The purpose of this blog is the creation of an open, international, independent and free forum, where every UFO-researcher can publish the results of his/her research. The languagues, used for this blog, are Dutch, English and French.You can find the articles of a collegue by selecting his category. Each author stays resposable for the continue of his articles. As blogmaster I have the right to refuse an addition or an article, when it attacks other collegues or UFO-groupes.
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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
UFO Fleet Sighted By The Moon ( July 25, 2021 )
11 UFO ORBS MAKE PATTERN NEXT TO MOON : This is MUFON CASE : 117120 New Hartford, NY, July 31, 2021 : Mutual UFO Network : MUFON SUBMISSIONS
Long Description of Sighting Report
I had second thoughts about releasing this video but later decided the world needs to see it. Maybe somebody can figure out what the sign means. This sighting was witnessed by 2
Date Submitted : 2021-07-31 Date of Event : 2021-07-25 MUFON SUBMITTER FILE : 11ORBS.mp4
NASA Deep Web Images Show Human Cities On The Moon in 1968
In December 1968, the crew of Apollo 8 became the first humans to leave Earth orbit and head for the moon.They also became the first to look : NASA Deep Web Images Show Human Cities On The Moon in 1968
credit : Portal Siniestro : 20 october 2020
Pulsating UFO Sighted Over Săceni, Romania ( July 1, 2021 )
Pulsating light over Săceni village, Teleorman, Muntenia, Romania. The video was received by Mr. President Dan D. Farca ș on messenger from Nu țu Ion from Rosiori de Vede, ASFAN member. What information does Mr. Nu țu give us about the video : ′′ The video was taken by a friend of mine, Gabriel B. Agent from the Local Police, on 01.07.2021, at 21.37 o'clock, from the right of Satu Vechi. The object filmed was stationary and was under the cloud layer above the village of S cceni, located 15-16 km. by the Rosary of Vede At some point he disappeared, but he became visible again shortly and started moving slightly to the left, after which, he accelerated to the right and disappeared!!! Gabriel took the movie below and two photos." I got a photo but the image is moved and the object is not showing well. Thank you to Mr. Nu țu for your information.
credit : ASFAN
UFO Sighted From A Plane Over Germany ( July 28, 2021 )
Impressive UFO sighted Over Germany on July 28, 2021
STATEMENT : Recorded from a plane by a German tourist with Nikon P900 camera
credit : U.S.F
note : no audio
Morphing UFO Sighted Over Quincy, Massachusetts ( July 27, 2021 )
Morphing or Shapeshifting UFO was sighted over Quincy, Massachusetts
STATEMENT : Ufo in Quincy Massachusetts July 27 , 7:00pm
credit : Santiago Sawyer
Massive UFO Sighted Over The Moon ( July 29, 2021 )
Massive UFO was sighted flying over the moon. Filmed by Homero Soto Lozoya from Chihuahua City, Mexico live on July 29, 2021
STATEMENT : Flying object when watching the moon, speed reduced to 20 % and repeat again freezing the image 1 sec. : Objeto volador al observar la luna, velocidad reducida a un 20% y vuelto a repetir congelando la imagen 1 seg.
MUFON CASE : 117064 Lake Tapps, Washington ( July 25, 2021 )
Mutual UFO Network : MUFON SUBMISSIONS : We were walking on the street and we suddenly stopped just to see at least eight objects floating through the sky. This event lasted for just about over four minutes.
Long Description of Sighting Report - Case 117064
We were walking on the street and we suddenly stopped just to see at least eight objects floating through the sky this event lasted for just about over four minutes.
Date Submitted : 2021-07-25 Date of Event : 2021-07-24 / 9:44 PM MUFON SUBMITTER FILES :
This image from video posted Dec. 23, 2020, shows an object flying through the air off the coast of California. Sling Pilot Academy/YouTube
Iron Man might be dead in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but he appears to be very much alive in the real-world vicinity of the Los Angeles International Airport, where pilots have reported seeing a sky-high individual with a jetpack.
The mystery man or woman was spotted cruising around the airport at a high altitude on Wednesday evening, according to the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and air traffic controller recordings from LAX.
“A Boeing 747 pilot reported seeing an object that might have resembled a jetpack 15 miles east of LAX at 5,000 feet altitude,” the FAA said.
“Out of an abundance of caution, air traffic controllers alerted other pilots in the vicinity.”
Audio recordings from the airport suggest there was a person flying that jetpack, though his or her identity remains unknown.
“Skywest 3626, use caution. The jet man is back,” an air traffic controller can be heard saying on Wednesday evening, in audio obtained by CBS Los Angeles. “Let me know if you see him.”
The controller then presses the pilot for more info. “SkyWest 3626, did you see the UFO?”
“We were looking,” the pilot responds, “but we did not see Iron Man.”
Jetpacks are experimental, expensive, noisy and hard to find on the commercial market. However, someone appears to have figured out how to build and fly one at high altitudes in California, where he or she has been spotted at least four times to date.
Pilot sees man in jetpack while approaching LAX airport – Sep 1, 2020
The sightings date back to last August, when two commercial airline crews reported seeing a person with a jetpack. One crew said that he or she came dangerously close to their aircraft, which was carrying passengers at the time.
A China Airlines flight later reported seeing “someone in a jetpack” at 6,000 feet in October.
“We just saw a flying object like a flight suit that’s passing by us,” the crew said.
The FBI and the FAA have been investigating the sightings for months, though they’ve been unable to determine the origin of the jetpack.
The FBI suggested last November that the object might be a drone designed to look like a man in a jetpack, and that it’s unlikely that an actual person might be piloting it.
However, the reports have persisted for over a year.
An L.A.-area flight school claimed to have captured actual footage of the “jetpack man” in December, when he or she was spotted at around 3,000 feet off the coast of Palos Verdes.
The object in the video strongly resembles a human figure with a jetpack on their back, but it remains unverified.
The FAA says it’s still investigating the strange jetpack phenomena and has yet to identify the person behind it.
Perhaps they’re simply waiting for the person to come forward and say what all the Marvel fans want to hear: “I am Iron Man.”
In a report submitted to the United Nations in January 1979, the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) classified the objects as "UFOs until identified", but said the "prospect of extra terrestrial intervention being proved is regarded as extremely remote".
The document is one of a large group of declassified documents regarding "Unidentified Flying Objects" at Archives New Zealand, which came from New Zealand's post at the UN between 1977 and 1982.
In the briefing, DSIR debunks one film of the famous event, but has trouble in doing the same with TV1's footage.
What we learned from the United States UFO Report
The United States released a report on UFOs earlier this year.
"Both Crockett's and TV1's films are highly distorted," the briefing reads.
"Crockett's film now considered unmeritous because of visual discrepancies produced by filming through an argosy window. DSIR have actually duplicated Crockett's results by shining a torch light onto the plane's window.
"TV1's film proving more interesting as it was a straight shot free of any distortion produced by filming through glass and plastic.
"However, aberrations are apparent in the film which is making it difficult to analyse. DSIR are now converting the film to computer readout and are hopeful that distortions can be erased."
DSIR said atmospheric conditions could explain false radar readings at the time of the sightings, where both Christchurch and Wellington air traffic control registered signals.
They said the readings weren't consistent with the sightings of pilots, or ground sightings.
"DSIR are not willing to make definite statements yet but their conjecture is that the objects filmed will turn out to be no more than general illumination (possibly produced by Jupiter or Venus) on the horizon.
"The objects remain classified as UFOs until identified. Prospect of extra terrestrial intervention being proved is regarded as extremely remote."
UFO sightings have received significant media coverage in recent months. This 2015 image from video provided by the US Department of Defense shows anunexplained object as it soars high along the clouds, travelling against the wind.
Other documents show the lobbying New Zealand received from the nation of Grenada, which wanted the United Nations to "initiate, conduct and co-ordinate research into the nature and origin of unidentified flying objects and related phenomena".
New Zealand was chairing the Western European and Other States Group in November, 1978, when Grenada wanted to table their suggestion, and was not too pleased at the suggestion.
"We are disenchanted with Grenada resolution and would hope that the item can be disposed of without vote," one document reads.
"If put to the vote our inclination would be to vote against."
A report to the United Nations in 1979 said the "prospect of extra terrestrial intervention being proved is regarded as extremely remote".
Another document said: "A number of countries who were members of the Outer Space Committee (particularly Austria) were unhappy at the proposal. They felt it would damage the Committee's credibility and divert resources from more imporant work."
New Zealand's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said it shared the opinion of the committee.
"The matter is not appropriate for discussion in a United Nations context.
"We would hope, therefore, that the matter would be disposed of without vote.
"If put to the vote a negative vote would be appropriate though the delegation has discretion to abstain in appropriate company."
Grenada eventually pulled its pursuit of an UFO investigations unit in the UN, at the urging of the United Kingdom.
This story was originally published on and is republished with permission.
New York UFO sighting: 11 ORBs make pattern next to the Moon
New York UFO sighting: 11 ORBs make pattern next to the Moon
Here’s one new footage filmed on 25th July 2021 and it was just published on MUFON’s website. It shows these unknown bright orbs making a “V” pattern over New Hartford, New York.
Witness report:
I had second thoughts about releasing this video but later decided the world needs to see it. Maqybe somebody can figure out what the sign means. This sighting was witnessed by 2
ANUNNAKI KINGS 2021 | The Devil. War Of The Gods – Dragons & Serpents In The Bible
ANUNNAKI KINGS 2021 | The Devil. War Of The Gods – Dragons & Serpents In The Bible
Do the Bible and many ancient narratives around the world tell a story of humanities contact with Ancient Aliens? Why is the serpent of Genesis 3 so often equated with evil, with the Devil or Satan. Nothing in the Genesis story makes that equation. So where does that association come from?
Stanford astronomers discover light from back of black hole for 1st time
Stanford astronomers discover light from back of black hole for 1st time
Scientists at Stanford say they've made a breakthrough discovery about light and black holes that startled even seasoned astrophysicists. And their work appears to prove Einstein's theory about gravity over a century ago was right.
Black holes deep in space continue to fascinate scientists, their gravity so powerful that matter and light get sucked in and can never escape. Even at 800 million light years away, orbiting telescopes have been able to see x-ray spectrum light from the front side, but never from the back side.
Stanford astrophysicist Dan Wilkins and his research colleagues are reporting they witnessed and recorded a series of bright flares for the first time, coming from the far side.
In a video, they saw a band of yellow light in the x-ray spectrum that's invisible to humans. The black hole's gravity causes those x-rays to bend around it. The telescopes captured a secondary flash, which is emanating from behind the black hole. Einstein predicted this phenomenon in 1916 in his theory of general relativity.
"The color of these flashes, the color of those echoes as well as the time that they were delayed after the original flare told us that these were the echoes coming from the gas that's hidden from our view behind the black hole," said Dr. Wilkins, a research scientist at Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology at Stanford.
"Some of it will shine back down onto the gas that's falling into the black hole, and this gives us really quite a unique view of this material in its final moments before it's lost into the black hole," he explained.
Two aging telescopes helped with this breakthrough: the European Space Agency's 22 year old XMM-Newton and NASA's nine-year-old NuSTAR. Wilkins is on the team building the next-generation x-ray telescope Athena.
"It's a key part of the puzzle to understanding how the galaxies formed and how the universe as we know it became how it is," Dr. Wilkins said.
Wilkins says modestly they were lucky. Perseverance also plays a role.
Russian module mishap destabilises International Space Station
Russian module mishap destabilises International Space Station
Nauka (centre) joined the ISS high above the border between Mongolia and China
The International Space Station (ISS) was destabilised after engines of a newly arrived Russian module inadvertently fired up.
"Mission control teams corrected the action and all systems are operating normally," US space agency Nasa said.
This was done by activating thrusters on other modules of the ISS. An investigation is now under way.
US and Russian officials stressed that the seven crew members aboard the space station were never in any danger.
The malfunction happened three hours after the Nauka module docked with the ISS on Thursday, following an eight-day flight from Earth.
Nasa officials said Nauka's jets started firing uncommanded at 12:34 EDT (16:45 GMT) "moving the station 45 degrees out of attitude".
The Russian Zvezda segment and a Progress freighter then responded to push the station back into its correct pointing configuration. The incident was over by 13:29 EDT.
"What we saw today was just an awesome job by the mission control flight teams," said Joel Montalbano, Nasa's ISS programme manager.
"Those guys were rock stars again and got us back in attitude control. That also shows you what a robust vehicle we have, and our ability to take these contingencies, recover from them and move on," he told reporters.
Communications with the ISS crew were lost for two periods, of four minutes and seven minutes, during the incident. However, the US agency said that the astronauts were safe. They "really didn't feel any movement", it added.
The mishap forced Nasa and Boeing to push back Friday's uncrewed test flight of Boeing's Starliner capsule, a vehicle intended to carry astronauts in the future.
"We wanted to give the ISS programme time to assess what had happened today, to determine the cause and make sure that they were really ready to support the Starliner launch," explained Steve Stich, the manager of Nasa's commercial crew programme.
"Right now the earliest opportunity would be Tuesday, 3 August, which would be a 13:20 EDT (17:20 GMT) launch.
image captionThe delay for Nauka has also affected the European robotic arm
The 13m-long, 20-tonne Nauka was earlier attached to the rear of the orbiting platform, linking up with the other major Russian segments on the station.
The module should have launched in 2007, but the vessel suffered repeated slips in schedule, in part because of budget difficulties but also because engineers encountered a raft of technical problems during development.
Even after it launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan a week ago, it experienced propulsion issues that required workarounds from controllers in Moscow.
In the end, however, it docked with the station on the planned date.
The new module will result in a significant boost in habitable volume for the ISS, raising it by 70 cubic metres.
Cosmonauts will use the extra space to conduct experiments and to store cargo. They'll also use it as a rest area, and it has another toilet for crew to use on the station.
In addition, the module carries with it a large robotic arm (ERA) supplied by the European Space Agency (Esa).
This 11m-long device will be able to operate all around the Russian end of the ISS. With the aid of an "elbow" joint, it will shift position by moving hand over hand.
Nauka's installation comes just as Russia has been questioning its future role in the ISS project.
Moscow officials recently warned about the more-than-20-year age of some of their on-orbit hardware and intimated the country could pull out of the station in 2025. And Russia has shown little interest in joining the US-led lunar platform, known as the Gateway, which will be assembled later this decade.
300,000-Year-Old Nanostructures in the Ural Mountains: Alien Technology?
300,000-Year-Old Nanostructures in the Ural Mountains: Alien Technology?
A team of archaeologists was surprised during an investigation to find strange microscopic objects; a mysterious nanostructures in the Ural Mountains in Russia.
Ural Mountains, in Russia.
During a geological investigation for the extraction of gold in 1991 , a group of archaeologists found themselves on the banks of the Balbanyu, Narada and Kozhim rivers , in the Ural Mountains. In the process, they found nanostructures. Some extremely strange microscopic objects.
Nanostructures in the Ural Mountains
Due to the minute dimensions of the structures, various theorists suggest that they were made by a very ancient advanced civilization .
This civilization could have, approximately 300,000 years ago , the capacity to develop nanotechnology.
They found metallic coils and spirals axes that make up the list of rare nanopiezas. These were found embedded in a rock over 100,000 years old .
This nanotechnology, in addition, was classified as an Oopart, or an object out of time. The scientists agreed that it is impossible for such technology to be around 300,000 years old.
For an object to be considered an Oopart, it must be unique and little known in historical or paleontological archaeological records. Scientists classify it as something “anomalous”, since they are found when and where they ” should not be “. Hence, it contradicts the traditional story.
Mainstream research regarding these objects is usually looking for a logical explanation . For archeology it is ” impossible to affirm” that there existed a degree of technology and culture more advanced than that known to the academic world.
However, alternative researchers are convinced of the existence of ancient astronauts . Or extraterrestrial beings that visited Earth in the past.
The strange pieces are the same ones used in rockets and spaceships.
Discovery investigation
The study was originally conducted by the Russian Academy of Sciences in Syktyvkar. After conducting different tests on the nanostructures, the experts found strange characteristics .
The larger pieces are made of pure copper , the smaller ones were made of molybdenum and tungsten . These metals have been used in the manufacture of missiles and spacecraft due to their high resistance to high temperatures.
The length of the smallest object is only one tenth of an inch.
Subsequently, they underwent intensive investigations at facilities in Moscow, Saint Petersburg and Helsinki in order to find clues about their origin.
The scientists concluded that these components were not a product of nature , but that their origin is artificial. In short, they were built.
Experts said the nanostructures were the rocket parts from the Plesetsk launch base.
However, a report that was made in 1966, excluded this possibility, since the analysis showed that they were found in great depth .
As if the discovery of these objects was not mysterious enough, the Ural Mountains have always been the subject of theories and strange events.
One of the most enigmatic events to take place in the region was the Dyatlov Pass incident . A group of Russian hikers were found dead in strange circumstances.
Many theories were created from the event, from UFOs , secret experiments. Even even from a Yeti or unknown tribes.
Could they be alien technology? If so, these nanostructures would confirm the visit of ancient astronauts in the remote past.
ALL RELATED VIDEOS, selected ans posted by peter2011
So far, over 4,000 exoplanets have been found and they come in all different sizes, temperatures, orbits, etc… For example, some exoplanets are gas giants that are larger than Jupiter, while others are rocky worlds about the same size as Earth. They can be exceptionally hot or have very cold temperatures. They can complete a full orbit around their star (or stars) injust a few days or much longer, and some don’t even have a host star.
Some exoplanets have been described as “hot Jupiters” and recent studies have revealed new and surprising facts about them. First of all, the fact that scientists have found hot Jupiters is amazing as they once believed that they were so unlikely that they probably didn’t even exist. These are exceptionally hot giants that orbit their star at an incredibly close range.
So far, astronomers have detected over 700 hot Jupiters in our Milky Way Galaxy and the data collected by NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope allowed experts to focus in on a specific number of them. In fact, 49 hot Jupiters were chosen to be extensively studied for the new research project.
Jean-Michel Desert, who is an astronomer at the University of Amsterdam, stated, “Hot Jupiters – all of them are quite peculiar,” adding, “But we do see families of [these] exoplanets.” To better understand this, they are grouped into three families – “cooler” hot Jupiters with atmospheric temperatures as high as 1,300 degrees Fahrenheit (704 degrees Celsius); “hot” hot Jupiters with temperatures between 1,300 and 3,100 degrees Fahrenheit (704 to 1,704 degrees Celsius); and ultra-hot Jupiters with temperatures hotter than 3,100 Fahrenheit (over 1,704 degrees Celsius).
As for what the researchers found, one surprise was that the “cooler” hot Jupiters didn’t have any methane in their atmospheres as stated by Claire Baxter from the University of Amsterdam, “To not find methane in any of the planets [at temperatures lower than about 1,300 degrees Fahrenheit] was surprising with the basic assumptions we had made.”
On the ultra-hot Jupiters, carbon monoxide and methane were mixed together in their atmospheres. “Seeing the evidence for vertical mixing in a statistical sense is an important step because it is predicted by models and was also previously seen in brown dwarfs [a kind of failed star],” Baxter explained, “Now we have collected evidence that this effect is also seen in exoplanet atmospheres.”
Another thing they discovered was that hot Jupiters have approximately the same amount of metal content as their stars which contradicts previous theories that they had a much higher amount.
This is a very important step in learning more about hot Jupiters and with future observations from the James Webb Space Telescope as well as the European Space Agency’s ARIEL mission, astronomers will be able to gather even more data regarding these giant exoplanets.
If there’s one thing you can say about aliens, it’s that most of them don’t really look like us. Okay, there’s the head, the torso, the arms and the legs, but largely that’s where things come to an end. For example, the small “Greys” have huge heads, large black eyes and emaciated bodies. The “Reptilians” are hardly human-looking. The lesser-known “hairy dwarfs”and the Flatwoods Monster of 1952 were nowhere near human-like. That said, however, there are a number of reports of non-human entities that look almost identical to us. There’s no doubt this applies, chiefly, to the “Space Brothers” and “Space Sisters” of the 1950s. They were encountered, usually, in desert locations and near the West Coast of the United States. The females were practically identical to us. The males, too. That is, apart from their 1980s-era-style, heavy-metal-band hair. They had fun and memorable names, such as “Rondolla” of the Fourth Density; “Zolton;” of Vela; “Ah-Ming” of Tarr; and “Numa” of Uni. Much better than the nameless Greys, right? Right! Then, there was Aura Rhanes, the ultimate alien uberbabe of the 1950s and a proud citizen of the planet Clarion, which, by the way, has never been found. Until his death in 1969, Contactee Truman Bethurum was totally entranced by Captain Rhanes. There are, however, other aliens that look just like us and who can pass for us on the streets, in the malls, and at the Friday night game. Whether or not they bet on the game, I don’t know.
Giant Rock, California, where human-looking ETs with stupid-but-fun names loved to hang out in the 1950s
(Nick Redfern)
Giant Rock, California, where human-looking ETs with stupid-but-fun names loved to hang out in the 1950s (Nick Redfern) have friends who fully believe the Black Eyed Children are aliens. Personally, though, I think that is what we call in the U.K. “complete and utter bollocks.” In my view the BEC are something supernatural, rather than extraterrestrial. I have to admit, however, that those strange black eyes and the pale, sickly-looking faces do suggest that the BEC just might be ETs. Give them some human-like contact lenses, and, yes, they certainly could pass for us. Just maybe. Now, let’s take a trip to a store. UFO authority, and author, Denise Stoner told me the following: “At least three times here in Florida at a particular combination health/grocery/restaurant I have been observed by a strange character. This is a good place to blend as many folks who shop here are ‘odd characters’ to begin with or ‘hippie like,’ gone back to nature types. So, the person who has observed me is wearing a gauzy outfit, thin hair, woven straw Panama type hat and sun glasses fits right in.” Denise continued:
No way these guys are going to pass for us
“His skin, hair, and clothing are all almost the same beige color. The difference is he has a drink in front of him, a notebook, stares at me the whole time as we eat at a table on the sidewalk. He never has food of his own nor does he touch the drink. It seems he knows when we are almost finished eating, he gets up, walks slowly past our table, rounds the corner that is clearly visible but must pass a pillar on the corner of the shopping plaza by our table. Once he goes behind that pillar, he never comes out the other side. There is literally nowhere for him to go but out the other side, then down the sidewalk or out to the parking lot – but no, he is gone. I cannot get up to follow thinking I am going to bump in to him on the other side of the pillar. He lets me know in no uncertain terms that he is watching me or letting me know he is there.”
Captain Aura Rhanes. Now, that’s more like it.
For his book Selected by Extraterrestrials, William Tompkins wrote: “The time was 1:30 p.m. It was an afternoon in late 2010. The location was an exclusive neighborhood in Oceanside, California. I needed some things from our local store. Walking fairly close to the rear entrance, I spotted an expensively dressed, tall, blonde, vision that immediately reminded me of the first day I met Jessica, my Nordic alien. She stopped and turned, facing me. With a sincere, deep, penetrating look, this vision said, ‘My father is several levels above 32 Mason, and I’m going to help you with your book.’ We talked for about ten minutes, outside of the door. She gave me her phone number and said, ‘Meet me tomorrow, in the coffee lounge at 1:30.’ Obviously, I was extremely impressed and in total confusion about her remarks, because I never met her and didn’t know who she was. How could she have known I was writing a book? And what did her Freemason father have to do with the subject matter in my book?” Don’t ask me. I’m just the messenger.
There’s no doubt, whatsoever, this story is a bizarre one. How could it not be when supermarkets, UFOs and aliens become integral parts of it all? Aliens that look so much like us they can wander the aisles, get stuck in the check-out lines for twenty minutes (just like me and you!), choose the shopping cart with the fucked-up front-wheel, and not be outed for what they really are? Now, that’s impressive!
Aliens thinking about invading Earth need to be ready to start hearing cries of “Semper Fi!” now that a select group of “space Marines” have commenced training at the Army’s Space and Missile Defense School in Colorado Springs, Colorado, where they will prepare to fight our country’s battles from the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tranquility … on the Moon and beyond. Someday soon, if extraterrestrials ever look on heaven’s scenes, they will find our skies are guarded by United States Marines.
“We are in our initial building stage of SOPs (standard operating procedures) and TTPs (tactics, techniques, and procedures) and force structure. Right now this is a capability that doesn’t exist in the Marine Corps. It’s always us reaching out to the joint force to provide it.”
It wouldn’t be a military announcement without acronyms, so the press release quotes Marine Capt. Jacob Loya, a communications officer with a background in satellite communications working with 1st Space Brigade to train the Marines, had a few to say. The Marines are part of the newly activated Marine Corps Forces Space Command at Offutt Air Force Base in Omaha, Nebraska, and after training will embed with Army Space Support Teams. The training will include, situational awareness of space capabilities, space assets, space products, and the impact of space on operations. According to the press release, the goal is from the Marines to eventually establish their own autonomous Marine Space Support Teams.
What about the Space Force?
“With the renewed emphasis on space and the standing up of the Space Force and Space Command, the Marine Corps needs to have skin in the game. We want to be able to operate independently and that starts by learning all the TTPs built out by 1st Space Brigade. It’s a knowledge base we just don’t have.”
The Space Force is a separate branch of U.S. uniformed services, although it’s considered to be a sister-branch of the U.S. Air Force. It’s responsible for organizing, training, and equipping space forces, which are then deployed by the United States Space Command. So, according to the chain of command and distribution of responsibilities, it appears the Space Force trained the Army’s Space and Missile Defense School personnel which then trains its own Army and Marine space support teams, which in this case are the Space Marines – although that’s not their official designation.
According to Task and Purpose, the space Marines will be a part of the Army Space Support Team (ARSST) providing enhanced “intelligence and operation planning capabilities” for units in the field, especially in the area of space-based military capabilities like satellite intelligence and communications. They will also be able to jam enemy communications and take part in “navigation warfare.”
John Glenn
It’s the 100th anniversary of his birth, so we’ll salute the most famous space Marine – John Glenn. Glenn trained as a Navy pilot, but accepted a transfer to the Marines and flew missions in World War II and the Korean War before becoming a test pilot and eventually one of the first U.S. astronauts – the first American to orbit the Earth. (That’s real space travel, Bezos and Branson.)
Would John Glenn be interested in becoming an official Space Marine and fight alien invasions? He never hesitated to serve when his country called, so it’s easy to answer that question.
“From dawn to setting sun; We have fought in every clime and place Where we could take a gun.”
Since the dawn of time human beings have moved forward through resourcefulness, invention and technology. It is what brought us up from mere apes cowering in the dark, to the advance being we are today, travelling to the stars and unravelling the secrets of the universe. Discovery and innovation have driven us to be the most advanced species the world has ever known, and all of this comes from the discoveries and inventions of those who have managed to unfurl the layers from what we do not understand. But discovery and invention are hard. It takes a lot of work and trial and error, and so for as long as amazing discoveries have been around there have been those who have just tried to fake it. Here are some of the boldest, cunning, and most baffling technological hoaxes from the annals of history.
A very early hoax involved a type of robot before robots were ever even really a thing. In 1769, a Hungarian nobleman by the name of Baron Wolfgang von Kempelen built what he claimed to be a fully-functioning, chess playing robot, which at the time were typically referred to as “automatons.” It appeared as a large wooden box filled with gears, cogs, wires, and other fancy looking technological stuff, and atop this box sat a wooden mannequin dressed in Turkish clothes for some reason, and with maneuverable arms and hands. There was a large handle on the side, which Kempelen would dramatically wind up to activate the automaton, after which it would creepily spring to life to play chess. It had dexterous hands, could pick up and move chess pieces on its own, and not only that, it was touted as having the ability to “think,” planning strategies and studying and reacting to its opponent’s moves.
When Kempelen first unveiled his creation it caused a major stir, as no one had ever seen any automaton that could do anything other than merely mimic humans and animals at the most rudimentary level. By all appearances, this was an actual thinking robot able to interact with an opponent, which was mind-blowing at the time. Kempelen then toured all over the place giving demonstrations of his wondrous machine. A typical show would be for him to crank up the robot, which was affectionately nicknamed “The Turk,” and then invite someone from the audience to come up and try to play chess with it, and they almost always lost to it. He was always very willing to show that it was not an illusion, opening the side of the machine to allow spectators to see that there was not a man hidden inside, and no one could quite figure out how it all worked. Before long, these demonstrations were immensely popular, bringing in nobles, aristocrats, and even Benjamin Franklin, who lost a chess match to it. Everyone was held in awe.
Kempelen’s chess-playing robot
These demonstrations would go on until 1790, when Kempelen would have his creation taken apart and put into storage. Upon his death in 1805, it was sold by his family to a German by the name of Johann Nepomuk Maelzel, who put it back together and began touring it around America. As it began to gain more fame, speculation on how it worked began doing the rounds again, with many skeptics surmising that there had to somehow be a person, maybe even a dwarf, hidden within the box or even the wooden Turk itself. It would not be until 1837 that the secret would finally come out, when those involved with the scam came forward to tell how it was done. It would turn out that various chess masters had been hidden inside the box as many had suspected, and that a series of sliding panels, mirrors, and a rolling chair had been used to conceal them while audience members inspected the inside of the box. It was then just a matter of using magnetic pieces over the hidden player’s head to gage where the opponent had moved, and then use a system of levers to move his own pieces. In the end, it was quite a simple explanation for a device that had baffled and delighted audiences for the better part of a century, and it caused great disappointment. The Turk itself would be put back into storage, and its days were finally put to an end by a warehouse fire in 1854.
At the same time that Maelzel was touring the chess-playing robot, another inventor was widely promoting what he claimed to be an actual, fully functioning perpetual motion machine. The concept of what has become known as “perpetual motion” is simple at its core. It basically describes an object or body that remains in continuous motion forever without any external energy source. If a machine were to be built using some sort of perpetual motion technology, it would theoretically run forever without any need for fuel, batteries, or power of any kind. This means basically unlimited energy, freeing us from the tethers of finite sources of fuel and giving us devices that will never wind down or die out. It has become a sort of holy grail for certain individuals, who continue to plug away at this seemingly unobtainable dream, and it is just amazing how much the idea of perpetual motion has enthralled people over a large portion of history. One of these was first unveiled in 1812 by an until then rather unknown man named Charles Redheffer, who began exhibiting his invention in his home in Philadelphia, in the United States.
His fantastical machine featured a gravity-driven pendulum with a large horizontal gear on the bottom, and a smaller gear that interlocked with the larger one, with the large gear and the shaft able to rotate independently. On the gear were two ramps that held weights, and it all supposedly worked by these weights pushing the large gear away from the shaft, which would create friction that would cause the shaft and gear to spin. This spinning gear would then power the interlocked smaller gear, and on and on it would go, supposedly forever unless the weights were removed. The machine was put on display and immediately became a smash sensation, drawing in droves of amazed spectators and scientists alike, all of whom were charged a hefty admission fee by Redheffer and none of who could figure out how it all worked. It was largely whispered that he had finally cracked perpetual motion, that he had achieved the seemingly impossible dream. Before long Redhefer was getting quite rich off of his oddball machine, and there was much excited speculation that he had actually done it and achieved true perpetual motion, despite raised eyebrows from the scientific community.
Diagram of Redheffer’s machine
Redheffer, emboldened by the response to his device, actually requested funding from the state of Pennsylvania to build a much larger version, and on January 21, 1813, state inspectors were sent to take a look at the machine before any money would be paid. Unfortunately for Redheffer, he had never let anyone ever take a good, close look at his device, and it would soon become apparent why. The inspectors arrived and were immediately suspicious when it turned out they could only view it through a window into a locked room. Even so, there were cracks appearing in Redheffer’s claims when it was noticed that the gear cogs were worn down in such a way as to suggest that the weights, shaft, and large gear were not powering the smaller gear, as Redheffer claimed, but rather the other way around. To them this was an obvious hoax, but the way they dealt with it is rather amusing. Rather than call out Redheffer on his scam, inspector Nathan Sellers hired a local engineer by the name of Isaiah Lukens to build a replica that was more compact and set within a solid baseboard with a square piece of glass at the top. There was no discernible way as to why it could work, yet concealed within the machine was a wind able motor that was wound through the covert use of a wooden decorative finial. With a little sleight of hand, the illusion was nearly perfect, and when he saw it Redheffer himself was so incredibly surprised to see what he took to be a real perpetual motion machine that he allegedly secretly offered Lukens a large amount of money to know the secret. After this, the news did the rest of the work and Redheffer was undone and exposed through a taste of his own medicine.
Amazingly, this did not put a stop to Redheffer. Undeterred, he simply moved to New York to set up shop there where his reputation hadn’t been as tarnished, once again enjoying some amount a fame and drawing in droves of curiosity seekers. One of these was an engineer by the name of Robert Fulton, who noticed something fishy as he observed the mysterious device in action. He could see a slight wobble to it, and also noticed a very slight unevenness to its speed and the sounds it made, both things that should not be present in a real perpetual motion device. A real device of this type would need to be frictionless and perfectly silent because friction and sound would be a loss of energy, so these were glaring clues that something was off, especially to his trained eye. Realizing that it was obviously being somehow powered by crank motion, Fulton confronted Redheffer on the spot, but the inventor amazingly held his ground, insisting that the machine was real.
Fulton then challenged Redheffer to allow him to search for any possible source of outside power, to which Redheffer foolishly agreed. After this, Fulton simply tore out a section of wall in full view of a gathered audience to find a concealed cable that led to an upstairs room, where an old man was found operating a crank. The spectators, who had all paid good money to see the amazing “perpetual motion machine,” were less than thrilled. They reportedly immediately took out their frustrations on the machine itself, smashing it to pieces, and might have done the same to Redheffer if he hadn’t already hi-tailed it out of there to later skip town. Unbelievably, Redheffer would claim several years later that he had created another machine, and that it was totally, for sure real this time, and he even got a patent for it in 1920, but since it was never put on display or examined and the patent was lost in a fire who knows if there was any truth to it.
Such an invention would be groundbreaking, completely changing our world, and it is a fascinating thing to think about it, yet according to our current knowledge of physics it simply just isn’t possible, as such a machine would violate one or more of the laws of thermodynamics. To put it in simple terms, the First Law of Thermodynamics basically is about the conservation of energy, and says that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another, making the idea of a machine constantly creating its own energy without any outside influence impossible. There is also the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which in simple terms more or less says that an isolated system will always move toward a state of disorder, for instance heat will always dissipate and energy will be lost on any number of variables, including moving parts, friction, even sound, with the more energy formed meaning the more energy wasted. It is all much more complicated than this very basic explanation, but the gist is, a perpetual motion machine is impossible according to our current understanding of the universe and the laws of the conversation of energy. Alas, all of the many supposed perpetual motion machines have proven to be hoaxes.
In 1875 we have the strange story of John Worrell Keely, who founded the Keely Motor Company. Keely made the rather bold claim that he had invented what he called a “vibratory generator” that could purportedly wrest enough power out of a quart of water to pull a fully loaded train. He would give some seemingly successful demonstrations of this amazing device, and soon had investors throwing money at him to develop it. He would keep taking their money and stalling as he fine tuned his device, but after more than a decade of this suspicions began to arise. Nevertheless, it was such a potentially ground breaking marvel that there was still hope it might all be real. Sadly, when Keeley died in 1898 it was discovered that he had been pulling the wool over everyone’s eyes, with him having merely used a clever ruse of having a compressed air machine hidden away that would provide power to the engine. This would not be the last time someone would try to fool everyone into thinking they could turn power into fuel, and we will get to another case later.
John Worrell Keely
Not all bogus inventions were for benevolent purposes. In 1876 a self-proclaimed “Professor” by the name of James C. Wingard, of New Orleans, came forth with what he claimed to be a weapon that he had designed that could utterly destroy Naval vessels. It was supposedly essentially a death ray that he said projected a “nameless force,” and which could devastate any vessel “so as to leave no trace of them in their former shape” from a range of up to 5 miles. Wingard heavily promoted his device as the future of warfare, and promised that any one who had possession of it would rule the seas and be unstoppable, able to annihilate any enemy. This obviously had the attention of the military, and he went about arranging a demonstration on June 8, 1876 at Lake Pontchartrain. As a large crowd looked on, Wingard engaged his device, aiming it at a large wooden schooner. There was apparently a lag of around a minute before the schooner exploded into a rain of fire and smoke, after which the vessel rapidly sank.
It would soon be found that the schooner had been completely obliterated, with one statement saying “even the small timbers aft of the mainmast were broken all to pieces,” and the test seemed to have been a resounding success. Wingard then formed a stock company in Boston and continued his work on refining his groundbreaking weapon, attracting many investors. As with Keeley, they were soon demanding results, so he set up another demonstration in Boston Harbor. However, when he activated the device, there was an explosion far from the target vessel, and an investigation would find a disintegrated rowboat and two bodies in the water. Wingard cancelled the demonstration and that was all highly suspicious, with skeptics now suggesting that he was merely sending a crew out on a rowboat to secretly plant explosives on the target vessel and then using a triggering mechanism to ignite it. Wracked with guilt, Wingard would come clean and admit that this was the case, and that his team had died when the explosives had accidentally gone off. The death ray had been a sham all along.
Moving onto 1896 we have the bizarre story of Rev. Prescott Ford Jernegan, of Middletown, Connecticut, who claimed to have developed a way to extract gold from sea water with a device he called the “Gold Accumulator.” It was not a new idea at the time, but no one had ever even come close to accomplishing it. He first came to a jeweler named Arthur Ryan with this amazing invention, and offered to perform a demonstration. The machine itself looked like a simple wooden box with holes that water could pass through, with the inside containing mercury that would be electrically charged to activate a “secret ingredient.” The box was to be lowered into sea water, left overnight, and when it was pulled up the next day it would be filled with gold due to some mysterious chemical process. When Ryan agreed to see a demonstration, Jernegan simply gave him the box and told him he could do it on his own.
In February of 1897 Ryan went about testing the device on a wharf outside of Providence, Rhode Island, along with several colleagues. They used it as its inventor had instructed them to, lowered it into the water, and the next morning sure enough there were flecks of gold within it. It wasn’t as much as they had been expecting, but it was still over $100 dollars of gold in today’s money so it was seen as promising. If a collection of such machines could be set up running day and night, it could prove to be quite lucrative indeed. Jernagan said he could churn out a further 1,000 devices within the year, and there were dollar signs dancing through Ryan’s eyes. Jernegan, Ryan, and a team of investors founded the Electrolytic Marine Salts Company, and got to work on getting stinky filthy rich.
They set up an array of accumulators in Maine and Boston, and began pulling in more gold from them, “proving” it worked and attracting people wanting to buy stock in the company. Investors were pouring in money, interest was high, and it seemed to be too good to be true, and sadly, it was. In July of 1898, Jernegan suddenly vanished without a trace, later found to have hi-tailed it to Europe under a fake name. Not long after they were gone, the accumulators stopped producing gold, and it didn’t take a genius to figure out that they had all been scammed. It would turn out that Jernegan had an assistant named Charles Fisher, who also happened to have been a trained diver. It turned out that he had been secretly diving into the sea to load the accumulators with gold, a small price to pay considering how much they were pulling in from investors. As soon as the orders for their machines had gone up, they had taken all of the invested money and made a run for it, making a cool $200,000 each, about a bajillion dollars in today’s money. The two scam artists were never caught, but the idea of extracting gold from sea water remained for quite some time.
In 1909, we have the clever hoax of an inventor named Wallace Tillinghast, from Worcester, Massachusetts, who claimed that he had built an amazing new type of airplane. This was only a few years after the Wright Brothers had made their first flight, and aircraft were still in their infancy, slow and only capable of short stints with little extra weight. Indeed, the longest flight up to then was Louis Blériot’s solo flight across the English Channel, which had gone only 22 miles. In comparison, Tillinghast claimed that his own design could hold three passengers and fly over 300 miles at an average speed of 120 miles an hour, which might as well have been magic at the time. He further claimed that he had performed several test flights of his aircraft that confirmed these numbers, and excitement was high.
Through all of this, Tillinghast was very secretive as to how his airplane worked, claiming that he did not want the plans to get into the wring hands, but he assured the public that he would come forward with his amazing invention. In the meantime, there were alleged sightings of the new airplane all over New England, with thousands of witnesses and many claiming that it often shot a searchlight below it. However, there were many skeptics. Wilbur Wright himself dismissed Tillinghast’s claims as “too palpably absurd from the first to take seriously,” and reporters who had been following him and even staking out his home could find no evidence that he had any such plane or workshop where he claimed to be working on it.
As this was going on there were still numerous sightings of a mysterious airship the like of which no one had ever seen, and Tillinghast insisted that he was telling the truth. Eventually, a local man named C.D. Rawson admitted to causing the sightings with lights and reflectors attached to owls as a hoax, but Tillinghast did not budge from his adamant position that his invention was real. 1910 came and went with no further word on the amazing new airplane, and the public ended up merely shrugging their shoulders and moving on. It would largely be looked at as a huge hoax, with no evidence that Tillinghast had any such aircraft or had ever made a flight at all, and he would just sort of fade away into the background.
Moving on into more modern times, we have still more mysterious supposed inventions that could have had world changing implications. In the 1970s, a man named Thomas Ogle claimed to have developed a new type of car carburetor that supposedly could make gasoline into a pressurized vapor and utilize it on the engine’s firing chambers in an incredibly super efficient manner, allowing vehicles to allegedly run over 100 miles to the gallon. In addition, Ogle claimed that any car could be modified to use the new system easily and for not much additional cost, making the whole thing seem almost too good to be true. Ogle himself showed off a Ford Galaxie that had supposedly been fitted with the new miracle carburetor and was clocked at around 113 miles to the gallon.
Unfortunately we will never know. Ogle died in 1981 without ever having divulged just how the vapor carburetor worked, and even his death has sparked controversy, with some saying he was intentionally poisoned by someone within the big gasoline companies who stood to lose the most from such an innovative product. Considering that no one has ever been able to replicate the process, it has been speculated that the whole thing could have been a hoax, with Ogle simply showing an illusion utilizing hidden fuel tanks, but other have defended his invention as having been real, and in the end the fact is we simply don’t know. All we know is that it would have been a revolutionary development way ahead of its time.
Thomas Ogle
Getting back to perpetual motion machines, one was unveiled in 1979 by American inventor Joseph Newman. The machine was called the DC motor, and according to him worked by using “energy in a magnetic field consisting of matter in motion,” and which he claimed could produce more energy than was put into it. He even went about seeking a patent for his invention, but it was denied as the Patent Office could not see how it could feasibly work. When Newman appealed this decision, it was found in an investigation by the National Bureau of Standards that the device’s power output was never above 100% of the power supplied to it, which was not promising. Newman would continue to adamantly insist that his machine really worked, but he sort of fell into obscurity after making all manner of other crackpot claims over the years. Whether his supposed perpetual motion machine ever really worked or not remains unknown, but everything we know about science says probably not. For now, the notion of a real working perpetual motion machine really does sit in the realm of science fiction, and it has mostly been a pursuit abandoned by most real scientists. It has come to be relegated to mad inventors working in their garages against all odds to try and make the impossible possible.
Our species is always going to reach towards the horizon and penetrate into the mysteries that we don’t understand, further opening up new discoveries and propelling our progress. This is an innate feature of our kind, and to be sure there will be leaps and bounds made over the coming decades that will bring true progress. Yet looking back at cases such as these it seems that for as much progress as we make, there will always be those willing to fake it for fame or money.
In my latest article on the strange world of the Collins Elite (a small group in the U.S. government that believes aliens are really demons) I told the story of how the group began and how I came to meet a few of the people involved. My key source for the story was Ray Boeche, both a priest and ufologist. In 1991, Ray was approached by two members of the group, both of whom were physicists working for the U.S. Department of Defense. They wanted guidance on how to handle some of the weirder aspects of their investigations into the world of all things demonic. It’s a little-known fact, though, that Ray’s two informants didn’t just speak with him. Linda Howe had contact with them, too, three years after Ray Boeche met them. They particularly wanted to read Howe’s book, Glimpses of Other Realities, Volume 1: Facts & Eyewitnesses. In June 1994, they provided a statement for Howe that revealed much about the group’s belief-systems and the kinds of things they were into. With that said, I’ll let you read what they had to say. Their words began as follows:
“Dear Ms. Howe: Your book is an excellent, thought-provoking work. Overall many salient points are covered quite well. Following are some random notes for your consideration. Study David Bohm’sWholeness and the Implicate Order. Much insight into the mechanics of the NHEs (non-human entities) can be gained from study of his ideas. He [was] on target with his concepts, and our program is attempting, unfortunately to exploit them. Perhaps a better description might be that the mechanics of the NHEs ability to interact with our physical reality is what Bohm’s work details, and the contact with the NHEs has occurred, and will continue to occur, regardless of our understanding of the mechanism of the contact. Our misguided program directors cling to the false belief that we can control or manipulate the NHEs, when in actuality, the reverse is occurring – we are the ones being manipulated and deceived. Cellular changes in plants from within genuine crop circle formations are due to the same sort of energy release/exposure as that used in the so-called ‘negative healing’ experimentation. Once again, [the] forces being utilized by NHEs, to interact with us in a bizarre, confusing manner, designed to divert us and draw our attention from the true purpose of their actions: manipulation and deceit.”
They continued: “The penultimate diversion in this whole area is the mutilation of thousands of animals. The NHEs, with the ability to work unseen (read invisibly), and to create incisions and excise tissue in manners which seem humanly impossible (because they are) and to either remain totally undetected, or to create the illusion of extraterrestrial beings (the apparent UFO/phantom helicopter sightings, and concomitant occupant sightings often associated with the events), provide an extremely effective smoke screen. People are now busy chasing secret government projects, satanic cults, and UFOs, while the actual perpetrating agents go unsuspected. Regarding the phantom helicopters, while many are direct NHE ‘productions’ (craft is not an appropriate term as they do not need to travel via a propulsion device), many are related to our program, especially regarding running checks and surveillance on mutilation sites and so-called abduction victims. The comment left on your telephone answering machine referenced on Page 194 (Glimpses, Vol. 1) may very well have been made by someone within the government hierarchy who has been convincingly fed the false ET scenario propagated as disinformation by those who are in charge of the NHE projects. Many variations of this exist, and all who are privy to a particular variation are convinced they have ‘the answer.’ With our society as it is now, the core truth of the situation is such that the public really could not handle it.”
There was more to come: “The ultimate diversionary tactic to this point (and diversions will begin to increase in frequency, degree of strangeness, and in a more overt fashion, visible to greater numbers of observers) is the UFO abduction scenario. The concept of these events, real though they are, being the result of extraterrestrial beings is a masterful piece of disinformation to divert attention away from the real source of the NHEs. Our information as to the true nature of these events does not negate the possibility of extraterrestrial life. But the causal source of the UFO and UFO abduction phenomena is not extraterrestrial. The so-called Roswell crash of 1947 did indeed occur and debris of a non-earthly type was found, as were non-human bodies. Although in our position we cannot speak with authority, we believe that there is a basis in truth for Bob Lazar’s story of government-held ‘craft.’ However, the origin is not extraterrestrial. The NHEs being dealt with in our psi (mind control) weapons development, and who are apparently allowing themselves to be used, for a time, are neither benevolent nor neutral. It was our feeling that very few could understand or accept this. That is the reason we approached our mutual friend (Ray Boeche). His theological training, his acceptance of orthodox Christian thought, and his obvious abilities as an astute researcher, seemed to indicate to us that we might effectively communicate our concerns through him, and still maintain our positions, which would enable us to accurately monitor the ongoing work. He has made some blunt statements which run counter to the positions of his peers, and has been roundly criticized by many for his position, but we desperately hope that at least some are listening.”
Things got even more intriguing: “Your comments and thoughts (in Glimpses of Other Realities) concerning ancient civilizations and their contacts with the NHEs need to be considered in light of the bigger picture of the deception of mankind as a whole. If this grand deception is taking the course it seems to be, then it makes complete sense to analyze the false gods of ancient civilizations in light of the current level of deception. It is only logical that given their non-human, other-dimensional nature, the NHEs would be able to foresee the need to establish a foundational base, the facts of which could be slightly twisted, or distorted, by the fog of antiquity and forgotten cultural distinctiveness, to seemingly establish themselves as the bringers of all good things to humanity. Explore [Jacques] Vallee’s Passport to Magonia again, for more close parallels between the ‘faerie’ manifestation of the NHEs, and current events. Dr. Vallee was so close to the truth of the situation, with the exception that the ultimate manipulators are not human.”
Finally, there were these words from the two Deep Throats: “You have created a remarkable piece of work which helps to begin to point to the final truth behind the phenomena. Our mutual friend could be most helpful to you in explaining details of the deception. We, on our part, will be happy to answer specific questions you may wish to put to us. You must understand, however, that some things simply can’t be discussed. Please transmit your questions and or concerns via our friend. We believe you can understand our need for discretion, and the wisdom of limiting the number of direct contacts we make. We applaud your efforts, and we look forward to your next volume. You are a very bright and obviously courageous woman who seems to remember the maxim, ‘You shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free.’ With our sincerest best wishes.”
Another piece of a strange story that continues to grow.
- Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - (0 Stemmen) Categorie:ALIEN LIFE, UFO- CRASHES, ABDUCTIONS, MEN IN BLACK, ed ( FR. , NL; E )
Bad News. Those Underground Lakes on Mars? They’re Probably Just Frozen Clay
Bad News. Those Underground Lakes on Mars? They’re Probably Just Frozen Clay
If you were planning an ice-fishing trip to the Martian south pole and its sub-surface lakes observed by radar in 2018, don’t pack your parka or ice auger just yet. In a research letter published earlier this month in Geophysical Research Letters by I.B. Smith et al., it seems that the Martian lakes may be nothing more smectite, that is, a kind of clay. Should the findings of the paper, titled A Solid Interpretation of Bright Radar Reflectors Under the Mars South Polar Ice (a solid title if you ask me), turn out to be correct, it would be a significant setback for those hoping to find life on the red planet. So why were these supposed lakes so critical for the search for life on Mars? How were they discovered in the first place? Why have our dreams of Martian ice-fishing turned to dust (or, more correctly, clay)?
The bright white region of this image, captured by Europe's Mars Express spacecraft in December 2012, shows the icy cap that covers Mars’ south pole, composed of frozen water and frozen carbon dioxide. (Image credit: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin/Bill Dunford)
Lake Vostok, roughly the size of Lake Ontario, is buried under several kilometers of ice in Antarctica yet has been found to support life. Credit: Nicolle Rager-Fuller / NSF
Like Mars, Antarctica had a warm and wet past. As geological and tectonic processes migrated the great continent to the south pole, it underwent extreme glaciation. Microbes adapted to the radical climate change and eventually gave rise to the ecosystem that thrives there today. While the glaciation of Antarctica was driven by the tectonic action of continental drift, the climate change on Mars was global and likely due to the loss of the atmosphere from erosion by the solar wind. It is not unreasonable to imagine microbes adapting to this extreme climate change and clinging stubbornly to life in subsurface lakes at the Martian poles.
Computer-generated image depicting ESA’s Mars Express in orbit above the surface of Mars. The MARSIS instrument on Mars Express famously showed evidence of subsurface lakes in the southern polar region of Mars in 2018. Credit: NASA/JPL/Corby Waste
Mars Express utilized Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding instrument or MARSIS. The radar was pulsed and carefully measured, revealing reflectivity data for the surface and below to a depth of 1.5 kilometers. An exceptionally bright area, roughly 20 kilometers wide, was consistent with what would be expected if a large body of liquid were present.
The authors of the recent paper disputing the validity of the claims of Martian lakes raise some questions that cannot be answered by radar reflectivity alone. They claim that the required amounts of salt and heat needed to sustain the supposed lake are not plausible. Mars is too cold, and while there is salt present on the planet, there is no known mechanism that would concentrate it to the salinity levels necessary for liquid water to persist. They also estimate that the local geothermal flux (would Mars-thermal flux be a more appropriate term?) is one-sixth that is required to maintain liquid as well.
The south pole of Mars as seen by Mars Express. Credit ESA/DLR/FU Berlin
In science, especially when the stakes are as high as identifying possible biomes for extraterrestrial life, it is crucial to seek out the simplest explanation for an observation. The authors posit that rather than a portion of the south pole exhibiting highly anomalous salinity and heating levels, a particularly reflective clay called smectite that is abundant on Mars is the more likely culprit for the radar results seen by MARSIS.
Somewhat ironically, the formation of the smectite is thought to have been formed by various weathering processes that involve groundwater, hydrothermal systems, or surface water bodies. The clay also likely contains water, but critically, frozen solid and distributed throughout the layer of extremely cold smectite. The mineral is common on Mars and has even been detected by the Curiosity rover!
This is not the first time in Martian history (or rather in the history of Earthly observation of Mars) that a tantalizing feature has turned out to be non-existent. Famously, late 19th and early 20th century observers like Giovanni Schiaparelli and Percival Lowell observed so-called canals on the planet’s surface. These were imagined to be works of engineering constructed by a civilization of highly advanced Martian life forms. The widespread belief in Martian life from this time inspired countless works of science fiction, including the HG Wells work The War of the Worlds.
Illustrations showing supposed canals on Mars made by Percival Lowell. These features were later found to beoptical illusions and are not present on the planet. Credit: Percival Lowell
While it is easy to get swept away in the excitement of imagining alien civilizations or even just subsurface lakes on Mars, it is critical to do good science in our explorations of the solar system. Discovering Mars as it truly is, in reality, is an extraordinary achievement and our findings inform us of the nature of the solar system. Despite crushing our hopes of bodies of liquid water, there’s no understating how extraordinary Mars Express is, and the incredible sophistication required to analyze the data displayed by the team in this recent paper is out-of-this-world.
Lead image: Radar imagery provided by Mars Express showing a supposed body of liquid water in the subsurface. This is now thought to be a mineral layer of smectite clay. Credit Context map: NASA/Viking; THEMIS background: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Arizona State University; MARSIS data: ESA/NASA/JPL/ASI/Univ. Rome; R. Orosei .et al. 2018
The colored dots represent sites where bright radar reflections have been spotted by ESA’s Mars Express orbiter at Mars’ south polar cap. Such reflections were previously interpreted as subsurface liquid water, but their prevalence and proximity to the frigid surface suggest they may be something else. (Image credit: ESA/NASA/JPL-Caltech)
"My daughter and her aunt were traveling southbound on the I-101 Southbound near Fair oaks exit #394 in Santa Clara, CA. On or around 5:33pm. My daughter caught footage of the event with her cell phone camera. The object seemed to hover or wobble and was traveling very swiftly (see video) object disappeared and could not be seen anymore".
Mi hija y su tía viajaban hacia el sur por la I-101 en dirección sur cerca de la salida de Fair Oks # 394 en Santa Clara, CA. Alrededor de las 5:33 pm. Mi hija captó imágenes del evento con la cámara de su teléfono celular. El objeto parecía flotar o tambalearse y viajaba muy rápido (ver video) el objeto desapareció y ya no se podía ver.
UFO sighted over Herriman, southwestern Salt Lake County, Utah, on July 29, 2021
STATEMENT : Herriman, UT
credit : U.S.F
Strange Events On Earth ( July 2021 )
The planet is waking up with Record Breaking Natural Disasters : July has seen some crazy events. : The planet waking up, but most of the population is still fast asleep
UFO Sighted Over Sobral, Ceará, Brazil. ( July 29, 2021 )
UFO sighted over Sobral municipality in the state of Ceará, Brazil on July 29, 2021
STATEMENT : Região de Sobral, Ceará-Brasil : Sobral Region Ceará-Brazil
credit : U.S.F
UFO Sighted Over Tbilisi, Georgia ( July 28, 2021 )
Amazing UFO sighted over Tbilisi, Georgia on July 28, 2021
STATEMENT : Has been shot yesterday in Tbilis Country of Georgia. Just an UFO watching for parking place
Here I present the original and approach.
More evident everyday
credit : Lev Kc
UFOs Sighted Over Louisville, Kentucky ( July 24, 2021 )
Amazing UFOs captured in Louisville, Kentucky on the night of 24/07/2021 : Here I present the original and in the wake with approach.
Witness captured an unknown object that moved smoothly and steadily. There were no visible wings or other directional or control surfaces; no vapor trails or sound.
Bright shining object flying over Santa Clara, California.
Witness while traveling near Santa Clara captured an unknown object flying very swiftly until it could not be seen anymore.
This bright unidentified flying object was seen flying over Crediton, UK on 28th July 2021.
Witness report:
It was late evening and we were outside the front of the house with the dogs. The sun was low but it was still daylight with good visibility. The sky was mostly clear blue with very high thin cloud in places and broken cumulus to the west. I looked up to the south where a bright object in the sky caught my attention. It wasn’t bright like a star, but appeared to glow. It moved smoothly and steadily, passing over our heads, from the south to the north. It was difficult to make out its size or altitude; but it appeared to be below the high level thin haze. To me, it appeared to be a similar height to that maintained by the light aircraft that fly from the local airport. So, not very high. There were no visible wings or other directional or control surfaces; no vapour trails or sound. My girlfriend, who had the presence of mind to start filming it, thought she saw a flashing light above it at one point, but I did not observe any flashing, flickering or strobing. The object continued to head north until it our view was obscured by our house roof. We then moved indoors and upstairs to where we could observe it again from our landing window. We watched it continue north at the same steady pace, with the same brightness, until we lost sight of it. We cannot be sure if it just winked out, or moved off at great speed; but it was there one minute and gone the next.
These unknown lights were maneuvering in the sky above Louisville, Kentucky on 24th July 2021. Don’t forget to check out new private Telegram group about UFOs:
Beste bezoeker, Heb je zelf al ooit een vreemde waarneming gedaan, laat dit dan even weten via email aan Frederick Delaere Deze onderzoekers behandelen jouw melding in volledige anonimiteit en met alle respect voor jouw privacy. Ze zijn kritisch, objectief maar open minded aangelegd en zullen jou steeds een verklaring geven voor jouw waarneming! DUS AARZEL NIET, ALS JE EEN ANTWOORD OP JOUW VRAGEN WENST, CONTACTEER FREDERICK. BIJ VOORBAAT DANK...
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Over mijzelf
Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
Veel leesplezier en geef je mening over deze blog.