The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
Een interessant adres?
UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld In België had je vooral BUFON of het Belgisch UFO-Netwerk, dat zich met UFO's bezighoudt. BEZOEK DUS ZEKER VOOR ALLE OBJECTIEVE INFORMATIE , enkel nog beschikbaar via Facebook en deze blog.
Verder heb je ook het Belgisch-Ufo-meldpunt en Caelestia, die prachtig, doch ZEER kritisch werk leveren, ja soms zelfs héél sceptisch...
Voor Nederland kan je de mooie site bezoeken van Paul Harmans. Een mooie site met veel informatie en artikels.
MUFON of het Mutual UFO Network Inc is een Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in alle USA-staten en diverse landen.
MUFON's mission is the analytical and scientific investigation of the UFO- Phenomenon for the benefit of humanity...
Je kan ook hun site bekijken onder
Ze geven een maandelijks tijdschrift uit, namelijk The MUFON UFO-Journal.
Since 02/01/2020 is Pieter ex-president (=voorzitter) of BUFON, but also ex-National Director MUFON / Flanders and the Netherlands. We work together with the French MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP.
ER IS EEN NIEUWE GROEPERING DIE ZICH BUFON NOEMT, MAAR DIE HEBBEN NIETS MET ONZE GROEP TE MAKEN. DEZE COLLEGA'S GEBRUIKEN DE NAAM BUFON VOOR HUN SITE... Ik wens hen veel succes met de verdere uitbouw van hun groep. Zij kunnen de naam BUFON wel geregistreerd hebben, maar het rijke verleden van BUFON kunnen ze niet wegnemen...
Mystery over Jupiter's aurora is SOLVED: X-ray bursts are transported by plasma waves through a similar process to how Earth produces the Northern Lights, scientists say
Mystery over Jupiter's aurora is SOLVED: X-ray bursts are transported by plasma waves through a similar process to how Earth produces the Northern Lights, scientists say
Jupiter's mysterious X-ray auroras have been explained, ending a 40-year quest
Scientists say they're triggered by vibrations in the planet's magnetic field lines
These vibrations create plasma waves that send ion particles along the field lines
These ions 'smash' into the planet's atmosphere to form a powerful X-ray aurora
The process is like Earth's northern lights and likely happens on other planets too
The 40-year-old mystery of how Jupiter produces a spectacular burst of X-rays every few minutes has been solved in a new study.
University College London (UCL) experts studied data from NASA's Juno spacecraft, which is currently orbiting Jupiter – the largest planet in our Solar System.
They discovered that X-ray flares from Jupiter's north and south poles are triggered by periodic vibrations in the planet's magnetic field lines, in its 'magnetosphere'.
These vibrations create waves of plasma – one of the four fundamental states of matter, consisting of a gas of ions.
The plasma waves then send heavy ion particles 'surfing' along magnetic field lines until they smash into the planet's atmosphere, releasing energy in the form of X-rays and forming a spectacular aurora.
A similar phenomenon occurs on Earth, creating the northern lights, but Jupiter's is much more powerful, releasing hundreds of gigawatts of energy, enough to briefly power all of human civilisation.
Overlaid images of Jupiter's pole from NASA's satellite Juno and NASA's Chandra X-ray telescope. Left shows a projection of Jupiter's Northern X-ray aurora (purple) overlaid on a visible Junocam image of the North Pole. Right shows the Southern counterpart
A magnetosphere is the region around a planet dominated by the planet's magnetic field.
Earth's magnetosphere acts as an invisible forcefield that protects us from dangerous charged particles from the Sun.
Meanwhile, Jupiter's magnetic field is about 20,000 times as strong as Earth's – and therefore its magnetosphere, the area controlled by this magnetic field, is extremely large.
it was visible in the night sky, it would cover a region several times the size of our moon.
Jupiter's X-ray aurora alone releases about a gigawatt, equivalent to what one power station might produce over several days, the study authors claim.
UCL researchers worked with experts at the Chinese Academy of Sciences and have published their findings in the journal Science Advances.
'We have seen Jupiter producing X-ray aurora for four decades, but we didn't know how this happened,' said study author Dr William Dunn at UCL's Mullard Space Science Laboratory.
'We only knew they were produced when ions crashed into the planet's atmosphere.
'Now we know these ions are transported by plasma waves – an explanation that has not been proposed before, even though a similar process produces Earth's own aurora.
'It could, therefore, be a universal phenomenon, present across many different environments in space.'
For the study, researchers analysed observations of Jupiter and its surrounding environment carried out continuously over a 26-hour period by Juno and the European Space Agency's XMM-Newton satellite, which is in Earth's own orbit.
They found a clear correlation between waves in the plasma detected by Juno and X-ray auroral flares at Jupiter's north pole recorded by X-MM Newton.
For the first time, astronomers have seen the way Jupiter's magnetic field is compressed, which heats the particles and directs them along the magnetic field lines down into the atmosphere of Jupiter, sparking the X-ray aurora
Nearly all the visible matter in the universe exists in a plasma state.
They occur in this form in the sun and stars and in interplanetary and interstellar space.
Auroras, lightning, and welding arcs are also plasmas.
Plasmas exist in neon and fluorescent tubes, in the crystal structure of metallic solids, and in many other phenomena and objects.
The Earth itself is immersed in a tenuous plasma called the solar wind and is surrounded by a dense plasma called the ionosphere.
Source: Encyclopedia Britannica
They then used computer modelling to confirm that the waves would drive the heavy particles towards Jupiter's atmosphere.
Why the magnetic field lines vibrate periodically – the trigger for the whole process – is unclear.
But one possible explanation is the vibration results from interactions with the solar wind or from high-speed plasma flows within Jupiter's magnetosphere.
X-ray auroras occur at Jupiter's north and south poles, often with clockwork regularity, according to the team.
During their window of observation, Jupiter was producing bursts of X-rays every 27 minutes.
Now the team have identified the whole process, they believe similar processes likely occur around Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and maybe even exoplanets – planets outside our Solar System.
'X-rays are typically produced by extremely powerful and violent phenomena such as black holes and neutron stars, so it seems strange that mere planets produce them too,' said study author Professor Graziella Branduardi-Raymont at UCL.
'We can never visit black holes, as they are beyond space travel, but Jupiter is on our doorstep.
'With the arrival of the satellite Juno into Jupiter's orbit, astronomers now have a fantastic opportunity to study an environment that produces X-rays up close.'
Juno is pictured here in an artist's impression as it approaches Jupiter. Launched a decade ago, Juno has been orbiting Jupiter for five years
Juno launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida nearly a decade ago – on August 5, 2011 – to study Jupiter from orbit.
A rotating, solar-powered spacecraft, Juno arrived at Jupiter on July 4, 2016, after making its five-year journey.
It has three giant blades stretching out some 66 feet (20 meters) from its cylindrical, six-sided body.
Juno will continue its investigation of the solar system’s largest planet through September 2025, or until the spacecraft’s end of life.
An interactive NASA tool is providing real-time updates of Juno's location relative to Jupiter and its moons.
How NASA's Juno probe to Jupiter will reveal the secrets of the solar system's biggest planet
The Juno probe reached Jupiter in 2016 after a five-year, 1.8 billion-mile journey from Earth
The Juno probe reached Jupiter on July 4, 2016, after a five-year, 1.8 billion-mile (2.8bn km) journey from Earth.
Following a successful braking manoeuvre, it entered into a long polar orbit flying to within 3,100 miles (5,000 km) of the planet's swirling cloud tops.
The probe skimmed to within just 2,600 miles (4,200 km) of the planet's clouds once a fortnight - too close to provide global coverage in a single image.
No previous spacecraft has orbited so close to Jupiter, although two others have been sent plunging to their destruction through its atmosphere.
To complete its risky mission Juno survived a circuit-frying radiation storm generated by Jupiter's powerful magnetic field.
The maelstrom of high energy particles travelling at nearly the speed of light is the harshest radiation environment in the Solar System.
To cope with the conditions, the spacecraft was protected with special radiation-hardened wiring and sensor shielding.
Its all-important 'brain' - the spacecraft's flight computer - was housed in an armoured vault made of titanium and weighing almost 400 pounds (172kg).
The craft is expected to study the composition of the planet's atmosphere until 2025.
Wetenschappers zijn erin geslaagd om te achterhalen hoe het poollicht (aurora) op Jupiter precies ontstaat. Daarmee losten ze een 40 jaar oud mysterie op, zo maakte het Europese ruimteagentschap ESA bekend.
Op Aarde ontstaat poollicht wanneer elektrisch geladen deeltjes van de zon (die door de zonnewind onze planeet bereiken) door het aardmagnetisch veld worden afgebogen naar de polen en er botsen met deeltjes in de atmosfeer. Op Aarde zijn aurora's alleen zichtbaar in de zogenaamde poollichtovalen (tussen 65 en 80 graden noorder- en zuiderbreedte). Boven die breedtegraden komen ze niet voor door de open magnetische veldlijnen, die zijn verbonden met de zonnewind.
Mocht het er op Jupiter hetzelfde aan toegaan, zouden geen grote aurora's verwacht worden op de planeet. De lichtverschijnselen hebben er dan ook andere kenmerken. Omdat de gasreus ook boven de voornaamste poollichtovalen gesloten veldlijnen heeft, die de planeet aan de ene kan verlaten en aan de andere kant weer raken, komen ze ook bij de eigenlijke polen voor. Bovendien pulseert het poollicht met regelmaat en is het soms verschillend aan de noord- en zuidpool.
Op basis van de röntgenstralen die bij de aurora's op Jupiter vrijkomen, konden wetenschappers al uitvissen dat ze worden veroorzaakt door elektrisch geladen atomen (ionen) die in de atmosfeer neerstorten. Maar hoe die geladen deeltjes in de eerste plaats tot in de atmosfeer van de grootste planeet van ons zonnestelsel raken, bleef tot nu een raadsel.
Astrofysicus Zhonghua Yao (onderzoeker bij het Instituut voor Geologie en Geofysica in Peking en in het verleden onder meer verbonden aan de ULiège) werkte samen met enkele collega's computersimulaties uit die de pulserende röntgenaurora's linkten aan gesloten magnetische velden die diep in Jupiter ontstaan, vervolgens miljoenen kilometers de ruimte ingaan en daarna weer terugkeren.
Een groep astrofysici onder leiding van Yao en William Dunn (Mullard Space Science Laboratory van de University College London) greep die simulaties aan om te achterhalen hoe de ionen precies in de poolgebieden van Jupiter terechtkomen. Daarvoor analyseerden ze data van de ESA-satelliet XMM-Newton en het onbemande ruimtevaarttuig Juno van het Amerikaanse ruimtebureau NASA. De XMM-Newton, die in een baan rond de Aarde draait, observeert Jupiter vanop afstand met röntgentelescopen, terwijl Juno rond de gasreus cirkelt en gegevens binnen het magnetische veld van de planeet verzamelt.
Schommelingen in magnetisch veld
Ze ontdekten dat de röntgenaurora's worden veroorzaakt door schommelingen in het magnetisch veld van Jupiter. Terwijl de planeet roteert, trekt ze zijn magnetisch veld mee, dat wordt geraakt door geladen deeltjes van de zonnewind en zo wordt samengedrukt. Die compressies verhitten deeltjes die gevangen zitten in het magnetisch veld, met elektromagnetische ion-cyclotrongolven, of EMIC-golven, tot gevolg. Daarbij worden de ionen langs de magnetische veldlijnen miljoenen kilometers door de ruimte geleid, tot ze weer neerstorten in de atmosfeer en zo poollicht creëren.
"Wat we in de data van Juno zien, is een prachtige opeenvolging van gebeurtenissen. We zien de compressie gebeuren, we zien de EMIC-golf ontstaan, we zien de ionen, en dan zien we de ionen langs de veldlijnen reizen", legt Dunn uit. "Een paar minuten later ziet XMM een uitbarsting van röntgenstralen."
Dat wetenschappers nu het proces van de röntgenaurora's op Jupiter hebben ontrafeld, helpt ook bij het begrip van andere planeten met poollicht. "Dit is een fundamenteel proces dat van toepassing is bij Saturnus, Uranus, Neptunus en waarschijnlijk ook exoplaneten (planeten die draaien rond andere sterren dan de zon, red.)", zegt Yao.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
UFO Sighted Over Itaipava, Brazil : Part 2 ( July 8, 2021 )
UFO Sighted Over Itaipava, Petrópolis - State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil :Sighting made this week show an object in a discoid format flying over the Itaipava mall, in the serrana region of Rio de Janeiro State.
UFO Sighted Over Itaipava, Brazil : Part 1 ( July 8, 2021 )
UFO Sighted Over Itaipava, Petrópolis - State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Sighting made this week show an object in a triangular format flying over the Itaipava mall, in the serrana region of Rio de Janeiro State.
UFOs Sighted Over La Marque, Texas ( July 4, 2021 )
STATEMENT : Saw these in La Marque, Texas July 4th, after a massive display of fireworks over the bay.
credit : Michelle Walsh-Vallejo
Black Ring UFO Sighted Over Montana Ranch ( July 8, 2021 )
Strange black ring UFO was sighted hovering in the sky above a Montana ranch on July 8, 2021 : UFO? A bizarre smoke signal? Or something else entirely?
credit : UFO Sightings Footage
UFO on Google Street View Over Diamondhead City, Mississippi
Amazing UFO on Google Street View This unquestionable UFO record was made by Google Street View in Diamondhead City, Mississippi, USA. When analyzing the images it becomes clear that it is not an anomaly or error in the camera, as the UFO also moves according to where it can be viewed until the moment it disappears altogether. Here I present the video, the images and the link to analyze for yourself and draw your own conclusion...
Captain of cruise ship captured UFO diving into ocean
Captain of cruise ship captured UFO diving into ocean
Captain Kate McCue of the Celebrity Edge recalls the day she saw a UFO hover over her ship for a few moments, then dive directly into the ocean.
Kate McCue said that she was looking at the sunset when someone suddenly said to her, “Hey, what's this? ” Kate looked up at the sky and saw a strange object which looked like a huge jellyfish.
The UFO slowly flew away from the ship and after about 400 meters from the cruise ship the object which made no sound started to descend before diving into the ocean leaving no trace, it just disappeared.
During the War of 1812, British troops closed in on Washington, D.C. The US capital appeared doomed – until shocking twist of fate, in this clip from Season 7, “Aliens in America.”.
Lunar pyramidal structures? “The reason why we have not returned to the Moon”
Lunar pyramidal structures? “The reason why we have not returned to the Moon”
There are many theories as to why the Moon has not been returned. Independent researchers and other members of the community say it is due to the existence of pyramidal structures.
Edgar Mitchell, former NASA astronaut.
For decades, many people have wondered why humanity has not returned to the Moon . What is the reason? Why haven’t they said anything about it?
However thanks to the publications made by a group of former NASA scientists , which revealed the location of pyramidal structures located on the lunar surface.
The mystery of the moon landing
Edgar Mitchell, former NASA astronauts and the sixth person to walk on the Moon , at this time it can already be said that humanity is not alone in the universe.
It is believed that world powers have kept all kinds of information on this subject safe. Especially from what was found on the Moon during the moon landings .
Mitchell stated that every NASA worker must take an oath of confidentiality . However, this has not been enough and many employees have disclosed what is hidden.
One of the most important characters in this disclosure is John Brandenburg , a scientist with a Ph.D. in Plasma Physics, a consultant at Monrningstar Applied Physics LLC, and a part-time professor at Madison College of astronomy, physics, and mathematics.
Brandenburg was part of NASA during the Clementine mission , which was done in conjunction with the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization. The goal was to thoroughly investigate the satellite.
It was thanks to this mission that the existence of water was discovered at the lunar poles . However, the scientist said that “something else” was found.
Photographic reconnaissance revealed the existence of advanced pyramidal bases and structures on the lunar surface.
Several former employees have revealed the existence of pyramidal structures and bases on the Moon.
Among the images, a kind of straight wall stands out, measuring approximately a mile wide . This showed that, obviously, it was an artificial structure .
But the most worrying thing about the matter is that the representative of the Defense Organization said nothing . It was obvious that none of those structures were human. Why was he silent?
Editing pyramidal structures on the Moon?
However, Brandenburg is not the only one to divulge this information. The first person to tell this was Ken Johnston , former director of NASA’s Department of Space Photographic Evidence.
The scientist stated that, during his working days, he was able to observe original images of the lunar surface, where there were several pyramidal structures.
In addition, he said that all information of this type is protected by high-ranking US government officials. The one that reaches the public is always manipulated.
Shortly after giving these statements, NASA declared that it never had a relationship with Ken Johnston. However, there is evidence that needs no explanation:
The photos that NASA published in 1950 and the clear differences that exist with the most recent ones. The latter, clearly, are manipulated .
What was actually found on the Moon? Why has the satellite not been stepped on again when the technology is now much more advanced? There has to be a real compelling reason .
UFOs Sighted By Strange Light Over China ( June 26, 2021 )
UFOs were sighted by a strange light over China on June 26, 2021 : STATEMENT : 26/06/2021 中國
TRANSLATE : 26/06/2021 China
video : submitted
Fireball Sighted Over Eagle Skies, Idaho ( July 3, 2021 )
UFO / Fireball / Meteorite Sighted Over Eagle Skies Idaho. a public recreation area on the southwest outskirts of the city of Eagle, Idaho.
STATEMENT : Here's an incredible fireball I captured at 10:52 MDT on 7/3/21 from Eagle, ID with my AllSkyCam from AMS.
credit : Jordan Ragsdale
note : no audio
Crazy Skies Over Texas ( July 5, 2021 )
Video Compilation of Strange lightning and Crazy Skies July 2021
STATEMENT : They capture ′′ crazy ′′ lightning over Texas
credit : Mt Police Frequency
UFO Sighted Over Joshua Tree, California ( July 3, 2021 )
STATEMENT :Hi. Had an incredible occurrence Saturday night (July 3). Four is us went to Joshua Tree for hopeful ET sightings. Although a great night no sightings. However driving home while on the 10 freeway I spotted a huge object motionless in the middle of the sky. No sound no propulsion. It was hovering right in front above us in the air. I wanted to take photos and videos because it was up close and clear but there was no way to safely pull over on the freeway initially. And to take photos at night out a moving window would not work (although we did try).
I was amazed that no one else on the freeway had a reaction to this large craft. I could not understand how the trucks and cars kept driving by. It was about 3:15 AM (we left the dessert very late, LOL). Only the four of us in Rob Rowes truck had any recognition and response to it. I was wondering when we returned where to look for any postings about sightings? We attempted to do a few Google searches under: “UFO, sighting, today, California” but had no results. Any suggestions?
credit : Debbi Dachinger
UAP / UFO Sighted Calgary - Vancouver Flight
The Canadian UAP
Dennis Pena was travelling back from a holiday at a spiritual retreat in Calgary to his home in Vancouver. On the flight he came across a very strange glowing light form right outside his aircraft window. Dennis just could not make any sense of what he was seeing with his own eyes. At first Dennis thought it was the sun reflecting on the window, but then he realised that it was not behaving in accordance with the logic of the sun rays and flares on the window. So he waved his fingers in front of it, thinking maybe it's something in the airplane reflecting on the window.
That wasn't it either.
Then at around the 1:15 mark in the video the plane happened to lean slightly and you could clearly now see the wing and the light intersect and it appears that the light gets covered by the wing and it reappears behind the wing... meaning clearly the light was not a reflection on the aircraft window.
So what was it?
Dennis looked back into the cabin and down his row to see if anyone else was seeing this as well but all had pulled down their window shade to cover the sun.
Dennis was the only one with his window more than halfway open.
Is the sun reflecting something off the plane and it creating a strange glow in the clouds? Dennis says that it looked intense. And it's was just floating out there. Moving at a steady pace. Maybe even slightly faster than the commercial airline he was travelling in.
It kind of reminded Dennis of the footage the army or the navy caught on video of a weird flying object in the sky at night.
Anyway... Dennis sums it off poignantly ... " I don't know what this was that I saw so clearly ... I just wonder if the pilots saw it, too...! "
Any answers to Dennis's questions ?
Watch the complete unedited video that Dennis Pena captured on his mobile camera while travelling on a commercial flight between Calgary and Vancouver
So what do you make of it ?Flare ? Reflection ?
Or something else ?
Watch the video carefully ! It is not that simple to answer to answer Denise's question ?
This is the public entrance to the Einhornhöhle cave, the Unicorn cave in English, in the Harz Mountains, Germany, where the tiny piece of engraved bone was found.
(CNN) A tiny piece of bone that once belonged to a giant Ice Age deer is changing how we think about Neanderthals.
Found in Einhornhöhle cave in northern Germany, the decorated deer phalanx, or toe bone, features an engraved geometric pattern and has been dated, using several techniques, to at least 51,000 years old.
It refreshes the debate over to what extent Neanderthals, the heavily built Stone Age hominins that disappeared about 40,000 years ago, were capable of artistic expression and symbolic thought and whether they developed these skills themselves or through interactions with early modern humans, who first arrived in Europe around this time.
"The phalanx from Einhornhöhle with its stacked offset chevrons represents one of the most complex cultural expressions in Neanderthals known so far," according to astudy that published Monday in the journal Nature.
The team of German researchers said the small bone appears to be of no practical use, and the chevron design, with its three uniform parallel lines appears to be intentionally created -- perhaps as a personal ornament.
"The choice of material, its preparation before carving and the skilful technique used for the engraving are all indicative of sophisticated expertise and great ability in bone working," said Silvia M. Bello, a researcher at the Centre for Human Evolution Research, Department of Earth Sciences, at the Natural History Museum in London, in a commentary that accompanied the paper. She wasn't involved in the research.
"The presence of incisions artistically arranged in a chevron pattern on the bone of a giant deer, supports the symbolic meaning of this find and raises new questions about how complex Neanderthal behaviour might have been."
The giant deer bone has no practical use and is believed to be purely decorative.
Boiled before decorated
The bone was from a giant deer, an animal that researchers described as "very impressive," but also one that would have been very rare north of the Alps at the time. Choosing the giant deer bone as the raw material emphasizes the special character of the object and supported that it had a symbolic meaning, they said.
The decorated bone was found in the former entrance to the cave about 1 meter behind the person holding the staff in the right of the image.
To understand how the object was made, the researchers made their own versions using stone blades from Baltic flint and carved five bones belonging to Limousin cows. The bones were treated in different ways: one was fresh, another was room dried and a thirdwas dried in the open air, while bone four was boiled once and bone five was boiled twice.
"The fresh bone... it didn't really work out. The bone was really hard. We were constantly slipping with the tools," said Dirk Leder, a research associate at the State Service for Cultural Heritage Lower Saxony, Hannover, Germany, and an author of the study.
Leder and his colleagues found that the boiled bones offered a softer "mellow" surface to make controlled incisions in a way that closely resembled the original item. They said it took around one-and-a-half hours to make the object using a combination of cutting and scraping.
The earliest evidence for cultural innovation and artistic expression among early modern humans emerged in Africa and dates back to around 100,000 years ago -- where we seewe see tools made from material other than stone, such as bone, ivory and antlers, shell bead ornaments, and advancements including the use of pigments, cave art and deliberate burials.
Homo sapiens are thought to have first arrived in Europe about 45,000 years ago and overlapped with Neanderthals for thousands of years. During that time, the two groups encountered each other -- sometimes having sex and babies, leaving traces of Neanderthal DNA in our genes.
Given its age, the study authors said they believe the engraved deer bone was of "independent Neanderthal authorship" and not linked to any interactions with Homo sapiens.
Computerized topography scans of the engraved bone showed six lines that show the shape of the chevron symbol.
They noted that the earliest evidence of Homo sapiens in central Europe comes from sites in the Upper Danube area of between 43,500 and 38,000 years ago -- several millennia after the engraved bone. They said the earliest evidence of Homo sapiens in Europe -- pendants made from animal teeth from 45,500 years ago is from 1,500 kilometers (932 miles) away in Bulgaria.
However, the Natural History Museum's Bello said more recent research had found genetic evidence in a Homo sapien's skull from a site in the Czech Republic -- around 400 kilometers (248 miles) from Einhornhöhle -- that suggested the individual had some Neanderthal DNA,This raises the possibility early modern humans and Neanderthals had interbred more than 50,000 years ago.
"Given this early exchange of genes, we cannot exclude a similarly early exchange of knowledge between modern human and Neanderthal populations, which may have influenced the production of the engravedartefact from Einhornhöhle," she wrote in the commentary.
"The possibility of an acquired knowledge from modern humans doesn't undervalue, in my opinion, the cognitive abilities of Neanderthals," she wrote.
"On the contrary, the capacity to learn, integrate innovation into one's own culture and adapt to new technologies and abstract concepts should be recognized as an element of behavioural complexity."
A recent discovery of a bone ornament in Einhornhöhle cave in the northern part of Germany has shed new light on how creative Neanderthals were. An ancient toe bone (also called a phalanx) belonging to a giant deer had geometric patterns engraved into it that date back at least 51,000 years.
It is believed that this is the oldest ever work of art associated with Neanderthals. Other ancient items have been found connected to Neanderthals such as eagle talons that were made into pendants and old cave paintings, but their ages are still being disputed.
This discovery is very significant in regards to learning more information about the creativity of Neanderthals since there has been a lot of debate on this topic. The study read in part, “The phalanx from Einhornhöhle with its stacked offset chevrons represents one of the most complex cultural expressions in Neanderthals known so far.” Since the chevron design on the bone also contained three uniform parallel lines, it is believed that it was intentionally created as a possible ornament.
The ornament was created from a deer bone.
In order to get a better understanding of how the ornament was created, the researchers attempted to make their own version of it. The first thing they did was attempt to recreate the ornament with stone blades from Baltic flint and carved five Limousin cow bones that were all treated differently (fresh, room dried, air dried, boiled once, and boiled twice).
Dirk Leder, who is a research associate at the State Service for Cultural Heritage Lower Saxony, Hannover, Germany, explained that the fresh bone was extremely difficult to work on as the tools were always slipping off of it. They realized that the boiled bones provided a much softer “mellow” surface to carve with the finished product looking quite similar to the original. Furthermore, it took them approximately 1.5 hours to complete the engravings by scraping and cutting the bone.
Silvia M. Bello, who is a researcher at the Centre for Human Evolution Research, Department of Earth Sciences, at the Natural History Museum in London but was not involved with the study, described the intention behind the creation, “The choice of material, its preparation before carving and the skillful technique used for the engraving are all indicative of sophisticated expertise and great ability in bone working,” adding, “The presence of incisions artistically arranged in a chevron pattern on the bone of a giant deer, supports the symbolic meaning of this find and raises new questions about how complex Neanderthal behavior might have been.”
Even though Homo sapiens arrived in Europe at the same time that Neanderthals were there and they did interact with one another, it is believed that the carved deer bone was of “independent Neanderthal authorship” and had no link to Homo sapiens. (A picture of the bone ornament can be seen here.)
The giant deer bone has no practical use and is believed to be purely decorative.
Today, I’m going to share with you a number of UFO cases that are not just amazing or incredible. Rather, they are downright crazy. You’ll quickly see what I mean. Here’s our first case of absolute weirdness. It comes from Men in Black expert, Gareth J. Medway. He says of an MIB case that occurred on November 1, 1973: “At the start of a UFO wave in New Hampshire, Florence Dow heard a thumping sound on her porch. Looking out, she saw a man in a black coat and a wide-brimmed black hat, with what appeared to be a face covered with masking tape.” Precisely why anyone might want to cover their face with masking tape after a UFO report is anyone’s guess. And I don’t have a guess!” One more from Gareth: this one comes from January 26, 1986. As Gareth reports it: “About 7.30 pm Paul Rebek of Epping, New South Wales, received a visit from a man who said: ‘Hello sir, I am a representative of the Uranus Peanut Company. Would you like to sample my wares?’ He bought some peanuts off him, and was told: ‘Thank you. The Council will remember you favorably. Good night.’ He turned, but seemed to vanish after a few steps. Rebek thought it must have been ‘a spectral Man In Black.'”
Mary Hyre was a woman who played an integral role in the series of 1960s-era events that led John Keel to write The Mothman Prophecies. In January 1967, Hyre was visited by a creepy, bowl-haired man of around 5-feet in height and who had oddly hypnotic eyes. Throughout the encounter, the black-clad character kept staring at Hyre’s ballpoint pen. To the point where Hyre told him he could keep it. The man did so, laughed loud in a strange fashion, and vanished as mysteriously as he first arrived. Whatever floats your boat, I guess! Moving on: in 1961, a Wisconsin chicken-farmer named Joe Simonton claimed to have met aliens who landed on his property in a classic flying saucer-style craft. They were said to be very human-looking entities, who had an “Italian” appearance, and generously gave the stunned Simonton three pancakes that one of the crew-members happily cooked on his alien grill! And with their good deed for the day duly accomplished, the aliens were gone – presumably to fill the bellies of even more astounded souls.
Simonton, holding the ‘alien pancake’ he kept
What about a dog inside a UFO? Yep. Back in November 1980, a then-serving English policeman named Alan Godfrey had a profound UFO encounter in Todmorden, Yorkshire – a pleasant locale that has its origins in the 17th century. Godfrey’s encounter came just five months after he was involved in the investigation of a curious death in town. The victim was a man named Zigmund Adamski. As most people will know, the not exactly common name of Adamski is a very famous one in Ufology. It was just one of those strange synchronicities that proliferate when the UFO phenomenon looms large. As for Godfrey’s UFO encounter, it occurred undercover of darkness, in the pre-dawn morning of November 29, 1980, while he was out on patrol in his police-car. As he drove along one particular stretch of road, Godfrey was amazed by the sight of what he first thought was a bus positioned oddly in the road. As Godfrey got closer, however, he could see it was something else entirely. It was actually nothing less than a somewhat egg-shaped UFO.
There then followed an experience that contained certain, key elements of the UFO phenomenon, such as missing-time, and recollections of being taken on-board a craft. However, the entity Godfrey was confronted by on the craft was not the typical black-eyed, dwarfish “Grey.” Rather, it was a human-looking figure dressed in a long gown and sporting a beard. That wasn’t all, though: While undergoing hypnotic regression, Godfrey said that also aboard the UFO was a large black dog. This was not the first encounter Godfrey had with an anomalous hound. Years earlier, he had seen a ghostly Labrador. There was also an odd occasion – in the 1960s, and near Todmorden – when what seemed to be a woman with a large black dog stepped out in front of Godfrey’s vehicle, causing him to slam the brakes on. Both the woman and the dog vanished.
Every now and then a story will surface that is so bizarre, yet also intriguing, that it is almost impossible to categorize. Such a story comes from Jan, a woman who encountered a small UFO – as in extremely small – in the southwest of the U.K.. Jan was walking through nearby woods with her dog early one morning when she heard a loud buzzing noise that quickly filled her ears – and clearly those of her dog, too. Puzzled, she looked around, but it was all to no avail – at least, for around two minutes. Then, everything became amazingly clear. As if out of nowhere, a small flying saucer appeared before her, hovering at a height of around four feet off the ground, in a small clearing in the trees. It was circular in shape, silver in color, and had a red band around its middle. And, it was barely four-feet across! She watched, astonished, as the diminutive craft settled to the ground – in decidedly wobbly fashion – and a small door opened. Jan still recalls holding her breath, wondering what might happen next. She soon found out. Out of the door flew three, three-to-four-inches long small humanoid figures: clearly female and glowing brightly, they fluttered around Jan for a minute or two, dressed in silvery mini-skirts! At one point the tiny trio landed on Jan’s right arm, smiled, then flew back into the craft, which shot away into the skies, never to be seen again. Such rogue cases are so often dismissed by Ufology; yet they are weirdly engaging and not at all rare.
My previous article was on the subject of Philip Corso’s controversial claims in relation to the July 1947 “Roswell UFO Crash” in Lincoln County, New Mexico. The article was mostly on the possibility that the “bodies” found at the crash site were what we might call, in simple terms, “biological robots.” And, that they were constructed, rather than born. This makes me wonder if – should the theory have any merit to it, of course – that the mysterious makers of those biological robots might also be behind the likes of the Men in Black, the Women in Black, the Black Eyed Children, and so on – all of who look creepily odd. There’s a reason why I specifically say all of this. There’s no doubt there are a lot of accounts of people who have encountered strange-looking people and that we might call “semi-humans.” And there’s no doubt that most of the witnesses to these things have said that it’s the faces that gave them away – which is hardly surprising. After all, it’s largely our faces that define us. With that said, let’s take a look at the cases of a few, really creepy-looking people who might not even be human.
Denise Stoner, co-author with Kathleen Marden on The Alien Abduction Files, told me a bizarre but fascinating story. It involved her husband and occurred in Florida only a couple of years ago. Denise said: “My husband’s run-in with a possible WIB [Woman in Black] was a few days ago when he decided he would take a bike ride around a lake he travels around on a regular basis and knows it well. If he is feeling pretty energetic, he begins near a pool and park complex, rides the trail nearby and then turns into an area that has a Vet memorial then on around the lake that used to be part of the Navy Base – now new housing. When he entered the path, there was a woman jogging with one of those jogging strollers but the top was down so he could not see a baby inside. This woman had sunglasses on that wrapped around her head and looked way too large for her head. She was thin and about 6 ft. tall. She smiled at my husband as he passed on his bike. She was very thin and pale skinned. He still did not feel uncomfortable because not much scares him. He just thought she was a weird person. As he approached her, she dropped her sunglasses to show him huge black eyes that we at least 4X human size and they wrapped around the side of her head. She grinned again and this time he noticed she did not have a real nose; plus her mouth was long and thin with no teeth – only a dark gap.” Denise’s husband quit the area – quickly.
The Black Eyed Children are very much the same: at first glance they look like us, but the closer you get, the weirder things get. Their skin is, to say the least, nothing like ours. It’s plastic-like. One called it “kinda like wax.” Their faces are often like those of a mannequin. Plain, bland, lacking in emotion, and as if sculpted. Or, right out of a factory. One witness said: “His face was so thin and his skin was strange and almost a see-through milky color, no hair that I could see.” Others have said that the BEC seem to have come out on conveyor-belts. In other words, the witnesses got the feeling these things were machines, rather than real children, and being dispatched to perform particular tasks. What those tasks might be, it’s hard to know, since the BEC are elusive on almost every occasion. One other thing regarding the BEC: it’s almost always their not-quite-normal faces that give them away.
In 2015, Dr. David M. Jacobs’ book, Walking Among Us: The Alien Plan to Control Humanity, was published. As the title alone suggests, this is an extremely controversial book. Although it is heavily focused on so-called “alien abductees,” it is not actually about abduction events, at all. Rather, its focus is on how abductees are allegedly being used to assist alien-human hybrids whose role it is to infiltrate human society. And, yes, that word “infiltrate” is intended to suggest that nothing good can come from all of this. Or, from any of it. We’re talking about the way in which potentially hostile aliens – with no real regard for us, the Human Race – are working towards a certain, fateful day. A day when the Earth will be so heavily infested with these part-ET/part-human things that the invasion, take-over, and/or extermination, will be completed before we’ll have even a single chance to do anything about it. Yes, I said it was controversial. Even Jacobs notes this when he says: “My research has uncovered a substantial presence of hybrids living on Earth…”
Are all of these strange-looking characters something along the lines of a biological robot? It sounds totally nutty. Just maybe, though, it’s not.
For as long as photographs depicting the surface of Mars have been made available by NASA and other space agencies conducting studies of the Red Planet, online sleuths have scoured the images in search of possible anomalies.
Over the years, claims of everything from alien spacecraft and even possible alien skulls, to Bigfoot have turned up in imagery depicting the Martian surface. However, what this really constitutes is an exercise in pareidolia and only shows us, for the most part, how active the human imagination can be.
Perhaps not everything unusual that has been observed on the Martian surface seems quite so outlandish though. One instance involves a peculiar formation that was first spotted more than three decades ago when the Mariner 9 spacecraft managed to photograph the peculiar feature within a crater located near the Martian equator.
On the 58-mile-wide Pollack Crater floor, there appeared to be an unusual-looking region with a lighter coloration than the surrounding Martian terrain. Estimated to be 8.5 by 11 miles in size (think of a standard sheet of printing paper, albeit greatly enlarged), the weird feature was not only a peculiar whitish color but appeared to possess unusual grooves running along its surface.
The anomaly known as “White Rock” within Pollack Crater
(NASA/Public Domain).
Dubbed “White Rock,” the object was subsequently also photographed by the Viking Orbiter and presented a unique series of questions. What was the object, and what caused it to stand out so sharply against the rest of the Martian terrain?
Although the notion that it might represent an ice formation immediately springs to mind, White Rock’s location close to the Martian equator would easily rule this out. So what is this unusual feature?
If not ice, some scientists who continued to puzzle over White Rock began to suspect that it might represent a deposit of water-rich sediments, similar to salts that collect along the surface of dry lake beds in deserts on Earth. This would seem plausible, especially because later in 2004, such deposits were indeed found by NASA’s Opportunity rover while exploring the Meridiani Planum.
Backtracking to 2001, however, with the deployment of NASA’s Mars Global Surveyor orbiter and its Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) instrument, new clues emerged about the mysterious White Rock at the bottom of Pollack Crater. With the new spectrographic information, scientists were able to determine that White Rock showed no signs of water and, in fact, wasn’t white at all: its coloration closely matched other lighter regions on the Martian surface.
Part of what led to the confusion had been an optical illusion presented by the sharp contrast between the lighter material, which rises from the surface of the feature in the form of ridges shaped over time by wind, placed alongside darker basaltic sand (the latter can particularly be observed toward the feature’s northern side, where a field of dark basaltic dunes exists).
Detail of the unusual light colored area within Pollack Crater
(NASA/JPL/Public Domain).
While most scientists would agree that wind action played a significant role in the formation of the peculiar White Rock formation, estimates about its direction vary. Some of the grooves apparent on the feature seem to indicate an easterly or southeastern wind that could have shaped them over time, while others interpret that a wind approaching from the west would have done the job.
This before-and-after pair of images of the same patch of ground in front of NASA's Mars Rover Opportunity 13 days apart documents the arrival of a strange, bright rock at the scene. The rock, called "Pinnacle Island," is seen in the right image on Jan. 8, 2014. The image at left was taken on Dec. 26, 2013.
(Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Cornell Univ./Arizona State Univ. )
Steve Squyres, lead scientist for NASA's Mars rover Opportunity, points at a strange rock found by the rover on Jan. 8, 2014, where earlier there had been nothing, during a Jan. 16 presentation. The rock has been named "Pinnacle Island."
(Image credit: NASA/JPL)
A comparison of two raw Pancam photographs from sols 3528 and 3540 of Opportunity's mission (a sol is a Martian day). Notice the "jelly doughnut"-sized rock in the center of the photograph to the right. Minor adjustments for brightness and contrast. (Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech)
Opportunity has been exploring Mars since Jan. 24, 2004, when it landed on the Red Planet a few weeks after its robotic twin Spirit. Both` rovers far outlasted their original 90-day mission, with Opportunity still driving today. Spirit's mission officially ended in 2011, several months after the rover stopped communicating with Earth.
Although White Rock initially seemed to stand out from other Martian features with its unusual light coloration, similar features have since been located at places like Ganges Chasma, where another bright grooved region rising from the surface can be seen to almost match the mysterious appearance of White Rock perfectly.
So as it turns out, White Rock isn’t so white, and in fact, it isn’t really a rock either… but it helps illustrate how astronomers are closing in on explaining even some of the more plausible anomalies on the Martian surface.
For as long as photographs depicting the surface of Mars have been made available by NASA and other space agencies conducting studies of the Red Planet, online sleuths have scoured the images in search of possible anomalies.
Over the years, claims of everything from alien spacecraft and even possible alien skulls, to Bigfoot have turned up in imagery depicting the Martian surface. However, what this really constitutes is an exercise in pareidolia and only shows us, for the most part, how active the human imagination can be.
Perhaps not everything unusual that has been observed on the Martian surface seems quite so outlandish though. One instance involves a peculiar formation that was first spotted more than three decades ago when the Mariner 9 spacecraft managed to photograph the peculiar feature within a crater located near the Martian equator.
On the 58-mile-wide Pollack Crater floor, there appeared to be an unusual-looking region with a lighter coloration than the surrounding Martian terrain. Estimated to be 8.5 by 11 miles in size (think of a standard sheet of printing paper, albeit greatly enlarged), the weird feature was not only a peculiar whitish color but appeared to possess unusual grooves running along its surface.
The anomaly known as “White Rock” within Pollack Crater
(NASA/Public Domain).
Dubbed “White Rock,” the object was subsequently also photographed by the Viking Orbiter and presented a unique series of questions. What was the object, and what caused it to stand out so sharply against the rest of the Martian terrain?
Although the notion that it might represent an ice formation immediately springs to mind, White Rock’s location close to the Martian equator would easily rule this out. So what is this unusual feature?
If not ice, some scientists who continued to puzzle over White Rock began to suspect that it might represent a deposit of water-rich sediments, similar to salts that collect along the surface of dry lake beds in deserts on Earth. This would seem plausible, especially because later in 2004, such deposits were indeed found by NASA’s Opportunity rover while exploring the Meridiani Planum.
Backtracking to 2001, however, with the deployment of NASA’s Mars Global Surveyor orbiter and its Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) instrument, new clues emerged about the mysterious White Rock at the bottom of Pollack Crater. With the new spectrographic information, scientists were able to determine that White Rock showed no signs of water and, in fact, wasn’t white at all: its coloration closely matched other lighter regions on the Martian surface.
Part of what led to the confusion had been an optical illusion presented by the sharp contrast between the lighter material, which rises from the surface of the feature in the form of ridges shaped over time by wind, placed alongside darker basaltic sand (the latter can particularly be observed toward the feature’s northern side, where a field of dark basaltic dunes exists).
Detail of the unusual light colored area within Pollack Crater
(NASA/JPL/Public Domain).
While most scientists would agree that wind action played a significant role in the formation of the peculiar White Rock formation, estimates about its direction vary. Some of the grooves apparent on the feature seem to indicate an easterly or southeastern wind that could have shaped them over time, while others interpret that a wind approaching from the west would have done the job.
This before-and-after pair of images of the same patch of ground in front of NASA's Mars Rover Opportunity 13 days apart documents the arrival of a strange, bright rock at the scene. The rock, called "Pinnacle Island," is seen in the right image on Jan. 8, 2014. The image at left was taken on Dec. 26, 2013.
(Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Cornell Univ./Arizona State Univ. )
Steve Squyres, lead scientist for NASA's Mars rover Opportunity, points at a strange rock found by the rover on Jan. 8, 2014, where earlier there had been nothing, during a Jan. 16 presentation. The rock has been named "Pinnacle Island."
(Image credit: NASA/JPL)
A comparison of two raw Pancam photographs from sols 3528 and 3540 of Opportunity's mission (a sol is a Martian day). Notice the "jelly doughnut"-sized rock in the center of the photograph to the right. Minor adjustments for brightness and contrast. (Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech)
Opportunity has been exploring Mars since Jan. 24, 2004, when it landed on the Red Planet a few weeks after its robotic twin Spirit. Both` rovers far outlasted their original 90-day mission, with Opportunity still driving today. Spirit's mission officially ended in 2011, several months after the rover stopped communicating with Earth.
Although White Rock initially seemed to stand out from other Martian features with its unusual light coloration, similar features have since been located at places like Ganges Chasma, where another bright grooved region rising from the surface can be seen to almost match the mysterious appearance of White Rock perfectly.
So as it turns out, White Rock isn’t so white, and in fact, it isn’t really a rock either… but it helps illustrate how astronomers are closing in on explaining even some of the more plausible anomalies on the Martian surface.
For as long as photographs depicting the surface of Mars have been made available by NASA and other space agencies conducting studies of the Red Planet, online sleuths have scoured the images in search of possible anomalies.
Over the years, claims of everything from alien spacecraft and even possible alien skulls, to Bigfoot have turned up in imagery depicting the Martian surface. However, what this really constitutes is an exercise in pareidolia and only shows us, for the most part, how active the human imagination can be.
Perhaps not everything unusual that has been observed on the Martian surface seems quite so outlandish though. One instance involves a peculiar formation that was first spotted more than three decades ago when the Mariner 9 spacecraft managed to photograph the peculiar feature within a crater located near the Martian equator.
On the 58-mile-wide Pollack Crater floor, there appeared to be an unusual-looking region with a lighter coloration than the surrounding Martian terrain. Estimated to be 8.5 by 11 miles in size (think of a standard sheet of printing paper, albeit greatly enlarged), the weird feature was not only a peculiar whitish color but appeared to possess unusual grooves running along its surface.
The anomaly known as “White Rock” within Pollack Crater
(NASA/Public Domain).
Dubbed “White Rock,” the object was subsequently also photographed by the Viking Orbiter and presented a unique series of questions. What was the object, and what caused it to stand out so sharply against the rest of the Martian terrain?
Although the notion that it might represent an ice formation immediately springs to mind, White Rock’s location close to the Martian equator would easily rule this out. So what is this unusual feature?
If not ice, some scientists who continued to puzzle over White Rock began to suspect that it might represent a deposit of water-rich sediments, similar to salts that collect along the surface of dry lake beds in deserts on Earth. This would seem plausible, especially because later in 2004, such deposits were indeed found by NASA’s Opportunity rover while exploring the Meridiani Planum.
Backtracking to 2001, however, with the deployment of NASA’s Mars Global Surveyor orbiter and its Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) instrument, new clues emerged about the mysterious White Rock at the bottom of Pollack Crater. With the new spectrographic information, scientists were able to determine that White Rock showed no signs of water and, in fact, wasn’t white at all: its coloration closely matched other lighter regions on the Martian surface.
Part of what led to the confusion had been an optical illusion presented by the sharp contrast between the lighter material, which rises from the surface of the feature in the form of ridges shaped over time by wind, placed alongside darker basaltic sand (the latter can particularly be observed toward the feature’s northern side, where a field of dark basaltic dunes exists).
Detail of the unusual light colored area within Pollack Crater
(NASA/JPL/Public Domain).
While most scientists would agree that wind action played a significant role in the formation of the peculiar White Rock formation, estimates about its direction vary. Some of the grooves apparent on the feature seem to indicate an easterly or southeastern wind that could have shaped them over time, while others interpret that a wind approaching from the west would have done the job.
This before-and-after pair of images of the same patch of ground in front of NASA's Mars Rover Opportunity 13 days apart documents the arrival of a strange, bright rock at the scene. The rock, called "Pinnacle Island," is seen in the right image on Jan. 8, 2014. The image at left was taken on Dec. 26, 2013.
(Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Cornell Univ./Arizona State Univ. )
Steve Squyres, lead scientist for NASA's Mars rover Opportunity, points at a strange rock found by the rover on Jan. 8, 2014, where earlier there had been nothing, during a Jan. 16 presentation. The rock has been named "Pinnacle Island."
(Image credit: NASA/JPL)
A comparison of two raw Pancam photographs from sols 3528 and 3540 of Opportunity's mission (a sol is a Martian day). Notice the "jelly doughnut"-sized rock in the center of the photograph to the right. Minor adjustments for brightness and contrast. (Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech)
Opportunity has been exploring Mars since Jan. 24, 2004, when it landed on the Red Planet a few weeks after its robotic twin Spirit. Both` rovers far outlasted their original 90-day mission, with Opportunity still driving today. Spirit's mission officially ended in 2011, several months after the rover stopped communicating with Earth.
Although White Rock initially seemed to stand out from other Martian features with its unusual light coloration, similar features have since been located at places like Ganges Chasma, where another bright grooved region rising from the surface can be seen to almost match the mysterious appearance of White Rock perfectly.
So as it turns out, White Rock isn’t so white, and in fact, it isn’t really a rock either… but it helps illustrate how astronomers are closing in on explaining even some of the more plausible anomalies on the Martian surface.
The search for methane on other planets is a key element in the search for life on other planets because one cause of the carbon gas is the decaying of organic matter. Unfortunately for life searchers, the most common cause of methane is abiotic or inorganic — either because of magmatic (volcanic) processes or via water-rock reactions that occur at low temperatures and pressures. That’s why the discovery of giant water plumes containing methane erupting from the surface of Saturn’s moon Enceladus by Cassini spacecraft generated mixed reactions from scientists depending on whether they saw their glass of possible life half empty or half full. The level of that glass just increased with the release of a new study which determined that no known process could generate as much methane as that erupting in plumes on Enceladus. Is it life … or something else?
Cassini image of Enceladus backlit by the sun showing the fountain-like sources of the fine spray of material over the south polar region.
“Here we use a Bayesian statistical approach to quantify the probability that methanogenesis (biotic methane production) might explain the escape rates of molecular hydrogen and methane in Enceladus’s plume, as measured by Cassini instruments”.
Scientists at the University of Arizona and Paris Sciences & Lettres University knew the best way to determine if the methane was being generated by Earthlike microbes eating dihydrogen and producing methane in such huge quantities would be to be to go where they are – on the seafloor of one of the water bodies on Enceladus. Since that’s not currently possible, they did the next best thing — develop mathematical models to calculate the probability of the different known processes of methane generation, both biological and abiotic, captured in the Cassini data. The researchers used the Bayesian statistics approach which expresses probability as a degree of belief in an event.
“We find that the observed escape rates (1) cannot be explained solely by the abiotic alteration of the rocky core by serpentinization; (2) are compatible with the hypothesis of habitable conditions for methanogens; and (3) score the highest likelihood under the hypothesis of methanogenesis, assuming that the probability of life emerging is high enough”.
That’s as close as the authors of the study, published in the journal Nature Astronomy, will get to saying, “We’re not saying it’s alien life, but it’s alien life”. In the University of Arizona press release, Régis Ferrière, an associate professor in the University of Arizona Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and one of the study’s two lead authors, explains that the results show that even the highest possible estimate of abiotic methane production based on known hydrothermal chemistry is far from sufficient to explain the methane concentration measured in the plumes. Add it together with the probability of biological methanogenesis and the model shows the combination could produce enough methane to match Cassini’s observations. In other words, the probability of life on Enceladus at some point in time just made the glass more than half full.
An artist’s concept of Saturn’s rings and major icy moons.
Then again, it’s just a model. Missions to Enceladus which would settle the argument have been proposed since 2006, with half already canceled and half under study – but none funded and planned. Will this study push the Enceladus mission needle to the ‘planned, funded and scheduled’ side anytime soon? We can only hope.
My son, Josh, who a few of you met recently, would appreciate it if I’d make clear what my view(s) is (or are) on schizophrenics, UFO visions, and psychopathologies among the UFO fringe; the topic that took up a portion of the July 4th weekend.
When I write that schizophrenics actually see what they say they see, and sometimes present those visions in art and scribblings, I’m saying that they are not making up their visions. They really see what they report, sometimes incoherently but “reliably.”
Yes, some visions (many perhaps) come from neural creations that aren’t actually in front of the observers’ eyes but are what they are seeing.
Are the images real, in a material way? Yes and/or No. Some are material and perceived by sensory vision. Others are contrived from neural memory or creative delusions.
Two papers consider the issue(s):
An integrated network model of psychotic symptoms Jasper Looijestijn a, Jan Dirk Bloma,b, André Alemanc, Hans W. Hoeka,b,d, Rutger Goekoopa,∗ a Parnassia Psychiatric Institute, Kiwistraat 43, The Hague 2552
Are persistent delusions in schizophrenia associated with aberrant salience? Rafeef Abboud a,1, Jonathan P. Roiser a,⁎,1, Hind Khalifeh b,c,d, Sheila Ali a, Isobel Harrison b,c, Helen T. Killaspy b,c, Eileen M. Joyce ea Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London, 17 Queen Square, London
As you see, the matter is couched in psychiatric jargon; the persons afflicted are psychotic or delusional.
But are they? Not necessarily. What they see or experience can be real and is often real in a material way. That is when a persons says they see something or saw something, they did. Material reality and intangible reality need not be odd-fellows. They are often bed-fellows – observations as “real” as anything “normal” persons experience daily.
So, how can we discount – or why do we discount — these rapacious ravings or wildly offered renderings out of hand?
No one is pressing the confluence, while some are trying to juxtapose psychedelic and pharmacological into the mix, a wrong-headed approach to reality as I see it. Contrived intrusions into a brain bombards that brain’s mechanisms with biologic flotsam, which adds one more side-bar to what is happening, that side-bar flooded with non-real information.
The problem – one of many – for ufologists is separating the sociopath’s rendering of a UFO event from normal AND schizophrenic accounts.
Psychopaths abound in the UFO community. I have recently seen, among the offerings in the Facebook UFO groups, some of the most tawdry forms of UFO chicanery, stories of abductions and observations that make schizophrenic accounts pale by comparison.
How can any serious UFO researcher cope with such nonsense? They can’t. There are few, if any, qualified UFO enthusiasts with the credentials and training to ferret out the fraudulent reports from the credible reports.
Facebook remains the fount from which sociopaths spring forth, and they overwhelm, making the social media site and those within partners in a social insanity” not unlike that experienced by the nuns of Loudon or the Dutch during the tulip craze of 1637:
SpaceX CEO Elon Musk talks Starship space telescopes, artificial gravity
SpaceX CEO Elon Musk talks Starship space telescopes, artificial gravity
In his latest batch of tweets, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk says that the company is already thinking about the many potential ways its next-generation Starship launch vehicle could be used in space.
Already, ideas publicly touted by the SpaceX CEO range from using Cargo Starships to clean up space debris with its mouth-like payload bay to a stripped-down, expendable variant of the rocket to rapidly send massive spacecraft throughout the solar system. Now, Musk says that SpaceX has also considered tethering Starships together in space to create a form of artificial gravity for passengers on multi-month journeys between planets, as well as the possibility of turning entire Starships into all-in-one orbital observatories a magnitude more powerful than Hubble.
Since SpaceX first began discussing Starship and its predecessors, the potential to launch massive space telescopes has always been close by.(SpaceX)
Apparently invoked during discussions with astrophysicist and Nobel laureate Saul Perlmutter, at least parts of the physics community are already considering the possibilities offered by using Starship as a sort of foundation or spacecraft bus that could carry and operate vast scientific payloads. While Starship has already been officially floated several times as a serious contender for launch services for major future missions, this concept would instead see Starship function as the spacecraft itself.
As of 2021, Starship has yet to reach space or orbit once, but SpaceX isn’t far from that milestone. Eventually, perhaps just a few years from now, Starship will have successfully launched to and operated in orbit dozens or even hundreds of times and become a mature and reliable spacecraft.
Yeah, that would be cool. Also, using ship itself as structure for new giant telescope that’s >10X Hubble resolution. Was talking to Saul Perlmutter (who’s awesome) & he suggested wanting to do that.
At that point, it wouldn’t be out of the question to entrust Starships themselves to serve as long-lasting scientific spacecraft, exploiting a ‘bus’ that could offer abundant power, propulsion, thermal management, navigation, and communications capabilities to any ‘hosted’ payloads. That includes extensively modifying Starships on the ground to create vast space observatories, among numerous other possibilities.
Given Starship’s low production cost, 9-meter (~30 ft) diameter, and nominal ability to deliver at least 100 metric tons (~220,000 lb) of payload to low Earth orbit (LEO), it’s not inconceivable that ships could be outfitted with massive telescopes and scientific instruments. Perhaps more importantly, drastically reduced payload constraints (more than an order of magnitude relative to the Hubble or James Webb telescopes) could allow major innovation in spacecraft/instrument design, radically lowering costs while still improving reliability, redundancy, and performance.
Meanwhile, Musk says that SpaceX has also considered tethering crewed Starships together and spinning them around the center of that tether to create artificial gravity for crewmembers on months-long journeys between Earth, Mars, and other planets. Among fan communities, the tethered gravity concept has been circulating ever since SpaceX first announced Starship in 2016. Loosely researched by NASA and other institutions for decades, no real experimental efforts – save for a single halting test during a 1960s Gemini mission – have ever been pursued.
For Starship, orbital refueling could easily allow SpaceX to cut crewed Earth-Mars transit time to 100 days or less – subjecting astronauts to significantly less time in microgravity than those that crew the International Space Station (ISS). The value proposition of artificial gravity on 3-month cruises is likely substantially less clear-cut given the far-reaching complexity and modifications required to make such a system functional and make Starships compatible.
Regardless, Musk rather cryptically says that SpaceX has considered the concept, though he didn’t elaborate on whether the company ultimately decided to drop the subject or pursue it further.
On July 4, Dr. Steven Greer released his latest documentary film - The Cosmic Hoax. In it, he presented evidence of a decades-long plan to stage an alien false flag invasion.
He described multiple aspects of the plan and key figures in its implementation. He asserts that the staged event is imminent given recent developments in the mass media and US politics.
The first video below is Dr. Greer’s answer to the current government and media disinformation campaign promoting 3 big lies:
1. We do not know what these UAPs/ UFOs are. WE DO.
2. Humans cannot make craft that can maneuver like UFOs. WE CAN and WE DO.
3. The UFOs are a threat. THEY ARE NOT.
But according to Dr. Michael Salla, what's missing in Dr Greer's analysis of a Cosmic Hoax is another kind of alien false flag event.
In the second video Exopolitics Today podcast, Dr. Michael Salla examines The Cosmic Hoax, pointing out its strengths and shortcomings as an expose on a future alien psyop, especially when it comes to a very different kind of staged alien event - an 'Alien Rescue' or 'Salvation'.
In 1952 cameras spotted UFOs flying over the White House lawn in Washington D.C. – these sightings eventually lead to Project Blue Book, created by the U.S. government, in this clip from Season 5, “Aliens and Cover-Ups.”
SAY CHEESE - Bilge Mutlu, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Without speaking a word, we can signal our disgust to those around us with pursed lips and a furrowed brow. Our joy is expressed just as fast: Eyes open wide and lips upturned. Like an overturned flag signaling otherwise unnoticeable distress on a ship at sea, our facial expressions act as a bridge between our internal life and the outside world.
While other humans are generally good at picking up on these small signals, we may soon have another group with which to communicate: intelligent robot companions. From service robots delivering our takeout to companion bots bonding with our grandparents, it’s becoming more important to design robots that use emotion-like signaling to efficiently relate to humans.
But achieving this feat is easier said than done, and getting it wrong could doom a robot to reside in the “uncanny valley” — forever ruining their hopes of a true human relationship.
Enter Eva, a blue-skinned, body-less robot designed by Boyuan Chen, a computer science Ph.D. student at Columbia University, and colleagues from Columbia’s Creative Machines Lab. With 12 tiny muscle-like actuators built into its face, Eva is prepared to express a myriad of human emotions — from fear to joy to disgust.
Chen tells Inverse that he and the rest of the team behind Eva aren’t even sure exactly how many emotions it can express.
“Can you tell me how many expressions you can make?” Chen asks me. “It’s a very hard question to answer and it’s the same for the robot. I'm happy to see this happen because if we know the exact number [of emotions], that means there are limits. We do not know the number, [so] there are no limits.”
Eva is made using a 3D printed and assembled skull with a blue, flesh-like face mask placed on top.Faraj et al.
As for why you’d want to create a smiling robot at all, Chen says that developing robots that can hold their own in human-like interactions — such as reading distress in a human companion and responding accordingly with a comforting face — will be essential for improving human-machine interactions in the future.
Using emotions as a stepping stone toward building emotional and physical intelligence will help robots in the future intuitively know how to help humans, Chen explains, instead of needing to be explicitly programmed to do so.
“When robots see that other people may need help, you want a robot to actively help the people instead of me asking for help and programming it to help us,” he says.
Paula Niedenthal is an emotions researcher and professor of psychologist at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. She tells Inverse that working toward emotionally express robots is important as well because humans will read emotions into these robots no matter what. Take, for example, food delivery robots milling the streets around UW Madison.
“The robot's behavior rather than a facial expression can look really emotional because it accelerates when there’s danger,” says Niedenthal. “For example, if a robot is crossing the road and then comes across a car there’s kind of a panicked rearing or running away. That makes you actually feel a kind of relationship with it, both sympathy and wanting to use that agent in the future.”
Eva can show a wide range of expressions, starting from 6 base human emotions: anger, disgust, fear, joy, sadness, and surprise.
Robots that can expertly express these kinds of emotions will have a better chance at building human relationships and even persuading humans to do what they want, i.e. taking their medicine on time.
But having a robot nail this interaction every time is an incredibly difficult task, says Bilge Mutlu, an associate professor of computer science and psychology and UW Madison. Even humans don’t always get it right.
“When you look at the psychology literature, our understanding of emotions is incomplete,” Mutlu says. “And if we haven't really understood human emotions, can we actually simplify them and put them into machines? That's an open question.”
For humans, these mismatched interactions can be uncomfortable or awkward, but with robots, they can be downright creepy, thanks to the uncanny valley.
The concept was proposed by Japanese roboticist Masahiro Mori in the 1970s to describe a humanoid robot that looks close — but not quite close enough — to a real human.
According to the uncanny valley concept, humans are comfortable interacting with a more abstract and cute robot (think, Pixar’s WALL-E) or an incredibly human-like robot (think, Battlestar GalacticaCylons.) However, there exists a so-called valley between these two robotic extremes where robots look neither truly human nor robotic. This feeling of the “uncanny” might be the shiver you get when walking through a wax museum or when looking at a robotic Einstein video.
Psychologically, scholars have theorized that this discomfort with the not-quite-human may stem from an instinctual fear or distrust of dead human bodies, explains Niedenthal.
To steer clear of the uncanny valley altogether researchers will typically try and keep their robots on the cuter, more abstract side of the curve, says Mutlu. However, when it comes to programming emotions into your bot, he says avoiding creepiness altogether is a little impossible.
Does Eva creep you out? You’re not alone.Faraj et al.
The uncanny valley was a challenge that Chen and colleagues were willing to take when designing Eva.
To start, they chose to design Eva as just a disembodied head. While this may instinctually sound creepy, the researchers explain in their April 2021 paper on the project that this design choice was made to help viewers more clearly separate this robot from humans in their minds. For similar reasons, the team also chose to leave Eva’s skull exposed and color its face a distinctly non-human color: blue.
Admittedly, Chen says this decision was influenced partially by the lab's affection for the 2009 movie “Avatar.”
In addition to their 2021 paper published in the journal HardwareX, the team also recently presented a second paper at the 2021 International Conference on Robotics and Automation which further describes Eva’s latest hardware and software developments.
Underneath its blue skin, Eva is equipped with:
42 “muscles”
Expressive, hand-milled eyes
Base knowledge of six basic human emotions (anger, disgust, fear, joy, sadness, and surprise)
Running an off-the-shelf learning framework on a small Raspberry Pi built into its skull, Eva is able to “look” at human expressions in person or through video and realistically mimic them. This is done by mapping the human face using discrete points, similar to the kind of dot arrays used in motion tracking for CGI in movies. Eva then imagines how these patterns of dots would look on its face and then moves its facial actuators to bring the new face to life.
Altogether, the team reports that Eva can be manufactured for just $900.
Eva is still in its infancy, but Chen says he’s excited to see how other researchers will use this open-source platform to design their own emotional robots — from changing the skin tone to programming real human interactions for Eva. In the future, Chen hopes that expressive robots like Eva will find a home as educators or in healthcare to help care for humans when others can’t.
And as for whether or not Chen finds Eva’s smile creepy, he says he could never be scared by a smile like that.
“This is hard for me because the robot is like our baby,” says Chen. “I absolutely love every part of it.”
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