells into developing five-day-old macaque monkey embryos, and of the 132 human-monkey chimera embryos created, 103 were still alive after 10 days and 3 survived for 20 days in lab dishes. That’s an impressive success rate when compared to Izpisúa Belmonte’s experiments with human-pig and other chimeras, and he tells Live Science it’s because “the evolutionary distance is smaller” between humans and monkeys.
“Generation of a chimera between human and non-human primate, a species more closely related to humans along the evolutionary timeline than all previously used species, will allow us to gain better insight into whether there are evolutionarily imposed barriers to chimera generation and if there are any means by which we can overcome them.”
In the press release, Izpisúa Belmonte even destroys the chalk used to draw the ethical line by revealing his experiments seek to hurdle the barriers to chimera generation. Right now, by doing the experiments in China, the only barriers he hasn’t hurdled are regulations in other countries. Alejandro De Los Angeles, a stem cell biologist at the Yale University School of Medicine who was not involved in the study, told Live Science:
“The embryos here were not transferred into a uterus, and thus could not lead to living chimeric animals or even fetuses. Implantation of human-monkey embryos would be ethically contentious and will need to be discussed by scientists, ethicists and the public before moving forward with such experiments.”
Right — just like the creation of these human-monkey embryos was … not. In fact, one of the big concerns about allowing human-monkey chimeras to live longer is that the human cells would migrate to the monkey brains and grow there, transferring humanness to them. Unfortunately, it appears some communications already occurred in the 20-day-old chimera embryos, according Izpisua Belmonte in the press release.
“From these analyses, several communication pathways that were either novel or strengthened in the chimeric cells were identified. Understanding which pathways are involved in chimeric cell communication will allow us to possibly enhance this communication and increase the efficiency of chimerism in a host species that’s more evolutionarily distant to humans.”
This is too much!
Even if we eliminate the more cinematic, sci-fi and dystopian scenarios from the “what could possibly go wrong” discussions, there are still plenty of other outcomes worth worrying about and preventing. As always, the reality is that these experiments are being conducted in China and those scenarios may have already played out, even though Izpisua Belmonte assures us that “it is our responsibility as scientists to conduct our research thoughtfully, following all the ethical, legal, and social guidelines in place.”
Sorry, Izpisua Belmonte. What if you’re in a place where there are no such guidelines? Isn’t that why you went to China?
How many more “What could possibly go wrong” files do we need? Is it time for a cabinet? A warehouse?
Pentagon Confirms Footage Of UFOs Over Navy Ship, Possible US Cover-Up, Raw Footage, UFO Sighting News.
Pentagon Confirms Footage Of UFOs Over Navy Ship, Possible US Cover-Up, Raw Footage, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: 2019
Location of sighting: California Coast, USA
News source: US Pentagon
A Pentagon spokesperson confirmed that the photos and videos were taken by Navy personnel and the UAP Task Force has “included these incidents in their ongoing examinations.”
Now its clear when I look at this video that there are several triangle shaped alien craft flying above them. This screenshot I took confirms that UFOs are not always perfectly shaped objects, but instead are often uneven as if they were biologically grown. Imagine a living ship, grown and self sustaining yet in your control. The person recording them is using a type 1 or type 2 generation night vision scope. Also if you noticed when the sailer zoomed it...lots of white objects were recoded flying around. Those are tiny drones that come out of the UFO and surround all areas of the ship making the main UFO aware if any weapons or hostile actions are taking place on the Navy ship below. Before the UFO leaves, those tiny probes will return themselves. Now the Pentagon themselves confirmed these are 100% real UFOs. But...also know, the US military has had triangle craft that are different evolutions of the original TR3B, but now much more advance. These craft could be US Navy. Many top secret craft are given to the US Navy and if the video of a Navy TR3B was leaked by someone...then Navy would confuse the public by spreading disinformation about it saying its just a UFO. Thus, the public too will believe it. But very well could be a US military fleet of TR3B craft. Guys, I smell cover-up. This is 100% US Navy TR3B we have in this video!
It's time to take UFOs seriously. So says Alexander Wendt, a professor of international relations at Ohio State University, who believes researchers should fight the UFO taboo, investigate, and pursue an explanation for the unidentified objects as they would any other field of science.
In fact, the once-secretive U.S. government-funded $22 million program, known as the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program (AATIP), which investigated UFOs from 2007 to 2012, shows that the U.S. government did take the issue seriously. And it wasn't the first program of its kind.
Here's a look at a few of recent history's most famous UFO sightings, and the government programs that were born from their investigations.
1. The Kenneth Arnold Sighting, 1947
On June 24, 1947, a private pilot called Kenneth Arnold was flying his CallAir A-2 airplane in the state of Washington when he saw a series of bright flashes coming from north of Mt. Ranier. When he later likened their movements to "saucers skipping on water," the press picked it up, and so began our modern fascination with flying saucers and UFOs.
The claims were taken seriously by U.S. officials as, ten days after Arnold's experience, they were corroborated when a United Airlines crew on a plane to Seattle spotted five to nine disk-like objects that kept pace with their aircraft for 10 to 15 minutes.
Other witnesses also came forward saying they had seen silver disks from the ground, and several sighting reports were filed by the U.S. government.
During his statement, Arnold claimed the objects were too fast to be any existing human aircraft, and that they easily darted in and out of valleys with impressive maneuvers.
Arnold's sightings directly led to to the formation of Project Sign at the end of 1947, the first publicly-acknowledged U.S. Air Force UFO investigation. Project Sign evolved into Project Grudge, which then became known as Project Blue Book.
2. The Roswell UFO incident, 1947
Only a few weeks after Arnold's sightings, came an event that has gone down as the most famous in UFO history to date. In the summer of 1947, rancher William Brazel discovered mysterious debris, including metallic rods, chunks of plastic, and unusual, papery scraps, in one of his New Mexico fields.
After Brazel reported the wreckage, soldiers from the nearby Roswell Army Air Force Base came to retrieve the materials. News headlines at the time claimed that a “flying saucer” crashed in Roswell.
The Kenneth Arnold and Roswell incidents sparked an obsession in the public consciousness, as seen in this 1957 edition of Amazing Stories magazine, Source: Wikimedia Commons
Though the U.S. Army Air Force eventually claimed the object was part of an experimental nuclear test detecting balloon technology made for the highly classified Project Mogul, Jesse Marcel, the officer who originally assessed the crash site, countered this with the following statement:
"It was not anything from this Earth, that I'm quite sure of... I was familiar with just about all the materials used in aircraft and/or air travel. This was nothing like that...It could not have been."
3. The Tehran UFO incident, 1976
The September 19, 1976, incident in Tehran, Iran, started with phone calls from concerned citizens reporting a bright light in the sky.
Iran's military sent out F-4 fighter jets to investigate. As they approached the object, their instruments started to malfunction. One pilot said he saw a bright light being released from the UFO. Thinking it was a missile sent his way, the pilot tried to open fire, but malfunctioning equipment didn't let him release any rounds.
Some believe the bright light may have been Jupiter, which was especially bright in the sky that night. The glowing object may have been meteors that were seen above Iran the same day. Others believe the object was a UFO.
4. Rendlesham Forest eyewitness accounts, 1980
The Rendlesham Forest UFO incident, which took place in the county of Suffolk in the United Kingdom, stands out as being one of the few cases where eyewitnesses said they saw a craft land after weaving through trees in a forest.
One USAF witness — the U.S. Air Force was stationed at a Royal Air Force base at the time — said, "I moved a little closer... I walked around the craft, and finally, I walked right up to the craft. I noticed the fabric of the shell was more like a smooth, opaque, black glass.”
While the U.K.'s Ministry of Defence claimed that the lights seen were caused by the nearby Orfordness lighthouse, eyewitnesses from the time claim, to this day, that they saw something that was not of this earth, that his since been covered up.
5. The Belgian UFO Wave, 1989-90
The Belgian UFO wave is especially notable because it involves approximately 13,500 people who claim to have witnessed the incident, which took place over the course of several months.
At the end of November 1989, citizens of Belgium reported seeing a large, triangular UFO hovering in the sky. In March of 1990, new sightings were confirmed by two military radar stations. Two F-16 fighter jets were sent out to investigate. Though the pilots could not see anything, they were able to lock onto an extremely fast-moving object, that quickly disappeared, using their radar.
The photo above was widely spread a few months after the incident took place, though someone later came forward to say he had faked the image. The Belgian Air Force has admitted to having no logical explanation for the activity.
6. The Phoenix lights, 1997
On March 13, 1997, between 7:30 and 10:30 p.m., thousands of people reported seeing strange, bright lights over Nevada, Arizona, and part of Mexico.
The first event to be seen was described as a V-shaped object flying through the sky, which was roughly the size of a commercial airplane.
A drawing of the triangular UFO object by witness Tim Ley recreated in an issue of USA Today, Source: Wikimedia Commons
According to, one witness said, "we don’t have anything that big,” he said. “It was totally silent. I’ve never seen anything even close to the colors from the exhaust that propelled that thing. It was as big as downtown Prescott and completely blocked out the stars."
7. The lights above the New Jersey Turnpike, 2001
On July 14, 2001, several drivers on the New Jersey Turnpike stopped for around 15 minutes just after midnight to gaze at strange orange and yellow lights that were shaped in a V formation over the Arthur Kill Waterway between Staten Island, New York, and Carteret, New Jersey. One of the witnesses was Carteret Police Department’s Lt. Daniel Tarrant.
While air-traffic controllers denied that any planes, military jets, or space flights could have caused the lights, a group, known as the New York Strange Phenomena Investigators (NY-SPI) claim they have FAA radar data that corroborates the UFO sightings from that night.
8. The USS Nimitz encounter, 2004
On November 14, 2004, the USS Princeton, part of the USS Nimitz carrier strike group, detected an unknown craft on its radar 100 miles off the coast of San Diego. Two weeks following the detection saw the carrier's crew tracking objects that appeared at 80,000 feet before diving to hover right above the Pacific Ocean.
When two FA-18F fighter jets from the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz arrived in the area they spotted a white Tic Tac-shaped object appear from the water. It had no visible markings to indicate an engine, wings or windows, and infrared monitors didn't reveal any exhaust. It accelerated away at twice the top speed of the fighter jets. Video from the encounter is one of the three UFO videos recently declassified by the U.S. Navy.
9. The O'Hare International Airport sighting, 2006
Flight 446 was getting ready to fly to North Carolina from Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport, on November 7, 2006, when a United Airlines employee on the tarmac saw a dark metallic craft hovering over gate C17. A total of 12 United employees, as well as a few witnesses outside the airport, later witnessed the disk-shaped craft.
The witnesses claim the saucer hovered for about five minutes before rapidly shooting up through the clouds, leaving a blue hole in the cloud cover. O'Hare controller and union official Craig Burzych humorously stated at the time that, "to fly 7 million light-years to O'Hare and then have to turn around and go home because your gate was occupied is simply unacceptable."
Others, the Chicago Tribune reported at the time, were upset that neither the government nor the airline investigated the incident and dismissed it as a "weather phenomenon."
10. The East Coast flying saucer sighting, 2015
Leaked in 2017 at the same time as news of the Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program, the video below reveals an encounter between an F/A-18 Super Hornet and an unidentified flying vehicle that was very similar to the craft spotted off San Diego in 2004.
No explanation ever emerged, though the video is one of the three that has been declassified and released to the public by the U.S. Navy "in order to clear up any misconceptions" about whether the video is real or not. The pilots tracked the object at 25,000 feet above the Atlantic Ocean as it flew away while also rotating on its axis.
In March 1956, UFOlogist reports say that Air Force sergeant Jonathan P. Lovette and Major William Cunningham were searching for scattered debris from a recent rocket in the White Sands missile testing grounds near Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico when, as History writes, Cunningham suddenly heard a loud scream from Lovette.
Cunningham hurriedly crossed the dune he was on, thinking he'd find Lovette had been bitten by a snake. Instead, he claimed to have seen the officer with a long snake-like arm wrapped around his legs being dragged into a silver disk hovering above the ground. The craft then pulled Lovette inside, the officer claimed, and rose vertically into the sky.
After Cunningham reported the incident he was taken in for a psychiatric evaluation and searches were launched for Sgt. Lovette. After three days, Lovette's nude deceased body was found. All of his organs were missing. It was noted that they had been removed with extreme precision.
A newspaper clipping from a now-declassified FBI file on animal mutilation, Source: FBI
According to UFOlogists, this story accounts for report number 13 of the U.S. government's Project Grudge — reports 1 to 12 and 14 are now declassified, but 13 remains a secret. What's more, mutilations of the same unexplainable nature have been reported in animals as recently as last year.
As Alexander Wendt and Raymond Duvall suggest in a study titled 'Sovereignty and the UFO,' an authoritative UFO taboo exists due tothe fact that knowing could upend our society. What do you believe? Are UFOs, also known as UAPs, explainable if we just take the time to research them? Are they even worth researching in the first place?
UFOs Can Be Dangerous, and the Incredible Cash-Landrum Incident of East Texas Proves It
UFOs Can Be Dangerous, and the Incredible Cash-Landrum Incident of East Texas Proves It
One of the most terrifying and dangerous UFO encounters of all-time occurred in a place you might expect it to occur - the deep, dark, spooky woods. On December 29th, 1980, Becky Cash and Vicki Landrum, as well as Landrum's 7-year-old grandson Colby, were driving through the Piney Woods of East Texas when they spotted a large, diamond-shaped (but with no bottom or top) craft hovering overhead.
Becky, who was driving at the time, and Vicki stepped out of their vehicle to get a closer look, and as they were observing the ominous craft, which hovered in mid air and emitted flames before taking off, 20+ helicopters approached it. The sighting lasted an incredible 8-10 minutes. However, Becky and Vicki's decision to get a closer look at the UFO would soon prove to be a bad one.
When Betty and Vicki went back to re-enter their car, they noticed the door handles were hot to the touch! But that was only the beginning of their troubles.
All three witnesses ended up experiencing classic symptoms of radiation poisoning shortly after the encounter, including skin blisters, nausea and hair loss. Their medical ailments were so well-documented, in fact, especially for Betty Cash, that the witnesses sued the US government for their medical bills, claiming that it knew about the dangers of this UFO but were pretending to be ignorant about it. The US government denied any knowledge of the incident, however, and the suit was ultimately thrown out.
MUFON director Walt Andrus, Jeanne Andrus, Betty Cash and Vickie Landrum at the 1990 MUFON Symposium
The only surviving witness of the Cash-Landrum Incident is Colby, the grandson of Vicki Landrum, and he has done an interview as an adult and shares the same basic memories of his grandmother.
As well, many UFO researchers and authors have tried to do the case justice and continue to investigate to this day.
Skeptics are hot on the trail, as well. One writer accused Betty and Vicki of hoaxing the incident, as it would be unlikely that the two would choose to watch the UFO (rather than flee the scene), and it would also be unlikely that the two would remember such great detail about the encounter (like the number of helicopters). None of this skepticism is warranted, if you ask me. If Vicky and Betty had continued driving and never stopped to observe the UFO, the same writer might ask "why didn't they stop to look at it or follow it?" Similarly, if Vicki and Betty didn't provide detail about their encounter, the same writer may accuse them of making it all up. Furthermore, the encounter lasted for several minutes, plenty of time to count up the number of helicopters in the sky.
As always, you be the judge about whether this amazing UFO sighting is real or not. If it is real, it's one of the more disturbing UFO cases ever on record.
Fun fact: the Cash-Landrum Incident occurred just one day after the Rendlesham Forest incident, a UFO case even more infamous!
On the night of September 12, 1952, something terrifying descended upon the small, West Virginian town of Flatwoods. Precisely what it was remains very much a mystery to this day. All that can really be said for sure is that it was hideous, fear-inducing and downright monstrous. It has, quite appropriately, become known as the Flatwoods Monster. Situated in Braxton County and dominated by a cool, picturesque, forested landscape, Flatwoods is a distinctly small town – that much is apparent from the fact that, today, its population is less than four hundred. Back in 1952, though, it was even less than that. On the night in question, however, the people of the town found themselves briefly added to by one visitor from…well…no-one really knows from where. It all began just as the sun was setting on what was a warm, still, September evening. A group of boys from Flatwoods were playing football in the town’s schoolyard when they were frozen to the spot by the sight of a brightly lit, fiery object that shot overhead, provoking amazement and wonder in the process. All that the boys could be sure of was that the object appeared to be either egg-shaped or circular. Its color fluctuated from orange to a fiery red.
As the stunned children watched in awe, they saw the object begin to descend – and at a high rate of speed, no less – and then appear to come down on one of Flatwood’s largest hilltops. Not surprisingly, being kids, they saw this as a big adventure looming large. The result: they, with a woman named Kathleen May and a recent U.S. Army recruit, Eugene Lemon, headed off for the scene of all the action. It wasn’t long before the group reached the hill in question – and with nightfall rapidly closing in. The first thing the group noticed, as they reached the darkened peak, was something brightly lit within the trees. What it was, no-one had a clue. But, it clearly wasn’t the lights of a farmhouse, truck, or car. Suddenly, the air was filled with a sickening odor – not unlike that of devilish brimstone. That was not a good sign. To their credit, however, they pushed on, determined to figure out the true nature of the source behind the lights. They soon found out: as the air became filled with a strange, sizzling sound, nothing less than a pair of self-illuminated red eyes could be seen getting ever closer. Kathleen May had the presence of mind to bring a flashlight with her and she quickly focused it on the eyes. In doing so, she also lit up the abominable creature that possessed those fiery eyes.
Looming before the now-terrified band of intrepid souls was an approximately ten-feet-tall, floating monster. It appeared to be humanoid in shape and had something almost like a large, black hood-like piece behind its head – that gave the entire thing an “Ace of Spades”-type appearance. Oddly, its lower half was ice-cream cone-shaped and had wires and cables running from it. This issue of the cone-shaped lower portion led flying saucer sleuths to later suggest the monster my actually have been encased within some kind of remotely piloted vehicle. As the creature then turned its attention to the group, and wildly fired laser-like beams from its eyes, the brave band was suddenly brave no more. They didn’t wait to see what might happen next. One and all fled, screaming – possibly for their lives. Mrs. May breathlessly shouted to the boys to follow her to her home, which they all did. On arrival, and possibly as a result of exposure to the noxious odor that hung around the hill, several of the boys became violently ill, feeling nauseous and even outright vomiting.
Kathleen May quickly called the local police, who, rather intriguingly, were busy responding to reports of what was described as an “airplane crash” somewhere in the area. It turns out that no such crashed aircraft was ever found – something that suggests the “airplane” and the brightly lit UFO that descended upon the high hill that night were, almost certainly, one and the very same. As a result of the fact that Flatwoods was, and still is, a very small town, word soon got out about what had happened. The local media was quickly on the scene, and even the U.S. Air Force sat up and took careful notice. Despite intense investigations by the press and the military, the mystery of the Flatwoods Monster was never solved to the satisfaction of everyone: the creature was long gone by the time anyone else was on the scene. It is, however, decidedly interesting to note that Flatwoods is only around 125 miles from the town of Point Pleasant, West Virginia, where, from 1966 to 1967, yet another red-eyed monster was seen. Its famous name is, of course, Mothman.
UFO Hiding In Clouds Visible From Space Station, UFO Sighting News.
UFO Hiding In Clouds Visible From Space Station, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: April 15, 2021 Location of sighting: Earths orbit Source: Live International Space Station Cam
I was watching the live cam from the space station and something passed below that should not have been there. I saw a rectangle UFO hiding near the clouds. Near the UFO is a crescent shaped trail which I believe it made as it was traveling to its current resting place. The object is huge, about a mile across and would easily old a thousand crew on it and have loads of room to spare. This object is really lit up and noticeable because the sunset has hit the UFO bringing out all its detail and shape. As I have said a hundred times before on this site...if you want to see a UFO, watch a hand full of sunsets. I guarantee you will see one.
Mysterious earthquake light appeared in the sky over Oriental Mindoro, Philippines
Mysterious earthquake light appeared in the sky over Oriental Mindoro, Philippines
On April 14, 2021, residents in Mansalay, Oriental Mindoro witnessed a a rare sky phenomenon when an inexplicable colorful light appeared above a cloud formation.
According to meteorologists, this is called “cloud iridiscence”. Such a colorful light is the effect of the refraction of sunlight on water and ice in clouds.
But what if this mysterious sky phenomenon is a so-called Earthquake light, a sign of a potential earthquake?
Mysterious glows sometimes reported before, during or after a seismic shaking — Studies find that they happen most often in geological rift environments, where the ground is pulling apart.
Read more about earthquake lights: Mysterious sky phenomenon is sign of earthquake
Four days earlier, on April 10, 2021 such an earthquake light appeared after an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.7 on the Richter scale (SR) rocked the area of Malang Regency, East Java in Indonesia.
A US Navy destroyer caught a bizarre night-vision video of mysterious flashing UFOs above it and another warship, the Pentagon admitted.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force gathered the green-tinged video and leaked it to filmmaker Jeremy Corbell, the same person behind the documentary “Bob Lazar: Area 51 & Flying Saucers,” and TV news director George Knapp.
Corbell claimed he verified the authenticity of the eerie footage after getting details from an intelligence briefing of the Pentagon, where officials confirmed the Navy shot the startling video but didn’t describe the contents.
The personnel aboard the USS Russell recorded the short clip. In it, three faint orbs are hovering over the warship. A triangular object is also seen in the footage.
Corbell also disclosed three images taken by the USS Omaha of a mysterious spherical craft. He said that the spherical craft was thought to be a transmedium craft and was seen descending into the water without destruction. He added that the spherical craft could not be located after entry to the water and that the submarine was used in the search.
The incidents were discussed during a classified briefing about the unidentified craft by the Office of Naval Intelligence on May 1, 2020.
Corbell said that he and George Knapp verified the materials and confirmed their authenticity and the narrative supplied to him when they were presented.
He also received details on a third sighting on March 4, 2019, from an F/A-18 pilot and his weapons systems officer (WSO).
He said these are authentic videos and photos from actual military encounters with mysterious flying objects generate to educate high-level intelligence officers within the military on the nature and presentation of this phenomenon.
Corbell added he hopes that these materials will represent our modern history, a possible turning point for the rational and transparent approach of exploring and investigating the mystery of the UAP-UFO phenomenon.
Pentagon spokeswoman Susan Gough confirmed the referenced videos and photos were taken by Navy personnel, and the UAPTF has included these incidents in their ongoing investigations.
She added that DOD doesn’t publicly discuss the information of either the examinations or the observations of reported incursions into their training ranges or designated airspace, including the UAP incursions. She explained that this is to maintain operations security and prevent disclosing details that may be useful to potential adversaries.
What might look like a scene from a science fiction film is actually a real-life image of dunes speckling the surface of Mars.
The gorgeous photo from NASA's Odyssey orbiter released April 8 reveals the extreme and varying temperatures in a sea of dunes at Mars' northern polar cap, which are formed into long and weaving lines by winds over time. The Red Planet does not actually have blue patches; the blue regions in this false-color image represent colder areas, and warmer features are seen as a yellowish-orange color, NASA officials said.
The image depicts an area about 19 miles (30 kilometers) wide, but the total scope of dunes at Mars' northern polar cap stretches out much farther, covering an area the size of Texas.
Blue dunes on the surface of Mars as seen by NASA's Mars Odyssey orbiter. (Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU)
Sand dunes can be found in various locations around the Red Planet. From the polar region depicted in this image to the floors of craters and more, Mars' dunes are fascinating features on the planet's surface. Some of the dunes on the planet have even been spotted covered in frost, which comes and goes with the seasons.
While NASA released the new image April 8, it is composed of images captured from December 2002 to November 2004 by the THEMIS (Thermal Emission Imaging System) instrument on board NASA's Mars Odyssey orbiter. The image is part of a set of photos released recently to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Odyssey, which launched on April 7, 2001 and began observing Mars in October of that year.
Odyssey is stilly studying the Red Planet; it holds the record for the longest active spacecraft continuously orbiting another planet. The craft's primary mission has been to study Mars' environment and collect data to inform and protect future Mars missions. Aside from THEMIS, the craft carries instruments called GRS (Gamma Ray Spectrometer) and MARIE ( Mars Radiation Environment Experiment).
Email Chelsea Gohd at or follow her on Twitter @chelsea_gohd. Follow us on Twitter @Spacedotcom and on Facebook.
Plastic Is Falling From the Sky. But Where’s It Coming From?
Plastic Is Falling From the Sky. But Where’s It Coming From?
At any given time, 1,100 tons of microplastic are floating over the western US. New modeling shows the surprising sources of the nefarious pollutant.
IF YOU FIND yourself in some secluded spot in the American West—maybe Yellowstone, or the deserts of Utah, or the forests of Oregon—take a deep breath and get some fresh air along with some microplastic. According to new modeling, 1,100 tons of it is currently floating above the western US. The stuff is falling out of the sky, tainting the most remote corners of North America—and the world. As I’ve said before, plastic rain is the new acid rain.
But where is it all coming from? You’d think it’d be arising from nearby cities—western metropolises like Denver and Salt Lake City. But new modeling published yesterday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences shows that 84 percent of airborne microplastics in the American West actually comes from the roads outside of major cities. Another 11 percent could be blowing all the way in from the ocean. (The researchers who built the model reckon that microplastic particles stay airborne for nearly a week, and that’s more than enough time for them to cross continents and oceans.)
Microplastics—particles smaller than 5 millimeters—come from a number of sources. Plastic bags and bottles released into the environment break down into smaller and smaller bits. Your washing machine is another major source: When you launder synthetic clothing, tiny microfibers slough off and get flushed to a wastewater treatment plant. That facility filters out some of the microfibers, trapping them in “sludge,” the treated human waste that’s then applied to agricultural fields as fertilizer. That loads the soil with microplastic. A wastewater plant will then flush the remaining microfibers out to sea in the treated water. This has been happening for decades, and because plastics disintegrate but don’t ever really disappear, the amount in the ocean has been skyrocketing.
In fact, this new research shows there may now be more microplastic blowing out of the ocean at any given time than there is going into it. Put another way: So much has accumulated in the ocean that the land may now be a net importer of microplastic from the sea. “That's really highlighting the role of legacy pollution,” says Janice Brahney, an environmental scientist at Utah State University and co-lead author of the new PNAS paper. “The amount of plastics that are in our ocean is just overwhelming compared to anything that we produce in any given year in the terrestrial environment.”
These microplastics aren’t just washing ashore and accumulating on beaches. When waves crash and winds scour the ocean, they launch seawater droplets into the air. These obviously contain salt, but also organic matter and microplastics. “Then the water evaporates, and you're left just with the aerosols,” or tiny floating bits of particulate matter, says Cornell University researcher Natalie Mahowald, who co-led the work with Brahney. “Classically, we atmospheric scientists have always known that there are sea salts coming in this way,” she continues. But last year, another group of researchers demonstrated this phenomenon with microplastics, showing that they turn up in sea breezes.
This time, Mahowald and Brahney thought bigger, using atmospheric models to show how far marine microplastics might travel after they take to the air. They also looked at other sources of microplastic emissions, like roads, cities, and agricultural fields. They knew, for instance, how much dust is generated from fields and how much microplastic might be in that dust.
The researchers then combined this atmospheric modeling with real-world data. Brahney used air samplers scattered in remote locations throughout the American West, so at a given time she could say how many plastic particles had fallen out of the sky. Mahowald’s modeling could also say what the atmospheric and climate conditions were like at that time, allowing the researchers to trace where the particles had likely blown in from.
They found that agricultural dust only provided 5 percent of atmospheric microplastics in the West. And surprisingly, cities supplied only 0.4 percent. “If you were to ask anyone how plastics are getting into the atmosphere, they would say from urban centers,” says Brahney. “I like to think of it more as the roads that are leaving the cities that are the most important.”
When a car rolls down a road, tiny flecks fly off its tires as part of normal wear and tear. This material isn’t pure rubber; it contains added synthetic rubbers and a slew of other chemicals. Tire particles, then, are technically microplastics, and they’re all over the place. One study in 2019 calculated that 7 trillion microplastics wash into San Francisco Bay each year, most of it from tires.
Cities actually do produce an astonishing amount of microplastic through road traffic and from litter breaking apart, but it doesn’t seem to get high into the atmosphere. That’s for two reasons, Brahney and Mahowald think: Buildings block the wind from scrubbing the surfaces of a city and propelling those bits away, and people drive cars slower in metro areas, so there’s less agitation of tire particles that end up on the roadway. But get out onto the interstate highways and there’s a lot more open space where winds can whip up debris. Plus, says Mahowald, “cars are moving at 60 miles an hour. That's a lot of energy. And little tiny particles can get in the atmosphere with that energy.”
But why did these scientists go through all the trouble of modeling the extreme complexities of the atmosphere, instead of just looking at the characteristics of the microplastics that landed in their traps to figure out where they originated? The sad reality is that these plastics have so thoroughly saturated the environment that, in a sense, they’ve homogenized. Particles from synthetic clothing and from degrading bottles and packaging seem to be moving between the air, land, and sea with such regularity—and enough intermixing—that it’s hard to pinpoint the source of a particular polymer.
“It's not quite hard—it's nearly impossible,” says University of Strathclyde microplastic researcher Deonie Allen, who wasn’t involved with this new research. (She coauthored last year’s study that documented microplastics in sea breezes.) “If you model it, you can figure out potentially where it might come from. But if you just look at the chemical signature of the types of plastics you've got in your bucket or in your filter, there's no way for you to tell where they may have come from.” Maybe if you can identify a piece of rubber, there's a good chance it came from a tire. “But the rest of them,” Allen adds, “they could come from anywhere.”
That’s why atmospheric modeling is critical to better understanding how microplastics are moving between environments. Researchers are just beginning to do this—there have been only a few dozen papers so far. Yet scientists need way more data on how much plastic is falling out of the sky, and where. This new research, for instance, concentrated on the American West, but the generation and distribution of particles might work differently elsewhere. The Western states are quite dry, so maybe it’s easier for cars to kick up microplastics there than it is in the soggy South. Also, in Europe, waste plastic is often incorporated into roads as a construction material, which is a noble idea, but it may mean that those roads shed even more plastics, mixing with the ones from tires.
But bit by bit, researchers are developing a clearer picture of how these particles are cycling all over the planet. A major driver appears to be the atmospheric transport detailed in this new research. “We live on a ball inside a bubble,” says University of Strathclyde microplastic researcher Steve Allen, who wasn’t involved in the research. (He and Deonie Allen are spouses.) “There's no borders, there's no edges. And this is clearly showing that microplastic is going into the sea and back out of the sea. It's raining on the land and then getting blown back up into the air again, to move somewhere else. There's no stopping it once it's out.”
“It could just be moving around the surface of the Earth endlessly,” agrees Brahney. “That's just really horrifying to think about.”
It’s not just the U.S. Navy that recorded UFOs over ships and military installations… a strange UFO was photographed recently over part of the Fort Tiuna Military Complex — one of Venezuela’s most important military installations. Is this a coincidence? A warning to the world’s militaries that someone is watching? Is it another foreign power … or aliens?
“On April 7, Agustín Prado was photographing the beautiful sunset of the city of Fuerte Tiuna, built within a military complex located in Libertador Municipality, Venezuela. When he reviewed the photos, the young man was surprised: he managed to identify a UFO (unidentified flying object) flying over the complex.”
Radio Mitre reports (with photos of the UFO – see them here) on the strange photo taken by Agustín Prado, a “young entrepreneur dedicated to the crypto-asset market” (who isn’t these days?), who says he snapped several photos in a few seconds but only one showed the UFO. Fuerte (Fort) Tiuna is a housing development contained within the Fort Tiuna Military Complex for military personnel stationed there.
The base, located in Caracas, is the headquarters of the Ministry of Popular Power for Defense, EFOFAC, The General Command of the Army, El Libertador Shooting Range, the Army Food Center, the Caracas Military Circle, Paseo Los Próceres, the Bolívar Battalion, La Viñeta Residence (Official Residence of the Vice President) and some units of the Venezuelan Military Academy (per Wikipedia).
Offices 1 and 2 of the Ministry of Defense of Venezuela in Fort Tiuna – Caracas
Before reporting his sighting to the military and submitting himself to whatever that might entail, Prado sent the photos to Héctor Escalante, an investigative journalist in the UFO field. Escalante posted his analysis and opinion on his blog and Instagram.
“When looking at the image, the first thing that comes to mind is a drone, but if so, why was its flight path not recorded in the rest of the images? Suppose it was a stain on the camera lens, that also usually happens a lot, although, in this case, the figure is quite obvious and defined, why does it not appear in the other photographs, if during the realization of the tomas, who handled the device never cleaned it? What if it was a bird? It can be seen that it is not so close, if we compare its size in proportion to that of the buildings and tower cranes that can be seen in the graph, in addition, it would have to have flown quite fast not to appear in the following photos.”
Escalante does a good job of eliminating the usual suspects – drone, lens problem, bird – with the logic that all would have appeared in all of the photos, not just one. So … what is it? Rather than speculating, he refers to a previous UFO sighting over Fort Tiuna in September 2020 which was also photographed – that one occurred at night and appeared to be a glowing ball, but the witness claimed it later it radiated flashes of “yellow and red” and after “moving all over the sky, it suddenly opened in two and took a triangular shape” before “disappeared into the distance” without leaving any trace.
No one else saw the UFO at Mission Housing in Fort Tiuna, Caracas?
It’s disappointing that Escalante does not reveal if he contacted anyone at Fort Tiuna or within the Venezuelan military about these sightings less than a year apart over one of the most important bases in the country. Both photos are blurred and beyond easy identification, but the most recent one has the crane in it to make the location easier to pinpoint. Since it doesn’t appear than there were any other witnesses in either case, it makes the usual suspects less suspect – even though the lack of its appearance in the other recent photos at least makes one go “Hmmm.”
Beyond that? We’ll have to wait and see if the Venezuelan military follows the U.S. Navy’s lead and admitting it doesn’t know either.
Months after my Roswell-themed-book, Body Snatchers in the Desert, was published in June 2005, I received an out-of-the-blue email from a well-respected Australian UFO researcher, Keith Basterfield. As Keith notes of himself: “I have been interested in the subject of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) since the 1960’s. Over the years I have held a variety of roles in numerous Australian state, national, and international organizations, studying the phenomena. My work has appeared in various state, national and international newsletters, magazine and journals. Between 2003 and 2008 I was involved in a search for Australian government documents relating to UAP with the Adelaide based AURA network.” Keith had a fascinating account to relate that dovetailed very closely with the data given to me by Al Barker, Bill Salter, the Black Widow, and the Colonel – four people who I interviewed for my 2005 book, Body Snatchers in the Desert. Notably, the information was provided to Keith well before Body Snatchers in the Desert was published and when the existence of the book – and the story it told – was still firmly under wraps in the offices of Simon & Schuster in New York. It was specifically after my book was published that Keith realized the data given to him some time earlier was eerily similar to that which I had uncovered. He wasted no time in getting in touch with me. I listened carefully to what Keith had to say.
Tuesday, January 11, 2005, Keith told me, was the date on which he received a story just about as shocking and controversial as the ones I had uncovered between 2001 and 2003. On the day in question, Keith was interviewed on Australia’s ABC 891AM radio station. The subject was the work of the Adelaide-based Australian UFO Research Association, specifically in relation to the issue of so-called “UFO disclosure.” Although Keith did not know it at the time, while he was taking part in the show, a caller phoned in, left his name and number, and asked for Keith to get in touch. He did precisely that. It was later in the day that Keith made the call, in which his source somewhat hesitantly revealed snippets of a dark and dirty secret concerning certain things that went down – as in quite literally down – in the New Mexico desert in the summer of 1947. We’re talking about Roswell. Such was the potential dangerous nature of the information, Keith felt it was much wiser for the pair to meet up in-person, rather than discuss such matters over the phone. Keith was wise to follow his instincts; after all, one never knows who might be listening in.
When Keith related the account to me, he preferred not to use the informant’s name and gave him an alias instead: Martin. Echoing this, Martin said to me that if I ever told his story, his name should never be revealed. It should be noted, however, that both Keith and I know Martin’s real name. As Keith told me, he met Martin at the latter’s home in Adelaide on January 15, 2005 – roughly six months before Body Snatchers in the Desert hit the bookshelves. The story went as follows: Martin’s father – a Brit – had worked for a certain arm of British intelligence decades before Keith got the story. I would later learn that the agency was specifically MI5, which is the U.K.’s equivalent of the United States’ FBI. Martin’s father was sitting upon a secret of epic and grim proportions – one which he had already been silently keeping under wraps for years. Such were Martin’s concerns and worries about sharing the story with Keith, he insisted that the information not be revealed to anyone – at all – without his, Martin’s, specific permission. Or, until after Martin’s death; whichever came first. Keith agreed to the terms and sat back and listened as the dark and shocking tale came tumbling out.
Keith revealed that at the time Martin chose to share the secrets of his father, Martin’s health was far from good. He was seriously ill – with a heart condition. It was possible that Martin was not long for this world, although he was not quite on his deathbed, yet. The upshot was that Martin wanted to reveal to someone the story that his father had told him, while there was still time. Keith agreed to listen and also agreed not to place Martin’s real, full name into the public domain. According to Martin, he was told by his father of the truth of Roswell way back in 1959 – when Martin was only twelve years old. Such were his father’s concerns about imparting what he knew, he asked young Martin never to reveal the story until he was either very old or on his deathbed. Given his serious heart problems that were in evidence in 2005, Martin thought it was a case of possibly now or never – hence his decision to share what he knew with Keith.
Martin’s father had gotten all of the information on Roswell from a source working in the U.S. Intelligence community – who, exactly, we still don’t know. Martin’s father explained that the events which occurred out on the wilds of the Foster Ranch, Lincoln County, New Mexico in July 1947 were born out of early, and highly secret, experiments that had a bearing on the formative years of what would ultimately become the U.S. space program. Keith, in a July 2011 online article, revealed what else Martin chose to share with him: “The Americans were working on getting into space. Their biggest concern was getting back to Earth and landing without killing the people inside the space vehicle. Landing in water was not considered, but a ground landing was the order of the day. The Americans were experimenting with craft they dropped from ‘aircraft’ flying in the stratosphere. Also, gigantic balloons were being flown in the stratosphere to drop craft fitted with retrorockets and a drogue chute. The retrorocket was fitted with an altimeter to fire them close to the ground. Lots of UFO sightings were of these craft. The U.S. released bogus flying saucer sightings and later discredited them.”
Martin recalled – to both Keith and I – how his father had informed him of a series of high-altitude experiments in the United States, in 1947, involving monkeys and pigs, specifically in connection with the prototype aircraft / balloon flights. On this particular occasion, however – the one that spawned the ever-enduring legend of Roswell’s crashed UFO – it was decided that a human crew was finally needed. Keith was told that “Prisoners could volunteer for dangerous missions in return for early release but were not used in these experiments.” This issue of prisoners used in experiments, specifically in relation to radical aircraft-based technology, is not a matter of doubt or a tale born out of folklore or conspiracy-theorizing. In 1948, staff of the Nuclear Energy for Propulsion of Aircraft (NEPA) program practically salivated at the idea of using prisoners in its aircraft-related trials. Official, now-declassified, records on this issue state: “The Committee is not in a position to make recommendations as to where these tests can be conducted other than that they should be carried out at some federal, state, or Armed Services prison, where life prisoners are incarcerated and where arrangements can be made with the prison authorities to cooperate in the experiment. The selection of the prison is a matter for top military consideration. Continued cooperation of the prison staff and prisoners for a matter of many years will be required [italics mine].”
That somewhat mirrored the words of my own informants in my 2005 book – namely, that prisoners were secretly offered reduced sentences if they were willing to engage in dicey and potentially missions for the military. On this occasion, however, it was not prisoners who were on-board the ultimately ill-fated craft, but physically and mentally handicapped people. As Keith recalled: “Two to three live people were needed. The government got people with hydrocephalus – water on the brain – from a facility.” From the interview with Martin, both Keith and I recalled much more too on the matter of the human guinea-pigs. Keith said that the people roped in had “big heads, tiny bodies, jaundiced color – one even had no eyes. They put these people in the craft – either the balloon ruptured early or blew off course and came down. Retrorockets went off and set fire to it. It landed and a farmer / rancher saw it and reported it.” That “farmer / rancher,” of course, was Mack Brazel; the man who let the Roswell cat out of the bag. Thus was born the legend of the “Roswell ‘UFO’ Crash” of 1947.
100-meter Asteroid Created a Strange Impact Event in Antarctica 430,000 Years Ago
100-meter Asteroid Created a Strange Impact Event in Antarctica 430,000 Years Ago
The effects of ancient asteroid impacts on Earth are still evident from the variety of impact craters across our planet. And from the Chelyabinsk eventback in 2013, where an asteroid exploded in the air above a Russian town, we know how devastating an “airburst” event can be.
Now, researchers in Antarctica have discovered evidence of a strange intermediate-type event – a combination of an impact and an airburst. The event was so devastating, its effects are still apparent even though it took place 430,000 years ago.
Researchers found small black spherules in the Sør Rondane Mountains of East Antarctica, which indicate an unusual “touchdown” event, where a jet of melted and vaporized meteoritic material impacted the ground at high velocity. This impact came as a result of an atmospheric entry and airburst of an asteroid measuring between 100 to 150 meters (330 to 490 feet) wide.
Scanning electron backscattered images of the spherules found in Antarctica. Credit: Matthias van Ginneken et al.
The research, led by planetary scientist Matthias van Ginneken from University of Kent in the UK, described the event as larger than an airburst, but smaller than an impact cratering event. While the density of the vaporized material was too low to form an impact crater, the tiny spherules made from igneous rock signal a high-energy event.
The team’s paper, published in Science Advances, indicates the vaporization of the asteroid during atmospheric entry would have created a cloud of superheated gas from which the extra-terrestrial spherules would have pelted the ground at high speeds, perhaps several kilometers per second.
This image of a vapor trail was captured about 125 miles (200 kilometers) from the Chelyabinsk meteor event, about one minute after the house-sized asteroid entered Earth’s atmosphere. Credits: Alex Alishevskikh
The Chelyabinsk event, the largest witnessed airburst (except perhaps the Tunguska event in 1908, which flattened trees for miles), exploded with 20-30 times the force of the atomic bomb over Hiroshima at an altitude of just 14.5 miles (23 km). Before it detonated into thousands of mostly gravel-sized meteorites and dust, researchers estimate the incoming meteoroid was about 20-meters (66 feet) wide, about the size of five-story building. The shock wave from the explosion shattered windows and damaged buildings, injuring nearly 1,500 people.
The new findings in Antarctica indicate an impact much more hazardous than both the Tunguska and Chelyabinsk events. The researchers said this highlights the importance of reassessing the threat of medium-sized asteroids, as it is likely that similar touchdown events would produce similar particles and be destructive over a wide area. Between the hot gas and the hot jet of materials pummeling the ground, such an event could create a hellscape.
“While touchdown events may not threaten human activity if occurring over Antarctica,” van Ginneken said, “if it was to take place above a densely populated area, it would result in millions of casualties and severe damages over distances of up to hundreds of kilometers.”
Van Ginneken said their team recommends that future studies should focus on the identification of similar events on different targets across the planet – such as shallow ocean beds – because it would indicate how often events like this may have happened in the past.
UFOs Over Las Vegas, Nevada On March 5, 2021, UFO Sighting News.
UFOs Over Las Vegas, Nevada On March 5, 2021, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: March 5, 2021
Location of sighting: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Source: MUFON
In this video we get to see two unidentified flying objects over Las Vegas, Nevada. This area is very close to Nellis Air Force Base. These UFOs could be new military technology being developed over at the military base in order to keep up with Chinas constant aggressive moves to its neighbors. They could also be alien craft watching the military base and scanning the latest human technology in order to assess where America is in the big scope of things in case the US and China have to fight each other.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
Eyewitness states:
Two objects were noticed and appeared to be over the Las Vegas airport ( could have been further ) two separate objects slowly changing shapes and lighting up in daylight with no cloud cover. one started much higher and to the west and eventually disappeared how ever the lower second one was a much better video if you zoom in like I saw in person (not on iPhone) you can see it seems to change shape and will intermittently reflect or light up . I believe this was over airport airspace and drones, airplanes or any other object should not have been in the area, I view this area from work 5 days a week and several times a day (while smoking at work outside).
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
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