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Deze blog is opgedragen aan mijn overleden echtgenote Lucienne.
In 2012 verloor ze haar moedige strijd tegen kanker!
In 2011 startte ik deze blog, omdat ik niet mocht stoppen met mijn UFO-onderzoek.
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UFO's of UAP'S in België en de rest van de wereld Ontdek de Fascinerende Wereld van UFO's en UAP's: Jouw Bron voor Onthullende Informatie!
Ben jij ook gefascineerd door het onbekende? Wil je meer weten over UFO's en UAP's, niet alleen in België, maar over de hele wereld? Dan ben je op de juiste plek!
België: Het Kloppend Hart van UFO-onderzoek
In België is BUFON (Belgisch UFO-Netwerk) dé autoriteit op het gebied van UFO-onderzoek. Voor betrouwbare en objectieve informatie over deze intrigerende fenomenen, bezoek je zeker onze Facebook-pagina en deze blog. Maar dat is nog niet alles! Ontdek ook het Belgisch UFO-meldpunt en Caelestia, twee organisaties die diepgaand onderzoek verrichten, al zijn ze soms kritisch of sceptisch.
Nederland: Een Schat aan Informatie
Voor onze Nederlandse buren is er de schitterende website, beheerd door Paul Harmans. Deze site biedt een schat aan informatie en artikelen die je niet wilt missen!
Internationaal: MUFON - De Wereldwijde Autoriteit
Neem ook een kijkje bij MUFON (Mutual UFO Network Inc.), een gerenommeerde Amerikaanse UFO-vereniging met afdelingen in de VS en wereldwijd. MUFON is toegewijd aan de wetenschappelijke en analytische studie van het UFO-fenomeen, en hun maandelijkse tijdschrift, The MUFON UFO-Journal, is een must-read voor elke UFO-enthousiasteling. Bezoek hun website op voor meer informatie.
Samenwerking en Toekomstvisie
Sinds 1 februari 2020 is Pieter niet alleen ex-president van BUFON, maar ook de voormalige nationale directeur van MUFON in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Dit creëert een sterke samenwerking met de Franse MUFON Reseau MUFON/EUROP, wat ons in staat stelt om nog meer waardevolle inzichten te delen.
Let op: Nepprofielen en Nieuwe Groeperingen
Pas op voor een nieuwe groepering die zich ook BUFON noemt, maar geen enkele connectie heeft met onze gevestigde organisatie. Hoewel zij de naam geregistreerd hebben, kunnen ze het rijke verleden en de expertise van onze groep niet evenaren. We wensen hen veel succes, maar we blijven de autoriteit in UFO-onderzoek!
Blijf Op De Hoogte!
Wil jij de laatste nieuwtjes over UFO's, ruimtevaart, archeologie, en meer? Volg ons dan en duik samen met ons in de fascinerende wereld van het onbekende! Sluit je aan bij de gemeenschap van nieuwsgierige geesten die net als jij verlangen naar antwoorden en avonturen in de sterren!
Heb je vragen of wil je meer weten? Aarzel dan niet om contact met ons op te nemen! Samen ontrafelen we het mysterie van de lucht en daarbuiten.
UFOs regularly spotted in restricted U.S. airspace, report on the phenomena due next month
UFOs regularly spotted in restricted U.S. airspace, report on the phenomena due next month
Bill Whitaker reports on the regular sightings of unidentified aerial phenomena, or UAP, that have spurred a report due to Congress next month.
We have tackled many strange stories on 60 Minutes, but perhaps none like this. It's the story of the U.S. government's grudging acknowledgment of unidentified aerial phenomena— UAP—more commonly known as UFOs. After decades of public denial the Pentagon now admits there's something out there, and the U.S. Senate wants to know what it is. The intelligence committee has ordered the director of national intelligence and the secretary of defense to deliver a report on the mysterious sightings by next month.
Bill Whitaker: So what you are telling me is that UFOs, unidentified flying objects, are real?
Lue Elizondo: Bill, I think we're beyond that already. The government has already stated for the record that they're real. I'm not telling you that. The United States government is telling you that.
Luis Elizondo spent 20 years running military intelligence operations worldwide: in Afghanistan, the Middle East and Guantanamo. He hadn't given UFOs a second thought until 2008. That's when he was asked to join something at the Pentagon called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, or "AATIP."
Lue Elizondo
Lue Elizondo: The mission of AATIP was quite simple. It was to collect and analyze information involving anomalous aerial vehicles, what I guess in the vernacular you call them UFOs. We call them UAPs.
Bill Whitaker: You know how this sounds? It sounds nutty, wacky.
Lue Elizondo: Look, Bill, I'm not, I'm not telling you that, that it doesn't sound wacky. What I'm telling you, it's real. The question is, what is it? What are its intentions? What are its capabilities?
Buried away in the Pentagon, AATIP was part of a $22 million program sponsored by then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to investigate UFOs. When Elizondo took over in 2010 he focused on the national security implications of unidentified aerial phenomena documented by U.S. service members.
Lue Elizondo: Imagine a technology that can do 6-to-700 g-forces, that can fly at 13,000 miles an hour, that can evade radar and that can fly through air and water and possibly space. And oh, by the way, has no obvious signs of propulsion, no wings, no control surfaces and yet still can defy the natural effects of Earth's gravity. That's precisely what we're seeing.
Elizondo tells us AATIP was a loose-knit mix of scientists, electro-optical engineers, avionics and intelligence experts, often working part time. They combed through data and records, and analyzed videos like this.
A Navy aircrew struggles to lock onto a fast-moving object off the U.S. Atlantic Coast in 2015.
Recently released images may not convince ufo skeptics, but the pentagon admits it doesn't know what in the world this is or this or this.
Bill Whitaker: So what do you say to the skeptics? It's refracted light. Weather balloons. A rocket being launched. Venus.
Lue Elizondo: In some cases there are simple explanations for what people are witnessing. But there are some that, that are not. We're not just simply jumping to a conclusion that's saying, "Oh, that's a UAP out there." We're going through our due diligence. Is it some sort of new type of cruise missile technology that China has developed? Is it some sort of high-altitude balloon that's conducting reconnaissance? Ultimately when you have exhausted all those what ifs and you're still left with the fact that this is in our airspace and it's real, that's when it becomes compelling, and that's when it becomes problematic.
Former Navy pilot Lieutenant Ryan Graves calls whatever is out there a security risk. He told us his F/A-18F squadron began seeing UAPs hovering over restricted airspace southeast of Virginia Beach in 2014 when they updated their jet's radar, making it possible to zero in with infrared targeting cameras.
Ryan Graves
Bill Whitaker: So you're seeing it both with the radar and with the infrared. And that tells you that there is something out there?
Ryan Graves: Pretty hard to spoof that.
These photographs were taken in 2019 in the same area. The Pentagon confirms these are images of objects it can't identify. Lieutenant Graves told us pilots training off the Atlantic Coast see things like that all the time.
Ryan Graves: Every day. Every day for at least a couple years.
Bill Whitaker: Wait a minute, every day for a couple of years?
Ryan Graves: Uh-huh.
Ryan Graves: I don't see an exhaust plume.
Including this one – off the coast of Jacksonville, Florida in 2015, captured on a targeting camera by members of Graves' squadron.
Soundbites from pilots: Look at that thing, it's rotating! My gosh! They're all going against the wind, the wind's 120 knots to the west. Look at that thing dude!
Bill Whitaker: You can sorta hear the surprise in their voices.
Ryan Graves: You certainly can. They seem to have broke character a bit and were just kind of amazed at what they were seeing.
Bill Whitaker: What do you think when you see something like this?
Ryan Graves: This is a difficult one to explain. You have rotation, you have high altitudes. You have propulsion, right? I don't know. I don't know what it is, frankly.
He told us pilots speculate they are one of three things: secret U.S. technology, an adversary's spy vehicle, or something otherworldly.
Ryan Graves: I would say, you know, the highest probability is it's a threat observation program.
Bill Whitaker: Could it be Russian or Chinese technology?
Ryan Graves: I don't see why not.
Bill Whitaker: Are you alarmed?
Ryan Graves: I am worried, frankly. You know, if these were tactical jets from another country that were hangin' out up there, it would be a massive issue. But because it looks slightly different, we're not willing to actually look at the problem in the face. We're happy to just ignore the fact that these are out there, watching us every day.
The government has ignored it - at least publicly - since closing its project "Blue Book" investigation in 1969. But that began to change after an incident off Southern California in 2004, which was documented by radar, by camera, and four naval aviators. We spoke to two of them: David Fravor, a graduate of the Top Gun naval flight school and commander of the F/A-18F squadron on the USS Nimitz; and flying at his wing, Lieutenant Alex Dietrich, who has never spoken publicly about the encounter.
Alex Dietrich and Dave Fravor
Alex Dietrich: I never wanted to be on national TV, no offense.
Bill Whitaker: So why are you doing this?
Alex Dietrich: Because I was in a government aircraft, because I was on the clock. And so I feel a responsibility to s-- to share what I can. And it is unclassified.
It was November 2004 and the USS Nimitz carrier strike group was training about 100 miles southwest of San Diego. For a week, the advanced new radar on a nearby ship, the USS Princeton, had detected what operators called "multiple anomalous aerial vehicles" over the horizon, descending 80,000 feet in less than a second. On November 14, Fravor and Dietrich, each with a weapons systems officer in the backseat, were diverted to investigate. They found an area of roiling whitewater the size of a 737 in an otherwise calm, blue sea.
Dave Fravor: So as we're looking at this, her back-seater says, "Hey, Skipper, do you..." And about that got out, I said, "Dude, do you, do you see that thing down there?" And we saw this little white Tic Tac-looking object. And it's just kind of moving above the whitewater area.
As Deitrich circled above - Fravor went in for a closer look.
Bill Whitaker: So you're sort of spiraling down?
Dave Fravor:Yep. The Tic Tac's still pointing north-south, it goes, click, and just turns abruptly. And starts mirroring me. So as I'm coming down, it starts coming up.
Bill Whitaker: So it's mimicking your moves?
Dave Fravor: Yeah, it was aware we were there.
He said it was about the size of his F/A-18F, with no markings, no wings, no exhaust plumes.
Dave Fravor: I want to see how close I can get. So I go like this. And it's climbing still. And when it gets right in front of me, it just disappears.
Bill Whitaker: Disappears?
Dave Fravor: Disappears. Like, gone.
It had sped off.
Bill Whitaker: What are you thinking?
Alex Dietrich: So your mind tries to make sense of it. I'm gonna categorize this as maybe a helicopter or maybe a drone. And when it disappeared. I mean it was just…
Bill Whitaker: Did your back-seaters see this too?
Alex Dietrich: Yeah.
Dave Fravor: Oh yeah. There was four of us in the airplanes literally watching this thing for roughly about five minutes.
Seconds later, the Princeton reacquired the target. 60 miles away. Another crew managed to briefly lock onto it with a targeting camera before it zipped off again.
Alex Dietrich: You know, I think that over beers, we've sort of said, "Hey man, if I saw this solo, I don't know that I would have come back and said anything," because it sounds so crazy when I say it.
Bill Whitaker: You understand that reaction?
Dave Fravor: I do. I've had some people tell me, you know, "When you say that, you can sound crazy." I'll be hon-- I'm not a UFO guy.
Bill Whitaker: But from what I hear you guys saying, there's something?
Alex Dietrich: Yes.
Dave Fravor: Oh there's, there's definitely something that… I don't know who's building it, who's got the technology, who's got the brains. But there's, there's something out there that was better than our airplane.
The aircrew filed reports. Then like the mysterious flying object, the Nimitz encounter disappeared. Nothing was said or done officially for five years, until Lue Elizondo came across the story and investigated.
Lue Elizondo: We spend millions of dollars in training these pilots. And they are seeing something that they can't explain. Furthermore, that informations being backed up on electro optical data, like gun camera footage. And by radar data. Now, to me, that's compelling.
Chris Mellon
Inside the Pentagon his findings were met with skepticism. AATIP's funding was eliminated in 2012, but Elizondo says he and a handful of others kept the mission alive until finally, frustrated, he quit the Pentagon in 2017, but not before getting these three videos declassified and then things took a stranger turn.
Chris Mellon: I tried to help my colleague, Lue Elizondo, elevate the issue in the department and actually get it to the Secretary of Defense.
Christopher Mellon served as deputy assistant secretary of defense for intelligence for Presidents Clinton and George W. Bush and had access to top secret government programs.
Chris Mellon: So it's not us, that's one thing we know.
Bill Whitaker: We know that?
Chris Mellon: I can say that with a very high degree of confidence in part because of the positions I held in the department, and I know the process.
Mellon says he grew concerned nothing was being done about UAPs, so he decided to do something. In 2017, as a private citizen, he surreptitiously acquired the three Navy videos Elizondo had declassified and leaked them to the New York Times.
Chris Mellon: It's bizarre and unfortunate that someone like myself has to do something like that to get a national security issue like this on the agenda.
He joined forces with now civilian Lue Elizondo and they started to tell their story to anybody who would listen: to newspapers, the History Channel, to members of Congress.
Chris Mellon: We knew and understood that you had to go to the public, get the public interested to get Congress interested, to then circle back to the Defense Department and get them to start taking a look at it.
And now it is. This past August the Pentagon resurrected AATIP, it's now called the UAP task force; service members now are encouraged to report strange encounters; and the Senate wants answers.
Marco Rubio: Anything that enters an airspace that's not supposed to be there is a threat.
After receiving classified briefings on UAPs, Senator Marco Rubio called for a detailed analysis. This past December, while he was still head of the intelligence committee, he asked the director of national intelligence and the Pentagon to present Congress an unclassified report by next month.
Bill Whitaker: This is a bizarre issue. The Pentagon and other branches of the military have a long history of sort of dismissing this. What makes you think that this time's gonna be different?
Marco Rubio: We're gonna find out when we get that report. You know, there's a stigma on Capitol Hill. I mean, some of my colleagues are very interested in this topic and some kinda, you know, giggle when you bring it up. But I don't think we can allow the stigma to keep us from having an answer to a very fundamental question.
Bill Whitaker: What do you want us to do about this?
Marco Rubio: I want us to take it seriously and have a process to take it seriously. I want us to have a process to analyze the data every time it comes in. That there be a place where this is cataloged and constantly analyzed, until we get some answers. Maybe it has a very simple answer. Maybe it doesn't.
Produced by Graham Messick. Associate producer, Jack Weingart. Broadcast associate, Emilio Almonte. Edited by Craig Crawford.
NASA's NEXT Mars helicopter will be 'bigger and better' with a robotic arm to collect samples from Mawrth Vallis channel that was filled with lakes and wetlands 3.5 billion years ago
NASA's NEXT Mars helicopter will be 'bigger and better' with a robotic arm to collect samples from Mawrth Vallis channel that was filled with lakes and wetlands 3.5 billion years ago
NASA published a whitepaper detailing a design for what could be the next helicopter to fly on Mars
It is currently being called 'Mars Science Helicopter' and could be a hexacopter with six blades and a robotic arm to collect samples from Mars
NASA is looking at an ancient waterflow channel to deploy the helicopter or it could be used to map subsurface ice water in a massive crater
NASA's Ingenuity made history as the first powered vehicle to fly on another planet and with this great success, the space agency is already looking to design its predecessor that aims to be bigger and better.
The roboticists at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory have been sketching out what they call the Mars Science Helicopter (MSH), a 66-pound hexacopter capable of collecting samples from the Red Planet.
Ingenuity, on the other hand, weighs just four pounds and features only two rotors.
Unlike Ingenuity, which is a scout for the Perseverance rover, MSH would carry and deploy scientific payloads and be given its own formation on Mars to explore for ancient signs of life.
NASA could deploy the hexacopter in Mawrth Vallis, a 3.5 billion-year-old waterflow channel once home to flowing rivers, lakes and wetlands.
On Earth, minerals found at sites similar to Mawrth Vallis preserve organic material – and that is what NASA hopes to find on Mars.
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The Mars Science Helicopter (MSH) (left) is a 66-pound hexacopter capable of collecting samples from the Red Planet. Ingenuity (right), on the other hand, weighs just four pounds and features only two rotors
The helicopter would scout above the promising locations over a wide area, and then use an arm and microdrill to bring samples back to an accompanied lander.
J. (Bob) Balaram, Ingenuity Chief Engineer at JPL, told IEEE Spectrum: 'This is a brand-new way of looking at Mars.
'Aerial mobility gives you reach, range, and resolution. You can reach places that no wheeled vehicle can get to. You can travel kilometers every day. And depending on what height you fly at, you can get whatever resolution you want with your instruments. We were just telling the scientists, think big.'
Along with collecting rock samples, NASA sees MSH mapping out subsurface water ice over large areas.
NASA could deploy the hexacopter in Mawrth Vallis, which is a 3.5 billion-year-old waterflow channel once homes for flowing rivers, lakes and wetlands. On Earth, minerals found at sites like these preserve organic material – and that is what NASA hopes to find on Mars
The helicopter would scout above the for promising locations over a wide area, and then use an arm and microdrill to bring samples back to an accompanied lander
'One region with many icy scarps is Milankovič crater, ~75 km in diameter and located 212°E, 54.7°N at –4000 m elevation15,27,' Balaram and his team wrote in a whitepaper.
'Landscapes in and around the crater indicate periglacial and/or glacial activity, supporting widespread ground ice.
'Shallow ground ice is also a valuable resource for future human exploration13. We propose a mission employing a standalone hexacopter to perform proximate inspection of the icy scarps and the surrounding area, and to conduct vertical profiles to quantify volatile exchange with the atmosphere.'
Along with collecting rock samples, NASA sees MSH mapping out subsurface water ice over large areas
The concept MSH would be able to carry up to 11 pounds of payload, top speeds of 67mph and hover up to five minutes each flight. And just like Ingenuity, MSH would include solar panels to generate its power from the sun
Although MSH is still a sketch in a whitepaper, Balaram says the concept for the vehicle itself 'isn't just a cartoon—it's a serious engineering effort.'
The proposed MSH would be able to carry up to 11 pounds of payload, top speeds of 67mph and hover up to five minutes each flight.
Just as with Ingenuity, MSH would include solar panels to generate its power from the sun.
JPL has yet to reveal when and if it will begin developing MSH, but the agency is still monitoring Ingenuity on Mars.
The small rotocopter performed its 11th flight on August 5, which saw it fly 1,250 feet for 130 seconds as it prepares for a series of reconnaissance missions for the Perseverance rover, which is exploring the Jezero Crater in search of ancient signs of life.
Ingenuity flew for about two minutes before landing in a region scientists have dubbed South Séítah.
This is a patch of ground on the floor of Mars' Jezero Crater which has sandy ripples that NASA scientists fear could be very challenging for the rover.
In a tweet, JPL said: '#MarsHelicopter has safely flown to a new location! Ingenuity flew for 130.9 seconds and traveled about 380 meters before landing at a spot that will set up a series of future reconnaissance flights to help @NASAPersevere in its search for ancient microbial life.'
Perseverance is currently heading south from its landing spot on the Jezero Crater, while Ingenuity is scouting locations to help it plot its way on the ground.
Going Higher
NASA’s Mars helicopter Ingenuity embarked on its 11th flight on the Red Planet’s surface on August 4, flying to record heights.
The four-pound rotorcraft’s latest excursion demonstrates that it’s aced its recent transition from a mere technological demonstration to a fully fledged scientific endeavor — and, while it was at it, it snapped an absolutely gorgeous photo.
Where’s Percy
During the flight, Ingenuity flew to an altitude of 39 feet, allowing it to spot the space agency’s far bigger Perseverance rover from high up.
The images are helping the team at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab decide where to drive the rover next, but the engineers also had a bit of fun with the latest shots.
“Ingenuity’s aerial images are awesome — but even better when you get to play ‘Where’s Perseverance?’ with them,” said deputy mission manager for the Perseverance Robert Hogg in a NASA statement. “Once you find our rover and zoom in, you can make out some details, like the wheels, remote sensing mast, and the [Multi-Mission Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator] on the aft end.”
And indeed Perseverance can be spotted as a tiny speck in the top center of a new image, taken by Ingenuity from 1,600 feet away.
The helicopter’s 11th flight allowed it to keep ahead of Perseverance and make sure it is headed in the right direction.
Ingenuity keeps breaking its own records — and we can’t wait for its legacy to go even further.
NASA's Ingenuity helicopter takes an aerial photo that let's viewers hunt for the Perseverance rover on the ground
NASA RELEASED ITS OWN VERSION OF WHERE’S WALDO?, courtesy of the space agency’s Ingenuity helicopter.
On August 11, Ingenuity climbed to an altitude of 39 feet above Mars and snapped a photo of the rippled and russet plains of the Jezero Crater. Somewhere in that expanse of dunes, dust, and rocks lies NASA’s Perseverance rover — if you can spot it.
It’s a fun visual challenge, but it’s more than just a cool view for NASA scientists, who, thanks to Ingenuity’s aerial reconnaissance, can now chart better courses for Perseverance as it pursues its mission of seeking signs of possible life on Mars.
It can be tough to know where to start looking for Perseverance in the photo among the sandy plains, ring of rock outcroppings, and large dunes. Thankfully, NASA provided some clues for finding the rover in a media release.
Start by looking for Ingenuity’s shadow at the bottom of the photo, just right of center. If you follow the line from the shadow straight up to the top of the photo and look slightly further right in the rocky dune field, you’ll see a white speck. That’s no rock.
“That’s what a Mars rover looks like from about 1,600 feet (500 meters) away and 39 feet (12 meters) up,” the release notes.
NASA’s Perseverance rover as capture from the air by the Ingenuity helicopter over Mars on Aug. 11, 2021. NASA
Ingenuity’s portrait of the Perseverance rover came as part of the drone’s 11th flight, and the helicopter’s latest feat of over-performance has scientists thrilled.
Ingenuity’s original mission was a technology demonstration to prove a craft could fly in the Red Planet’s thin atmosphere and send data back to Earth. The four-pound helicopter accomplished that goal with aplomb on April 19, when the vehicle’s carbon fiber rotors carried it 10 feet above the Martian ground and held it there for 39 seconds — the first powered and controlled flight on another planet.
The aerial vehicle has now transitioned to an operations demonstration, using its camera to plot new courses for the rover and map Jezero Crater from above. The August 11 flight lasted for more than two minutes as Ingenuity flew at around 11 miles per hour to its eighth airfield. The helicopter will scout geologically interesting targets for the Perseverance rover.
NASA estimates the solar-powered Ingenuity can keep flying every few weeks for some time. Its landing gear is expected to handle up to 100 flights — assuming the extreme cold or unforeseen events do not damage the helicopter.
The long-term operation of Ingenuity could be a great boon for the Perseverance rover in its mission to seek signs of ancient life on Mars.
Just in case you still didn’t see it. NASA
Ingenuity and Perseverance landed on Mars together on February 18, with the Jezero Crater selected as the mission target due to its possibly holding water around 3 billion years ago. The rover will extract Martian soil samples and cache them for retrieval by a later sample return mission to bring the Mars dirt home to Earth for analysis.
The rover’s primary mission is expected to last at least one Martian year — 687 Earth days — and it may need all the time and help it can get: Its first attempt at gathering a sample failed.
Maybe having Ingenuity as an eye in the sky will help.
The Moon was brought here million years ago by two Reptilian brothers, Wowane and Mpanku
The Moon was brought here million years ago by two Reptilian brothers, Wowane and Mpanku
It is in our human nature to question everything we know and to make assumptions or to question certain aspects of our lives that we took for granted so many times. One of these issues is related to the moon. We all know that the moon is the satellite on our planet Earth.
The moon was brought here a million years ago
What is not clear is whether it is a natural satellite or an artificial satellite. It may sound silly, but according to new research, many experts have concluded that something is wrong with the moon. According to experts, the moon rotates around the earth, and that’s fine, there is only one problem. The moon seems to constantly show the same face as it rotates, which completely breaks down already known physics laws.
And there is one more thing: The size of the moon in relation to the size of the earth would make it impossible for our planet to hold the moon in gravity around it. In addition, a new study realized that when Apollo 11 landed on the moon in 1969, the satellite surface did not vibrate, which is what it should have happened if the moon is natural.
Reptilian brothers, Wowane and Mpanku
With regard to all this news about the possible nature of the moon, many investigators firmly believe that the moon has been placed in the orbit of the earth by other alien races such as the so-called Reptilians to “spy” our civilization.
According to Zulu Shaman, the moon was brought here hundreds of generations ago by Wowane and Mpanku, two brothers who were leaders of the aforementioned Reptilians. These two were known as the Water Brothers and contained a fishy skin. It is impossible for us not to make a parallelism between these beings and the Mesopotamian and Sumerian views related to Anunnaki.
Zulu goes on to tell how these two brothers “stole” the moon from the large fire dragon and emptied it until it eventually turned into an empty shell. Then the moon “rolled” across the universe to the earth to bring disaster and destruction with it. Devastating events that ended the “golden age” of history.
Before these tragic events, the earth was a beautiful and idyllic place, nothing compared to what it turned out to be after the lunar arrival.
According to this theory, the moon changed the rotation and angle of the earth, and women began to menstruate – which was not the case before.
Zulu finally confirms that the moon was brought here to keep an eye on people and also serve as a vehicle for traveling across the universe.
The moon is considered the mother ship of Reptilians, which can be used as a refuge in the event of any major disaster.
With the renewed attention that UFOs have seen in recent years, a new series of questions—and challenges—have emerged.
According to the U.S. Navy’s UAP Task Force in its preliminary assessment sent to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) earlier this year, “UAP clearly pose a safety of flight issue and may pose a challenge to U.S. national security. Safety concerns primarily center on aviators contending with an increasingly cluttered air domain.”
The report also adds that “UAP would also represent a national security challenge if they are foreign adversary collection platforms or provide evidence a potential adversary has developed either a breakthrough or disruptive technology.”
Of course, opinions held by longtime advocates for the study of unusual aerial phenomena may differ with the notion that such objects could simply belong to a “foreign adversary,” as the flight capabilities of these objects since recorded since at least the Second World War describes nothing comparable to even the best U.S. technologies at the time.
However, along with the many questions people have about these mysteries of the skies, many are also now confused about what they should be called.
With the renewed interest the subject has seen in recent years, largely following revelations in 2017 about a Pentagon program that looked at aerospace threats, the United States military has preferentially labeled these objects unidentified aerial phenomena, or more simply, UAP. While some have mistakenly viewed this as a recent creation, UAP has been used as a descriptor for the phenomena now for decades.
“Use of the abbreviation UAP has increased in recent years due to the term’s appearance in government and media reports,” reads an entry for the term “UAP” at “The term unidentified aerial phenomenon/phenomena have been used in US government reports since at least the mid-1960s,” the entry reads, noting that the term mostly appears in “reports of military pilots’ accounts of witnessing objects that appear to be traveling at speeds or performing maneuvers not thought to be possible by known aircraft or with current technology.”
Similar references to unusual airborne objects as unidentified aerial phenomena may have occurred even earlier, although the more commonly accepted name for these objects in popular usage over the last several decades has been unidentified flying objects or UFOs. This name was coined by Edward Ruppelt, the first director of the U.S. Air Force’s Project Blue Book, as a more ambiguous alternative to the term “flying saucer,” which had seen frequent usage in the American media prior to 1952.
“For a while after the Arnold sighting the term ‘flying saucer’ was used to describe all disk-shaped objects that were seen flashing through the sky at fantastic speeds,” Ruppelt wrote in 1956 in his book The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects.
“Before long, reports were made of objects other than disks, and these were also called flying saucers. Today the words are popularly applied to anything seen in the sky that cannot be identified as a common, everyday object.”
Edward Ruppelt (Public Domain)
“Thus,” Ruppelt explained, “a flying saucer can be a formation of lights, a single light, a sphere, or any other shape; and it can be any color. Performance-wise, flying saucers can hover, go fast or slow, go high or low, turn 90- degree corners, or disappear almost instantaneously.”
Herein, of course, we see the problem, since even in the early days of the U.S. Air Force’s involvement with collecting data on these objects, only a small number actually appeared to resemble discs or saucers.
“Obviously the term ‘flying saucer’ is misleading when applied to objects of every conceivable shape and performance,” Ruppelt said. “For this reason the military prefers the more general, if less colorful, name: unidentified flying objects. UFO (pronounced Yoo-foe) for short.”
On an interesting side note, those who have argued about whether the term UFO is an acronym or an abbreviation (yes, there actually are people who concern themselves with such things) will note that Ruppelt gave us his own pronunciation key, identifying “UFO” as indeed being an acronym, although his recommended “Youfoe” pronunciation never seems to have really caught on.
The expression UFO does have its problems, as well as its own degree of baggage, and many commentators from over the years have taken issue with this label for the objects. One primary issue with the term involves the inclusion of the word “flying,” which may be difficult for an object possessing no wings or visible propulsion system to achieve in the same sense that flight is recognized in conventional aircraft. This, in addition to the fact that reports logged for decades appear to convey that these objects can enter the water as easily as they can pass through the air. In other words, these objects may more appropriately be described as craft capable of “moving” through air or water, rather than performing anything comparable to flight as we know it.
Despite the questions over whether unidentified “flying” objects are really flying or not, UFO remains the more popular expression used to describe these objects even today, although the shift toward replacing it with UAP has been notable. Obviously, for the time being, it really seems to remain a matter of preference, and in likelihood, people are going to keep calling these things whichever name appeals to them the most.
Perhaps the most important thing to recognize is that, no matter what one chooses to call them, it has become increasingly difficult to ignore their presence. Whatever they may ultimately represent, UAP/UFOs do appear to represent a tangible phenomenon, as they have now for decades already… and there’s no sign that interest in these aerial mysteries is going anywhere any time soon.
ALL RELATED VIDEOS, selected and posted by peter2011
There have been many alien encounter and abduction reports over the years, and these vary widely across the spectrum from the merely odd to the downright outlandish. On occasion, there have been cases that seem to be particularly weird, playing out like some sort of twisted dream and having a decidedly surreal, ofttimes nightmarish quality to them. These are the cases that are even more bizarre than most, and one little known report comes to us from the country of Germany, where one man came face to face with forces beyond his understanding in an encounter that really pushes the boundaries of the weird.
One morning in August of 1981, an unnamed 55-year-old Polish immigrant living in Germany took a bicycle ride from his home in the city of Rheda-Wiedenbruck on a clear, sunny day. He was rather fond of these leisurely rides, during which he would just meander about and enjoy nature, and on this day, he decided to head to a small lake called Lintel, not far from where he lived. He often went to this lake to enjoy the peaceful serenity of the area, and although his bicycle chain broke and he was forced to walk, it wasn’t far and it was such a lovely day that he kept on going. As he sat looking out over the placid water, his attention was drawn to movement out across the lake on the opposite shore. He could see an old shed out there, and nearby it a figure who seemed to be moving around in a strange manner.
The witness apparently thought this was just a fisherman getting supplies from the shed, but as he peered across the water at this person, his attention was drawn to something else. According to the report, the witness saw a massive metallic object, about 10 meters high and 30 meters in diameter, that looked somewhat like an “upside down plate” hovering silently about 50 feet over the surface of the lake, with no apparent windows, seams, or propulsion device. It sort of hovered there for a time, never making a sound, and when the witness looked back to the fisherman he had been observing, he could now see that the man was in the company of several other figures dressed in some kind of suits that seemed to sparkle and glint in the sunlight. When he looked back at the flying object, he could see that it seemed to be moving towards that shed, eventually hovering low over a grassy clearing near it.
As he looked on at this bizarre sight, he still had no idea what he was looking at, and when he saw a woman walking her dog pass right past the object, the witness began to think that it was perhaps some sort of super advanced transport aircraft accepting passengers. He took it upon himself to approach the strange craft, and as he got closer, he could see there was some type of oval opening in its side, and he went even closer, meaning to ask how much admission was for a ride on this wondrous aircraft. It would appear that aliens were the furthest thing from his mind at this point, but this was about to change.
There was a platform leading from the opening down to the ground below, and as he approached the witness noticed one of the figures in the sparkling suits examining the bicycle he had left not far away. He could now see that the being was somewhat translucent, but this was still not enough to deter him from stepping aboard the craft. Once inside, he found himself in a room with what seemed to be surrounded with nearly transparent walls, and he was led to sit on an “invisible bench” by another of those strange figures. He could now smell a very unpleasant smell like burning rubber, and noticed that the fisherman he had seen earlier was sitting nearby in some sort of daze and was half-naked, being examined by one of the entities. The one near him then telepathically demanded that he hand over his satchel, which he did. The surroundings were now filled with that smell of burning rubber, now so potent that it made him feel dizzy, and he also became aware of some other rather unsettling sights around him. He says of what happened:
In my way toward the being I was somewhat light as if there was no floor below. I saw a cut off head of a cow without left eye and a half of its horn that was also cut off. There were some chains in it jaws. There were also childish shoes and glasses. They put me on some table. I felt lightness as if I was devoid of some internal organs. The interior part of the object was light with pinkish-violet glow.
He was brought into a “misty, blue-grayish room” with more of the beings, and he was undressed and forced to lie down on another table. He was then examined, dressed up again, and his bag was returned to him. He was also given some sort of belt, that seemed to transform into different shapes and had strange symbols on its side. The belt would also hover over the floor if dropped and return to his hand, and would always return to its original position no matter how much he tried to fold it up. As all of this was going on, the ship seemed to be moving, and he would say:
I could see many lights and I don’t know if in the ceiling or by a transparent floor I saw an enormous city with illuminated tower blocks – sometimes I was observing them from various positions. And maybe I was in some big machine or over it, somewhere far away when it was a night and everything around resembled very much an illuminated city.
The witness also says that a “small, transparent ball as big as a tennis ball” suddenly materialized in his hand, which “sparkled with many colors.” He could see when it shone that the bones in his hands were visible, like an x-ray, and this frightened him enough to make him want to throw the ball away, but he found he could not, as every time he threw it hovered back to him in much the same way that the belt did. The ball seemed to be weightless, and when he looked within it, he could see various strange things. The original report by UFO researcher Marcin Mizera would say of this:
The ball was emitting an image from inside – something like a three-dimension show. There were impossible things inside. From a chaos [a multitude of colorful stains divided by lines] there formed some images. There appeared: a tower [measuring pressure] from the town where he lived and then a town hall and a tower block standing in vicinity of his house. Then other similar elements were seen, for example: church towers, playing fields, parking lots etc. Mrs. X saw even himself holding the ball and looking into it. He wanted to turn it in his hands but it transformed into a big, glass circle [7-10 m.wide] that got smaller immediately and transformed into the original ball.
What in the world was going on here? It is all so bizarre that it is hard to say. All through this, one of the mysterious figures just looked on with an inscrutable expression, as if observing, and the witness would say of what happened next:
I smiled foolishly because it was weird, cool and funny. I haven’t seen something like it before. The humanoid was looking at me as a king at a clown. Anyway, I found myself unexpectedly on a scrapheap.
He was just suddenly there on the ground, around 5 km from the lake, with a severe headache and his watch inexplicably broken. His skin was red, as if suffering a sunburn, and he also noticed that both the orb and the belt he had been given on the craft were gone. A search of the area also showed that his bicycle was gone, and so he walked home. He felt a sudden exhaustion upon arriving, and fell into a deep sleep. From that day on, he claims that he suddenly had an incredible affinity and talent for painting, and went on to become a well-known artist in the area, although it is unclear if this had anything to do with his surreal encounter or not. The whole thing is incredibly bizarre, and it is really hard to make sense of. What happened to this man and what did he experience out there? It is hard to say for sure, but it is certainly one of the weirder alien encounter reports there is.
For the better part of the last century, pilots have reported sightings of unusual aerial objects or vehicles that they could not identify.
Students of the history of this subject will recognize that it has an integral relationship with aviation. During the summer of 1947, civilian pilot Kenneth Arnold had been inadvertently responsible for bringing widespread public attention to what thereafter, for a time, became known as “flying saucers,” following his observation of a group of objects whose movement reminded him of how a saucer might look skipping across the water.
Kenneth Arnold
Arnold wasn’t the first pilot to report seeing such uncanny objects in the skies. It would come to light years later that on April 5, 1943, aviation writer and pilot Gerry Casey had been supervising a student pilot in a BT-13A when he observed a peculiar, radiant orange object nearby. The aircraft was elliptical in shape with a rounded hump visible on the top and bottom, and the object appeared to wobble slightly as it flew alongside them and then suddenly accelerated and left their sight.
Casey, who had been carrying a camera with him during the flight, was concerned that what he had observed was one of Lockheed’s new experimental aircraft, and out of concern for national security, refrained from photographing the object.
Such sightings have continued into the present day, and regardless of what the source of these objects may be, one thing remains clear: whether directly or indirectly, unidentified flying objects (UFOs), or unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) as the U.S. military now prefers to call them, represent a concern for aviators.
Some have expressed concerns in recent days about UFOs being categorized as “threats” by our military. How much evidence is there, after all, that these objects actually display any kind of threatening behavior?
“The military and intelligence establishments remain the guardians of our most profound secrets on UFOs,” wrote journalist Leslie Kean in a recent opinion piece. “Their current narrative frames UAP as a national security threat, which is understandable since the mysterious vehicles operate with impunity in restricted airspace.”
However, Kean asks whether the “threat” narrative is all that should be considered, asking “what about the deeper implications of this mystery? Can we find out what UFOs actually are?”
The challenge these objects represent for science is of equal, if not greater consideration than the assessment by our military about any threats they might represent. However, if we were to base their threat potential on recorded observations of the behavior over time—namely by pilots who have encountered these aerial objects—it appears that while UFOs may not be directly threatening, they do pose a safety concern for aviators.
“Aircrews and Air Traffic Controllers (ATC) have been reporting UAP and UFOs throughout the history of powered flight,” reads an Advisory for Pilots at the website of The National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena (NARCAP). The advisory, written by the organization’s Director of Research Ted Roe, outlines many of the safety issues related to UFOs, and what can happen when pilots encounter them.
“Many of these observations and incidents involve safety factors,” Roe’s advisory states. “While the government, usually the military, has had a passing interest in UAP the data has moved away from the aviation community and safety planners, leaving no support for aircrews and ATC.”
There are many ways a UFO sighting could possibly result in dangers to pilots, airborne crews, and also passengers aboard commercial aircraft. Namely, these involve distractions UFOs may present to pilots or even incidents where the behavior of an unidentified aerial object may result in pilots taking evasive action that could lead to possible damage to aircraft, or even injury of those on board.
Roe’s advisory notes that “The Federal Aviation Administration, FAA, offers no leadership or guidance to civil or commercial aviation and suggests that aircrews and ATC that want to report UAP observations and incidents can do it to somewhere other than the FAA or the US government.”
The FAA’s aversion to being involved with pilot observations of UFOs has long been a sticking point among advocates of greater awareness of the safety concerns these objects represent to aviators. In recent days, the FAA did finally confirm that it documents pilot sightings of UFOs that can be corroborated on radar, and supplies information it collects to the Navy’s UAP Task Force. The admission marked a notable shift by the FAA, whose own policies have for years stated that UFO sightings should be reported to civilian groups like the Washington-based National UFO Reporting Center.
UFOs may not represent a direct “threat” in the same sense that the military’s current efforts toward studying the phenomena may entail. In fact, there is very little evidence that this is the case. However, this does not mean that UFOs aren’t a concern, especially for aircraft operated by both civilian and military pilots who must apparently share the skies with them. It is time that government agencies and aviation authorities take note of this reality, and begin taking it seriously.
UFO / UAP Humanoid Sighted Over Trenton, New Jersey ( August 15, 2021 )
UFO / UAP Humanoid Sighted Over Trenton, New Jersey on August 15, 2021 : This is MUFON CASE : 117308 Trenton, New Jersey : August 16, 2021 : Mutual UFO Network
MUFON SUBMISSIONS : Flying Man in White Robe Long Description of Sighting Report - Case 117308
It looks like a man wearing a white robe. After recording it I re watched the footage & heard loud static with a robotic voice talking. Recorded from a cell phone
Date Submitted : 2021-08-16 Date of Sighting : 2021-08-15 MUFON SUBMITTER FILE : flyingman.mp4
Strange Blue UFO Sighted Over Twentynine Palms, California ( July 17, 2021 )
Strange Blue UFO was sighted over Twentynine Palms, California on July 17, 2021
STATEMENT : UFO in 29Palms Ca on 7/17/2
They are here !
credit : tonyfrom29
UFO Sighted Over Bedfordshire, England ( August 15, 2021 )
Fiery UFO Sighted Over Bedfordshire, England on August 15, 2021
STATEMENT : Excuse the scared kids and my telling them to be quiet and also the not as good as I thought footage.
If the First Black Holes Collapsed Directly, Could we Detect Radio Signals From Those Moments?
If the First Black Holes Collapsed Directly, Could we Detect Radio Signals From Those Moments?
The universe is littered with supermassive black holes. There’s one a mere 30,000 light-years away in the center of the Milky Way. Most galaxies have one, and some of them are more massive than a billion stars. We know that many supermassive black holes formed early in the universe. For example, the quasar TON 618 is powered by a 66 billion solar mass black hole. Since its light travels nearly 11 billion years to reach us, TON 618 was already huge when the universe was just a few billion years old. So how did these black holes grow so massive so quickly?
One idea is that some of the very first stars were giants. With a mass of more than 10,000 Suns, such a star would be very short-lived, and would quickly collapse into a large black hole. These first black holes would act as seeds in the center of a galaxy, consuming nearby material to grow quickly in size. Some of them would even collide and merge to form an even larger black hole. While it’s a reasonable model, computer simulations find that this process takes too long. This process can’t produce the kind of black holes we see in the early universe such as TON 618.
A direct image of the supermassive black hole in M87. Credit: EHT Collaboration
Another idea is known as the direct collapse scenario. In this model, a small supermassive black hole forms all at once. Dense gas in the middle of a proto-galaxy cools enough to collapse under its own weight, forming a black hole. Since these black holes would have a head start on mass, they can quickly grow into the supermassive black holes we observe.
So far we haven’t been able to observe a direct collapse black hole (DCBH). A few years ago a couple of candidate DCBHs were discovered by their infrared signals. These might be confirmed when the James Webb Space Telescopes is (possibly) launched later this year. But recently a study argues that we might observe DCBHs by their radio signatures.
When black holes actively consume nearby matter, they can create powerful jets of hot plasma. These jets are radio loud and are one of the ways we identify supermassive black holes. Direct collapse black holes should have similar jets, but the jet material would be denser. And since DCBHs would form in the early universe, their radio signals would be more redshifted. This latest work argues that the radio signature of DCBHs would be similar in structure, but easily distinguishable from the radio jets we see today. The signature would also differ from jets created by seed black holes.
Unfortunately, these high-redshift radio sources can’t be seen by current radio telescopes. But they should be bright enough to be detected by the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) and the proposed next generation Very Large Array (ngVLA).
The First Images and Videos from the Double Venus Flyby
The First Images and Videos from the Double Venus Flyby
Two spacecraft made historic flybys of Venus last week, and both sent back sci-fi-type views of the mysterious, cloud-shrouded planet.
The Solar Orbiter and BepiColombo spacecraft both used Venus for gravity assists within 33 hours of each other, capturing unique imagery and data during their encounters.
Solar Orbiter, a joint mission between ESA and NASA to study the Sun, sailed past Venus on August 9 at a distance of 7995 km (4967 miles). Then BepiColombo, a collaborative venture between ESA and JAXA to Mercury, skimmed past at just 552 km (343 miles) from the planet’s surface on August 10.
The image above was taken when BepiColumbo was 1,573 km from Venus.
Here’s a video of Solar Orbiter’s view, from the SoloHI imager:
The camera observed the nightside of Venus in the days before closest approach. SoloHI will be used to take images of the solar wind – the stream of charged particles constantly released from the Sun – by capturing the light scattered by electrons in the wind. In the days leading up to the Venus flyby, the telescope caught views of the bright glare of the planet’s dayside. The footage shows Venus moving across the field of view from the left, while the Sun is off camera to the upper right. The planet’s nightside, the part hidden from the Sun, appears as a dark semicircle surrounded by a bright crescent of light, ESA scientists explained.
Animated gif of BepiColombo’s flyby, with a sequence of 89 images taken by the monitoring cameras . Credit: ESA
Both flybys helped the two spacecraft reach their next destinations. BepiColombo is scheduled to reach the innermost planet of the Solar System in October 2025. The spacecraft needs flybys of Earth, Venus and then several flybys of Mercury itself, together with the spacecraft’s solar electric propulsion system, to help steer into Mercury orbit against the immense gravitational pull of the Sun.
BepiColombo is actually made of two attached orbiters: the Mercury Planetary Orbiter and the Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter. The Planetary Orbiter will map the planet in great detail, and the Magnetospheric Orbiter will study, obviously, its magnetosphere.
This video of BepiColombo’s Venus flyby includes sonification of data recorded by the Italian Spring Accelerometer (ISA) aboard the Mercury Planetary Orbiter spacecraft. The accelerometer data was converted to frequency to be made audible to the human ear. The resulting sound is quite interesting, with the sound reflecting variations in spacecraft accelerations due to the planet’s gravity acting on the spacecraft structure, as well as effects due to rapid temperature changes, and the change in reaction wheel velocity as they work hard to compensate for these effects. The audio has been matched to the timing that the images seen in this movie were captured, in the moments after closest approach.
A screenshot of the Solar Orbiter flyby video. Credit: ESA.
Solar Orbiter will make a final close Earth flyby on November 27 of this year, coming within 460 km (285 miles) before further Venus slingshots will tilt its inclination, helping the spacecraft get in the right position to get the first-ever views of the Sun’s poles, a crucial part of the mission to help us understand the Sun’s 11 year activity cycle. The beginning of the primary mission also begins in November. It will take the closest ever images of the Sun as it comes within 42 million km, and measure the composition of the solar wind.
This Alien Channeler Says He Speaks to Extraterrestrials
This Alien Channeler Says He Speaks to Extraterrestrials
Are the human race headed for apocalypse? Will Brexit be good for the UK? What do aliens think of VICE? And how soon until we get to get down with aliens in bed? In this rare opportunity, VICE asks an extraterrestrial race (through a man channeling them) all of earth’s burning questions.
Tune in to Venusian Radio! NASA's Parker Solar Probe captures eerie sounds from Venus during its closest EVER flyby of the planet - just 517 miles above the surface
Tune in to Venusian Radio! NASA's Parker Solar Probe captures eerie sounds from Venus during its closest EVER flyby of the planet - just 517 miles above the surface
NASA captured the eerie sounds during a close flyby of the Parker Solar Probe
This probe is being sent to travel within 4 million miles of the surface of the sun
It is making flybys of Venus to help it slow down so it doesn't miss our host star
During the latest flyby in July 2020 it travelled through the upper atmosphere
NASAhas captured haunting sounds coming from the upper atmosphere of Venus during a close flyby of the Parker Solar Probe launched to study the sun.
The natural radio signal is helping scientists study the atmosphere of 'Earth's less hospitable twin,' according to the NASA team responsible for the probe.
The space agency captured the sounds while the Parker probe was making its 'closest-ever flyby' of the planet, travelling at just 517 miles above the surface.
NASA's Goddard space centre is running the solar probe, which made its third flyby of Venus on July 11, 2020, when it detected the radio signal and its eerie soundtrack.
The natural radio signal is helping scientists study the atmosphere of 'Earth's less hospitable twin,' according to the NASA team responsible for the probe
Venus's atmosphere consists mainly of carbon dioxide, with clouds of sulphuric acid droplets.
The thick atmosphere traps the sun's heat, resulting in surface temperatures higher than 470°C (880°F).
The atmosphere has many layers with different temperatures.
At the level where the clouds are, about 30 miles (50 km) up from the surface, it's about the same temperature as on the surface of the Earth.
As Venus moves forward in its solar orbit while slowly rotating backwards on its axis, the top level of clouds zips around the planet every four Earth days.
They are driven by hurricane-force winds travelling at about 224 miles (360 km) per hour.
Atmospheric lightning bursts light up these quick-moving clouds.
Speeds within the clouds decrease with cloud height, and at the surface are estimated to be just a few miles (km) per hour.
On the ground, it would look like a very hazy, overcast day on Earth and the atmosphere is so heavy it would feel like you were one mile (1.6km) deep underwater.
The radio signal was detected during the Venus flyby while the probe was on its way back to study the sun, coming closer to the planet than on any of its previous flybys.
The Parker Solar Probe was launched by NASA in 2018 to study our star and come within 4.3 million miles of the centre of the sun by 2025.
The probe detected a natural radio signal that revealed the spacecraft had flown through the planet's upper atmosphere, coming just 517 miles of the surface.
This was the first direct measurement of the Venusian atmosphere in nearly 30 years - and it looks quite different from Venus past, according to a new study of the data.
The new study found that Venus' upper atmosphere undergoes puzzling changes over a solar cycle - that is the Sun's 11-year activity cycle.
This marks the latest clue to untangling how and why Venus and Earth are so different, despite being born of similar process.
Earth and Venus are twin worlds, they are both rocky, and of a similar size and structure, according to NASA, but their paths diverged from birth.
Venus lacks a magnetic field, and its surface broils at temperatures hot enough to melt lead, it is so intense spacecraft sent to study it only last a couple of hours.
Studying Venus, inhospitable as it is, helps scientists understand how these twins have evolved, and what makes Earth-like planets habitable or not.
The Parker Solar Probe is flying close to Venus in a bid to leverage its gravity to slow down its sideway motion, allowing it to reach the sun and not overshoot the star.
The signal was detected on the third flyby, with each trip around the second planet helping the probe hit its target of coming 4.3 million miles of the solar centre.
Eventually, when it gets closer to the suns atmosphere the probe will be travelling at 430,000 miles per hour - making it the fastest human spaceship ever created.
'I was just so excited to have new data from Venus,' said Glyn Collison of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, the lead scientist on the study.
A Venus expert, Collinson has pored over all the Venus data available from this and previous missions like the NASA Pioneer Venus Orbiter or the ESA Venus Express.
One of Parker Solar Probe's instruments is FIELDS, named for the electric and magnetic fields it measures in the Sun's atmosphere.
During its seven minute flyby of Venus, the FIELDS instrument detected a natural, low-frequency radio signal coming from the upper atmosphere.
The NASA probe, run by Johns Hopkins University made its third flyby of Venus on July 11, 2020, when it detected the radio signal and its eerie soundtrack
The space agency captured the sounds while the Parker probe was making its 'closest-ever flyby' of the planet, travelling at just 517 miles above the surface
An average day on Earth's sister planet Venus lasts a staggering 243 Earth days and new research reveals it can vary by up to 20 minutes from one day to the next.
Planetary scientists from the University of California Los Angeles have been repeatedly bouncing a radar signal off the surface of Venus for the past 15 years.
While it was already known that a Venusian day was 243 Earth days, longer than a year on the planet, which is 225 Earth days, the team now find that can vary.
The day length varies by up to 20 minutes, the team discovered, saying it is likely caused by the thick atmosphere, 93 times more massive than Earth's, exchanging momentum with the solid ground and speeding it up or slowing it down.
A similar phenomenon happens on Earth but the significantly thinner atmosphere means it only adjusts the day length by a millisecond.
Venus is an enigma. It's the planet next door and yet reveals little about itself due to an opaque blanket of clouds smothering a harsh landscape pelted by acid rain.
The team also discovered that the core of Venus has a 2,174 miles radius, similar to Earth's 2,165 mile radius, but they can't say if it is solid or liquid.
Study authors say that understanding the size of the core, speed of rotation and exact tilt of the axis will help with planning future landing missions on Venus.
The shape and strength of the signal seemed familiar, but Collinson said he couldn't place it at first, then had a moment of recognition saying 'I know what this is!'
Collinson recognised the signal from his previous work with NASA's Galileo orbiter, which explored Jupiter and its moons before the mission ended in 2003.
A similar frown appeared when Galileo passed through the ionospheres of Jupiter's moons, and it is due to a layer of electrically charged gas in the ionosphere.
This sea of charged gases, or plasma, naturally emits radio waves that can be detected by instruments like FIELDS, explained NASA.
When Collinson and his team identified that signal, they realised Parker Solar Probe had skimmed Venus' upper atmosphere, something they called 'a pleasant surprise.'
The radio emission provided enough data to calculate the density of the ionosphere and compare it to measurements taken in 1992 by Pioneer.
When the Pioneer Venus Orbiter visited our sister world the sun was near its solar maximum - the stormy peak of its 11-year solar cycle.
Observations from Earth over the years that followed revealed changes were taking place on Venus as the Sun settled into its calm phase, solar minimum.
This ground based data revealed the bulk of the atmosphere remained the same, but the ionosphere was much thinner when the sun was at its least active, but this was impossible to prove without direct measurements from a spacecraft.
The observations from Parker Solar Probe's recent flyby, which occurred six months after the latest solar minimum, verify the puzzle in Venus' ionosphere.
'Indeed, Venus' ionosphere is much thinner compared to previous measurements taken during solar maximum,' according to a NASA spokesperson.
'When multiple missions are confirming the same result, one after the other, that gives you a lot of confidence that the thinning is real,' said Robin Ramstad, a study co-author and researchers at the University of Colorado, Boulder.
Understanding why Venus' ionosphere thins near solar minimum is one part of unraveling how Venus responds to the Sun.
This was the first direct measurement of the Venusian atmosphere in nearly 30 years - and it looks quite different from Venus past, according to a new study of the data
This is an image of the surface of Venus, captured by the Soviet-era probe Venera 13 in 1982
This is an impact crater on the surface of Venus, captured by the NASA Magellan mission in 1996
Venus and Earth are remarkably similar in size but their histories differ.
The second planet from the Sun sits in the inner edge of the habitable zone, in fact scientists believe it may have been habitable 700 million years ago.
A single day on the inhospitable world is 243 Earth days, compared to the 24 hours on Earth.
It is a terrestrial planet similar in size, mass proximity to the sun and bulk composition as the Earth.
However, it has the densest atmosphere of the terrestrial planets, made up of 96% carbon dioxide and a pressure at the surface 92 times greater than Earth.
It has the hottest surface of any planet in the solar system with a mean temperature of 867 degrees Fahrenheit.
Its clouds are made of sulfuric acid, with acid rain falling to the hot surface.
It may have had oceans in the past, but the water would have been vaporised as temperatures rose due to a runaway greenhouse effect.
Understanding this will help researchers determine how Venus, which was once so similar to Earth it may have been habitable and have flowing water, became the scorching world full of toxic air it is today.
For example, Venus' ionosphere is prone to leaking, meaning the escape of energised gases into space. Gathering data on this and other changes in the ionosphere is key to understanding how Venus' atmosphere has evolved over time.
To confirm the Earth-based readings took a mission to Venus, and decades later, a state-of-the-art mission to the Sun.
'The goal of flying by Venus is to slow down the spacecraft so that Parker Solar Probe can dive closer to the Sun,' said Nour E. Raouafi, Parker Solar Probe project scientist at the Applied Physics Laboratory.
'But we would not miss the opportunity to gather science data and provide unique insights into a mysterious planet such as Venus.'
Collinson likened the research to hitchhiking. Venus scientists were eager to piggyback off Parker Solar Probe's flyby for new data and views of Earth's twin planet. 'To see Venus now, it's all about these little glimpses,' he said.
The findings have been published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.
The Parker Solar Probe mission will require 55 times more energy than would be needed to reach Mars, according to NASA.
It launched atop a United Launch Alliance Delta IV Heavy, one of the most powerful rockets in the world, with a third stage attached.
But, its trajectory and speed are critical in getting to the correct orbit.
As Earth, and everything on it, are traveling at about 67,000 miles per hour in a direction that’s sideways to the sun, craft must be launched backward to cancel out the sideways motion, NASA explains.
The Parker probe is heading past the sun, so it will need to remove about 53,000 miles per hour, according to the space agency.
The Parker Solar Probe will swing around Venus a total of seven times, with each pass slowing it down some and pushing it closer and closer to the sun. These orbits are shown in the animation above
This will require a boost from the powerful Delta IV rocket, and several gravity assists from Venus to slow it down.
The probe will rely on a series of gravity assists from Venus to slow down its sideways motion, allowing it to get just 3.8 million miles away from the sun’s surface.
‘In this case, rather than speeding up the spacecraft, as in a typical gravity assist, Venus slows down its sideways motion so the spacecraft can get close to the sun,’ NASA explains.
‘When it finally does get close, Parker Solar Probe will have lost much of its sideways speed, but gained a great deal of overall speed thanks to the sun’s gravity.
‘Parker Solar Probe will hurtle past the sun at 430,000 miles per hour.’
At its closest approach, it will get just 3.8 million miles from the surface of the sun, making it the only spacecraft to ever venture so close.
Bepicolombo's second venus flyby in images. Credit: ESA
On 9th August 2021, the ESA/NASA Solar Orbiter and BepiColombo spacecraft made a historic Venus flyby at a distance of 7995 km and 552 km from the planet’s surface. The spacecraft passes by the planet within 33 hours. In addition, they captured some unique images, videos, and data during the flyby.
The reaction wheels installed on both spacecraft maintain spacecraft attitude, keeping it pointing on course. When spacecraft flew past Venus, the reaction wheels felt the immense gravitational pull of the planet in the angular momentum.
The spacecraft also measured the accelerations, which were then recorded by the Italian Spring Accelerometer (ISA) onboard the BepiColombo MPO. The acceleration data was then translated into frequency so that humans can hear it. The resulting sound involves the effects of the planet’s gravity acting on the spacecraft structure, the response of the spacecraft to the rapid temperature changes, and the reaction wheels working hard to compensate for these effects.
What’s more, for the first time, the accelerometer recorded the tidal effects acting on the spacecraft on another planet. Scientists are now analyzing this data.
While traveling from nightside to dayside of planet, both spacecraft felt a rapid increase of heat. The JAXA Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter (MMO), situated inside the sun-shield, recorded an increase of 110 degrees Celsius on one of its eight solar panels, from -100ºC to +10ºC. Within the spacecraft itself, only a rise of 2-3 degrees was observed, demonstrating the effectiveness of the insulation.
On the European Mercury Transfer Module, a temperature increase of 50 degrees was observed on the spacecraft radiator, while the Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO) recorded a change of about 20 degrees.
The magnetometer teams from both spacecraft report they saw the effects of the flyby in their data. The data offered a rare glimpse into the solar wind interaction with a planetary atmosphere. The audio captures low-frequency wind-like noises caused by the solar wind and its interaction with Venus.
In the days leading up to the Venus flyby, Solar Orbiter’s SoloHI imager caught the dramatic glare of the planet’s dayside. In the footage, we see Venus moving across the field of view from the left, while the Sun is off-camera to the upper right. The planet’s nightside, hidden from the Sun, appears as a dark semicircle surrounded by a bright crescent of light.
On the other hand, BepiColombo’s three monitoring cameras captured a series of black-and-white snapshots. You can see the complete set of images from the flyby in the Planetary Science Archive.
With the close encounter, MPO’s Mercury Radiometer and Thermal infrared Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS) could capture spectra of the Venus atmosphere while the planet filled its field of view.
Black holes are great at sucking up matter. So great, in fact, that not even light can escape their grasp (hence the name).
But given their talent for consumption, why don't black holes just keep expanding and expanding and simply swallow the Universe? In 2018, one of the world's top physicists came up with a dazzling explanation.
Conveniently, the idea could also unite the two biggest theories in all of physics.
The researcher behind this explanation is none other than Stanford University physicist Leonard Susskind, also known as one of the fathers of string theory.
He gave his two cents on the paradox in a series of papers, which basically suggest that black holes expand by increasing in complexity inwardly – a feature we just don't see connected while watching from afar.
In other words, they expand in, not out.
Weirder still, this hypothesis might have a parallel in the expansion of our own Universe, which also seems to be growing in a counterintuitive way.
"I think it's a very, very interesting question whether the cosmological growth of space is connected to the growth of some kind of complexity," Susskind was quoted in The Atlantic.
"And whether the cosmic clock, the evolution of the Universe, is connected with the evolution of complexity. There, I don't know the answer."
Susskind might be speculating on the Universe's evolution, but his thoughts on why black holes grow in more than they do out is worth unpacking. Of course, by its very nature, this type of research is theoretical, and not easily verified or disproved through the process of peer review.
But there are some pretty cool idea in here worth unpacking. To do that, we need to go back to basics for a moment. So... hang tight.
Put simply, black holes are dense masses that distort space to the extent that even light (read: information) lacks the escape velocity required to make an exit.
The first solid theoretical underpinnings for such an object emerged naturally out of the mathematics behind Einstein's general relativity back in 1915. Since then, physical objects matching those predictions have been spotted, often hanging around the centers of galaxies.
A common analogy is to imagine the dimensions of space plus time as a smooth rubber sheet. Much as a heavy object dimples the rubber sheet, mass distorts the geometry of spacetime.
The properties of our Universe's rubber sheet means it can form a deep gravity funnel that stretches 'down' without stretching much further 'out'.
Most objects expand 'out' as you add material, not 'in'. So how do we even begin to picture this? Rubber sheets are useful analogies, but only up to a certain point.
To understand how matter behaves against this super stretchy backdrop, we need to look elsewhere. Luckily, physics has a second rule book on how the Universe works called quantum mechanics, which describes how particles and their forces interact.
The two rule books of general relativity and quantum mechanics don't always agree, though. Small things interpreted through the lens of general relativity don't make much sense. And big things like black holes produce gibberish when the rules of quantum mechanics are applied.
This means we're missing something important – something that would allow us to interpret general relativity's space-bending feature in terms of finite masses and force-mediating particles.
One contender is something called anti-de Sitter/conformal field theory correspondence, shortened to Ads/CFT. This is a 'string theory meets four-dimensional space' kind of idea, aiming to bring the best of both quantum mechanics and general relativity together.
Based on its framework, the quantum complexity of a black hole – the number of steps required to return it to a pre-black hole state – is reflected in its volume.
The same thinking is what lies behind another brain-breaking idea called the holographic principle. The exact details aren't for the faint-hearted, but remain freely available on arXiv if you want to get your mathematics fix for the day.
It might sound a bit like downloading movies onto your desktop only to find it's now 'bigger' on the inside. As ludicrous as it sounds, in the extreme environment of a black hole more computational power might indeed mean more internal volume. At least this is what Susskind's Ads/CFT modelling suggests.
String theory itself is one of those nice ideas begging for an empirical win, so we're still a long way from marrying quantum mechanics and general relativity.
Susskind's suggestion that quantum complexity is ultimately responsible for the volume of a black hole has physicists thinking through the repercussions. After all, black holes aren't like ordinary space, so we can't expect ordinary rules to apply.
But if anybody is worth listening to on the subject, it's probably this guy.
The lectures were originally made available on the preprint server arXiv, and in 2020 were published as a book.
A version of this article was first published in December 2018.
Vibrant pictures taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter reveal Nili Fossae, Mars’ northwest region, as one of the most colorful spots on the Red Planet. Check it out for yourself.
The mesmerizing image was captured by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera installed on the Mars Orbiter.
Many Martian regions appear smoothed by dust and regolith, but in this stunning pic we see the Nili Fossae bedrock very well exposed, except for spots where there are sand dunes.
This and other breathtaking pictures from Mars Orbiter show diverse compositions on the layered bedrock formed by the region’s complicated and interesting geology history.
These compositions produce different colors in HiRISE’s infrared-red-blue color images, like the beautiful shades of blue and beige in the one you see here.
The variety of colors is produced by the presence of minerals – such as carbonate, aluminum smectite, hydrated silica, and iron oxides – in Mars’ crust
A NASA spokesperson said the Orbiter’s next step will be to inspect the region further in search of signs of life that might once have existed there.
“Nili Fossae Trough is a huge crack in the surface of Mars,” the NASA spokesperson explained.
“The region has one of the largest, most diverse exposures of clay minerals [that] contain water in their mineral structure and may preserve organic materials. Scientists are excited about studying such deposits to understand past environments that could have supported life.”
Mars in Unusual Shades of Blue, Green and Yellow Is Like Nothing You’ve Seen Before
Mars in Unusual Shades of Blue, Green and Yellow Is Like Nothing You’ve Seen Before
For ages, when people are thinking about Mars, the first and probably only color that comes to mind is red. That’s, of course, somewhat inaccurate, but it happens nonetheless.
Photos Credits : SpaceX
Photos Credits : SpaceX
Photos Credits : SpaceX
Photos Credits : SpaceX
Photos Credits : SpaceX
Photos Credits : SpaceX
Photos creditts Elon Musk via Twitter
For ages, when people are thinking about Mars, the first and and probably only color that comes to mind is red, some whar inaccurate, but it happens nonetheless
The target of humanity’s mid-future exploration plans, Mars gets its reddish color thanks to the layers upon layers of dust covering its surface. The dust is not actually red, but more of a rusty orange, because of the iron that makes up most of the substance, blown all over the surface eons ago and transformed this way by the oxygen that was once abundant around the planet.
From time to time, we get to see specs of white, given by the ice that can be found here and there. But one almost never gets to see other colors on the surface, except, perhaps, at the landing site for the Chinese Tianwen-1 mission, from where we were treated with some shades of blue not long ago.
But there’s a little place on Mars, on the rim of the Isidis impact basin, where one can be treated to shades of blue, green, and even yellow. All you need for that to happen is the High-Resolution Imaging Science Experiment camera (HiRISE) fitted on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) high up in Martian orbit.
The image you’re looking at was taken by HiRISE back in 2016 and republished this month by the people running the MRO. It shows the Nili Fossae region, and it definitely looks more like some abstract painting than an image from the planet we all know.
The scientists running the round-the-clock observation of the planet explain these colors by saying the reddish dust we talked about above is not as present here, and what we’re looking at is the exposed bedrock. The rocks that make it up have different compositions, which when viewed through the HiRISE infrared produce different colors.
So, not exactly something one could see with the naked eye, but stunning nonetheless.
A new UN report on climate change is "a warning for the entire global community," McArthur said.
Astronauts have a better view of Earth than anybody, but lately it's a discouraging one.
"We've been very saddened to see fires over huge sections of the Earth, not just the United States," NASA astronaut Megan McArthur told Insider on a recent call from the space station.
Wildfires are raging across the US, Canada, Greece, Turkey, Italy, Algeria, and Siberia. McArthur's crewmate, French astronaut Thomas Pesquet, has posted photos of those blazes from above on Twitter.
Wildfires are one of the most visible hallmarks of the climate crisis. This summer, they've come alongside historic heat waves and the western US's worst drought in the 20-year history of the US Drought Monitor.
A new report from the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warns that "fire weather" will probably increase by 2050 in North America, Central America, parts of South America, the Mediterranean, southern Africa, north Asia, Australia, and New Zealand. That means more days where conditions are warm, dry, and windy enough to trigger and sustain wildfires.
The amount of fuel available to burn in those places — dry vegetation — is also likely to increase as rising temperatures cause the air to absorb more moisture and bring about more droughts.
The IPCC report, released Monday, is the first part of the group's sixth assessment, which recruits hundreds of experts to analyze years of scientific research on climate change. Those experts determined that global temperatures will almost certainly rise at least 1.5 degrees Celsius above the preindustrial average by 2040.
That may sound small, but it brings about huge changes across the planet, including further melting of glaciers and polar ice caps. This contributes to sea-level rise, and water expands as it heats up, so it is virtually certain that oceans will continue rising through the end of this century. In the best case scenario, the IPCC authors said, oceans will rise by nearly a foot over the next 80 years.
"Over many years, scientists around the world have been sounding this alarm bell," McArthur said. "This is a warning for the entire global community. It's going to take the entire global community to face this and to work through these challenges."
Astronauts can see the climate crisis unfolding across the planet
A photo of Hurricane Laura taken from the International Space Station on August 25, 2020. Chris Cassidy/NASA
Astronauts can see other signs of the changing climate, too: "Big tropical storms — those are always coming, and potentially the flooding that comes after them," McArthur said. "We can see all of those effects from up here."
Future astronauts will probably observe even more of that. The IPCC report found that combinations of extreme events like heavy rainfall and hurricane-caused storm surge, paired with rising seas, will continue to make flooding more likely in coming decades.
"The other thing that we can see, of course, is the very thin lens of atmosphere," McArthur said. "That is what protects our Earth and everything on it. And we see how fragile that is, and we know how important it is."
The atmosphere glows above the southeastern African coast, as seen from the International Space Station. NASA
The burning of fossil fuels like coal and oil is drastically changing that thin atmosphere by filling it with heat-trapping gas.
In 2019, the concentration of carbon in the atmosphere was higher than at any time in at least 2 million years, according to the IPCC report. Concentrations of methane and nitrous oxide — more potent greenhouse gases than carbon dioxide — were higher than at any time in at least 800,000 years.
On August 4, 2021, an astronaut on the International Space Station shot a photo of the Dixie fire’s thick smoke plume. NASA/JSC
As those gases fill the atmosphere, they prevent more and more heat from the sun from bouncing back into space. That's what's causing global temperatures to rise and bringing about the extreme weather that astronauts are watching in horror.
"That is the place that we need to be able to live. So it's important that we take ownership of whatever we can do to help maintain it," NASA astronaut Mark Vande Hei told Insider.
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One of the most mysterious UFO cases in Scottish history began on August 4, 1990, when two hikers were out in the remote Scottish Highlands, close to Calvine, north of Pitlochry, when they saw something very bizarre in the sky above. There hovering in the air above was an enormous diamond-shaped object estimated as being around 100 feet in diameter, and which oddly seemed to have some RAF Harrier jets circling about it, making passes, and following it as it moved slowly over the highlands and passed over the A9 expressway, where it was seen by some motorists. The men were able to take a series of six very clear color photos of the mysterious craft, one of which allegedly shows a fighter jet companion during the 10 minutes they spent observing the bizarre sight. After this, the UFO allegedly then shot straight up at breathtaking speed. After this, the photos they took would become one of the stranger odysseys of government cover-ups, shadowy conspiracies, and missing evidence that could very well shake the world of Ufology to its core.
The area of the sighting
The excited witnesses turned over the photographs to the Scottish Daily Record who then, perhaps foolishly in retrospect, contacted the Ministry of Defense (MoD) for some comment on the images. From here, it gets a bit shadowy, as officials from the MoD then allegedly arrived at the newspaper’s office and confiscated the photographs and the negatives without explanation, merely stating that the material was “sensitive.” The newspaper never would get them back and the photographs of what was being called the “Calvine Incident” were never published. Indeed, the newspaper never saw them again. However, the strangeness was only just starting.
At the time, one of the men involved with the MoD’s investigation into UFOs, sort of like America’s Project Blue Book, was a man by the name of Nick Pope, who has claimed that the photographs had attracted the attention of the military all the way up to the highest levels. Pope claims that these negatives that they had confiscated were analyzed in great depth, that the MoD also commissioned a series of line drawings of the images, and according to him these pictures were the clearest, most impressive UFO photographs anyone had ever seen. One of the photos in particular was considered to be of outstanding quality, and conclusively showed something beyond explanation. He would explain of all of this:
The MoD has all sorts of equipment and expertise that we used to analyze and enhance imagery to tell whether there were any signs of fakery. This picture was assessed by our digital experts, who concluded it was a real photograph showing a solid-structured craft which was estimated as being around 25m in diameter. There were no wings and no visible signs of any propulsion system. It was exotic and unknown in a way far beyond even the most modern stealth aircraft being trialed at that time. Even now, years after these events, I can’t discuss the details of this process, as so much of the information is top secret. The Defence Intelligence staff sent these images to JARIC that’s the Joint Air Reconnaissance and Intelligence Centre. Now this is the UK’s military centre of expertise when it comes to imagery analysis. These Intelligence personnel come to the conclusion that these photographs are real – it’s a solid craft and no one has the faintest idea what it is.
I remember going to a briefing with the defense intelligence staff where the photograph was discussed. Most of the details of our conversation are classified and must remain secret. While I took early retirement from the MoD in 2006, the Official Secrets Act binds me for life. But I can reveal the sensational conclusion to our top secret briefing. Summing up, the intelligence officer ran through the possibilities. Gesturing to the left with his finger, he said the object in the photograph wasn’t Russian. Jerking his hand to the right, he said it wasn’t American. He looked at us intently and said that only left one other possibility. He pointed straight up. My boss and I couldn’t help looking up too. Then we looked at each other and then we looked back at the intelligence officer. His face was inscrutable. Nothing further was said and my boss and I walked back to our office in silence.
Nick Pope
The official conclusion, according to Pope, was that what was shown in the pictures was an alien spacecraft, which would have been groundbreaking, as the MoD had traditionally shied away from this line of reasoning, almost always finding a rational explanation or at the very most filing a report away as unknown. However, this time was different, the Calvine photographs shaking up the MoD and causing much excitement. Pope also would explain that the MoD took its investigation into UFOs more seriously than they let on, and that they rarely let the public know what was going really going on. He would say of this and the confusion the Calvine Incident had caused:
The MoD’s standard line on UFOs was that the phenomenon was of ‘no defence significance’ – a meaningless Whitehall soundbite that meant whatever we wanted it to mean. At best it was misleading and at worst, it was a downright lie. We consistently played down the true level of our interest in UFOs, telling parliament, the media and the public that the subject was of little interest, while all the time, behind closed doors, we struggled to make sense of cases like the Calvine incident. Despite an extensive investigation, we never found a definitive explanation for what was seen at Calvine.
Nevertheless, according to Pope there were still skeptics within the MoD, who believed that what was shown in the photos was not aliens, but rather some sort of top-secret experimental aircraft designed by the Americans, and he even claims that this started a bit of an incident between the two countries. Pope would explain:
One time, they nearly caused a diplomatic incident that threatened to unravel the UK’s Special Relationship with the United States. By the mid-Nineties a bitter struggle had erupted within the MoD in relation to UFOs. A sceptic versus believer dogfight was raging. In relation to the Calvine photos, the only remotely possible skeptical theory was that the object was a secret prototype aircraft or drone. We knew what we did and didn’t have when it came to such things, so realistically, that only left the Americans. At the same time as this row was raging, speculation arose that the Americans had developed a secret prototype aircraft codenamed Aurora – a hypersonic replacement for the iconic SR-71 Blackbird. We asked the US authorities if they’d been testing such an aircraft over the UK, but received firm denials. With the Calvine photos in mind, some MoD officials didn’t believe the US assurances, so asked again.
The Secretary of the Air Force, Donald Rice, was ‘incensed’ by the questioning and the implication that he’d lied to the US Congress when he told them Aurora didn’t exist. Our Air Attaché at the British Embassy in Washington wrote to senior RAF officers, pleading with them to defuse the row. As a result of this diplomatic bust-up, my Head of Division removed the Calvine incident photo from our office wall. He, like my immediate boss, was a sceptic, and clung to the belief that the object had to be American, because the concept of extraterrestrial visitation was too terrible a truth for him to face.
A supposed degraded photocopy of one of the images
Pope claims that shortly after this, the negatives of Calvine photographs were all locked away and classified, with even his own copy of one of the photos taken away from him and all known existing copies of the photographs shredded and destroyed. In 1996, a Freedom of Information Act request was filed by a journalist, only to receive the following response:
A number of negatives associated with the sighting were examined by staff responsible for air defense matters. Since it was judged they contained nothing of defense significance the negatives were not retained and we have no record of any photographs having been taken from them.
This seems to suggest that they are gone forever, but according to Pope, there is no way that the negatives were destroyed, and they will almost certainly still be in the files. The only evidence he has for the existence of these alleged photographs that caused such waves in the MoD are mock ups of what was seen in them that Pope had made from memory, as well as a photocopy of of one of the images, but the real photographs have remained locked away. Even after retirement, Pope would champion efforts to get the MoD to declassify its UFO files and release the Calvine images, but just as these files were about to be released in 2021, the government suddenly blocked this, and ended up resealing the files for a further 50 years, not to be opened until 2072. For now, all there are lines drawings, a photocopy, and Pope’s recreations from memory. The Calvine photographs remain hidden from us, and not a single one of the real images has ever seen the light of day. Pope has said:
Plenty of other copies survived and when I came out of retirement in 2008 to help publicize the declassification and release of the MoD’s UFO files, I was looking forward to the Calvine photos seeing the light of day. Sadly, it wasn’t to be. All that remained were some poor-quality black and white photocopies of a line drawing of one photo. Intelligence analysts use line drawings in their work, but to the media and the public, they look cartoonish. It was almost as if the MoD wanted to ridicule the subject. A few years ago, I teamed up with a graphic artist in Los Angeles and we reconstructed the photo for a TV show, using the line drawing and my memory as a guide. The result was spot-on, but it’s still not the real thing.
We are left here with an intriguing story, indeed, photographs which by Pope’s estimates would virtually prove that UFOs are real. Yet, as with many such promised pieces of evidence they have disappeared, and it is hard to tell just how amazing these purported photographs might be or even whether they ever existed at all. We have only Pope’s assurances that they do, but no way to see them and analyze them for ourselves. There is also sadly the fact that we now live in an era in which photographic evidence doesn’t go very far, making it unlikely that these images would be accepted as real even if we had access to them. What is going on here? Were these really such incredible images and if so, what happened to them? Were they buried by the MoD and covered-up? Are they locked up somewhere hidden away, and what exactly do they show? It seems that we only have to wait until 20172 to find out how exciting any of this really is or whether these photos even exist, so in the meantime, it is left to debate and speculation.
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Ik ben Pieter, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam Peter2011.
Ik ben een man en woon in Linter (België) en mijn beroep is Ik ben op rust..
Ik ben geboren op 18/10/1950 en ben nu dus 74 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Ufologie en andere esoterische onderwerpen.
Op deze blog vind je onder artikels, werk van mezelf. Mijn dank gaat ook naar André, Ingrid, Oliver, Paul, Vincent, Georges Filer en MUFON voor de bijdragen voor de verschillende categorieën...
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