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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
A century of astronomy revealed Earth’s place in the universe -PART II
A century of astronomy revealed Earth’s place in the universe -PART II
A series of revolutions in astronomy have bumped us from the center of things
Astronomers have hunted exoplanets with several techniques, some better than others. The earliest claimed exoplanet detections used the astrometry method, but almost none of them held up. Success came with the radial velocity method in the 1990s. But the transit method has proved most prolific.
Planets discovered
When a planet passes directly between its star and an observer, it dims the star’s light by a measurable amount.
Radial velocity
Orbiting planets cause stars to wobble in space, leading to an observable shift in the color of the star’s light.
Gravitational microlensing
Light from a distant star is bent and focused by a planet’s gravity as the planet passes between the star and Earth.
Direct imaging
Astronomers can take pictures of an exoplanet by removing the overwhelming glare of the star it orbits.
The orbit of a planet can cause a star to move visibly on the sky.
Instead, Mayor and others studied a shift in the wavelength of starlight as a star moved to and fro. As a star approaches us, the light shifts to shorter, or bluer, wavelengths; as it moves away, the light grows redder. Calculating the velocity of a star’s back-and-forth motion, astronomers could figure out the minimum mass and length of the year of whatever was tugging that star.
The shifts Mayor was looking for were still minuscule. The search was considered futile, and fringe — like looking for little green men. So astronomers who explicitly claimed to be searching for planets had a hard time scheduling observations at telescopes. Brown dwarfs, on the other hand, were considered legitimate science, and would be easier to detect.
So the world was astounded when, in October 1995, Mayor and his student Didier Queloz reported strong evidence not of a brown dwarf, but of a true planet orbiting the sunlike star 51 Pegasi, about 50 light-years from our solar system.
The new planet was weird. It seemed to be about half the mass of Jupiter, too puny to be a brown dwarf. But it orbited the star once every 4.23 Earth days, putting it incredibly close to its star. There’s nothing like that in our solar system, and astronomers had no idea how it could exist.
“The news flashed through the astronomical community like a lightning bolt,” wrote journalist Ron Cowen in Science News, in the first of threestories on the new planet he would write within a month (SN: 10/21/95, p. 260).
51 Peg b, as it came to be known, launched a new era. “It means planets exist around other sunlike stars, we can find them, and they might be the exciting ones,” says Yale anthropologist Lisa Messeri, who has studied how astronomers create worlds out of pixels and spectra. “Firsts are exciting because they promise there will be seconds and thirds and fourths.”
Big surprise
The first planet found orbiting a star similar to our sun fit nobody’s mold. Dubbed a “hot Jupiter,” 51 Pegasi b is bigger than Jupiter, but 20 times closer to its star than Earth is to the sun (Earth is one astronomical unit, AU, or 150 million kilometers from the sun). 51 Pegasi b circles its star in four days; Earth’s orbit is a lengthier 365 days.
A tight orbit for a large planet
The search was on. A group from San Francisco quickly found two more planets hiding in data the researchers hadn’t finished analyzing yet. Those next two planets, 70 Vir b and 47 UMa b, were also more massive and closer to their stars than expected.
The existence of these three worlds, which were named hot Jupiters because their close-in orbits should make them sizzle, upended the paradigm for what a planet could be like. Clearly, our solar system was not the template for the universe.
Yet for a few years after 51 Peg b was announced, astronomers debated whether the planet was really there. Maybe the star’s apparent back-and-forth was just its outer atmosphere breathing in and out. Those debates waned as more planets were discovered, but it took a new technique to really convince everyone.
Astronomers had predicted at least back to the 1850s that some planets would pass in front of their stars from the perspective of Earth. As it crossed, or transited, the face of its star, a planet could reveal its presence by blocking a little bit of the star’s light.
But if other solar systems are like ours, transits would be incredibly difficult to detect. Our planets are too small and too far from the sun to cast a large shadow. Hot Jupiters, on the other hand, should block way more of a star’s light than any planets in our solar system. With the discovery of 51 Peg b, transits seemed not only possible to detect, but almost easy.
The first transiting extrasolar planet revealed itself in 1999, when then-Harvard graduate student David Charbonneau drove to Colorado to do his thesis work with astronomer Tim Brown. Brown had built a tiny telescope on a friend’s farm north of Boulder, setting up the computers in a repurposed turkey coop, to search for transiting planets. By the time Charbonneau arrived, however, the farm had been sold and the telescope relocated to a lab site.
To practice the technique, Charbonneau aimed Brown’s telescope at a star, called HD 209458, that already had a suspected planet. The star’s light dimmed by about 1 percent, and then it shone bright again. That was a clear sign of a planet about 32 percent wider than Jupiter.
That discovery ended all doubts about the existence of exoplanets, says Fischer, who had worked with the exoplanet-hunting group in San Francisco. “It happened like that,” Fischer says, with a finger snap. The combined size and mass of the planet unambiguously ruled out brown dwarfs or other exotic explanations. “It walks like a Jupiter, talks like a Jupiter, it’s a Jupiter.”
There was another advantage to the transit method: It can show the composition of a planet’s atmosphere. Planets detected by the wobble technique were “little more than phantoms,” Cowen wrote in Science News in 2007. They were too small to be seen, and too close to the star to be photographed directly.
“Everyone had assumed that if you wanted to [detect] the atmosphere of an extrasolar planet, you’d have to image it,” Charbonneau told Science News. But starlight filtering through a transiting planet’s sky could reveal what gases surround the alien world without the need for a snapshot.
Hunt for habitable planets
Transits soon overtook wobbles as the most fruitful planet-finding strategy. That was mostly thanks to the launch of NASA’s Kepler space telescope in March 2009.
Kepler’s mission was explicitly about finding other Earths. For nearly four years, the telescope stared at 170,000 stars in a single patch of sky to catch as many transiting planets as it could. In particular, its operators were hoping for Earth-sized planets in Earthlike orbits around sunlike stars — places where life could conceivably exist.
The years that followed were a boom time for planet finders. By the end of its nearly 10-year run, Kepler had confirmed almost 2,700 planets and thousands more potential planets. Findings went beyond the hot Jupiters to worlds the size of Earth and planets in the “habitable zone,” where temperatures could be right for liquid water.
Discoveries came so quickly that a single new world stopped being a news story. Kepler’s data shifted from revealing new worlds one by one to taking an exoplanet census. It showed that hot Jupiters are not actually the most common type of planet; they were just the easiest ones to spot. The most common type makes no appearance in our solar system: worlds between the size of Earth and Neptune, which may be rocky super-Earths or gaseous mini-Neptunes.
And Kepler revealed that there are more planets in the galaxy than stars. Every one of the billions and billions of stars in the Milky Way should have at least one world in its orbit.
But the telescope never really achieved the goal of finding another Earth. Kepler required three transits to confirm a world’s existence. That means the telescope had to stare for at least three years to find a planet orbiting at Earth’s exact distance.
By 2013, after four years of observing, half of Kepler’s stabilizing reaction wheels had failed. The telescope couldn’t maintain its unblinking view of the same part of the sky. Mission scientists cleverly reprogrammed the telescope to look at other stars for shorter spans of time. But most of the planets found there orbited closer to their stars than Earth does, meaning they couldn’t be Earth twins.
Messeri recalls an exoplanet conference at MIT in 2011 where a lot of the conversation was about finding a twin of Earth.
“It was a peak of excitement — maybe we’re going to find this planet in the next three years, or five years. It felt close,” she says. “What’s interesting is, in the 10 years since then, it still feels that close.”
But astronomers had already realized they might not need a true Earth analog to find a planet where life could exist. Rocky worlds orbiting smaller, dimmer stars than the sun are easier to find, and might be just as friendly to life.
Charbonneau again was ahead of the curve, having started a program called MEarth in 2008 to hunt for habitable planets around puny M dwarf stars using eight small telescopes in Arizona (plus another eight in Chile that were added in 2014). Within six months, Charbonneau and colleagues had found a super-Earth dubbed GJ 1214b that is probably a water world — maybe a bit too wet for life.
The European Southern Observatory started the TRAPPIST, for TRAnsiting Planets and PlanetesImals Small Telescope, survey from La Silla, Chile, in 2010. Another telescope, at Oukaïmeden Observatory in Morocco, came online to search for planets orbiting Northern Hemisphere stars in 2016. Among that survey’s discoveries is the TRAPPIST-1 system of seven Earth-sized planets orbiting a single M dwarf star, three of which might be in the habitable zone (SN: 3/18/17, p. 6).
The star TRAPPIST-1 hosts seven planets (shown in an artist’s illustration) that all probably have a rocky composition. At least three of the planets could have temperatures that are good for life.JPL-CALTECH/NASA
NASA’s successor to Kepler, TESS, or Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, has been scanning the entire sky since April 2018 for small planets orbiting bright nearby stars, including M dwarfs. It spotted more than 2,200 potential planets in its first full-sky scan, scientists announced in March 2021.
These days, astronomers are joining up with scientists across disciplines, from planetary scientists who study hypothetical exoplanet geology to microbiologists and chemists who think about what kinds of aliens could live on those planets and how to detect those life-forms. That’s a big shift from even 10 years ago, Messeri says. In the early 2010s, no one was talking about life.
“You weren’t allowed to say that,” she says. “Astronomers would whisper it to me during fieldwork, but this was not a search for aliens.”
Exoplanet astronomy is on firmer ground now. Its leading figures have won MacArthur “genius” grants. Pioneer planet finders Mayor and Queloz won the 2019 Nobel Prize in physics. The work is no longer hidden away in conferences that are actually about stars. “It doesn’t have to legitimize itself anymore,” Messeri says. “It’s a real science.”
The promise that transiting planets can reveal the contents of their alien atmospheres may soon be fulfilled. NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope may launch this year, after many years of delays. One of its first tasks will be to probe the atmospheres of transiting planets, including those of TRAPPIST-1.
If anything is alive on those absolutely alien, unearthly worlds, maybe the next century will bring it to light.
Chinese Company Claims to be Working on a Starship-Like Rocket
Chinese Company Claims to be Working on a Starship-Like Rocket
Last weekend (April 24th), China celebrated its sixth “National Space Day” (aka. Aerospace Industry Achievement Exhibition) in Nanjing, an event that highlights advances China has made in space. Similar to Space Day that is held each year on the first Thursday in May (this year, it will be held on May 7th), the goal is to foster interest in space exploration and the STEMS so as to inspire the next generation of astronauts and aerospace engineers.
This year, the festivities focused on the Chang’e-5 mission (which showcased some of the lunar samples it brought back), and the name of China’s first Mars rover (Zhurong) – which will be landing on the Red Planet later this month. But another interesting snippet was a video presented by one of China’s main rocket manufacturers that showed demonstrated that they are working on a rocket similar to the Starship.
The animation was recorded and uploaded to the Chinese social network Weibo (video above), which was accompanied by the following description (translated directly from Mandarin):
“The promotional animation of “One-Hour Global Arrival in Space Transportation System” of the First Academy of Aerospace Engineering, compare? This afternoon was recorded from [2021 Chinese Astronomy Day] Booth of China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology at the Aerospace Industry Achievement Exhibition. If you want to make an appointment to visit Lunar Land, please go to the bottom of this blog.”
In the video, we can see two different concepts for achieving suborbital passenger flights that could be operational by the 2040s. The video came to the attention of Eric Berger at Ars Technica, which mirrored it on Youtube so that it could reach a wider audience. The animation begins by showing a spaceport with several launch pads nearby. On each, we see two-stage vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) rockets that look strikingly similar to the Starship and Super Heavy
Also similar to the Starship is the way the first stage booster returns to Earth after separation, indicating that it is a totally reusable system. We then see passengers scening views of Earth and experiencing temporary weightlessness before the spacecraft begins making a powered descent. The flight ends with the spacecraft landing in a major city clearly several time zones away (since it’s nighttime where they land).
In addition to its appearance and configuration, the animation is also similar to the “Earth to Earth” concept video released by SpaceX in September of 2017 (shown below). In that animation, a Starship ferries passengers from a platform at sea off the coast of New York and land on a similar platform off the coast of Shanghai in just 34 minutes.
The second point-to-point concept in the Chinese animation shows a horizontal takeoff and landing (HTOL) vehicle being launched via an electromagnetic rail. Once this “spaceplane” is catapulted into the air, it engages what appears to be a hybrid-propellant rocket engine to accelerate from Mach 2 to Mach 15 (supersonic to hypersonic) and achieve suborbital flight.
Both of these concepts incorporate technology and ideas that are widely popular right now with both space agencies and commercial space. Between NASA, the ESA, SpaceX, Blue Origin, Sierra Nevada, Reaction Engines, and other federal and private programs, multiple reusable rocket and spaceplane concepts are currently under development.
What’s more, both are consistent with China’s long-term aim to become the world’s leading space power by 2045. According to the roadmap released by the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation in 2017, China hopes to develop a “suborbital carrier vehicle” by 2025 that will eventually grow into a fleet, one which is capable of delivering cargo anywhere in the world by 2035 and passengers by 2045.
China’s HTOL spaceplane concept, presented at the . Credit: CALT/Eric Berger
However, the clear resemblance between CALT’s rocket concept and the Starship is also in keeping with the way China has monitored SpaceX’s progress practically from inception. As Eric Berger noted in his recently-published book Liftoff – which recounts the early struggles of SpaceX – a Chinese spy boat was stationed off the coast of Omelek Island (part of the Marshall Islands, South Pacific) in 2006 to watch the inaugural flight of the Falcon 1.
More recent examples include the incorporation of “grid fins” to the Long March 2C rocket (similar to the Falcon 9) for the sake of future reusability, as well as developing the Long March 8 to land on sea platforms. China’s long-term plan for the Long March 9 – which will be the country’s most powerful heavy-lift system once it is in service (slated for the 2030s) – includes making it partly reusable.
In the meantime, it is not clear if China plans to develop a Starship-like rocket would include equipping it for missions to the Moon and Mars (in addition to point-to-point suborbital flights). But since regular missions to the Moon and Mars were also part of the roadmap, it’s entirely possible China intends to adopt the Starship design and mission profile in its entirety.
One thing is for certain: China intends to be the superpower in space by the mid-21st century, and not merely one of several. While they have some catch-up to do before that can happen, their rate of growth is unparalleled.
Former worker reveals secrets about Area 51, aliens and “StarGate”
Former worker reveals secrets about Area 51, aliens and “StarGate”
A former Area 51 worker has released a wealth of revealing information about aliens, time machines, the plans of the elite, and a possible extinction of humanity.
Dan Burisch revealed all the secrets of Area 51.
Dan Burisch, is a Former Worker in the United States Military Forces . He has a doctorate in microbiology and was in the secret facilities of Area 51, where he was able to observe amazing things.
In 1986, Burisch received an unexpected visitor while at the University of Las Vegas. His visitor was the well-known “secret” government. They offered him to work on a classified project where he should put all his knowledge into practice.
The secret projects of the American government and Area 51
The following year, Burisch began working in a Nevada State Government office . It was related to the probation of inmates.
In 1989, tissue samples began to arrive , which he examined in a separate location and reported where they came from.
In 1994, Burisch was moved to an underground base known as ” Fourth Century ,” which was part of Area 51. The “Aquarium Project” began there .
It was there that he discovered that the government had spacecraft and extraterrestrial beings. In one of the departments there was information on a race known as ” Orions, ” from the Z Reticuli star system .
He was also able to read a copy of the treatise made by Eisenhower with beings known as P-50 and the Orions.
He learned that in a place called ” Galileo’s Bay “, there were different spaceships. One of them was the one described by Bob Lazar and the one that crashed in Roswell .
According to Burisch’s information, the concept of aliens is totally wrong . Aliens and aliens are not the same . The aliens are beings coming from other worlds, while the aliens are humans who come in the future.
The latter are the evolution of the human race over thousands of years.
Aliens: Humans of the Future
These aliens are divided into four groups and are classified with the letter P, which means ” present “, plus the years that take us into the future .
As an example, the Roswells are known as P-24 , which means ” present plus 24,000 years .” The others are known as J ROD P-45, J ROD P-52 and P-54.
The “J RODs” suffer from a very painful disease and he was a participant in the project trying to find a cure. He assured that he took blood samples from a female of this breed and that he worked on it for 2 years.
According to Burisch, the aliens are actually time travel masters.
He says that, during that time, he managed to establish a friendly relationship with her and that, in an act that violated all security protocols, that being hugged him.
At that time he telepathically transmitted much information about the future of humanity and a nuclear catastrophe .
In this event many people died, another part of humanity hid underground in order to survive. 24,000 years later, the most advanced beings on the planet had mastered time travel . It was for that reason that they traveled to Roswell.
Civilizations in our Galaxy
From this event, it was also learned that a part of the survivors settled on the Moon, Mars and Orion . From there come the P-52 or Orions that, despite having been terrestrial, came to colonize other worlds.
P-45s are hostile beings. They are responsible for the nuclear disaster and they are also the ones who do most of the abductions .
Eisenhower’s meeting was with these beings in an attempt to prevent the nuclear disaster from repeating itself. They were diplomatic pacts and the famous Abductions agreement in exchange for technology.
The Orions presented the president with a cube three inches long and wide that was able to predict the future . This instrument continues on Earth and is used by the most powerful.
Majestic 12 and the StarGates
Burish also made a statement that he worked under the Majestic 12. In this context, he also spoke of the ” StarGate “; devices built on Earth, but based on alien technology .
According to their statements, the instructions for its manufacture are found in the Sumerian tables. They were used to communicate with other civilizations outside of our Solar System. Through them a wormhole could also be made.
In this way, people or objects were teleported to other points in our universe instantly.
However, Burisch assures that these experiments are not very reliable, since he saw a person die . This device was also called “Looking Glass” since it was used to observe the probabilities of future events.
In this way they were able to verify that there was a high probability that the nuclear catastrophe occurred due to the StarGates. Currently, he assures that there are around 50 of these devices, although they have been disassembled.
It all looks like something out of a science fiction movie, but Dan Burisch has offered such detailed evidence and arguments that, at least, they cast doubt on what governments are hiding from us.
Jongste astronaut Oliver (18) in de wolken na ruimtetrip van 10 minuten: “Elke seconde van deze vlucht was onbeschrijfelijk intens”
Jongste astronaut Oliver (18) in de wolken na ruimtetrip van 10 minuten: “Elke seconde van deze vlucht was onbeschrijfelijk intens”
Oliver Daemen (18) mag zich sinds gisteren de jongste astronaut ooit noemen. De Nederlandse student bemachtigde een plek aan boord bij de ruimtevlucht van Amazonoprichter Jeff Bezos. De lancering in Texas vond plaats om 15.14 uur Belgische tijd, tien minuten later landde de capsule weer veilig terug op aarde. “Het was geweldig”, reageerde Daemen euforisch na de trip.
Daemen is vanaf nu dus de jongste astronaut ooit. De ruimtereis verliep zonder problemen, hangend aan parachutes landde de capsule met daarin de bemanning op Texaanse aarde. “Heel erg bedankt, het was geweldig!”, riep de Nederlander vanuit het vaartuig. Daemen werd tijdens de vlucht van het ruimtevaartbedrijf van Bezos (Blue Origin) vergezeld door drie anderen. Jeff Bezos zelf, diens broer Mark en de 82-jarige Amerikaanse Wally Funk, de oudste astronaut ter wereld. Hun raket haalde een topsnelheid van 3595 kilometer per uur.
In een latere verklaring noemde Daemen de vlucht een ervaring die zijn leven verandert. “Elke seconde van deze vlucht was onbeschrijfelijk intens. Het machtige effect van de G-krachten op je gestel, het epische moment dat je de dampkring verlaat. De blik op de aarde vanuit de ruimte is onvergetelijk. Terug op de grond besef je pas goed hoe enorm kwetsbaar onze planeet is in het onmetelijke sterrenstelsel. Ik realiseer me nu beter dan ooit dat we extreem zuinig moeten zijn op de aarde. Daar wil ik intensief aan bijdragen.”
100 kilometer boven de aarde
Het feit dat Bezos de oudste én jongste astronaut mee kon nemen op zijn eerste commerciële ruimtevlucht was doorslaggevend in de keuze voor de Nederlander. Daarnaast legde de steenrijke vader van Oliver vermoedelijk een bedrag van zeker zes nullen neer voor de ‘ruimtecheque’.
Het vaartuig passeerde de grens van 100 kilometer boven de aarde, volgens Bezos begint daar de ruimte pas. Na afloop viel de 18-jarige zijn vader in de armen. Ook de rest van de crew was door het dolle heen en noemde de vlucht een van de mooiste momenten van hun leven.
Het was de eerste bemande vlucht van het ruimtevaartbedrijf van Bezos, Blue Origin. Dat wil toeristische vluchten naar de rand van de dampkring verkopen. Bezos is verwikkeld in een hevige concurrentiestrijd met andere multimiljardairs als Richard Branson (Virgin Galactic) en Elon Musk (SpaceX), die zich ook op ruimtetoerisme hebben gestort. Zij proberen elkaar af te troeven. Eerder deze maand vloog Branson met zijn eigen ruimtevliegtuig naar ongeveer 86 kilometer hoogte.
Met de eerste vlucht wilde Bezos de aandacht op zichzelf en zijn bedrijf vestigen. Daarom zat Bezos ook zelf aan boord. Blue Origin verkocht het laatste plekje aan boord aan de hoogste bieder. Een onbekend persoon betaalde zo’n 28 miljoen dollar (ruim 23 miljoen euro) voor de reis, maar bleek niet te kunnen. Hij of zij gaat mee op een latere ruimtevlucht. Daarop mocht Daemen mee. Zijn vader, een belegger, had ook een bod op de vlucht uitgebracht. Blue Origin noemt Daemen “de eerste betalende klant”, maar het is dus niet bekend hoeveel de familie heeft betaald.
Reactie Kuipers
De Nederlandse ruimtevaarder André Kuipers vindt het mooi om te zien hoe de 18-jarige Oliver “na zo’n tien jaar dromen van de ruimte (heel herkenbaar) heeft genoten van het uitzicht en het zweven”, zo schreef hij op Twitter.
Kuipers was zelf twee keer in de ruimte. In 2004 en van 2011 tot 2012 verbleef hij in het ruimtestation ISS, zo’n 400 kilometer boven het oppervlak van de aarde. Daarmee was hij, tot gisteren, de laatste Nederlander die in de ruimte is geweest.
Daemen, die als kind Kuipers ontmoette, kwam tot 107 kilometer hoogte. De Brabander verliet daarmee de dampkring. en geldt nu als de jongste astronaut ooit. Hij wil in september in Utrecht natuurkunde gaan studeren.
People have described bizarre extraterrestrial encounters that take place in a dreamlike state.
Scientists guided lucid dreamers to emulate encounters with aliens and UFOs during REM sleep.
(Image credit: David Wall/Getty Images)
Lucid dreaming, in which people are partially aware and can control their dreams during sleep, could explain so-called alien abduction stories, a study suggests.
Claims of such abductions date to the 19th century; the circumstances of the kidnappings often sound dreamlike and trigger feelings of terror and paralysis. Certain dream states are also known to produce such feelings, leading Russian researchers to wonder if dream experiments could provide clues about alleged extraterrestrial experiences. The scientists prompted lucid dreamers to dream about encounters with aliens or unidentified flying objects (UFOs), and found that a number of sleepers reported dreams that resembled actual descriptions of alleged alien abductions.
During lucid dreams, sleepers are aware they are dreaming and can then use that awareness to manipulate what happens in the dream. About 55% of people experience lucid dreaming once or more in their lifetimes, and 23% have lucid dreams at least once a month, according to a 2016 study in the journal Consciousness and Cognition that analyzed five decades' worth of sleep research.
Recently, researchers with the Phase Research Center (PRC), a private facility in Moscow that researches lucid dreaming, conducted experiments with 152 adults who self-identified as lucid dreamers, instructing them to "find or summon aliens or UFOs" during a lucid dream, the scientists reported July 2 in the International Journal of Dream Research.
The researchers found that 114 of the participants reported dreaming about having some type of successful interaction with an extraterrestrial. Of those, about 61% described meeting "aliens" that resembled extraterrestrials from science-fiction novels and films, while 19% met aliens that "looked like ordinary people," according to the study.
Little blue men
One female participant spoke of seeing "little men" with blue skin, oversize heads "and huge, bulging eyes," the study authors reported. When the aliens invited her onto their spaceship, "I was blinded by a very bright light, like from a searchlight," she said. "My vision was gone, and I felt dizzy and light."
Another participant said that he dreamed he was lying in his bed when he felt as though he were being "dragged somewhere," ending up in a room with a white silhouette that reached into his chest and started "doing something inside with tools," the researchers wrote.
Conversations with dream aliens took place in 26% of the encounters, and 12% of the participants spoke with aliens in their dreams and interacted with them physically. UFOs showed up in 28% of the meetings, and 10% of the dreamers who saw UFOs described being brought inside an extraterrestrial spacecraft.
Of those who described their encounters as "realistic," 24% also experienced sleep paralysis and intense fear. Such emotions often accompany reports of supposed alien abductions, and though individuals who describe being kidnapped by aliens might truly believe that what they experienced was real, these people were likely experiencing an extraterrestrial meeting while in a lucid dream, the study authors reported.
Feelings of paralysis, fear and helplessness in vivid dreams can be so powerful that they blur the line between dreams and reality, so it's no wonder that people who may have unknowingly been dreaming instead insist that they actually met with aliens who stole them away and transported them to UFOs, said PRC head researcher and founder Michael Raduga.
For these unknowing dreamers, "abductions are real," Raduga told Live Science in an email. "They just don't know how to explain it."
note : welcome new Secureteam subs. Please send my kind regards to Tyler : I do not watch but is this his music ? : make you feel at home lol
UFO Sighted Over Hästveda, Sweden ( July 18, 2021 )
STATEMENT : UFO over "Hästveda" Northeastern Scania (18/07/2021) (06:42) Cylindrical UFO over the village of "Hästveda" in Northeastern Scania (18/07/2021) (06:42) This was the second of five cylindrical UFOs we saw that night between circa 05:30 to 09:30 We will try to get better footage if it returns tonight with multiple camera angles.
The image of Wrinkle ridge in Elysium Planitia on Mars was taken by the HiRISE camera on board NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) spacecraft on April 2, 2008.
The image shows what looks like two hatches fixed to the surface of Mars.
The sun reflects off the first rectangular hatch, which may be metallic, while the opposite side shows a dark rectangular shadow where the sun's light is blocked by the second hatch.
The hatches of about 7 x 12 meters are slightly open. This is a doorway that gives access to an underground basement?
Suppose it's not about something natural but artificially, we may wonder, other than who built it, what was it used for?
Google Mars coordinates: 8°50'17.09"N 150°36'32.13"E
Researcher affirms that “UFOs come from the Moon” (Video)
Researcher affirms that “UFOs come from the Moon” (Video)
A “sky watcher” captured on video a surprising formation of UFOs on the Moon. Are they coming from our satellite?
We have learned that the Earth, from our perspective of smallness, seems flat, but, everything seems to indicate that it is round or at least that is what we were taught.
From there it is the starting point to come to understand that the universe is so big and vast that we cannot assure that we are alone in it.
Everything matches, when unknown objects appear in the sky.
The UFO phenomenon continues to speak, thus a construction of rational thought is being created, to elucidate and found spaces to try to know what we are watching happen in the sky.
The images in the video (below) show three flying objects in an apparently triangular formation, and gliding at a high speed so that later 2 more appear following the same trajectory.
“A trajectory that points to the earth if you can fix the exact moment well.”
Given the speed of the objects, it is unlikely that they are satellites, especially because of the movements they make and the loss of formation before disappearing into the darkness of space.
An organism adapted for this situation, since sudden movements would be impossible for our race, due to the gravitational forces that we can force.
As is known, the human body cannot support flights beyond a certain speed limit, which, in space, can be 32 thousand kilometers.
This is a very small limit for the evolutions made by these flying objects, which practically disappear very quickly.
Once the formation of the three objects or UFOs is located and recorded , after about 10 seconds later a fourth object appears on the screen, at 35 seconds a fifth UFO enters the scene in the same direction after the previous formation.
An impressive recording to which we would ask ourselves a question about it. Are they ships of another civilization from the moon? Or .. are they from the terrestrial space fleet?
A new study on DNA has revealed that people living today are only between 1.5% and 7% modern humans. No, this doesn’t mean that we’re over 90% alien (or are we…?), but it does indicate that we have very old DNA belonging to our ancient ancestors.
According to the study, only a very small percentage of our genome is uniquely human. Researchers extracted DNA belonging to skeletal remains of Neanderthals and Denisovans as well as from 279 people living in different parts of the world today. Then the experts took that information regarding sequenced genomes and developed a family tree for Homo sapiens, Neanderthals and Denisovans.
They found two important factors that really stood out: the first bombshell was that between 1.5 and 7% of our genome is unique to our species which means that at least 93% of our genome is a result of a mixture between Homo sapiens, Neanderthals, and Denisovans. The second discovery was that in the past 600,000 years, there were numerous bursts of genetic adaptations regarding brain development and function of humans.
By creating the evolutionary trees, the team of researchers were able to find very important times in history when Homo sapiens adapted and separated from our ancient ancestors. In order to find out how closely related we actually are to Neanderthals and Denisovans, experts had to study both the genes as well as when the genes were turned into proteins.
In an interview with Inverse, Nathan Schaefer, who is a bioinformatician at the University of California, San Francisco, explained this in further detail, “When you ask that question, we are very similar to Neanderthals.” “We have, you know, around 20,000 genes, and somewhere around 40 of them have these actual coding differences that all humans have one version, and the Neanderthals have the other version.” “That’s already like, ‘Wow, we’re really, really close to them.”
Fernando Villanea, who is a population geneticist at the University of Colorado, Boulder, but wasn’t involved with the study, told Inverse, “Their results support the most exciting new views on the interactions between humans, Neanderthals, and Denisovans.” He went on to talk about the human brain development over the past several hundred thousand years, “These adaptation events which define our species possibly happened around [600,000] and [200,000] years ago in Africa.”
In other words, this new study seems to indicate that the most genetically unique difference between modern humans and Neanderthals and Denisovans is our cognitive development over the past several hundred thousand years as explained by University of California, Santa Cruz computational biologist Richard Green, “We can tell those regions of the genome are highly enriched for genes that have to do with neural development and brain function.”
As for the researchers’ next steps regarding their studies, Schaefer stated, “What I’m interested in doing now is trying to learn more about how genes work and what these genes do.” The study was published in the journal Science Advances.
One of the signs that a planet may have once supported life is the presence of methane gas. While it can have inorganic causes, it’s most often due to decaying organic matter as it is on Earth. That’s why scientists have been searching for it in Mars – the one planet where we have both landers and orbiters constantly scanning the surface. While methane has been detected on the Red Planet, its source has never been pinpointed … until now.
“During its five years of operation, the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) Tunable Laser Spectrometer (TLS) on board the Curiosity rover has detected six methane spikes above a low background abundance in Gale crater.”
While new rover on the block Perseverance and its ground-breaking (air-breaking?) Ingenuity helicopter have been getting all of the recent publicity, Curiosity has been trudging along and reliably doing its job since 2012. In that time, it has picked up six blips or ‘burps’ of methane in and around the Gale crater, a 96-mile impression in diameter impression dating back 3.8 billion years. However, it didn’t know the exact locations where the gas was emitted from the ground so it could rover over for a look. According to a new not-yet-peer-reviewed study published in Research Square, researchers at the California Institute of Technology decided to take a new approach – they modeled the methane gas particles where they were detected and split them into small groups. Using the wind speed and direction at the time of detection, along with geographic and topographical maps of the crater and its surrounding area, they were able to trace the methane ‘burps’ back to their belching points.
“Inside Gale crater, the northwestern crater floor casts the strongest influence on the detections. Outside Gale crater, the emission region with the strongest influence extends towards the north. The contrasting results from two consecutive methane measurements point to an active emission region to the west and the southwest of the Curiosity rover on the northwestern crater floor.”
Reviewing the data, Live Science points out that one of those locations is just a few dozen miles from Curiosity’s current location. While that may not seem very far, Curiosity has only traveled about 15.7 miles in total since it landed in 2012. The European Space Agency’s Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) is constantly looking for methane, but it has been unable to detect those recorded by Curiosity. This could change with these new coordinates. However, it would be ideal if Curiosity could get an up-close look or sniff. Methane has a 330-year lifespan, so this could be life existed just a few centuries ago … and perhaps is still there producing it today.
Curiosity roving
Before you ask, Perseverance is about 2,300 miles from Curiosity – to far to travel or send the Ingenuity helicopter. Perseverance has different instruments and missions, but Curiosity’s data can still help it find methane, if it’s being emitted nearby and hasn’t been blown away by Ingenuity. The first manned Mars mission can’t come soon enough.
And yes … the Alien Methane Burps would be a good band name.
Throughout the long history of planet Earth, our world has undergone several cataclysmic events of varying magnitude. Arguably the most widely recognized of these, the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event, involved an impact between Earth and a massive asteroid or comet estimated to have been as much as nine miles wide. The result of this impact had been the mass extinction of most life forms on the planet, with as much as three-fourths of all species on Earth at the time—both animals and plants—being wiped from existence.
Although the mass extinctions that occurred at the end of the Cretaceous period had long been recognized by scientists, confirmation of a large-scale impact event as its underlying cause did not begin to surface until the 1980s with the work of experimental physicist Luis Alvarez and his son Walter. The following decade, the discovery of the Chicxulub crater which forms much of the Gulf of Mexico, provided additional evidence that an asteroid impact had been responsible.
Smaller-scale impact events have also been proposed for other mass extinctions recognized throughout time, including the die-offs of megafauna that began to occur at the end of the last ice age. While some of these impact events remain disputed, the reality of cataclysms throughout time is something that many scientists have sought to understand, resulting in a variety of theories about what their various causes might be, and how often they occur.
Among the more unique theories in this regard had been first proposed by William Napier and Victor Clube in 1979, as detailed in their Nature paper titled “A Theory of Terrestrial Catastrophism.” The study took a novel approach, in that it looked at whether subtle gravitational disturbances in our Solar System might cause comets to occasionally become jostled from their positions in the Oort cloud, sending them hurtling toward the inner Solar System and thereby on a potential collision course with any number of our planetary neighbors, or even Earth itself.
In the 1979 paper, Napier and Clube theorized that galactic spiral arms containing small planets which our solar system passes through could account for the current locations of comets, as well as various transient objects in our solar system. They also noted that many apparent extinction events recognized in the fossil record appear to convey impacts with comets that collided with our planet. Napier and Clube concluded that such impacts likely occurred every 30 million years or so, sometimes resulting in large-scale impacts on par with the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event.
The authors found additional support for their theory in locations other than Earth, too. One example had been evidence of the long-term frequency in appearances of craters on the moon, as well as inner planets within our solar system. The authors identified what they believed to be “brief periods of enhanced bombardment,” as well as a nearly constant rate of craters appearing on the moon and inner planets within the last three billion years. This, they attributed “the decay of primordial bodies and the capture of [small planets] into the Oort cloud upon the sun’s passage through Gould’s belt of the Orion arm.”
The authors considered a wide range of theories about the effects such impact events might have had throughout time, citing evidence in stratigraphic records that seemed to convey “patterns indicating transitions between geological periods, catastrophic extinctions and ice ages.”
Things might have ended there in 1979 as far as Napier and Clube’s idea goes, had it not been for the continuing interest it generated among a few scientists. In the middle 1980s, their original idea began getting a makeover when researcher Michael R. Rampino began to expand on it, who during the following decade teamed up with Bruce Haggerty and gave Napier and Clube’s concept an all-new name: the Shiva hypothesis.
Named for the Hindu god of destruction, the Shiva hypothesis as it is known today essentially entails intervals at which cataclysms occur and, in theory, might even be predictable on account of changes in the position of the Sun in relation to the Milky Way. As recently as 2020, Rampino has continued publishing evidence that may support this idea, which analyzed the ages of ten recognized extinction events involving tetrapods throughout time. According to his research, Rampino found “a statistically significant (99% confidence) underlying periodicity” of such events occurring roughly every 27.5 million years.
As Rampino and his colleagues noted in 2020, “These findings suggest that global cataclysmal events with an underlying periodicity of ~27.5 [million years] were the cause of the coordinated periodic extinction episodes of non-marine tetrapods and marine organisms.”
The Shiva hypothesis also appears to share certain elements with (or may have even inspired) other emerging theories about the causes behind extinction events that occur over time. One notable example involves the so-called “Nemesis hypothesis,” which entails the hypothetical existence of a red or brown dwarf which is responsible for extinction events that occur every 26 million years. The idea was first presented in 1984 by paleontologists David Raup and Jack Sepkoski in a paper titled “Periodicity of Extinctions in the Geologic Past” that appeared in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Today, there is still much work to be done as far as determining whether a periodicity or “cycle” of cataclysms that led to extinction events on Earth truly exists. Nonetheless, if ever proven, it could possibly do more than just explain what led to widespread die-offs throughout time; it might even help prevent future deadly impact events that may eventually return to threaten life on our planet.
82-jarige pilote en 18-jarige Nederlander samen met Jeff Bezos opnieuw veilig geland op aarde
De eerste bemande ruimtevlucht van Blue Origin, het ruimtevaartbedrijf van Jeff Bezos, is vanmiddag een succes geworden. Bezos ging zelf de ruimte in samen met zijn broer, een 82-jarige pilote en een 18-jarige Nederlander. Iets na 15 uur Belgische tijd vertrok van op een afgelegen site in het westen van Texas de New Shepard-draagraket van Blue Origin, het ruimtevaartbedrijf van Bezos (57), de rijkste man ter wereld. Na 10 minuten en 10 seconden landde de capsule opnieuw veilig op aarde.
De New Shepard draagraket, die al vijftien keer onbemand had gevlogen, vertrok om 15.12 uur Belgische tijd van op een afgelegen site in het westen van Texas. Dat was met wat vertraging, want om onduidelijke redenen was de aftelklok gestopt. De New Shepard zette daarop succesvol een capsule uit met daarin vier astronauten: Amazon-stichter Jeff Bezos zelf en zijn broer Mark, Wally Funk die met 82 jaar de oudste mens in de ruimte werd en de Nederlander Olivier Daemen, met 18 jaar de jongste.
Het viertal ervaarde enkele minuten gewichtloosheid en zag de sterren, de kromming van de Aarde en de rand van de atmosfeer. Vanuit de capsule was gejuich en gegil te horen. De eentraps-draagraket en capsule RSS First Step keerden daarop veilig naar Texas terug. De missie duurde hoop en al tien minuten. Bergingsteams waren snel ter plaatse, het viertal verkeerde in goede gezondheid en raakten veilig uit de capsule.
“De beste dag van mijn leven”, liet Bezos de vluchtleiding na de landing weten. “Heel erg bedankt, dat was geweldig”, waren de eerste woorden van de Nederlander die trouwens een brevet als piloot heeft.
New Shepard is bedoeld voor ruimtetoerisme en Bezos wil zijn onderneming met glans op de kaart zetten. Hij heeft beslist om zelf mee te vliegen bij de eerste bemande vlucht, waardoor hij meteen de rijkste mens in de ruimte wordt. Ook zijn broer Mark (53) vloog mee. Zo gingen voor het eerst twee broers samen de ruimte in.
Aanvankelijk zou een zitje gaan naar iemand die op een veiling 28 miljoen dollar had geboden voor de trip. Maar door een “agendaconflict” zal de onbekende pas later zijn of haar vlucht maken.
Blue Origin heeft concurrenten zoals Virgin Galactic van Richard Branson. De 71-jarige Brit heeft de 57-jarige Bezos afgetroefd, door op 11 juli de eerste bemande testvlucht van zijn VSS Unity mee te maken. De stichter van Amazon vloog echter hoger dan de stichter van het Virgin-imperium want die haalde "slechts" 86 kilometer. Wat het eigenlijk een suborbitale vlucht maakt, want 100 kilometer hoogte geldt als de grens van de ruimte.
In september wil ook SpaceX voor het eerst zijn Crew Dragon-capsule voor ruimtetoerisme aanwenden. Reeds lang een speler op de markt voor ruimtetoerisme is Space Adventures, dat ruimtetoeristen met Russische Sojoez-capsules naar het Internationaal Ruimtestation stuurt. De eerste was in april 2001 de Amerikaan Dennis Tito.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) - Het Laatste Nieuws ( NL)
Jeff Bezos Launches into Space on Blue Origin’s First Astronaut Flight
Jeff Bezos Launches into Space on Blue Origin’s First Astronaut Flight
Jeff Bezos Launches into Space on Blue Origin’s First Astronaut Flight
Amazon founder and executive chairman Jeff Bezos launched into space on Tuesday, carried aboard Blue Origin’s New Shepard spacecraft in its first human flight. Bezos, the richest person in the world, was joined by his brother, Mark Bezos, female aviation pioneer Wally Funk, and a Dutch student, Oliver Daemen.
This UFO was found by Youtuber Terry's Theories and he found it in an old NASA archive from a 1967 Lunar orbiter mission. When he zooms in I see a detailed metallic ship over horizon. Its 100% clear to me that this is an alien craft that was sent to this location to both observe and to warn the astronauts that...this moon is taken. Humanity intrigues aliens, but only to a point. We also disgust aliens with our illogical and self destructive decisions and behaviors. Therefore they have not make worldwide contact yet. But the time is coming close, and I predict alien species will unite and agree upon a formal disclosure to humanity this decade.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:Ruins, strange artifacts on other planets, moons, ed ( Fr, EN, NL )
Ring UFO Over Ogden, Utah, USA On July 15, 2021, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Ring UFO Over Ogden, Utah, USA On July 15, 2021, Video, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: July 15, 2021
Location of sighting: Ogden, Utah, USA
Source: MUFON
Donut UFOs or ring UFOs as I call them are not new. They have been documented throughout time. For instance in the Bible the famous Ezekiels Wheel comes down before him, rotating like a wheel and out steps a human like being. Also back in 1957 a US Army sergeant took many photos of a ring UFO as it made a white cloud slowly around itself at the US military base Fort Belvoir.
This my friends is a real UFO. It's flying like a disk, but can fly sideways like a wheel. It is unmanned and often controlled by an alien AI and sometimes controlled by an alien far away. This video below is undeniable proof that UFOs exist.
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan
Eyewitness states:
Nearly flat, donut looking object traveled across the sky, looked almost like a balloon, but it was way faster and there was no wind; not even a breeze.
Donut-shaped UFO flying over South Ogden, UT 15-Jul-2021
Donut-shaped UFO flying over South Ogden, UT 15-Jul-2021
This daytime footage of a donut-shaped unidentified flying object was filmed over South Ogden, a city in Weber County, Utah. This happened on 15th July 2021.
Witness report:
Nearly flat, donut looking object traveled across the sky, looked almost like a balloon, but it was way faster and there was no wind; not even a breeze.
Hubble Space Telescope Is Back in Action After NASA Fixes Odd Glitch – The Wall Street Journal
Hubble Space Telescope Is Back in Action After NASA Fixes Odd Glitch – The Wall Street Journal
After a month of frantic tinkering, NASA said Friday that its aging Hubble Space Telescope was on the mend, recovering from a computer problem that crippled what many astronomers call the most productive scientific instrument ever built.
As the bus-size observatory circled Earth, space agency engineers worked by remote control to switch Hubble from its vintage electronics to backup hardware. In the final step, they powered up a payload computer that restored control of its six cameras and sensors, which peer through visible, infrared and ultraviolet wavelengths of light to the edge of space and the dawn of time.
“We are absolutely delighted that the observatory is up and running again,” said Kenneth Sembach, director of the Baltimore-based Space Telescope Science Institute, which handles the Hubble science operations. “All indications are that it’s doing well and we will get back to doing science again this weekend.”
In more than a million mind-expanding images of the universe snapped over the past 31 years, the solar-powered telescope has presented to astronomers and amateur stargazers alike a psychedelic tapestry of infant stars, dying supernovae, colliding galaxies, towering billows of stellar dust, dark matter and black holes feasting on spiral nebulae.
Hubble data has been used in more than 18,000 scientific papers that have documented the accelerating expansion of the universe, the evolution of galaxies and studies of planets beyond our solar system, NASA officials said.
“I think there’s a very credible case that the Hubble Space Telescope is the most scientifically productive instrument ever made,” said Paul Hertz, director of NASA’s astrophysics division. “The output of peer-reviewed published papers from Hubble certainly exceeds any of its competitors in any field of science.”
But then on June 13, Hubble was hobbled—and not for the first time. Technical problems that threatened to end the mission have plagued the telescope since the moment it reached its orbital perch some 340 miles above our planet’s surface on April 25, 1990.
Since its launch in 1990, five space shuttle missions have repaired, upgraded and replaced systems on the telescope.
Photo: /Associated Press
Since its launch—with flawed optics causing its photos to be so blurry that the $4.7 billion observatory was initially deemed an embarrassing failure—five space shuttle missions repaired, upgraded and replaced systems on the telescope. All five of its main instruments were fixed, and a $50 million set of corrective lenses was installed to address its manufacturing flaws.
The latest trouble began when a voltage overload in an onboard payload computer built in the 1980s tripped a circuit breaker and shut down the telescope. It was the most serious technical failure that NASA project engineers had encountered in the 11 years since the last shuttle repair.
“We did a lot of debugging,” said James Jeletic, deputy project manager for the Hubble Space Telescope Project at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. After three weeks of painstaking analysis, they decided to switch the telescope to its remaining backup systems.
“Every single thing worked as planned,” Mr. Jeletic said. “The computer came back up. All the backup hardware works fine. I don’t think we’re biting our fingernails anymore.”
NASA's Kepler Space Telescope has found a mysterious population of 'free-floating' or 'rogue' planets that aren't bound to any host star.
Based on a technique called gravitational microlensing, researchers reveal there are four new rogue planets in total, which likely have similar masses to that of Earth.
Gravitational microlensing relies on chance events where from a certain viewpoint, one star passes in front of another star.
The planets may have originally formed around a host star before being ejected by the gravitational tug of other, heavier planets in the system, the experts say.
The host star is likely still burning brightly in space, but just with fewer planets in its orbit.
Scroll down for video
The four newly discovered planets that are consistent with planets of similar masses to Earth
(stock image)
'We don't know exactly how far away they are,' study author Professor Iain McDonald at the University of Manchester told MailOnline.
'They are not among the nearest stars, but closer than the centre of our Galaxy. So it's probably most accurate to say they are several thousand light years away.
Professor McDonald said they're not sure exactly what these planets are like, but are 'probably rocky' with frozen oceans.
'If a planet like the Earth was flung out into deep space, far from the heat of a star, we'd expect the oceans to freeze over and the atmosphere to condense out onto the surface,' he said.
'Life could still continue, but only in places like hydrothermal vents, where there is another energy source.'
This is an artist impression of the Kepler Space Telescope that was decommissioned by NASA in 2018 after nearly a decade of service
The now retired Kepler telescope spent nearly a decade in space looking for Earth-size planets orbiting other stars, but scientists are still analysing its data.
Kepler launched in 2009 and was decommissioned by NASA in 2018 when it ran out of fuel needed for further science operations.
It was launched specifically by NASA with the aim of identifying planets outside of our own Solar System, known as exoplanets.
For this project, researchers used data obtained in 2016 during the K2 mission phase of NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope – an extension of its original mission.
During its two-month K2 campaign, Kepler monitored a crowded field of millions of stars near the centre of our Galaxy every 30 minutes in order to find rare gravitational microlensing events.
Predicted by Albert Einstein 85 years ago as a consequence of his General Theory of Relativity, microlensing describes how the light from a background star can be temporarily magnified by the presence of other stars in the foreground.
This produces a short burst in brightness that can last from hours to a few days.
Roughly one out of every million stars in our Galaxy is visibly affected by microlensing at any given time, but only a few per cent of these are expected to be caused by planets.
During gravitational microlensing, a viewpoint, a close star and a brighter and more distant star come into close alignment for a few weeks or months.
Gravity from the closer star acts as a lens and magnifies the distant star over the course of the transit.
The study team found 27 short-duration candidate microlensing signals that varied over timescales of between an hour and 10 days.
Many of these had been previously seen in data obtained simultaneously from the ground.
However, the four shortest events are new discoveries that are consistent with planets of similar masses to Earth.
These new events do not show an accompanying longer signal that might be expected from a host star, suggesting that these new events may be free-floating planets.
'These signals are extremely difficult to find,' said Professor McDonald.
'Our observations pointed an elderly, ailing telescope with blurred vision at one the most densely crowded parts of the sky, where there are already thousands of bright stars that vary in brightness, and thousands of asteroids that skim across our field.
Artist's impression of a free-floating planet. Such planets may perhaps have originally formed around a host star before being ejected by the gravitational tug of other, heavier planets in the system
'From that cacophony, we try to extract tiny, characteristic brightenings caused by planets, and we only have one chance to see a signal before it’s gone.
'It’s about as easy as looking for the single blink of a firefly in the middle of a motorway, using only a handheld phone.'
Since its launch in 2009, Kepler spotted thousands of exoplanets outside our solar system, despite experiencing mechanical failures and being blasted by cosmic rays.
In 2013, Kepler's primary mission was concluded when a second reaction wheel broke, which meant that the space craft couldn't hold a steady gaze at its original field of view.
But Kepler was given a 'new lease on life' by NASA on its K2 mission, which required it to shift its field of view to new portions of the sky about every three months.
NASA initially assumed that K2 would only be able to conduct 10 campaigns with the remaining fuel, but it went on to complete an astonishing 16 campaigns.
Confirming the existence and nature of free-floating planets will be a major focus for NASA's upcoming Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope and possibly the ESA's Euclid mission – both expected to detect microlensing events.
'Kepler has achieved what it was never designed to do, in providing further tentative evidence for the existence of a population of Earth-mass, free-floating planets,' said study author Eamonn Kerins at the University of Manchester.
'Now it passes the baton on to Roman that will be designed to find such signals, signals so elusive that Einstein himself thought that they were unlikely ever to be observed.'
The Kepler mission has spotted thousands of exoplanets since 2014, with 30 planets less than twice the size of Earth now known to orbit within the habitable zones of their stars.
Launched from Cape Canaveral on March 7th 2009, the Kepler telescope has helped in the search for planets outside of the solar system.
It captured its last ever image on September 25 2018 and ran out of fuel five days later.
When it was launched it weighed 2,320 lbs (1,052 kg) and is 15.4 feet long by 8.9 feet wide (4.7 m × 2.7 m).
The satellite typically looks for 'Earth-like' planets, meaning they are rocky and orbit within the that orbit within the habitable or 'Goldilocks' zone of a star.
In total, Kepler has found around 5,000 unconfirmed 'candidate' exoplanets, with a further 2,500 'confirmed' exoplanets that scientists have since shown to be real.
Kepler is currently on the 'K2' mission to discover more exoplanets.
K2 is the second mission for the spacecraft and was implemented by necessity over desire as two reaction wheels on the spacecraft failed.
These wheels control direction and altitude of the spacecraft and help point it in the right direction.
The modified mission looks at exoplanets around dim red dwarf stars.
While the planet has found thousands of exoplanets during its eight-year mission, five in particular have stuck out.
Kepler-452b, dubbed 'Earth 2.0', shares many characteristics with our planet despite sitting 1,400 light years away. It was found by Nasa's Kepler telescope in 2014
1) 'Earth 2.0'
In 2014 the telescope made one of its biggest discoveries when it spotted exoplanet Kepler-452b, dubbed 'Earth 2.0'.
The object shares many characteristics with our planet despite sitting 1,400 light years away.
It has a similar size orbit to Earth, receives roughly the same amount of sun light and has same length of year.
Experts still aren't sure whether the planet hosts life, but say if plants were transferred there, they would likely survive.
2) The first planet found to orbit two stars
Kepler found a planet that orbits two stars, known as a binary star system, in 2011.
The system, known as Kepler-16b, is roughly 200 light years from Earth.
Experts compared the system to the famous 'double-sunset' pictured on Luke Skywalker's home planet Tatooine in 'Star Wars: A New Hope'.
3) Finding the first habitable planet outside of the solar system
Scientists found Kepler-22b in 2011, the first habitable planet found by astronomers outside of the solar system.
The habitable super-Earth appears to be a large, rocky planet with a surface temperature of about 72°F (22°C), similar to a spring day on Earth.
4) Discovering a 'super-Earth'
The telescope found its first 'super-Earth' in April 2017, a huge planet called LHS 1140b.
It orbits a red dwarf star around 40 million light years away, and scientists think it holds giant oceans of magma.
5) Finding the 'Trappist-1' star system
The Trappist-1 star system, which hosts a record seven Earth-like planets, was one of the biggest discoveries of 2017.
Each of the planets, which orbit a dwarf star just 39 million light years, likely holds water at its surface.
Three of the planets have such good conditions that scientists say life may have already evolved on them.
Kepler spotted the system in 2016, but scientists revealed the discovery in a series of papers released in February this year.
Kepler is a telescope that has an incredibly sensitive instrument known as a photometer that detects the slightest changes in light emitted from stars
How does Kepler discover planets?
The telescope has an incredibly sensitive instrument known as a photometer that detects the slightest changes in light emitted from stars.
It tracks 100,000 stars simultaneously, looking for telltale drops in light intensity that indicate an orbiting planet passing between the satellite and its distant target.
When a planet passes in front of a star as viewed from Earth, the event is called a 'transit'.
Tiny dips in the brightness of a star during a transit can help scientists determine the orbit and size of the planet, as well as the size of the star.
Based on these calculations, scientists can determine whether the planet sits in the star's 'habitable zone', and therefore whether it might host the conditions for alien life to grow.
Kepler was the first spacecraft to survey the planets in our own galaxy, and over the years its observations confirmed the existence of more than 2,600 exoplanets - many of which could be key targets in the search for alien life
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
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